PROPHECY. | Feotton or sponge, o, dipped into spirits of | FARM, GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD, | | eamphor and kept in the nostrils and | frequently changed, will prevent ih Ql | blood from being poisoned through t he | organs of respiration. Many people wil think that the total destruction of ani | nal life will occur during this era of | : p! iague, After the binck death there wil | be TWO years ol five, which will rage | neat is ripe. The fat of pork only with fury in all parts of the world from | should he salted, the lean should be | 1885 to 1887, The fires will be the means | ysod for sausage meat. Pack pork in { of anvihilating every germ of A1+ense, | olean barrels on the edee, first soattering | In fact every city, or portion a ¢ ith a on the bottom a few handfuls of salt { A § ' ADDOArs shoud Ww ‘i "i A by i tad ’ biter Uranon, Neptune. und” Saturn | Whi the plete appeasy should be | hen again upon evory Inver, paoking will be ont in 1880, Astrology | stroy the scourge. Nothing but fire can VOI) ¢ ahd W iin fu lia PRG Be In, to-day is ridiculed by many so-called | do it scourge, Noid 1 pout On brine wade : 3 4 uolying sl X i yi : { ale i 8 low i y Scienting- + Auer 1880 astrology Will be THOSE WHO LIVE THROUGH IT. and place a board upon it, and a weight taught by many who reject it now. % nan bared he board keep all lace Bacon says “the world Opposes what it Those who Pass throug h those terri hpon Lie NORE . a oop all in ping By does not understand.” In the case of ble years of woe will have great capacity W nen A piece 18 removed oo sure that astrology this is pre.eminently so. | for the enjoyment of the pleasure of the the remainder 18 tightly pressed down. have no desire to discuss the verity or | earth. The earth will yield twice For curing hams he us d six gallons of falsity of astrology: I simply state the much as formerly. All the animal King- water, ning pounds of salt, two pounds effects which th © approaching perihelion dom will be more prolific and life more | of sugar. one quart of mo ; tout will produce according to astrological | prolonged. The average duration of SURGES Of 4a tpeler, LW ouhoes Qf Shier dedueiion. The eftects which this con- | '8 Said lo he thirty phe years naw; (tos for 190 pouncs © ul He first junction will produce are momentous, | Mer the year ISS7 it wil be just twice | covered the hams with and then lot From 1880 to 1887 will be one universa) | #8 Ong, or sIXty-®iX years Lhe reason ouple of 1 Side up, carnival of desth. No place on earth of this Ie markablo projlongation of life y packed them ; barrels, will he entirely free from the plague. | 18 Owing to the heaithy Gullo he poured upon them the The Pacifio const will not suffer any. | Agnetism that w 1 surround this glob i For smal ns thing in comparison to any other por- | From 1880 to 1857 the electricity of the long 0 tion of the globe. The coine idence of earth will be deadly, owing to the no hing, buat if iar these nianets i in perihelion will always | licinfluence of Saturn and U PARUS up on let them 1v main produce epidemic and destructive dis- | Ur atmosphere. During the Dinck takes the m out, CARES. Thre @ of these planets are mali- death the a seen. ¥ — Pht * “ on : ON 3a I fics, and Jupiter, although a benefic, noniena will be seer of ye W he properly drained o produces evil th rough association; or, | Sun Will appear d ns blood And ter technically, by oo nignotion with the rible convulsions wii appear a Ea others, Diseases will appear, the nature | ETeal body, The ) sun will dischar of which will bafile the skill of the most | 000ans ol flaming hydrogen gase 8, that ¢minent physicians, Every drop of will rol in tumuituous DIUHOWS HUnareds waler in the earth, on the earth, and Of thousands of miles from ; above the earth will be mcreor less Ihe moon 3 acti R on the tides will b poisonous. The atmosphere wiil be foul BPA 1 & ahd ireguial, with noisome odors. and there will be | Showers of meteors will ial " lew constitutions able to resist the and remain in an inean lescent a from coming scourge; therefore, prepare, ye hours. : Dense biack Slonas wis vel ink] of at Hh he RE tial are constitutionally weak, and in- sun for SR, And Lhe Bite R y J 8 ver of tarneard. manure and this temperate, and giuttonous, for ** man's shed hs brig! BF 8 Bis Ay ds S| build up oblong squares and let it remain st home the grave.” From the far belore those Tea in winte When April arrives the East the pestifential storm will sweep, heavens and earth wiil temb eal the | SYSE WIE one throught Krmentation and snd its last str gle will end in the far awitl cont repo thunder coprminut presents & me of West. In 513 and 1865 three of being pd BA zing better than a panel two of which were ie flashes of (OM |S 8 ud Sa urn ) were in peribielion, | ¥X¥i Peep W snd Jupiter, though a bepefio, bréught | the fantastic evil ta rough association. Now 543 and | dsSume; th R 1665 wer@ the worst plagues eras of fear of the eal wlich the world has any record. From | ROGEsS ot Gross irom 52 to 56 it has been estimated that Stopped : the prairies, | from 75 000.000 to 190.000 000 victims WIDE 8 3 and suffered death by the plague ( Gibl son's will die History,” volt 3. chapter 14; also | Hob; : a | rol on the oceans wi "| freight, drifting oy voiume 2 waves may drive the: - What is Going to Happen from 1880 to | 1 . Heelpes tor Curing Meat. Secretary Gold gave thie following re. cipes at a recent meeting of the Cone necticut State board of agriculture Beef should ‘not be allowed to freese, Salting shouid be deferred until the The following extraordinary prophecy originally » ppopred in the tri-weekly | Gleaner, published in Kingston, Ja- | maica, in September, 1879. [It was written by a Professor C. A. Grimmer, and is republished hy request: THE PLANETS, It is pretty well understood that the | perihelin of the four great planets—Ju- | Os, ns Bi od ANNOS, ile of md Bal days, fles! in brine above three weeks stay in the hen he would He then but does to freese When then smokes them. a OC Od and i ha enoug! YP OLOS, i 1 i t Ki ix ures weeks, th ei AS IX Small Compost Heaps farm rs know the value of *' com post how to prepare it, savs the Germantown Telegraph. Many farmers mapuiaoture loads of the best max They gather ellie i { eaves, weeds, muck OOooasionnd 14 y or, premises duding from fen and ditches, og cornstalks, vines, I'remendons to Lhe a tha wilt il COners, Hs Offal oe pond wm id is % ", 5 ' aval i inuous ris of und BIEN tor of these n, and there not he ‘here Lhe with leaves, same mold from tainable: if not, from remises whi it can be from the turnpike; » stable, id every ainabie substance that will rough the winte A ¢ slacked » will be a good assis , A hall : 1 to a dozen loads of excelient mAs pure will be manufactured by the time it is wanted in the spring, without in CUurring iY any expense, Farm and Garden Notes Inereas feed of fattening animals. S and ion, and matier would b But we heaps in th no reason why th €T¢ AS well as upor \ rubbish enough in ssist hours; blinding illume the bia weam with horror the lightning will yt ISANGS Wi age : i 1 and robbers will ply th cir L ellish work | THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM. | until a proper cons istence is ac quired, with impunity, for there will be_little | In 1887 the ** Star of Bethlehem’ wil | | being careful to keep it well stirred all orne law; everybody will be absorbed | DP once more seen in asseopia’s | the time; lastly, it must be boiled for with the. frying task of keeping alive: | C “hair,” and it will be accompanied bya a | one minute in a clean saucepan. This people will be buried in deep trenches, | | total eclipse of the sun and moon. The | #lue is beautifully white and almost uncoflined; the judge will be stricken | 8t4r only makes its appearance every | transparent, for which reason it is well from the bench the pleader at the bar, | 315 years. It will appesr and illumive | adapted for fancy paper work, which and the merchant and the customer will | the heavens, and exceed in bril iancy | requires a strong an. colorless cement, be seized with the fatal malady while | even Jupiter when in opposition to the trading; death wiil come slow and lin- | Sun. and, therefor», nearer to the earth gering in some cases, but in most it wiil | 8nd brightest. "ne marvelous bril- be switt and te rrible. In seaboard towns | liancy of the "Star of Bethlehem” in thousands will be buried in the bays | 1887 will surpass any of its previous and harbors, the law to the cont trary | isitations, It will he seen even by notwithstanding. | noon.ay, shining with a quick, flashin; COUNTRIES DESERTED. er light the entire year, afier which it wil re a ually decrease in brightness and In many countries vast districts will | het ly disappear, nct to return to our be deserted. and even in Europe some | heavens till 2202, or 315 years aft r 1887. portions will appear £0 near that condi- | This star firs. attracted theattention of tion as to appall the traveler. Ouoe may | modern astronomers in the year 1575. walk whole days over hundreds of farms | It was then called a new star It was on seeing a living thing. On all | no rew star, however, for this was the | return journey she might also partici- the large tracts of land that cnee were | star that shoneso brightiy 4 B C, and | pate in the good things. This argument so animated with ual life, not a ves. | was the star that illumined the heavens | has been met by Sir John Lubbock’s tige will be seen. The houses on the | at the nativity of Christ. Ith ag reap- | compe lling the ant who found deserted farms will show signs of disar- | | peared every 315 years since, and every | treasure to return to the y st empty- rangement and negligence that pl lainly | educated astrologer is certain that it | handed. 1fshe took nothing home, and tells of the hurried departure of the own- | { will reappear in August, 1887. The ap | yet others returned with her, hie argues, ers to the populous cities. Let a trav- | | pearance of this star, seco mpanie d asi there must have been some communis eler pursus his wavy till he eomes to the | will be bv solar and lurar eclipses, to- | cation between them. As the result of small fvil illages, many of which will not | | gether with thie baneful influence th at | carefully conducted and striking ex- contain a single living thing. Let him | | follows the positions thut Mars and | periments, be concludes that ants are in lock into the houses: let him pass | Saturn wils occupy. will cause a uni- | possession of something approaching to through the doors that stand ajar and | versal war and Jortenh ous floods and | ft Jah guhige = hat they are able to ask witness the sickening spectacle of whole fearful shipwrecks. North America | their friends, when occasion requires, fami! ies dead. Let him still wander, if wil I] be invoked in civil strife, and a | to a and lend them a Lelping hand. he yet have courage through the country | re ign of terror will prevail in th ie At- | {| Relatives are invariably recognized. stricken with the black death. and in | lantic States, unless a Napoleon arises | Young ants reared from eggs taken from the fields, on the hillsides, and in the |to quell it. There will be a war of a nest were, when they reached matur- dark canons of the mcuntains, and he classes—the rich will array themselv ity, introduced to the maternal abode, will see every phase of this terrible | against the poor, and vice versa Og and although the old ants co uld never lalady, Ji the Salmisaling, point of | w where. have seen them until that moment, yet | hed—th 0 attacke Wl ————— eve 3 Case ) were . with this incurable disease, Legal Marriageable Ages. ins ji the ages Lon) rs re un The country people will flee to the | Austria, fourteen years for both sexes; community-—a stranger ant is invariably | crowded cities for aid, but unless they | Hungary, Catholic, males, fourteen at once attacked and killed. It would | are rich the physicians will give them | years; females, twelve; Protestant, seem that the recognition is not personal little, if any. attention. The poor will | males, eighteen; females, fourteen ; and individual, and the fact that they | die by the tens of thousands, without a | Russia, males, eighteen; females, six- recognize their friends even when in ministering hand to soothe their dying | teen; Turkey, no legal limit; Ttaly, toxicated, and that they know the agonies. Toe doctors will be in uni- males, eighteen; females, fifteen; France young born in their own nest even when versal demsnd, and extortionate in |and Belgium, males, eighteen; females, these have been brought out of the charge for theirserviees. Bear inmind, | fifteen ; Greece, males, fourteen; females, | chrysalis by strangers seems to indicate no medicine or doctor ean give you any | twelve; Spain, males, fourteen ; females, | that the rec Jognition is not effected by more aid than you can yourself. The | twelve; Switzerland, it varies accord- | means of any sign or password. The disease cannot be cured; hut unless your ing to the cantons, males from fourteen | political convictions of ants are deep- system is too weak or impure, copious | to twenty, and females from twelve to | rooted. When a queen was introduced draughts of wsrm water and a vere. | Seventeen years. into & queen less nest she was at once at- tarian diet will prevent the disease ree — ee tacked and destroyed ; it would seem as holsoning the blood in the process of *The pari/ng hour has come,” the | it ants which had been long living in digestion. Animal food will poison | girl said, when she began to comb her a republic could not be induced to ac- those who continue the use o' it. Fine | hair. cept a queen. : hy i | of al Young Liews | Aslan, A TIUER'S PLAYTHING, Exelting Pxperience tenant in Central “Well, my boy, if vou want you've come to the right place, for this and the bit round Fort Perovski are almost the only spots on the whole river where there are any indeed, 1 | miieht say, the only spots in all Central Asia, except the great jungle of the ii, two days’ journey north of this." So spoke Colonel Petrofl, the Russian ommandant of the little outpost of Tohinas, on the Upper Syr-Daria, to his | excited junior officer, Lieutenant Gals kin, who had made ap his mind that the first duty of every right-minded oi oer was to shioot a tl sing handed, and that his would a hiank him till he had done *And wha thie them? as flush of excitement fa ** Well, thi il sinying ARIE SUVOra fOr frail slioot gerous ier hi em big “* Wel “We he bank in a hey come down : Always cert In moon, ti yOu # if there's not you , i } \ TRINNY, they s th a lLiger ely ¢ in 1 { o a gel ite to BOY, hest young On way Lo get at man, wit i Lis handsome t's $1} | soda Lhe i to make veteran, “il 80 ANXions yt you're dintance thi i ILE at BC anid the rerness t. First i boar and then Alle for Mg Sen Hurt doing { ‘Ost, just follow Li upon Lim, him down; but that's rather « i t very certain either, an a gol Diured In am HRT Ways « yOu can YOU CO i 1 i i and ¥ i » itt 's it oO apt ha tl tl an drift along fire at ‘em but that'snot if th « un away, hem seCOna you ¢ y¥. i and Dont + to drink ns 1 in rin, Cause, fits ey see nd and al Ril, X *T] RECT Yeo Ya ahi among the by - t ! } in an iron Te . ith a big bit « way of a bait, cents the meal and you fire at him shouted (saikin § quite a new Hn | Fit ans." , 1 wouldn't i I were you, oy,’ gravely, ior A t A tiger hunt is very good fun so g it's you who are hunting the tiger: but when the r takes to hunt- ing you it aiters the case a good deal.” However, Galkin was not to be move and daybreak next m found ! in his cage ong th enough to averiop ¢ with a cap swayed in the mor a passing glimpse, I the i i, shill he adven and Cag { horse and w COI 8 niter apital flesu hen Lh it im with a fn. 1 he iit gin with my b sald the colonel, it's risky business at 4 es tige raing iim on Oo Ho an exciting ail, Eg pi walling most ry ture is the our hero found iUCKILY ie had not long to wait, » Central Asian tiger ha keen scent of prey of any kind, the warning ol Lie reeds was gpeedil iy 101i thie g liding out of a huge. 2 i straight toward Galkin's Despite his peri position (for CARE WAS & pretty i Its rusty bars seemed hardly tobe the rus a Town tig could scarcely help laughing at rious reversal of meng rales man in the cage and i beast walking round it to look at But he was not the man joke or the er unstead He aime hind thi The hug air, ad over few convu sive him. Ha urral forge and i} Wie it to be Sy BOY LB erac wed b y y § ous th 1 One, and trust ed rer), Galkin rt) Laid od aguins i ot fuii-g 8 Cl~ tl L134 10 dang uly d cared al tl for } DEAS’ iC y tor and aonidaer, ana ’ MISS nN ieaped roll on his back, @ ny dead befor quite KICKS prong Galkin, } exciten knew where h The shout SWert Wis an Human fin tionless Cralkin, mained piel Z anyihing whole wises® way ‘da flesh Overbalan , the cage tigen de evidently thank meant for his own patted it about with his huge paws acatp mouse, tumbli aying with a over once i bumping special it ng it Or twice and PO Galkin against the bars well b Al tremeoenaons ora Feeds & Wi he river went Fortunat mud bank ¢ water ony came even 80, Lo sit we for an inde finite mounting guard over him, but a pleasant prospect tiger, which was above with a fac loss of its d to leap down after it, in whic hi ease the sportsman would be rolled over in deep water and drowned at ond Just at that mome nt came the crack of arifle. Thetiger fell headlong into the river, while Galkin, looking up saw a boa! ing toward him pulled by two Tartars, behind whom appeared the grinning face of the colonel. “1 hope you like your day's sport, my boy,” chuckled the old idier, lie opened the cage and pulled out his hali-drowned comrade ‘1 wns uy stream, looking to see if I couid find any game worth firing at, when 1 heard the crack of your piece, and I came along to sce what had happened; and, on the whole, I think it's just as well I did.” y H n of used. clump vi an } Gown in cage, Galkin and all. for our hero there was to the sh 80 that g- ri {to a the but, ld river a tiger was anything Moreover, the standing on the bank of great disgust at the toy, seeme trongly inclined Ose ine, yeu Shi Arp i con i i i 50 as IOI 555. 55.6, 8 The Oyster and His Enemies, Being of a very delicate, tender nature, to encounter. One of his worst enemies is the *‘five-finger.” commonly called the star-fish, The fivefinger entwines the oyster in his Ceadly grasp, and by protruding his elastic stomach, eats up the oyster, leaving the empty shells, *“glocks.” One would hardly that the five-finger had any but still they must have kind o intellige nee, or, nasa dr aptly put it tome: ** When these five fingers find a fleet of vessels on top of them with the dredges, they double | themselves up and are off. They are not | stop to be dredged up.” The | worst enemy is the! \whe lk-tingle” or “dog-whelk.” These rascals, aithough | they look so innocent, have the power of boring into the oyster shell with their rasp~like tongue. 'T'.e hole this creature | makes is cut very clean, as if bored bya | jeweler's d amond, { they often d stroy hundreds of pounds worth He who would invent trap to catch these dog-whelks, would indeed be a benefactor to oyster fishery | proprietors. Periwinkles are friends to | oysters; they are largely employed to | keep the beds and the *‘culeh’ clean by eating the slimy green weed that grows | so abundantly, especially in hot weather Mussels are no friends to oysters, The | mussels spin their curious, silk-like | | webs, a8 seen under piers, , by means which they are enabled to anchor themselves so firmly. The run of the | | tide then brings mud, webs of the mussels collect it, and 8 un dredge, are smothered like the princess in the It will be remarked that there is no real “fat” in an oyster; to fatten is an expressive, but One thing I must f i 3 . 64 £ an de | 0 { Ri { | 0 ele, the the Ooyste no a correct term, advise my read to do during the | present state of the oyster market, and that is, never to allow the oyster to be | served to them on the ft shell, but ays on the round shell, with the natural liquor left in the hellow, This liquor is not sea~water, hut contains much of the same chemical ingredients as the oyster itself, This, hitherto, for the most part, we have allowed those who open oysters to throw away as use- less. This hint, if the cyster-eater is wise, he will at once adopt. —ZLondmn News. EI SP 0 One of the kindest things heaven has done for man is denying him the power of looking into the future. RELIGIOUS NEWS AND NOTES, There are 168 bishops of the Anglican | communion scattered throughout the | world, i The total number of colored Baptists in the Bouthern States is given at o406,u74 Pa., have Protest Allegheny, which 167 are Pittsburg and vIn churches, of of the New Testament in Japanese have been placed in the schools of Yokohama by order of the authorities of that city. About four thousand been colected for an Epliscop: i in Leadville, Col, gorner-stone was recently laid Six new Presbyterian chapels have been dedicated in Utah during the past your, These new chape is are designed | for both 8 ‘hool and preaching servic John Wanamaker, merchant of 'iiin feiphin, the superintendent of the largest Presbyterian Sunday-school in the United States, containing more than two thousand children, Copies ars have burch , and the doll (Feorge's 4 in The annual meeting of fthe general as sembly of the Spanish Cliristain church has recently been held in Madrid, The assembly comprises fifteen oongreg tions and four preaching stations, There are in California fifty Episcopal clergymen, thirty-seven ishies, and 3.362 communicant The were 450 baptisms the past year, which ninety-four were of aduits The Rev. Thomas 8. Child, 1). Hartford, Conn., has accepted 1 of mental and moral science in th byterian university of Wooster He begins his duties next yeas The Fi Chicago, 111. 1833, and d its first communi log house. Since that time it mitted 3.000 members, and at y i three i 1), ol he chinit Pros Olio t Presbyterian chure was organized in Mian Lins present He i has 877 on is rol The Provincial Synod of the Episcopal church has adopted of The Church of E ng Canada.” It establishes a fore domestic board of missi and provisions for missionary wolk, It is now settled that the (BE Methodist conferencd tO meet at CU mdon, in August next. Mo clesinstical bodies to be repre. fromp the United States and ‘anada have already appointed their gates, their contemplated long ab- @ requiring time lor proper arrange ments in advance, For neariy fiity church at Brac iford, pastor, had an sessed no house of members has just grounds, and io Conada the new and in ign and makes name Ms, umenieal 18 iy wad, L years the Pa., Rev. existence, worship, One ol discovered upon fis iT ing thereby greatly increased, the churel his to have a house of wors hip through his therality, wo cost $20.0 i, As far as can be ascertained there are in Gr Britain and the United States than 8, 600 Congregational churches, 7,137 ministers and about 750,000 members In M ndag asoar there are 1,142 churches, with 70,000 me: ard 250,000 adherents. 4 Missionary soci Ameri and American Missionars gether employ 6,567 missionary agents Eng! and nalave, Spree ing about 6 30 churel 23,000 Spas ey Inst who r of Baptist A. Rose, has but pos its oll {11s Peso uroes i 433 eal more 8, in ty, Lhe Le tion 1 ish Hes, yon isl Ousiy jans var at from 7,000,000 to 8,000,000, Queer Weddings. Very recen new and SOE court aval usin reporis Lt volumes of uri ons of curious i untiorm ru C8 as to wha aremony. ceremony occurred at the + religious meeting. They the pulpit and t tt PUWSE r down from in front of forward 1 ) Tt i | that they came i me sland ue rom | ey joined han took each ot! i Tes . er seat nnd i F prosecutt ¥ fon her without upreme t be ex ir ignorance Were ourt sa We used i mistaken that their ceremony had There is a exorplion persons conscientiously belon siety of Friends; but al in Massachusetts, be married 1 ser Or magisira s EDOCIRG ing t { i other person te, married i and undivoroe were proved easy it ants counsel ther nn ollered | before ivi ria ile fe nd that about a yea man's marriage to Ohio, married Sarah, who was sti ing when he afterward married Fan nie, but who, as soon she heard of thi marriage, procured a divore The lawyer argued that his client was never lawfully mrried to Fannie, on account of the previous marriage with Sarah, and that Sarab'’s divorcee set him at liberty to marry Clara, as far as Sarah was concerned. And the court decided that the defense was good. T the marriage with Fannie was bigamy: but the court of Wes! could not take any notice of ti cause it had occurred Ww Besides, it was not the in the in {ictmant, anal $ limitat ions had run. and the like. technicalities like these Lothario set free, Pennessee supplies a new instance the difficulty respecting mixed mar- ringes. Every one knows that severa of the States have explicity forbidden these: in an few others they are distinctly permitted. There is no great difliculty in ap plying either iaw when only on State is involved. But in the Tennessee case—-and the same thing has occurred in one or iwo previous insia f white person and a negro were wedded in a S.ate where such intermarriage was { allowed, ; but afterward removed to Te n- | nessee, where the law sternly forbids it | The courts have a maxim that a mar ng gos ar and a hs Fannie he As i rue, fi 1 ini virginia 184 consin of Tpon Was of COR But the Tennessee court refused to follow rule. It said it applies only when thn question is upon the regularity of the ceremony. It does not oblige one State to tolerate marriages between persons : i . $1 . 4 anh whom its laws forbid to espouse each other in any manner. The supreme at Washington is understood a cause on its docket involving much the same question. And a very | vexatious and perplexing question it is. eee——— Books Are Little Read. A new novel is said to have: 10,000 copie g of it are publish ) copies for 40,000,000 people. And there are books that evervbody has read and all the rewspapers talk of,” which beyond the third or fourth The late Samuc] told me his experienc: en his capital book onthe far West | time of the Pacilioc raliway excite when millions of re wore | eager for the informs tion his book con- | tained. Never did book seem to he in | greater demand ; it was sold in England a8 well ns in America, and all the news- | papers of both countries quoted from it Mr. Bowles said | or met a person who had not ir who did not say he read it, I | | forget which. And yet, he asked, how | many copies do you suppose satisfied | this enormous demand of everybody? Fifteen thousand filled the market | I believe that the majority of business men read a book very rarely; the ma- | jority of young men in business ana in | society, I fancy, read little—they co not | give their evenings to reading, and are not apt to take up a book unless it be. | comes the talk of society. People who apend a great deal of money on dress, on | dinners, on amusements, would think it extravagant to buy a book, and if one is | commended to them, they will wait | until they can borrow it or get it from | thie library. They do not hesitate two minutes about an ordinary two-dollar dinner, but they will wait months to horrow a fifty- cent book. Charles Dud | ley Warner. this to “ i i + f i Bowl 4 ones Hel Lid writ at the = that he ney i ——a—— Another of those marriages by tele graph bas taken place. This time it was | between an Indiana Miss and a Missouri | Mr. And he had no positive knowledge | but she had fallen downstairs and bent her nose double since he saw her last Risky business, this marrying by tele. graph, young men.—Fond du Lac Re porter INEWS NOTES. Eastern and Middle States. John A. Woodward, cashier of the Poston troasu’ y department, is o harged with being & ulter to Ub amount of #$800,000 avd be | im th he Ne w York olty Demoarats have nomi William RR. Grace, a merchant, iol mayo Eltreds Partridge, Carrie Hickbern, Kmma wry and Frederick Patterson were drowie d tuys ago by the npsetiing of ua boat in ir of Stockton, Me th ith, the wile ats of w Lond Conn. while suller: ing from temporary sbarmiion of mind, jump ad into the river and was drowned, While insane, Byron Hake, of W heelook Vi. murdered his mother, sister and step futher with a knite and then hanged himsell I'here bas been a heavy end unprecedented | full of snow in Western New York. I'he Vermont legialatore has re-clooted Sen. | ator Edmunds to the United States Beasts. Phomas Hughes, of London, was given @ | reoepiion ia Boston the other night by the wiperalive sooietios Ol Lhat city MM sinead LO the company the pian Hf CO-Opera- and and other countries, | Be 8 lew the hart Mia phiysk of & prominent " Nt ted fn Kag darged upon the moral and finanoial growing rook yn that had been frights dashed 1010 8 party of jour Who Ware on ¢ the horse which Miss phish i you ady, wan Ube anlinal tell upon ber 80 severcly that mide wid gues! A team in 3 yole LOE out of the subjeol, ened by a ok young ls BOrse ino M and sutiemen sad sink a | 4 ng i PF ih over Miss I she died in a i in Pike county, Pa., encountered an encimous atiosnake seven leet long, which he killed | siter a severe fight, the snake once throwing the ground. The reptile had which, with skin, are 0 mithsouian al Wash. fhe mau 1o hioen ratiies the ¥ titute BEER x othe & institu gron Merw rt anit Now DAVE iil Huy & Lo mn, in i tor about census returns piace the populs Delaware at 146,654, Of this toial males and 72.061 females; 137,183 born and 2 are foreign-born; wi ared, ol La are BiIV Ee HR 9.47 nie “ol @ total po Lydia Ma t known of American woinen of letters, wl, Mass. a fow morniogs ago, i € Head al Wayle | sovently-aight yours, “The epigootic or horse epidemic in nearly every town Ne w Jorsey Loisean hit upon the idea of pressing | an into small balls tor fuel, ented 1 formed a stock tegun In spe | fuel, (0s and { 1h pub. in Bouthers i coal tar Lhe pre The manu fila five vears ago. i Mines BNL fsoture was The pro henper Lis poses ; ba vd & eapital of Having ruined censured by we othe that fusbpoia the weena, 11 } laudanum HORYY B fudasnuam was saved with mach difi-uity Tanner informs a New York paper that days in London. | send 8 crew to Eng. LOOK sO # ile in s will fast forty university wie] wil row isl mb ve on bed Henry, N. XY, re y, weighing 210 pounds, { three feet thick at the shalt thinly ty leet in Lhe solid In sn ore tly, a petrified Ong an Argest was found in & below the surface, and twen rock ii in New the fount Ons COM the Amen Witeh, ered at sen ID A sinking oon 1 eu part from Caloutts, arrived fay, having on rising the orew which was diseoy- Lion, onke, her fn rishy t} hip ( rk i peo Gan es es 36 Of ol Western and Southern States. Apache, Chisel Victoria, and he terror fering al last been su San Al fany I'he notorious the United DARL. on have A dispalob from el warts that Chief Vietoria Wil \ s women and children were with Mexionn troops. Seventy bead of stook were captured, ‘hroke oul,” 8 yeRr AO, OVer wo Wiren have Ts] nen and of +1 is Of Hon War Tr ent storm orthwest and the schooner Grenada n Lake Michigan and filleen A the re in the D the bark Trader wore wrecked fire broke oo it in a shoddy other day & y flames njured, several ™ ally. trios nineloan HE OF Joa iwo } paEsOng IXCUT. State were Jeonard & i fire of fromm 8150 00, om $75,004 $ 000, rd G, Ryan, of the Wis. is dead in hs seventy. it ee ¢ Hitary department of r Bull has sent word Ibe Im ner id that Sitting ian up by recent advices he had he Queen or British. of San Francisoo, , paoked her body ina trunk and then gave himsell up to the police A Inmily of emigiants consisting of one man and two woman, were frosen to death the other day ne ar Springfield, Minn, Henry Williams, a colored man, was hin go st Newt N C., for the der of Charles Poarso , Blpo colored, I'he railroad war in the West has stopped and the former restored, Fiite Wol le bear-hunting with twe npanions near Spear Fish Falls, Dakota tacked] by a large cinnamon bear. Hi head was nearly torn from his shoulders, both Arms een, the lower je « © ove wer oly torn a i Was Death cnsued ot Rh Tut 1 BN in the determing as ia] Ania Ww mur aspenger rates been in, whi i was sl ware br W, BORE Bnd belore the in alow © complet mal killed From Washington, Postmaster-General Maynard has issued an order directing that all magazines, pamphlets wer like rea a Ww matior received at the dead.letter office shall hereafter, instead of being sold for waste paper, be dis dbuted to charitable and reformatory institutions in and around the Rational capital. he total b emigrants during the year en 1 10 as follows: \ arrived was 457,207. Pot Ha. lade phia, Nevo, “ PP San Boston, 34.06 2 Baltimore, 17.304; all other ports, 18 820 Larope, 47,747; Asia American continent, 101,681; 954; all other, 1,015. Fr 5 839; Africa, Pacific is- The emigm- 1 aly lands, Ind 1A, this 21; number, all other eountries of Asia, 16, Of 5.081 arrived at San Francisco, A dispateh Dakota states that bo is willing to surrender, irom the wilitary department of Sitting Bull has sent word The Indian ranner During a snowstorm in Buenos Aveentouth Aworion, about 70,000 cattle, 600,000 sheep and 250,000 horses wera killed, Additional reports of the marriage of the Cenr of Russia to the Princess Dolgoroukl show that it is proposed that any ohildren born of the marriage shall be recognised as princes of the blood royal, aking mak alter the grand dukes, 11 theo warowitoh agrees to this he will be muds oo-regent and the czar srmanently retire to Livadia, Pwo hirds of the houses in OU hivistiansand, Denmark a oity of 12,000 inhabitants have been destroyed by fire and hundreds of fami. Lies rendered homeless, I'he rebellions Basatos have been delosted | in South Alries by a Hritish force. Ihe speech of the King of Greoce in open. : will P war sgeinst Dorkey, His boldness, it is Bull bad been influenced he Queen or British. George 8. Wheeler, of dered his sister-in-law, paoked her trunk and then gave himself up to the nolice. Adjutant-General Drum, officer of the army, furnishes riact of his forth comis he pays: ' i for publ annual repos | For the benefit of agricul. acting an abat 2 in whi tural commercial have Twi 1 mainteined daring the stations of a second class, hith. gunset stations.” at which hit ight erto d 1% becrvation continued in operation, be further benefited made to have vessels have been merce may propo ns will be engaged in the coasting trade of the States furnish this office with transcripts of | thei I'he daily exchange of telegraphio | reports with the chief foe of oe Dominion of Canada has been continued, and warnings have been regularly this office to enable sigoals to be displayed at the ports of the domink mat times of threat ened danger. he series of daily teleg rap! 10 reposts from the West Indies, extending from Cuba by Jamaioa to Barbadoes and the Wind. ward i been continued daring the seasons of special danger. These reports are | at times of importance for the preannounce. ol the Gut 00, const of logs, meteorologionl « glands, hing mes appronoching the Oyo and oN the ment Mex Unit St threatening Foreign News. By the fall of a bridge in Galicia, Spain, six injured. M. Felix Pyat, the well-known edior of 200 1 ol # r writing an article justitying the rezoweki the Pole, 10 assassinate eror of Russia in Paris, in 1867. Ihe Biitish goverimoot has offwred § reward tor the enpture of the assassing of Downey, the servant of the landlord Hutch. | ing, who was murdered near Skibbereen, county Crk, the other day. Ihe proslamas | tion offering the reward also proclaims the | § county Kerry in a state of disturbance requir | additional police. Mr. Healy, secerotary | Mr. Purnell, in a speech in Ireland, said | wna much cruelty practiced on the estate | oe! Mr. Hutchins, | I'he suitun of Morocco has notified the | [Ln opesn powers that hercalter all 1eligions | shall be respected throughout Morocco | Ine Havana newspa; ers again announce that the last ol the Cuban insurgents have surrendered or been killed, and that peace provails all over the island. crag be the my 5.000 | 1g 0 | thera § England when the sonfliot baging 1 he English governinent, it is reported, has | | pomp ited preparations for its prosecution of | thirteen lending members of the 1rish land. | | langae, song them Mr, Parnell, | Great exciiement proveils in Albania over i the death of four native ahiels, who are sup- 1 posed to have hoasn pols ned The city of Hamburg, throogh her represen. | will shortly ask to be put ins sate of wigs On woo int of the nibiiists, Prossla will | { make a similar request 10 Aitons, Uitosen and Wende book, The Mormons have thirty-one wisionaries He, the Mexican frontier in pursait of Indian do predators has passed the Mexioan senate after and in the press of the espital. Tue bill based on the eondition that Mexican troops | American frontier in similar clroumstances. A severe shock of earthquake, sooo pan ied by 8 storm, bas been fell over d ferent parts of Eu In an lalian proviece severs! Lou were swept away by inundations and | & number of lives jot Toe, $15 was precipiiated down as em. Two persons were killed and wad, A whole block of buildings in Russell street, Bermondsey, London, occupied by leather | merchants, & miller, & wool merchant and involving damage 10 mes. bankment i A serious fire has ooourred iL ithe Central telegraph office at Manchester, England, Two hundred wires conve Ring there were melted, and the whole system of telegraph wire: ter. mination g in Manchester was destroyed. The important own of lquique, Perm, is reported to have been almost winlly destroyed by fire . Yer Garibaldi and his son have with. drawn their Italian parlmme at resigt fined five hundred marks for & libel on Prince Bosmarck : Of the 14 is of grain imported into France during the first eight months of the present your, nine million gainials came from America. i —— OSA Official Census Returns, to official returns, the { Brooklyn, is 566 689, in- i a x G00 analy U0 O00 gu celLBus N. Y. Asoord papudiati } eolore population of Rhode Island is } 034 males and 143 496 females; foreign born and 6,597 are colored sixty-seven Indians and Providence has a population Ih he 76.4 aU are fing Ging incl seven « hi : of 104 85 ihe total yopul ation of the District of Col umbia is -83 694 males and 54,044 fermles i born, and 59 402 fare colored, including irteen Chinese, five Japanese nud six | The population of Georgetown is 12 147 S07, and the rest of Lue ire TOO. HE 17 % Lid iT 118 1¢,4100 1 L158 of W ashi nglon : 1 % t 17.763. “ Trast those who have tried |” Fever and Qatarrbal nds do testy that entirely cured them. Prios 60 cents. Newark, N.J., Sept. 27th, 1879. Mussus, Evy Baos., Droguists, Owego, [ ~Haviog given trial, 1 would aivise tars to lay other the Balm, for 1 remedy that fromm which x $ i believe this to be the only WAL los v TORS, me. 1 hay but have never It is § wt I'he Balm is doing won ters for tisad, Balm. lensnnt Yours, eto., CHARLES GARRABRANT, Dealer in Boots and Suoes, 8585 Broad St, . You Not in Good Mealth ¥ ver i8 the souros of your trouble, | shsolute remedy in DR. Sax. ror. the only vegeta. directly on the Liver, For Book address rosd way, New York, I the ' yOu can find an rorn's Lives Invigora LALA Who | Biliou is oat Lures a Yia getion the secretions, cleans ing bn it ner, expels all in the body The Voltale Belt Co. Will send Kleotro-Voltae Be afftioted pon 30 days hoo th tisement in this paper headed, * On 80 Days Trial” mors Ithial and natural mas © “ arshail Mich. their trial Rl. Get Lyon's Patent Heol Stiffeners applied to those new boots bulore you run them over. [Cleveland Plain Dealer.} Mr. Theodore Slively, soba tobacco and olgar dealer, 100 Seneca street, was re- cently laid up with rheumatism so that he couldn't walk. After liberal Poa ot various preparations he purchased a bottle of Bt. Jacobs Oil, and, to use his own expression, * It was the first thing to aiford him anything like relief.” He has completely recovered by its use. ———————— ‘In these days of practicality,” asks this Now Haven Register, * wouldn't it he well for managers of Iairs to offer a | prize for the best bread made by je fashionable belle? It might be; i wa would rather eat the tidy gh o but | the cook than the bread made by the | fashionable belle. It would be more | digestible. ~ Norristown Herald. (La) Payette Journal.) Such Reports Do One's Heart Good. Mr. Frank Wilke, North and Ninth streets, stated it was not only raised a his customers, but the Bt. Jobe il has not failed to give | satisinction in a single case. I ————— A Paris "sho hind 67,000 cu its RIGHT & 0O., Cor. - Elisabeth Streets, PREPARED BY Hgmm— Vegetine is Sold by all Druggists. NEW EDITION. Contains over { 1 8,000 Words, 1928 Pages, 3000 Engravings, Biographical over 9700 Names. Winking to intreduee our great Literary and Family Jour sal, The Fireside at THE MARKETS. BEW YORK Natives, live wi, Boe: Ostt) oMod. i'r Vous Oalves- "oor § LT Lam be Poge sree enE aes EE Na teenens » LAVE sures Dressed, coves Floar- Ex. State, go oll 10 fancy Wontarny good to fancy. ¢ ied, No. EY wii fle Byo—Biale, covers ovres shnvan Barley Two-Howed State. ..... Oorp—-Ungraded Western Mixed. Sonthern YellOW. cease Oats White Stale, coove Mized Wostern... Hay-p rime, Pirsw-long Rye, Hops — State, 1580 Pork — Mess, new Lard--(ity Steam, Perens Petroletmn -Orude ove. . UT @08Y Butier—State Oroam OY nseneeseres Dairy. vesnes .s 23 is @ 16 @ Ne 3 @ oi A 8 cxsevens 1 LE sanuan sss sunnnnn ] yy. rasas ssnus Senne on POr OWL. cesenees SRE SRT. 36 8 & A ™ ; 0 EER a a Hefined 12 Ne a “* = LRGBANINE SEER “40 1 Pa 2 ho an | Polatoss-—-Blate, DBI. cee ee BUFFALO Flour 3 Ground, No. 1 Bpring.. 8 Wheat—No, 1 Hard Duluth Oorn=No. i Vn, aan Oate—BIale, cover vrvinnrone Barley—Two-rowed State. ce BORTON, Beef Oattie—Live weight, vue Bheep.... Lami¥, eens oe ween 1 of Evan Hog, ee . Fiour- Ww seoons! n snd Qorn--Mixed and Yellow... Osts--Extra White, new, i | Ryo SHBL0. conus | Wool—Washed ( Som bing & Delain. Unwashed, ke WATERTOWN (MASS ) CATTLE MARKET Beef Oattio—live weight, : Bheep, i lamin a CRRERRE RARER eae 0% PEARL RRRERE 0% PHILADELPHIA, Four—Penn. good and fancy. Wheat No, 2 Rye—Rtate Qor Stale Oats—Mixed . sesessansrne Butter. ~Oream ery ¥ Xr. coeee Checse~Now York Full Cream Sheek ig Petroleum—~Crude. ........00 x &07 % Rots DrBULLS “ie 585 as 11a 95 @ 8 @ ie 4 12% 98 55 as 31 18% Ww Wd. ueeene esses Yellow, Fassnsseanens DANIEL F. BEATTY ORGANS! 14 STOPS, SUR HASS & OCT, COUPLER Ileods PIANOS £18%°% wp i Sent on Trinl w srranted, DANIEL BEATTY, Wa Catulogne Free, N. J, Ww ash hi ini on. A cnrlosity to every ave, and a necess! to an students of listory or bh pa KOR. AN OF MOHAMMED; transiaied rom th Arab ¢ hy WE Sale. Fore i new, Ix Lipo, at, hb 35 centa, and 6 Ee IT posts age 1 i # remarkal Say wi! antifu free are afiticte 1 So! N iy 5 1 This 8 0 with these loathsome diseases, wm them; iis is owing to ¥y A. readly curabe if dle boast but a fact | have Send for 3 all about these arge ¢ Hook, 375 pages, octavo, iy P opie ory few ¢ r treatmer properly treated. fttle BB ok, free fo all Il w matte # and who l it, My | ce $3 by mall, Dis. U. EE. SHOR ET AKER, a You Surgeon, ling, Pa. MV STACHE 4 WHISKER, feast ged N al te affect Fag HITH & BON +4 Belial.) ————————" — we * Po ished Granite Mounments fram +) ws. Free on board shi pt ) By Jar 1 of Amer- gr sons - urate and peautiful, Joi N Ww. LEGGE, Sculptor, / o Fae ty np ad and Be Puan i Chai vy Hin a free ans and prices Aberdeen, Seotiand. wun Jiustvratod page? siee of NT. Ledger, devoud to Liver i Beowindge, toad Wmetract er whole family wefy 1 whe Prom, P oat and Luby Afton ast Pacaie’ TARY IT. YOUR REMEDY IS ALLENS LUNG BALSAM Sold by all Medicine Dealers. FRAZER AXLE GREASE. | And a Throst and Lung ASections indorsed by Ge il - -—_ a pr arnt i NEN HONOR ihe Somiamtas nt Fares a Chicago. FRAZER LUBRICATOR CO. NewYork. Wis ad verdsenent we are wi owe 1 oo sdvaniage ¢ The regular price is te tntradune it = pow renders y von Wil soye 5 order iv off rs font times the amount, Send ab ¥, alist your = Ss 2 soured in Bo olher way far if vou cer conscientiously dred, thei got 4 ’ wisvon, wid more-we will wake you a oy Ap - y 00 Li, L Astron F. RB LUPION, Pediichor, E Park glare, Now York. BI- CARB NATRONA athe best In the World, It is absolutely the best for Medicinal Purposes. 11 is the best I Fag and all Paanlly Uses. Sold by all Druggists and | PENNA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phila. rae ONAN ron ROOK. AGENTS wo gdmdidly diwdrated of Airis nN To GEN. HANCOCK +55 i Sen aulbor of mations fa neock 6 the party fades, GEN, GARFIELD: gy Roth lich a pope, i over 10, 000 a week { rd $10 2 doy Outdts Ste, i heal Books And forme, addres quick, hv RBARD BROS, Philadephia, Pa NCYCLOPADIA s= TIQUETTEZ BUSINESS This 8 the cheapest and work on Ktiguetle and Po roy Roa hn teils how to perform all the varions duties yi life, os how to appear to the best advantage on ail pocasions. Agents Wanted. ~Send for cironlams contalairg a wll description of the work and «xtra terms 16 Agen's. : r Address Narioxas Posasmiss Co. Philadelphia, “STUMBLING BLOCKS MADE STEPPING STONES,” action Rev.JamesJ. Moriarty, A.M, CHATHAM VILLAGE, XN. ¥. 1 Vol, 12 Mo Price, $1.25 Net. Cheap Edition sent free by mail for 30 conta hag th pd arms and Sa Gen. ni ~, B. W, PAYNE & SONS, CORNING, N, Y. ERT ARLISIMBD ame, Patent Spark-Arresting En. ines, mounted and on skids, ertical Engines with wro' boilers. Eureka Safety pow. ers with Sectional bollers— can't be exploded. All A L) vith Automatic Cut-Offa, . J Fromg150 t0 $2,000. nd for C ventas, State where you saw PETROLEUM { Grand Medal | at Philadelphia an rr Biya ps VASHLINE 22% This wonderful substanos is acknowledged by Ph sicians throughout the world to be the best remedy dis covered for the cure of Wounds, Bums, Rhetmatisn, Skin Diseases, Piles, Catarrh. Chilblains, &¢. In order that every one may Uy if, Ris put up in 18 and 85 cent 1 bottles for household tse. Obtain it from your druggist, { and, you will fod it superior to anything you have ever ON30DAYSTRIAL will sand our EKlectro-Voltalc Belta and other Ee oy tric Appliances upon tial for 30 days to those aficted with Nervous Dedilily and discaws of a personal nature, x so of the Liver, Kidneys, Ricuimatitn P Paralysis, ete. ae sure ovre puiaraniced or no pay. dress WV oitale Belt Co., Marshall, Mich. a ————, Arn MONTH! AGENTS WANTED 2 Ilest Selling Articies in the world, a sample iy JAY Broxson, Detroit, Mich, ere CIALLY VALUABLE information Ss” for MAR RIED Pit PLE, Circulars fice. 18440 MonsE & ¢ Co. n, 44 West 1 Hit, New ) York © Ry. Mail us a Postal with your address, BOOK AGENTS I will ray you. A. GORTON & Wi 00.5 531 Oommerce St, Phila, Pa, LLEV'S Brain Food—cures Nervous Debflitty a W eakn 8s of Generative Organs, 185, $1 all Ave NT Send for CIr'l'r "Yo Allen’ s Pharm 3 FirstAv X. | AME Persons wanting Employment in Mercantile Houses, Hotels, Stores. Otfices, etc., aud Teachers desiring School engagements, cal, or address with stamp, MANHATTA N AGENCY, 743 Broadway, N. Y, Uity, YOUNG ME Loam NOT FA a month, Every graduate rua ation, Address R Valentine, Manager, pa nl Expositic : A YEAR and expois nses 10 agents. Gute Free. ess . OU. VIUKERY, » Augusta, Maine, and ave Kgl en My releranoms Sewing Machine Company ¥ Pel 2 any - Doe'r agents In tis 30 Chorch St. Wart Wi and 0 Heme ave, _ Clicage, TL EM. &W. WARD, LF BROADWAY. = Is the * Original * Concentrated Lre and Reliable Pumity Soap Maker Directions R000 Can n Soft and Tollet ct Soap, BAD 4 Sulekly. and strength. Ask Fe and take Do othert. PENNA SALT MANUFACTURING CO., Phila. GELLULOID EYE-CLASSES. representing the choloest selected Torfolse-Shel! and Amber. The lightest, handsomest, and strongest known. Sold by Opticians and Jewelers. Made by SPENCER O. M. 00, 13 Mailen Lane, New York, This Ciaim-House Established 1865, PENSIONS. ew Law. Thousands of soldiers and beirs entitled. Renstons Site stan discharge or death. Teme listed. P.O. Dawe 323 GE ftom FEMALES will Ray oure Female Be of the Womb, Fite Setation of the Wore ing, Painful pressed and Toi ihe An old on reilable remedy. Send or & pay Ireat Ey & Sh v «LX Lott Regi ua as od Ne 4d Datla ania, to How. per Em HAN OR OLD, hin huttrinh Mattias, Suu Aas a dir RES — A FASCINATING AND CHEAP BOOK. JOHN SWINTON’S TRAVELS; Or, Forty ly aps in France and England. Published by y CARLES & & a. New York, Yeates A A WEEK in your free. Address H $66 wn town. Terms and $5 Outfit Luerr & Co., Maine. $72 ANEEC $132 day at home Suit; made, Costly mae