The Centre Reporter. ARRAS PR esr snnens EDITOR FRED. KURTZ ..... eon weves commana (3 4, 1880. Orxrre Harn, Pu., Nov. §, 1830 The republicans on Tuesday did not vote in the old fashioned way a8 free men. but had to vote the ticket with a marked heading, as ordered bythe com: mittee and to intimidate men under employ. lah! When men can not vote any bats marked ticket--freemen in the nort1 = it beats any alleged southern bulldozing vet reported. - ny he Chinese letter is coming cl er and closer to Garfield. Philp who was prosecuted for libel is proven innocaut, while Jewell, Garfield's chairman has been caught in the attempt to bribe the publisher of Truth to swear that the lat To this attem) tof Mr tor was not genuine, Garfield's manager at new bribery, Hart. editor of the Truth The election has mace a sworn affidavit, is Over, but republican voters can ponder uver this infamous revelation, sss oo A peo nonin Tuesday never [ Pennsvalley democrats, on did their duty nobly, They ter. SRLS mons pr . The prevalence of malarial fever in regions never before infected by if is nzzling the doctors “beyond all tell ¢. The disease has invaded even the fa mons Berkshire Hills of Massachuos t and how to account for its preseace there nobody can imagine, The Boson Post thinks the thaory that the mal ri is due to a perm originatiog in decay - vogetation a reasonable one, and that this will account for the spread of the disease to perfectly healthy locaiit es Bat whatever the true explanation bay it sadly observes, the fact seems be- yond gnestion that this curse is upon New England, almost to tha extent of an epidemic in some places, : rl esl pens Professor Harrington, announces the discovery by himself, on September 30, of a new comet. Pro‘es- sor Swift, of Rochester, who caugh A few & sto len views of the celestial visitor on the lowing evening, in the clouds, describes it as a wonder ful comet of sudden appearance, witl tail over two degrees long, and distir ct eS Iv visible to the naked eye. It was then is, be, I oving easterly som He thinks it nay NOW S00N AX- towards Delia, three degrees da be the great comet of 1812, pected. THE COLO m ll GNE CATHE DR AL. Cologne celebrated with great pong and jovousness last week the comyple- tion of her famous Cathedral, which las been for more than six hundred yer in process of construction. The eerenio- nies were participated in by the Emue ror and Empress of Germany, the King Of Sax ony, P ace Laitpo id, of Bavaria : ine Wi liam, of War Rlambury, sad aT presentatives of royal The document recording the com enon PEs signed by sixty-five prin ices and hizh digaitaries before it was placed in tae keystone of the tower. The Emperor made a speech, conciuding, “May this spendid monument remain, by the grece of God, as a promise of peace in ill lands.” The now finished Cathed sl e third erected on the same sie and b as been worked upon by twer ts ons of men. It stands as one of re mart interesting and notable char:h buil Idings i in the world. A Mp —————— CHAR GE D WITH PARRICIDE. Harrisburg, Pa. Oct. 1880 A Young man named Long, of Northaa berland county, but residing near Unic p- town, Danphio county, was placed n Jail at Sapbury yesterday for the mi r- der of bis father, aged eighty. The cld man was foand dead on Thaorsday wi h his head battered in. It is said the crirae was committed by his son with a elub, The cavse of the murder is believed to have originated in an order of Court compelling the son to support the fatl er which the son was not inclined to do. A A FUNERAL NPC 3SSION ANTS A 8! is th on 30 . ¥ OF One day a little boy of mine, about fear years oi , boing 1g tired of olay, threw hin self down on & grassy mound to rest. Shortly after, I was startled by asuddwn scream My instant thought was that sone serpent had stung him. I flaw in horror to the child, but was at once reassured seeing him covered with soldier ants, whose nest he had laid himself down Numbers of the ants were still clinging io him with their forceps, and continuing to sting the boy. My maid at once assist «d me 1n killing them. At length, abou: twenty were thrown desd on the grousi We then carried She boy indoors. In about balf an hour afterwards, I returned to the same spet, when [ saw a large nun ber of ants surrounding the dead ones. 1 determined to watch their proceedings closely. I rollowed four or five that start d from the rest toward the hillock a sheet in which was an ants’ ne t. This they entered, and in about five mi utes thay reappeared, followed by others All fell into rank, walking regularly mi ¢ slowly two by two, until they arrived a the spot where lay the dead bodies of the goldier ants In a few minutes, two of tle ants advanced and took up the dead body of onc of their comrads; then two others and go on, uatil sll were ready to maren First walked two ants bearing a body, thin two without 8 burden; then two othe with an other ant, and #0 on, until the lire was extended to sbout forty pairs. Then the procession moved slowly onward, fol. lowed by an irregular body of about tse hundred ants. Occasionally, the two laden anis stopped, and laying down the decd ant, it was taken up by the two walkirg unburdened behind therm; and thus they arrived ata sandy spot near theses. The body of ants now commenced digging with their jaws holes in the greund, into each of which a dead ant was laid, where they labored on until they had filled up tle ants’ graves. This did not quite finish ti ¢ remarkable circumstances attending this funeral of the ants. Some six or seven of the ants had attempted to run off without performing their share ofthe task of diy: ging: thess were caught and brought back when they were at once killed upon tle epot. A singular grave was quickly du, and they were all dropped into it.—Frank Buckland. re com ess fp wot AN ENRAGED HUSBAND SHOOT: ING Hl+ WIFE AND HER BETKAYENW, ‘Wyethaville, Va., Oct 25.—Mr. Fran ¢ Allison, n well-known merchant of Woor - land, Carroll county, not long ago took a voung man hy the name of Hawks nas » partner in his business. They kept 1 country store. Recently Allison began 1) gugpect that Hawks was too intimate wit) his wife, and on Monday he eet a trap bv which he fastened the guiit on both «lf them beyond doubt. He told his wife 01 Saturday morning that he had to go awa 7 to aitend {o some business and would oct be able to get back before Tuesday nizh Instead of going away he secreted himse [ until night. He returned to his house after bedtime, and entered the room occupied by Hawks, in the rear part of the store, which building was in close proximity te his ree. idence. Here he discovered his wife an: Hawks together, and drawing & revolver killed Hawks instantly, and shot his wif through the breast and abdomen, mortally wounding ber. He left their bodies on thn floor and surrendered himself. Hawks was about twenty-five years of age, ana Mrs, Allisen thirty~three. The yonng m mn distance off, man was handsome and very popular, and at ILDING ail parties in the affair belong to the first families in thisteoction ol the Siate, entitled The act Cortnin AsReCiAtions ssi A — . Commonwenlth the SHOT DEAD IN CHURCH, of Charlotte, N. , Oct 20.-A ourk accident occurred burch | od, ' corporations and ns | | and {0 oO passed page Hd in ac The ecle | 1s als and fatal building in Rock’ Hill we last night lection plate was being passed around, ter an earnest exortation had been made the ng man in the nt, minister's for money to help Christian cause Tames Gooch, a you gation, did moved by VRE hair appeal, { not have and the arrow ten cet Th nisto! A CO he x In Aman fused, from his p attempted to d m naxt to him then took a offarad it as collateral he man ™ (Gooed ocket and The man too . . 0 pledge, and while examining it the waa) m went off of Grooch, i. wv } nroug tantly, mding a killing h rain im ins a» The Dartwall { it comt yriable nd did yorly, bh not manig thou ® naight enough to those who tha aot i § sid axoited by Rea t pale and samatimes sean aL a wistful expression whenever dren at play led to the b a priso This months, Then an agent of the tha Pravention of Cruel want to the house and asked | nar, want { ty He was assure investigata was in; but h the and uit ! x hall clothed garrat foun i y for: noglecte Nn TALS, 5 WAS gnawed bonas in & corner showed Lb had been fod like a wild ba was no better than a pigsty, T! their niece said that sha was ta give any her, for their reason GET OUT DOORS, Tha close fnoment yw Be wore, oon gives the operatives poor appetite; langu i pasar blood, Nrinary and madicin tham unless they Hop Bittars, especially for 1} "Rett's, i, sunshine st but dance of hea Foster Files an Informat Against The Agitators Dublin, 3 Qetober 23.1 on the best authorit hat hief secretary for Ireland, formation to~day charging a number prominent members of the land with conspiracy, and for their arrest will | early next week, In view of the diffienl a verdict from an Irish ju be the intention to apply bench for a change of venne and the accussed for trial before an ary. The government his power under the new A Its exere he recar ral revolutior ) ald rlace the agits of the Ex ers of th are tried am Mr, Swore an leagt that applicat we made to the court tv © obtaining ? ry i y the 18 said aneen’ Queen § laims ie w They » 1] y positions in I and Mo I feared that grave tr arise on the arrest of the Irish | The British press isnnanime porting the w.easnres whi ment proposes to Cl Even journals w hich have hit} recated any extraordioary proceedir now admit that some act absolute - ly necessary, The Freeman's Jourps! wsgerts that the government 18 rein i to assent to the of newspaper i articles in the indictment hills. In the cases of certain journals in Dahlin, Mex- ford, Tralee, Roscommon, Galway and Maro, whose are of the land leagne, it was fin ly settled, in consultation with law | officers, that they should be indicted. |’ The list of the leaders who are to be}! prosecuted is now settled, but dori the week which will elapse before the proceedings are begun there may startling changes, The Freeman's Jour nal adds :— “The indictment against th land | league will include 200 the drafted testi money of : aud various newspaper artic nster, is sin e0y he go L 3 + 4 IUCR O00 Agia fon 18 1 incision als mem hers Hy virtoad- | the proprietors speeches, | ‘sa esses Ba ”" 350 .» pp The Catawiss DENVER'S DISTURBANCE, The Aroused Citizens Taking Things | u Into Their Own Hands . “4 prem Denver, November 1. — Early this morn. Ye RR DOS oned fort ing a party of rieters raised a disturbance | h near the postoffice, but within ten minutes | t was estimated that 1,000 citi nll armed, were on the gr rioters al that point we »d and sent! * to jail. Several bundred ts heen sworn out by the officers, and hetwaon | | two and three hundred The city is co secure against an nearly | 4 Zens, ound and all the | re arrests warrants have | SM t3 have hog made. the indignation among all and earnest Should lawlessnes self in form, un Bon ibtedly be ard most convincing means such emergencies. | elasses i an or at any point, y wil checked by thestearnest 3s employed in horrow and by isin hers . bo» New York, October 28 —Mrs. Lincoln widow of Abraham Lincoln, arrived from Europe yesterday and is quite ill at the Clarendon hotel. rate of premium THE GAME AND FISH LAWS. Deer, except spotted fawns, may he killed from October 1 to Deceni- | her 16. Penalty 850. Dogs running] Little deer may be killed by any person, ex- cept in the counties where such hunt- ing is permitted by special acts, Squirrels may be killed from Sep- tember 1 to Janoary 1, Penalty $5 for each squirrel labbits can be taken from October 15 to January 1+ Penalty 85. Wild turkeys can be taken October 15 to January 1. £5. srrisburg i. Smith arguir for ter the argum id ded the CAR in 1dge El im em rate or pr i} than the amount I * from ; Penalty Garfield diers are ahead, No’ wild fowl, whichincludes ducks, geese, pigeons, ete.,, can be killed bes tween May 15 and September 1, un der a penalty of $10. Woodcock may be killed from July 4 to Januaryfl, and upland or grass plover from July 15 to January 1. Penalty 810 in each case. Partridges may be killed from Oe- tober 15 to January 1+ Penalty £10, Pheasants may be killed from Oc. |, ard, a ar tober 1 to January 1. Penalty 810.1 iat! or ree to be killed | : ' » Cy | Warms only inriogihe months of September, | October and Penalty | 25 | » A good way pets is to dip a « water, and wring dry with a good the and those li cf 151 l= the least. | birds are Nove wber, ht are; wild | atl orl dor] Nets, traps,s nares or torck lig prohit bited to be used in killing turkeys, partridges, woodcock, reed birds, under a penalty and aoy person may d tripe, whenever found, Sunday hunting or fishing hibited noder a penalty of §2 it shall be lawfull to fish with fyke! or hoop nets in any of the streams of | this Commonwealth uninhabited by brook or speckled trout, during the months of March, April, May, Bep- tember, October and November in ach year: Provided, That the meshes of said net ornets shall not be less than one inch in size, and that said net or nets shall not be placed at the confla-! ence of any wing-walls, either nenly! made or abandoned. Lio on-water. One-half the penalty goes to the in| former r of estroy such nets, | ete, i 1 ne thet away flies, SOA D drives Oud grooming, e oars coal a bone |) vs ' x g * ies DY Drusning Boil t soft brush or clot! act wo of the « Dower { ne ih g Two on iy Ont or has a can col waned with -> + kill ORTEC it a towl out, hot iron, It ed, horse w off, 1 and rub i alco oly g Yi.4 01s, them over hree or {ou on thin initio conier in IRw week HIS WO §, OVOr. establish ociation in clean i" ill of fn MILES, K 280 Garfield 64 tireen O Hnan fi 0d Gaphart 206 Ha 0 BY ITFrAY { Th 180 1} {Heo nla THE ELECTION. |... | fon! NIN PERJURER AND TAKER ELECTED DENT, | Da hert Curtin 9 i 11 111 10M BRI PRES] A wf 130 170 104 114 i1 1 i | Y 0] rik [Mo | | Hancock ' CRESS 44 urtin wi phart 43 irray 42 sroen Murray ia rris OLD CENTHR AJORITY FOR COCK, 200 3X EEAN" 1200 M {a bad Ly IENNER, { i i 44 R 14: Garfie PF Lireen Murray Harris ELECTED. [Genhart 166 He Ist Ra HAR KIS. 142 Garfield CURTIN TRIUMPHANTLY [0% 7 Ompson Han ock of Hancock al j41 Uireen 141 Murray Harr Lhom pson Ra =i 5K A is i A [HE GARFIELD SHANGHAI]; CROWS OVER THE TRI. [U1 UMPH OF A CON- YICOTi DD PER JURER, - -— E HISTORY OF MED- rmed sul h Wide RAL, Its ARV To 1nv. Deal NEW ENTERPRISE LEXANDER & CO. AGRIJ SULTURAL IMPLEMENT New Jersey |! gone f New York has gone for 8 SE 1D D STORE, ity. BELLEFONTE, northern st A OF RADS, FORGE LLL FIELD DON'T BE SICK YE], YOU oo GAR- AND P IT. * + wr Hancock, a 4 Grartield by The other ates have gone! They mean by this all the name impo for Garfiel [CENT RECOUNTYOFFICIAL IN76 and 18580, them to be the best HAR ROWS and I a KEAP a latest im MOWERS, |BINDE RS eit! LE 4 Ar d M 0 wer es Com R 8 THE Ww ik KE L r R, 0 nbhin- lad machine, is th st mach kind in the ms t, THE GREATEST OF THE AGI innd Binder. lerfully § Any bo ine I BPROVEME N1 # the Norristown Glenner Cull and see iL. ER i& won erfect y ie twelve yoars 5) id, 10r=e, low an nd thul any Reap or with ads fell tL not only binds but ¢leans . and wi ioe of the machine in one year r up from the stubble th whi } with one the grain ivery will cut will fo all ' pt 4 IL al MeSHERRY i or without ow 0 THE 1 \ thor iimeon.... Harris foward........ Huston cee Liberty... GRAIN broadoenst he DR] LL.| nd seed sowirt Ig als rs t rd: | all purposes in the murket 'HE GEISER THRESHER SE P ARATOR The rep i ’ Wi : ¥ 80 well established th 1 tl 15 the rain or 4 AND utaijon of this at hp le dor nol ar in eC 1 (00) (NK) (XN (NX) O00 (EX) NN) 00 0) 0.4 (0 fe is we nothing about it Any person wants {repairs for those ne ¥Y. lense oni} y IOTOR are the ut the pe know i Jd Nnead o ' Rg one, Ww in CLOV ER Age wr thi Centre county WAGONS ARRIAUES and PHAE TONS y colel LLER brated We JH elol Hull 5 ar BUGGIES ts for the LIN WAG y ON K tat ( of which is y We » of the CORTLAND UNG WAGONS, Car- 1 Bugg are 08 Ed i rate yl eas OX) as 1 mans or ps selon pont's ngont ie powder prices; also erop to pay the vh ite lime it iral purpos 08 RY ob. cult Thompson Fen all oth o ~Waoare their| will 81 Hp ly! ind true senles auth. ' Gi wr fi nd Lem Gone 4 i west . Murray i 4 \\ tend n lon to Hinrris nowan anyihiu r ling Thompson Gray nna goo RUSE [than an Hancock 184, Gaclie a 98, Jiuks : Green v4, Qurtin 176, Murray 98, AIRBANKS' SCALES in Usitre county und + } rove to call h House, leary from larly the tore rooms opposite the By what wo altendns nee 3iour ve, and more pati 5 1% AAA i 8, Ball ofonte May 6, ALEXANDER & (9) Verbal Promise.~A verbal prom: {ise to pay the debt of another is withs in the Statute of Fraude, and is void [if made to the creditor, but not if Pratt va. Bates STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIKR, The Largest Retail STOCK OF DRY GOODS. 3 BARGAINS, wc LJ SILKS. Directors of o bo held persons Account, == fa company are not t ally hable to find cash for checks drawn by them as officers of their ompany upon the company’s bank, and ‘which the bank may choose to honor when the « ompany has no funds at the bank.-—Beattie v. Ebury Lord), 44 L. J, Charee,, 20; 7 L. R., H 1.C 102, COLORED SATIN DE LYON AT $1.25. all the fashionable colorings. price is $2.00 In The curret BLACK BATIN DE LYON AT $1.50, Exira , tio face. The real value $2.2 2 co | very iE AXD SAN BTRIPES AT $1.6 n the most desirable medi dl i Has been selling at 88.00 he Ng - ee ALMOST YOUNG AGAIN, My mother was flicted a long time with Ne iralg aand a dull, dition of { heavy inactive con. . * * * *® ® * LUPIN'S 36 INCH COLORED MERINOS At OU cts. Extra heavy and the regular price everywhere is 62} cents, & whole system; headache, ner: vous rostration { 1, and was almost helpless, } YRIDIANE OF medicines op did her any good, Three months ago she began Lo use iH 4] i Hers, seen 3 BARGAINS wilh such good effect that she although thera is | 5 and foals vy oung id We ine ft tou "i wants o Fl Th ENGLISH HALF-SILK FANCIES AT 25 ets. Cost the importer 374 cents to land on this side of the Atlantic, think no A other medic ge in the family. ~ R. 1 - a wh § ’ iy nl rovidencs, Journal Inthe great story 1 m= i slorm Ake hraged on : 46 INCH BILK AND WOOL DRESS GOOD+ AT 75 cents. These cost $1.25 on the manu fucturer's loom. SRR RR RR ET RN AR RNR TERE RRR ER Ra. : i pena, piving between I Lhe « Pro Oo Inke hicago and the went DRESS GOODS.: * t down with No the passengers and Lime iy will show who and how many they beyond & few that were known to The time the she was nearly midway rails That same Friday florm known in vesars north and engulfed lon t d bh y n WIRY ub ly eighty s u's, ¥® #* * * * Was made, : 46 INCH ALL WOOL BLACK CABHMERES AT G5 cents. These are French goods ane worth 75 cents 46 INCH ALL WOOL BLACK BHOODAS at 874 cents. A great bargain well ;worth $1.25 Were, have heen on 3 BARGAINS hoard inst Haven and Chi Ryo, {ing in fair weather, severest {swept down tier FERRE EARNERS EERE ae IN BLACK COODS. from the 46 INCH SILK AND WOOL DAMABSSES A1 81.75; worth $2.25. Used much for trim-~ mings and overdresses, SEsENa RR DON'T GET THE CHILLS. { you are subject to A gue you must be ure to keep the liver, bowels and kidneys 1 good free condition, ¥ * * » 3 When so, you will he sale from all attacks. The remedy to C dney~Wort. It is the best pre 3 ventative of ull malarial diseases that you advertisement LA DIES’ FLEECED LINED HOSE AT 25 e. Full regular made and actually worth 374 ets, CHILDREN'S SOLID COLORED MERINO HOSE at 25 cents, In all sizes, These goods must be seen to appreciate their cheapness. use is K Raa Can take BARGAINS — iE a HOISERY [AN enmnes MEN'S ENGLISH MERI).O HALF HOSE At 474 cents. Full regular made and worth 50 cents, CELEBRATED EE Sisal) — OPEN LETTER.) Harrisburg, Pa., October 1, 1880. Geutlemen :— 1 thank you for filling my orders for Dry Goods so promptly and Your system is perfeol, as ladies find they can with entire safety, shop without the trouble of goiug to the city, and ean purchase from the smallest artiole to hundreds of dollars worth, with entire satisfaction, through your Mail Order Department, I am rure this mode of ihopping will become general with consumers at a distance. satisfactorily. STOMACH TTER requirements of the ophy which perfe racing prevenlive Very Respectfully, M esere, Sirawbridge & Clothier, Mrs. Philadelphia. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTIIER, rations! &l present pra- ¥ pure vegeixble three important # tonic, snd an fortifies the body sgsinst rates and re-vits the yo wnd liver, and effects a" o 2a Mr Gust Lyon and Miss Paulene Lyon, of our firm have been in Phila- delphia and New York, three weeks, buying Fall & Winter GOODS. We have just opened the largest for chang Lhe enlire system, i Con ion ’ | Drugeists and Dealers generally d MARKET ST, TO FILBERT, PHILA DELPHIA. WANTED BUSHELS CORN. (0,000 BUSHELS BARLEY. 10,000 BUSHELS OATS. (0,000 BUSHELS RYE. Highest Cash Prices 10,000 will be Paid. OAL ¢ GIVE IT A TRIAL. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. LAWRENCE L. BROWN. Cool Yard and Grain Elevator at rear of B. E. V. R. R. Depot. S0sept. tf. and most complete ‘steek of : GVERCOATS that have ever been town, without exaggera- tion At Least $1900 Worth. Ulsters, dark buie Beaver, Re- versible CHEY- IOT, that you can turn and wear on both sides. It is well worth your NNN NN SS & A LOEB. THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE DEALERS IN THE CELEBRATED Better Fits, better Workmanship, better Styles, better Linings, superior in every respect to any other ready- made Clothing in the United Sta es, and equal in every respect to the work of any merchant tailor in any of “our large cities. Prices fully as low as ordinary slop-shop work—usu- 3 and Mothers, bring in your Children, from 4 years s up, examine our as ssartment of CHILDREN’S ‘WEAR. while to see our stock before buy- ing. The most com- plete stock of Fine Dress Suits, Busi- ness Suits and com- A Brown Beaver A Brown Beaver S. £ A LOEB Fine Clothiers, and dealers in General Merchandise. sept tf RHONE, Dentist, can b | Hill} i. Dx JW, RE a ab Jas. Harris § Co. foun ad th side of High Street, \ Bellefont JERRY MILLER Baungn AND HATRDRESSE in the hated fmshionanhin lujiv ARE SELLING YERY LOW iL eg ER SECTIONS an Flynots, and nlso keeps on hand Cotton condition may bo may sures iaelr castor what his | J ota, elo Prices low as Any » where else radina li. should ba io the banda of { LJ * ould be in the hands o every : and every man in the land | Kinds of v Rs alo bast : Ih x a And all kinds of Farming Tools, ant vd, A share ‘of the public patronage pout: tk onrecelpy of six cents or two vosuge) RAK ES, FORKS, SCYTHES, 1 . THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO. | {OPE BLOCKS, ETC, J. ZELLER 3 s 0 nN Ann St., New York, N. Y.; Post Ofiee, As well as all kinds of H A R D- 4 { a slden chavce is offered, there. | DRU Gi I (x B ! 5 I’ S, H K [ | by always keeping poverty from this line, coe bi 4d 4A ur door. Those whe Tye Ta 6 Brockerhoft Row, Bellefonte making manay that are offered generally become Iiby : while those who do not improve suchehan- 1 dgicl i n Dealers in Drags, Chemicals, i) are PAY dre than SIF aun los ah 1 Perfumery, FancyGoods &e¢ threo doors i East of lHegheny, + Pls oi flow Lost, How hiestored ! ! Just pablisbed, a now edition of Dr. Culverwell’ * L dele! brate ! Essay on the radioal cure (without moi: of Sparmatorrhoss or Seminal oskr oss, {vo # atary Semival Losses, Impotency, Mental and [Farsi al Incapacity, impediments to Marr age, oto * Co SRS aptioh Eplle pry and fits, induced by) HENRY BOOZER, Fira this the galot reat od antler, in this “datrable Ean | clearly demonstrates, from a thir sare’ Encodes CENTIRIE HAL Ko classi deme that the siacmioe Yo aenves of MANUFACTURER OF solf-abuse may be radionlly cured: polaiing out » Saddles, Harness, Bridles, Collars, Whips mode of cure at ance simple, oertair, snd efootual. J } Ris JAS, HARRIS & CO. Bellefonte, feb tI f the bank NK. All work done Iy and radioally EAPERS, kinds of rap i hg do ne. The bost youth Rent under weal, in & plain covelope, to any address idly solicited. oct, | Address the Pal fishers, SPROU 8 HAY PORKS, Box, 4586, Toct ly. r Yourselves by making money when WA R E, to meet all demands in advantage of the good chauces for » 1 onn’a, loos oe in PoveI » Wowant many men, women, Of dinaiy wages hi furnish an expensive outst ol #9 ali that you no roo. Noone whoengages falls to! make money obi rapidly. You oan devote your | whole time to the wo. k, or uly > sre Joe ge { 18 7 Full information and ell + oded free Winy18 74|Address STINSON 200. Portland, hg "oot y Piast Th aes a waek a” Jour own town. $5 Outfit fres. No risk in Ty if you . 0 HO: which pasds of rao a pe aes 1 raat pay al all the time they work, write to H. HALLET 55 Pure Wines and Liquors for medical: purposes always kept, Just opened a Call before" buy- il