The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 20, 1883, Image 10

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Centre Harr, Pa. Sep. 20, 1883,
The Largest Paper in Centre County,
TerMs ~$2 per yoar in advance. $2.50
when not in advance. Advertisements
90 conts per line for threes insurtions.
Yearly and half yearly ad's at special
One colum per year $90—34 colum $45.
mor Hereafter all subscribers. paying
their subséription in advance, will got a
credit of two months additional as» pres
mium, ve.
When you eant find what you
want. snywherelse—try the
POT or “THE FAIR” at
Spring Mills, Pa,
Dealers in White Gools,
Geats Furnishing Goods.
Black Cashmeres a specialty.
23jun tf It will pay you to call.
Hats and neck wear at Garman's,
———Jadge Larimer is still confined to
his room,
Merino hosiery and underwear at Gar
~The editor is absent with the rail-
road committee in Philadelphia.
Strictly one price and that the lowest
at Garman’'s.
The Poiter township sehools, 19 in
pumber, will open Monday, Oct. 22.
Mrs. Sarah Neff, of this place, has
been taken seriously ill of dysentery.
——The sharp frost did much damage
to the late corn in this section, last week,
Macrama cord im ten eolors al Gar-
——MTr2 Lahr, of this place, is on the
gick list ; canse, an attack of typhoid fe
—— Miss Damie Sbrom, of Bellefonte,
spent a few days, last week, in oar neigh.
Mr. Jonathan Kreamer, of Mill
heim, is still indispased and confined to
the Louse.
Merino hosiery and nnderwear at Gar-
—ns of our oldest and most es-
teemed citizens, Mr, Joshua Potter, is se~
riously iil
: Eagineers are now locating the
ronte for the railroad from Beliefoute to
Lemont on the Logan's Branch route,
Linen lace and embroidered collars at
Mr. Jacob Shearer, living a short
distance below town, shot wine grey
squirrels in a few hours the other day,
Mrs. Edwia Tams, Chambersburg, Pa.,
pays she took Brown's Iron Bitters for
malaria and foun great relief.
It yon want the most elegant
sweet potatoes in market, go to Sechiers,
they keep only the prime article, Qaly
ry a peck.
~——Urie Spangler, of Newton, Kansas,
writes to bis brother, Lieat., Spangler,
that he thresh ed from fifty acres of bis
farm 1470 bushels of wheat, and his oats
yielded over 60 bushels to tbe acre.
—Stover's marble works, at Belle-
fonte, now take the lead of all others for
bandsome tombstones and monuments,
as we!l as for low prices. Give Stover a
call if yon would save money aud if you
desire fine work.
Mr. Harry 8. Meyer, of Williams.
po:t, made his appearance, on Tuesday
evening, in Bellefoate on a 52-inch Col-
umbia bicycle. Harry is a Centre Hall
boy and in a few days will have the two
wheeled macnine on our streets.
at Garmon's,
Miss Sarah J. Bredley did ali the “hel.
loing” at the telephone exchange the
last four or five days, Miss Keyser being
absent to York State on a weddiog trip.
Mises Bradley managed the switch board
to the utmost satisfaction of the “hello~
ers” at the other end of the wires.
Hats and neck wear at Garman's,
—l)inges & Rearick are now io
Philadelphia, purchasing a stock of gens
eral merchandise for their new store in
this place, They intend to have a grand
openiog and a display of all kinds of
goods, and mean business,
(ys last Wednesday night, 12, the
log barn on the pike, about one mile this
side of Foust's in the Seven Mts, was de-
stroyed by fire between 8 and § o'clock.
The property belongs to Wm. J. Thomp-
son, of Potters Mills, and until recently
was occupied by Mrs, Kate Durst. It is
thought to have been set on fire. We
think there was no issurance, Loss
about $100,
weeThe last spike was driven in the
Northern Pacific railway last week.
Thousands were on the spot to ses it.
This waek the lest nail was driven io
high priced clothing, and there will be
no chance for stores that do not come
down to the figures of the Philad. Braneh.
High priced clothing is doomed, and
hundreds go to the Philad. Branch for
bargains in fall overcoats and suits for
men and boys. Go and do likewise,
Smith's German Olio will not bring the
dead to life, or cnre everything from a
pid head to deliriom tremens, but nev:
shales it “go's away” with rheuma-
t! sm.
Frusit Muar.—James A. Deckert's
Spring Mills meat market sapplies fresh
stali-fed beef, constantly, also pork, v
and mutton in season. Potters Mills,
Centre Hill and Penn Hall will be sop
plied from the wagon, two days each
week. 10may6m
FarMens ATTRNTIO » ~The und -
ed is always paying the highest price for
all kinds of grain and seed let the qual-
ity or quantity be as it will. Do not fail
to call upon him before you sell,
Geeptdt I. J. GRENOBLE,
Liven lace and embroidered collars at
Tawios & Co. are about opening
their large new stock of ready-made fall
clothing, exceeding anything yet opened
at the Philad, Branch. The fall over.
coats are of latest styles and in large va-
riety, very bandsome and excoedingly
low in price, so as to put it within reach
of every man or boy to have & nice and
comfortable garment of that kind. Their
fall suits can not be surpassed in the city
for variety of style, and can not be pur.
chased for the same fignres in any Phil.
ade!phis retail store. Call and see the
exhibit of new full clothing at the Phila-
delphia Branch,
A em ———
PersoxiL.—Rev. D. J. Mitterling, of
Ohio, now home on a visit to his parents,
honored our sanetnm with a visit, a few
days ago. Ha is doing a successful work
in the ministry in his charge.
James Rood, of Missouri, a native of
this place, is in on a visit to his aged
mother who is very ill. Mr. Koch left
this section some 15 years ago and is do-
ing finely in Missouri ; we were plessed
to have a call from him.
An agreeable surprise: All the visl-
tors to our town staying any length of
time reap a benefit. Maj, General Grego,
of Reading, Pa., states that while the
time he was here has been the only three
weeks within twenty-five years that he
did not have to» take medicine, and
many others have made remarks of like
manper. Dy the time we get a driving
road made to the summit of Egg Hill this
place ean not be excelled in Pa. in the
way of health and natoral ecensry, Our
town is fast improving—over half a doz.
en buildings bave been erected and four
or five more will be bailt this fall, The
Grangers' store-room is to be finished by
Nov. 1: Grove & Wolf contactors.
Kennelly & Co. wiil build a house two
story high, to bs used as a furnitore
store, sadler shop and picture gallery.
The public will soon have ihe use of the
second iron bridge—the one put up now
is 18 feet wide ; not another one of its
size in the county outside of Bellefonte,
Henry Krumrine accompanied by one of
his granddaughters and grandsons and
Geo. Miller started for Stephenson Co.
111, where they will spend a few weeks,
Dan’l Dreibelbis and Michael Grenoble
have gone to Wisconsin, Elias Wasser
and family and Mrs C. E. Royer have
returned 10 Kansas, By their looks it
must be a healthy country out there
Mr. James Giove and neice have reiurn-
ed from their visit to Kansas aud Iowa.
They enjoyed the trip and improved in
health. Mr. G. thinks Iowa is the place
for young men. Improved lacd can be
bought at from $5 to 830 per acre. C.
F. Hannigh and A. J. Haines have re
taroed from their trip to West Virginia;
they have no flattering reports to make,
These gentlemen bave been in several
westera states, but taking all in all oid
Centre is the best place yet. The Geor-
ges Valley Sanday School held a pic-nic
on last Saturday. The public in general
turned out; the Miliheim band faruish-
ed the music. Wm. E. Rearick is one of
the most obliging graia dea ers in this
place ; give nim a trial, Pealer &
Long are up to the limes, receiving
goods daily, lt
Wp sm
Diseases of sn exhanstive nature that
have a tendency to creste an uonatural
feeling sua as fatigue, lassitude and
great weakness througnout the system
owe their origin to a lack of iron in the
blood. Brown's Iron Bitters will restore
the blood to its natural bealthful condi-
tion. Qet the blood pure by using this
remedy and the disease will bs quickly
The cheapest place ia Cenpire county
for dry goods is ut D. Garman & Boa's,
«Every body that goes to Bellefonte
is wanted at the FPbilad. Branch, Lew
ins & Co. have such extraordinary bar
gains to offer, and you are invited to call
and see whether wanting to buy or nol.
Then they wish ali 10 be convinced that
they keep the greatest and best nssort-
ment. Don't forget to call at the Puliad.
Branch when at Bellefonte,
~The real estate of Jonas E. Royer,
dec’d, two miles east of Old Fort, will be
soid, Oct. 12. Bes ad
The cheapest place in Centre county
for dry goods is at DD. Garman & Son's
B:1 efonte,
a——— cn
Mat wondrous oare beneath the sun
Was that in Qaarryville,
Where A. B. Miller, furmer’s son,
Was deaf and very ill,
Four long, long years no s usd could
This worthy, saffering man,
But when Peruna sooght the breach,
His cure at once began,
Ark the most eminent physician
Of any school, what Is the best thing in the
world for quieting and allaying all irritation of
the nerves and curing all forms of nervous com:
Piainte, giving natural, childlike refreshing sleep
And they will tell you unhesitatiogly
“Some 10.™ 0 Hops ™
Ask any or all of the most eminent physicians ;
“What is the best and only remedy that can be re
Hed on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and
urinary organs such as Bright's disease, dsbetes,
retention or indbility to retain vrine, and all the
diseases and allments peculiar to women’
“Arn they will tell you explicitly and emphati-
eally, “Buchu.”
Ask the same physicians
“What is the mos reliable and surest cure for
all liver diseases or dyspepsia, constipation, indi
ry a snajaria] fover, ague, &e.,
Mand L5 Dandetianl,
oijience . hi isn these Jemed es are combined with
And compounded into Hop Bitters, suc +
derful and misterfous surative power is ro on
&l Which jaso varied in) lia joss ‘hat no di
sease or iTEhealth can possi resist
power, and iu itis Y sai on Ta
the most fra p .
valid or smallest child to 4 wousn, Weazem in,
. “Almost dead or nearly dy he
or years, and given w yaloinns
v's and Thr arn Pai liver a
a. Soyer coughs called consumption, have
‘Women ; ne nearly erasxy !
> , wakeful
npn of oenl 0 women
ul Shape fron excrucitibe
> inhammatory and chronie, or suffering from
a hem,
westion, und in tts ilnont all disses Teall "av
cat rh even neo panood e
sopt nr
Rev, Wm. Landis, will leave Rebeis: |
burg on the 20th insteat, for Adamaburg,
Bnyder county, Pa., where be will enter
upon the daties as pastor of tho Beaver
Bprings charge, ke took charge of bis
present field, June, 1872 —pastorate 11
years and 3 months, Built three church-
es: (race Chapel, at enst end of the
valley ; St. Peter's, at Rebersburg and
Obrist, at Madisonburg. These church-
ea are fine and substantial buildings and
well furnished, They are all paid for—
no burden of debts for his success. He
also had the parsonage repaired and put
ia good condi ion.
Bept., 1872, number of Commmunicant
manbers Inthe eharge......
Bept,, 1883, number of comananieant
members in the charge
Benevolent contributions, Ist year
do do sad do
Ducing his pasto.sce Lifauts baptized
Adults baptized........... :
Conitrmed .
Busded (members) ‘
wed and erased © om role...
Orgonlzed Reformed 8, § .
Whois amount
% ay of
: i8 a record of which
may wel feel proad. The
faithful sheply rd.
go with him iuto his new field,
. ge»
No 817 & 819 Arch Street, Philadelphia
Reduced rates to $200 per day. The
traveling public will still find at this Ho-
Lisl the sane ' provision for
comfart, It is located In the immediate
pantres of business and places of amuses
ment snd different railroad depots, as well
as ail parts of the vily asily gecessibie
by Street Oars eotistantly passing the
doors. It oflers inducements
to those visiling Lhe busitiess or
Your patronsge rape winlly solicited
JOS. M. FEGER, Propricior
ate too much, was attacked with cholera
suffered excruciating pain.
of Carmelite Cordial taken in time would
nave saved the money and avoided the
pain for the trifliog outlay of 35 cents
Cartis’ Carmelite Cordial,
remedy for cholera, dysentery, choera
morbug, disrhoga, cramps, and all in-
testinal fri : i
term or changes of chiwate, diet
ter, is roid everywhere
guaranteed or money refunded in
instance. No famil
without a bottle, an:
the handy coroner
satchel, lrade supp
Horroway, & Co, or
Pharmacy, Beedsvilic
Sold aud warragted by J
Centre Hal, Pa,
ws - -
Outs " ai
Pork October
ny 3s TT
ei Soak 08
Seplember 943
nr bir
i Bireel.
Wire Jr
23 cts. per doz; potatoes, old 4
bushel; new, 12 ¢ta, per peck; ch
50 to U0 ots, per pair; lard, 10 ols,
apple butter i5 cla. per gal; «
per bu; cats, bo cts, per bu;
J Cis. per ped A peaches,
per pk; cablage, b t 8
Hi, +0 Cis
beans, io {
per quart; celery, 5 cents per stalk.
by lL. L. Brown.
Produce —Butter 20, «ggs 16, bam 14:
toes 40 by Valenlives' Store.
White & Mixed
Corn, shelled,
Onis... .
Buck whos
Tisaothy seed
Plaster, ground per ton
Flour, per barry
Bute’, 16 ¢
15: shoulder, DRC0U O
eke per dozen, IX Ce
ort i. kif ug
CUAL 4, & 2
Egg. 4.795.
aud ens Dov
Ww, 8 gd. 4: hats,
id i 8 ee, 12;
id G esoole
b; Chem , 4.65; Stove,
On 10 Aug, Mr. Bam’l Wate, at Re-
bersburg, and Miss Alice Loveberger, of
Pieasaut Gap.
On the 19th uit, by Rev. W. M. Lan-
dis, Mr. Geo. Brack bill to Miss Anvie M.
H oulz, both of Brushvalley.
I... UL.
Di i.
On 3, in Gregg, John Wegner, aged 67
Oa 4, in Aaronsburg, Sesan, daughter
of David Bollinger, dec’d, sged 11 years,
3 months, 11 days,
after April 1st will open in the Durst
building, when be will be prepared to
make to order Boots and Sboes, and do
all kinds of repairing. Satisfaction guar-
anteed, and charges reasonable, He asks
a share of the public patronage. Smart!
QRPEANS COURT BALE ~There will be ex.
posed at public sale at the late rosi-
dence of Jonas E. Royer dec'd, about two miles
east of Old Fort on Friday, October 12th, 1884, the
following described estate of sald Jonas KE.
Royer, dec’d, viz: A VALUARLE FARM an x "
ter township, Contre Co, Pa, adjoining lands of
Win. Hennich, Jagies A, Sweetwood avd others,
about 80 AC of good lime stone
hh state of enitivation | of ito
tirabe Wr
i 8s -
bulid There is on this
uf shotee frudt in ag Soa p
of locality aid 30), 640,
Also i ion fg Hi owas ad tim
Eo tad of Jom. Tana Adapn Rankin, ohn
Foner and cthor, containing about 65 ACRES,
By net 1s covered with fence and fue
JE mn
Toot bo v0 ever by 0 4 morgage on’ the
, : wy BOYRE
Monday, Sepitembrr 10.
Bocialism is making its presence
felt in Vienna, .
Charges against showman Bunnell
dismissed at New Haven,
The late Count de Chambord left
400,000f, to the Peter's Pence Fund,
Charles B., Platt, formerly pub:
lisher Norwich (Conn.) Tribune, is dead,
Beranton, Peun., man. Blew out
ihe gne. Usual result, Not dead, but dying.
T. V. Powderly, of Scranton, Pa.,
has been re¢lected President of the Knights
Queen Victoria asks King Alfonso
George Taylor quarrelled with his
Major Nickerson, notorious for his
as on déserter,
The Grand Army encampment at
Princeton Junction was a fiasco, and ended in
u fatal accident.
There were three new cases of yel-
Capt. Van Buskirk, second officer
the attack on New Orleans, died in Hoboken
Tuesday, September 11.
A French aeronaut crossed
tho Channel in balloon,
It is proposed to tender a banquet
The Right Hon. Hugh Law,
chancellor of Ireland, is dead,
A national retail druggists’ asso
ciation wad organized in Washington and
officers elected,
The courts Massachusetts refuse
to grant letters of insolvency to the Augus
tinian society of Lawrence
A lady, by some unknown means,
was released from a Masschuselts insane
An earthquake shock was felt
Thon in West Indies,
& Very severe one oo
5 A tyorey a |
Mm August ON,
urred at
Cotton crop reports ghow a con-
ff in the aggregate of esti-
the previ
ian 2
sus month's
Two hundred and fifty
are in Casos Grands
5, Mexico, trading under
mnter with Mexican
troops is expects i
The Dutch auth
¢ $3
have sta
Strait of
change that
fied vosiels o ertrance © the
Sands to wafn others of any
ey occur in the channel,
Wednesday, September 132,
Annapolis hazing
is anticipated
further hearing in the conspi-
at Liver
against McDermott
§ pend
Half Re
# Dadian 2
anglish and American trades
whe hve exehanped views throtgh
ress now i n in Birmingham
Hamor daughter of the
proprietor of the Grand Central Bote! at Bar
harbor, bas disappeared with a warried man
Out of nine civil service applicants
Jrooklyn postoffice only
y qualified. . Most were deficient in rudi
mentary education.
Ex Speaker Randall called on
Judge Hoadly, who i sick in Philadelphia,
and sdvised she return of the latter to Ohio
as #00u as practicable,
The report of thé special committee
igate the supervising architect's of-
; W
Af * Ay
i188 id
Thursday September 13.
The Mexican Xational railroad has
Wendell Phillips denies that he hoe
Oklahamna Payne again arrested for
Coquelin, the great French "actor,
will vit America pext season.
Cadets Trafell, Campbell, Bartholf
and miller dismissd the navy for hazing.
The ¢zar will meet the Emperor
William before returning to 8t. Petersburg.
An eight-year old girl crosses the
ocean alone, and lands at Castle garden all
Charles Delmonico, the famous
New York caterer, reported to be insane
from overwork.
The steamship L'Amerique, said to
have been Jost a Tew davs ago, arrived safely
in New York
The New York Chamber of Com-
meres discussed the American bog and its im-
portation in Germany.
Gov. Butler nominated Edwin G.
Walker, a colored lawyer, 10 be justice of the
Charlestown district court.
Dr. John H. Duppe, a well-known
ooulist, hanged himself to a door knob in his
residence in Cincinnati on Tuesday night.
The Ear! and ness Roseberry
arrive in New York Roseberry was
a daughter of Baron Rothchild, nnd inherited
his vast wealth.
Harry Kurtz, manager of the Al-
Jentown, Pa., gas works, was to have been
married next week, bus has become violently
insane. Over 5X0 invitations were issued to
The two-hundredth annive
the liberation of Viehna from the sege
Turks by Jan Sobieski, of Poland,
brated by the New York with appro.
priate Friday September 14.
The Corean embassy seeing sights
Hahu, the Philadelphia forger, is
in jail in Chicago,
Bx Spier Handall is sull serving
Governor Hale of New Hampshire
hes vetoed the Colby railroad bill
"John Wanamaker s Stare Philadelphia.
These are the First Days of the
Fall Business,
already the hum of activity begins.
We launch the busy season with
Special Things
that prove to be strangely low. A few of
these have been in store some days, but, to
give everybody a fair chance, we held the
announcements until the return of peoplg
from their holidays.
A good lot of first-rate A Bleached Muslin, fuil
Jerseys at $2.25. These
are all black. The colors
are £2.50.
A Black Dress Silk at
«5 cents, that until recent-
y was always $1.00,
A fine Black Rhadama,
22 inches wide, at $1.50.
Half-wool Black Dress
(Goods at 12} cents, which
is just half-price,
All-wool stylish Plaid
Suiting inches 50
cents. We sold the same
at £1.00.
Another in stripes at 65
cents. Not dear at $1.00.
A quality of Lupin’s
These lots of Shoes that
desirable for the prices :
Cashmere for so cents
(all wool). The new tar- yard wide, for 10c. The
iff will prevent this qual- best we ever had at that
ity from ever again ing pri
at this price.
A Black Albatross at 25
cents,"exactly half-price,
A fine Black Camel's
Hair, 46 inches wide, at
60 cents,
A good 36-inchall-wool
Cashmere at 40 cents,
An excellent Black
Cashmere, all-wool, a
yard wide, at 45¢.
A very few much ad-
mired Embroidered
Robes at one-third off of
usual price,
The best Twilled, All-
Wool Red Flannel we
ever sold for 25¢.
The best Canton Flan-
nel for 12é4c. We never
could get so good a qual.
ity at the price before.
An extraordinary lot of
Towels at 25¢.
Eight lots of Ladies’
and Children’s Hose that
are on our counters at 2§
per cent, under prices.
ne at
§ Ayo by 4%
are amazingly
186 pairs
French Kid
: $5.00, : : .
omen’s 152 pairs Women's
Button, Kid Slippers, $1.25.
112 pairs Women's
Women's Kid Ties, $2.00.
Button, 110 pairs Women's
French Kid Oxford Ties,
China and Glassware we hardly dare to
saying anything about, as the lots an-
nounced are nearly always sold out in a few
hours of the day they are presented. Watch
the city daily papers for the announcements,
and if these lots are sold when you come do
not be disappointed, as we have new lots in
every day or two.
In Furniture. Young couples should sce
The new Ash Suite of Bed Room Furniture for $25.
The same goods in Cherry for $28.
141 pairs
Front Lace
Boots, $3.28.
131 pairs
Front Lace
Boots, $4.50.
150 pairs
French Kid
Boots, $5.25.
Walk ing
pe ins
Kid Button
Our Works at present turn us out only
four suites per day of these goods, so that
first come, first served. Noting like this
has ever been done in Philadelphia before.
A fine frame Body Brussels Carpet at
$1.2 5 that we are willing to endorse as a good
We are not permitted to give the
makers’ names. The goods are new this
scason, and fifty patterns at least to choose
The first Fall
Offering of Ladies Robes
are al’~wool, of ample material, in nine varieties, dark, rich hoes, sod
the new patterns are on the palm leaf order. The effect is much the
same, if not full equivalent, as though an expensive Cashmere Shaw!
were dissectel and made into a robe, as is often done, The expeves
being iufinitely less— $20.
Also a few Wrapper Patterns, Persian, and with a decided Oriental
effect. The olive, oldigold and rich, dark hues are subdued in a broad
border of consistent but curious furmstion, 10 to 11 yards each, $2.00
per yard,
Thirteenth Street. Chestnut Street.
Market Street and New City Hall. |