The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 23, 1880, Image 3

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    on ba A ARR eR Fa iY A
Bib ep A Rt
Boston, Mauss, Seplembesr 20. More
than half of the horses in Boston and the
suburbs are sulfering to a greater or less
degrea frem a distemper resembling a mild
form of the epizootic of 1872,
the final quarter dnd thundersd down the
OW HE EARNED THE FER HE RE: 0 9100, The time by quar
CEIVED FROM MCLELLAND, ters was first 84, second 808, third 814,
fourth 848, Loud cheers greeted the mare,
ber driver and manager as they wentto
her stable,
|nuek etears in gala costume of tha time of]
{Louls XV, Busy curiosity reigned in the) fl
brilliant gathering, and the most intense,
anxioty was felt for tha royal sufferer in|
Grant Ory, Mo, Aug. 31, 1880,
Entron REPORTER: 1 was greatly ins
terested in reading the comm uffostion
from the pen of my former schoolmate, G.
W. Fortney. It recalls to my mind many
pleasant recollections of my earlier boys
hood days. 1 was born along proud old
Nittany mountain, in the very house in
whieh my father now resides. Friend |
Fortney, if my rocollectien of soquired [doors of the bedchamber sho
avents is not at fault, was also born slong open to let the King present his child to
Nittany mountain en what was for & long the assembly in the antechamber, and Al
time known as the old “Davy” Fortney fonso strictly conformed to this practice,
preperty. The house in which he wad] A few minutes after the Lord Chamberlain
born is still standing, or it was when I was bad announced the event to the distin
homeo last in 1874, and is the property of guished personage the King entered, boars
Jacob Smith, Ameng the men then livs fing himself, on # fine gold tray, his child,
ing whom 1 can remember, were David and while all eagerly bent forward to gaze
Fortney, Sr., Isane Bruss, John Glogerick, [the veil that covered the royal infant was
Robert Watson, John Neff, Sr, and Jon (raised and every one looked at the child
soph Cretzer, Sr. Of these, only laane a strong, healthy baby princess. King
Bruss is now alive, the others having gune| Alfonso received hearty congratulations,
to that “bourne from whenee no teavellorjespacially from the foreign enyoys and
returne.” I have a distinct recollection | Ministers. Delores any one departed the
of attending Mr. Croteer's funeral, which, | Ministere of Grace and J astice prepared a
believe occurred on Sunday. also reo. deed recording the birth, and it was signs]
«=A bus “meeting of the Hancock
club was held®n its room at Centre Hall
on Satorday evening, Mr. 8, Harper
stated the object of the meeting was 10
discuss the propriety of holding a mass
meeting here and having a pole raising,
and to arrange for meeting the Tussy
club at Centre Hill for a torch light par-
ade on Friday night 24th, On motion
it] was agreed by the meeting that
the club arrange for a grand Han
cock basket pick-nic of Centreand adjoin-
ing counties, on Nittany mountain, Un
motion of Mr. Mingle a commitlee,
Messrs, Kurtz and Alexander, was ap-
appointed to arrange with the county
chairman, for the time and secure the
presence of distinguished speakers, for
the grand Hancock Basket Pie=Nie. As
to the pole raising it was left to the wish
of those who desired the same. The
club then unanimously agreed to go to
Centre Hill on Friday eve, with torches
and band. The club then had a torch-
light parade through our town, headed
by the band,
—During the past week C, Dinges has
been in the cities purchasing a fall stoc
of goods, whivh are to be sold cheape
than any place in the county,
Mr. J. W. Keller, who returned from
| Kansas a few days ago, left an ear of
corn at the Rerorrer office, raised by
Yas : ) | Mr. Sam'l Working, of Dickinson conn~
Hinges Ae s oy ty. Ka, and isa sample of the corn raiss
tock 01 ROOS Just being unpacked. | 4 aut there. Theear has 14 rows, and
Bargains will be offered. | 51 grains tothe row, a total of 714 grains,
~The Rerorter during the campaign | large and white,
93 cents, Send on the names,
Centre Hall, Pa, Th'rs 200 men wanted, by the Edgar Thom
. ————— son Steel Co., Limited, at Penaylvanis
Furnace, Centre Co, Steady work and
cash payments every month,
Graysville, Huntingdon a
the bedohamber, until the Austrian physi a
olan was at Inst able to inform King Alfons He Du ston bt Re Blade as Ag
{#0 that the Queen was happily delivered, ne Dre Lhe Joan 9
3 PR Public Works,
Announcing the Event, :
The ancient usages of the monarchy ra. | From his Speech at Warren, Oblo, Bepe
quired that directly after the birth the tember 10, 1874,
Mr. Parsons came to me and said he had
uld be thrown |
{an important case; he had worked a good
{while on it, but was called away, He
imust leave. He did not want te lose his
feo—was likely to lose It unless the work
was completed, He asked me if I would
argue the case for him; il] would examine
into the merits of this pavement and make
a statement of it before the board,
. Sept. 23, 80,
A ———
iar ro
Aotr Tax Reomirye. There is an
opinion with some that te entitle ens to
vole, a Otale or county tax must not only
have been paid within two years, bul thal
the tax must have been assessed within
that timet tos, This is » mistake of makes
wo difference how far back the tax was ams
sessed, so that it has been paid within the
required time, A man presenting & res
coipt for a tax paid within the two yearns
and the proper time before the election,
is entitled to vole, no matter if il was for p
a tax assessed three or more years before. | NK the sum he demands or the monoy
This is the construction of the ) OT: [furnished to pay judgment and stop sale
11g is Lhe conslraclion Ol Lhe IAW QVEry* fame, Joux ZETTLE,
sidered the best timber the purpose, f where in the Biate, Beaveral years “ge we thept Bt Pouer Twp.
The question was, if the people want the|s!though cherry, maple, ash and even lo-Jpublishod an opinion ef Judge Mayer to oi
pavement and are determined to have it, 0st have boen used. The business gives [the same effect; says the Clinton Demos |
which pavement shall we give them, the|®mplovment to an army of choppers, who |erat.
best, or not the best? Now, I have before] 87@ paid 10 cents apiees for each tle. A mo m——t — .
I had when I wade the ar. 000tinued practice makes the choppers Thirty thousand uailminkers in Eng-
Chicago, 8, [expert in the use of the ax, and & single land have gone on Btrike,
. » 4 -
lect that David Fortnay, Sr., and a por od by many witnesses aceording to prece. (louis, San Francisco, and all the other| Man has been known to getout thirty-five gr
100 AY, ia . " A 6 DRY &F tal % ui ir r. ¥
thn of his family were ie attendance at | dence. Then a solemn Te Deum for the cities where the pavement was laid, that " Rr 4 day, Yat the average is only tes, MARRIED.
: v i , h ihe Yak . 44 stood better than any wood pavement that! While an expert will probably y : ! .
tho funeral. The funeral took place from happy recovery of the Queen was sung wh ' 1 been laid So) Vm twenty 23 bly got outy On the 16 inst., at Centre Hall, by Rev,
the stone house, which was then comparas had ever been lak 8 W. I My hn Deckert, of Pop
alace by the Cardin Loader, wi
Fr ter twp. to Miss Loulsa Rockey, of Liregg
ly ¢. Th $0 pn which yb } 7 y,
lively howl Tha ews oF Nd a+ A commities of investigation went over| twp., Centre Co, Pa
conveyed the corpse to 8 yard,
. 3 in
driven into the yard ip front of the house ©
~that ison the north side. The circum. |
stances attending Mr, Crotzer's death are, |
: i
sccording to my recollection, substantially |
as follows: He had been busily sngaged | v ; 188}
during the day in cutting or hauling IX the historical and other facts since the
grain, and afteristabling his horses he ant times of Moses and Elijah, and then said
down on a log under the overshot of the|tbat his fast of forty days was undertaken
barn. at or near the west end. I believe) silence those physicians who bad sent
he had complained some of not feeling up the cry of “fraud” whenever they bad
well. Suddenly he fell forward ups biel ynoken of modern cases of fasting and to
fan ink i ¥ A Ane : .
var En, 1 a. | vindicate himself, whem they had de
medislely the dinner bell was tolled to] neunced as a pretender In his early prac-
summon the neighbors. This was along tice of medicine he discovered in fasting »
i ee: il ber|
E the eat And a the yell cure for many diseases—for example, dye
earing my parent } Hi a : ton. nf Cha atomaat. 28
on and suggesting the probability of] pepiia and it flamation of {he stomach, and
something having gona wrong. Just how other diseases. He fasted for forty-two
long ago this eccurred I am unable 10 aay, days io Minndgpelis in 1877, but the med. |
\ hile yu Se Sone Shat iy ies! faculty denied that he had done so. A
L . aes } . \ ‘Ma Te aah
made is indellibly stamped upon my mind | Case of lang fasting that of Mollie Fanch
and will remain as long 8s reason thallier, of Brooklyn—haviag been reported,
! . ) isn . amend, of thi y
ig Loy good recollection of uncle Dr. William A Hammand, of 3 a oitys
“Davy' Fortney, as father taught me to bad declared it a fraud, and challenged
eall him, Many times futhar sent me te any parsen to abstain fram food for forty
his houss on errands. And ] shall never days, and this was Dr. Tanner's opportu:
forget the large, yellow dog whic r t Aia : 1"
Fortney used to own, and whose hatred of 3 0 Yindjeute h hel dite thom the
me was only intensified by my innate fear r. Tanner quoted copiously Irom |
of him. Once I was indiscreet enough to correspondence that passed belwean him»
throw ailong at yi and » tht borkih golf and Dr. Hammond prior to the fas,
act forfeit is friendship fo . 3 . : '
while his dogship and myself were mutual and, afier scoring D: Hammord roundly,
enemies, the boys—Will and Dave-—they gave his hearers Dr. Marion Sime’ opinien
used to be known only by those names— of the fast, Next the'speaker said that bis
forty days’ abstinence from food had up
set the theories of the schools and proved
that the healing principle ii in the man
It was bis faith in this power that carried
and I were sheaps good friends. Wo went!
to school together at Pine Stump. the |
hia threugh the forty days. He had learns
od to rely upon fasting to
first school house 1 ever entered; and 1 am |
equilibrium withotit the use of drugs lion in its favor
very much mistaken if it was not the first
for the Fortney beys. We used to play
Americans, he insisted, swallowed too | The Truth About Garfield's “Argu-
many rostrums-—nostrums taken 1 b | ment.” >
together, but 1 have no recollection of any |
quarrel between us during our associations
which extended through many Years
Father and the elder Fortney were al
WAYS warm personal friends, which no
doubt contributed to the friendship and o
rod feeling between us boys. No doubt I x ve cure,
Nill and Dave--1 call them by the name dyspepsia, which ls induced by overeating |p. ny Alexander R. Si epherd’s Testimo-
I first knew—will both remember the po: ..nostrums that produce the very disease | : 3 ;
that th \d to dest | py Before the Same Committee,
hat they are said to destroy. : a
Ss oinns hi aka 1 Question You say, speaking of the in
Paying bis respects to the “regulars,” a © = 0 porcons: “That was followed
‘ " idence © OnE 3 sO
smeung whom he bound many fools, Dr a .
T Rid} thankful that B {by frequent pressures by Mr. Parsons, and
anner said he was thankful that he nol; NP ay .
longer wore the shackles of “the code; General Garfield spoke to me about 1
e EY - : . : y 3 ’ + au "34 a 11 wh ©
for physicians, he continued, “are born, o , Jr that pr yest ayy ie8 whe
not made within college walls, and oaly ln. aise hat waa done hy 0A
tato crop which our fathers once raised.
But I must close my letter. I beg the
Ae 3audote ak “1Garfield?
educated fools ask for special legisistion.” | Ais. Shaphard— That va
indulgence of the reader for alluding tos
subject in which 1 am the principal, By
reading the letter of friend ortaey I was
Here the speaker hopod that there might ,
be no legislation to feller the practice off .
gs 8 ” {auyect
medicine in New York, |
carried back to the early scenes 0
hood, whose remembrances awaken re
sponsive emotions within 5 bosom. Hew
beautifully and impressively true are the
: , Why Parsons was Employed to Em-
After a paming glance at Dr. Frank] : a hdl Ne , : . a t wie ‘
Hamilton's averment that the fast had ploy Garfield. tion to the defects in their “system of
proved nothing Dr. Tanner set forth his From Benjamin R. Niekerson's Testimo | 3 Briculture.
epitome of what had been proved—namely,| BY before the lavestigaling Committee.
that man can exist longer than fourteen! 1 was the owner of theironizing process.
“How dear to my heart are the scenes
of my childhood
days withcut food; that the stomach will | was to ironize the pavement and have a
i raysity,
pI TrrMS, $2 per year, when paid in
vdvanee ; $2.50 when not pawd mn advance,
Advertisements 20cts peridine for three in.
sertions, wnd beentsper Line for every subs
sequent insertion, Advertisements by the
wear al a liberal diseount,
Subseribersoutside the county should de
mit us 10 ofs, amount of one year's posis
age, instead of 20ets as formerly when paid
y themselves.
Nubseribers can always tell how their aes
sonnts stand af the Reporter office by cons
vulting the lables on their papers, If the
lable reads “John Roe 1 jan 78" if means
that John is indebted for subseription from
the 1st of January, 1815, and that it us
fume he was paying the printer
Caner Hany Lopar, No 865, 1. O. of 0, F., meets
avery Naturdayevening in the Odd Fellows ail
. L. GOODHART I8ec'y, W. R. Frou, N. OG,
OLp Port Lover, No, 557, F A. M,, meets on
Monday evening on or before each fall moon in the
Mason is Hall,
Progress Gravoy, Ne, 8 Pol H, meets at thelr
fall, Centre Hall on the Saturday on or before full
moon at 2 PP. M. and every two weeks after, Jas, a
Kaller Master, WM A BOAL Beet,
It yourly takes 200.000 actos of forest to
supply orosssties for the railroads of the
United States. It takes 15.000,000 ties to
supply the demand for which on an avers
age the contractors gat 86 cents aplecs,
making in the aggregate $3,250,000; In
building a new roud the contracters figure
on 2,700 ties to the mile, while it takes 500
ties to the mile to keep a constructed road
in repair, The average of a good plece of
timber land is 200 ties to the sere and 12
ties to the tree, White or burr oak Is cone
10sepl 44,
L. SPANGLER, Attorney -at-law
Consultations in En Tish and
Office in Furst’s new building
YAUTION Notice is hereby given
{) that 1 do hereby assign all my pers
sonal property on the premises occupied
hy me, to my son Alexander Zettle, as his
property, unit 1 redeem the same by pay-
I wnadde the ¢ if
{ From the Same Sperch at Warren,
ime here, what
certificates from
Opposite the Brockerhoff House,
One Price Store !
the chapel! of the
| Primate and the Patriarch of the Indies,
lin the presence of a numerous attendance
{the nobility
2 $
‘ a
Wl L }
Constipation and Piles.
WIL IL H. CLARK, South Hero, Vi, says
“in cases of KIDNEY TROUBLES i has
webed Hike u chor. Tt basouved many very
B bad coses of PILES, sod bas pover futled be
wet efficiently
NELSON FAIRCHILD, of fi. Albans, Via
says, VU be of peiecloss value, Afier sizionn
sears of great suffering from Plies and Cos
E (hvenees i vompletely sured me.”
©, b HOGA BON, af Borlsbive, says, “ons
package hos done wonders for me In pom
pletely coring 8 severe Liver and Kidaey
8 af wa Lhe Same Bpesch, lb
the whole ground of this business FIFTY LIVES LOST AT BEA.
Washington. Mr,
that committee and told them all he knew
about this pavement; told them what he
knew of its merits and told them he and 1
argued that case,
General Garfield Swears that He Ar
gued the Case Before the Board.
From his Testimony before an Investigals
ing Committea of Congress, in February
1, 1877
Mr, Nickerson—1 understand you to
Mr. Garteld, that you prepared &
brief after Mr. Parsons went away, and
that you filed it with the board of public
August 20, 1880 si the M. E Parsonage
Pleasant Gap, by lev, BE . Warner,
Mr. Jolin P. Rockey and Miss Abbie Bil.
gor, both of Spring township, Cente (lo.
5 Cheapest
Call and examine ;
The finest French
Gaiters made to a
* : Fen T *
Parsons wont before] steamer Aurora, from Oporto
bound for Southampton, has foundered
at sea. Fifty persons were drowned,
| —Maine is all right, so is the Philad,
{ Branch for tho best and cheapest cloth.
; i
i fp
Dr. Tanner began his lecture by instane.
— Archery Contests; Glass ball shoo
ing matches: Rifle Target shooting, at
150 vards, &o., will be among the features
of the coming Fair,
~The Tusseyville Hancock club will
meet at Centre Hill school house on
Friday evening 24. Jonx Rsuer,
Bhee Btore in the
On Bept, 15th, near Penn Hall, Mr, Ja.!
sob Bitner, aged 60 yours, § montbs, and]
4 days.
On the 15th, inst, of congestionjof brain,
Dr. Jonathan Moyer of Logansvilie |
Clinton county, Pa., aged 64 years, {
months and 1 day. |
London Truth :—*Itis impossible
to meet lialf a dozen Bonn stude
without noticing that at least four
them bear permanent marks of th
sword on their faces, and many ar
most unpleasantly disfigured as & re-
sult of these encounters. As to Hei.
delberg, one of the prettiest spots io
the neighborhood of the town is a
well known tavern, “Zur Hirschgae-
se,” on the banks of the Neckar, in
1ithe gardens of which the duels regula:
wiry take place about twice every ten
“#\duys, several being fought on the
sawe afternoon, one after the other.”
Among the many Heidelberg tradis
tions of duelling is the following
[wo students fought, and each sliced
off the other's nose. The noses fell to]
the ground, and being picked up by]
the seconds were plastered again on |
the faces of the duellists, The opera-|
tion succeeded, but in the hurry the
noses had been changed. The aquils|
ine man henceforward had a snub and)
the snub man had an apuiline nose.
db e—
As Grant hasn't any thing to do,
why not make an “Old Probabilities” |
of him? We need more smoky weath- |
er and he would give it.
The steamer Nevada took out 847!
Mormon recruits, they were mostly]
| English, Scotch and Welsh, Another]
|company of Mormons | N. Y.
pext month,
%—The Gregg Hancock club meets in
ve mountain district on Thursday even:
we. Geo. B. Barrett and Fred'’k Kurts
ill address the meeting.
Wolf. DI, of Gettysburg, is
friends here and in the valley,
Boots snd
the Conrad
—New goods from New York and
Philadelphia arriving daily at C. Dine
¥ 8
gos’ store.
~The farm of John Hubler, dec'd, in
Haines twp. has been taken by Mr,
Cornelins Bower, at §67,50 per acre,
~If you want to buy a good suit of
ready-made clothes cheap, call at Din~
~There was snow in Gallagher twp,
Clinton county, slong the Alleghenies,
on 14.
-For a splendid fall overcoat cheap,
20 to Lewins, at the Philad. Branch,
Philadelphia, Beptember X Grain Ghe |
@%1: red and amber, trdck and afl
foul, a
$1.06f, Ryeat 90c, Corn ai bic; mix
at O3e.
Never mist Towins and Sternberg, ao
at the Philadelphia Branch when at Bel.
~The largest stock of dry goods, is al
Dinges'. Give them a call,
Becoues it cleanses the system of
the POISONOUS humors that devoiope
i! in Kidney and Urinary digeases, Bile
iousness, Jaundice, Constipation,
Piles, or in Rhoumatiem, Neuralgia
and Femnio disorders,
works. Is their such a brief on file?
Mr. Garfleld at
filed it, though 1 am not certain, 7 An
that I slated to rd of public
the poi
The Chairman
My impression is
le» we
On last Friday morning three Spring
wagons anf och buggy drove up to the
Lutheran Parsonage and surprised the
Pastor's family most agreeably. Every.
thing that pertains to the table was un-
loaded. The horse was also remember-
ed, The value of this donation was
about forty dollars. After enjoying a
substantial dinner the kind domors re
8 turned home, and I think felt as happy
w, they sell the | aq their Pastor. May a kind Providence
en's and boys Sula | reward these friends, W. E. Frsouzs.
i sce their lei cr———
W0OUNET The 7th annual pic-nic of the Patrons
| of Husbandry of Centre county was held
on the mountain above Centre Hall, on
last Thursday. The crowd was very
large, and was made up of families from
every part of the county, and some from
adjoining counties. The ground was
put in admirable order by the commit
tee, seats were provided, and a speakers’
stand, decorated with flags and wreaths
of evergreen. Immediately over the
nd this | front of the stand was the word “Wel-
loth- | come” worked in evergreen upon #
white back-ground.
Four brass bands were present: The
Pleasant Gap band with its fine and
costly uniform. The Millheim band
with its handsome wagon; the well.
known Zion band, and the Pine Hall
band. There were 19 booths for selling
refreshments, and all made money.
At the proper hour the assembly was
called to order by Deputy Rhone, who
announced the following officers:
President: Col. Jas. F. Weaver.
Vice Presidents: Jacob Dunkle, G.
Christ. Alexander,Jno, T.
the B % :
aN Spring Mills Market.
Wheat No 1,95, No 2, 85, No J
Rye, 60c
Corn, ears, per bu, 40 ¢.
Carn old, 40e.
Oats, 3k
Buckwheat, 60c,
Barley, 60c
Qloverseed, $6.00 10
Plaster, ground per ton, $10.00
Flour, per bbl $6.00
Butter, 18g,
Tallow, Ge.
Lard, Oe,
Ham, 10c.
Shoulders, »
Bacon or side, Ye.
Eggs per dos, 18e,
Corrected weekly by 1, J. Grenoble,
nis of the case, i
You did make an argu» ; bo. | Toy
ment ? |
Mr. Garfield —1 made a careful study o
tho case, and 1 stated the points to the
members of the board.
Mr. Nickerson—Did you ever meel the
board called together as a board, snd
make any statement or argument on the
f .
J. Henry Keller sends
- pound and can be sont by wall prepaid, preeminently
Dismond" Blue Label
¢ i Stands
Yq One package will make six gis of medicine, Rd Always put up in
it at the Preggists. Price, $1.06, . Boxes. 1Lb. ung,
VILLE, TICEATDO0N & (0. Prepristems, ave you Keep It:
or i a Srasgiat + if he bas neith-
wiiAREEsy: numer,
Goug bm,
ay New Yorr
a ———
3 pon RANGES
8 Ss
—Lewins and Sternberg, at the Philad.
A subject?
Mr, Garfleld—1 don't know whether the
members of the board were all there or
Mr. Nickerson—Did you at any time
appear before the board and make any ars
gument whatever?
General Garfield--1 do not remember
[that I did; but I did speak to Geversor
restor the vital {Shepherd on the subject, giving my opin.
id D Murry, dragist, Centre Hall,
” oa
[Ls lL
~— Archery contest, rifle target s .
» . 3 3
at 150 yards and glass ball sho cone som
the features of the
~All well re
their groceriop at
~The officers are working hard to get
every person to bring exhibits to the
Fair this year, and we may expect a
grand success
8 iGlvVe
—Go and see the Salt river suits at the
Philad. Branch. bod il h
gO up dit river a
TR 4s
This year's tobacco crop of Peno-|s
sylvania is estimated at 26,000,000{%
pounds, valued at four millions of dol-|
ay 5
Far tha tein
~The Maine election excitement is
all over yet, neither is the rush at
d. Branch for new suits, which
firt cheap and no cheat or shod-
4 t all the genuine
rect net le f I% nar op
t a reduction of 25 per cent,
A railway collision last week ate
Waterleo Station, London, killed four!
people and wounded thirty,
Two American vessels loaded with
grain have arrived at Revel, Russia. |
The event bas directed Russian attens |
af Ae ever
10 goods,
] £
ud, anda a
We would especially call attention to the
Highland Queen Cook Stove,
He never spoke fo me bu the
I asi ie OF
fonge ond
Which is the same thing.
Impure Saleratus or Bi-Carb Soda
ferhieh is thonpmething lsofn slight.
iy dirty white color, It may appear
lerhtte, evramined by ftself, but &
will show tho difference.
See that your Saloratas aed Bak-
ing Soda ie white and PURE, as
When fond recollections present them
to view."
It seems but yesterday that we were
beys together; to-day we are nearly at the
dividing line between manhood and old
age. ‘The slope on the sunny side of life
is beset by so many charms that we reach
the summit only 10 wender how we arrive.
od there so soon. We have been hurrying
along in youthful anticipations, chasing
~The Amusement Department of the
fair will be in charge of Dr. J. D. Geis
nger { 8& D. Ray, and they will
I 3 oh i
ko it the feature of the con i
€ 1 the feature Of Lae Col i
ician is claimu
wes we have.
miy to one party
10r Since | yw Campbell
It is reported that fourteen more
survivors of the Vera Cruz are alive
on a distant part of the Florida coast, |
g cheap
times |
began to I 1d everybody has |
saped money, gest, cheapest and |
bést assortment « g is always
fou Lewins. A mew supply just
the gaudy butterfly and ministering to sel.
fish pleasures until we have become insen- |
sible to our own being. But old Father
time bas called a halt at the summit. He,
Prayer followed by Rev. Issac Frain. | points down the sunny side of the slope
Leathers, Rev. 1. Frain.
Secy’s : Will Kerr, J. A. Keller, David
readily resume its functions after leng ab-
mental, Dr. Tanner quoted at length from
0.000, st least, and Mr. Parsons
by Chittenden that he was able to reach
the man who could secure the contract.
{with the world, This
LS uscd fur food.
A simple but sovers test of the comparative
roi i brands of Roda or Salerstus is
0 diss] ve & Gostert spoonia) of each Kind with
shout & pint of waler (kot preferred) in clear
#2@~ Our Stock being entirely New. ‘We offer special Bargainslinng
Deputy Rhone then delivered the ad- and typifies’ it with a mimpent li
dress of Welcome, in an able address, Again he points dewn the wintry side of
: , the slope and admonishes us to beware.
expressing the welcome extended by the | The descent is steep and dangerous and we
Patrons to all, and setting forth the)
| are liable to fall a . Mout Bat the |
great fesults accomplished hy the order | practical lessons of hall a life time can not
in many | tance of making the remai
| fail to impress upon our minds the impor]
{ better and happier.
der of our life
1 find yrel! Sitoing from the subject
on which 1 started to write. The receliecs
tions of childhood, with iis attendant sors
the books, and then said that the fast will
necessitate a restudy of physiology.
“Let a well fod person,” the Doctor|
continued, “‘sit down in utter insctivity|
and he will become a mass of putreflying |
organisms and die of blood poisoning |
not render better i
of boots and shoes
his county, then
ep no stock that
If, and as a rule
owers & Son do
: 3 . tn
in the sale
3 :
3e | . .
| for themselves especially and
respects for those outside,’ The address
was handed us for publication, but its
length and the pressure upon cur read.
ing columns by the campaign snd the
fall advertising preclude us from pub-
lishing itt other than in a condensed
form, in a futnre number.
The reply was from Rev, J. Keller
Miller, who in his usual clear and able
manner expressed the pleasure of the
invited masses to this great gathering;
and that each class sustains a relation to
every other class which makes us all
stand in need one of the other, None
being above the other, all should fratern-
ize, hold their proper place and accord
each other their rights and becoming re-
11 0 ¥
Ww UE ©
wd shoes for yourselves,
y material of the body.
quarter of the food you take, and you will)
rows and joys, put in motion a train of ba all the better for your temperance in|
thoughts that carried me away in their ggiing The extra effort to digest the sur i
plus food you eat is a cause of indigestion i
charm. . I believe there comes inthe life
“Fasting is eminently the specific for
of every man a time when he is constrain.
ed to exclsim— i
“Backward turn, backward, Oh! Time caring dyspepsia asd rheumatism, both
Mat LY st for to-night.” | acute and shronic. Rusumatism comes of
Such is my wish as I indite these lines. Blood poisoning. The blood becomes acid |
E. S. Garves. [through a derangement of the digestive
'organs, and all food taken into the stomach |
{intensifies the acidity of the blood. Ten!
ALFONSO PRESENTS THE IN- days of fasting may eliminate the poison |
FANTA ON A GOLD TRAY. [fromthe bedy."”
S———— The Doctor dwelt nthe value of pure!
BIG FUSS OVER A BABE. i he Doctor dwelt upo evalueelp
al. {mir as a life sustainer, saying that his rid
Marshals, Nobles and Generals | \"8 in Central Park and on Riverside
3 5 a 4
Throng the Antechamber,
— Women that have been given up by
their dearest friends as beyond help, have
been permanently cured by the use
Lydia E. Pi 's Vegetable Co
ve cure for all fe-
Send to Mrs, Lydia E.
tern Avenue, Lynn,
—Sechlers ahead always for pure and
fresh groceries and at low prices,
—Jno. Boozer and Wm. L. Kurtz, are
jegates of the Y. M. C. A, of Centre
Hall, to the state convention of the asso-
ciation at Wilkesbarre,
—The Philad. Branch gives you the
best bargains in the state in all kinds of
clothing—mind that, ‘Drive when the air was charged with elec.
And why Garfield was Employed.
From a letter to De Golyer and MeClel-|
land from their Agent George R, Chit
tenden, May 30, 1872, :
he snfluence
Notre Dame, Paris, has been struck |
by lightning, but only a few stones
were dislodged.
Twelve men are in the Tombs on
charge of murder, four of them cases
appropriations, of wifermurder. .
strongest man’ in congress. Joan hardly | The Hughes Tennessee colony home.
realize that we have General Garfield with ‘has been named Rugby.
It is rare success and very gratifying, Philadelphia's infamous “Dr. Bu
of the District shanan has been arrested near De-
Two cargoes of ice have arrived in
action. New York from Norway in excellent
From the Independent, July 30, 167. oondition. A new check to ice mono]
The testimony taken in the investigation | io, 3
of the District of Columbia frauds shows
that Mr. Garfield received $5,000 for his
aid in getting through a paving contract
accepted by the Dustrict gevernment. A
Mr. Parsons, a notorious jobber, made an! On the Russian Czar's journey to Liva.
srgument for the paving company, and | dia, it took forty thousand soldiers and
General Garfieid Aas
J? 3
£3 Ye f a
s labors, He hold
the United States; ia chairman of the
Yeu { an
day i the purse strings
end fhe
commiatice on
as all the appropriations
must come through him,
A Republican Opinion of the Trans.
Negroes were last week chosen on
grand and petit juries in Kentucky!
for the first time in its history.
_avirring xetilall ls thoroughly dissclve
ous i naolu bie matter in the
sown afer settling some TWN
ner, by the milky appoadence G
3d the qusntily of Qusling Bucky
+ $5 quality,
Be sure asd ask for Charl & Co.'s Sodasnd
Larsius sud sco tha! ther tase Is on the
ha Lil
ur sul
ibe ue Uf Le nye
Lass Ae
gad pachape for yalunalie informa
pow Wl
of Syracuse, N.
Are pow putting on the market a Plow thal
5 as much superior 10 any Plow herciofore
made as the Plows of the past few Years have
Nowis the Time!, ww evrererse
Wolf’sStand. BELLEFONTE, PA.
LLvery Description seme X.x 1 iu te ves
[tricity buoyed him up and sided him mas {then got Mr. Garfleld to make » further nine thousand peasants to watch the rail: been superior to those made ball a century Soa in
—Go right to Sechler's and get your
dried and canned fruit, meats fresh and
cured, peaches, sweet potatoes, coffee
and sugar, &e.
— Centre County Fair, Oct. 6th, 7thand
8th. Everybody should attend, and
take with him his sisters, his cousins
end his aunts,
—Call in at Dinges' and see their large
assortment of boots and shoes, for sale
cheaper than any where else,
—-Mr. John Condo, of Eldorado, Cali-
fornia, paid the Rerorren a visit a few
days ago. He is a native of our valley,
At the close of Rev, Miller's remarksa
recess of 13 hours was announced for
dinner and social intermingling. Hun-
dreds of cloths were spread upon the
ground and tables, laden with the best
that the wives and daughters of our
farmers know so well how to prepare to
satis{y the inner man, and if any went
away with the empty stomach of Dr.
Tanner, it must have been his own
fault, for invitations were plenty and
free and a general desire that all should
Paris, Sept. 12, 1880, —"'On Friday night, |
during » small reunion of the royal family |
in the palace, Queen Christiana became]
somewhat indisposed. From that Bout.
her condition grew more and more serious,
and it was thought that at last the supreme
hour was approaching. There had been
so many disappointments and misealcula-
tions, however, that il was not until about
siz o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday
that the Austrian physician in attendance
positively gave his opinion that the coadi-
tion of Her Majesty was a certain indica~
feast. The writer bad his share of good
things and a square meal—thanks to the
invitation, and table of Deputy Rhone
batleft for California 25 years ago, and
this is his first visit back. He speaks
tion of her approaching confinement, The
intelligence was of course in a shot rtime
communicated to nearly the whole city,
terially in continuing his fast until the ex-
piration of the fortieth day. Then be epi
tomized the forces that sustuin life as—
First, the intelligent governing principle,
which he styles the soul; second, beat,
found in food, the fuel for the body; third,
electricity, and fourth, animal magnetism.
“Life,” Dr. Tanner continued, “can be
maintained longer without food than with. |
out either of the other forces."
Paul Kunkel died at York, Pennsylva
nia at the age ot seventysnine. Ha is not
the first person who has died at the age of
highly of that state, and prefersittoany
other for farming; be is engaged in
mining gold quartz and is prospering.
—Entries are already being rapidly
made, and the coming Fair will un~
doubtedly be the best ever held in Cen-
tzg county,
# Dr. Jonathan Moyer, of Bugar Valley,
ied suddenly on the morning of 15th,
fof congestion of the brain. Dr. Moyer
was well known in parts of Pennsvalley.
The Clinton Democrat, of 16, says: The
numerous friends of Dr. Moyer were
greatly surprised and pained to learn
yesterday that he had died suddenly
early that morniug at the Irvin House.
He had been about town the day previ-
QUE, having come to town to attend the
Democratic mass meeting, and appear-
ed to be in good health and spirits. In
the evening he attended the meeting in
the Court House, where he was taken
and lady.
At 2 o'clock order was called and an
address delivered by David Wilson, eaq.,
of Erie county. Mr. Wilson is an old
farmer but a good talker and had an ins
teresting address in th¥® interest of the
agricultural class, He was followed by
genator Alexander, who spoke briefly
and appropriately to the occasion and
was listened to with great attention.
The next speaker was Seth Yocum, esq,
who also entertained the audience with
an interesting talk,
It was nearly dark before the crowd
had all left the mountain, Good order
prevailed, Everybody was there, every
body had enough to eat ; plenty of mu-
gic; plenty of ladies; and general good
and a3 the welcome news spread it was on.
ly natural that the populace sbeuld have
been attracted to the palace. People of sll
classes stayed in the Plaza del Oriente un-
der the palace windows all day, and the
crowd slowly increased until the afternoon,
when it was known that the palace mess
senger had been ordered off at half-past
four to summon Ministers. Hours passed
and the crowd increased as the intelligence
went abroad until by nightfall the envir-
ons of the palaee presented a very animat
ed scene, Directly Queen Christians felt
the first symtoms of travail her Austrian
physician advised the Duke of Sexto, the
Lord Chamberlain, who immediately or
dered the commanding officer of the Hal.
bardiers of the Guard to send eighty mes
sages to request the instant attendance at
seventy-nine, either in York or New
York, but his death recalls his life and es.
pecially that part of it which several years
ago came very near being the death of
him. In 1849, in walking from Baltimore
home, he encountered a stranger at Park-|
ton, Maryland, who sccompanied him tol
York and stayed several days with him, |
exchanging various articlg—umbreilas
and wearing apparel, nearly new, for old
and worthless ones. The day after the
stranger's departure Kunkel was arrested
for the murder of an old lady at Parton,
He was tried and convicted. He had been
ssen at Parkton the morning after the
murder, and the murdered woman's um-
brella, thoes and wearing apparel was
found in his house. He was so stunned by
the accusation, that his faculties forsook
argument and to use bis personal influence
in its favor. Of course Mr. Garfield's ar.
gament was successful. How could it be
mittee on appropriations, Every cent of
money voted to the District had to come
through him. Shepherd could not refuse
anything be asked, and Mr, Garfield knew
it when he asked and received for his ser
vices a fee which would have been grossly
extravagant but for his official position,
General Garfield Denounced by His
Constituents for Taking the
De Golyer Bribe.
Resolution by the Republican Convention
at Warren, Ohio, September 7, 1876,
‘We further arraign and charge him with
corrupt bribery in selling his official influ.
ence as chairman of the committee on ap~
propriations for $5,000 td the De Golyer
paving ring to aid them in securing a con-
tract from the board of public works of the
District of Columbia; selling his influence
to aid said ring in imposing upon the peo-
ple of said district a pavement which is
wlmost worthless, at a price three times its
cost, as sworn to by one of the contractors;
selling bis influence to said ring in procur:
nga contract to procure which it corrupt
ly paid $97,000 ‘for influence; selling his
influence in a manner so palpable and
clear as to be so found and declared by an
important and competent court upon an
issue solemnly tried.
wo ly»
{rond. Two mines of dynamite were dis
covered under the track as il was.
| -_— cn - i. hm am sa
: LICSALE.— Will be sold at
Public Sale, in Potter twp, on
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20th, 1880,
the valuable Grist Mill, known as the)
containing 46 ACRES, bounded by Sink |
ing Creek, by lands of Jacob Royer, Ben-
jamin Bitner, John Hinebuch, Daniell
Fleisher, Joseph Shirk, dec’d, Jacob
Treaster and John M'Coy, with all the)
water rights, liberties and privileges ap
purtenant thereto, Toereon erected
story log snd frame DWELLING
HOUSE, BARN, and all necessar
buildings. Also an excellent ORCHARD
OF CHOICE FRUIT, and & wall of nev!
er failing water. The mill is in excellent
repair, having been recently refitted, and
the land under high state of cultivation, |
and good fences. i
Trams or Sang. ~Une-third of purchase |
money on confirmation of sale, one-third]
in one year and the balance in two years!
| with interest from confirmation of sale, to
be secured by bond snd moriguge on the
sept 10,
{ 4 ol 8 hl
There will be!
exposed to Public Sala on the premises,
two miles north of Spring Mills Station,
on the Lewisburg and Tyrooe RR , on
ol fA LLL)
It combines all the exocliencios of any Plow
It cbviates 111 the
other Plow,
in addition it embraces several pew features
of the greatest value, for whith we have ob
tained exclusive Patents
Its Beam, Clovis, Jointer Standand and Wheel
ohjections made 10 any
will be a composition of Steel and Iron chilled
under a process for which we have also
obtained an exclusive Patent, IL will bo
11s weight will be eighteen pounds less than
pur present siylos
the palace of the Ministers, the Diplomatic
Corps and the native parsonage named by
royal order to be present at the birth.
Before their arrival King Alfonso, ex
Queen Isabella, the Princess of Austurias,
the Archduches: Isabella and the ladies of
the Royal Household had assembled in the
bedchamber of the Queen, with the Aus
trian physician, In another room, close
by, were the two wet nurses from Bantans
der, in their preity costumes of velvel
skirts and bodies, braided with gold and
him for the space of more than two
months, and it was only withinleight days
of the time of his execution that he recov
ered his memory and informed his counsel
of his adventures with the stranger Win.
ter, and the manner of his coming in poss
emsion of the woman's property. Detecs
tives found his traveling comradeonly two
days before the day of execution. He was
tried and convicted, On the gallows
Kunkel had seen built for himself, the
other man confessed the murder of Mrs.
Cooper. A Mrs. Goodrich had had him
arrested for stealing sheep. On coming
out of prison he saw Mrs, Cooper, and mis
taking her for Mrs, Goodrich, had killed
her with a stone, On meeting Kunkel ats
terwards, he devised the plan of ewsting
suspicion upon him by leaving with him
the property of the murdered woman,
ill and removed to the hotel, but it was
done so quietly that knowledge of it did
not get to the meeting generdlly, Medi~
cal aid was summoned promptly, but it
was unavailing, as he was suffering from
congestion of the brain and sinking rap-
idly. Erp morning he had passed away
heer all around.
News has been recieved from the
French expedition which started up
the Niger on the 4th of April last un-
der Captain Gallieni, with two docs
tors, two lieutenants and a number of
Senegal men, On the 11th of May,
near the village of Dis, 10 the Barbara
country, the expedition was attacks
ed by a thousand natives. After seve
eral hour's fighting Captain Gallieni
retired, with the loss of fourteen killed
and eleven wounded. All the bag-
gage was lost. The expedition was-
refitted and started again.
~The amusement department wil
superintended by. Dr. J. D. Geissi
and 8, D, Ray, esq., and they promige to
hake it a perfect success in every res-
Yoth sexes. Endowment half a million.
Tuition free. Courses of study. Classical,
Scientific, and Agricultural. A thorough
Preparatory Department. Expenses $8
to $5 per week, For catalogue, address
JosEPH SHORTLIDGE, A. M., Pres. State
College, Pa, 12aug 8t,
A Brilliant Assemblage.
The interior of the palace was a scene of
great animation. The guards came to oes
cupy the gates and line the staircase and
antechamber. Then came the grandees,
chamberlains and Military Household,
who in fine uniforms filled the galleries,
Anxious expectation was on every coun:
tenance. As carriage after carriage arrive
ed with personages native and foreign, all
appearing in full uniform except the Uni-
ted States and Bouth American representa.
tives, the Lord Chamberlain cenducted
them te the antechamber nexttothe cham
ber of the Queen, It was a brilliant assem=
blage of the flower of the Spanish nobility.
Marshals, and generals, knights of noble
and military orders in medimyal cloaks
and rich costumes, judges, prelates, cival
and military authorities, the Mayor and
Little Breech-loading Remington
Sporting Rifles, Calibres, 22, 32, and 38,
regular beauties, 17 to 21 dollars each.
Muzzle loading double shot guns, $6,50
to $20 ; great bargains, Winchester Rifies,
Model 76, splendid arms. Call and be
convinced. List price: Double breech
loading shot guns, real twist barrels, side
snap action, a good gun $21,00, Calibre
12. Revolvers from $1,25 to 12,00 ; new
Pennsylvania rifles $10,00 ; double muzzle
loading Rifles, and Rifle and shot guns
my own make $25,00 (every one warranted
and only a few on hand). Ammunition,
and all goods in the line of Fire arms
—A complete set of Appleton’s New
American Encyclopedia, good as new,
1873, 16 vol’s, is offered for sale, at a
greatly reduced price. It is a complete
library in itself. Apply at RerorTER Of
fice. tf,
rin A
Denver, September 9.—A very
large number of laborers have been
brought here from the eastern states
and Canada this season to work on the
various railroad extensions: There
are pine in progress yet the,work is de-
layed by the scrarcity of laborers, the
— Families that did not can oe dry any
fruit this summer, need nos fret, because
they ean get it alveady canned or dried,
and better and cheaper, at Sechler’s gro-
cery then if done by themselves. This
is a fact that all housekeepers should bear
in mind, as all the labor of canning or
drying is thus saved, and the outlay at
Sechlers is about what the article would
cost in its natural state. Sechlers keep
the best canned and dried goods in the
The superior officers of the afmy
are so regarded in such great crisses,
and are held to such responsibility,
especialy those at or near the head of
it, that it is necessary on such mnment-
ous occasions to dare to determine for
themselves what is lawful and what ie
not lawful under our system — Han.
cock to Bherman, December, 1876.
J 3 : ha ind
Foe following valuable Real Estate of
Adam Fisher, dec'd, known asthe Farm!
ers Mills property, consisting of a MER!
MILL, in complete running order with
the capacity to 4 run of Burrs having Tur-
bine Water Wheels located on Fras
Creek a never failing stream, also, thereon
a GOOD SAW MILL on the same stream
complete STORE ROOM. An exoellent)
well near the house of never failing water, |
GOOD BANK BARN and other outs
buildings. Also, about 40 scres of land
part of which is well timbered with white
ine, oak, and Hemlock, bounded by the
ands of Jno. P. Ross’ heirs Jno, Bartge:
heirs, Robert J. Smith, Geo. Krape and
others, Orchard with choice fruit, two
tenant houses, garden and Stables,
Sale to commence at one o'clock P. M,
of said day when terms will be made
known a B. FISRER |
pops POLLY SHER, | Bxecutors. |
Maud 8. Makes the Fastest Time on
Record at the Chicago Track.
Chicago, September 19.~It was nearly
6 o'clock and growing dark when Maud
8. was brought on the track yesterday.
The sky was cloudy and a strong south
wind was blowing. At the first send-off’
Maud 8. soon left her feetand har driver,
Blair, turned her back for a fresh start,
She then trotted to the starting point
square and leyel, and as her driver nodded
for the word, quickly lengthened out her
stride, and got to the quarter in 34 seconds
It was then believed impossible for her to
do better than 2:16 or 2:18, but when she
got down to the second quarter at a 2:08
gait, the fastest quarter on record, there
was & breathless interest and expectancy.
It was feared, however that the strong
head wind when she turned would slacken
Lewisb'rg, Centre & Spruce Creek RR|
Montandon we ceeesns 7.00
Lewisburg cco voice rain
ODRP Dy sesess sesirsinn vo
Arr. at Spring Mills.,
10 86
Spring Mills. veenin
CODUER oocsns caansreseeace
Denver and Rio Grande company
alone requiring at least 5,000-—more
men than they are at present able to
secure. The laborers are recievin
from $1,76 to $2,60 per day. The
miners draw away more than half the
| pymbey imported.
United States,
Nine railroads are building in Cols
orado, and thousands of laborers’ are
constantly on hand ; breech-loading fire
arms carefully repaired. Deschne
rs, High Alderntan of Madrid, forming e striking
St., Bellefonte, Pa, £2 3. °
contrast with Senators and Deputies, in
plain evening dress amid the splendid cer.
emonisl that revived all the gorgeeus eti-
quette of the House of Bourbon in the
eightosnth ceplyry. Molionless 44 statutes
{900 doorway Rood the Dalbendion apd
OTICE.—All persons are hereby caus
5 yoned 4 sinst dip in on the
and of the undersigned, ngar Congre Hall,
under pray of he 4: J Wt |
ye a 8
The Queen of Spain has given birth
to 4 daughter, :
hor speed materially and render it still
timpossible to win. She kept straight fore
ward, however, without break or skip and
markasd the three-quarter pole im 1:30,
Blair urged her gently with voice and
whip, and she responded gamely, and the
wyltitude was breathless as she wont by
Lowishurg wie venue 8.86 12.46 6.45
Arr, at Montandon.......0 50 1.00 6.00
Nos 1and 2 connect at Montandon with
Erie Mail, west on the Philadelphia and
Erie R. R.
Nos. 3 and 4 with Day Express east and
ra Express w
Ni t.
Now. Gend 6 with Fost Line west,
A first-class Stoel Plow, made in the on
dinary way, ned, Ly-1Wo
dollars. for Stecl Plows retall from
teen 10 nineteen dollars
The price our new Mow will be
Seventeen Dollars, and it will be te
cheapest Ag 3
Its meld
yory bost J
alls for twon
BE i: Ris In
and all other plows ha
With this Plow will Ie Introduced a coma.
wo have algo obtained a Patent, and v
eat improvement, bhoth
3 And Wear
The Jointer can ho shifted 80 48 b
wore or loss land, and also more or
and it can always be Rept ona
The wheel will run nnder the bom or one
gide of 1t as desired, and always kept in line,
peter Is miustable for Spring or Pall
Plowing, and also for two oF Three Borses,
The handles can be adjusted to aceon
date 5 man or boy, on the sane Plow,
It 1s a pertoot Plow,
Wonden beams are going out of use because
they shrink, swell and warp, and never run
two seasons alike,
ron beams are too heavy.
Malieable beams become demor
band, which 15 much worse tha: break.
A Steel beam Is the necessity of the day, It
4 then times as strong and very much lighter
than any other style.
When 2 say 5 Mold board is chilled, the
farmers know it is sn,
We do not palm off on them a composition
of vartous metals and call ft chilled metal,
We want agents for this new Plow in every
town in this State.
We can give but a very small discount 0
thom, but we will pay the Railroad Freight,
Wa propose to place this Plow tn the hands
of Farmers as near the cost of manufacture
£3 possible,
It will be the best Agricultural Imiplement
ine will
aliped and
It shail also be the cheapest.
Pereons therefore who are not willing toact
as agents on the principle that “a nimble six-
pence 1 batter than a slow.ah * nocd not
APPLY [or a agency.
No Plows on commission, All sales absoluta,
£2 Thiz = the only Steel Chilled Plow in
Stee] eosta several mes more than ron,
Rut this Plow, full rigged, by giving small
discon, can bo sold for Seventeen Dollars,
Compare this price with that of any iron Plow
ever made.
It 18 cheaper taan any other Plow now
made would be at five dollars and a half,
Where there are no agents we will, on re-
celptof Seventeen Dollars, send a Plow to any
Railroad station in*the State and pay the
eight. Address,
. Syracuse, Ne ¥
wor plows than
same amount
about the merits
either FropadL ra oa
or without fertilizer and seed
tachments, T > the best a anf
re in the market.
+ DYER] ats
\N EVER tac 2
your own town. $6 Outfit free. |
Reader, if you want a business
SN 0): which 3 eraons of either re a ae aching It all a iation of
L ® real pay sil the time they work, write for!
2, articnlare 10 H. HALLETY hes about that eT '
| Portland, Maine gan A ihialy iy ay Boing 2 ¢ wie do ak
Be week in
No risk
No. 8 Brockerhoff Row, Bellefonte
Penn's, 0
| Dealers in Drags.Chemicals,
Perfumery, FanceyGoods &¢,. i
Para Wines and Liquors for medical
{purposes always Kept wayls
| YOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-at-
1 ® Law, Collections promptly made and in
| attention given to) hose having lands of prope:
{sale will draw up and bave acknowl
Mortgages, &o, Office in the diamond, a ahaa.
the court house, Bellefonte
RECEIVE DEPOSITS sand allowInter BER We Pr
est; Discount Notes; Buy and hand and sold at wholesale prices;
Sell Government Jecutition, use.
_ Gold sn oupu us, GRAIN. —After growing erop
WN. Wonr : Vu. 8. MixoL® lbarvesied we will be prastees ‘to ol
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