EE ————— Te 5 Cl CORATION. CexTrE HALL, May 22, an Club of Potter townshi 1{ ! | . | | CENSUS ENUMERATORS FOR CEN+| man, which {resulted in serious injury tof A TRE COUNTY, the former. who took his bed on Thursday | within a fow years past, rough courtesy of an | | Africa we are able this week y Coroner Treut, and a porled from names of the enumerators of of 1880 appointed and confine { county {. | No. of Dist. Districts i 214 Burnside & Snow Shoo twps, 2158 Philipsburg boro. 16 Rush township 217 Curtin & and Lib erty twps 218 Howard twp, and Howard boro, aif tores twp & Milos ) Ui i AMERICAN Beer vor ExaLAND Unt i 2 DI i ‘ Qi) goarce a pound of] LS, . ' y i | Thy tha Supervisor and on Monday last died naquost was | fresh beef or a single fat bullock wae exe! to give th s bh thoy mortem oxaniy MN to Great Britian, asf THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR THE a 0 that ba placed the re) wonsumption of] { n Shannon, Ww 10d on the body Amaorien | mol al 1¢ John {make arrangements in commameration, and for the Decoration of the graves of their fallen comrades, when it was resolv. 1d not only todecorate the graves of these g in eur soveral cametorios, who lefl their fought battles 4 i 5 i QCe | the Census ved i u for this Post mn made by period, | Flynn, yea | Of which the i David McAlliste injuries received t | Pecht,” | his | Dollans result of the in al 4 yal. ai nee. Parcels and yenfior, advertisements 20cts per time, i sertions, and beenisper line for ever sequent insertion, Advertisements dy vear at a liberal discount, >: Subscribers outside the county showia vif ws 10 efs, amount of one year & p ve. instead of Wels as former Su yunis stand af the Re; ] wlting the lables on their paj ble reads “John Roa 1 jan 75 John is indebted for sud the 1st of Janu y tae he was paying LODGE MEETINGS "x No, 585 }, of , meets TALL LODGR, No, 885, L : hot 0 i \ X W. R. From, N. Q Orn Foart Lover, No F. A. M.,, meals an Monday evening on or before each full moon in ths Masonite Hal as . I HERE HER, Sect J.J. ARKEY, W. M ypoarEsk GravaE, Ne, 88 Pal HH. meets at 0 ety Centre Hall on the Saturday on or before fall sat? M.oand every two weeks after, Jas, A Keller Master LEONARD RRONE, 5 "LOCAL ITEMS. ' fury returned a { snumarals ; Mereover, for who are res ; the lat home, but alto those i bones upon the many well A { flelds of the late war, and thoso of tha $f | Mexican and the war of 1812, from our aid | townshi The | maoting will convene in the grove of Mr, 1 . a 3 heir acs | Witmer, 3 My ¥ K 18 4 Philadelphia Branch of No. 26 North Third Street, Philadelphia, Walter 8S, Stewart Albert Owen John B. Long y on boath sides of "a yh : Hin lude the idea of ex Hut ily unioriun > wices then Bri tries of Eur Jas, R, hoe ! i war he ¥ Wa p, on Saturday the 20 inst, in Giroat tint Aemaeive 1 Both parties wore « A. J. Gardner ONE PRICE BING HOUSE, (SUCCESSORS TO J, NEWMAN, JR.) ASETIDETS Can Git ariodienl drinking wn COLL | i one of those hich 8 at 6 o'clock N | wn will be delivered by Col. D, Kol All are invited to ats lin he flowers prepared fare 3} 3} fAr hen an Ura. ; { Feanls 2 Ribas long drawn amp 8 HW J Frank E. Bible whic ha ocoas) Wp Uiaw Amn pe) had Leathers! two men 4% of Bellefonte. and hring all and bring all | to i 8 for her wants over and iy, \ an , 1 AN { twp, ville boro, & Worth t 3 {ealir g ovidently 1 above her bh nt all Sunday schools Al and Peeht a) } . ry, 1870, a of the Committe ¢ on, and t y th : W. Williama iter had sover K. Miller Twitmyer|,, Woods!® v " Ho wag ng foe Brena i 1) Edwir sdward ( oo AY. Arr } ¥ py HN ay al igements | - t all of the ceme- | == Spr { township on Decora. | =9 Belle { tion day, for the purpose of decorating fo . | the graves of the soldiers who gave their | {lives to their country. The delegation | oo» | will be accompanied by a band, glee-|« b and choir. The Marshal most res- | 299 | pect] iy reques ] | iy to meet al Lt Sth at 7 w LVECORATION " being made to visi 30 4 W ANTRE I : Jtarday evening in the xX WART, Nee'y fare ba N. Ward Bellefont COTY 3 fipat Bata > Ta Lt. Goo tories in Ferguson \ M : owing to “hi VY QOS Kay its on A board shij . i @ H, Crissman| X J © { + Kuno W. L Fost F, j Hive callie, to often re } : ein John Gray bd w ) CLOTHING OF A BETTER t re and more 3 0 1 at all Te ol ALL CLOTHING 25 PER CENT. LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE SOLD IN BELLEFONTE, ply ios than profit, of ¢) B § - the ¥ ¥ 5 - of the pones ness porseyers . i! : 3 , } Hneroan piucy, » forme tt lay tae Gi > GRADE THAN EVER BEFORE BOLD IN THIS COUNTY. PERFECT SATISFACTION i i an 4 n | tthe n | witl § {ripidly inte WAUging ant als 1th 1 be : . \ far ht was arrested «hi to town} ¥ ht was arrested {tot to the Bee Hive : O 10 He Bet i o hel ast 8 ex sed are Ju igo Bucher ls on $2.00) bail He cant Aug cemeteries wiil wn it hears i lock, Gatest he past fiscal ding June GUARANTEED TO ALL CUSTOMERS, ALL GOODS PLAINLY MARKED, ANYTHING IN THE LINE OF CLOTHING The new “RB” Howe Sewing Machine | s the best the world over, itl en Sear, 1 1 t 9a rg ‘ * a'eloc) 1p rove Ga'el d SOIC And iine Love HO cordial invitation extended to fsoldiers and citizens, and Sanday Schools | DE, Was reloas me fn 4 » 3 263 % 9, Lo 64,006,882 pounds of fresh beef, I at $4,883,080; and 186,720 bullocks, hor as secur sirth Monday of nvicted of excusable by Ly. » : 3 A sate of &) in ail ’ a Ysa If you are in need of a pair of 8b value go and see Dinges' new stock, | the et, whs| s5] dui at gO St von, and 19:78) bulla FOR MEN AND BOYS, NO MISREPRESENTATION, ALL CLOTHING OUR OWN MANUFACTURE. : to meet at the various cemeteries to par- | The tip-topest flour is now made by ticipatelin the ceremony of decorating the | teorge Mover, at Linden Hall=—-can'{ be ¢ who | beat, : » performance of the noblest of their country wt) UNG MILLS ITEMS. i nol many peo. . { been J 4 prohibitin of SPI Br considerable our deceased comrades ably dis. the sh Orders} 20Jan AND WHICH THEY WILL RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES va people were conside n last Sabbath eve a f COREL d whisky did oe - FIRE IN PITTSBUI ir gO Appoints i jappesiance of 1 Promi nent, at the I'r invited and | Miss Maggie Herring, one of Lock Have Relatives or en's fairest belles, paid our burg a flying wreaths or} visi woak--glad to see you, but stay ym to Com | longer next ti it } i i poriations | ie eh non o a the dead E i= is § th) min r. #3 per chure le sovierian ’. 2 1@ defence ‘a of iR banner, live eattle, on account COME AND SEE "sa 3&~COME AND BEE "sa SAMUEL LEWINS, Manager. m— wm ance: p&COME AND BEE "sa 3 1 Of Philip Mover informs his customers | hat the toll is paid for all going to the |! ed mill with their grists, ng « | no h have been attendance. to furnis supposed disease, i a American exportations have been AVE @Very reason ved woul - much larger, and we } be | friends | lowers will SOS | mittee or to the hearsa not | than ‘clock a. ofthat day and they wil buted on the proper graves, Wu, H. Fry, Marshal in wishing Hoase present SAR | LANING MILL AND I . to believe they soon will i ie —Some people will be hurt yet in rush at the Standard Clothing 5 a ata 3a 3a 24 yoods are sold so low there, whieh Bh } rye ae rasa t last 1 the a)} h th me. il if not trebled. They certain. Fi € t UR, May and that has alread . nd is still at this H y g untoward « if nothix In dam in. condition, heavy 15 XP ted er {oo ROPOSS W curs in this The pil 1] place {AS thera are i i i ) a @ d arfully bad Aas some preity amber drawn over it, | ar every day, Mr. George A, Runk, the new r ancient tewn, is making some { needed repairs at this place, We are sorry te note the illness nterprising merchant, ia in v burni m f 1 new business l wromises so large. nif rihe rans. » ) 3 LCL, 18 ti WWRUS © i Te Kg: ! distribu Among the stories which are told in St, the attempts made by the o penetrate into the Winter pal. e¢ Uni. following: General Gourko, Bel t. Petersburg, had the {right of entering at any time into the em. without being announced, he doorkeeper, seeing about his appearance, ME aS g that that ship t is # * i} —Rev, Anspach, of Miflinburg, bas ® © bing No served 50 years as a Lutheran minister, | he 3 + Mills, und is still on active duty. | Yaa We have just received another new | ssortment of handsome lawns |) h {1 cambrics at the Bee Hive Petersburg of Nihilists £1 Lh NEW STORE ! NEW GOODS! DINGES' THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS. Just received from NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA st Dinges new stand, Centre Hall, a FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, &. LADIES DRESS GOODS, EVERY STYLE, LARGE OF NOTIONS FRESH LINE OF GROCERIES WOOD A f ¢ f t ¢ id live animals . resid 18 + Ou tonly te th aco is e app, i Visit J OUge y Frou 0 j i those a k France, when governor old is a staonch Jack ntire m well Ml gral B dua ymitan democrat and BETRIN SODIAD demMOCTratl and ’ UO 8x peror s Once, room however, something ur right back of the | bably This ¢ —Grab a rattle snake ead and it can’t bite you, aves you a quart of whisky anied by urer, vy ii \ } x ten | ¢ WAS 000m} eh { lis, not to be behind ourneig worts a glee club which uni hip of Prof E. F. Smith, anf ¥ t Halil NOSK Carriage Si and machin | § fer much the mili § it would be ne- STOCK cessary to inform the emperor of his arris The genera! objected at first, but, (finding that the doorkeeper only grew suspicious, ultimately agreed to iis being announced. The doer keeper 1 told the emperor of his doubts; upen {which the latter went to a writing table in ow the!his room, which was connected by tele ed by graph with General Gourko's residence, 1 telegraphed, "Where is Gourko! {1 "At home," was the reply. This of course {settled the point; the false Gourko was st | turned out to be a onary committees, i mv t stopped him, say I} i * , and man the Sa $ oe iad ey roll in, tumble in, ther ways do they get in to 1rd Clothing hall, for se styl i nd cheap suits, Yi : ALL NEW, ND WILLOW WARE. COAL OIL, TWO KINDS, DRIVING WHIPS, A FINE ASSORTMENT. Varied assortment of Tobaccos—-all very Low. cheap and offering bargains] to all, he asks a shaie of the public pat- C. DINGES. — A he other day, but £ ¥ L Kerlin popped in on h a booming | MJ not a {dw | . 5A f $100.00 . e does such 1% 1 bo thn tho ithe flames can be stayed i : at | 3 * GAN i Rive one! its on Friday | amateur pa} nes y new : Ema misiness at his store that i wilmyver, tay | exe mgs 18 done 3a : : . THE DISTINGUISHED GEORGIA SOLDIER AND STATESMAN i TAKES A SURPRIS ING STEP at at Snow Shoe, | ~The large saw miil IM Large Stock of WALL PAPER, rtre county, operated by Trallinger & i ved | ¢ «ore er ii 0., of Harrisburg, was totally de y fire. fray BUY , 8t wh 3 read, i. * Sh “al Determined to do business by selling ronage, at his new and enlarged Store. 2%ap 3m, ¥ i fe ) | low tov wan, T. B.! has been appointed census enum-| s township; will Gregg twp. [dor i it forward har host man? # | ' ’ vai } By a) bh put forward her best men [pin savers! days ago. scarce any rain for three | Qianfler ty, for $4,300, | — 8 a Al Gays ag [AS nite ' » i 2 3 eR. We KRhoes, at the best assortment and cheapest —-Shoes, F nen {ive, th iitown. Wasnixagy el N 5 } sent a tert {And — Having | ad eaks, the clover will be short, conse- | aently the hay crop will be a little | a A short. Grain i00Xs One. i —HARDWARE!I=— { Stat i -n $ § he { i 4 anat HUNGARY. i Pesta, May 19.—~The famine in North| Hungary is reasing. Fourteen bundred! persons at Szinna, Comital and Zemplin| have no other food but grass, nettles and! Mushrooms, Troops of emigrants are leave. ing the country, The government has! ordered the authorities to stop Lhe emigras tion, and the police have arrested some! emigrants, Novelties in fans at the Bee Hive . iw Nporied a fall line , | sh beef was reaching | 1eware, v. They purcl r, that tis NOY ARE +} a Wan pri Wear: 111 5 fis 35 kb it RB once arrested, and member of the revel 1 1s kept at! ___Th se it from | 00 § d hence i 1 Tuesday aflerncen | Whew, what a stew! t an y ! twenty years at the Bee tend to 3} f 3 : fermometar or ine this BORE hi 2 n 3 (RE WA Ww ier s grocer n the shade. know a fam ull 0 0 WILSON, M'FARLANE & CO. ee an REED NEW O0DS---PANIC PRICES, 3 A N RANGES G a» EDENBURG, AGAIN DESTROYED BY » tt -(arpets, carpets, carpels! live, almost given away, I A —To save cabbages from grubs 18 Fruit Recorder, wind a little iper loosely around the stem fron leaves when setting out. Cut of : l irge number so treated last year not one as lost by grubs & | stores, | FIRE. shurg, May 23, —Last night about 8 ka tarted in United States anburg, Clarion county, Pa., seventy bulldings before it was i 1 i x the sm "wi ys ) $a ™ ve ror ia hankad tas] The ropes used in the executio James A Beave r, is bx ¢ ked for in Pittsbu yn Decoration § tha dd “ies wae . a J + TRISONSK, 1 i ~Oranges, lemons pea-nuts, | nagple in own to be kept hestnuts, lemonade, candies, and a’ There isa supersti 1 reat variety of good things can be found | talisman agai Clevan Dinges’ store on next datur- | What : ay. ST the t a8 1 vy tan { 44 i n that the nkt A. C. Moore, General “B" Howe, says, that he de- | ition and can be under ot allow a single agent un- ov to misrepresent rheumatism . Sellers’ ced by all to be the most pleasant and efficacious remedy now in use, for the eure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarse Cough wa Agent | no. B. Linn, Major Spangler, W. |i le and D. F Fortney will be in at. tendance on Decoration day in [Fergusen. ] i deliver addresses at t! a si MARKETS, his, May 24, ~Wheat red at SRE 20 and smber at $1 301 31, ve is firm at lc yellow at 86¢ Oats mix. at 42 45¢e, and white at 464047 de. Chiecsgo, May 24. —No. 2 Chicago spring $1 1861 184 for cash and May, Corn sli for cash and May, Oats 3le, MARKETS, Philadelphbis, May 2,—Wheat §1,25 Spring Mills Market. Wheat Nol $1.10 Rye, Li Corn, ears, per bu. Corn ol¢ x. Oats, Buckwheat, Cloverseed, Plaster, gre Flour, per bbl Fats Tallow, Ge. Lard, Ge, Ham, 0c, Mt i { a Qers, .< ~~ pe i for ont ofa church a few | Avs since, at Altoona, two young men | gold. ere fined $3.80 each. Those persons], ho, when church dismisses, stand | 1@ stairs in the vestibule and between | _ a : i 1@ doors, making all back of them wait | DUSIDess, we are pleased lolearn, | they are done gossiping, Id be | Yery brisk at Kerlin's new Sore, at ane ned $5 for each offense. In + Abe has been obliged to be absent | js frien nme churches conld pay their ¢ of late, to make arrangements for {Jim y ing of produce for the best inter- | which accounts | g able to meet his many | * 108 ; peithér has he had ) advertise properly, but he will | attend to all lit- | atters ; yet clerks are oblige! ... and his goods marked low. Mr. for verlin is a thorough, reliable business | y ' 3 . ° ¥ oi neing § appos Fifty years before) the public. Pronoun-| Sw mn inf : nou —For loafing in fr hu not 4 ee ig i Ntates Senate from g it a dif [Oat Chae dg {ror fon t y } one | , resigned s can sell you cheaper goods |®eP's Hie PORIHIOR. n any other store in Bellefonte, Herring, of Altoona, thas paid| is here and the Rerorrena visit. itug ni RTER § looks well, 0 win ‘ : | the = . . TE » eo} ’ SPEEDY ati Jas. " ness, tickling sensation of the throat, whooping! R] PFIRA AN New York, May | one Joseph La 01s h sho ik th i i EE rT ER ebts, We would especially call attention to the Highland Queen Cook Stove, —AND THE-S5o— WELCOME HOME HEATING STOVE, 3 i spp { Over a million bottles sold! within the last few years, Gives im-| mediate relief wherever used, and has| the power to impart] Syrup Jue 2 that cannot be, & had from the cough mixtures now in use, Sold by all druggists at 25¢ NEW RICH BLOOD, g health in every fiberof the system i ymer snake ng that Swab snake | Hall, in 80 | Flushing bay, © 8 bos snake — cough, &e. \ x ~ | - - icensed hotel, | ests of or his not he stomers at tl ~Mifflinburg gets a 'ecker’s. A big fight was made against | cense—churches, preachers and a ma- | rity of the citizens being enlisted on | e temperance side. Decker, however, ymes out a double-decker, customers, . J His week ay , Jame last week Messrs Ang ls bla k as Reilly, the boar new, .38¢ ¢ Ca ti * morning ied the schooner these » VY. 3 { a. if College Pi PO ss Yo hd ble, $4.00 to $2 nd per ton, $6.00 1 were arrest i. J $10.00 ~—Go to Lee's for a good job in buggies | | Get your gpring wagons, &c., either new or for re- | pairs, Lee's shopsare second to none 11 the county for good and lasting work | seidiid beauty of finish, or reasonable the grand j : : {assault and also Most any man can see with : A the Pennsyl- | glimpse, that Lewins does the busi They were will be held | in clothing, and in case he has not the tin Harrisburg July Judge R. M. |size he can get it for you in a few days, bot Henderson, of Camberland county, will | give him a call, and you surely will beitenced by {deliver the oration. They will all be | convinced. dressed in suits from the cheap Stand ard Clothing Hall, at Bellefonte. -A 1 gree. i pst 1 rac nInng Af AR A grand resunion of er, 16e, i i vania Reserve Volunteers 0 ! ary FONar “ads § it ¥ genera: it ily made by that remarkable pres paration, LINDSEY'S IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER. For the speedy cure of Serofula, Wasting, Mercurial Di- eease, Eruptions, Erysipelas, vital deeay, and every indiostion of impoverished blood ‘Lindsey's Blood Searcher is the one remedy that can always be relied upon, Druggists sell it, : QQ 1 TICES. 228 Our Stock being entirely New. We offer special Bargainslin 8g} 2 BARDWARE, OILS snd PAINTS. 8a WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. by ¥ a i Ack n A ~—~Women blacksmiths, what do our entre county feminines think of that? mong the late arrivals at the Bridge- ort (Conn.) cutlery shops are three wedish women, who work in the black- smith shop. They wear short dresses, out boots, and do the regular black- nith work, having been trained to hat occupation in their native country. ~3:n China, which has the densest } opulation in the world, and feeds its r:illions without the importation of foreign food, no manure is applied to 12e land in a solid form; it is all lique- i.ed, In Centre county it is a little dif erent, here all people depend upon the heap and pure food of all kinds kept at | techler’s grocery, and are thus not both- | cred with having to raise what they | consume, and give all attention to busi- | ress affairs, —A Presivm.—Mr. Jozob K. Runkle, rear A. 8, Kerlin’s boss and cheapest tore in the county, clipped foar lambs, | old from March, 1879, yielding 55 Ibs of| Make your wife happy, purchase the wool, measuring eleven inchesin length. | new “B” Howe Sewing Machine. Office A premium will be given toany farmer | Milesbure, Pa. vho can beat this. The lambsare Canada | : ops +2 tock. D. i Lock Haven, May 22.--The residence | ; : { of Mrs. Balser Friedler, in this city, was | _—A Lincoln, Nebraska, phvsician says | destroyed by fire early this morning. hat the excessive nse of the potato will | Mrs. Friedler's remains were afterward rovoke diphtheria. rhe RerorTer| found in the ruins, burned almost to a would beg leave to say to this doctor! cinder. Foul play is suspected, as she bat potatoes in any quantity are far| was in the building alone, and was afer and more he known to have a considerable sum of money in 13 mt il 118 pills. y : Q. . Bac side, Eggs per doz, 3 a 0 # be | John Harper of Monroe, Wis., | ° i 3 3 2 | formerly a merchant at Aaronsburg, and | petrified wasps nest, perfect as|at one time Brigade Inspector, of the| chan | its oricinal Bana ate awe | Cp og) . $1 _— lok ia ! . whe n in 2 { ngna. paper sate, now | ¢ entre aunty military companies, 18 10 i p.0ka out here this morning, whi heavy and bard like stone, is the latest | on a visit to his brother, Michael Har-! a \ ¢ s ve y " ¢ ia . . i x X I groglest excite a1 curiosity upon our table. It Was found { per, at Aaronsburg. Capt. Harper joft}' 20 greates RA rit : in a stone heap by one of Mr. Foreman’s | our county for the west some 25 years|COVered in the piaining boys, upon their farm, near this place, | ago. Cop but were extinguished | 8 — Every body should attend the decor- | i as : . tak. } ation services at Centre Hall next Sat- | urday afternoon and call on Cleve Din ges and see his store, n Cag ANOTHER FIRE IN MILTON. Mivrox, Pa., May Corrected weekly by 1. J. Grenoble a | . AR . ew MARRIED. By Rev. A. Linsz, May 16, 1880, Mr. Louis Mere of Lock Haven te Miss Chestle A. Royer of Brush Valley, Centre county, Pa , On May 20th, by Rev. W. H. Groh, Mr, _idohn W Shuey, of College twp., and Mrs, Ellen C. Shuey ot Lemont. On the 20th inst, by Rev. J. Boas, Mr. Hauts to Miss Tamie A. Mens f this county ch caused WILSON, M'FARLANE & ©0., HUM JIS BLOCK, BELLEFONTE, PENNA. PENNSYLVANIA RR. Philadelphia snd Erie Railroad Division, ao} ATA Nov. 2 18m, the trates WESTWRD Harrisburg landon "my ur Lt. were dis- { R. E Sellers & Oo, Prop'rs. rittaburgh, ra For sate by D. J. Murray. Oentre Hall on nger & mudi J L. SPANGLER, Attorney-st-Law *P . Consultations in English and German. Office in Furst’s new building D F. PORTNEY, ‘ eynolds b {damage was done, - oe. ACUIDENT IN AN ORE MINE d ¢ —Hello, there, Goldman, has you got any more of them nice, stylish suits, and { cheap? | Oh, yes. | Well den, I want one right off away, { my gal says I can’t go mit her any more | { no more, if I don't ‘get a suit at the { Standard clothing hall, i } i {ONE MAN KILLED AND ONE INJURED UY A YALL OF SLATE. Bellefonte, Pa. Office over —There is a great commotion, among & ank ldmay politicians, so it is among the people go- ing to Lewins’ for their summer cloth- George J on with © ® 18] Wood gel, t i hh Ah DIED. In Snow Shoo, May 15, 1880, Mr. Philip Crider, aged ™ years Eman ore : Mivrix Pa., May 20. was killed today in -Wa learn of the death of Rev. | hom. | falling in of the slate Toot tthere was two {eet of iHe lived only was also severely inj 5 R.J, W. RHONE, Dentist, can be found at his office and residence on North side of High Street, three doors Kast ot Allegheny, Bellefonte, Pa. 27 feb tf, DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Letters of administration on the eggate of Joseph Shirk, late of Pouter twp., dec'd, imving been granted to the undersign- ed, all persons indebted to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them, duly authenticated by law for settlement. H. C. SHIRK. Potters Mill's B D. BRISBIN Centre Hall Admr's, 8 fisipm dam éi7am Edam Féiam liam Spm Edam ERIE MAlLieaves hat got the mitten, | 't look neat and! as Barnhart, late of Red Oak, lows, but a -ause he wore a suit that did not | native of Centre County, snd formerly a Goldman's at the Standard of the Central othing hall. Served him right, E Rev sinte nnd « " -” - NEW ENTERPRISE. A LEXANDER & CO. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND- SEED STORE, BELLEFONTE, PA. ie Dame impo f } one hour alin r he s Ded / ured by the same aos BX iaares NIAGARA ue - In Lock Haven of consumption, on Sun day, May 16, ISR), Mr. Alexander B Maver, aged 64 vears and 8 days. Deceas- { was a brother of Judge Maver, member Pa, conference of the M, church, many in whom is our townsman, D. Z Kline. # -. we Harrisbarg st Rihianden - he lock Haves FAST LINE lonves Philadaiphia . WE iiandon ¥ RASTA ND PACIFIO EX tos Haven ) cident. xh Barnhart has| . Among | We 3 : Ril, — ¥ PE reialives this county, - ¢ i . _ iy kd "8 LES a a learned the date of his de SHERIF] SALES. In Beach Creek, on the 12th inst, Mrs. CATrneq iat 3 AIS GL i . . wy Wires ia ; : Susan Bitner, in ber 70th year. vi iy shrurERan weeYPuvus -“ have Bo By virtu Sundry arrat Repub Facias and Levari Facias L —It is never toolate to do good, there-| Court of Common Pl as of Centre Co. fore if you are in need of any clothing 8nd te me ditectad, vile Yi be Lice you are never to late at Lewins' his to pub Se gnio nt ihe amy nk +. stock is always kept complete in all sizes \ Tie following dos and prices. lof defendants to wit: —Mr, D, L. Zerby, Mayor of Mil No. 1. All the ig \ hal . of defendant in and all that certain 161 1 id his ants to th ep TER | : / . HA) pag yn Mspecis bh Vi 'EPORTE: tract of land situate in ner twp., Cen- office,, Tuesday. Mayor Zerby is an intellis| (ro gounty, Pa., beginning at stones st gent and agreeable gentleman to chat intersection of lands of D. Houser, sr. and 3 {D. G. Bush, thence north 23% west 67 7-1 with. } . rend) ..i3} . » =~ porches to stones, thence north —Suitings at the Branch from $3,503 51.0 perches to pine, thence south npwards, and no misrepresentation, and | gqat 5 perches wo pine, thence north 656 goods warranted, and if not satisfactory, | east 30 5-10 perches to stones, thencefsouth N ‘WH STOC * money 18 re funde d. wo CRBS D8 i~l ) perciies 10 poss by pine, aho it thelmerita of this planter, us the 20x) "nn ; ae. : A'l thence seuth 55° west 60 perches the now in use imCentre county demonstrate] {place of beginning, containing 22 KOT: 410m to be the best i . eh ‘ and 40 perches and allowance. Seized,! HARROWS and CULTIVATORS of W {) ] i - ~ t Hi n d » {taken in execution and to be sold as the!iy, latest improved patterns hi property of Abram Florrey. : MOWERS, KEAPERS and GRAIN Yo. 2. All that certain lot or piece of BINDERS. —Of these we sell the Osburn {ground situate in Boggs twp., Centre Co. lgither as separate Mowers, Combined | | Pa, bounded by railroad street, on the Reapers and Mowers, single Harvesters or jsouth, by lot No. 160, on the west by alley ge Combined Reapers and Binders ton the north, and by lot No. 162 on the] THE WHEELER. No. 6, as & combin- least, being lot No. 161 on the generalladq machine, is the best machi the {plan of Central city, Seized, taken in|kind in the market. | *lexecution and to bo sold as the property! THE GREATEST IMPROVEMENT! {of Wm. W, Wetzler. . {OF THE AGE is the Norristown Gleaner! A Delaware mule that kicked over al JOHN SPANGLER, Sherif and Binder. Call and sco it. It is won- | beehive died the next day. All the NOTICE toSTOUK HOLDERS dorfully perfect, or a lingering ill Sarah, wife aged 48 years, Un the near Samuel! Gramley, Esq. months and 3 days. © ersey Shore Montandeon os 3 ness, They mean by i : - that 1s thi eal in and to {i 1 to pr shape i Ah agTicuy | { farmors use, including SEEDS of all tO ¢ witen®a aan TRREER wuwes Cres Y B, fit ! oO CIOCK, of ibed Real Estate ) 1OWesl possibile Time! Nowis th 1 cr { ig we sy “a . ha 1 t, title and interest i+ A ¢ FIgGL, And lo b d e GmayGt HRN IT FEVER AND AGUE, The true antidote to the effects of mins. ma is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. This medicine is one of the most papular remes dies of an age of successful proprietary specifies, and is an immense demand wherever on this Continent fever and ague exists. A wineglassful three times a day is the best possible preparative fer en. countering & marlarious atmosphere regu lating the liver, and invigorating the stomach. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. BEEN 4 id At present we have on {and are the uthori agents for the sale of the OLI.| ER CHILLED PLOW, made at South end, Indisna. It is the best chilled plow now ade: also the Kevstone and iron beam plows made at Centre Hall. No bets ter plows than these can be had for game amount of money Also the Centro} Hall Cornplanter We need say nothing! lar 200 un - —Do you want the latest style hat, the | ing gathered to HI best coat, pants, ivest, or & whole suit, hen go to headquarters, which is the standard Clothing Hall, where is the argest and best assortment in the coun- | ¥, and cheaper than the cheapest. | i { XECUTOR'S NOTICE.— ters testamentary having been grant. ed to the undersigned on the Estate of Mi. chael Decker Sr, late of Gregg twp., decd. all person knowing themselves indebled to said Estate are requested to make immedi- ste payment, and sll persons havingiclaims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated without delay for settlement; MICHAEL DECKER Jr. GREENE DECKER, SUSAN DECKER, Executors. JERRY MILLER Barnxzr AxD HAmRDRESSE—in the bases ment of the bank building. All work done in fashionable style. uly J. ZELLER & SON Lod 1d end ¥ 0 onsl sonEe Beene he house 8 pos carpenter, res WHS ar i on suspicion of being the murderer “w shEEe 7 FA LIXE avet Williameport re Harrrisburg the ession 3} v —Mr, George Spyker, of Mifflinburg, | .:4: nforms us that he kept a record of last! ach a; vinter’s snows which he finds num i ne he i ¢ ber | xd eleven, and havi total depth of 3 inches. 2 i Susquenanna avenue, ] i to East. Wa A Ba Lewisb’rg, Centre & Spruce C WESTWA] D. LEAVE AM. Montandon wens sesssseses 1-00 LewisDUDZ cues sane se vessas 1+ 10 OBR, uss secret snuass trsreaiie Arr, at Spri Miils......0.50 "EASTWARD. AM —Any goods you may want, you can buy very reasonable at C, Dinges' store. Try it. i 6k” B sams. thumuis nd ha ng a ams, thumping and moan: = i} vd bv a najoht $ takhiioh heard by a neighbor, and the established wt burned alive, } Die fact that the woman was and many other lief Mrs. Fn -~The democratic national convention |} meets at Cincinnati and the republican convention at Chicago, both in June, {{ But all who want to buy cheap clothing he | Meet at the Philad, Branch. J. G. Kurtz estimates his loss on sone Writing office by the Milton fire at $1200 ~ : No insurance. Boarp,—The board of Directors of Pot- ter School district will meet at Potters Mills, Monday June 7th, at 9 o'clock a. —FiREs IN THE MeuUNTaINs, says the ‘entre Democrat, destroyed at Curtin’s oaling job, on Bullet’s run, from 1500 0 1800 cords of wood. On Wallace run Faylor Irvin kad about 500 cords burn wd, James Lucas lost from 200 to 300 words, DRY GOODS OF Every Description SUCH AS r vu 3 A100 —- dents ead to the was bratally mur. fih is Grew el poss 8 that ————— a perpetrator o 8 dee of 2: AVEO + Ts a yver his crime by burning J ne ol Spring Mills, pring 1 EE Re BeRE SRaeRl Cob UTD cones sensors sonsnsnanne Lowishurg wea cares seen 8.85 Meerrxc or Porren —Do you know, men and women, tha vou can get the best boot and shoe of Powers & Son? Do you know that they sell no fraudulent goods ? Do you know that Powers & Son arefresponsible, and honorable, and make good any article that is not found as represented? Do you know, besides, that you can buy ‘ower of them, and get better goo ds for your money, than elsewhere in this :ounty ? These are important facts, and rou will find them true on trial. —— BLACKSMITH WANTED.—A first~| lass blacksmith wanted at the coach shops steady job will be given. —Horse AND Braey ar Powvate Save. —A gray horse, suitable for family driv- ing and other work, and a good top bug gy are offered for sale by Mrs, Sarah (. and Flora O. Neff, Centre Hall. 20ma3t SerrLEMENT.~Persons having unset- tled accounts with the estate of Dr. P. D, Neff, are kindly but earnestly urged to make settlement within a reasonable (ime, 80 as to avoid books being placed in the hands of an officer for collection 20ma3t. By ORDER OF ADMINISTRATORS, —Nearly all the sewing machines have seen their best days, but the good old Do- nesti'c Sewing Machine keeps growing in favor with each day, and bids fair to -rowd out all rivals. Light running, dont zet out of order, and does all kinds of work, ~Many persons in wanting an organ, wish to know which is the best. There isone that can be safely recommended. The Estay organ is pronounced the world over, by all first class musicians, as the best organ out. In all itspartsit is a per- fect instrument and its large sales are the evidence of the high esteem in which it is held. 12mad3t. Wantep—Good Rock Ok bark at the Centre Hall tanyard, for which the high- est market price will be paid by. C. H. SuerrLEr. —A Detroit mule accomplished the feat of kicking: two men at once. Al- though they stood several feet apart, each received one of the beast’s hind feet in his face. Pooh, we have an item that beats that—Lewins sold a dozen suits to a dozen different men at one ti me inside a minute, mules in creation can kick at the Bees! Any boy twelve vears old, with one m., to examine Treasurers, account, and transact such other business as may be presented. Persons having claims against the district are requested to pre- sent them. Directors Elect will meet at 1 o'clock p. m., to organize new Board. Township Auditors will meet to see if there be any Jcrookedncgs’ in the ac- counts. # W. A. Kerr, Sec’y. B.H.Arxey Omay 3t. — . OTICE OF APPEALS ipeals N i will be held at the Election | Ln for the different boroughs and townships as follows: Patton twp., Monday June 7. Half Moon twp., Tuesday June 8, Ferguson twp., Wednesday June 0 Pine Grove, Harris twp., Thursday June 10, College tWp., Friday June 11. Potter twp., at Old Fort Hotel, Saturs day June 12 Gregg twp., Monday June 14, Penn twp., and Millheim boro, Tuesday June 15. Haines twp., Wednesday June 16. Miles twp , Thursday June 17, Walker twp., Friday June 18, Marion twp., Saturday June 19, Rowand twp., and boro. Monday June 9 it * Liberty twp., Tuesday June 22, Curtin twp., Wednesday June 23 Boggs twp., Thursday June A. Milesburg boro, Friday June 25. Union twp,, and Unionville, Saturday June 26, Huston twp., Monday June 28, Worth twp., Tuesday June 29. Taylor iwp., at Fowler, Wednesday June 30. Rush bwp,, and Philipsburg, Thursday uly 1. Burnside twp., Friday July 2. Snow Shee twp., Saturdry July 8. Spring twp., Monday July 5. Benner twp. , Tuesday July 6. Bellefonte boro. Wednesday July 7. From 9 o’clock A. M. to 8 o'clock P. M., of each day, the Assessors with the As- gessments and their assistants are required to be in attendance. ANDREW GREGG, HENRY Beck, GEORGESWAB 7 Clerk. JACOB DUNKLE, 20may 3L. Commisgioners. nor gare Dauland & Newman from sell- ing the cheapest dress goods in this state, Never, no never. ~The Bellefonte Morning News, of 12 says : Mr, Peter Markle, one of Hublers- burg’s oldest citizens, died on Wednes- day last in his eightieth year. He was born in Maryland, and after completing his trade, that of wagonmaker, he mov ed to Boalsburg, this county, and subse- quently to Hublersburg, where he has resided for about 40 years, —A barn in Milesburg, belonging to Mr. James Tellers, was struck by light~ ning during the thunder storm of yester- day afternoon, setting it on fire and in- stantly killing one horse, The fire was extinguished before much damage had been done, —During this warm weather the most wholesome, cooling and pleasant food is dried and canned fruits and vegetables, You can gel the best article of canned or dried fruit very low at Sechlers—they keep a full line of it, ~~ By whom was Eve Adams’ Express Company, Yes and wentand got his clothes of Goldman, —Dinges is receiving groceries, and ney goods every week, Give him a call. For he made? ~—SILVER PLATING, ~The undersign- ed respectfully announces that in connec- tion with his Jewelry shop, he has a first class plating battery, and is prepared to do all kinds of silver-plating, such as watches, chains, knives, Dr an &e., at the most reasonatle prices, also have a full line of watches on hand at the lowest prices. Watches, clocks &c,, promptly repaired. J. Q. A. KxNNEDY may 27 8m. Centre Hall, Pa. The Annual Meeting of the Stockholds| horse, will follow and bind all the grain ers of the Lewisburg, Centre and Spruce that any Reaper with side delivery will cut. | Creek Railroad Company will be held at{1¢ not only binds but gleans, and will save| the Office of the Company, No, 238 South! je price of the machine in one year, by] Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa., on Tues: sking up from the stubble that which is | day June 8th, 1880 at 11 o'clock, A. M. now lost | Election for President and Directors] THE McSHERRY GRAIN DRILL, game day and place. either with or without broadeast hoes, with James R, M'Crune’ lor without fertilizer and seed sowing ats Secretary |tachments, It is the best grain drill for {all purposes in the murket. : The undersigned! THE GEISER THRESH ER AND one of the Executors of the Estate of Geo. | SEPARATOR. - I'he reputation of this Schmelizer, dec'd, will offer at private! machine is so well established that we can sale, that {say nothing about it that the people do not J ’ . » an iknow Any persoh wanting one, or in 3 { ope { y 3 Valuable Town Property .._ Ineed of repairs for those now in the couns situated in the town of Madisenburg, Cen-| 3 tre county Pa., consisting of six § nere lots, ty, please call a TW yONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES a SPLENDID DWELLING Bouse,| WAG ARRIAGES, BUGGIE good stable, all fd and PHAETONS. — Weare agents for the Abie, necessary outbuilic Inge, | le of the celebrated CONKLIN WAG choice fruition the premises, and all the : \ ON, the reputation of which is so well as conveniences of a plensant heme, also & tablished: also of the CORTLAND tract of woodland about 1 mile northeast [pj 4 tRGRM SPRING WAGONS, Car. of said town, containing about one huni es, Phaetons, and Buggies. All are dred acres, well timbered with oak, pine ) Yall i ‘2 Al ’ arranted, Call and gee specimens and and chestnut Known ns the properly of: Warta . . 4 . 1 ) Georges Schmeltzer. dec'd ’ [examine catalogues as to styles and prices FEOTRG OC er, dec d, ¢ . ibefore buying elsewhere. Catalogues ADAM SHAFER, Jr., RE R E _ | PLASTER AND FERTILIZERS, 3. | Cayuga plaster finely ground, as good as ithe best Noya Scotia, at the low price of | $7.60 por ton. Peruvian Guano sold on orders only. Phosphates always on hand, Special manures for diflerent crops sold upon orders at manufacturers’ prices, POWDER — Wa are Dupont’'s agents. Blasting, Sporting and Rifle powder on hand and sold at wholesale prices; also fuse GRAIN. After the growing crop is harvested wo will be prepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain. COAL. —~Our yard is always stocked with the best Anthracite Coal which we sell at lowest price ME, — We make the best white lime in the State. Its properties for Mechanical and agricultural purposes excel all oth ors FAIRBANKS SOALES -Wear their agents in Centre county and will supply i 20may St, PRIVATE SALE.- 20may Sm cD MILL PROPE ; LIC SALE Will be sold at Public sale, ir twp., on Friday, June 4, 1850 the valuable grist mill, knewn as the RED MILL, and a TRACT OF LAND containing 46 acres, bounded by Sinking Creek, by lands of Jacob Royer, ;Benjas min Bitner, John Hineback, Daniel Fleisher, Joseph Shirk lands of deceased, Jacob Treaster and John M'Coy, with all the water rights, hberties and privileges appurtenant thereto, Thereon erected a two story log and frame dwelling house, all necessary outbuildings, barn, and an excellent erchard of choice fruit, Also a well of never failing water. The mill is in excellent repair, having been recently refitted, and the land under high state of ¢nltivation, and good fences R ¥ y i Pottor 4 Lewistown Gazelte contains the following account of the Reedeville tragedy:—On Monday a week a brawl took place in Morrison's bar room at Reedsville between David McAllister, an old man probably 60 years of age, and Francis Pech, a young ERMS. ~One third of purchase money on confirmution of sale, one third in one !year, and the balance in two years with interest from confirmation of sale, to be |sscured by bond and mortgage on the Joo may all parties wishing goed and true scales at their lowest prices We extend an invitation to everybody in wantof anything in our line to call at our store rooms opposite the Bush House, and seo what we have, and learn from those in attendance more paticularly the scope of our business, Bellefonte May 0, ALEXANDER & CO. premises, Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, CATHERINE ROY EK. JNO. B:. ROYER, Admr's, Nos 1and 2 connect at Montandon with Erie Mail, west on the Philadelphia and Erie R, R. Nos. 3 and 4 with Day Express east and Niagara Express west. Nos. 6 and 6 with Fast Line west. DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockerhof Row, Bellefonte Penn's, Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, WHITE NOTIONS. LADIES’ CAPS, BOOTS ALSO 4 LARGE STOCK OF GROCERIES HARDWARE, \ARPETS, ETC. E1C,, PRICES LOWER THAN EVER The Biggest Boom. In Haines Twp. AT FIEDLER & RUNKLE'S, FARMERS STORE. Where you find an immense stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, (Queensware and Groceries, and THE CHEAEFFST OF ALL, and Best Bargains, Go and See, Te Tus standard article is compound- ed with the greatest care. Its effects are as wonderful and as satisfactory as ever. It restores gray or faded hair to its youthful color. It removes all eruptions, itching and dandruff. It gives the head a cooling, soothing sensation of great comfort, and the scalp by its use becomes white and clean. By its tonic properties it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, preventing baldness, and mak- ing the hair grow thick and strong. As a dressing, nothing has been found so effectual or desirable. A. A. Hayes, M.D., State Assayer of Massachusetts, says, * The con- stituents are pure, and carefully se lected for excellent quality ; and 1 consider it the Brsr PREPARATION for its intended purposes.” Price, One Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOR THE WHISKERS. This elegant preparation may be relied on to change the color of the beard from gray or any other undesir able shade, to brown or black, at dis. cretion. It is easily applied, being in one preparation, and quickly and ef. fectually produces a permanent color, which will neither rub nor wash off. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO, NASHUA, N.H. ap22 6t Geld 5 all Draggiats, asd Doalars 1a Modlcloel resident, eceive Deposits, Law. Ooll and ha es, do. hoe in the dt O use. Bellefon amond, TRE HALL, PA Notes ell Government and Coupons. A WEEK in and no capital risk portunit s we offer. No You can devote all your spare time to the ur Women make as much Add Cashier, and Sell Coupo d sat and | Jashier ed. You that yo a8 mer A § b BEST IN THE WORLD! ABSOLUTEL AND i 3 SALERATLU © ‘Which is the same thin: Im Saleratus or Bi-Ca- hod isthesame thing iso: y dirty white color. fimn white, examined by itse! . COMPARISON ) CO'S “ARM AND will show the difference. See that your Saleratus Soda is white and should be ALL SIMILATD CES used for food. A but severe test of £1» coo: value of different brands of Soda «Fo to dissolve a dessert of euch 4: about a pint of water (hot preferve. stirring untilallisthorough!- ous insoluble matter in Boda will be shown after settling s minutes or sooner, by the milky a; the solution and the quantity of 1: matter to quali #ackage and will the purest =u 0: wade, ADT ir ah 80 Baking Powder, saves twen y tia ite wedi £3528. TG YOUR GROCER. a package for valn-ble inforrmae ¥- :