CeRAD KURTE ...oococe oe a wg CENeRe Harn, Pa, May 11. 13 x Wednesday, and un. Beaver is Jumbo. Cp OL and 1 laf nba elicionte, fF Crowd y Harrial - tha DOAver may not t PO ¥ ¥ \ hp ¥ N nrg, wa sug ¢ he rea § i ava tho } 3 if the crowa ON MISR I 8x-> ital Democr aliC can We clip the foregoing ex -Nenator fromthe | If either of tha seeking correct informa ticn (which evidently i did they not address a letier t lace, ‘and learn his views way? We admire the man t You, and bits you in the mo deems 1t necessary; but look out fellow that waits in a nbush, or st in the back, when he k unaware of his presence! Gilitiry eUIlors + . ws that REE nt m a v + 1 y ihe large, massive conrt-house ruined by fire on Sunday noon at Pitts burg It cost $200,000. There is hardly a disease considered incurable, that could not be cured with Peruana. At last, after nineteen long years, par tial justice has been done Gen ral Fits Joh Porter, the presiden: having remi - t: d the continuous portion of hiss enteqce forever disqualifying him from holdin any office of trust or profit under the government of the United States. The: remains now no legal obstacle to congres- sional action. It should be i1aken promptly and justice done where just ce 18 due. There 1s uo ground for a politi- cal issue in the case und no fair minded person will be found to object to a speedy disposal of it by congress, was L 11 Qu When I have a baby at breast nothing is so useful for quieting my own and ba- by’s nerves as Parkers Giuger Topic, Ii prevents bowel complaints and it is bet ter than any stimulant to give strength and appetice—A Newark mother, The President has signed the new Chinese bill, For tremulousness, dizziness, wake- fullness, and lack of ener uable remedy is Brown's Iron Bitters. THE REPUBLICAN PEACEMRITING, The stalwartan 1 thei etweon the faotions, in favor of the stalwarts, if the indoper “prince (te t ( dents, They agreed i ¥ promises as Wolfe ean wigh, whil ' and make no that is, the hey candid men R 3 ) ail the principles t ] wing disposes of the oto ned by tl the Cameron committees, AMeron tala ia \ Ho vert mae DElOW 18 8 agrecinoent say tl résolutions contal h he will refus r or whic 1 it } ny author 3 F persons ¢ SUCK and accept Laree wer ats, althougl al form as presented, (IL «nid the las tt Fes {sy Liat * it in the ong : i dependent in 3 ap» the impartiality o it statemer nd striviuo bien Mi Seoesing t » i 19 or } ie on the si reveén i on IAVO Ut y i needing u 5 ¥ i Prep » 71" aditures, and ' : i ther . , WhO ity and his experience 3 Mr. Hewitt’ * COuniry. nectalle at this POCIRIY at Ls #1} UL L8 SEAL . NY: Oemi- tures te 1 manufa : average dutiable wl e of daty shall } necessary to com- ifference the cost of and abroad expended on deducting the cost of ion, and the rate of duty shall 30, except on luxuries it, ble value clearly that it to remodel the f time,, upon this r upon some other basis, if the condi- not acceptable. Therefore, the of a commission of outsiders ¢ ruct congress in its proper duties, and ndirectly to legislate withon authority, i we ave } eéretofore shown, a4 mere rick on the part of the Republicans to gtpoue action until after the Presiden ial election ; in other words, to give the wnopolists four years more of their resent le The prof nated to be « ty : o in } ¢X- cent, of such du osition sh conver va + u i il i i tarify rifl in a short space « Hons are 3 of a8e, it ae of monopoly are now esti- ne hundred and twen- Some authorities say and fifty millions, The eneficiarios this plundering system can well afford to keep ex Senators and x-Representatives, and others of both arties, at Washington as lobbyists, under ie disgnise of “counsel” to urge the loption of this commission scheme, on vhich, if passed, some of them expect fo serve their employers, Mr. Hewitt is not a free trader, but he muy be called a fair trader, and there are millions in this country who believe i air trade «nd free markets for American prgductions of every kind. All the talk f improving our trade with Mexico, with ‘eniral America, and with South Amer ica by any diplomatic policy, is not only tbsard, but if is insulting to public intel. ligence while a tariff exi-ts which prohib- i's competition with other countries, Sogland mainly, and Germany and France partially, ‘control those markets, which are our neighbors and friends, be. cause they undersell us at our own doors Chere is no mystery about the laws of ‘rade. Our navigation laws forbid the purchase of foreign built ships, and our tariff imposes burdens that prevent them from being built «t home so as to com ete with England The result is that the great bulk of the carrying business 8 iu English hands, worth ‘more than a windred millions a year. This prohib- tory policy puts the United States in a yondage to great Britain quite as bad as luring the colonial times. The taxpayers do not chject to any fair, Just, and equal mode of levying duties fs { ver millions a year, me hundred a fF Of Ve it 1" \ tl © rit po | i ! { ect of which is to enhance the profits o { i monopoly, and to destroy competition {the neutral markets (shutting enterprise ins : 3 wall, to thwart the hope of ese 1 of thie - 4 ido of L108 THE INDEPENDENTS AGAIN INDE PENDENT. The independents Wolf left 11 it 1 perh t and the e aps Cha { 11 BA i | | | wil t @ Oss thet Be 3 ig! Against tn ir ive and have iss 11 ha LEX be ¢ soan Philadelphia, 3 fonts mean fant n i which extreme I Ih 3 IRsto Wo gol t th i the recent o \ 1 Wolfe, pendent Slate (x O y i 4 } Wil although it appears that mmittee at of which McKee, Barker & are memaoers, is saustied that he inderstanding with Quay by whi to nominated Convention ir Wolle was mainl about the Superior pila, ali y Ly Cong lustruomental in bring cond wil Dre i ! HL 1 ¥ erence i 1a r i ing EH +e ¥ thi strategy « Like i the S Lad . vailled, sud a piace on be hisreward. This o oe suspes and from so mu tl HES 10 SO any ar ¢ Sule Kol to 1y different q ters, that In theabseuce of from Wolfe it If Wolfe to a bargain th omes before the peo tained pr » 4 3 State, It wouid, or & general pi must be a cepted. + has been a { of this sort, most r y : re FY used-1ny t miuence 1 Voge ¢ WH a 4 certain s McClure ial {i thorns beneath its making i very daogerous bus i a. For haif-a d yd been i ter the 7 ii fab nptat ing great the g + 4 ood and fodepen t conference, will working for his price an { a I inated the disgusted lent id go { nom ed Independents will be prompt to resent what they will call : : Lt 18 treachery at the bs Nor must 1t be forgot leaders have a long score tle Mr. Wolfe, More than any « man, Or § other thousand men in the State, he defeated the elaborately contrived scheme to make Mr, Harry Oliver Uuited States Senator. This is not likely to be forgotten, and to the Stalwarts it would we revenge worth living an age for, to have Wolfe sell out his Independent professions for a ring nomination, and then defeat him beyond resurrection, while wearing the badge of servitud aud treachery, Su undoubtedly, stalwart with wil nv ny Uy bh would be his fate - ip THEY ARE AGAINST BEAVER. BTRONG PROTES LICAN I' FROM A LETING 15 LARGE REPUB ME N DELAWARE Special Digpate Media, May 5.—A large meeting of Republicans to protest against boss rule was held bere to-night. William Rhodes, of Newton, presided. Speeches denun- ciatory of the bosses were made by a number of well-known citizens and Gen. Beaver was practically attacked for his ‘wanagement of the Agricultural Col- ege, The resolutions adopted are very long Fhey protest against the nomination of Beaver, because he is the personal ses lection of Senator Cameron, made in his interest; because Beaver misrepresented ihe people of Pennsylvania in the Chi- cago Convention; because Lis relations tog the Agricultural College will drive tim from the farmer's vote; because his nomination will endanger party success, Lt was further resolved that the protests applied to all whose names may be rep resented as nominees in the interest of Cameron, for the purpose of keeping him in power. The resolutions further declare abhorence of Cameaon’s political methods and rule, founded as it is on minority county representation, trick~ ery and manipulation, unscrupulous use of patronage, and the only hope for the Republican party is in the complete sur- render of these methods, . oo. Never confound the bad with good ramedies, the very best we know of is Peruna, but protest against a tariff, the sole ob / 3 Mercantile Appraisement, 1 fioyy t iit 1 and d tillers, brew wi en di 34 Minty, "ny PRIBOY ev rs of merchandise {Ti kors, ote, in Uenty | i ni notice thal they ara by tha ut derstgned Ripr tile and other 1 conse as follows. to wit; AARON } Algor of ‘He for the year Har i t 1 i RA S11 rv Runkle BELLY IS A Brow & HC Waaver Kirnham & Sen a 3 } Oba ewrence L BrownG rain White & ( \ Wu Uo bro 13 1} 4 ‘ is 1] ¢ " : i0 i ' BROOKE SPRING, Merchants do ROLAND, Marchants BARDY Rihae Merchant @ Uo fe § Curtin & i Lit W WW it AM ! of 1 K } BNO MG, AM M'Clain Marchant » Herbert Williams Grocer . i $)et KO Hi K ) 16) 74 74 that in Act of Assem ad on tha 1th day of I), 1816, entitled “Ai Act to amend an Act, directing the mode { 1}! in Cantre Uo given id ing ' gE unseated "and the thereto at publi GR Boak & Co Moaorchants W Grauer & Co do Summervi Krydar § lo { 1 J Gronol » id R My & Co EN AN EEN LIC Han Jeo Degarmio Al i i J E Wasson DF Tavior J B Hartswick - D Hess Rh & Son a MAR FUR) THA Merchar 9 ! £ Son CH Elsa & Bros EH Carr SUCKS { } di Druggis Conl& LL imber MILLITEIM, Merchant ¢ v on Druggist 7 Hardware Billiards Pool table NITTANY HAL L. 8 M E Holmes Merchant PENN HALL. Merchant PLEASANT GAP. Merchant do Distiller PHILLIPSBURG. ouse, Lebam { Merchant & Co Gray Wolfs &Co John Nuttall &Co G Lyon & Co Flock & Miller C Munson & Son Hosslos & Huflington do F Crisman Grocer E A Riman ao J Lytle & Co do A W Harper do o S Btewart do J Sankey Joots £%shoes J N.Shoonover do’ Ses G W Haworth T J Mayors Mrs R Pierce A Davis & Son A R Feistal W D A Naugle C G Hirlinger Do Reliance | Pat. Med. Maodicine Co { LJ & K Switzer } 10 14 H Eckenroth estate, J F Mann G Hang } 4 10 ox 20 1 5 I 8 Sti 1 oo Hh 13 756 40 75 10 75 80 35 on oa do do ot on 0) 30 3 BO d } i i S=d 3 — gd ) Confectioner do Milliner Jeweler do do Clothing » a SE Vad SF mF =F nT af od wd nF wd of wf wd wf wt mF wl wf et - -3 | Books & J Stationery I¢ -y I" ) Matern : ' Mall d McKinney mmerfleld } & Flegle | {red Jones ' M Hale & Co ‘uaa Howe Man'fg Co HO Hoffer uo Druggist do Hardware apt oy gy do do 10 Graen grocer 14 {Sewing 13 { machine Billiard Tobacco Furniture do { Coal oil, wholesale, Music store & Son Pool tables PINE GLENN Geo. R Roak Merchant PINE GROVE MIT Ls J CO Sample & Co Merchant M D Snyder do Jonathan Hess Grocer PORT MATILDA Cheny & Thompson merchantg 88 Miles & Co do A Ww Reese do POTTER'S MILLS Smith Merchan(s REBERSBURG. 8 Frank & Son Merchants J R Brumgard ds 1 | io J Peightal Jones, Mull &Co Willinmsport Oil Co J H Boring Mrs R Hays Thompson & hl { { ! i | i { i { re OS rand Opening we J oe ( 1 5 TH Ee Stand.— w—AT ~Hotel DRY GOODS, LADYS DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS NOTIONS. EANCY GOODS, Ready Made —FOR— GROCERIES, lea, Queensware, Glassware, Syrups, BARGAINS ! sos — — ct Farmers will be allow-| for produce. The best bargains in| New Store| else-| Go to the BENSON'S GAPGINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in- i i Public are cautioned against buy- ing Plasters having similar sound- ing names. 8eo that the word C-A-P-C.I.N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are tho only improvement over made in Plasters. One is worth moro than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where othor remedies will not even relieve. Prico 25 cents, Bowaro of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists, New York. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price dbcts, A MEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER, following in Wii} Ouse, i und irl 1 Hefonte, 4 iid i Rid A Ann Deal Wm Gray Mu Ha rode ian Harv a4 RB vy jr rid * JU RCKS vr Be os | BAD : IDE Wn BURN! { iv 10 HOE uit 1 i UnDEvaiiey ed ii ¥ i 11 of the { NEW SPRING AND To Pe y this Ui oI CARP] TS, Wind 8 * SURUCE, J of Groceries COME ONE, COME ALLY and see for vy BEST and ine » i in the J A ( { i4 61 ih 45 B57 § i3 } i osenh Kel Inry 1. arah Lat G © gi 4 Alo = ‘aleb Lawns y sti $ $1 x Fr } { > i i i4 i 14 ‘nlebh Law # 14} wae Lot gat i4 Pas { Fac RaaE ye {ic ol ing = = ee a Meyers ares Miller | Ym FP Mitehq Wm P Mit ohn P M he] arton wi GREGG, ianmes Barber Davis Tage rt HAINES Thomas B ry eorge Cremer wery 3 04400 Ha Ha Ssm'l Linn John Ligget 4 Long LIX) fi = H1BS8 168 Jasper Piayien 434 108 Edward Mayston {18 James MoMunnus F153 153 Binir MoLanshan i153 1568 Geo Mead §133 1568 We HePherson $463 13 MT Milliken 100) NJ Mihail 06 78 N J Michell 34 190 Luks Miner bi 3 Benjamin R Morgan 20 43 1563 Robert Morris 514 i. Tl John M Nesbit & (4 4 LIBERTY, : Dansger Denbam Dunwoody Robt & Jus Hays Win Hava ien ID Hess 03 Hobert Irwin BO Robert Irwin Jereminh Jackson Peter Livile James A Q ligley seven Mlavenson MARION, Wm Alle i in Li Goo Musser (Smith Christian Moa Ellen Nelson Hugh Patton 158 Richard Peotors 153 Henry Pinkerton 11 Hardman Philips Bi Hardman Philips 80 Robert Rainey 158 Thomas Roese 153 Christisn Rohrer 47 Jacob Rush 4 168 Benjamin Rush 158 Casper Bhafnor 168 Andrew Bhenk 153 Christian Shenk 158 Michael Shenk 16 Jacob Bloke 153 Robert Spear 1563 Mary Smith 07 Geo Slough 152 John Bonen Andrew Scott doseph Birogd 153 Paul Such 55 168 John Buch } Barbara Snyder #0 Slough 168 Geo Slough 6 John Nelson (owner) #333 103 Kenrney Whartog 51 Oho idman $402 116 Jacob Weidman Joseph Wells John Wells Psul Wells Juhin Wilson Wm Wilson 35 168 Wm Wilson #13 100 sohr Witaer TAYLOR, Geo Aushutes Jacob Beck Wom Bell 11 Clement Beckwith Bell ! ) 07 187 i SuRsEENEEN REE owl : 41 68 Jo { BR bi Ir Ji remianh Juckson Thomas Lewis J M McKinney Christ Rohrer ' | Fi win 158 4 P Norris 3 Wm Parker Geo Parker dereminh Parker : John Pim 60 144 Hugh Pim Wi Job Reiley WO 144 John Railay #4 165 Thos L Shippen Edward Seat Ben H Tallman Jd oseph Tomkins 53 A 8B Valentine 64 Hebeecs Wala 3 Moors Wharton 61 Elizabeth Wharton 2 ( 64 Rorney Wharton Oo 53 Mar Lhe EEE # 13 15 8 71 2404 in dg 40 16 14 i614 4: Bo nag Joity {owaer) ghnmiowner eriowner) iwWhnet; swaer) in gir | BAKT>E «=Be HE y Wharton 3 Francis West Benjamin West i Francis West $103 Wm H West a 168 4 hig West i Francis West Bird Wilson RUSH, 164 10s8mes Allison TH53 163 sohn Allison $25 James Allison 20 Andrew Allison 00 And Allison, Jno Lills62 & 327 10 Andrew Asmstron 40 10 Richard Atherton $155 163 Paul Black $00 John Bisek $53 163 David Beveridge #3 153 Poter Bruteman #53 165 Jobin Boreland i50 163 Paul Bush #55 163 Joba Bush $90 fam esBush A John Burg 40 Sam'l Chestnut 100 Joba Copenbaver B50 Jobn Copenhaver 0 Copenbaver, $453 163 John R00 27800 $00 $33 163 SRi50 138 153 » wERSS # = — i s2 ryfasisvacsssssetis SWsisssizsEssesmsEnase 8 b2 (x4; Wm 2 C Bell AM Elder Hugh Hamilion 6500 Elizsbeth Hootman 6500 163 Leslie Molone G5 0 W W Montgomery 82 55 Jobn Montgomery 82 55 ¢Commond 6500 Ridgway, Budd&Co., Tract Nol Bidg was, Budd&Co . Tract No 2 27 Ridgway, Budd&Co,, , 'ract No 18 18 Ridgeway, Budd&0o., rect No 8 A115 Ridgway, Budd&Co., Tract No 12 2 John Sherrick 1000 Jobn W Thomas 639 Jobn W Thomss 2 x81 1000 John W Thomas John 'W Thomas riowner) 1000 Weidner 2500 Gao Cowhe Michael sel Weidner Be 76 63433 163 62 48433 6 644a : er rd Parker Parker rémiah | argel ¥ = US 18g 10 4} 3 26 00,141 Whiteome 80 50, Cunningham 26 Ba10 treo Clymer 4 0 > Geo Campbell 5 2100 Thomas Cuthberth 15 6 128 Sharp Delaney b Gi am Frederick Dorsh Wm Dentler 455 168 Thomas Edw #55 168 Dan’] Enler $433 158 Dan’} Fitzgerald $34 168 John Funk 20) Thomas Fitzismmon iH7 Sabastian Griff $38 153 Andrew Grid 5216 1566 Thomas Grant $33 1568 Thomas Grant WE 163 Wm Gray 35 1658 James Glesworth 50 Ehzabeth Groe niioo Robt Grey #53 153 John Gundsker AOORE 53 8 iH 11 26 £18 b6 44 Robert Asken 204 164 Rot & John Baker 761 Sawm’l Barkman Ruth Brooks 29 Mary Curriek 13 Margaret Daugherty 39 110 Elizabeth Dsugheny 00 39 Joseph Evans 25 Wm Eckert TR Peter Habn 47 Ebenczer Hahn 40 Wm Habn 219 39 Margaret James S215 166 Edward Jsmes 59 40 David Johnston $163 John Knox 27 160 Wm Manrel] 90 MM John Mercer 327 100 David Mercer § 36 Wm Milier 1 44 Capt Osman 40 Job Packer 40 Job Packer, jr Richard Pardon John Purdon David Reed Richard Robison R Robison 78 Christian Rohrer 86 David Sutler H Duck Srio Robert W None BEAD a NoRsugEesEREngIgRasERR 53 John Hunbright Thomas Hamiiton Hugh Hamilton John Hand John Harrison Joseph Harrison 63 Hugh Hamilton Joseph Harrison Geo M Hartline . iM {owner SNOW SHOE drew Bayard m Bingham 33 Joseph Hopkins 3 Jobn Huber 4 Robt Irwin } Robert Irwin 5 Owen Jordon 3 John Kelly Robt King James T Laird Goo Latimer 135 6g Wm G Latimer 15 Casper Lawrance 1. $58 154 Christian Lenkore 6 318 108 John Lowden 153 Richard Lowden } 1563 John Lowden 53 Leslie Msione 53 Edward Masysiown Wm MePearson 63 Jobn Miller 13 Jacoh Milier 3 Marths Me 153 Hien Mond ell i LIE iC id irscaden Carscade a 1 Carscaden 00.00 D8 00