hin EN —— SENTENCE OF U MOYER. (NEWSPAPER ROW IN NEW YORK SENTENCE OF URIAH MOYER. | NEWSPAPER ROW IN NEW Back Acie POSITIVELY CURED Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters. AS Win psa [sar Wher Centro County farmersoan buy a trae Ammoniated Buper ; space : j labored with unwonte HI POE ORL SORE , an ns | 10D s 3 > 213 pace between the court house and the jail | counsel, who labore t | hia rescuers that scores of human beings) '*P : Our old friend, W. H. Miller, of Har { [0d that the ground be planted with shade | ioane . d mateh] kill f . duit cr uers tea In the narrow. . Your testimony shows that you recoil be . ¢ pd gence and matchless skill for your acquit~iwere perishing there fn Lhe narrow, | ; ‘ ’ | ris township, called to seeuson Monday. | irees. Respectfully submitted by the T te of turning hallways, darkened by smoke {ed with horror from the ides.” You say| Percheron, Mr. Miller will dispose of the greater | joreman, RosgrT LOYD. ; ‘The jury, mainly eftturaink aulluase, 387k sheir bawilder- tha} you prayed against it. You say that|will soon be fresh, ring calf. #6 head part of his farm stock and implements, On the civil list, the Caso of J. TT. Runkle your own selection, aller & mature delib~| oh were caught by the fire before they jyou thought io might be prevented Tt is if No. 1 sheep 1 gp , ur-horse wagon sale on March 15. Willi Getti ied. Thi jy | eration, pronounced a verdict of guilly.ip.d time to escape, * [shows thal your conscience warted you with bed, Osborne self-rake reaver, pair o [ is ri ¥h Witham Geitig Was ie 13 Guilty of what 7 Guilty of murder in the Taree men appeared in a fourth story against it, but by the wretched sophistry (bob sleds, set of new bay ladders, 1 Buck ~—Centre county is rid of small-pox. | was brought to recover the value of a uy. w " Guilty v : e qd | win Jroe 8B ges ed ina fourth tors [of your own mind you worked yourself up| eye reaper and mower, M echanichsbure Te W Ii i ; a ree. The jury under the evidence] WIRGUR, I Pu A 1a fo {agninet yrotest of your own conscience hay rak corn planter. 11 hoe Emi There were four cases, all in one family horse purchased from the defendant and rst dagre 8 Jul) . ; [ee Non was possible from without, |Aninst the protest fyour own conscience | hay rake, 1 corn planter, 11 0 J! upire at Unionville, and the patients bave re- paid for, the prosecutor alleging that the could render no other verdict. It Wak but » quick-witted negro bootblack, nam: snning Sa Usiom county has 0 had any animal was unsound. Verdict for the|Pisin from the testimony that you, t0~ied Charley Wright, climbad a telegraph wus far, ! . hla : Dig sii ether with your companions in [ini something entirely foreign to the institu “ tions and civilization of our country; but sstult has denied them that comiori} Ci : Hiv accept it as au fact thai] Never again shall thy storm beaten braast, that crime can and the d court will have to deal with it wilh thel . bighest penalty known to Lhe criminal one a. pode to sarve as an example to olhers [Rens 8 ove. . Your career has been so extraordinary | 55 aver rest. | that people might well al Umes have! Vest, Gearast son, idoubtled your sanity. nt nL —1f you wish to save money don't fail and 8 me The lad was sick only 24 { wor at to visit Camp's furniture rooms, at Cen- tre Hall-—stock equal to any in the coun- ty. os in TOSLOIG SY UAL GoLit wutih in bot 1OUrs ACIFIOKEX § “ iroar of the aia # BEC ) i N ey : {Sigh, deeply sigh, for the swael ian rést t : wre pea FEeNE LEE v i 01 compiled, i vO a - sryat ot ) mansions DAY EX. leaves K EEer ecBpsvss Rev. J. B. Akers has placed us under obligations for a copy of 13 Sess. of the Central Penn's Conference of the M. E church. Cau —Dinges offers all his goods at reduces ed figures since the fire. Goods not damaged marked down equally with the rest. ~~ as —George M. Harter, of Penn, purchased the Redmill property in Pot- the Bavior's bright Aged and young pe too Irequentiy, of Big y implicitly on PERUNA Furs P mals cognpls A. ue But one cannot but | Rest, sweetly rest, on {believe that when the crime was commit [wager and troubles tad, you thoroughly understood the oature| ' mare, Sank oh f the crimo and its consequences, (Gui BO, sWoelly ros, on 1 was acting as God's man) and that] moral sense and conscience] eau enough to recognize the moral iniquity of} Pv BL Ee] SY Cpuuverrvupry wre 1 1 (ERIE MALLY : Bend for a pamphlet . } BB HABTMAR A CO, Gham, Olds, f Loep your bowels regular with ia ipkia ; meport Bansge PAST LINE leaves il —————— d arr at IC SALE. i pub i sale at the in Potter 1 RED ‘ i880 the " be en residence -**That's a matier of opin: {the undersigned town . {FEBRUARY 28 following { property, to wit: Seven horses, ona a fine o COWS er : {ladelphia rie Mail and Fast Line West and Tosi East make close connections ss Northumberland with L 48 RK. RE, trains for Wilkesbarre rad Boras: West, Niagara E ves Wost and sie close con at Filllsmsport RW, trains north West and Ex East make Lock rel YVR E a Any of our subscribers paying all dues,| “Sian and $45 in advance, will receive for onel Niagars Kapa year the Beromnrer and the Chicagoitrains ‘Weekly News,” a large sized 32 colum) paper. This is the best offer made, and we only make it with the hope of indue- ing advance payment and increasing our @reulation, weight 1600 pounds i yen sod {- i tal ; but all in vain. ' s { * {trains on L. B. & iA. V.0LRK atk sad at Driftw Parior ears wil ilamsport on Niagsrs Blesningoarson alin ROBERT XEA N, General Seprintendest. i ¥ What motive could have induced you toldrill with fertiliz sttsched, {this act must be & matler of conjecture. | mi 1.1 two -bhorse cultivator, § one horse Yeinsili " quity, | pole in front of the Evening Mail office, at —The attention of farmers is called to : afi in the sum of one hundred and | Beekman street and Park row, and cut a the sdvertisement of Messrs. Baugh & | 0ine dollars, t ultivators, 2 double shovel plows, 1 cory Son, in nother column. The reputation i Probably men will think that some fanat-|¢ Licism as a morbid desire for self-exaltation |scraper, 8 harrows, 2 threo-horss bar-share of their Phosphate is worldwwide. Send for circular. § 103% | double trees, ~Groundhog day last Thursday, ; ) and as the critter could see his shadow, | Associates Larimer and Runkle. The fol. old women’s tradition has it there are|lowing cases were disposed of by his Hon- six weeks of cold weather ahead. or, Judge Orvis, on Monday afternoon: ~The Pennsylvania board of revision] Jobn Irwin, Jr., et. al. va. George M. of taxes has decided that parsonages and | Fetzer. Settled and costs paid. church property not forming an integral | Jucob A. Walker vs. Lauth, Thomas & part of a church are subject to taxation “Y " Ta and will be assessed. Co Covenant.” Settled and discon —When at Bellefonte, call at Doll &| Elizabeth Orndorfs administrators vs. Mingle’s, and have Cap Mingle show | john H. Orndorf, &e. Judgment opened. you the finest, best and cheapest stock of | vo 3.1 for plaintiff for $841.31 boots and shoes, for men, women and B ks oe J. D a x children, you ever beheld in this coun~ anks & Foster vs. J. D. Sourbeck. “Debt non suit entered ; no bail having ty. . been given by plaintiffs for costs. Mary L. Macbride executrix of Isabolls Pettet vs. Jos. H. Hayes. “Debt,” Set- tied and costs paid. ‘Wn. Bohn vs. Jacob Bohn &e. Foreign attachment in debt. Discontinued on pay- was dragged | ment of costs. through bere last week, by the Gentzel's, Jacob Baker vs. Joseph Heveriy's ex. near Zion, who are building a barn. }ecutors. “Debt!” Verdict for plaintiff Some of the pine sticks were of great | for $334 07. length and came from the Gregg town-| gg Duncan & Co. ve. Stephen Kens ship forests, : nelly’'s administrators; Sci. Fa. Verdict ~The spring election comes on Tues- | ror $751. day, Feb. 21. Persons willing to serve their country can now try their luck. Nominate good men all through, friends, these minor offices are of sufficient im- portance to require competent men. a : “Debt.” Verdict for defendent. —Jobn E. Putnam, of Reynoldsville, Clearfield county, , noe bo 11,000 Benjamin Wieland vs.i Elizabeth Mal geres of timber land from Reading &|lory and Russell Mallory. Foreign attachs Fisher, Reading & Bartles and Reading | ment. Verdict for plaintiff $4,377.80. & Ritchie. It runs from Caledonia, in| Elizabeth Bitner's administrators vs. oe county, to Tyler, in Clearfield coun-| yosaph Bitner's executors. Claim for ser Esq. Reifsnyder, of Miliheim, called up-~ on the REPoBTER, t'other day. The Squire was courting last week, but things were set aside for the parties, and John after paying his own costs, showed his chi-|T vairy by fixing the cosets for his oppo- nents and taking their obligation for it. Hope of Escape. —Sleighing is nearly done, for the| Richmond, Va., Feb. 3.—Information resent, the warm sun Monday and | was received to-night of a gas explosion ‘nesday started the water to run on the | in the Grove shaft of the Midlothian coal roads. mines, Chesterfield county. Thirty-two 2 men were caught under ground. No de- —We bad snow all day Saturday and | tails have been received. until about 10 o'clock in the evening, A later dispatch states there is little or adding some 6 or 8 inches to what had | no bope for any of the thirty-two men in fallen a few days previous, making altos | the shaft. Gas-testers went down nearly gether some 15 inches last week. Many | to the bottom of the pit three times, but braced th : : were forced to return on account of suffo. peg d the opportunity for a sleigh eating smoke and gas. They report the pit on fire, but will make another effcrt in —1If you want to get up a meal that all | tbe morning to search for the unfortus around the table will relish, the first |nates. thing necessary is to bave good, fresh RECOVERY OF MORE BODIES, and pure groceries, such as are seldom | Richmond, Feb. 5. The latest reports found elsewhere but at Sechlers in the {from the Midlothian mine stated Bush house block. Their coffee and tea | that during the morning a relief party de are unexcelled. scended the grove shaft, but were com- a . ns pelled to return before reaching the bet ~Emporium has a drinking saloon ftom. At 150 p. m. another party went for every one hundred inhabitants and [down to the bottom, and upon their res some of the citizens claim the number is | turn reported pure air below, J great, and are trying to control the | past two Dodds with a third party made oan ug of licenses, so that only enough | the descent remaining nearly an hour, ranted to accom; After reaching the bottom they explored shall be Te: ommodate the the tunnel for some distance, and at the mouth of one of the chambers in the vi- —You are never offered groceries at | cinity of the engine they discovered a Qechlers that are s*ale or under first class | body which is supposed to be that of a rade. They don’t ¢o business in that | colored fireman, Robert Summels. This R : They dea! only in reliable goods body together with the ond discovered Way ree yo imposed upon a customer Inst night, was brought to the surface this Give them a call, all y 2 housekeepers, it Syening. will be to your interest, tice for the improvement of ventilation, —Mr. Jno. Hoyt, of Bellefonte, has discovered and opened up a six foot vein of excellent coal on his property in Snow Shoe township. It shows, says a Belle- jonte exchange : “That the entire coun- try from Snow Shoe to the river is under- laid with bituminous coal.” SECOND WEEK. Second week of January term courl cen vened Monday morning, Jan, 80th, at 10 o la. m., Judge Orvis presiding, assisted by -y F ti ~-As there is still room Jor sever | months of cold weather, get an overcoat at the Philad. Branch at cost; winter clothing all offered low now to get rid of stock and make room for the spring trade. —Some fine timber Tuesday morning court called at 9 a, m. His Honor, Judge Mayer, presiding, when the following cases were disposed of ; Jacob Sankey vs. John H. Reifsnyder. vices. Jury out.—Democrat, COLLIERY HORROR. hirty-two Men Entombed With No to i by to-morrow a more satisfactory expla- cation can be made, ccs ston: fame ~Camp will not be undersold by any ture, A Asin — Among the most wholesome articles of diet according to ail medical testi- mony, are canned and dried fruits. You find the best of these at Sechlers, in the Bush bouse block, fresh and done np by the best aud most reliable parties in the frult canning and drying business, Try teem. _No town of which we have any know. edge 18 the fortunate possessor of more be Mififul ladies than our own.— Bellefonte 1 410cral, Evidently the writer of the above 148 not been in Philipsburg for some time.— Chilipsbiarg Journal. And it appears that neither f all of which ppea of ou have yet beext in Centre Hall. — Let the lady readers of the Rzrom- rer try this: An exchange says that a sweet potato put in a poi of water on the parlor mantle will soon produce a beau- tiful running vine that will entwine everything around it in the most artistic and pleasing manner, and the yine thrives, with no trouble except replen- ishing the water from fall to spring. — Another large sale advertised in the RerorTER is that of Samuel Crawford near Penn Hall. Read it. a —Messrs. J. B. Heckman, George B, Crawford and Jas, N. Leitzel, citizens of Spring Mill, popped in to see the Re- PORTER, Wed _esday. good until April 1st, 1882: present subscribers sending us the pam News FREE to both one year. offer out. a . cgati. meama—— Spring Mills Market, Wheat, $1.25 Rye 80c Corn, ears, per bu. 70 ¢. Corn, shelled, 76¢. Oats, 40¢. Buckwheat, 6Cc. Barley . Cloverseed,. 4 50 to 5.00 Timothy seed, 2.00 to 2.76 Plaster,ground per ton, $10,00 Flour, per bbl $6.00 Butter, 80c, Tallow, 6c. Lard, 10, Ham, 12¢c. Shoulders 7:4 Bacon or side, Te Eggs per doz." 32 Corrected weekly by!L J. Grenoble,’ Bed deliver jt ¥ sa fal YH af i ent to the peaceful home of old Johnie that fell across the window and the IVAN hree men slid down io safety to { ground. : | Another negro, & lad hardly sixleen, jumped from a fourth story window w Kintzler in the silence of the night, ded bis dwelling with furce and slew his wife, Gretgen Kintsler, in cold blood in i frui ir indus AM" . . srr to obtain the Mui of their InGus {projecting sign below the third story. try and frugality. You doubtless thought! igdqyer was put up, and, standing upon the when you applied the torch of the incen‘top, he shouted to two white men lo leap dinary to the Kintzler dwelling that the|!ike bim to the sign. The first to leap, up| : fire id cone 1% . . lset the sign, and was falling headlong eohsuming fre would concea your ini, hen the negro seized and held him until uity. You believed that all traces of the firemen rescued him. Five men, with | our bloody transgression would be hids the terror of deat in their faces, clamored | en amid the black and smoking ruins of | for help from the fourth story window on ies ab oe. 33 . “the Nassau street side. From tne root the Kintzler habitation. Deluded man i|nbove them a man sprang into the street] y our iniquity has been discovered. Your |in their sight, but they sbraok from fol guilt has found you out. For a season you | /0OWIDE. The firemen brought ladders, but baflled ail efforts to obtain a conviction [these were too short. A number of cil: ov SAL , . i the on &i- q i ¥ i d it he . | zens came to the aid of the firemen, nd it soemed that you would escape the ne iwaders raised on their shoulders just penalty of your offense. But avenging reached tha windows. justice with sleepless vigilance kept right| Ine flames had long sgo seized the! + Y wooden frames, bul a stream Of waler was) on your track, and at the moment least). .,wn ground and upon them and kept suspected by yourself, you were confronts them safe. Upon the indder thus held wp ed with the evidences of your guilt. The they orept dows, seaping wilh tate lives. | : : wo iUne of them sald thal guile 8 Dumber ol} rave to which had been consigned the] ' kh " : : : people were left in the building. Two harred and undistinguishable remains of} ;,g how in the hospital— Richard 8 Tracy, our victim yielded up ils contents, and [forty years old, a printer on the Scotlish- the identity of a single bone established | American, He susixined a traciure of the] : fr ,- thigh, Iscerated wound of the face and iu~| f . t . ’ i beyond cavil the death of Gretgen Kintg-} © 1 injuries K 2 ¢ i y i The other man is Robert | ler, and added one of the strongest links Burrett, nged thirty-eight years, and also in the chain of evidence which the Coms|s printer employed inthe Scottish- Ameri 1 Y ie fice. He is suffering from numerous monwealth weve around you. Your{®#n!¢ 4 iy Jou : {injuries about the legs and fnternally. guilt is manifest, and it is Sttiog that you!, “thought that the injuries of these men should expiate your offense by yielding| will prove fatal. up your own lite. Let your unhappy situ- ation admonish us all to flee from tempia tion, practice virtue and walk in the paths of rectitude, Your melancholy fate tells us all, that murder will out, and that deeds of dark iniquity cannot be hidden. It tells us that the way of the transgressor Is hard, and that punishment will surely overtake the wrong-doer. Let me ad- monish you to banish all hope of escape I advise you to devote the remnant of your days on the earth, which will be few. to prepare for the death that surely) awaits you, Humble yourself in penis tence before God, whom you have offen- ded. He is plenteous in mercy, and will heed the cry of the distressed. To him, and to Him alone, can you look for pars don, peace and forgiveness. Nothing re- mains but to pronounce the dreadful sens tence of law. The sentence of law is that you, Uriab Moyer, be taken hence by the sheriff of this county of Snyder to the jail of the said county from whence you came, and from thence to the place of execution within the walls or yard of the said jail, and that Jou be hanged by the neck until you are dead, and may God have mercy on your soul.” he Governor has not yet fixed a day for Moyer's execution ; but it is thought it will be at the same time as the other Bnyder county murderers are to be hung, to wit; March 24, ED ie TROUBLE BETWEEN THE CITIZENS AND MILITARY IN IRELAND. Dablin, February 5.—~Great uneasiness prevails at Limerick, owing to the ill feeling existing between certain classes of citizens and the military. The officer commanding has addressed a communi cation to the magistrates, pointing out that the soldiers are unable to walk on the streets at night without being stoned and giving warping that the military will be compelled to fire on the people in golf defense if the attack continues. The magistrates have resolved to take extraordinary precantions to preserve the peace. > WHAT IS THERE LEFT TO DO} [London Jewish Chronicle, January 13.] The recommendations of the district assemblies of Finland, Cherson and Volbhynia, viz, that Jews shall be ex- cluded from all state employments and forbidden to trade in the bagaars and markets, will, it is expected, be adopted by the Minister of the Interior and re- ceive the sanction of the law. The following is a summary of the principal recommendations hostile to the Jews which bave been adopted by the majority of the local commissions to con- sider the Jewish question, and which have been submitted to General Igoa- tiefl, as Minister of the laoterior: (1) The decree that authorizes Jews to erect synagogues and other houses of prayer must be anoulled., All synagogues and public places of prayer are to be closed and Jews are only to be allowed to per- form their religious services in private houses ; these, however, may not be specially constructed for religions pur poses, (2) Jews shall not be permitted to elect the managers of their prayer meetings nor to appoint any rabbis. (J) Tue ordinance by which Jews were al- lowed to give their children an exclu- sively Jewish education shall be revok- ed. Some of the commissions are in favor of permission being granted the Jews to send their children to the Christ ian schools, (4) The registers of births, marriages and deaths among Jews shali in future be kept by the Christian au thorities, as Jews cannot be trusted to keep correct and faithful records. (5) In order to prevent the Jewsin future from “exploiting” the rural populations they will bestrictly forbidden to reside in yii- lages or market districts. (6) Neither in towns nor in villages shall Jews have the right to own houses or landed prop- erty. (7) Jews shall not lease wills, es tates or factories, nor may they be emw- ployed there. Any proprietors of mills, estates or factories who shall intrust their management to Jews will render themselves liable to a fine of from 500 © 1,000 roubles. (8) Jews will not be allow- ed to sell spirituous drinks nor to be in any way engaged in the manufacture of such drinks. (9)No Jew may be em- ployed by the state. (10) Jews may not be contractors or purveyors, and several irades and commercial transactions are to pe forbidden them. (11) Local banks are to be formed for the purpose of granting loans to peasants in order to enable them to purchase land. The banks will be forbidden to make such loans to Jews. The commissions which were! inimical to the Jews have for the mos! part restricted their favorable recom mendations to permitting Jews to reeds in apy part of the country und to pur- chase a limited area of land, a—— se HUMAN BRUTES Sterling, 1il., Jan. 8!,—It has been dis covered that « man and woman named Seymour, living in the village of Hock Falls, have been horribly maltreating a fatherless girl, seven years of age, whom they were supposed to be takiog care ol The child is small for its age, and Sey mour compelled her tv feed and take cure of a horse and bring cosl. He confined ber in a cellar at times all day and with. out food or clothing, except a thin dress, und punished her with a borsewhip until the surface of her entire body was biack and blue and sore. Sometimes he would toss her to the ceiling and let her fall on the floor, No species of cruelty seemed too severe for them to adopt towards the child, The villagers last night made a de termined, though unsuccessful attempt to 3 1 WOMAN AND CHILD DROWNED, Daotroit, Feb, 2. —Wednesduy evening 9 “- Your! plows, 3 two horse plows, $1 counsel. » controvert thelsingle trees, 1 three-hourse equalizer, bay They bave|rope and pulley, hay by the ton, horse | gears, breechbands, 7 set of front gears, 1} ou were driven against your own will by sot of cruppers for mules, coilars and Ise to commit the act. but!bridles for sig horias, wagon saddle, plow | genrs, 1 single harness, riding bridle, € {halters, 2000 shaved shingles 24 in, | 1000 feet of dry onk lumber, corn | ear, potatoes hy the bushel, 1 No | stove with heater sttached, and other arti cles Loo numerous mention. Bale U 10 o'clock, when terme will AARON DURST ol your This may seem insanity to some to “You will have due opportunity of hav-{ commence al 30 ngany error I may have committed dur | be mada known by ng the course of the trial passed upon by | . 4 be court in bane, bul meanwhile it is nec | | Joan AT PUBLIC SA LE «The val ashlee farm of tha ut iersigned will be afferod al pub Y. FEBRUARY 2 containing 1062 acres { clear and in a good state of cul 16 meres, which bs There is = gooa wo-story dwelling house and large barn, non jail of the district, from whence] Spring Mills sistion n TUESDA com une, 1882 you be takon to the piace pre-{iand, a you be hanged by the ' Lord have mercy on your soul During the reading Guiteau stood ap. | premises, running water in the yard, als fan orchard of choice fruit on the place Perms made known on day of sale P. DUCK & B. LIMBERT the final} RPHANS COURT SALE ; By virtue of an or jer of the Orphans Court of Centre Coun there will be exposed at public sale at pssyvilie, SATURDAY, MARCH 4, | 1882 at 2 o'clock p. m, the following de {.oribed real estate late of Andrew Keller unrighteous verdict. Nothin ood 3} ki ; othing but zs i deceased, to wit: All that carlain lot or 01 : of mountain land in Potter town has come from Garfield's removal, srast that will be the verdict of posterity on my |; . . 13 inspiration. 1 don't Ad nu yy for the | 010 A entre county, adioning jad E verdict of this corrupt generation. I James Runkle on the nortb enst, m. E would rather a thousand times be in my {Snyder on the south, : samuel HBechdol on position than that of those who have ihe west and L ian Slack sna others on hounde=d me to death. I shall bave a gloris the north, Containing one bundred acres ous flight to glory, but that miserable] ®m of les 3 bal heh scoundrel, Corkhill, will bave a permas| Terms of sale.~One ball eash upon nent job down below, where the devil is confirmation of sale, balance in one year preparing for him." With interest So Py "sited by Jond a The court then at 11,45 adjourned, The| Mm TIRARO UPON ING Promises. Ro Himba prisoner for some mements continued tol? be cut until all the purchase money shout bis ansthemas upon the court and paid o satisfactorily secured, independ: counsel for the prosecution, In order to ently oftes AMES Rh KELLER silence him, Deputy Marshal Williams wa Ad iring f : LL . Kell clapped bis hand over the prisoner's am'r of Andrew Neller. meuth, an action which the latter would have quickly resented with a blow, had not the police officers quickly grabbed his hands and claspad the LS edcolt. upon his wrists. Then turning to his brother the prisoner spoke a few words to him, with vutl any trace of nervousness or agitation in his manner, and was soon afterward led to the van and taken to the jail. He wus taken at once to his cell, and » guard was placed over him. This precau- tion is always observed in the case of pris- oners under sentence of death, and will bs rigidly adhered to in Guiteau's case, both by night and by day. The atl officials, however, do not bes liove there is the slightest danger of any attempt on his part at suicide, at least un. til after the review of tho caso by the count in bane Guiteau himself scornes the idea of suis cide, which would detract altogothar too much from the imperishable halo which be believes will enshrine his memory as » wartyr in the event of the sentence of death being executed upon him, lently and shouted: “And Lord have marcy on your soul, do than where i joes and where your honor does. I'mi’ not afraid to die. J stand here us God's man, and God Almighty will curse every may thel I'd rather} that jury | f i { i P UBLIC SALE. —Will be sold at pud lic gale, at the Iste residence of Jacob Bitner, dec'd, near Spring Milis on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22 1882 the following personal property to wit: Six good horses, 11 shoats, 2 breeding sows, 10 head young eattle, © milch cows 2 buggies, 3 road wagons, 1 spring wagon 1 new buckeye reaper and mower, hay rake, plows, barrows, corn planter, corr scraper, corn sheller threshing machine { grain drill, wheeled culiivator, hors: power, fanning mill, clover huller, horse goars, bags, log chaing, wheat, corn and oats by the bushel, &¢. Also numerou articles of household goods and kitcher furniture. Bale to commence at 10 o'clock a, m., when terms will be made known by H. F. BITNER, " Executor of Jacob Bitner ) UBLIC SALE. Will be offered at pub. io sale, at the residence of John Neese deceased, at Spring Mills, Gregg twp., or THURSDAY, FEB 23, the following property, to wit : 2 four~yearling mules five horses, three milk cows, lot of young cattle, 10 head of sheep, 10 shouts, three breeding sows, two fanning mills, one hay tork und repe, threshing machine and power, one broad wheeled wagon, one twe horse wagon, one twoshorse sled, one cut ter, two plows, two harrows, two ocultivas ors, one hay rake, 1 Harpster corn plan- ter, 1 corn scraper, Excelsior reaper, one sot of harness, 1 sot of gears, plow gears wagon saddle, 1 iron kettle, 1 ten plate stove, 1 cross~cut saw, a lot of house furni- ture, grain in the ground and a great many other articles, Saie to cammence al 10 o'clock when Lorms will be made known by ELIAS FETTEROLPF, Administrator, . pt . All that follows below, remember, was in Indiana, and not down south : Longeport, lod., January 31'—A tramp named Wm. Steele called at tho residence of Mrs, Buell, about twelve miles from Longsport, and asked her for supper finding that she was alone he assaulted her and fled. The neighbors immediately pursued Steele and when they caught tim they hanged him without delay I'hen they piled brush about his body and burned it beyond recognition, - Pe» - We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement of J. Monroe Taylor Chis house has been established neariy 10 years, ag their goods are celebrated for purity and strength. We would rec ommend a trial of their Gold Meda brunds to all who desire superior cook ery. Boctd ws a. In DMINISTRATORS NOTICE — Let A ters of administration upon the state of Thos, J BStiver, doc'd, Inte Potter township having been lawful) eeanted to the underdigned, they would sspectfully reques ns Knowing hemselves to be indebted to the and those have RINE ent wit 0 1t seems to satisfy «a family want, an ull purs I wonder how we eyer got along witl Parker's Ginger Tonic. It cured me o nervous prostration, and I have used i since for all sorts of complaints in our family, ~—Mrs, Jines, Albany, eelnia Li liste pay ment ig claims ngainst the hom duly authertientod MARY F.STIVER SAM'L L. STIVER, WAM. B.SBTIVER, Adm'rs, 10iantt. Potters M nuke tm pt suttlem - . -—— — I had Chronic Catarrh for year runa cured it, Strasburge, Pittsburg, Pa. % A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE, Letters of administration apon tho estate of Androw Aeller, Inte o Potter township, dec'd., having beer granted by the Register of Centre County Pao 1 PN JUBLIC BALE. Will be sold at pub Wilson Decker started Crooked Lake, Prairieville township, Barry county pushing an old cutter before him contain- ing his wife and little boy, two years ola, When near the middle of the lake, in crossing a hole only recently frozen over, the ice broke beneath the load, precipita ung all threa inte tho water, Some boys skating on the lake succeeded in rescuing Decker but he was so nearly frozen that nis wife and child, in their struggles, slip ped from his grasp and were drowned in fifty feet of water, The bodies have not been found. BCross lynch Seymour, but both be and his wile had fled. nr © FLOODS IN LOUISIANA. New Orleans, February 4.—A Shreve- port, La,, dispatch says there hus been a heavy rainfall there for the past thir ty-six hours, and the overflow of the whole lower country seems inevitable The lakes above here are higher than they have been for the past six years and many plantations above and below Shreveport are already under water and the leyees are giving way. A tN I was reduced to the average of the grave with Leucorrhoea Uterine Catarrh and Amenorhoea, Peruna cured, Mrs. A. Wr Jackson, Pittsbu-g. LY Baldwin, the defaulting cashier of the Newark bank has plerd guilty ard wae sentenced | tiary, h € » 4 to the undersigned, he requests ali parsons knowing themselves to be indebted te Eldeceased to come forward and make ime . i mediate payment, and those baving claims years old and good stock, 4 cows, some aging tho samo to present them duly fresh, 1 bull, part durham, head of tant satt] . young cattle, ot of sheep, 1 log wagon, 1 authenticated for settlement : you . 3 sheep, n, JAMES A. KELLER, Adm'r. sleigh, 1 sled, 1 top bugey, 1 platform biantt Centro Hail, P spring wagon, good as new, 1 threshing bjany S Hath 4 mnchine power, shaker and strap, 1 Lew isburg grain drill, 1 fodder-cutter, 2 sets of hay ladders, plows, harrows, cultivas tors, cornseraper, roller, 2 sets of horses gours, 1 set of single harness, collars, bri les, lines, flynets, single and double trees, ropes, forks. breust and all other kinds of chains, Burdick mower, hay~ rake, cornplanter, baytork and rope and many other articles too numerous to mention, Sule to commance at 10 o'clock, SAM L CRAWFORD Jas. N, Letrzgzr, Auct, we sale at Penn Hall, on TUESDAY, MARCH 7,71882 : 4 mares, 2 bluck driving nares, 4 years old, one bay mare, a 0 UTORS NOTICE. ~ Letters tes- 4 tamentary on the estate of Ra. vecea Brisbin, Inte of Potter twp, dec'd, naving been duly granted the under: signed, they request all persons knowing themselves to be indobted to the deceased o make immediate payrnient, and those naving claims ngainst the same, to present them duly suthenticated for settloment J. P. TAYLOR, Readsvilla Pa. 8. M’ WILLIAMS, M'Veytown, Pa:, 19j an 6t, Executors DXEC HARDWARE BLACKSMITH supplies, we would Heating Stoves, CROWNING GLORY, In Ra WILS STOVES. call your attention to our stock © Cooks & Ranges: est in Heating Stoves the WELCOME HOME. ages the VICTOR & APOLLA. ON, McFARLANE & CO Its telgraphic service comp a FAMILY PAPER, Each dustries, Literature, Science tions are complete, and to be as an enterprising, pure, and this office. CH A——————— THE) rises all the dispatches of the issue contains Several COM- , etc., ete. Its Market Quota- relied upon. It is unsurpassed trustworthy GENERAL FAM- run d Hy ue ¢ Go r 3 1 with Parker's Hair Balsam, be cured by » are hundre Pest 5 Casas : | ray Mg nd $4 tines, at druprivte STON COL fd FLORE wines man exhausted by mental strain not take intoxicating staamlants, but use Paxken's | v ot Urinary Complaints, or if you ave ¢ lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or perves Pasxex's Georg Tonk 1s of mizerable suffarers daily dying from Jung, kidney who might be saved by using Parker's Cina Toxic OEY Of ce, digsipation or any Cisease take e and bunld vou up from the first dose v save vous. Ask yowr neiehbor or r to 1HHISCOX & CO., New York. Tolar sive. “EET gon ax 5 wis nh. Ann OILS, PAI \ AGRI 7 BONABLE PRICES. Celebrated South 21ap RR a S————————————— HICKS NTS, GLASS, |, IMPLEMENTS, Bend Chilled Plow, We present to the Carriage to all who use Top Vebicles, the cut illustrating our Patent op. It will be noticed that this top main bows connecting with the seat wh isnll that is necessary to make and nest in while in per pari of the top there are FIVE two of which sre short, not extending bev iow the trimming, and therefore nol seen in a Snished The advan upper part of the top are evident effeciunily prevent the top from between the main bows, which al objection—and in folding the top two short bows by an ingenious ment will drop below the three main allowing the top to fold and with the same ease as were no short bows, (so that th ally a three bow top when fo five bow top when extended. lenge the world to produce a top that possesses the number gs that this top ncouraged by numerous recommendations and orders ent States of the Union, we are with a full stock of different of set ready to trim, to which we particular iy call the sitention of man And to persons who desires we would say that we manufacture sunt grades that vary in price, from we call a cheap top (unlined) to the est priced tops. Bow Sockets, or all bows as desired. Send for circular and price list to Cexrre Harr Breer Tor Co. And manufacturers of : Wagons, Sleighs, §e. 1bdect!, Centre Hall, CentreCo., Pa. PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. OENTRE HALL, PA. RECEIVE DEPOSITS and allowlater ost; t N Buy sad Sal Gor on an Wx. Worr % B. Pres't a week in own tonn. Nerisk, now. $6 6 a A aie I ie make Teel RAY. a nt I a LG | ae 1S hi i & £ = : & i i f 2s i i i i i 51h - Was ——— — LIFETIME & 4 - nsonGlark& Go. 20 UNION 8Q. NEW YORK © GHicARO ILL, em 1 [a