i ——_— Hani, Pa.; Mar, 30, 1882 Crvann a . i Indiana county republicans are for Beaver lh ps Mp ns ial train will be run to bring 308 his How $A “} A $n fey oach of the brass medal, wrrah for B r i ty wi 38 swim We Appi - - gtate committee fixed the pl The Democratic on June 28 and Harrisburg as for holding the convention. ¢ HEXE Wamotratic oe 1 man full then he ma @ M'Vertown Jou now has a bucket sod him at a meal, and ditional supply between times. 5 t 3 — The only effec vork men can the polls, which hs with good times and increased wages, make is at t publican party at at 1 dt them pon the A H Steph ei toria that Hon. yield 3 8 + POHLICS & vs at the ¢ Ya § OPEN form Of Longress, The attornay ga ice dap partment des a White- Presi sident Ard ar at Hs Web president wil not let the poor fellow go away without ti him some of his old cloth & ow of Phila faxes pe the HL pros 3 Qi PY ereafler every A republican wants i Bea aver is nominated lor likely be non inated for nt governor. Well, 1 e Hon. Agr. Colleg > IOge, i 3 rs Ih Isom EERE TYR f him in republican organs. NP Le) governor, wao Yous geg- 3 might gsibly it! we hear muel on iy $4 thems In Wo sadis Ia Yeq y RED Cheattd agaiv. It Las been nothing but agains Hsts and money repub lican t the o: pita sharks Stuce are under rule, which proves a god-send to the RON list and a breeder of distress for the sirikes we HO- yf d demo- oaght to h ng to some soft-braine rs no republican rich, "that acme of human h pes reserved for democr: 8-1 den ample~—~Lewistown Gazette, rad, Just got it hindformost, you of the Ga fe, it is you fellows that are wanting to all the time and you want to What demo: rats ur ind# . s 3 ry nt 3 gtarve the d hola eating | to 1s that selves by 1 SmOCTals. leaders are see it: a msi st Friday was “hangman's da) Pennsylvania a much larger sense than usual, no less than five persons ing executed in different their names bein and John Ru 11" John A. iid "ay dak in paris Jonati:an Two of Frank Mo Byer The and Illinois, and perhaps elsewhere, mid ete imni + - 3 were executions a Iinnesota Sena : acioment, rmally certified its ju ginst Judge ( 2, met i ag 0x, impli enness, offi fanc Ww are ce al squalif tions for three yea hen common folk fete a lock t is no more £00 00 ry ala high places 5 be same law {ur bein . Iie ALC The sppointment of tl to the Marshalship of New Mexic Ino }, E0ems Yon or a lean \ £} a HAve ory stalized the Hal breed on i in $i to - Bilion 1e Senate aga i ric of Federal patronage f ultra Stalwaris, gan, Ca 41 consisting of Lo ymeron and Brot, Several of them had an informal t day upon the subject, and they concluded to inti- mate to the President that it was time to calla halt. The c ap- pointment wes a in New Mexico and Logan's man, who got the 1 ik 1% $a Gi Lo- sar thie Lov Ladin aver living NTE fed man resolution: Th at t the ommittee o changes in internal revenue be instruct- ed to report a bill abolishing all int ternal revenue except the fax on distilled } uorz, malt liquors and manuf t mal mfactured to bacco, taxes on bank circulation and reserving for T discretion a redaction of the tax on alcoholic medicines, “i gars and special tax on dealers, munnfic- turers, ele. A motion toamead by in- serling a provision exempting the sale of leaf tobacco from taxation was rejected, In voting against the sub-committee re- port Chairman Keliy said his vote wus cast in accordance with the action « fhe Republican caucus, and was contrary his Judgement, to stents Yeas A om bon As the recent work of the Audito: rs of this county may have created an imnpres- sion abroad that the former board of County Commissioners have been gui ity of peculation or missappropriating the county funds to their own nee, we wish to say here that any such an impression is erroneous and any charge of the kind “utterly utter” unfounded. The !at board of Commissioners, we say it for (h honor of the county and in justice to the board, retired from office without a cent in their pockets not rightfull y theirs, There may be those who are willing that a wrong impression shall go out as re- gards these gentlemen. So fur as the special audit affects the late Commissions ers it was only to disapprove their con tract with the.sheriff to board prisoners for 50 cents per day. This is an old cus- fom and previous boards have allowed as high as 65 and 75 cents. In the maiter of pay for road views and fees for attor- nies appointed by court to defen pris- oners who had not the means to empl y counsel, the Auditors disapproved cf the customary pay allowed by the Commis sioners in such cases. Similar services were paid for all along perhaps since the formation of the county, and this is a practice in other counties, None of the monies aforesaid, are charged us huving gone into the pockets of the Commission ors, o Oo it I8 TRIS LEGISLATIVE STYALINGY port fk th attracted aall the \ Wr r 1881, thers are son nand to whi which li i ORTY dative tl th it belongs to the of the of plundeaers that curse the body . iriaitbnd HOY § is every, aris i t} A se niles as shal 3 ai and 1 FORSIONN 1 LOY \ anlary ial and no old i gorvice FON taken by AT «il i PONS ia & &10) is fixed al Pit U0 Yaad } } OOK whet! la — § GHWES GUL © 13 an item ink t which exp pall S008, dud © Un LAYE | 1 i & GArawi static Oo amo ant nat tha fag 3 DOL Ie JAC 2M Harrisba v er 3» tt Own in the above Assemb from Siuce we have sh ve} Li eral e Ue O ney We now nh 1 * 11 gos / : steal. As mewbers mail scarce any d : nig hana the 3 , Te aments, ence there is little work Ades, yet we find om plasters and £ fur pasters and Now if the legis Gas Aa F naate nd folder Of pasters and folders, thor 1 1 SCID DO Qo nard and Mont. Under 3 “ ing of Aue I AOLACT, Aut 1 : fis SEE GE 3 a LE une Dy contract for oan thi 088 LIGH & DOY can do it, and Lave : } Aer Ian an. Lue 2 3 ALI wile QLOUZG and L Ped Yili around the nul, Boxee ¥ | y } It was reporied of one mem! Cr, sever. home in 1idd sisiie al years back, who went early 1 ov $241 y the session and paid off bills with stamps, few or no documents were muil- ed, and of course that indicated what the state's stamps were used for. The Clioton Deme ing just tribute to Orvis; “The court business of Clinton county, both civil and criminal, during ent years, has been digposed of with sucl good judgement and promptness as to elicit the plaudits of intelligent tax pay- ers of the co irrespective of parry At the last term all cases 1 ipon ti low. ad at pays the fi Jud ges Mayer ar 1 unty, ie do k- In the Commonweanith ap et ready for trial were disposed of no otl has } aas the court busing 3 ier county Brno Droug of fot He een y DOs 8 s0 close and none can 181 es with, proportionately, so little expens 18 execution. Each of the six past terms was but of one week's duration and no important business was postponed that was properly brought before it. Iu oth- er counties of the State, not larger than Clinton, during the time covered by the above terms, Courts of three weeks’ duration have been frequent. When it is stated that the everage expense of the county of the first week's Court is nine hundred dollars, and that of each sue- ceeding week amounts to not less than six hundred and fifty dollars, it will be seen whata very great saving this coun- ty effects by having upon its bench Judg- es 80 industrious and learned asare hers, a]; The republican officials of Tebsaon are getting into trouble on account of char es of Stealing the county funds, a ae AN I EXPLOSION LEVEN MEN KILLED, San Francisco, March 27. sion by which eleven men and four others seriously injared oceur- red this morning in the Volcan powder company’s works across the bay, where the manufacture of block blasting pow- der was in progress. Fire broke out in aroom in the grauuls ating house and communicated almost instantly to the powder, a small quantity of which was in the building. A blast of flame, how- ever, rushed across a passage separating the granulating from the drying house, In the latter was storred about three tons of powder, which atonce exploded. "The concussion was not very great, the windows of buildings two hundred yards distant not being broken, —An explo- were killed te ie My husband liad drunken habits he could not overcome uatil Parker's Gin ger Tonic took away bis thirst for stimu- tants, restored his old energy of mind and nerves, and gave Lim strength to -~ MORE DOCTOR STUFF. Notwithstanding nd and ono i atont medi the last Je i a cade as enres | there i 10 the exa yy i RA OLN Meo alive 0 ATE HOPES. Wayne Me sVeagh ane andidates i L ~ RUSE !, Garrett 3 ie Was surroun snAanta, Re; resen- olaiwart wing of Lise Sine Desides isfaction é} 184 will be Governor ?” hy have I rr re- num. YL Gar a W ay! ne hacer George Salras, speak on certainty, dissatisfacti m of inlo three classes ma eiement inde ber of ou rett ; « while son is too early, though, to point with any degree of “The result of general in the Tanks will be a tae of Qivisl 2 O bi re For instance ere pend dents who arc with the Regul ill certain- ly do anything to © machine can didates, " Thes t ere are those who will manifest their abhorrence of a Stalwart administration by voting for the Demos cratie tic La there those who, disg politics and 8 indiflerent to conscience and As [ gad le for the It +} y wid rs @ » i ket, tly, are wchine ed, will remain and vote as choice dic- Ty a combi 3: sil 0 arly ¢ faiwari wil ing tad tal voral NINE MI k) Chicage y to the Tribune of tl 4 } 1 1 aveident h ed lwo miles appen Briar, at Sc IRpRlone Hari river, A ¢ bridge gave way, cu r erossing of portion of the only a work insiderable but was wrecked, . OUR GREATCOAL FIELDS. In a paper read by Dr. Chance, of Pennsylvania Geological Survey. before the American Institute of Mining Engi neers at Harrisburg, Oct 1881, raports the avatiable coal of good qual ity easily necessible, contained in beds thick enough for fait ving in Clinton county at! in Centra eo unity at 749 . * @ vi ber, 62 400.000 ¢ : 800 000 tons, in Clearfield county at 1,5610,- 000,000 tons. He estimated the available bituminous coal in Pennsylv accessible, above water le vel, tai ined in beds not than threo feet] thick at 15,272.000,.000 tong, sufficient to! maintain the present average outsput from | Pennsylvania for about eight hundred years or to supply the whole world for| fifty years, and con [oss wp - FATAL EXP LOSION. Allentown, March 23, —The boiler at the ore mine of C harles Leisor, two miles south of this city, exploded this afternoon James Weaver, the engi neer, was fixing the fires at the time and was thrown six| feat backward, falling into a well sixty feat deep and containing thirty five feet of water, Ho was dead when found. His face and hands were badly gcorched, by steam but as no bones were broken or no| other injuries visable, it supposed he was drowned He leaves a wife and seven | childre Harry Leiser, aged seventeen | YOATS AN if son of the p TOpric tor of thel mine, was struck by the fire box and had a leg broken. A new check valve WAS | ( connected with the engine this afternoon | which failed to work properly, and before the engineer was aware of it the boiler was| empty. The pressure of the steam at the time was only ten pounds, - - ® Ap Ap At the change of every season slug- gishness of the blood should be prevent- ed by taking P eruna, Tho d ish is eis of the St Peotor burg’ Jew onions will render a million J ews 18 | homel less, TRACES OF PELONG. We INSEARCH OF JEANNEITE o 5 I 2 R WANDER THE His Official Report to the Beoretary Of the Navy Hardships of the vors in the Region it Yarvi Arctic Cutter Seen--Records d His} The first Delong ‘arty Found, Mareh 20 Malville ff tho Washing KE } BUOTOLAT an, ngineear v Siberia, Jan progeeded soul crossod material and a 4 ro iQ rosead ae ined small buts whor 1 where a wed; slept in a snow bani vir ¥ MULE BS ROC Ee wember avelod th 0 t ou ae sue al Astrolira an nidaight, he hut a waist wourd the Jeshuoite, t reached Motrai af- The next morning I found t belt that had been made and there good indications that one or two of tenant Deliong's party » 3 in November I yo! were Lieus had slept in the sy DUr led tog provisions to Uj per ' } {0 {i hut. On running Be a distanc northwest, in order Lo renew thom, } ¥ 1 short, T de 0 LB ig 3 } Reac i» it iv per Belun about midnig he 11th, having stopped at the deserted hun ion of Cath Conra on the 11th, visited eight h Considerable stale fish ero found at Cath Conra, or the huts having On my on $ te nd the r wg slat alto having uls r oi and d Ge but nt it ween visited al pasty. arrival October 1, had been found. ing village for them, d thers hat o io ghbor ext tm r records, dated § with 8 Winchester rifle, ht to me On November 12 bound. The only pres ied were deer meet and a scarcity of the latter, send 260 versts for On November 13 1 four day's supply of fish, and with fresh dog and natives started for Ballock, a hut in which Record No. 2 {and the Winchester rifle were found, Slept {there that night, found both huts filled On November 14 I followed ithe east bank of the Lena to the coast; fol. the coast about three miles to the : and fou had been rong Sep- 1 Oa tna Ln, ather bo obtair ¥ 5 the natives having to ti, there bein their own supply obtained f teams i { | | with snow. lowed onst { nd the Cache that made by Lieutenant DeLong on Septem 10, 1881. 1 made a thorough search, -|and gathered up everything. The sleighs [being to ladened to carry it, I rawr hed for the boat both east and west o the Cache for a distance of five miles cac {way, and to a distance of one and a half {miles off the shore, and saw no signs of it The ico was very much broken, and «a8 shoveled up in masses to within twen- five feet of the I returned { «bout midnight to Balloek, and to Upper Belun the next day, November 15, dur- Ig 8 heavy storm; was obliged to wait ere two days to rest and feed the dogs Duri og the time overhauled everything obtained at the Cache, and the following is & correct list, viz: One box containing medical jper » heavy | Cacho. one box of small srticles (mess gear), one box for nay ign tion books and sextant, one box for chro. two tin cases containing four two cook stoves, two pieces of rope, seven old slenping hy one lot of clothes,'one Winchester rifle, one repoat ing rifle (both broken), one boat breaker, 258 box specimens from Bennet Island, N. B. Some of these articles were ni N pper Belun and tho others were taken to Yakutz. There was no list of articles in the navigation box, On Novembér 17, left pper Belun with fish for ten day's food, with three dog teams, driven by three na tives. I visited the place at which Des aluse, stores, nometer, log books, 1af left mn > the party to Bisteraneck, from which place] was baset by perils and to search for tha b which Kr |someti mas eriphied by ied.'h Mm raging th role n by Jdisonas, » VER yasided | or, returning toldiad, Hut not fal bocanse | ih avery the dogs re. | MEAS d, the soul burned und ad only raw { irmined to re 1Hin furan to November 17 nouriy exhausted condition: t bitte inde niir itvolivad In strite. | unit often | would have| would havel 1 VErY Year in diflicu wie maton! i never! ut in Fonds Hokson (Miers {and f@ithy ut thore was a st : Vitidihey 1 Throu i5 feng La i i 10 natives inslated | Beiun {thore was a Ia 43 ¥ ’" { pper | of 1ife "wr sf A in, A that 08g | food, and We I dat and arrived there rage fused to work fish Ww EGY : N w I ni i fi i firrandered | Pde! shit t Wr oeul, so His pars t mot in imarikahl EW Wi el the! Belun, a foot, badly fros baen ten dave in aA ¢ ng two nights and legs nnd face mai earth 'I¢ : . place at which e_acu |The s THE SEPARATION oF 1 - uthern end of Si Th 14 my HRIr Was wail s of ore Lan Lareasd disease a7 $ER OF facred i 2} fk S00 ' . der case hur bt him on ae dealll f ar ianiier t ' { devotion i BYerY where This led b 1 8 Fe J. Collins, A, Garty, man, A, Drester, San H. H. Koch, Al hb Nenso. WW. Le QQ, - a» OLD HICKORY. 1 Thrilling Speech of Col. of Wisconsin, at the Jack: #00 Banquet. {What the Chicago speech of the evening Iroquois banquet by Colonel Wisconsin, one of the most brillis tors of the West. It was in the toast, Andrew Jackson.” Chicago Times says of the speech ; “Perhaps the finest effort of the nig considered from an orational d viow, was the eulogy of Col ilas am rained Madison, upon the hero in whose men ory | It stretched out its arm and took the Con the meeting was gathered. Col. VYilasigress in its grasp. Itdefied the exec utive, dwell strongly upon the strong points in jand a weakir gne would bayo bent to “Old Hickory's' charactar, and drow But Jackson smote if. like Hareuls there from his conception of what a Jackslthe dragon, aud it { | And with son Democrat should be. Almost every! to us the warning: corporations i sontence was greeted with coh and ith r piRoee Hands « Rovernme when he sat down the Democrats could of the ir {Great longed up not do justice to themselves sitting. They | plause.] had to stand on chairs and wave their! And still napking high inthe sir to show the colonel {to recall hi how they appreciated his efforts, while ' un nd the Jack Kson De Mucrs Lett $s and offi yan fs, ia N. Ji The Vilas. |, ellow. De m KE Rui jes And inspiration you invoke an wl Lo igh iy gag Gf Lhe usirious n $ Times calls the Last umes only can tell the mat ds wl oy eh he exemplilied Tot] would bid yo mark peculisr danger the thej8nd FOrviICHs them in sclion, y 3 off dealings with a1 His ar it orporatic was made at Vilas, ant oras{to popu response to|great n ihe The! Like other combinatic of ib wank of the United States bad its field {day of usefulness. In its osaful wo 3 | was entitled Lo credit and proteet i | it received. But with strength it wre W us snd st i for just power, other clutch governmant capital, titit isdituLions Ql A 4 ER ii ng M18 “To I'ns ur Ie Wii, i ib fell Keop if Apa eers, noe La RGA re : + unent to the day is ance on the field on nas {tional politics Then, 88 now, those near him gathered aroynd snd shook | pariy system bound the people his hand right heartily.” od their frag chal 6. Spur MR. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN oxio of the @ st its Tie Iroquois CLun. The selection of this! col anniversary for your first festival ig a sig it nal mark of the patriotism, 1 and {open mn 8 8nLr ys por 0 wisdom WAT, political courage which animate your or