THE CENTRE REPORTER. WH. KURTZ... con Assoaiate Bilton et) mnmmm———— ic i A A A SA US PRS 2.Curistias~Christmas was » very delightful day with us the disagreeable woatt revions, an | Christmas day was ushered in loves May. ras May Hall the Reformed church a Chris mas vor a few daye OFF TO THE CITIES OFF TO THE CITIES This Week, This Week, For the Second Supply of For the Second Supply of INTER O0DY, | INTER TOODS. “Ceatral Snpply Depot”—Whitmer & Co. “Lhe Fair"—G. R, Spigelmyer & Co. ee ————— 3 0 Spring Mills, Pa Jan. 2, 1883. PENNSYLVANIA RR. Ubiladeipiiin sud Ere Raiiroad Divisio WINTER TIME TABLE ne MONDAY, Oot. 31,1881, the trains an 1 Quaniaie MD Kiri Ratirosd vivision wilivan follows: WENTWRD R18 vos Philadelphia LRIEN willow Harrishurk Runbury Witltamaport Bhore & Haved Weaavd - ary at Erie 3 vos Pulls NIAGARA EX. low Rarcthbure a ne arrat W “ SROYD » A hia STI tastes Phiisds AST LINK las ‘Rarrishurs are at Willlamspart a“ IE hn RASTWARD. a Law aven ACIFIO BX leaves yarsgy NROre " Williamapors t Harelsburg “ ATE Philadelphia ¢ » wg X ne DAY EX. leaves Kane Took Haven Wilitamaport Harrisburg Suiladaiphla ERIE ves hie x RIE MAIL leave Ronove poet Haven Williamsport Harrishur ralladeiphia Tym ana Harrisburg Pailaauiphia 4 Pastis Wan "= Wels Msi Past + Los West aw aif pres Rast boi wal sonnettivus at Northumbe: land with lL & 8 R. R. trains for Wilkesharre and devaa: toa, z wewwPYsuerey Pw - ” ¥ w" we we “~ = we ve “ ©“ we Baan wen E85t% scryety re A a Lain k Haven wn PFBENTESEREFERT a “ ww we = hor “ we Ie € - = 3 ix « or % wn Has pe. zeNE Pes Ue Teun u rr TU Per uO “ Se E a wo To ea re — ell Cae “ are at wn B " EO ren zip Et A - arr al “ 2EE FUNRRCPINENEDID NEN SPE a _ w ASTULING laces i arr at » i & » ¥ Taw wu @ Nisgars Express Wetand Fast Weal m ve connection at Williamsport N RW. trains nocth : West and Day Ripre Lock Haven with B Mall Wast, ake ol ¥ i ine a . Niagara Express closes gounediton at trains 3 & Horie Mail nd West connect at Krie with trains an 4. 8 SR. RK. ;at Coney with BE. Pa . R at rmporiom with B 3 ir 3 hA V ss Eas make E.VY.R R Bast s Sam A. ¥Y RB, 3 aad at Driftwood wil Parlor curs will ran Datwes llamseors on agara Kx. West, Mioaning csr on all alah trates . ROBERT NEALSON, General Supriastendent. LOCAL ITEMS, — Altaana and Milton have small pox. — Ezra Krumbine now has a steam engine rauning in his furnitare shop. —The walks in front of the churches in this plare need louking after. Five dollars will make them look fifty dollars better. —8malil pox has broken ont with grest severity in some parts of Dakota, par taking of the natore of a plague. — Rell vonr old clothes to the rag. dea'er and add a few cents, and you can gel a bran new suit for it at the Philad. Branch Prices now lower than ever be- fore. All goods gusranteed ; all plainly pinrked ; ane price to all, and no shoddy for anyboay. — Among the members of the Lower Hinse of the Tennessee Legislature are a white man and 8 negro who held the re'ation of master and slave before the War. —Mr. Brean, of Potter's Mills, bossts of a chicken which lived 17 days without food or drink. It got dowa between the I ning of walls of the barn, where it re mained this length of time before it was diwovered still alive and kicking. —W_C. Camp & Co, havieg all the bet snd latest improved machinery, now manufactore the best and most durable furniture in this coanty. —Tie Millheim jnstica case hus at last been decided by the court. The court decides Jonn H Reifenvder elocted by q i weity over F. P. Masser This case Lean 10 Court Rome [Wo vears, 8 Patladelpbis aod wil. and Day Fx. Bast, t ¥ t In has & The Pennsvaley store, Dinzes’, is regting 8 revolution in the prices of wis 1 their stock is one of the best and vip prices are the cheapest, and no one pres to dispate the net, — Mr Henry Kreamer, of Millheaim, intends moving we=, and has sold bis 0 was tastefully decorated, trea was planted, and covered with presents for the Sabbath school, and distributed on Saturday evening, the oc easion being enlivened by well perform ad vocal music and the reading of an es say by Misa Cora Murray. There war & crowded andience in attendance. In the Latheran church on Christmas afternoon, after the nual exercises, gifts were distributed to scholars and all oth ers present in the Sabbath school, In the evening were had appropriate Christmas exercises =consisting of select pieces of mnsie, responsive readings, an address by Rev. Fischer, followed by & short address by Mr, Derstine, and re peating of the apusles’ creed. - church was densely crowded and excel lent order prevailed. : In the Gennes valley church, Satur day ave before Christmas, there were al wo exercises and giving of gis The church was decorated with fine tase | wo Christinas trees, spanned by a beao- ifn] ureh, were erecied —the arch was made to sparkle with lighted candies, which had a happy effect upon the Christman trees which were losded with «ll kinds of suitable presents, Back of the trees wan & lange table filled with fine pluss and other ware, for presents Voes! music and sn address by Rev, Fischer sdded to the interest of the oc casion. The people of George's valley deserve credit for the taste and liberal ry displaved npon the seoamion, . There may hava been similar exercl 8-8 in other ‘omlities, of which{we may not have learved. ~All whe got their holiday groceries at Sechiers, fonnd they got the very best, whether in sogar, coffee, tea, dried or canned fruits, hams, dried beef, confec- tioneries, or dtherarticiva in the grocery ine. Wo wish tolsay that this grade oi goods is not only Rept during the hole davs, but all the year ronnd at Sechiers. They do nothing on the each principle, but are fair and square in their goods and dealings every day in the year, ~Naw is your time for & genuine bar gain and to save & nice som of money. They are anxious to sell off their winter stock of overcoats at tne Philadelphia Branch, and now offer them at a shade shove cost. There never before were snch chances to get a good and serviveas nle overcoat cheap. It will pay for any one to bny two and lay none by for the fature, so cheaply are they offered by Lewing now, —Prof Karzenknahe is now at Mill- heim, whera he started last weok with « class of some 80 in vocal music As soon as this class gets through, the Professor will apen a musical sonvention begin ning on January 10, and closing Satnr dav eve, 14, with a grand concert. There will he three sessions each day. Daring the entire convention, Mr. K. will have hix Harrishurg orchestra present ta par ticipate in all the exercises. The pro- gram is a truly rich one, and complete all through. Besides the musical per formances there will be addresses and talks suitable for the occasion, Price of tickets fir the entire convention only Members of the convention from 0 i —We are informed that the Sheriff of fied, and on which the amount of insur- The President of the company, Mr, he Juniata eounty conrt, A report says hat the policy holder who iftitnted hese proceadings received only $20 on dead man. In the ¢ —Qnt of jail —Sheriff Spangler is not |» He was in jail for NTREN IM SOX IN RIG BNA LL STATES prov gered « much mors higher than in othor epidemics ble to prevent a draught. On venturing oo oo ihat have ocourred throughout in to near the stove the seat of the fire (0 000 0iee, was discovered, and by rapid applications A agua that has stiracted much attention of water from the hydrants, the fire Was jo that of a man affected with sal! pox patout, The floor: n one side thestove, who came from Chicago over the Halll a large part of the counter and the inside more and Ohio railroad in ¥ wisn ont cellar way, with some boxea of goods in] No 627, wind who left the car at WI ming: the cellar were already burnt, and it was tor, The tact that the man had the Smalls i die | POX was not known until afier he left Chis only throogh the timely sid of the citi ¥ . avoid Aa sens and convenience of the water that hE, Ae having tacspe ! : 3 : the Ublengo sutiorities To this one case] at extensive fire wan prevented, which | 0g C00" 0 ted of Howlth sitributel sonkl have taken the dwellings of he spread of the smallpox in Wiiming-| Messrs. Gift and Fleisher and the Evin wid probably in Baltimore | hurch. It would seem that the ire or] The rules snd regulations recently! inated from 4 apitoon, in which, probe fwdopind by the National Bosd of Health| shiy, ome one carelessly threw a Hght=iw vd wpproved by the Presadent wil, if od einr lute the evening previo, a very{eroperly cartled fut, enable the Hewlth fangerons practice, Fortunatuly for, Authorities to preveul the spread . thal want of drancht the fire smontderad nn. eas thrsughout the country dup ‘ ’ he morn Hs feguintinng wil smigiants upon srs tl the smoke betrayed it in th ; Fiving ai any of the ports from ports where tg, otherwise it would have broken out wall Lok waits ure. unless prolected by) tn full Hamme daring the night and prov, VRE Bd the disease, required w wd very disastrons, The amount of ode ¢ jvinatei and hep in gusrshitine unt actituily buroed with damages to flour he period fur the development of the des and woodwork may be $1580, while a ge (sixiovn OF seventeen days) in pussed wreat part of the goods 18 injared from - the effets of heat and smoke Tasured PEOPLE'S TOMFOOLERY wa the Centre Hall and two other come panies, ~Rev. 8, L. Stiver, Principal of Ban ser Hill Acwdeny, late pastor of the Congregat onal Church of this city, Wes united 10 marrisge with Miss Care inte daughter of De. R. J. Horueby, on Mon day afternoon, The ceremony “As per tormed by Rev, GH, Hicgeus, Rect wr of Caria (Episcopal) {hareh. The bride toey determined to PAY NO TAOFe sso was elegautiy costomed in white bro footie hut to burn up sli policies held hy onde, with veil and orange flowers. Thelinem Tus specuinuve insurance policies Presciils were very nililierous, hand nie held in the township repressal a LOI Tuo and valoahle. Among the gifts was aivaive over UWA, AL the demunsiras parse of $30 presented 0 the groom by jun wboul otie-bail of his amount was persons! trends, Invitations, with few | fepresented, und the policies, together : Iw t nt notices which had ae w ted 10 immediate] ¥140 Lie assrsame ne rl pair departed fr | SUIDUIated during the present month, were bg i : (natided over 10 be pubiely burned. A New Orieans the same evening, and wil : y te absent fir a couple of weeks. ~DBuanker Hail, Ih, Gazette, 20th ult, {vine offi bad bean provided in which [ihe policies were to be burned, bul as Lhe | dawonsirution was a bilnrious retbor than Rev. Stiver is a native of Potter twp, and one of var valued friends, The bride god groom have our best wishes for un « Wulabeboly gatbering the coffin was leit ut snd ib was decided 0 have pole slioyed happiaess all turough the state matrimonial, dation in lieu thereof xt tbe public Cross. roads while Lhe pocies, suspended al the snd of tha pole, were being burned Dais . re agations arrived during the day from dil A SUPERB FAMILY BIBLE One af the most reitathable foslures Of he buoktrade is the enero. sales of Hi vive The demund is chiefly for lurge Li rebt sections, sod Resdiog, Alientown, Lanosster aod other ¢illes Were represent | ustrated Family Bioles, tor, sirangs a may seam, there are many families ei. At o'clock u large number of poly. ha do no. pussess such a Bib e aolders who bad sssembled wt Hoff, Prominent smong the publishers whe GROWN swindled Men Makiog Merry Whils Their Money Madea Blaze A cramistion of {nsuranee policies took vied nt Hey d's tavern, about twenty five imiles trom Heading Heydiund his neigh {ors have been awindied out of theussnd, of dollars during the year by ssse-stient insurance ghouls, and sls recent meeling i ix i ciiurch arnived. A mesling was orgabised aud exch person present related his eXpe rience and then deposited his Doiicies With the secretary The policies wes Opus «uid sarang togethar, and aller the sdop dull of resuiviions dedouneing in unmegs- i> f Pullader- I Atisnis, to] ws nb si pd HARDWARE — STOVES. In addition to our extensive stock of FARMERS, BUILDERS & BLACKSMITH supplios, we would call your attention to our stock © Heating Stoves, Cooks & Ranges: We would especially suggest in Heating Stoves the CROWNING GLORY, FORT ORANGE, . EASTLAKE AND WELCOME HOME, In Cooks the REGULATOR PIONEER To Ranges the VICTOR & APOLLA. A full asortment of Fire Brick and Grates on hand. WILSON, McFARLANE & CO poss } THE ENORMOUS COST OF Cu Strawhridge & Clothier, the well known Philadelphia Dry Goods Hoos are, with their nsoal hberatliy, giving Bway to thelr Dairons 88 ® hinliday git “A Souvenir of Prladelphia® which fstrates alt the points of interest in the vhv, Anv of ony readers can get one of thes eninable gilts hy sending a penny elain to the firm Wo pregmy the postings PROSE TING GUITEAU ~HEAVY DOCTORS BILLA, Washington, Dee. 27.-It that Guitesa's trial will not Isat much mors than two weohs longer The end is #0 neay that some sort « f vatimsie can he made of the expense, 1 will poneh vnor mous fgures Tie cost of the prosecution, not ineluding witness fees, will giount t nenrly $100 000 and the tees of witnesses for both sides wineh the Government jue is thought We have no hesiiation in saying tha Green's No, Land 2 Laver Pills, when tor, will probably be ws much more Some psed in connection with each « ther in of the experie have charged very high, luecordanos wih he diiecnions, will ene t ueh the Suuregare not known, [the warst form of liver complaint, dyn Ahi relsbion mnodh te ' 18! it i : anusad by the un kuch did frxpens: | popmia sick headache, nnd all tullary de tioned It is undaerstood that ir, A gnew's| TBRREME nts, Dui for medical sttenduncs snd services is! $42 000, one item being $6 000 or the fol operation he made 84 summer Dr.l Atthe residence of the heida's futher Hamiiton's hil is understood to hg $951 on Bult, hy Rav Akers W W MU» 0, while De Bliss onnrges $8000. ur st] nick to Miss Lours K., daughier of Hone! about the rate of $100 « day No bilislry M'Closkey, both of Potters Mills ! nuve been received from the nurses, An] (Op he 22 uit. hy Rey. J omlinson | atts pt will he made to have Dr. Boyosi vy John F Heokman to Miss Rebeces ton and Kdson paid se physicians, and pot Sith. both of Centre county, Pa as DUrses . rs MR ————— NOT A BEVERAGE “They are nol a beverages, but & medi cine, with curative properd-s of the high wit degree, containing no poisonous drugs They do not tear down an already debili tated system but build it up. Une bottle MARRIED, Fo DIED, In Poiter twp, the 27 ult, Asro Spengler, aged 43 vears and 6 months Ho «uflered over three weeks from typhoid fever In Penn twp, Mr, ag~d about 84 yenrs On Balt, in Milas Mover, aged nexrly 87 yours. Near Luthershure, Pa, on Tussdar December 18 1 81, Klas Rishel, ag+d 7H years B wonihs and 30 days, | Father Kichal was bora March 24 1802 in Penns Valley, Contr county. Pa; wa jeonfirmed in the Luthgran Courch in 162 {end moved Ww Clenrficid county in May 1834 0h Daniel Kreamer, sirengih, than a barrel of ordinary beer Every druggist in Kechester sells thew prescribe them ' twp., Mr. Henry ters | WISDOM FOR CHICAGO INFANTS. {Chicago Tridume.) To this the Great Easivra? No, it ls» Doe LOW Gusy IL I» . a r—r 3) EGISTER'S NOTICE —The tallow How nappy the man looks los Br Ing accounts have been examin: ng w Rave Dis pie Ure wmken to th Wii and passed by me and retwsine fica Poor giril now sad ber Coriste of record in this 0IfICe, (ur Lhe luspeciin f heirs and leguiovs, credidors sad a ochers in any way interested, and will be presented Wo Lhe Urphiate’ court of Cent county, on Wednesday, the 36. u day January, 188d | | | He is going up in the How happy Le lvoka, Pre be will walk guwn, lovkisg ver) He be. seen the Bdulor Here sa Poet woul ad Jud terse Lhe rotien system «ff graveyard strmisinenl HUrative, BB LTOCcEriONn Was foi 3 3 furmzed sid beaded by a band std ROG mngnificent Bi It is rich, As our reader The binding ot their wmving been saturated wilh kerwwene, | word -uspended Irom a pule and 8 Ditlie] &irl applied the Wwurch to them, The band | ruck Up a “beedown'' and Heydl sod al iw ber of Bis neighbors joined 1n a dane: Wid Lhe pole, Lhe euilre parity Joined n grosus fur the I1Nsurance Culnipabies| «hich had issued the polwies, snd then] esut dul and substantial ound, and yet put wether so fimsly bat it will come to pieces ip a low yours pparently well pound, the work may biel an v une in such 8 leose and unsabstantiai yapner thet with only ordinary handle 1g 18 will crack and Saslly fail Wo pieces ‘nis Bible is wnde upon a very differen: ian. Only the best materials wre used 1 s manulaciure, aod all work 1» dune by sod the most highiy Every singe of the It would be WHC! rosler Care COU d De given to Lhe manu sere served Uesuernl whe sUideot of subu¥auve bed been dispose Mle uvolil was given, Market, ——— spring Mills Wheat, $1.25 Kye Bk Corn, ears, per bu, T0e, Corn, shelied. 78¢. Usls, $0 Buckwheat, §0¢, Barley Tbe. Uluverdesa, 400to 450 Timothy seed, 20010 278 Flaster ground per ton, $10.00 Flour. per bbl $6.80 Bunter, ¥8¢, t | is Tue publishers bave a bigh aud they are de They realiz uasrded. a8 Dandsmely, The additions] mailer is very rich ana yonpiete. The leadiog featur« is a slightly of Je. Wm Sauin's This 1s realiy » bridged edition i i i A u 1 Tue tint und der Cuasiey, deconsed, {| Bartue, misor chid «¢ leunsed. It can go very fast |™'9 "fy gros and flanl secount of Jacob K. Rider, administrator of 8¢., of Maru Do nol Ev Ww i 3 smith, late of Fergusvn towusbip, decens ial accvunt of Alex Ruardial ui Amanie formerly Amauds of Daniel Baris, ae Des Lhe Bool How large and shiny it is, Call nud sue Bie 30 Tois is a Horse, voks sad. He is broke, wl, What a fice looking Old Gentleman [ v8, Do 8 very Den 8. The sccountof A J Thompeon, sd Immbtrator c tu of &c., of John Temp sun, late of Half von owaship, deceased, 4, The aceoius of Jacud A Under and lives inldohn Resides, executors of 8c, of Wu {am Rasides, lnie of Bogg- wwhstiip, de Conscd, i & I'he nocount of Angeline McBride jexecuior ol &e, ul Carvitie LU Dutuiuy., {inte of Benper towoship, deConsed., 6 ue secotitit of Jamies Usid well, ad: aniuistraier of &¢., 01 Uaberine Fuzpat rick, Inte of Milesburg boreugn, decossed, 7. Toe nocvunt ot Debiel Dmith, se Loot ue nll tokio a Kk wi Lian | minististor of &t., of Usivin i Wise, nts The mun ts at tbe Desk. He is an Edis of Hatuee Wa nsnip, deceased. of, Waustis is tbat tu bis basa? lial 8&8 Tue socouns of Juba U Stover, guar W Gal dues Wie Bditor wan dwn of Usibarine Bown (sow Leatiman) He ls l0oriug Tor bie [a minor cold uf damiuel Drown, ise i Haine: towusliip, devessed T Y Lad hd abead i Ibe wovuunt of William H Liles lan Toung ¥. Dhe ls silting Bo intralur vi &o., i Danie i nie wl A Guieke luwuesltp, deceased. rivu. He Here is Miss Lucy, How proud and | Lavy's Itisa Youox| | Woat have we here? Hg li colar, Duos bie stuvke cigarettes ? Mookie, Moki From Market Street to | AN ENTIRE BLOCK Is Filled with Dry Goods, Selected Carefully bv Experts in the Best Markets of the world. This Huge array of Stuffs Aggregates in value considerably more than A MILLION OF DOLLARS. AND [8 DIVIDED AMONG THIRTY-TWO DEPARTMENTS In whieh are coutaloed everythivg Needed in ww wit who use Top Venicles, cut ilimsirsting our Patest Top {1 will be noticed that this nin bows vonnecting wit th Puli Lhinl 18 Aecwssnry Lo Mis andl Beat 1h npprat Rees, Walle per pari of Lhe top there are Fi two of Which ure short ted iow Lhe trising, aud ther-fore hoa Busi fang, ra WEARING APPAREL LADIES AND CHILDREN, iF hg uader the bead of Housefurnishing Dry Goods, it | i Few such exhibits as this are made in the couniry None ean surpass il mn attractiveness, variely and interest. The almost per- fect yale in lo which this busi ERs ia 5 lu H { {8Ures {he moat prompt, careful and economical service of all patrons. The prices are beyond controversy as low as the goods can be con- veyed from producer to consumer, as all melhoas of cheapning prices are in vogue known fo the most azacl business science. On moder. ation of prices, primardy has the success of the house been based, and Success has Jurnished faoililies Jor sill Jurther low wing of pricss, while giving the additional advantages of convenience, comfort and despatch in all transactuma, There ie no reason why all who desire should not share in the advantages which are offered ly this great mart of fashion and use. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER. PHILADELPHIA. — wo —— sa —— ia: C—O TR A AT ENA ng: Out!! SELLING OUT! ——tf f= Don’t spend ONE DOLLAR complete work in itself, ard would make Tsilow . 5G. Lard, 10 fyou Wal wise suisse oI al, § Wo slug Wy Is WU on : ay! fo 4 Bupay Is tue Uradie, Bay's Uune | 10 Toe Brot sua Bani socvuni of D 2 | Kline, Lrusioe WU eis Tes! sede ul Mar HUD mwa) Quitaly, chide, abd perunpe | {garet Kuoii, tate of Howard burvugo, de majority of same 1800 of his fellaw citi zens as high Sheriff. The Sheriff isnow oitling ont for Centre Hall, welcomed back by his old neighbors and friends. —Yon certainly do not want to bny anything poor and worthless when for | the same money von can get the host, | and vou will iad that Doll & Mingle, ! Bellefinte, is the place for the hes: boots snd shoes, at tne lowest prices —M.T Anhz writes from Elwood, i: We have had goita a wet full, snd very little snow, so fur. Corn crop was small, Tuking a view of friend Leagle’s caorneribh, I find he has 2400 bnshels shelled corn this vear, Ods was partly oh Nu o i Louse and lot to A Walters, 40 Hu, lide Stodlders 90 Bacon ur side, Qe Exxs per doz, Me hee f wook v Ae ¥ TT lrennhia a, . . Another valuable festure is a History of f the Weoreid, nod the varius sects, bot ancient and modern. Toes sccounts ur jen, CulChe nid Comprehensive The saditionat ma 4 r which secompan i i § a a . —— MINMIDIRAIUR DS DALE The sutiseriber. ad vo epinte of Daniel To On, wie of Mittheim, will offer at} sui ut Miulnoun, on Ssturday Jan | B I882 wu Bouse and lot on Noth 8 pee widtded On the north by lod of Lamey! wd K SH « sal DY Wurapike, sol hd wes hy an wiley Di=ining wie fourth of anh more Peis, =Une~linit aim, wid the Dalative in one Year, 10 hel AD : LA fen tibeil A inrye seciivn ix devoted § iirstor of th Hhidstrations we wal i ohispiiun of the Meriplure iw ahd siusto sting the Manner sud Cus om of the periad, Bibiesl Ani que | nd Doeliel y Tue A of (Be Bibi} re enreidiiy described, revs, pintis and fl wars, ole, referred 0 the Derspture-, each being the su fapiriied mind lile-like eOZraviuus, iis o arr, in Ks AfW Riso Lhe the same © “t on confirmation of fie i 1 { i } | { i i Wanderings in the Wilderness, tha Tate] scared hy bond snd morgsge on Lhe ’ Cau i Vitugy Pp lh oF Le Ug mud va Wivug, Usvauese Jol Kis WOW MOY ME Pik wi Wohin oh in om kh Lea, LET Hisiw shin UJ ab in Lue 4 rudd ie ay . Wa Miey al In be Bai ded .« Wia Wi bg bi © » li. [benccount of William H Nees { [venscd, $ Mi imei Hose, ¥. Musi uni of Pte fired ace us B.. MM THA a hb @ lies Bp lua livin, dover » lgunidinu vi vind i al fv cara Baarr, a 5 i i aie of fini Aue Wr pal id shots au rua : IMR Ami} Bie J sin u“ eal Bras wn Mavi ime ol GErgll Wem iil i 3 As “8 Doan hina i - wo liek an wh avs & Bias isan FoRsdimo MAN Maram {evi duced He i Pas Wi Ls aed ai is " Mi ‘w 4 eee FO R me CLOTHING Until you have visited our Store. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF FINE The wava tage in these ive Ju wr part ol the Lip are ei olinetunily prevent Loe top loom sh ‘heiwesn the main bows, whieh is [ont on Jovitoimmntid 40 fo Ging Loe Lash hows bY all Ingeure 8 SLOW Lar top be doll tasty | atti wih Lhe sine nee ms thou Wore Da sir bows, so thet Lids op wily uw 40rce bow op Worn folded; 8 ve bow top ween sxishosd, Wa Lovouraged by null rous fing recoinmenaniions and vider ‘rom whl Bnies of the Duion, we are wih om fui stork of different sizes 0 “wl FeRay Lo Lriin, Lo whieh we pa Fond ibe suention of manufeciarers And bo persons who decires WE would sey thal we manGlagiole “01 grads that vary in prices, from what We Calin Crap top {unimed) io tue highs 4 # priced Lops Bow Sockels, or sil wood Bows us desired, =a bend for vireuinr and price Tist to = Lenrex Have Broa Tor Co. And manufacturers of Buggies, Wagons, Singhs ge Hall, Centro Co, Pa. ivsevid, a vi | I ITAA, tiold Medal saleratus. Gold Medal Sods, articles strictly pure and superior to rr. Ask your os a it be with an - PA them ppd d oF in the | ig) breasts fie oF houicee 1 | ES oo pe = y “sr1000 will be paid for the ma 78 mineral taal sony bofousd 1a ERUNA. 4 everywhere, vy TR a - i" piek, , OF : : we FT rows «8 > 28 IMPOR Cor sumptives To of 45 198 vivns ap = die hy tue most cogires 10 make knuWe the Beene tis Coughs Jolds. Coseumpt to Ti vos of 420 Tarost ant Leak. and will ‘=e READY MADE CLOTHING, Re ips free of «1.08990 al Spaetd oe. {will forward the © | A DMINISTRATORS NOTICE —Lets | | sberiy Bi. New York, id ern ol mide olenidon upon the ts § cnduie of Daniel d Rer-ieiier, late of Penn ownship, decesel, havieg been duly granisd the undess ghed by the Bogiser : —Mi'es township has lost two of its | which were numerons in places, Figen 14 citizens by death, Mr. Henry Moyer, | —eora, 80 + ts ; oats, 40+; pork, live, 5§ to sari ernucia wud lemp vo wre derCiibud w Lrent Mminuiehoss uo deni LTaese expin nations sid Lhe mnps wi d plains wniel Covipany hem aie of grea. value ISRAEL CONFRR, Adw'r. iuiiings DMINISTRATORS NOTICE } A Letters of adminis ration | nthe estate of andrew Aelier Inte j hws ReY¥e Lue dviwwmiig Rp iabimbon & ido {Md vas chime Llias va i. iis Ue i ue i, Oo uv Cov age! near 87 and Mr. Fulmer, aged |6ec; butter, 27; lard, 12+; evervihing is about 73. I nigh : work is plenty for all kinds of la- The Be waivreied Uy Agee i vail LLL TEL AS AE BE Biweaws : impiiiy i miarii, Ames od Degg PodovEmaral y ide - i Pavel, uvveer igi smd Le oi # i od of 8 ad sheds whan —The esunty commissioners have | elected John Wolf as President of the | b wird, Mites Walker, of Ferguson, wae, on Mindsy evening, elected Commission ers’ clerk, D. F. Fortney, esq, was elected com- missi ‘ver's attorney. — A meetirg of the Bechtel heirs, who are ssid to have $30,000,000 awsiting them in Germany, was beld in Redding a few nights since. When subscriptions of $5 from each person present was ask- ed the meeting broke up in a harry, —We clip the fullowing from the Lock Haven Republicon: *Bluuchard & Nut- ter, of this enty, have purchased sixteen bundred acres of white pine timber land on Ruitlesneke Bon, Clinton county, containing about 8.000.000 feet, for $25,- 000. This large sale was made by Mr. Samuoel Marsh, for Isaac Shaffer & Sons, and sone of tie largest ever made in this section. Mr, Marsh has several smuller pieces of white pine timber land, avgregating 15,000,000 fee, for sal, and ux white pine 18 becoming & scarce article he will bave no trouble in dispos- ing of it —At Montardon, on Friday alterncor, {hie boiler of the steam threshing ma. chine, at work in the barn of Mr Wal tere, on hig farm. a short distance below that place, exploded, instantly kilhng a man hy the neme of Keifer, besides set- ting fire to the barn and completely de stroved it aad contents. —Depnty Sheriff Renben Spangler gnd Mr. Proudfoot have opened a large new farniture estabiishment opposite the Bosh house. They invite the citi zens of Penns valley and other parts, to eall and examine their stock, as they can not be excelled in first cluss fornitare, or low prices, Remember Spangler & Proudfoot opposite the Bush house, —Qur voung friend, George Bible, elo- entio: ist, did some of hig readings before the Snyder county teachers’ institute laet week, and left a favorable impres- gion. —The new Lutheran church at Mill heim is receiving a slate roof, Mr. Snonk’s new residence in same town al go has a slate roof. The difference be- tween the cost of slate and shingles for roofing is not verv great, w: ile the do rabihty is all in favor of the former. —Last week two million feet of logs escaped from Young Woman's creek, but were caught at Lock Haven. — One of the handsomest fornitore wagons, in this county, is Camp's, and !the furnitore he hauls on it is ditto Camp delivers all foruiture now (o cas! Juyers, ~ ~The large demand made upon Ding es for holiday goods was successfully met, and everybody says that they did beiter buying goods of bim than of any-+ oue else, --QOur yonng fiends, Rev. Frank Fiact er and Rev. Win, Foster filled tw. of our pulpits lagt Sabbath. The [urme: that of his brother in the Lntheran church in the afternoon, and the latte: for the Preshyterians in the Ev chorch Their sermons were indicative of a prom ising future as ministers cf the Guspel, —1f rou want to begin 1882 right how is it possible to do so unless you have the right kind of boots and shoes—gonod staff, uo paper filling, just sach boots a: Powers & Son keep? They have th rea! lumberman’s hoot; a gennine wa Yer proof booty and deal honestly with all enstomers—mauke good all they guar antee in boots and shoes, onic has eur: d . Ion or family of ten I arn Parker's Ginger adachey malaria, and in fact all other ©0 1 plainis so satisfactorily that we ire in ox ellent | - for over two Hoy tas gone goose hunting —*Won't allow anvhady to nnderse’l 18,” that is the motto of Camp & Co. mr furniture men, They most mean —Mr. Edward Mersinger, of Joliet, Ili, is back to Potter twp., his native plaice, on a visit, He lofi here soma 14 years tie is jolly, plomp and fat, which indicates that Iilinois agrees with him. —After a wedding party had assem hied in a charch at Bloomington, 111 the father of the girl offered her $500 if she wonld back ont. She took the money, remained at home, and gent word to the minister to dismiss the assembly. — Nowadays evervhody wants the bea and only such dealers a8 keep the bes and cheapest goods arelpatronized ; that explains the reason Doll & Mingle, the leading boot and shoe men of this coon. ty, bave such a large lot of customers. ~The failure of Anstin Curtin & Co, of Mili Hall, with liabilities of abow $25,000 created considerable excitement iu Centre county. ~—1f yon want & good boot or shoe rheap, call on Doll & Mingle, Bellefonte, — Hon, James Chatham, of Lock Hav- en, died at his residence in that pince from the effects of paralysis. His sage was 67 years and 8 months. In 18681 Mr Chatham was elected a member of the Assembly, ~The most popular place in the conn ty for boots and shoes is at Doll & Mis- gle's, Bellefo te, becanse they have one of the largest stocks in the central pan of the state, and handle only the bes goods at the lowest prices. ~18R2 starts in cold and blustery. 1881 went out goite wet and mld. --We have our tenth regalar supple ment this week to keep advertisements froMegrowding out reading matter and start an 1882 with a number of new sub scribers. Happy New Year to all, — There is still a large assortment of goods at Dioges’, notwithstanding the «reat rush during the holidays. Every thing is just as cheap as before, ~— Within a brief space of time a fami- y named Boyle, residing near Cresson, a., have lost eight children by diphthe- ria, The neighbors started a subscrip- tion paper and soon raised $800 to be presented to the afflicted parents, —Miss Katie Curtin, & daughter of ex- Governor Curtin, was present at the wedding of a dunghrer of Willibim H Vanderbilt, in New York City, on Tues- day, 27 ult. —The last Arctic steamer, the Jean- nette, which left San Francisco ahon two years ago, has been found crushed in the ice, 1'wo, of the three bos t- loads of the crew, are sate, bat in distress [nis is cheering news. Further good news is that the prices of reaoy-mads clothing have again been marked dows hy Lewins, of the Philad. Branen, This is the way they start in with 1832 at the iamoos Philud, Brauch, No other store san keep up for low prices in clothing, We call the attention of our readers t ‘he advertisement of J. Mourove Taylor fhis house has been established peariy 40 years, and their goods are celebrate or purity and strength. We wonld re mmead a trial of their Gould Meda hrauds to all who desire superior cok ery. 4m, LD HORRER WANTED, ~The u dere signed intendit g 10 start up the old Glue A Wpograpl cal sketeh of Jerusslew Is given sod ih des nd towns meastoned ia the Binh Is Luipaossibie es. ures Cotisllidie 8 Geil Potter township, dec'd, having been) granted by the Hegister of Centre County o Lhe undersigned, be requests ail persops SNowWing howsaives Ww be Indenied Ko fe ensnd to come forward snd make ime nediale payment, and those having claims sgnilist the same to present them daly autbentiosied lor sellisment JAMES A KELLER, Adm'r. bj ands Ceuire Hal Pa TAVERN LICENCES TOTICE is haraby given that tha fol. i lowing named persons have § od netr petitions for licens= in tha office of ie Clerk of the Court of Genera! Quarter e-8ns of the Pescsin and fur Centre sounty, and that application will be made it the next Sessions of said Court to grant fie Ssme: Fhomns Pearson, 'strick MceCgnn, Kobert Taylor, U'd Myars, bames 1 Delong, i H Kunes, A E Grabum, & i if = wotice hike this Thy ot and explanations be Cau desire, Tue and 1 lv is mugnifcently dusteated, Toe arger plates Consist ol exquisite steel en and & number ol superb der ave Dore. he additional walter con jons and mans Newrly every pincw gn ‘bjact of intrest metlivoed 1a the Ser The Family Becord is beautifully iigho- Tavern, do do, Saloon. Tavern, 0, do do Saloun, J.C Hanrer, Proth'y, JSTRAY — Cama tothe premises of the 4 undersigned, about June last, » vd heifer. about two years old The| Philipsburg IMATTIARS certificate, 8 featue wnpiet do. makes this Bible n Very appropriate ani dAegirnble we lig Present. AL the clos of the volume 1s 8 nndsome photog. ap! «hum, with sDaCH LIT BiXiwen portraits, » nove! and spprop’inte addition 10 a Fans ily Bible. The price is sstonishingly low, an within the means of every tmmils, W sdvign our readers to examine nis gres Bible. Itis soid by su scription only snd Mr. M Shires, who is the suthorizec agent for this section ia now canvassiug for it. pms miso si MG SI, RBH A Messrs, Thaver, Merriam & Co, 781 Arch street, have just published * Whe«! ar's Analysis of the Hibla—~being » sum mary of Old and New i estar ont history,” The hook is octave, printed in clear type on white water-mnarked paper, with wid margins for arnotations and is bound in «od style with ornsmented cover Tue contents of the honk renes from chron logical to exegetical, In corcise wordin, it first tells tha boundaries, tho progres the polities of the Jewish nation and n neighbors; then taking up the Bible book in their Bible order, the laws, the cus tome, the governments of the chosen peo vile are epitomized in short paragraphs wvents are ralnted side by side with con tem poraneous events—gynchronous—s that there is a constant temptstion in th new light of contemporary nistory to reas afresh the exnct Bible text of what occur red ; and save the episode of Ruth, we tha glossary of the poetical books of th 01d Testament, this continuous narrative is maintained throughout the volume Where the Inst prophecy ends, the histori cal account still goes wlong ax told by Jo wphus and others until the New Testa ment times come, In tha New Testamen inulysie this harmony of arrangement very strongly presented From the birv Sf our Lord throughout His life us Ha goes from place to place the analysis follow Him - Treated in this way the sermon ind fournesings of the Saviour acquire » peculine interest, Resread in this tied the Berman on the Mount becomes clean «8 the perfect Inw of spiritual living ; table talk on the night of betrays! sn en sompassing assurance of security. As Hy passes from ehiy to city we cateh glimpse of His unresting zeul ; always going, going ~tosching and heabing The Aposolie toings and epistles are in lika manaer in vested with frosh beauty, Yet tha ans connects d statement i« but one of to hok’s charms The £0t notes on eul ject of intoeest ure abundant, and present on utest regmurchas und di-coverics in Bhi ‘andy: manifold dius rations lumina. the text, often imes vividiy | sxaminutio questions which thoroughly m gered wonid thoroughly ground s student in uw antiarg of Od Testument lore; th es o shronology 3 and, Instly wn appendix o hich avery page is a surorisiog mine knowledge, The book is one of valuet wery Bible student; has this excacdin, worth—that by sreanging eon inuous she facts of the Bini, the thresd of stor which began nt Eden and ended with th van of Patmos Isle, 18 unbroken in 1 5 won is called to the advertisement sn her eolumn, and wou'd sav the do. do, Liberty wosts und remove the same EMANUELSMITH, 22d ect. Gregg \vwp, F \RMER'S MUTUAL FIRE IN. SURANUE COMPANY, i Centre county, Pa.~Centre Hall, Dec 21, 1881. The Annual meeting of the Members and election of 12 Directors to manuge the sffsirs of the Company tor the sneuing year, will be held st the houess of D Moyer, st Centre Hall, on Monday Iununry 9, 1882, between the hoursof 1U +. wm. und 8 p.m, of said day. Members jenerally sre requested Lo sitend, U Luse, Hexry Keron, den'y, Pres't, ULITUR'S NOLICE.~In the Or phan's Court of Centre county : Lu the matter of the estate of Jacob From, iwwceased, The undersigned, sn auditor, ropointed by the Court to make distribu wn of the balance in the hands of Jobn shannon, Adm'r, to and among those le ully entitled to the same, will meet the purties interested, for the purpose of his tppointment, on Saturday, the 14th of January, A. D. 1882 ut tha efficeof D, 8 Aeller, Erq., in Bellefonte, when and vhere they may attend if thay see proper, deci C.E SCHRAEDER. + I well known property late of Geo W ‘oust, ontop of the 7 Mis, is offered wm srivate snle. It containe 188 Acres, about +l neres are clear and in a good state of witivation, on 1t is a args dwelling rouse, barn and other outbuildings, two roud orchards, and & well of never failing suter ut the houses, The balance is ver, ood timber For further information vply on the premises to Oded. JAMES A. DECKER. i SPATE H “HOP BITTERS. s (A Medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAINS IICPS, BUCIHIU, MANDRAILD, DANDELION, : Axp Tar PoREsT AND Dest *entoal Qualls TLE OF ALL OTHER BITIERS. THEY CURIE All Diseases of the Btomach, Rowels, ro Liver, Kidneys, and Uripsry Organs, y ceplessncrsand es emale Complalow. $1000 IN COLD. NTN he paid for & ease they will pot ers of 8 bel, ot for on ything pure UF MUGS found in thos Ask your druggist for Hop BPitersand ty Luis etore you sleep. Hate uo wilier. ood, we o buy o'd fat und crippled hore: and aber stock, for killing : nlso boeuf logs, an lm Gro M Reesxg Milw-burg, " No remedy ex yp > ealth und to t P does alwa ce wT 1s 17 mM 0. $5 an Ahsolute and treestatfhle cure £ Bak oun bo put Jn the. hands | § © JC um rc ic Szxn ror Cincvia 1A NN drat ine der J pb fz. Cn, Boe wd Vilroy bli Hop Mittens J 7 AUG wid devi y Was (Lab i oi A LE he » ile Gus ny slid wi i we ive is > I wi set Lr oes ug Views fue . ou Abani fue Ea te Boninslalb was Un ilipeive WwW LVM Podied G0 Ro sivping Chabuw | chi YRuvLue sugges » will Fei du low, Farad ol diaw shel Unie 0) Yolivw shay Gi a a | § laiving vii, ave ny be wo vase 8 dish slat Cu wid iv Uaiwaie Jauvu® Bupind, is a i eB) = WUUeng Tey al A Ge acl ani oo IL & aa ted ef, Rusf oh Wa * nomi 3 vi » ET Tae account of Juuatuan Musser, | oe. WE Boepiar, ined hind vil Wpfemed 1 = Meuiv i Fei gusid WWusaip | eau BUY Geeiled A sdiB0L prisis vi ue, Lol waa wv iSCvare 4. a. Lae seenint 0 Army, vAovuiars » xo eis, ia of Pasiou ViWNlial ap #1 Lue wucvuiiv vl A | dwailiels, wi Wwikelraur d 0 6 vi Se, Ul Julia Dleire nie ul Uauwa baw Ls Lp. Gelsased W. A BURCHPLIBLD, hegisiel, QURI PROCLAMATION, 3 TGragaud 3 ii * : i s WV Jags Llane MINIS ples uly, Wes Dell 10 8 Talis PAiviE sulivHCIY, Alesse wi pulimelio 8 KE avinl Yaiiey na Wid WBTVLEL wll We Qe le durend, Hawil Ae Yolued sbiUosure vl ge, ' ss puinied wih Dy Ayuusil std JUuxiey, BB produced Wo pivesuie, lu LUG sev Duster Be Lue deveasvy a waress, the Hon, Charis A. M.yer, President oi — nf —————— fn 1 ble vais Hb wou Cavan O00 We Sew JadiG int wis 3 Sy ' Pu AT LOS, GUAR wi We Gvalliee 0 Less, Slietes A SM ALLE 0X CORI SE AN ENGED, | ad dearfieid, sod oe He ov . KR Keusie and toe Hom. J, vo maitedst, A sad. Jags ba Ve He Sule Keokuk, [a Dec 20 About forky stu |p havieg wei toes Dooveps Dear ua dete bel any . dical ous) i Nay, wool, bw aie deviled, (00 Building & Vout denis of the wedicnl college hers are Hos un ee hiuar aud weudia veil UelivBEY add witn at eruptive disease wnich Dr. Hil | Quarto: Sonsisas vo bis Pouce 18 DELOLORLY, HOF bis President uf tne State Board of Hexlth looaat. of westin, aid tv susasive va te Foa w d i 3 . wen fl | Mouday of MOY. Sekt, vig ow 3500 Gay wi Aur. and other physicians, proncudce coniia 188l, aud 0 welittiue IW. woske Autive is beceuy ani swaail-pux, fow weeks ngo a sub { given W L008 Uaiuier, -Ustioes ui Lie esos, Alderden -l Lsonsbelien vi sald ouauiy of vealboe, Lal Lie be | . r [aaa aad LGere « LOOM DIUpee Persens, ob 19 9 slook rel, and while being dissected the clas: CLs jomova ui ssid day, wil (Beir recurds, layds - & i ehaiilantlions, aod LO OF rellBIIUTALOuS. disco rered that in Wis a smal pox corpse juataus, vio tangs wilon Ww Lusic olice spowi laine iy Kv-ry man engaged in the dissecting that | 98 (70d ame win are buuad iu recognisauces to body 1 down with thet digesse, und those seep ule REALAGE LW PESO wie Saat are wi suali be in > a i wl Lente gudaly, be Len abd tere WW prose’ residing in the fame house with them Amn Se thou o% sanll be Just, » being attacked daily. Thets 18 a gral; jivenuadur ins Rand, sl Beiieionia, the 10h dag . i : ¢ Lin y + A - * ransternation mn the town and the colieg ® auuipd and B1th year wf the inde endunce of Loe is virtually quarantined. {Toited States T.J. LUSKLE Sheriff, > es ' ~ > A YEAR'S READING For $1. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY WORLD, New Presses, New Type Throughout, New Buiiding, New App iauces of Every Kind, and New Life in Every De- partment, IO ANY ADDRESS, POSTAGE PAID, $1.00 A YEAR; 50 CTS. FOR SIX MONTHS, A COMPLETE FAMILY PAPER. Special Departments for Every Member of the Househuld, Constantia, N. Y., Dec. 20.—Granger Fuller, weight 260, teaches the school in the Dutcher District this winter. He ats tempted to punish Nellie Cook for trans gression of the rules, but she gave the teacher battle, and her cousin Lizsie joined ber They bit his fingers, blacked his eyes, tore his cost off, smashed his watch, and came out victarious, Nellie is 12 and her cousin 14 yenrs old. rm ——— A ————— —The general verdict is that Dinges has the best store in Pennsvalley, buth in respect to the quality and price of goods, No risk, $6 quired, We will t Man: are naking forlaass as men, and boys and g ris make ge if yuu want 8 busisess ad whieh yo r own tonn. 86 ontfit free. vocything new Uapital not res wraish you srergtdin Liles ke an muc anal Day -r a ean make great particulars to tl Mise y a weok in JHRDYALL, Jas. Harris & Co ARE SELLING VERY Low REAPER SECTIONS and REAPERS And all kinds «1 Farming Tools, RAKES, FORKS, ECYTHE* BPROUTS HAY FORKS, ROPE BLOCKS, KETC, Ae well as all kinds of HARD WARE, to meet all demunds i this line, 1 All tha News, fui y and succinctly. 2. The Farmer's World A tull page of Agricultural and Farm News 3. The Literary Waorld— A full page of Long Stories and Short Stories, Com fe Bullnds and Serious Poems, Fairy ales und Sailors’ Yarns The Housekvepst's Columns— Whoa Every Woman Wants to Know The Veterinary Departments Wil prescriptions fren for ail Subseribors wnd full instructions for the trestinen of live stock 4. The hast Che s Column in the work for smsteur players 1 The hest Checker Dopariment in the world for botn amateur und profes pans players i A Corner tor the Young Flkee=Rid Ales, Charades, Puggies, Enigmas Ac onies, &e 0 Complete Murket Roporte=Unrivaile in detnils nnd wevuaoney 10 Answers to 1s Gralries Kaeh dopuriment is perf et of Hs kind and ail combined make tha best Weekly Nowspnoar ever pubiished. " a JAS. HARRIS & CO, Bellefonte, HENRY BOOZER CENTRE H All. al » ‘addles, Harness Bridies. Goilars, Whip, fiypets, and alse keeps on hand Uuotto, Nets, otc. Prices low as any where eles All kinds of repsiring dome. The bew tock always kepton hand AT work war he New York World has no superio on either side of the Water us a Live, Brilliant, Perfectly Appointed, Progressive Newspaper, SPECIMEN COPIE~ SENT FREE YORY WoaLn, furnishing Goods, &e., Must be sold regardless of cost as we intend closing out our busi- ness. We will continue to sel from day to day until t he entire stock is disposed of. This is no humbng, but a purely legitimate sale and people Wil do well to avail themselves of this chance as you (never will be able to buy at sueh low prices agai. (s We cannot quote prices in this ad- vertisement as spaee will not per- mit, but all we can say is if you wish to save Fifty er ceat on your purchases, you ‘| do well to give us a eall, and ou can- not save money we do * ask of you to buy. DO NOT FORGET THE NAME AND PLACE. “ New York Clothing Hous Op. Brockerhofi’ House. M. ASH, Prop. Bellefonte { Centrs county, he requests ail korwitg - ae mmanives to be indebied to the & ] » make immedinie payment, and those aaving claims sgainsl the same 10 present them duly suthentioxted for selliemant, BENJAMIN KERSTEITER, 8 lec Bi, acm'r, Coburn, Pa. — L&T. RAILROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. Lewisburg... oon wifinbarg.... en peas rede pRER gE 3 oe AAR snaw 1 ii Bae GPE BR ¥ A and New York Es Not 3 and § connect with Pasific Express one : rnd Numgars Fxpress wos preg rnd Pe 7 and § conust with ¢eat Live west for wil faroaport yen No 8 aise aud Look te : “ Sot ERETSE ALERT PENNSVALLEY BANKING CO. CENTRE HALL, PA : RECEIVE DEPOSITS and est; Discount Notes Sell Government Wa Worr i» Gold snd Coupons. Wu BN il. Kk. HICK Has the largest Slock o PAINTS, ( | & . 3 LARS ~~ - TL O13, Y i AGRICULTURA LE Coach and Saddlery [Hardware { that is kept by anv one dea’ er in Centre Co, sud wold at the mist REA. SONABLE | RICES. Ceebiate! South Bend Chil'ad Plow. that is guaranteed to give satisfaction aver 200 NOW IN USE IN CEN - REY \ at R 3 it 3 He is solo agentfor the ented. A share of the public ong: vv. - 6 ak. Vig gg, Now York. a yous ae - ; TRE COUNTY, iu loss thaw twe years introductions — apa - -