*• HOLD IT \i way East, were published. but non< accurate, detailed and atuttsiltg :s that given bv the vmcrable ironii< t-.-tnan himself before his departure tor Europe. " I was on mv way East. ' s*iu he, "in n four-horse since the mail -i >:< that runs between Santa K> a net I. i> Vega*. tIK- lutilnoi OI the Atchison, Topekn an 1 Santa Fc railroad My on'.y feltow pas-cnger was Mr. .1. F Strahan. a New York inwy r We hud ridden all day, and were within five miles ol l swon some and ordered one of the other iu< n (there wi re three of litem) to 'soaivh that lei if." Iliex did. and found my grec.tbacks 110 a much? Well, a right smart bum-It. some that 1 had cot togethci to go to England with. Tl.ey didn't wateli or si .. er that time " ' l>on't point that gun at uie,' I said. "I don't know but its loaded. It nftght go oft and kill me. and I tell you if \ou kill me you'., gi\eti - : m • ti\ ti . iSlCtl lots of friends around here, and they .I tna.k' • una lot .. I He lattgheil and *.-ud be wouldn't git hung it he did. It.'.! on * et ■■ nt is; for twenty years. I to..* it t it it i had a pisto. I'd st tul hint up in a* out twenty seeon-'- You know Is: tarry a pisto 1 don't - :• \vat it at au non-rvs-staiit on ; M\ ; pie wet* Quakers. Well, niter we had this conversation the lender ana. Ins men were ruminating around '\\ 1 I.H;--- you'd better mnrctk the antediluvian again ' The men lis k lo\ rv. . ig on. and pulW nt> gold wat. i ... : ot n > poi'ket ••• Now don't take that ' 1 mid, 'it's g>t my name on it. am l wou'.,. ■id u to detection ' • I> his w iteh,' satd the loader *• So they k It it, and turning to Stral in took his wnl it at d bail and -00 in money. Ali this time the lender was covering iu will. Ir.- -iiotgun 1 saw one of tin men ' girt tig to, \ r hnul the mat. bags and *t.q evl for ward ""Stop" viii 1 . the It ado r "I told him 1 want,si to see what the man was doing. " ' Stat where you an ." h> -a - " Hut 1 wanted to -ee and so I \\ alk- d along as I • ilkcd m st by t tniii hags Then I adi - ! mat. i. to .ut the hag. but to eut the strap He d ! so. Then 1 to d him to p .tr oat the h t t-ers. and 1. drittiat. 1! > ;.m ti ar the letters to pie,, s. " * Now stop.* sat,'. I : ' • ir ofl ' endscarefu. y You v. -n't;.ny:i "g there. This is M mdav'a ail. Ukd I > one sends money in M !n ' ma . Most t!.- otitis ar \ Our boys out '..•: !. v .- in tl. States, and 1 hah to hav< I nir ~ tU r torn up.' "And so the fellow did. tear off the ends carefully. 1! didn't find tinv money in the first ig .: i thai wa> .til he opened. 1 told :.tn th other bag contained only :: w s;- t; •rs and. way mai.s and . l> ved tr: I ha: a basket of lunch iu tic - g- .at I ,a. . to the leader ""There's soni lunch in there. We might ail tak a bite.' ""Oh, shut up." said he, and th n said: "1 guess You'd b Iter go through ti. it reverend old. gentleman again." and they did. and got a bag of si Aer I had. Wbiie the man was searching tne i., turnisl his to me, and I saw the butt of a pistol In his b..:. I made a grab tor it. and he jerked around. As he aids,i the -loth he had over his face was push- ! i-i a- i I -iw h.s ' 1 afterward identified, th .' man. W • ... by talking ar.d joking, I kept thus, fel lows there an hour and a quarter by my watch. Within a mile ol as there were three thousand men t work ot tin railroad, and I hoped - me would come. At last eight men > id come along— Mexicans, with hay. W1 none ot them saw us he pi, 5,,) up •wo nor.'-- and t m toward us. Tin o'er threw up his gun. "'lf any of you ,an -, -.k ni-h.' he-aid. 'tell th v t >w it he eoun here I stia.l shoot him.' Some tine did teli the man. and if and the rest ran away. Then the robber- ordered the driver to take the harness off the horses, and throwing our blankets and over coats on them the robh, rs rede off. They toot that Na avo 1> .nket there that I am going to tag, to Kttg and with me and give to < jueen V; t ria. Two days iati r the blankets wen found along the railroad and the -hotgun broken. 1 drew eighteen buckshot from one bar rel. Front these blnkt:tie mt :i wt n tracked to a d.aR hou- and found dancing. Tht ir trou.*'r- were covered with hair from the hors. - On the next Saturday four meu hired a hou-- in l-a* Vegas. drov out four miles, stopped and robbed the coach, and two of them afterward drove hack with the horse. They w>-re all arr, si.d and the seven lodged in Santa F< ail. When I eantc East, I went to fjen, ral levies and represented to httn the condition of the jail. It was a regular -hell. He said he could do pottiing: he had no money. Qm of tin robbers b.i* a.r, rvly got away, and the others will, probably before F<-brusry when the court *it. Since I was robbad the robbers have stopped a railroad train. Th*- trouble is that they ar-- not prosecuted The government don't sustain the prosecu tion, and so the rn-> :i - go unpunished." How Many People Have Fifty Dollars Some one said the other Uay th.it in the entire world the number of people who had Si>n. or it- equivalent in CAHII. at their command was extremely small —so small, indeed, that altogetbi rthey would not (-utnuintH-r the inhabitants of the little kingdom of B g>uin. which has a population of 6 nflo.ooo ><>u>. H .t lliis estimate app :trs to b- far Ix-tow the mark in the light ol the lift that in the savings banks of France in IK,, there were deposited no -- titan i3.eon,- 000 by 2.H83.2K3 de >. itor-. tlf average sum of ea It deposit* r being j"o. Tic number of these <1 j-it<,r- i-ontinuaii y increases, and tltey are, to a very large extent, members of the working classes. So in England, also, the number of de positors in the postal savings hank is very large—not ies-. on the whole, ttian two millions—and their deposits, on an average, amount nearer to $250. the limit allowed than to £SO. In Scotland and Ireland the savings of the people are large and constantly increasing. In Germany the people do not generally place their savings in banks, hut they have comfortable little sums laid away in teapots and old stockings. This, also, ig the case in France. In this country trie number of people who have SSO at their command must amount to quite as many as in either France, tier many or Great Britain. The world o working people is not nearly so poor a# many imagine it to be.— Neva York Graphic. Killing a Thousand Itats. The Valleio (Cal.) Chronicle says A day or two since a grand rat-kiliine carnival came off at one of the slaugh ter-houses on the Napa road between two men, two dogs and a regiment of long-tailed "varmints." in which tlm former came ofi victorious, and suc ceeded in slaying, by actual count, l.fift ) rats in two hours. The rats were un''er the floor of a loc corral, and the men got at them by lifting one board at a time and hitting what they could with clubs, while the dogs killed the rest. After the battle was 'over the rats were thrown out in a pile in the road, which made one ot the most novel sights ever seen by the passers. They were finally buried in a grave prepared for their re ception. W. T. Black well, the great tobacco manufacturer of Durham, N. C., pays more taxes to the government than any one nian in the world, to wit, $580,000 a year, SIO,OOO a week, or over $1,42* per day. England has waged fori y-nine wars since 1300; France, thirty-eight; Russia, twenty-two; Austria, twelve, and Prus sia, eight. Ctesar's motto was to always he first but when it comes to fighting a duel we prefer to be second. — Boston Post. llmi (ienernl Spinner Invented I ra<- t jovial t urrcncy. The origin of tin fractional < uit cm \. win, h ba* been in the pi-t I, mhi* superseded by fraction.-!, m \ ■ r. i- sou c w bat p< >ti i n and i, t n< rady know n The appeanuvw of this utrrnuy. which •u firt wa-alway* >| ckctt id as " postn currency." wa* due to t!., | inium on spci ii 111 ISI'2 Sinn . ehatlge be, line tin u. e tj,. d being up md takitt with it -tivcr. thesi i one- disnp|M ared front i iix-u. itioit. Sbw-kings wer, brought out and tin ptivioits metals found their way to tlicit ln-i - o.dto. - It was more th m a da\ - se it, hto find a tivi-cnt silvi r pn. ■ it in) other stuall denomination of that coin I'o pie could not find •\, h:ug> tor -ma transaction-. In buying a Jinm rin tin market cltonge bad. to l : ikon in bo t-. revhhagi -. |Htatoi* and what rot. ton .i-ii!,:,' ; -■ . ts'aleii to front ali quartets to sotn thing to -upplv tin- demand t, : -net . i hange. lie had ro ,v\v nnib r w Itti h It, wuhl act,but after buv itig t halt do tt worth of app.es nt ta. tinn md r> • living I,t his ha t-do tt in i! it,-, more or tisiS ot different kinds ot pn .luce he 1 vegan to .- v>t tuvun.l tot a -ub stitute for suta than.. In hi- di • tnu . he iwthought him ot tin postage -! itvi" 11. sent down to the p. -t, dice d. i n ; tinnt and puri ba-o! a .(U.antity ot -ta . - lie then ivnlcred up a pa, Wag ot tl.< paper U|H.tt which govctntn• nt -e ut - ilics w,ti printed It ,nt the to into vartou- -t -. v>ti tla |■• ■ for fractional -t \ • i 1 l.t- w-t --hoWiver. a govt rnnient It an 'tt tn o • ■:. s renev among the rk ot the t., -. ct ntent. Thev us.k it nadilv. and the •. -to tr, ;, u:v I'lo i ■ ' •■ . : tiona. outtency and went tm Con.: -- ,:l>\ W t> Oil tht' >ta'Ut th k prcN .t' for tlf *u 'l* th< i> ' • • v urtt 111 V vvhi.-ii So-ame -,- p.-pulat Th- fa.- - mile of p: tge stamps w t- put on ea It 1 WOU hi UOt ! ifci' ■ l?T r!i it> iV. Hut lluulittg Kaltltils on tlie hau-.i- I'iaiu-. Ht iv. ca ling our .legs from th wagon. u m .in, forty r-ds mar:. I 11, .g- trotted - ovv v a otig h kti- Up and tat - >tou r. . vv .: : \ run. H> had pt'obab'y been ft :v- d many time- b\ cut's at. : ant.v !. Nt no doubt ot !u- ability • run away trout anv dog; but be was const 1- ral, v a— tonisi. to find that t!.i- pa kot . :a. effort.-. N U- 't 1] ; I k ct V • vv. blue and white hounds drew near, r and mare: to him. Hi- astonishment now gave pl.t • to the n.ost inler.-e tt i ror, and he frantica. v end-av i>r. dto- a; - ' • came a lipe ot lnr-- ni. n, a the hot -es ■ ■ lik. demons—, adi encouraging his ~w: N . • citemcnt ti l- catt.c-men add.' d hui.-iike Ivel.owing-. The fasti -t d< gifttl.- P.i k was on tli rabbit, lie mad hi-, tier for him. The jack turned lik* ightning. Tin empty jaw- ot the dog e attic '• - get her with afttr the rabbit this tiog was-truck by another, and both rolled ov . and over to find t:ie rsbhit sotn fifty yard- away, and another dog ready h- 1 tak' a pa-.- at him. It i- in tdt. and. aga nil c k i :ui—ed; he turned a-i.lt ta into the jaws of a pup. The -hri >ry of the Is n< - i- heard, ant' a., is ot, r. - >iut one dismountenl. t, ok the* j1 k .way fr,,'u the dog-, an i t • d ii I" hi- - t.idl, . We rested our bonce and breathed oar dogs. Al. agn ed that tin jack had done Weil. He vvas ttrai.-'tl a- a might r goml rabbit.—At W York Stu. An Ohl Lady's Struggle vv it Ii a Buck. The I. xington thv.) 01 sty-: Mr-. .1: kson. ' veil-rahle r .iet! the late S. G. .In -k.-on. of ihi- >lll and mother of Mn. Gen. John H lb i-ton. of this city, was attack* d by 1 -tv :ge bu k a -hurt time ago and was j.ainfuliy hurt, !>ut tuaile a tuo-l miraculous es cap-. Sue was • i-itin. lor son in .!•--- saniine, antl went over to see a neighbor by the name of Mi' • r. who has a few d'-er in r.n in, , -ure. Sevrra. ; r-ons went into the park to examine th< .leer, among whom was Mr- .hirkson. Tltey seemed kinti uu gen?.-, and in ttie eour.-,- ot an liour < rtvvu M: -. Jai --on returned to the p-.rk alone, when she WAS attacked by the huek. knocked down, and wouitl hav been trampled to death, cxecpt thai she i/.'d the aiiim i by the horn- anil held to him with -Uch a firm gripthat h vv l-i ~t ai/e to throw her off. He tore h r emth' - ami hurl In r feet anil leg- v•. v -evrcly. She s, ri amed AS lout! A- -lit could, consider ing the jH-ric us condition in which -In was placed. It mal to hct thai it must have t . n Sift.ti or tu n'v min ute- before anyone beard Ir r. and a., this tint* -he was hoitiing <>n with a death grip to those terribly brant liing antler-. At last a negro boy enine to h'-r relief r.nd beat off the nava animai. She WA- taken t, tic hou- mot dead than alive, hut iia gradually r< ovcrtal from her injuries. She complained more of soreness in lc-r arut- than front any of lc-r hurts. whi-h -how <1 tbe nature of the -'rug: <• in whi h she was eiigagetl. If she hntl ie' 'go Iter hold the buck would have cut Iter to pieces with his sharp hoofs, hs th' -e :ire mist for ntidahle wt-apons of mi nk. I hi- was one of the most miraculous escapes front a violent death that we ever heard of and especially so. AH Mrs. Jackson is seventy-nine years of age, antl of a deli cate ft chic frame. A (ilrl Scalped by Macltinery, While Jennie Hall, fifb • n years old, was stooping over a piece of machinery in :t lithographic establishment in Philadelphia, her long, dangling hair caught in a belt, nnii in a second she was completely scalped. The sufferer, with the blood streamingovc r Iter face, screamed in an agonizing voice that could be heard a block away. The wounded jfjrl, who was wild with pain, was taken to n hospital. Some of her associates became hysterical over ih<- horrible sight. An investigation was made subsequently, win n the cause of the accident was n*o rtained. If ap peared that the gin had imprudently been amusing herself by permitting a lock of iter hair to wrap itself around the small vertical shaft. She repeated this twice, but at the third essay the lock became wrapped too tightly around the improvised curling iron to be extri cated and was torn from the bead, most of the Hcaip goinif with it and OOOSldsr able of the skin from the forehead close to the brows. In the evening the girl's condition WAS reported as favorable, although erysipelas might ensue. Several years ago a somewhat similar accident occurred to lyi Italian lady, the wife of a mill proprietor in the lower part of the city. She WAS pAsing through the working room where the looms were clanking away, iter long, beautiful hair, of which she was proud, hanging Joosely down her back. A strand of it entangled in a shaft, and like a flash jshe, too, was partially scalped The surgeons replaced the fragment dexterously, and perfect adhesion was secured, so that at this day the lady enjoys her glossy tresses as intact as though site "had never had the terrible e* perieni*). General Grant turns the scales at 174 pounds. " Ab. how well do 1 remember —it wo* in the bleak November," when 1 caught the cold that was wearing tne surely and swiftly away; but I heard ot I)r. Bull's Cough Syrup, took it, and atn as well a* ever. NEWS SI 1 MM Alt Y. Eastern and Middle Steles. I hft inmifnw ImiIHM(JIHU it* tin 1 1 honM* out 'I N \ *>il liiv< lnMPttt sitae! It) \ I'i I'M Uli* lilt.l H UmsM ill ftttrr*l ai uUmt ?* I fltfiiu II nou lai.ilv hurt l> >aialU mnl hotat ' !• IntlllMl to ,twt!ll Vt, tat Intltill' - It' N* 1 "tk litv 1 • ■ • * • til li.tt.t tltn -lU- t-„t ".tnu I' • t-'.i,.1.1 "I 1 ltk.,| > . ' t .'tlf d.-utlt hit* t it- tt pUo, VlHtttl I .Ut M'.lt.r.t i-t.ird ... It. It Mil* t V)-.v!.1 Hit. Uigtt tlf Vr Yt 1 . . ill . vv -V , . . S, . , \ An <• v. Uxi.'tv tit ii . itut'Slha |h> let - , M ... . ~ 1 lt> - 4 I: Mestern entl Southern Stalev ' :. i'liintr * in ■■ S, I M M: K- nt -mt fltn kei t,. tit..: . ti.tt'l . nntp t, wham lite Indtnn* asnbn-Uct (bra. kilting *. l. t! tint- nr Km ■ W•< llit> nc- r.acli' I K PasMi 11 itrwt parts j* g,.t. ■ I ami-Irl . glitf aktilcl. Ihr jtnlb.-! ii I.'-i.eral lMv:* r,i-t Irotit the rank- during ti;, •,: with Max., . to ■ H'lur a int. >r g- -era in tin- rivil Mat. an i ut '.lf Time ot In* dontl n colonel ol the 1 wenly-'litrd inlantrv unity. In IS'--*, while | *at -:J - v die. K v.. umler !he Jtrw- ttott • tint officer and -hot hint dead. l ot tin- u< '•enorai !>-.- wu- cHHirt'ittarttaled, hut * honor. .Iv 1.. i'utt.-.l "U he trial. In , on, ■nt, ~ <>! ,m: 1 tie*- \\ ic le\**, ari-mg Irom tile re/u-ul o! Mi - Men n.'ld t.. with it-vl " Wood, b* nw V\ itatii t urne tought * duel out-i !> the twi room. \ doaett -in wer- e\olt'o. t time ; **. mle-i tt ,e !:,u. I a ,*tiin r ut the antl i.c-rge \Vt* I *■*- *h>l iu th, tirgh "H Wool tb M wo ol to whet Ml-* S- ir.rt.-i ! eiA' ~ <1 cctltvera.-ttioi tin \ll*-rt < h'- ti n-.d t, ;tdi. t w • :ton:; : T, *hoot h r. He then rfiuarknl to ( liocb You iu n friend ol < •".• rhot iiiin dead mid going '■ pI" * :rr,e k: -k>d Intn ■"Of le-i with hi- p-*toi \V >*l thl' 1 Iliad" gooi hi* e( upe From Mratbtnfitcn. 'lti" i-(iiniim ',ner ol interne! -evrnur, ii lit* tinttu.it rej-irt. eeye thut the leeeipte trim interim! 11-veniietHXe* Mil iuiing the pro-en fl-i-nl >ar, rem it the - tni ol >-115.10*1,'"• iii !e eiii'-.*l • t tin- report -how Uiel dat ing the hi-t thtiH- >" ir- and lour nnmth .ll7 illicit tli-til'me- li tre tieen seined, 6..'I 1 tier-one arretted lor liltci' dutillinK. em twenty-seven offleer* ind employee* kith* anil lotty-eight vv runup I while engaged u enforcing thn interti ■ im hue law . 'l'h, ■otai imouiit real!/"■! hy the tn* on tlm i-epi tul end iie]*i*ite ol lot> ' - and I'lt'iker* durini 11 ,,■ iIo-h! ymr ended .1 ue ■I, ls7s. *u- i'" 913, and lor the t! -r o year o| ls7'.i it win j l.lK4,y7H—•bowing it decteeseol i ! >.'i,h.!4 A *letetnent ol the capital and di-j*i-it- n saving* look-, and imnk* and hanker* othe than niiTio'ial hink*. h"Ws an iijgicgntc o $195,!(9t'.51.3 investctl in government liond* sgain-t i ISS,Sh2,R "0 rcjHrteiint show* that the net im-rctr.i ol the earnings of mo*t ot the ntilroiuU las year wu# yi per rent. The net earning- n the Union I'acilh railroad ll jn,i wen jf7. 5 1 5,567. For the ten months ending Octolm 31. 117!', Uti le were Unit in the ITittwJ.State Z.ffKt mile* ol new railroad-, ol which *• v < 2,000 mile* were west ot the Mi**taippt, whif the average oonatntelion lor the Hame tint, during the five veer* previous whs only I AO I mile*. Foreign News. Spain is ehout to send 1,100 ndditionn troops antl two Irignte- to t.'ulm, to o|terati egauuit the insurgents. Koweli, the Knglish pedestrian, has decide, that the nnxt walking match tor the long ilitance championship of the world end th Altley belt shut 1 take place in Kngland. l'he Chilian* have cap!tired bptiqtie, an im portunt I'eniviun town. (iha/.i Mukhtar, a famous I'urkish general and hi* liody-giiapd ol seventy men have hcei mu t-Hcreil by Albanians at (iusinjo. General Hakcr Im* d.-leated and disperaei the Alghnlt trilsw oppoaed to hitn I nmirgent lorrat* in I he district of ChihiiahtiH Mexico, are in poaseesion of several towns. t,rent distress prevail* in the west ol Ireland It I- -aid that such hunger, poverty and wan are to he seen there as have never been know since the great Irish laiuiue. The two children ol Donald MnNorton living in Ross, Canada, were !>oth killed b; the explosion ola bottle ol gunpowder v.hiel they had managed to get in their possessiot during their parents' atecance Irorn home i (itnlilnllMY A '!, 4*l llftutlnug, •tiii|HAni-il, > ,MHI A Cftbln .l.ipul. ! IkAIHHIWMMI " ''•* • 1 tipmi llit# i t lr* l t ir* 1 ti ut MiWtfh Uf.t: j tlitiGi-ii th . it? tiitriml nmclnnr n (liimw ii In# mi\ , I'it #li#l not 1 r\pU>lo unt l lit* is*** fi ■' ' I OM.III sMGN \ l Si Hn % 11% . l lir* (tiwt . 'lriit WbtH Ut t* t ito ttliuibrf* to t*lrr i , to not it Y thf 1 IttIHMP 111 it tUi' viml# ill xt*siiiii tnil s r .rktoiM inttttitl uii>l Vntlionx net.- aj jHUtiltml •( .oliliuiltt o til Join tt ftUutUt I A.UllnlttW till tUf I'Mtt Ol tllf litHIMB It. Vii;l >u 1:. I*i < Ulil '.n . uotifv lorn ttmt Utli htHUtN. t ! i writs ill nul t i dour hva an *1 ft* Bat )>ou in lon not I thA hS wotfthl ut OUiH* t OliiUmilKWClr" t#4 i tMIgUM> IY liii-s ill HiUittn ltnnu'liul y w toi tlns % ,tio (MVIFI4IV ttj tttitl ttrlivrrcwl to tht* ..: - \ ■ I WIY .'-v Willi wiMtt IH! tHo woltowUli t ftUmi Jul > !\o umriit wou i not oil\ ,v rial as lo th iiiotcYwa. Irwitug Ut hts antr • J jonuftlia r MtluiHH. Mi li ru> ir 11 okr . Ihe fir*' regular . *■ >u of lot.fo. a,** call<*t rh ntfiinloN to otvler. Alter a prnA rr u 1 e! .! r:.,itrP' - ! .... • dit rn.'. ' !! ■ \ Moom* Atkin*. Brt-ktxii and thrtdol.! ..... • i :> . ■ - - - |M.w.*r u> the I'm* tent to drop; Tka-m vf any ng the entire mil, lU-leisc ! Mr 1 >'.-1 n --!he t'trite ! *':#tr* ti"ii the ei'TTMiit v 'ju< -t..'n set! <1 by rhc Jr* : ■ "'^drhVHo"*m Isrm callr O) |*MM I U any *n III,". were inti ,*di >•-: !o re novr the I'te Indian* Im-ri I "1.-ru. i,' It*-* sng tin- latuta* so a* to pro lr- lh.*; .<• !■ !'"k .ia* *!.:! r *-trt.i tr, :.< 'l;!trr. : lit i the A-ar ..Ml* r.'gini. Nt qtiartert-! in 51. i: ! ri*ye>! th* ro "ille I .-l.w ti... lioynl Pal we, tindalt. r urn's* |H}ints. The rn, li iiw li.-* !*(! th* Ponio Paia. n. near Madrid, in tho toormng lor Ihr liiiii:*lr\ ol marine, where HpartriK-uts ha i 10-err prepHti-d lor hr iiieli *n* dr.-—.at tor lh* innrrnvg* K'lig All'Miso left th.* IC'iVHI l'alao* lor lh \: ii* t'hureb . short tm.p twlor. pievrrt or lock, lo ihg pr*i***l**l h> hi* mother i*x fgup.'ii !- ' . th" Pi A*' r. .- ! the gr.*t 'lignitni of the kingdom. Troops Urul ti." r..,ile ol th* pna-ee-.on The hri.le, uccom; mi"'! hy the i.a.inn ol lionor, her rmfthei HI 1 off her primiifent jeiaon*, *.*n ulier Wff'iit to the cburrh lw .hltereiit route, l ii* nu :,a, .i, I. giari !.•< ■ol -| tin, ami ilepiitnti" 1* of til" -.mate and • i .un'• r ol depntre* nwrait. I fii* King at the • leu.-It. l'h>* Ling a .** sli) nee Hiipanie.l bv the A.tsUriatl Ati hdi'ke l.'m*r. le wh* rich!' ,Ji.—. ■ in w lite, and won* . !■ II ol bril liant* am! 'he imugiisa ol Mioie la.in-. order lim rhtirrh wmbsplendidly ilihinioMted and do. jniie ! Willi rich silkuri 'lmjier,") Ihe diplomatic laffdy. lh.* Spamli geaiidcew, and depie 'itoii* 11 "111 the senate and - hamlMT o[ d.-i ito** o.'cnpi"d the n.ivi' ..1 the < hurvh lh* bride app.siie.l mu. h niove.l .luring the rer.'inoliA"- Id:.' mqiltal lie ll.', bet It >ll wa* given oil I" Im.f "1 (he Poj e by the I ardnml I'atriai- hot the Indiee. who ofßciat.sl at the ins*, which hi.- . elebrat*.! allei the marr.tige • ereinori). When tin* royal i-atlA' lelt the eh ireh to re tnrn to the tatlaee, the asj'.s'l "1 the oil > was p:"ffiire*<) "ill fh" extreme. On the root ol tli" I ib-.:r \ iitiirA, on I tee-, w nnlows, lnl< noie* in.il lions, loji. w er.- UkOSaea ol people Bells ware ringing, i, IIIIIOII* ihtinderiug, laiiid* i la .a ing. and lh* ait w-- lull ol sound. The bril liantly gilded liveril ol the court w ere pallid be*: le the color ol the grand*** "I Spain. Thirty carriage* passed, iiieiuding the "ci* h* We r.—pect" -nil empty a elu. Ie Ol great uplen dm, drawn by eight magiiiH' t-nl liors"*. aur rounded by twenty greitji, which preceded the king's carriage. The latter, containing the royal couple. a* also iliiiwn b> eight horses "i indk-wbit■ color. From the hal coiiies. the windows and the street* u cliecr swept hkc a wave nlniig the I mil* ol the roysl procession. A grand diplomatic Ismquet was gn.ii in th.i evening by tho pr.wi.lent ol the council in honor ol tiio marring*, ll w-as followed I*a* n reccpt ion, at wdiich all thediplotiiHls and other pri ".ins ol ili*liiicti'in were presonl The bank ilietr limited jr'. i (Mi to the poor. The king re ceivnt . uigiiilillations lroin all tho *"' eroign* <>l l-.ur.>i. Tlio hriilo rercivwl many inogiiifl cent presents, and her rnarrutgodowry oxceods J*1,009,000. sho is tin- second wileol King Allonao, hi* Itist wife—lus young and bsauli lulco'isiu, Moi.'O'lea—having died last year a lew iiioiitlisallor her luarriago. i he now .jneen oi f*|iain I* 21 years ol ago, and is fall, "I a slighl-olcgiml figure, n fine youthlnl com plexion, dimple.l i heck*, vivacious blue eye* 1111.1 an abuni IIIICO of lair hair. Sho was i are lu! lA' educated uodei tbooy.iof her mother, so that she Speaks Din langu'iges Ix-snlns her own, is an cxcellonl |.iaiiisi and *ltll a better singer, draws and pienta well,ami i* an expert carver in wood, she i* dewrib.*! a* ola charitable and kindly di#p<*.ition, (rank and pieasant; claver, without Isang i"tolloclual. lorn I ol driving, tiding, rowing and all brisk exorcisoa. 1 h<* I est i \il tea wlii.-li followed the royal marriiige lasted lour .lay#, and inoluded ris eptions, ! nil fight* and other national amusements. Words of Wisdom. The whole value of manner lies in its sincerity. The absent are never without fault, nor the present without excuse. It is the mother who molds the char acter and fixes tiie destiny ol the child. He who has a true friend has great riches; he who hasafnlse friend is hope e.ssly ill debt. If you have good health you have nine-tenths of all the Ixu'd has ever ! given to any man. j No man is called on to lose his own i balance for the advancement of the ' world in any particular direction. t:;t tiii: fair sf\. I mlt Id* tt Utilra. 1 ju)ion in mourning ■ -lge ilo ir .see lintidkirelilels witli lilrw k llneail Inee ilisteitil of Wliite. Fur lull ilei IllgM will In* lllllell WOIU llii't winlet, es|" eiliily on lite i i'ttll suits tlint licet vtarily have little otlier trim utlng. Soniti of the newest elotli suits Inn e i wide I' liid of lur mound the Imtloiu "I the unilef skii t A very narrow plnii iug is all thut shows below it. A new and jireiiv li iiutuliig '•" * ©o* tuiuit is uintle by liraliiiitg ribbons lu tl rihlailis hi ii.'i 'l ill this lii-it'i•' 1 11 • A , I y sl\ ish. Tln new iiifli nil' nl i e |'i:itAwl 1 wll. with one hull stnriilitig up nrtruml the thront anit tin I'thi i hnll tailing do* u, . vnetly like the Queen F.!irnl th 'Ull- T! . y are worn \ci*y higli nroumt the lhto.fi The i usU'timf y avlo!<' •' geiora. > . • I ItfU'ies, is giving plaee bra t-aitii ot ,tovo*grt t-n ! it - i ' 1" itopular iii I'.ng'iUiil for suallm pur|oai Side .*i iiein of -talskiu are nnmttg novi itit sin furs T hey are **>llllllllo* •.eeli when no fin irinfat i AA.mii. but iptaa. In bell. 1 :i.lv. ul!tg< ith -■ 1 B ill . Souk :uni mutl 'I hew hi -n -o eoiue in all lie* fancy ftirs of tie -eaooa. lohis t • wear as lii hu* tin j. sin do -•*- ti enliven black toilettes -M ut't \ ait tu-it tone ..n I lie ill . I tl.'ll i- n |M'fleet that Mttcliurdly lenii/1 v that it is IkOl lata*. Sometimes the kill ace is of a Ulitlortll color with the ■ . Ae, or again we ere taatefui eoulrtAsU. "Ho lt A nieri. in J*ulie -hot 1 adopt tilt" Kug.islt lasliiutt A>( wcarim.* ■ < lIo*A ti, ty as Aveil understand that g' ttiug into llii in is an mi t in its. X and gi tting out much ■ ffurt. Tie* iaP-i fr ak in adorn in..* them is to euitvuidfir a border in crew e aroUiei the lower isig**, tariittl and 4 nils, and bl work lie luonograui of thc A\ , arer on tie* trout ill- •"■. k its tar as the trt it, forming ,a hustle, but making lleiu Vtl'A heavy; other# luiV' small bustle* made ~! whaieln-io fas iene.l IA. lie skuia. Jiooj. sk.rts are again re\ ived but are worn at present by few The geiirral supposi ion that " dog skin gioves Hie really made i.ftle taiued I>v ) rfeetion Iron*. Cafe iViwn . 1 tai.. w rich is is.tu -.! u ■ vol : run! uiueh esteenrcd te. . pi, ur •*. The cheaper kinds ol "dog-skin rot. • made of the Jiid.w of vari ui* an.ma,#, and it is donbttu! if ever the j.. it of a dog was thus Uti.i**Al I . - • very sma.i ehildren. n r ih< grai. by the gaj .st India orm .! s f tin w.Mi, or • ,*• t'ou*i >dour figured ii. mix iong ovi*r-ilrw4*. bunehed up on the snles and 1m hind, with a p mi -kirt, i* ,- - . w ' ! - Gloves ot neariy ul. < oorsar worn, ruby, garnet, p.urn. slab. oid go. 1. hroitre. o.ive, and in fact ail colors thai bright eo.ored sails: pur white an* not worn as tuugh >* formerly; .tiaiu w liite :ud Sitae tints are preiVrrcl I.ight giovos are euusiiii-red ijuite as t on. mica, as i'lai k on* as tin \ all eh- if v and ■ tM.vi -t nu*i Many ,adi<* i n tin'irown whll* glov s with o*>m tunn nti-exp.o*i\' oil. for mourning undri 't-ed kid .*u> prefernal, and for or dinary use lit' Ktigkisit ti-.e il.read is worn; they 1, *t from foiTy-flvi to seventy-five i ■ nu. are strong and 'iura bie. Ftrrs; ims ar< fastened w itlr tUnv or fc>ur buttons, Utfi -i v or eight built n gloAt- are r • r\ed for m *re dressy occasion* nmitll • Frani lsParktuan ha* .-ui art:- .• on tl.• woman .jUi■ >t) in th' .Nits ', .fr arr Jr hn't' t\ it wiillw win from Uiefo, lowing extract, that h< is not in favor of wonn-n in po.itii s There are sotn- means •>( judging lrotn I XperieUee whr ther they :u*i likely to exert in public ifetl,' 11- clieent power* ascribed to tilein. Manx countries in Europe have Iwen govennsJ hy rjuei*ns. and thi at a timewh'UtO avear a crown ni' :uit i< hoirt arlominant power. Aivttrdirv to tlir* ry. these fi male reign# ought to ha\*e shown more virtuous and Irf-nign governnn nt than is gi neraily -liowu under the rub of men. The {.. !s do not answer to tiie expcA-ta tion. 1-rlie ( of ( astiie was (u of amiable qualities, but *he fwrmitb-d her self to Im* made the instrument of di*- lioii' ui.reiigii.us p r- ution. t atharini 11. of Kus-ia aaa* one of the nhle#t w-onu nwh"ev .! le AS ! tre. 11l i.■ •1. of the most profligate. Maria Thei' *a of Austria was in many iymmh ts far ahuA'e the intuilion levi ,; hut she was a sharer in what has been eaie d one of the great' -t al crimes—the parli tion of I'i'iand. That outrage was tin work ol thru- accompli >— two women anil a man -the Kmpn -s of Kussi i, the Arelnluehess "t Austria and the King ot l'russia. The reign of Henry IV. of Fr slice was one ot the most l>enelh*ent in history. His tirst .(U'-en Avas a pro fligate. nnd hi* s,.(s>nd a virago, gravely *u*f>is*terl of JiaA ing proeurerl hi* itssas*. iuation in eo u-ion Avith her iover. The Ut ife of I. Wis IV. w .is dbom t and devout; hut -he favored the drtigon nade*. and < ailed In 1* brother U suare the spoi i- of tho*e at 11 M'ious persiH-Utiolrs. A throng of niati he ** st44t*smartliolotnew. and surrounded hersell with a i>evy f In au ful and unscrupulous girls whose charms she used systematically as a means of political influenc. . Th*re have hci n niHiiv had kings, many indifferent om*#. and few who eartied the gratitude of all time. Many women hav- worn crowns, hut we liM.k among them in vain for one of those royal benehn tors to the race. Not that women have ii>* power for good than men. In some circumstances they havi iuore. Tlu ir drsire for gootl is ofii n intense; hut lh.s desire lias not her-n best fllllilled ill tiie livid of poli lics. ____________ The May Harlhaldl Fnnglit. " I ilon't believe,'' saiil MneMahon. "that lie will ever he a general. He wants comprehensiveness. He cannot foresee or provide for results in time and spare. Hut he is an admirable partisan. When lie was in Italy with 5,000 men. one <>f his spies told him that lie hail dis covered a <*ounle of leagues off n Aus trian foree of ahollt 3.POP men. who , were not aware of his proximity, and eou'il lie surprised and cut off. The spy was a traitor. There were 12,(Km Aus trians, anil the sjiy lia lull iiuiubor *lup in both lii*ii |i * Hi. Washing lull I'irt (fl \ ••- tbl' (Klillii ntcvlll|l|l!liun of St nitt' tinl H.usc as follow* 11 in im i nikitma i i I nu l I - \ II *.til Imttl l> 11. , 4..5.M II .atuM I> inn .j u |t WaUrl l > tiiroaitit itiitniiiiii. Ist| towitin ft. .ah U lf>tiHoitr> M T*Um H IS iJw 1 I alley I • 11486 N I' 11 til it i tt..|t in II I'll aw i at IBM K M M I t't.n I • IMI ll>.. 4- It*.aid It Is 11 ti. . . 11 I -.it K Ins t ||i 11 Iks I I,a* v\ Ittniw l lnn3 Hen) II Iftl. If l . IMiIAtA ; : lXviJubn A I 14 ins, D rt l„i|i I**l*4 J Klikw.aat li IMs il* It pity tub it in > tViu It Allwm It IXS6 J.'hu .1 lugalls It i i - IS ■ II 1t... Di* Vt I' KcJUaM 11 I ■ i I S Willi;*!, .It Inn®. It 1 .louaa It MAint. tmi i an it. IKM II lUi.iiiu I; lnn| I* Wbyt* li I*H i Ui.lt 111*11." It IHHS Jo* It < .1-M.tt.r li ■uniuh ism ii i. iii. k mm it i* it*inwm it I Mil IXviyn I ll.att li iVw llum W I any U mm -J It M. Mii.au k Inn I It K Mrurw, It lh*tl U it. \\,U 1. I. it Inni l.gt lamai !> M I' M t t.tirii It inm An I'atdisX K I- . t. ... \M It ins , Attn. Oaumtera li |hs| \\ m slutit.ii li inn , I 1 || |(.4liita It 1-Vt I..hi. rJ. . U In - I Itttury W liian It mm I I lUli. t.l| U D Itll I nun it krttlllll It l.nn | J K M. Plw: ..It It lnn& IttaanwdiHlkUui; It ' ■ 1-s . /.. 11 \ an. rli ISKS . II I't.ti.llrU.U It inn,; i. t.i.tve li lt>M Um A Walhw-w li , ■ - II till. ' !. mm A i i. i m • I. |tnj ]| II Anthony li 1 SSI. \t atiellaliiplon li r..tit uit I snl Jas i. It .I .f II lsnl nam II Maley li mm lliU! *> lia. tutli mn3 ]U.lta. t. ihrfi.i* rta* u ij*irity HuUM . it .All A M A I Tlit.ii,• l!m!r>u It i lVt.ua. William* II . i , \t J saial. n| It 7 Wwt 11 Turncy li t < :im M Si.tuj' it t> Wu. M l*o N 1 I'liiii'Siinr I) till) Jovian H Dra*bob ll j\\ m | -lot au It 4 lho* it tinuUu li I' I; J 11, it., ell It 4lt I WW.. It I J. n It Haw ley H 3 Julttt T W nit It „ .'ait* I-It 4 1 rtsWla-k JMiifwft muh aiti.. WU>l'd. It II M . i*. - .It . "su cAH .it A. -1 i 0 JfcUira II 111*. ,ul ll i 3 T .lij. t k li h A.r* II >u^| j.rua ii ( lit- ! I', ti ' l-U.i rjf -p*** ll .i N J listmiiuatil li ihUWIt t Uh it V| f ti. K 11 .la* W "mglrton 1 1 2.ctßc It I>,.V K l: Will M -priogci ll . .i. , i trai i li 11 J-cj.li 1 1 lanin m it 3,H M A llaa* It Ii A T Focaytba N I i J Halt .r. i It W A J .martu ii 11 . ■ ■ ■ n v.... .. .i>l. 1 . i; k I s J .iilt 1 .i.tinaa It i ua A I. .. It mlt V\ itiaiikV-tul li ill Bra. : Mai*U U 111441 * 1W i. .am;ll 111.at. H nAJ Il al.-Her ]t •; i iK.nia* It h. • 11 'J i muUu*a s tirUi it A It. k . J i N w ill 11 I it.ill.* It . . tl■ si w!' li <* . t B j likt M lilt > N I M.tm AM I.ylll li J H Wear. I S ll.mm I* It 7 •: II •. Uc \ . 1t..-* 1 ptW-.t* " K *W i s* t j. H . N linn It all 4 trj.cntar It Win . Imtmjattt K 1 ' it A An.- ,It .. iVtiaa* K>*ati It tkftvrtl Itl. 1 (Is, mt 'Turt.cr I* 0 Julia I* A ailtoic 14 . Ja \ M Km*,.- |i 7 J C v 11 lock burn 11 jJIV i >1 .; li si' li 11.., in),-,u Jr 14 4.1 |'i ri i km*' I S lVna* INimer li J SiUrl -U..* II 111 klijoh l" l'lu*trr 14 ljt| l*l*B k 1 I tan 101 l I nw.nl) 4 J li l.lani 11 J 1 Ju l 1 Ut* ii i J Flujd kiiii; H Jut II .\i-h n ll C V W Kotfrtmn 14 mitit. 1 . 1.. W. II 1.e.. ■ 1( 4 i.et. W laid 14 . Win I" l iik It . 1 II Muroii S 3 htej ben IJUhw' It M lITUili. I lHtmel MU< i.r> II 4lt M kclaue 1) t.l ' i li j hii J llrnkir ll .; Win Kitt.n.n; I• i. 4tiil..nl i n.ei It Mmnai ni *i rr 1 W in IV < iv; n li 7 Win A Ituwi K *.* lien i W Hmn. It s W m I leflin It 3 Wat. ,<• Ain I It ' W"n W luce It 1 U.;. ! Sloett |l Hi Aiunaa Nnirne* it s/. 1; ■ll ait H 11 lilt! ft IWh nee It i.e.. II lairing li aicniann. 1 Jttuu s y.* ett> it ii n|a:k s llrewer It I a ■, \A . It 7 1 Mima 14 Conger It .111 Mrinin m If n If t.nril l. HOT K 4 J i Hr i*i It '.'Jay A Hulihel It 3 Jithn W Si.tae H ■ mnrsoi n. I M II |t un< ll H 3 W 14 WoUmin K . ui.*i..trp|. 111 l M i! ~|i 4• If Mngle4.it I 2\„n II Mm miii- I) JC K Hiatker !• , 11 I' Mot,. * ll J It i hamrr. |l utn-ot ai. I>l titn 1.1 .an ll n Samuel J, Sawyer II J l.i, . U, .. ll s Nichtkln* Fotsl N , if. i . . , it. II In t> I Ibrtliwell 11 4 1.11 Ho i. H 11 J It Clark. Ji. I> ill 1..u ll' Itlnm! 11 12 Win II lin'rh II 6 John It W itti.ln I> i.> AvkSl It llu.kuer 1) 7 Ailr.-I M lav II simitkhi. I Kd K Valentine It 4tr.y4t>4. I Itvllin 41 liyggett If sru ti km slttKk. 1 la !. . . I. Hull It 3 I:tatt* W I err It 2 Jittnea I Itiigg* I. *r,a 1 '.i.i M If da- >n It s' II Voorhi* It 2 II ll sunlit 11 I, Jolin 1. Hntke It .. Alil.w Hi !• 7 I. A Hrighatn It 4 Ah nil A I'lai h li st tr KIRK . 1 .la* IVCovfrl ll |$ J 11 Hnmtaotul It 2 Ilatiie! ITlteiliv |l IS A It Jminea It s|l t •inlleii I. n li 20 John H Statin R 4 \ M BUaa I > SI Wlßrl r, \ ...1 t* M'lllrt 11 22 W nrtier Miller 11 ft s s '•,* li 2J < I) ri.ektiUl If 7 I lain kiii.li in. If '.'4 Joaepli Mnsnn R s A <4 M. iVt. K I. J.'i Kretik llio ek li i ktrtinndo W>s,tl 11 2>, John II Cere] It 10 Jium Win I/tun. I. li 12 Itat V hrtci* K It. .In.. M llmlet It i H II Van Aeniatn R 17 Waller A W.a-1 R SOUTH t AltOl-IHA. 1 J,.. J Martin R § AllreJ M Stale* I> ' \\ II hil. yen ll 1 Walter I. Sleele |4 ■ 1 initial I. Itnaoell \ 7 l.tJ'l K ArnifleM I) 4 Joe J. !hiv ta B K H Vance Ii OHIO. 1 It Butlertvnrlh It 11 II I. Jliokev 14 2lh •* I I ohm: K 12 H s Neni It ,1 .1 I Mi Million I) 13 \ J Werner II 4 J Warren Kielrt If 14 t.ibnnn Atliertim l> ft Itei j I.elevre H 16 10 W McKinltiy. Jr, K 7 k'niitk llurtl li 17 Jiune* Monroe K |. I!. 11 I it i'V II IS J T t"|alegrall R 'J I .eo 1. < nnv 11 tr 11 111 .Ins A t.arfleltl K 111 l)m I'.wing I • 2 i Aino* Tnwnarnd K OHISrO*. I John W'hitenkei ll I*4 s ssl It A HI t. 111 II liuighnni It 17. 1 Iwar.l Overton It < 11 a* 11 N. ill K I'. John I Mitchell It s s*m ,| Ifnmlitn |i 17 AII Aloffroth II I Win l Kel ley it IS llnrntinH Fisher K 5 A I Hat titer It If K K Heltrhnover 14 ii Win W'nril If 20 Sotb H 1 <*um N 7 W'm (oalehnlk If 21 Morgan It Wiae I) 5 lleiftter ( lymer ll 22 linaaeli Krrnll li ' \ I lei r Smith It 23 TkteM liaync R 10 It K Hack run ii II 24 W S ShnJhmliergAirH II Robert hint/ li 25 Hurry White li 12 II It Wtight 11 26 S K Dick K 13 John W Ryon 11 27 JH < >mer R 14 J W hillinger li KltoiiK I4U4P. 1 N W Aid rich li 2 I. W Ballon R HOUTH t'AUOI.IKA. 1.1 Kirhiirdnon 1> ,4 John 1! Kvinn I> 2 M I'O'Connor H 5 H D Tillman D .! II W jiitl Aikrn D IKSHKsnKI 1 li. Imul 1. Taylor D 6 John F House D 2 I. C Houk It 7 W C W iiiithorne 14 3 (JcoC Dihrell D S John D C Alkin* D ■I Benton McMillan I) 9CB Simon ton D 6 Johu M Bright D 10 H Casey Young D i I Irr.AA# 1 John II Began D 4 linger Q Mills Ii 2I• 14 4 nllier*on D [i Una W J.mee N J 3 i ilin W .'III*k it 11 6 ( '..lutiiltu* Upeon 14 I PHMOMT. 1 i ha* II Joyue li 3 Bradley Barlow It 2 .In* M I \ lei 11 viatuaiA. 1 It I I Beale 11 fi J Hand Tucker I) 2 .loin titanic Jr, ll 7 John 1 Hum. 14 3 Jo* 1.. .lollll*tt**r < |i, II yuu ate a .1. *,u>utleiit tut ate!, i to glow - tioi get* I In* >on .an do II you will lake a ,tie. .OlTk t* ~e wlit. It ha* tba weight •* high it.mitral n tit hoi My to tau k tt. Tlatt Wto 0e th* *laf)tlai3 intrigoraut, ll.wfrttei * sj oit.at 0 it.at h ! Bitter* *).■• lalh tsunmended and indoratd by .'.)** .at.* Aiut.i g the lloulde. wLitih ti urei.otue ate '!>|tt*)tia, irngitlitiil) ul Ut' t.wei Uver r*Mi.| I.*;ut, general drt'ililj and tie* voua m.tti| lttim* It la alan lotted erv t.aelui lit tsMtt.tela* ting a latitltwy to lis tuftttetae l|kOi) the et.ltie *>*lr:il t* highi>' he,.'!)• tai' Mtmi-rting a* it .toe* tlte retuinot *•.*-). and tt) |i,lr, and the tw .juwtut ot tleali and itreugth. A ortit lej ttag of tlte lolly Ol ee.i re*.*A the ao i lion .4 other vktetrtoJ ntitiediw, ukttwa . on* taming J'r.rtjd fteh, awelhug*. tuta.kre, lve.toue iran-ilnl ,n an! a'i lulou* aore* *|t*e'i)y i l eal • <■! !h. purilytng an 1 aoothuig tttflu. . f. ■ 4 iia.t.t i *1 at la.ia' Salve, the {'tottl).twt uit '. Ilk -t r?y .. it to) I.aik' erM di t . eir ! t ue>l It t* tieiieved that them is tko hrot, t Hit* or titti[At.tit that itik) not le > ao I. a led ll) tto* rteoitc atal.ie ).U1 .Her. Auid i'ranr l iu! i am.Htg tlte iri.Mtt 'l.riiugui*hed • 4 it,use lan* n the world, lie ue* and |tftee# . Mi** ii A Hartkhn I a'uirt Kg an, and ) no ma.it. w it "n.al* hleok, " tunvaitai," at) ling it •• thl* u.agi.iflreltt allit to tlte Ou |.rtKiOU* ii.strtWH t Tl are emit hardly be higher >ame or It* mi Ittut* eiuuteat authority. I,* thro*.i tkioeaan* ami aneruons .4 1 Ike, Wi " Biitwt, • Hi, m l.ia. iroebe*" ate ul value. F.w eo.tgh*, kiTltabun .4 tha liit-oat, Jauood by i r.tlt! or uiinvuai eAertion .4 the kuaal organa. in n*kk.i,g in j uhiiC or kingitig, liicj (.jud'ica , ben* n, ml ia'..Jla. Tell your neighbor if he use* I.yon"* I Vent Met). 1. Han) Suiiener lit •* .; keej. b.-. Urota ■liioght soi lby *tu>e and hardware dtlolriie l! *nti.h *4 vourl Morr hit*!■aid ot wile, w 'h imine ami date 14 mar* nin't A . W. Fo*, I*. i>. Drawer 31, Puluaivtile, N Y. F'tr owe .'it |-urvtm*e a fratai card and ■elf I y.xii a. i*** to Dr. So.lord, I' J lirua 4- way. New York, Olid re*,ee |miu|>hle(a by reiurtt mat!, lr.ua which yo con team wliefhet v.. it 1. ..j t* out o! or ler, arid tl ..fit <4 .wdetr i or to any way!."*.**!. what is the lmst I lung m tlte world to luke tor il. 44 awl*.! Sheraton ACo Marshall, Main, want an agent in ttu* county at once, at a salary ol gU*.! |or tout.'u kil l ri)*i>t |-aid. i'ot full |erttkcular* athlrre* a* aUtvr il .12 . ill I*l ofit. lu All Ita* *. fiO in legit mat* storfc bj-ecuiationS in W . s. )-aye ittiow tme ).roaru te.eKrai'hy Ad. lrrw* If V ... it.tw Manager. Ja'ttwvule, Wm. Chew Jtu .tn'* i*>* 4 and NaVi I .AJWOOu In. -Utd*. nee A', •.l.tastt'e Corn March. Itinclilo*. 44 I* * and n*trr*. :) at.., - :, i.im: . aiiIIB I- "N IS*- , f f x C Wr •or bt fa tft . * * 1 ij|•'*t- set* r* 1 .< "I .u - * t ' Ji.*; u Ht r*lujrr vf>W?ilMLl*Jttfi4i TK.* j*e ' : " 1 IfTrflk d' llr'airhßlAM. it. At. MAtxl • "* •*:*,.* } 54* ik| fw .* a * ik'tj ! * |*bii ; i. •> #IU ~ > . t. p, , t t * u V |4* A. ITT II A. Ha f 1 %lU* I rit a* Bi f. 1 Am, |> sW -rl> *1 p*' "M * me MiKiirrA. >■4 Toaa. iwf rait a- -kt^d. h*i'*a. litre wt_ ir; a tr. like - ii* *!.. ' • . 4 . . .. Ola in I or- ■* e t. ■* " ' ? luaeki. ...... ■ ..... 04 te '*k rtr-lti .Mate, good Vk ttuacy.... 4 eo mt SA a mtrrtk. g .od to fancy 4 ' o *i yatf ('.MI S J . I A ,4I 43 .. :r K1a1e...... ......... I ■ 'Ah lite *' ii' •• td •• I.rVjr 1. aed stele '<■ *4 t* s .r. J'lenAc) u*.lern Kited.. t * * w t*ttU.*m X. s • ... **M * ** 'Jet-'V:. i- *t>'. * •* <7 Kned Wswuee It a ft !)** H.':4'*'*a • A t'ti Ml raw Cout I.)*. percwl .... A k4 *444 lleye *U4 '.4*am Quid. >*v* * S lufttmd fit *!, ' h.i ... * • •• hettei—HUl*A rwataery 4 so i* rf X' d M 4T*elrg 'rear..r) 44 1 rt4 3# 4" orrery..... Jo a IT C.we- sun rkf.ir* ...... 4W -a 14 Kkfin* eTs-d AW Waaler: fa ! .. U * lib r .'i -lair ol.i i'ranv.*a .. . 30 *• 30 rcuumuu. f. or fl"n. 1 it , *I)U tat., y T JI d * 24 Vt jrC -ISkhU t • 2 lOS A tuber...... 1 "'•> id 1 04 ft id tl ■' -t> not* TsfUre .............. st h4 44 ,k*U V IMt 44 id A* I tier—Creamery 1 1ira..... 4 to l'!,rear s'*r Votk 4'aetory. 1 V, ■. 1 IStfruleutn—A>nd*........ 04 Jt dS Ueflj rsl. (!TA| Boeroa. Iteef Oaltie Uve weiKbl OAV,d 04b Mb*ej> N\ A O®S Hot o\4 Oil, flour -44 i*oon>ti r.i Minn. 4*t .. 1 it) 44 U Oorm- k.iel u,l Tehoa 4' .a 44 (Wle—Citra While 4J A d> K*a At**. . • M W ool—w*be.s. CKuobffng A IkrJaire., 40 .4 44 t'nw a*!,-*.. •* " St irmut ffi.*or—CltytJmotiJ. So. 1 ber'ait .. A "4 ,4 4 24 Wb*al— Kerf Winter. 1 W Bl* c' rr; Sea Weeteot. Ac' A Ah <>*l—lMate Ad .4 A3 lUr.ey Tw-Koea! AUB id T B*tWT.sR fw**.) mntl waJiBWI !M i'atl.-uc aekgtit yh She*! .. 4>4 4,m U4. let ta o*4, A"A 14 I*4 S *d A World of Rood. Ono fifth? most popular niPdicini-s now Intfun* tin Anirrictß pablfc ia Hop Hit ter*. Y<>u sis' it rvcrywliiTP. Pipl< tnko it with ffitl It huiiflstlicju up. It is not :u> pioadAUit t> the tante a* si.tm* ot Iter hit!t*ni n* it i not a srhiskcy drinl.. It is u.ori* iikctbcold-lubiuoed lrtin< si t p th it liae don? a work! ol gd, II you don't fi*' just vig-ht t r y Hop Bit tT. Suttda .6 . us. tsAfiinicnt or ntucua in tin* urine is s sure indication of di*i .ist\ T;ike Kiilncy- Wort. S*xrta£ rff a Lsff. Easy asd Put* Our latent improved sawinff machine rut* off n 2-< *t Jog in S minutes. A 8100 PRESENT v:l! Iht giv.n to two men who ran kiw n> mu,h tn the ©M wnv, as i>ne nuui can with thi* machine. Circulars sent Ircc. W. Gu is. Til W. Jake Ft., Chicago, 12L A'AITIOIt fi Mofis:'!.* •' RtffiUi(Mntil* tt| -i, rtir !*•! til*. ACHI hv- n*a W W BostWicfc 4 F* rt*rn' M*rit:rtlu dk CO. f„r mh m ailitre**ln(f f. 4-.fr. P. HUWKt.t.* !'((.•* .l*ertt*nw Htr n; HI a|*rni p St .N w 1 rk, can r "i* thrp*ct rott f ii> j I lu*" of ADVKKTISIXG to Amerl co Niwintpt n tjr liNJ-iNitfr PMHphlet. lr *jl ' TRtTrt'ta JUAJIfTV! >^c-s . e*/s/s/v luvMtc.l itl w*ii St itixiiiula S Oto SIOOO f "ttuiMi *Tv moalb. Boon eat * v i *m MplainiuslyvttryUitna. A 1.1 *• HA ATRH4 ' H*nkri*tW ♦') St..* ■■■■■■■HaßHMHßMKi " ,r n-llri , * TIT if I KIPPERS PABnilES.bT,T,r^"\ 11 HHHUMMM Wlctfowtk, Muk. CR tn tC9f i>rr tl*} at liomr. Sampiiw worth $h frn spsJ *tJ WU AdJrt**STim,.> 4 Co., PorUaiul. J4*ni. * a otta ana fijip*i*iY***ateisi "i., Agnit* rJJV I a Iwe 111 fr** San* Co . AB*H'*T4 Hl,** _ g-fTIVrk! lievolvere. t! u - f Addrei* Ijr LliliV i.r.at W*. si.-rncion gee * wrk in year own town. Term* *nd | ontat TnfO frrt gddrru n. llouxtt A Co.. Portland. Mlna CHEAPEST BOOK IN THE WOWUPF^ W& MJH (if IfrMp j 11f Kfnmfit ' 'T*par y*aa* nil pitl odtf u (aod fat M 4>fi Mir, ar.a tt 4< Mr Hi tbe fwrpeM mt MXWH*. bat ** F^ S °"- FRFETSMN. ■^■ZR W YY;Y PERFECTED 7 BUTTER COLOR lilin *<)' i |>*irt* •** IT IM PKIfPIU'T. rtJkf afiu." Iw C MNMmirty. A ** r i < *lfl'itS 11 .r tan lay adtuoi cm n.w aCnd to nppir Its 1.-.. -<■ •, to u. Tto. aandaf toatoMl Tlaur. a , lt. t ia,. ... t patirr flrr. are Ut. it, ravaa I Ito < I't. ■so* .ar* f ., I P ia ta Ul* captaA to tu a rath Ito.ru tibiae el a or, to oae . . |i m . i. a . u.rp, for ptutofa Pmpuir . .'■■ t< r H Itu , ~.f Tto.nlr taarlnra can .1 . i f..i llir.t o. in luti it •ai ui -ja: ao ituMtd ton f Ml' ■ • I .rirtarat mr. t . r-nti tattle and ra of ~U. t A ,t...Iitii. oa Or tt OUl'lOt M .... . tu.il. r.' y# vs.tart. A to. • r J- .1.1 Ino M.AO. aparunra rayy, lb ill V fir *• at f'r' add ri U.t pub. atot. i.aaai IL. PMiUad.urifM. n- Mi -Itftllli BBATHfMI P.iml Pnal and Ball Kara Praat. : P.I k ■ .pri I'ab.o .r la.Mtlad. Par Aaakta. 'oil ,i ii i - ri for Vrl .riag trill tr Hurt at' M ...-ptvlf. u..ai MlstlkVll.lA* bftAMAji. M pl. CfcrßJUOf *_T. J& TO AGENTS. r)>.r P(I tru k lu ftrS! ftff ktltfVt' ( .rlrtaa't ' Hoi. -bold 1 wr, < It, par t In. A TrMatUP afl i I . . r t .rwrward fctfonaauoa M .. in w. .i- ri Mraorapk. A Wba. a.*c.. .. .'ranaod k on toiaaa. f* fa. lw ■ k cfotapadia rua pnni -.1 . it Id Ml. > in I4MM. tots Ar- addraaa I v.m.i a hi.1.1 u,i at p., Pu. Mat *T 01 OM AMriilN'S LIQUID PEARL >ll tv ft SLtU Jtimm -TW mail katr c. - 'litn yV'torn. ' TV. toot I kaa i ~, J In Ut. ntun 1 ltd; aa. --a etaer.*—Late • r ... ■ i. il . tot. I i.na ore* ft'M Pane" - I I ntdtoA btaprri rta Mi rdWi."- Ikd bllai > , i ft:, Pm. bar trut. a (.Il I toto.-t ll* <- t MUfUI ft O- Pirpl'- tar. liufSol., ft. I. _ MASONIC Priptillro lbr lodfi* chnptora, hi urtil by M. C. l.uiry A ' : (War- Igßf bur, o. Hand far friro lAaU. |gr **"lLalgbt Tawplar IMbraa Spacidify. Y b'ti'tory. aoaaatj. aod f trooao' Oaada. EAR DISEASES. I> A J£ m Liiau ,U t*Uwa i f IVEd 4 Prt 'i all Ul§ tlttt* ie fh+ trveiaMMit of > |V*f dMt Ml' UiKM( *4 Ut* U Mt Mdß tdgicw JMt ! -.u 's> *.a# air* * ttn bM*ijiM- Mgprtaily i t ..II O.M iU'Liirfl Citttif fiftiT t U lOk I Km 1 - - JU- IM it.MSMa dn|-|.ttOi.ttol|MAaaa I'itftto.iM. ml i ua U nIUL ftto .. . t0.... i.m.*>. tiHt.imtototo.fari'' no! Pi ta kim UAJinx r. I.ttTT) , a .iklaata. to- A-ton;. H Z° L . IV " TIIR "63* ILLAIILUIID .SSS. TtiM traadrrfal !■. 1. t it wladpad bf **- taoa bfoat>4ii th> wor>4 to to ibr ton •. iwr.l. dm > rial fill lb' rbr* of Wanada Itema. KbraaMtaa. •' > IH-ran. r CbUbftma. Ac. In o-dar Itfti rtrry at- at a} try lt.lt tr pat aplr. Ibaadßb ~:.t i- il n to- bt>BMb:d mm litoaln t-tm row ranisl ami rou will Bad It acporvd to azyXf kf foa b.i. #TT tUOil. I ... ton Ol IM. litillft ar ttoor * ii! illlll' ,J >"t an otiaal t Until*. | IN 1 LIB, w iiniP s . ft •> I-Tiary (Hi.m Pbnrlaa pro .l lln.it'. H.urd). SritJ for pataphlrt to * M B v t.iliA Pro. mm. ft-L PlIpS. am'to. witt Maatp. ! .o, —A."-'•■■WIAAIN-n* MDUIR Is r*4*lT tmr* Ti i the bat bf the ! Ml meklvea! awUiiiritve in Ibe woeW. Oirm swart at I*J WoH*l> ri|attloti*, sod gold bv DruinnUk \% its 4i * F CURED FREE. an infallible aod anawol.ad ttrtoadr fw ktla. f Ipltopaf wr JWI laaftbi h naaa wrwrronltod to aftact a iptolr aed PKKMATI-TT m-a Bfnn "A ft** boiiif "j hi 1 111Ll rMownad araddc aad a Tainab t I I \ Tr.UM aettt to any aodorar ti, t a Pi n TJIMS Prar- Straot .lt aw Tort AGENTS WANTED FOR A TOUR ROUND THE WORLD BY GENERAL GRANT. T <* pniOß OKTIJY *0 ThU Ift thr fMfttt di-dw Ua boog ever yaMiehM. an(i Co Philaoriph 1 !. Fa. Mnrk Twain' sNew Book. TBE TUMF AUDI]! GOOD TIMES FOR AGENTS AHEAD ! Pr**]*! ttJ • thti ntitvrTtkiVT kvCv* ft*T n-^w tr-M Sptftk QiTk Mud lecarv lemiory. "iwf f<* ' I . F-. ■l.lftd, llartfnrd. Ct. ra WAHitH ■ sossttft W A 't -lilN Hlf rdlMniftlktlM Wftrt Vr-n >Ww I' * Ull KX POSITION. *1 t'L. l£\f i-t.r • I t.>.it .. r-n prill.-t, Trt-r ® m V I.KX I BLBHI ll^f-CatWKT iV ' Ta * a*ftlw liohlut MrtPA tte 1 VwRPJSSHtHWI A ,-Saftt ml% aad d.nd. arA aaataio. aa ft Ii / J Ptlr— ►, ut. tit* \ y rtotot.tr ainto4la#atort.ta , . Kkim Ui BriMftOTi. R. t. Mumhi a Hamlin Cabinet Orfnnft t., ; I brat b lIIIiHKST HOKOBS AT AI.L V tun :> S VXPO-n 10.NS FiiH TWKI.V K YKAK-H. rtt.; at Flltl.. ItotT: Via.lftA, I*7l. Sft- * I ftUi l . I*T4; PaiLADII , ft.li.' I*A11. I 0" v tmrrtraj! Owns rter awarded Wheat ht li ft)', at auv am-h. SoM fer cash or inttal'.mrnU. lui titfttin CATAUto.ru All I Clrrulari atllh nrw stT'.r, and p : - M-nt Iraa. MAPtt.N k BAM UK OBKiAK CO. llo.: >n. .St w 1 ork or Chiraco, QGM^MMAIIIK] p. -yli jti; A f iu-. nyart ..f ,nju bat tuooik and ail onto*, or .I.* a la tgv co!oß*aii>ii, m i,r.. ox -'to Md Woatl. larttotuoai. 'e ftaroa w*••■> im MSMI. ffty. uMy riMM ria^i mmSm..wuwiw wttfe ••!••'** ■una a .pulled .att—tlra. Wafda IMMMHW MM, ftl Jo ______ OMOHW..I.MIMM iiwfii w far wa.t Mir * Mac tna at>il. Pries * voick or vroumr. o> o. mw.i m per Imic THK TEMPIX If.ftNuc) IKff EKTimD tor IIIMII) CHW (A M iummom ) ft* per 4MM. IWChi eie Mr three Mwapt ftM*lCCftaw fthaet Haßc. eweey we.ak Ik itoMto km-< That a UM (iriw* •*-■ imlnrmti mum HUM Katie* for cMto Vail tor three book* (MM! ttfMftk the (M)i MUM. A M JIMMM. OUTER DITMOM * CO., BMSM. c. m. wma * < ., MB Bn*war, Maw Verb. #. ft. BITMft * CO.. tii suits iiara rtrM goto to I tola* I BaM lamMtol nil I urcTBI gum tan a fttaacarc TaiM la a toa Loading Markets Of the World totot>. lima toll to toa ratar t* no* ft OVER 80.000 ■a: Sot aulr toll. rr n rvLi wmvar ajto araJtmar*. ftoa Hartal to tomto* aiu ire rataH ©cp.-akttaK Lya. which to edmiaraiad with sail aa* aaaa. aa* mm, *"** ure mom. matt act rmmm SAPONIFIER ■ABB BT TU rnujlTiait S(tl MuaTg U n ___ EXODUS It to. aaa toMt la Ito mat Mtaata. MO to. Ma W— - .T.~ -t0.."---, If '- 3,000,000 ACRES ■atal, to toa FaaaaM aeaarvEß VALLEY OP THE eowm. Si Hill I■■* I 5T —Htoa ■* Pnr IVtary of Pninh. BatlD( Labor, CleaaMnna, BtorabUltj and • beapnrra, rnroaalnl. aulial BnU4 c>wVv.r. Castoc JftMf minn n REWARD i'rsa J I B|IIII II.• d. ltoh:ne, or tJi-rratal I l'il. t?:at Urßlac'a I'ilo toftto | I I I I I I Ur,arrl.Uil-tocur... Oim I I I I I rrl.^.ctmacaM I I of l> :.< .Undine la 1 weak. 11l R I I I I B I *1 ordinurcarM iaSdan. %jp I w w w CAUTION rtunr la r " ' '■ •' V *' "" " 4 ft,.//• 11. .I'll- alt I a bolt A Isold I , all dr iri 4a Hnt bf mail *1 J V' jlllUK M. l., IVutv. TI W,f aTcrrtb aril Axxa bu.. I'.ilmv.lV, it. ui. wuri; r>. inra;>dA aad ianiu> 110 l.tirfoltfc WutH.JUCH* CO. oa.rarj ON 30 DAYS' TRIAL Vr will mi l oar Eirctr -Vo.ialc Br.ls aiat otbar Kir.-trie tr^v-ini-r, upon trial for SI il.it to Utoae afflii-tr 1 with .ton. /MiNty and ditroart o( a i irwiaal mi." Alaoot thr Llvai, k ioiir>.. Unriuoalirs,Paralf l.*r Inrrrtitf //tmrnnterti or m> Bag. k Voltato Hell Co.. ■anball.Mtoto. Pl.t YM I PI.A tr : ll.vt-: rLlit: F.tr Kraillmt C nba.L T Amatour TbratrU-aIA T.aprr ancr P.>a It-.wmr Boom P:j). r!rr l!a.n. Whtr-plan P!av. 1,1 M, Ho'ilia, Sarakrr*. Paiib atiam, r.Weaa* Units Jla„i,r t luui I ibu. Colorad Pirr. Burnt tlatk, Tbnlrlra Far. I'rftaralton.. Jarlrf'i Vai Works, Win. Brmr-lt and MoaMtchm at rnlaoa* prtoe.. Con man Smuj, i baraOr. Nrw cauio*M aeal fno , natal nre fnl. >l.-riptkin ami rncr. Saaoit Fna.ca 4 .%>■ to K lUi S'rwi. K.w Tort, ftl AQfi I' 3l> 00 ,vr.lu.a of .1 AA W440 m nn. It, K .October I*.— WAVV Proportional irturu* evaty war* oa Stock ojrtiOM . < S*, - (AO, - 116 ft.. - 300. (KSidal Hi wort ami Circo ara free. Agditui T. POTTXK WIIiHT k CO.. Banfen.B> WaU to-K.T. YOUNC MEN r a Wv> ■ month. Kvery rraduato rua -utr.* a paviaaaluta 1-n Addt ra K. Valanbna. a■ crr, Janr-ri:-r. Wla._ nnillftd SaSffto toiu Mlarto.cj.~tb u y an-nctirrd. Lowrto Pr'. •• lit miTT t..w".f If. P. EManlb tin"r. a. rtm PAk.-Wiui Stoocli Uutflte, Vfoi COj4 KIKacU. arlia rapidly for B> eta. Catal>-ti.* fraa. PIUA M.lOaaaMftTtaFaUttoatot Man a ,kL|. ... . \ par. LOW t* VJakc 1L jJtSUU-v-n tOtd: IONOE. A.