THE CENTRE REPORTER, Supplement. A DOG GUARDING MASTER. Lancaster, April 3.—George Bly mer, aged forty-five years, a comb maker, of very intemperate habits, deliberately committed suicide in a horrible manner He walked from the nin rail road a mile self directly in front of The engine d fift I over him and severing his head and left arm completely ym his body His . md followed him, stood guard over his bo tance came, from drunk [Ness ’ He leaves fi HIS DEAD NEW STORE! about Pennaviva threw N noon, ah nA MEsingy Hit nt eneins int een ont a iri which had dog fy until nssis- Blymer was discharged b fac Graham's b KE Wile Of hi q 3 aren m i i tory and left - | A Pennsvivanis railroad station, wanted and adopted a novel ISS t % living n a hin farm He sl 2 total Ri 1 to sel od s INAKINDG fn met? : CRT il 3 Feed £4 400 fhe v et lots, varvin farm n vaio and most valuabl baildin land, w Zi e and size, the pal ¢ being lhe Grand Openime t¢ valuable being the farm ATA 1 | Hing ; bo 3000, At a fe tine the 1) re Dale farm. The ti corresponded with be OF eo wife of t1 @ pro lot of twenty hence here holder drew a lot. prietor of a | three acres with was was tel drew the the farm baildi lncky wing corner lot for a gathering was an occasion that will be remembered | curred, nos. {ue » gentleman the er o mn NEW STOCK, i suitable store n the piace where 1! - a» Townships, | 1 A ‘North Ward 197 South Ward... West Ward i —~fiotel Stand.— Howard BHGBEOM isnncie sesecisns sossnsniams IAberty...... cis rrr ia MATION .connens varies canvionsaranis Miles... Pattie Penn.. Potter... Bush ..... . ovine usrscsasiones BROW Shoo. mies sores FARIOr. cei sine mmssiros cones Union..... 3a 276 1 oh i 142) 2235 616 1106 1404 80 bRY GOODN, 1162 1608 512 847 1366 650 LADYS DRESS GOODS, Worth...... — — vr Total cinnmiisnnu., 87920 84.418 Howard borough from Howard twp. | Millheim from Penntewnship in 1879, Philipsburg from Rush Sownship, Unionville from Union township; College from Harris and Benner twp's. 5 CLOTHS, CASSIMERS 0 d § e { NOTIONS. EANCY GOODS, Ready Made CLOTHING FOR Men and Boys. GROCERIES. Sugar, Coffe e, Tea, Syrups, (ueenswware, (+/1 8 Cri is ) BARGAINS BARGAINS | Farmers will be alloi- ‘ed the highest price ji all kinds produce. i . i The best bargains in ov p . Store Goods in the couwn-= ty. | | | Go to the New Store before purchasing else- where.