ae ——— Te we - REPUBLIUAN WASTE BR AA A SAA SA ae A AR WAG REMEDY FOR EPIZOOTY. Supt. 8. 8, Blair gives the following cure for epizooty to the Tyrone Herald: “To those having horses attacked with epizooty, quinsy or sore throat, permit me to say that in my experience with horses and mules in 1872, when the disease spread over the country with great rapidity, I used nothing but ex tract of ammonia and sweet oil in the following proportions: One part ex- tract of ammonia and two parts of sweet oil, rubbed in on the outside of throat and glands of the neck every two or three hoursuntil blistered freely, feed- ing them on hran mash until they re. covered. This treatment was entirely successful. As the disease is very proa- trating, do not work the animals f pos sible to avoid it—Keep your stables clean and well ventilated, and white wash them frequently. Exposare of the animels and hard work may bring on lung fever." mabe pA eo RE A + | SHERIFFS SALES, % 4 WALA ’ Hon, W. 8. Groesbeck of Ohio in are By virtue of SBundey writs of Feirl Fa ‘ 3 od | most vivid Yah] Clas, Lovarl Faoins, and Venditoni Ex cent speech presented In & Mi fu jonas issued out of the Courtor Common the wastefulness and extravagance of the hy ur Contre County, and te mo direct | ropublioan party. Ia showed among oth- ud, thare Will bo Ypeind y public alo ui) : \ seior to 1801 there had naver (50 out ov nein unit, oituate in Potter Township, Centre coun situste in the Borough of aciiefontae Can er things that y re r to 186 MSE land dis | Suturday the 2th day of November, A Dy, Pann's. Bounded snd desoribes as fol [tre county, Penna, on the south cide off been the donation of an nore ¢ . 1 1880, at 1 o'clock P.M. tue totiowing desl fies ig: Boglnning wt a in the! Bishop street Bounded and deserihad us| reotly to a railroad corporation, Accord . sunbed Koa! Kaiato ol the defendants Winuhlie round wit Hao of land ¥ Inte of i { follows: On the oust by lant of Mra Ida i ing to the office estimatos the republican "XN Belsbin, thence north 7 dog wast 3 porghos Silth, on the south hy cherry alloy on tl 8 ¢. since 18 s railroad | No. IL lta stones, thance north 13 deg west 80 pars | west by Lt of R. D, Cummings 00 fe t partly, sinc e 1841, has grant tom as All that certain messunge, tenoment and! hes to stones, Lhance so 18 deg or w| front of Babop is LY extending 1 corporations more than 137,000, he \ tract of land, situate in College Twin, parohes to stones, thence north 28 deg AN feet to cherey alley, thereon about one-twentieth of the whole United | Contre Co, Penns, beginning at w post| wast 111 perches to stones, thence no rih | 3racted a two-story frame hous States, larger in extent than New York, rn line of landeuh Bites Wark wind W m5 dog. enst 76 0 10 perches to ALSO y : : 3 star, thence by lund ul mi. Foster und henoo south 204 deg east 183 7.10 parchaos All that ceriuin lot or niece of sraund Naw Jersoy, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Ohio Roff Foster's heirs, north 60° wesi 181 a Hetigu 40 ith 4 4 oh wt 3 Xe pare . a ho 06 nin lob " place of gi oun and Kentucky: larger than the German 10 perches to stone, thence by lands Uliparches to stones, thence south 864 deg, ire county, Penna. sn the south side of empire, including Prussia, Saxony and all Agneglonral Dollung of Penna, South 454° west 36 perches to a stone, thence south Bishop street, Bound: d on the north hy tela wot 424 porches to wu post, thence by sume 34 dog enst 1518 10 perches to ane | Bishop street, on the west by lot of Mrs he Dutoh principalities; larger than : | g eust 1 pare A stone, th . th prinely 1 much Inrger north 494° west 101 1:10 porches, wo un post finence north 72 deg ewst 10 2.10 perches] M Cunningham, on the south by sn siley, France and Belgium, and hence by land of D, Musselman south 80° (o & stream, thenos south 324 dog. vast wr thi east by other lot of said MeOsffarty than Great Britian and Ireland 1t belong od to the people; it was given OW few in dividuals, who, fer convenience, OFRanias 1s thers, simi oo . 4 THE CENTHE REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pa, Th’rs Nov. 4. , 80. par TR MS, —§2 per year, when paid in clpanee » $2.50 when not guid tn advance. Advertisements ets per line for three ihe sertions, and b cents per line for every Suis sequent insertion. Advertisements by the year at a liberal discount, ¥ Subseribers outside the county should re. mit wus 10 ets, amount of one year's post instead of cts as formerly when paid hy themselves. : “Subscribers can always tell how their aes sounts stand at the Raporser office dy com: suiting the lables on t oir papers. if the table reads “John Roa l jan "78 it means that John ss indebied for subseription from the 1st of January, 1875, and that of 2 {ume he was payng the printer Sentre & Spruce Creek RR WESTWARD, 1 5 PM 6.20 6.35 [Pringle contalning 23 nores more or lars, taken in axocution and (a be gold as the) lihereon eracted a two story frame house raperty of Thomas Jodinson wth and Bauland & Ne ) i and other outbuildings Neiged, taken in i A. Johngonbuugh his wife late Harak | sxacution and to be sold as the property A, Calhoun Admx of &e,, uf Wm, HL. Cul BELLEFONIE, Pa, hl TH J TEN u Al IK BEEHIVE ~———0ONE PRICE STORES - No 7 No. 18, We are now opening and displaying the largest and cheapest stock of goods ever offered in Centre county All that certain lot or plece of ground All that coriain lot or comprising full lines of a —— niece of ground | uth fapth age, e, Xe, glones | i wel west 16 1 10 purches Lo uw slong, Lhehce by parches te a red ouk, thence south bf deg Lwontaining in front of Bishop street 44 feet land of Adam Cronoble south 337 east 1500 00 20 7 10 perches to a chestnul ouk | ind extending in depth 200 fest to an gl U-10 parches to stones, thence along public! thence south 424 deg, east 17 5:10 perche thoreon story lrame round loading trom Pine Grove mils pal thence south 29 deg east 24) Agricuitural College of Penna, south 456° wost 20 por A west 84 2:10 perches to stone, thence niong dog. wes All that certain iol nnd of Bou. Cool, south 124 9 10 stone, Lhence nortd Huate in the Hara perches to a post, thence by lund ui of B. C Brisbin. de re gounty, Penna , on Silas Glasgow, north 623% east 18U per h the pint 8 0 fishop street Bounded the north by Ww piace of beginning containing 170 acres 107 scres aad 114] Sishop street, on the east by lot of Chins and XN perches, measure, cen Thereon erected WM eDermoth, on the south by an allay and crected a two story Irsme house, bark bank barn and nthe west hy other lot of said Mc Cuflar bars and other eutbulidiugs, Beised taken y, containing in front on Bishop sirest Ti in execution and 10 be & Id us Lh property eel and extending back in depth HK fest of William EP. Dale, thereon erected & two Blurry No. 2. other ont. All that certain le situate in the Village of Boalaburg, Ventr: ouunty, Penna, bounded and described a follows, vie: on the north by main strevt nthe west by Mrs. Henderson, on ih «uth by an alley and on the east by A Murray, containing one-fourth sore more yr jess, thereon erected a two story ramos house, sable and other outbuildings Seized, taken in execution and to be sold «8 the property of William Galbraith : s Lewisb'rp, ¢ ’ ay, arectet 4 two rouse and other outhul!dings 50) ar HOA maple od themselves into corporations. ; example of waste 7 six of these * o-oo. You are never cheated in any cloth- ing you buy at the Philad. Branch. Lewin warrants every suit he sells you, as represented, No reason to complain of not wear. ing pood and warm clothes Lewins at the Philad. Branch sells 80 cheap that all can clothe themselves warm and decent. ly for very little money. perches to & chestouy 28 deg LEAVE - outh 4 Montandon Liowizshurg... Coburn, qos ems» Arr at Spring Mills : EASTW A | piece of ground raf B Clan the side ot On thence Gan 3.10 par hes tua wart by land 200 5 10 perches to in all history, such an hae to & BkiLg, The railway corporations mare than $04.000,« 0X). When the bonds mature the loan, principal and interest, will amount to $300, 000,000 This large loan was made » first lien upon these railways, but its prior ity has bean surrendered, 1t may ba con. sidered ss lost, and should ba charged te the republican party. He als showed that the aggregate expenditures of the government the last nineteen years, emit. ting what was paid as interest, have been more than®$s 800,000,000. The Aggregate expenditures the preceding soveniy yours wera $1.600.000,000, The last nineteen years wo have spent, say, $4, 200,000,000 more than during all the balance of our national life, The average civil and mis collansous expenditures of the republican party. the last nineteen years, have been (52,000,000 & yoar. In the nineteen years befora they wera than $17,000,000, The aggregate Indian expenditures, the last ninetean years, amounted to $97.000,~ 000: for the preceding ninelednd Joars, $44,000,000, War and naval sxpenditures, or pensions and interest, are not referred to for thay are not fairly the subject of comparison, Hefonte sOULh government loaned to saat J 2 deg 98 geased beginning, containing nek thu perches and allowance un lwosstory frame Louse, plier outbui dings ALSO All that certain lot or plete of ground Isituste in Potter twp, Uentre or piece of ground | Penn's. Beginning a stone {northwest corner of the above i de 6 AM. ry 10.10 10 88 wn 12.45 5.45 Arr at Montandon....680 1.00 6.00 Not 1and 2connect at Montandon with Erie Mail, west on the Philadelphia and Erin R, R. . Nos. 8 and 4 with Day Express east and Niagara Express west, Nos. 5 and 8 with Fast Line west LEAVE AM Spring Mille wma Coburn wn Lewisburg Dry Goods, Carpets, Notions, Yarns, Boots & Shoes, a » aan alley, nd a hall frame houses and wmiidings, 35 county en Lhe deseribed i parches to stones, thenge north 654 degs sagt 78 4 10 theno hy land of Samuel deceased south 214 deg, eust 27 B10 perches to a thence by land of the first above de deg, west 77 1 10 of beginning. Coun (ining 18 weres and 108 perches, more or (oss, no buildings ALSO, All that cartain lol ur piece ground | itusts in Potter township, Usntrg county Penn's. Begloning at a8 while oak or arner of unseated tract surveyed in the mme of Ed ward Crouch near the foot of Pussey mou thence south 16 we-L [00 perches Lo a chestnul oak, thane: west XU perches 10 a chasing Mens Furnishing Goods. - t —If you are a patriot and lover of t Ee your country then show it by patronis- ing the people that do you much good and give vou money saving bargains, We need hardly say that the Puilad, Branch clothing store is the place to go to save your hard earned money, as all know it so well already. ALBO All that certain lot or plece of ground sitiate inthe Borough of Bellefonte, Cen re county, Penna, Bounded and describ. d as follows: On the north by lands of Hhortlidge & Co.. on the east by lands of ). Rhoads, on the south by & street and y the west by lot of Michael! Kelly having iw front of 70 feet on said street and extend ing back AN0 feet to lands of Shortlidge & Co , thereon erected « double frame house ALSO All those two certain mosuages, ten. tients and lot of ground situate in the Horough of Bellelonte, Centre county, Pa Bounded as follows: Oae thereof ng at a corner of Allesh Ly street 3 ¢ ih alley 70 te: north ot aa of Rot Valentine, thence north 200 feet along sid street thence east X00 foet, thence uth 2H feet to an alley wea west XD} “et tn the place of begi ining, the said tract, thence north 2 wast 28 7 PR BS. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER A SPECIALTY. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. THE PUBLIC ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK: : OU MOTTO IS: —ONE PRICE ; THE BEST GOODS, AND NO MISREPRESENTATION, 30 sept 3m, parches to & slone, Npangler, Os, scribed tract south 604 perches to the LOCAL ITEMS, piace — Farmers who want groceries for gen- A new bobsled, made of | eral use should call on Sechler & Co, for |any thing in the line of sugars, coffees, teas, spices, new cheese, 8. C. hams, 8, C. dried beef, breakfast bacon, dried peach. #2, new prunes, hominy and rice, syrups and N. OO. molasses, stoneware, queens ware, as well as any thing in the line of fresh meats, as they kill the beat stalls fod steers and have the choicest meats in the county. wor SALE, : the material and workmanship, will be sold cheap and gnaranteed. J. W. RRIFSNYDER, oct21 St Millheim, Pa. — Pleased to have a call from Rev, J. BR. Aikers, a few mornings ago. —The frandulent president has fixed upon Thursday, Nov. 25, as Thanksgiv- ing day. ~The new domestic Sewing Machine was operated by a blind Jady at the 5 9 wy Bellefonte fair —A comet is coming, still those can’t come it who try to sell better groceries than Sechlers. Everybody can sea the comet free by getting their groceries at Sechlers, —The largest ear of corn, we have vet geen, was brought to this office by John G ngerich, it measures 15 inches in leugth, and full of perfect grain. Who can beat this? We think Gingerich is hard to beat. —Ho for salt river—but first stop in a‘ the Philad. Branch and get a good N00 All that cortaln lot or plese of land usta in Patton Twp, Centre county, Pa., sounded and desoriped us follows: Be ginning at a post being the n wrthireard orner of the Penna. Furnace Company wnds, thence along ssid land souih Sg" onst 120 porches to small white unk thence along lands of Thompson, MeCoy & C sorth 60° enst 1764 perches to stone, thence dong tend of Thompson, McCoy & Co lisk, thence south one degres east 40 per north 84° west 136 perches LO sjune, pence lohes 10 8 chestnut thence north 743 deg ” along lands of Joromiab Mayes south 60% oust 278 porches tom white wine, thence |b acl lylog on the east side of Allegheny | Cornola 4be, west 10 perches Lo the place of begnning, [worth 26 deg, west 62 perches to & post, | reet 3 Tn ai containing 127 acres, 100 perches and wi-fihence south 64 deg west 20 parches to ALE0 | Buckwheat, 60c, (owaace, thereon erected & twesslory sions, thence north 7 deg west six perch Toa other tharoaf ring on the wast aide: Berioy. Olle (rame hours, bank barn and other out fas to stone, thence south 70 deg. west 224(0 Allegheny strest Hoginning al a cor (Cloversesd, $4 60'to sulldings. Beiged taken in eX eculic i ROA {jae rohas ORK chestnut oak, thanes north!’ or of A legheny street and an ulley 20, Plaster ground per ton $10 00 Ls ha soid a8 Lhe prorariy of Puilip Carper |] dag. west 100 perches to x white oak, the! 6t north of lots Istely sol by James A Pour per bbl $6 00 ' . No, 4. J a {place of beginning containing 94 sprees and! Beaver to J 8 Birkey 1 100 feet, Butter Ae : All the right, titleand interest of dele: d- [52 perches sud allowance, no buildings [thence west 200 feet, thence south 100 feet! Tallow. Go. ant in and to all the following luisa orfSeized, in execution and be sold |v an allay, thence east along said alley! Lard Ge : peices of ground: ail that certain ot Orjasihe property of Jobu Bitner, [200 feet to place of beginning. Seized.! Ham 10e in execution and to be sold as the Shoulders, Te, Bacon or side, Te. peice of ground situate in Lhe borough oi No 8 property of Charles MoCuflurty, Eggs per doz., 18¢, best si f oi gin TR ia Alain dog Bpring Mills Market, New Stock! 85, No 3, 60. New Goods! AT DINGES?, CENTRE HALL, - PENNA | WE HAVE ON HAND A NEW STOCK OF} Dry Goods, Clothing, = Boots and Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Glass & Queensware, &e., &e¢, AND IN WHICH WE OFFER UNHEARD OF BARGAINS | Calicos from 4 cents up. Muslins * § " I bave an assortment of all classes of goods which I p mywlf fo STOCK oF soll as cheap as dare be sold any place, We have a NE Write for designs and hear my prices, 0D. R. STRATFORD, READ ¥- MADE CLOTHING, Wheat No 1,95, No 2, Hye, "0c Corn, ears, per bu, 37 ¢. outh 70 deg eile bream wen ther The man who likes to study the semper of the people finds a good ops portunity on the day after an election, The New Haven Register thinks {hat it is not the yellowest pumpkin yat the rosiest girl that makes the yest ples, el AP Partoership.—If the name of a partnership firm be merely the name of an individual partoer, proof that he signed such name to a bill of exchange is not enough to make the firm liable on the bill. To establish the liabili. ty the holder of the bill must further prove that the signature was put to it by the authority and for the purposes of the firm,— Yorkshire Banking Co. vs. Beatson, Court of the Queen's Bench. Guy wrih taken to A Boston man who was told that something was a dollar a plate, orders ed a saucefull, A Brooklin girl wanted to know the meaning of all the talk about “taf- ly for revenue.” A Long Island child thought that ner {ract of L entre Bellafoute, Centre Co, Penna known in! All that certain messuage or ihe general plot of said Boro, as lot No land situnte in Miles township, M 190 and as surveyed snd nid out by Ww cour ty, Penna, ! ded nnd deseribed Harris, recorded 1n muceligosous book fol is shibg st a b} “O page 121, seo plot, beginning al the uk, tl d originally of levis north enst corner of lot No. 184, thence e& Co ex. wot 214 per north 16° west 200 feet to lands of Harris 8 Lo stones, from Coutil's heirs thence sloog ssid la d south 78° 10ill te Brush Valley near the old road, |®! ons warrant to wast 0 feet 10 ab alley, thence south 10% thence slong sald road south 8 ng qe Doginning at an ash v cast 44 fest slong other land of R. U Me 3 and Casper Sha Murdiey to corner of lot No. 194 thence ont 18 perches 10 & pitch narth 60 deg. east north 73° east along said lot WU feet to Lf d 49 per to st " & pine place of beginning, thereon erec tod wu two 24 po to a piteh pis parches more or lesd to a story frame house, stable sod other oul wast 44 Henry Piukertar buildings, white vak, south 6 de rv Pinkerton survey ALBEDO stot wath 1 XK) perches, nu All that certain parc el or lot of i i y sloped, then oraer of Rosert Spear; situste und being in the rear of luis de ish. Miohas oberg Bpeer survey morth | reribed in the above named survey begin: Hlouts wad John : Op ret ia or less to Lhe plac # of 4 \ \ sre ot Nou it 510 perehe Daginnih sontaining 439 dg 2 1 {Y 4 N A . i ning at the south Wel eurhie? of ot No lenst O10 pen £. conls Rd res and 1 iL heaper Rates Then Elsewhere. 19! thence north 10 deg west T54 feel dl perches | jrost, thence south 78 deg Weil miong iol ALSO, i vl Harris heirs 100 feet WwW of Harris 7 situnte in Rush town 141 L . On Monday, Oct Robert E.. son of | heirs, thence south 10 deg. east 2374 fowl tui] rth 17% deg. Ce county, Penn's, sirveyed on|rcild ly ewistown, Pa. lwhich . John T and Yale Leo, aged 6 years, 2) lands of Valentine's & Uo theace nord are hes the place of begging + warrant te Robert Speer Beginning » »e APRA bs n- fae pos wi oF ve will sell as cheap as can be bought anywhere else in the county mos. and 11 days. 73 deg enst OY feet Lo place ol Beginning, «it Bb ; «John Hambrg all ENNSYALL Y BANKING ee oo XeSpiinie cootatning G9 perches more or less, re George Hoofuagle; the CENTRE HALL, PA : h WE to make the fact known that we are selling goods just as cheap xin ¥ 3 (BCEIVE DEPOSITS and allow Inter [#8 any sore in the county, and are prepared to prove it, serving snd nol intending Lo convey Lhe BRghL survey d y ost; Discount Notes; Buy and We respectfully invite the people of Centre Hall say is so. ® shove grant 11 feut wide immediate A ¢ | {i { bis : . the rear of said bsich lots, no bulld: er township nire iy . sell Government Securities Letters of administration on the esiale i Gold and Counons country te call on us and be conviueed thst what we I | i : i yo 2 Al the right findant's ir terest of de tit y la and in and to fiw thiowe three several | ft easUnos, tenements and tracts of land as Hows, to { tract sitasts in Kush | wnship, Centre ¢ iy, Penn'a surveys Christopher Tenhore, | ener of John Hams | Yaar, Jr; thince| rehes more or je east Jo] pine corner of | é by the said Hen 650 4d g. wes, | to u degwood| The undersiensd respectiully informs ce by the said [the public of Penrsvaliey that he is pre- 40 deg west [tard to do all kindsof work in MarbLE D GRANITE al Bb alk n Corrected weekly by 1. J. Grenoble, LEWISTOWN Marble & Granite! WORK wil fie vil B and warm suit from Lewins, You can save from Sto 10 dollars by the transacs } the eyes in f pot to were the button en. | holes of its jacket. _Dsniel Erte! writes us from Mar | shaltown, Jows, Oct. 25: “We have a fine country here and good crops of all | the kind of grain. Apples are beginning to | perhaps the get pienty, and not mach market for | them. Potatoes are plenty and sell a 25cts, wheat 80; corn 27; pork live $3.71 to $4.00: cattle $3 75 to $4.00 live weight, For the benefit of my many old friends, I would say this is a great country.” —Rev. D. Hunter preached in the stone schoo! house near Humes Mill, Centre county, where he had preached thirty vears ago, and only nine persons in acrowded house were present who then heard him. Lg singe at {2 perches Lo a piteh pine, soul! ight pit amon asst fi HC MARRIED. On the 17 inst. at the Reformed parsen. age, by Rev. W. M. Landis, Mr Alfred Brumgord ef Brush Valley to Miss Media Maden of Miflinburg. 220 pe Bat nes ‘Bes thence south 40 deg A writer in London Truth says that cleanest dwelling in England are jails, 8 + Weel relivs Boots 81 75 and upward. Shoes 50 cts * ” parches te a » then IR pe Pp g east south, 2 deg rofes east 70 per. ire or less ng isnds of Fredy Hagel Edward Shaffer, north 68 dey rih 173 deg FELAUL aK, Lhe Rile & Co ,souh perch thence Six sons, each six feet in height, ol scted as pall bearers at their father's (John McMurray's) funeral on the 4th inst., at Duncannon. - -_-— - # * “Ee DIED. On the 0th Inst. of diptheris, Mary Olive, daughter of James und Ellen Wirth of Union Co. Aged 9 years, 2 months and 11 days. 3 os. iF ' ac s1 O® Irvin 2404 NOV. COURT.—4 MONDAY. i Ona other rast Grand Jurors. Benner— F. Houser, T. Perdue. Patton—S, Hamon Walker—Jas Martin, Howard twp — H Deop, J T Johnsen, P Van Hora, A Montgomery Spring—J 5 Noll, W H Miller. Snowshoe—W RR Hayes. Harris—H Swab, Haines—Sam’'l E Motz, Boggs —Th. Adams, Gregg—Joseph Smith, Geo Miller, Geo Corman, Belisfonte—W W Montgomery. Rush—W M'Clellan Marion—John Spayd. Howard boro—H L Lucas. Liberty— W Bechtol Worth-Joseph Harpster, Collega—Goo Dale. fol s winhg west b ng 1 SIL He on PB - nire #L. Corner of b » Gal arches, more or wah curner of @ aha ab SO per AP MINISTRATORS NOTICE. ~Trouhle brewing in Ireland for 4 dene want of enoogh to eat. If they had Sechlers grocery there, things would soon be quieted in having good food for all. —Philip Meyer, of the Red mill in- tends taking possession of the brick mill at Millheim, next week. Philip isatip- top miller. Wm. Moyer of Linden Hall, takes charge of the Red mill. of ings #1 ve dest of David Gilliland, late of Potier twp, ’ A LSO f Rb we] cur w " of bert J . f § dec'd buving been granted to the un der That part of lot No 194 bounded snd pry hes to ed, t oe by land of Jers ; ruer of the inkerton 3 Vu. W Th he Vue 8. MixoLx signed, all persons indebted tossid stata 4 Lo ned ws fullews, beginning st the mish Park. : 60 deg. west ne et 8 moet *m ure required to make immediate payment perih-enit corner of lot nid out to Margs [chest y \ - . | Mare af ro of tra in ie LAMA id Peer * wn est, S88 10 Rm POSE af of Peter Miller; thence Milter <8) perches Y i i i J no» 3 bv the ad those having cluims seainst the samel Coo hence north 16 deg east 19 foot north 18 de jo presen; thse, duly nutbenticated by [to south enst corner of lot Na 10 thence | fo ement. . > with 73 . Wel XU SAM'L GILLI LAND, J + thence south 10 veg College Twp east 19 feel 0 of Margaret Glenn, be Adm F thence slung said lot north 78 deg east DD 200 feel 0 place of beginning being part Pen sg in 4 STRAY.—Came to the premises of of tbe 14 sacred conveyed by Josiah Kent C00, gran Yy Wm. H Ruble about 6 weeks ago, und Maria his wife by deed deed April Cuarles L & heifer with white star on face, snd hip ib, 1841 to RB. () McUill his heirs and ip exvoul shod, about 3 years old. The owner is re« gusignes and recorded in Lhe Baporders ty of Lett quested to urove properly, pay cosis and othce st Bellatonte in Deed Book ""F''jnon gum emove the same, Jas. B. Lxe. page 3583, no buildings. with Chas L dnov 3 Town Clerk. ALSO, Zo HOME FOR 33LB.—_ 2 — All that carigin lol Or piace of ground (No 8 situate in Bellefonta C about 13 acres conuly, Penna. bounded and desoribied ssisituales in Sprie t » vin 40 deg. to 5 ACres FUTVEY m beg Ange onin ining asd 188 perches, mo fginmng Bk We sini 1 sie Lradt of f { Leh f fr Hie 3 indenture "a : “* 3 Leen L feel LO sould Weg! r ¢ R. 1 * of g 45 iol =n ng date the aT 18 wid Tey Dead B ted {8 4nov. GL, - st rtly in Ru I partly 1} unly, The other Hp ' ral (la —~Don't you want to buy a good pair | 1 : A f i «0 HE» of bonts or shoes cheap? If you do we | would advise you to call at Dinges’ as | ue > they have the largest and best stock | Traverse—1st Week. around. | Millheim—J H Breon, W R Honey, H —A. E Hawn, an employee at Jones, | Lue. BN X seine wil & al 3 i hil ® i on—\u ar. - Mull & Co's planing mill in Philipsburg, | Philipsburg— Jacob Jones, L W Mun- Centre, had his left arm caught ina buz | planer last Thursday and received a 8e-| Suring—E D Noll, Wm Bilger. P Wis : = vere flesh wound, extending from the | gn, Joseph Flora, H B Tate, C C Taylor. A good dwelling housa, : i ; wrist to the elbow. | Ferguson—H C Campbell, J W Krum- ground with stable, smokebouse, and othe follows, vin: Beginunit g at the corser of Pa. bounded ox x irvine. J B Ard er outbuildings, and a WAGON MAK- the strest lending to the friend grave yard {y —Hurrah ? Sixty ready-made suits of | * yi ie Wm Hoover. ER SHOP, near Farmers Mills is offered and the wliey running back of the lots of clothing just received at Dinges’. Horry | pouer--John Foreman, J D Murray, J | st private sale. All kinds of choice fruits I). H, I'runer and olbers thence siong ia up if you want a bargain, | W Conly, W Lohr. on the premisis. A very desirable proper Strouse & Meyerof Mechanics mills, | Bel'efonte—T Lose, Job y DANIEL LUSE. Fine § 2% | Blackford, N 8 Baily. 14 oot 48. Wolf's 8 resented us with | Blackford, Ally : Rl RT TIeamassem—— at Wolfe Store, Mave eswheat flour, of | Groeg—Cbas Miller, J B Leitzel. JE XECUTORS NOTICE= Murris township d sri of sury thereo! made 18 Apr 159% on warrant yi ! be wal seed hi wl 3 i ¥i | foantd 10 be : Bs Lhe pt ; 4 : « M Rowand sdmx , de | giv filo BRowsnd gler and wil terre tenas i ' role Inte v Inlermnrried dated the 3 wilh Bhoelise $ 1 tr, Rd r at ,, ¥ 3 a Fy * 3 y borough, tire that cartain lol or pieces of ground tre Cc , Lentre nt wo b ang fOWaoship ches Loa po hal ‘yr thence nlo: i islin said street 77 feel 10 & post the said street 121 feet te the line ol lol o said Abram Stewart, thence slot g the line of said Abram Stewart's lots 18 feel (0 0] deg the corner of said Stewart's stable, thante| sual 4 to alley back of Charles Brown's lot : : : : e of AA law OR t cellent article. Their mill torns out| ~Mijlesburg—C L Baffin rd otere testamenaty ou the ensie o feet, thence niong said miley 208 feet to the some of the best work in the county. “vy. having been ranted to tha wadorsigued. pince of bugiablug containing One ad Liberty—G W Long. wll pursons endebted to said estate are re sare ge tens, 4 le ni id loin vb Union—P B Bush, O Underwood. quired to make immediate payment, and MF A antma Ol od to | *'K y t tion and tu b Pi ae Myers, A F Kramer, W H those having claims sgainst the same to Boa Fi present them duly authenticated by law i" aiain ry luna aFlond sditii ly Miles—Gen Hubler, S Krumrine, for settlement. H. F. BITNER. All that certain lot OF pleca of pid 3 US Ne Boggs— C C Adams, Penn Hall, Pa ste in Spring Twp, Cenirea Co, Pa, he Ail mess URRS, Howard boro —J Heverly 14 oct. Gt A Exec lor. |Kinming atl & stone corner on the west side! lit of ground si uate Peun—Nathan Corman Is Moyer Och. »XOCULOT. |v ha old Lewistown turnpike, thence by [Centre county, Penna. Bounded anc Unionville—~Jeahn Alexander. YOURT PROCLAMATION Hand of Robert 5 Mitler's boirs south 744 toribed ne furl GW, Law iH Un the por deg. west 46 8-10 perches to stone~ thence by lands of Elizabeth Kunes, on east Worth—Jas Cannon, | Hp : Benner—1L: M’ Entire Wtersas, the Hon. Oharies A. Ma , Prasident of by lands of Elijah Gettle north 18 deg (by Jobn Muasden, on the south by Isod +t " Thi he court of Common Pleas, in the 35th Judicial Dis + abs. . ones. thet wt ati He i an tha West 2d Week riot consisting of the counties of Centre, Clinton and| Woes 123 10 Puls hts 10 n gd, thane ® hy hristian Hea hd 4 ut of h the wel by &( eek. Gleadeld, and ibe Honorable Sami Fran), and the! lund of Robert V. Miller's heirs north 704 [sired running north and south, onorable John Divens, Associated Judges in Centre dup aust 20 B 10 perches Lo stones on Lew-lone fourth of ROTH I or Potter—B Arney, John M'Coy, jr. county, having issued their precept, bearing date the 0 1urnnike, thence by said turnpike/ihe smine lot of ground conveyed by Che Spring—A J Swartz, § John Benchdol to June Marion—W Brickly. xX) perches 1 i contisining §u sre and 108 pered #F, ore or legs, Nvig ] en in exe=cull 1 10 be sod » i i 8 i is ( | oy “ Wagner, Geo 0 perches Wo a stake orstone, thence souil 6 perches to sind Samus! Rote Wer Walker—dJ T Dunkle, Eliss Linebach, Br their mannfactore, which we findan ex-| pn Kane. ‘ Breun Joh G8 slong aid lols " > ot the piace « Park r gton, Jas Mur- } i ANGLER, £F WO « © fe ne ReCre, more Or t : —The election being over all the talk ’ will be about the large and cheap stock of clothing at the Philad. Branch, also hats, caps, boots, underwear, and all you want to dress up nicely. county dec'd seized of &c ALSO, g tha! coriain tenement © ¥ | 8 r 3 ; HOP BITTERS. (A Medicine, net a Drink.) CONTAINS HOPS, BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, AxD rar Pramst axn Ress Menical Qualls TINS OF ALL OTHES HITTERS. CLOTHING Sherty whnsboy —Hammond Sechlers was chairman ds of the democratic mass meeting at Belles fonte, on Friday. The meeting was ad- dressed by congressman Hill of Ohio and Mr. Wolliver of Lehigh. — Do not fail to see the new Domestic Sewing Machine before baying any other. 2. ~The democratic meeting at Millbeim on Wednesday 27, was a grand succees, There was a great turn-out of the dem- ocracy, and able speeches were made by H ne. Joseph Parker and C. T, Alexan- der. ~—Rev. B. B. Else, of Milesburg, ocen-| pied the pulpit of the M. E. church in| this place on last Sunday at the Quarter | lv Meeting services. The sermon in the | morning was on the endurance of temp- tation, and that in the evening on the inspiration of scripture. Both excellent sermons. The business session of the quarterly conference was deferred ia consequence of the rain notil next Sat- urday, Nov. 6, 1880, at 2: the wh ore joan THEY CURE AI Diseases of the Bromach, Rawels Mood, Liver, Kidners, and Urinary Organs, Neb ve Laenn ecu $1000 IN COLD. emaie Lome wil be patd for 8 ease they will not eure or help, or for anything hn pare oF lajuricus vund in Laan EYES, POCK OUR FALL STOCK IS CAN “SUIT” ALL of your your PERSON twisio frame dings Ask your drugeist for Hon Nitters and try thes before you sleep. Take neo other, * NOW OPEN Just Opening! ANEW STOCK FO Fall and Winter T worrs CENTRE HALL, TPA Nowis the Time FOR BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS NOTIONS. FANCY GOODS, READY-MADE SUITS, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES 5 st ihin cure for tobecee wid D LC san ahsoiate snd Drankenoess, ure of « win, Barcotios fxxp you CIRCULAR. All shove 34 by ES ee is Arapgita, on .& Torsute, Out, eager, and on free r less hoster, N. 3 30 sept tf. TH Cot hy Geo Are nim lan% over FORINEY, Aitorney thers On yuna stable und other Spry £0 Ty wa 30 p.m IRN . ou p.m, ul ———————————————— en the county ©f Cestre, and to commence on the db All that certain lot or piece of ground vivion wi d to hosold as the properly ol Boggs E Noll. jr J Yarnell, Ww Buts said oounty of Centre, that they be then snd there In a ' \ ' -i wan are bound lu recoguizances to prosecute against co corper, thence by land of 1. MeEn ante lo Penn township, Centre count KITS, he { : # hen north of the ON SPANGLER of perches to sa stone corner, thence fl 1 « I iho be Ferguson—John Baily. 1 ¥ : - house, stable and oto er outbuildings jrevealy mores t v * ’ . 4 4 —We are going to give you a bitofad=| College—W Goodhart. to the Orphans Court of Centra county on vice and that is, if yon want to buy = good suit of ready-made clothing, or a pair of boots, shoes, call at Dinges’ and you will be astonished at the bargains offered. ScHooL-Tax.—Netice is hereby giver that the school~duplicate isin the bands of the undersigned for 880. On all tax paid before Dec. 1, there will bo § per ct de ducted. From Dec. 1 to Jan. 1, ‘Bl, the face of duplicate will be required, and on sll remaining unpsid after Jan. 1, ‘81, there will be an addition of 6b per ct, ac- cording to the act of asssembly. Bx, H. ArNEY, Treasurer, LY CURES IGONECY DISEASES, 1 LIVER COMPLAINTS, Constipation and Piles. PEL TLL OL ARK, South Here, Vi. sara, Yim esas of RIBSNEY TROULLIA Khas pug ow tod like a charm J Brsonred many very t of LELES, nud has never fatled to towit ~William Wingert's saw and shingle mill (operated by a Mr. Allis), sitnate on a branch of urel Run in Brady twp., Clearfield, was destroyed by fire on the 15th inst. together with considera- ble lumber. Wingert's loss $5,000; Allis’ $2,000, —Men and women always find the best bargaive at Lyon & Co's in any goods needed, —A. Ward Rishel, hag started a groce~ ry and tobacco store at Rock Spring, —Two good new buggies, one open and one with top, for sale at Levi Murs ray’s Coach shops, also one two seated carriage and a spring wagon. This work will be sold very cheap for cash. All work warranted to be good. nov, 4 and on » in enid a . onl. a lad onsen " . & RINCTITLD, of Bi Albans, Vi, Be pes, YH In of rrtec tons value, Alor slxtous ¢ puifering from Plies and Cos a wet ef Yoct. 2m. OINT STOCK SALE OF SHORT: HORNED CATTLE, At Centre Hsll, Pa, Tuesday, Nov. 9. by the following persons: James M Farlane, 14 head, including} thoroughbred bull, H. McFarlane, 2 | cows, James Close, 3 head, including 1 thoroughbred bull, O. P. Smith, 1 thor- oughbred bull, G, C. Rice, 1 calf, J. B fimith, 1 heifer. About one-half of the above offering will consist of High Grade Cows that were ought in Kentucky, by Maj W.R, Me- Fariane, from the best breeders in the Hiate. The balance are High Grade and E years of pros e aed GRAHAM & SON, » gourt of Uyer and Termines and Usaers] Jai! Deliv south 114 deg place of beginning, containing Iwo acres Bolopue by deed dated &o Ul Jacob Bitner, W H Bartholemew, and to contings two weeks, Penns, Beginning at a stone on Lewis! S1e said Ary with thelr records, inquisitions, examina. K ng | \ Curtin—J W Packer, D Delong Zara county, be then and there to prosecute against thew | West © awe, lowit 0 the west by lands A Bitner, D B Bumgardner. neginning, containing 4 acres and 7 ands « ing mecounts have heen examined rege Swartz and ot PN Shear rd in this office for the inspection of i Over. : sth ne ® y vi 1 , “Ww One other beginning at a stone on the cuthutidings = Seized, tuken in exscuticn Reynolds bank 4 ay E vorner, thence by land of E. Gettle, north | No. 12 | Vals ™ A.D, 1880, for confirmatier and allow- lot or pleco of ground MGS. LYDIA E. Fi.dithaai: : past 204 perches to ® stone, thence slong ire county, Penna , | istrator of &e, of Hannah Cronimiller. late i Un the north by Lat : 3 mores and 88 perches, no buildings {emst b Locust wiley, on the south exacutor of &e. of John Nicholas Bressler, west by 3 The account of John Minnich, admin-| pice of ground situsie in Spring twp. [Bt sixty feet and extending buck H0 feet 1 thereon erected an double two minor children of Joseph Cox, deceased. |.ast19 5 10 perches to stones, thence uy [buildings [ George W.! Sarah Gramley, late of Penn township, Jenn Burnes, north 584° est 17 6-10 . : 3 ” All that certain lot or piece of ground | + tiveness 10 coir pli tely enrod me. and George E. Zehnor, executors of &c. of / : : | fa ' ? > of land which M. Waddle Sheriff convey } hr A , 8 n {Curtin & Co., on the south by Innds of AC 7 wi 3, i pletely curing a severe Liver aud Kidaoy 7. The final account of John Emerick. and to be sold as the property of Abrahum f) G | , by lands «f John G. Love, containing 00 JW - ONDERFUL . ——_— J ” is 3 : . 8 The account of John Hoy, Jr. ad All that certain messusge, tenement and ry ' DISCOVERER OF i re far ahead in quality and prices of buildings, Seized. taken in execution! LIVER, THE BOWELS AND KID ist day of Nov A.D, 1850. % me directed flor holding 4 : east 12 4-10 perches to thelinin Beschdo! and ary and Quarter Season) 5 he bats Drphany Sours STe0n ero Gregg—D P Heckman, © Armbruster, the oon mite. And 10 samen § ie 4th uot menstured, ied a ry house, sixbile and Menday of Nov, being the Ziad day of Nov, 1#W, ALSO. other outbu Seized. taken in exe 11 - y . : » - ' y Belletoote—W H Derstine, E 8 Dore | “goticeis therefore herebygiven to the Ooroner, Jus i varth, C F Cook, J J M'Clure, toes of the Pases, Alderman and Constables of thei 00’ Qonins (wn Centre county, |Charies Bulepue snd Jane Bolopue hi i = % ' i ny. " their proper persons, st 10 a'clack (a the forencon of ar i nit } ( ! No, 11 Walker—Jo y tons, aud theirown remembraaces, to de these things] OWS lUrnNIke TURDInK thence along sald y 3a } Nalker—Jobn Lord. J A Dnrman. which to their sfce sppertaine to be dons, and thas pike, south 113° east 27 1-10 perches tw | that certain lot or piece of ground Welch the prisoners ihat sre or shall be in the Jal! of Centre! : 28% y : . | h } hy LR° ga! Penns, Bounded d described s fol Harris--H Miller, J Weaver, jr, John Ye tire and Mrs Corman, south O68 ; nha inded nod described » ; an hans tie baat. {parches to & stone corner, thence by lund Liberty— W H Gardner, T 8 Winslow, | ¥ov: ithe a ony mae he Mas dalet’| #t Agnes Riddle, North 13° west 334 Ueorge Poters and sberty a ar, *{ your of Independence of ibe United States. south by lands De ht re SS ER. 8b 751° est 26 3.10 perches to the place of Uephal Me oh Wir EGISTERS NOTICE —The follow- |i P25 por f John Y : Ba i dt 4 in fil ches. Thereoon #recied a two stery frame - = ) «nd passed by me and remain filed of rec- ¥ Rush--0 Vile, T J Dunkle. 5 : : h : z : Dunkle 4 ¢ ALSO, ed wn tworstory log he iJ. Bellefonte, Fa. Oflice Te. WA Aloxand hoirs, legatoes, creditors and all others in Wor 00 Woah er any way intarested and will be presented Lewistown turnpike. running thence pnd to be sold ns the property Eins al ee ] pe. , + south 744° west 26 8B 10 perches to a stone Confer Wednesday the 24th day of November, ern ERFET RY BOE 18° west 198 10 perches to a stone corner, | All thal certain i ce: thence by land of O. O, Taylor, north 74° *ituxte in the B ugh of Bellefonte, Cen i . £8 1. The account of Jared Harper, admin- > . | bounded snd describ. OF LYNN, M. SS. : the Lewistown pike, south 13° enst 18 per |* id as foilows » of Huines township, decensed. ches to the place of beginning. containing [«f the Bellefonte Gus Company, on the 2. The final account of Joel Minick, by lot] ALSO, tof Budget McGill, the Inte of Pean township, deceased. All that certain messuage tenement or|Spring sireel, containing in front on Spriogl istralor of &c of Sophias Minnich, late of Centre county, Penna bounued und de-|'® Locust aliey, and known and designsts Gregg township, deceased. scribed as follows, viz; Beginning at|vd as lot No 136 in general plan of 4 The account of James K. Leathers! gqones on lund of W. A. Thomas Sr, now { borough guardian of Hannah M._ and Sarah BE Cox, | Jeceased), thence by sane, south E3?jaory irame house stuble wnd other Seized, taken in execution and} 5 $ . ’ a \ 6. The account of Thomus Hoekman | land of Sarah Corman, north 613° wost [10 be sold as the property o and R. J. Smith, administrators of &c. 0f| 21 2,10 perches tw stones, thence by land | nie | : No. 13 i deceased i n : . perches 10 stones at place of beginning, i 4 . By 6. The secount of Thomas Horterman| containing one ucre, being part of a tract [*ituste in Loberty township, Centre couns| 2 oan ANON, of Perkehire, says, “one tv. Penna, bounded on the north by lands] L3 package hasdeno wonders for me In com Abraham Reber, lute of Miles township, led to James T. Hale ss the property ot Df a) } wud) deceased. W. Baird. Seized, tuken in execution | Wm. Gurdner's estate, on the by! {2 Complaint, innds of Jackson Gardnee and on the east] IT HAS executor of &e. of Maury Emerick, late of | Stewart. Potter township, decensod No b acres more or less, thereon erected a two | 8 Ee ) ; | FER URS ErsseEe inistrato f & w story frame house, stale and other outs F OWER. ministratlor 0 ¢. of m Long late of Lae i i "nw : : ‘ ' act of land situate in Benner wowosbii, of A RR br: cost gues of land sitaste in Hunter townebis: | LL C0010 we the property of W. HL. LYDIA E. PINKHANTC BECAUSE IT ACTS ON THE 3 BOOTS AND SHOES. tinrdner, | a sure and giv NETA AT THR SAME TIME a Rive them a call on your Because It clennces the system of ER 9 The account of lease Mitchell, sur viving executor of P. B. Wilson, late of borough of Bellefonte, deceased. No. 14 | VEGETALLE COMPOUND. All that certain lot or piece of ground The Positive Cure at stones; thence Along ands of Edward Pur dues heirs north 30° west, 116 perches Lo » ay to the Fairi you want —Bouts and shoes, in endless variety, rn 11 widths from A wo R, cheap as any ever offered at Dinges give them a call before going elsewhere. —Don’t forget Bunpell & Aikens sell the new Domestic Sewing Machine. 2t. —Lyon & Co. want you to see their over coats first before you purchase else- where, —A heavy rain on Saturday, especial ly at night, —Letters remaining in the Post Office at Centre Hall, Pa., Nov. 3, 1880. Mr. Pecht 1, Jacob Breon 1, John Ab- bot 1, Miss Izora Rupp 1, Miss Babby Myers 1. J. A. Reesman, P. M. —No lady should fail to go to Lyon & Co's, who always keep the latest styles and best assortirent of dresssgoods. —Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound has done thousands of women more good than the medicines of many doctors. Pinkbam., 4nov, 2t, —OCaLrYy's CurckgeN PowDER, a sure cure for Cholera and Gapes. Sold by J. D Murray. 4nov. 3m. . —The new Domestic Sewing Machine ig so simple the blind can use it, 2¢ Half Breed Calves. These cattle are of oxcellent individual merit, and as breeders sre unsurpassed by any in the State. They are not pampered or over-fed to injure their breeding qualities, Three of the above Bulls are Thorough breds, snd two of them are recorded in the American Herd Book, Vol. XVIII The other will be recorded in said book as goon as it is issued, In this sale the farmers of Centre county bave an opportunity of improving their stock with the best breeders in the coun- try, without a eingle exception. When the above stock is seen it cannet help being appreciated and admired by every one who desires to improve his stock. Sale positive, rain or shine, and to com~ mence 81 1 o'clock, P. M, TERMB~ CASH, or approved endorsed note at b months. © per cent. discount for cash OWNERS, Also, at the same time and place, an ex tra lot of YOUNG BERKSHIRE PIGS, 2 and 8 months old, bred from stock pur- chased of T. 8. Coeper, of Coopersburg, Pa. JAS. MMFARLANE. Great Commotion FARMER'S STORE. Fiedler & Runkle, in Haines twp, are about receiving their NEW GOODS, SIA PILLS, Price 25 cents, part of the state, ia full live of Dry-goods, dress-goods, ‘bats, caps, boots, shoes, groceries, . hardware, queensware, and any thing you want to fit out yourself or table, Go and Ree, black osk; thence north B® eust, 21 per- ches to a dead pine; thence north 30° west 6 perches to glones; thence north 062° eas: 264 perches toa chestnut onk; thence south 30° eust, 12] perches LO chesinut owsk thence 280 perches to the place of begins ning=—contsiving 200 acres snd silownne: T'he one of the two undivided ffih pan being the same that Thomus Burnside und Rebecca, his wife, by decd bering eve: date herewith, granted and conveyed to the said Guongu W. Thomas; the other one undivided fifth being neiog the sau. which the sad George W. Thomas in bis own right under the last wil! ano testament of Dr John Purdue, deceasd Thereon erected a twosstory frame house, hank burn and other outbuildings, except ing snd reserving from the sforesai mortfiaged premises all that certain mes sungo, tenement nnd piece of lund situa 10. The secount of P, B. Wilson, ad minlstrator of &ec. of F. 8. Wilson, late of Paliefonts Detoush. deceased, as filed by sane Mitchell, survivi 3 p Lanc Micheli, Surv; ing executor of ¥ 11. The first snd partial account of J. W. Snook and KE. Snook, administra- wrs of &c. of Levi Snook, late of Miles township, decessed, 12. Tbe account of John 8, Iddings snd Jane Jading, administrators of &ec. of Wm. M. Iddings, ate of Union township, deceased, as filled by John 8, 1ddings. 13. The account of Bulah Peters and Wm. P. Fisher, administrators of &ec. of Lewis C. Peters, of Union township, de- consed, . 14, The first partial account of Ezra L Spangler and Murgaret Spangler, execu tors of &c. of Bumuel Spangler, late of Potter township, deceased. in Beoner township, Centre county 15 The second partis! accountof George | Penn's: Beginning at black oak, an Line Gentzell, administrator of &o. of Wm. of Thomas Purdue; thence by land of said Genizell, of Gregg township, decensnd. Purdue south 274° east, 116 porches © 16. The first or partial ncecunt of Johnstone thence north 643° 63 8 10 per Irvin, Jr. and Margaret H. Wilson, exe-| ches to ston, thence by lund of Amand cutors of &e. of WW. P. Wilson, late of|T Alexander north 274° west, 121 porches Bellefonte, deceased. to stone; thence south 644° west, 42 B I - 17. The account of John A. Hunter.|perches to stone; thunce south 274 { George W. Elder and Jacob Gray, ad-|perches to old pine; thence south 643 deg. ministrators of Lec. of Robert Elder, late| west, 21 porches to place of bogincing of Halfmoon Jownship, decnasad. containing 47 acres and 94 perches; relons 8 The account of Jumes C. Boal and}of Rebecca T. Burnside und Thos Bura Catharine Durst, administrators de bonis non cum testamento anexo, of Poter Durst Inte of Potter township, deceased, as filed by James C. Boal, acting administrator of Peter Durst, decessed, 19. The first and partial account of John CG, Sankey and Jacob Bitner, executors of &c. of Joseph Bitner, late of Potter town~ ship, deceasad, as filed by John G. San: key, surviving executor ih Bitner, deceased, W.E. BURCHFIELD, Register, hold 1870, Miscellaneous Book “IK pugs 2060 as the property of George W, Thowas, No. 6. All that certain lot or piece of grouns situate in Worth twp, Centre county Penn’a. bounded and described aa follows Reete, on the east by lands , on the north by land: of A and on the south by Ta Roepe dtuate in Walker township, Centre coun | ty. Penna. bounded and described ns fol} ows viz: Bounded on the north by land! f Jumes Carner, on the hy public! ond, on the asst by read leading from Hublersburyg to Jucksonvillie, on the west hy lands of Daniel Mickley, containing half nore. more or less, thereon erect. | south one duble and other onthutldings Neigad sken in execution und to be sold roper y of John Tents No. 1b. All that os ttunt Ye | rtain lot or plece of sin Liberty town hip, {entra coun Penn, on rond leadis m Look Haven to Miesburg, bous nd described ax follow LOW it Oa th wrth by lands of Michae! Shunk. on the vest by lands of heirs of Samuel Beachdol in the south by Bald E«gle Creek and onl he west by tunds of Benjamin L ground tha main A gareils rR whee of six wosstory fesma LARA ted Ml bunk buen and] Neigad, taken in exes! ution and to he sold us the property dohn D. Gardner. No 14. All of thet eartuin town lot in ug of Lioydvi le ‘ town in Rush township, Peunn,, tuntked and designated town plot us lot N 13 Jackson street on the northwest, on northesst by Calhoun street, on the south oust bh lo No, 14 and on the southwest by Cuss street being two hundred fue long and fifty feet wide nnd being the mn lot of ground that Rowt, Lloy per cant Ltharean house ther outbuildings tho Contre cou ty oun UV an Levi Koch nssigned to the suid Wm Caboun, Thereon erected a dwelling bousp and other cuibuildipgs. Seed, toatl ate invalid, Ux und will be recorniscd, nag shen tase in © od, A permanentoure is elie n one trial 12 «© $ {y On ae wn early roast hunors t edd { nf t and i 110 pe w lifonad vigo nealon every partion yr. Itromoveaf ya alicr tho 6 it evs awing foe eibual of neh ii ity, EB y 1. That feeling of Ix had Lia, bit ard Backs Lady dlat all How For Kids is unsurpassed, fix bottios for gl Price £1.99 of price, $1.00, per bux, for el { freely nuswors all letters of Ing | pla Address as above Ment lot, . ror hic x { tl w ley. wm thi ats pe to the the nm cau mently FN L 5 tha polgonous humors that develope 3 im jLidney and Urinary diseases, Bil oucnaes, Jaundice, Conetipation, ion, erin © nnatlem, Nourdlg'a Female disorders. JY CWULRT fs adry yvogetable come ponad ond cae Doe rend by sawnil prepaid. and | f medicine. TY aT NOW fay it ot the Deugelista, Price, $1,00, €0., Tropriotons, Terlingtos, Vi .. a Onopackagew NmaXes'x gts bs o . Jb i Comey A VA iy pr MARAE 3 Chidharw ut a . The | id : f | ; yi (CY BUSINESS I] N AND ANA SOCIETY « BY FAR ihe best Business and Hund Book ever boteest it tells bath 3 great riven Guide ano Viuch the y, de pXeR © How to be How 10 do Business y. Hew CIV part Mife, « Lhe best was, Ral { { AWer, Yow : . and conta : oid mine of varied familie wil Oluanuns POR | AGENTS WANTED tor ali | ime To know why this book ' r te t ar ‘her woply for Levins 10, = lil B. SCAMMELL & ©O ST, Mo We pay wil {raight Si af ui, i: paper r box, ——yr A ————————— 1 | TORN F POTTER, Law 4 Py |altentior ent Wi void vou to \ i raw Matuans ld Ay thaganet houses, Balipforte LL GOODS WARRANTED (23 represented, wa will nake our word (zood or “very thing wo sell Al rips re- naired grotis on warranted work. we hav gr indies and childian : SFE. Wa have {HE CF LEBRATED BU SS 8 3 VF NEW YORK ET Ds HORS SHOES, ELMIRA, BINGHAMPTON, d VILLIAMSPORT BOSTON fine olf N and kip boots, for men and boys. 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