The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 04, 1883, Image 8

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Centre Harn, Pal, Oct. 4, 1888,
Bh: Largest Paper in Oealve County,
Teams $2 per year in advance, $2050
whan not in advance, Advertisements
90 éents per line for three insertions.
Yeoarly and ball yearly ad's at special
One colum per year $90—3 colum $45.
sar-Horeafter all subscribers paying
thew subscription in adeance, will got &
credit of twomnonths additional as a pre
a Pe
—— A SAP
Fgh i. 4 - -
a ———— ———
train brings us
something pew—either of
the useful<~or the beautiful.
:.8.& Co, WHITMER & Co.
Spring Mills
Dealers ia White Goods,
Gents Furnishing Goods.
Black Cashmeres a specialty.
28jun tf It will pay you to call,
On thow dey visit Garmau’s for dry-
goods, ;
Since Monday last postage on flo-
gle letters is two cents instead of three.
te Tuesday morning was dreary and
For a nice and cheap fall overcoat,
latest style, call at the Philad. Branch,
where a large sesortment will be found.
——Adam Winkleblech, in Iaines
twp, is 86 years oll, and still active
Mrs. Dan’l Reed, widow, in same town-
ship, is in ber 93 year.
Simon Rable, of the Stone Mill,
will please accept the thanks of these
headgnarters for two large, fat, wriggling
eels. Simon has the correct idea of
things : that eels were not made for him
—— Noreross, the young man who stole
a horse and buggy at Philipsburg last
week, was arrested at Tyrone
———Senator Wallace has a refusal eon.
tract for ninety days for the purchase of
the beds, firnace and forges of Valen-
tine & Co,, of Bellefonte. The price asked
is reported $600,000.
Mr. H. R. Miller, Reading, Pa, syn:
I nsed Brown’s Iron Bitters as a tonie
and appetizer and found it traly benefi-
Exclasive dey-goods at D, Garman &
Son's, Belle/onate,
Mra, Shucert, wife of J. I. Shagert,
of Bellefonte, died on last Saturday
morning, at 1 2. mo. She was a daughter
of Dr. M'Cov, dec'd, and a very estimable
fady., We deply sympathise with oar
iriepd Shugert 1a his bereavement.
c= Punny—Sanator Alexander thinks
the RerorTER's trant score in a fish sto-
ry. “There are more things between
heaven and earth than are dreamed of
in your philosophy, Horatio” Cys can
go u good one on big base, with smiling
ladies on opposite shore waving ‘ker.
chiefs ns he dangles a whopper over its
native alement, but to flop back to his
bitter disappointment, at the touch of
senatorial Boor Dase bass, Just im-
agine the Senator on one side the stream
with rod and line; at the end of that
identical line a hoge bass ; on the other
side of the stream three gay and hand:
some ladies, waving perfumed "kerchiefs!
What better stimulous, or stimulant,
could a fellow wish for? No wonder
that at such a scene that identical bass
would make such a kick as to send him
right back into his “native heath,” Cys,
when vou go fishing again, we wantto go
‘long. Those dangling 'kerchiefs, them
perfumed bass! we want a real taste of
the piscatorial art, Euareka!
aii at :
A s.d and fatal shooting aflair hap-
pened near Coburn, on Monday, the
facta of which are given us by C. Dinges,
briefly as follows : A party were out
hunting, on Monday, and when about
ready to start home Mr, Calvin Steyers
was in the bushes, and his brother aged
about 16 years, taking him for a rabir,
shot a load of buckshot into his bregst
killing him almost instantly ; this occur:
red about two miles from Coburn, lhe
dying man was put on the cars and
bronght here, but he died before the
physicians arrived.
. i pe
—The Bee Hive is getting ready for
a big fall boom, which will be felt all
over the county. An immens: stock Of
new goods has been received as will be
seen from the ad. in another column
On Thorsday, Oct. 11, the Bee Hive store
will be closed on aecount its being a hol-
iday. Their fall opening w:ll be a regn-
lar buster,
- le -
No Bl: & 310 Arch Street, Philadelphia
Reduced rates tw $200 per dey. Tos
traveling public will still find at this Ho
tel the seme Thera] provision for thei
comfort, It is lveated in the immediate
centres of business aod places of amuse
ment and different railroad depots as wel
as nil parts of the city. are sasily accessible
by Unrs guusiantly pus g the
doors. It offers special inducement.
to those visiting the city for
Your paironuge re-pectfully solicited
JOB. MM. FEGER, Proprivtor
basin: 4+ or
- --
The Curbolic bean, which caoses fatal
diseases in hogs, can he removed by
8en274L Jars ZriGten,
: . Centre Hall,
- A -
My daughter bas been taking medicine
faitufeliy, sccordiog to the directions,
and her hea'th and spirits sre now per
fect. The humor is all gone from her
face, | wish every anx ous mother might
know what a blessing Ayers Sarsaparills
is in such a case.
Excinsive dry goods at D. Girman &
Son's, Bellefonte,
Mr.C. ¥. May, Meéchenioshure, Pa.
says: I was very weak and debilitated,
Brown's Iron Bitters make me feel ike
another person,
gee nita Hall has carried another
sonor at the [Lewisburg University -
Wai. Karz having been elecicod editor of
the “College Mirror,” from the Janior
thunder ond. This was the first than-
der for several weeks, On Sunday even-
ing there was also a brisk thander show-
—=Heanry Keen, of Penn, has the finest
lot of live sto k we have seen on a farm
for a long time —horses horn-cattie and
swine, ull being choice stock and in first
class condition.
Deer hunting begios Ot. 1, and
ends 15 December. Honting with dogs
is prohibited ; it is unlawful to shoot a
deer in water when driven 1here by
d EH,
s—— —{entre ccunty is loosing some of
ita best mosical talent in the removal of
fd. W. T., Meyer, of Aaronsburg, to
— —Howar.l Durst brought a bas ket of
fine apples to the Rerorren office, which
for size are like young pumpkins, and io
flavor hard to beat. ‘These apples dre
from the orchard of bis father, George
Darst, which has a good many more of
the same sort,
—For a g'ylish hat, tie, collar, cuff,
or any other gentleruen's wear, go to
Lewins & Co, who keep the finest aa.
soriment io the county, end sell 25 per
cent lower than any other store—mind
that, gents,
———Carpenters sre now busy patting a
new roof on the courc-honse, It seems
to us the Commissioners had better spent
a little more Md put on slate fostead of
shingles —it would bave been cheaper in
the long ran and rendered it fire-proof,
The nord “Olio” implies a mixtare,
Smith's German Odio is a mixture of
herlw, roots and seeds, skilifully com-
poinded, aud is a specific for rhenmas
tsin and similar diseases,
~Get your tomb stones and moan.
ments at Stover’'s Beliefonte Marble
works, if yon wish a first olass ariicle a
reduced price. No other work put out
in the conaty is equal to that put out by
the above marble works. Parties nee |.
ing tombstc nes or monuments will con.
sull their own interesis by civing their
orders to Stover, of the Bellefonte Mare
ble Works.
Dinges & Vonada, at Cobarn, is
fast getting to be mercantile headquar-
ters [or that section of the valley, ‘They
carry the largest and finest stock of dry
29 ds, groceries, ete, to be found in the
valley, and offer the greatest inducements
to purchasers. Their motto is: small
profits and quick sales. They offer the
highest market prices for all kinds of
country prodace, Give them a call and
sos for yourself,
~The Commissioners have appoint.
od the following eailectors for the towns
ships on this side: Haines, H. A. Min
gle; Miliheim, J. H., Harunan ; Pean,
A. W. Ulich; G , Joha Rosman;
Miles, Corn. Stover; Potter, Sam’l 8'ack ;
Hares, David Camobell; College, Wm.
Tibbon ; Ferguson, J. L. Carter,
~The session of Lutheran Cen-
toad of handsome furuitare, is often to
ticed by the people here with the mos
elegant good« There is mearce a section
im the conaty iv which Camp does no
make srles of parlor suits, chamber sels
or single articles of farnitare. His repn.
tation for low prices and good work is
sprecding sli around,
McDonalds Inpro .e ! Liver Pills are
in daily use by many eminent physicians
in their practice and sre highly “praised
by them 28 the best remedy known for
torpid liver aud inactive kidneys. A tri-
al will convivee the most skeptical O
their merits, Dissatisfied buyers can have
their money refunded, Jonxsrox, Hos
Loway & Co., Agente, or the proprietor,
4. A. McDONALD, Cen'ral Penn's
Pharmacy, Reedsville, Pa
Bo'd and warravted by J,
Centre Hal, Pa, :
McDonald's Celebrated Worm Powd-
era are the greatest worm Jd .strover of
the sge, Guaranteed, sold and warranted
by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall, Pa.
On show day visit Garman's for dry-
D. Murray,
“It has become 50 common 10 write the begin
ning of an article. fu an elegant, interesting man
“Then run it jato some advertisement that we
avoid all such,
“And simply call attention to the merits of Hop
Bitters in as plain, honest terms as possible
"To induce people
“To give them one trial, which s3 proves their
raiue that they will never use anything else.”
“The Remedy so favorably
“Religious and secular, is
“Having a large sale, and is supplanting all
other medicines
“There is no denying the virtues of the Hop
plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have
shown great shrewdness
“And ability
“In compounding a medicine whose virtues are
80 palpable to every one's'observation.
Did She Die
noticed in all the pa-
“Bhe lingered and suffered along. pining away
all the time for years,
“The doctors doing her no good :
“And at last was cured by this Hop Bitters the
papers say #0 much about.”
“Indeed | Indeed ™
“How thankful we should be for that medicine.”
A Danghter's Misery,
“Eleven yoars onr daughter suffered on a bed of
“From a complication of kidney, liver, theuma.
tie trouble and nervous debility,
“Under the care of the best physicians,
“Bat no relief,
“And now she is restored to us in good health
by as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we had
shunned for years before using it." THE Paneer,
Father is Getting Well.
tral Synod of Penn's will he held at Lock
Haven, in the fall of 1884.
erin. Conference, of Syuod
Lutueran, will meet at Fi
80, an te Luther Memorisl Conte
y daughter says:
, mush better father is sinoe he used Hop
“Aud we are so ww
. X
0 oct bur
to commemorate with sppropriate
gram the 400 birthday Of Toei 4
PI or m—
lrg inks Garmnu'e for drys
Presbyterian charge, had: an. enjoyable
socible at the home of the pastor, Rev,
Foster, on Thursday of last week, under
the anspices of the Women’s Miss. Soc’y.
Members, male and female, of all the
congregations of the charge, were pres:
ent, and the assemblage was quite large.
The day being very fine, tables were im-
provised on the lawn and a rich, open
air feast was had of the good things
bronght by the parishioners, and all en-
joved themselves both in partiking of
the substantials and delicacies provided
and in social chat, We did not gather
further particulars, Rev.'Foster and Lis
lady are desgtvedly he!(®n high esteem
by his flock.
~—By the onie otit of courtesy with:
drawing from the “contest,” leaves the
belt for makinz the best address at the
moun'ain 8 8 pie nic to the other. Now
wer'e all satisfied and a threatened war
batween ths big enders and little ends ra
is happily averted,
The Bellefon'e local editors have
un 8911 of esthetic gait] punching going on
jnst row. Perhaps thelr mamas will
eall them in when they hear of it.
Es ray \
Ls Lt pro
¢ with saddle and bri
i under
The horse is
ht hind foot
5 requested to come for
dle, come ise¢8 of the
Bigned, ago.
a bay abont yours old,
whie Owuer
i8 property and pay cos’,
JAS, BR. WOLY, Reber:barg
- at -
Paindelphia, Ot,
Corrects W
Bev eral aoe ’
A |
118 p
5 "
Corn Seplemb:r 407
Wheat h
Oats r
Petroleum 1.148,
Sasuven Wire, Jr, Com'n Broker,
ol South Third Brest,
Grain—Wheut, 1 05
orn, y bY 1a lL
Produce —~ Batter
is {
iter, 18 to 22 of
2a ets, per doz; potat
bushel: now,
QU TOA) CIs. per n ir: In
appie bu pe
per bo; oats, 40 . Ir
2 in, Per pes k
per pK;
per pe
Vd ’
ie Cis,
er «0 4
atu ¢
Coming now on ite 19th annasd tour of America
and will exhibit afternoon and eve ning, at 2 sad 8
Geloek p.m. the
1.000 WILD BEASTS | 1.900 MEN and HORSE
Three Ciretses | Three Rings ! Ninety Fy
Full halfmile race track.
Races by Elephants, Camels, Horses, Ponles, Men,
BV tam 5,020 it port
3 yon slar Stod, Eo ) .
Roman Chao ares 3 iglish Race Horses
Giants eight feet high, Dwarfs and living wonders
. fom every where,
ACRES of CANVAR, Souts for 20,000,
wir Tailiay Fane, Three Millions invested
"0 velit * i i 4 Ww
Nord isorieal 0 pee the grand and gor
Wild beasts loose and walking the street, quarter
of a Hundred Elephants a) y
bh BANDS Li URI Hime
Wide open dens of sav, G
VENUS, Goddess of Love : CLEOPATRA, LAL.
LA ROOKH, all the wealth, pomp and tit
of the distant Indies. Seen by fo million peo
Absolutely ¥ than LL
Bl thie season. 1
ir any sud all the other combined shows in ex:
Children under 9 years, 95 Cente,
Monday, Septembre 24.
The station agent at Aurora, Ill,
was found robbed and murdered,
The prospects of a temperance vie
tory in Ohio are said to be good,
Two men were killed by the cave
in of a mine near Leadville, Cal,
Christine Nilsson, the
singer, has sailed for New York,
The New York Clipper is to be sold
to close the estate of the late Frauk Queen.
The cars on the Brooklyn Bridge
it is suid will commence ramning in a few
The boy
White, who was kid-
Ira Jones, hardware dealer at Aus-
tin, Minn, has failed,
assets, £14,000,
were drowned,
Charles H. Carpenter, for
years a leading ‘homeopathic physician
Troy, N. Y., died there, aged 55 years.
The Evansville,
pany destroved by It was a coopera
tive concern, and had proved successful,
A saloon keeper at
Insel, ha z ted 8 noisy customer, th
latter returned and shot him dead
A boiler at Red River, near Shreevo
port, La, exploded, killing five men and
wounding eight others. The is: 1d
A mother in Ohio is reported ti
have killed her infant in presence of her littl
pix-yvear-old g AIM ompelled the
bury the corpse,
Tuesday, September 23.
At Newport, BR. L, President Arthas
is being pleasantly entertained,
€ jox
tier of
The jewelry store of F
Detroit, Mich., robbed
of $15,000 worth ol
An entire family was poisoned in
. mn
8 remedy fo
the Un®ked States
co réport tha ines
ne a r chills,
" 1
are yery
ly adulterated in that countr
The eaditer of
nte Irrodont
has besy
wlera in not
tirely slated. A few
tat nowhere
5 the on the in-
The Commercial Clul
plod an invitation to visit
isl of Ciinnati on O
takin green
after » quarrel with her bh
i infid uly.
journeymen plumbers
nid Alleghany have struck for
{ wages fr ito £.50a da
ut of viet
¢ ogi
I alg
nesgay, September 26,
: 2. Ys
ibus basket factory
Hs In
the bids fi
of the navy
r the con
ue is &
Japanese residents
There 18 no
American fishing vessels
Law rents, and
Arr §
ews I
Wm, Eckert, of No. 85 Broome
street, Cincinnati, has sworn out’a warrant
of Wm, Gaberet, charged with
rape his wife :
¥ * # hrm
wy +14
in Gall
they need 1
National leagues
an journalist for making a seditious
ling to
storm of wind, rain and snow
Mt. Persons who
the weather station, found the
uricusly that it was unsafe.
¥ £0 to
vind blow so f
A piece of apparently solid glass
which a Greenpoint, N. Y., ma» kept as an
1d exploded, to the alarm of his guests
i of the brica-brac on his
Civil Service Commissioners
not vet formulated rules to govern pro
motions in the departments, anu differences
of opinion bave arisen between theta and
Secretary Teller in consequence,
Rev. Jas. Young,a missionary, was
found dead in the Creek Nation Reservation
A buzzard bad picked out his eves He is
supposed to have lost his way and died of ex
posure and starvation
Gen, Sherman will turn over the
command of the army to Gen. Bheridan on
Nov. 1. Major Gen. Pope will probably sue
coexl Gen. Sheridan in conupand of the mili
tary division of the Missouri.
Thursday, September 27.
Tho Scottish Rite Masons closed
their conclave at Cincinnati with a collation
at Masonic Temple.
Steps will be taken to transfer the
New Orleans Lottery case from the State to
the Federal court.
The remaining cases against the
naval cadets charged with hazing have Leen
disposed of by the court martial,
Prinee George, of England, and
party spent some hours viewing Niagara
Fallg, both from the American and Canadian
The special Navy Yard Commis-
sion is opposed to the continuance of the
League Island Navy Yard in its present un
finished condition.
It is conjectured that about one
hundred vessels and seventy lives were Jost
during the recent hurricane at Nassau. The
destruction of property was severe,
The professional fat woman was
married to her stripling lover in a New
York dime museum, and the ceremony was
witnessed by a boisterous and jeering crowd.
The Grand Jury in Philadelphia
have found a true bill against Stephen A.
Price, charging him with embessling $87,600
as executor of the estate of Thomas Rich.
William Duncan was waylaid by
amassing Monday night, near Bristol, Tenn,
and found in a dying condition, with a frac
tured skall and a bullet in bis bead. William
De Frees bas been arrested at Knoxville for
the crime. oii
Two strangers took a pair
Fgvd blood-staindgl trowsns ton
uw» silboat va We Hogsatouly River, a
were not seen to bring them back, © 1 i
surmised that this isa clew to the Rose Ame |
ber murder, {
The Canada Drewdrs’ Association,
bale ss tare on hops, and to allow fifty cents
per bale to sellers to cover cost of material
used in sacking, This is according to the
William Johnson, chief clerk of
the general freight and ticket agency of the
Bt. Louis and Cairo Narrow Gauge Road, is
mysteriously missing. He has been running
behind in his cash accounts and has been
selling a large amount of the company's
tickets, valued ns far as known at nearly
$1,000, There is no clue to his whereabouts,
Friday fieptember 28,
A Texas murderer received a sen
tence of ninsty-nine years’ imprisonment.
The Yonkers, N. Y,, laundrymen
are on strike against the employment of
of Internal
Weiss beer must
The Commissioner
levenue has decided that
not be drawn from kegs
Mottley, an important witness in
is not murdered,
and is said to be in Liverpool.
Mr. Bradlaugh informed Sir
Northeote he will again de
The Director of the Mint has au-
of 045.000 ounces of
#liiver for use in the mints at Philadelphia,
At the Convention of the Protes-
pal Church of the diocese of New
York the Rev, Dr. Henry C. Potter, of Grace
One of the Brooklyn Bridge cars
failed to work and ran back to the Brooklyn
de creating a panic,
we track and blocked travel for several
A fire was discovered in the yard
Wellington Payne, of 1+ Ky
arrived and Mrs Payne, aged
Fall Opening !!
Faturdey Oect. 13,
Monday Oct, 15,
Tuesday Oet. 16,
During which time we will coffer
the following special Bargain ;
150 Linen Damask Table Spreads
at 50:, worth $1.
do do do at 9e
worth $1 75
{ 50 doz Ladie's Merins Vests at 26¢
| worth H0e¢
| 50 doz Ladies Fancy Woolen
Sd Denrl disense,
; :
meeting of
Co, wa
{he creditors of
held in Boston,
vere slated as $1850. 108: as
gaung committee
Wihs appol
Saturday September 20.
Meetings of the Baiy Arn
ance, are prohibited by order of
the interior.
yild Save
Taylor, Mo
1 ore,
rrested in San
tagho, ’ xas, whose idea is the sunexation
{ the United Btates to EXIC0
At Chatham, three colored
ids EE will thelr oh
ality of a sords ler.
4 Hore d.
nah, Ga., for killing
in a dance house affray
Blue Lick Springs,
giles over their {ather's will, one
t 1 ther wounding them
Tr 1"
W hd diis
A y
AL the
Mig At
4 oprietor of a
¢ an assignm
ch £21.000 for
United Bates
Yi to the
i8 lower than
BnXily as
in the trade
HI iron
er four
and to
a new contract
3. Fillmore, of Hebron, Conn.,
i. | pastor of the
rr slander and defa-
sermon delivered a
& are laid at £5. 008,
New York
harges of having
unger on the Ard
ke trouble for him
ie was given, it
was bol satis
The case is being fully investigated
A Small Sized Panlie,
New York, Sept The merchants in
the dry goods district appear to be much de
pressed on account of the assgmnent of F.
Mayer & Co, and the question generally
asked f5: * Who next is going to fail?” The
large amount of preferences made by the
suspended firm is mentioned as an indication
that there is a beavy strain, io some quarters,
among the dry goods men, and good judges
of the condition of affairs will not be sur
prised to bear the news of other failures fol
lowing those already announced,
$ hp
sued wr,
n of
few weeks ago
biackmailed a cabin
onia by threatening
staining his baggage
is stated, two sovereigns, but
ie 15 u
alfa Million Lost by Gas Explosion.
MoXTGOMERY, Ala., Sept, 22 -A gas ex-
plosion occurred at the extensive Oxmoor
iron furnaces, six miles north of Birming-
bam, by which the engine-house and other
valuable property were set on fire and
burned, The les is estimated at £500.00,
Ko lives were lost. It will take some time to
rebuild. The works are owned by a com
pany, of which Dr. Miller, of Cincinnati, is
privcipal stockholder,
New York Stocks,
New Yong, Sept. 28. ~The stock market
wae still under active manipulation to-day.
There were alternate advances and declines
in several of the leading specialties. The fe
verish condition of the share list was main.
tained until near the close of the day's busi
nese. Dusiness in railroad bonds was only
moderate, but there was a finoer tone, and
prices were generally higher. The most busi-
ness was in the Northern Pacific firsts at
10847, against 103 at the last previous sale,
Denver and Rio SKIS cobaols aie
@USA{, against 8815 at § previous
Business in other bonds was small,
General Markets,
New Youx, Sept. 28 The New York oot.
ton market openad this morning for future
deliveries as follows: Sept. 10.41; Oct. 10.40-
41; Nov. 10.47.5048; Dee, 10.5061.60: Jan.
10.69 00-00.9 2.70; Feb. 10 85. 8585.45.83; Marek
10.9711.00.10.96; April 11.06-11.00, Hay 1) 20
2321; Yo we 11.50-32.29. The sales at first
call am ted to 5,500 bales, :
On the morning call of the New York
Board, Pipe Line certificates opened at 1143,
rosejto 115% @ 11514; on the third call they de-
clined to 1151153.
i Hose regular made and all riect
tat 25¢ worth 50¢.
| 100 doz. Misses and Children's
do to at 10¢c worth 25e,
| 50 doz. Ladie's Linen Hemstiteh ed
| Handkerchiefs, colored borders, st
¥en 3
{ 10e, worth 25s.
| 50 doz du
{at 152, worth 30c.
extra fine
100 Bchool-bags at Se, worth 25¢
50 doz. Men's Scarlet Wool Shirts
and Drawers at 85¢ worth $1.25.
do do $1.25,
| 50 dea
Lworth £175,
50 doz Blue Mixed
| at 40¢ worth 65.
50 doz do Woolen Focks
| .
at 15¢ north 30...
250 Neck Ecarfs latest styles, at 25¢
| worth 50, .
50 Lap Robes, heavy for Winter
at $1.50 worth 83.00.
P. 8. These goods will be dealt
out upon the principle of “first come
Giret served.” Bat in order to insure
a fair distribution, only a limited
quanity will be sold to each purchase
An clegant scuvenir will be pres
senfed Lo each of our visitors upen
this occasion.
Respectfully Yours,
Bellefonte, Pa.
& i
Grand Spring Qpening
Well & Sen's New Stock
is Complete in Every Department, Em
bracing :
Diy Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings
ancy Goods, Notions, Clothing,
Hats and Japs, Boots and
Shoes, Gents’ Furvishiog Goods,
Trunks, Satchels, Groceries,
AND an als
Inthe Styles and Designs,
to which we especially invite the
attontion of the Ladies.
FIND. sro DR
Gengs Furnishing Goods, de,
Cagont be Ef