THE CENTRE REPORTER. SUPPL EMENT. CERTRE HALL Pa. July 18, 1883. Jumbo on His Muscle, Jumbo took it into his capricious head last night that he would like a lit- tle more liberty, and so the braced him- self, and, placing his enormous against the side of the through it apparently as easily as if it was paper. Previous to his return with the traveling show the corner designat- ed for him in the elephant (UATters was overlaid with plank, crossed and re- crosued, spiked and bolted, until a wall nearly a foot thick had been formed, and it was thought that nothing on this earth could tear it down, But he pried off the boards with his tusks, and made quite a hole in that Then he went through what was left with the greatest He wasn't bit ugly about it; it was only one of his pl: ayfu | freaks. After he reached the open air he was as quiet and as a lamb, and walked all arcund the grounds un- concernedly in charge of Mr. Scott, his English trainer. His prodigious strength can hardly be realized. He will off a beam six inches square with great ease and perform other pleasant tricks of like nature. mer. way. ease, a ge ntle EE — —— CENTRE HALL J. W. HEN {Successors to J. se (1 Manufacture snd keep on hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIER SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHR kind of vehicles, 0. Deininger constantly § and all All work made of the ics of long experience. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Grand Spring fiper OF ALL T! LATH NOVE L T |E S. Wolf & Son's New MSlock is Complete in Every Department, km bracing : Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing, Hats and caps, Boots and | Shoes, Gents’ Furnishing Goods Trunks, Satchels, Groceiies, Flour, &e.. d&c, &c ND IN FACT EVE LYTHING IN A FIRST CL. MERC ANTIL E STURE. ER DR ESS GOODS Ede Trimmings » El BK { ENN SUMME In the Latest Styles and % 8%. es tics is BRiWBMVE Hain which woe especial vite 1 of thie Ladies AN ELEGANT LADIES MISSES’ CHILDREN SHOES, LINE ¢ ’ FINE NN R STOCK OF | GLOTHING AND i Gent's Furnishing Geods, &¢, i ISCOMPLETE AND FOR CHEAPN DURABILITY Excelled. a and Lanuot be I Pa PPP Pa ll tT GREAT BARGAINS —) No NITURE FURMN PUR CAMPS R. i1URE W. ROOMS, Centre 1lall, Pa. Consisting of | CHAMBER SUITS, BEDSTEADS LOUNGES, BUREAT NKS EXTENSION TABLES, MATTRESSES, SPRING BEDS, JANE snd WOUD SEAT CHAIRS, &, | | ( out first-class COM E 021 SEE OUR “Banks PEs 8 VALLEY BANKIN CENTER HALL. Receive Deposits and allow In- terest; Discount Notes; Buy and Bell Government Bea curities; Gold and Coupons. Wx Wor, W. 8B. Mixarz, | Pres Cashier G CO., UNDERTAK We keep on band all the latest best styles of Coffins and Burial HKobes aud Shrouds, NG a specialty. and { askels, ui THA WE ALL OUK FURNITURE, which to be second to none 181 wl REMEMBER we in