The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, February 22, 1883, Image 1

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Read the very sensible letter of con
ressman Hewitt, a large iron master, on
he tariff. It will be found in this issue
» Renate Committee reported, affir-
raatively, M'Donal’s judicial apportion-
ment. This bill puts Centre, Union and
ivder as the 40 district. Clearfield hav-
40,000 population will constitute a
tin dep
ParrisoN’s appointment of Page, as
Comptroller of Philadelphia, has been
sustained by the Supreme Court
Tan duty of a true organ is to sound
he note of alarm at every indication of
ttenness in the public service
-» lp»
Ix ovRn next issue we will publish a let-
3lack, giving his opinion
on the tax-bill published by us two weeks
ter of Judge
A ] —-<
, We men-
That one of the star-route thieves
{tended tu nee
rning state's evide
last This
done. plead guilty
a confession telling on Dorsey,
reanner in which petitions expediting
in Washington
end filed in the department. He said he
went west by direction of Dorsey and
d in ‘week's RerorTER.
has been
nd made
He testifies at great length the
iin routes had been prepared ex-
Senator Dorsey's honse
rocured petitions from various persons
to have th
. He established a station sixty
ng the routes ¢ trips in-
Cre weed
les off from a certain route in order to
her in-
n admitting
, Miner had said
urt adjourned without comp
of the
nent counsel say that no promise of im-
eitputont oute and the pay
reased. At one time, when
considering the question of
"aile into the company
ile stood very close to The
leting the
examination (rovern-
munity was held out to Rerdell.
Mr. Merrick, of g«
Mr ve
| that Rerdell
ad given only about
ne-iourth of the testimony he is expect-
ed to give, and the present testimony
nothing like as important as that whicl
spected. Merri he belie
vernment would close its case nex
ate] «
Bala Vu
Preside r
8 uGTUss
1, made
the anti-discrim
bury Tuesaday
at Har
last week, will be
Mr. Gowen
vening, issued in
| appear
vnphiet form.
t at Mead-
» Crawford county courts
, in the next ten days as counsel in a
brought against the Standard Oil
any, and with the facts and data in
ession make it lively for what he
arrogant monopoly
Mr. Gowen deserves to be governor—
ie is the best and truest the state
He put down the Mollie Maguires,
he is going for the insatiate,
the Standard Oil
Every good citizen will wish
God speed in the latter.
Mr. Gowen's address was a reply
Adress of Mr. David W
ng monopoly,
to the
on the
said that
ons were a benefit to the State
gly of the constant acquisi-
{ wealth by the officers of corpora-
iuns to the injury of the shareholders
wad the public. Another point was the
unjust and unfair discrimination in
charges in the interest of favorites. Mr.
Hulings’ bill fails to provide a remedy
for these evils, It proposes to prohibit
that which is proper and right, and to
that extent will do injury. His objec-
tions are to those parts of the bill in
which it seeks to prohibit that which is
not wrong, and second, in not going far
enough to enact measures which will be
right and efficacious. He then went on
to speak of the charges of railroads for
discriminations in long and short dis-
tances, On the Pennsylvania railroad
on the Allegheny mountains the grade is
over 100 feet to the mile, and a car can
discrimination bill. Ie
dd I
hen they were honestly managed.
» stron
$100.000.000 from this State every year,
and never pay one cent of tax into its
treasury. He did not hesitate to charge
and made no equivocation in his siate-
ments that in the recent case tried in the
courts they bribed the witness for the
Commonwealth to suppress his testimony
and paid him $7,000 for his venality. The
State of Pennsylvania would be $100,000,-
000 better off to-day had it imposed a
tax of fifty cents a barrel on the wealth
taken from beneath its very soil. {
Mr. Gowen said that “when the Read-
ing company acquired the Schuylkill :
coal field it bought and paid for all the |
lands now occupied. Some think they paid
a high figure, but none say they stole |
the land.” Although president of a large '
corporation himself, Mr. Gowen stated |
that the people had rights which the |
corporations should be bound te respect, |
and had he the time he said he would |
be willing to go through the State and |
stir up public sentiment against growing |
and audacious effrontery of some of the
corporations of the State.
1001 ERRORS,
The statement of the county finances,
printed at the Watchman office last year, ’
contains errros of spelling, punctuation,
abbreviation, &e., almost innumerable,
which we now refer to for the reason
that the Watchman quibbled at our few un-
important errors, last week, out of sheer
jealousy, because it failed togetour job at
two prices. That paper charges the sup-
plements printed by the Rerorrter has
too many inaccuracies to be circulated
by the self-righteous Watchman, The
charge is maliciously false. Every com
petent judge will say that the supple
ments printed by the RErorTER are neat
er, better workmanship, on far better pa-
per, more conveniently arranged, and
with only one error to 50 in the Walch-
man's job,
The RerorTer has the borrowed mon-
ey and interest accounts where the eye |
18 most likely to find these important
statements. The Watchman's job has the
one stuck away off in Alaska, the other |
iwenty-five miles up hill. There are
grades on the Reading railroad 179 feet
to the mile. Up these grades they can
only draw twenty or twenty-five cars
while on the other it is double and triple
that number.
Mr. Gowen prescuted a substitute for
the Huling's bill, embodying his views
upon the question. Mr. Gowen spoke
at length upon the extortion and exac-
tion exercised by the Standard oil mo-
nopoly. He said the Standard company
have defied courts. They insolently re-
fuse to pay taxes justly due. They have
robbed individuals of lands by a system
of favoritism and now control a country
in a bondage which nations of Europe
would crush to earth. Thay are taking
become important from Ganoe's opera-
tions, would naturally be among the first
looked for, and so we have it where easi-
The has its
scalp away in the country of the Ger
gesenes; and so on.
Then it put on for all the papers &
nost outlandish heading, taking up al-
most one-third of a side. The Rerorren's
headings are neat and as required by a
The Walcaman's job is
printed on two sides of same sheet, on
cheap, rotten paper, altho’ it got two pri-
ces for the job. The Reporte printed
only on one side, and on best quality of
paper, altho’ we charged only $126 where
the Watchman got $245.
As to errors—the RzrortER supple
ment has scarce over a dozen typograph-
weal errors—let the reader look for him-
seif and judge. The Walchman's is full of
ypographical as well as errors of igno-
rance, none of the latter kind being in
the Reroxter’s work.
The Watchman, in near a dozen in-
stances, spells Stationery, (writing mate-
rial) with an a at the ending, which
changes the meaning entirely (Station-
ary means not moving.) This occurring
#0 often, is fairly attributable to ignorance
in the Walchman. The name of Forster,
a family right in the same town, is
spelled about a dozen times with an r in
the first syllable and in about as many
cases it is spelled without the r. This
outrageous irregularity the Watchman
eat found. Watchman
Schroeder, Fansler, Hewes, Curwin,
Stamm, Hamill, Karthouse, court-crier,
road, venires, No, traverse, inquest,
Nov. school, exonerations, and scores of
others—all of them spelled wrong and
where they are repeated spelled differ.
ently. These samples will suffice ; then
while the other half have it ; the same is
true in perhaps 100 contracted words, the
Watchman using the proper sign in one
third of them, the other two-thirds don’t
have it. In its 500 abbreviations the
Watchman uses no regularity or: system
whatever ; in its capital letters there is
the same gross irregularity, also in punct-
will be found huddled together without
spaces between them. Thus we could go
on for an hour yet, pointing out or
rors in the Watchman's work. The
Chief-clerk now acts the baby and de-
clares he wont put out our supplements,
yet all the papers covered its miserable
supplement last year without a a quib-
ble. What is worse for the job print.
ed last year, at Bellefonte, is thet both
the Watchman and the Republicon hed s
hand in it and on that account it should
have been entirely without errors, In the
Commissioners’ Acct with the Sheriff,
nearly two columns, there is
workmanship by the Watchman ; it
AEA ASA 1 00
the first line to an item, and worse yet, in
the same acc't the Watghman, in very bad
taste has a bill of items with the figures
hid in the body of the reading.
no such bad workmanship on the job
put out by us. We would insist upon
the authorities making the Watchman re-
fand the $245 received for its ovtrageous-
ly bad job last year, were it not for the
financial rnin it might brin our
jealous neighbor.
Then the Watchman says nc one can
understand our supplement. Well, we
went to the Commissioners’ office, they
say they understand it; we inguired of
the attorneys and tax-payers, they say
it's faultless, and besides saved the coun-
ty one half the money.
We sent our devil to sound the devil
of the and learn
whether he understood the Co, finances.
The Watchman devil related who lent
the county money, whogot interest, what
paid the Sheriff, what for
on. Our devil then wan
he knew all that, and he answered that
Kurtz had sent a big pile of supplements
to the Watchman office and he bad read
versation, on a sly,
editor, and inquire of him how t
He ara
nere as JERS,
New Albany, Ind, February 14 ~The
loss by the flood here is not less then a
quarter of a mitlion dollars. No lives have
heen lost. The farmers along the Ohio riv-
or suffer greatly, many losing their entire
crops, Bix handred families are homeless
and many are destitute, All
factories are stopped,
Tadianapolis, February 14.—Private in-
formation from Jeffersonville, Ind. says
the city is Pooded from two to twenty«
five feet deep and five thousand people
are homeless Many have lost all they had
on earth. A large nnmber of cottages in
the lower part of the city were swept awsy
and handreds of people are quartered in
second stories in public baildings and in
business houses, ¥
gkiffs. The scenes of suffering are appal-
ling, It is sti!l raining and the river is
rising. The loss will reach over one mil
lion dollare. The people will Lave to
¥ 11
Watchman office,
scalps, and so
ted to know how
Jost 80 fur as can be learned,
Cincinnati, February 14. —Herman
Wilsbarg says he and his brother Joseph
and thirteen other boys were on (Le plat.
form of the station when it fol] yesterday,
and sll were thrown into the water sod
drowned except himself, Xo other reports
ol missing boys have been made to the
police. Wilsburg docs not know the
names of the other boys,
Indianapolis, Tod, Febroary 13-11 a,
m~The fullowing dispatch has jast been
received from the raliroad station near
Lawrenceburg in regard to the condition
of affairs in that town:
Ind, February
There has been no loss of Jife. 85 far as
we can learn, The damages will be very
teavy, but it cannot be estisated until
the water goes down, The water is now
shout three feet higher than it was last
Febraary, and op w the moroisg it has
risen about one inch per hoor, Lawrence
burg is e«tirely covered. The entire vil
tage of Hardeatown is covered with wa
ter. Sowe poopie had to abasdon their
Louisville, Kv, February 13. Business
js amostat 8 stand still owing to the
fl ods, The mayor is distributing {ood Ww
the saflerers with liberal hand. The board
of trade has turned over $500 to the suse
tecance fad and more is to follow. The
We next had our devil get in con-
with the Walchman
he Co
he did
not know: that Kurtz sent him a bundle
of supplements, and he wasn't go
ing to touch ‘em nor read 'em ; last
year the Watchman got §35 per 1000 for
printing them, and this year they gave
the job to Kurtz at $18 per 1000 and he'd
be cuss-darned {patent appl ifhe'd
touch ‘em, and he'd tell everybody there
was bad spelling about n “Hardeniown
The Watchman will ye alon nea hana]
now and enclose “them” cin Y
can’t get the Commissioners to print you
a new set any in¢
them into putting up a grand, fancy for
1 1
sana Lar
The editor said
ied for
wre than you «
od bridge as an
It is no wonder
to clean out
once every three months by a
rk PA? tho
necessary oy houwes enlive
yo eake of 8 coup TERRI
arm-fulls of sweet, pretty girls, en
as compositors in upper
would have washed the whole thi
long ago. But Meek hasalready refo
ed a few poor women out of a
Providence don’t want
Put in “them
to add
{ verted 10 howe vse. It smounts to §716
The theatres will give the gross recei]
of Saturday's performances, The greatest
dissster that ever befell Louisville is now
upon os. The flood crisis came about wid-
might, and to-d4y nearly a spuare mile of
tory is under water within the lim
its of the From five thousand to
eight thousand people were driven from
their | 10 cap the climax, there
has been loss of life, how great it is im-
possible to say. This morning the entire
section of the e¢ity from Preston street
cast is cut off, and north of the short line
s in the river. People living there had
ty of warning.
Ix another column we give an account
of the fearful flood disasters along the
Ohio. The rivers have beer
The Executive Committee |
ed to hold the
Convention at Harrisburg
allie a
MALAI =n 1
AVE homes
next Democreti
The Michigan Legislature is
loting for a Senator in place of Ferry.
On the 8th of March nexi Sims
erom scores his 85 year,
fow days ago, celebrated his 83 bi
Peter Cooper, a
sn so
The Senate Committee on Constitation-
al Reform decided on the following
amendments to the probibitory amend-
Sze. 1. The manufacture, sale or keep-
ing for sale any intoxicating liquors that
seem to be used as a beverage is forever
prohibited within this commonwealth,
and the General Assembly shall without
delay enact such laws as may bo necessa-
my to enfurce prohibition.
gc. 2. The manufactore, sale or keep-
ing for sale intoxicating liquors for vther
purpose than as a beverage, shall be reg
Twelve Boys
Reported Drowned by
Depot Disaster.
Ciocinnati, February 14.—The river is
rising at tue rate of an joch and a heifan
pour. It stood 65 feet, 1} inches at 120’
clock. The weather is warm and still
rising. The fires autbentic report con-
ceruing tbe loss of life at the Cincinoati
southern depot yesterday was made to-
day, by Herman Wuberger, a boy liviog
at 17 Wilnack street,
Lis brother Joseph, with 12 other boys,
were on the platiorm when the water
broke through Mclean aveune; that the
went home ; thet bis brother snd sll the
other boys were drowned. He does not
know the nawes of the other boys.
Soup houses were opsaed to-day in va-
- en in
The long disputed title to the posses-
sion of the Ariington estate, comprising
pear 1,000 acres of land, incloding the
National Cemetery, opposite Washing-
ton, will be settled by the payment by
the Government to General Iee's heirs
of $150,000, less accrued taxes amounting
(0 yet to them, Bisuop Eider has order
ed the Cailio.ic churches open 10 accoms
modate tae homeless, and sent a circu-
tar 10 the churches to-day asking contri
butivts (0. be sent to the Cuaawber of
Comwon and City Central Relief Com
A o>
The Truckee river is now frozen to the
bottom. lu passiug along over tue glassy
surface of the stream whole schools of
advance movey ob Lhe bonus yesterday
at. Lorized by the Legslaiuio, so that re
lief wili be prompt. Toere have Leen
Sone jears of & nieat famine un secouut
of the ditlicuity to recoipt of Jive stock,
Lut severni tovusand distillery cattie can
be utilized 1m case Of Becesei y, :
The river at ¥ 0’ Jock to~uigbt was 68
feet § of an incn and rising slvwly, The
day has been the glovmiest in Lhe histo.
ry oi the chy. Bosiness was wholly nege
lected un Chiuge and sll attention given
Ww Su saviog of property and affording
she ould wave siruck them, The ranch-
men living aloug the river now go fishiog
with axes.
The story of the assassination of Lord
Cavendish and Secrotary Burke, an told
by the cur driver Kavanagh st Dublin,
if 1t shall be confirmed by other proof,
will resultin the conviction and execu
tion of the assassias~—ien in number, we
believe. There is no doubt of that, nor.
thet if the men are guilty they richly |
merit the extreme peuaily of the law,
a a
of the Elk Creek Schwutzblatt
are Mi 0
still has Berichterson the brain, and oe. | lana side var. re a
SaalOusily Talis nio an “nwriotory,” | Sot oLutoand in that city Sucdey that ia
From sli fudications he is beariy ex- | DOt four foet ub er, ® p on
hansted and yet not ove-foarth throngh | isulated from belp by ail or ver, aod
with bis , If acceptable we will | i Fis to be conveyed to the
hire for him wn 8 yaureold schoul boy ers hy
Yo dseist jo ye bie od
says and correct Hu w
thie Sekmodsbiat woul be Char ner im
proves. d. We always have a kindly feel
pa Rr our fellow meh
Madison, 1ud., Fe 14.~The rive
or ih rif wi wad & half ou
per hour,
{ , Ky., opposite Madison, je come
tt hd
pletely submerged, Not a honge is ex.
empt from the overflow, Targe cables
are being used to anchor the buildings
The water is up to the second floors of
many dwellings. Falton, the eastern
suburb of this city, has been sbandoned ;
also all the front and extreme western
section of the city, The backwater and
Crooked creek have inundated the city
on the north, and Springdale Cemelery
is partially covered with water,
Jeflarsonville, Ind, Feb. 14.—Our city
is flooded with water from two to twenty
fort deep, Five thousand of our people
are made homeless, wany of whom have
lost uli they bave on earth, A large num»
ber of cottages and houses in the lower
dreds of people are gqnartered in second
Food 18 sent to them in skiffs,
lo-day and to-night, 14, ia Cincinnati
{hare are fully forty miles of uninhbabit-
Ly sk iffs, Most of these boats are plying
the waters on business, carrying food and
These boats never
At night they carry
lanterns through the streets lighted
with lanterns swang high on house
frouts. The scene would be as beantiful
veving the doctor,
sociated with suffering,
The losa of neriy from the direct
effect of the floods will be enormous, to
say nothing of the los of time and the
ion of business, No-
body knows what the sggiegate will be,
bat no one to-day puts it at less than O
or 6 wiltions of doliars.
The flood at Cincinnati is receding.
Business is resuming. Ten thoosand peo-
ple are fed and shielered. At Louisville
the river recedes slowly. Want prevails,
The relief movement throughout the
country proceeds with some caroesiness,
loss and destitu-
) = § a pd xr
Details of Live Terrible Min Dh isier
Near Braidwocd, fil.
Braidwood, lin
This city a= filled w
ng fo the terrible due
wliich resulted 31a the
Pe rans, wihio ware
land slide, a
in, ]
evar tation
aster of yesterday
death FEN ONLY
overe helmed by a
number of th killed
leaving large families. The shalt in
wiich the scoident ocenrred hues been
working for the past eight yorrs, It is
ritasted at Dismond. The conntry there-
about is a8 leve we gudden
thaw avd heavy Lave trans.
a B ’
by the magistrates While this was pro-
ceeding there was jus
ness visible among the piisoners,
A ehairmaker named Havin identified
y Briea ag one of four men iy ing near to
the scene of the murder, and Braby 3
being close by shortly before it was per
petrated. Hands identified Brady as the
driver of the car op which the Phoenix
Park assassins rode Upon his identifyin
¢)' Brien the latter attempted fo smile, bat
soon afterward broke into a profoese per
aehade of vurasis
Une hundred and forty stadents
attend the | Agricultaral
Centre county. Quite & nomder
dies, The ix na has not been
cess gince 18 sstablishment and in order
to ascertain the enuse of failure, slid alse
wo invest: zate cerinin alieged abuses, the
Legislature two years ago oppointed a
special committes to examine into ths
charges. Ln his
Mylin, Newmeyer, Colburn,
Alexander—=Senators and
sx-Representarives Mitham, Eierly, Me
Clore, Mapes, Findlay, Judge and Eob
erts, with Representative | i Te
port is ! was br
both branches of the Legislature. As it
CONSrs only Hol reac
The special « signed
with the excep te
Williamsport. He hid ne
he is now in Texas, interested in
droves, end not in colleges in Yeu
The commities
ele 15
re i8
mstitntio Hn oEae
Omni es 8
sXe Nu
A ha
tit befor
puges it Wis
Guise Dave
nr §
tion of Mr. Hl W
s 18
it Elon DHecalise
Ca Lis
reports that they
all the vouchers of
This is the usual preliminary (0a white
wash. Yet toey do not is puri
ing political cnnpound auy further. Thes
sensors the o card of trustees for peg-
lerting 10 give proper attention tou th
ogliege’s conce und] state in the re
thet negie pped
interests io the bud,
agricnitarsd societ
er select ng or selecting one
een 1rust« 2% LO WICH
FF that sort
the trusiecs correct
use ii
the cul
Action « threw the
the re;
Germany, which have bet
ter with much success in Lu)
The commitiee
complete history «
the pre teat «4 1
roles Was In
3 .
{ the eoliepe.,
8 alae t
406 on 3
With scarcely any warning there sudden.
y appeared ao opening from the surface
of the earth into ibe mine, The surface
peing covered with water It 100k only a
short time for the water to permeate the
sutire mine, drowniog ell who were
abie to get out before the rising waler
caught ‘hem, | the ga'leries narrow
Spurs or gaugways Are dug oul in various
directions, These #; rise and fall
with the nes Tisiog
to twelve or fifteen leet of the surface, 1:
was such a point, very near the top,
where the Lresk occurred. There was
little time to give 2n alarm, for in less
than an hour from the break
oveurred every avenue of escape was cut
off, and every occupsnt of tue mine at
that time must bave been drowned. The
galieries were long and narrow, and only
by painfully slow cawling could the
poor viciims escape. The mine was not
considered especialiy dangerous, thoogh
a break had cocurred once before aboat
the eame place. Toere is no chance of a
rescue, but in order to réach the bodies
of the dead Mr, Fordyee, general mana-
ger of the company, bas gone to the
scene of the disaster with two steam
pumps. Only drowned or suffocated re-
wains can be recovered. The majority
of the workers under geound are foreign.
egs — English, Scotch and Irish,
. >»
Scenes in the Court.
Dindn, Feb, 3, 16883, —James Carey, a
mem ber wf tLe corporation, Joseph Bra.
dy, « stodveatter; Elward O'brieo, =
Wedge of Coal, pommel
time he
driver; Peter Carey. a mason; Lawreuoce
Hanlon, a carpenter; Peer Doyle, a cnach
builder; avd Timothy Kelty, a coach
builder, eight of the men recently arrests
ed here, were charged at the iuves igation
fick Cavendish and Mr Burke in Phoenix
Park. A witness named Fitzsimmons,
identified Uouneillor Carey us belag con-
geoted with the conspiracy. Great ex-
citement was visible amucg the occa
pants of tue deuscly crowded court room
when the eight prisoners were placed in
the dock. There was a painful pause when
the witness Firssimmous was calied. The
prisouers in the mesutime shook bauds
wi bh each other and joked among them
solves, noddiog 10 their friend. The Clerk
of the Conrt thet read the charg s against
the prisoners, that they did oa the 6h
of May last, feionivasly kifl aud siny Lord
Frederick Usveadish and 1 homes Hens
ry Burke. The re.ding of the ctiargs
was greeted by the prisoners with a burst
sensativi in the court.
Mr. Fitasionm snes deposed that be rent.
od a room mm Soath Cumberland street
Joft of the house two kuives and a rifle,
whieh were produced soon af er Carey's
arrest: the rifle and the two kiives were
found among & lot of rabbi; they were
not rench concealed; a forinight aherward
hie went to the police avd dulivered the
knivesand rifle Awidintense vxcil 4
I r Brajth produced two lofg-bisd-
ed dis knives,
wich es quite
i gue
ceplion 1
w {
referred to th
The commitiee,
presses Ui opinion
made hocest mistakes of ji
the siatement is meade that the Jad
are is largely doe to the lack of
taken by the sgri nltaral ¢
State :
in closin ts rOpUT
that the t te
je ie 1
3 p |
igemen:, br
xv LE
- o-oo.
wiNewspapers which :
nor profess any political princ
not exsist without ronning a
some political organizalion
iitical leader. They mu
novel from time to tie in
their readers. Such joursais
good for smosement but
straction.’ In giving expression §
sentiments, the Harrisoarg Mat ad:
ministers a deserved rebuke upon #0
called independent papers who sever fa
to take an opportuaily to ruin a cans
which they cannot direct aud control ab:
solutely ”— Wellsboro Gazelle.
Bot worse is a paper that announces it
self two months Democratic and ten
months leaning around on all sides.
Boch ia a word is the unique appara:
tns on extibition at the rooms of the
Portable Electric Light Company, 22
Water Street, It occupios the space of
only b square inches and weighs aboat b
pounds, sud tan be carried wilh esse
The light, or more properly lighter, re
quires no extra power, Wires or confiecs
tions, and is 0 constructed that soy
part can be replaced at smail cost. Toe
chemicals sre placed in a glass retort
a carbon and zine appersine, with a
spiral platinom attachment, is then ad
justed #0 «8 to frm & batery, snd the
ight isready. The pressure oi a» Little
keob prodoces an electric current by
which the spiral of platinum is heated
SOREN mo e Borate Evectric
Aght Company was recenily ineorpora-
ed with a eapitai of $100,000, under the
laws of Masseachusetis. Some of the
prominent busines mou of the sinte ace
«deptifled with this enterprise. In ad:
dition 10 its use 88 & lighter, the Rppams
tos cen 8lso be used in conuection with
a barglar-alarm and galvanic battery. —
Boston Transcript
i + soos ofr. MB NR
The Newcastle and Northern Railroad
Company was chartered a few dave apc
| with a capital of $250,000. The ron! is to
| ran from near Lawrence J , Law.
| rence sDiute, thtough Newcestle to
Sharpay ile, Mercer coanty—a distance
we Produce wanted ali tre time, at
Brown's new grocery, Bellclonte, Espes
thelr peoduce 10 Boown's.
to ho
nay be
hardiy § 0
+ ty sech
to take