» — DINGES! — PLAIN TALK! TO EVERY BODY. wmf) os READ THIS a) I will keep up a FULL LINE OF GOODS, right along. DO NOT FORGET TH I especially cali atten. tion to MY STOCK of GROCERIES as being the Equal if not *upe. rior to any in the Val- ley. that I will sell low, and only ask that people come snd satisfy themselves of this from the prices asked. WILL GIVE AWAY 81000! this year to cash customers, by aSystemof Checks. Each customer taking a $20 check sums purchased will be punch ed and when amount is full 81 will be thrown off the $20, besides having your goods lower than sold elsewh ere It semmed so odd when the announce ment was lrst unde of Lhe praclicability of packing electricity in the storage bat- teries that for a while the idea only served as a basis for jokes. Bul the occasional nccounts which have come from over the water of marked success in this method of using electric fluid have turned the jokes into serous reality and theory into real work. The best proof that the storage is a serviceable one is given by the batteries just arrived on the steamer Labrador from Havre, These batteries were charged in Paris, ten days before the steamer sailed, Some of them were used on the voyage and furnished tothe lamps a clear und steady current of electricity, yielding » more satisfactory light than that which comes directly from the dynamo. tric ght when empty. The thought of sending ele al people's houses like milk ies does seem & curious novelty. net more really queer 10 us than have been the ides of fiction buve required f we are called on 10 exercise regard in livery system for electricity, The commercial success of NEW STORE !N me { ss—— — AT CENTRE HALL. Grand Opening —OF— NEW STOCK, JOHN , MULLEN. ~llotel Stand.-= DRY GOODS, LADYS DEFSS GOODS, CLOTHS, CASNIMERS NOTIONS. EANCY GOODS, Ready Made engine going for the purpose. Then the gauss men look well to their atid sve how low per thousand they can make oul their bills. - a» LOCUSTS IN ANGORA. Last vear the village of Angora, in Asia Minor, was devestated by locusts, and, in order to avert a repetition of the calamity which had Inid waste several producrLy: sgriculiural districts, the governor of province decreed that every able-bodiel peasant should, during a certain period preceeding the ensuing locust-batching season, collect locust eggs at the rate of nearest local suthorilies, and furthermore prescribed that u daily foe of two pinsters should be levied upon ench peasant who should fail to fulfill 1he duty thus imposed upon him in the gen eral interest of the province. The practi. eal result of this wise and prudent decres tal ware as follows: Duringibe first day or two of the per jod appointed for the col lection of the ova, a few rustios brought in their quota of eggs. but the large majority of the peasantry, far Woo indolent to dig them up, compounded with the powers that be by privily purchasing the necessa- ry quantity of eggs from the officials wt one pisster per kilogramme, and then making public delivery of the quantity to the employees empowered to receive it, Thus the two or three hundred kilo. grammes of eggs collected and delivered by law-abiding people were sold over and over sgain to the malingerers. These tricks saved half of the amount of their fines, the officials pocketed a paister by each transaction, and the crop of Joeusts for the coming season will, in all proba- bility, turn out even finer than that which all but ruined the Angora vilaget last year,— London Telegraph, CLOTHING —FOR— Men and Boys. Syrups, BARGAINS | Farmers will be allow- ed the highest price for all kinds produce. The best bargains in Store Goods in the coun- ty. Go to the New Store before purchasing else- where. a