s THE CENTRE REPORTER. CextrE Harn, Pa, Feb, 8, 1888, The Largest Paper in Centre County, Terms. ~-$2 per year in advance, when not in advance. Advertisements 20 cents per line for three insertions, Yearly and half yearly ad's at special rates, One colum per year $90} colam $45. ##®Hereafter all subscribers paying their subscription in advance, will get a credit of two months additional as a pre mium, $260 A FINE LINE of FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. 0 And would be pleased to show you through cur rooms, (i. R. Spigelmeyer & Co, The Fair. Whitmer & Co. Supyly Depot. Spring Mills, Pa. LOCAL ITEMS. According to a late act of Assembly the Overseer of Poor who receives the high« est number of votes at the spring elec tion of '82, is to serve two years, and the one having the next highest vote, to gerve one year, Hereafter—from 1883 on—there will beonly one Overseer elect- ed, each year, and the term will be two | years, By this act there will be one old | Overseer in each new board Voters should bear this change in the law mind at the approaching spring election, We think this change io the law is a wise one. ia - a > The hog disease is breaking again in Nittany valley. Mr. Wm. Shafer, of Nittany lost 18 head this win- | ter by the disease, — The committee of Grangers which | framed tne tax bill printed elsewhere in the ReprorTER, consisted of V, E, Pioillet, | L. Rhone snd R. H. Thomas, | jrown’'s new grocery, on Bishop | street, keeps up with the best and fores most ia this aud adjoining counties, for | cheap goods, —A short distance thisside of I out | y B. or Paddy post office has been established, eallec Poe Mills. | The father of R. A. Bamiller, print- | er at Millheim, died in Germany, short time ago, aged 51 years. We sym- pathize with bro. B. in thisbereavement. -— At cost, to close ont stock, is still the motto at Brockerhoff's Centre Hall store. A fine line of dress goods, caps, boots, shoes, canned goods, ful! line of notions, on bend and at cost, The highest prices given kinds of conntry produce, A horse sale will take place at the | Centre Hall hotel, on 14th Feb, when | Messrs. Rankin & Delp will have 14 bead of choice Clarion for heavy draft and driviog. § — Persons who have uv i tax- | duplicates, will read the card published by the Commissioners in another column of the RerorTer. The Commissioners are on the right track, — On the night of 2 0. Bower, at Laurelton, harness, bridles and saddles. $10 reward. Mr. 1. J. Grenoble shipped loads of grain makiog over 25 els, in the month of Spring Mills. ~The bighest and best prices paid at all times at Brown's grocery, Belle- foote, for produce, and all famiy groce- ries 80id cheaper than elsewhere, Dr. J. B. Leitzell, of Spring Ml we are sorry to learn, intends leavi these parts and go west, His sale w be found adverused in BerortER ~—Millheim is to have a musical con- vention, beginuing on 19, uuder the di- rection of our popular musical leader and neighbor, Prof, P. H. Meyer, of Linden Hail ~The Reynoldsville Paper says: “The Clearfield Coal Company have erected thirty cuke ovens a: Tyler's Station and have put in a pa eut washer and crasher, and wilt go iuto coke burning on an ex tens:ve scale. The Rochester and Pitis- burg road are pushing the tracklaying to completion as rapidly as the weather will permit. They are layiog track from Jobin- sonburg south snd from Falis Creek north, It is suppused the track will be joined sometime during the latter days of this mouth. At Johusonburg tne company have a trestie 1000 feet long and so aver age of 40 feet in height. This trestie | passes over ths P. and E. R. K. at a beight of 21 feet. Johnsonburg is the intersection of the R. and P. and the N. Y-1L.E aud W. R. R. and is bound to be in tue near futurecoasiderable of a place. A w0rvice of song was held in the Reformed church at Aarousburg on last Babbath evening. Dr. Perkins and Rev. Yeuriok addressed the meeting, ~The Centre County Agricultural Society met in the court house a: Belie- fonte court week and elected the follow- ing officers: Pres. dent, Henry OC. Camp beil, of Rock Spriugs; Vice President, Johan I. Thompson, Lemont; George Ruok, Spring Mills; Beoj. F. Hunter, Filimore, and John A. Woodward, How. ard. Executive Commitee, James R. Alexander, Chairman, Bellefonte ; J. F. Weaver, Milesburg; Wm. Boal, Centre Hall ; Bam’l Decker, Zion ; W, F. Rear. ick, Spring Mills; Alex. Chaney, Port Matilda; Secretary, H. H, Harshbarger, Bellefonte ; Librarian, Calvin Peters, Fleming. The society has sort of been in the back ground the pastcouple years, but it is now proposed to distill new life into the osganization. There should be no lack of encouragement given the in stitution ——eBleighing still keeps up. Last week's thaw wax foliowed by a freeze up Sunday and Mondy, with a little bit more snow beginning of this week, all of Rich tended 10 make sieighing excel- ent. Baym AT Private Sare.~The un- der