THE CENTRE REP ORTER. ‘Cuxtre Harr, Pa. Aug. 9, 1883. CENTRE COUNTY CENSUS, 1880, § 35% 1880. 1870 1548 1127 1006 Pun 083 | 6249 8080 408 646 b76 1780 390 1982 S066 465 14°20 624 Boroughs and Townships. Bollefonte—North Ward... South Ward... West Ward... i" BITTERS. THE BEST TONIC. Cures Completely Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Liver and Hidney Complaints, Druggists and Physicians endorse it, Use only Brown's Iron Bitters made by Frown Chemical Co., Baltimore, Crossed red lines and trade-mark on wrapper, 1127 nHoward Boro... vss 33 Mileg burg cesses bMillheim..c. concise ePhilipsburg d Unionville..... Benner as: Boggs... Burnside.. eCollege.... . atinsssbnsh sp Crna anise seassnns . Lisaasseein - Ferguson... Gregg Haines ; EE MOOI ccansessn sssessass sins Harris......os Howard | Huston { Liberty K 600 1080 “33 822 1: 365 2186 480 seas 459 2111 1646 185 Hin 1999 Seas resane IT RAS dX TIE IERS & (0) TITTSBURGH. PA. | PA, | w wlkor.. { Worth 34,418 a Howard borough from Howard twp. ES —————— b Millheim from Pelih township in 1879 heaply and successfully ¢ Phi lipsburg fromm Rush township. A UA TATION d Unionville from Union township, . hist “rd ug for our pam on pura ¢ Uolirge from Harris and Benn EEA —— ~A good fertilizer can bo made ee ———— AR AOA NEA NA. or about § § 2 a ton by composting = ee ek en § : . — who are interested In a2 oe Anion Growing Crops ertwp's * cP» THE CLOCK OF STRASSBU RG. The late transit of Venus curiously prove ed the accurate calculstions of the ancient makers of that famous horlogieal curiosity the Strass! burg clock. A fow days before the transit, the Ame an Register tells us, visitors to the cathe drs l, inspecting in the planctarium attached to the clock, noticed that one of the small gilt balls represent. ing Venus was graduliy moving toward a point between the sun and the earth, an on the day ot the passage the ball stood exactly between them. Old Conrad Dasy- podius, the Strassburg mathematician su- perintended the manulacture of the clock and its accompanying planetarium some time between 1571-74, the dates differing according to various authoirtes ; and it is interesting after three hun dred years of existence, the clock faithiuls ly fulfiils the calculations of its dead ins ventor, A correspondent sends the foregoing, which is quoted from the London Graphue, jaxpr asses doubts of its correct ines, and ask for information. One of our Ratron oical 1 the most perfoct Foreo.Peeq [correspondents sends us following viii i a sinstenen, Sond for P| notes : Ae BB, ARGUMAR, York, | 2 Agricul tural Works, York, Pa. | spars Van dit by ges 4 Lt etorencesic Every State, 2e~Agentswanted erunoccupie BROWN CHEMICAL CO. SH fanufacturers of a Poweli's Tip-Top Bone Fertilizer, =r dtercitory. Applywithreferences. TA Bone, Potash, Ammonia, &c. a htc i6 LIGHT STREET, BALTIMORE, MD, irkholder, Centre Hill, Ag't. to nota that $0 NOLS LAKE, a WEL) Jijaog the The construction of a machin would exhibit sccurately t he me , dis itances, and magn ita ies of the planets, and i i ba kept funniag order {red years, an impossibility. is piece of mechanism would require {ski ii of the Gre at Architects The history of the Strassburg « and the planetarium connected with it bears Be | witness, like everythi ng else. to the impers { faction of workms . and the {nec essity of changes and TepRITS, | The clock stands in the cathedral, and i dates back to 1352, when it was put up nage of Berthold de Bachek, ider the patr 3ishop of Strassburg. As e which tions ou for three ich y the of worlds. san bund in : te OCK nship frequent Ali iat that time Bis time passed on, the clock got out of order, {and in 1547 three distinguished mathemat- {icians were commisioned to put it in repair i They all died before the work was finished 7 and Conard Dasypodius undertook the re 5 isponsible task, which he completed in four years. The clock worked well until 1783, ithe year of the Grest Revolution, when it struck forthe last time. It was lef} undisturbed for nearly fifiy years, and fell into adilapidsted condition mourntul to behold. An effort was then i made for i its restoration, This was found to iba impossible, fer the works were renders lad almost useless by rust and verdigris | Finally, Schwilgue, and artist an mathe i matician of Strassburg. undertook to re- ipair, modify, and reinstate the clock, He {| commenced the task in 1836, and, after i worki' g four years, completed it 1a 1840, —————— A —— NATURE IN SIBERIA. {Chambeis Journal.) he history of animal and vegeta feo hs ey) says our author, “is a | vary curious one. For eight months out of the twelve every trace of vegetable life fis completely hidden under 8 blanket six feet thick of snow, which effectually covers every plant and bush—trees therears none to bide. During six months of the time, at east, anima! life is only traceable by the footprints of the reindeer ora fox on the snow, or by the occasional appearance of a raven, snow owl wandering abovethe lim. its of forest growth, where it bas retired for the winter. For two months in midwinter thesun never rises above the horizon, and the white snow reflects only the fitful Tight of the moon, the stars, and the surora bo. renlis. Early in Febuary the sun only just peeps upon the scene for a fow minutes at noon, and then retires, Day by day he prolongs his visit more and more, until February, March, April and May have passed. and continuous night haye become continuous day. Early in June the sun only just louches the horison at midnight, but does not set any more for some time, "Then comes the south wind, and often rain, and the great event of the year takes place~the ice on the great river breaks up and the blanket of snow melts away. The black earth absorbs the heat of the never setting-sun ; quietly but swiftly vegetable life awakens from ite long sleep and for three months a hot summer produces a brilliant Alpine flora, like an English flower-garden run wild, and a profusion of Alpinfruit, diversified only by storms from the north which sometinies for a day ortwo bring cold and rain down from the Arctic Ice. “Bat wonderful as is the transformation in the aspect of the vegetable world in these regions the change in animal Hf is far more sudden and more striking. The breaking up of the ice on the great rivers is, of course, the sensational event of the season. [tig probably the grandest exhibis ‘hh fEwn pon Carasoucn | ia SEPARATOR riroc THE CELEBRATEI BARNUM CHEESE SAFES. stented.) amg a AAT WW se ualy LLIN “IN 5 ‘WOLLOT DNIATOAXY RET 7, GROCERS, ATTENTION! Bry Nour! Have Nona) Use Noun. 1 Buz Tha celebrated BARNUM SAFES, ¥ or sale generally Me the Wholesale woodenware snd lers, bber cannot supply Br i dy GUE Ou ras dict 10 us, The E. T. Barnum Wire & Iron Works, PEIROIT, MICH. ONLY $20. ADELPHIA SINGER 4 is the BEST BUT FINEST FINISHED, 0 EASIES GINGER MAOHINE ever offered the public. fle slave ent represents the most popular style for the roople which we offer you fur the very low Juice of $0, Remember, we do not sk you to pay antl have ween the machine. After having examioed it, if it te not all we represent, return it to us at our w. Consult your interests and order at ote, or send bor chrvulars sind testimonials, Address a CHARLES A, WOOD & CO, No. 17 XN. Tenth St, Philadelphia, Pa ITS 1 FREE rh. ooh all BRAY fe Neuve ik Oniy Jor Newey Lf cvians. an So INPALL far ® Af taken as directed, Ms yA fret day's wae. Treatise and a trial bottle free to ¥it tow they f payin ox S54 Charis gh bei w ee ard oy address afficted iin DEK KLINE 0 Arch 51. Phila an Raw ind OF rain bl per tion of stupendous power tu be seen in the world. Btorms at sea and hurricanes on land are grand enough in their way, but the power displaynd seems to be an angry power which has to work itself into a pas. sion to display its greatness. The silent upheaval of a gigantic river, four miles wide, and the smash-up of the six-foot thick ice upon it at the rate of twenty square miles an hour, is, tomy mind a more majestic display of power ; bul for all that thie arrival of migratory birds, so suddenly and in such countless numbers, appeals more forcibly to the imagination perhaps because it is more mysterious, iin ssi. MP PA —————— Bridgeport, July 20.—~The ex'ensive works of the Howe sewing machine com pany were newrly destroyed by fire this evening. Loss, $350,000; insurance, $275 « E VESUVIUS IN ERUPTION. Naples, July 31.—Mount Vesuvius is in a state of eruption. Lava is decend- ing from the crater in the direciion of the town of Torre del Greco at the gonthwest foot of the mountain. The in- habitants are fleeing to places of safety. ee inimcom eda A me———— Fuperor William has Sirested t the four hundredth pinbdiy. of Luther be observed by all Protestant Lathe The students ot the uaniversi- ties will celebrate at Erfurt, on August 8, the entry of Luther into that town, A BSprinfigeld Republican wants to know how to beat Butler, It is very simple, Btop skinning paupers and ne- groes,— Atlanta Constitution (Dem.) Mr, H. C, Byers, Pottstown, Pa. says: “I cured myself of pain inthe chest and indigestion by using Browns Iron Bit- ters, Mrs, Gadden, of Troan, Tex., was mar- ried on Wednesday last and killed on Friday by a stroke of lightaing. ~If you want to see mountains of ¢ lothing, genuine goods, latest styles, and low in prices, then wend your way to the Phitad. Branch, where you buy cheaper than in Philadelphia or in any other city. This is a fact—~try it, and you will be convinced as hundreds have been, ~The Penn Harrow for sale by Al- exande r & Co. 114 JOW MANY MILES DRIVE? THE “ODOMO VER TELI 4 i= no J or than & watch, It rof miles driven to the 1- ; counts up to 1000 mallee; always {n order: saves hor ing overdriven is easily attached to the wheel of a ' Carriage, Sulky, Wagon, Road Cart, Sulks w, Re Caper, Mower, or othe’ to Liverymen, Pleasure Farmers, Sury eyors, Dray- Stage Owners, &c. Price only ae third the price of any other Odo” gz give diameter of the wheel. postpaid.” Ad- This instrament tells the exact n 10000 part of a mile walter and dust tight ses from Ie vehicles, Inval Physi men, Expressmen $5.00 ent I, ¢ meter. When orderis Drivers, Sent by mall on receipt of price, dress McDONNEL ODOMOTER CO, : North La Balle St, Chicago, Sg-3¢nd for Clr july f 2) ym. C PF HEWE Attera aey- ats Law. Pract es in all the Courts, Furst buildng, Bellefonte. J BF BLALK L'NN, Allorney Office on Alle, ony street, febitf D F. FORTNEY, . Attorneysat-Law, Uttice i in old Corard hiding Bellefonte C.T. re. M. Bower C atime, Office in the mays -abLaw, Bellefont.’ Alexander. LEXANDER & BOW ER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, BE LLEFONTE, PA. Office in Garman’s new building. JOH F. POTTER, Atlorney-siLaw Collections promtly made and special attention given to those haviag innds or property tor sale, Will draw ep and have acknowledged Deeds, Mortgas gos, &c. Bellefonte, Pa. ' ” ¥, L. SPF ANGLER, Attorney at-Law : Jonsuliations in English and German. Oca in Furst's new buildiag RASS RASS )SPHATE PER TON. )o( #0. This is a real Ammoniated Bone Super-phosphate which we alone pros duce by means of special advantages in manufactaring. Pl hi Tem Per ton of 2,000 Pounds. On Cars or Boat in Philadelphia. Guaran- teed Analysis printed on each Bag. + 4 SEND FOR CIRCULAR. ADDRESS BAUGH & SONS, Bole Manufacturers 20 80. DELAWARE AVE Philadelphia, Pa. Sn——_ _26 july 1m. USH HOUSE, W. R. Teller, proprietor, Belles foute, Pa. Special attention given to country trade. unel UMMINGS HOUSE, LLEVONTE, EMANUEL BROWN, rope hu The traveling community will and this hotel equal to any in the county in every respect, for man and charges very moderate. Giveit a Bune ir ds — Guaranteed Strictly First Class. orl a oa BI ee TLS Soma. Bapasia struction they Maud ae unrivalled, A LEOANT CATALOGURS PRER. WHITNEY ORGAN CO., Appnuss: . ann: am pe sa 8B. & A. Loeb. C Clothing. O* STOCK K FOR SPRING I8 NOW « COMPLETE. semen (} A ——— THE LARGEST STOCK OF CARPETS BROUGHT BELLEFONTE, EVER TO A PRICES ALWAYS AS LOW AS A? yZTHERS LOWER AND IN MARY CASES House-Furnishing Goods in Endless Variety. a Kheetings, Pillow-Casings, ———————————————— Lickin and everything appertaining t SEER areas ’ . ense gejecl Before buying look at our and get our prices for y n of ~, & A . CO RNG LOEB. "DENNSYLVANIA: 1883 Will Run More Easily, Cut Longer Grass. Cut More Smoothly, Less Liable to Obstruction, Require Less Repairs, ore Rast Adiusted, And the Most Durable. IN FACT LEADS THE WORLD. EVERY MOWER Wi "ARARTFD, SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGU Lrovp, Supper & W auton | PHILADELPHIA, PA. Western Wheel Scraper Co. —ARUTFACTUNERS The Only Practical & Durable Wheeled Scrapers, Best Sing in the World for Grading Railroads, Grading Railroads, Levees & Public Reads. gp oy | PUAKER : I TY Town t lowe Surpass all others AND ARE THE BEST z < an CENTRE HALL Carriage Shops. J. W. HENRY & BAM’LL SHOOP (Buccessors to J. O, Deininger.) 103 Manufacture and keep on hand CAKKIAGES, BUGGIES, BPRING WAGONS BLEIGHS kind of vehicles. constantly and all All work made of the best ma- terial, and put together by mechan. ics of long experience. Hence all work from these shops is guaranteed, REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Prices low and all {out first-class {COME AND jan27 } - SALESMEN WANTED | reeMANENT EsmproyMexr for Honest, | Energetic Men. Salary and expenses paid. The Business easily learned | br HE C HASNE NURSERIES {Ki 3 Jil Haun + 21 work tured wnnw SEE OUR or rm Hwo Restored. Just published, a new edition of Dr. Os {| Coiehirated Fass y on the radical cure {lorrhoes or Bemins]l Weakness, Involuntary bpeminal Losses, Impoten « ¥, Mental and Ph ol Incsy we ity, Ie ftmwecte to Marriage, . Blso Cor i lepsy and Fits, induced by self indy i; se asd extravagance, slo {i Tre celebrated author jel early demonstrat. freon ha ith fal © GRESUenoss U iy cured ; pointing oul & mode o isimpie, cortain and effectual, by {every sufferer, no matter what his e t4 imay cure himself chespl ¥. P rivateiy and radios iy This lectures should be | 6 the hands of every youlh jand man in the land, Bent under seal in & plain i post paid on receli pl of {stam E ddress [ire CULVERW ELL M i i Irverwell's of Kpermas ¥ Ri wig in this adn iGsuor on! irabie eneny oe that E. ii practs snve. : Yo any ad six Phir 4g or Lwo ress postage EDICAL CO ’ P 0 box, 450 by the InQustr siness now before the pw ae eGed, We will start 41 Aon Bt. New Yor XS 72% A wick al Ge en, boys and girls wanted Best bu ——e gras, Now ist hs time You « work in sp sare time, or gi ive yo ur wh ibosiness. No other bosiness will pas i Noone can fall to make SNOrMOnE Puy, iat once outils outs 1d terms free fast, easily, and arly Ay Augusta, Maine. ev. oan ne senriy a» well, by en srging Money made TRUK & Co, Hanis i, PE MOR GAN & C0, ¢ time 1% Address Their Double Bottomed, All Stes! Satisfaction Guaran teod. r Send for WESTERN W WHEEL SCRAPER CO., Mt. Pleasant, lowa. THE SPIRAL SPRING BUGGY HAS THE ONLY ADJUSTABLE SPRING IN THE WORLD, No 8ac, NO Sway, No Piro. CARRIES ANY WEIGHT. OD 4 BY TURNING NUT ON TOP OF SPRING. _ TO SUIT ANY WEIGHT LIGHT, STYLISH AND STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS. EVERY BUGGY WARRANTED 2 YEARS. SPRINGS WARRANTED, 10 YEARS. THE EASIEST RIDING Buccy BUILT. THE NEWEST AND BEST THING OUT IN CARRIAGE SPRINGS. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST. Tue Spina Serine Busay Co., Rann RAPIDS, MICH, Banks P* N'S VALLEY BANKING CO., CENTRE HALL. deceive Deposits and allow In- terest; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Bes curities; Gold and Coupons. Wu Wour, W. B. MisoLr, Pres Cashier (NENTRE COUNTY BANGING CO. BELLEFONTE. PA, { Late Milliken, Hoover & Co.) Receive Deposits and Allow Interest; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Gov- ernment Securities; Gold sud Coup- ons. J As, A. NERVE ASD ARAL BRAS TH TREATHEST, » ag apeciiie for Rysitein, Bustos valsions, Fin, reas Ry yliyns. raved ant Taunt San tehaten, Waketulnome, Postel De Softening of the Brats restiting In insenity and oe mieery, Secny sod denth i Premature 004 Are, of Power is slither pax, Involns inary Losses ever atertion of the brain, Bas con talon one ments we i na SIX BOXES Jd DD. EUCGERT Cashier BEAVER, HE B Sovip wk EXL IL. BUILT “LF WVERNLY Sree & Pre x Int Con SR CTIN WILL STAND ANY dtl) Sern For I gSTRATER aR =, Ee Fruen,) Haun need) 000, About 4,000 haads were employed. Bsc Manufacturers Organs, DETROLT, Bags © KEND i NLT hp" Nid Ls BRAN! 1 i1GUSE LUAYET Lv mee ” h / i p, * 0h * tf Pa CUDA ILE L . CHT DRA AFT 2 Triumph Reapers | AND THE NO! ‘New ! Ss ow Clipper = gC I r Mov Ovier, FRS sre mune A for ay — wie ai Lal Bb. S. CREA al & 0. Brockport,MonroeCo., N.Y. ii Buchanan Wind Mill UNEXCELLED FOR BEAUTY, DURABILITY AED LIGHT RUNNING. Few method of attack. fag (he Bills, HALTS THRE MET POWERFUL AXED DURABLE MILL BUILT. ALL KINDS OF TANKS, PIPE, PUMPS, Etc. Be sure bo send for our new Csisdogue before baying. BUCHARAR WIRD MILL CO, BUCHANAN, MICHIGAN. Thoroughly well made aad sold at 8 Low Prioe Asovs Ineosrairion neransgyns ova No, § on Pang Cann THRER ST FERS Weighing them 00 12100 Iba. Prices trom $50 to $8 Br First-Class in every respiet, and everp body likes them. Send for Illustrated Price Livh BRADLEY & CO., SYRACUSEN. Y.