fRED KURTE ..cvicnne voroms 1rounnBDITOR, A w———— we a A mn Centre lary, Pa, Feb. 16,1882, The Allegheny county democracy have instracted in favor of Hon. Jas. Hop- Kins, of that county, for governor, . ly Ap ww. Another B isahsorbing attention just now—the new Baby-cle phant. The thing now runs as Beaver, Butler, Bosses and Baby-elephant. Who ever knew B's thus to B-uzz in winter? ll a great deal of The Virginia senste has passed a bill abolishing the whipping post. It thought the House will also pass the bill, The whites hate being whipped for crimes, while the negroes prefer the lash to imprisonment. i een Oscar Wilde is going home again, Just what all youngsters feel like doing when out on their first tramp. rind is Senator Cameron will be satisfied to give away the State ticket, so that he succeeds himsel! in the United States Senate. This insures the perpetuation of his power in the distribution of spoils, which is all he wants, He can oaly be deprived of his office of boss by electing an anti-Cameron legislature, and this can be dene by the Independents un .ing with the Demooracy, not other wise. So long as Cameron is in the Senate it mat- ters little to him who is Governor or Su. preme Judge, Lieutenant Governor or Secretary of Internal Affairs, to which seems to be the only object of the Independents. The Don will run th Machine and laugh at the simpletons who imagined they downed him. So says the Pittsburg Post, and it is just the truth. The next election is the time when all who wish to squelch Cameron must put in their licks re they will tell—right between the gain © } bh Ria 1 DOssism w eves. : - * Oscar Wilde must REPORTER, for notice that issue Oscar has discarded knee-breeches. What made Oscar wear knee breeches on coming to this country, was a mistaken idea about some thiogs in this country. He evidently imagined we had no bridges here and knee-breech- es would save the trouble of rolling up his pants to wade across our many streams, t 1 las 3 hat a4at read have AAavc y week's we sine $ ns TY Ol Apes The indications point very clearly to the rejection of the pending apportion- ment bill in the house in the present shape. The democrats are generally aguinst it, and many of the republicans are openly opposing it. Representative Blackburn says it is v measure; that it ignores th idly growing western states, and increase in representation to eastern states that are declining in population. He says it will be rejected by forty ma. 5 . i MY |0 8 rar. Tag wirtvad 2 a TC gives 3 L p Vermont a dying man, who never had been suspected of wrong-do- ing, confessed to having committed a umber of thefts and a murder. lp pes The American senate thinks of going into the vaccinating business, by offering to purchase $15,000 worth of scabs for distribution. These senators have lofty ideas, by-times, and the bill could have been greatly improved by an amend- ment that the senate shut up shop for 6 weeks and every member take his pint of scabs and go out vaccinating. ilies As between the Bosses and Beaver, the popular sympathy is for the latter. But as for the Bosses with Beaver, the peo- ple will have none of it. There is a dis- tinction with a difference here. i Gi einen — Should congress find vaccinating scabs becoming short of the demand let it pass a bill confiscating the 306 Grant medals for that purpose, they can be guaran- teed to cause a good many sores. 2 The Republican state convention is so near at hand that there is scarce a chance for any new candidate for gov- ernor creating a sensation unless he wears long hair and knee-breeches—an gsthetic individual, for instance, The Tyrone Herald of last week openes out with a two-colum rehash of the old, gtale slander that President] Buchanan was in sympathy with the rebels, Such stuff would do for ignoramuses, and probably; the sheet aforesaid takes its audience to be such; yet it iseven an in- alt to offer sah literature to the igno- rant in the face of recent articles which appeared in the Philadelphia Press com- pletely disproving the silly[slander. ha Mv The Rochester University students made foolsof themselves by “going for” silly Oscar Wilde during his lecture, a few days ago. They began their insult- ing conduct by turning out the lights in the balcony, and welcomed Mr. Wilde with shouts and hisses. Manager Gobay called a number of the police force, who succeeded in keeping moderate order. One of the students was struck in the face with a whip by a policeman, and it was feared a riot would insue, but as it was the insulting band served to annoy the audience and disgracefully insult the lecturer. When the lecture was about half finished an old colored man, hired for the purpose by the students, walked down to the front seat of the parquette. He was wmsthetically dressed, baving white kid gloves, knee-breeches, and wearing a large boquet of various flow- ers, and his entrance was greeted with uproarious shouts, It is mot known what steps will be taken in regard to the disgraceful affair. © ini THE GREAT MONROE DOCTRINE. So much is said about tne “Monroe doctrine” nowsdays, we present it as tak- en from the Message of President Mon- yoe.. It was supposed, at the time, or perhaps ascertained, that severzl mon- archies of « Europe (Excepting Russia) had conspired to assist Spain in recon- fiering the South American Btates and dexico. The following are the mild but firm and conclusive words of President Monroe, to wit: “We owe it, therefore, to candor and amicable relations between the Uni- ted States and those Powers to declare that we should consider any attempt on their part to extend their system to any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety. With the ex isting colonies or dependencies of an European Power we have not interfered, and shall not interfere. But with the Governments who have declared their independence, and whose independence we have on great coneiderations and just principles acknowledged, we could not view any interposition for the pur- e of oppressing them, or controlling rr any other manner their destiny, by any European Power, in any other light than as the manifestation of an unfriend- disposition toward the United States. war between those new Govern« we declare our neutrali- he d: ments and spain -: ty at the time of their recognition, and to this we have adhered and shall con- tinue to adhere, provided no change shall occur which, in the judgement of the competent authorities of this Gov. ernment, shall make a corresponding change on the part of the United States indispensable to their security.” Ct John Sherman's secret investigation of the charges that he had repairs done at his private residence, while Secretary of Treasury, and the bills charged to the Government, does not hide all his crook edness, The Ex-Custodian Pitney was recalled before the Senate Treasury Contingent-Fund Investigation Commitioe for cross-examination upon thar oer aay the points of his testimony taken some time ago, in which the all made to the cabinet work alleged to have been done by Treasury workmen, at the Government's expense, upon Mr. Sher man's house, It is reported that upon being Republican members of the committee, who sought to throw discredit upon his testimony, SION was closely pressed by Pitney produced several notes written to both by the Secretary 1 Mrs y that kind of work, 1 i him an Sherman relating t 3 al 1 Ye sit stating what was needed at different times and asking him to sce that it was attended to. & THE LARGE STATES AND THE SMALL STATES the debate in Un the House on the Lhe Sun: opening t 8 for ha } HR} der Lhe ast consus, tn iil apportionin 3 representatives ur the The former nbined of ifliot arose betweon States and the large States, complained that the latter had cor h to deprive them of their d sb HL 10 share members, f There seems to be no way ol 1 small State Take New i, or example, which suffers a decline in the bill increase in pop- tl Englanc {i R, iy iL membership under pending Those six States do not nlati o rapidly a he Middle and niation 80 rapidly as the Middle and Western States; and of course bership of the former must be reduced. t is none the less irritating, however, th Oe mene 8 to the shrewd, ambitious Yankees to se their in the House steadily nng. In a Congress with hardly half as the next will members. It For a long time New Hampshire had six members, It now must take up with two. Vermont, which in days gone by had six, now drops Rhode Island has always had two members. The pe: barely one, The time Connecticat had eleven, It stand at four, When Webster was first chosen to Congress from Boston, Massa- chusetts had fourteen I'he State has since grown in population, opulence and wealth. But in a House twice as numerous wherein Webster made his speech on the Greek revolu- tion it can scarcely obtain twelve mem- power wae many representatives as contain Maine had eight t four, ex] wn . Har Will now get but [0 one. iding bill gives the State was when will now representatives, bers. In short, under the pending bill, New England, which formerly one-eigh k to elect only one-thirteenth of it dt elected th of the House, will the next ten years, Bat New England finds compens in the Senate, as do all the smal! States which look with envious eyes upon the increased representation N ation the 1 f Of hs large States in the House, ew and will have only twenty-four members in the House, but she retains her twelve Sena- tors. The six States which lie immedi- ately weat of her, reaching from New York to Illinois, will have one hundred and twenty-five members under the new apportionment, or more than five times as many as the six New England States; but they have only their twelve Sena- tors, The enterprising sons of the Pilgrim land know how to utilize their powerin the Senate. The twelve Senators Chairmen ofsix first-rate committees. and of five of the second class. But the twelve Sanators from the other six States just referred to are Chairmen of only two important committees, and of five of an inferior grade. And thus it has been ever since the Republicans con- trolled the Senate. When the smaller States grumble at the larger because of their increased membership in the House, the former must draw consolation from their com. paratively superior power in the Senate. are - > —p—— A. M. Soteldo, Clerk of the Committee of the Senate, visited the of- fice of the Washington National Repub- lican, on evening of 9, to procure the publication of a statement in reply to a charge made against him in yesterday's Republican. The editor in charge, Mr. C. M. Barton, declined to have anything to do with him. A scuffle ensued, pistol shots were fired and Barton and Boteldo were both wounded, the latter fatally, by a shot from a pistol in thehands of his brother intended for Barton. He died since. Railroad hh Lif Three hundred Jewish reffuges from Russia will sail from Liverpool on Sat. urday in the steamship Illinois. A pas- toral of the Chief Rabbi at London points out that tens of thousands of Jews are likely to flee from Russia, and urges his coreligionists to help them to migrate to distant and happier lands. He says enormous sums will be required for that purpose, nn yl General Beaver is the only candidate for the republican nomination for governor—he wears knee breeches on one leg. There is an unpleasantness between Congressman Dezendorf and Senator Mahone over the Norfolk postmaster- ship. Itis rumored in Washington that in- dietments had been found againsta num- ber of Star-route men, among them Bra- dy and Dorsey. Any of our subscribers paying all dues and $2.25 in advance, will receive for one year the Reporter and the Chiecag “Weekly News,” a large sized 82 eolum paper. The $2.25 willsecure the “News' and the RerorTER for one year, This is the best offer made, and we only make it with the hope of inducing advance pay- mentand increasing our circuletion. In all rheumatic diseases rely wholly on Peruna. mesthetic teen Another B is making trouble for the republicans —Blaine is doing it; he is the half-breed chief and has put on the war paint to scalp thestalwart tribe. A writer from Washington says: Among some very intelligent and sa- gacious politicians the impression pre- vails that Blaine has made up his mind to break down the presant administration, even at the expense of disrupting the Republican party. In short, rather than the wing now in power shall have a re- newal of the lease four years hence, which it now holds by accident, he would can not bat make him popular with the masses, has struck a keynote which bop «The prevalence of emall-pox throughs. out the country has caused some strange exhibitions of fright and selfishness, On Iy nine miles ont of St. Louis a negro lay sick with the disease on a pile of straw at Iho next ho was dis and as the weather had been cold it is probable that he was bad. ly fromen: but no body would go to his aid, and ho was left to die all alone, whioh he did after another night of ex- posure. An Indian woman was similarly teft to herself in a suburb of Cincinnati After her death tl \ ich her body remained was sat on fire by th ing blaming wads of straw at children were al lon ents at Seln Tenn., here was no excuse « tha road side morning LAY FUME : aL : PSK VOT d iy tha sahianty 1 wi 1} i | $ a1a in by recent va aft by their cor water for thre could have man the fu the 18 41 bravery are me Comes the ety? Rome 1s a § and ainfu Y i 3 a} ai a wrépared to gi the Catholi A% {10 MaKe Barnum dre noe AN ga OEE \é Aid had Chroni | year; had been given up to die physicians. Peruna cured me. Carts, Pittst P POY UUIg, 1 yur 4 i i, Ww ed « girl fom to~day. room by { a iVER I wonder how we eye Parker's Ginger Tonic, nervous prostration since for all sorts of cor family.—Mrs, Jines, Albany. APIRLLLS TRICHINAE'S TERRIBLE WORK, pe a ng ir city, were found 1 trichinos It is th recov i, residi fron ham, not Chicago, February 5. Milner, pastor of Uni ly presided over b i nounced from the to-day t bad abandoned his belief in a Dei in the immortality of man, tion among the congregati Rey D.C i hat he iy i anda - ¥ 1 i ited. DESTRU( A despa i Navasota and I had overflown their b come virtually one, are subsi gentleman coming seven bottom in a small boat reports dreds of cattle are drowning FIVE FLOODS, tch fr ras wre " } REOB rivers, wii a8 to be- BO 3 aing. miles across th thea wld RIKA8 t ks Lid r ¥ $ ia ¥ pi that poin ies below the high water of ya. § «Ver al says the Mississi only eight incl ising standits IBI0E steady. the 1d the pressure. 4 Ail 1 » ICVYE0S8 C nL much > xs ¥ IRE SPARKS F Re AN OIL TANK. Over a Hundred Thousand Barrels it 1 Aa IRMes, Bradford, Pa., ing sparks from little pools of oil i Olean, N. X., have a numt In a few mi icated to three of f nion nut : niaining in all 105,000 barrels of oil ich is now burning. The pipe line men from all tions of the oil regions were summoned by telegraph to the scene of fire Superin~ tendents Snow and Smedley loft here with 8 large force of men by a special fast run- ning trgin, TI } ks, shovels, a n sa tanks . he lanks, They took picks, cannen and g chemical fire extinguisher, Trenches and embankments will be form ed to prevent the spread of the burning oil when the overflow occurs, which will be at 2or 8 o'clock in the morning. Olean creck runs near the scena of the fire, and strong fears are entertained that the oil will strike the surface of the stream and destroy a number of railroad bridges and houses near the bank of the creek. The oil will be drawn off rapidly as soon as by perforating the tanks with eannon ball, The night is bright as day for severa! miles around the tanks. What the resylt wil! be cannol now be conjec- tured, possible by i mh ————p FRIGHTFUL FATALITY, Baltimore, Md., February 13.—Five trackmen were killed about noon to-day in the tunnel of the Baltimore and Poto- mac road near the Union depot in this city by a locomotive drawing a train of the Western Maryland railroad. The men, named David Grier, Timothy Ken- nedy, Edward Birmingham, James Irvin and Patrick McGoff, stepped from o: track to get out of the wv «fg passeng train to the adjoining track and we killed by another passenger train, pn — w ® THREE BURGI Badford. Nicholas Vi W hitter, w ton, this cour ing to rob the saloon of Thomas Clark confedergto, named Willoughby, who h | agreed to participate in the burglsyey, | trayed them to Clark. who, procuring a sistange, waited heavily armed forthe men to appear. When the burglars had effects ad an entrance a signat given and Clark’ burglars fel} SHO’ I burgls Wilson, and 3. d at Tunna! while atlem AP A ‘ AR bh ‘hreo 1 Virgil atly kills laet night, Wag s men fired at once. The in their tracl dead . . i» A CHINAMAN HANGED. much prefer to have the Democracy se eure possession of the national helm. The recent letter written by Blaine touching the change on the President's part of the South American policy finds many admirers, No matter how it may be regarded in the light of sagacity, there are plenty who hold that Blaine | ( Winoemucca, Nevada, February 9 Charley Hing, a Chinaman, was hanged to-day for the murder of Ab. Lick, a fel low countryman, last May, Oh fold he said that he committed LUE BORE the uct in been used to bribe the witness to falsely, When the trap was sprung th Reronren, RIP TO THE SOUTH For thie A write you a second letter on Writing on y Lo if BOW or hia Rai Ji rip LO Lhe South, AUCH B impossible write at lengtl . avong ue most inleresting subjects, » a can ba given in a lot bars AF nat ‘tk art } Wt Qf propa length mors passing noti Having visit 4 Chattanoo my 4 ¢ res As umaod rnoy tl | 3 . 3 ¥ iF through the state of Georgia. Aller riding thirty eight "one hundred and al ff the morning Atle d mye on the oil yd 14 - i Lint » Lhe pages of In BWAmMpY. { | | w-lands the Far tempera 1¥. ter often react winters are very mii below 80 deg. Agri industry y geldom Rng $ y n important il and o growth of 10 he being 5 order are cotlon, yiatoes, rye ad and rice growis nay ry | is the secon ws more sweelpotatoes Lhan ' rth Car 1 i any ny ‘ ‘ iT slate except Hina, Geors ight dred RUS $ 5 bales of coli and Muc 1880, produced hun A sells rs per bale, twentysseven nds of rice, 1 of the land y egiton now introd will now give the average value per and timber land of a southern states, from which be that land in the South is very cheap. Georgia clear land acre, timber land, $56 45, North Carolina, $6 77 and Carolina, $8 64 24; Alabama, $6063 and $4 08 $1.68 Louissana, ; Pennsylvania, clear land $456 76, Ohio, $47.63 and $4167; Indiana, $30.46; Kansas, $11.32 and $10.22. Geor~ gia leads all the southern states in cottor fow geen In worth $6.92 per nere of clear CAD is $H 53 ; South and £6 Mississippi, wnd i $14 8 } 08 manufacture, Immense deposits of iror ore are found in the metamorphic rocks; coal is abundant, ‘What this state needs is Northern capital and Yankee pluck to develop its mineral wealth, A marked ont has been made in this dis improven; réaction during tho last few years and the If the s ever developed as it ought, its only hope is in the infusion of northern capital. The constitution of the state pros work is just beginning tate spirit and vides for free school education for both white and colored. Education is yet in a lamentable condition, only about common ftandant That POE 1 ’ ! allendanis, ALO negroes Lake more than the ordinary int 713 ol in point of class grade shall now spesk of the characteristics of the people and many of ob 1 : a things were gained by personal Sot) aout! t} Wi A0T The 1 is from fifty toa vation, hundred years beliind the North in most every respect, For this there reasons, No doubt slavery was cipal cause for this condition gence and indifference are the i Ludolence Fe many the prin Negli- of bune uthern peopie. visible tg the tho whore traveler, cnown characteristic of the negro and the hite has rit th fully imbibed the same ap! by sit down in the chair Will ot common wcouncil of OL must have, lothar. gy and let the world take itself 7 fay y country have any idea of agreed Lo Care Y ery in the ny of , dirty hoveld, unilt for or doors The condition of the laboring or pauper negroes, Their women do most of the field work while the man enjoys the coms fort Muny of the women chew toba and hit a fly on the with the facility of a male expert sing the The poor come to the eities with of life oO, fquirt spit to soe done tenmin hore, ¥ it n i gag of wl, often nol ore than a non \ HARE A MIO KR Wied i 4 it! Rit MOLYe power Lhiay us FunLy sieer, r for double an mule, ball or a mule and ste team The women frequently haul the th | On the i r, which In the women & uth that are very lent, vet thera It! meet with any i rou ly | mation Str rs {at their ho have REO TA ty of praise never been my pe 10 give you any IAs 1 “ nla more i mn i pilabio an ange mes trae of erally good warm hearts oir breasts We lmagh Q sith Id war feeling bo the case with a i mit tl hy lhe Many regard th is may iow, damm ig Diun women ITRIVIDg @ Wal reputable. people nd the songs iey from the es of Calit J.D * " MirtreRLING PENNSYLVANIA POLITICH Candi A Large Crop i { Liyely Race 14 of For rial Nominati 3} 3 intes and & x. 5 ubernas Feb 1 S15 vepu il praia, a £ I BI RESUMING © W OO r forth 2 } will f Delteve it 8 Ial id penisi faction ¢e around man 0 throw i poit eal su Judge Hen ie { $3 . race resigned from th = who are very i, BT6 pushing WO prevent delegale cot after the rgeuls » nd Beaver cing s feaiing In privately ackn DAYEe Con certian i Beaver = g dubic uty, where Butler | n the Beaver element, ses to run hims t nly » ¥ raat} . rowin rather nan Coos Th 8 {( SULLIVAN SUCCESS! \ TWENTY-SIX MINUTES ANDN ROUNDS DECIDE THE FIGH ¥ I NEY r The Trojan Kuocked C mpletely Out lme—A Sharp and Decisive ¢ Miss , Novem! It is quite safe ! wero wagered on the ¢ moment of ge vw tay 1} ip Lo dent of winn varied in different | have the oall notwithstandin the yelerans of were Both pugilists were in the condition, and both determined o all in their power to win fairly and ut favor, tilivan Urleans thal seamed 10 + Ril > ng Ryan best THE MEN, the Tipperary lad, came to merica when a mere bov and located in roy, N, Y. He waza fighter at an early lay and was victor in many small battles His greatest fame sprung from his victory over Goss a few years ago in West Virgin in, His backer was RB K. Fox, Now York, who promised Rysn if he vanquish. 8 an to take bim through England and mateh him to ight any man in Europe for $10,000. He was splendidly trained, older, heavier and’ taller than Sullivar and Luslonger arms. He was born in Ires land, is 20 yoars of age, weighs 190 pounds and is © feet 14 in height. colors consisted of a large white i silk handkerchief, with a blue star-span-| gled globe in the centre, surrounded by a spread eagle with the inscription, “Paddy Ryan, Champion of America,” The cor f ti bendkerchief wera adorned ) the coat of grms of New York A r i ¥ va neles twilied a slate 1 other emblems. The handkerchief is hand {painted 30x30 inches and quite handsome. | A number of them were sold before the tight at prices ranging from ten to twenty idoliars each. ! Jonx L. Surrivax, | John L. Sullivan is a native of Boston! and is twenty three years of age. His and pounds and height five feet ten and a-~half {inchgs. A littlo over three years ago he {made his first appearance as a bozer with {John Woods, of Boston, a veteran pugilist {whom he defeated. Later he successful {encountered a number of noted men of ring, including Dan. Dwyer and Mik Donovan, In i880 he met Joe (oss, th { famous fighter, and knocked him out of [time in two minutes. Subsequently h {triumphed over a big Canadian, Jack {Stewert, and also John Flood, who fought {him on a barge on the North river for {$1,000 a side. During the past two years {Sullivan has been giving exhibitions {throughout the country, but has found no ompetitor who compelled him to egert { himself, His colors were white witl {green border, and in each corner wore tw {tags, one the Irish emblem, the other be- {ing & combination of the federal and con- {federate banners. In the fleld of the lat. Ler wero but thirteen stars, arranged on a {crossbar similar to the rebel flag. This arrangement caused considerable talk, es hil VJUI0Es i { the ike the { Sullivan know nothing sbout it. i SULLIVAN'S FIRST FIGHT, The battie to~day was Sullivan's { with the naked fists. He bas always been tnown ns a scienced boxer, a terrific hitter {and an ambitious young {fought sevoral fights with gloves on, ues {carding to Queensbury rules, but he was fngver under naked fire, muscular {strength when sixteen years old, gave him When {the title of the ‘strong boy." [twonty years of age his bitling was so very | hard that offers of fifty doliars woud not tempt men ‘to stand before him a few routids with the gloves, wis in fact {the unconquered hero sparrer of the coun y under Queensbury rules. Billy Mad en trained him for tosday's fight, com: fh buy St. Louis, fifty miles from i lust [los { is lo nty-s 1 of THE ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, ad @ articles of agreement were signed in sSaew york, October 5, 881, by Richard K Fox for Ryan and Billy Mudden for ihn borne mutually, Hurry Hill wasthe take. | holder, R. K. Fox notonly put up the! {$2,000 for Ryan, but gave him $1,000 ox- | tra today on entering the ring to bet that! he would win the fight Bullivan voted | BO00 for himself, uided by Billy Madden] with $600, a Hoston sporting man with $000 more, and Keenan, of tho pamo oily, with $1,000, The friends andl admirers of he pugilists gave written! guarantons that either man winning woul ri tenet S10 000 snd the tit championship of the world, Sullivan wai givon a purse of $1,000 to Ryan's personal wager APPEARANCE OF THE i Ballivan's fine sppearance greeted with applause, His mustache was shaved | off, which gave } Al k His! an kts looked as hard as iron. | Hyan trained at the Lake bi seven! miles from New Orleans, ur Johnny! Roach's eare yar d {rom wild to 1980) nog is , bat had a g J nmes wi thom duly (8 MAR BAM Givh a! ia ¥ '. VE ; WAL i VR oR dn 2 18jantt. Rp cam Wiis = XEOUTORS NOTICE. — Letters fo tamenta of Ra aecept MEN Was ion im flter tN Muscios if Hee oka wipe i BE aving claims 1: . havi x ane @ Same, resent : 3 P Besar ills Fn ; eytown, Pa. an Exreutors. 57 reais He wore a clean fac *, od color. He cally perfect as any man y other men, BEyan il he w the nto Ihe ring Louis seconded if Brooklyn, as WAS . TAYLO M'WILLIA 6, inthe world, Like mar this morning remarked that ight 51 in oyDDY PUD 230WDG ha would never Tom Kelly, n and James Du elep of Bt, nn i ' Aq sonb THY i IATTLY iROUKD selected Ly, d from the Barnes hotel Loi ig) J ight i} a 3 Now Ud { for the fight ba over we i ground Wis al { Mississippi © ahd can looked 'f La g heiore day ie road, at A crowd of i not t ad with eon ring F 23 it iy of ip sactions « Hy ped on men, ocal and from al but also many prominent ellis Amol ¥ Ost noted sg 1 characters ] arena who atten Kelley, ex pr la chinmpion wrest 18 cout ang of the nn sortin Orleans men an f od Ged deabe, Fred Englehart umber of Eugene and } get fiewspaper ponds g the pron spars of the north and west, wople assembled from every « ith owds fr gr ar yo 1 nis sentir $10 i represents itreciiorn e ot om the city tal £2 a HL STRTIIVAD Ryan's feet of thar the i ) HONE R | DRICOT o t aps] CENTRE (; Lye art iJ.0. DRI 3 c HALL Shops. 3 or ¥ rrent wi Ereal waen ons Not Burnt Out Yet NINGER piled i i i € ¢ 3 org g ihe ine ruth wast et W. HENXY Superintendent I Was y red —BUT OPENED OUT IN— sos. A lw » weted With that COUGH when there k pr may take 1 without danger. Ii is cals reen’s Comp. syrup of TAR, HONEY BLOODKOUT, It contains all the virtues of Tar in a come centruted form, ed with the besd Expectorant spd y prepared without the aid of the BEST ENOWN EEMED aflections of the Throat and Lungs. BL Son buttle and be convinoed. per bottie. Msnufsciured tantly NEW QUARTERS. Ls cha v } KOED ON nana EE WITH EXTRAORDINA- RY BARGAINS, AND ALL GOODS MARKED DOWN, IN THE HOTEL STORE ROOM, SPRING WAGONS, . “ iormi SLEIGHS, for all d and is b y Bellefonte, Pa. erchants and by ¥Y,CuyrebiaLy, { { the F. POTTS GREER Yormleby D & M J.D. MU bmay y 1882 ((sTEER Goo, 1882 —ANY ONE IN NEED OF— DRY GOODS SUITABLE EOR FALL & WINTER Will find it to their ad- vantage to call and ex- amine our stock, before purchasing elsewhere. rea HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, FLANNELS PRIC:S GUARANTEED To be lower than the lowest A» mechan. " v vir % # x | 4 HE IMAde | veel m put t experience, by Hence all 0 gether C. Dinges a ti ii ese shops is guaranteed.) 2 5 : Is now ready for his old customs ers and as many new ones as may feel disposed to give him a lift, $ rom REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Gelver ered and bey nd the m right han Prices low and all work turned! : a} out first-class n oul and the ring Bulli 4 G ni pr tha : y fr Lad is GOW __|COME AND SEE OUR WORK! Se—— The fire has not done great dam- age to the goods still on hand, yet ‘they have been 1 before the ¥ ‘aster al wou lk Ling else Cap} #13 5 dav and sericas, Wen, sr yw ere to work! work in spare! tigss 10 the business | x - Noo at s iness now public FEY ba You he mone for ¥ We al i ES ya < { Ab) it any nal nee dod ress nasss —: MARKED DOWN i — Weresanensenennanas sanersannnse mM 10 You oan live a1 hom ad do ad nh Business will 1 Ww you wely a8 weil - he PO ak ¢ EROYMBOTS Pay UF 8 fiw u iy outst and terms (oes. Money made fast ¢ nasil, and’ honorabiy, Address TRUE & UO... Aud Maine un HARD ELL woe vo Jas, Harris & Co. i the bead. Atth ig gues All the same, to close them out ive sullivan ran to iy snd make room for a , B a G8re was Diog ge EF Ww n Sullivan's 3 Weariness o § ; 8 RY New Goods. GOODS AT COST! GOODS BELOW COST! vi $i ¢ IW Ryan Bi - - CRUEL BUTCHERS, J. ZELLER & SON DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockerhof Row, Bellefonte Denl in pods, Ch ers rugs, Chemicals, cyGoods Perfumery, Fane xe, Pure Wines and Liquors for medica purpores always kept. rar if] HENRY BROCKEREOPY. Presiden Cashieg ENTRE COUNTY BANKING 00, (Late Milliken, Hoover & Ca.) Receive its, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy and Sell Government Securities, Gold & Coupons. 10spO8Lt long Tosted=-Ofon Ixiteted—Never + '2blishment, 1347 Chortnut 81, Coder Patronage of Leading Burgess. I “ Yh} ome Ya 13: we ov ple of Chicago Calling m to Account. Come and see and try us for Bargains? 19jan 5t what SUCKING ALE BELLING VERY Low REAPER SECTIONS and REAPERS. o mi OL And all kinds of Farming Tools, | ing oul ils eves, to prevent it f . it x RAKES, FORKS, BCYTHES ’ Sous HAY FORKS, OPE I'l dwcovered ", .. 8 VILOery {Lhe osilie Killers, LEWISTOWN Marble & Granite WORKS. D. R.STRATFORD, Proprietor, Lewistown, Pa. tip tf I" s restlessness and ind, i their movements, with tl EDeAr Bas Bi 3} { P MP QIICeErs soon BLOC KS, ETC, workmen al the severa his on their own responsibility ll kinds of HARD fthe soveral | i E, to meet all demands in| the proprietors of i i aitogether, Pl this Ii { countenanced it a in (not, Istely gave dis orders that W practice should arily stopped at JAS. HARRIS & CO. | The undersigned respectfully informs bis establish head men Bellefonte, | be public of Pennsvalley that is pre- sided the Society's officers in procuring {3ared to do all kindsof work in Manmry the arrest of one James K enney, a works [AD GraxiTE at man of theirs, who had sdopted ¥ SPL A AAS | REing poactice dc. pled IMPORTANT \Jheaper Rates Then Elsewhere To Couns ptives Write or call on Clevan Dinges for ne galisiied 8 b ner the ey ES, 08 OR%¢ Cam Walsl } i YARED, Wier was beld url, oev- fu vd furtd nnection with the catt G~Epoaring busing T up tos y before Justice 3 i Ke a fay be : ed 4 we = A Gentleman n Pionate 48 to cure’ © and designs, Kenn ived examination his son of ¢ vorst stages, after be i with the 30 bail to Criminal ing given ) 1 vel an des J have accepted this apency eaires to Take known (rbleh proves sic flew of introdueing the work turned out cel TOrY case) 1 fiicted with Asthma, |* e Granite Hrondhitis, Coughs, Uoids, Consumption. and all Af Works wilown Marble & ihe fo 8 of the Tarost and 1 will sesd the Contd th 11 f EIR fren of charge to all who desire ii, if they ; on 8 u Eines addres to DANIEL ADEE Mlwork at greatly A San wi, NOW or Gee tm. what has been usually paid; all work war ranted and erected on the graves, Respectfully, Cuevax Dixons, Centre Hall and ing the wp» eral 2 WARITADLS Arrest may The Society cruel prac PARCKers, LAs « & othe € 6d in A NW Gays. srisined p TORK U ¢ will forw Libert weribers paying all dues) Hoctly An) by nmr ve} Our sui L & T. RAILROAD. NS LEAVE WESTWARD. of Hr 3 ad - ve the . . ‘ } In advance, will rece; Chi CARO Reronren News,’ ‘£7 and al “Weekly! The! 1 REPOR-| Montandos. ... ew isburg | Mifilinburg. Yowiar.... TK — Pg rm ——————————aa— a large sized 32 colum paper, = th Yield fz OTT) Jopuo Vv iif ne d give obarn » # : m . E ; al 23 @ ; pring Mit 015 b 3 x Loins 06 . § IH g ASTWARD, 3 i = i 2 ERETHr Eos § e “News” an TI i ide, and we only make it with the hope} 82.45 will scour " i mi of inducing advance payme ER for one year, is is the best offer nt and ine i TRAINS LEAVE E | : J pr " - creasing our circulation, PRICES REDUCED BELOW COMPETITION. Made in every desirable wdastructible, (Gne steel re aia iy ae ime, use or Sidate; used in bathing, ade sang unegealed in mergt and prattical construction, dnfoed by oi eminent Surgeons and dainteresiod xp:riznced dealers. CAUTION. —Bawarz of 3 x Tutriguers offering second. v1, shop-da goods, or inferior imitations and strap ) “1. B. SEELEY the complaints eslam wa price of common Com assortment carried in stock, with wreeot adjustment a specialty, . J. Zeller & Sop, Ballstonty 2000 i ws, TGOT at 8 cents per yard, { Montandon.. “50 ar 950 : Seip pS 3 | Lewisbarg .. i. * r Ng 5 x Miffilaburg.. Fowler {Spring Mills...... ! Trains Noa, 1 rie Mail west for { i Nosjg and + cons 58 engi for {| Har risls &i niladeiphin] jand N % ew org i Ne Ha risby i h i and { connect with Pacific Express east for) port ; ’ i A 1 { € | i arg, and Niagara Kipress west for W Ullame| Now. 7 and £ connect with Fast Line west for POSITIVELY CURED BY | i I i Exp | \ { u 3 chroma, 0 * £ jo » : a wil. fameport and Look Haven i No. 8 also connects with Erie Mall east for Ha rris I’ biladelphia and of PTT TA Eg, wo Lill a “i ws omopIng 3 jue ord = picte ug, Baitimo e, washingion, ew Yo k - tiy with. E GOT an can be bought at any other store in Bellefonte at ail A A aon Socand. 0 pharmacontiical ed bY the profes Third. Decause they are the only plasters that relicve Pada at once { Fourth. Docanse they will positively eure di i emedics will not ven rellove, Fifth, i physicians and dragetats have y testified thet they ar y {o Al » $0 Add other plagtors or medicines : | 1 ¢ up a better value iu Bleached and Unbleached Musling then (he same price will prey “il assortment to select from that can be found in Cen- + + senses which Beeanso over 1000 z g for the money procured in the county. Shop trash, thrown or pasted together, can find, and warrant them. Apd our ‘ors have recelved the | f porous plasteis, 0 U stand-up fight, according to the new rules of the prize ring, for $2,600 a side, Febru. Ary 7, within 100 miles of New Orleans, etween U o'clock and 10 o'clock in the | WHAT WE H \ 1 Porous Plasters. We have no yardwide Muslin at 2 cents per yard, | We have no Calicos at 2 cents per yard, lw Sires £8 r pair Other Porous Plasters of External | We have no Ek irst-( lass, all wool suits for Men, at $2.50. ay Demedics: We have no trash of ’ny kind that we are trying to gull'the commun ‘theni ni thereto the n ¢ discovered powerful and ¢ \ 1 - gotablo combluntion which hots with in. | A better grade of Dress Goods, ut 15 cents ardup, th { hed x } lot, stimulating, sedative aud same price, : 3 .|buy yon elsewhere. { Wehave CARPETS that have two ounces more wool to the yard, at same prices that lower grades bring Wo have the LARGEST STOCK of CARPETS, L ; re county, We have the best Five Dollar School Suits in Bellefonte fi i r oe on . » ar that T1689. We have the best Ten Dollar Suits for Men gold anywhere, Pitan, Bossman. ths man [A Il firsteclags Clothiers ara selling the same make of Clothing, No slo 10 many {but regular sewed, sameas any Merchant Tailor would or could maket stan’ nina T 1 1 . : Sons [CHD Porous Plaster! | warrant means just what it expresses. 1 yr a 34 20 va 3 3 SEABURY & JOHNSON, e have a reputation of 80 years’ trading at stake to uphold all we advertise, i HURE REMEDY AW LAST, Pocosors, | This we accomby uiish ways giving the full values for what money they give us 8 well gatisfied, Call and couvinee your wavering mind, & A We have no Dress goods, all wool, and a yard wide, Reasons Why they are Preferred to All | We have no haudsmade Shoes, all warranted, at 75 cents i possess od soutaln N | BU WE HAV ng porous plaste tain in ad. | : ble combluation which acts with in | i We have at from 6 [elsewhere, We have the best Three Dollar Child's Suits that the monev can procure. Wo have the best work, trimmings, fits and appearance in cur Clothin cnly wedals ever given 1 r ‘. | We have the very best hand-made BOOTS and SHOES that we Manufacturing Cheraists, New York. We havethe interest of our Trade at stake, and always strive to keep our Customers MEADS Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASTER, ¥ Rm