THE CENTRE REPORTER. FRED KURTZ, . . . Editor CextrRE Har, PA, June 7, 1883, NN NN NN NE NN SN NN A lawlul ton of coal, as decided by the United States Cirenit Court, at Philadel- phia, shonld weigh 2,240 pounds. ea ih The Pennsylvania Editorial Associns tion will have its annual excursion this vear to Fortress Monroe. The mem-~ bers will rendezvous at Baltimore on the gvening of June 11th and go by boat to the Fortress, The Reronten will not have time logo with the party this year, sorry. . - - DECORATION, The decoration ceremoniés, at Centre Hall, on Wednesday, 30th ult., were the maost imposing and solemn yet held here. At6p. m. the different Sabbath schools formed in line at the lower end of town, where they were met by the Shannon Post, The Linden Hall band having arrived, the procession proceeded to the cemetery, all in line supplied with bi iguels for dead soldiers, in the apen space of the cemetery there was erected by the ladies an evergreen monument studded with flowers, in honor of the “missing” heroes —those killed in battle whose remains were not found. The crowd in the grave-yard was large, and every counte- nance seemed to wear the solemnity of the occasion. The children were formed in a circle and divided into squads tr girew the graves with flowers, The first exercise was the reading of brief buf appropriate sentiments by members of the Post—Messrs. Wm, J. Thompson, Wm. Shoop, And. Gregg, George Boal and Thos. Palmer. The joint choir then s=ang a patriotic air which was elezantly performed. The squads of little boys and girls were then marched to their respective sections of the cemetery and bedecked the graves of the fallen ones with flowers, followed by music from the band. Rev. W. LE Fischer then delivered the decoration address, which was full of lofty senti- ment of patriotism and eloquence, and delivered with such a clearness of yoice that every one of his well-spoken sen- tences could be distinctly understood is the most distant part of the crowd, The address, besides, wos full of historic in- terest both of our own land and times and of ancient days. Rev. Roeder followed in a short ad- dress, speaking to the purposes of the monament that honored the “missing,” and feelingly touched upon the sacred- ness of the memory of those whose bones native soil for barial, The choir again sang a patriotic air in most charming style, when the crowd was dismissed. The ceremonies, all through, exceeded any yet had here on Decoration day in their imposing nature and solemnity, The Linden Hall band did itself credit by the charming music it discoursed, and our own drom-corps wakened up fires of patriotism by their martial A$ Bpracetown, in the safiernoon, sg farge crowd agsembled to decorate the} graves of soldiérs buried there. The Post of Centre Hall went there in a body, and the ceremonies passed off with be- coming solemnity. An able address suit~ ed to the occasion, was delivered by Rev. Foster, of this place. We did not learn fuller particulars. . We Apis “LITTLE MAC” Galveston, Texas, May 24.-~The Fort Worth Gazetle prints a four column in-~ terview with Gen. Geo. B, McClellan, io which the latter discussed matters freely. He is in Texas in the interest of a syndi- cate of New York capitalists who contem- county. He thinks the South in general and Texas in particular have made won- derful progress since the war, He antici- pated that the introduction of cotton fac tori== would advance the Cotton States to the first position in the Union. The Democratic party should come out square- ly for a tariff for revenue only, Absolute free trade was iropossible, People would not sabmit to the burden of protection any longer. vored the election of Carlyle for Speaker of the House, but spoke very warmly of tandali's ability and services. Tilden was out of the field as a Presidential pos- gibility, and Cleveland was never a can- didate. He spoke warmly of Hancock and Bayard. It would not surprise him if the former was again the Democratic nominee. Batler and Dana were impos sibilities, 48 none but straight Democrats should be honored, He further said that Northern capitalists were striving land, and that cattle raising was becom ing contagious with Northern people. Sessa AY» “ “ ~The Czar is now crowned Empe- for and bis subjects seem to be glad and the Czar is | too, of course, But to the people of Centre county it is of more importance that the crown has been awarded to the Philad. Branch for al- ways relling the cheapest clothing to all men, rich and poor, high aod low. These are greater benefits than any crowned head can bestow upon his subjects. en ore rely Someta For a 25¢ corn broom, best to be found, go to Sechlers, also, for a seamless 95¢ bag, ball potash 10, good tomatoes 3 cans for 25¢, Silver's corn 3 cans for 26e¢, Winslow's corn 3 cans for 45¢, marrow fat peas 3 cans for 25¢, Lima beans 3 cans for 42¢, strawberries 3 cans for 90¢, pine apples 3 cans for 70¢, pie peaches 3 cans for 60c, Boston bean 18c¢ per can, The following canned California fruits: Necta- riens 35 cents, 3 cans for $1. 3 cans $1. Green gages 35c, 3 cans $1, White muscat grapes 35¢, 3 cans $1. Egg plums 35 cents, 3 cans for §1. Lemon cling peaches 36¢, 3 cans $1. Bartlett pears 85¢,3 cans $1. Royal Baking Powder 40 cents for 1 1b. can. Bakers’ Baking Powder 25 cents for 1 1h. can, Blackweii's Pickles 30 cents, 8 jars for 86 cents, Babbit's best soap 6 cents per bar, $5.25 per box of 100 bars. Fine new Turkey prunes 10¢ per pound. Bossine prunes 15¢ per pound, 4 bs. for 50 cents, arge French prunes 20c per 1b, 3 lbs. for BO cents. Five table syrap 60c per gallon, 5 gallon lots b5 cts, Boyd'g queen wyrap 80c per gallon, 5 gallon lots 70 etn, Fine enred hams 19¢ per pound, every ham waranted, Fine new choese 18 cents per Ib. Roasted coffec 14e per 1 RSA BIL —Any of our readers wanting a nice and latest style suit for a little boy, let them call at the Philad. Branch where Is to be found the choicest selection in the county, especially purchased with a view to please, and very reasonable in price, Go and see the boys’ suits at the Pbilad. Branch. Work Given Ont. On receipt of your address we will make an offer by which ou can earn 83 to 87 eveniogs, at your ome, Men, women, boys or girls can do it. H.C. Wiuxixsox & Co, 195 Fal ton St, New York. 10mayGt carro omic es. " REST. No cure like this was ever known, The doctors disagreed, But each one seemed to be at homeo Until they each were fee'd : They said 'twas cancer of the breast In Mrs Ingram’s case, But Perunna set all at rest, And scrofula left the place. ER ——— Having completed shelving and fix | o I 5 i i pg up my goods, I extend a cordial | i invitation to everybody to come and | examine my goods, which consist of | Clothing, Men's Furnishing Goods | Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, apd | i the best assortment of Trunks and Valises in the county. I baven’t $40, 000.00 worth of goods, I am sorry to I have good goods, and | } latest styles. some cheap goods. I have some of | the very best make of the celebrate 1} Rochester goods. | gp i if you? i give me a call I will do as I always | and give you the value of your mons | ey, and don’t you forget it. | Isaac Guggenheimer, In New Addition to Bush's Arcade | JELLEBONTE, PA, P.8S.—A full stock of the bes er alwayson hand. Cash paid for all kinds of hides. | 26apbm GRAHAM & SON, MANUFACTURERS & DEALE2S| IN i BOOTS, SHOES & LEATHER. If you want good, honest Boots and Shoes—goods that you will be pleased with—buy the following makes, and you will get the best: LE. C. BURTS Celebrated Shoes for Ladies and Children. HANAN & SON'S, New York, Fine Shoes for Men and Boys, every pair warranted, J. H. BYRMESSY Rochester Fine Bhoes for Ladies and Children. In connection with the above fine shoes we have a fine line of MEN'S8CALF & KIP BOOTS® PLOW SHOES, BROGANS, & SLIPPERS of every description, at the lowest figs he o 8&5" Remember the place, on Corner of BROCKERHOFF ROW, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A. Is the BEST BUILT, 2 FINEST FINISHED : EASIEST RUNNING SINGER MACHINE ever offered the public. alove cut reprosonts the moat popular style - which we wlier Br the very low prick of Remember, we do not sek you to pay until you have mon the machine. Alferd having Rd i, 4 it 1s pot all ive repItent, retumy § fo, 14 at ot soud for circulars and testimonials, : Addreas CHARLES A, WOOD & 00, Philadelphia, I's. | Ib. packages Best granulated sugar 10 per pound. 3 No. 17 N. Teuth Bb, | | English MENAGERIE In combination with ASTLEY'S MUSEUM, AQUARIUM AVIARY. HIPPODROME, EGY)» TAIN CARAVAN AND ROYAL AMPITHEATRE, A GLORIOUS COLLOSSAYL COMBI. NATLO AND } SHOWS » < ude, QOutvie- Col pos BINCE THE lnding the Giant Elephant “EMPRESS” tnd The Blue-lforned Horse. | black Rhi- es ever captured, and in the Grand Mes onkevs, Eirds and Reptiles. A car joad of ocean mar vels, wo : g Circus nog, t+ formers, repre~ i ; 3: Ghee Bi BROWN, RIDER MISS MOLLE 2 CHAMPION FEMALE WORLD. RCUR ROYAL'S BEAUTY! THE HAND- BOMEST FEMALE BARE ; RIDER THE HAS EV 1,000 Men, Women, Children, Hore es, Ponies, Mules, Elephants, ete, 9 Great Shows on Earth could not distract one iota from this Supreme monarch of the road with its thousands of mighty features un- known to Antediluvian Menageries, using in ite’transit one of the finest private railway equipages ever see, This great Show travels by rail only. In majestic maguificence! Most suc cessfol | Most comprehensive! Most novel! Most interesting ! Make up your parties af once. Bear in mind the day and date of this Great Show is positively fixed-—no change. No Postponement! Rain or Shine! Don’t ba deceived by cunningly worded hacd bills being distributed throughout the country to mislead ou, There is but one Orest Circus Royal. Il railroads run cheap excursion rates! Make this a General Grand Gala Holiday, Remember the day and date. Grand procession at 10 a. m, $ bands of music, 30 Cages of Wild Animals, Golden Chariots, One mile of shining splendor ! ADMISSION 50 Cents, CHILDREN 25 Counts, WILL EXHIDIT'AT Bellefonte, Thursday, June 14th. ALWAYS AHEAD ! for Lowest Prices in Store Goods | | ron a Read and Study this! | ENIN G WHITE DEEES GCOS | FOR MEN. Baptists Claire Linen D'Conlande| Paris muslin and Edges and Lace! Point Dijon, Embroidered lace! White Guipure, &e. A lot of Chils! dren’s Lace Collars, comprising a mixed lot closed out from the manu-| facturer,at J cents a piece, some ofl ' . . Ly A line of the few of the Many Da s An all wool Ca gimere suit lieht cos i L 8 bottom: black Pants 82 00. A odd Child's Huit at ring basket 8 cents a piece. from 82 00 up. A special bargain ip collars and | .. r= neetal bargain No. 1. best quality Moleskin former price 81 25. " Boys’ Bocks Sets a pair. i duced from £2 50 to 1 00. A lot of Epecial bargain No. 2 A lot of Parasols redue d FOR THE LADIES: cents to 10ects. Ladies Piush and Leather Cabas, at 25 to 60 cents, old price 1 to 2 dols lars. The finest quality of linen, col-| , 3 duced {rom 35cts to 124cta. i The finest assortment of Hamburg edgings and inserting, Swiss edge and A lot of finest Dress Nainsook edge and inserts | duced from 15cts to 12icts. inserting, ey + bis BJ ersne 4 td 3 1 ing Sash 1ibbon, embroidered edge, a Cm } . . ; Special bargain No, 5. for bonnet and hat trims ’ { per yard, HACK Eli watered $ ' 1 suitable also 3 id bows, 25 cents To Prints reduced from Scts {o bets, d, oid price Locts, Special bargain No. 6. A lot or Men's ne { € i} & luced from £2 50 to 81 50. A wool Watered Baleen in garnet, | Special 1 Drown, navy i . Sa af (lenta ole price Sicts ; of rents extra A tot : : fine geroet and cardin: | duced from H0cts to 20 width, HUcts, price Isewhere Thets;) &.in? Larnain No 8 chlidren’s plaids 8, 10 and 12 cents, nr ar ast one-half M f Infants’ fine laced } ou0eis prices « isewhere more ; olor, new sivie A lot « 5% sir Paes td 4 £ : 3% { Sp oy ¥ DEW DULL SDoes reqauced irom « I ba lad vie Hispnn L€ Zia BAY Aas 0 | mpies wilh our prices by goods you i LYON LYON & CO. BELLEFONTE, ER AR RIA LT RT A SNS I EE TR ———— Carpets NS. & A. Loeh. Clothing. NOW (COMPL STE TN CARPETS BELLEFONTE. SPRING STOCK OF CLOTHING JUST IN! FEsRRE uy SRERAS ERR BE RENE 1 Before buying lo k at our immense se lection for this springs basiness, and get our prices for your guidance in purchasing of others. S. & A. LOEB. Boots and Shoes. We are now ready with an immetse stock for Spring and summer, Our tock is more extensive, and better selecied than ever LADIES, MISSES & CHILDRENS LACE AND BUITON BOOTS BOYS AND YOUTH'S LACE BUTTON AND CONGRESS SHOES, AND BOYS HEAVY BROGANS AND PLOW SHOES. MEN'S MEN'S We are ‘sole agents for Reynolds Brothers Utica, and D Armstrong Rochester Shoes, for Ladies Misses and Children, These goods are well known throughont the whole country, and scarcely auy need recommendation, for style, fit, and quality there are no better made. i We guarantee everything we recemmend. “Ladies Shoe Polish--Will Not Crack the Leather. wt Dall & Mingle, gh Toop i DW A BRE HARDWARE HARDWARE, OG ¢ — Aad nn HARRIS & CO AS, 5 HARRIS & OD py RE SELLING —— SECTIOFS ARD REAPER BEAPLR HEAPER SPROUTS AN HARDWARE MARDS IN THIS Cards— Attorneys. . HEWES, Attorney-uls Law, Atwrney eny street, beilelont, FORTNEY, Atloruey=al Law { Conard building, Bellefonte OC. MM. Bover & BOWER, silica in o : A A poy J Alexander, q LEXANDER iF, As % 4 BELLEFONTE, FPA. in Garmau's new buliding. Alor ey-ul Law Collections promily made and special alle ion given Ww those fi erty lor sale, Will ¢ wiedged Deeds, fy y mie, bn. Bi, Allorney-st-Law suitations In English and in Furst's new building Dentists. "FRANK, YSICIAX & SU ¥ ‘ may on BR. G. W. HOBSTERMAN, Dentist, Centre Hall, idence on Church street, oppor an Church, Will give satis sil branches of Lis prolession, wdminisiered, january 5. G. GUTELIUS,~ £1113 Dentist Oflers his Sidiiueiin, fessional services w he putin, He is epared (0 periorin sii operalicus in Lue Lal profession eG LO BXATS Druggists. ZELLER & BON, DRUGGISTS, Belicionle Dealer In DRUGS a HEMICALS, PERFUMERY, FANC Y GOODS, &o. ' ada i a au a RAS} Hotels. % 3 New Brockerhoff House. i B ROCKERBOFF HOUSE, ‘AD ALLEGHESY 87. BELLEFONTE, FA. G. G. McMILLEN, Prop'r. (x00d Sampie ooms on First Floor, SF res Duss lo and {rom sil trains, Special rales 10 wilness nd § USH HOUSE. W. RK. Teller, proprietor, Belle tonte, *pecial attention given to country trade. Jjunelby B™ S HOUSE, | 4 BELLEFOXTE, T'A {FRASK X Lesmax, Proprietor Rast hrand 3 ' Lest brands vi Liguors ang Cigars on nad. Go ceom sodations for Travels rs 8nd Commercial Men Also Beer bot vier, Aeris réssons le. Hjand iy Ba. &s. PF N's VALLEY BANKING CO, CENTRZ HALL. > . . ” Rleecive Deposits and allow In- terest; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell Government Se curities; Gold and Coupons, Wa. Wor, W. Bb, MixoLs, ll Pres CUeshipr (3 wE COUNTY BANKING C0. BELLEFONTE, PA. lis {Late Milliken, Hoover & Co.) | Receive Deposits and Allow Interest; i Discount Notes; : Buy and Sell Goy- ‘ernment Securities; Gold and Coup- | ONS, (das, A. SEAVER, J D. Buvansr : ‘Eres. ci Castier, W M. oh GIRTER, = i *hotographer, Cor. 80 & Market | Strocts, LEWISBURG, Pa. All kinds of work per. Hminiog to photography extending in the highest I¥tyie of the art, Prices as low as good work can {be done for. Pictures in oll, crayon or India ink | made life size from the smallest picture. All who have pictures to enlarge will do well by calling sy my gallery, 1omartm QR’ * People ars siwayson the sullookifor Wise chances Wo iporease thelr enrnin and ia lime become wealthy; hens Het romalain hi net improve their opp oriun . pry. want wa v 0 hy) A dnd girteto wo mg wa han oa di ry ape can di & prope rom thy start eo Business will par 0 ore a ines ordisary wages, Expensive onifits furnivied Ton. No one engaged falls to make money rapid? You can devote your whole time to the work, or ue iy your spare moments. Fall information snd a that je needed sont free, Address STINSON JO, Portlsnd, Maine, 1snly A Great Cause of Human Mise y II» ABA Soc. 4