Mp OLD SERIES, XL. CE WERE Te re ie + qk 1) 4 M8 Talse a r. Carlisle to the Speak iulent President iid envy tl e i > ¢ from all parts of nto boom -— had morning il is Rn - “eq le, Belley fearful caust on Cathio'ic convent tym childre a Il., i inst. The and ven te chors, sisters of charity n were burned, Five nuns ju n the fifth story w nd w ans vas burned, injured, The scene was a recding cn as may be imagined. Ea ant " -———— The complicated oiseases bronght on by intense study, thought, care, an xiely, eo, «re often of the most serious nature Hi ed such ry nptoms as lo 8 of memory, universal Inesitude, heart disease, kidney cowplainte, liver troubles and a general bresking d vwn of health and «trength, When thus affected, when the least ex. ertion canses great fatigne, when life seems a burden, use the reliable strength ening tonic, Brown's Iron Bitters. It will afford yon sure re BINA a II MSs. The present legislature of Ohio will elect a U. 8, Senator, in place of Pendie- t.n whose term expires March 4, next. Thy legis'atire is democratic and the contest is warm between Pendleton and RL Th sibility of Thurman Thurman is Dae of the ablest and most upright states. land -> > - MAN SUFFRAGE IN WYOMING, i flrage to women in n l'ecember, 1869, men have held of en inthe ju- seen ake no part in presents of handsome nnie Feid vir: address be Better in shildren, lantariea on the antifally dee. rs, Sallie Mos. Miss Perri ollege, is visi ing at Ans ir old friend, Thomas iri, 18 visiting at George 8. had a general treat on there were many glad also had a grand New Yeam'sevening-—some of rakes were so large that it took a rown pers The pas of presents, This «1 Bartges & Bro's onions The plasterers are now g John Ocker's housa, 2 .o-—e v 1 is impossible when the blood MON nm to handie them, wily rt Baki a 4 Healtl Under such nditions, boils, pimples, headaches, Take Ayer's gi a S— BIER or the Mun AEP it was our fortune to bo among Ailed the house of Mr. John Sane days ago. It is useless for me to al prt A description of the inviting table. It wis ded with everything that tickles the palate and And though we can not The table gromned-—w feel $,8 lew t $ § a sleepless night in consequence of the ol good things enton, waich were pro Hanxeys esiiable wife and dangh- We were glad to find among the guests Col. Joe B, Ustunn, both of whom have In if got. oh of victuals js a 5 PAO We ean not Ube he Petaieg Biow ol away with ux onf, four pieces of four saveers of eran well, no doubt it can be done, After sponding a fow Dou very plonsantly, we SITSEMO BER RL 8 SDAY, For the Reronren. A FINAL WORD ON Perhaps we have heard enough of Lu- ther. My pen would pot | wl on 1 do service in this i some recent developments, The prot ant world, with a plions laid its magoificent tribute of praise at Luther's feet, That a few should attempt to detract therefrom indicative of ex NArro WI deed. An attempt i made to belittle Luther bj parison. Luther, it is said, was too of an emotionalist, In « rw i charged with too much fs against Za i ’ i gsessed LUTHER. nu wel has ’ inted fow Xd an ceeding POL MAY TOCEIIY way of much , hie is Was unemolion: Calvin y tollect YAR gal men, yel greatest P. Fisher “mystica disp oe i Ciel wi could heart of also a pr recently ther some other Comment he never incarnat Was 80 fat theran d wn the d ard . r And wy only declamation, than is offs . into it will be seen the Augsbarg Conf ined and inspire ‘touched up” it fact may take « edge tion that Lutherans over to Zwionglianism on ¢ per. Lather is charged with | deatinationist, was such, Go Luther, are not by a ce uses these { otherwise n i ght ned ther or bigot © and is wor Centre Ha red, | are ing a pre how far he according to 1 It is not said i's decrees, oh ¢ ie his x r 2 a AHEAD, iracleristics of iis and How Restored. In this age of bustle and hurry, an age devoted to great projectsand ente rprises, the American people are taking the lead in the fartherance of noble works, and in the advancement of thescienoes and arts, In these they deserve to take a high rank, and through the united works of millions, the American continent is fast being transformed from its untamed state and being placed on an equality with the older continents beyond the ocean. The American people are fast under these inflaences, developing into a nervons, energlic race, remarkable for its vim and business qualifications ; ye! there ia danger that in the course of years these very elements may combine to the ruination of the physical character of the people, and leave them feeble and altogether different from their forefathers, General debility is now much more common than formerly, and seems to be on the increase among the masses, Many remedies have been extensively adver tised for this wide spread complaint, bat none of these have been so successful or met with such general favor as the reme dy Peruana. Mr. 8 8 Goudy, of Massile lon, Btark County, Ohio, writes that he had been troubled with general detlity and dyspepsia for several years : that he was indaced to try Peruna for his come plaints, and that after using three bottles of the medicine hoe was greatly relieved, It braced him right up and gave him ens ergy, and restored him to his youthful vigor. He ascribes his care to Peruns, and says it is a wonderful remedy. ne wis, lho it was gos! to have GUksr, | IN 5 ME Fur coats and dress ornaments at Gar mans, CONDENSED NEWS, Monday, December 31, Barnum, after buying sa white elephant, has made his will and arranged to crosthd divide, The flooded wators the » caused some apprehonsi idly nnmitiee of the th tet nal of n are jee { raj loan ex- for Yale Jartholdi ce Capt, Fi has a tho foseed Jersey murderar, wank lv ‘ Jrooklyn, clew to Heries and Rusquebanna rik on full time, All the « # Of divisic FLIX tment case 11 i., has been conclud Ging i 6 unknown,” Tuesday, January 1, ip Young Americs { FF eJR a work Wednesday, January 3 Heise J Yad Lins labor. Mr CBA manager. -All lof SO mma Bond case have t prison ounosd of nown theater the Hi BrTHY ndian fAghler, is in the inle Insane asyium ww . New York and Ne ’ i by w England railroad a million dollars and is by a rigi demarkation. A’ special # Vaid } FIRnere HY {a dam at one of nsiila of the Michigan ( sghton, six the lives have been thieves who Mr. York the dis robbed ar's eve, at a New has been found by fa ra they va. o fast bh dr Friday, January 4. be beld at Co Wii 0 Jan. 25 1 Fross has 1 iaws of the stat wen incorporated of New York ase of body snatching is reported I the ghouls are in custody ts in the Emma sonttored to the south and uble between the Orangemen and Catholics at Harbor Grace are not entirely allayed Ex-Gov. Butler, of Massachusetts, has pre- ! cessor with the bible he used roi mry 12th Cardinal MceCloskey will wn fifty yoars a priest, The event is laborstely celebrated an and Slade are nuking for them very unenviable reputation by fre t brawls in Denver groggeries ; Marquis de Rays, originator Port Breton swindle in France, sentengl to four years in prison Martin and Graves, the New Jersey mur d in the Newark jail. A wed Graves to be {no the f thy has boes mn, The list of viclime to the shocking railroad arcldent near Tor is receiving daily ad - The Grand Tronk company will have to pay heavy damages, Saturday, January 5. fio lions Gen, Grant was reported as greatly im froved. He sits up in an easy chair. Gov, Ordway, of Dakota Territory, does not expeot its admission as a state this WomRiOn, Judge William Ou Barrows, of the Maine supreme court, whose term soon expires, is said to have declined reappointment, State Comptroller Chapin, of New York, will make no changes in his departmont ex. ocopt through civil service rules, Judge Sanford, in the supreme court in New Haven, sentenced Thomas Kennedy to pay a fino of $4 and to two months’ imprison. ment for manslaughter, The high wind at Newport on Thursday night blew over a drag containing ; swenty or thirty men, mnd several § were injured. Boats were blown adrift in the hagbor. . 17 | DOUBLE EXECUTION. Martin and Graves Manged tn Newark ~Bitiful Scenes at the Gallows, Newank, N. J., Jan, 3.--The usual hows for breakfast with the prisoners in the Esse: county jail is half past nine o'clock, but thi morning it ‘was served hours earlier, s that the inmates of the cells in the east hal might | vod fr sight of h Robert Martin and Graves were to be hanged leave of three of his sons—the eldest. Alfred not being present—at eleven o'clock last night, after making a will, which Judge Tits worth drew up, bequeathing his property ix § Lo his ight aw two } rem m the gailiow James B Martin toch whic upon Cliyirer was Lo enact tie 5 fit fifteer tex tly, but Yall z for ng he Mart crowd of Keo p under the aller leaving f sant him EX-COV. BUTLER. A Characteristic Act Executive, of the Retiring Bi of congress from the tw : Butler ing the ele wongressional Gov i by or 0s this Gov. Butler accepting the resignation that “the r : pr pling th being #0 entirely satisfactory to ¢ aiority of the people he stat 7 re of the letter has raised a peneral lag He also rgerpd URE tion to fill t vacancy on the locument open { the resig ANDOU governor ' won 16 f & ’ 3 n “+ Cause lis sol adding OM FONE w= notice rm set in early on h added several inches to the old, and caused some deeg drifia, weThe railroad excitement in thie county ig not equalled by the excitement caused by a new Jot of ready-made clothing at the Philad. Branch. Ifyou wonld save money in clothing call on Lewing & Co., and you will be astonish- ed at the variety and low prices, - . i MARKETS, Philadelphia, Corrected Week) Chicago, Dec. o 3 i“ 1 Jan, 7, 1884. Philadelphia. ail} -1.063a1.071 ~41}a43 Corn Wheant Oats Pork Lard 8 7% Sanur Wire, Jr., Com’n Broker, 31 South Third Street. RATHER TOO LONG. After Twenty Years on the Wrong Side of Life a Virginian Turns the Tables. “How long did you say 7 “Paenty years 1sald, Un te the time I men tioned 1 had suffered from diseased liver for twen- ty years” said Mr, 8 T. Hancock, of Richmond, Ya. half sadly, as though thinking of that dilapi- dated section of hie life. “At times 1 almost wish od it had pleased Providence to omit the liver from the human anatomy.” “Bad enough--twenly yoars of that sort of thing,” responded a listener, “What was the up- shot of it? “The upshot of It was some time ago 1 went to Seott’s drug store in this city, and bought ote of BENSON'S CAPUINE POROUS PLASTERS, ap plied it and was relieved in a few hours, and am now a sound as though my liver were made of Indian rubber,” Benson's—unlike the old fashioned kind of plasters-—act promptly, Look for the word “Cap vine” which A cut in the genmine. Price 35 cents Seabury & Johbson, Chemists, New York. jan AO IR SSAA Samson's Legs and Locks. When Delilah clipped off Bamson's looks that mighty athiete at once became “us other men.’ 1 it could be proved that the possession of luxuri- ant hatr would enable men 0 tear #1 lion's saws, Hiscox & Co. would be driven wila in the effort to supply enough of Parker's Halr Balsam to meet the demand, As {1 Is the Balsam prevents your hair falling out, and restores the otiginal eolor If faded of gray. Besides it is a groat sadi- tion 10 tie Wilet table sliaply as a dressing. Jan -" 14.42% T We have received Philad, “Times Alman valuable treasury of of every-day interest tional and universal. -—— Now is the t warm overcoals aad Clireapest overco« be fotiud at the Pl fir wen and b an aflord to wear an oy veather, since they are a Philad, Branch, = * Miart in the 1 resolutions, snd « avery household i iy Sra eries Bi pitted Blates ut of Charle of Henry , Geoeased The Srut and sor, administrator o 8 te Fokenr Hokenroth, 1 iste of Marion townsh Fire! apd partial sceonst wisitrator of $c of the estate of Jo Penn township deceased £, The scoount W_. HB. Beck and intrator of &¢ of W W Beck, late of 2 deceased, 8 The scorunt of D. 8 Keeler, arecnts Daniel Kisuport, late of Harris tug 1? The account of John Myers, gaardian of Wa, Lincoln Shuey, Robert E Shoey and Frances M i oF, minor children of Daniel and 1pdis Shuey, dec'd 11 The socount of Michee! Nofuker, trostes u the will of Lot Ev of Maria as Hied jane Nolsker, exe ix of Michae foliar, de Fs MC Treaster Ni LIN TAL 1% ELE THE PHILADELPHIA 1 THE TIMES will enter upon ihe nger and 1 its history-—-more wWided) tily commended, and more f A mare oD tributors—an and fearlessness that has made powerful in the past, The TIMES bas no party Antes 10 advance, but will toe bas ever done, with o right, to honest govern fare. And while main lending Journal of Philadelp optinnally in the advance value 10 a DewWspHaper The value of a newspaper is pot in display, but in the latelligence and © clsenoss and freshness with whic The TIMES spends lavish parts of the workd, but all full complete news of the day in attractive shape, and with a large variety tertaining and instructive resding. The best ers at home and abroad are empl wilirans, and to make ita jJourna roof the ele, a weloome visitor to intelligent and citizens of every politioal, religious, and tasle The WEEKLY TIMES is altogether diferent from the weekly newspapers of twenty Fouts apo, The day of those papers is gone by, The telegraph and better local newspapers, especially in the thriving centres of rural population, have made the old weekly metropolitan newspaper unsnlisfy. ing. Those that cling 10 their ancient usages hava jost their bold on our forwardmorving people ; they are but shadows of their former groatness, and they have but a shadow of their former pow. or. Those Japs have had their usefuloees, bot itis 5 with it, they are going. too. It wan He thuit of the pers; it was the improve ment of the country that brought about the change. Men and women, wherever they live, now require fresher news ; and they require more than news, ; The WEEKLY TIMER gathers off the types of every passing woek whatever has Ineting interest to people at large, and sets it before them in snch enerosity od po and print as would have ae ne ed us al RD rons igo. DAILY Twelve cents a week, fifty cents a month, 96 8 your, two tents a y SUNDAY Four cents a oopy, 52 a year, EEKLY One copy $2 a year, five year, ten coples $15 a year, twenty eo " vear, with one copy free 1o the tar up of every club. E TIMES, plete o sf Cog i with the sas Heowt sor iad 3 PHILADELPHIA, FA,