FHE CENTRE REPORTER, Nov. 9, 1 889 OQ &e Centre Hall, Pa_ Frep Kurtz, . Editor. $2 por year in advance, £250 Advertisements three insertions I's at epecial if Tenus when not in advance. ¥0 cents per line for Yearly and hall yearly ac rates, : 2@-Hereafter all subscribers paying their subscription in advance, will get » credit of two months additional as a pre minum, Two Large Store Rooma —Full of— F and Winter & all Goods, “Latest stytes and fancies” Beats Centre Co. —Easy Pricos talk for themselves COME and SEE US, WHITMER «& CO. Spring Mills, Pa. : LOCAL ITEMS, «Good morning, Governor Pattison Hipgs Wastep, at the Ceatre Hall tan-vard, for which the highest cash price wilt be paid, by CSheffler. 26ocdt —The Union church at Farmers Mills, is to be entirely remodelled by the Luth, and Ref. congregations, At Hervisbarg eggs are thirty-five ceuts per durew, and Doa Cameron the only wan who can stiord 10 eat them, —]f you follow the crowd it will lead yun right into the buot and shoe store of Dull & Mingle's, which is the place where all go who want to save money ia boots aud shoes, Why safler from a state of ill health? Why be troubled W ith dyspepsia’ Brown's Iron Bitters wil cure you. -—Rav, D. J. Mitterling has received & unanimous cali from the Nevada, Stark Cis, Onio, Lutheran charge, avd accepted. — Dinges new stock of full and win- tar goods 1s ali tue tulk for miles arouny Every one that makes a purchase fouls pleased and 1s satisfied he has uo bargain, w— Maj. Fishe of Penn Hail, gave the KEPukTESR & call, the other day. Also Prod, Meyer, rep. elect. ———Thursday, Nov. 30th, has been de- signated as a day of public Thanksgiving by President Arthur, Ladies if you want the latest style dress goods go tw Dinges, the bargain Sore, aud you wil see the finest ores. gouds 1a tue county. Doa’t delay tus, Produce, all Kinds, wanted st the Penns Valley bargain store, where ithe highest prices are ailowed for it. Farm- €rs wake a note of tus fact, and try Iun- ges on produ eo, ——Five valuable horses, the property of G. W. Siewari, ot Spruce Ureek, were kills by u train of cars on the FP. RR. lust Thursday Murelug. Tue aniwuis Were put tu a field 10 graze the night previous but broke ous wud strayed ou tue track, Mr. Stewart's loss will reach $300. He 1s at present abseut in the west, No use denying it, said a Miles- burg lady, the viber day, Powers & Sou sell cueap suves, have a fine article, and beuer gouds than you fiad at most uf places. Sue never thinks of buyleg eisewhere—Poweny' is always ahead ana guud envugh lor wer, dle has learned a & thlug or «wo In ber lite-time, ~The case of Uriah Moyer was up before the board of pardous Lest weuk. Aiter the arguments vt the counsel, tue buard held a suurt session and decideg nut to laterfere, so war Moyer will be hanged. He wili be execated upon the same scaffold spon wuich his brother Was baoged. Ero's case was held under advissweut, At every Salt river emigrant be of guod cheer—cuesp elo hing at the Ybiiad. Brauch can be Lad all the sae 83 Lelure,—the result of the eleciion dig not effet the prices, and bargains in en's and buys’ suis and good overcoate are uffered beyond competion, ¥ mn 4.18 James Sullivan, of Erie, victim- ized bis boarding louse mistress, a wi dow, LY pretending teat be wished t, marry ber. He got his board for noth- ing, swindled ths poor lone fewale oun of considerable muuey and fled, That's just what some fellows will do, get mar- ried so as Ww have board free, Call at Doll & Mingles any tee how large their assortment of booig and shoes is. Toey accommodate ail classes, and will ask you none but reasonable Prices, The democratic meetiog in this place, Saturday evening, va seocouat of shore notice, was not as largely attended as it otherwise would have been, yet the house wus nearly filled. Tue officers were, Pres’, J. J. Arey; Vice Pres: Jus. A. Kelier, Joon Spavgler; Secy’s, L Murray, J. T. Lee. Address by Hoa, C T. Alexander aud Fred'k Kurtz, With this issue of the Reporter clos- ei the term of var campaign subscribers We would be pleased to have them con ~ tinue their subscriptions, Bargains, and nothing bot bar- gains in ail kinds of goods at Brocker Loff 8, whet e they are closing out stock at cost. Now is your time to buy cheap. Bring your produce and get the highest price for it, ——There are some cases ria in this neighborhood. of diphthe. bé- Philips- on be accom- ——Telephonic communication tween Hautingdon, Alona, burg and Clearfield will so plished. One chap con'd not be spared to £0 up Sali river, and thay is Lewins, o' the Philad. Branch, because it is agreed on all hands that he cannot be spared on account of his low priced clothing. Thousands have ordered overcoats for Balt river, from the Puilad, Branch, be- cause from 6 to 10 dollars ure saved on every coat. Lewios meas business and calculates that bis customers shall sav. mouey. He is the best friend tue people of our county have. The engineers who are going over the line of the Su-quehanna and Southwestern Railroad from Selinsgrove to Mifflintown have accomplished more than halt the dis tance and soon expect to roach M.filn- town. This is in preparation of estimates for a re-letting and completion of the road between these two puints us soon as possi. ble Tue line, we understand, is to extend beyond the Juniata to some point in Muryiand on the B. & 0. R. R. probably at Hancock or Cumberland. Rumor iv rife its probable connections at this end of the line, but as far us known, it is not yet determined. —Sunbury American. Goods are stil being sold at a sge- rifice at Brockerhofl’s store, in order to close out the stock. Dress-goods, notions, all kinds ready-made clothing, hats, boots, shoes, glusswure, China ware, and a general assortment of everything, All these goods are first class, and sold very low. . —The news of the election suits some and doo’t suit others, but the suits at the Philad. Branch suit all for low pri- ces and well-made garments, —~—John Luuody, 8r., and Joh Jr, the two men injured atthe Melutyre plane died, making in all five d 2aths from the accident, ——Now since ihe election jg over all are invited to call and get the latest despatches at Sectiler’s grocery the only place for official returns and pure gros ceries. ~——Tuesday, near noon, a brisk snow storm set in, the flukes coming down thick and fast, and the ground soon was covered with white. — All our great men, Conkling, Cam- eron, Beaver, Pattison, Stewart, Arabi Pasha, and others, are not above wear ing clothing such as is sold at the Philad. Branch. This proves there is no cheat in thegarments. lewius has never yet imposed upon any « ne, a Lundy, ~The election being over and all satisfied that the political agitation is over for a season, all will now tarn their attention to family matters—this is the next important thing in order Heads of families are not in a worry where to get those things that ‘best please the taste and serve for comfort, for from Bechler's grocery all comforts can be supplied: Meats, fresh and cured; fruits, canned and dried; pura sugar, teas, coffees, vegetables, pure and fresh spi. ces, fine cream oheese, all vegetables in season, fine confectioneries, fresh oya- ters, and hundreds of other nice and wood things for table and other uses, If you have not vet visited Sechlor's grocery do so the first time you get to Bellefonte, just to soe what they keep how nicely they keep things, and how fall and complete their assortment of woods, You are always welcome and re- ceive the politest atteation. i FROM KANSAS M. Mrs rom Beloit, Kan , Alexander, Oet, 20 1 ne democratic paper: I am getting behind Brown, see Mes. E writes us, f Send me the “Reporter ver 200 A politios, and am afraid make republican of me if I don ed. The vided here or their candidate; ho is a strong Wah] the sgloon Keepers and Whiskey Are him over i (ail ATO Very mi ot republicans t the Governor, temperance sinie i Dem em A guvern aghuing nil the Cre wii otras ur Green backers Wo elect Wo are well and stowly We have very weather ni pre seul; L800 corn Crop is uot us good as 1h infiurs eX peated; Hie prospocis in July were very good, tat the hot winds sad drought set 1a sboul the first of August, atid cooked the Cora in two or three duys ama, $0 What it will not average more thao 2 Chance tur the K uf i De a Chance for the ar. gutling nloug fae Lull & Chup, - * DUTY. You ask me, “What is Manalin What is this noted cure? To tell you I will new begin By saying iis pure: Pure verbs cuvmpuunded by such art 1 bat each vie dues is work, Does Quickly some especial part, Anu cannot duly suirk, - —A blacksmith wishing to purchase & valuubie staad, read adv, vi Juo. Reiter 12 KBPOKTER, 2:24) ii SE a 3 lin ley og g off first class « and nouoeus, clotuing, bouts aud shoe at a 28crfice, at Brockeruofl™s store, Detter chisuve for LaTialns, as it 18 de- teimined $0 have tue sioek closed out. ee Al} Kinds of prodace wanted at Brockerholl’s store ad the highest pri ots patd, 1d goods olfered at a reduction ul JU Per cent, 10 Bel 11d Of stuck. ——]{ you want cheap suits call at the Bruckeruuft sture, selling "em at sbeut cust, i Astronomersare still talkiag about the cuwet Hylog ww the sun, Tuere wight Le a Lig Dre wen, that's all, va it would not Keep propio ow Pulling tute Seculers 100 te purest ald Lest grocers ies lu Lhe Sale, ——There is no use calling out the fire compautes if the great vomet does plubg® 0 the alu, but there Is great dst mud suviug of Wwohey by parchiaslug ail your re.dyemade ciothing of Lewius, ——0n Moauay night last, a dark bay ms Wau, Were sivien Low Meraamn Mader, ae Peasant Gap. The th.ef appears wo uuve hey ut Centre Haly, ReXe morning, aud vlierey tO sell tue swieu property, r ) al 3 Tlie Te, Liens alld Spring AN ELECTRIC LAUNCH. Prof. Syivanus P. Thompsun the Losdou “Times an account of a trip ’ $8.48 10 ofl tbe Thames 1a » launch propelled by SIeCLTICILY. li@ saysi—" At half past three vie aliersoon 1 found mysell on board Lhe dibie vessel Kieciricny, tying ut her L Ks of the Eive- Muli it 8 fast $ ul SO feel un y ing vif Lhe whar! of Lue wor vical Power Storeage Company st wail, Tue littie (18 nly tenglh abd about § lost to Lue Deam, draw aig about 2 leet of water aod ficted with = “duel propeller screw, Un buard were a . siuwed away under the fovnng sud seals, wre sud als, luly-Ave electric nee wird of tie latest ns Messrs, stion charged ype and Yolckmsr, ] by url geoerators wild eleCiricily Wires {row Lhe dynawmos Liey were Calcuinted to Supply works, i 1 power fur six hours ut the rate of tows uotse power. These storage cells were pinced in electrical connecuion wih tw. Siemens dy namwos of the siz2s known us UL J, lurnshed with pruper Teversiug ges aud Teguinlors, lv serve us engloes w drive Enver nese motors could be switched cuit at will. la ihe eugioes was Mr. Gustave Paoullipart, Jr, who has been associated win Mr. Vui- comur in the fiting up of the electric wsunch., Mr, engineer completed, with the writer, the Afier a faw buth ot Cir «Oe 3CTew propelier, or into churge of electric , Volckmar himself and an quartsite who made the trip. wiinutes’ run dowuo the river and a trial of ‘be powers of the buat to go furward, slacken or go astern at will her head was wurned cilywards, and we sped silently along the southern shore, running about eight knots an hour against the tide. A: thirty~seven minutes past four London Bridge wus reacbed, where the head of the launch was put about, while a long line of onlookers from the parapets sur veyed the strange craft that without stesm or visibie power, without even a visible steersman, made its way against wind and tide. Slipping down the eob the wharf » Millwa'l wes gained at one minute past five, and thus in twenty four minutes ter minating the trial trip of the Electricity. For the benefit of electricians I may add that the total electromotive force of the sccumulators was ninety six volts, and what during the whole of the long run the current through each machine wus steadis ily maintained at twenty-four amperes Calculations show that this corresponds to an electric energy at the rate of 3 1.1 horse power.” SR The Jews extend no clemency to apos- tates. Speaking of the recent wedding of « daughter of the Rothschilds to a Ustho lie Prince, the Jewish Messenger says: “In giving the details of the lute doths. child Wagram wedding, the papers unite n saying that the only members of th, bride's family present ut the cerimoninl ware her mother sand swster. One add: that during her baptism she wept, as if re gratting her apostucy ~~ Another says thu ner father guve a million of francs to the Rothschild Hospital at Frankfort on the iny of the wedding. Whatever may be Prince Wagrygm's opinion, the Christin world do not seem to welcome this lutes addition to their ranks, while the Jews re: gret that the Rothschilds fail to secur Jewish gons~in-inw for their daughters. | srpeurs to have been a melancholy wed ding, mceurding to ull accounts. The Frankfort Rothschilds were regarded a» the strictest of the family; and the mer. rings of a duughter of 1he house to a Cath olic nobleman, and her forced abjuratior if ner uncestral faith, are severe blows her religious father,’ i i i THE SINKOF THE WORLD. Mr. J. Carmichael, & Shanghai journal. ist, who is now editing the *'Straitis Intal- ligence'” of Singapore, gives a ve ry bac account of the mortality of Shanghai. H. says:—"Bhanghai is wofully immoral, 1 is a "sink of iniquity.’ Bhanghai is shame: fully loose in its morals ns a community; it is more libertine than any other place similarly situated, Hore are ‘decayes’ of Hamburg who Shave graduated into big merchants, adventurers who have passed through events as roe mantic as any of those related by the fic tionist, and at lust have become pillars o society—gentlemen who huve gathered vice in every Christian ground and ther come to Shanghai as to a city of refuge wherein they grow rich.” me ee At Faifield, Me.. Fred Hutchison cu his wife's throat and then his own. Bot} Died in a short time. Hutchison was 3- vears old and subject to fi's, in one of which he committed the double crime. Ne other cause js known, from America ! | A woman'oan whip tho devil around the, ANCIR stump, sometimos as well ns do somo othe er things, While Beit Osborne, of Gaines. | ville, convicted of robbery, was lying in! Now is it to marveled at, when we o Jail bis wite, who had allowed to Visit him sider that this planet was the most brills quite frequently, asked for and obtained : . oh yarmissi »etay all night in his cell {fant and and changeable, as well as the Ne morning the jutlor turned out & per: nearest and apparantly the largest celestis son whom he rupposed to be Mrs. Osborne. al body that presented itself to their night A fow minutes later a little ehild Appeared ly view; and that in the at the door with soma artioles of woman's ; clothing and said that Osborne had sent! ether of the Arabian skies, and the calm of India and Egypt, it them to his wife. An investigation re among the heaveniy host with a vealed Mrs Osborne in the cell, her huss bond having escaped by the strategy. She i a : unknown to the dwellers in the crowded wus released, Osborne has not been Cap tured, jeities of a northern olime? But the children of these (did Wit and g NT THOUGHTS OF THR MOON, {Popular Selence Monthly.) Ole Mk clear exquisite shone nights FLOODS IN JAPAN, a tropic lands more than gaze, spacuiateand admis 1 supreme patisneas they reared lofiy | invented instru. “an Franel Q fined to his rand pyramids, an nese dirense ments which have led up step by step to the transit instrument, the and micrometer, the telescope of to-day, 3 Uy { astronon d of Egy } ¥ was founded tha 11 # drowned, A college « the priesthood - worship o A WOODEN LEG Uross * ithe moon of making { growing of their frequent 1.1) uaa her picture or carved image in Riley 8 5 their metoorolgioal announces has a cow which, rents to the people; as for in when front! front ’hs ‘ ithe Nila railroad {heralds were sent throu i { lance, had its right - . ; was about to averflow, war eg slreals ' Knee by a gh tha surgnon dressed i } Arieries wworeaed, She a uw days ' moon in the phas Cabiineg maker, H i b which was strapped |” Ihe cow hopped along] yinjured leg up tor a day { Was forgotlen, the symbol was o has ool the! of the Iver goddess, and : sie Of the expected risis & ex. In the course of lima, in is 0 Wind ed to use the Hops ad Hoally wh is +] | 106 moon no seems to be} * N° bi $ AN al reprasanile BO around } i x i h 2 longer appeared ae un fauita fort upon it d a al ettered populace as merely lant jinmp suspended from & revolving Ome, {and shining until extin ap» [ \ fier of the odean, bat now was looked i sublime mys. jun with {Lar AWE RS R region of igs, This veneration of the § 11 moon graqus iyi {spread with populatien to all parts of world, We have records of ancient nese found Druidica! remains in western E ceremonials; relies Bd jeounts of the sstroromieal {ings of a religious chara tar, i i i i i lunar fenlenders of g od, silver and stone, d i #00] ered in ancient temple ruins in Meoxii Ameri tte buildings Central and South Among t ip may be ment Cam bined land the magnifie in, ia painting in whit Lifal { on ther sides! fas a beaut MORE BOSS | {, A A Lid DUD | CENTRE CO, OFFICIAL | Bor: ugls | and | Towns Hancool | Betlefonte, N W 2 5 W i" WwW i Milesburg i Millheim Howard ol Philipsburg | Unionville | Hear er slong the eastern and lis, on! bhrones of silve r, @¢ sexted the med and Bis} massive { fend queens ol Peru, embal rayed io regal splendor. i i . Pi The People Hav Thrown off the : i184 i 1} ils {Harris . 8 {Howard 13 | Huston : nal ie ix Os 8) Total |» Pattis _ THE SOUDAN, London, Nov. 2 —1t is understoo the i | i a that] {the government will accept responsis| { bility in regard to the Soudan. Sir ( has. | { Dilkein in the House of Commons i . . {said that news had been received from An end to Stealing iho vi date Oct. 80 that the - | Faisa rophet was defeated with great in Pennsylvania. 3 s § LO day] islsughter last month. Smallpox was rag [ing among his followers Alsiddin Pacha | Governor of the Egyptian Red Ses i has been appointed to the command of the! expedition to the Soudan. aiduonis | New York | : i y virtue of sundry writs of eri facias is a clean sweep, the democrats have|, By virtue of sundry writs of feri acta the legislature and tl jlevari facing and venditioni eXponas is ie governor by| 80 000, Sininis sued out of the Court of Common Pleas ofl RT wr . = - : New Hampshire {Centre County, and to me directed, there! will be exposed ut public sale in tha (X rf { House, in Bellefonte, on SATURDAY | has gone democratic, the first time tor many years, and elects a democrat | governor. . INOVEMBER 25th, A D, 1582 and at 1.30 o’ clock, p. 11 , the following describe! MASSACHUSETTS. The dem ed real estate of the def: ndunts, to wit: | sachusert ! 4 el uor, SHERIFF'S SALES. | that certain messuage, tenement nd lot of ground situsted in the town of | Exglevitle known us lot No, 10 Jound. | {ed on the north by sn alley, on the esst bs | crats have carried Mas.» public roud. on the south by a pub it i y . Seal . aw. road, and on the west by lot ot Wm Cor ! cting Butler for govers ter, fronting on side rosd fifty feet und ox-! {tending back or e hundred and eighty foo. | — | Ubhureon erected a two story frame dwell: | INDIAN A {ing house, stable snd other out buildings | . ea { Seized, tuken in execution an gives 11,000 mujority for the dem. lus the i y a - i i d 10 ba suid property of Jus. J. DeLong, 9 4 i ] | 3% 3 nl { All thatcortain messua e, tenement and | i all the other States, cf land situated in Pn township, | underers routed. | Cantre county snd state of P | bounded and described as Beginning at a post thence [Onnries Whitmer thirty and a quarter | idegrees west, Foo hundred and two wid | {erg ht tenths purches to a post; thence] north 69° east, 81 8<10 perches to a post! [thence north 804° west, 161 810 perches tol {# xtone heup, thence by land late of Hen [ry Vundyke south 50° west, 102 perches to {stones by white onk; thence by Innds late jof Henry drockerboff, souin 303° east, | {207 6 10 perches to a post; thence south | | 30} ? east gixty and seven-tenths perchesto! # post; thence by lunds of T, R Reynolds north 661° east, 67 8 10 perche« to the Containing 169 acres place of beginning, and 100 perches. Being the same premi sos which AL, Munson, Estq.,, High Soerifl of Centre County, seiged, took in! execution and sold as the property of Jumes UO. Williams torre tenant and by d the 28th day of No- | ennsylvanin follows, vig by lands H o Pennsylvania. The democrats gain 3 congressmen | #0 far. Harry White is defeated. Pattisons majority in the state 30, 000, Deued Patent, date vowber, 1876, and duly acknowledged in vpen court, granted and conveyed to the said Felix Muilen, Thereon erected two dwelling houses, bank burn, wagon shed. corn crib, pig stable, and other out build. ings. Seized, taken in execution and to be vid we the property of Andrew Broecker. bof, Administrator de bonis of &ec. of Felix Mullen, dec'd. CENTRE COUNTY. No, 3. ‘ y . Pattie a 3 =q | All those two certain mossuages, tenement . Potte r north — Pattison 165, I eaver oY, . nd lot of lund situnted in the Borough of Stewart 5, Pettit, temp. 4, Armstrong BY] Bulletonts, county of Centrej bounded ang | : on {described a8 follows, to wit: ~~ Oae theres! , 183; Davis,| sounded on the north of Howard St, onthe east by lot of Robert Brannon, on the south by Pike ulley und on the west by dane Brown, being ——— foot in front on ownrd street and extending back 200 wl All honor to the independent re publicans who assisted the democrat. in driving the thieves from power and voted for honesty and reform. Gen’ Beaver has his wish gratified and stays at home in Bellefonte. ’ Lient. Gov.-Black, dem, req, 47. | Bec'y Int. Af Africa, dem, "168 ; Greer rep, 56; Merrick, ind, 5; Dewoo iy, gr. 1. Congr. at L.—Eiliott, dem, 167; Broci-| H us, rep. 62 ; M'Michael, ind, 2. io Congress: Curiin 187 ; Orwig 45 Senator ; Wallace 168, Gordon 63. As.embly : Meyer 167, Hunter 148, Spi- gelmver 02 Rhode 3. Coroner, Hoy 168, Against Hain The other theraof, bounded on the north hy Howsrd street, on the enst by Jot of dobin Morgan, on the south by Pika alley wind on the west by the shove deseribed {lot of the said Robert Brannon being for. marty owned by Richard Morgun-~being [fifty faet front on Howard street and ox tending buck 200 feet to Pike alley, being! pr. Pattison 120, Beay-| hw sumo premises conveyed by Rober | Brannon UX. to the said James 1 | Hale by dead duted Bopt. A A. D, 1875.1 J Beize L, taken in execution sand to be so al { fJokn G. Love, Adin'r) : : - f ont iw sheep Law 1 majority, ef, Millbeim Pattison 120, Beaver 81 Penn, Pattison 180, Beaver 12. Centre county gives Pattison 120¢ majority, [ns Lh @ property 3 No 4 | All that messuagn, {of Lind situsted in the township of Banner {in tha county of Centre and stute of Penn {eylvanin, Bound: d und described as fol.) lows, to wit: Rounded by lands of G, A i Buirlumb oo the north. enst nnd south, on [the wes: by lands of Centro Furnuce and | Lowrys Containing 10 neres more or less Seized, taken in execution und to be sold] us the property of Barbara Holderman and John Holdermun her hushund, Terms cash, no deed will ho acknowl- | tenement and trac | Curtin runs far ahead al over, Democrats gain members of cons gressand of the legislature all around, & - On Tuesday elections were held in 33 states, electing 15 governors and 300 congressmen, day Sheriff * The uni vs is the anhstanes of thel oi - oY sik; ciabker i hi | . Clie | adgad until the purchase money is paid in| futl, IT. YL i Bi et J { | : na i idea WC IENE vi wu day night [ihn 142, wn repre A SOREN Oh, MyBack! That's a common expres- sion and has a world of meaning. How much suf. fering is summed up in it. ARABI PACHA. | London, Nov, 2