The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, January 05, 1882, Image 6

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ben the wits of
ostraciced by the others, but life is made
Magleian’s Artful Ways,
“The magioal business is not so
Tricks cost less,
successful plans
ont most ingenious
Shinery, Every morn-
Ftor drives in through
p, and receiving bis load
jour barrels at the kitchen
BS out again. A convict several
t ago thonght he saw in the swills
ol 8 moans of escape, and he nro
He enveloped his head in cloths and got
ouput ia provided with a long iron rod,
and isrequired to probe or examine every
load, no matter what it may be that
Joaves the prison. When the wagon
the gate the keeper ran the rod
into the barrel in which the conviet
was concealed. It struek an obstruo.
tion, and be plu
siderable force, He was amazed to see
a filthy object emerge from the swill
and utter a mailed ory of pain. It did
not take the keeper long, however, to
determine that it was a conviet aitewpt.
to escape. The clever plot of the
: er created a good deal of com:
ment at the time. A prisoner ounce
jisappeated and no trace of him could
be found. The officers searched for a
week without avail. Finally, after all
efforts had been given up, the keeper
of the tiilor shop one day instruoted
his men to remove the pieces of cloth,
of which there was a great quantity,
from beneath the ontting-bench, The
bench was entirely closed, with the ex.
~ ception of a small aperture into which
the odds and ends were thrown, and
while the pieces were being taken out
the missing convict was unearthed.
The man had been waiting for an op-
unity to get outside the walls, bat
© waited one day too many it proved.
He had been fed regularly by other
oonviets, who brought him food in their
pockets from the mess-room.
Three or four years ago, when the
prison was crowdad with 1,500 conviots,
f great many slept in a large room in
the top of the main balding, known as
the “old hospital.” These mon imag-
ined that liberty was within their reach,
and they made an attempt to effect
“Has any novelty been in-
{ troduced that has caused this popu.
{larity 7” “*No new figures have been
{ broaght out, but the old colored man
{and the Irishman are still the most
popular, and an old man or an old
woman come next. The Chinaman, it
was thought, would do well, but he
| doesn't take very well, somehow.” The
old style of figures had a detached
jaw that worked into a clell to repre.
t sent talking.
Figures are now made with kid jaws
{over the wooden jaw bone, so that the
motion of the mouth resembles human
action, There are a great many regu.
lar magicians traveling about, and many
of them make a great deal of money.
The Troy opera house is owned by a
magician who made all his money out
of nino tricks, The tricks now are
mostly mechanical, as the finer sleight
of hand tricks whioh demand the
greatest skill are not shown The
prices are low in comparison to what
thay have been, The time has been
when as much as 8500 would be charged
to teach the Indian box trick, and vow
the price is only 85. Mechanioal tricks
are generally variations of » fow pieces
of mechanism.
The professor showed a small wood
an box, of a size to hold in the hand,
To all appearance it was an ordinary
box, closing with a lock. One way in
which it is often nsed is for the magi.
cian to borrow a watch, have one per
son put the wateh in the box and look
it, takiny the key. The magician
hands it to another person to hold.
“Do yon hear the wateh ticking ¥' the
magician will ask, and the person hold-
ing the box will hear it distinotly by
putting his ear to the lid. Fipally
the watch appears around a pigeon’:
neck, or hanging to a chair back, after
a pistol has been fired, or one of BAN ¥
ways, aceording to the faney of the ma
gician, One end of the little box
A ——
w the Jeweled Oyster in Bought for In |
Indian Seaweed Prafiinble Business |
Which Sharks Hender Dectdedly Dans |
A letter dated Columbo, Ceylon, de-
soribes pearl fishing in that distant
part of the worla, The pearl banks,
the writer says, are generally inspeoted
once a year, in November, and when
the examination indicates that the
oysters contain sufficiently largo pearls
to pay for fishiag, notice is published
in the Ceylon and Indian newspapers
that a fishing will be allowed the next
year--generally in Maroh—eay from the
1st of March to the end of April, fifty
or sixty days. The notice being given,
a general rush then takes place of many
thousand people to Salivaturia, and in
the few days 0 aking the close of the
month of February such a transforma.
tion soeno ovours in that dreary looality
a8 nO without witnessing it oan
realize, the solitary, uninbabited
ty poopled by a motley
representing almost every
nationality hina
the fw fahans
furthest Northwest,
rom Europeand Afr
of ten
waste 13 sudden
mon from
from the
people i
seldom from
ww, though
ed boats
SHOT, and forth.
go and well
up in what
4 Was
ye sterd AY
nd 18 taken possess
politan mu
Over this
Provinee, Nr,
3 11
military force, holds and
it would be hard to find a better
for i
08 Wal 3
a trying i
I'he boats that eng
are manned by twent
one pil t t
ally g
5a4¥ i
il robbing Lig
y thie fishers
{ily painted,
| A Benn dispateh says that emigration
| from Germany promises to be even more solos
confiding feminine” customers on false repre
A aneat bast, which has been In prepay
ation for nearly a year, waa fired the other day
at a limestone quarry near Easton, Pa, and
40.000 tons of rook were diplodged, To accom
plish this four tunnels, each fifty feet long,
were run into the hillside and ten tons of pow
dor were used,
Tur investigation into the financial condi
tion of Newark showed a surprising state of
affairs, City Treasurer Winans, who acknowl
edged that he sccommadated Auditor Palmer
with loans of thousands of dollars “in antic
tion of warrants”
was suspended pending an
William A
in the controller's office, was
investigation of his books
dio ohilef alerk
found to have disappeared,
Auditor Palmer was accepted at a meeting
The resignation of
the common souneil
Puene are now four colored policeme
the Philadelphia fore
Rep Baxk, N. J., was visited by a fly
hrough the business portion «
nt of
wa total loss is estimated at nearly $100, (x
& whiel
of the fa
2 larga RIRO
alrovyed & IArge Kmon
#, & Reading (Ma.) brewer,
on committes of the
' sOlDgress United Biates, has
and bis assets at about §
ue Rev, Laonard W. Bacon, D. D., LL.D,
of Yale college, die j@ other day in New
placed at $300,000
230. 000
, Bred ¢ Years
about the sam
a Warehots
ie 1
00,000, and
affray in New York four Italians
y of them
r and a third man reo
dying almost in
rth man ge
£h reast ny byony
aa largost namo
is Ah
r the arrivals for 1880
their escape. They out their way swings out on pivots when released
through the woodwork to the roof, and | from its catch by a sharp pressure at
oniy the fin covering remained to ba one end of the bottom. It can readily
removed. Tbe night was appointed for be manipulated with one hand, so that
the delivery, but when the men put in the interval between the depositing
their heads up through the openiug of the watoh and the handing of the
they were confronted with a row of re- | box to some one to hold the watch slips
y BS
South and West.
ports of Faarirox is reportxi to be spreading
dl ms throughout 1liinels
in all direc
A rineat Fort Yaller, Ga, destreved
IR operations A
volvers in the hands of officers. Some
ono had revealed the scheme, and the
authorities had been forewarned. Had
this plan been successful the population
of the prison would have been de-
creased some two hundred. Five years
2g0 & conviet employed in the toolshop,
which is no longer operated, made a
bold venture. The tools were packed
in boxes some three and a half feet
long, two feet wide and twenty inches
"de8p:. The man attached cleats and
& button to one of the boards
comprising the cover in such a way that
he could shut himself in. To ocneeal
the deception he. draye heads of nails
into the board so that leeked ay it it
was nailed down. The contractors had
another shop in what is known as
** Hackney,” in the northwestern part
of the eity, whither all tools were taken
before being shipped. The convict en-
soonced himself in his narrow quarters,
and the box was loaded on a wagon
with a number of others. He waited
until be thought the prison had been
aft behind, and then raised the cover
to survey his surroundings. He was
observed by the driver, a young man,
who gave a frightened yell and jumped
from the wagon. A guard bappened to
be in a grocery store in front of which
the convict made his wppearance, and
be canght a glimpse of the head in the
box. The escaping prisoner recognized
him, and, leaping from the wagon, ran
#3 fast as Lis legs would carry him.
The guard followed, and, as the fugi-
tive wonll not stop in response to re-
peated commands, fired a ball into his
ieg, which put an end to the chase,
Citizens are employed in the prison
shops in large numbers, and they pass
in and out withuut any questions being
asked. A convict once embraced the
opportanity that this practice affords.
He secured a pair of overalls and a
blouse, and shouldering a vise walked
past the gnards. When he reached the
streel he threw down the vise and made
for the country. Slipping out of the
ranks is one of the practices of convicts
#5 the preliminary step to an escape.
One cold winter morning, while it was
still dark, two convicts left their places
in line. They had previously obtained
& long piece of wire, and attaching a
hook to one end they tore np their bed-
clothing and wound it tightly about it,
This made a stiff rope; and reaching it
up they caught the hook on the bars
of the window in the story sbove.
They climbed up from window to win-
dow until they reached the roof, from
which they expected to descend to
a low side wall and drop to the ground.
Their absence had been discoy-
ered, however, and just as they were
descending they were detected by the
officers who were looking for them.
The escape of “By” Day was well
planned. He feigned sickness, and was
left in bis coli; “When the keeper
the cell-door at night Day did
not respond. Instead of compelling
the man to answer, as be should have
done, ke looked through the grated door
and saw a form lying in bed with a
newspaper over the head. He thought
Day was sleeping, and supposed the
per was to prevent his being disturbed
Ee. The pext morning a dummy
stuffed with straw was found in Day's
cot, but “By” bad disappeared. He
had released himself from his cell with
a faise key, and, getting upon the roof,
had gone down to the ground, He was
by prisoners in sttempting or accom-
plishicg escape had been raved a
museum might be established. How
the convicts obtain these tcols isa ques-
tien easily answered. They muke them.
Instruments weighing as much as fifty
pounds have been made under the vory
- eyes of the officers, and they were none
the wiser for it. If a man is employed
abent iron-working machinery, he will
flud time to manufacture jacks, jim-
mies, levers, bars, keys, and other im.
plementa. Very often these tools sre
the finest specimens of workmanship,
d any artisan might be proud to own
ign 8s his handiwork. Complete
burglars’ kits have been manufactured
in the prison and smaggled outside to
do service in * cracking” banks.
One generous-hearted convict pro-
ed to liberate half the prisoners in
e fp~titation. He procured a picoe
gas pipe and made from it a key to
e locks of the cell doors. He had
Banned to spring the lever of his cell
ith a jimmy, thus releasing himself,
nd to unlock as many doors as he
puld with the key before he was dis-
overed, Then be anticipated leading
pe men against the guards and fight
his way to liberty. The key was
nd in the possession of the sangvine
3 before he had an opportunity
use i. In the office of the agent
warden are two jimmies remarkable
oir fine construction. The handles,
can be detached, are turned in
and to any burglar the
would be a rare prize. Desperate
are not infrequently re-
to in attempting escape.
tl iimes fire has broken
the prison, and has been found
the work of convicts. There is u
igade composed of picked men,
re supposed to be trustworthy,
has been shown that they cannot
upon. At nearly every fire
s walls the prisoners have ent
and done everything in their
vance the flames, in the vain
whole institution would
ised ereature in the
as the conviets
o learns of plans to
out into the magician's hand, and a
watch movement hidden in the lid of
the box keeps up a deceptive ticking.
Such a box sells for 812.
The Indian box trick, which
favorite, is just as simple. In this a
big rough box is brought on the stage,
and several gentlemen are invited to
examine it. They find an empty box,
as roughly made as a packing case.
The nails seem to run through the cor
ners, the ends elinched into the wood
The magicians assistant is put in a bag.
The end is tied up and sealed. The
box is tied ronnd sad rognd with rope,
as well ssdovked, The bagged-up man
is laid on the tied-uy box, and a screen
is drawn in front for a short time.
When the screen is drawn back the
empty bag is seen with unbroken seal
lying on the box, which, when its cords
are untied and the loek 18 opened, is
found to contain the The
only difficulty is the b There
must Le two bags, ons within
ianother. The junetion of their
| mouths is concealed by the magician,
{ who with great show of zeal ties the
mouths with his handkerchief at tnat
portion, and then invites the committe
to tie the protruding ends of a bag
which is really alongside of his assist
ant inside another bag confined simply
br the handkerchief, The nails of the
box are shams at one end, being simply
heads and poicts which do not meet,
The end swings in like a trap door when
properly manipulated, the assistant lays
the sealed-up bag on top of the box,
creeps in d, easily pushing i
the rope, and then returns
its place. Thus the lid oi
which the committee expended
exertions remains undisturbed.
Spiritual tricks are taking well this
SEASON. They are wo Ad by means of
mechanical padlocks, and require very
little skill. They seem to be lLke
ordinary padlocks, but in some a tonch
on a partiealar rivet throws them open,
and others have clockwork in such a
manner that they open in a fixed time.
Bound by such padlocks, it is easy for
sayjone to throw spirit hands or faces
through the hole of a cabinet as soon
as its doors are elosed, and be found
sitting in the same position as securely
bound when the doors are opened.
is a
Vig t
ag part.
the en i
A Novel Torpedo Boat,
A successful trial of Captain Eries-
son's torpedo boat Destroyer took place
at the Brooklyn navy yard racently.
The strong tide off the ordnance dock
compelled a change of plan, and the
target, a square frame covered with
wire netting, was suceessfully placed in
the cove. The Destroyer was made fast
to the old Constitniion. The target
was submerged 300 yardsaway. Every-
thing being in readiness, Mr. [Larrce,
the representative ‘of tho builders of
the Destroyer, ictifiad Captain Selfringe
and Commanders Phythian and Crown-
inshield, the board appointed to exam-
ine the tests. At 8 o'clock the signal
was given and the gun wes fired. There
was but a slight report, and all that
could be noticed from the outside was a
trifling disturbance of the waters under
the bow of the vessel. Almost instant-
ly the portion of the target which was
wo den log fifteen feet
long, leaned from the water
some tree bundred yards beyond the
playing under the
bow of a ship at sea. From this point
it rieochetted along the surface of the
| water for some two hundred yards
| The target having been raised it was
found that the netting had been pierced
almost exactly in the center and about
five feet under water. The officers pro-
nounced this trial eminently saccessful
and ordered another for this morcing
| at 9 o'clock, Tle Destroyer is sun iron
{ boat with hull almost entirely sub- |
merged. Upon this hull, placed well
: aft, is a deck-house of sheet iron. The
{hull is 130 feetlong, twelve feet wide
| and eleven feet deep. Bho is a double-
; ender and is propelled by an engine of
{ 1,000 korse-power. The s'eering ap-
| paratus and the torpedo gnun—in fact
all of her effective appointmentis—are
qelow the water level. The armament
consists of a single gun placed just |
above the keelson in the forward part
of the boat, its muzzle opening direct. |
ly into the water, which is excluded |
from it by a permanent valve hung by
an elbow joiut to the stem and opened
or closed by a piston operated at the
breech of the gun. When the gun is
to be fired the valve is raised out of the
path of the projectile and its place is
taken by a temporary valve of wood
and rubber cloth, which fits the muzzle {
tightly and is placed in+the gun after |
it is loaded. This is shattered when |
the gun is fired. As the projectile |
leaves the muzzle the permanent valve
again comes in position, the little water |
that rushes in rans through the breech |
to the bilge «nd is pumped out by a |
steam siphon. The torpedo which it is |
proposed to use in actnal warfare is a
chamber of iron or copper, large |
enough to contain 349 pounds of dyna- |
mite, and it is claimed that against this |
little vessel tho most powerful iron-
clads will be helpless, as the snbmerged |
! gun will penetrate them beneath their |
| armor, and her great speed and facility |
j of maneuveritg wonld enable her to
{get in her work among a fleet of big
| ships almost at will and with entire
| safety.
ee —————es
There are iu Persia shout 40,000
Mi, anda th
into the
water, ¢
day's fishing
off with buoys
\ .3
tha divi
We aQiving
tq i
be at, form
aro assisted
fair wine
without their
couldn't begin
course the return fr
most exeiting in th
ing; for each boal
There is the alluring
mediately on arrival, h
1, eacl
pense for his
spectator, also, the
dred boats laden wit}
and full of dusk x
sparkling summer sea, A
spectacle, which cnce seen ca
Arrived }
landed and divided, the boatmen either
selling their one-third share on the
spot or hawking them in the bazaar
and the government i
thirds share in
strong palisades,
factotnms, begins
anction conducted
guage of
onl shore, the ovsters are
the gov.
agent, assisted by native
g—a kind of
nil, the lan-
t and mostly
spoken by the -a thousand
oysters being offered at a time, the
purchaser of that thousand to say on
the spot how many more he will take
at the same price, This operation is
repeated until all the oysters are sold,
after which delivery is given from the
pens. The bivalves are piled in heaps
by the purchasers, and left toc rot
until the stench arising from their
putrescence is 10st le.
To endure this is the ono trial
of the pearl r. who must
be ever present when this
posing mass is being washed for pearls,
a8 otherwise his laborers would un-
doubtedly steal the best of them, a feat
they sometimes accomvlish, notwith-
standing the greatest watchfnlness,
One day's experience at the pearl
banks is like that of every other day.
I need ouly close this article by saying
that a successful fishery, such as is
poorly described in the ab ve, yields to
the government, which monopolizes it.
about £250,000, a% le RAG0.000 of
which would probubly be net profit. as
, BY
’ abaminag!
wey fad mn
the cost of supervision is not great,
The sctual value of the pe arls, how-
ever, would not be over 8500,000, as
most of the speculators generally make
large profits, and there are besides the
boatmen's and divers’ shares, worth
$100,000, to be connted in.
The Postoffice in America,
The postoffics existed in Amerie
from its earliest settlement. At the be
ginning it was merely a receptacle in
ths coffee house. There letters that
arrived from sbroad were deposited,
and then taken by those to whom they
were addressed, or delivered by neigh-
bors, In the records of the general
court of Massachusetts for 1689, we find
that notice **be given that
Fairbanks, his house in Boston, is the |
place appointed for all letters which
are brought beyond the seas, or aro to
be sent thither, to ba left with him; and
ko is to take care that they are to be
delivered or sent according to the direc-
tions; and he is allowed for every letter
& penny, and must answer all mis-
earriages through his own neglect in
this kind.”
Fifty-eight million dollars is the estimate
value of finger rings of this country actually
Bull’s Cough Syrup.
{ buildings, among them the By
shout $2.000 1}
opt away by tl
RAND, & vilisge
vrs ab {ese
an Wy
Now York;
the Philadelphia mi
irmen of the l
1g and Carrency
k; Mr.
iary—Mr. Reed, Agr
Mr. Valentine, of Nebraska; Fore
Williams, of Wisconsin; P
8 Mr.
Lands Mr. Pound, of Wisconsin; Commer
Mr. Page, of California,
RMAN Caring, of the House committee
ions, has divided the committees
lowing assignment of
Lowe vs. Wheeler, of Alabama:
Finley, of Flos
Maine; Cool
oases to
Anderson ve
of Alabama, and Smith va. Shelley,
bama, to a sub-committees of
Representatives Hazelton,
Panl and
O'Conor, of South Carolina :
of Louisiana; Sessenhans va, Frost, of
ney, Balizhoover. va
souri ; Loe va. Richardson, of South Carolina :
Bmall va, Tillman, of South Carolina: Bailey
ertson, of Louisiana, to a sub-committee con
Wait, Ritchie, Millar,
McDowell ve. George, of
isting of Representatives
Davis and Moulton.
Oregon; Mabson ve. Oats, of Alabama; Lynch
va. Chambers, of Mississippi; Buchanan vs,
Manning, of Mississippi; Stolbrand vs. Aiken,
of South Carolina; Cannon ws, Campbell, o
Chairman Calkins, Representatives Pettibone,
Jacobs, Atherton and Jones,
A ranae number of vacancies in the United
States legations abroad remain to be filled by
President Arthur,
Tur last woekly issue of the patent office
aggrogated 340 patents, nineteen designe and
trademarks. Of the
to Thomas A. Edison alona,
Ihis is tho largest number of patents ever
twenty five wera
issiied at one time by any government to one
Grrreav iwmod another document, in which
be tells the familiar story of the murder and
his “inspiration” pays a high compliment to
aises President Arthur and warns
gaingt “judicially murdering’ him,
a divine agent.”
Foreign News
Generar ANovremy, governor of Eastern
thoris, expresses the opinion that the re.
mainder of the erew of the lost Arctic xplor-
ing steamer Jeannotte have been fallen
with by natives and hospitably treated.
Esrosito, an Italian who was arrested in
New Orleans some time ago and extradited
by the Ialian government on the charge of
having committed murder and by igandage in
Italy, was tried at Palermo and found guilty,
but in eonsequence of extenuating cironm-
stances Lie has boen sentenced to life servitude,
Tur eruption of Mount Vesuvius has as.
sumed large proportions.
A connrorep list of the victims by the
Vienna theater fire gives the total number of
lives lost as 449,
Sou of the insurgent troops in Morocco have
Axorues plot (o assassinate the azar of Rus
sin has boen discoverad in Bt, Petersburg and
the conspirators arrested,
A piogpooker who was about to be arrested
in wiled chureh
shoated ** Fire I
A in Warsaw, Rusala,
In the panio which ensued
y orashed to death and sixty
Catalonia collided with
near Queonstown, Ireland. The
and nine of the crew work
AN American schooner has been fired upon
of hoy killed
¥ company employes at the Aleutian
Japanese orew by
cable dispateh says that in Ireland
are now 330 prominent Irishmen in jail
0, 000 armed mea ustabulary and mili
calle dispatch that the
hie Jeannette's survivors
by the
0 woeoks
of Bast
ri Miberia
fands te
porintendent of t
for the Insane, next
A Was & The pris
a of the testimo
ited the
next moment
itean said he
| Resoln fons wers adoptod divesting the seo.
retary of the treasury to furnish to that body
the present rates of duties imposed on Ameri
ean manafaotured goods by Francs, Germany
gud Moxioo, and the rates of wages pald operas
tives in those countries Mr, Mitchell intro.
duced a bill relating to the compensation and
sos Of pension agents, 14 fixes the com.
on of agents ar £4,000, allows flteon
1 for each vousher prepared and paid, and
| ror
nakea provision for actus, expouscs of rent
aud fuel Mr. Usll spoke in explanation of
bis bill for the protection of homestead settlors
it provides that where a sect of
an sot of Co granting
fons or has been
entry, bat
honiostead entry
the same 16
ion of the
Whe fo
Bi the expense
isstied In
The ll was
blie lands,
nd of IYERn
i Lhiomostesd
wen approved
stich only,
ood and a patent for
iw seliler upon the cong
iontead settler Las Leen
is to be defended by and
ited Biates and 1
sotllsment required ¥ i8W,
dionrped over
y event of the vio
nel A id, laste
a 1
Be OF UGngress SHADE in to
riment of Agriculiure,
The Depa
nl : Loring,
is annual report 3
dM making th i
tay ¥yrl } netiy #1
fhe Growth of the Uni
resumed by Mr. Beoville
trial on the
on took place between Mr, Soo
with angry interpo
¥ Guitean., Judge Porter referred to
¢ prisoner as ‘‘ the eri ' to which Gui
tesn retorted, excite
I am no more of a « .
tor. 1 am more { it of on the outside
than vou are. The ish papers are saving
I am a bigger than old Porter, t
- , intimated that
Mr r
: inal than you
i into the doe
le mterruption
eived with d
fleveland, who had
insane patients, next testified that in his opin
n Guitoan was sane on the 2d of July and was
still sane. Buppos the facts in the hypo
tness would prononnee the man insand
person supposing he was I's
would indicate delusion, sail the
not an insane delusion, Dr, Orpheus Evaris
of College Hill, Ohio, testified that he had
1,000 insano patients. From his ox
amination and observation of the prisoner }
3 .
aoimng Go
Mrs, Scoville was recalled and
a few unimportant questions, and the
out, as ho was led away, that he was happy,
can people a happy Christmas,
The thirty«thjrd day and seventh week of
the trial opened with the nsusl large attend
br. A. E.
importance and was exceedingly damaging to
the defense y
not boliave ig the
whose testin
existence of
tad v
was merely another name invented for wicked
the assassin sane, and to eay that |
playing a part in the court-room. He entered
into an argumentative summing up of the
risoner's conduct, to which Mp Beoville ob.
jected, but Judge Oox didn’t see how it could
w helped, sinco the witness was giving his
grounds for thinking the prisoner wan feigning.
The witness said Guitean told him in jail that he
expected to bo pronounced insane and sent to an
asylum, but he did not mean to atay there,
for, upon looking up the law, ho found he
could apply for a commission to pass upon his
sanity, and such a commission would of course
find him sane, and he would be discharged.
Guitean, later in the day, made a pariial con.
tradiction of this testimony. ‘the witness
went extensively into the subject of insanity,
but Guitean wanted to cut him short, and sald
there were two kinds of inssnity—crank in.
sanity and the kind Abraham was afflicted
with, and he belonged to the latter school.
Dr, Macdonald was cross-examined by Colonel
Reed. Insane persons, he admitted, in some
canes doliberated and planned their acts and
provided for their escapo afterward. The fact
that a man previously harmless shonld without
provocation raise an ax against his sister
would be no evidence of sanity or insanity,
10 has been
st of the sizes of hats worn
men: Lord Chelms-
Dean Stanley, 6354;
7: the Prince
Here is a li
by some mmous
ford, 61.2 full;
Lord Beaconsfisld,
of Wales, 7 full; Charles Dickens,
6 1.8; Lord Belborne, 71.8: John
Bright, 7 1 8; Earl Russell, 7 1-4; Lord
Macaulay, 73-8; Mr. Gladstone, 738;
Louis Phillippe, 7.34 ; the archbishop
of York, 8 full.
Great Britain employs in
161 persons, and the length of the
on is found to be 08,744 miles,
greatest depth of the coal mines is
2,800 feet below the level of tho sea,
may be sweet to be remembered,
Expectancy of Life,
Life insurance companies have, by
the elose study of vital statistics, come
to the following conclusions ss to what
may be expected of the continuance of
life: A piteon one year old may expect
yoars, fifty one ; of twenty years, forty.
ona; of thirty years, thirty-four; of
forty years, twonty-eight ; of fifty years,
twenty-one; of sixty years, fourteen;
of seveuty years, nine; of eighty years,
A Holyoke, Mawr, exchange alludes to
the eure of D. 0, Judd, E«q., U. B, Super.
visor of Postal Card Manuofuctory, who was
cured by Bt, Jacobs Oil of rheumatism and
neuralgia. — Bridgeport (Conn, ) Standard,
It is positively annonneod that a come
pany has heen organized in New York
for supplying the Eastern cities with
gas mannfactured at the econl mines in
Western Pennsylvania, and eonduoted
to the places of consumption through
i —
Mr, Geo. Drake, 48 Oak 8t., Indisnapolia,
Ind., suffered terribly with * water” rheu-
matism, [He used Bt Jacobs Oil and was
entirely cured. —N. Y, Bpirit of the Times
ea am
There are twenty thousand Jews in
Chicago, many of them wealthy, They
own Giieen synagogues,
em —
fucrease and Decrease.
The ceusus shows that the proportion of
voters to the population is 110 5 74-100, The
proportion of persons troubled with kidney
snd liver disorders has been alsrmingly ine
creasing, but since the almost aniveras! use of
Warner's Bafe Kidney and Liver Cure these dis.
thst it is safe, and its wu
fost, Unfortunately ss
cated of the ordinary an fe ua
rheumatism, Among w
polsons, and some of them, aa in
arsenlo, have 8 tendomoy 16 aggregate in
wystem, and cause death #t some unlocked
moment, A slight over dose of the chief reme-
dy, eolehionm, onusts spasn of the heart an
desth, The Bitters, besides being 8 ‘
remedies dyspepsia, constipation, liver come
plaint and gonoral debiiisy, :
Bose curious person having counted the
number of notin in & | recently
Madam Albani, for which she received
fluds that she was paid twenty-six cents per
Hualies ns Life Destroy
The lone of Ite tn Fadia due 20. tat, 18
of venomous suskes fs almost incredible, Yet
Consumption, which is as wily and fatal as the
dendiient Indian reptile, ls Huliug coils
sround thousands of people while the victims
gre wonscious of ia presenoe, 's Y.
Pierce's © Golden Medical Discovery” must be
used to cleanse the blood of the serofulous me
writ es, for tuberonlsr consumption isonly 4
de of sorofulous dissase, “Golden Medic
Discovery” is a sovereign remedy for all forms
of serofulons disease, " king's-evil, auch a
tumors, while swellings, fever sores, serof
gore eyes, as will as or other blood and skin
discascn, By druggists,
Tune sre several sets of handsome ehius in
the White House, in addition to two costly sets
recently bought, There are two hondred table
napking haidly coough for the great dinner
J. N. HARRIS & CO., Pr "
Taken Gut of Hed.
Dr. BV. Piece, Bufiule, N. Y.: Dear Sir
canon are rapidly dimisisbing,
Ix the Philadslphia j si bined
On Thirty Days’ Trial.
The Voltaic Belt Co. Marshall, Mich. will
ad thelr lectro-Yoliale Belts sad other Else.
r thiriy dass io RLY
: yas Deldlity, Lost
i troubies, gaarsotecin
ror and manhood,
8 above withiout delay,
rod, as 80 dsye’ trial is
i of vi
ia from selected
pare and
ents who have anos Len it prefer
them, Physic
wer oils in market
it to sll «
superior to any of the
hick you may be made
use Canporisg, a dendor-
am J. 4 } fRomerville, Mase save In
with bhieedis iihe lungs,
v appelite and
1 had a bole
% §
y sar it has
a i sid Lhe lh
Latien hos my
AL} EX'S Beni
u Voodwur
tive Uy
w Wad
BP AD BE OF oe EN ed O00 a
Co Uo BS wk a off
J nn
EY rae ©
UY ii vinesess 062000
Mr. Jeremiah Toadvine, of the raral
strict, bie ad ae
he 1 Of
Weather Office.
’ sich a
o weather in
* Hix inepeo-
baromeler Wis
r Toad vine, and, look.
e ofticial, as if he
pinssed and bank.
i: “Friend did you
reumatis ihe
ston surprised
ed, "NN ¥
110 know, for if
y trap for
wey could
¢ country
nt agin
ix «
1 ¢ hing over hi
“Mm A. Gist, No,
gtreet, Philadelphia, Pa,
lammatory rheuma- |
none andankie
it seemed to have taken hold with the
vt a #lay, and the morn i
a I obtained the St, Jacops On 1
ould not put my foot down to the
I used it
that evening for the firs ne, and the |
next morning for the second time,
and that afternonn put my foot down |
for several minuios, On the Sanday
following I could stand up and walk |
a few steps, On Tuesday could walk
about my room and went dow: stairs |
by holding on to the banisters Now |
1'can walk quite well and taere is |
very little pain left. Just thirk! one |
ottle and a half and I am almost free |
from pain! I is a wonderful medicine, |
NY NOX on ——
tism very badly.
i erminatl
I have to thank you for the great relief yo-
| eeived from your ** Favorite Prescription.” My
| #lekness had lasted soven years, ope of whi
| Twas in bed, After taking one bottle I was
i ale to be about the house. Respectfully. 4]
: AMANDA KE, EXNIB, Fulton, Mi
| A Verxcu eleoirician is having s bost
mtrnoted jo which he intends to eros the Eng-
{ lish channel, neng sn destric motor fo propel is,
Fits, Fits,
by World's
ation, Address, with stamp
tala, KY.
edical Asso
: pamphlet, Buf of bility
Parispeirsia hes 5000 acres in parks, § Lad flower of ads
2,000 and New York 1,000, aE a. 2
ilinsteative art in Americ,
in Cloth, $6; Tree-Calf or Morocco, $10.
[ Advises All Who Are Suffering
as 1 Have Suffired to Give
Dowrox, Boptember 9, 1877.
: 4 with Berefalous Home
for CATS, A gol po reliel. ] have toe
yg i of beats, salves, pt as Teen,
4 « § was, from my
1 ws advised
rrisE | oom
i g thie 4 bot.
Melt ihe sores So heal up, |
ane lnree wleor on my ght |
“A Favorite with Sania Claus,”
“ A Precious Treasaro 10 the ebild,
“Exquisite in every detail”
“ Deliciously quaint”
“We can conceive of nothing pret.
0 08 lates der for a present.” Gatle.
uk, ahi Td ht os | “he very ideal of true mstheth
Es oy was all howied GF. | «fom Home Journel
| 5% eves | was in my ite. 1 pon
post eleanser and purifier 3
il whe ma be Setfciin a § bave PURPLE AKD GOLD.
it siris AEREY 7. sEITH, 2
“In the most dalniy, luxurious Bose
ton style." New Oricans Domocrat,
“A lovely thing fir a Christmas
i Liogr May
Xo, $0 Utica Sirent, Boston,
he Yeorrres has cured
sof Lye, ten sid tweaty yeu
5 ont Loe had pany phiveicians,
& Fpown remedies; sud, aller try
e oomimon remark is: “It acts gil.
Herently, from any medicine ]
Yiorrone vill clestise seraials
Tr it
Bomexvinig, June 10, 1895,
lessure 1 eqn recominend is
BE Boa wr of the
winiul injury of the spine
9, my ankle
¢ L358, SNS very
find great relief, an By
“ary 5
wan Innis in a
Wwe ut onte pf
$i ours, most Pespects
il, Somerville, Mass,
¢ gystem,
‘James R. Osgood & Co.,
Medical Electrician,
Ih Brevexs
at § the
- | May be copsnited
; barks, roots snd | 08
¢ ve, and they are |
AWNET 88 10 produce aston. |
Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists,
lllustrated Monthly
wacazine, | Bits Mate
The Largest in Form, the Largest In Circulal'en
ie eyelets, show ag Lhe pctale On
ee Are Iranda
“7% | Red Line, Full Gilt Edges,
3 for a8 shoe imon 2 r uh | i
wonths on trial, Tor ONE DOL LAL.
TWO DOLLARS A YEAR. a aiablc: for Gan
iz po publication so chon ! Send for Catalogue.
cireulsr of fall parti , Cheapest Bookstore in the World.
17 East 14th Street, New York. MANHATTAN BOOK COMPANY,
£ ne 18 conunencos with Novem er, Tia
16 West 14th St, New York.
U7 CE 000) 52
arsons’ Purgative Pils nak :
4 and will : : blood in the |
11 each night from 1 to 12wecks may be | HISTORY &r mx WORLD
red to sound health, 3 such a thing ba rossible, :
Said evervwhery y il for 8 letier stam i >
Ci. RUTOHNSON & COn Boston, Masts | Embracing foll snd suthestio ounts of es
pies rar, i mation of ancient apd modern tees, and fac
formerly Bunge, Me er | Diary of the Gia AR Tall of the tireek an i i
# For SOLDIERS, Dmpires the midile aoes, the Joma, the fond
i system, the reformation, the Clwovery aad so
| goemt of the New World. ele, ete. 1 contains
i fine historical engraving 4 ix the most
widows, fathers, mothers or
children. Thousands vetentitlod, Persionspiven ed
i History of the World cove r pid indeed, 1
I meen pages and oxra berms 10 Agegis, ross
x, Ii ria, Pa
x Mn
Or #0
ulars, ad dress
[or suy Discuss, boveands ef periionere
wo $42 tied te INCREARE 52:1 BOL?
ore on .
TENTS procured for inventors, Soldiers
rion of Snper tof eye oF IEPINIC YR une veing
warrants procured, boughtond sold, Solgiers | BEATTY 'S PIANOFOR TES —Mocufion
PLY for seer piehis at nce. Send® | Ate AY Presents; SURE DIA pletion 148 1 9 NerP
. Be Sihen-Reldier, and Pension | © Be © PORTE COriATs. Tome W Red
woanty laws blanks and instroctions, * . es a -
y o ” k 8 archos ivan Irae $00] baal. poor ay
tess RN Ly Fis: eh: ahd Soleus. ! 3 25 1 BOT 50 cos roge prices, fo 3 ni
Pavey Atvre, pera eng D.& | etafaction pustanteed or Womer fofonded, oof T ode
. oroarsuse: Uprich Plascfortes 4150 to 3550;
TRUTH 2 15 a ||
rarest eed
he Gent
H x
ape. Maney returned well Bet slate.
Fred. i Bera, 10 Beet'y Fi. Boon, Bum
tamed BL staenp Fae (hve soot oemplone Catalogue of |
NATIONAL TYPE C0.. Sern irmares: |
te ©
(Op) > ANDY
Oy gw \ ur o Jay Bronsen, |
YOUNG MEN itl des
ine, |
Vout, MARTINGS 7’ § 10pue prices BN 10 $8 standard
‘ 8 be ous i Yorse as thousands testify 1 wn t
| timonials. Bentiy's f »bhine: ORGANS 2
| church, chapel. pation B38 wpersrd. Yt xs woe
Pamengers; Bndrated eslaino ne (hadi
i dar edition) free. Adina or eal npon
| DANIEL F. REATT), Wawmnercs, Kew Jenser.
Atlantic & Qu
? 30 bh
ER t Land Co.ofFia.
va | Issue of 50,000 Shares of $10 each at por.
AND. ~The Istest, the finest and | PHA donwe oF 40 ores for enh 10 28a =
ond of whitening the usils, Flushed OROROE TE en 5 s
arly white on first ap | OFFICES.Third sed Chrsinae Se.
ary, bus lasting, Five thou. | deiphia: 113 Bonint K.Yo
this method, and no lady | He 1}1-11
out it. Si, oad HE prom; with Cescriplive maps malled
perva St, Indianapolis, Ind. | free toapplicants, ~~
ANTED 50 Girls, Good wages: Pas % : 8 3
: i i
called forand delivered feve. Globe |
sthos Ca, 1687 Santh St. Bastar, Muss, 1
8 tne Fiabit Carved in 10 !
UNE 1 is
ose Da J. STEPRENS, Lebanoa, hia, >
AGENT tit free, Address | positively prevent this taritie aaa >
Po Viehery, Avgusia, M tively oure hine Cases out of ton, Information
- ee: . will save many lives, sont free be Don't delay
H—-2GERTS WAR TED ~DObosE | oment. Prevention is better by A 4, & id
Fi or * | 80% & Co., Boston, . formerly B yd
Gold, xlver and Nickle, Chains, 86
ar COD ote a
r ih Ral Ta
: Se “AEC CVE WROTE [0 Bell (De Dest
I town, te } Pusslo since the 213.7 Just the thing for the
WOU rn A riland, ¥ H CN Pree at og 15 cents,
Revolvers Caslogue free. address, ‘ + A}, 8 aX
a West. Gun Worke, Plitsboreh, I's. | York, and P. O. Box SENG, Boston, Mass.
e5 to $20 p y at home, Samples worth 85 fres, | par E N T Sond stamp for fostruet
wa Address StoxsoX &0o., Portland, Maine, | ENSIO ‘ 8 P.O. Box @5, Washinton, 0,
Outiit free. Add’s Taur & Co., 4 BLE Soon sexe FREE Orem
Improvements---New Styles---New Catalogue.
Whose cabinet or parlor organs have won HIGEEST HONORS AT EVERY ONE of the GREAT WORLD'S INDUS
TRIAL EXNQRITIONS fOr FOURTEEN YEAR (being the only American organs which have pean a
: A t 1 the
in the Last YEAR than in any similar period since tha fest introduction of this instrument by ho]
years since; and are now offering ORGANS OF HICHER EXCPLLENCE and ENLARGED CAPACI;
NEW LLLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, 36 pp. 4t0.: is now ready (October, 1881), faily deseribi
trating more than 100 styles of Organs with net prices, and circulars containing such
arid, Address MASON & HAMLIN ORGA Dd. 154 Tremont 8 3 3 East
Street, NEW YORK: or 140 Wabash Aven CHICAGO. ont Suser, BOSTON; 48
nt —————— eer ;
More than One Rillion Copies Sold!
or Self-Preservaiion. A Great Medieal Treats
ise on Manhood; the Cause nnd Care of Exe
iy; nlso on the Untold Miseries arising fram the
wy Excesses of Matare Years. 300 pages, Roars!
RR ‘reseriptions for all acute and chronic discases,
Bound in becutiful Fronsh Muslin, embossed, full
| free carriage meets
Fa WS Lest met)
and odd
Light, steady w ark given, io Te male at
days. No pay till Cared,
Pa ath \
3 be
id's H. Jaxer & Co. Po id for cironlam,
mew ACME 2
£ % 7
Ep Sh S02 fons,
~ Prexrnagrn, Sigveon & Ce
. A WEEK. ¥12 a day at home easily made, Uostly TALU
$72 ngusta Maine, V 4; BILLINGS, Diorueiovt
A su: op we : Bh 1 } CAPACTIY; also
MEDIUM aud ANALLER FYTLES of IMPROVED QUALITY, and at LOWER prions $29, fa, £7, &pand pn
ns, in,
about organs gencrally, which will be useful 16 ev RK oo. thinkive of; urchasing, wiil be sont
NaN »
255th Edition (New). Revised and Enlarged,
/ hausted Vitality, Nervous und Physical Debil.
NE Sve. The very finest steel engravings, 193 invaizabie
in g i iF ]
fH W THYSE g ght Price nly $1.23, by mail, (New edition.)
The Seienes of Life, or Self-Preservation, is the most extraordinary wo ology ever publis]
or single {either sox ya $5 Fhsiol wish or ow bu
, the book is iuvainable to all who isa for good health,
and invaluabis wo
cal v evar published... London /
clad medal awarded th anabis work. Here
oughmian, ‘Thousands of ex ary Aa aken
PITY, political, religion: an scients 2 iad he took
foal work, fn very cease, had cua bo & fordoublethayp
sealed and postpaid, te all)
fs fully expl 1. Inshort
Thousends of Coplos are sent by mall, securely