HIS LAST DOSE, Said a sufferer from Kidney troublesi ” \ } nie \ . Hn AL? wind Loxnox, May To="A remiarkabl wien ark d to try Kidpeyv-Worl, i i \ try it, but it will be my last dose, . 1 ie osting experiment has just been n pH) ; Ea | Calais and Dover, between which places man got well, and is now reco mend | i a conversation has been kopt up ug the remedy to ail, = by means of a new kind of ts When derangement of the stomach! | OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, which has been patented under tl ets upon the kidneys and liver bring-| THE GREAT BEE HIVE ONE! na, Ts REReEt at Sel asturtin Sue pRIgE STORES, | AGRICULTURAL IMPL | PLES Coach and Saddlery Hardware Calais distinetly heard at Dove course vice versa, but the listen end was by the men tones of the Now | will give you a few facts about my that is kept by any one Co, snd sold i : |BONABLE PRICES, Hels soleagentfortbe Celebrated South Bend Chilled Plow, that is guaranteed to give satisfaction over 250 NOW IN USE IN EN +H TRE COUNTY, in less than4we yoars introduction; 0 THE POL EE ——————— We would eall your attention to a FEW FACTS, Some dislike talking but we TALK with some benefit to the BUYERS, WE HAVE ADVANTAGES and do buy Eools for less money than other people and sell them for considerable PROFIT there cannot be any sounder basis to conduct bussiness, on than giving: The buyer the advantage of Skillful handling. Low Prices and Small Profits ROHTONI It ESULTS, vi i THE WONDER OF 1 DON'T READ THIS, ITS PROBABLE bi EE —— «People in want of Buggies or Spring Do Wagons, are hereby informed that John S. Fisher, near Rebersburg, is now pres pared to put out first-class work, a credit which all hig jobs get from his patrons, Heo has on hand some first class buggies and spring wagons. You can have any style of vehicle made to order, and at pris ces, lower than elsewhere, with work warranted, as he uses nething but first class stock, with the best of mechanics. He has recently built two of the best cars riagos for Mr, Jacob Snook, of Millheim, also one for Mr. Reuben Meyer, of Boon: : : tw ; ; ville, which will compare with any others | astonished at the difficulty succe " vldren's sults. | built alsewhere. Give Mr, Fisher a call, ! ; i at least, before purchasing of others, and inspect some'of his work, Woe gladly tes. tify to his honesty and know that his | i THE CENTRE:REPORTER. PNA WN, KURTZ... wma AfB00IATS Editer. ; of Is Et) 1, Pa., Th'rs, May 19, '81 Has the largest Stock of Centre Hal —GOODS ARE BEING CARRIED OFF IN GREAT BUNDLES, BUT EVERY TRAIN BRINGS Us Something to take its place. A STRAW .—We bought (as we hought) a 4 months’ supply of wrap: ping paper, every sheet is gone. Fri: day and Saturday's rush closed it out. Whitmer & Co. NEW CASH STORE, SPRING MILLS, PA, Lrg perfecti We will give, for the {of our many customers and the pubs information aversomo in produced i protects the cable and int cause thi glore whichl trust you will see is to your . interest to regard lie in general, a condensed Price List A of several arti lea out of each departs 1st | will BAYO yOu from 1 to 10 work Is good. nent, which we will not guarantee per cent, on all goods in stock, on —~Mr. Da nie! Snyder, of Sunbury ls lying at the point of death from a blue blister or blood poison, About ten days ago Mr. Snyder noticed a blue spoton his hand near the thumb, At first no at- tention was paid to it, but in a "few days Ls . } » 1 for longer than one week . : to lurnial Bellefonte prices, and will prove this, ¥ 4 transmission DIONSRR OS, were condi \ and four, this is Joh ‘a the 17th ult, at tl a place by| m8 GOODS DEP MENT | : hi : day, when tho wi vo in uy hogamma. Al ] tiss| DRESS GOODS DE 1IMEN' he lost the entire use of his arm, aid was | the day, wh th res a thio same, ar to Mi I! RE i J EPARTMENT. : T : : ¥ requisition, tary ¥ veh, both ¢ Bi BOUrg. then completely laid up, The disease is BY Sr ao] ya loner dotbi b di A kind of blood poison and mortification |, perfectly practicable to converse Oath B } Shine Bact sels in, Mrs, Snyder took the same disease] op rather under the so \ from washing bandages used by ber huss {submarine cable, and band and is in a very precarious situation, experiment opens uj : ‘oe af thi bilities of the rapid — Mr, P. J. Litzel, formerly of this vals A Rw Vonrs RO . 3 + * . » o - ’? 4] ley, writes us from Crawford county, Ks, the realms of May 7: Weare haying plenty rain now | ventor man and I never saw any country look finer | talk acrosst : i : 0] sorst har # YY AIRS Over (ho earl i $i ‘Fes than this does now. The progpects for] (0 another, y oars our best-loved fricnds awa) wheat are good; corn is ceming finely, * p= and all the crops are promising fair, ex. asssneane SW foept peaches which are winter killed. Trains Nou. 1 and 3 connect at Montandon Wilh | No sickness in our neighborhood. We Erio Mail west for Williamsport, Nos. 3 and ¢ connest with Pacific Express east for also observe that Plerce holds the office of Ji P. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia —Mrs. David Runkle, with some of her and New York, Nos °3 and { chnpoet with Pacific Rxpress children made a narrow escape with their lives on Sunday. While drivingon the Hai risburg, and Niagara Kxpress west for port, . "S * and & connect with Fast Line west for Wil- pike this side of Centre Hill, the horse ran off, the wagon was upset and the oo- Nos ns ) Haven. Tumapadt and Loch | with Erie Mall cast for Harrie burg, Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia aad New York cupants thrown out. Mrs, Runkle and one 5d iuaid of her children were severely stunned —An Excelsior job press, Tix5} Saget and bruised. chase, in good order, for sale cheap a this office. ‘“ 20d, It is clear that my expenses i aro only about 10 per cent. of those wd : in larger towns, - 2apbm on L & T. RAILROAD. TRAINS LEAVE WESTWARD. 1 $ AM, TR drd, I am selling for CASH, and consequently am selling goods cheap. half wool Delaine, 126. Alpaca, 160, | Alpaca, extra fine, 20¢, i Black | Black Blac k | Black er than they were offered in Penn's Alpac ery fine, 80¢ | ¥ Alpaca, very fine, 30¢, Valley. half wool Cashmere, yard AM. $43 lem 8 DIED, is Aar nsburg, Lar an Musser, aged 00 yoars VE Montandon.....s Aw isbarg MIMIaDUrE. coos onan ene Fowler ..... waa o“ Coburn Mi Spring Mills x TRAINS LEAVE EASTWARD, Black wide, 30e¢, Blac kK #iak Notice some of the Prices: all wool Cashmere, yard wide, 40e, | Black all wool Cashmere 42 inches! wide y SUC, DeBeiges, colored, Se, Delaines, half wool, colors, 12¢. Crape Cloth, black and colored, 17¢. | Momie Cloth, cotton, 10e, i Momie Cloth, wool, 17e. Fancy Plaid Goods, all prices, DeBeiges, all wool, yard wide, 40¢, | Chudda Cloth all weol, 46 inches! &, ste, ua Montandon.es co sassine wishurg Miminburg. coves “MOTHER HAS RECOVERED wrote an Illinois girl to her eastern atives. “She took Bitters for a time but without any good. Bo she heard of the virtues of Kidney-Wor she got a box, and it completely cared Cat} her, so that she can do as as she could we m Since she has got well every about| 4% AI ed : wy here is taking it. Yeurs. U Tanthe ARG 4 dave. ; wi : to that u In Dry Goods: + 12 130 : 8, 9, 100, 8y eave us bu Prints —4§, 6 64, 6, 6G} Muslin~4, 85, 6,7 ' Mommie Cloths Wong $4 JOY A When cept i : 2. M elegant styles and quali. = = og E east Tor Williams -dross good haf before Beige 80. In Clothing : I } i u lead to large sales thus enabling us to constantly RENEW OUR STOCK {0 our customers benefit, under these circumstances we can assure you of BARGAINS FOR ALL. An invitation to inspect goods cordially extended, the same attrulion assured visitors whether they PURCHASE OR NOT, “Oh, it's only a cold.” hear this remark, thousands all tl last stages ( they taken heed to the have been in vigorous There is better i cough or cold than Green's Syrup Honey and Ble th wil LOCAL ITEMS. ~Jerry Confer, we are told, had the \ R. R. ticket, between Chicago and leaders of one of his arms severed, by —A R. R. ticket, b } ion aancht in cae kf +h Council Blois, 500 miles, good either being caught in one of the washers, at way, for sale at this office—§14.00. tf, | Gregg's ore bank, near Centre Hill a for —Read adv. of Clevan Dinges—as he days ago. means just what he says. — Prof. Moyer was elected Co, Sug Snyder, ~ Always on hand the purest and best groceries in the market at Dinges'. —Potatoes are bringing from 80 to 80 cts. per bushel in this county. —The purest, unadulterated, sugars are always to be had at Wolf's store, ds Pol SILK DEPARTMENT. Plaid colored and black, 50¢. Dress silk, colored and black Guinet black Silks, $1.12% to $2.00 | Summer Silks, 50¢. Summer Silks, extra good, G5e. i0e.] ADVERTI It has become 80 commu beginning of an elega: ticle and then run tisement that we and simply call attenti of Hop Bitters in as pl to i them one trial, their value will - Providence . -Centre County Pomona Grange, it. of | Will meet at] Centre Hall, May 24; three sessions, 10a. m. nd 7 p.m. ‘ essions, 10 a s 14 and ¥ something new Jas, A, Kzrrer, Sec, ~For real nice dress goods you can scarcely find a better place to go to than at Dingess.’ In Groceries: C Bugar-~7 §« and when our bargains are seen we feel confident of ready sales, Therefore should you be in want of Clothi ne, consult your own interest and buy where your money will go the farthest, which a visit will convinee you isat the NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUS E We show a stock of ready made clothing which for size excellence of fabrics and beauty of style, : unsurpassed io the State and at Prices Within the Reach of All. description from a © FINEST DRESS SUIT: —Samuel Moyer of Centre, Say- der county, died suddenly in the field x : while plowing. Geo. Kline, his son-in- and the same may be said of his teas law, was plowing in the next field, and ns and coffeas. seeing Mr, Moyer's horses standing idle —There are 14,000,000 feet of logs yet | along time he went to see the cause of it, to be driven down the Bald Eagle to the and found Mr. Moyer on his back in the Susquehauna. furrow dead, with his left hand upon his Sei heart.—[ Selinsgrove Times, — Hot weather bas set in. On 11, was A : " ! : pretty warm, followed by a warm night.| —Harper's Magazine for June is re- Bat on 12 the thermometer was 93 in ceived. It isan excllent No. and be- the shade ; 13th was a fow degrees less, |ginsthe sixty third volume. Harpsrs but warm too. 18 one of the leading Magazines of the : » ver | WOIld, —Ready made clothing at Wolf's . DOMES 7 IC DE] ' 4 RTM E N T =~ FOU REUeraily pay 10¢ for this ot FR Lams hres Fa : N Pacific,Cambries, yard wide : Lawns, good quality, Te, Madras Ginghams, 130. Apron Ginghams, Lancashire, Columbia Cheviot, light weight, 9 Furniture Cretonnes, lle. ft A Bugar—10¢ ANNOUNCEMENTS pay i Rior Corn stare! . Everything is marked low: er than before. PLEASE CALL AND SEE ME. nelle Bp Joseph L it wl Sant # i for sheriff, sut JECL WO Store for men and boys. A great reduc- At the last term of court viewers rices and goods going fast.Twere appointed for the following pro- Before others take all the bar-| posed roads on this side the county. In Potter twp. from Barney Wagners 0 Jac, Treasters ; viewers, C. Dale, J. Gordon, M, L. Rishel: In Haines, for road near Pine Creek school house ; viewers, E. L. Orvis, D. Garman, R. H. Forster. —On Sunday, while Dr. Alexander had | In Grege, for road near Grenobles; his horse hitched to a post at Wm. Em- | viewers, 8. Gramley, Reub. Kramer, J. ericks, he took fright and ran off, badly. Frank. wrecking a sulky. —We are pleased to chronicle that — Who bas red eyes? Why the feller | both the Centre Hall mini%ters made a that didn't get his suit at the Philad, | raise last week : Rev. Fischer was made Branch, be got cheated, and now his | happy in the birth of another daughter, eyes are red with weeping. But he is|and Rev. Roeder in taking to himself riser now than ever, a wife, Mis Grob, JJaoetiter of Rev. . ro rallafisr .« | Groh—in all of which these worthy pas- ~p.c Checamen, of Belleionte Jas tors and their estimable ladies have the oy y o Wot fon 1m ihe enmor congratulations of the RerorrEs. at —A fine assortment of glass and| We aro authori queensware at Dinges’, at fair prices. | Joseph Smith, of G Call and see them. date for Treasurer, —Martin Snyder of Union county shot | “#48 . : ... | at & rat sitting on the feed box in the roone in search of table groceries | ciahlc, but he missed the rat and killed ak” hon RE I hr one of his cows. Why didn’t Martin of everything; the freshest and purest juke aim at fae cow, he might then have goods, always, What they don’t keep oS : . —A big job in carpets at Dinges’. ain’t worth having—that’s sure. | . —Horace Zerby has the material on Sutter bargains no other place in the the ground for the new brick school house at Potter's Mills —Ten thousand salmon trout were re- cently put into Spruce creek, Hunting. don county. We have an idea they are not suited for our waters, —The wise man goes to Wolf's old LINEN DEPARTMENT. tion in Pitch in gains, — Rev, Miller is getting his new steam saw-mill near Garretty’s, near comple- tion. A dwelling and stable are already up. I take all kinds of Produce st Market Linen Damask, 20¢. Linen Damask, . Turkey Red Table Covering, 50e¢. Towels, from Seto 7 Napkins, from 50c¢ oer d TRON, 11 i Usagos, We are suthori John Celdr gray, 200 aren, 3 ty ri hi for Sherif, subje CLEVAN DINGES. Pa. «0, va Centre Hall, TRE We are auth Joseph Smith, of ( candidate for Treasure: Cralic usages. We are D. C. Keller, date for Treasurer It comprises garments of every LABORERS OUTFIT TO TH We feel just ified in claiming for our CHILDRENS CLOTHING superiority over anything in Pennsylvania. In it may be found suits in the neatest patterns and latest styles at prices Fifty Per Cent Lower tan PHILADELPHIA FIGURES, In our Finishing and Hat department we have every thing in Fin. Hats, Neck wear, Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery Etec. NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE. OPPOSITE THE BKOCKERHOFF HOUSE, CARPET DEPARTMENT. Ingrain, cotton mixed, 2%c. Ingrain, extry heavy, 30. Ingrain, half wool, 47¢. Ingrain, all wool, 60¢. Ingrain, extra super, 80c, —70 colored men have arrived at the Pennsylvania Furnace to work on the extention of the Tyrone and Lewisburg railroad, w— COMMIREN We are authorized fo ant John Hoy, Jr., of Marion, w : : date for Commissioner, subje ¢ i wal to Centro cratic usages, is . There being 1 byte cl : ma———— at Rebers g. sho became united With! vv 4 xr © vm mm . NP ERY REGISTER. sce, ro~| FANCY GOODS DEPARTMENT We are authorize | itil her| gas. 3 Mr Clain, of BORE i mencanchidesth, i buriod at Rebareba ver| Children's Lace Caps, 35c. date for Register, subject to democrat Sho was buried at Rebersburg, by Gp ; a a Ty Val ~~ usages : Children’s Lace Cape, ex. fine, 50c. | ee ———— Indian Mull Ties, 10c. SHERIF ¥ 52 LE Dr. Warner's Cross Boned Hip By virtue of a writ Fieri Facias, issu Corset. sols azenay Te Bie a : : : g OTS 80I0 agency, only YU, i out of the Court of Common Pleas « Fs ir CY, only $ Mavi { tre County, and to me directed Dr. Warner's Adjustable Flexible be exposed at public sale, at the Hip Corset, for 81.25, House in Bellefonte on, Saturday Ladies Gauze. Veats day of June, 1881, at lo clo Child a Gi Vv ’ following Real Estate of the defendant to) paving boon granted nlidren's Gauze vos wit. | por indebted t Suit of J. N. Casar IE No 6 Aug., term, 1881, Fa.--B. & G. All'y, All that certain lot or Src BC 0) ORES. — y “ty —The weather this week was cool and at times showery. PERSONALS, —Mr. John Hoy, Jr., one of Marion twp's old line emocrats, announces stand—the reliable—for goods. You himself a candidate for Commissioner. get a good article there always, and find| —Mr. W. Harter, of Hartleton, was a an assortment second to none in this | caller upon the Rerorter, Tuesday. county. ~The card of our democratic neigh- — Centre Furnace of the Edgar Thom- | bor, D. C, Keller, will be found among as Steel works for the week ending Apr. [the anouncements for Treasurer, and 28, turned out 1357 tons and 1800 lbs, of | adds another to the list of good names. : —— en {mm seme sm. se : JXECUTORS NOTICE. ~ A 4 Lotters tostamontary on 956. 124¢. Cx Pp. In. ta & uly The Targest Dealers in Centre County. h i to Lhe 1, undersigni al » sid estate aro res i payment, and st the same to ated by law! MARK, OVA, VE Debt, Bessemer iron. —Don’t forgot the new cash store of Dinges' when you purchase your goods for spring and summer. —J Merrill Linn is recommended for President Judge in the Union district. Chas. 8. Wolf declines being a candi~ dete for Judge. Better keep him in the legislature. —*"Nothing succeeds like success” is often heard whenlspeaking of some pross perous business man, but the resson Dinges gets along so well is that he sells his goods cheap and for cash. —A subscriber asks: What is Penns- valley railroad stock worth? We do not pow of it selling for more than 25 to 30 cents per share. Still, we would be willing to risk 6 months subscription ($1) on RerorTER, per share. —A great deal of patent medicine is made and used in order to put to right a disorderd system. Nothing puts a per- son out of kelter quicker than impure food. If you make ita raleto buy sll your groceries at Sechlers, you will not need the doctor half as offen, because you get nothing but what is wholesome. hen buy your groceries at Sechlers and save doctor bills, , —The Lewistown Gazette complains of its young ladies flirting with entire strang- ers; especially traveling salesmen. We expect now to see traveling males. men flocking to Lewistown more than ever. Do the Lewistown gals deal en- tirely by sample? —There are more logs in the Williams- port boom than ever before, and larger piles and longer rows of good, cheap ready-made clothing at the Philadelphia Branch than in any other store outside of Puiladelphia, —We have received a Record copy of senator Alexander's memorial address upon the death of ex-Gov. Bigier. Du ring the present session the Rrrorren bas given the remarks made by our sen- ator upon different questions of public interest, and in a week or two when the pressure upon our coloms is somewhat relieved we shall publish the address above referred to, NOTICE.~Lhave made arrangements to pay toll for all coming to the Potters Bank mill, 8t Wu. From, Miller, —We are still obliged to issue a sup- plement, the fifth in succession, to ac~ commodate our business men with their ads. and vet furnish the usual amount of reading matter. Everybody reads the REPORTER, and the advertisers know it. Eurzir Vis vor Woues.—Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., has made the discovery! Her Vegetable Compound is a positive cure for female complaints. A line address- ed to this lady will elicit all necessary information, 2 Bracgsmrtaing, Mr, B. F, Wiser hav- ing opened shops o ite the Lutheran Church, at Centre , offers his services to the people of this vicinity in all the branches of blacksmithing. With many years of experier ce he feels his work will render satisfaction, and Badly, asks a hate of pom —John B. Leathers, fat and jovial, of Howard, brightened our sanctum with a visit. He is a candidate for Sheriff, and a lively democrat, ~The RzrorTeER was agreeably sur- prised to have a visit from Misses Flora itner, Kate and Alda Sankey, on Wednesday of last week. As we were pressing at the time the ladies found enough to interest them and even help- ed the devil to turn the big press, We bope to see them back again. — Mr, Joseph Smith one of the Penn Hall old line democrats, honored the Rerorter with a visita few days ago. Mr. 8. anounces himself a candidate for Treasurer as will be seen by his card. —Eéq. Reifenyder, of Millheim, and Mr. Henry Mark, of Penn Hall gave us a pop visit the other day. ~Jas. M'Clain, of Boggs, illuminated our sanctum the other day with his hand- some presence. Mr. M’ Clan is a true blue democrat, and by the announcements it will be seen he is a candidate for Register, SPRING MILLS ITEMS. Spring Mills Veteran Club is making arrangments for Decoration Day. The Odd Fellows in a body, with brass band from Millheim, will be present and pars font ade with Farmers Mills band and drum corps from this place to furnish music, This should make it lively and no doubt | will make it attractive. Time of meeting isat 2o0'clock P. M. in Grenoble’s hall, Rev. J. B. Akers and Prof. D. M. Woif will deliver addresses suitable to the oes casion. Georges Valley and Spring Mills Sunday Schools will turn out in a body; Come one come all. Well, the Sehool directors met and elected their choice forjCounty Supreinten- dent. They weighed the qualifications of the Candidates, and elected the person who will do honor to our coudty. His reputation is second to that of no educator in our etate, I think all who have the pleasure of knowing Prof. M. D. Wolf personnlly appreciate his sound sense, lev. el head and big heart. He did not ask a single man to vote for him; and spent neither time or money to secure the posis tion. Had his friends obeyed imstruc. tions, hi¥ name would not have come be- fore ‘the convention at all, His friends and the friends of our schools alone urged him-—because he is undeniably the man for the place, New firm, P.D. Philips and W. B. Bit- ner in the planing mill, have purchased the best improved planer and a large en« gine. Success to them is the wish of the citizens of the neighborhood. Run off—Jacob Royer's team hitched at Krumrine’s scale house—took fright at a pageing train—run against a post, broke the tongue, snd one wheel run into the buggy of A. CO. Mayes, of Lewistown, which was wrecked, x ep riecmneiet —What Branch is now mostly in the mind of all young men, who are finish- ing their education ? Why it is the \ bet Executor Penn Hall, boroug « Ph.D NNUAL MEETING OF POTTER SCHOOL BOARD, North ; and extending al thereun ¢ % sxtlid ivy outbuildin Jonux Sraxat Ta 3 Lo 1D mentioned below st (4 davoi M {2 u3i0k. Having purchas J ticks wule, 1881, as Hin ay, rops ) i Ripka, I will leave the same # possossion sl my pleasure. Ali irsons ure hereby cautioned against med- 1 two horse wagon ws, 1 cultivator, 1 y young cattle interest in 20 tl ui IN EiTHER LIQUID OR DEY FORM 4 Ee That Acts at the same time on 1 spring wagon, 2 ple - I bead of nares, the r ¥ in in the ground. 1 hay AND THE EIDKEYS. bi hh ald 8 g bed Be nler tools GR Spring j .} Carpe . 1 clock, Because we allow these great orga { h gears. 1. J. ‘NOBLE. § 12 Mill 8. : § Tag wily po . ] A vroRs NOTICE » & 10 Lhe mal oF Lhe ate of Aaron WILL SURELY CURE rge, decent: KIDNEY DISEASES, J{ Toe undersigned, un auditor apy LIVER COMPLAINTS, Bl ‘i... C4 of said seal PILES, CONSTIPATION, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, AND NERVOUS DISORDERS, by causing free a restoring their pou nl niv,.i Pat} inted in thei min i attend to] His appoir office of Bellefonte, Wednesday, | y 1st, 1881, at 10 a. m., al which time! : I vince ail interested may be present off diseases, . ELLIS L. ORVIS, Why suffer Billous pains and aches? FE "7° Auditor i Why tormented with Piles, Constipation? Bg eee | Why frightened over disordered Kidneys! fy TH4A Y. ~-Cameo to the premises of the| Why endure nervous or sick headachesi 3 undersigned near Spring Mitls, du: | girator, w tment at his y borough ction of these organs © yr do thio Ff INsn in Pry Vegeiable Forme, 10 Liquid Form, very Ce for those that cannot readily pee th equal efficiency In either {oan . 3 : i OF YOu WELLS, RICHARDSON stpaid) R DRUGGIST "8 & Co. | ary p 5 Gate. i a1 + i ‘ ni ’ Pp tor 51 60 Le ‘entre Hall, ried or slngie, vl 3 poor it alth or languish E § pess, rely on Hop Whoeve r Jou ar 3 GO JDTIMBERLAND FORS ALE es and 8) perches timberla d, inj bey { half mile south ot} il, near the public! ims, Ripka, ! 1), Docker. Thel : is of g odd vallow nine pitch] ne, pemiogk and chestnut oak. Also » HOUSE AND LOTS IN MILLARIM fi adjoining J, BR. Reifsnyder on the south, fi Annie Albright, B, O. Deininger and D. i A. Musser on the north; containing about one acre, having thereon a d welling house, with good garden, 40 young apple trees, choiee fruit, just beginning to bear ; shout Y 2 20 peach troes, 8 pear trees, und an abund- nor nrrxes ff | f0CO of grapes, sour cherries, and other wra co, | fruit; aleon well of good water, 30 feet £8 | Geep, near the house, For further infors Roshoster, ¥. ¥. & k Boerne coca & Toronto, Out, mation apply to a OHN 8. AUMAN, ATR Fatmary' Mills, Py, ‘| i | | Of & Heve you dps- i A ix liver or nerves If you are shin ly weak andi ow Bpivited, try t may our iIife, it has saved hun- dreds. , Bend for faz Chemises, Lace trimming, 50c, Chemises, Emb’y trimming, 75¢. Chemises, Emb'y trimming, extra Drawers to match. Night Gowns, plain, 75e. Night Gowns, Emb'y trimming, Rkirts, good Muslin, 50¢ Skirts, tucked and ruffled, 75¢, NOTION DEPARTMENT, Lace top Gloves for 2c, Lisle Thread Gloves, only 10¢. Silk Lace Mitts, ole Fane, new style, from le. Fringes and Gimps,all prices. All new patterns in Laces. | GENTSFURNISHING DEPT. Straw Hats from 4e up. Summer Undershirts, from 16e up. | i i i 1 { i Calico Shirts with collars, ready | for use, from 25¢ up. | The best unlaundried white Shirt! in America for 81.00. Call for the | Owl Shirt. | The Bee Hive Overall, LE 1 wur own 1 ! : world, made ¢ ul of the hest mate rial} and every pair warranted not tol White Shirts as low as 49 usin semen wen. {J mt—— ———— the Stores we are able to make a much larger and finer dis- play. —————— iin [J sni———— — at Bottom Prices. Bustin mean. ssa ns arsine. saps. {) mni—— AS — — suit to order. They are all wool, be cheap at $20.00. Please call carly be sure to procure some of the above bar =O 88 LO Respectfully yours, Bauland & Newman, BELLEFONTE. we still have a nice stock of new Mackerel for harvest, We pay CASH Call and see our spring Suits. We our Clothing. HUMES’ BLOCK, 1 Capitol of Amersean Cloth Oak Hall, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia: i THE 1861—0th Spring—1sss —— ~4 Twenty years of lessons in how to make and sell the best clothing.” We have begun the twenty-first. All that we have found out about it, we have put into practice in making up the 23 acres of clothing that you will look at for our trade; it is the very aged retail clothing stock in the country; worth every cent we ask for it; and we guarantee every article, More and Better Materials in : : . More and Better Clothing in ()ak all Lower and Fairer Prices in : : TR in ch or ing Jats S83 Whire The secret of our great business is only this: Doing our level best to make up the right kind of clothing, 27d having wade it right, then counting the cost, and SELLING AT THE RIGHT PRICES. This »% have been doing for twenty years; and have clothed over hundrg of thousands,~-old and young. . This Spring we Overtop every Past Spring. The spring has been so backward that we have had ample getting- ready sme, and the extraordinary stock of Sloting. that every man and boy ma choose from is without equal in America. The stock is oa SOUND AS HONEST WORK CAN MAKE IT. The best sewing on the best cloths, the best trimmings, the best styles, and the best money's worth that can be put into clothing ;anywhere, + It is a great thing to say, that not another house in the land can do so much in clothing you so well. The cloths come direct\to us; we buy them largely; we make up the clothing in our own well-ordered ways,—knowing all the things that ing to making clothing well,—and they will go direct from us,—the makers,—to you,—the wearers,—not a profit between. That's why OAk HALL has the lowest prices, as well as the best clothing. During the past ninety days we have, in making up this new spri so improved the patterns, our ways of making, and minor details: spring’s exhibition of ready-made clothing might be fairly called READY CUSTOM-MADE CLOTHING. Being far in advance of any hitherto offered for imniediate wear, This applies alike to Men's and Boys' Clothing. / . We make to - # ste “k, 4 Our Custom Clothing Department improves every order from the finest fabrics, and believe we do the best work that can be done. Orders by mail are filled with the same promptness and care that would be given to serving you in person. Extending the compliments of the house, and a cordial invitation te make trial of the 1881 Spring Clothing. everybody to come and see, apd Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall, S. E. Cor, Sixth and Market Streets, Philadelphia, -