THE BEST TONIC. Cures Completely Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Liver and Hiduey Complaints, Draggists and Physicians endorse if, Use only Brown's Iron Bitters made by Brown Chemical Co., Baltimore Crossed ved lines and trade-mark on wrapper, 3 THE SURE CURE FOR KIDNEY DISEASES, LIVER COMPLAINTS, } CON TION, PILES, | AKD BLOOD DISEASES. PAYSIGIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY, Owe oy w § K3 La is the nos? s000e «P.C sesful rem dy AER alter two yoars srlin, Sun Hi, Ge. | OF CASES ole had fall ed, Itismidd, ¥ iz ALM AN ITH AC TION, but | AAA 2 LO BY DRUGUISTS. RT PO TT RR STREETS nie Celebrated Shoes for Children. HANAN & SON New York, F "for and Boys, every pair warrauted, J. H. KRY RM ESS Rochester Fine Bhoes for and Children. In connection with the shoes we have a fine lice of MEN'SCALF & KIP BOOTS PLOW SHOES, BROGANS, SLIPPERS deseription, at the lowest figs $5 33 S, ne i Men 1 OER of every ures. pa Remember the place, on Corner ot IROCKERHOFF ROW, BELLEF. NTE, PENN’A timay VONFEIUTIONERY and EATING J HOUSE, st SEARFASY RuuMs Bush's block. Meals at all hours from early to late trains, Launch withont cof fou 10 ote, Lunch with coffee 15 cents Regular meals 25 cis. Oysters inallstye, 5 VALLEY BANKIN G CQ., PEF CENTRE HALL, Receive Deposits and allow To- terest; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Sea curities; Gold and Coupons, Wu Wour, W. B. Mrworr,| Pros, CUnshior) NENTRE COUNTY BANKING CO BELLEFONTE, PA (Late Milliken, Hoover & Co ) Receive Deposits and Allow Interest; Discount Noles) grume ona. JAs, A. BEAVER, Pres. “THE ¢ { Bad for YEA Says Bune 1 1) Legislation, set Cox. —————————— vy pt Te Sayings of the Caunstie LYoessnian ul ol The Captain Genes Cutgo-"The Alleged The Tarlil, 4 Leki Navy York, Jan, 5.--An Ameri met Hon, 8. 8, Cox just e for Washington. He has been en. : ig tho holidays, regardless of the po- | litieal quidnunes who have pretendsd to re | port his disgruntlement, ete., because of his assignment to a in dignity than he had a right to On being | asked as to what his committees would do for he responded that it he never had | made the navy a study, and knew little of | its needs. He had made shipbullding— mercantile marine and commerce and | their rival-—a special study since 1868, when | first édlected from w York. He gave to the special committees upon which he served st enmpaign all his cnergies; and at progress of the bill last con- | gress he carried h 1s two propositions for free ships and free materials, Bi it the next day allied and killed New York cannot get or free re ion, except by consent of prote ready Gen, Slocum, the hoad of the nittee, no ob roposi OTIS reas he was an mimittes less © xpect, the navy, ly, » ang ons protect the free tim nists 1 Zistral finds new Ocolnd stacle as to certain nmunor § iment in ¢ i $4 hi power on his t ISAT 18 Wi jay 3 as wa 040 and states cane They will rer all the maxer Windsor and save ur sugar in Cuba You cam 1 at public expense moasy—if they and. have fre “What has this to “Nl ue I ever yw ay ied be no ing trade or a navy of want a 1 eopie, rairie, . 1 am chemes. 1 am not part ideas, amgl althoug! ' senst in oy last dice, cxeept what his transactions anngh dispose and honest | apprepriatio innval ar on the ! depends on | seo that Mr. Ha on that head, am icipating any gross, Wiig # iat t whi ps thre CRITY com wh } i not ¢ ¥ $ 1 date AWB a 8 u y John his foreman HAYS pre} 3 reading of er very per for mn no It i affairs at niready an- ti pons navel a Carlisle i captain general ¢ more gontent with on the outgo « ment of the ternal revenue « troled by the called, Lot the ean't rebottie houso—gnd 1 am on | ordinate tariff farang bes Ww oa } Wensy Years RITange tariff and ” . ia ¥ ia federal poli y harizontal scaling ous debate,’ you know t good ! ft Bot a truce to pol Ve will Bave no chan It is the presid fs pot a good tine r year. Besidos, trop will be froite Yell, Ouly lst us got the bx ota ald the fittest “What do you 8 pects with a southern “That is’ too! protpect is of a campa shifts and outrages. | allegations and right all wron quarter, where itisa ville’ and all, and tak from Sur party. it t o foared by ¥ the monondlies « bo {dm ting full » i% HOx spon provious The ory with examine all ngs from every deral matter, Dane away all reproach wad will be soon.” But Mr. Conkling Excited, New Yomrx Garrison sul fore the referee, nearly every question jou mitted and an exception taken. time Mr. Coukling, who had take had Jan. 5. When was continued yesterday be Prof. Theodore W. Dwight, | was of ted to, ad- After a no part aged in t with the the Marie 0 in the questioning and reading his mail, finally following assertion: “As 1 held my peacs until hepe I will be permitted and that is that this case boon m Lhe oment, | word, grentest bave ar @ under a snail's , and iteration and re wit tad. taair time little thi ny is to the hat 1 son, or that . God. It has there has been nothing iteration on the other ng all the persons engaged, been taken up by fichting which the und seemin Xe 3 pl 21 fone on at pros : but 3 wt . wide ot lis ovey slightest ’ ME b have 1 Sims case, wz) ¥ purpose of retarding the certainment of the fact relevancy to made for the ph ress? of the as al jeune” Entensely Cold, i CHICAGO, Jan. 5.~The cold is increasing in intensity. At 10 o'clock Friday night in | this city 1% was 20 deg. below zero. At Min neapoils it was bel Des Moines, ai 13 deg. below, All don of the Clncin. gan railroad is sus J deg deg. and at Mentreal traffic on the north pati, Wabash and Michi pended, the track being three to six feet in mow, All the Western Union mwessensers in this city, except baif a dozen, have quit werk ou account of the coll. Reports from Wis | eonsin and lowa report the thermometer at 25 deg. to 30 deg, and a general suspension of railroad trafic. The twlegraph business | to the northwest is almost entirly suspended, Theodore Thomas and his orchestra arrived safely in this city and gave in Central Muse Iw: $e ivi A Men al Wm. A, Walla salary to thi senator's opponel could get, and oth not do anything ample in this matter, * TARE . THE KIDNEY & LIVER MEDICINES, in A large front uit the ting to be pretty xpect to tel, Mr. Jobn Re'singer, Wiishtsv] lo, Pa, says : “lI had heartburn th at nothing re- lieved until I tried Brown's In Bitters, THE BIGGEST AND BEST! DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY, AND SUNDAY put up in wn is get Next we yer's bo- RIT Mm BLOOD o6 G10 from Mi RHEUMATIC M WEEKLY EDITIONS DYSPEP: AND 1A [GES THE NEW YORK W ORL D "OR 188 ESIDENTIALYE 'NON CURI AGUE, FEVER, B PR A i’ : ' pt ietor New IP Now i ie a We ore Lo paste ef HE UNS pri Weekl PAGES, DOL 8 way back i is writ me trip be 27 or 3% Lim buyer of a COLI LAR A MNE, Y 0 N E A R fever soar | hall a remlition of Hayden's oratorio “The Creation” before an immense audiences, —— issn He was born at Walkill, Om fo i York in 1800. Ho served through the war lof 1812, and was honorably discharged, from the army at the close of the ‘war w ith the rank of sergeant, ' After three days’ Ones, John, M iwris | vetoran of the war of 1319, palbe’s away . | the residence of his son, No, 2.908 First | avenus. John Mowriss was horn / Baptember [11 1704, at Marblehead, Uer,,/ | asbiduond, Vi an host A Little Fine for a Bittle Boy, New Haves, Cb, Jan, 5Thos K ennedy, ¥ years, by throwlug a sone at rd to two wontls tmprisontaedd lana dollar las, |, # Ko party 10 polit arantees satisfacti . od many yes i ing, he gives tomers only first class work. Part tics needing new suits of any kind, can have them put up as cheap, if not cheaper, than elsewhere, and will be | sure to be pleased. Has constantly | on hand samples of all kinds of goo ds and can furnish a complete outhi k. Repairing sromptly and ceatly done. a —— — . we in Car ds— Attorneys. poi : aving 'S € Iu cuit oo THE THE BEST, THE LARGE BLE WEEKLY. RELIGIOL AND SECULAR, New York Observer GRE yt So sland y and his OBSERVER Whe training « ihe ———————— GEN BL ia from | letters je w of the CONS J H. ORVIS The Departing ATT DRNEY day school Tea sins v Religious tk are OOn | 8 ue BELLEFONTE posite the Court Hous ducted by experts point The OER with | —————————————— a AT-LAW, s building 1 HEWES Attorney-ats aw, 4 TAC tices in ali the Courts, Furst build dog, Delle fonte. J OBN BLAIR L'N a t IOug essays & A Live Newspaper, at ud a Office in the Bers nw b oF «may rut N * Attorney-at- Law, any street, Dellefont, , Vigo coments nd 8 great var ‘ iy of upon choice The pric bona fide new sulsori i WE Ene Le AT CUORIITINY or & copy Of the an elegantly d Volume f ing a8 portrait of the auth or fox of the “Observer will be seni 10 # oye acddross free. Address, NEW YOR K OBSERVER, 31 and 32 Park Row, N.Y. Office on Alle, ef ~F. FORTNEY, D. Attorney at. iin Liaw, Ufflen in old Corard bail Bellefonte ANGLER, Attorney-at-Law Consultations in English and Office in Furst’s new buildin Tea Trew 1 or fob Losin ol, Cont 190decdt German. ———— a — A — ——————— ——— i— ¢DOLLY &:e MINGLE, 9 Boots and Shoes. Prices, — Largest Stock— Lowest All Goods Bought Direct From Manufacturers--- Reynold’s Bros. Fine Shoes, D Armstrongs Rochester Shoes, Mens Fine Shoes EVERYTHING WE RECOMMEN D. WE GUARANTEE No 10 Brockerhoff Row. Bellefonte, Pa. di 2000 Late . Al TE WANTING COME AND MOY Trrivals] 23 BELLEFON HOMES ! BEE DOLLS AT BE MUSIC STORE. i i TOYS, DRUMS, TOYS, DRUMS Fine g { sleel talr 44 £3» 1" Po 1 Bisk figures. Parian figures Engravings from 50 cts, Oil Paintings and Ch 6 1 LO $19. Picture vv 1 y dE, DTA frames WELRY, 8 CA RAIAGE r ££ EEN Bee ‘HE BEE HIVE to sell White Blankets for $14 22 for them at oo ford When we have to pay 4 wholesale ? White Blankets for £3 £31 for them Afford t When w al w ¢ have to | 0 av 3 i olesale ? Ww ( HOW CAN THE BEE HIVE Afford to sell White Blankets for $6 When we have to pay £7 for them a! wholesale ? HOW CAN THE BEE HIVE Afford to sell bags at be. When we have to pay 16¢. at whole gale ? Scho 3 ARSE gn E408 04 Eastward. 6 AND TYRONE RAILROAD TIME, TABLE. 1.15 jeave 4 G LEWISBURC Bteam Bending AT YARLMERS f Mil All kinds of be nding in Wood dune on short notice, Orders filled for rims of all sizes, and of best material ; bobsled ra. ners, shafts, bent hounds, p haetor 1 and buggy reacl price lis ter ded io. ra liocty J. B. REAM & t. Orders by m All work gua nil niteed, a LAI RI SNR Bo SPRING pr HOU ie LL. & - B. R. MMI i € INE SE, FINE : Fishing and Ha nt Mountain and Valley | Healthy Locality. TERMS REABONABLI . HH. BIBBY joeconrcaenes oes BPEING MILL Proprietor 7 ay A PA Lu AL A. x Joy ord. des that wer 8 Ti at A hous hold w We termined to convince our pairs 13 us there is no place in the (w " they » will receive b treatment than at the iIVE— stock of 44 « { wer Lina IRire r . ain 84 BEE - The largest DRESS GOODS, VELVETS, PLANELS, OIL CLOTHES, Between Philadelphia a: LADIES TAILOR MM, MENTS A SPECI Respectiuily ¥ 1 A GOLDSMITH BROS. Sloct Bellefonte, Pa. *** Read What a Patient says of it: tes 1 Frame ns while Ate Bie Sur [Ss y did YEARS ar AR “HARASS we wewan £0 NewYor for samp Pes co. ’ LiSH Philadelphia, BEG . tlesnan In eve ¥ and ex X PUB P.M. homes, in cit AKE OUR DSC € J Sent HU IN 0 Kieth Ave, TH Pr MM, for Lewisburgst 6.00 5 a wee Tenth Bt, AMERICA 17 North to #13 work at their , One Lady of ~LADIES TO T 535 P.M. and don it ANTED. F Ww ANTED Address