co Fmd es Our excellent young friend, Dr. Kline, having left Stormstown and located a! Potters Mills, a prominent citizen of the former place writes us the following en- dorsement of the Dr., whose card mill ap- pear in our next issue: Harr Moox, Jane 4. In the month of roses Half Moon vals ley suffers u great surprise and certainly a great loss, Dr, G. W. Kline, who has been one of the most successful physi- cians this valley has ever had, announces that be has decided to leave them and locate at Potters Mills. The expressions of the citizens generally are enough to convince any man of the skill and worth of Dr, Kline. You can hear them say: “He has been the most successful doctor we have ever had” ‘He was so atten: tive to his patients,” “He is a man of excellent Christian character.” We are sorry to loose onr physician in whom we have #0 much confidence : a friend of so much worth. Potters Mills and Valley have gained one in whose judg- ment and skill they ean confidently trast, We predict for him a most nsefal future in the grand valley to which he goes to locate. The good wiglies Ff the people go with him A.1L H » THE CENTRE REPORTER. 883. cos re JCENTRE Hark, PA, Jun 7, 1 The Largest Paper in Cenire County, Terus —§2 per year in advance. $250 when not in advance. Advertisements 20) centa per line tor three insertions. Yourly and half yearly ad's at special ratas, One colum per yoar 390-1 colum $40. ger~Hereaftor all subscribers paying their subscription in advance, will got a vredit of two months additional as a pre minum. v For Completeness and Variety of Stock the THE FAIR & SUPPLY DEPOT, Spring Mills, Penu'a, “Fakes the Cake.” No place for shopping like ‘em “in this neck o' - keep? selling all kinds A A TRULY GRI HOW of store goods cheap, and the bargains! @ constantiv offered here deawins | » 5 the crowd. Ladies always find the pret.| © tiest and latest siyies dress the Pennsvalley bargain store = —eMai. Fisher's team, hitched al Cireus Me spring wagon, was frightened by the lo- ih the (re comotive at Spriog Mills, on last Friday | anuarivm and ran off, badly wrecking the wagor te do 1 ot hes fa The sad reached Lock Great Amusement Temple Haven by telegram on Tuesday that Mr.ivery best trave en the road ; J. C. Fietcher, oldest son of Rev. RB. IH. new and interestiug features exhibite Fletcher, bad been shot and killed thelsach as the Glorious and Lightning Br day previous by a Spaniard, at Tipton, lant Electric Lig! 5 1 wae [Vinge #8iiik keen ley Combinali { O'Brien Si of 37, snl a JEON Os amt Long ned aw EGET Ast ru WM intelligence ing A SHOCKING CRIME Carlisle, Ya. June 2. Yesterday morn ing at nine o'clock the shocking discover: was made st Huntedale, Cumberland cours ty, a hamlet on the Harrisburg and Pol mac railroad about ten miles from Carlisle that Mra. Martin Doulas had, during a fit of insmnity, ber three children, ranging in age from six months to five years, aid had then taken her own life, The children were lying in bed with their throais cut, and the mother on the floor in the room, slso with her throat cut, and a bloedy rezor lying near. Mrs, Dougles was fn woman of about twenty-six years of ago. Her husband is a sober and industr - and works st Pine Grove, Fu» He usua avd re- killed Gus man, naces, six or seven miiles away, ly left bonis on Sunday evening, furne Saturday. It is reported Lhod 3 t Dr, ioned Diouglus, oa ahowid rym ile hard wWio ive Liongsdor be the hus thal she might con. stan ling this wa nd nor Lhe peren's sary Lo exe » Thursdsey remaining iL hiece Li kK. Uptotbe time she leit she saw nothing in her dsughter’s condu SUIATCE LO arouse suspicion : 1 ine astir about the honse ¢ r yesterday morning, the for the horrified to find tho resson LOADS OF DEAD sali i ai —— A queer Giver € n, Musk: SRics y Kimbalt rah 5. P. hem a8 T Diller terns 8 in Bellefor Ji 14, 15 the bi 3 county seat, The Shows, and sranch Show, admi saved by purch: for ready mad Branch. When i sho OQ ni One thie other 's = maouey show hilad, Ww The ft once first al the Tipton Times temsine were place it a clase. This conso baried at that place. idation of Big Railroad Shows is to We are informed, says the Lock Haven | Bellefonte, on Th ursdas , June 14 Journal, that the officers of the West| Below will be found extracts from va Branch Camp Meeting Association are rious papers at places where this Grea seriously considering the adyisability of est Show on Earth has already exhibite not holding a meeting at Wayne this) “Parents, professors of educational in. year. {stitutions in the city and surrounding List of jetlers remainisg in the post|country should encourage the attendance oflice, at Centre Hall, June 6, 1883: Miss|of Children, great and (small, to witness Clara J. Warner, Miss N, M. Lewis, Mr, this great exhibition, known throughout T. W. Dawson, Mr. W, T. Dawson. {the world as the “Great O'Brien Six J. A. Reesmax, P. M. Shows, ete,” Cireat because of its new L Mr. Mover. miller at Linde all {30d attractive features, one of which is sadn I ; c Ko 3 NE Fat Linden Hal '{the charming and unrivaled Miss Mollie and Mr. J. €. Kuhn, of same place gave o the «ham H Indy us a call. They report crop prospects) FONT, Be The GoD oi 5 lady haze OF . a, ders, ie reat iectirie Light ; good up har : ., [the 851,000 Hunting and War Elephant, aving ordered some new card fonts, Empress; the Charming Laila, the Hu. our patrons can have hill heads and en-'man Cannon Ball; the Pretty French velopes printed at 75 cents per 1000. Equestrienne, Gertrude Le Monde; the Our subscribers should bear in mind| Fascinating Mile. Olymphia, the Herpine when one year is paid in advance, $2, we |of Niagara and thousands of artistic and allow a credit of 2 months as a premiam. enjoyabie sensational attractions that has Henry Rossman, one of Tussey never belore been seen under the canves ville’s leading citizens, favored the Re- of any feuted show. Altogether this is orTER with a call, and reports crop and |'3 8 eTY best and most attractive show fruit pr ts good in that section. Mr. that has ever visited our city. — Washing - 3 E. Gentzel, one of Nittany valley's ton Critic, May 19, 1883, arge farmers, gave us a call, Mr, Gentz- ABY BI EORARD of Dorecting large barn, and reports Datsun vons HAN at i * » prt v Pe je 3 Ceili iaeiin crops good in the section of Zion. Miss! the baby elephant—and declare $300 : Bmith, of this place, with her visiting|ooo i 5 8 y 2 wotild not buy it. He offers $52,000 friend, Miss Neese, called to see how the for an insurance of the lila of the infant for RrrorrERs are printed, 62 weeks, Surely if he know the true va ~—Mr, Samuel Hess, of near Pine/Y¢ of Peruna and Manslio, he would do Grove Mills, recently celebrated his 84th | 70 #uch foolish thing, as they are the mort birthday. The occasion was taken ad- SugCetafiyl Protective medicines that hava f by th ladi e {ever boea iatroduced to the human fam. vantage of by the young es of bis vi-l1," N ini : big ¥. Noons can take any disease whils cinity to give him a surprise, invading his taking Peruna before h 1 home; rendring their presence pleasant by | keeni iE ha 0) sepiog the bowals regular with Manalin. nomerous suitable presents. Mr, Hess is] Ask Four druggist for the book on the Ils Still in. fair health j hele one os the most|of Life, zens of Ferguson township, rs A sean nnd some 30 years ago was one of the ST. ELMO HOTEL, Comiissionem of our county. May he|No 517 & 319 Arch Street, Philadelphia, ve to celebrate many more birthdays. uced rates to $200 per day Tha i sl tr8Veling public will still Roatt in. ~James A. Deckert's| iq] the samo iiheral Provislon for or Spring meat market supplies fresh, (comfort. 1t is located in the immediate stall-fed beef, constantly, also veal centres of business and places of amuse. ,| ment and different railroad 4 | i Hi od Pen 0 4 all {th : an n #8 al! parts o city, plied from the wagon, two days wp Breet Care or 10may6m Pha we ors specia cements + Me. George. P. James, Newville, Pa., p t o to those visiting the city for business or says; “Brown's Iron Bitjers completely our patronage FiRecttall solicited, regulated my bowels and is a good appetis oo Hos. AF GER, Proprietor, zor, 5 cant A SA The barn; of Silas Albertson, north of Minools, Long: Taland, burried Sature | night. Thirty-ninetuilch as | borses wore burned to doth ; incendiary. Ww Fertilizer | GROCERIES, Fancy Rio 13 dita Groon steer hides 75 pounds and up per 1b 000 groen stocr hides 80 10 o pounds Say, green bull hides under 00 pounds 6a), green cow hides sli weighis Ge7. Above prices are for hides trimmed free from horus, tadls and joints, siuues nocut ard without grils or other clemishes, Green oul! BRIS 8 0 15 pounds, alto ; rendered tallow, ber reds, hogs ang boxes, Gable: wool shins, cach, 7 a Li: wool skins dey, each, 2470, Wool-Fine Sais, Extra 5. C, ham 13 Iba, and over 13%, dodo 4 Wis lbe 14 extra 8. C, shoulder 10, Lock Haves Masxer--Butler, 15 Ww 2¢ por pound; potatoes, sic per bushel; chickens 8 © We per pair; lard 6c per pound; apple butter, 8c per gallon; corn Se per bushel; eggs 18 0 20: cabbage plants, oe per dosen; onion sets, Per quart; womato plants, 15¢ per dozen ; oats & ¢ per bu, SPRING MILLS MARKET. Whot-Rot....ccocvscrmernn immerses $110 y “r ‘ 70 ow 4 ny 5 8 00 150 9 0 bw ORbE.....onccivinsis Buckwheat. Barley Cloverseed..... Timothy seod.....ovoensiine Plaster, ground per ton, . utter, 8 e: tallow, 6: Jard, 12: ham, 15; shoulder, 12; bacon or side, 12; oggs per dozen, 14 cents, ) Weekly by, I. J. Grenoble, DUA Ls oy 5. 50; Chestout, 4.75; Stove, 5.0; SEER er MARRIED On the 23 Mag by Jacob Elsenhut + at Cobarn, Mr, Edward C. Cambl., of Linden Hall, and Miss Ada M. Deel ler, of Coburn, By Rev. L. W. Stahl, on May 27, M- 0. & Oran. of Btormstown, and Mis Lou Kangbman, of Centre Line, Ni townshi, rs, U months and THE POPE THEATENS THE [RISHITWESTY-TWO MEN DROWNED, CLERGY. | London, Msy 21.—A boat filled with Dablin, June 2 —~A despately Lo the mail kmen capsized st Oleggio, near Milant from Romo says that the Pope will, if nees yosterday, und twenty-two of the men ossary, follow up his recent eirculnr to thei were drowned. mn SHAM ————— si Irish Bishops in relation to the agitation in Ireland and the Parnell fund by the suse pension from thelr functions of all ecclesi attics who disobey the commands of the circular, HARD FACTS ano PLENTY. Oak Hall is simply a great retail Clothing House—the of its kind in the country, Our Clothing" is]made upon honor. We would be worse than fools to, expect tc build and hold a business upon other than honest goods atthe least prices. We neither hold nor buy the remains of whole sale stocks to run off at retail, but make every garment to sell direct to the wearer, under our cast-iron guarantee, a’, bond of good faith original with us and perfectly well. known 'to everybody in the vicinity, Dwi . 8 x NO PRICES REDUCED. \ W Ve are not advertising reduced “prices, but we are in position to offer the best bargains in Spring Clothing of every sort and upon many items very great bargains, In a very true sense all our PRICES ARE REDUCED. Nineteen full lines of Men's Bults Une fall line of Men's Suits... One fall Hine of Men's Suits, Two full lines of Men's Buits..... Nine full lines of Youths’ Suits, Six fall lines of Youths' Suits... One full line of Youths’ Suits... Two Fall lines of Youths’ Bulte... One full line of Large Boys’ Suits... .. ..... Two full lines of Large Boys’ Suits. - Two full lines of Large Boys' Ruits, Five full lines of Large Boys' Suits Two fall lines of Small Bays' Bulls... Two rail lines of Bmall Boys’ Salta... Une full line of Ball Boys' Suits... Three full lines of Small Boys Buits vr tos g1 catest i£ : 1 i { i 4.00 4.50 5.00 This small list represents nearly five thousand suits of Clothing. If we told the whole story we would need the whole newspaper. Twenty-two years Oak Hall has been serving the public, and in all that time has never offered a stronger inducement for trade than this. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Max Harr. S. 5: Cor. Sixt AND MARKET Sts. Priva. TE ———— A ——————— ——— —— ——————— a —— — ———— —— ExceLsioR M'rF'c Co. (TRADE MARK.) DON YOU KNOW TIHATONE OF THE BEST AND EASIEST WAYS Tu SAVE “Hard Earned Wealth” 13 TO BUY WHERE YOU CAN GET HE Best Goods for the Least Money ? Uf course you know il, and in order that you nay knew that we know it, we want to remind you that we are now offering at Rediculously Low Frices ! ONE OF THE LARCEST AND BEST SELECTED STOKES OF CLOTHING! AN GENTS FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, HATS, APS, WPS, TRUNKS, VALICES, &e., §o A Hat given to every purchaser of a child's suit boy’ days only. Pp uit or boy's suit~-for 30 Db — ee 0 An examinali goods and a Inowled prices will on Y nd ond telling you the o owe Plain, Unvarnished Truth ! YOU ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED,TO CALL ANMYEST THE TRUTH OF OUR REMARKS, | wns} , KEYSTONE. Gloyy Reynolds’ Opera House, Allegheny "Street, BELL EFONTE. Geld Wre's i'r SHOW. GOV eit mil wialiors arerecvived uf DEK HIVE ONE PRICE STORES Whether you intend to purchase iy of "LOOKING 10 WHER} BEE CAN DO THE BEST.” In fuel the belter a narso: scqueinted with prices and goeds elsowhers, the mre certain WE ARE TO SECURE THEI PA. TRONAGE Nothing is beller known to the com Bnunity al iarge than thet low prices and «xcellent va | goals thint we TAKE THE LEAD Over and Above All DRESS GOODS, SILKS, SHAWLS DOMESTICS, LINENS, RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIERY, NOTIONS, Oiher WES 10] DRE-S GOODS * BSILKS, SHAWL, DOMESTICS, LINKNS, RIBBONS, LACES, HOSIHRY. NQTIIONS, CARPETS & OIL CLOTHS, w Merchant Tailoring, Gents Farnishing G HATS & CAPS, T UNKS & SATCHELS, Also Manufacturers of the colabratcd “Hee Hive Overalls,’ — Best in the World. GOLDSMITH BROTHERS BEE HIVE ONE PRICE STORES! Bellefunte, Pa. N. B —Don't lose sight of tha fact tha wo are still retailing ca 2 5per ce 1 cheaper than they can bought else where *