- wt 20 Tre, - $2p DEF YOar, dp vance ; $2.00 u a hen not paud n adean: x fA kipw PRER pau hoy i hseribersonlsude the ¢ ws 10 eis, amount instead of Weis asf is Wrmer REM SECIVES, that John +8 iol 1st Janwun {ime he was pa LOD GE MEETINGS. reaxere HALL Lonak, No, #84, 1, © ry Sata wdayevening (a the Odd Fel GOODRART, Sec'y W. R. Fre M.. ihe of tows Hail Ww, NO 8% FLA meels Ln Fort Lopag, No te warm Sunday, with thunder ee Wenther qu y and Tuesday, sortment ; y Doorssto; j alle ndance moon. Goldman’ h avin 5 course ara | present Ti ROO, up business, auring prosent i 1 tt a8 Matilda Farnace, 1 Suspended on EAR FAOLUC the Rail An Pennayivania P TRIOS, four y 4 ISR OFIGEOS from ninety 108 Ril Tha in un ety ree minutes, stopp Owl ng ag ap twice 0 Ot anything except to ith 1 : woos ahead of od i i and the wnte Hall HERLACHER, Sect J J.ARNEY, W meats at th or bela her Master, LOCAL ITEMS personal Fe] Haines, i erty of June ale of op Fowler, decd in 0 gloek next week “Nathan,” will appear ¢ Hall will petition next Wo! Leni be in rporated into a I Ehri G of Haines 2 from & tn to Kan $ L Pi -There teacher on a salary « ation anni sth, ABROUI hold ti er The State Teachers’ Pennsylvania will meeting at York ¢ 29th of July next -Whiits is OAr, ya..y may now Wid (hers wal a il il, where COSS. Tribune fave rite without notice in program : IVES Marriage makes the man; the man was maid befor#, and when ) are married get your groceries al ler's, it shows that you have the ties of good house-keeping cob Sprank! in horse of Mr tlefonte, was Rill by tn the Reid ighiny aK. B) Q uves 3 a do that men likewise i they evil Lows Gea, a re soy Fn i MANUIACLLn Aave a ton of gold 18 3 . »e . As we have our do isfy ourselves hese days. adis } ma y 53% ot Ha =a 8 w e army worm bas crossed the v's line and made its ap pearance ino delaware county, causing greatinjury to heat and rye Le farmers sho Tee iy > t tre Len on RY sun fields. t the Digge HONAL CANVASS we, #5 * FARIS, ON eb SR OP chiers DOSS groc MB. Der "pO 1nd: app! tomato plants aoien; ~ ~tyt +1} hans f a Louisville bone prietor o Ino unces that rsons leaving bones with him can have them unis at short notice. Yes and leave rour measure at the Beehive and you the best {it in the stat te n any ready made auction goods, proj ar lower s SEG of the Distriet onin in Pennsylvania news lam: nd an oa ial ong the late Rain storms of great violence and un usual doration have raised the water in | most of the rivers in the Northwest to a higher point than was ever know n, But | there is no rise in the stream of clothing constantly sola at the Philad. Branch at 25 per cent. less than any other store -~-Wi } ill 6 Sta liam Wheeler kindly turned the crank of the ice cream freezer for a fes- : val at Phillips, Me., for nearly two wours. Thinking it didn’t freeze as it ought, be looked in and found the in-| gredients were in the cupboard! Justa! case like that of the chap who didn’t buy his clothing at the Standard cloth- | i g ball wher everythin g 18 NOW © cost in order to settle up business ¢ rit st Min ard. 2s er sural — A write the ! New Yorke reports a method pursued by a friend fi causing apple trees to bear every ye and which some reader’ of the Reronri saay wish to try just at this stage of th 16 | k n ber, were bearing heavy crops every oth long pole them a heavy beating on one {ne fruit was about the nuiz, knocking all the apples off the tree. Tho next year the alternate side took its turn, and for many years the own and gave | just as hick JICKOTY on half er year, go ho took a i ide, size of gry year. His frees stood in a rich soil that was annually cultivated, no grass be: ing allowed to grow, —The Beehive keeps busy and hum- ming above any other store or two stores in the county. The proprietors, Messrs, Jauland & Newman, are men of won- derful suerzy 4 and’ enterprise which keeps them ahead. They sell goods in benefit a greater number, They are per: fect gentlemen, always treat you right and never give a customer canse to com- plain, Remember, the Beehive is the most extensive store in the county, - Cultivators, shovel p! ous, horse~hay rakes, of the most improved make, at rock bottom prices by Alexanders, Yellefonte, Pa. 2 —Cayuga plaster, finely ground, the best in the market, only §7 per ton, at Alexanders, Bellefonte, Pa. at, —We are the authorized agents for the sale of the Geiser thresher and sep arator, with horse power or Peerless steam engine, at low prices and on fav. orable terms, We are also agents for the sale of the Heebner patent levels tread horse power, for one or two horses with.patent speed regulator, with little giant thresher ard. cleaner. All war ranted to do good work, Dwners of the Geiser Separator and horsepower | will please send in their or- ders of repairs at the earliest day possi- ble, to enable us to have a full supply in ALEXANDER & POCO eS } thal are unwidiesome, it, do not 1K : off mad, | lied, The! Ud Day a go ren FOP sir coffee. OWE who * Fer L088 with ther stores ti CASC SIWARYS gi A , # on own -A Wester one day was- to settle I~ WHO MURDERED the P ionoar«Pross.] May 2 sald M Le bo was killed, | It was a dreadful murder.” “How do I know he asked, repeatin nl themselves cor From York, Lorgan was killed,’ 5 5 N 3 | tian 3 BEL A al od it {as 114 i. “1s it possible? the publie about “Yon 1 iN id it I five years after tl have to partially before, [ was in i, about den u | 6 ling the Masons, two men vol ny wit Une ' Wh i HORR0S, fol nk Mr man who |} Hoey ad ¢ oufined by his captors, } OKC SOE ovst i whilé wo We consentad, fiki, Ahq Whitney oy murder of M« He de le secret bad been a bur and then he RAN, niga 1 were who left the lodge to put Morgan oul of the w bs 34 E45 . reveal the secrets » 3aid he was one if, William King, Gar. Ho ward and Chubbock: They went und the prisoner band and 1 & boat carried him te iddle part of the Niagara Riv s were Co side, bo ain if t ¥ Ih led 10 either shore, hts to his head and Who X where it was tWo I : im overboard, Bn 1} OLE n, Weed . but he wen t duty ts usly impesii Can Dang 3 AY solemn 3 ud 10 me. i hirty years afterwards | WI hitney in Chicage. | the Conventio mo and said he wanted AL n in & Careful confession or me to be publ ished after his re was nobody alse he dared to) id, 1 agreed to commit rol LO PAPOr 43 3000 AS Lhe) urned. The hour it ad. waiting fur me at my hos the depths of disappointment, | ¥ wilh ad jc rned he was tel. I was in bus hundred things, and i od would then altend a that should come back sellers sller in never al, saw him I said, or friends t ot or tok ought 180, ih aodum is ‘it would be well way, that every one and ail bat Col, King com! 3 " PN i, i» » id Garside was Xicke wh r the murderers is dead, ent desihs. a a PY CINCINNATL \TEST Detailed Re post of the Preparations he Meet ting. for t ine 21 —The days devel nothing to soive the presidential problem. There » inty tosnight about the has been al any time three Jays. This is not! rprising when the fact is ideration that many be undecided as to EY ve supporters of Hancock t work to-day and now ballot. ~The natio upon Senator - of t aly es sre 1 ia June nal greed ohn Kentuel ky, for permas | It agreed to admit the egations from New York and the commit the rog~ 10 vole. A maels the view of compromiss ces in their state 80 as to 1f this is aceom- Hahed it will save much time to the con . VOLES OD 0 first nnati, ommitlea bas Stevenson, of tL Chairmen, nt svesll Yemn gdel chusetts to seats until t tials reported, but only ns be en iuselis delegation bad a rit with ee iil 5 } will titled 5 deo elega uons, 11 i | \EWmans- | uppesed discov. sunk a shaft | aging out nt. gold | i 5 BInerai wo are CAPTURE OF ARICA BY THE/| CHILIANS | received that 3 #oy0r { LwWn ol the ado prison cor WaE slr ry f 's . SIEETAIND Irom at P na ri An Cl h the Cons has bean AAR] 1 i anars sniied he ¢) hil ipied by the Chilians Cole led and 8,000 men nel Camas | 4a coms HOTS sy premises of the diva stray shonts, The } property, pay | A. lersigned, requested to osts and remove the A ( ‘ard. POY SHMa, GRrovE, 5 8, - «a June In order to close out my entire stock for the purpose of quitting the business, I will sell from this date, May 28, 1880, apything in my store ar cost, 1 have on hand now a larger stock of fine ready made clothing, gent’s furnishing goods, Hats, &c., than any other dealer in Belle fonte, all of which customers cas ! 5, I mean business. SIMON FREEDMAN, for H, D. GODLM AN. 10jun 3t N Lok OF APPE ALS. —Appesls 1 will be held atthe Election Houses for the different boroughs and townships as follows: Boggs twp., Thursday June 24. Milesburg boro, Friday June 25. Union twp,, and Unionville, Saturday June 26. : Huston twp. Monday June 28, ¥ ork twp., Tuesday June 29. Taylor iwp., at Fowler, Wedne y OF i Ro y Wednesday Rye py and Philipsburg, Thursday u price vill Burnside twp., Friday July 2, Snow Shee twp, Saturdry July 8 3 Spring twp., Monday July 6. Benner twp , Tuesdny July 6, Bellefonte boro. Wednesday July 7. From 0 o'clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., of each day, the Assessors with their Age gessments and their assistants are required to be in attendance. ANDREW GREGG, Hexey Bc, GE ESWAB due time, 10jun 2. ~§Clerk. ACOH 8 DUNKLE, ‘Commissioners: man has sjority, yet when it came to} g a chairman Alex Long, a Payne was chosen by a vote of 24 to 20 for! in Ward, who represented Thurman | ‘t. An entire Payne organizatien! In Illinois a vote for prefers en, resulting. Seymour 10 Palmer, Davis, Trumbull rec ne vole. & I | electin i Jaw one Nes to unite with New York, nd New Jersey, but ice ofn candidate has been made. 1nd gly holds off from joining Ohio still remainiog firm for Hendricks. At al to-night a resolution by the Indis * cae Uive ad braska has vo te d Bo Ana siror eting effort to pat M'Donald in The night bus been noisy and basy. Delegations and elubs wore march ing through the streets with music and| anes. 1 ¥ st 21.—~The New York | accepted Mr. Tilden's! withdrawal by & resolution congratulating | the Cincinnati, June delegation has just act. The following is the resolution New York delegation; Resolved, That with & sense of profound | grat itudeo his great services to the country and to the democratic | party and | unqualified admiration for his character! and abilities, this delegation bas received with rot the impressive decline. tion by Governor Tilden to be a candidate] for renemination for president of the United States. The cenyention perfeeted its organiza- | Tuesdsy without any difficulty, | and the wohl committees were appointed | after which it adjourned till Wednesday of thel for 3 deep reg tion n HiCH f m. at 10 a, LATEST. | Ballot Taken—John Kelley | Shut Down On, Cincinnati June 23, 3 P. M—It is said One Kelley arose to protest against the selec tion of members of committees from N. Y. State, he failed to make himselfheard. he Kelleyites met with the commit tee on credentials but were requested to They ention, witdraw, received no recognition in the cony Committee on resolutions not ready to report delegates from N. Y. moved to proceed to nomination of can- didates for President. Carried. The following is the result of the first ballot ; Bayard, 165 101 90 65 04 2 Hancock, Wyne, Fields, Thurman, Morrison, Hendricks, 47 Tilden, 30 GARFIELD'S GREED, ———— THE CREDIT MOBILIER Gets—The Story Oakes Ames Tellg~= Evidence Before the Po. | land Committee—The Oflis 4 cial Record. ficial record « tl ¢ The fol the test COominit of James A. Gard b tL lowing ia fthe o y taken 0 18 referan before le eld with t mon co the he Credit er transaction Ina In mimitioes Ames recalled : # Mr details © Jan, 22 Oakes Question, regard to Cearl state to the co { Lransad ton and him in Answer, between you Credit Mobilier stoc Mr, h Mo which he paid par and in ton shares of the Credit for Ginrlleld r 100K rest you agree with him f That agreement was in Decem Lf Q in did % Whe A 1867, or January, I bad the it WRE mil abd réew out of A. M: I sok n Hind bar, I SEN abou t e: We Conver sations with a it tho same Lime of them (8) * ¥ E t pay mejany money; to bis $1,000 ef I LOCK Sale wal Garfleld did « | i bonds belong ng SLOCKR receiv ad of Sulu all the transa 17, making $776, in Jane on his ii i . 3 dividend in cash him; al is 1 did not deliver him ar) that isthe only trans sotion and the only thing. Q The $329 which you paid the surplus of earnings on the stock above the amount to be paid for it, parvalue? A fog, ir; he never had either his Credi Mobilier stock or Un stock; the only thing bh transaction was the $30, Q. ith Gen. Garflel which 1 paid i ition between t {stock belore or sinee, EB, him wa raliroad the . . on Pacifle a realized on I see in this statement ef the 1 2 a charge of $4 Ti that is th eo July previous, § interest from sr. 8 Lhe dl per A. Yes, he $OUU on the cre ney di vide end 7 A. Yes, Q. And aller you two sums, thay | the price of sic wk and interest $3 you Pal @hi A. Yaa, Q How was that paid 1 bel iI you make A statement of this A A Presuine so. { them; that 1s my k cant Fil, { iil side islhe n sit. received Lhese Aggregate over ind, Which | i had in the sir. A. Paid al eve, Q Did Me. Ga i did wit $10n. W you ur dividend Wi : . y rlield think hallo npre pres When derstand paid him this $420 it was the balance «¢ you after paying fo ippose 80; I de not kno could suppose, Q. You did no i Cals of stock to him? A. deliver Lhe ¢erlid No, sir; he said noth. soul that, Why did he n cate? A Don Q Do you remembar any conversation between you and hi A. ng al $ ot v A receive hig carlill- oft know. im in the adjustme I de not. were the ! it Of these accounts? $Y Y« nderstood you of these ten shares? A. Yes, sir Q. Did ho so understand it? sume 80. have gon u der A. 1 pre. 1: seems to 8 from his howevar, Was this ithe only g you him in reference to any stock? A. 1 Q dealin bad with Ye n f iy transaction of ‘ # Only rabsaciion, Has that $309 ever bean paid A. recoiioction of i. y be! i Have no ef that if Have you an . de Bi. Did you ever loan A. Not to my kn he calls this a You do not ¢all Gen, $8 wiedge that 4. not at the time. loan. A. ld I am willing it should go iL &104D id Lo suithim, LJ nit J What we want { truth, A, | statement 9 Ww hes derstand that from you Q. Havo supposed so’ 0 got at is the exact have told ti rath in my you paid aun $ 124 did he y borrowed that mon SUPPOSE BO lief now that from what Aly the othe ! snid ot dispute an . igment of the trans of the transac. There was but We want your ju A. My judgment i you. Ration. tion is just as I told (one thin g about it, + That amount has never been repaid You did not that you ny right to it, or any A suppose claim to it ngs A. Q. ing to him afier sir, Did Gen A. No Y ou regarded that as money belo thostock was paid for? | 08, Q yonds? field evar receive those ir: never . Garfield bas: received . & but $320 Q ney his own be And that be has roceived as 0 A. Isuppose sc; it did not long t 1 shoul t have him if it bad not belonged t« Q. You did not understand it to {0 you as & loan; you and have never received i Ome, given ili y him. belong never called for No, t back? A. ir, Q. Has thero been any Senverjtion tween you and him in reference Pacific stock he was entitied to? be the A. No, wo sir. Q {HiT Q. Have you ever offered it to him No, sir, Q Has there been any conversation in irelationto it? A, No, Q Hus there ever been anything said siween you and him about rescinding the ase of the ton shares of Credit Mo. bilier stock 7 Has anything been suid to you of its heing thrown up or aban doned or surrendered ? A. No, sir, not until recently. Q How recently ? A, Since t Came up, Q Since this investigation commenced ? sir Q. Did you consider at the commence ment of this investigation that you held | {these other dividends, which you say you idid not pay to him in his behalf? Did you! regard yourself as custodian of these divi-| {dends for bim? A. Yes, sir, he paid for! his stock and is entitled to his dividends. Q. Will tho dividends come to him at any time on his demand? A. Yes, sir; as goon as this suit is settled, Q Yousay $829 was paid to him: was it paid? I presume by check on sors geant-at-arms. I find there are some! checks filed without any letters or initials indicating who they were for. Q. Have you bad any correspondence, sinco this dividend was paid, with him in regard to this matter? A. Ido not know] what matter you refer to. { Q If you had any correspondence, | betweon you I would like toseo it. A. 1 have no cepy of it. Q. Have you thooriginal? A, No, sir, Mr. Garfleld showed me a letter which hel with some| I did not know who the! money came from. He showed mo a let | ter which he said he intended to have purl in. I indorsed on the back of the letter! my reply. I just turned over the letter and wrote what 1 wrote on the back of it and let him have it. Q. Your answer indorsed on the back ef the letter was published in the nowspaper? Yes, sir. Ho published the letter, I be- lieve, Q. As published did they correspond with your recollection of the paper as written? A. Yes, sir. I wrote is off hastily. He came to my room and said he had been accused of ull kinds of crime and Has ho over called for it? A. No, A. slr, there his matter A. Yes, how enclose The convention then then adjourned till 10 a. m, Thursday, without any further ballots, The report of Committee on platform bad withdrawn a5 a candidate: misdemeanors, I told him I had made no such statement as he represented. He wanted me to say in writing that I had +not. I took his letter, which he said he intended to huve inclosed with the money, Q. Tho publishedorrespoudence in the morning papers of [recollection of what A. occurred ? he left letter for mo at the A I never received that 1 fT jhe BAYS i lie gon letter, ly saw the letter on which my answer (85 Did he money AS enve the monay 8 had sent } neiose came to me incl n Al which ho said } I gave to him, How mi Da Q i . of k toh money was in that envel porandum, referred AL &U per cent } fue iy dividend for you } i: ft lowing is Gen Cm vw Extlanati Garfield's Explanation Lad of the Cred wlore thé same comm “The flest 1 3 LUA Was in t Mo. 0x HORT d 1867 aver ist or I can not 18 date wh ie ad's said he was organizing a come Mny to be known as the Credit Mobilier| f America, 10 b ya formed on the mode! of he Credit Mob rof Pratos: thatthe ob. act of the company was te purchase lands «nd build b ratlr uses along the line of t! oad at points where and cities pring up; invested wol Viliges were likely d } Wibie or i yubt money thus year; that ube limited to $1,000 aad h, reble itself each na riptions were ant He showed me list of subscribers, among them Mr | V1 ha refered me bntatuiag the énlur. prise, I ans that 1 had not the mons had I would more about io Mr, Train 1a pisce open I SDATA, and if i eribe without knswing ef sed organization, fi me me, AvVing he would bold ed 1 uld yet The same day I asked Mr. Ames He ox-| investment | Wi gonciude i rihe t of the enterprise, BUUE 3 opi id be safe and p pressed the pion that the re fitable. | 0 Lt Wis & rthor upon the subs i and most should say, Mr. Ames {ithe company He ODE soEsiurd } i ors ORO OF IL Agni BRI Dag « hat wer hit te Lthougnt He MOE 5 1. anda , Was G1 n pay large suid Liar i, and i smount Trait had off by paying the $1 00 and socrued interest. He said that if | was not i i held it for f Lhe i akla to pay for itthen he woul 1 1 eouid pay. PAYAL ni ar un met MM LW 1 told 1} t w a @ im were 3 3 {fe it vid eel would consider the mailer, Dut gig nm {agree to take any stock until 1 knew {rom 1 charter and the GXAm Ait itions of Gia fubseription to which 1 shou He said an yn of the cond he extent niarily lia ut Lhe d become ped: bh oh: he Was nol sure ugnt be Lianbie that ble i wv { & SLOCK De der would y for Lhe be had not Lhe DAT YRIUS | y Were ands Due times the par he meantime, WaS ilies Pa pany vad heard ontroversy with Lhe at Mr. Ames’ right d When I nex that 1 bad cons There the neerned 0 ck was deni Ames 1 told 1 10 lake 1he LOCK » far as 1 was © knowledge of the til the subj sha uriner ot} Company s operations un ect O to be discussed in the newspapers ls by Mr ¥ Ran fall, Nothing was ever Train, or Mr ' that the Cred raaid Lo me Ames, 10 t Mobilier was orecoul i thie ted with t indicate or imp! in ANDY WAY connec for the Pacifie Mr. Ames never ma Of Congress rail ANY Olher purpess; Bava t other nor offered to give ADY stock or rif. 1 once asked and valuable obtained him, a joan of $300, thing as 8 and afterward repaid Th«t ever received from from, to amount is the o Bn 1 oi. only valuabl le thin 1 Ww Coly rod, OT 8g reed : he C redit Mobilier, or i nor any dividends or § or delivered I never owned, re to receive, any stock of from them." Ames Was Recalled, 1873 d te ] AnuAry 28 an stified to the st i id div yids & wu had 1 1 i 1 lowed h and the balance of money ) his Band, wh “loan. He int s of ch Garfleld pretends paid ed a ted a memos Ts AS Wat 8 submit in detail ha LA MOs randum of the seo came to committe thal with the object! ily :s 1 ed on the Ri the knowled t had visited wu he was re Garfield of in aquaoing him testimony retract OF u Lie examin 34 and 20uh of January, as follows Q. You may state whether the conversa. oh claimed before ui tion between you was borrowing A No, ¢ir; he did not elaim that with Q State all you know A. I told him he know very well that int was a dividend, 1 a statement and sh to him at the time. Inour Sonvorgtion be admitted it, and said there wes $2 400 due him in stocks snd bandas, | {He made a little memorandum of $1 000 and $1,400 and said there was $£1.000 of) railroad stock, $1000 of Credit Mobilier stock, and $400 of stock or] bonds. | Q Garfleld elaims, as he , that the only transac. ea hd tinn with 7 me in reference to made out ywed it When was that memorandum madet] made in my room. 1 can nat remember the date, [Jf was 1 on commenced | Q Have you the memorandum that Mr. | Gartleld ' A. lhavethe figures that] ! [Paper shown in Garfleld’s hand writing } i Q. You say thous figures were made by| Mr Garfield? A. Yes, sir. | : i o made he made , That was % idea of what was com | a 20 Aim ? A. Yes, sir. T. OC - | FINANCIAL STATEMENT |OF POTTER SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR | THE FISCAL: YEAR ENDING JUNE. 188) | Tax Rate 24 School purposes, 0 mills for! { bh uilding TREASU RER) ACCOUNT MONEY| BOEIVE i — from yond yon . | Keo eived from ‘State Appro~ priation,,., SRREEAR SRERRIRNE 04 Collector Including Taxes of all kinds From Grange for Rent of Se hool Booms wersrrme " Sale of Stove., ebhss ada Tuition... Fosabe vasa $ 82015 086 10 From 2748 HO 16 00 2050 -0 834 From § Gregg twp. Total Receipts, £3608 50 TREASURERS ACCOUNT- MONEY PAID OUT. Desks for Centre Hall Room, $ 11200 For Teachers Wages ..oueees.. 2'5280 For Fuel and Hauling ....on.. 326 00 Feos of Treasuror, cu. veces 67 69 Salary of Secretary, expanses stationery, postage, &o. 40 00 ADIMAMODE coroner sss eran 52 ins 1722 For repairing houses........coe, 178 62 Total money paid out ..... $2017 48 RESOURCES AND LAB LIT LES, Cash on DADA bovine sonrnnen «$761 16 Amount due district,.,..........500 00 1261 16 Amount due on unsettled bills 8.66 Total Resources. ....ee... $1262 Ht The above account has been duly aud- ited b iw the Auditors of this District, and Certified by Reon to b be currect, It Pu I 4 of In it ! i 20Jan | Wheeling, Ww Va. June 19. 1880 advance guard froached in h and ls said 10 be reported as this (Obio They umerous in Washington Jutiing county, mre aounty., Our own Miate, Wherever unable to It is wn top Orth Ww destroy them, thst they w great damage 10 Young oats, now gro pass the stalk and cat off the heads, DIED, #On Friday, 18th, phuid poeumonia, Catharine, rish Osman, aged 6] years, 7 id 20 days. wi m AI MS MARKET, Philadelphia, June ih 20 snd Hye is Hrm al Bi wid wt 37438, 1, smber si $1 yellow ar O0¢ Oates $1 i? HioKgn, June 21 No 88 @0 00 for exsh sand @ abc for eash and May, ey eusier TR THe CATTLE MARKET. Philadelphis, Jure sipls, © OAL) head, mediom bo; common 4c ; receipts BOO head; prime Oe; dic medium HE 4c; common Hogs—murget siow; receipis 6,000 prime, Ofc; good Oiv; medium Gc; won, 60, @ - Chicago s Muay, Cor Outs 2040 MARKKTS, Spring Mills Market. Wheat Nol $1.05 Rye, 60c Corn, ears, per bu. 40 ¢. Corn old. 40c. Oats, Sl Buckwheat, &le, Cloverseed, $5.00 (0 $3 75 Plaster, ground per ton, $10.00 Flour, per bbl $6.00 Butter, l4ec. Tsilow, Ge. Lard, Gc, Ham, 10¢. Shoulders, Bacon or side, Yeo. Eggs per dos., 10e, " A i ~The The Aving doing quite ad- they iil do wing. of fe of onths at 20 00 wx big pring n 86¢ Burs Kong bed; Com yu ABLE REAL PUBLICSALE ~ Will be ad at Public 8a) &, by virtue of an ithe Orphans’ C of Ceptre count the Iate residence of Michael Hettl dec'd, in Gregg twp. on Baturday, July 31, 1880, the following real estate .—A VAI BLE FARM. containing mi r Lsrege twp tha north by land of James Gentpel Hettinger and others, east by Jumes Hanna, south by land of Mi Vecher's etate, and west he John 8 wood, therasn erected 8 TWO ST DWELLING HOUSE summer house, smoke hous, large pen, snd other outouildings | MATS % Me OF jek stream of ranning water st house and barland. Another tract mountain situate in Potter twp. WwW. B Mingla, and west by land of Shires, CONTAINING 187 ACRES or less; no bulldings. This mountain chestnut, Sale menoe sl pitch«pine. &Ke. WH, Db ni, Terms. Ono third of purchase " tn be paid cor rmation of third in one FORE Wi d tha balan ° yants with interest from firmnti sale; said payments to 1 o'cl on oon to be secured by and mos FigaRe < on the premises M. L. RISHEL, fund Administra offe™ I y. ai nger, JU As RES on of chael Weel ORY i aig | d a barn he land, Jahn more tract Con. oney one in two tH Lig . yf wond tors. § RE Gro. Guossuax, DR To am't of QuplioRLe virions verrne seusse § * Jossa Holderman tax..... am't of Emerick order. PERE hue i" peaE RE CONTRA, CR. we am't work ‘oa. Damage of new road : " Jaceb Grove ...... Geo. Durst... coe Water places Centre Hall... ' * places Jas M'Cormick, orror in tax 8S. Kreader cies exoneratlions.. ' SerVIO8E ae weiss, POTCEDLARD essere Fares ovEn a SRRERS * OBR 300 AUG assess ssi sessssnssine i“ " o“" i “" SHEE RR RAERER SERRE EEAARAR SEER ARR he Jauzs B, Sraxarzr, DR. CONTRA. CR, exonerations. ...... books and filling Oilers SOrVICes. correres sens bit), caceess RRERARES Rae oh “ LE TTT Ee “" FEAR Ane PRERRINNE Shr ARhE bean $ OVERSEERS. Rosent Lxg, DR, | To am't of dup iCute ures vvree sessssnesP To bala. FRALAE SERRREAES BEREREARE SARS a CONTRA. CR BY Bi ouoiss suasenissssssssnianaanse see AY YOON Biysen sesess sessamans sessisses bill pald T. Grove... wane bal paid for Wilkens... cousin services. AE wateas POFOADNLARG oo virer cones srusssnntiins exonerstions., ass Siaviiats Hanns Dr. J. R\ ns bile. i“ i“ i EE LE EE i . i" 0 Wx. Exenicx, DR. al . and from other sorcos BAR EIANE SERNEAREE ReEeeans meth i weer $ CONTRA CR, By bills paid for vouchers. «ud ho Barvions cue... POPCORUARG ase: sa ssns sossns's: aessrssss SUNG E 08 easasesus seserserssassse pestassen SXOBATRLIONS esnrsses sess sess sesatesns bal LT EE eT REARRINR FRR EERR ARNE RRR RE SRR AUDITORS, DR. CONTRA. CR. By cash paid D. J, Meyer for raom SRARRONE ARAEE HeRTEaNE CRANES Les amt paid r Aud. oo. niiie nssseee bal In Treas... Seseeeer SRRRReREE - ." iw Jas. B. Lez, Town Clerk, W, W. Rork GILLILAND, W. A. KERR, Soy b iit ei CO, Rirxa. A jad 10 46 4 3914 614 69 7500 ol) (0 26 00 6H 00 500 200 BE 60 1890 d08 180 80 008 00 062 2560 85 6 218 18 -r am X70 76 764 22 160 78 40 02 10 60 606 67 526 46 4 0 3128 48 181 O67 64 ——— — $12 60 R, CLOTHING OF A BETTER PERFECT SATISFACTION LY MARKED. ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOTHING ALL CLOTHING OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. ! “- #39-COME AND BEE I SAMUEL LEWINS, Manager. R——— SS ——— NEW GOODS! Just received from LARGE SBTOCK OF. NOTIONS. ORK and PHILADELPHIA st Dinges new stand, Centre Hall, LADIES DRESS GOODE, EVERY STYLE, - WOOD AND WILLOW WARE. COAL OIL TWO KIN DRIVING WALES, A FINE ASSORTMENT. Varied assortment of Tobsccos—-all very Low. nage, at bis new and enlarged Store, dap Sm, C. DINGES. i Chill has been often called the Prussia of Spsnish America. Toe terms of peace! which she is prepariog to offer tot e des feuted republics of Pern and Bolivia seem hkely to vindicate ber claim tn that title. She proposes to extend her! dominion over the Atscama region as! fur as the River Loa, to shat Bolivia out from ull access 10 the Pacific coust, save through Chilian or Peruvian territory, and to exuct from Peru a “war indemoi-| ty” of $200 000,000, a sum, relatively! speaking, q ite us lurge as the milliard, taken from France by Prince Bismarck. The payment of this heavy fine is to be wusranteed by the pledge of the Pera-| Vian province of Tarapacs. \ ILLHEIM CEMETERY-APPLI. - CATION FOR CHARTER —No- os is bereby given thst an spplheation itl be made 16 a law judge of Centre! county on the 16th day of July, A D. 1880 under the sct of assembly spuroved A pri 28.0, IRT4 for the charter of an intended corporation to be called "The Millbelm Cemetery Associntion,” the object of which is to purchase real estate and im prove the cemetery for the purpase of sepulture CLEMENT DALE, Juni Soliewor for Applicants | FARM AT PRIVATE SALE — i fae Mizter Farm better known as! the OLD CULEBUKN FARM, is now offered at sale, situated in the Nproee Creek Valley, joining the tows of Prank linvillaund close the turnpike, lesding! from Spruce Creek to Penns Furnace, 44 miles from Penna Rall road Borues Creek Siat Huntingdon Co, Px. Farm CON TAINS | 135 ACRES and 100 perch Lime stone land, 1 a good tate of cultivation. | ns the undersigned not long sine-did wit bi the help ofl 8 doy raise seven hundred! bushels of wheat io a single year, on the turmi mand can do the seme agsin The! farm is well clovered, five bushels of cloverseed have heen sowed since wy harvest The BUILDINGS ALR ASS, NO OME Hous y two good cellars thereunder, pou, large BANK BARN ately roofed | | wagon shed wilh corn oribs, carriage and | ol house, ginneries in beth bara and wagon shed, all of which command & nice view of the town of Frankiinville ana wirnpike for near one mile, here is 5 never failing spring of water which sup-! plies both house nnd barn with sn abun | dance of water, aiso cistern in yard of wav hl house | a good Orchard of chwioe fruit of] all kinds in wood beering order, Price! $6600. Terms ensv, $2800 ww be paid o : or before Aprit i851 on delivery of deed balance in $56 uy ments every secon Fear, Interest every year; pavmenis ane interest 1o be made fest of Jure instead of April, woich gives purchaser all sdvants sae of the grain market, which de 8 an d Ingres Can ali be made on the far { you want a good home del ay no in Poi ~ession given April 1581. Come aod se, Or addres the undersigned, D. RB MILLER, Frangidavil @ P 0 i dL. Hunvngdon Co., Pa. X2eeov TOR'S NOTICE ~- wn x with: i % un Letlers tarlamentary having basn grant} ed 10 the undersigned on the Estate of Mi | chhel Decker Sr. late of Gregg twp , decd | all person Knowing themselves indebied 10| said Estate are requested to make immedi-| ate payment. and wil persons having cinims) agningt said estnie wre requested wo present! them duly authenticated without delay for! settlement. i MICHAEL DEOKER Jr. | GREENEDECEK&R SUSAN PECRER Sellers’ ced by all to be the most pleasant and | efficacious remedy now in use, for the cure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarse-! Cough cough, & Cver a million Lottles sold within the last few years, Gives im- Mediate Se wherever used, and has| had from the cough mixtures now in use, Sold by all druggists at 250 | NEW RICH BLOOD, ! Sending health in every fiberof the system is rapidiy made Ad that remarkab le pro- paration, DSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARON ER. For the speedy cure of Scrofals, Wasting, Mercurial Di sense, Eruptions, Erysipelas, vial decay, and every indiestion of impoverished blood. ‘Lindsey's Blood Searcher is the one remedy that can always be reliedupon. Druggists sell it, | R. E. Sellers AS Co. Prop Fou sale by D. J. Murray, ( Fifty years beforel the publ 1c. Provoun-| of the throat, whooping J ehe power to impart, « benefit that cannot bel Aug. 1. Rithidary hs Pa. imy Centra © ur i KE XECUTOR'S NOTICE. — Lettors testamentary having been grant. (8% od to the undersigned on the Estate of George Fowler, lute of Haines twp , dec'd, all persons knowing themsalves indebted 10 sad Estate are requestod to make ims mediate payment, and all persons having claims ngninst said estate are requested to present them duly autheatiented without delay for settlement WM. H. HARTER, junlO Gt Executor, PRIVATE SALE. The undersigned’. one of the Executors of the Estute of Geo Schmelzer, dec'd, will offer at private sale, that Valuable 1owa Property situated in the town of Madi-onburg, Cen. tre county Pa , 4 continting efeiss 8ix 4 acre lots, a SPLENDID DWE + House, good stable, all necessary uae, 0 Ro fruit on tha premises, and alls the conveniences of a plousunt thome, also a tract of woodland about 1: mile northeast of eid town, containing: about one buns dred seres, well timbered with oak, «pine and chestnut Known us the property ofl George Schmelzer, dec'd. Executor Sm ——HARDWARE!= A SI TON AAT WILSON, WFARLANE € CO. NEW