THE CENTRE REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pa., Dec. 14, 1882, Frep Kurtz, . . . . . Editor. Terms —§2 per year in advance. $260 when not in advance Advertisements 90 cents per line for three insertions Yearly and half yearly ad's at special rales, 2Hereaftor all subscribers paying their subscription in advance, will get a credit of two months additional as a pre mium, GOODS COMING—In Car Loads Of Boxes, Barrels gud Express Packages. 0 GOODS GOING—In Bashets and Bundles of Every Description. SIX CLERKS BUSY Waiting on Customers. Come and See Why this is Thus, G.R. Spigelmeyer & Co.—~Whitmer & Co Spring Mille, Pa. NOW IS YOUR TIME. Get two Weekly Newspapers for the Price of One. » Best Inland Daily Rates, The sadseription price of the “Woekly Patriot” is $1.00 por snnum, cask in advance : Horeaftor the Weeskiy Patriot and the New York “Weekly saa" will eseat to ha same address, one gear, for $1.00 cash In advanos , or tha Wea kly Pas trial and the Philadelphia “Weekly Timea™ for 83.00 cash in advave To any person getting apa olab of ton or more sab sorthors to the Waekiy Patriot at oan dolar per COPY por anaam, one copy wilibe sent gratia for the year The subscription price of the "Dally Patriot" by mail is $800 per annvam, cash ia advance it aot paid fo advance 87 0 per annuum will ba ohamged for three months £3 Mu if paid to advance or $380 it nod pakd a advanse § propo-tioasl rates tor shocte ponvods The Daily Patriot daring the ses mons of congress aad the loghhlatar will be sspes ei lg interesting wand for sample copies of Daily and Weekly Remittances must be made by Post Uficd money order or draft sccepted by bank om which it is drawn, Address PATRIOT PUB. INH ING COMP ANY, 30 Market street, Harrisburg, Penn'a, léidoodt GRAIN! GRAIN! Highest market rates paid for all kinds of grain COAL! The subscriber keeps constantly on hand and for sale, Egg, Stove, Chest. nut and Pea coal, at the lowest rates, G. A RUNK. 14do3m Spring Mills, SNOW SHOE COAL! The Snow Shoe Coal mined by James 8. Summerville is for sale in Bellefonte at the yard of Alexander & Co. The run of the mines is the best Soft Coal offered ror sale in Cen- tre County and is sold at the lowest prices. 14dedm LOCAL ITEMS, NOTICE —No County orders will be jssued between December 18 '82and Jan- gary 1. "88. Persons interested vill take notice. By order of the 30novdt CO COMMISSIONERS — Rush township has been divided into two election precinets, —Burchfield is offering his stock of new, fresh groceries at cosi. Call for cheap groceries before the end of the year. He has sugars, coffees, teas, can- ned goods of all kiods, fruits, etc. The basement of the Millkeim Luth- eran church will be dedicated on 31 inst. Dedicatory sermon in the moraiog, by Rev. Fischer, of Centre Hall. — New and fresh stock of groceries, for the holiday season, at Dinges —For pare confectioneries, fruits, good fresh bread, pies, cakes, etc, go to Sands, the Baker, on Bisnop street, Betiefonte, now aud during the holidays. He keeps every thivz in line on hand and can supply all families, ——The Middleburg Post, with T. H. Harter as editor and prop’r, has come to our table. Mr Harter is a graduste of the RerorTer office, and he has the vim and abinty to make the Post a lively pa per. May be meet with financial suc C28. ——Esq. Reifsnyder, advertises real estate of 8. H. Moyer, at Millheim. J. 8. Krape advertises purchase of per- sonal property o! Wm. B. Krape. E. L. Orvis advertises And. notice of Naney A. Rank, est, Mr. Love advertises sale gf John Love farm Mr Rank advertises new grain and coal depot at Spring Mitls, Alexander & Co, adv, Snowshoe coal. For these read REPORTER, == leave your measure for a bran new Christmas suit at the Bee hive. ——81x dollars a bushel paid for choice clean cioverseed at Alexander & Co Bellefoute, ~All in full blast for the holidays at Teats’ new grocery opposite the Bush house. If you want the best table delicacies, the finest and purest candies, oranges, lemons, and fruits, fresh oys- ters, call at Tears’ grocery They have the most complete assortment of grocer- ies to be found, and sell low. It is not not necessary to pick our words in mentioning the Philadelphia “Times” the prospectus of which journal appears in another column. The “Times has got to be a sort of necessity with some people of this community and it ought to be with many wore. It bas many imitators sbi over the land, but there is really nothing like be “Times from Maine to Califor. nian. We bave persuaded ourselves a times that the reason the people like it ro much i= that it is constantly giving ite res ‘ers juicy bites from the sunny side of the journalis ic peach, 2% -— George W. Eaton's confectionery, in the Brockerhoff bonse row is now supplied with a first class stock of Christ. mas goods. You find there all the fine confectioneries, nuts and fruits, Give Mr. Eaton a call at his new confection ery. He will treat you right. -——The XY. M.C A of Centre Hall, on last Friday eveniog gave a reception to the business men of the town in the as- sociaiion hall, Vocal and instrumental music, sociul chat, ete, were engaged 1n for aun hour, when a 'able wes spread and stewed cyvsters with other extras were served, The Y. M. C. A. of this place is a live and prosperous institution that bas made its goo influences fel I's membership is large and ail are earn- est and zealous in the good work of oganization, ~——Don’t forget to go to headquarters for family groceries, and that the place is Bechlers, in the Bush house block, for groceries. provisions, gneens and glassware, purchased for cash, now pre prepared to offer to close cash boy- ers, at bottom prices, a full line of sav gars, syrups, (pure sugar goods,) coffees, green & roasted, pure spices, canned aud dried fruits, raisins, currants, citron, pruens, &c., bam, shoulder, bacon, dried beef, mackerel, mess shad, &c.. China and G. ‘ea sets, toilet sets handeomely decorat d, novelties in majelica and oth- er fine wares, lamps, &e. They invite you, reader, 10 come and see them, as it wil: offord them plessare to show you goods and tell you prices, feeling sure they can please you, All kinds of coun- try produce taken, either in exchange for goods or for highest market prices. WIFE. Io Indiana livedfa soul Who suffered long snd sore, Shae could not walk, could scarcely roll But limped from door to door; At Inst she read “The Ills of Life,” And found a speedy eure, No crutghes now for this poor wife, Relief to her was sure | For low prices in job work, sale bills, etu., vali at the Bepories office, or, send you: orders by mail. Try us, t ——Ladies’ and children’s coats and dolmans, finest in the land, at the Bee Hive, ——The ladies of the Snydertown Lutheran church propose holding a fair, in onnection with an oyster and varie ty upper, Friday and Batorday afters no ns and evenings, Decenber 22d and 23+. Aliarein ited to attend, TA Anakin AEA FA SAI AAS I St I BADE. —=].0t8 of exchanges are publishin an article on “how to cook a turkey.” A more important matter with a good many is “how to get a turkey.” That's what bothers vg-—~Milton Argus. Well, now, een’t you hook” one--i, e, can't you gobble'r up? weThe Towigshurg Journal has been enlarged and changed into an § page pa- per. The Journal is a good paper and a favorite on our table, 1t is announced that the honorable P Gray Meek is a candidate for clerk of the house. There seem to be four or five applicants from this county for po sitions at Harrisburg. It is well enough to give ye editor a show too, —eArabl Pasha would prefer his banishment to be London or Damascus, janstead of the Cape of Good Hope, Let Arabi come over Pens and start a sum- mer resort on top of Niutany mountain He might make a nice thing of it, if he only proved he was honest and paid his honest bills ar he went along. —-Several Lewistown girls have been jailed for running around the streets of that village at night, The Sheriff of Centre county may put some of our girls to jail too, York had a turkey on Thanksgiv- ing day which weighed 42 pounds -— Lewisb, Chronicle Spring Mills can bat that—said to have a “gobbler” weighing 5 to 6 times as muoh, Why is the result of the late elections like the transit of Venus? was 4 passing over the son, Because it The Millheim Journal makes its usual annual announcement —two months democratic and ten months neutral boldly too, “even at the risk of having its party orthodoxy eailed into question.” Never mind about the doxy, grod fel- low, but who'il take care of the party in the next ten months? Guess when sup per is on the Journal man will be on hand for lunch and full wages. A mountain of all the toys in the world, at Cedars’, on Bishop streei, Bellefonte, It is a perfect menagerie of toy animals in all characters. Dolls of all sizes and prices, drums, wagons, and only Santa Claus knows what else. Ce~ dars is a friend of the little folks and knows what will please them. —The County Commissioners have recently paid off over $20,000 of the coun- (y's indebtedness, which will meet the approbation of the tax-payers, no doubt, By coliecuiug wany of we outstandiug taxes, funds cume 10to the treasury that were available for this purpose. We trust the Commissioners witl lusist that all the oid and vusettlen duplicates will ve paid up, aud the indebtedness be suli iurther reduced. No culiector should be permitted to bold his wax bovk over 24 years without seuling off, ——(eo. W. Eaton's new confection- ery, in the Brockerboff house row, has a large variety of No. 1 Curistmus goods, He keeps non® but the fines: aud best candies, nuts, and fruits. Don't miss Eaton when you make your holiday purchases, —A lot of new goods at Powers’ shoe-store, for the holidays. Tue must elegant boots and shoes io thesiate. No wore Attiug Christmas gifl tor wire, hus band, sou, daugbier, sweetheart or other irtend, itso a pair of those handsome bouts and shoes, at Powers & Son, Dun’t forget 14 ers, aud warraut ail tuey sell, —Thursday last was stormy and cold, at migut there wa. high wiud aod very cold. Next day, Friday, was cold and stormy—the coldest thus far, ther- mometer 2 deg. above zero in the morn- ing. ——Don't give all attention to head and stomach during the holidays, aud remember toat if your feet are properly taken care of, the other members ot the body will be benefited. 10 do thisgoto Doli & Miugles and get your boots and shoes for whe holidays, or for a chinstmas gift tor a friend. They have a fine as sortment for this purpose, ——If you wish to buy first class gro- ceries at cost, go to Burchtield's grocery where they are selilug off stock, and wave a fal live ou band, all No. 1 goods, ——Tuere will be a public entertain- welt Ou Saiuraay eventug vefore Christ- was, 10 tue M. E. church of tis place. Tne most wonderful display of Christmas goods at Sands’ bakery—an endless variety of toys to plesse the lit- tie folks, fruits and confectioneries of the best quality. Sauds’ out.oes all here- tofore shown in the line of holiday goods. ——The dinner to be given by’ the Evangelical congregation, on Saturday previvus to Chrisumas, Dec. 23d, promis- es to be a rich real; extensive prepara- tions are being made and they kindly ask the community to share in the feast. I'ney need tunds and ail help will be greatly appreciated. The dinner and supper will be served in Deininger's sture room, at 25 ceuts a meal, Dinges has on a lot of taney goods suitable for Chirstmas presents—articles in Coins and glass, textile fabrics, and fine coufectioveries. If you want to save money on your purchases for the holis days, go to the Penunsvalley Bargain re. —]. J. Meyer has purchased Sher- iff Spangler’s half interest in the Centre Hall botel. Ladies’ furs and fur trimmings, all grades and styles at the Bee Hive. CoxvexrtioN in the Musical College, at Freeburg, beginning Monday evenfng, January 15. 1883, coutinuing one week Eminent wusicians are engaged from ad- joining counties, Philadelphia and Lan caster city. Address, F C Moves, 3t Musical Director. Levi Stover, of Aaronsburg, died last Barurday aftera very short illness, He was some fifty years old. His daugn- ter, Nancy Hermano, arrived from 1i- uuis just about fifteen minutes before he died. ——L0t Irvin, of Buffalo twp, Union county, while moving a large portable engine, fell from it while it was moving and broke his neck. A number of men were with him at the time, but are un- able to account for the accident, A young man was standing beside him drumming on a tin cup, who said he dropped over as though shot. ——Wednesday opened np with snow, ....Noah Korman, of Miles township, nas quit teaching on account of con- samption of the throat, A brother of Rev. Z. A. Yearick, or Aaaronsburg, has taken Mr. Kormau's place. ——PgrgoXaL. ~The RrrorTER had the following calls: Daniel Geiss, from Chicago; J.G. Carson, Potiers Mills; Rep- resentative Meyer; B. W. Royer, of Mad- isopburye; also Mr. Ertle, of nvar same place; Mr. Fayette Moore, of Centre Hill —always pleased to have our frieuds call, Also call by Col, Shorilege, Ladies, if yon want fine dress goods at cost, go to Brockerhoff’'s where stock will be sold off hetween now and the holidays. Goods all first class and latest styles. Don’t miss this opportuni- ty for a bargain. lp Ap A CANARY BIRD makes ona of the pricest Christmas prea. ents: his sweet voice being a constant res minder of the doner The newly imported Night singing canary is the b-st as it sings by lamplight +2 well as during the day: he cost is $2.50 Cages can be had form one dollar for » brass cage up to 10 dollars for a silver plated one The bast place to go for these things is to the retail department of the BIRD FOOD COMPANY, 237 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia They have the largest stock of all kinds of birds, cages, rquariumes, fine bred go gsr ete, in Ameris en. Canaries ean be font by expres« with perfect safety. A printed guarantee giv en with every bird. os ty rp MADISONBURG CHIPS. Simon Smull has been very ill for the last fonr weeks, Ira E. Shafer hus re- turned from pleasure visit thro’ the east. J. J. Ocker has moved on the Adam Bha- Dan’l Roush shot a very fine derr one day last week. Madisonburg Sunday schools are preparing for Christ- mas festivines. Daniel Roush being ab- gent, wild turkeys veutured near to Madinsonburg. Willis Weber shot a five deer near Centre Mills, Ligntuing knocked a rooster over the feuce and cleaned him of feathers, but he was ap and around for Pattison before the thun- wy der came, W. a AN ANSWER. As“ the Mifllin county side” of a story which appeared in a Bellefonte paper aud the Altoona Tribune relative to a bear being taken from a Center couns, tian in the Seven mountains by two Mifflin connty hunters not long since, Las been asked for, in brief we have this to suy! Four Mifflin county hunters met the inglorious hunter a short time after! broin hae been snrprised and killed and his pr ze bewieged by two men. The de soription then given by the unfortunate ghootist pointa rather to two of a party of hunters from a lower county who were hunting in that region at the time, aud had evideotly shot and wonnded the bear previous to the ani- mals conflict with the Centre county hunter aud his sixteen shooter, and claimed it according to hunters’ rales Again if Mifflin county hunters would locate on the best hunting grounds of the Centre county side every season with a train of dogs, they could not expect to be treated with any degree of respect by the hunters of that side. No, no, we didn’t tuke his bear from him, neither would a Mifflin county hunter with a sixteen shooter and a huge dog ot his side allow two Centre county chaps to walk forward and carry away game he had killed and captured; consequently the promised revenge ou Mifllin county hunters has not caused Co, Gi. 10 be eails ed to the front, — Gazelle, The Rerorrer would now say, Let us have “peace”—a piece of the bear, - - - CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT. The Lutheran Sabbath school of Cen- tre Hall, will give an entertainment in the chureh on Christmas evening. The church will be decorated and the exer. cisos will be of an interesting and in- structive nature and appropriate to the occasion, interspersed with vocal and mstrumental music. We will give ful ler particulars of the program in our uext issue. i i - we de il ~The transit of Venus did not have the least effect on the rush for Yeady. made clothing at the Philad, Branch And let the rush be ever so great, Lew- ins is always ready, and can supply and suit all, in clothing for men or boys, and at 25 to 30 per cent. leas money than elsewhere in the United States A spe- cial lot of suits for the holiday season has just been unpacked, all lates: styles, very fine goods and lower than shoddy and auction stock is offered at elsewhere. Besides clothing you will find there a full line of underwear, collars, ties, cuffs, cuff buttons, jewelry, gold chains, hosie- ry, the finest and beat stock of hats in the county, umbrellas, all suitable for purchases for the holiday season. Go and see the immense stock at the cele- brated Philad Branch, ~The posteffice at Lewisburg was broken into Wednesday night of last EXTENSIVE LAND FRAUDS KANSAS, Land frauds of startling magnitude, recently discovered by the comminioner of the Ganera! Land Office in connection with the Osage ludian lands in Kansas, have ledto an order by the Commis sioner suspending all cash entries made by singlo men since June 23, 1881, where the lands lie within the counties Sumner, Harper, King and Comanche, Kansas, a IN BO a » Am pA wee]f you mother, something nice for Christman 0 look at the silk dolmans and real sen Rie plush garments at the Dee Hive, A MARKETS, sota extra H.26@0 475. Wheat 1.08; Corn 69; Oats 46. Cattle, prime 6§@0%; good 4)4@b, Bheep, prime, Blyqehls, «wood 415@b, Calves 78210, Hoge, prime 93210, good Wichita, Commissioner MoFurland says it has come to his knowledge that nums bers of entries have been made in these counties by cowboys, who immediately afterward turned the land over to thier employers. The best (arming lands and water privileges in the section named have been takenup in this way. The Insp- octor's report shows that the entire county of Comanche and the greater part ot the other three ceunties are under post and wire fence, and that intending settlers are driven off by the stockmen, A thorough investigation of the circumstances is being made and the Commissioner says that if allegations prove to batrue the partners (0 the frauds will be criminally prosecuted Bpring Mills Market, Wheat, 75, 90, and 1,00, Rye 70¢ ; Jorn, shelled BO, and ears new 60 Corn, shelled, 90, Oats, 400 Buokwheat, 80e, Barley 000 to 780 Oloverseed,. b 80 to 5.706 Timothy seed, 160 to 1 76 Plaster ground per ton, $9.00 Flour, per bbl $5.00 Butter U8 Tallow, Go. Lard, 124. Ham, 160 Shoulders 14 Bacon or side, 140 Eggs por dos, 250 Oarracted waakly hy 1, J. Grenobla and the lands thrown epen to bona fide settlers + li iinam— Las Vegas, N. M., December 7.— A a Mexican wedding feast inst night at Babs allo, & ssm!i Mexican town near this city Francisco Notan, a drunken guest, sho and killed two brothers named Rovall Notan then went to his home and cuto his wife's ears. Ho was afierward arrested There is strong talk of lynching him, se dp i Denver, Col, December 7.— Oae of th most destructive fires that ever visited Leadville broke out yesterday in the Texa House, the largest gambling establishmen in the West, which was entirely destroye together with a large amount of fine fur ture. >» The 1ndisn authorities and Indian Agent Taft are trying to remove 2.000 intruders trom the Creek and Semihole countries, who have moved iu, settled and have lived there for a loug time. and occasionally in- termarried. Secretary Teller has the mat ter unber advisemert. If they are res moved they may make (rouble. - oe Prox Drabluski, a girl aged twelve years live with her parents at Richmond Hill, L, I, while crossing the track ofthe mon tauk Railroad snd within ashort distance week by burglars; forced open the safe and stole a number of registered letters and between $800 and $900 in money! and stamps. —If any one wants to know what ingenious notion smen are possessed of to| please little boys ad girls, it is only] necessary to go to Sands’ Bakery, Belle-| tonte, and see the hundreds of differ ent Christmas toys on hand thers now, It is a perfect museuw, and & treat to go through his store room. Qh, say! have yon seen the ims mense variety of useful holiday gifts at the Bee Hive ? —1f yon want a good, warm and cheap overcoat, go to the Pennsvalley bargain store, where Dinges has a spe vial lot, Dinges offers overcats so extraordinarily low, Dr Jacob Horlacher, of Naw Berlin, Union county, whila attempting to fasten a fence picket, made a misstroke, causing tha nail to» glance snd strike him in the eye, the resuli was almost the loss of his eve Wa trust our good old Democratic friend will banllowed to finish tha journey of lite, without any further aflliction Selisngrove Times, The Dr is the father of our neighbor, CF Horlacher, There is still a large assortment of ready-made clothing at Brockerhofl's store, which is offered at "enst. A rare chance for a suit or an overcoat, cheap, — Faney goods, notions, and jewelry, sold at cost, at Brockerhoif’s store, F. A. Waltham, of Wrightsville, Pa., says: A few doses of Brown's Iron Bit ters will satisfy any one of its remedial effects. - - ——8ghscrihers to the REePorTER should bear in mind that by paying $2.00 suhscription in advance, we allow them two months’ additional credit as a pre mium, or the Chicago Weekly News six months free. - con Mf Mp ———— “SPRING MILLS. | The weather has been very cold the past! week, and on Saturday, 8th instant, Mr.| Peter Wilson put men on to cut ice what] is termed the swimming place on Sinking! Creek above the depot; the ice was 8 ine] ches thick, He is always the first to make the break for the ic» and always is sure to have the ice house filled. Mr Wilson is our oldest citizen, and for such an old man 1s enjoving good health, and is very active and smart on his feet. David Ber. rell is busy every day now butchering, he has engagomants till New Years—he is the man to get the big dinners and turkey roasts I should have added last week that we have two doctors, ene saddler and a huckster. besides furniture rooms of Whitmer & Co. You see we have a smart place. C.D. Q ” = —_—_— —_—_—— RPHANS' COURT SALE. — By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Centre county there will be sxposad at public cals, by the un- dersigned, administrator de bonis non of the e-tate of Samuel H Meyer, deceased, on Monday, 1st day of January, 1883 ai 2 o'clock p.m, in Millheim. Pa, the fols lowing real estate in the borough of Mill. h«im bounded by the Isnds of John Sioner, Wm. Miller ot al, containing 9 ACRES, 126 feet. neat measure; in good sinta of cultivation Terms: One half on confirmation of sale balanca in one year. J H. REIFSNYDER, Adm’r, decldrd Millheim Pa. ()eraans COURT SALE — By virtue of an order of the Orphans’ Court of Centre county, in partition therejwill be exposed at public sale. on Thursday, the 4th day of Janu. ary, 1883 at 2 o'clock p. m, at the late r-«idence of John Love. deceased, about one mile west of Tussayville, the following described real estate, lois of said John Love, viz: A VALUABLE FARM in Potter township, Centre county, adjoining Innds of Michael Spyker. Jolin Stoner. James M'Ciellan and others, containing about 160 ACRES, mostly of good limestone tand about 14 acres of which ara covered with a good growth of TIMBER, The reciduie in a fine state of cultiyati n thereon erscted a good TWO STORY frame dwelling HOUSE, a good bank barn and other outbuildings Thera is an excellent orchard on the place and a well of never fuiling water. The farm is lo ated in an excellent neighborhood and in convenient nceess to churches, schools, %c , affording a rare opportunity of secur ing # most desirable home, Terms of sale: A sum »qual to the cost in the proceeding in partition and sxpens avg of enle, in hand, when the proparty is knocked down: one-third of tha cost of residus cash upon confirmation of the sale; one third one year thereafter with interest, and the remaining onesthird, at the denth of Eizabeth Love, the widow of decedent, with interest thereon, to be paid her annually during the term of her na- taral life Said last two payments to be ecured by bond snd mortgage upon the premises OLIVER K. LOVE, Adm r of John Love, deceased, and Trus- tee to sell, us