SII.K CIT.TI'RK. KiprH*ni rtllir Mtftntfi NfWttrlnaa Cam mil. The New Orleans Pintyum says: Thursday eyenint a reporter visits the St. Augustine <-onvpnt, on Bayou road, near St. Claude street to ascertain some facts relating to the Sisters' ex periments in the culture of sill; worms, lie was ushered into a plainly furnished sitting room, adorned with *a not merely a man ot word*, hut also ol deeds. Heine intimate with a French gent loom who carried on this industry over in Covington, he obtained some eggs from him and save t hem to the sisters At the same time they planted some mulberry trees in the yard. When seed* mt sown the trees that result an' superior to transplanted shoots, lull such a method consumes much time before they beeoi. e grown to proper dimensions As the sisters wished to reap the harvest as tarty a* possible, they inserted shoot* in the ground, which inmwxliatelv took root, and in a very abort time leaves could be gathered without uiiury to the voung trees. About January the eggs began changing into worms. Thesistrragnth ered the youngost and tendervst have* and placed them over tlte eggs. As soon as they were hatched tlie worms began to eat with great voracity, clinging to a leaf until nothing >ut hare fibers re mained. Than they would be supplied with fresh leaves The room where they were stored, was always kept at an even degree of temperature. The* ate night and day for one month. Then they commenced their coretons. In three days they were finished, and the worms were completely buried in the production of their own labor. In or der to make the cocoons of any value the worm had to be destroyed. This was done by leaving them in a moder ately warm ovn for fifteen minutes. Some wen- left undistnrbed in order to fttrnish the eggs for the next tear's crop. These latter cocoon* were left untouched for exactly a week. By this time the worms had worked their way out again, and had changed themselves into a variety of butterflies. The co coons. after t ite worm has come out. is of but littie value. I Hit in France they are used in the uianutActure of an in ferior silk, with whieli parasols arc covered. The*- butterflies were kept in a darkened room, the walls of which were lined with dark flannel, and on this flan e' lbs* laid their eggs These were of a light bluish-brown color, and slightly concave at the end*. The sis ters were eminently uereaafa' in their efforts. There are now almut a donaa large mulberry trees in the convent grounds. TwW their crops oi silk worms were failures, but both tinue through accident, (hue some .-offer was placed to parch upon the same store that niwd to heat the room where the worm* were kept, and the strong odor killed them. t>n the other occasion fire was kindled by day. and the room left cold and op-n at night, and the change of temperature caused the destruction of tin- sensitive crea tures. About four years ago the sisteis car trai off two gold mc.ia's at the iudtt#- Utal exhibition. Again, oneol the sis ters visiting Frame, displayed some co roous there. Tlx-y were found to cwtu oajv very favorably with tliose in France. The life and *> of this coterie ol silk workers was the venerable superior. Sister Theresa. She U now too aged to superintend the laborik and nearly all the material and the wonus were seut to theThibodaux invent, when* a sif ter proficient in the culture of the worms resides. Sister Theresa still keeps a quantity of eggs, ami raises the worms a* a past time. The sister* wade onirsilk thread from tle-ir Some roses made with this and dyed were really lienutt fttl. The >iik ronls which hear the crosses were aiso woven with thread mad.- by them and dyed. The rjoth could not be made on account of the lack of lite nor* starry ma>-hinery. The superior is enthusiastic over the thought that there is a possibility of silk culture hecotuing one of the es tablished handiworks 'here, and prem ises to give ail those who wish it the benefit of iter knowledge and experience ' in that iinc. Manation in the Arctic Nca*. A letter from F.. F. Nye, hark Mount Woilaston. off Gape I.isburne. Arctic ocean, written to the New Bedford Qttu*danl, says: This season, up to the present time, has been a successful on-*. Fifty-one whales have been taken by the fleet, against thirty-two at the same time last year, and the whaies have run iarge, av eraging about li*> barrels of oil. and say 60.61)0 pounds ofwfcaiebone in all; also about 11.000 walruses. against 12,000 last year, tiff walruses making leas oil than Usual, as fewer females were killed, and a larg-r proport ion of mah> walruses than in years oast. Not a whale has taken in the strait or the Arctic ocean, and oniy one whale ha* Ixh-u seen, and that by the Helen Mar. Four ships and several brigs and schooners got to the eastward ard missed the cbnnro. A great many wbalas were se< n. and more than usual were stru.x and lost. The Mar *trm K ftltreu and lest seven: the Fro grc*s five and saved two. Not a whale has been taken lv the natives of the whole coast, and the whaling party, with their rocket gun*, which winteren in 1* over bay. got nothing. The natives on Ihome.fe island* report seeing large natuliera of whale* goirg north in May and early in June ia*t. cast of the islands, and they struck over to Cape Thompson and the Point Hope, where the nativ< took five (one I(#.Harre! wlutle, one of about forty barrels ,-uid three small one*., without > There is more ire, and Anther *ua:. Ships iiave b.-ni in fIU tod. g ; yesterday four or five ship* were thirty-five mil—, east of Cape l.i*burtic. -topx-d by tlte iee. Captain Tom William* started four days ago with hi* little steamer, 'he Bouquet, to mu-t Woiuwright inlet. Point Bei.-lwr or Point ltarrow. if pos sible; he will trac the shore around ; Ids steamer draws only three and a half feet of water. and can sti-am lUft miles a day. The trading veuei# have about 6.W0 pound* ol whale'ione ami a small quantity of Ivory. c< m pared with for mer years: about hail the fleet are in this vicinity, tin* other liaif are all over to (Jajxt fWse aud tlie western shore, wait using. de-iroyinjthcm by tlie thou sand; about ll.fttMi nave been taken and 30,000 or 40.000 destroyed this year. Another year or perltaps two years will finish them; then- will hardly be one left, and I advise all natural history so cieties and museums to get a specimen while they can. Fully nnc-tbiru of the population south of St. Lawrence island died: in one village of 200 inhabitant* all died excepting one num. iloteer* took their children to the burying grounds, stripped tin* clothing from their emaciated boute- and then strangled them or ;t the intense or Id end their misery. -Tt Is heat trending to hear them tel. how they suffered. Captain Cogan Ji.t* tafon venr fow wairuses; he says iltat for every hundred walruses taken a family is starved, and I concur in his opinion. At are lor Croup. Croup, it is said, can be cured in one iniuuic, and the remedy is simply a.umn and sugar. The way to accom pli*b tli di-eo is u> taken knife or grater and shave off in small particles about a tc-aspoonful of alumn; then mix it with twice its qmintity of sugar, to Itiake it palatable, ana administer it as quickly as possible. Almost instanta neous relief will tol.ow. If the child be very young, tlie nurse must hold it .-U adtly (especially if it be in a fit) with both hands, while another person adds lite water. A hot cloth and blanket should by got ready to receive tlie child directly it is taken out of the bath, so a* to prevent any sudden chill. Five to fifteen minutes, or longer, according to lan umstances, is the time the bath may lie used. A proper thermometer for the hath is valuable, for the exact tempera ture of the water can lie thereby noted. At the first immersion of the child the wa'er should he about eighty decree*, which can then be brought up to ninety n degrees or KW degrees. Tlie season's entertainments bavobeen not xbH-tree trom annoyance by coughing. Dr. huil's Cough Syrup doea this. Price 26 cents cbotria. TIMEbT TOPICB. The number of package* of tomatoes , nut UD in th I'nited States last year !wbhu„ IM "f Maryland icmilng oft with New Jersey, 5,f5i.000: 1 tela ware. 4,- 00U; New York. I.N).tW: n in the form of drinks. Thus, though in the tirst instance I sought only tlie public good. I have found my own also since I became a total abstainer. I have the*o ! four reason* for continuing u> l>e one first, my health is stronger; second, my head i* clearer; third, tuy heart is lights; fourth, my purse i* heavier Scarlet fevn is a *is>urge a.* mu< h to lx> dreadesl ill Northern l itic* ax tlu vvl- I low fever is in the South. A lending cause of the di-ense being spread i* from ladies visiting houses whore there are ea- -a, or attending fuueials of tliose wlto have malady, thus impregnating tiieir clothing ano carry ing the genus to their own and other lambic*. Thiadisease should b<" tn-atsi in a manner similar to small-pox .*> re gards quarantine regulation*. It i* not less terrible in it.* ratality. and not un ftvviU'-ntly leaves the convalescent with deafbea*. blim?tie*>, or some other M'rious aflWtion Ofliciai whippings aie k<- lie desperately freed himself by nulling hi* hands out of the staples A handkerchief was uaed to fat<-n hiiu. but lie got loose again before the pre aeritied twenty blows were eotnpleted. and pathetically beggtal the alterift' iu>t to strike so hartf. The movement in temperance known a* home protection, which, in reality, i* woman'* L-oko on the dram-shop*, is gaining in favor in all parts of llie-tuu try. Mve of the annual entnn* of the women s < hristian temperance union*, held in the separate New Fng lainl Statts. have paasetl btune protec tion rv solution* iudor-ing that line ol • work. At the late annual meeting of the National >Vomen's Christian tem perance I'nion in Indianapolis, a resolu tion wa* pm>'d to the effect that "the organisation* there represented should in each Stat oefret- to choose their own methods of work." thu* removing all restrictions of that body from such State wontcn'* unions as shall deride u< a*k for the temperance ha! !o? Kleven State orgnnixation.* ahemiy indorse this move ment: oniy three ready oppose it. and their rank*, it i* said, by no iucan> solid The Child n the iMPr-Step. " Dioor around here. sir. iiut we must find her a place somewhere, (ind lielp tin* littie girl, for she's ail aion now!" The sexton bad called at an old tene ment house on 1-afayeUc treei cast U take a liody to a paU|-r'* fie'd—the Ikklv sf one whose ;ife hai been worn out in the tread-mill of hunger and des pair. Nobody knew that the mother was dead—hardly *uspe< iro that she was ill. until one morning this ekild ap peared at a neighbor's dotr and quietly said: "Would you lie afraid to come o\er to tuy house, for ui i< dead ar.n<- in th< great world *lie moked out of the old window * on tie* bleak November day and an •wvred: " I <-an make three kinds of dresses fur doli-lctbie*. builnuipous. Knu-rson and Jone# ul to have a good ileal of joking together at the table and elsewhere. One day at the dinnei -table, when the dining-liajl wa* well-filled, Captain Jones tini*heu* ai tuo-'iair tor the in'i*n to be o|Mrstal upon "Ye*." iaid she looking UP plea#- utfly, "1 wa# the tirt, ami 1 believe am -till the only, manicure in this xiuntry. It Is wonderful to tue ttiat there at- not more U-re to praotele the art. In I FraiK-e manicure* ar< a# common a lnu - lei-* in New A"oik, and there should be enough demand for their services to bring them Into equal request here. As s mark ol refinement, of gx*i ImsHting. careful kis-ping and Iwautifying of the linger nails is :o> essential a# the care of the troth. Perhaps it is even more so, for taking care of the troth is in larc<- part a matter of seltisli interest to the own-r t tin troth, but in earing for tlie linger nails we d<> so out of n order — and now I haven# much a# I cm attend- to, a# many a* twelve, fourteen, and even sixtetn a day, and a# each em- take* an average of three-quarter* of iu hour, my hands are kept pretty busy all day long A crea nuuilK-r of my customers are regular. That is. in-tead of coming iu for an oc casional fixing up of their nails, a* a man goes into a strange barber shop for a shave, they lake regular ivunn* of treatment, for three months at a time, coming to un- once a week, ' "Those who thus artistically beautify their digit* are of the very l*'*t class of society. They are laankers, brokers, an-, mer chants. I know ol but one politician among them. - My principal customer* are ladies of wealth ami refinement. All the mem bers of four of the wealthiest families of ■ New A'ork, from the children up to the grandparents, coun-1< uie once a wrek. One of thu*e families ha* been very un fortunate in it* nail*, i have had to cure them of almost every blemish, de fect and bad habit p<**ihle, but at last. I am happy to say, have got them ih beautiful condition " AY hat i. Alter they ar<- once put in good r*e. it rttav oe weii to *ay something of his breeding, and the value of the two great strains of biood (strong in tin- trotting lim-a) which he possesses—the Haiub.etonian and Clay The aiui of the intelligent breeder of the trotting hors<- i* to com bine the best strain#strong in th<- #pe< iai gait to which be aims, ami t bis Is called ••breeding for a pur|>o#e." A* to what constitute- the r<-s: <-on>binntions of blood, opinions vary. Some incline to thi* family, and other* to tbaf.guided by fancy or actual performances. A -core of years ago the breeding ot the trotting horse was almost entirely theo retical. no special rule* Ix-ing followed. As time passed exproicnce proved that there wa# but one course and lid# da** of indu-irv wa* n<< longer a nroltlem, hut -tibjert i t ti\.*l ru><-. C-rtain strains stood the t<-#t, ami to thr<- strain# breexler* eonlinrel ih<-in*clvrs, making, of course, judicious seirotions. St.Jttlien is the ret>re*cnttive of the lx-*t eoinhination of trotting biood now upon the American turf. His *ir'. A'ol untror. the fe-.t *on of Kysdyk's Haui hletonian, is the sire of nineteen per former* in the 2-3o list, which is the gr<-ate*t *liowing of any living trotting sire. Tlie (xnnSinat ion of Hambleton ian and (!lay blood has met with the happiest remits, -is i* shown in the ease of Dick Swiveller (21*). Alidnight (if; IH I). Bo'lim* (-';!(). and I'rospero (2:20), besides numerous others with records of 2 ;30 and ix-tl<-r. The union of tic e two tried strains ha* never fail <1 to produce a lirst-< la<* trotting horse, a# thev contain the ele ment# of courage, endurance, tine form and steady action. The horse possess ing this breeding ha- the ability to train through campaign niter campaign, and improve with each season. The (."lav blood in itself i-. particulai ly va!uat>lc. a* is attested by the performances of (ieorge M. l'atcfc n, ly Cassius M. Clay; American (liri, by Am:# C. M. Clay, with ISO heat* in 2:30 and hotter (record, 2:164); Lucy, by (leorge M. Patchen (record 2:16!). and Hopeful, by Godfrey's IbMchen. with 123 licat# in 2:30 and better (up to date), and a record of 2:1 If. The dam oi St. J mien was by Sayre'# Harry Clay, son of Neaves's Ca#*iu* M. Clay, out of mare of unknown pedi gree, bui with good, tout trotting action. H#r sire, Hunt- 1 (,'lay, got .t reeortl ot 2:29, but was never used a# it track horse.being intended for the#tud. He is now in his thirteenth year, and ; s serviceable. Being of uch superb breed ing. St. Julien. of emu sc. comes honestly by hi* great trotting qualities. His re. curd ot 2:I3( stamps him as the tiest trotting burse on the American turf to day.—lirrrU'ithj'e MmUhty. Nave the Bag*. " A penny saved i# a penny got," is a maxim as true as il i*old. And there I# many a neglectc I opportunity in almost every hou-ehold by which pennies that are otherwise allowed to go to waste might be saved to the family. Take the one item of rami. How fow housewives think of saving the little scraps ofjealico.jof linen | and the old, worn-out clothes, and selling them to the paper-manufacturer#? Tlumsand# upon thousands of doi-ars are thus wasted every year tiiat ought U> go into the family coffers. If house ' wives and their children and helpmate# would carefully save all the rags through the year, and lay aside the receipts from the sales, they woald be astonished, when the holidays came around, at the size of tlie fund accumulated from this source. The recent rapid advance in tlie price of rags renders il doubly int portant that the matter should be at teaded to. If tlie "gude wife" don't feel like bothering her head and hands with the matter, then let her encourage ! the children in the work. It will pay to save the rags. Don't negie<* it. SUMMARY OF NEWS EatUm a ad Middle Stale* I h* mubtoipai clemon ut H.i.u resuiHii < in tiie re#tu ill lilt' in lli fisheries Itiim lhat port ilttritts th* |#u-l ntti I lire* #*ti thirty vessel*, nhi*t at anl 'id hi rta Unit Iu ulbta me "till .-its- t inf. At * UK# Utig ill Nl w \ all. Uml I UU. Isle gales, lepioseti.tiig uii'ii limit tweuly #!*ts, iarnitnl n imtloiml # smi ul the •■mnri* tutu ore aiitnUi l thwti nl lh* Hoys! Agri- , outturn! (NaiMy Ut Wrtwt Uritntn. whh h toe J. rim ihoU-ttiUislloii ol huuw large relative lo th> lnl wlMi ol agrieullnm. 3. Turning j ui .iiiupoHiig sgiii'.itutnl ii|iieuiout in vrUKHon* lulu itieeasM ot mount D 4. lilt r.l'i. alluli of vwtMliuuy ..irpeoii. IsuauW and Uml owners. A. K*|at"u "I trnuil* in the aJc ntnnurtat. Imtiiit stuffs auit wwlt I ti Kmtiodlmeut ol uaalul iitlortualiott txut- | tniunt iii agricultural |tblti-uMou* 7. To nt- I i-oiimgs iiiru of inlt-i i in thou nittuiuou to s IV iltaluu him ui iiiMt it mil •matr. The house ol huw I'IIIUD, at I'sarve Kiiuda Island, J. tt Avery, Kara WhiUunu. Maryland; John U. Adatua, Ar ; kanaaa; l> Wyau Aikaai, Stnilh Carolina; (oternor i.nirjo f. Drew, KtornVa; K T. Kraocia, Alahanm, tx'it-mor A loom, Mial> aijtjii; Colonel J It Killrhrew, Tenueaaee, ■ Oaaatut M Cl#", K'-ntu Vy, J hloyd Kni*, ' I lAMiiaiaim, W. \\>, Columdu, John Itidwell, Calihitnia ; s Ci. lined, ttre • tog; John tC Jutiea, Ni-vada, lleury li Itav ta, Weat \irymia; Hetieral (iilbnrt H, Meeni. \ irjjiuia; Clan.ln Mallhewa, Indiana; • Cheater Horn Wntiwriu; 11, ti. Wuli Michigan; J. 11. SruOnlti, Kudim; 1 II Wheeler, Nebraaka, rrutomor ti. C. Swal joe and inwaon Yaleutioe, New Votk Ittieetoni lor one year —N. K Sfiaj(ue. Ver moot; K. M fullotd Maryland, lbontr. M llolt. North Carolina. T. K- tionld, lUinota. ! oinl J. N Coleman, Miaamsii. Uirwrtora loi ttau yeara—Major Alvotd. Maaaat-h ixetta. A 1. Kennedy. Teouvylvania; J T llnnderaon. ; hmi|tt; Mr. Mt-iiiath. Krtilut-ky; Mr. Irumpy, Miriujjati; J. 11 tiriuneit, Iowa; l'owell Clayton, Arkanaat ihrector* tot three yeara totreror Fred Smyth, New llainymhire; tleueml N. IV Curt.a. New Ytwk; flohwt Beverly, Ylrtjinia, M.J la - | KM, Ohio; William S. King. Minnesota, ; Henri lluHanl, Colorado; tienerwl A 1 A. torbert, Delaware. Mr. J. 11. Keail w thowen general aecreiary, and a eonatitutton waa ated. tianlan. tbw Toronto uaratnad, at an intai vmw in New York, I'rtered to row Courtney be rare tor the gft.tMO yrxe tlatt waa to hare , taken nlare at W aehingtun on tbw V- h, any I line within the neit lite aeek, and an agreement to thai eHwt. The oflleial count nl Ibe vote in New link .* louiet by the btmrd ut Stale rativaaaei* (ivea the toHowing reeult l,r fovemor Cm iidl, til,SfiT: ltul, J74.79J. Kelly, 77. ibh; laiwia (tirwenliack). Jj.i'V".; Mtaueil'itr hiUtein), t.1.17; acaitertng. 4MI For Iteo inaut.(inrniw Iloekutp ham plurality u .ul over J'.Utej. IE only Ihtmenl i-lietel •Hi the staia ta bet ;a Seymour, State engtneet aml Kiirveyia. whoae piurwlity over soula a 1 IS 441. Slnndiuc Ever, a obiett-l the I'onra Indiana, I and llright I yea. a atlladucalnl Indian girl ai lheiore a large audience in New \ ink the other night ami made a ptre lor then Iufde, depu-ung the autleiing# ul the 717 j l'>.r<-a livlrana in tmny lornbly driven laat winter tram their rewervattou in Dakota l< the Indian Territory. I hire Tlelrfi k Hoy, John Kcklei j and William Johneun— were rinahwl te death by lalluig oual in a mine near Tremoat, Fa. i onrtuey, the Amer.. an aaratnan. my* 1M wilt not raw llanla'i thia winli-r. aa he noxmditKMl, hut |ito|ia lu row Mh Canadian j champ loir, a rare next June tl. I' Si in act-, engineer llward Maik'.iaut llienuin. nnd D. F. l.yinan, a bridge t-ndrt i were killed by the ola train at lartvlmi Tint, Vt. \\ W. Wtntoo. miki lent ol the Sci intoo (!•*.) Second Nntiona! bank, hia wa, A. 11. Wsuton. In* WW-in-law. lltoinaa Ijvey, and Uia bmtber-iu-iaw, laue Dean, were artrateil | in Si [anion at tin in*uince ot iKHJfgw $. j tioodala, the receiver, charged w'lh tnali rinltaly rotiapiring (0 delVaud U.c bank ot I ISA,- 000. They gave bail in the #utn o( §40,0.0. ■fagtern and Southern ftaln. A .li|atteh Iram l/ Tm. agency, in Col- j urado, aay that the I'te Indian* in anid the Cokimdo while* were nil enetuir* to the 1 lee. and a nir tiial roold not lie ohtaine-1 in tlat State, the aen* at Ihia me- lmg of the ,-otnrniaeion ' ml the I'tea waa at one uiotnant extreuiel) j rilling, tioth aide* drawing their weapon* and preparing for a Idoorty encounter, , waa, howwver, happily averted. KnynMNet Knowle*. *ii|ienntendeot ol the | Ihiatle llehe*ter. Md.. met with aj terrible death while aarvmling lo the i\th •tory ol the milla with hia loot tit the rone | book which waa u***l to elevnle cotton. Tru rope a*ceile.l with grtwl telm-ity. and ( Kn.iwlea' head atnvrk the root ol Mm building. illi* aLnll waa Iraetni-ed. and live lioilv turn- ' bleil SOU leet to the ground dour It v*> I,mud tlrnt the hip bme had been driven into ibe lem im! artery and be hied to death in a ' lew minutes. A number ol building* were demoti-iied rn. l • aeverwl peraoua laialty iii|iire-l by a terrilb , wiml *torm which j ;••*->t i. i lbe town l ltcniek, Mo. The Atuerknn Poolirv A*- .*tiou)bo!d* it* annual evhlWtion of |*mltiv ;.ig*.n* and pet j •lia-k at li>dinna(adi. Ind.. lieyniiiiiig Januar) Kill and coiilinaiug to tiie IVlh. A .lfa, aitrh Irom I'etorahtirg. Va., aay* lhal large mimbera ot colored emigrant* luivi (vawwal through that place Irom, I N. C., the laat lew daya, en route lor Indiana. General timnt waa receiveil wilh innoh cor diality by the oiUaen* ot l-ouiavillo, by , aud CinoinuaU. Several relative# ol Mr#. I)oiey have lie gun a auit at New Orirana agninal Jetlnrwr l>avi, to whom he U nuentheil th whole ol her estate. The object ol the ami ia to have Mia. Doraey'a will net aidc on the groun. I bat when ahe mmle it abe wa* ol unaoutnl mind and waa unduly influenced by the de- I atxlaai. Iwo workmen writ instantly killol aad ; aeven other* injuicd—two mortally—by tin . caving in ot the aide ola deep railroad cut near PlaUsinouth, Neb. J. C. Bim ling bam. ol Ixjuderdnie imunty. 1 onn., reluaea to rorogmrc the nlxditioii oi slavery, and aince the war he hna clai'neii to j own two colored girla becnue lie had owned their mother The conduct of llirttjingliam excited the indignatiou ol hi* neighbor#, and at their inatigalion tba t'nilnl Stntcv grand jury recently tound an indictment againat liiin. 1 Judge Hammond, ol Ibe United State* circuit lumit, haa ipinrhed the indictment, holding that the ofl'enae i one not provided lor oy any ' net ol Congreea and not piiniahnlile by indict- j ' ment in the feilernl conits. The defendant was diachargrd- Mi*, ftilli* waa burned to death and tier hiwliUtd and two children were lawlly inj iri*l at a fli* which destroyed their resident')- It. i I.iltle Itork, Ark. A dispatch from St. I'nul, Minn., aay* that it ha* been extremely nold in the Red rivet isnintiy, the ihennoincter (ailing to lortv de- : gi eea below zero. Iwo uien and two children were Iroaten to death. A Catholic priis*! mtiiied Doyle ami a young men Mined Monaglian, a clerk, weredrowned j while arousing lha river near Athena, (a., on their return Irom a sick call. from Wfuhlnnon. The m itiineiioii ui Secretary ol War Mc- Crniy to be United Slate# cinruit judge lor the nig hi h riienit ha# tieon Invomhly acteil upon by the Semite judiciary committee. Hon. A. Morrison I jiy, metntier ol tkmgraaa from the seventh district ol Mi*aoun. died i suddenly at the Nat ional hotel in Washington, the oilier dnv, agist lorty-three yeara. lie had been in leebln health lor some time. The im- j mediate cause ol his death wn* |iarnly#in, thia being his second attack. Congieesman laty is j the fourth memlicr clccl ol ihe Forty-eixth Congreas who ha# died. The others were Smith, ol New York, who dint ou the night ol Schleicher, of Te\a, who died i jital before the close ol the Forty-fllili || it. went te the hmwr alien, he wa* ' gto|plnit, Willi a IMIWI of .iup Uu entering the iviutn Miry liaiml the >iailh nivrred with | i blood and dm.wl at the point ul death. 1 lie , MHOI Uiug placwk Ui lit* lip*, he taveiiousiy j ftunllownl it Au examlunlam showed trial I liu had eaten flesh Iroui tuie ol hia at uia iu hi* ' I agoit> td i, He die.l a law ml time* allot I the arrival ul the urighboiw. Dl K Welti ha* Imea elw-ted preai.lenl lite nwias cottlederation tor luai | till at exrilriiieut prevalUui .HI. I'eleivbnrg ' ou account i 4 the leeeut it tempt lo *hm 1 Biuate the eui, and the | I piiwee, and .lumtw Ferguwu was killed in- . •tauliy. Hut lather and i.weph Fvigusoi I wereteiribly utangle.l, ao tint then retxrver) j was considered unpossihla A uian i.unn 1 Joseph Mason, who was elher ia lite shall j house or uear it. was alau ndly iujurod, am! was Uirowti across the the eiploauun Nearly all the rtvere in Transylvania and . Huugarv have overflowed causing a gnat ' loss ot life and property. Fully 10.0UU |hm sons were rendered liotnrlws, and many en tire bundle* were Irosen tu leath. lu aotne casta people were for days ou ticca and root* ul house*, awaiting raacue. A I'ahnl dwfalch repcvrlt a lattle between lliiiith tratga an t a large brce at Alghane, in which ihe tonne! were woeU-t I ami l.ytton. viceroy a lteii*. was tired u|M>a in Unkutln by a luiuxic, but nacapad in ! lory- I'srnell. the tsadei ul the Irish llomv i littler#, is coming to the Filled Males The Rev \\ H. Ilnlge, amu ster ol {uuini ■ nence, iwMillt #p|a inlsv: by the Method.,! I |ttft-opal coofereiwe to talt-. liaigeut a church ill Atlanta, t>a., louimilmt auw-tde in that , city a lew day* since by cutting lu* ihruei l No cause lor the act was naigromt. lb* explosion ot a tuagnnneul aiiro-gtyrei - | . .it* and intra powder on hix Island, opposite . Aiubertsfxirgb, Ontario, wis heard htrty miles ; away, sf thing the ground tike ao earl hi] uske j *nd making a ltuie sixty le-t in diatuelar ami ttiteea loci deep. May Wtlltslon, a tUuglit-r ul Judge Willis • (on. ami Janie Wad. whle skating on the rival at Newcastle, N. H luoke through the 1 e stel were druw ned. While a number of |#u :e were skating on j lite lay wl I'-aclangu-sh-np, lbit a young .nan nasre.! Joseph l.euitoa and a yiatug \ S#dy, Aineia t knitier, let Uutxigh a lade in the ice and were drowned Ia ml Fertnov an Iran andlord, wa* tailed | to the ground and knoded aenaelews by a cudgel .a Ihe hand* ol anetecUd tenant, whu wa* un medial el y arrested Au an*ai ha* been a.#i- by Aineiieaa tata •loiiartea in certain d)*tii t* ut IVtwin in lie- | ball (4 Ihe inhabitant*, wlo are starving. tiie noted exeeutiouel Cab-rmtl, who lof . tort y•t 1 jreai# held live olkw ut bang uia'. ia 1 England, is dead. , g I OAUMUJSMIOX At SI IttllHl. ktasl . Mr Ingulis prrweoled aiuriuoitsl ot car tain i - ex- ohhet*. who leprv that they wMI . , ;*l.-1 in a depieciatssl curria j . arid ask Con gtess lo jv tin- ditferv-iwr between lite value ul given 'krk -* and gvddst tire tone of therr l. nrul, witi. si* |wr rent, iuterwst, runt- I (#isd*lannually. K4o orvtered Also | the Senate lull lo amhawc the **# retarv <4 the tnaeiry tu Imiw fit OJO.OJII ot tour par , root, bond# lor (Ov-meit <4 arrears id pea #cm>, and asked I ir its milrflmle posttaine . tnri.t NoooU-re-t . .tk iistiui, al Mr. ftari* 'ire Neriale lorn up Ibe v-eululion, heretrdotc | ! *ubmttted try btto, ceilitx >a- live M-nrelniy d ■ the ireaiuty lor a lalnlaled statenieol, by j Stale*. r4 tbe au>outit*|#ud since !MK by the gov eminent on arcuuntui claims growing mil , ■ .•! the Utr war. At he soggesiioti ot Mr. IKditiundV the it-aoiulim was*! so a* road " private clann*," and alter further die ' cnasron it erect in cr, the hetavte going into t els* nine e#*ion—duitvg wha-t, vnreUtr) hi-! imry * nouunslwMi c I niled Niatea judge tor the eighth ciivnlt w* eonflrnroi—ami then adpHirning Mr. ConkUng pro*M-d pHiKnu of a large nntnlo-r ut rit.reti- ul r, lorl. lorvued r4 •olilter#. ( raying bir th pa-*wgt oi Uie cpiei. ;nt tun ol bountir# tsil Mr. l oakling nleo , prwaentrd a bill lo ps-vent the .lumping i 4 j gnriege in New ! ivrk asrtsrr or any •! the wljointng water# wiihu live mtiee i 4 Coney island - - Mr. Mcmlt oiTerad a rolling on the arvrebry ot the tlaaaunr lor ml •rmntion loorhirtg effert o|#iti the rev enue ol Mie I mind Md* Id lb* ael ot May I. 1H"1, rrjmaling the ilut' on lea ami coffee, nod also It* elVe.-t ilium the- rot ol said article* lo consumer# Ihnrv-01. A.loplrd ...Mr Cock roll offerod n iiwolnftm thai Ike eomtniller : on claims be instructs* to couseter the evpe ' diem y ot csiabhsbing a |-eiuvaneot triloiaal which shall have junWtotion t4 ibe mailers 1 ordinarily referred to lr*l.... The ' Nenate rtscmrd ooiroferotion ol the rosolo j Una i.(lured by Mr. IKVIS. <4 West Virgiuia. j rolling on the sectelar# ol the treasury foi a ! Statement t4 the amrunt* |oi>i iwrt 4 the traasrit v since In 4 on -d to still rojectc! by the tro#*ury .tupartmenl : Irom Mnrrli I. 1161 to March 4. 1879, and also #ll like claims now pending, laid over umier the rales. Adjourned. . A immortal ol Wtllam B. Whiting, com . nvstore ol'the Unile.l States uavy, proproing ihe"e*tatili*huient ola nle iu ve*tigiite tho canoes lending to the uerro etui graiion Iroin NorthCnrohna to Indiana. Laid j over on the objection of Mr. Edinunda. Ad ' lourned. Home*. Mr. W'anver or—nteil a peUtkw, signed, as he •la lad, by 30,000 peraotw, asking (ol Mm l-ossagn o| an ael granting to soblint* and sallora the dlfferorwea between the value of the money with which they were paid ami gold, wilh nix pel emit, mldtiiniuil ....Mr Ilurrow liiln#bi<# I a joint tvwolulion. which w ia refarrwd. pro|wmii>g th* lollowiug amend tiinul to the constitution. *' INriygatnv shall not etui within tin- limit* <4 tiie United .stele*, or any place subp*-t to their jtiriadie. Hon. Uoiigrnas -hall have piwsl lo eukxtm this articl* by appropriate leguUlkm ".... j 'Tim bill prohibiting pnlittml centtilaffiona by iulaml olHcerour gov wrnineut MMitrnrtora in trvattw#*! during thn (tra aesaion, vaiu* up ou lii* nail lor regular unlet ul liuairiaa*, andattri : ; a abort dismualoii il wa* agree,l tlutt the hill ■bould lm made a a|iactal ordet lor January I7- Adjourned lit* lor)ifloatiii bill, apjuo I printing fJ'u.tX), wa* nqiorted by Mr. linker, ; loan ilm cotututiUm on p .rnprialluna th .',t>r*d In be printed nod i eooinuuilol.,.. Mi ) i Khollev ulrisl a prwamtil* and resolution r I riling tliat large nuuilmr* irt cilianus <4 cailnin ! Mat** hav* Imen iuduonit, through loi** roi i teaeiitnUuus aud the inachlnnlMHM of OMinlii i j | arwou*. to leave thntr ituinaa for lit* purpose | of iinwigratiug In other MtaUm, and Mint Mmy ' have laimd lor want ol.luiuU lo reach thetr ( j dwMinalton, and ar* without loud or jirajmr : clolluug, and providing lor the apfaatttmrat j ul a select euiuiuttlee ul lira lo invusttgale lb* causes (4 *ueli ituiulgrat lUU, lu ut during th* | mw*. ami to ro|irt such ineasures as lha j exigency may requii* Itelerrml . - Mr. i Aekleii iultvMlueeil a bill for the appointment by the Frtwidonl i 4 a cuutiutMain lit eugtn*r* I to axaiuiue the surveys ul' th* contemplated calls! across Ihe Isthinus Of l*simins lis lerrod .A bill was pamnd lo amend the art of March, Ihi'J, tu rotation to lenuimtsmd set 1 tirinenl ou even sectiuna ol lauds granted lit* ! railroad*. It aul'iorisew tinier who tiave | eighty arte* to take up an addittounl eighty I actus ...lite bill relative lo ihe unloading I ot torvagn vessel* at ports u! delivery in Ihe j United Mates wa* disrusKot. Mr. Wood op i posed the bill. Mtyjug it •truck a blow at Mm | advaoLagea ul tiie cowsltug trmle now held by Auuuioeu aliij p-i* Mi Keagaa lavored Ihe bill, saying lit a piesent law was au odiou* diacrimtuation against llie grunt buily <4 the people, whkh was rrippllug our eotuuierce and driving it Iroui thei*wai> Mr.Cut ipk* Uu and MV Kd.ey ngatust the hill, which wa* theu teeoui milted ..Ihe | enaiou lull wa* reported. Il appropriate* §,('..'100,000, an in erwaa* <4 nboui SS,(KO,OOU over laat year's aMiru|irtaMon. Ittowiiuiiinl. Adjoumad. Mr. liibson iutrudmmd a hill which pro vide# for the BfiiMMiitoient <4 a commission, the Ave nieotlmrs ui lm selected from tlu- 1 srmy, navy, coast mtrvey and Iroui civil hie, who shall determine the best plan and route lor the eatnhlwbiueut ola means ol common!- cation lor trade and commaro* airuu the ! Isthmus ol Dsrieu... . The lurtiOeaUou bill having been reported, the House weal into committee ol the what* upou it. The items ant: For |(re*ervattuo and rwpntr M turtihcn. Irons, §100,000; loi pre) armUun oi lotyosiov* lor hnriair detenu . n-V> U00; lor armamei.t oi i-uaM Im-Ufluiisvii*, gii'i.tltlO; hit ibeordnsuc* service, JJ.',UOU. 'th* hill wn* reported to 1 tiie House, and *as passed The (arnstou I spproprtnUon bill wns reported l.oui eommit- I tee, tbe smoetit lietng §>2,404,1)00. as again** j §29,266,000 las* year It was igrrel to tn ; couiwiltee if the whole without amendment, j j and on being reported to the House was pv*cd .. Mr. tidied* talrodimaia joinlreao ' ailiou tn ansailsin to the reiitwinent of the ! | greeuliacks, in lavof ul aulmUtuting them lot rutlkiua] bank note*, and lor the Ire* eatnagv ; 4 sdvet. Adjourned. thlts and rvwuiutiuns were introduced aa lot Iowa: Hv Mr Macbell—l*rot*jalig n joist rule ptv.v sling ibot uo hdt ev-wpt |i nun tails *)iail be |auwed containing mot* llsvtt one Mibjrol. whs-h shall be t-lanrlv ex prcsanl iu its lit la, and that no am imp rap. ..w, Ull ehai'. rtsluu* any 1 prpoat-d legislation nvK directly leisiaig to the Ml -jitl-uistter ,4 Mm aii-tvi-rtalMU.- romtatned therein. By | Mr. C'uffrolb— i, rant lag p unins to #U aur i liv ing enlisted n.en, tut lading vcdanlwers. f snd #ll drnlte.l n,ei, in lha wrri# c 4 the | I utleil NiaU-s iu the Ist* war. end their aur living widow* and defiMident lathe,# and OMflhtifs By Mr. Nxmlonl— K*.i!sUiig the uta'-inei ul couating th* vote# tor Frwae'ent * alel Vtew-Prod ItHil By Mi M.-nroe— fro viding lor a r*arUl l**.iti on ibe *niips-t ol the 1 alvoisvoe Htpror it* fk- By Mr. enwv- I !>.,11,, tog stiver colt.mate# to be |Okl out ia be,i it coin in demand thrown! It providas tlsit the United rvtata* tieusuiw. or any | a*t#laal-traaxitvr stithosroed to issue diver certill !t money, which be ing iuvcstcd. etc. l'be court, however, non-suited the landlord because the! ! eggs bad been broken for the omelette, and MI could not have been hatched. The case ua* bum outdone in an In dian court. A. B. V and 1> buy cotton | in partn*r*hin and store it in a ware house which is inv.sted with rets. To discourage these v.Ttnin they buy a cat. iof which each is to own a leg. The cat break* that one of Iter leg* which is owned by A, who binds it up with cot ton soaked in oil. The cotton takes fire, the cat take* refuge in tiie inidst of tiie cotton ba'es and the whole property I i is destroyed; whereupon B. C u:td i> sue A, alleging that it wan hi* leg which caused the eourtagratiou. The court promptly decides against them with 1 oast*, and orders them to pay A lor his cotton and hear their own losses, on the ground that the cat couldn't walk on the broken leg, so' that it was tlte three j sound legs which carried her into the | ' cotton.— /Hrix Uro. Hons* t p ! ! The livar if It is dorinaut. ami avoid a train of - evils which must otherwise en-ne. Among j anti-bilious mwlicines none rank so high as ! Iluetotter's Stotnaeh Bitters. It *|>fmdily bait ishes those pair# in the region ol the affected organ, the yellow noes of the skin, nausea, ' vertigo and oiok headache, which attends a Utiou* attnek. A btliona subject, after n brief course ot this capital liver stimnlnnt and in vigornut, flitds that bis tongue is no longer I furred in the morning, hie bienth ia grown swieti*, n hundred inexplicable sensnLiotis no lougo. make hi* lite utisemlile, his bowel# bavencqulrad tbe slendtneo# of a well rejpt lateit jiiece ol'uiocltmiisuv, and he can it with a hearty appetite uud good digestion. It is bcrnuse the Bitters unsistt nature in her efforts to bring bock the disordered livnr and : bowels to thetr normal condition, that it SO - eempltskw such rsuisrkahlt cum. The nppeUt* la g*n*rallf the bus Slide to (bod that Is needed to build Up * wastes of the body. A morbid or uu natural appetite can usually be dls tlngubhtd front n norurnl oue. —/>r, IbUr'i HtaJlh Monthly. A Wsadw I j In Mow! Nt tba p#p*r* may be seen an an oouiM-ameut <4 n new rolther l*4, made by , the Oaadee RulJinr Co., of Mew Haven, Ck This notable boot mnrke a new era in the uianulast uro of rubhar goods. Th# boat lo ualhst lha " HA I'or Cent. Ktorling," to denote he high quality, and Is ooverad by no leae titan aeven polenta, all ownad by the Uaadaa Co.' <>ae of iho bouU split to show Its exnrt im meter, is on sxhibtUoo at the Moras, and •boas au article of grnutna eervtea, tnat ia - samaiwgly td*trortal4*. TIH-e"tnpany war rant# i 1n.,, Ua4# IFi•* uiuoths, aJfhoogh titer# ta vMnlxM lustlmouy tluxt the trout* will stand six montha' hard wear every day i The *' Can .lee " la tho largest rubber good* cumjiauy lo tba world, aud Be wmrraot hi cmjusl to a taond On* of Ut* |#issli ralerie-! i tn Musi* a tduding Fir lit* lo|> ol the lag, b j which are sag raved sjiaeea lor ovary day am u.utith ut the > ear, so that Uie atonkMOM ca,n punch out th* date ol sain, and ao fix W Vuoil dispute (he duration of lbs three mouth* wariant. Attogeiber, B is fj>* nx*M wood*/ lul Fuut that Us* yet appeared. T* Vsisraw OwUltsm. The Mirror sW rmnrr, a large news, family and farming pnpor of (orty-Mghl sol utnus, having a Urgor cfreulnimo (boo nay other weebty <4 its class published in M#W KugUuid, outside ol Boston, will have sock week the owning year a department spaeialJy .li-voted to reutinlaoaoaea, sketchee nod army experieooo* ul New Hatnjwhire nod Venoool stJduwa in lb* rohntliou war. Trine, §I4M a yvao-; to sui-Uera only seventy-five omits a yenr. Ha tuple oopioe ftwe. Address John B. t 'larks, Msnehemer, M 11- "svMtastor k otirwii. By eroding thirty-ftvewuits, with age. bought, color at *>'** and hair, yon will rocoir* by ro uira tusil a eurruet pltoOtgraph ut your future husband or wu*, with nam* aud dale at mmr nage- Addros# W. Fox. F tl lkrawer St, Fummville, N. Y. Published uwutnony aslat.tixhroi the lad thai HooviU's Blood and Liver Hyruj. Is • *n rltng remedy for aerofolooe nod •ypbilttic disorder# of a lurmiiaiila type. Abut thai it cures while swelling, carbuncle#, eruptive mnladiea at all kinds, gout and rheumat ism. It more over promote* a senrMMia and How of baaiiby Uie aud directil into the prut on nknnneß. Thi# drphiraliic a/lroetit# produced to metvury are also rMaodirol by it. Druggist* sell il. In thee* days when there at such a strife among maker* a* to who shall prodooa the lowest priced Parlor Organ, it ia wall to ra. member thai one company knap up than standard of high eat excellence. Every organ made by them may be depended on. To have a Mason A Hamlin Urgan ia lo bars (ha h*M ibat can b* made. For on* ooot porehoae a postal sard sod send your addraes i* Dr HanJocd, Id Brood wv. New York, nod rowtiv* paanphlrts by return uta)!. from which you can learn whether put/ liver is out of order, an 1 if out of order, or i any way dioeaaad, whet is lha beet thing in the world lo lake lor il Aw Aartct-r. oy Taca Maxtrr.—" Brown'# Btouctuai Troche# " are the moM popular nr t lei* iu this country or Koropo (or throat die assea aadcougha, aad thi* jmpoiarity is based upon rani merit. It eents • hfll. Waaleg l-< • usm AO., Marshall, Mich., want at. Bg* i: oi this conaty at once, nl n salary ot tl t-*r .u.mth aad expenses paid. For In! ; p*j tx utau - s.idroes as aliova. Toll your n eight or it he uses Lyon'# Patent Moudlsi HM4 Huff.-ner he will keejt hia bouu straight Hold by shoe and hard ware dealer# Yonug m*ogo wrai- learn telegraphy. Ad- J're# R Valenune, Manager. JaumvUla, Wis. For a ooug h that othei remedies arfll not core, we recommend rito'i Cure lor Cauaam|Mtoa. C UUbert'e Use# March is the beet made. Chew Jackson'# Bm4 Swept Navy Tbfaneou. U-Mcklrn, wtiri •nd v#km. ti# #1 apt;tar* tnraat:.attth Su-sd ysx 'IM fur • yawp* rt. its tmrtnuwl ■'# sad mttllrsm fr-oe yhyoclao# an# wttrtw. tu MiiWAKTH Hil I.AIUI (sex tt. V 50..,.)! *!' (r-u,gir'o-klh> a*r SoS THE MA Kb KITS, aaw ran M OslUe—Med, XIIIM, Ova at.. MgA fla h osivss—rttst* mik...— a A a Shsee a * s Latau# . \2 •# litp-ho ... —.....M5i • Mr nt if 0 i * rtosr-Ki. State, good V fancy.... • U §! I- Waaovn. aoo4l* fancy •tt * Waask—So. I hrt 1 titfd 1 k#h vrhiMStaM 1 x* 41 or gyw-Wats.. 4 *t Bartrjr -Two-Bowed Wats fl * . Oora-rurrodwl WMtara Mixed ... I* A N K utbi-ra Vsuow # bit Oats—While lasts.. I: a H Mixed Viitwi- # • II Rsy—hetstl grxdia ay ft W ; htn.w—Lung Kyr, per cwt M fia Hops—Mtstn. ISff ■ a * fork-Kurt, II f* Sun j hard—City fltsaa>„ .th fl .B rrorotMuc—Crude , fit goal* tuSoed #-, Wool-Wste and Faaa. Xl a* n t> Seller lOate Crmtnery S 4 K ' lhxry S3 f m Weaiera c rearasry.... II A M faeiurj.,„ m ,„ M , II 4 ft Cb**s*—Htafy t #s U Hktue fMja m w Kt-m IX ia U ataes—m.., xud i-ont, fl g tl , l'oiu*s Sorlr Hose, dot-tJ<--h#ad. Mete, IM . IS •!<'- wmio Tour—r:ty Orwand. So. 1 Hprmg • M 41 TOO Wheel— Mod Wtut. It) l f . rtoro-New Wsnsrn ... Mb# •'h '#t•-siste...,. dk m u , Barley -Two-rowed Hut* 6 d tl B* 1 Out>—Lin it 4 tt trior# Donr—Ui#—utn sad M:an.f*i ... 1 ac id f uu Oorn Mil 4 snd TeUew..... il <* It (Jala—Kxtra Wbtw. tl * M Bye-ante. m tg m Wool—Washed Combing * Dsloata.. 4 • 14 *X Co washed. 3 " 8i tB du aateoros isia ) osvraa nxnxrr Besf—CatUa hv# weigh! ',♦ Rbrow..... 04 a 04 4 Leafaf W'.§ yih Bom - WN* *N rnustirau. Dour—beer, eholo# end fancy...... 7 as 4 T H Wheat-Pros Bad IX4 4 1 M Ambar ,1M 1 bre—atste... ...... M £ W Oora—Wats Yeiiow.. Mm** o#t—Mixed m 4 Ustler—Crwamsry sxtr# .. tl a U Cbsss*-Sew Tork Factory Dh* 114 rwrMamß-Crnds Bsgtwd. W\ 44 Died in Enrvpto" "tiled in Denver: M and no on in Qm> news received by frienda nt home daily, when in most cnaea aa early nae of Hop Bitter# would have oared th* occasion for nah and newa. See otlier column. Don't Get the (TillD. If you are suhiecttothengue you muat to sura lo keep your liver, bowel# find kidney# in ku*hl live condition. When ' #)i. you will to safe from nil attack*. The remedy to nae ia Kidney-Wort. It i# the to*t pravontntion of all malarinl dip!tea thai you can take. See large sdvertiaement. THE WEEKLY SUN. A larcr *lxl. i-pas* |wpn rf Ml broad coiumn# win tw M-Ut pral-paid lo suv atdroat. an* >*sr. fur ONE DOLLAR. A Idrow THaa< S. s r. City I'l.tVX! PI. It Ml F'.Atkl I'hkT# Fur tUitut#Oilttw, til ttntrv ThnstrksßTrnmoK anoi' Ft)#.lbwin# * roa FiajroFatfy l 'isv,ftthu-ptss e tjK lisiil* Rntkx. Spsstrr#. Fssb ntmro. Tahtsssx l.'Mv Mi;itr,ius InYt-. CViorod Fir*. Barm 'UU ' D'wortttioa] rnu-tw every w rk oo *uk Opttous of •ao, mu. ytoo. ndoo. omi'*! K-W 'tt t> ! tirralsr# f'—. Ad-tr*w 1 PHI ri k WliiHTt CO lunbttWX. 8i V ~ YOUNC MEN '.US'. ■ r j|J K.ury grsdoule tuv .-no,-.; s psy.og #Hc i it) A'ldros# K V.iestis*. MsasyvT. JsneovUl*. W'x gPtoBHHMBn au re , .•>,•. XJODERB PASTtlLfcß.^^;vSri: ■Bosses^ MU Mm. Shakspearo's lS& i amy'* cupvJVw. Mnrrsy Hill Fub.Ou.TJk K. M SUK.T nIC, |. > . * lib SKUICIi ouutls. XtAt cost# 4 Mlm dr. #•!!• rapidly fur BO eta CstalaftM free 01U • M flrnaaan. 118 Vwht M..fUatoD. Xtn i AfUIIU * Shin IMseaass. thus II1IIM txrid* cored U>w*lFr ex !'• Dot ft Urlll IVI to writ* Dr. F. 4. Ifsroh. onlnfT.O -b RIH KW'Dltll'fl I'holnfliaphl of Sew York and rtciu ty -T. nrltt Bene*), nxio. st SB cent* IV I'ototi S#not#. Sew Tort. Send #uu- • for caUlacse i fkHllllkfl Morwhln* Htkll 4'arawf In II izFMiliNn f"******* Sga.TufiCat#* MS mill Uu. J., LeOaann. Ohio, .- . ' A I XAUSIiJ OWL.', w #.btl. UX4t (!U lfa 4 ' A d-'T.#. F ft. yjcXlO A'lsnets Bslq*. fill VTW He vol vers, tisialogns free. Adarros V* IJ i#i O i4re.t Wr#icraHun WurX.HlhhuiA. a-79 A WtCBK. i:' # day at h -me eaitty nitde. (3otly i* Outfit I re*. Address Tat x A Co. Aogtulx, Mstne. OOOrtAA VIAW. Haw ta Make M. Fro Jew OOOUUmk wn a loftuh at. h#*u- tt*. fiwiy .muoth oan iiim#u gotrsntsodto aoaafi P# f f 1# in ro. V, tl# iromi Him $5 to S2O CROUPES MID BY AU. DKUSSidTS M®2?WR^P^ (MM. t "mat |W. < | ,Q9, 1 , 'lit F I wf <~i IB -B, Wt*aaam, SO Saa par, pad I'M. 11,SO TIM UMKW NLW* ■HTLB'M. IRRAIR" REFORK SFCSF JANUARY 31. W BlwU REDUCE tk PRICE of BOTH Ihfuin*! to All wko aubacribe 1 BE FORE] AH U ART St, u follows: Tba ELITE, 1 yaor, poat fru, 11.00 Tha BAZAAR, 1 jraar,post fros, Grand Premium to each aubacnber air Alt tabwrlirttoM at thaaw DUMferaS M™. rearh tftmrm j>Miutrjr 11, ul *M |.l- I . c ** <•*— at f. O iMim. and pew .ill (ct Ml (.iin.lin. A. HtrMtt Aaltk, 10 b. tth t., mnr TOUT cm. Sail aaa ataaep far oar Ufp Cnl^mM. Ak woedarfkd abalanaa la Mtaatiliil bp p)# raa thr*WCkMd b* M t. t u. taOi—mlf a awrarad fur tea l* -.sir.* nil c —i*u. pimiati* Ut aoi !, tUt at aofT ud I'tlK, a* oa yawl Naif to rka mqlnM Tl.r j. imi.un aa< o—4 >*-iatd* am it Is Mr lw Ito idM. Ik em niial 1 drtniad ua 11., tnuM data ah* rtia. Bwid to a!: i-Vdlihdk. h , toUDA r BO> tofey It* uu > ~ M.MU to tram ami Itolf to tor raalarat aiiUm *,*caxil I'eaaratVwa. at* I arias* b a4trt aaiki nun a mil ia ea.ry IM Ikamaiu. !•) Tea,* I. On—. 6 D Tka a— toittua* aad rwfoto ark— to am Dread rd tr.-fea —a rir* hamia w.u, a— ktto SM ftoto **>a *r twin .a *ti ura a— *r t.rniaa oiaty i I AIU * atrul ton >*W toatM. A tarn am *jfc*i tor He htm; ami WHmtaaam*. ■ | M. B. I HMf.toi ,■—,4—ay. Haw Taato. I Loar ßtH#^7 f rlllPlßrß I LefF. I*|i ilßlil I & LRIE ; KIFLHHHHHBHFIH I IMI I- -■* CTm.-. Ulto to tto. tMaatoa. 1 Iknit fmr Warir* 14mm | Ituaray ana Ktatoaar OoaOa.Baa—toft W— | AGENTS WANTED FOR A TOUR ROUND THE WORLD BY GENERAL GRANT, .Q FniOU ONIiT **9 ttu t> It tm*~t m Hut buna rart yito'toH*. ami (to j n aaatpi t, aad aathrtotr ttotorr et Otasi'amaala Snto tor cnfr- ,u>A—X • tall to tto url awl *m> rti* tmn* to A*,to-. Ac..trw kiriAU PrauMßM Oe. PtoftoMyhla, Pi WYFLI WAMtI Met CD tit m Mttm vr *P* w~* ■ • ■VMB JpitofSß- i* • o- 1- - 7*!H /T, • IMHini WAIT*, CCtM % ab'lr lu!—'• | Bir IMB USB.. Mi ftrvrviOk. • MIRK TH AIX> SEH iIIKH, TI TRAMP ABIDAJ)! f. ato Hmra fmr Agrmta tfcraf. PtototnaitoikkMMwlrMattoßwtkw trait Stn,t qtorti aad aacara totittarr. "1 "M to IbM M*!** # toal%wf - I tfMla r.K. BUMt,narttoto.n. BEATTY ss&pjftmeß? MS; TO AGENTS. Tw —i tol to all taova! Carlrtaa 1 ! Ilounlwld I ni)rlapaatoto. A Itt—J to ! Cin winter. A iuti to oarlcaato ItiP.ifkßwi aa 1 r. r~f Mikyrt. aark ta ear at raiw*|to A •%!. Ut'tara. a|*iatrric!! arraacad oc< ao'a—. tto J m4j m* ,• 'imtal kaadr Jton*Jw4is aaa r ytotoft " It-Mtiftt.'' ;a*->ri n9. tone >.a r kr .otvr!ptoa. Trraa.Br., atliaei i. lt .i \ul.r n>\ * t T OO EiR DISEASES. IH.C.K. toaoaaaaa (tto a.-i'-iaoaa Aval Barraan , 1 to Haailiag. fk.) clrmal) tita tiw to tto tiratiaaalto ' IV to a "m ami :>Urra to tto Ear at kia .Bb aaMwaakaa trtwlM a aatkura irputatkak. —larlalur aa t—tat • aaa Cktatrk. Call or M fi, ha UMh I 1 11. V 4 aa tkr Ear. Ita tMara— alto ttoir t 1 aarmrkt- M. t t.trraa Aaral u ti MHIUIIB i BOinrtlrwm ' Urtuuliat *te ' tail tf UUr II !•> T 111! N( IliS AT ALL WOKUI'S ro it vwacvi: EAKS. ru.. I at Taaii. Ki Viaaaa. itol: Viman !d. tonißlt* rata, 1<; l'aarv Hf. and tiaaaa Aa wvu Uou Mmoi. IITA On T ARMtoafttMXkm rveraaar.ini liuoaal hu ora at any aa i*de> aui KM * ajen—d mohma Alao to tlia l.nrr. Eklnrya. KhvumatlaSß. Parmtj - iu. 4c . i MWT (Mnr yproded er eojety- Ali.traaa Yoltair Bait fa., MmretaU, *kh. I VaTto a | J I|UL JllVki ' a Vaiaty of RIUI par rnuaih aaat AXpauaaa ~r allow a lnr|a e—miuioa, to aall am mam . ami WvOdarfMl da aiaaa tato* IM aow. ton toaftar Addiaaa rHAultt-ft .ItayAaU.Mlto. Tltmt IB MIOMT'I I ' ' \FIP ' JJJAUFFIL^ 110.00 StjHMiia. Otmld BtonA Co . Naw London. M. E. ; f* Bra ut lln I (mil Haw Daateaa i,j nail IB O rant* and atawp: wot.h 7A centa Oreatoat barjaui , over oßrrad. ATCBIBCi PATTftftW 00., Atohlaoa. Ia ajCC a'wee* In yauiwown town. Trrnto and 3} out AC .twa. Ad.jrraa H. HatAert A Co. ForHaad. Ma nn, Wt Us,Hh hardson * CO'B wm ■ ■ amp PERFECTED BUI i Oitaa Bntlar tha*i)t*4fNl eolor th* *aar rowit thonairdiaf Dalryrorn nj IT IS PERFECT, nationalJtlpl.una iil.l.Dairy Fair. Aafc irrntr dr || It coal*, who ux'i where to get It, WELLS. jrcwT own Bells of Cornsville I TBIOB e"e ssMsir a. e wmmm* m armti TKBVLE. (V.O nam) Wvardeae ew SKTnftiyMMß cEASHHe. . rjTtttesssr* I | MNP tBBMBa Ndl*P4 ** • f PWMiiwkwßa(to*eatOmmeewFwei eeeM*A fatwew. OUTER DiWOB A P*. SoMe. #.e,eyewdk *vt ta SAPONIFIER IANU TWB rnetfivftiis Ssli l£.asiff Co.. rMiLAiiLiriut. _ _ EXOOUJ 1 WARYS~ rgnTtSitig RES ■EBWiwmiTorrHfMim Tym g a*T A t : g)^g' \qmmm For Itoaarty of Podsh. t liwf La v.. Chntaiaaae -a*.. PTNSIONS. ■aw Law. ■ to Ba-dkare end km ijWlßq F—kaaa data hack la dkackirfa ar daatt IbaklM Addnaawiti ittan t* ■" WsSi,_. * MDUtB ? TSt" COD-UVa OIL TA WIARITTSRRTA'AI FREE GIFT! c^bm'Smm ■I I • a I Hunk *rut ta any )*• aaa adUrta-i wile Caemnadutt, llkaatliltla, AOMMi -r Tlx rant, or hual fatarrli. I n p- . t.-i aad :,itiat itad; let pafra feenc, un. It haa w* u ta..' nirami la the provtdaara to wod. to aa a>k HUUI> v.. tult.r ;ivr*. Stud neiar aad F. O. ad.trata erru. aru. i**.u , fid u.t.!aj luralnahia to paraaaa wdtoia. n't:. dkrato to th* Mam. Thml Lmmb*. .1 rj- IIAVIL WOUPE. tV.kHI. o*lo. SaV ti. i.iyaf ic whxh yua aditrtWadfal TIHTD TI V> I pi.'Uipt cu'r of kiitney.Btod- Hl 11 ;3r ami Irtitary Itaa—a. I | wuaat a ung ettrn aa—DAam I ihaoatcn, '.n", 1 ■ i* k . IPFFTT OCT i ••fsnrw st as; UIJUUDI ■ Try Hunt* l>i*rdy. Bro4 for luniphT. t L> ... WW. . CLARE.K. FimMWW. ft. I- ? - Dr. Barker ~| ih* dmbtoa W'.mttal torOuUcrro • EM aayi tt rx*w:. ,*i uttokar'a oil'' reetaiHiy JJk't talkald ar* taarad : •< —I ■wared rxr.mlveiy a pop ft. . 7** , ,*•—. ... wen at Utuui.* ataie SO tu SrJuU htfthdi arerytaeaift. todm .^aSTswsj?*,, rTER COLOR o&. The larwr t Bdtlar Bayem ircoMi>Mft ; iq-eea' : I" rod h> dftfaato* (Twasitvlra. ftwardrd kMßfe