a Aa SAYINGS BY GARFIELD. Snails, she Dend President, battle of history Yor the noblest man {hat lives there ull remains a confliot. I would rather be baaten in right than suecead in wrong. Present evils mlways sccm greater than thos that nbver come, Growth i= betfer than pernis Beige, and permanent growth is betler than all. It is one of the precious mysteries of ish thonght, Statesmanchip moving the causes evading Tesults, Ideas wre the | warriors of world, and sowar that bas wo ideas ba hind it is simply brutality, Eternity alone will reveal to the hn man race its debt: of gratitude to th peerless and ‘Bamortal nam [ Wash mgton, I doubt if aur man equal Adams in formulating l ut flores, clear and inexorable logie of the Revolution, Thronghou! the whele web of na. tional existence we trace the golden thread of human progress toward tho higher and better estat Qceasion may be SUmMmons sn army blast of a bagle oan OF Win victories, It is as much the duty to protect and defond the rej utation of worthy public servants astoe detect p lie rascals, An aot © { bad faitd 1 Oh State or muoicipal poison ourse to rising gens A Bad faith on the partof an individual, a oily, or even a State, is a small ey in comparison with the calamities which follow bad faith ereign government If there be one thing that mankind love and than another, it is a brave man; man who dares to look the devil lu the face and tell i hima he 1s a Qutil We should with the spirit tutions, We shot ni 1d dc venga, but ar rthity 8 nothing { i present a un ar 09 past, eyerviiing sanlant wall |RIE0T Wil af ob onal 10 myanunge ne he Gani O IRVeRULg 2 ) ‘ Stay not anti you are told tunities to Jo good—ingui Acti oii may not always : re is no happiness w sometimes made § ecoxcomb is always of own ma : To | have saems to feeling ca=idn. wir iltnne 3 SERA us, here is a great dl nen) cn . d nationalit ty an A0¢ R41) miracle of political independence. Roce is the principle of ph Vl analogy is We princely 1] gi AN/IOZYN. Weall b ave the tide. a but the ww tho & IS fi s, so sh 3 I know not what ¢ of my labors, but that I have been the seashore, nos rather more shell more another, wi truth ex'en me, Sir La a eanto and strains ave i the ce been m ed the 4 cannon and dying men, 3 tian philosopher and humble listener there - as divine melody runn hon which speaks of nope an to come. James A. Gar Trichine in Man, For some thirty years subsequent to the first description of the capsule by Hilton; aad some twenty-five vearsafter the identification of the parasite itself in man, the same were looked upon as mere harmless euanosities, and that, although Ieidy diseove red the parasite in the flesh of swine in 1847, still it was not until 1860 that the connection was established between them, appearing, as they bad, in two totally different spe- ¢ies (me and swine.) The honor of this important discovery belongs to Dr, Zenker, of Dre 8 den, German y. The ant girl, admitted i hospital her flesh was found to » b infested with trichinm. Let other exporime 18 shiow! that a temp: rature of 140 de; grees Fahrenlicit is necessary to securely render trichiow ipert. Direct heat sy plied to the slides holding specir 1: trichinons pork, by means of the Sel heating table, Las demonstrated the micro. cope that a temperature a fifty degrees centigrade (122 degrees Fahrenlbei } is necessary to the cer'ai death of the trichine Leéiseri parime nta with trichinons pe made up into sansage meatand cooked twenty minntes, gave positive results when fed to one rabbit and negative by another, Ha sins up his experiment as follows: * 1. Trichwse are killed by ling con- tinned sidiinz of infected meat, and alss by sabjecting the same for twenty- four hours to the action of smoke in a heated chamber. Thev are not killed by means of cold smoking for a period of three days, and it als) appears that twenty minutes cooking fresaly prepared sansage meat is safficient to kil them in all cases. The varions kinds of cooking, how- ever, are quite different in their effects on trichinons pork. Frying and broil- ing are most efficient, roasting coming next. Boiling coagulates the albumen on the oater surface, and allows the heat to penetrate less readily; it should memi oa collet i white soails fifteen years i upon hisson but the poss! proved in omnolenca in ptian desert { approach weal was buried the tree 1s n Lewis measures fi is hollow, re 18 cli window the nn out throm 1gh trees science has them to be i, Ui) years stand over the faller older orth covered ov and large growing trees the peculis { de Cay. A Remarkable Marui, About five miles sonthe ing, Ind., lives one of matrkable hermits known, posed to be an Englishman, although on this point he is not communieative. He is generally known by and suswers to the name of “Old Batch,” but his name is Samuel Paten. He is three years of age, very white and patriarchal in appearance, Lob been shaved Lor had trimmed in twelve years, nd him are gathered some of the a of f cat ttle and horses ever geen in any conntry. Fat, sleek fillies and i “a 1 porkers and #Ns of SCIENTIFIC NOTES, potatoes there are seventy-five dred pounds, human roamains i . 1 wl [NY wera discovers at Nice, That fish sleep has been by observation vpan. n 1878 Ja ) pounds of tobaceo. for Earopean consumption L000 worth of cigars, and ex t rmany tobacco 0, where i 18 She Aint fo di by 1t pe, bu t and South- root large i ited for oreign consumption, Ti vam, or ianteda, » portion of the ‘ ) worth pound. dollars a week , fuel, food, wine, car tickets and the theater, 1 1d This is lux. Some dinners are bought at the hop around the corner— cold meats Any rte, vegetables, and many lads, cooked turkey, chicken, beef, veal and pork. Fif- and fi cents will put i id relishes on my ¢ a bottle of wine, The he house allows me to ak Celestine line th Tie annual report of the sup rintondent free delivery division ariyent ww the vear andad wool and woolen » Ronith bv oreditable wood was UNITED STATES SENATE, Extra Messlon, When the time on for 0 s opening of the fit Bialea Hopale, 08 0 A speeln segnl LH the gal wane In Befalon liers I should savy three tim an I knew the ho was ident and Mr. came ym and walk there were qui n in the ro ' \ around, and the Pres passing from the ladic travoe throu gh the door, chind him, WHY, W alkit B volver tl Ww hie “ at sic nN 4 wp: I thereupx “head, scomed to d we where the first shot hit: I aimed ¢ allow of his back; I did not ab 3 Recipe for Making a Live Town, { vou can afford to do so, donate a building lot for some large business value of town property. 4 Induce business men to locate in your own town, " 4 Patronize the business men of your own town, "Bb Alw AYs SUM Up your expense when you visit places outside of your own town to buy goods, 6. Bpeak well of worthy public enter pn 0$n 7. It anvthine should be undertaken that may be ol benefit to he ys town, do not sp ak ill of it to othe happen to be preji Bpeak wall to strangers of your town and pede, 6, If vou have surplus m ney, do not invest it in far off speculations, but give yourself and your town the benefit of it by establishing some profitable factory. 10. Encourage your local newspaper by subseribing for, a ivertising in, snd paying for it # because you dice ds against it, A Card, [Glen Falls Grex Faas NX. Y ¥v. Mn Ii N. Br. ( Dear Bis Will ¥ what salisfaction von, which you got of ws and ol Hig é, {8 Very ofleg tive, L ——————— India’s Population, The recent fools up E 000 of 1 oF sO Lhat 1h it } : 11 proper is about 200,000, : The cen sue lLigures io this immense empire [Cleveland Leaaer Mr. Orlando Weatherbee, Fays an ex- change of ours, proprietor “ Tlie Bpeneer Pharmacy,” Bpenoer, Mass i ris AM Ye sLOmers Bp ak Vi rs gre it German remedy, t ving always gn gction, One Belcher, h as been gre its use in a case of 8 and ho refers to it in terms of highest praise Ww Hy 3 United States is that of Hev T. De Witt Talmage The memb re is pumberad at 2.500, of w i aived into tl thirteen months OW TO SECURE HEALTH e 2 w * Edey's Carbealic WARRANTED AN 28 Cents will Buy a Treatise upon red id Bis Disoas a 3 y NEW] Breet, dow} THE MARKELS. Soul Burying, Whenever an Abchasian is drowned his friends search carefully for the body; but if this is not found they proceed to | ure which then has become a matter of | importance. A gostskin bag issprinkled with water | and placed with its mouth, which is | ward the river, near the place where | the npot across the river as a bridge on | wd ich the soul ean come over, ¥ essels | ontaining food snd drink are set around th e skin, and the friends of the decense d | come and eat quietly, while a song is | sung with ipstrumental accompani- ments, The soul. it is believed, is attracted | by the ceremonies, comes over on the bridge t Sha is laid for it, and goes into thetrap. As soon as it has entered Ahat | tl 28 ope ning is juietly closed, and the & grave has already heen prepared. The bag is held with the opening to the bag is squeezed nto the grave, and the burial is after ward completed, I'his rite is considered of equivalent alue with the burial of the body, and grave is treated with the same honor if the body were really within it~ wlary NS Monthly, Ouly Half Alive, There a eh sis of men snd women whe, to half alive. That 1s 10 ever any appeud ite, are 3 { troubled by num small pains w hes, In the presence exuberant vitality they » : persons are usualy tiduseivos, EWR of Fi ai! th $0 thelr wat cheelts, ther Ban d grow fins and at grandest of all sources #h for the daily food, wers i refreshing slecp would wa the fas hy of the Lay, Pliny tells us that Deedalus invented | the ssw, The earliest saw-mill of which we Lave mention was built at Madeira in 1420, “ hen! Mig Rares} ge {ust may in I if you would see g men, women from beds ¢ by the id say, “Truth, in spother one of the latest cnriosities do along the Paris boule- , depression of their vanous wt fever and i fevers, the ¥ Cat Lassa Ban, ew best from fover 23 Cents Will Bay the H snd bis Diseases Ei every « Hed. Duce Ranchos, Yi . , cleared out "A STANDARD REMEDY. IN MANY HOMES. rg auehs Calds, Cronus, Bronchitis and all jan aud RA Nea, it 3 * Bon, i CONSTI? I 8 CASES wo “Nine by d white the direc | od Wit Bo cheralds farm the 3x or oid, AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IK ANY FORM! J. N. HARRIS & CO., Proprietors, CINCINNATI, O. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. NYDN Util Pac-Similes of 0. S. Treasury AND NATIONAL BANK BILLS, . ¢ exact imitations of { iS HAVIIEW 60 PERCE {HEAPESY TODD, Palthey ville, N. Y. uPKS IN THE Fe ]LU r.0 Box as ‘Asthma RAS A ABS A TOUGH | HORSE STORY. The Cinelnnati Enguiver lately published the following horse story, which we give just as it appeared : “ A curious instance of sagacity in the horse in thestables of Mr. A. Tough on North Elm street. Mel has time been in the habit of using BT. JACOBS (O11. the Great German Hemedy, in his ex- tensive stables. Among Mr. T's many horses is 4 great, powerful Canadian draught { horse. This animal in course of time so that that he koew the 81. Jacons OIL hottie very well ;so well, in fact, that oneday recently on Mr T.8 return from business, upon entering the giables he caught him ticking the sore shoulder of 8 beast which 4 3 v ¢ & wtonnl beside him: the anbmal, giving a wise £8 os { f , 4 gnrvey to his licking wo rk. sure d his wad with his teeth from the box si ] 3 a in the ¢ \ rying in one hand a . i dn ine have re. enty hopa of being elovated to tl ry b sod. but is niready knot ; y 8} # : 02. sailing house to it, but in this worse than doo. Ein ’ yipg in ; Lid w murder of James A, Garfield, President of | spect 800 an IE vo and thers are a realdency “by an aot of Go anil Aecks 10 os avait L American istics: Tot Jot Raa : and hot smoking which pork in its va- | | A tN at i fow sticks sharcoal and in the other . ’ A , ya ani thery area | 4 y “'byan ' . : : . - y 3 kennel “0id Bateh lives both winter | § . \ { 1 Mia by wou 1 him with a» 0260 Bmadier on ition hotel, with cape the wrath his worves by 5 been § custom to prescs na Jing and uncer rious forms receives in the United and summer le is ot rud 11 blew sgh migecaroni, out of which bullet 1 i tol n the Liat harl hh wins, Ig been erected just ontside the claiming hysterically: ** My motive was parely ain reamed a pl of what is want, effiea Se . * £ ney, 18 Dot Ae and tn . . LA \ bh i 2 Irom a pistol in the Hanae ol HATO } i Riis 2 AR Nah . k * * States must be, in the vast majority of Jett a of : ly ? Reed he he she develops her dinner. For her my . 5 11 LION t has the capacity of entertaining | political and patriotio, and 1 acted unde * | andeh INK, and donot « 4 . 5 81 " : : ; . J tenn, al inltimoroe and ‘olome { Fo “1 y a 4 —— 3 CY § : cases, sufficient to kill the trichinwe and | ee. yet . Wi real : a refine ir a ou table is winee feast, and how sho ' y in olomae . gople, and is fitted with gas, electric ivin asure. 1t was tho same kind of p o carry you safol) rough da: i ; >A man, y¥ hen 18 chooses to lav ofl . : ' Gf, on 0 Lot he Hd v of July § Ie io bells, ete, Just opposite thi . rat y ALY sacrifice yrevent infection of the person con- does relish her claret! We are com : > aly, 2.0, hate! an enter jis, x Ww Jo ipa his 1, at led Abraham to saci i . ¢ rh OTe Enterprising Nd rR 8 estab sumiog tha meat. Everything like 1 , The President's nomination was an act ' am . lished a pavilion hotel, composed of new and of God; his eleotd 8 an eot of God a A Sol lid Medicine- i t neat : cvurix owdads. was aa _ of God; his election was an eet of God; his 1 Snlendid Medicine---Heart and Kid- those reported in Germany are unknown | ing it. Who would nct rather do so | _ UAriay HowaaTe was again arrested at | wo pyryished i ’ here, and trichiniaeis in a fatal form is a about himself. tle has fram led exten- vas tents, where 1,500 fod.” T to t! oly . > ” . v CRIIVAR mite, were 1.500 peo 0 { o opt ¥ sively, is a fine linguist, and converrant | than endure the vai and punishments ple ean bo cared for. "There are several small moval is alt uct 9. 4 YE in ney Disease, Female Weakness® undonbtedly 8 rare dise RLS. in the vi- a to t1 B tix "6 f 1 promise d those who do not. It pays to arbs pear ti rotinda tis " punishment for murder, * To constiinte Guta m ty 95, 187. anki : ) i ne of the cle rirtna ia ' rs UH Ara large oting vroside A atin : 1 10 grounas, ; ha crit tar” ho says. ‘‘two ol mraasvrioLe, NL, July 2 cinicy of the great pork packing estab- Bp of the rebailion. gina. whi do good, Virtu is its own reward. Ata large meeting presided over by Justice Just about the main building is a field of two he erimo of murder, 10 y8, y. 4 TR. Sravissaloston=Diar Sit r was a oo ia y 16 re n, gi whic ) . . 3 . 2h : ROUX lice alice in law or malico i Weaknesses, and doctored wit , containing the intercostal muscles, are | when she wears her bonnet. This is a was decided to establish a Garfield memorial | are over a dozen varioties of cotton, some open, fa cond, Juan in aw is Hquidatod 4 1 this ¢ Fon re ceived n be net until T tried wiingui p ’ 1 r frit son i y f te vo v Ay y 8 8 3 : very largely bought and eaten by the | extinguish r of hex gO d looks. | hospital, me half grown and some quite young, Next | cir on | ality aking ANY Anh: bom: oumpletely ured. ‘at sal O sy Pre ant. : onn 16 amin 1 ith year. y haart TOC 1d 14 a8 | : ¥ ; peanuts, hemp, potatoes of many ol scion and 4 emoval of the Presidont, 1 had nons In it the | 1am iy my Goth yea « cominand it as them has not in a single ese been re- | one long summer day, breat] Profanity is shorn of much of its horror | Arctic ocean, recently taken possession of by | dozen other products, Just outside the x y wh hy in Mr (lav. | 0001 Peas the day that it fell into n ported, so far as I have been sble to | fragrance of sweet peace au d con ee i OB ar. Asko uf Terpave ae Gas MES, MARIA Hiss. . 3 y : . 4 & ne ¢ acity, i 0 Vie in a few years, die of consumption and | government, is a part of the Dominion of Can- Jest of which a special premium of $2,600 is 1 cooked any trichivwe in them are quite shine, and so forth. Ther vever was a | her bones help fill np the catacombs and | a offered. The widely differing methods of farm.- gaing into the ‘control of the rebals and Demo- certain to be killed. Even when tri- grea ater error. The London J orld en add their mite to the subterranean se- | 8 8 government officors, since the colors of | which will be of practical value to the farmers, crats. This was the sole idea th t induced mo , ale o ingle cot - vl ahve . i best bale of single cotton raised any- | L004 and did my duty to God snd to the canals, too, they ares sometimes expelled | Vic tori’ 3 window every mornin { : : American people,” by diarrhea, and the invasion of the o'clock.” How the fiend 1 nages 0 nently without fire will kill her. On bureau, has received a private letter from Cay and there are already over fifty entries, The Jryried ¢ x ah 3 VP 1 . 4 : { At : i x ri a system by a small numberdoes no harm, escape after each serenade is a mystery, Sundays 8110 BC rubs her den Its furni- | fain Hoopey, in which it is suggested that the | 4 moynt to n early $20,000, and will cover « very — American Microscopical Jornal, Norristown Herald. ture can be carted off in a wheelbarrow. | now pos in sections a it togetl i na simi rain of cool unoond gro and i : iuplay © ysnassin describes his arrestand i ita fore Mere fruits and ¢ sultural products : v al anble PILLS, w tof mix directions for a cam- vy address on roe eipt of nine three-cent stago il druggists at 250. Sole Proprictors, ru POROWN CHEMICAL © JONPANY, Baltimore, Md. Yai 111 : } . Ny A. ire, irom Years el : Avren tho exas tien: of witnesses tho Dis. Merinos an { him whenever he ant ; { witnes Dis : iY i i i i ——————— - 2 Tag LEUN JELLY 522-1 > 3 , ¥ 10} he } ¢ : the rude wrapping which he has thrown | janded to feed the hungry, aud wton the other night on a fresh charge A simple la, is not considered accurate by the United Vegetine. PREPARED BY H. R. STEVENS, Boston, Mass. Vegetine is Sold hy All Druggists. KIN DISEASES, RHEUMA NPECTI ughs, Colds, Sore Thr o0r a Ae os hy = ° oa! ou 2 Try ha 25 and 50 cent iv all i a, ns pit GLAND MEDAL AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXPOSITION. bs gaia 3 SILVER MEDAL AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. Ct . . : 1 \ \ with both foreign and domestic politi cs " : { embezzling $50,000, hatels just opened in tho city and on the sub ral aspect of the case, he denies his liabi lit lishments near Doston the spare-ribs,” x: te. Lg : Celestine is hideous only on Sunday, Miller of the United States supreme court, it | pores in which appears a various crop. There monts must cooxist, First, an actual homicide; | with Heart and Kidney Disease * | he has lived the life of a hermit. ; . : : or taking two bottles 1 was comple 13 to these are growing sugar cane, ri millet, the facts and circumstances attending the Be anh ST i pletely cured, i n 1 : “ . » ’ v i } ON { r pug ¢ oC, Nn { pe sple near by, and trichiniasis among The life of a queen is $TPPOSO d to be Bhe swears, too, but only in French. Lite statement that Wrangell Land, in the R If Buf % 1 el do hey host of feolings, personally, toward tho Presi a splendid medicine to all an todd ns 3 hitve been, when uttered in French. Celestine will, | Captain H oper on behalf of the United States grounds are the trial crops of cotton, for the qd ’ learn. The ents being thin and well | ment, without a cloud to mar the rablit an party, and save the republic from ing in the South are thus to be tested in a way . . ry y Prosi av all senti. chins are introdueed into the intestinal that a * Seotch piper plays under Queen | pulchral curiosities of Paris. Hard the Dominion have never been raised upon the | For tho to remove the President. I put away all sent 8 work, poor fare, aud a room perma-| land, Major Clarke, of tho revenue mariue where there is a special premium of $1,100, : full list of preminws in money and medals will i Et { Good food makes gond blood, and 1 | good food is the life of the body. i session be named New Columbia, | de partmo nt in which there is an exhibit -