sid FRED KURTZ, . . . Editor Centre Harn, Pa, Aug. 9, 1883. CENTRE COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMITTEE FOR 1858, Name. P, O. Address. Bellefonte rict. nte N. W. = WwW, Chas, Smith WwW. W, 8. A. MeQuistion..... > boro. ira . Leathers Howard \ wre James P. Jones.........Milesburg Millheim ¥. PP. Musser Millheim Philipsburg 1 W G. G, Herlinger.... " 2W Bol Schmidt A.V. Carpenter... 1. J. McDonald Wim. Ishler Bellefonte Frank F. Adams...... Milesburg Henry Meeker... Pine Glen John ROOP....coess Lemont John McCloskey.........Romola J.T. MeCormick.. State College WwW. Walker. Rock Spring: Iron. Spring Milh we Farmers Mills . Woodward Aasronsburg Stormestown Boalsbhurg Howard 11 % 8 W invie boro iw m "leming fer..... Madisonburg y Filmaon ” Coburn Centre Hall Pussy ville Philipsburg Randy Rida Bellefont Snow Shoe Fowler Fleming iblersburg Rpt, Port Matilde WM. CC. HEINLE, Chalrman. [HOW INDIANA WAS CARRIED. From Dors o's Intervie Herald.) “Bat,” said the correspondent, “that i: indefinite. Here yonare distinctly charg od with having run things in Indiana, hav. nr won the fight and having been re -Jed with a banquet in New York.” “There is nothing in the Indiana cam We took the eans that were avai'able to carry the nin f hicago paizn to be ashamed of. y'ate and we carried it.” “Bat h>w? Simply organization—no noney 7 “Whr, ves. I said before it took mon- “How much was used, ia round fig ‘our hundred thousand dollars.” “And how was that money expend. a?” “Ob, now you are going down too deep- y. However, perhaps I can give you syme idea when I say there were 1,600 and more townships in the State, and hat in each of these townships we had three good, honest, square Republicans y canvass the whole vote, find out what was wanted in their townships to change the complexion of their affairs or help to to us at Indianapolis n the time came, 'Eachlone of these men, nearly 5,000 in number, reported what they could do and how much it would take to influence people to a thought, We paid $20 to some and as high as $75 to others, but do it, and report ¥ " nt chauge oil every towaship should know just what each go*. There was no chaoce for "nig- ging There, that's all there was in car- rying Iadiana ia October. You musa’t ask me to go any deeper into particu. Jars, for I wont d y it.” a # HIGH LICENSE AND PROHIBI-Z TION. I'he difference between high license and prohibition was never better illus trated anywhere than in Kansas City Just Sunday. It is well knowa that Kan- io Missouri and part in sthing but an imaginary dividing the two, This line runs along the centre of astreet. In Missouri they have a high license law, and in Kausas the sale of ull kinds of liquor is total'y probibitel. The high license law of Missouri prohibits the sale on Sunday. Sandiy week was the first since the Su- preme Court had affirmed the constitu tisaality of the law, and the officers had announced that they intended to enforce its provisions, It was impossible in the Missouri part of the city to get a glass of liquor, while over on the Kansas side the saloons of all kinds were kept open, and the thirsty Missourians had nothing to do but to cross the street to get all they wanted. Never bufore wa there as quiet and orderly a Sanday i Kansas City proper. A high license law with stringeat provisions, can be en. forced, and the sale of intoxicants thus restrainad to a great extent, while with the present publicsentiment prohibition cannot be enforced to an extent that will accomplish the end sought for. The attention of practical temperance men everywhere is being tarned toward the question of high license. and there is a probability that temperance legislation will take a decided step forward. In Kansas city the license is now $1,350. This high license shuts off the worst of saloons, a nbnp—y go sas City is part Kansas, with n HES It gives nus pleasure to call the atten- tian of our readers to the series of ads vertisements of the James Boss’ Gold Watch Cases now appearing in our col- ums. This watch case has been on the market for nearly thirty years and has attained a reputation which is second to none, it now Being universally co to be the standard, The James Boss’ Gold Watch Cases are made of two solid fourteen karat gold, soldered on side of a plate hard nickel composition metal, These plates of gold are thick enough to admit of engraving, chasing, ete, und supply all the gold needed for practical use, while the composition plate furnishes the strength and solidity needed. in every watch case, and yet lacking in those wade of solid gold, Al ——— At ———————— though these cases are as good, and in some points better than a solid case, the cost is only about one-half as much. Many of Se James Boss’ Gold Cases have been in constant use for twenty- five years withont wearing through the gold, The manufacturers furnish a guar antee with each case warranting it to wear twenty years, and this guarantee means just what it says, for unlike other guarantee furnished so often with watch cases, this is #igned by the manufacturers of the James Boss’ Gold Watch Cases, Purchasers should avoid any watch case anless the guarantee is signed, as other~ wise it is not only worthless but is in tended so to be, and the absence of a re- liable signature is fair indication that the manufacture lacks faith in his claims or in his goods. et ——— A CHILD PERISHES IN ING BARN. Lewistown, Jnlv 30,—A large barn be- longing to David W. llr, at Bellville, this county, was burned yesterd «y afterncor., A daughter of Dr J. B, Lloyd, ten vears old, perished in the limes Two of the doctor's ehildrin were playing in the barn and haviag some matches set t ¢ hay on fire to see the rmoke. The bo escaped uninjmed, I'he oss on the barn and contents is about $2,000 ; ir surance, £1 200, "A BURN- - lp Robert Fulmer, of Elimsport, Lycom- ing county, is thirty one years old and two feet four inches high, or two inches smaller than Tom Thumb. lle has three brothers und one sister, each of whom is over six feet t 1, The first number of Dio Lewis’ Month~ ly has made its appearance, beginnlog with ihe month of August. The aim of he magazine is to popularize sanitary wience. It is needless to repeat what all know, Mat Dio Lewis is high anthority the laws of health and the methods of wolonging life. His monthly should ave a wide circulation, in fact it should he a monthly visitor in every household. $2.50 a year or 25¢, a number. Publish ad by Clarke Brothers, 68 & 69 Bible House, New York. Fira: All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer, No Fits alter first days nse, Marvelous cores. [reaties and $2.00 trial bottles free to Fit cases. Send to Dr, Kline, 631 Arch St, Philad., Pa. 1ljune y —————————— SNATCHED FROM THE GRAVE, My wife was at the brink of the grave. She had been given up to die by three of Allegheny City’s best physicians. They all pronounced her disease Consumption, Her finger-nails and lips were blue; was pulseless at the wrist; we were all called to witness her death. Atthis moment a peizhbor brought ia Dr. Hartman, who prescribed a teaspoonful of Peruna every hour. She improved from the first dose, and in a week she was up, and now (less than six months) she is well. See page 30 in the “Ills of Life,” a book yon can get gratis from your Droggist. If not address Dr. Hartman, Osborn, Ohio, T. 8S. EBERLEIN, South Chicago, Ill. GRAHAM & SON, MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS IN BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER. If you want’ good, honest Boots and Shoes—goods that you will be pleased with—ouy the following makes, and you will get the best: E. C. BURTS Celebrated Bhoes for Ladies and Children. dANAN & SON'S, New York, Fine Shoes for Men and Boys, every pair warranted, J. HL BY RMESS Rochester Fine Shoes for Ladies and Children. In connection with the above fine shoes we have a fine line of MEN'S CALF & KIP BOOTS * PLOW SHOES, BROGANS, & SLIPPERS of every description, at the lowest fig. ures. par Remember the ry on Corner of BROCKERHOFF ROW, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. i Tmay LEKS! SECHLERS ! SECHLERS! FERTEFCAE SRTRRRRER SESRAS LER FARERS ERE NEW GOODS FEACOREIE FEEAIIONE AEIEE AEITEREE Care } 3 : ; Just opened a full line of Choice Fami- y GROCERIES GROCERIES AND AND PROVISIONS, PROVISIONS, Such as TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, CANNED GOODS, DRIED FRUITS, MEATS, NUTS, OYSTERS, FINE CANDIES, FISH, SYRUPS, ETC. Together with GLASS, CHINA, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. AND HOUSEHOL KINDS ri Goods are all newly bought, strictly fresh, and of the very best kind. MEAT MARKET. Beef of the choicest cattle, veal, pork and mutton, fresh and always on haod. 80 nov. tf by others. 2R8jun y for produce. If you want & MCYCLE, a VELOCIPEDE, Of SEND TO H. B. HART, for a Price list and description. SPRING s&r-and cheapest Building Mates" gay-rial is of Jas. §. Krape & Co., Spring Mills, Pa., who keep all kinds of FLOORING, GERMAN, & SPLIT SIDING, SURFACE BOARDS, WINDOW BASHES, SHUTTERS, BLINDS &e., &ec., &eo Anything wanted not ready hort will be furnished on short nos fice. SPRING OPENING "83. Having completed shelving and fix ing up my goods, I extend a cordial invitation to everybody to come and consist of Goods examine my goods, which Clothing, Men's Furnishing Hats and Cape, Boots and Shoes, and the best assortment of Trunks and Valises in the county. I haven't $40, 000.00_worth of goods, I am sorry to say, but what I have is new and of the latest styles. I have good goods, and gome cheap goods. I have some of the very best make of the celebrated Rochester goods. I have them to suit young and old, rich and poor. I will not boast of what I will do, but if you give mea call I will doas I always havedone : treat you fair and honest and give you the value of your mons ey, and don’t you forget it. Isaac Guggenheimer, In New Addition to Bush's Arcade, BELLEFONTE, PA, P.8.—A full stock of the best Leath. er alwayson hand. Cash paid for all kinds of hides. 26apbm 3 IST OF GOODS AT HA ), retanants, ple to select enough of s Fine Wo fen i Hats Finest | r Haw n'% Dress Shoos Bewed shoes igi Patent la i LADIES 1 shoes ¢ shoes —_— — « Provisi A L YON & ¢ 0, one oolor 10 finisl w 0 TH cents iri ng them Mos " y wer Dry Os at =r v but 418 v} es ads slags of Dark & Light # ft Brovaded Saltosr id Setecns One Lot o ces show TT iwpper 1 of pr "12 SUH 10 5 7 X 5 Tix 20 (0 Ki OT OF SUITS ALL WOOL . (hverstovked., : nine We Are ¥i oft viet oft 3 — what they ar worth "actually a3) 45 20 30 1 ow ond 10 23 Whore re 3 fi 2 Gh fxs 1 cisew Dote 50 Pune Our re ew er ow) i 50 am ww Child's regular made Home... One lot of all Silk Colored and Child's and Misses Hose. june 28 Sash Ribbons 6 to 8 in. wide Black Sash Ribbon. 25 a yd. actual a Ge 4 pair for 2, SEND FOR SAMPLES, LY 6 pair for 25¢ value TH & 10 clpewhere ie ON & CO and QGueensware. The public will always find Val. It in Their special or- Jellefonte they will s vder Ores highest prices paid Always PHATONS, BUCCIES, ROAD CARTS. For Terms and Prices address, FISK BROS. & CO., RACINE, WIS. Or call on D* i A alls tended to ful practics, { (4. W. PHY®I KLINE, IAN & SURGROX, Potters Mills, V snd night, opt nd several years su juny Dentists. KB G. W. HOSTEKMAN, Dentist, Centre Hall, Otfice at residence on Church street, oppo- ute Lutheran Church, Will give satiss taction in sil branches of his profession, Ether administered 14adr DD 8..G. GUTELIUS.— Dentist, Millbeim., Offe professional services to the public. prepared to perform sll operations in feptal prutession. He is now fully pre pared to extract teeth absolutely wilhe pein. my 4 Druggists. J ZELLER & SON, — oe DRUGGISTS, Bellefonte, Dealer In DRUGS, —— CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, | FANCY GOOD® { Pure Wines sand Liquors for medic purposes siways kepl. Hotels. New Brockerhoff House. BROCKERHOFF HOUSE, ALLEGHENY 87, BELLEFONTE, G. G. McMILLEN, Prop'r. Good Sample Rooms on First Floor. 5%. Free Buss to and from all trainee of Special rates to witnesses and jurors. 5junt PAM EMPRETZY AN, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER after April 1st will open in the Durst building, when be will be prepared to make to order Boots and Shoes, and do all kiods of repairing. Satisfaction guar- anteed, and charges reasonable. He asks a share of the public patronage. Smartf Te ¥ Hus b a. "mRtia AVAL PA. Wilsonia Insoles. with all their consequent i quired. So-called incurables taken The Wilsonia A have pain. fu stampa, » WJ 8 © es © by for me in one whether for lady or An inne Lean i / 3 FE CY Appliances. Ave'd colds. PRICE, 0 & marvelous work among invalids. No medicine re. tals and cured. #50 000 avd gentleman. —— LIGAT DRAFT COMBINATION PENN HARROW ton Li. * has all the Harrows in the one require! place, and they are adapt ru Marker ¥ soil fell Painted and in in passing over ii , ak ed to an eth, Cathiden, New Jermay, Twe Harrowi therefore will do double the work of any d a great saving of igse ared lalw 0 your intevest and buy the Penn Harrow. Manufacured only by the | Wit Revolves and gives the ground over any other, it ean be wo easily changed with Beeel T. he most unhandy implement on the (are, inte Five Different Harrows adding an extra piece or bolt. Thus the forme other Harrow and save the farmer half his labor and a Complete Sled for each Harrow, wi how ® Another great advantage the Penn Harrow has once, Penn Harrow Manufacturing (ou. Stretcher sent EL with Harrow. Penn Hamow is made of the Best White Ouk, first-class. Formerly a Hasvow wast it is the most convenient, an every with our