The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, December 18, 1879, Image 4

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111 flu rMrr of I tie OIei YBtlott of the Ilea -
#ltl) Ho.tir* on llummi Hrllrf
The t IIIIAI RnprtMltlon of
thr V nl\ ei nr.
Richard V IVtVtor. the
celebrated a>! ronomer. delivered At
Chickeriaf Hull, Ni York, u intw
csting sacred lecture on " l'i>c Hi .igion
of Astronomy." Hx- ancient :i*tvono
nicr* were regarded in tin* ighi l prix-ts
and prophetsJ)J tin- common people,
and thus obtained an immense contro.
ovei their mind* and i. tion- I'lit
control. the lecturer -aid, would have
Iwn ean tor astronomer* to retain it
they had not boon honest Out oo.u
monest ob-ervaixv* had an astronor.ii
ealoriigin. Vhe present day with u
is SYtndav, the very nanx of which in
dicatcs i;> derivation. Fornxi v tv.iv
da\ in the week was ilfltWlCPd hi tin
dirt'erent heavenly bodies. l ints the
sun -tood for Mtnd.iv. the moon for
Monday. Man foi Tuesday. Mm urj for
VcfoMdu, Jupiter tea Itiurway,
Venus for Vriday and Saturn for
day. In litis same order the planet -
w-ere supposed to have control over the
different hour* of the dn\ Some linn
utusl have elansisl In lore m:ut began to
take noli is' of the year, hut the w. k
must have been very rat'.i noticed, s
the ditferent ph .*.-•- of the nmon div ided
naturally into four we k- Each than,
at first regarded a* a god. eatin to i*
looked upon a* under the influence ol
the various deities. Friday lor the past
four or tive thousand y< at> has IHVII N
gari ai as an unfortunate day for start
tng on journeys, and thi* superstition
has great influenee even at the present
dav. During the war with the King of
Dahomey an English *<•** wa- }■:. ■
pared all ready to sail on l'hursdav
night, hut tin auth ritii - thought S
to delay her departurr one day rather
than have the ship start on Ft'.day with
the idea in the mine.- of al the -at for*
that some great misfortune would hap
pen to her. The plain t Saturn.
gloomy, slow-uioring orb. was a.o v.
garded as uniu, ky. and to do any wot K
on Saturn's dav wa- thought to la' ut:-
fortunale This was the beginning of
the ancient oliservation of n • S.iW-.i:'.
Many of the ancient savriths'* were in
connection with astronomical phe
nomena. Thus the l'aasover was i* ]e
brntrsi at the linn when the sun j ..—* -
over the Equator, at it- ning node
from north to south. A e.
hration might have Ins-n exptvUsi in
the tall, when the sun cros-<d the line,
and thu- we titnl that the fifteenth day
of the seventh month was similarly
The planets, -istheonly moving bodies,
wen- supposed to have the onlv voli
tional power, whi! the oon-ti 'ation*
among vvhi-h they moved were r<-
garded as their domains Near tin north
pole was the constellation Dragon,
spreading over nearly one-third of the
heavens, and by the precision of the
equinoves the arlrnH olwtlt,*l that it
was changing it-place. Henei
the old tradition of the Dragon leaving
his place in the heavens and carrying
with it one-third of its inhabitants.
Then there wa- the tigun- of Hercules,
or Adam, with hi- fH>t placed on tin
head of the Dragon Ti en the second.
Adam, represented by * rp< ntariu
strangling the serpents. Then there was
the ship Argei. which undoubtedly rep
resented the irk. A litt.e further was
the figure of a man bearing -a ritioe and
placing it on the altar. From t .is altar
there were a cumber of bright stars in
tin- Milky Way. rising, as Manillas de
scribes. "just ike-moke from an :i tar.''
In this part of the Milky Way. too. th r
wa- the rainiww represented by the
IH>W of Sagittarius. In oid times, tl eiv
fore, tlieri' was not s<> much a red/ion
of astronomy as that in many nations
astronomy itself was considered a x> li
gion. It in olden times man could -iv
that the heavens declared the glory ot
tlod, how much more were we aliie at
present to aftirm it, considering tin
vaster truths taught by -cienee. The
piind was indefinitely enlarged in 0 n
-idering er.ormou- space* ami vast pe
riiHis of time. Thus the earth was in
volume only the 1.-.'lOth part of Jupi' r.
Almost a- much txcecdirg Jupiter in
volume was the sun. which admirnidy
symbolized the power and the munifi
cence of the great Being, working in and
ali through all thing*. The -uu. which
see. us qui' - . Hi. V. M H a.IV till MattTOf
enormous activity. Outside of it wa
the corona, which astronomers hail
traced to a di-'.anei of IQ.OUO.OOU mile*
This W:is another -y tibol of the A'-
niighty. tor as it *ht>w,*d how itt> we
cou.d really perceive of the sun's glory
and how nun h more was hidden from
I'ie oniinary v iew. -0 we could a- iitt
comprehend tic- infinity of t..e Al
Va-tnes- ?f time wis no less w nd-T
--lui than th. iiunvn-itv of a-e pre
-1 nt-si by astronomy. The prri.idsthnt
a-'pinomers had to deal with w. re not,
in fissl. infinite. hut compared .0 our
ideas of time t ix*y were practically infi
nite. From the time when the earth
was first formed to the pr*-ctji Mr.
I'ri tor calculated that at least live hun
dred million years had passed. Other
bodies such a- th-* moon and Mar- were
in a state of planetary old age. In tlx
moon we could -ee the probable state'fo
the earth twentv-tive hundred million
years hi nee. A- the smaller planet
told of a vi ry remote future, the giant
planets". Jupiter and Saturn, *ho wed
even more clearly the remote ps-i. Tie*
iwriod of Jupiter, from its first forma
tion to the time at which he would l>e
capable of supixirting life the prof•---or
puts a! 3.."s*i Iksymio y -ars. I ertain ap
pearan. - of Saturn, -uen as the rings
around liiiu. howi*i that he was even
younger than Jupiter in p uet life. No
man with a competent power of reason
ing eouit fail n recognize a purpose in
the creation. The gri-at <tang>-r lay in
attempting to ti\ wlmt that purp -i-w.i-.
Man. with his .ioiited powera. could not
hope to *lve thr* problem of the planets.
It wa- sufficient that we should tind out
sonx-thim; of the apparent nature <>!
these things. A to the pur|)-.'S Uiat
underlay them it was useless to pret- nd
to -p-'.-ik. Tie- -uu and the system of
circling around it the one part of
the universe ihat man could be said to
understand. Beyond tbi the steila
depths, the star- ill fe-ing -tins in some
dcgiee re.-euih ing our own. Strius, for
instance, if jt iii.-intid tlre -an e iulie
ent :vs ihe surface of our -un.
must !>•* fuliv eight thousand tim—
greater in volume Of i\ hundred
stars meaturei! by the astronom* rHeci-hi
about three hundred appeared to le- of a
higher order than our sun. one hundred
and fifty about tlx* sniu** ehararter and
the ler than tlx* *nn. In
order to have some iditi of the distance
tietween tht si* suns regard should lie had
to th* com. :s whieli pass from tar to
star in periods thai could not he less tlian
ten mil.ions of years. In regard to dis
tance our sun. exceeding IliF- eartli by
1,230,000mi1e5, was as the merest point
compared with the orbit of lib most
distant planet, Neptune. The space of
* OfIn.QOO.OOO miles was as nothing as
eomivired to the distance that separates!
Die -un froiii the nearest of his fellows.
The.i t ln*re was an immense number ot
stars all separated by these immeasur
able distances, and ls*yond them other
galaxies and systems, the universe con
tinually widening and widening. Just
as with tip; naked eye we could see but
a small portion of th? stars discoverable
bv telescopic means so man Imd no right
to suppose that any instrument that he
could make with his puny hands could
athom the depths of the universe. In
I lie same way higher and higher order
of time presented themselves, un'i! the
mind was lost in contemplation. Man
shquld not reject the idea of infinite pur
jose working through all things for the
reason that he could not measure them
with his puny intellect.
Words of Wisdom. the keynote of the best
s wiiity.
Proud hearts and lofty mountains are
aiwiys barren.
Duties fulfilled are always pleasures
to the nirtnorv.
Tlie trees that are most in the sun
bear the sweetest fruit.
Every man who lias decision of char
a ter wil!,liave enemies.
TIITC are enough fine'mottoes in th#
world What we need is men to wear
tliern pinned on the iappels of their con
In adversity be spirited and firm, and
with equal prudence lessen your sail
wiien tilled with a too fortunate gale of
Tiie White house at Washington is
seventy-nine years old.
The organ rolled ite notes from the growling
diapason to tbn gentle flute; and the oongn -
gallon aeuoonMilled by deep sepulchral coughs '
to coughs ecar wdv audible, because they cud
not yet beard el the wonderful efficacy ot Dr. j
Bull's Cough Sirup.
stories of Itnll Micct.
\ -(!• lln ■ 1 New Yi k t.* tl Phi
:ullphia Tluv.* *a\- Pure is mm in
the siii* v H man who ,mu from 1 n
nectieut a few veai- :>-o ale', tii.i.
iHS* ill -i \ month- IP lia. *s
to start with, part ' mom \ Doit In !n.
saved and tin 1 -t bouowcl In win:-
c\ cr dirt. lion In 1 * < In >1 nt.m> \ -> • nn .
to answer ill. ton. li 1 in w •1 hi
luck went IM. k .111.1 fail v b. w lid. I
till I* All 11*1 111 Whi 111 . > aim t 1
I ho*, who took thi l.\ <*C- \>n:* .vi ii|
their cniplo.Mii> nt and im to the >it\
making here a iitt ■ huiu h 01-1 . u m-i
--like many aiiotln 1 thai 111 o Is* loitn>!
i :iur-. Ironi 11 n\ part-it tl>* > mo
lt 1- u-t a- wlmi -one hodv >b w
pri*. in a .otterv . -imighiwav l.a t D.
pcop in the m itflDx.ihood go tti luv in
\ : - 01 t.
vou tIIHV find Ol -IP*. He- ot t, w*
\ , I
who Mcm to hat ' 1 nt I to, k-p t.
. itions, \-k win and usus * vou w
di-tN'VCI that -onictaidv ft.'in that t..w
ha- con. to N.-w Y Oik and tak 1 n
-lock bu-ini -- ot it some linn ha- m m
a big hit th> iv
Aiuot , tho*. w h ! ow.
from t'onmvti. 11l wa- > voun t< w
who I -id .bout b '
fortune left bv a re'.ativ. 1 hi- m
him rich in hi- ,ountry t> wn itt ■
inc tortune of b.- *uc ■ —tu. t v?
town-mill Hi an j-ultinc ,
lull** of hi* T'-sMtht into t! NV . '
sliAtk -ftioutll alld !o-l -t n. v, hut ao
enough to a.arm him. 'or h .
dcubt lii* atek would turn and give bin
a- much mom > ..- tin in 1 r w - >
-truck it rich had tttadi lie n. ! tt
fortunate individual ill the -tt- * .<n
dav and -aid "You've got - 'KM i*k>
enough tor aajrbotl) 10 Ivr Why
don't vou take it and d t <*Ut am! kc.
•• B.aau-C I want to make It a KIUUI
mi. ton; then 1 '•• out
la !•- than two months lie eve
dollar ot the IW.OW 1m k wenl as
Mfibtntl} against htm a- u had bow
tor him, and In a.!> -p* rat, 1 nd ivi
r< gain his os-i -In -:a. k, >1 ut , -m e
gin- unti. tin who great tortum nn t"
away I. look tha man with .
\ ear to 10-c hi- money he m .de -m • 1
:rn.l more cautious operations, but !.
lost it all the -atue. ll* cou.dli t vv.t .
stand tin fascination of the Street, ami
t!.w hs i- the oaahiorol :i small hanking
concern at a salary orst •*<• vc
rill* dtkAl.mki m "it k ' b
Sorootimes in* was wall clad and again
not sow. 11. Ikaa-'l.'tl i V he tuadf .it
tie strike of a few hundred and - ■• li
lost it a When in gvt
hard aground lie w-oual - p Up bom
and stav . he soon would re
turn vvitlr a - -aa • aptta ami f'i on
On August t astl.capp at- IwithMtV.
which he put - pa- margin with a
broker who bad hand .1 hundreds •>!
thousand*for I im n h.- flu-h day - ai
lwgau to buv -to. k- He stl'Ui * tin
first of thi- great t!ood-t de that ha- in
untiAteil tfie country and > ame m vvi*:.
it. As tii- 1 rotit- it: 11 a- d In k- p: 01
buying steadily, putting in a!.<• In .
with the nerve ot a soldier: and w it!
wisdom gained ot picviou- < \p-• •n. ■
hestopiws! short ibn 1 day- ago. nln n
the market In , une choppy an.! tu. ■ 1
lain, and rested on his oars with 1300
ikti iii bank. Thi* -1!. y invi -t. .t ii:
tour pr cents would giv. him n in
oons of #19,009 a year, enough for 1
man of -inipo ta.-t - to live on COUP
fortahly; hut he sticks to the str .: and
i- -!i.. going to niak- it a uts ,011. alt.
in a., human protmiii itv !.>■ vvi k. .
a! it until lo* is down again, alul vv:
wind up bv joining the -ma., ariuv 0:
curb.-tone brok**rs vvi... .. ad a w*n t
1 xistenc. and fina. y 1 adi av. v .
know - whither.
rfhooping-' ouch.
Fungoid growth tic > au-i t wtioop
ing- tiiigii. wa- 11 ■ -ub tot a ■ tun
delivered in New A : !>*. Dr. Hcnr
A M> *. ,• for *l.* A idi nr. • I S
en-.-. T.i- di- :ts<\ wbi hi- -o pi*
vaient in citie-. h served a .-ai.fn
tudy. re-ur.rked the cctur r. In . iti- -
in this country, the disea— w as aio-tlv
prevalent in' har.*ston: then to: ..wic.
I'hiia.i* ; l.ia, N- vv York i I! 1 '
more. Mu it diver-ity opinion •\- as ! :il;-e*. Soup : • gat
it as a bronchial iuflamuialion. vvh:
Ot tiers held that it wa- a di*. -■ ol .
cliial in tl annua tii nvv only a . .ince>m
itant. The reuicvli* * pre* ril'**d w.-i
- numerous . r:; ' - ■ ut
diwaae. Patients wer* given purgatives.
euMtku, Mtringenis. yxpectoranta, nai
diieovored, by aid of the mien - op .
the existence of fungi iu various forms
II the c\;.. torat. d mui- 11-: ami -ui>,
pent investigation prove- that tbi
fungoid growth was the dir*. t entt-e . t
the whoopir.g-cougii. lie showed that
if the expectorated mus us i- who ip..:
up during the fir-t catarrh 1 -t age of tin
di*. - there will 1- seen.' -Id.-- a 1 .1-
tion ot the phlegm, -uiao • liptica'ly
shapi t!. hrownisJ red, fungou- s)h>: •■*.
some of which have . irtially germi
natiti and brought into raistenci my- >•-
iium. The lecturer showed an illu-tra
tion of the fungus in i*- v arious -tag -
ot development -j*vrc, mv. ■ ium fila
ment*. and other forms. The -ere- in
whooping- otlgli differ in annearat •
Iron: those in dipl>theria,:nd the growth
of mvceiium and tbr-ad ttingus is very
lapid. wlii •• the !■ \ 1 >.*. unrated mu it*
Iw.amies thick, and. in dry ;ng, i- glas.v.
although tenaciou*. Dr. 11-hhi ton. the
lei-tui*. r -aid, was of the ipinion Hint
tic spores w re received by tlo individ
ual in the -a.iva. wliich it- f
to the under side of Die tongue, where
tlx* mucoii- membran' i- thinn. st and
-oftest. Here they* g> nninat*- anil -pr< :c.
to the larynx and pharvnx. v ere tlx
whooping-cough is * - abiislxal. F. *-v:.
tion or lumps are often so n under tic
tongue IK*fore the whooping, but n
--t.arrha! symptoms are qjiite prominent
then. There i- -a.-o liiseiiarge tnun the
nose, stifiufefl eyes, headache, some
lever am! great 1 -.--ituih (Juiniix* i*
considered the l*--t remedy for tlx* dis
ease. Ii arrestrt the alcoholic fermenta
tion caused by tlx* fungi, prevent* their
development, and generally act.- a- a
poison to them The twst way of tak
ing quinine for whooping-cough i- bv
placing it in tlx* form of powder upon
the tongue, and letting it dj*o!ve th.-r-
The dose- are two to liv gaain* for chil
dren. and three to five grain* for adult-.
KoiiiHiu-e of a King.
A p. iiiM --of Prussia at one tune re
-1 wived a maii and antique ping from
lx*r govenx -s for a prc-ent. A!siut a
year .after tlx* 00 urn nee the court re
ceived a visit from the ' ■ ran.! Duke
Ni -liola*. tlx* brother of tlx* Emperor
Alexander, and who. at that time, was
not tlx* heir expectant of the crown.
The gr:uxl duke- saw the princ**s, and
with the quick resolve native to hi* dis
position immediately di terminal to :isk
her in marriage. One day, as fie was
seated by lx r side at tlx royal dinner
table, fie siKik. to tier of his forthcoming
departure, adding tfiat it depended upon
her whether or not his stay in Berlin
should be prolonged.
"YY'hat shall I do, then, to influence
your intentions?" was the reply of the
smiiing prinei-g*.
"Y'ou must not refuse to receive my
addresses," immediately returned tlx*
outspoken Nicholas.
•' You ask inu'eh."
" I ask even more. Y'ou ought to give
me some encouragement in my en
deavors to please you."
"That is still more difficult Beside*,
the moment is not well chosen for a
" I beg your royal highness to give me
a sign that 1 am not totally indifferent
to you. Y'ou have a little ring on your
linger, the possession of which would
render me happy. I lx--ee<*h you to giv*
me the ring. '
"What! give the ring at tlx* dinner
table, and in the presence of all these
"Let nx* see—press it int> this piece
of bread and give it to m*. *
And press the ring into piece of
bread she did. and gave it to tlx- luture
empc-ror. Nichala* toon an early op
portunity to le;a '* the hall, and on ex
huming the treasure from it* wlieaten
t <mb discovered an inscription on the
inner side in French, and running to the
following effect: " L'lmperatrice de In
He i* said to have worn the keepsake
for the rest ot his days, attached to a
chain round his neck, the ring being too
small of course for any of bis colossal
fingers. The future empress, it seems,
had been unconsciously wtaring for
some time the emblem of her tuiure
Democratic ticket. 1880—For Presi
dent. Kd. lianlan. Republican, ditto —
For President, (Jhas. E. Courtney. This
will postpone the election indefinitely.—
Buffalo Sunday Times
\ Duel fa I heir Dea'li*.
\ M. mphis teb •' 'U i'< thf ' in, ni
~.(! . .v. Y' .nil . >'i 1 cspoinlciit
. p*--' n ' I VV bo .lIIIV. ~ 11l Dll
-1 ; • .1! .1 ■■ 1
It, .it l .>ll.>w ood Mo . thlit HI 1 * :> 1
tlx VI k. ■■!-.- o ill, Old about I hiindr..!
- V! • .'
: 1
: vv. •arm. IV named \ M
out ot N: bo -' -tH k tn -i*.rasing Upon
into the tvui't -.
On 111. -,i 4v tlx vun i it tlx l"ii>'
no mton, I. vv >*, 11 \l. hoi- . 1 x*l mil
1 ■ -
t'u ek>" i> .inl 1 --< vou hav'-n't
v. u real, and I | top.-, to w'i|
I . :
V 1 : \
tl.i-retl. on nil lull. 1 ltd 1 vvi toil
! "'o K,"' dr. vv >.V p.- k • knit.
„ 1 V. Ix> dt-p .xvl a dlt k. ol
■ .
tfx III! I got! I-Is I 10. k. tl Un-l.iv got tl
1 -.soke N!. !lo -" 11. ,k vv bt. b V1l• <:
tlx jtuulu v in. having pivv lou- v cut
t, . d. bv the -id.* ol l 10. K. tt. !i.
.av oil tlx ground complete!> > vli:rU-t<*!
ItoIU .-- ot !>.o.'tl 111 -tirviv <d bt
woun.Uonlv tour boui -
No olx -tw Ibe de* | i >t>* - oil til. t. but
.1 n> ighla't tt a. lt. .1 the p *. . .1
t w lnon . nt- !• tot. 1 to. it di> <!. trom
whom Ix ~ .nix! lb, vt.ov., parti. 11. a 1 -
I'he gent tmui >ii>l a. lis '*'U d toi
1 ,in k.: t. but fx had re, Ol d hi- >!■ ill
l>. >vv On Nt. 1.0 - bo.:v thirteei
Wiiut bad 'l, infli.', vvhix *•'
Crockett woe eight.* 11. It 1* -tal>*l
that the -pot whoe tlx'v fought !>or.
, vidon. - ot .! ong and ux-t terrih,.
. 11' 1 ' I. , v tor. 1 . 1 - ,o:
eight children Both •iv r> -i* etxl In
their t. ighb. is, hut • rovkett vv., eon
-Ivlered a danger. U*. qUarr. sotue malt
whi N ,oho -vvl- a ( retail., and verv
quiet Uetghbor
hi.lx tile heading t at trial Duel.
When King liuiulMit of h.* v.
bi-out v in* Oo 11. v-otn>* in. nth- ago.
hxo al l ium w.t- 1. . .'lUpaniol by eighty
vi'Ulig Ulen ot gin,.! iti that eitv,
wlx> voiuntc ntl to run a- a guard ol
honor ..t tlx *idc of the . of tlx
king anil qu.* ti, part iy to pmt.vt their> .-tii - Irom iiu iginary l"a- ante-, and
ptut.v to deiii>>:i*tr:it. Dieir tovaity ti
the House .-t Savoy. Dtimtd m eves*
ingo, -turn.. 1 a- k tit.iv jft 1 white n> k
tu -, tlx ->• voiu-.g m n to;i!i,*l .* not ver .
pleasing vvttli tlx* fuigfit oti
ra— ier*. and ha.l to run v erv fast to k*'x
up w ill, tfx* hot-- - which drew the
toy.* earring* • n>a i- somewhat re*
pu!>.: iit itt sentiment, and the eighty
voting 111, n vv< iv utinx t, i!> v ridicuie.f
W lle!lO!l< of tile-, hap! r.,v 1 :*t> en
ured 1 tavern or . ate lie vv is lllgtied at
and IxHtt. ti bv tlx*-. < ntertaining a.l
Week* ago Signor tlil ..i, one of tlx
eiglit ;>. ln*ilig insU .ted ami evell struck
by a young tu iti in r Is* r -bop. Used hi
stick wit ft .fleet on the Is ad ot hisag
grr-*or, produi .ng 1 si v. re wound. A
eil.-lt.eUge t . n .u . was SUh-e lUi-ntlv
mv.n-o i-.d. The part ie-cr, d
the Ita.tiUl f: nticr ix *r M. atone, and
fought will, large ptsto.s at tr/enty-fiv.
• ' ■
urm t,its*-'. 1 iir I tii--t ami missed
ft - iv. is.rry. u.-i::g hi* privi'- ge. wr
taking aim with 1 liberation when ln^
pi-: ■ w> nt ofl'ly ix ident. ' iihe. i.witli
rather .v. .v etiiva.ry, >1 to
profit Ivy tilt- mi-, banee. and told iii*
opponent to !ry again. Tlie si**vn,i
--> ■ Btd tgainst thu nrrangetneat, btU
tii i vv t- ob-tinate. and tlx ( vv a
again di-ehat _i*l. .Nx! Cib.-I.i rv*v:v.*i
the I ill hi- rig!;' ivr. a*t Uld f .. i tie
wollii vv .0, lata! I'iKvr (lb. i was a.-
niv-t rted with It■>*hl trom int. rna.
hetnnrrhagi. and tii* i for natvf. Y\ atat
tliere v. as Done. Ivltt a f. vv drops ol
brandy were pound down his throat.
!!■ war uiovcd to n hotel, and dx-u in
UK -t r> -p< table taulifics in (Jenos 1*
p unged into flitter -orrow. >.| a Dank N te
N..' .ong ago a vv > -known coih-ctor
of eurio-iti - in Pa* i-. who had devoted
eoti-ivi< nil.."* -t;m of money to the
gathering tog* tlx rot bank noU-ufn!.
eountriv - and a v >. tt -. li* ■ ame Di.
p.i-st-ssor of a B nik of Eng.and five
pound not. to wlii. ban ux.usuii.iy strange
story was a tin. led. I'his note was
paid into a I.iv<*rpool nx n-iiaut's office
in tlx-oniinary way of business -i\tv
> tie years ago. anil tlx* eadiier. while
lio.ding it up to the light to te-l its
genuiix r..■-. notiiua! - >iue taint r*i
mark- which, on . io->r examination,
proved to fvc -cmi-effaeeri words
-.•raw.eii in ISXHMI iN'twe.n tlx printeri
iix - and tip,>n tlx blank margin of tlx
n> te. Kv- ntusti.y the fo. ~wing -eii
t.'lH*.' was marie out "if tllis note
sliouhi fa. into tii band- of John
D> an. of l.onghi.l. n< irl'ar -.e. In- wii.
i.-arn hereby that tii- brother is Im
guisliing ap. i-i!,, rin \gx r-." Mr.
Dean wa- promptly . omniunieatcd witli
by tli> holder of tlie not*,. .*niii Ix ap
pealed to the gov. i lilll'-nt of the dav i >r
a-si-tan. in lii- . :ide ivor to obtain hi*
hrotlx r's n!< . I'lie prisoner, who.
as it sub-. ,uent ly np *eai >*i. liad traced
tlx* alrovx nt*x > U| • n tlx* n ?te with a
-plititi-r ot wo.*( 1 liippe,! iu hi- own
Idood. had Is —n a -lave I* tlx* Dcy of
Aigii-r- for eleven v>*r-. when liis
str.-uige mis-iv > fir- attrai t*l attention
in a Liveipoo .uintiug house. Hi
famjiv and friend- had long Ijelievi*]
him dead. Ev ntu v. > his lirother. with
the ii'i of tlx* Briti-b authorities in the
M* di;. rr.ui an.-ix■ .*l. ii in ransoming
Itiin from tlie dev. uxl liroupht liitu
home to England, vvix-n . liowcver. lie
did not long -urv iv* lii- release, hi- con
stitution having be, II irreparably in
iured by * \|h.-II: . privation.*, and
forced lalvor in tlx*d* v'- guiieys.
liniiiiu fiainlilers.
I lie Indians hrrvi gay tinx - gambling
every Sunday :itt, iikmhi upon lix* liiil
back of town. Tlx* gambling is done
with bunille- of -:i k-. Tlx* Indians
range tlx>in-, !v< - in .1 circle and keep up
a continuous elrint as tlx* game pro
ceed-. Tlx* Indians ol 01 x> tril* pool
tlx*ir money agnin-t that of the <it'ir
tribe, and t b.-n one of tlx* number " cast*
the lot " Tlx stick* are of hard wood
alciut eight inches in length, and abott.
twice the thickness of broom-stmws
Tiiey are all white, ex.- pt on >. which
has a black stripe about an inch wide
around the center. The dealer places
the sticks behind him and divides them
into two separate branches, holding hi*
hand* closely ahcut tlie center. Then
one of tlie opposite tribe make- a guess
as to which hand contains.the black
stick. The -tick- Arc then scattered out
on a blanket, and it is thus ascertained
which side wins. One side retain* tlie
den] as iong a* the other side fails to
guv** right, but as *> on as a g>>od guess
t* mads the deal <-ha gcs. The deal
ing sid** also furnishes the vocal music,
which invariably It is a tin accompani
ment. No word i- -poken bet ween the
opposite players. Everything is indi
cated by gestures To persons who
have never seen tlx 111 gamble in tllis
manner it is an interesting performance
Areata (Cat.) I.radrr.
Preserving Milk.
Herr Maurice Philipp, of Reisback.
Zurich, lias apparently discovered a
plan of keeping milk good and fresh in
any temperature lor long periods. The
details of the plan are not yet an
nounced. and it i* impossible to any
whether the process is likely to Jbe a
commercial success. About tii • scien
tific success there seems to IM* no doubt.
Three months ago Mr Philipp placed
in the hands of the ehemiea! agricul
tural commission ol Zurich a bottle con
taining a sample of hi- preserved milk,
by whom it has hi en submitted to tlie
severest tests. It was placed eight days
in an ordinary room, the temperature ol
which during the day rose sometimes as
high as seventy-five Fahrenheit, with
out perceptible effect on its quality, taste
or appearance. It creamed* like any
other milk, and butter might have been
made from it had it been thoughtde
sirable to do so. The same favorable
results wen* ohtain< d at various inter
vals throughout tlx* three months in
quest-ion, and tlx* most careful tests of
l'r Qrete, president nnl analyst of the
coiuuii.-sion, firiled to detect in the milk
any doubtful ingredient, such as experi
menters have occasionally used lor pur
doees of uiilfc preservation.
t i l t HIM; i tU i.ill .
How Ihi r* 4|. i, 1i * r.l l. s M.IM
sit,l IXniinilr.l litn k V (*t .|.*i ,1.
t lalil in I iiu.uKiti wKb Hi uiii.
A letter from .1. IM \ - Inu. . I'a . to tlie
and a party ol .portstii* not tills i *< <
i. ! tuned trom tx tp I unit in tin HI .Nol
; un: •. ~
mil* * nortliyx i*t ot t "iidci spoi t win ri
tiny .1 W ■ ' k ill ptllstill ol . .lilt
■ ...
lover *i the iiion . nl on thisin . ivion
lie III* t withiitl ul Vt it t tt:. that l* Worth
■ ■
. ! ' ! 1.0 pill pi'-, id
, '
cahili and the Itiiuln't . mil|> w ,s a stngi
road I*lll .nt..- liny, led A* lie. txw>. <1
Ol.' '.Il
hlli k 11. 111* .!, tttfli* 1 ing |ti Slight
wound, will. It ->< ty od oitiy to irritutc
tin allium. I lie hu. W Uindc , d ih l'*i
httll ntid lie yy us ootiifx nt to ■ linl. a
tlt a hat nig i' il<*. \ln to I'Mtij i. in g
tl xllipii dto dcalli In ids flight Hob
droppx'd tu* rifle ttitil he had uootlo i
w.apoii tX>>pt tin- ottliimty hutttoi's
kiiift . lit* situ i' ot; yy as tuivlhiti.' hut
iu.ity of i. ot ftoiii a ] iMin. t un he
It.! dispos d le lo.ik' l!:. In .! th.
nit holir he In .id tin .ink of a lilio,
ami aiiiioel imiuediatt Iv two of hi-coin
pallioU-. hy I lie itatlie ol Suttoft tllti
I'o.l, > .UIII l usliiii. hv. } tit -u* t! hy i
h< a; ot tttiUsU t and act iy it \ I ii- y
haik rcfugi **ll a W lilt. h> 11 > tire, W lli. Il
parted ill !yy o It links.a f, y* |. ,-t alufV.'
the gty*Utid. one p.ut lin.iing slight.y
and very rotten, llir yy ho • uHiking ,'kt
two trees. Oflor up theiro thev W tl't
safe lioui ifniUfdiate hat Til, if tin t*ear
(tiuid l*e kept from ciiiiibiiig ill. i llieiu.
In the Itlea*l!iliie Ii Hob, ill n lil ot tie*-
pera!ii)*l. coin ittded to t;sk an tneoUll
ter with the hu. k In preparing to de
s •nd lict.xik ilo prec.tut >n to fasten
hi- W.. i:. . the ott.y iv. upon he jMniscssiai,
hy a pit •of twin, to tiis person, so
that it might not he lost if ii dropped
from liks. hand, t'.ua* t*y h*miock liad
t.i..eli, and the root* at one end and tile
iißaiiclics at tlo other kept the trunk ol
the tn-. ittkiuilwo leet from th* /round,
making a place of retreat it* winch he
coU.d resort it hard pr. s<-d. He dc
>c tided cautious!',, I.ut the enraged
onitual waa on the a., it ami at once
raahd upon him. His *rmi Btmuth
was no luat.ii for tlie hu.k. which
erushed hini to the < artli ami tri*.i to
stamp him to .hath, thi his hands and
knt's, maag.'d and hi*ding. h>- ue
cet'tlt d ill reacltiflg til*' la .it'll hciniock
and craw . d under the trunk. The
hU. k c 011..1 iU-t 1011, h him with its hs't.
hut couid not harm liim
Anxiet y :uid path yy •re Wearing Hoi*
out when he heard A crackling not • at
the L.*ot ot the, tree and a sharp vrv of
p tin from the bu. k. wiiich IS .. L.-uuiiia."
SOUND to lite EXJH'T ieficed llUlllcr. L'cer
ing out caUtioUsiy he found the deer
S.N-UT• \ held hy the knotted I<*its of
the tic and iiis light leg dangling
LOOS, IV, it iia\ jug JH CII iirogen in the
■ fforts to I scap* He yy.'l.* sulisfied front
the desiwrale stiuggits ot the animal
that ii could not . xtrieate its.-,(, AND
watching a t.N.*raiiU opp.-rt unity he
pluugid IF.S knife into the iiuek'S heart
and sank down exhausted.
AT MM luonieni IM\ Ho inc-, who R
aided *OTLL,' mi.*' flroni that place, and
yy ho yy AS attending a ( atienl at the ium-
L* r camp, drove up and toun.l L>r.
• ■si. r. who WAS AN oi*L acquaintance,
.YI!;G upon the ground, almost ex '
liuuxte.! fron: the toss t*t H.ood. HE took
TL' I. r into tlo- wagon, and after leaving
a re\ o'.y <r and knife in sight of the men
up in ilo cherry tree drove off to the
. amp for h*-!p.
Ml'antiine the I*, AT alter 111 an v incf
ftvtua. attempt* !•> mt* the tree, gave
it up, and apparent'.', relaxtal iiis watch
( HY ijiug down MUNE distance
fro: the IRE Sutton, nt this lim* .
thought at LEAST O-E of th* tn might es
■ ap*- and branched the i to Cose, who
ohiectial, knowing that r ,IEI would
—•" ti arriv- H'nt hing in opportunity.
Suit. U ties, ended th* tre. quietly, yy itii
-I'Ut L>t ing olts.q y I'D, AND after tiiiving
CAUTIOUS, Y f.*r SOME distance sprang t>
hi* f* CT and start* d t< r the enhiti with
th- SPEED <>( the wind. MIA-ting the re
lief party hurryin up to their ASSIST
an he returned with them to the RES
tie .F ('(I.E. Miqinwllih the hc.xr had
got up ami niovi d to the fia*t ol the tre**.
W lien, nppaient v ini*-ing *>n* of the
men. lie r* n< . d hi* effort* to climb it.
Suddenly the D* .v.*si part of the tree
F* yvith a rnsti. Tin hear v. IS TU me-
W hat stunned, hut fortunately Cole was
not hurt, ant! hv started for the revolver
and knife, who hIN s. eur*d. The tn-ar
pursued and orertnok him and liuggctl
liini around th*' Itndy Cole fired, hut
did not inflict A SUILICIENT wound to
niak' tli*' l**-ar relax it* hold. ll*' lireti
A second ant! third shot, with n<> L>*;ti r
r.-TI.T Hut on.- mori F*uliet now
tnained in the PISTOL. He felt softly on
the bear's BREAST to find the location of
HIS HE irt from ITS pulsation*, and pn .-
ing TH**niurz!e of the pistol to the SPOT
tired, when the L*onr gave A heavy groan
and roliis! on r dead, and Cole dank ey.
tiaU.stial hv its Lody. In a f**w minutes
S. ven hardy hiinh -rnicn eatu*' to HIS re
lief. HI- wounds.! hough painful, W*'r
not vrlou*
t lim si U inter.
During the drizzle y.-*t'nlay aft* rnoon
there WAS A choice crowd of old citizen*
under the porticos of the city hail, and
one such group was join—l hy a
barv stranger, who scratched his itching
hack against the carving of one of the I
pii irs and asked
" (1 n! leiften, is this going to l*e a lintd
" It i!" replied every man together.
high, eh?"
" Yo," 1 hey replied.
"Weather wiil !*•• SO ail-fired 'xiid
that water will hur! al' the water pipes,
I suppose'"
" Yes, it will."
" Won't IM' any show for a poor man
itk" me?"
" Not H hit."
I'd probably freeze to death while
it Miking for a jtyh'"
" You would—you v ould!"
" Weil, that's what I thought, and I
want to arrange to go to the workhouse
to | three months. I don't want to go
up a< a vag. because thtit's low-down.
I'd ratle r he charged with assault and
battery. Will one of you gentlemen
please let tlie cuff ofl' 111* hat and then
itsk|tlic officer to arrest me?"
Alter Rome hesitation on*' citizen with
more philanthropy than tin other*
stcpjs'd out. His plug hat was jammed
clear down to liis top ve*t-hutton at a
blow, he was knock—l right ami left by
cuffs on the head, and n a climax was
whirled nmrnd ami given sevcia! kicks
which weighed sixty pounds apiece.
"There." said the stranger, as he
shut off steam and ;lowed up. "That
fixes both of us; you'll remember me
and I'll remember you, and you niny
rail an officer."
Some of the group call—! one out ot
the corridor, hut thv oll'tci r said lie
could not make such an nrrest unless lie
aw the fight or had a warrant.
"Very well," replied the stranger, rs
he moved ofl', " I am willing to submit
to your mnturer judgment nnd experi
ence, and I can't wail here all day!
Good-bye, prophets! I think my best
wav will be to get into Canada and
lenve your hard old winter to run her
self!"—Dftroit Frft I'rens.
Cirrus Khlers.
Circus riders now form an important
feature in that community whieh enter
' 'ains the public. They receive from ¥*.'
to S3OO per week according to their skill.
One of tlie most accomplished of the
clnss is James Robinson, who receives
the last mentioned salary, hut hi* case
is a rare exception to the general rule.
Charles Fish and James Melville are
among the star riders, with $l5O per
week. These men, as a class, accumu
late property, for they are aware that
their powers decay early, and there is a
special necessity for stieli a provision for
the future. Riders are edueated in im
mediate practice. Bootblacks have hecn
taken from the street and taught to ride, (
both sitting and standing, in three
months; hut it is not till many years are
past that they get the high salaries men
tioned. Female riders are chiefly Eng
lish. and the most expert receive $1(10
per week. There are at present 600 cir
cus riders in this country. What an ex
tensive community of fancy equestrians.
—New Vork Letter.
A number of boys connected with re
spectable families have Iwen indicted hy
l the Ormsby county (Nevada)grand jury
j for opium sin taking.
trtlrrn and Middle Stale!
I seventieth birth lay ol'Knei Wr |r ,
Holme* m . lew .lav a ago Lv n
Imißjncl *1 which waa prraciu Ihe m.Mil l.ola
writer* . Ill* < "Ittllll Weio either |ii< acul ot
' ' '
I wlu o!.' i I' i * an. It ami Helen lluul
l* I cal, lent t M*l ..I llatvat 1 ' "llcg*. U l>
v h
\n-li. w I'taccv a vmil-ii lawyct, waa
ban, *-l th* tlh* < .lav at thpott, I'a . lor
tlm 'out let ol lu*., M.ty ItfUlly, a vcung
,ly with whom he waa in love Ik thw It i.)
, u tr tun U tu u*H*iU a • ttntiiittol•* ol
--.nt It" ■ raw.l a g.oat deal ami wtolc
v. He w a- a v nuug man ol . onetletwhlc
i ,i. . tusl • hmtt.eiU* oil ha t ttlKnya Iwwti
.•1 a .111 >..*(. .1 - -1,.-altlotl At I IU I M I la. e)
e . .11 lh —oltold whb't noln in
It , ten uitnuliw ater lite ahctitl cut the
■ v., . attvl 1 <m ey a iMMIy went tlowi, thtougli
t k ... ulths.-em aml he lull hcsvil, to
li.u cy woi lli tup ihrtmgh
I . .q. m„ I v the ami the religions
■ ; i tn. ■ v all .6, waa dropped iutn
etertntv tin ulletC.l a,. alter thu lull,
,i 1 had n..thing to say on the scaftoid.
\y , lieu. . l.viich, t A Nourae and
lieu Keal.hui wet. , lit ahovellllg
_' v■ i* in I th* I'a* bar I a tl.orr tutll at Hi.* ktou,
Mo-, the rt.s.t gave nay. arid lhe meu tell
lam leel into the eellnraiid were atiffteated
1 ,t. ol night rtnturs nelc a* . ti ianuiug from
I: .tu. hull hng I emagiOg to It* llevur hos
. tal in New Toil I In- taolding waaoccupind
twenty women aial ten ehtfrbeli all 111-
r il.' and of llteae tw enty-acvcii wric Dal
lied out in - dcty ; hut Uuec childtvii lust their
ihe lu t held h> ll. vevrufli regiment ol
New folk in,ted litter week, and proved
i .mt imrTM, file uct ptoflta t*etng eetuunled
ul RjtW.OUU,
lit th* explosion id a ft, wheel at the lieu*
- ~ r iah in il iu I, N \ .a l.eafer nalued
•l.rine* Wslliue wo. killel and damage was
done tu lite ealeul ot |HAU 0. Ibe (ly wheel
waa thirtc leel 111 dintacttt and weighed sixty
( - It l.i.iM int.* tan ;>ieeea, otic of which
amended through lli# Olid (ante down
Hi rough t lie r*s.l ot a nr.Jihot-iug unit, having
pursed LiO feet thiuugk tie air
if.Ul WiDttllxip W Kt4hum. in.lge <4 the
l ulled states t.,tried cent lor the western
. -ti c! ..I IVnaaylvanla and an et rneiii!art of
I >.Dgiwsa, died ill l*ith irgti, I'a a lew day#
V. K-l ilfiy-tunc tarn.
John i I i . nigh | okr at a teitqM-laJi.w meet
lti_ in Hrvs*kicn the othct night.
A tire at l'toy, N Y, destroyed two Urge
l.ti.-k building*, oecujaed hy an alnrt and
..".at uiauulactoi lea a Work of .Seten true- 1
ment ti**u-ea and the liettuati Isitt**tv*n )
t hun-il, * muiig au eaUmatcd Jem, e*t p.tuU U A'. j
Illi, i the meet deWMtiuu* flrv Hist iuu oc
currvl iu t roy iucr tW J.
Wcstyrn and lauthern Stattt.
1 he rlree-tiou lit Iwiutatftua has reaniled iu tlie
sure'ess ell tlie 1 teim* rate.- Male ticket an. 1 the
tel..piion ol llir new constitution.
I l.e -.ennte auh-e. 'limn tier ittv • -! tgaling I lie
itvnirhotm* of Mrosf*. Kcilogg ami .NJatlfot I
to i ..■*! in the I'ttScd Mates Senate, Irom
toe, nans, adiourned thser aeosietu at New
Hi. rati* niter cramming IIT wittrcaae,. and
wiil prrjskiv tbeit report iu Uaabiugtou
Haitttuorc's hig tuntie, to bring water tn
that City ha* been rornpieled It t 3L.500
lect ieig_*a lew leel Uw* tliati aetrti triilca—
t* .ng the long-at aqusdnr! lunnvi and Ote
third bogvwl tunnel ta the world. It cot
All. ' .'.U * ■ and wa t*.re.l in three year* and
eight months, less than ha!t thr time of any
•umlar work II l * jwrl<tJy straight
ol tw.-.velect diameter, aud capable ol aee*>ni
modattiig an imiuriue 1**1) ul water I ivc i
ii.:.eaof thr length was t*nwl through rurk.
*4 th the iak—s and Koragc reset mr* the eu
tirr we k will tx—t sisml *1 j.UtH'.CKIU, the
at., nt appropriated hy the ell) lor ths uew
wu* >-i aupidy.
."•liMifoni V\ ateta a colored jemlh eighteen
veorK Old, was haqged the other eiay near :
l-kton. Mel., for t!io murder, in I*7ll. of
J, kin* M'hairy, ale* co!e*red.
IViu Kearney, the I alilorma agitator !*as .
atimam '.l his intcatiou of Itettig preaeiil af
... iiilsnewul Utwolai kera in \k asluugton
on January K.
l.overn Matk-. a! ii nnatse, has t-- toi a
proclamation rolling an nine BKawiot! •■( the
.... -:.du:. to ounsidor Memphis yellow fever
:.*Mrr, an.! to prvwidr a tax for itnptvo tig
the military rond.Uan of that city.
From Mraxhington.
V Washington chq!rli oxy* that lhe (,ream t
.. ker, lullc he'd a caucus at which they
Su ; eod to thiow the weight ot then inellv wtuai
:ei i.\r nfltasnce again,! •'furthei r.i
crewclimrut# --I the money p.wrr,' 1 Ilie_.
w uj.],— ai egiaiatrem lewtking totbe reliiv
tel.".! Ol the greenback or to tlie chee-kiug *1
silt ef coinage, or Ur any attempt to sutwtitut*
noli ii;.l laxnk note# li gi.enJwck, Tlx )'
will pies, the J ell offer—t at the extn* aesemn
to aiitiatitute Ireastiir note* lot !<wnk nolo.
Ml. ! its', offered the other elav te Mr Weaver
to incietase the rurtency hy the issue of piiXi,-
UOU I*oo in girentiarka to joy the surviving
w. dtera and ,ail.*ra of the war the difference
1,-1 ween what thev got in puprr aud the value
ol the mine in goiet.
NeVrrwl hundred colored |wo|i|a tiove ar
mod in WushingtOti tvrenlly on their v**y
from North Carolina to Indiana, where thev
Ittend to settle.
Fortifln Newrx.
A war baa broken out between nral chief*
in New I a.alar, West Aln w. and .'<lo person*
haet.M-n killcianl wounded, and the pris
oners killed and oaten
I til ell .gen cw lias twen rcceiv—! in ilnriitw
\ . rc* that the silted IVmrians an 1 HevJtv tans
lui* been oompietely detest—l at Tara'Mvoa,
Peru, try the I lulians. who have taken |at.
aessHm of the ixam l ire lisww oil hotn side,
wetc heat/. 11m Chilian squadron i, hluck
nding the )w*rt Anew A di*|*atch hy vrue
ol Valparaiso ,ay that a force of I iOU
Chilian* longlit a t'.vttle nenr Iw with tire
ailie I tr>s*p. and alter a deafwrmte rt—iatam r
were coni|M.|h t It* surrender, with all their
rauiiou ami aiuiuiaiitum.
' gvpt i pieparinff lor war with Abyssinia
1 :i*. lower li.*u,e ot tlie Anatrian lieu harwth
hn> ]mMi'. 1 ii hill flviieg the ,!renglli ul the
aixtn at M'U.tU ' men.
tfnrmga recent heavy cjrclonw i:i tiie Bay
ol tlengni ie Moral wav* swept ovci Monkish- ;
kliai . ', drowning .airixl hundred |>er.
A dispatch (mm I urVer sav* that Monte
negr ir ti.*eq*s stationed at Yelikii iiavn had a
pitch—l battle with, nnd deti at—l a large totva
ot Misinian- tro'h aido* losing heavily.
William Jotin Nooll Hentitrck. fifth (lake cwf
I'lirtland, i, dead.
IKrlnil* Jiuve been tercived ola disastrous
stonu wh cii awip! n> roav tiie Ivtbmus ol I'an- I
urea, doing iutHieiise damage to tlie alupping
utid o her pro] crtv at Apinwa'l. A iiuinlM-r i
ol v*. *rl lirokc 1" from th( ir mooring* and '
were wrecked, and many |wrs(ins had to be '
unit ey—l Irom their atlhmeig—l houses to high i
ground ill bottle.
Vueen Wtoiia Im* roinpletely recovered |
from her late indisposition, and it ia given
out that lor the first tint* ainoe the death ol
Iter hi—hand, the I*nnee Consort, *hc wiil ap
pear in puhltr, nt a grand hall Ur be given in
l.e melon.
rO.IUHKBSIOXAI. Nt 4141 A Ilk.
Hon. Henry I*. Baldwin, ap|*oiut—t a* a
senator to fill tlie unei|>iriHl term ol the Hon
Zarhariah Chandler, of Miehtgan, deceas—l,
was We.rn in ami tevnk his seait Mr. Beck
intn*iure| a hill to authorize thr tmymenl ol
rnstonr dultiw in legai-fi mlrr notes; also, a
bill atrreueinfory ol title No. 4N ol the revised
statutes at ie, to authorize the purchase ol
teiri ign-binlt ships l.y citizens ol lhe t T nil—l
Stall— for use in the lorrign-cartying tnote,
Imtli ol wlnrh were rsferr—l to the committee
on finance. Mr. llayard introihic—l a joint
restitution removing thr legal-tender quality
e*t the- greentrarks aud making them rereivahlr
t.v thr government lor all dues rxrejd duties
tin importa... Mr. Inyall*offered a resolution
thnt. in thr n|itnion ot the Senate, the present
volume ol I nit—l Slates notes should not J*,
r—lticod. and tliat sntd noted ought to intinur
to be air gal tender in the nay ment ot debts.
Ijtid on ihe table and ordered to l*e printed.
Mr. Morrill introduced a hill—ihe etu pi irate
ol one intioduord iu the House by Mr. (iar
fleld—to larilibtla lite leliimling ol the natioi al
eleht . . Mr. Carpenter oflered a resolution
declaring that resumption, thq circulation u
gold, silver and greenback* a* lawful money
elan the ex|*eelnlion thai the flnanree woul t
nol i> distiirl*—l by precipitate legislation,
had been follow—l by revived indtiatry and
general prosperity; thnt the stieeessltil eon
duet of htuenroa itepen I—l on a stable financial
policy; anil that in Ihe opinion of tlie Senate
any legislation during the present session
materially ehanging Ihe existing system ot
finance would t*e inexpedient. Adjourned
after an executive session.
On the first " bill day 'among the more .tn
portitnt hills intruo >e-l were the following:
Hy Mtsesrs. (iarfleld and Wood—Proriding for
the relttiitling ol Ihe national debt. By Mr
Weaver—l'rOriellng un appruprintion ol #500,-
(1)0,000, with which to pay to the soldiers ol
the late war the difference l*etween the face
value ol t licit pay in curt nicy nnd the price of
gold nt that lime. Hy Mr. Findley l'or the
trunnier ol the Indian bureau to the war de
partment.. Adjourned.
Mr. A ktn presented n petition ol the na
tional gtnnuc uiul patron* nt huslnuilry, ask
ing tor the cniuitiuent ot such laws aa will
relieve the country Iroin Ihe unltiwliil exac
tion- ol tmn-qxirtation couipamis cngiuped in
Mat mill/ 1 |uii I went
Tin' season lit— now arrived win n the
coid of winter liiui to lie fiotalmtrd in
out hou*< ■ln artiln in. liPnl, ninl a lew
11 tit 'it kx oh this Mllljel't llinv lie of inter*
ixt. I till' ol two met Unci* in ife||> rmiv
!ulo|iteil. 'flit fir* I, tlltlt ol till' Opt it
tirepln* e ill which eon or Wood i*
hurtn •! i I'V far the pleasant* *t and
iluvl wholesome, r|*et tally where the
chimney* ilriiK we.l, hut it ha* the hi
• out elllelli'i ol t I note expensive
tftrtl tlie ol .o i '1 In . illi il* tin' mode
principally u*ed on the continent ol
wanning by n stove. It i* true llint
those 111 Uc dlth I tUUeh ill their colt
■u ruction. tor • hcniisis have lound iii
; the air heated li\ some • f them nppre
i in 11 i tran * of o tide ot earfiolt, it deadly
|MII *• ill I oii-e.jUentiv most hyt'ieoinU
consider the ll* l ' of ktliVia, whethef ill
. ami or wrought iron, n* dangerous. un
•ru they we lined h nli tire-hrii koi ay,
no a* to |ni vi nl liieiu fioin attaining a
red heat.
An almost utiiveisa. pta-liec to
|iiaee on the stove a pall of wnter, with
a view to purify the air liy absorbing
the carlxziilr aeiit contained in it llf
t'oiii, of Ml.all. who lIM lull; l*e* n en
gaged ill Investigation* oil this subject,
i* w holly o(i|.i'd to this system A. -
cord in |f to lii nt the w.'tlft dies not ab
sorb the i*arl*ollie acid, liut. ott the con
trnry. add# to't by the decomposition ot
the carl Minnie • t iiun- ■ otiiaitied in all
drinkable wat i in grt tiler or lea* pro
portions lie white incrustation* touud
on the nidi s of the vessel* are, in fact,
formed hv the rt.jHZslt of siilM-nrlMinnle*
and sulphite* i I lime produced hy the
evaporation of the water, the principal
(■til of the en i bottle ai id having hecn
if i \ • n ofl to the surrounding atmo*phcrc.
M I'oiii propose* oisti ad to place on the
| *lOXl' pan* containing quicklime which,
I after a few day* rtugm. lit* m voiUtue,
and is transformed into carlMinate ol
iiine hy ,i!>s riling tin- carltonic acid in
the air. Itv 11 J i* uicana the ntmonphere
is constantly pi rifled, hut at lite same
time i* rendered vt ry To obviate
tins Inconvenience vessci* containing
water may be placed ulaiut the room itt
positions where 111*' V are not subject to
the immediate net ion of the fire, anil
they wiil givo off hv their evaporation
sUtlicjiM t humidity u> tvtider the air
agiet-abit* without adding to the q unit -
tity of carbonic acid already prtwent. —
Urn who ltei|iiire I'reaetice of Mind.
Many railroad accidents are prevented
by a pretence of mind on the part of en
gineer*. A pass.nver train on the Clti
catfo, Huriingu*ii and Quiacy road wo*
rounding a sharp c urve, just under a
piece of tai. tiuilier. The watchful en
gineer *aw a tree lying acroa* the trai k
Sixty feet ahead of the loramolii*. The
train w as running at a rate of thirty-five an hour, and to check it* momen
tum before reaching theobatruction wo*
out ol the question. The engineer took
in the situation at a glance. Ilethrrw the
throttle wide the engine shot
ahead with the velocity of an arrow,
and with sin It tremendous force that the
tree was picked up by the oow-catcher
an t tlung from the track a* if it had
una been a willow witio-. A man with
not MI cool a head would have made the
best possible Use of those silly fed in
the w :i\ of i locking the speed of the
train. That wouid have caused a dis
aster ltradlord, an engineer, was bring
ing an cxpr- ** train over the Kankakee
line from In linnapo'is. A* the engine
shutout from the deep cut and struck
a short fiic • of straight track lending
to a bridge, a herd of ixill* Wfl* dis
covered running down the road. The
distance to tin river wan only 100 feet.
Bradford knew he could not top the
train, and also knew that if the roils
l*eal the locomotive >o the bridge tliev
wnu.d fail U twis-n the tiuilM-r. and tlie"
obstruction would throw the train ofl
and probably result in a frightfu. loss
of life. It took him only half a second
to think of ai: this. The other half of
the second waa utilized in giving hi*
i ngine such a quantity of strain that it
cove*eft that list tcet of track in nlmut
the same time that lioit of lightning
wotiid travel from the tip of a lightning
rod to the ground. Itie colli wore
struck and liuriol down the embank
ment just is they w.r< entering the!
\ l'latn Man.
The Woodward avenue car going
north at eleven oYU* k yesterday fore
noon ovcrtis't a man with a bond-trunk
of ancient maki w a king in the middle
of the stnvt lie inquired if the car
went to the railroad track. and then got
aboard. Then were several passenger*
in the . ir. and as he -tood in tliedoor lie
looked fr> m on<* to the other and said:
" If I am intruding don't hesitate to
tell me *o. I like people who *}*ek
right out. and I am u-cd to plain talk."
No one objected and he look a seat,
crowed his g and said to limself:
" IM bet thev never built this car for
less than fifty dollars! I'm glad the old
woman isn't Icre If she should see
how it's fixed up she'd never let up on
me till Ita ked one to the house. r,i
never ride on aw ood wagon again when
I can jog along in a chariot iik< this. It's
got more windows than a bee-hive, and
1 wouldn't dare spit oi. tin* floor if I was
dying to spit."
As he made no move to pay his fare
the driver rang the bell.
••(lot Iwlls on lien*, eh?" mused the
plain man. Now who'd a-thought
they'd have gone to such an exj*en*c as
that! Folk- here in town are right on
the style, no matter what it oo*tJ'"
The driver rang again and again, and
imx ing that it did no good, he finally
opened the door and -aid :
" Vott man in the corner there —you
didn't pay your fata*."
•' My fare' Why, that's so! Hanged
*f I hadn't forgotten all about it! W<*rc
y> '*. ringing that bell for me?"
" V***."
" riint's too bad' Why didn't you
open that door long ago and say to me:
Here, you old potato top. it you don't
pass up your ducats I'll land vou in the
mud" I'm a plain man. and j never get
miffed nl plain la'k. Take tlie damage
out of tlii- inif dollar!"— lklrott Ft ft
/WaX _______
Father to Young Hopeful, wlio lias
itist begun attending school—" Ilowiio
vou lik* your school, my son?" Young
Hopeful—" I'retty well, sir " Father
—"What 1* ssons li.av* vou ieen study
ing to-day'"' Young Hopeful—"Spel
lin'. readin". rithnietic i nd g'ography."i
Father— ' What exercise do vu tlit'nk
you will like bt st Young Hopeful—
"Oh, recess, sir!"— Fooler. SUUtsman ,
A new kind of sweet potato Is culti
vated in K< rn county. Cal., picked
specimenso'"which weigh from fifteen to
eighteen and twenty-two pounds.
School savings banks have existed in
F"ranee since l:UJ and now there an
almut 900,000 pupil depositors in the
country. ______
There Is Health Ahead,
Kor eheerlas* dyspeptic* who will use Hnatet
ter's Stomach Hitter*, which will enshle them
l*> digest, rtatore their appetitee, t<*dy their
nerve* and drive away 'he hluea. 11. with
•uch a proafSK*', thete are any ol them who
neglect to proltt by the above snggeatiio. why
they diwerve to euffor, that i* nil. Let them
u*k any one alio has u*od the Hitters if it is
not u good medicine, and il they receive a
tint hint reply it will he an amrtnslirn. Hil
ioasnea*, tsiwel trouhlea, debility, rheumatism
are all c mpiered hy thi* highly e*| anil
|it(>!essi(iii*jly sanctioned *|sior, wht< h h*s
also won a liatioua] re|mtaiion as*
hit and m*wis ol averting intermittent and
remittent levels. It liks a cheering eff.s t
ti|s*n the de*[Hindent invalid, and may lie re
lied upon to pitxltice derisive and not pallia
tive cffW't*. It is the one thing needlul lor
the cure ol dyspepsia, and nothing will supply
its place.
A speedy quiet u* i* given to a backing
rough hy that inotUmahle sparine lor ptilmo
n*ry, throat and hmnchinl couiplainta. Hall's
Hiilsnin for the I.ung*. which cure* consump
tion, hmnchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, lul*ored
breathing and other disorders of th# respite- t
tory organ*. When a cough manifests itself, i
be early use ot thia lH*neflcent medicine i*
earnrstly reeommendad, as the difficulty i* ,
more easily overcome in its incipient stage
than later on. Sold by all drnggisto.
For an irritated throat, cough or eold, !
"Hrown'a Bronchial Trochee" areoffere.l with
the lulleat oonfldi.noe in their efficacy. They
maintain the good reputation they have justly |
acquired. 25 cents a box. d
H.tS.V.'MI Profit* In .> Hays!
#l') in .Stiaik Sneculalioas in Wall ;
St. pay* untnenaeprodta. iVtuphlets explain- I
ing everything e.nt free. Heath A Co , j
Brokers, 1227 Broadway, New York
of Itn' UT |* simply the separation of these
fit ' ta. r* ,ustl the *ir*in brought upon Oram.
wherever wttnlile* are lorm* in lb* ato*.l.
by the t*en ling of the loot In the act ot walk
itig In lite i. Hoof, by making th* si
I" ...1 l't Of Hi* Mpfier and teg of !• fyM
•*l ItidiUr (as seen in theeiit), Mr g list*
It mint nl light angles whereby the whole
in ■ '*l tits rs ai< held together, rendering
. {wrnUimor "era* king tin ssihla Tlieei-
Irn llilet. Ie >■ obtained t doubling tlie npl*W
and 1- , ii nds tt!n !•> | 'event Ihe lormalion
ol | i tiisn. lit wunkles, lor the su*-k, aided
il* elastw putt |*roi< tan k tar it* origi
list (mm when thels-nding • <-e*e*. so thai
all, i *|| iieiiitb* weni these H***ts wilt ha
111 I a* smooth ami a* slispely a- when first
. e I'bia simp. I slain Ing quality wilt be
-id tap it) ii uiWe in Uie leg, which in
h' aiy I: ht*er Hoots settles down and great
si inkle* srelorinMi aronmt the snkle, causing
Un win <t l-> lulailer* in walking, to the
-|i t<t Mint, g out of Ute HtaA lg lhe Iter
,1 | !■.I I'tiaf.'.g and atm king wearing
w. nkles in ttie '• Ninety-ftv# Far C'ant. fttar
, l. irt will he found of great practiosl
niilurt and (souotny.
P, sea <d Ihe Maaon A Hainiin Organ* ar*
a- me what luure than ttesm of tiie poorest
organ* mate, hut they are not much tnorn, the quality 11 vastly *u|*ari**r. This has
•an MI thoroughly proved by the rastilu at
: , i-st win:!* rt|*MiU>Hi* lor uiauy year*
I at it is no Inn •> * quesliou. At the prion*
lilt*)' • Uie uqpuhi.
fur one cent purvhase ■ (awtal card and
send your addivs* to lir. fiantonl, lft2 itiood
way New i ik, and iw> aetupklwie by
1.-I . I mail, troin wliu '.i you ran Iran. whUrcr
V .r livei is out of order, anl if out ol order,
Ol ■ any ■< diseased, what ta the beat taint
lu the Wofiii to lake lor IL
Sherman A l> ~ Marshall, Mvch , want an
agent in litis nuunfy at once, at a aatary (d
* K*o pei uiof.lh and i|-enat paid. Fur lull
I arlri uial a*idlc*a* as also a. I.yon I'ateut Ileal fiuflenar applied la
those new lioouand they will never rus over,
and will last twice a* long.
Young men go west, laarn telegraphy. Ad
drwaa K Valentine, Maiiagvr, Janeevilla, Wis
Chaw Jat kson a Heat Nweet Navy TuhacM.
l oataapUaa t wesa.
As old ffcrn'iaß. rvtfreil bora ptacuca. Ls.itu had
i . ,4 a Li, band* l>> an Kul fur.* aaiaaiunar} u.
i ruiu a .1 * tup.a (agaut a *etael. fur tba a|s>4r
aisl paitaanaat rora fui i; ii*ai|iUu.. biosaiio
i a lank AriLuia. and all Threat anl hang tteUuba.
a rn a pwiuia and radka. isra far hertuaa t*uS>
set , . liiivw Cua>|> ,uita afts* haling n.ud IU
Wundaitu. euratiia wmi la ILeuaanda of rsara baa
f, i tl bia dslr uj ma,, il tuvwb to blaaaOrnng fa.suea.
S.luali-lLi tbu tn- tn, and a daeba Is rvlwva bonuu.
,n. r ma, I eili *■ :! flea uf i haiga la all who deal*a it,
Uiia*,. lb ortman fiiL of Hue.let with fb
tiiwlua, fui wenaiing an I using hebt by man If
a-' w i wub i.ati,i' naming ti.s, papal W w.
gaftaaa 11* l*uwara'n.u** jUshamsr.q.t
wow rott.
heaftMU*— Mwd BaUeaa. livi wt.. or .A
(la .aa Ma* kd Uiftt I%
(M .4 (*',
twiutw . CM itt Iftki
fliiga—l-iaa . . d,g It,
Pressed ...... <*\<it ty
riMr-lL hut*, good to fancy t*' gl a
tt<wleim-ud lu tan.) 11l 14 Ruu
WhsM-hu 1 lied 1 0 A 1 tu
unite Male 1 ft 4 1 HI
It ye Male 1 A l
Uarley- Two fUtwad tents. ...... t A T*
(Vou - I'ngTaArd Usateio, Miaad . . 41 A 42
Keulhrrti Tallow 6u A A"
Oate—U'hu# etala t A '
JtiaeddVesiare tit* A 4u ■
Hay-Ketoi: grmts* Tt A M
straw-Long hya, par cwt a g W
. -tale. JeT It A tt
Port-Maaa II to glltl
Lard -CMy sieain" ' <r? 09.A ^.t
Nm!aaai-Oadt ! *- A 1 *"t 1-
Uuo: eia.c an t I'eni; XI M ,4 a"
lintiac—etaia Ciwamary ............. W A >T I
Hatry J A *'
Uaalert-Cian.ery ..„.... )t 4 It |
fact0ry........ It A Vt
CLeeea—State Factory...... ur ,4 !>
ekitua .... V?Sf§ 04 '
ttaatarn Factory IJ A W\ I
Caga—Staia and Fennaylvatita at a X'x
fUxir—l-snn. cnoicwanu lancy 4 74 4th
U beat —Parin. Had I 44 A I 44 V ,
alO her...... | an a 1 >'
gyw—State... *1 4 It
'lorn— stale Teilow .............. 41kA 42
Oala—Mixed 4* A
buitar—t'reascery Kilr*...„. II A *
uteeae New Yeti Faclcry I q a 1"
petroleum —Cruda MlfgVtvlMisd, 00\
Beef Oaltle— Uva waight MX A Mk
aii~p .... imxa (dX
Ho*- 041, A
Fiaur— Wiaeotiain and Minn. Fat. ..TOU 4I k>
Oort*--Mixed sad Yatiow I' A If
(*at* - Kafra Whila, 42 A 4t
Kya—4Fa's a A *2
Uuel—UaaNsd. CoKbing * Iwiaina. 40 A 42
Fnwaahed. " •• SI A 42
Floor —C'ayitroond, ko. 1 spring . g T| All*
Wtwmt lte.l Winter 1 0* A 1 '
C .rn-Ne Uiwfam . ...... 40 A 40
ISU-lta* ........ 40 A 42
Bar ay -Two-Hcwed Stale..... M A *1
Salon7o* (naaa.) oarTLS Kauri
tbwf Catl e- tJra "*NA ISek
eh—l- MXA u
tan Iw (XA 04
H'-a-a U4k A 41
A World f f.ood.
Otic of the mot popular meffidnos now
Iwfoif tli* American public is Hop Bit
tern. You e<- it everywhere. I'oopl*
lake it with good effect. It builds them
up. It is not ss picasont to the loiu* on
sonic other bitter* as it i* n. t a wliiskey
drink. It i more like tin- old-fash; mod |
Imt i'*ct tea thai has done a worldcf good. :
If you don't feci just right try Hop Hit- '
tcrs.—Suuilfi .V-rr*
Sediment or uiucua in the urine is a
*un- indication of disease. Take Kidney-
Aatnfa .-.blaang ae*ma*.:*4 Osmady fa
l'lta.4 pllamay wr I alltmrcfaK haem
warnnlrd k- ritxl a uswdy as:
I I A Trawtiae ami te ace radfcrw
4XIJ " ' m* ]* P. a aad ■
aid not IT lag Panti Straen Maw TA- i
trou u . n.aniTMn iou
tin Motsdrfk' nIUD(t U Klßt W fJfrd fejr bhrv
cUi Ih'wtthool tb wtnr.4 to b* lh* trt dOfdy 4l>
CO A trtd for tle mf Wound*. Ilunw. Bbri*mliaK.
- Mia Winm. r •" ' a • . a
tit*! rt rTj i*r In IL H ]• JHJ! Of Ift *!>4 Ml
I *t i ftm or ill flod it to *c; ihiag >oa
bittmr OnI.
Tmip miipiwL
Is rerfertir pore IVnanßliaTUrn baal hy the bgt
•at medical nuUt'-nusa In the urnrtd. lilnc htgbaa
award nt til U.wld't Kapaattveoajnd at Para. t(T4
HulJ hy I>nAir.U. W .D-hchlvCr ta Sc I e..N V
lib*. < Iraim-liona* F.atnbllahed I *.->.
Tew lsw. Vr- n-an la eflloldleri and belt*entitled.
Prtanu- lit, lo.t i dbxhargr ur daain Iksw leaded.
tiU'rwa ik*' mp.
4aFt). K. LKkOX,
W ' '
'®i e'ja u emuwaed un the ltd aad the :#■' . hat the alg
nalmr* of W ooi.RK H 4 UO
$1425 - ID Rn# k )i . October I* -
5 SIOO i
, Fri-pctlooa rvtnma avaty weet on Stoat OH m of
too, - tw. . 100. r 1000.
(XBclal flet-irta and Tircalar* fraw. Adarvaa
V PoTT*KW,.;ST A(X.Rankat* ;Wt U al* St. K.I
®Tsrm ta MKJITTV t
s--r 'fJL
•IMDM, or '' * luf* rtotnmun . O
*pd > tOMOOUM* ft m - - .Mb
Haftas. Aldowa SHkKi**.b < X>. luMMh.
IT WILL I.AST TOP aad yearchUdnwk<Mh
1 j>( kinm iiie FLORIDA Orange GroYt,
(MM * Oranrr T-eet, Ruanaa. Pfga. (Irapsa. Peach ai.
Sc.av-dra, Isra- nsw ll.nae. (• Arraai Inaotna
now r.ftcen IT m-.-ed and can l<e doubled Full par-
Kcu.ara. - ALPHA." Bo* 445, Jatasrllli. Flortdn
Erorxu has OR ot,w,
- d,
BARNEY A BERRY S | CatAlogae aert Traa. ,
■ month tee:r graduate guaiar t" ! a paying iltu- I
*Uon. Addrtsa R t aientlna. Managai. JanaavUla. Wis. ,
nnillii llsblt A shin Otaanaan. taoa
I IMI I I M landacurtd U.eeaf pn.ei Do not fa!
UI IU Ivl to writ# Dr. P B Mamh.Qntnrr. Mlrt
rrtllY: I.ITTI.E CaßHl.K*.—Thread. Aw'la,
1. Nrailha, Knife and Wax, Kitty feme. VgenU
a acted. I'. P ADAMS A CO.. 4W Oourtlandt SLTs! T.
6 months for 10 cts„ on trial.
/V /Xo I K.-aOlg Jf**vfli(ag. ala-ge etght-paga aew*.
papt-t. Mni|><( free C. C. D 1 Put. SyratMa. K T. -w itb .ntei.iii cuinu bat cuaw
li Ilu 'ta aeili' rapidly for Oar eta- Oaulogua fra
DIQh M Kriaru. 14 Waah-nßL.Boston.Maaa
Amilal nort*lilne H*nr lured In It
lll#llSM lokOdwya. N*|M*> (til tuceA
K#| | u,r'i 111*. J M W-Hi.Nh, Lchamcu, Ohio,
tiVialranaflPA'afl(tml Dr.Poota 1
OnaKSpeare 8 ||*, lT a Mo* T aLT.ITeA-fo:l I
SaniidecoprTw. Horeay Will Pub.d 0..114 B. Ath St..N.I
see a week In ranr own town. Terma and f cntit,
yUU fra*. Addragg 11. Ilaixarr A Co- Port lard. Mama. , ,
Id, www a i taM anuaxpsuaeiloagenia. unUltPrae If
flW# * 4 Addraaa v o vndKRRV AiuruaU.Maiue. M'
guarm a jfooth and npenaea gnarantsad to Agsati
#!*< 4 (tnllft f-e# Mia A do. Arimi Mil an JJJ;
Free Cliromo Catalogue Faiiilllei., lowert .1,1.
puce. Melro|*..|lUn Art Oo . ."IW Naa*au SL. N.Y.
r*IT VU Kvvotvera, daUlogae're# Addreea, ,
VJT Uix3 (treat UVatern <fnn |
ee I. eon par day at home. Sample# worth fra . ,
10 vpaU Addrr iaSn*,..* A do ■ Portland. Mali
CQOnOA rIAR. Hawta !< >- - 's72
JJ) l)L/U v 2<wi4. COL >OM4i, *l. i-oui*. I
, , ANNOUNC£MEMT,OF-I.y; v |
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