THE CENTRE REPORTER. FRED KURTZ, . . . Editor. CexTrRE Harn, Pa, Feb. 1, 1883, The Largest Paper in Centre County, Terms ~$2 per year in advance. $2060 when not in advance, Advertisements 20 cents per line for three insertions Yearly and half yearly ad's at special rates. One colum per year $004 colum $45. 2Hereafter all subscribers paying their subscription in advance, will get a credit of two months additional as a pre mium, We have lately added A FINE LINE of FURNITURE AT LOW PRICES. 0 And would be pleased to show you through our rooms, G. R. Spigelmeyer & Co., The Fair, Whitmer & Co. Supyly Depot. Spring Mills, Pa. LOCAL ITEMS, —The new Methodist church at Stormstown, will be dedicated on Sun- day, Feb. 4. — Mr. John Hoffer advertises a saw- mill at private sale 1n anotber columu, ~The spring eleciiou this year comes on 2V February, 3:d Luesday. -The real estate of Thos, J. Stiver is advertised at private sale in RErorTER. Mr. Jonath. Royer, of near Centre Hill, who has sattered much in the last 18 months rom abeesses, we are sorry to learn, 18 1n & precarious condition. The next meeting of the Ladies’ Auxilliary ot the Y. M, C, A., has been changed rom Feb. 5, to Feb, 12. All laches are cordially invited to attend this meeting. -—11 you want any kind of store goods at cust; go 0 Brooserhofls, Centre Hil, where tuey are shill seliiug at cost, ano must Jose ous stuck soon. Goods of an kind vb band yet, aud ail first class. Now is your (dwe i yOu want bargains, We learu that the Peunu’s RR. has passed a resotution direcuuyg tue ironiug of uur raiiroad, Good ! hurrah, Maj. R. H. Forster is to have a clerkship under Mr, Airica, Sec’y of lut Affaire, a Harrisburg, Tie Major sowe tue age Occupied a simial pusitiou, sud is aequalusod with tue duties of the pust- tivu, Brown's grocery, on Bishop street, selis goods luwest, wud pis 8 Lue LESL Pr Ces Jur ail kinds of couniry produce, ——Weatuer tuils week tive, aud snow melting; Weduesday started 1 ugiy win wet aud snow, ——Llhe Auditor's Report is abom game leugth us last year's; but we have arrauged it 10 wore vwlqactly for cone venieuce, sil vnoue sue of page of suppletnvuts, Toe Centre Co. Auditors’ Report ap- pets 1D Luis Week 8 REPORTER und tases up wuch of vur spuCe—bowever tuere Cail be DU Mule INlersaliug readiog ui tue 1@x-payer, Wuu Cau LHVE a vwil- ple Euuwiouge of the wanagement vs the cvuuty liuance., ad tue eX peuditiures belug lewised, We dlrecl wee alicnuvn of tue reader 1 the tabie of Ooulstauuing taxes; mithe' there are wauy uusctiieu duplicates, yet it will be seen, LY culu paring DarsuCe dle January, "SI, wil balan.e uue Jatiuary, 33 tuat the Cow- Iulssluuw®ls liaVe dulie soe goud work iw coliectitiy, aud every tax-payer will say Well dulle, sud Urge 8 Oullutation of sls pulicy. ——We direct the attention of the reader tu an important chauge ia tue mauuer of doing busiuess, by dr, U, Din- gow, 10 take viet lot of Feb. It 18 the curiect, progressive ides, good for the Clstower us Well us the merchant. Read tue adveruscwent un KEPUKTER. ~~ Adwittauce free to tue Philad Branch, aud «nn overcuat 10 be bad a near cust. Are closiug "em ous fast, anu is wid pay you w get vue und sy it up 10r nex winter. Duy wheu thiugs sie cleup, if you need thew, ~Lue teachers of Potter, Gregg, Penu, Haines, sud Miles towusuips ano Mulvein vorough, wil held 8 Loca Lustitute iu Miuneiw, Comwencing Fn day evening, February 4, aud coutivuiog iu sesSion Ou Sasuraay lvliowing. Au iu tereotiug and luSuuciive program is beiug wade ; the citizens are giving the project tueir suppuit, ‘lescuers sud oie recurs Bre eXpecied, Sud pa rous and fricuus of educativn curaiaily 1uvited w attead. Teacuers are requested to bring specimens of puplis’ work for extuui- ton, ~The Huntingdon Local News says Mr. John BR. Nell, of Purter tuwnsuip, tue faith cure stuject, has been unavie 10 wove arvauu siuce the day after his cure, uWiug to the exeraou In w.lkiug He bedeves that the Lord is trying us fuity, and will eventually restore Lum tu henitu, wuen he will prociaiw the gospe: a8 8 winister. He 18 receiviug letiers from irieuus and stravgers, and wany persuns have calied ou bum, ~~ Anuther knock down at Bellefonte ~tuis Blwe Jn the prices of ready-wade cluthivg. The Puiiad, Braoch Las put dowu prices tu tue very lowest, iu order to get rid of Swe aud wake rvom fur an jwweuse sprivg trude, Well tuere 1s nv geuiug nhend ul Lewius, be always keeps prices oi closing 20 per cent below su otuers, Fanruzgs, the place to sell your grain 1% where is tw 1 J. Greuoble, Spring you always get the luglest markes pr.ce. 2 Seriya Mis Acapeamy, will open Apri 16, 1883, with Prof, Lewis Reiter as Privcipal. Buwdents taught sll whe branches necessary to prepare for cul. college. Boarding reasonable, 17jsnbi For low prices in job work, sale bills ete, cull at the Reporter office, or, send your orders by Try us, u J; N. Lrirzei, Auctioneer, Spring Milis—satistaction guaranteed, og ong ges moderate, A 11jandt ~—=Go to Dinges, of the P. V. B. Store, for the best Disgen, sf the P. VB. Bt iu ot Oh Muy luedy made titi fox mei UF boys, There is no : MUSICAL FESTIVAL, If any of our readers wish to know something of Prof, Perkins, who will con- duct the great musical festival in this place, next week, let them read a few testimonials of the many, we have before “Prof, Perkins’ facu'ty for command ing the attention of his singers, und en- hstiug them heartily in their work, is equal to, it uot superivr to any in his brauch of he profession, As sa author hes kuowa all over the country,” —der ald, Rutland, Vi. “Prof Perkins is a thorough musician, an accomplisued conductor, aud bas won unstained praise for Wis full and accurate knowiedge, bis clear aud able method of iustraction, and bis courteous und pleas- sot bearing. His lectures are very valu- able” — Gazette, Rocklaud, Me. “He never falis to uchieve success as a conductor, aud Lis cowpositious are of su elevating character,”—Chronicle, Bridgewu, N. J. “prof. Perkins has fairly captivated all with whom he bas come In contact, aud memue:s of the convention nuite 1a pro- pouucing biw 8 kiog among couductors.” -fagle, Vinton, Iowa. “*L'ue singing wae better than the asso- ciation bas ever had belore, on account of Perkins’ superior aviiity to coutrol the voices of 80 large a unwber of singers,” — Daily Press, Lroy, N. X. “We cauuot see where Prof, Perkins coald be exceiled; he seews to have been burn expressly for his profession, the music of nis own cowposition dis- plays his thorvuga artisiac education, while his success as a conductor shows mis great power as a leader, — Musical Bulletin, Newburg, N, Y. “we class him swoug the very best musicians and cunductors belore the Awericau pubic. A thorough master ol the siwnatiou, ecergeds, critical, yet eu Jdrely courteous, he succeeds admirabiy, wh re otuers of less genius ful” —1ri- Sates Union, Port Jervig, N. Y, “As a teacher sud copuuctor Prof. Per- kins stands uurivalled, and the reaay tact and avility witu woich be brings 1u- Ww subj~cliou the mae erials presented, is, to say the least, remarkavle."— Enquirer, Duver, N. H. ————— —"There was little business of gener- al importance at cours last week, sud by Wednesday evening atl jurors were dis- cuarged. - The common wealth Cases were few nud of a petty nature, Judge Uiviy’ sentences are of ¢ pature now redsbied by evil-doers, aod to Lis severiy 1s due the falung off of criminal busivess in our courts aud much wouey 18 saved 10 the county iu couseqivuve, Bawe ve Ira BE. suaffer, fraudulent as- sighwent of property, & True bil Lue folivwiog lice ises were disposed of by tbe cvuri: Hebert Taylor Phupburg grauted; John Fraucls Pullpsburg grant eu; A 8B. Guourick, Bast, grauieu;d. Q. Delong, labeny granted; 8 H, Kune, Laberty, gruuw d; Frank Swyer, L.beriy, gravted A, E. Uravaw, Liberty, graoted; James Heud.uyg, Buow Sbos, gran ed, App ica 10us of Willem Parker, of Phi pes burg; W. 5S. Musser and A, A. Mller, ol sillueim vorvtgh, were bed over till April ses-ion, aud that of Juha Withaw Spel for saluvou, ul Live rty, reitsed, Brown's new Beilelonte grocery is fast takiug the lead, and 15 No, fut Ccluehp guuds, Que of the Co, Auditors, Mr. Hewes, wo understaud, relees to sin tue Aud, Keport, sud has filed 8 00 Jeciivis 10 the same. W Lal ithe objec ous of Mr, Hewes are, we did not yet CRra. P. 5. —Bince writing theabove we have received {row Mr. Hewes ior publicativn, » letter addressed 10 tue court staliu g ss Liles Feasolls lor pot signing tue Acd wrs’' Report tua the otier Audiiors over- cited bum io 8 dewsnd to give the se culluls 8 orvugh eXaswinstive, which Le alicges, Was Wauilug Il SULIE (He @S. Bead the puvushed figures, of re- duction in prices vi goods a8 su uot B.od iu the new adverisewent of C. Dinges, fuund In auolber coluwu. The bar gelu store Lus wade 8 yery importans wvye, ~~ Harry, a son of D. 8, Keller, esq. of Bedvivuie, was recomutuded ww Guy, Carton, by the esamining commis er, or sue West Puiu cadesliip, There Wel € plus appiicallle. The Love farm is again advertised IEPORTER, : Wor cheap goods, generally, Din £8 takes the premium righ. along while Gis custulners are satisfied to ake the guods, ~ For fine groceries, pure aod fresh, the P. V, B. Sture—Diuges’—18 secoud Ww uoue lu tuts Or adjoining counties, ~~ Jress goods, late siyies, low in price, at Dingoes. Ladies will remember tual Le Wan © dooss gUOUs vlie Of LIS epoviaitive, it is a fact that any article ia thc grocery Line whist you cauuul get at Sech lere 18 uO. Wurtu having. But tuey do Keep everyihiog tu weir ine, sud iu greswer variety than eisewnere, Stock always [16st ; goods wartauted pure sno dnadulterated, as they dv uot wish w uure their sisudiog by putting ous aU lLImMpure aruicie, PERSONAL, wee Mr, Jobn Wolf, of Miles, one of our efficient Uomusissiouers, houored the RerorTER sanctum with a cali, tue vines usy. . wer, (George Swab, of Livden Hall, wis 8 caller upvu the Heronrrer; M: Swab will make 88:0 of bis aru stock, eOuL; »0e Lis ndv, 10 Reporter, wee Me, David Bbaffer aud Lady of Miles, wiso fuyored tue Reporter with a visit, Were pleased to have a call, and chat, from vue estetinued irioud, Mr, Reu- ben Gramley, of Mes, uit Tuesday. efit, L. J. Musser, of near Peon Hall, celied upun tue Reporter, ou Mou day. Mr. Musser will wake ste Of Lis Larus stock, us wil be seen advertised 10 he Reporter, 1utending 10 retire frow nn. Fiedler & Runkle of Haines also bunored the Reporter wit » call, Mr, Walker, the efficient clerk io the imiouers’ office, looked 1n 00 us, D#iurusy, 10 see where the RerorTER is prin. ed, , in niin ion A SIM A BawmrLt ar Privare SaLe. ~The nn- dersigued offers ut private saio a sawmill ou Marsh Creex, in twp, the en- ue ud bolle. St wh A buldug soa det y can aise be purchased desired. Apply to Jond Howres, 1fet,3t , Beileionie, Pa. a WA 8 A. Siricker, Wrightaville, Pa’, sage: “Brown's Lron Bivers enti SPRING MILLS, George B, Nash, Jr. died on Sunday, 21 ult, He had a long and lingering ill ness and was a patient sufferer for ten months, He was 17 years of age, Miss Nelly Krumrine has been very ill for some time past and is not expected to recover, Consumption is said to be what ails her, Spring Mills will be represented in Bellefonte this week on the land trial, Mrs, Bartroff vs Jacob MeCool, time for the lawyers and hotels, Mrs, Jerry I. Condo is recovering slow- ly of her sprained limb, : Philip Dale is taking advantage of the sledding and is laying in a good supply of logs as fast as he can while the snow lasts Philip seems to be a go a head fellow in the way of improvements, The Centre Democrat correspondent from this place says the Spring Mills and Centre Hill Presbyterian Ladies Mission- ary society, altho’ scattered miles about, has held regular monthly meetings and within the past year has raised seventy two dollars to help convert the dear heathen. Now there is but one member of the Spring Mills Church that belongs to this society and the most members are just around Centre Hall; and as far as we can learn they have got a scholorship in one of the Missionary schools and the balance they pay to their own pastor. It would be well for Spring Mills if we had a missionary society to convert some of the card players and swearers. C.D. Q. r————ei———— —=[f youn want the best canned or dried frait in the world ; the nicest oys- ters ; the purest and best sugars, coffees aud teas; pure and voadultersted spices ; fresh snd cured meats ; cheese, crackers, peas, beans, vegetables, soaps, brushes, or anything belonging to the line of fum tly groceries, headquarters for such is Secnlers, in the Bash bouse block. Try them, Good eed ese — A $2000 BIBLICAL REWARD. The publishers of Rutledge s Monthly of fer twelve valuable rewaras in their monthly for February, among which isthe following: We will give $20.00 in gold to the person telling us which ia the middle verse in the Olid Testament Scriptures by February 10th, 1883, Bhould two or more correct answers be received, there ward will bedi vided. The money will be forwarded to the winner February 16ih, 1883. Parsons trying for the reward must send 20 cents in silver (no postage stamps takes) with their answer, for which they will receive the March Monthly, in which the name «nd address of the winner of the reward snd correct answer will be published This tany be worth $2 00 1 you; cut it oat. Address, Rutledge Publishing Come dary, Easton, Penns, 2 jsut a PENN HALL ITEMS, We notice the Buffalo Run R. R. is to bulit as soon as the nght of way is se- cured. Why gentlemen come on and build the link ot the LC. & T. R. R where the night of way has been secured YEAS GEO. LIVE Us 4 western outlet and redeem your pledges, our Citizens have fulniled their obugation faithiully. Daniel B. Weaver onr most enterpris- ing lumberman has a number of teams haaling bark and ties to the Kail Koad Proi. ¥. Meyers resumed teaching his vocal music chs at the Academy on Fri- day and =alems church Thursday even- Lgl. Andy 1. Rishel has returmed home from Cambria county; he has been work- ing on a timber job, reports big wages ior 16 hours for a day, no bread, plenty of cake, sour krout and speck. sandy Wendal, the practical black. smuth of J. C. Condoe's coach shop has gone on a visit to his family and inends at Mun. Chas Ubendorf of Miffinburg, at Moyers’ shop again—he is a practical painter and trimmer, he did that hand- some work on Moyer's sieighs, J. W. shook,, of the firm Shook Bros, Harrisburg; is here on a vis- itto his parents and inends, Boys it 1s rude to push open school room doors when locked; better things are ex- pected of you. Whooping cough is raging in Brushval- ley, they are going it whooping in Fred Heckman 8 scnool. Charlie Fisher has been confined to his room several days with a severe cold, he is now better and expects to on to school SOOT. : Harvey Smith went to housekeeping in fuil earnest. A number of onr citizens have gone to Belletonte; are interested in che Bartroff and McUool land trial. Lut, Musser indulged in a circus sleigh ride, when you take such risk driving colts you should have such sport to yourself, and take no one in charge with you. News Boy. LE AMELANCHOLY CURIOSITY. The following sdvertisement was clips ped from & Milwaukee, Wis. paper, previ oud to the burn ing of the Newhatl House. It is # melocholy curiosity as showing the wesns supposed to bave been provided tor she sufoly of guests: ‘Newhall House, Milwaukee, Wis, J. F. Antisdel & Son, proprietors. Great re- duction in rates. Room and board, $2, &2.50 and $3 per day. Bake & DWight's psient fire escape provides means of exit from every floor incase of emergency. The notel employes are kept in training as » fire depariment, and every flour is sup- pried with water and hose.” m——— IMA Forty-three bodies of the victims of the Milwaukee fire were interred with impres- sive funeral ceremonies on Toursday 26ih- [be service of the Bonian Ustholic church was celebrated over twenty of the dead snd that of the Protestant Church over the remaining twenty three. Tobe bursting of a stesm pipe st the Exposition building during the service crested a panic, but no one was injured, The funeral procession was more than two miles long, At Bbawnestown, Iil.—early on the morning of the 24s ult, a mob of masked men attempted to enter the jail forthe pure of lynching the colored murderer, vlmes, Repuised in their first atempt oy the Sheriff and his deputies, the mob broug bt a ev aos: infront of the jail and hi rentened W oatiar dows the wally but shots from the juil, the ringiog of the Court House bell and the gathering of ci i zens soared them sway. be is BUPERIOR EXCELLENCE The reasons for Peruna's superior excel. lence in all diseases. nnd its modus opers andy, sre fully explained in Dr Hartman's lecture reported in his book on the ** Ills of life, and How to Cure them,” from page 1 to page 10, though the whole book should be read and studied to get the full value of this par excellent remedy. These books can be had st sil the drug stores gratis. Peruna is the best immediate Expectors ant (Cough Medicine), that has yet been compounded by physician or druggist There is nothing in medical print that can at all compare with it. And no less so is it the very best Tonic, Btimulunt, Nervine, Diuretic, Alternative, Anti-Dyspeptie, Ap petizer, Heematic, (Blood Medicine) &ec., &c., that hus ever bsen compounded by docter or layman. It should. therefore, niways be kept on hand for Immediate use. (ui ———————— WANTED i Two reliasble men to solicit orders for our Nursery Stock in this and adjoining counties, on a salary, We will give » month's trial (and advance money for the expenses of the same), and, if success ful, steady employment and good pay. Address, R., G. CHASE & Co., The Ohase Nurseries, Philadeiphia Pa. (En close stamp ) 4jan8t aetna nl oot A os MARKETS. . New York, Jan. 20.—Fiour extra Min- nesnte $3 90, patent 6 @ $8, southern $5. 50. Whueat, red Nol,1 19%, Na, 3, 98; No 1 White $1.04, No 261.06. Corn 58. Rye 76 Barley 87. Oats 48, Bacon 9%; dressed hogs 814; westren 8, Butter 24 £., 38 for fair to faucy. Cheese, Ohio, 5@ 13. Creamery H@8% Eun 80. Sagar crushed 9}, powdered ¥3{, granula- ted 83. Rice 5a7. N.O. molasses 40 to 60 RioCoff-e 83. Nol Mackercl 8156@17; No 2812, Nu 5,810. Hops$l per Lb, Clovered seed 18@ 14 per 1b, Timothy 2. 25. Spring Mills Market. Wheat, 75, 90, and 1.00. Rye 70c Corn, shelled 65, and ears new 65 Oats, 400. Buckwheat, 50c. Barley 060c to 76c Cloverseed,. 6 U0 to 7.00 Timothy seed, 160 to 1 76 Plaster ground per ton, $9.00 Flour, per bbl $500 Butter 26¢ Tallow, Ge. Lard, 10. Ham, 12ic Shoulders 10+ § Bacon or side, 10c Eggs per doz. 25 Corrected weakly ny 1. J. Grenobla COAL —Paa, 835 Chestnut, 4.75; Stove, 500; Ege, 4 85. rt Ap MARRIED. On the 10th January, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. George Wii son, of Half Moon, and Miss Mary B «oth, daughter of John Booth, of Stat. College, Ou the 21st December, at the Reform ed par-onage, by Rev. J. F. Delong, Mr Foster E. House! sud Miss Lida E. Cow- her, hoth of Howard, Pa. At the residence of George Taylor, Esq., in Mileshurg, by Rev. J. A. Wood ewk, Sawmvel W. Campbell and Miss lda E. Taylor, both of Milesburg. At the residence of Joseph K tchen, on 20th Janusry, by Rev. J. A Woud owk, Wm. H, Adaws and Miss Emma A. Young, both of Milesburg. DIED. On 14 Jan, in Gregg twp, Mrs Elizabeth Bracht, relict of Geo. Bracit, formerly of Penn twp, aged 74 years, 19 days, At Madisonburg, on 19 Jannary, Mr Sam'i Sha er, aged 79 years, 5 months and 16 days, Mr, Bhafer was one of Lie oldest «und most respected ciizens of Miles township. He was an honest aud upright maa in all bis doings. SALE ~The undersigned will Pru pubic sale al his resis mile north east of Pent Hall, on Thursday 1st, the following personal properiy, to wil One four-year-old stallion, two ares with § two te oyearald colts, one 1-year oid colt cattie, 19 bead of extra Leicester sheep, 3 horse waggons, broad w heel, two hor WORRY horse sprang wagon, 1 two-horse sled, Iatuly sicigh two sels hay wagers (Chestnut), box thal Dolds sia ty bushels, thresiing machine, with shaker, pow er and strap, Exceisior windmill, Excelsior reaper with mower in good running order, hay mie, usy fork. Centre Hail corn planter, twohomnse Cullive tor, two horse culliveton with shovels, oor scraper, land-roller, two double shovels, two Hart man ploughs, Kxceisior plough, side-iiil plough narrows, ot of single trees, double roes, singe harness, sed of dounie harness, Jot of horse gears, fifth chain, og cosin, sl blacksmith W0ols, and many other articies. Sale to begin et 1 pom, when tertos will be made known. J. H. Leitaeil, auctioneer. D. J. MUSSER UBLIC SALE Will be offered at public sale P 81 the resilience of the sulscgiinr, iu Harris township, one mile west of Linden Hall, on Friday, March i6, the following property, viz: Six head of work horses, 3 year old coll, 4 besd of mich cows, ten head of young ositie, two breeding sows, two broad - wheel pisntation wagons owe of which is Just DEW, Ole «HOTsE Wagon, Two sets of hay adders, eighty bushel wagou bed, two sets of heavy wagon boards, two buggies, gumepring drill, horse rake, doubje sled just Dew, plank siea, Centre Hall corupiauter, b ploughs, three harrows, three horse cultivators, s-horse cultivator, two corn scrapers, four sets of double and single trees, two S-borse trees, Iwo pair of spreads wiih single tres, joe cutter, rough wok, log chain, 80th chain, breast and butt chains, eow chains, cutting box just new, fanning mill, grind sone, dinner bell, forks and shovels, 6 sets plowgears, & cojiams, 12 pir of hames, Wagon ¢, & Yapkes bLridies, 6 sets of fiynets, pair of checks, 4 choke straps, and other articles, Sale to commence st 10 o'clock, a. m., when terms will be made known. Josiah Neff, suetioneer. GEORGE SWAB, JPRIVATE SALE. OF REAL ESTATE—The undersigned, executors of Thomas J. Stiver, dorvssed, also trustees and ageats for his heirs, herooy Offer at private sale the real estate of sald Thomas J. Btiver, deconsed, situated in Potter township about one mile west of Potters Mills, consisting of two tmots of land: one containing about forty acres, being wood ri Je ws containing sixty acres, more or loss, ng ve uetive, | improved, and otherwise desira land, without stones or waste ry: whieh le erected af ample dwellinghouse, 8 pov f a and VER, i with wh ' For furtoer Bunker Hil Lliots. MARY PF. VER, ‘1 L. BTIVER, other attachments, for terms apply to . B. STIVER, Potters Mills, Pa. 1febtf ARM t OBPEANS COURY SALE ere wiil be =x wosed at public sale at tke late resi of John dec’'d, 1 mile west of syville, on Thursday, Feb 22 '88 a wal usbio FARM containing about 160 sores. osbly good limestone land, about 14 sere Doing fusst timber, balance in good eulu | two siory frame h other buildings. with » fine failing on : given April 1, 1ES2 upon the purchaser satisfactory security that Terms of wo AREY rs “ Grand for NovT 82......0c0.00 ‘Traverse do ist w'k “ 40 do nd do “no 30,81, 02 80 & 3M Aug ses 51... FE “ROY Augses'80,.......... cer J G Larimer's pay... ” copy decree Haines town ship election. ......eoismisin “00M Dov ees BL... "oer no 10 Aug ses "82... no 11 do do 6&7 * stationery - CBr in no 1 Aug ses . do 8 &15 Apr do ‘8 » eer for ingisition on 2bodies “CRF COUrt CTIErB. ..ooviosririnion “ oer Ase, Judges’ paY.......... “no90 & 32 Ang sen '82....... “no Novees TRL... ~ swearing Henry Emerick... “gerno Aug ses ‘82... do 9% Nov do ~ gwearing and cer Mercantile Appeaiuey sill... BNO 3 Aug ses ‘82 do 24 Nov do do 7 do 79 « oer in no 3 Nov ses "82 . do H Aug T do ~ gor court crier Ang do ~ ger clerk on election ; « gounting vote &e¢ general election as ahs = transmitting 37 to Bee Com cer Woodring Return Judge by cash . ‘ to bridge view no 7 Nov ses "79 “ 0er BOG Apr ses RZ report Grand jury Aug ses * per no 7 Nov ses "79... do 2 Aug ses 'B2 orders for 2 election precincts * oer no 6 Apr ses "R2 do i do & Copy 40 do 7 Nov . « eer Ben Return Judged&diling paper - ~ per Cong Return Judge and filing paper my April ses "82 ait const Curtin ip rm "79 body of D jury & copy cording decree no 5 April sos WZ . recording decree snd 258 Apr T 79 or 10 Lewis Hess ing. on oOpy fired Ww 'N3 two oer for Tra adn first w 52 ‘ cer Tra jor pay Jan 8 "82 no 31 Aug ws 82 balance due J © Harper T. 4. LUNKEL By Com’th cost as follows os Zi. Blanes RG 100 oom 11.05, 10.18 LM 3. to 40.843 Ap seed ’ “ mos 36 Aug sos 82 nos 348 10 10 2 Rel ‘ — * drawing jury for spec court March ‘ . watching prison one night “ JeVYINE Loe no one Jan sos = subpning E T Tuten. do RR Spangler do Coma Clerk - susnmoning 36 juroms for 2nd w Mar and return - * drawing jury Apr T one day * ponveyiug Mrs Reindicker to hosplial Warren... * summoning 108 jurors Apr T and return... . “ drawing jury for Aug ses ONE QRY .ooonmrmvivrireinsus . ~ summoning 72 jurors for Aug T and Pellirn....oounviimiinns “ drawing jury for Nov court ORB: BBY «.ovinniiiiirmunisinim = summoning 1M jur for Nov ses atid return. ar “ oonveying Amos Wilson 0 House of Refuge. ooo ‘drawing jury for Jan T S38 Ole aay. SEAS Sr A = filling whoel 4 days @ 4 ‘adv Court Proc Jan, Apr, Nov ses “for Aug and Nov terms... * adv election proc... © removidg fish basket Spring CF cso ramesvumnvisi ner grass sat Ee removing ish b Bald Eagle ’ do do Peams Cr... do Marsh Cr... copy of notice 10 papers for remsoval of teh baskets, pub notice to papers for ro. moval of fish baskets... “ posts in Com Pleas cases... - unmet foe ut i = bu Prisoners 1580 days BEE COS, creamer iY D To fine In no 4 Apr ses 82... - do 1 Aug do RARE SE Ev Balance due county... #0 17 — n all " i 9 KL 100 75 100 4 00 2 10 OO 925 40 1 00 a3 100 40 1 00 @ = x 1 30 300 300 i490 6 0 4 & 00 400 1m 1756 00 i Bl Me mesa ESS balances in hands of Tres... 667 42 udge t against John i pangler oseessons 1512 90 balance in favor of the coun. ty when all assets col lectable sre paid in... outstanding and not collect. able notes and judge ments in hands of ait notes and judgements in Com’ hands, taxes outstanding COMGCTRBNE, . ..ornroissanorss sie Claims against 13 Districts in county for Keepin insane now 0 process o settlement bul not yet 7000 15 1748 75 1906 62 2131 11 wz 19 THEW 16502 4% 205 92 os UG ~ T9 BS Commission paid durin 32, exonerstions allowed in do Amatint of ac CXPpeTNeS uring Wl ...ccooiimens ; Amount of bonds and notes i palp during 82... .... 25% 2 . We the undersigned Commissioners of Centre enunty 40 hereby certify to the best of our knowl edge that the foregoing report is & true and oor rect statement of the receipts and expenditures of said county for the year A, D. 1882, and order the same published . JOHN WOLF, i H. C. CAMPBELL, » Commissioners A. J. GRIEST, } NG 9 {test ; W. Miies Wares, Clerk, EVERY LADY SHOULD BUBSCRIBE FOR Strawbridge & Ul .thier’s Fashion Quarterly. EVEKY NUMBER CONTAINS, Nenrly one thousand engravings. illus. trating the new thiogs io every depart ment of fashion EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Pour pages of new music, in most cases original, either voesl or instrumental, EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: The prices of sil kinds of Dry Goods, ogether with descriptions sud eugravings 0 show what they look like, EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: Valusble onigion! articles, mostly illus. rated, on subjects thet trent of Lhe scorns nent of the person, the besutifyirg of some snd the newest things in art needle work, EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: lustructions bow ihe Gmisne customer san shop as setisiactorily snd as ecouvmis cally ns residenis of the city PRICE, 60 CENTS PER YEAR SPECIMEN COPIE~ 15 CENTS. FTRAWBRIVGE & CLOTHIER. Eighth aud Market Streets, Philad. dna td POSS SALE OF THE EEASON, UBLIC sali~Wii be oliciou al publi P Hl Lv Tosiuiale Ww ory Wiles SOULHWweR Wi Missa aly Le, inns, 1 wean Bag Pigsiing, ww wma « 5 BRMIOE, & wiki Casi ee Hi We AAAFEBOE & asiaiion Cail AE B dYolie, £ dum Oise Lisiiag 4 wi unig Callie, 0 Bly, do WR, UE DATE Waa iad, Wang Ua, S- aah aid, Udall Tuagmid Ehaias Glug, iw Hl Fone BlIBRCT weal Fumie, © | winsbm, 4 a bik rh Rl ——— Re nny 4 a sits UAE Yat J sandy trait GPE BUG Palos, LBY BEY; Whole IU, hai DU asgrimiaidy, & US Ul GIR) Menace MCL B mh ae CMAIGE Landes, £& wos poh UT DBA Lali asin, EE Clb, Limi aN Re, sedate, BUGGH BRUYWS, & 4) bch Paes Eh EE A Gadd BY Seal, BAY LF Law bua, Aras Sd SAE Fd silane Laan FRA BYE, BYE pia Cami BlUVE sw APO Bias, € spt oi, helomiis, CRWLIU bass sind Ramada i Uae © lL Bx Gridd ROU BCT Ul prbeame wi, Daas Cindi GEE, AMBOHAT BW LE dla as nest ey o won K sais, § seis ad Wain, emis, Cadi By VRE A CP ¥ SACRA, Sid Cla Belalsus. Deis Bi wide WE GAUER LAMAR WIL LE Biv RaaUW sa A au bead, wi Wy saa Voie 55 a.. 4 Prolmansce, UBLIC SALE. ~The undersigned will PUL sale offer at g LAC Beata WRT Sadie wilh OF Fortes » mis, Lusty , Maio i Brive Lug sitive Fil & Badia so # AEE oR selon #0 pve ond URE, Bik CEE UE Wa BRO. 9 Bl om Wika Pe, LRU Seed we alien Phil wage, 4 WKY , Suri een, AR mend, Sueial, Ged, esad td Wh drainale Smdiiid dy wind iene aaa sling BUG Powel, Ba) Thess, en hls, § WAG PHBE, AAA, TRLLLL, be sega PAB, Ua DEE Ci Ye, ira 1 ASE, ER TUWE, WINE BOR DIARY SOUS, Ei Cad Gav dae A An ui unseen, sol U1 vag puede, Bol wi ui el Tot FRTIL atari, Adal, Lacan d®, ed Aid mp wl Lessin & UREIR MOVES, Pemdan bre gnasin Cshandaan, laisse, OulaeT Cdpronies ts d POLAK, WU ROE we ™, MEY vupput scliaec, we foie, Vieooged, leoal Voorn, sis wilser dla WO Culiacae Bl vig a bay wom, 4% Harv sve, Coa gd, Casowie ban " JONATH. WEAVER. A DMIXNISTRATOR'S NOTICE ~Letiers of ad. : Midis elias upeons voy ovlele of ween A0E Shuills, Gevonmsd, wie wi hel Wwe ne sidigs, MAY UHGY RUG Mw IY Rima WW tees Wiaer dani, BE WORM Fosleuliuey towed sul Paisous Aart Lag MACUL YO WW UR deals 0 Laan Sosa YO ABEL MARGARRIRLE PRY aA, wend Wows Ss V DLE CALLE SCRE LA deat WO peed Woe sedi Gly sdibideitbeuabend Wl Melliciieui Me. de BAdHELBAL, Aya AGu'r Faves 8 Saas, 18, ———— - UBLIC SALE. —W hi be suid 51 pubs HC sie al Ll Fesldence of Lue, suuscriber, 24 woes west ul Madisvnvurg a Woduesday, Fevruary 7. uw folie UR pesca prupery, Ww wi Vue buree, vie mare wilh ool, 4 cows, Z vmives, Ll sheep, © Bugs, new Sborse ragols, dQuuvle sivd, spring wagon, LugEY, og wivd, linyrake, Gril, piven, vie enpel, Good two burse Bravaker Wagou, wibivelur, Wrenupuwer sug inl Bivyy la” aig suid, barrows, sel Of 4 uwie - ope, lie sIURIE Dal lioes, bulsv gor Bats A, Bolse Iuruilure, vue Cuuk . . Al URiTH, Vlie Cate -Dullom se Bo eo —— wruer cupbunrd, bures, Oo © YAY Cluck 1, Cupp kewlit, an - BR, HOE Kel Sale Ww cuwmiw Slo Gg tell, wie. chive mt IU shade ets Will De mage Kowa, V Chek when A. YEARICK. pores MILLS PROPERTY FOR Addl ~~ A yer mi toperty near Pouers Mills 1s (3 rr ¥ Vale sale, coushsting of 5 AULKES of sud. thereon ms good HOUSE wan nil ‘eCekenly vilbulidiugy; a gould well mi the oul; Choice appie ees, peach and trees. The Jpropeity is a Geeiras veone. Fereuns desiring W purchase = Guyer, ol 8, rave Town, whe “ 10uU the properly aud Rive Bhi To of wie, For turer inl mation nad Pens 1G SAMUEL KKIDKK, Musgrove, Suyyet Ue Pa. P. O. Bos 48 Bjaatt ILESBU Q TROFERTY aT PRI oa vary valuable pale Property in Mi * vifered st Private saie, ee abary, Auwilent Wwwn AUUSE, with nil aston Lt Srony a wever-aclog weil of oh drum wor, choice tat water of tue “Berrues, 8d smalinr fruits on the mia iereuns dusiring Ww purchase a piens- wt and profiavie att 0nd pou Mr. Shins party, pL Ue wil sbuw them ry he Jurber inl tmatin Taecrt K, RAN AD —paL.Y ia 8t private tals his vai ha LOT aL Ya URAL HOUSK oe ’ dr, She v tbe rail every bated conven! and to i 30d « : +