| procuanamiox xo MATION NO 2 a i ate lament 1 in a dilom- na 1 { y it had absolute freedom of debate, There was no preven JOO tion, and no vote could be taken until {avery one whom the House would toler {ate could be heard, But the Irish mem- z bers, under the lead of Parnell, used the , [forms of the House to stop all business, so 44 to force Parliament to do justice to ! Ireland, whereupon Mr. Gladstone 0 duy d brought in a series of rules to give the men, Sarah Watson, a widow aged fifty i House the right to stop a debate when Cynthia Winsmore, aged the majority of the me mbers so desired. Warten With the exception of the Senate of the Smith United States every legislative body has WIE Theen foreed to adopt some menns of put- About ten [ting an end to unnecessary talk, The ive look last night Mrs. Winsmore went to| American Congress, by ing omposed oof her bed room to retire for the night when | lawyers mostly, do more idle speechmak- sho heard a noise in her sister's room, Ups [108 than any other national legislature found Mrs, [ID the world, The law yers make a busi. iness of talk, instead of talking to trans : act business, Some day our Senate will was “promptly summoned and lave to adopt the previous question, for Mrs. Smith was also sent for. The pbysi- it is beginning to be a large body, quite] Mrs. Watson in a comatos as large indeed as the House of Repre-| condition and administered ammonia, but #entatives in the beginning of our Gove. ernment, The members of Parliament do not take kindly to the new rules, for : their adoption would be a blow to the Winsmore was importance of the average member, a and in ten ATTENTION 1=OF INTFREST TO ALL, We take pleasure in WHO ARE TAXABLEAS VENDER the MADISONBURG ITEMS, | ASTONISHING OASE OF FATAL] The British Par | Auditor-General Lemon has sent following notices to mercantile ars. First kets are taxable 1 when they ven 1 Dr taxable as merchandise Fourth gquors by means of wagons wush bas retired from farming and has taken up his abode in onr quiet village, We extend our hand in hear'v welcome, R. GG. Hockman has taken possession of the Madison foundry. lo a few days Ellis Shafer will drive the finest span of horses in the valley He is receiving them from Texas, Jown B. Shafer was not able to fill his ol lenjamin ro B | Three Philadelphia Sisters Die With in Half an Hour, An Hty in which threo sistars TEE CENTRE REPORTER. NINN NNN EE WE. KURTZ... ..c con Associate Editon, iO Centre Hall, Pa, April 13 A RA SR : Graxp QOrexiNa i (HEADQUARTERS ) Sinking Creek Mills, Pa. I am now ready to announce to the people of Peunsvalley that I have returned from the eastern cities with one of the LARGEST STOCKS ee. ) Jf es NEW BPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, ever brought to this section of coun. try, consisting of Diy Goods, Ladies Dress Goods, in all the latest styles, Ladies fine shoes, Mers and Boy: Ready-made Clothing, CARPETS, OILCLOTH, Windowshades, Notions, Qpoeensware Glassware, F i A full line's COME ONE, CC and see for yourselves that this is the BEST and CHEAPEST Appraiss : announcing to the citizens of Centre coun ty, that ON SATURDAY, 10 inst, thero will be a grand opening, free to all, at the h Branch, yl his office and High Street, gheny, Bellefonte, NR. G. W. HO Office at residences on Chure site Lutheran Church, in all branches Ether administered Dentist, Millheim., Offers his professional services to the public. Hels prepared to perform all operations in the dental profession. He is now fully i pared to extract teeth ubsolutely a pain. my 2 BE HOUBE, W. R. Teller, projristor, Belies wate, I'a. Fpecial aliention given to country trade. 16janey w= A. BANDO MERCHANT TAILOR, Shop oncorner of Church and Mais st. Is frepared to do all kinds of work in his i ne, on shorl notice, and good fits guare &n sccording to the lastest styles. A lurge lot of samples alway: on Workmen of long ex employ, Ww B. KRAPE NEW JEWELRY, STATIONERY & BOOK BTORE, at Spring Mille, dewdlsy, Biationery and Books of all kinds, cheap as the cheapest in the coun ty. Warcuzs RerAinEDp st reasonable d fi RUATED . oods usually kept ian iy 28 feb Bm, 1 i t i i . doors East of Butchers who sell meat in Philadelph in, A pril bt mstonishin Noten Mex! Dr. Joun F. Haxcock, President of the National Phar. utical eiation of the United ) y Philadelphia For a humber of Second « Butohers aro taxable as pedlors ii di ¢ i fellows, Mr. Lowins, this goroner weeks that prince meal in wagons ha 0 ath within hall an hour, was rep ried been : ’ has making preparation f aa 4 a As akin reparation for i i ‘hird overs who buy a { I'wo of the decased woo Lc ite iy Joounty, y avery man and boy he opening ¢ sale, at prices that wil! set iriant This week close first vear of ; his week closes our first year « 3 A as : Ass post in Sunday gchool on account Persons a 8 Wi, yours and Mrs, Business AT MILLS, With experience as to what is wanted A DOUBLE STOCK! mm Nee TWO LARGE STORE ROOMS. We better the comir \ sickness, ak a The largest trout caught on the first of Sh 3 > » April was captured by Clayton Brown at 429 Eliz siroet, fiy~four years, ros fed ithe third, Ars i 15 South Fourth retofore offered, iy s Tron Pliers has a y tale, is conceded to be a fine i the character of the manu. 5 a voucher for its purity wil excellence,’ t t } Ta peddlers sel Rnd sheth - Filth \ dise by means of wagons are taxable as 1 pod and magnificent stock of new Lat \ | \ 3 All persons PA. measuring 174 inches, ; Samuel! Shafer, Jr. is making & new improvement to his residence in the way of a new picket fence, Both of onr Sunday schools made a change last Sunday in the way of new officers, . The new Evangelical pastor, Rev. N, Young, has now fully taken charge of this cirenit. Weare glad to say that we could not have found a8 more appropris te man to fill the place of Rev, Stover The members of the church turned out en masse last Thursday night to give nim a cordial reception in the way ofa donation; the presents made were hand. some as well as useful. The reception | was agreeable to our host Rev. Young | as well a pleasure to the participants, Last Sanday while L. J Elder nassing through the monntains from the Junction to Madisonburg he was attack wd hy two tramps and was hatled for his wallet, but striking one a terrible blow he other fled Eider made good his es: eape by ranning into the woods, Something new-—a physician has tak h us, We Migs, SPRINC ing for tho spring season The hil Openibg will cloth i sedi delphia Branch by this grand Ors, . maintain is past Josern ROBERTS, Jtimore Pharmaceutical 4) oy tiers i Will censos 1 have to say, tha Sixth reforence } Dx, $ reputation as the central Penn'a heads President t is not on reaching her room she : quarters for good as well as cheap und sty- { lish © sherry, Medieal Rs the taxable if he simply? : . ya, Watson in a dying condition » lething, bul it will surpass ilseif ofthe iorse It as a fine medicine, i as a strengthening tonic, frvia slooholic poisons.” sistance d sel bott! w «ar } ¥ porter or Dear at ¢ § and assortment o low in the \ Ki ils very, very \ immensity | package as " If su pa 3 5 NeW si prices; st AM OPS shiment h lig : : a cians found hope to serve our cusiomen ih \d in } rok Heh ods that are made especially for this es Jiu gold in his estabiist n pay bot barrel, ia Dr. I. Faris Moore, Pu, : , Prot { Pharmacy, Bald. utical College, says: that represents it & i} rk 1k . . Wil A RUArANnLOa avery % (0, per act Ifa K 1 she did not revive and died in a few mins ol jantiy tha cago, he } PR A license of 30 3 It 1 . + see ' 8 Year, ( all and \ \ ont 1 what Mr. Lewing . bet wy the ute had recovered from Mrs, wercome and fell on the floor, ler salls §. fler they 18. OF Mone) ot found so, k 's Tron Bitters is a safe ¢ medicine positively nad i A » ic prisons, and ean nded 8s a tonic for use ¢ who oppuse alcohol, * as is freq be i their astonishment overcoats the riment Real in suits there will be i ROOUS, is fan - DEATH OF CORNELIUS VANDER BILT, .-. rated and asses A bottler may use a wagon WHITMER & CO. March 23, 1882. aor dealer. minutes she died, and injten minutes Iater x fry for ba Di. Epwarp EAricksox, Halumore College of Phar- > \ suited gt to deliver goods a nd AY Mrs, Smith,the third sister, was a corpse, . doetd r pran— lawyer, 0 - 3 be be physicians were non plussed and the] New York, March Cornelius J. consternation spread through the| Vanderbilt committed suicide at the house-hold The only theory on which | Glenham hotel to~day by shooting himself . : {through the head. the deaths are accounted for is that Mrs. | rough the h Watson was seized with a congestive chill from an attack ofapoplexy that ‘ fo i and that both Mrs. Bmith and, awn mechanic, Lyle a farmar hs farmer, . t ithe wagon isu he reales cret from piace i LOCAL ITEMS, ‘@ wines | Huts of ovary 4 +O PiACa (08 5 ¥, p ) } a) } in fact any article bes —— WGA Or AD §8 Reok agents and other people wha e il 28 an excellent good Cigestive agent, sloxicant in the fullest in the Valley. N. B.—The Highest Prices pai for Produce, igh es Eggs, re ter, dried apples, apple butter, Beans and Bacon. April, 1882, H. STRAUB. * ol THE CONDEMNED NIHILISTS, St Petersburg, March 81. — It is officials ily announced that the Czar ordered the Mrs. Winsmore died from neryous pros) commutation of all death sentences passed of heart!at the recent trial of the Nihilists into an There is no sus | indefinite period of bard labor in the {mines except in the case of Marine Lieu “tenant Suchanoff, in which the sentence is yo most amicable terms, and the condi~|eonfirmed, as his position as an officer age Postmors | gravated his crime, . tem examinations were made on the bod will be MARRIED, whieb| Op Thursday, March 30, by Rev, Will iamson, of Petersburg, Mr. Taylor Liv. ingston, to Mis Jennia M. Archey, for. merly of Pine Grove Mills, Centre Co. Penna, or boys wear, ; ! Ng LO moh { . ¥ } fuels r taxes as noted ad & o-oo. enioy racy reading a d sensational 4 ny : 0 de nh he interesty d mn Ww. Buel's atest work, “Metropolitan Life , Unveiled.” advertised in another colnm F * of this paper, Gapdt Treasurer Keller unseated lands sale in this issue of the REPORTER. not ot bu 3 wa de { Lowing is ly serving Lhe and died i i Py iid 1 va Poland \ y 3 ail £ tt intr i At Sechler's you can aiwa Ail, { the patronage ¥ 3 iy «agile, tea, canned and aris . allele reaay- ih ndividual ‘hases Heo deserves the most Ot an uj wish hi : 0 pur pure ; ? 14 > e's oidest and most L4n0s, says: } i 3 i: 5 RICHARD SAPINGTO? {1 y Jr. is residence amongst mS {made ¢ 16 Ba iothing. tration which produced attacks iis and apoplexy. fou! play, as the family lived on 1OUH iN arai suj honest 1 i gt port beesuse he is st KM Wea kn ove H B Harts-{him that ¢lot been wick wo Rush—J Cuallon.....Snowshoo~—| price W W Crissman, E Holt, H With 10a Harris—Cal Meyers, 8 Hailay...... Marion| ™ Cal Wilson, 1 8 Martir Patton | Mattern...... Bennar—R Carl Collega—| Geo. Dale... Miles Em Harter, Jor Ha} gel, 8 M Spangler... Potter—8 Harper, | Wm Boal... Grege—John Hogan... Burnside — J Shrosdar Walkers] 'RAVERSE RORS, T Twigg T Came side~J H Bates ferguson—C ' Bec Reesa advertises the necess, JURORS—APRIL COURT jot o” it reduced benefactor can not be bes hie ha BRYA Le i solely on STONE CREEK STOCKED WITH TROUT, Thomas W. Mavton, Esq, on Friday morning last received through Fish Com. missioner Hewitt, from the Marietta hatchery, two large cans of young tront On the same day Mr. Mavten and Jim- my Africa took them to the headwaters if Stone Creek and deposited them in the stream, There were about 10,000 of the tiny speckled beauties. as A WW, hin urwe has 3 1 it praise its and the well. aracter of the house which s a suflicient guaranties g all that Is claimed, for are men who could net be in. to offer an else but a hing € Jor pullic use," A Druggist Cured. BE nshare, Md., Oct, 13, 1880, Brown's Iron Big. se of a bad attack of sti 4 fullness in the stom. ving tested it, I take pleas. mmending It to my cus. ‘am glad 10 say if gives atisiaction to all." V. Horrmar, Droggist, JURORS ng ion of have use Lea... Fergusos GRAND var, $EK virtues J As on th » x charges an He will keep all first clues Jewelry He has been a public i i The Pennsvalley bargain store ich always means Dinges,—is in ful { shelves, low prices flrs! guality po Try Dinges once your own satisfaction. WwW. H. Schoek, of Forreston, i woepted the Jersey Shore Lath ch Rev. Schock was formerly from Aaronsburg. ---FISHERMEN AHOY !--- I hava just received ‘ y arita tions peint to natural deaths, RE ishment like his } u an establ they ce iCiia i AAUS } } SROs p unless he m m OTICE —Let- ters of administration upon the estate of Jacob L. Lose, dec'd, he of Miles township, hav been lawinll granted to the undersigned. he woul respectfully request all persons knowing themselves to be indebied to the restate to make immediate payment and th. .o bav~ ing claims against the same to present when duly suthenticated for settlement, JUHN F. REIFENYDER, Administrator, OUSE AND LOTS FOR SALE ~ The undersigned offers & new Bouse and lot, on Water street, Cantre Hall, st private sale. Also, three | Ronfiog on the west side the pike opposite Bitner's, at private sale. For further Shrtealan sppiy Wo JOHN NEFF, Centre Hall. CENTRE HALL Carriage Shops. +0. DRININGER rop ristor 3 gopt u any \ Ag ’ : * on ies this afternoon and the result ie medicis t cause hi Oolls are 80 very small nedicin $ pr 3 ’ J reported at the coroner's will be held to-morrow { inquest, even sold to needy persons below cost. Stand by the Philad. Branch, for it has stood by you and enabled every house «hold to save from $25 to $160 per year in ne ROW, ly" JAPANESE BAMBOO RODS, From 12 to 20 feet long. Fine Spliced Bam+ boo Fly Rods and Bait Rods, Fine Artificial Flies, REELS, BAIT BOXES, BAS. KETS, SNELLS, Lines, Fly Books, and a general as sortment of ROD MOUNTINGS too numerous to mention. Also the pew BARBLESS Hooks, Please|28marim. call and be convinced. THEODORE DESCHNER, 16mm 2m Bellefonte, Pa. The time has come when Farmers must practice strict economy in al! their purchases for articles needed on the |3 farm, and none will require more attention than the subject of fertilizers. WHY SHOULD YOU PAY HIGH PRICES demanded by some for their goods when you can buy a reliable whea manure at $25 per ton of 2000 lbss., delivered on cars or boat in Philad The Analydis is guaranteed to every purchaser and is plainly printed on every bag. We say to you buy Baugh’s 25 Dallar Phosphate. Send for circular showing guaranteed analysis. Address BAUGH & SONS, Sole Manufacturers, re Secretary Folger bas directed the transfer] of $17,000,000 go!d coin trom the Philadel On the 19th ult, at Madisonb phia mint to the Treasury of United States| Rev. W. H Stover, Mr. H. in order to relieve the vaults which ar io Sit Dells M. Wirth, both a transfor of $5 346 000 gold | On the same day, by the b from the assay office, in ranklin H. Wate, to M York, to the Philadelphia mict. We call Seholl, both of Rebersburg. he attention of the Republican presstothel on 14 March, by W. J. Thompson, These papers predicted, when Beq., George Mowery, to Miss Jennie Gas ris AE NS EER DIED. and urg, by W. Garret, of Miles tl According to law fishing for trout in that stream will be prohibited for a term of three years.— Huntingdon Monitor, Apr. 6. That puts a veto on the REPORTER'S Stone Creek expedition. Now let all von want good prices for your | hands keep off of Stone Creek for three pr «ince, farmers, take them to Sechlers | years, grocery. They will give vou No, gro ceries at cash prices for all your butter, eg =, potatoes, dried fruit, apples, or any other arti X £ 1st J. B. Jamison, of Spring Mills, Jas ‘at A. MClintick, of Farmers Miils, A. H Ri-hel of Gregg's bank, aud Peter Smith, of Centre Hill, pleased the REPORTER with § AL ls p grand opening, Apri 3 i arowded; AIBC, NEWSPAPER var M Plec B, ellafor That class who take a paper for a num wdrick, Larimer, A ber of years and stop without paying for i Haines—W J Krapa...... Hows are reminded “the new postal law a Brickley. .... Halfmoon—T M (Dow makes the aking of a newspaper and Way. H Griffin J Brady... [the refusal to Py for the same, theft, ana Potter~d B Spangler, Jus Ott... Walker. B80Y person guiily of such an act is lable F Beck. M Shafer... Milesburg—F F Ad. |io criminal proceeding, the same as if be ams... Miles—W B Strouse, And Ock [Mad stolen goods to he amount of sub. or. G B Haines ....Spring—W H Noll, §/scription, : A thief, doubtless in the same Markle. J Roan, J Ress ....Philipsbarg gory of Dt enach for one to order a oo. Benner—John Reeser, {POU d « fl any other groceries er .... Gregg—John Coldren | When wrapped or bagged and laid on the John Bing, E Barton....., [counter for the purchaser to walk off wi i Howard tp the sriicle without paying lor it- a thelt Thompson. |AS glaring as to take & newspaper from a te —- Shroek | Posu fice box unpaid for for a year, and J Jiwhen demand is made refuse to pay for it {lhe law is a good oneand should be en: 1.1 forced, as is being done in New York, » yvipr HE i AERinNsL SEVEerai nee, other sel Of ollenders who move from the city and county and neg. 0 pay their subscription, or remove part of the city or to the couns try with giving notice of removal; and sing indebied for paper some ithe, may conceive this plan of secrecy stuni one to get rid of payment newspaper p ibimhers are robbed of a 1088 which all are abjested through downright game, Mr, THT Clara M, SHARKS. f call. de Newip igs TF : 4 1 sk your Druggist for Brown's N BiTTERS, and take no other. ne trial will convince vo at § Will convince you that it s ty 1d you need, > ¥ that LHR i above fact. the Democratic Congress remonetized sil ver, that sll the gold would leave the country. Instead of that, however, gold at once began to flow into the country. If ———— — o8 hp ~A big comet is on the way, and will make a splendid show in the heav- ens ina few weeks. In the mean time ~Fresit Live—Bellefonte wood- [lay in a good stock of those excellent lime for sale at the Centre Hall | groceries which are found nowhere, save It. fat Sechlers. 1s a8 st y uss wi the cate Uncle 8am is embarrassed with too much " yOu { coffea or ready money now, he probably will not be in that condition when the present Repub.| Near Spriog Mills, on Monday moras bim.— ling, the wife of John Minnich, aged about {OU years. —For Site—A Howe Sewing Ma ——Sunday night we had rain and warranted in good order, at this | ferce winds, and on Monday morning office. Has drop~leaf and our drawers. tf | there was a thin layer of snow on the . ground, We thonght we had bowed winter out. } chine, lican Congress gets through with MARKETS, mT 4 \ { Philadelphia, Apr. 10.—Wheat 1.39; ere dead §They were alive and well, but]. en 84: oats 59. Cattle—prime 78, good played a trick on the jo- 164; sheep, prime 74, good 6 7-8; lambs sid him a lie io retaliation, |6@8; calves 0@9; hogs, good 10, i found i i i of “ s 3 y 3 ¢ Hg Two jokers told L. W. Olinger of Le iss) ville, Ohio, that his wife and daughter] i J. W. HENNY By Manufacture and constantly keep on hand CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS, SLEIGHS, and all kind of vehicles. —Sgmue! Krambine, a gradoate the Reporter office, has gone to Altoo- Da. m young man of excellent character, and deserves to get along. Jurors 2d week— Bellafon . ) y J CO Weaver J H Lingle... Rush = Bishop Ferguson—M D —The Lock Haven Democrat savs ‘ Squire J. J. Herlacher, of Logansville, | Boggs—J 8 Proudfoot, H Curtin .... ed very suddenly at his home last Sat | ipsburg—J Hawarth.....Snowshoe rday. Bat two hours previous to his | Hinton Patton—G J T Grey, eath he had been in apparent good | H Loe, sel... Potter Ed 4 ealth, speaking of his friends in his ac- Kennedy, W W Royer, F : F costomed jovial manner, Death result. Howard tp—T Pletcher, i from a stroke of paralysis, punner —-y He wes a brother of C, F. Herl a i { Litle. D wr Penn—W ..Haines is a o *5 t pr wu priglor ; thscribers for the off ¥ havi te sit Gavi in ed sul Minger had once and they Ho was 80 shocked t he The RsrorrEr office has a new ” ho isgetting along finely; he has s way to the inkfountain, are those Kors i 8 1 } ir Fes #Jevil re ' % : hat found hal Wi when he id dead, an 0 i h Spring Mills Market. Wheat, $1.20 Rys 8c : Corn, ears, per bu, 70 ¢, Corn, shelled, 8bc. Oats, 60. Buckwheat, 50¢. Barley 70ec. Cloverseed,. 400 to 450 iegl t & Us them safo st home u believe oer ——Twenty lots were sold in South n Philipsburg, Centre county, last week, |v i making in all sbout forty in thatsection so recently laid out in town lots, A large number of new houses will go up ~ there tlus spring and sammer, several “<= being in course of construction at this nat HU tO Ar alg that thay were has since rrig—J ‘ i acher, { the r heen insane. { this place. SHERIFF'S SALE, | ly virtue of sundry writs of fleri facias, | levari facias and venditionl exponas issu | i _ ——————————————— 0 —— R } 3 ego—W L ’ M'Cool..... Miles—Simo HS MJ Op -—- ! " T+. 1) Ui gs EE Dr. Chance, of the Pennsylvania Geo- logical Survey, recently read a paper be- | fore the American Institute of mining n Smit Just dues {o r i08s 5 3 Yy Lan Jamison time, —We are pleased .0 notice that Sen- ator C. T. Alexander is able to be on du ty seal gor health, hs iE Y v1 r Mr. Ed. Hess, of Linden Hall, » to Flurida for the benefit of it 3 is 8 —— Again we have a sndden death to n. On last Tharsday Mr. Jacob Ketner was found lying'near his stable at his residence below Aaronsbarg, appar He was carried into the i soon aflter—canse ap 1 man, of bit gas ently dying 3 . 1 7 i ana expired opl Mr. Ketner was an ol¢ near 80, and always well thon his neighbors. OLR { exy of by {+ — Perry O. 8tiver, of Lena, Ill, for- Lena department of the Freeport Bulle- We tip our bat, Perry O, Five in. rick dwelling of James estroved by fire on last riday morning, 7. between 4 and Ho0'- ock. The fire originated on the gar- ret. and may have been cansed by the fin Nearly ali the bousehold goods were saved. The property was insured in the Grange company. Mr. Krape lives rear Pine Grove Mila, Mr Krepe says $700 in money, which wae hid cu the garret, was burned. The mt 1 ey be says belonged to Robert Ross, pow in the west for whom Le had col- lected it. — Nothing of so much nse in a famis ly as the improved Singer Sewing ma- ch No other like for light runoning, fast work, and bitte noise, D.M. Cow- her ix agent. Try the Singer before pur. chasing any other and you will not be SOITY. i ©, in his refitted quarters is loing a brisk busi: ess. His fire dam aged goods is all put out, and he is hav ing new stock all the time, which he is selling a little above cost to let the peo- le know what can be done these days in store-goods. Call there if you want a first-class bargaip, and read this to him oy — lH NEOS inges — We see by last week's Centre Dem- ocrat that Maj, R. H Fuster has retired from that paper, The Major is an expe- rienced journalist, and a sound and smooth writer, who will be missed by bis retirement. Mr. J. R. Van Ormer takes Foster's place and is associated with S. T. Sagert in the publication o! the Democrat. We wish Mr. Van Ormer success in Lis new field. 8] - Spring clothing, big lots, fine stock, low prices, good goods, hats, ties, and any thing in the live of men and bovs’ wear, better and cheaper at the Philad Branch than elsewhere, Lewins ke: s ahead always in ready made cloth- ing, and low prices. Don’t forgetit, -——A Union county paper says there is a corner in eggs down there, Up here the eggs are still round, with one point- ed and a blunt end, but have not noticed any with corners in ’em—so much for being democratic. Let Unioa change ber ugly politics and the corners will come out their eggs. A clergyman was once sent for in the middie of the night by a lady of his con gregation “Well my good woman, so you are very ill and require the consolation of religion.” * No, said the old lady, “I'm nervous and can’t sleep, and you alway: put me to sleep so nicely when I go to church that I want you to preach to me.’ The good lady wae no doubt suffering ment. whoeb could have been easily cured by a dose of Green’s Liver Pills, Liver diseases, headache, and constipa- tion, caused by bad digestion, quickly cured by Brown’s Iron Bitters, Down in Tyrone they sell such horrible whiskey that when a fellow gets a skin full of it he can get into his wag- on, lose a wheel and drive on with but ti.ree wheels and the axle dragging on the ground, perfectly oblivious of the fact. So says the Aloona “Rudical,” and it ought to know about it, Many landlords, we suppose, out o” love fur their customers, tnat they may keep wide awake, thin their whiskey out with water, so a fellow can drink a quar: of it without danger of going into the oblivious. You never yet heard a man or woman express any regret for having purchased groceries at Sechlers, in the Bush house block. They always render the utmost satisfaction, in honest deal- ing, pure and fresh goods, and the po- Jitest attention All well regulated families get their pugar, coffee, tea, can-~ ned fruits, &c., at Sechlers, ~The Lewistown Gazelle says that John Triester, of Triester’s valley, has been offered $25,000 for his timber lands. Twenty-five or thirty years ago most of these lands, which are located between his residence and Penn's creek, were considered of little value, being almost inaccessible and about the last range the panther had ~one still being oceasional- 1 | Killed ~in this part of the -. West vi he dividing ridge the mer: valualie tiusber has been cut off, bul between that and Penn’screek there are still some noble forests which cau row be reached from the Lewisburgand Tyrone Railroad. it i= true other remedies ean be praised, bus Peruna has the unequalizd proof, { (ar available coal of good quality was put flown to 62,400,000 teas in Cligton coun- J We will not freeze with such a large ~——Mrs. Rhoda Miller has opened a | new milliner shop at Potters Mills, Read her advertisement. J Part of a boltle of Parker's Ginger onic cured me of rheumatism. My vspeptic wife got so much relief from 1e balance thatshe tried another bottle, and now we can truly say we have never ad better health.—A Boston Mechanic 1 } i J i fresh meats; hams, sides, a 3114 i ail weight guaranteed, ——An item for butchers: The an- itor general has sent to mercantile aps p ing butchers : “Ifa butcher sells meat 1 a store or business place apart and dealer in merchandise and should be ng to his sales,’ Shannon, was present brother, John Shan- ill traveling in behalf ( of the Institute at Selinsgrove. Mrs, Annie Dornblazer, nee Shannon, of Kansas, was also present at ber father's funerat, and is still remaining among her many friends here, — Rev. 8, G. t the funeral of bi julivial non. Rev. 8, is st a « ——The Centre Hall select school ends its first week of the spring term with up- wards of 40 students, Besides this two primary schools began this week. Spring Mills, this week received a lot of 8. C. Sol. Bone Phosphate, for spring |: srops. Persons wanting it should call oon. Also, Flaxseed for sale at the same place. { 2 ——* Spring Mills House” now ready o accommodate travelers and the pab- ic in general. We welcome its manager, seo. B. Nash, ——8ale of personal property, of John Shannon, ded’d, Saturday, next, 15, at 1 p.m’ — Geo. M Harter has now posses- sion of the Red mill. If you want good work give George a trial. ——A very cold snap Wednesdry mor- ning. t i n To the sick Peruna is the greatest bless. ing. — Mr. Wolf, merchant, goes east next week for new stock of goods. EEN A pain y to the effect that Hon, Charles Francip Adams had been made fail np ul stor v the victim of an imposture by which be was swindled out of a large sum of money some $20 000) and that he was thus im posed upon because he had become im- hecile of mind, bas been going the rounds of the newspapers. ‘he story which was at first regarded as sensational has been fully confirmed and the “bunko” dealer who robbed the demented old man has been arrested and will be tried for his crime, The Hon. John Quincey Adams, a son of Charles Francis Adams, says that for threa or four years his father showed signs of mental decay and that his family have kept close watch upon him without restraining his liberty. ce Asef scm —— Boston's Baked Seana Boston consumes 200 barrels of beans ary week. “it 11 a fact not generally nown,” says the H ald of that city, “that here is in Boston an establishment devoted +selusively to the baking of beans, entirel «wparate from a canning institution. It the only establishment of the kind in the vorld, probably, and it is exceedingly doubt- al whether it could live anywhere else, At ill events, attempts have been made to es- ablish ¢'milar institutions elsewhere, and jot hing but failure has been the result, and t is now plain enough that a bean-eating sommunity is requisite to support a bean aking establishment, The success of the ffoston bean-bakery was assured from the start, and its enterprising propHsioe has climbed up the road to wealth by the bean alone, without assistance from the pole, very night in the week the fire under the spacious brick oven is in full blast, and two cams are kept busy daily in delivering the pots of and their smoking hot contents, Of ihe enstomers of the bakery fully one-half ae reslanrant keepers, who pay 20 cents fortwo quaris of beans, and then retail them at 10, 15 gad 20 gents per plate. "The bakery consun és from 1,900 to 8,800 pounds f beans per week, and its oven has the ca- -acity to bake 450 pots in a single night. i is perbane, worthy of note that the a rf m1.a odin a iashionalle quarier i wae «iy, within a stone's throw of Wash. ington street. in conclusion, it may be sa:d that the Athenian fondness for baked cans continues to increase rather than to decrease, and that, in spite of what the world may say. Bostonians intend to have them 13 i uoday mora { nights or Bi = HA Mi - TRIAL LIST-FIRST WEEK : Housoal & Tell wer Meyer & Motz. ** Joseph Ross, * Peirsol Lytle, “ Penna R BR Co. ** Michgel Confer, “* L W Munson. P Gephart..... l 100 Ww J ackson.... H Peirce use of. i “ John White .MPGUGray Meek, in Bros et al Co lobert Brann ames S Cross , LIST— SR Mark J "Mary B et al, OND WEEK Williams, VY alentine * . wee Mary A White ot al MP Gray Med ak seitzeil ii vaHetlman 1 tee. *' Ged Co" H Gov wiv i ree De t& M ' % i a aie. cDowell. “ John OC Motz “ Penna R R Co. “JL “ Christian Sharrar, Sharrar i‘ Sommerville. . " Johr 3 O Bryan use of. ** James O Bryan, | “ John T Fowler. “ John T Fowler. { “* W P Duncan & Co. | .* James Dale's adm’s! “ Henry Garver e John Shively John Shively ret at a hy ohn Hov et ux. ‘m Allison, Jr et J Lancashire Ins Co Asron Durst . “ James Runkle, - Andrew Immel. Jacob A Crider..... ** Stanley Watson. Theodore Gordon et al... Thomas Mer i * Samuel Lyon. “ John T Fowler, ryman EGISTER'S NOTICE The following accounts huve been examined and passed by me and remain filed of record in this office, for tors and sll others in any way interested, and will be presented to the Orphans Court of Centre courty, on Wednesday, the day of April, A. D., 188Z for nfirmation and allowance : 1 First and final account of Nathan J Mitchell, administrator of, &e, of E Hogan, late of Howard borough, decesas. |