The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, May 11, 1882, Image 3

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wa KURTZ... Hw rrr re
Centre Hall, Pa., May 11. 1882,
High Prices at Spring Millls.
£ I 8
B&™ Our Opening this Spring giv
us the Largest as well as the Fir
Stock of goods in Penns Valley.
wo TTY em cn
pe. Prices talk
Serinag Mis.
~—=lontre Hall just now, is the big-
ROst centre for stage drivers in the state,
clothing for men and boys, very cheap,
See it before purchasing elsewhere.
~Spring Mills and Coburn station
seem to have more building boom just
now than any other localities in the vale
ley. Glad to see it. Next they may
want to be boroughs,
——-The mountains north of Aarons.
burg and on south side of Georges val-
ley were on fire last week,
—[resh Mackerel at Mullen's new
store—all grades—best fish in market.
Pennsylvania met
of Central
nesday evening,
interest was manifested.
many ministers tes,
most enthasiastic and profitable,
pen, women, boys and girls, Especial
make convention
this \ )
And why should the chil
ginning to end?
ed were brief
‘the names of 80 many laymen appearin
a8 eseaviste, Their thoughts were
thonghtfhl, practical and exceedingly
loyal to the church of the Reformation
are fast beginning to discover that it
most serviceble, Dr. Gotwald, of York
president of
Sunday School convention was also held
the Women's Missionary Society cons
vention, This apparently new depar-
fure in our church 18 one of the most
blessed agencies in carrying on the gen-
eral work of missions. Experience has
proven this, As the result of the wo
nen's meeting we look for a completer
organization in this work in the near
future. Woman's devotion is simply
proverbial, Oh, what can not the con~
centrated head and heart of our women
accomplish! So much aroused have the
ministers become on this subject of wo-
men's work in the church that they vo-
ted half of the next convention to be de-
voted exclasively to its discussion; and
Farmers are all done rowing oats,
More sickness on the lst this week.
Johnathan Fisher is n aking more im-
Ocker and Rodpor's new engine will
{ be ready for action by next Monday.
John Brown has taken a large con
John is a wide
ragsed by 8
f tract of bark peeling,
{awake bov,
| Simon Hazel, of Madizonburg's people want
t ONG ail
hiteots, is building the new '
chugeh now in progress in is}
of Jackson,
Henry Feldler's new w agon is
@ one of the commis nts,
Report has it th pple's group
his town
It is now two months that Uriah Sha
p been confined the house
I by ery sipelaa at the nose,
amin Royer has a Shanghal roos
: n that weighs
Id like to he
+ pn WHONS
ails him Hancock
There may be economy in w riting sale
man are all
when they are written like the ones reform next
that adorn our publio places at present suDPOrt
are misdated, misspelled and a Ra
number of grammatical errors but we ¢ ani. en will ps
truthfully say that the i 1 Goay a1
: Quay a
citizen of Madisonburg. f Aloe
Last Sunday, while Ellis Shafer and|™ 4.
his wife were away from home, some| yo
body forced an entrance into their Wolfe
house, broke the lid of his off and 3
went through all the | *
Some nel
soribe 18 not a
‘ {deuces Jul
the rooms in 3 Ad
ed again on Monday morning. While ' x
all were at the barn he again entere 1
the honse and took a pair of velvetine| .
pantalocns, The thief is now known]
» i
finding the object of his search return |
Wot Virginia, May 4 |
Samuel Urayton and John A,
voling salesmen, while riding
im Kingwood to Cans
by an enormous
was In a tree by the
leaped, fastening
iol 1 aver tha
+ which
Hen 1h Wiis Bi i !
ngat the dash hoard, | {RON
i had Jumped from 117
vy of
ing a
ih of Mexican
mmand of Cold of |
nel roreyth is in pursuit, killed 78
I tookd3 prisoners, The
this information ar!
wing pushed so hard by
t he bad to abandon his
d with his life,
O. Re
under «
mel the Indians of
In the
| 2Uop oncorner of Chureh and Main el. Is
| prepared to do all kinds of work is his
line, on short notice, and good fits EUar-
| antesd, according to the latest ityles, A
i :
irge lot of
samples always on hand
wong experienced in his
at Bpriog Mills,
Jewelry, Blation d
Kinds Cheap ms the cham eal
ty. Warcazs Bxrarzgp at Tensonabis
charges and satisfaction
and another act of this kind may have! Vol
orion Mines i y y
& more serious end. Mires, lua § np inovy,
rin Jad
ES —————————————— "1 The ref
A DREADFUL DEED. | Soosaiompsed Bruphy tetue 1 roa i Wi i slowiog ‘tele brown os era | havo ust recived
ea ' ay (p al pales nei publican iat: | a a y 4 = | delta, Mar . 4 ei 3 {row | 400
latest sivies jast added to the stock on ESSOR AN D { N~|that réforn next ar 5 3 13 Mi ii) op . - Da} or : ba a i ove cit) |
N 3 lullen's new Centr all ) ER ‘TARY BURKE (games must henceforth be ado { ¢ : } wana : ok onting cellent result » kN ES
hurd, i Sullege Sew Canite Hall HOE one of the cardinal doctrines of the party | | Found 'al} papers avd books. Cont JAPANESE BAMBOO RODS,
store in the hotel stand. Mullen in DERED | hat it ehall ve | h : 4
tends to keep ahead in the carpet line » a : COAL I shy armed a : From 12 to 20 feet long.
and make his store headquarters for oR ' Peadeict fae
Ladies are invited to call and ah
instead of having but one day and two
nights al these meetings, they deters
mined to devote two days and nights,
God bless the whole of the heroic women
of the church. SPECTATOR.
-~0One thousand yards of new carpet,
He will keep all goods in
fret class Jewelry Store, Raaally ort am,
3.0. EXvOERg
President, Cashieg
{Lats Milliken, Hoover & Oa}
And Allow Tuterest,
Discount Notes,
——Rev. Criley leaves Lewisburg for
a Lath, charge in Carlisle... .J. T. Cron:
millers barn at Mifilinburg burned last
week —loss $300,
——Goy, Cortin, as the mails show, is
remembering his constituents generally
with decaments. That'slikea represen.
tative should be.
fa 4
~—1I any purchase you make at Din- k for B
ges’ bargain store don’t prove a bargain Nsats UMMER 1882 . . ; ah Tor a8 isk Bi ine Spliced Bam-
he will not ask you to take it But see CaArpels 33 4 ¢ i A THEY i ’ ot 4 - TT B § rusburg go na $2201 % Gh ia vy {Y } Ng 3 s
chi wa - J IRAt . % 3 da r enrnat tc a a DIATY | . % \ a¥sd hh st i 5 : es. & © boo Fly Rods and Ba Bu and Sell
his goods, examine his prices, and that | 5ee all Mullen’s new carpets, hi rening n nnd OL LH Tee b. Youre. ew oa ing been such an unset rted that in the fig on the ult., | adi + posed on Rods, Five Artificial Fie ern Secu fies Go
will satisfy you that yon are perfectly —Among the ‘range sights of the] park . . {Philadelphia 1, 1882 . 5 Le i WAG jaarted thal in ean troons andar Cole) ¢} ob] ls : I RPEIR | EL lan Government i fa
safe in any purchase you make. cireus procession of Batcheller & Doris’ J telegram from Dublin says it i } eeling amone MDOFIOTR 1 1 rE i hd A of Yadians | ; PA ; I m i REELS, BAIT BOXES, BAS: pa. is
a 3 ¥ ADDO TS 5 3 5 ¥ $4) 34 il ArCIA RQ iL. 8 AIC i OQIRNS, | EY _ is
circus, is that of a serpent charmer hold- | now appear | | a Ls =
| Lines, Fly Books, and a general ass
ing a boa constrictor, 3 The secret of the Sisk pad Log vy ’ : ala RualiReiurers ol 0 hei : { co bimsell was .
at ia 1a wo Ory 3 pent by 16 ia o AUDIOS 5 1 AE _
feat is that he grasps the serpent by the | sortment of C. XT. Alexander. ~C HN Sones Bower.
ume is made o
ling in the pari abot i ied Bue LA
throat in such a manner that he can Py if ipl quarter of |
! too numerous to mention. Also the AT YY
{new BARBLESS Hooks. Please FE RNEYBAT.LI v,
al -
ss is stated to have Brown Chemical
: a b : nd: 1 altimars 3
——Rev. Luckenbach, of Ohio, for [break its neck at a moment's notice. [ny “chief secretary's lodge i and wounded. Wtimore, Md.
merly of this velley, is in this section on After reaching the exhibition grounds drove up four ;
resulted so call and be convinced, Office in Garman's new bu iding.
J TET ai —
a visit. at Norristown, the serpent attacked him, be Fe.
i i i ; 2 resent
——Ladies, keep your eve on Mr [throwing its coils around his neck. Re- presen
tal of . v
ne rn 16mar2m Bellefonte, Pa
Killed By 3 . ————————— Tr — or
weeks, S00 head
Cowher, when he’s around, and have | 0ctant to skill such a valoable reptile
him leave you one of he disengaged its folds. Itthen threw |ti
. EY - ne i tI
, Ald the de
FAY ¥ i
walls &
ee ~Maj. J. B, Fisher is favorably
mentioned by some of his friends for
the legislature.
whom jumped down f
tacked Lord Fred
Mr, Burke, stabbing
times in the throat an
d,bres :
for life :
of his improved ; : s strupelod har shows a
Singer Sowing machines on rnd you tself around his legs, but was again cast Fins Hrugsiod hurd So hit
ill be pleased with it; it runs easy, were found about ten paces
works fest and makes scarce any noise. tragedy occurred about ten 1
Get an improved Singer. 7 i
Carriage Shops.
Smn—" 5 —
off. These defeats only enraged it, and
it coiled around his throat a third time
with the evident purpose of strangling
him, There was no further choice, and
he killed it by breaking its neck. ed by two young ! sale Bussivess for
~——Housecleaningis goingon in every riding bicycles through the par ts Now Vo viel ‘be
well-regulated family just now, it is an | mediately gave the alarm to haifavor he had resolved 20. ba = eas a "Re 2d * i8re on night of5. Seven blocks wero
——The case of Joseph Weaver va important thing, and has much to do Surgeons sc ached the spot, bu he had re ed ba a ¢ Hidate . Yahiage over mame oll fire ou nig ain blocks were
Penn'a R. R. Co., damages for son killed | with the health and comfort of the fam- Burke's body apr ol wn. where ani? ¢ riala . the part; : antag : jon fest of Jumber were cant mol Shan
at M'Cool’s crossing in Greg twp, waslily, as much so almost i t 0) o y | i
set for trial last week, but was settled | w
by the Company agreeing to pay Mr.
a8 pure and | examination showed life to be extinct. |¥Oo! Nid rhode ni ied Aw A 8 arel as, ws figures up ab thy uarters of a
wholesome goods, such as you get only | T ) not 8 supporl; he about a quar.
Weaver $300 and all costs,
~ “Betty and the Baby." by J. R.
at Sechlers’ model grocery, one of the That part of)
most complete establishments of its a the oldest:
kind in the state. ing largely com.
Sweney—the new popular Song—price, | The Lewistown Sentinel says, in er.| 0 with here
35 cents—has just been issned by Lee &|its Milroy items: Probably the first beas The body of the chief secretary display ed [substantia
Walker, 1113 Chnstnut St, Philadelphia, | yer that was ever caught in this part of | the samo dreadful wounds, in addition to Me! Lanes’ an wer was th
who will mail free to any address a copy | the country for year, was killed last | which his left arm was alse broken Aa FhOd ar 3 that Be
of their “Musical Echoes.” aturday morning by the wife of Jack [tora as if he had put it up to protect hisi8nybouy ed
vba v » : : » ? Wi
*hilips and her hittleson. He being in
1o0cloek in the evening ¢ irik of
; : daylight. The bodies were first
——Ed. Moyer caoght a trout, in the hr
Stream at Linden Hall, measuring 19
in., as we are informed.
» i 3
& gt cat
Tuar Yo
— Manufacture apd
keep on hand
and all kind of vehicles,
. . . -
“ye nvuite y
manner and presen arc im it d to V 1s1t
Proceeding further the — n——————————
ical men reached the body of Lord Fi
erick Cavendish, which was being «
veyed away {rom the park ona strete
General Beaver then, as h
to MaMa: es, in Philade
ily the same ¢
answar was that he had not vet ma— — .
S.E. Cor. 6th & Market Sts.
Weide —
breast. Lord Frederick Cavendish was Shy W
> » 1 1a ™h a lin sara takar y | VO BR)
he house at the time, upon hearing the quite dead The < aie we ro taken tof t ing he ha’ with Myr |
ever S08DILE gaore Lae i Ail
log bark, went out to see what was the Cr ait 8 Bis held The locality of og, e & that he is personally : had tap .
: Mais “1 INL UOSS 5 Hid. , iV al . $5 3 fi sg Ww ? i an Ci righ
bune correspondent in southern Minne- | matter. He found the dog at the end of the outrage is terribly marked with blo ng igh before the wie to vatohied witl g
Sota says the movement has become so | hollow log, and being curious to know | pp. spot where the body of Lord : Ey cu g oth ¢ y
general that it is almost a panic. Stock | What was in it, he looked in and saw ! AS loth. ous nbie sieat ons Ji
and dairy farms and creameries are [Some kind of an animal. He took a
terial, aud put together by mechan-
erick Cavendish was foun
deluged, while Mr, Burke's b dy lay ina
Springing up on all hands, and in some [Stick and by punching in the log, the
of the former heaviest wheat growing | beaver ran ont and bounced on the dog.
ics of long experience. Hence all
‘e offer “the” Best,” La
pool of blood. It issaid that after the W € olier the est, rgest
TT : . >
counties not half as many acres will be | Mrs. Philips hearing the fuss, came out, } present but the bolice ara tab it k f :
AL present but the police are {akg B and Cheapest stoc 0 Prices low and all work turned
perpetrators, large quantity of notes © " -— _—————
showed that the object of the crime was panier n ari or oy o is +” a 3 ? e nd G 3 . 7 i 2 an _ : —————— ————————— ian27
at the time of the tragedy Many persons SN
y figures and
found, but heard nothing of the affair the office, and unt
every hole and corner for the murderers. v. Hoba
hands bure
The wheat lands of southern Minne.
sola have been exhausted, and wheat
culture abandoned. The Chicago Tri
All work made of the best man
3 " > % YS a aN
portunity and whene
h Ha
een ollered
ver ia
——The Bellefonte car-works are tobe . 3 :
offered for sale at auction, Mav 17. ——Uriah Moyer, one of the Snyder
: : . county murderers, is to hang, the su-
——We regret to learn of the death |preme court having refused a new tri-
of our friend Daniel Derr, of Bellefonte, al. :
on 4 inst. Mr. Derr bad been in feeble . rae ay
health for some two years. His age is| ——The members of the Potter Twp.
about 75 years. > Veteran Club are requested to meet in
Mr. Derr was an old citizen of Belle- | E=q. Boal’s office, in bank building, on
fonte and greatly respected by all, Saturday evening, May 13, for the pur-
a hy . | pose of making arrangements for dec-
—Owing to the small pox panic, orating. W. A. Jacons, Sec'y,
people are leaving Houtzdale by the : X :
car-load. The sanitary committee re-| -——Don't break your neck ih your
ported no less than thirty cases on Mon- | hurry to get to Dinges’ store, he intends
day. Ist. to sell cheap all summer and keep a full
assortment, don’t get excited but keep
not ante
Our “original system of Marble & Granite
pu od] WORKS.
One Price anda Guarantee | | D. R. STRATFORD,
Proprietor, Lewistown, Pa.
i The undersigned ripeetinlly Safa
i she public of Penusvalley that is pre~
| sated to doll Kinds of work In MARSLS
[43D GraxiTE at
‘Cheaper Rates Then Elsewhere
Welle or call on Cleves” Dinges for
| @rms and designe.
m— ont y. Grenoble = } : Sapam | Ihave accepted this exeney with the
New Advertisements. ——————— |B TR Rah 0 AT | ne view the work turned. out,
— - —— mam 3 p a ~ i : for 5.
i. Confident that I can furnish fret
(work st grestly reduced [lon from
| what has been ususlly paid; all work wars
ranted and erected on the
Cizvax Dixons.
Centre Hall.
nr a
By markins . .
3 MATH 08 { simmer A:
o 5 Pring Jiiiis
“it ROOVEe Cust
work from these shops is teed
pe is guaranteed.
act the murderers immediately drove —E eens
a = 3 the aT tip
sown to wheat as last year. nd seeing the beaver, got a lap stick :
4 Yor 1 out first-class.
and gold coin besides gold watches were OVEr ag:
3 obhary
not robbery. means of 8 . i i
i . 3 : . } nan
| be sonnilied & in the United States. |
wore situng or walking within a few hun hi We ——
is wife was opposed to his run:
Ys Te fi 5 3 arte shartle ta
Tue police paraded the park shortly afte wished him to be candidate he
: - lelegates &lres
Mr. Burke was found with his throat delegates alrea
There seems to be no clue 0 the assass si 4 So i: 3 ih } : H a Pe ail a hict Fe . 4 % , ry > { ; v : “ REPAIRING A SPECIALTY.
nd killed it. most extraordinary means to disc iaacy 40 posiponems } i |
te, |
{hood 12 the pockets of the vietims which CroTuiveg ror Mex ano Boys {COME AND SEE OUR WORK
The park was crowded in many places ited Bi
dred yards of where the bodies were! ¥28s Well and comfortably fixed as he w As
funti He saw that
the oecurrance frultiessly searched Ag it was now, he bad over t
cut from ear to ear and his t stand—he would not
id to cot a aout WF thd ery bargain that we JF “11 LUA
marks indicating that he had had a fierce failed aks id hom ates of phe s———
aod lengthened encounter. One of the at 76 woud: then ne longer be
—-During the show at Bellefonte, the an eve on the bargains ic all kinds of wounds of Lord F rederick Cavendish Was General
three monte men, made some stam ps off | poods. Stock all new and good as new. | d8gRer thrust which penetrated bed | Proposition of the Independents to post-
of a few greenies, but there were a great sn : 3 . right lung R04 bis right arm was mashed pone tho convention. There was no Pow
many wise ones who read the papers| ~——Our essteemed friend, Col. Neff, to pulh, rke has long been regarded with (oF 10 postpone it. The State Committe
and knew how the sharpers who travel [of Centre Hill, honored our sanctum Ris he Jas uel aanonatiste: of having ealled it, had not the 10»
with cir-cusses fleece people, and these | With a visit, Ireland. : The NS AN OD Po 1 the! 40 their work. The convention salons had
were not taken in by the three card| _ A) pew stock at Mullen's new | scene of the murder in order to prevent power 10. .5ay when it ;
monte rascals, for they took their mon- store. Ladiesyou can see the very la-| interference with the pools of blood, |#hould adjourn until a
ey and wisely invested it in ready-made test styles of dress goods at Mallen’s. ——
clothing at the Philad. Branch. Lewins y
was prepared for the great crowd on cire
: - a
Beaver was opposed
every buyer perfect
Khegher i COMPLETE.
subsdquent «
- PR
—(iardens are putting on a fine ap-~ CHILDREN, DESERTED
cus day, and dealt out suits all day, he |Pearance notwithstanding the cool p——— ee ——————— :
sold cheap, and every suit sold brought | Weather. We had Johnny Weaver do BY THEIR PARENTS AND LEFT To Dis ap UDITORS' NOTICE
in new customers, it soon getting out some first-class spading and raking, and BY THE PARENT! SD LEFT TO DIE of A Io ee Oribas iy
that it paid better to invest at the {its good results can be seen under his STARAATION, i Wie Urphans
Philad. Branch than at the show. Lew- | skillful treatment,
ins sold off a big part of bis stock, but ~——Jobnny Neff has joined the star-
again bas it full and complete, and you routers—having bought Gingerick’s | of the most shocking and ir
can get any thing you need at about mail line from this place to Greysville, | ment of children by parents hi
your own price, - b : : to light at Wolfe's station,
: 2 —=—aihere is to be a great musical con-| north of this place.
. ~The Lutheran church of this Piace | yantion at Northumberland, Pa., May| About six weeks AKO & man
has been furnished with a handsome | 15.00. Dr. W. O. Perkins, of Boston, | Shaw moved within one mile of the ste-
new carpet from the proceeds of the conductor, and Prof. W T Mevas of tion, His family consisted of a wife and
young folks’ festival, Aaronsbure ianist and pn anist wa seven little children from the age of twe
- oP ? g ssi to twelve years. The mother disappeared
1 ” © ~The Tremendous stock of Lewins’ very misteriously about two weeks go, |
der of egg? Sharp boy (whose mother new ready-made clothingwill be adver- | and the husband, who professed to p ( 1 up
keeps chickens): "Please, sir, you can't tised next week, it came in too late for | tombstones, also left shortly after, leaving Zerby, late of
tell till it's hatched.” If the question this week's issue. Look out for it and | the pe little children to provide for ing been lawfull
bad beer, “what is the most certain, | don’t forget that the Philad. Branch ig | themselves as best they could, he only re-|darsigned, bo would
sure and safe cure for Liver Complaint ? | the best place in the state to buy cloth- | turning occasionally fo the house, and!all persons kno
the correct answer would have been ing low,
even then not looking after the wants of debted to the estate BASTLARE “bs >
‘* Green's No, 1 and 2 Liver Pills” You his little children. On Wednesday one of payment and those having 3
can get themat J, D, Murray’s.
pia | hi 3... 'ELCOME HOME
m A 10 little hoys cam unning the house! to present the ie duly sathen- Shoes, ¢ a i te; . J P ( x + fa SE
——The stock does not go down, at|the little n0ys came running to th house the same to pres nt Lhe fame duly suthe In Cooks the REGULATOR PIONEER
_ | the Pennsvalley bargain store. Dinges | of Mr. W itliam C rogan, near by, and ticated for settlement. nn BPR Oil Cloths, and Maitings — 'ICTO POLL
—The Tuter-Ocean makes a mysteri- keeps up a full assortment in dry-goods, screaming that his little baby brother WAM. . % HO) IPSON, i Cloths, and Maitings, In Ranges the VICTOR & APOLLA.
ous but prominent annonncement that ladies’ and gents’ dress goods, trim-|de8d. ‘ : . | . giters Slilis: Pa ull asortment of Fi ick 1G 8 08 hau
en sd dnces a sumudlcemtui hat ladies’ and gest Bs in ‘grocer-|, Mrs. Crogan at once repaired to the Adm.cum test annexo, A full asortment of Fire Brick and Grates on handd.
een discovered which will revolution- | jes. queens re, glassw fish, salt, an '11S0N Lic. NE $0
ae hat fence and pu it. iy ears 1% ceoaar, flaseware fa, san WILSON, McPARLANE &00
ahead of the age, It says the officials of carpets to suit any taste,
1 E R
: 4
I will keep up a FULL
houte, and thore behold a spectacle whic ‘rt . ns :
would have moved the stoutest heart wi LINE OF GOODS,
six of the largest and most enterprising . i
roads in the Mississippi valley bhave| ——Wanted—a good girl to draw wa- E
sever {} sms———
day { In the matter of :
Newcomerstown, Ohio, May 4.—A case! Wolf i
; human treat the Court tom
r appointed ¥ ee - we | Moctly
ake a Jdistributi
nda will ao} RPE Ws - i : ry
o purpose of W EVERY 20DY. HARDWARE STOVES. |
y In addition to our extensive stock of FARMERS, BUILDERS &!
TA LK ! BLACKSMNI®H supplies, we would call your attention to our stock ol
Heating Stoves, Cooks & Ranges,
We would especially stipsest in Heating Stoves the
deceased, the audit
it comd
miles interested, f
nda 3
Squire: “Now, boys, what is the gen- of ad. " . a :
: Iristantion Nas. i} Catherine Hosiery, Notions and
ministration i 3 : RAL i Aatgerine vw!
oo'd, have :
the Linens, White Goods and Laces,
Woosted and Embroiderics,
Gents Furnishing Goods and
poratns I C8] { cially call ntien. iF YOU
tion to MY STOCK of
&ec., kept constantly on hand.
ly any covering. lay a littla bow in dash 's tof : ; .
iy any covering, lay a little boy in death's Letters of administration MERCHANT TV ORING right along.
cold - embrace, his little limbs an and upon the estate of Robert Ls e, late of Po i 2: [ERCHA Nl 1 AILORING. i 8 o I
withered, and his face bearing marks of! ter twp., dec’d, having been lawfully ‘OT FORGET T 3} 4
' wa 1 ser, .y i I avin if fii) 3 v() N :
! I A suffering, while around {granted to the undersigned, ho would ro. DO NOT FORGET THI
improvement, the nature of which will Employ no more quack doctors and i 4 . S35
be announced in a few days. We think { quack medicines: rely wholly on Peru-|30bbing and crying for their little brother
we can guess what this new im rove- | na 2, ’ whose sufferings death had just ended. [immediate payment and those having
ment is—all trains to be furnishe withl™ —————r—————— ia Not a bit of food was found in the houseclaims against the same to present the
i {same duly authenticated for sottlemont, | . russ .s ~ > i v .
lo children had | WM. J. THOMPSON, Calf Skins, Moroceos, Linings, Lasts Thread, Nails, Pegs, Wax, Bristles,
a great step in advance, indeed. ‘The frost on night of 2 experienced in and “all kinds of Shoe Findings on hand. We also make to order
: Centre coun s felt in many other sec- 1 ~ TANT TAA x ner . pr r
—~— Winter was;around’yet last week. ih £0 ty was felt in nany ¥h de7 300 wis only two years old, starved to death. | GENTS BOO I'S, SHOES and GAITERS irom the best of French |
The air, all week, was cold. On Friday, | 105% though we do not think any mate His little sistor told Mrs, Crogan that she | ———————————— ———co——— | . . ; 3 eve Your orders sud & perfec fit saaneah 3
5, it rained; Saturday forenoon there | rial damage was done to fruit in this gec~ | fed her little brother in the morning and) manifested by them in our mode rior to any io tho Val. “CRAVE YO Pills DUA Pe F-A1 pURIRBLOK,
intense physical
spectfully raquoest? all knowing
3 i i
dining cars, and no groceries to be used FROST DAMAGES except a small quantity of bran and shorts
lived, no telling how long, and there May 4 6L. Potters Mills. |Permitus to offer thanks to our
was a cold rai i tion, The followin 0 0 laid him down, and a short time after she P doing hitpinass i | GR A H A IV N 3 11
us rain, and at noon it turned following are accounts from went to take bim up and found he was f 01 doing business, i ov | E. 2% & SO ’ e efonte
The child's body became covers Q0 ews . | 3 Dn hale Palloiiwall ut athe } sestiouensm
many patrons for the confidence the Equal ‘if not fupe.
¢ * a woe k nye ar own torn. 6 outfit free =
S66 Ve min re roaminotrel All Kinds of repairing done om
jadies make “Reaeeishort notice. The wood work of
Bodies, Gearing and Wheels made
and sold separately.
[{YAUTION ~All persons are hereby
| cautioned against taking grave!
compassion, There on a bed, with searce.! A PMINISTRA TOR'S NOTICE ~— i a
been for two days discussing the new |Res at $1.50 per week.
the remains stood the other little children
i themselves indebted to the estate to mak
but such as are sold at Sechlers, This is Un this diet these
not the least doubt that the little boy, who! Adm. cum test annexo deo b. n.
into a lively snow, coming down thick | abroad: dend. 3 mn
and i for about two hours, some of the Poughkeepsie, New York, May 8. Re-~| with dark spots shortly “after death, and]
akes being as large as young Johnny | ports from the interior speak of a heavy
cakes. The snow fell on a watery | white frost last night, and it is stated that
ground, otherwise it would have reached | ploughed land in some places was frozen
a depth of several inches; the entire | *Wo inches deep. Ice was visible in many
eurface hada covering of at least one | of the roadside holes. It is feared serious
inch in depth, Sunday followed with damage bas been done to budding fruit.
clear and pleasant Weather; Monday | Chicago, Illinois, May 3. —Our crop dis-
cool with rain in the afternoon, patches this morning contain reports trom
—~—Tuesday was warm; it began to | points in Nebraska, Minnesota, Dakota
rain towsrds evening and poured down | Wisconsin, Illinois, Kansas, and other
until midnight. Wednesday rainy slates, Generally speaking, the outlook
. . : in all these is very promising in spite of
~~—Reports from various points in the | the cold and backward spring which has
fruit belt of Michigan declare that the | retarded farming operations in many lo-
recent heavy frosts have destroyed two
: calities,
thirds of the peach crop and other
s Foor shoes are always dear shoes.
quired. We
Seinen 3 3} Am § ‘Manyare making fortunes,
ove L entre Hall or Wood uy men, and boys and girls make great pay.
unon which the RAVE] Hl yon want 8 bas ness a hich you can make great
TPrornrsinr i he sq] pay all the time yon work, write for particulars to H
Trespassers will be deal HALLETT& CO, Portland, Mains, dee.
10 IAW.
before burial the whole corpse assumed al
crimson hue No one seems to |
where the mother is, and the father takes]
as little interest as ever in his household, |
Yesterday the house took fire, and thel
little children came near being burned
up. The whole house, with the furniture,
was destroyed, and the children are now
at Mr, Crogan’s house, where they are
kindly cared for. Tt issaid thatthe moth-
er, Mrs. Shaw, is not of sound min 1, and
that she and ber husband bave fre quently
separated before
know! | from the
B31 Guarantee Bargains—I mean | from t 10
bank 18 ioCale
‘yy $y 4 with Records
(that I will eell low, and only ask that| With sccording
It will be
go H. A, MKER
& KER, :
Attorneys at-law. | SHOP, COUNTY& STATE
themselves : :
posita the Court House, Belle- .
: rights of
‘ * rip
— {3 people come and eatisfy
» - -. 5
[tion ipon the ests
of Spring twp, dec’d, having been la
{ly granted to the undersigned, he would
fully request all persons knowing Dentist, can be found at
{TOs Ccliuily : . '
3 By y Tn i 3 f 3 . ah
debted to the estale toh § oflic hd residence on North side of
y + 3 YE: A y * 210001 ic! themselves t | \ £
WILL GIVE AWAY $10001 thi mediate payment and those bavs! veet, three doors East of Alles
1b6sep ti
| make | § los for Carriages, for sale
. ar to cash customers, by aSystemof] 1°& claims 8 +t the Buin to present the gheny, Bellefonte a. Sifebt] : ? | .
77 10 cash customers, by anystemofi yng duly auihenticated for settlement. | mare. STR =m :
Tribune, from Petersburg, the following : k I od mg J "TAMES BOAL, Can D* G. W. HOSTERMAN, For further partisy ars, address
“On Friday night last some person erect. [Che oks. 278 pi! Adm'r otim tosh. ARNE. ; Dentist, Centro Hall. LEVI MURRAY, Centre Hall!
{this from the prices asked. 3
mh m—
for all, to know that the Most Cor
PLETE STOCK 0F Goobs By sticking to the one price and no
in the valley, miscepreseutation plan of offering
v . . os ur goods t he public. w one
A correspondent writes tho Altoona “N=D — T-H-E -- B-E | org ods 0 the pul li » WE boy C
; to merit an increased continu
ance of their patronage.
Phoenixville, May 3.—The unseasonas
ble weather which set ina few days ago
bas done much damage in the lower end
of Montgomery county and vicinity, The
thermometer ranged from twenty-nine to
thirtystwo degrees below zero at daybreak
this morning, and ice a quarter of an inch
thick formed at a number of places, Neur-
ly all peach and other fruit trees have been
damaged, and a small crop will only be
: . a) vi 80 |
us arrived, an 8 now onened at Ach cusiomer {akinga $201: H the re 'n : 3 }
ed a pole in close proximity to the resi. ha rrived, and is now pened, at Each ai 'akiga v2). earns | U1l100 81 residence on Church street, oppo- r . e
| 15dectf. Centre Co.,
denco of James Myton, who lives about i i ISH HOUSE, site Lutheran Church, Will give satise
1dapr ;
ship na Biro ul . : : y facti i i i i
a mile out of town, on the Shaver's Creek — W () / i’ ’ y Very BR eetfully You {check suns purchased will be punch | B W. R. Teller, proprietor, Belie.[i8clion in wil branches of his profession,
| | on » woeetfullv ord ’ . . . . the inistere
round, Floating from the pole was a Uni. 4 ID —— ery hespectinily X ours, il 1 {founte,: Pa. Spe ial attention given k the administered
Old Reliable Stand,
Y i bus iness now before the
ou can make money faster
as ch ff, principle is
kept in mind by Doll & Mingle. They
offer no boots or shoes but what are
genuine leather: They warrant al] they
sell, and yet offer their genuine goods
for the same money that others ask for
a gpuriousarticle,
——Oar neighbor, Wiliam Rarick, we
are pleased to find, ig recovering from
his severe attack of pneumonia, Mr.
ames M’Cormick, up the road, is still
ped fast with no signs of improvement.
F Mr. Ed. Hess is also giving no’evideaces
of improvement. Sam’l_ Gramly, esq.,
of Miles, is also down from ga severe
Hever go from home or on a journey
without a bottle of Peruana in your
—For SaLE—A Howe Sewing Ma.
chine, warranted in good order, at this
office. Has dropsleaf and our drawers, tf
Ladies and all sufferers from neural-
gia, hysteria, and kindred complaints,
will find without a rival Brown’s Iron
== ullen has {3 new spring clothing
$B 10 Sy
edand when ame
mT * »
Tamaqua, May 3. ~The thermometer in The finest and best gentlemen's
many parts of Schuylkill and Luzerne
county was down to the freezing point
early in the morning, and snow fell thick
and fast for over threa hours, melting as
it touched the ground.
No. 6 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefonte
Dei Penn’a,
eaters in Drugs,Chemicals,
ort tow arbie } Perfumery, FanecyGoods &e,,
nd are low spirited bs x Zur
pr nity, take Parker's wl, ss : : :
hres at druggists | > Imhy, tak : Rahers F Faure Wines and Liguors for nmiediea =
er v he nd give you ” Urns Kliwevs Kept. nsvigy
Floreston SRN ERyis SF id i 1¢
ow Tif wd vigor,
{100 poilars | CUT THIS OUT!
2S Paid fer anything Hjunous found in Ginger Tose. = wh WS 3
Sunbury, May 3.—The trial of James
Quinn, accused of felonious assault, ended
ia an unusual manner this morning.
When Sarah Heaton, the victim of the
assault, a girl of fourteen years, was calls
ed she refused to testify. The entreaties
of her father, mother and friends availed
nothing, and when informed by the judge
that she would have te go to jail if she
persisted in her refusal to testify, she said
that she Preferred that to sending the pris
oner to the penitentiary. The prisoner
thereupon sprang forward and proposed
marriage to the girl. Business was suse
circles of the parties concerned.” Hats, Hoots, Shoes, &o.,, de.
The correspondent does not say whether
this means that Myton is going for somes
body's cherrytree with his little hatchet
orvice versa, Atl all events, we don't
want these Huntingdon county folks to
come over into Centre county any more {o
settle their ugly quarrels,
: : Aa me ans
ted Etates flag of modium size inscribed unt is full 81 wil i ‘ dunev! FYB 8B. G. GUTELIUS —
: i * vietore country trade, 16juney ) . : ol Shide , for us than at anything e
With the simbls word Yistory, and ul ra 4 havi Cou try —————— aR ' Deniist, Millheim, 1 Differs his ital not, nseded; Wo will start you. 8 a
rounding it was a spear and tomahawk off the 820, besides having N BLAIR IN proicssional services to the public. He js | 3p Ward ma: ee oy ih industrious. :
The significance (Of this novel proceeding : J Lath Pil Law prepared to perform all operations in the Tor aa. Now a nese wanted a re to ward
is found in the fact tbat Myton was ug iin s er than sold elsewhere’ | ? AW air... op elm W, dental profession. He is now fully pre. time only or give your Whole tims to the ba .
before Centre county quarter sessions loo, your goods lower than gold ¢ sewhere | Office on Allegheny glreet, Bellefont, pared to extract teeth abso] 1 i You can live ai home and do the work, No
snd bs bniren ti - New York Office) . : fob ti pared lo extract teeth absolutely without business will pay you nearly us well. Nao zne
week, on a Shaigs of fornication and I . hd » 07 Frankin 8 } o {pain. my 2 78. | to make enormous pay by engaging at once.
bastardy preferred by Miss Mary Nelson, Iress Goods, in the county, Villani StL J — pm v eR: : A ARSE | Bonorab ie torn fs. Sentra fasts,
a : rn ; . NTO AR SIT aN IoRTTT ; —- BS RR SERRE 0 . G hy
of Philipsburg, formerly of this county,| . A PMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— " ; © ye Soran ’ Ross ry
and that the jury acquitted him of the The finest, best and latest d Letters of administration upon a ey LAPEER =
charge, The suit attracted A great deal of styles ladies’ Dress Goods, the ostate of John Shannon, dec'd, late of i Ri ¢ » Sa wera ®
attention both in this and Centre county, Centre Hall, having been lawfully grant. 3 ! Nn &° CG 2 i 0 n IC
on account of the prominence in social ed to the undersigned, he would respects = §
fully request all pers i me Avi Prrinavabinm adide. 4
fully request all persons knowing them an Ins ApOTdun Medisine that Never
solves to be indebted to the estate to make
immediate payment, and those having
claims against the same to present them
duly authenticated for settlement,
Adm'r, Penn Hall, Pa.
A Letters of administiras
storer & dress.
ing, elegantly
perfumed and [i¥
entirely harm. § er of the best |
less, Kemoves Ji A LH ! cures Female Com.
dandruff, re. . Sn at umat ¢ ess, Wakefulness,
stores natural Re {diz ¥ stomach, Liver, kid.
color and pro. [® ;
vents baldness £4
30 cents and §1
Quecusware, Glassware, Gro.
ceries, none but what are — ————
pure. He has the only pure,
old - fashioned NEW OR,
LEANS sugar in the couns
ty, an article rarely found
in these days.
ion of Ginger, Bucks,
SMOREST FOR MAY, = The illustrations
in oil, steel, and wood, are equal to its 13ap6t
past excellence, and many will be congids | ~~
ered superior. ‘The Highland Break.
fast” is a charming cabinet, * Duck and|£) ,
Greon Peas,” and “Phoebe Mayflower,’ | lon upon the estate of Adam Hosterman,
are excellent. The twenty-seven articles jute pf Rern townanih decd, having
; = . comprised in its literary repertoire should| been lawfully gran 6d Lo the undersigned,
of ready-made clothing as could be A complete assortment in each please, entertain, and instruct eyery class|ho would respectfully request all Jeans
ound. Especial care was taken to pur. department, of readers. The fashions of the day are knowing themselves to bo indebted to the
chase clothing that wassuitable for the no whera go necurately set forth as in Sitate 8 ake immeiinte payment and
( i i i y sof they " alla i Ye # | ; ee {hi 'g a« {Ose having ¢ ms aan 1 ® tn
pended, A justice was called in and the | Wants of the valley trade. He sells clothe Coie and see one the hest Pe noreRt. J yuu do nottake this volun 0 i io dolr uti '
couple were united in wedlock. The in: helo + any arial! sam: otitinm in th iit. ' Ve 1 the honsahatd fawvnants | DPOEC Ha dul ot ia Ag
judg +! hich d the jury tw bring ia Qu, Retell dhe chal Me badil yy Fab us viva RRA wi
A VEG yy vi wut guilty, which was done, |
any oth
——Mullen’s store has as choice a lot
or for a failure to help or cure
sick friend to try it Wo=E,
soc, and $1 uzes
wg dollar size, Ser
A delicate & ex 58
Quisitely fr
pofume wit
fur § coplioually lasting
Me ff properties,
we sad 10 Gagls, g 4 la : 5 > 1g)
Try it or ask your | AmENTS $1 5 1] $40
Wehave stores iniB leading Cit
from which £80
drogzists, Laroe sav ng buy.
for circular to Hiscox 4 Co..
. } Hapa Ot
0 pl
ao ~
y Lug pu » : 1 Li v t i L
\ id Sureet, ay P oi 4 “ [Pn Adm'r, Millhenu, Pa