THE CENTRE REPORTER. Centre Hall, Pa/Th'rsd. Pac. 11/79- 4r TKRW*.—s'2yer yene, wAen paid * ultinc* : $2.60 when not raid in advance. Altontiermente 20e. amount of one ' ; age, intend o/20cf* at formerly when paui by Otcmselres. _ Subscribers ran always teh bow % ountn stand at the Reverter ofiet "V/#?! I suiting tbr ahirs on (W popV tnftfe reads "John Hoc I jan ~ flit JoAw i*inf.ftferf the Uf of January, 187 ft. enrf •' • M (ime Ae vm paying tbe printer\ lopok MKKTIHOS fivTii* 1 11-1 tooaa,He***- 1 *, "J , T „, S.tu.-UTt*.la lb* M „ „ G. u Gooosaar, *7. Max-af Hal! . , aKNRT. W. M LOCAL ITEMS. A Caru to tc.-Having jold mv giw>d will and ran of WT*tock of ueady made clothing to a firm in Philadel phia to which I have to give p.w*ea*.on o. ev store room by Jan L 18SX I now offer mv *l.->ck of ready made clothing at actua; cost and freight. Thi* Uan excellent chance for a g-H>d bargain. Respectfully, Idoctfm jNawuAS.Ju. The cry come* that coal Uto go up. Well, a* long a* the good man keep* fav oring u* with mild weather, who care* if coal doe* go up. Mrs. Bondell, of Menno township, Mifflin oountv, left her two sma'l children alone in tbe house tbe other day. and th-v were burned to death. Thi* nearly a. ways happen*. ( Muster * store at Harlleton wa* re- , cently broken into and robbed of a num- ( berof hat* and other article*. Go L the old established and relia- | bledrug store of F. P. Green, if you wish , fresh drugs, medicines, spice*, fancy arti- , cles, stationery. Ac. Mr- Isaac D. Boycr. landlord at Aa- t nonsburg. intend* moving back again to i Snyder county. 1 Mr. J. F- Fowler purchased 34C0 * acre* timberland on Marsh Creek, from 1 J. I. Curtin, for SG2,OuO, one halt in cash, t: A party of Clinton county hunter* had fourteen deer strung up iu the wood* at the head of Baker s run. Another par- • ty returned to Lock Haven Thursday night 1 with nine deer. We have sent bills by IcUer, and have also enclosed some in the paper, to those in arrears with this office. It is our wish that every one o( these Bills be paid at an early date, —- A sign of prosperous times is the number of order* received at the celebrat ed coach shop* of J no. T. Lee. for spring wagons and buggies, llis work recoiii mends itself wherever seen. ■ Mr. Johnny Allen, of the Loop, has rented the Hoy mill property near Jack sonville, and will occupy it by January, Ist next. We can assure our friends over there that Mr. Allen know h*w to make tip-top dour. shops, your arc sure to have one that will not only look stylish, but one that will stand the raps of our roads, and at the low est prices in the county. Georiff M. Cobb, of Westford, \l, that Kidney-Wort found its way into its dwell ing, no less than three members of the family having been cured. As a cathartic and diuretic i arts surely and without pain and cures obstinate cases of liver complaints. Kidney disease and piles. —Soon Newman will quit the clothing busine-s The time is short and money is valuable, and the way to save money is to go at once, and buy all the clothing you need of .Newman, who sells the lowest in the county, and particularly at low f gurea now becau-e he intends going out of the business. Don't miss this last chance, you will be sorry if you do. The state of Pennsylvania has been divided into ten census districts and a su pervisor for each will be appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate The seventh district embraces the counties of Adams, Centre, Clearfield, Cumber land, Franklin. Fulton, Huntingdon, Ju niata. Mifflin, Perry, Snider. Union and York, and ie in area the largest district It coclainsdin 1670 over 411, 000 inhabitants and at the coming census will have a pop ulation of nearly 500.000. Prominent men in the direction of the Pennsylvania railroad will aid in building and managing tbe L>ek Haver and Clear field railroad company in Clinton. Centre and Clearfield counties. Its leogtb will be about fifty miles and it will extend from a iront on the line of tne Bald Eagle Valley railroad, near tbwmouth of Beech creek, to a point on the line of the Tyrone and Clearfield railway at Philipsburg, Centre county. The Bellefonte Watchman makes the following commendable statement and we heartily agree wit:—The Bush House teems to be the busiest place in town this week. Its commodious rooms have been crowded during the last few weeks by tbe Granger's meeting, tbe medical associa tion and other organizations, and it seems S,s if the jurymen and farmers of old Cen tre were making it their speecial home. This speaks well for Mr. Iloppes, the late landlord, as well as fer Mr. Myers, the present or new proprietor. "Hiie" knows every farmer in the county and be said be was going to make tbe rates so low and the accommodations such as to draw and keep his old and new friends in a comfort able and homelike manner, and it locks that way now —We know the farmers are just as fond of a good table as anybody, and none are more deserving. An excellent book for Agents it "THE P.IUHTB ASP DUTIES OF CecsTT AED TOWNSHIP OFFICERS," by W. R Bierly, Esq., oftbo Williamsport (Pa.) Bar. Con tains all tbe acts and decisions in relstion to tbe various county and township offices, is a complete hand book for election offi cers, and treats the tax laws fully. Every officer and tax payer will buy one. It contains 300 pages, neatly printed, bound in cloth and gold, and sold at $2 per vol ume. For agencies and terms apply with stamp to W. R. Bierly, Williamsport, Pa "An sxceMentand useful work. 1 think but lutle Improvement could be made on it."—Samuel D. Irwin, Dist. Att'y. of Forrest county., Tionesta, Pa., Jan'y 25th, 1678. "A book of this kind is badly needed by the local officers of the Slate, and we believe Mr. Bierly's compilation will he found of great service. Members of the bar commend it heartily"— Wtlltboro Ag~ itator. • [From Hon. John J. Metxger, Member of the Constisutional Convention of 1873 J 1 bare examined and used this work by W. R. Bierly. Esq , of tbe Williamsport Bar, entitled "The Rights and Du ties of Township Officers," and have found '• it of great service to me. As a guide to the various officers for whom it si intended it mut prove invaluable I John J. Metzger. PHOEHIX PECTORAL has been in general use for fifteen years and nearly all wbo be gan to use it then continue its use yet. Price 25 cents- J. D. MUKRAT. Nov. 27. —Go to your store or druggist and gel a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound syrup of tar, honoy and bloodroot, tbe best remedy out for a cougb, cold, croup, asthma, or early stage of consumption. "Tbe Acme Library of Hisfory," as an nounced by the American Book Exchange of New York, is initiated by a handv and hand-' ine edition of 'Millmaii's Gibbon'- R"ine " in five volumes, for the small price of s'2 60. complete, neatly b-iund in cloth, Volume one is just ready, twu more are to appear In December, and two in January. CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL. A grand Fair and Festival, (or the I en* ♦fit of the Lutheran church, will be hold at Centre Hall, commencing on Wedne*- day morning, Pec. 24. 1879. nod to'clot* Friday evening following. Person* de airing to purchase Chrltm**-gift ae in vited to call and see the di*rl*.v hatore purchasing elsewhere. I To facilitate the work necessary, tho following person* have boon appointed li attend to tho genera) arrangement: Levi Murray, M. B. Richard, Witrnar Wolf. Wm. Kurtr., Geo. Kmerick, Chaa. Shaffer, Charles Kurtt, Wesley Smith, Harvey Kmerick, tdward Miller, P. K Luse, Fred. Kurta and David Geis*. The cooking department will be man r.ged by Mrs, Jacob Harpater, Mr l)r Neff, Mr* Fred Kuru, Mr*. Katie Pur*t and Mr*. Harvey Miller. * Tha committesi on solicitation coai*t ! of tha following person*: , Gertrude Miller, Kate Uarpiter, Mag -11 gie Miller, Dollla Kmerick, Maggie Sto ver, Annie Bible, Liuie Hoilarman, An nie Wlon. All the ladle* are expectad to become I interested in thia Festival and help to f make it a grand tucceas. Anything furnished by member* of olh* f er congregation* will be thankfully re ceived. —— The real wtate of Gaorge Swarls, of Peon, recent!? advertued in tha Ebi-or txr by S. M Swarls, wa all aold, except ing the (arm which it bald for private tale. The sawmill property 19 a 137 p , sold for I'.DOO Tha tract of 89 a. 63 p., sold for s'2 15 per acre,—Henry W. Swart* being purchaser of both tract*. S M. Swartx bought the i interest in tbe 520 acre tract at 6lt cents per acre. The subject of the following item which we clip from a Mimouv'i paper, wa* a former contributor to tha Riportkr and a native of Potter township Rev Stiver ha* left St Loui# and accepted a ' charge at Bunker Hill, 111.: At a meeting of St. Loui* Presbytery. 1 the die of Rev. S L Stiver (now pa*Pr ' of the Oongtegational Church of this city! charged with heterodoxy, wa* called up. ' Mr S in reply, pleaded that tha Peaaby- < tery bad net acted in good faith, in that > it had not given him tbe time agreed upon > wherejn to prepare bi* answer* to que* ( lion* propounded, and askad that hi* con- t nection with the Presbytery cease, where r upon the Preibytery witderew iu licen sure. There is prospect for another exten sive iron ore field being opened on the lands owned by Rev. J. K Miller, of our town, and Cyrus Alexander, of Miiroy. Several Tarieties of ore U found. This ore had been tested at some previous date and was pronounoed goad. No better place could be found anywhere to erect a fur* nace. There i* on the 1300 acres owned by the above parties, a large quantity of timber of various kinds which would be exceedingly well adapted for coaling, and a fine stream of water, enough to drive a mill; the distance to Miiroy is but -4 miles and down grade nearly all the way. A tram or railroad could be easily construct ed along the creek, not a tingle hiil inter vening. This no doubt will aflord some person or persons, at some time, not far distant, a lortune. A lew days ago an offer was made to lease the grounds. We wish our friend Rev. J. K. Ms the ability to construct a furnace himself and realixe the advantages arising from hit property, not only on personal regard but also on account of his enterprising die position. V*TXRAS CLCB.—The member* of Poller Township Veteran Club will please turn out at our neit regular meet ing, Saturday evening, Dec. IS. Meet in the Bank Building. Centre 11*11. Wit. A- JACOBS, Sec'y. Director* of the Bald Eagle Valley ' railroad met in Philadelphia l**t week, at wbich, says the Ledger, a general , mortgage for $400,000 was authoriaed to i be issued for payment of a firs', and *econd mortgage maturing in July, IS3I and 1884, and?exiending the time of both loan* at ■> per cent, for thirty year* from January Ist, INS). The indebtedness of the com pany i $400,000 for payment of which a sinking fund it proyided, SIOO,OOO baa ing bean paid in this way during the past ten year*. The road is run by the Penn sylvania company, which pays to the stockholders forty per ceot. of the gro** receipts and maintain* the road. The cap ital stock is $560,000. "The Life and Word* of Christ." by Gelkie, heretofore published at $6 00. i* I iust brought out in a handy volume. g>>o and Lemons. It would require 100 much space to attempt to enumerate all the good • things tbey arc now receiving, but we feel certain tbat tbo people'* want* have all beer, anticipated in their election ofeverjr item of detirable good* in their branch of buiineii. Stsat— Two aheep came lo the reai denct of John Weaver, mile* eaat of Centre Hall, about tirat of October, 1879, one ha* right ear cut off and (lit in left, the other ha* left ear cut off and (lit in the right one, one bat brown head and lege- One ia a ewe and the other a weather. The owner ia requeated to come forward, prove property and pay charge*, otherwite it will be diapuaed of a* directed by law. J. ¥. ALUX ASVtH. 20 aor. Bt. Town Clerk. Spoktbmes.—l have an excellent ileck of Breech Shotopkb. alto Muzzle loader*, wbicb were bought at very low price*. SporUmen wiabing to inveit, had better do 10 now, a* the ten dency it upward*. All kind* of good* for tporumen on hand, at the Gunatore of i Trio. Dkscrmr, 23oct Btn Bellefonte. School Tax Notice.— I The tax payer* of Potter townahip are hereby no tified that tb* achool duplicate i* fn the hand* of the underaigned. On all tax paid into hi* band* before let of December there will be a deduction of 6 per cent from Dec 1 to Jan. 1,1880, there will be no deduction, and after Jan. 1, there will be 6 per cent, added to all unpaid achool tax, in accordance with the act of A**m bly. JOSEPH CROTZER, 16oct 2m _ Treaaurer. NEW MUSIC. $2 00 WORTH FOR $] 00. My Grandpa'* Advice 85 ct The Little Blind Match Seller 40 cu He Hold* the Pearly Gat** Ajar 85 cu Sleep on Swee'.ly, Little Darling 40 cu Father, won't y - 30 cU I'll Tell Your Motner—Comic 30 ct* Remember the Old Folk* at Home 40 cu We will mail all the above seven pieces of beautiful -heel rnuaic, to any addrei.i 1 on receipt of SI.OO, W. L. THOMPSON 4 CO. East Liverpool, Ohio. I PtATttoNTna Hstt,. On Saturday nigh last a man by the name of William Wil ton, a resident of Rellelonte, and for somi time past employed by P. W. lloltiaiak ingout log*, in Hush township, about twe mile* nort' of this place, wn* run over bj a passing engine and killed. He left her' on Saturday afternoon for hi* homo, but being to some extent under the of liquor ho did not leave the cars when they arrived at Bellafbote, sad he wa* car ried back to Milesburg an-.! there pu' ot! He started to walk home, and it i suppos ed he laid down on the track, and an ex tra freight engine returning to the switch at about ®:45 o'clock that night, ran ovev hi* pro*trate body, killing him in*l*r,sly. M". Wilson leave* a largely family to mourn hi* *d and terrible end It wa* Mr. Wilton't intention to move hi* family in a few rtar* to Philip*burg -Journal. One of the choicest Centre county farm* i* advertued tor *a'e iu the Lepor ter, by Mr. George Durst. A capital chance to Invest Head'he adr. Tie weather ha* teen rainy by •pell*, lbs week, though mild. - ... \\ p will auon be iu receipt of e *ec one new let of Jab type, tor *al and other poster*. Person* having ale can get bill* printed at the Kipo*tr offce, in band' tome style. cheep end ou thort colic*. Send u jour order by mail or ..therwte. i Tho I*ntriot of 9 save: At the ftate department yesterday. a charter wa* granted for a new railroad line to be built by the Susquehanna ami Clearfield railroad cunpani, which i to be located itt the couutiesut l autre, Clearfield and Clinton, exten ling front a certain point of the Philadel phia aud Erie railroad, near Keating, Clioion county, and thence along the West Branch of the Susquehanna and the Mosliauuon to u couoecting poiut with the Lock Haven and Clearfield railroad, kt or near the mouth of said crv. k—a distance of thirty-five mile* or thereabout* The company repre sent* a capital stock ot SiOOOOO, di rided into 14.000 sbaree of o0 each Following are the officer* of the toad: | President, George B Robert*; direct ors, Wister Morris, N. Parker Short ritlge, Etlmund Smith, A J. t assatt, Strickland Kneaa* and John P. Green. Thomas A. Scott represents | the Pennsylvania railroad, which j owns 3,405 shares of the stock. JjIORM ! DEMOCRATS, FORM I SPREAD THE TRUTH. ' Make Victory Certain for ISBO. 1 Now it the time to form club* for the i Weekly PolJfr lsoO I Look at the Price. J SI 25 per year in clubs of five or over A free copy for every club of ten, snd a!) I postcge prepaid. We will send an Illustrated A'manac for 1880 in tbe month of January to evervM •üb*crib*r If you want fK yourlut*! 1 •cripliont in h#for# Y+br\ x * T y lt * tbii of t ltr hold* good till that date. TH* QttAT POMTtCAI. BAtVL* OT OCR uzsToav. The great Presidential contest of 18*4) will enlitt the sympathies of eve rv tnfi woman and child in the land and 'be ac tive participation of million* of voter*. It promie* to be the grandest halt 'e for lha upremacy of Democratic princ'P'c* ' and Democratic men in the gcvernnren*. t > the nation ha* ever seen. The way to; crown it with *uccaa* i* to enlighten and encourage the voters by tbe pread o'j Democratic truth. Let the truth ba known | in every household in the land. "Our Cause i Ju-t, And Triumph we must—" By the free and honett vote of the people. The decree has gno lortb that Military interference with the ballol-bux mutend, end ihetthe corruption ar.d intimidation of* horde of Partisan Deputy Mrhal will be no longer tolerated. A Dem-crat ic Congress fca* determined th*t Tbere will be no more swindling Returning Board* to disfranchise Democratic voters and rob u* of vote* of State* honestly our own. There will be no more 8-to " Jut-, gling Electoral Com mi** ion*, to make. Fraud again triumphant in American, llittory. by suppressing the truth *o a* to roahe a fale count and tccure a lying dec laration of the re-ult. t>ix million* ot Democratc voter*, tmart-' ing under the en*e of the great wr-ng ai.J foul injustice of 1876 buve united in making it the unwritten law of the la"'! that toe GREAT CHIME MUST NOT BE REPEATED, let the consequence# be what they may. In the early *umm*r, the Presidential Nominating Contention* will meet, and the two great parties contending for the control of the Government will present their candidate* for I'retiJent and \ ice Pretident, and tb principle* on which they hall go to the great jury of the A.ncrican people. Thi* will launch u* on the President# campaign of IrWO. destined to he the mo*t, earne*t, exciting and interesting in Am -r ican hiatory. And from that lima until) the polli close in November, it* prqgre** will be of vital interest to the people of| thi* country. THE WEEKLY POSTi will bold DO tluggard'* part ir. thi* grand) contest hut will urge the support of the Dem cratic National Candidate* with all the ability and energy at it* command. We *y nothing of iu fidelity to the great raute, for in lb*l repct it ha* never fal tered And we hope to greer ur reader* in the i*-ue of November 7. 18t®. with an array of ' POST ROOSTERS ' that will cheer their heart* and tell the *lory of the Campaign. ' , We mutt not forget that the State elec tion in Pennsylvania in 104*1 will he of im portance to our reader* a*ide from the Presidential feature of the conre-t. a* it •ill involve Ibe cbeice of a Legislature • hicb ill elect a United Stales Senator in placa of lion Win. A Wallace, whose term expire* in March, lbfcl. Other Features of the Weekly Poet While political news and discussion will necessarily be the salient lentures of the WEEKLY POST, during tbc stirring months of this year and next, yet it will maintain its characteristics as a first-class Family Newspaper. THE NEWS—It will contain the current news of the day from all quarters ot th* world by mail and telegraph, carelully condensed and edited including full re ports of Congressional proceedings with special dispatches and correspondence tram Washington, Uarrisburg and oth er points of In'nre-t LITER ItY MISCELLANY—It will contain choiee Literary matter, Poetry, and Tales, adapted for the amusement and instruction of the home circle. MARKET REPORTS—The fullest, latest and mst reliable Market Reports from ail of the Commercial centres, while a special feature will ba made of the live stock Markets, in which every farmer is interested EDlTOßlALS—Editorials on every sub ject of interest that may transpire, a* woll at many other features, suggested by trie sews of the day, political and son-political, foreign and domestic. MARK TIIK TERM3I For Tvthl Months, Covering Fifty Two Issues nt the paper. giving the Be* suit of the Presidential Election*: Single Subscribers for tbie period $1 SO In Clubs of 6 or more for same purmdf 1 25 An extra copy for club* of ten or more. Specimen copies sent free on application at the office. SEND FOR SPECIMEN COPIES. (We prepay all Pontage.) Wa solicit vnur cooperation in the cir culation ofTIIE WEEKLY POST, by the formation or enlargement ot clubs in your immediate neighborhood. Money may be sent by Drafts. l'oit-of lice Orders or by Registered Letter. Address J A3. P. BARR A CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. J)RIVATE SALE. VALUABLE FARM. Tbe undersigned offer* at private sale the well known Durst Homestead, near Earlystown, containing 215 Acre*. of beat farming land in the county. A portion conaist- ol the CHOICE. HEAVY WHITE OAK TIMBER. Theron erected a large, good two-atory JML BRICK HOUSE, with slate mjllj' " large BANK BARN, all necessary Outbuild ®§!WsSPng— all the buildings being good s in* A YOUNIi ORCHARD, just beginning to bear, and an abundance of water, by well, cistern, arid pond on the premises. Tbe payments will be made easy to suit the purchaser This is known to be one of the choicest farms in Centre county, hence needs no further description. GKOKOE DURST, declltf Centre Hall, Fa. General W. T. Sherman #uat valtmblo sword to be raffled for ' ln Human Catholic fair roocutly hold nt Syracuse, N. Account# from Egypt ntato that the Government i# actively completing ! preparation# for wai with Aby#ainia. It hoalililie# are re#ura#d, the Egypt* tian force# will t>o tliriilol into two armies, offensive ami defeuitive ; the former to be com|o#od uf right thous and men and the letter twelve thous and. The Daily News' Betlio despatch Mya : —" Ih„ faiuioe in Upper Sileeia ha< become #n serious ttial iu inuny village# over one-third of the popula* lion are atarviug. Famine distre## i# appearing in Saxony among tlie |ert ants and weaver#. Valparaiso, November 14.—A t#U gram ha# been revived here which confirm# the previous report of disns. trr to the Chilian force# near Loa, tit the mouth of the river of the nm. name, on the boundary between lVru ami Bolivia, after u stubborn fight | Fifteen hundred Chilians .urrrnd. i ad to the with *" lh - ,r and ammunition. The Chilian cm -uatider vil killed The Bolivian commander afterward# occupied Con cha# Bianco#, . London, December 8. —A Cain I dispatch to the Standard say# i "!• i formation front Moseewah that King John is marching forwarii with the main body of the Ahyaain iatt army and forty guua. It i# said thai he is iletertniued to occupy tlir district# ot and Calahat, in the Blue Nile territory. He declare that European intervention will not prevent him from enforcing his jurt claims, including an indemnity fot past Egyptian aggression. Galveston.Texas, Dec. 2, 187th—A special despatch to the News from Waco says.—Last night in the coun try near this place, where a dance was in progress, Bud Wood invites! Miss Grace Slanfield to dance, which -be declined. Wood became angry snd demanded that the dance cease • ud, following one Will Currie into a hack room, provoked a fight. Curriej knocked him down with a pair of tongs. The two tneu afterward met outside and fought# duel with pistols, a doxen bota being exchanged. Cur rie was wounded iu the hand, s by stander in the leg and George Wood it a* shot in tbe thigh. Bud Wood theu went to where MtsaSlanfield was engaged iu conversation with Albert Chocb and made two attempt# to shoot her. He then remarked to Chocb, ''You are a friend of Currie, aud shot him dead, and going up to Currie knocked him senseless with h:s pistol. Wood then made good his escape. 1880. Harper's Magazine. lI.LUriTKA 1 tAJ. "Studvingthe subject objectively end ! troro the educational point of view—seek ing to provide tht which taken altogeth er. will he of tbo most evic to the larg est number —1 lortjc ago concluded that, if I could have but one work for a public library. 1 would select a complete et of Htrprr* Monthly."— Charlm Fbahcu Aiuiii. Jr Iu contenta are contributed bj the inoat etui(ien: eutbor* and artist* of E b rope ai d America, while the long experience of tu publisher* ba made them thoroughly conversant with the deire of the public, which they will pare no effort to gratify. The volume* of the Magar ine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each vear. When no time i* •pacified, it will be undertood that the suUcrtber wishes to begin with the current >'aa ber. HARPER'S "PERIODICALS. II A RPKll'f M aGAZINEOne Y'r...t400 UAKPKKS WEEKLY, " ... 4tU HARPER'S BAZ/vK. " "... 4 00, The TIIBKK above-named publica tion*. Due Year 1000 Any TWO above named Ot •• \ ear— 7 U) HARPER S YOl'Nu PEOPLE. •• •• Year.. —~ ...100, Postage Free to all sut crit- • I. e Untied State* or Canada ( A Complete Set of Harper'a M >g..z na. j comprising o9 Volume*, m neat clolb binding i 1 b# *ent by cxpre**, freight at expense of purchaser, eh receipt o.' $2 2£ per volume. SiugUi vutumee, by rueil, post paid, f.l U ! . Cloth k*n, for binuing 3S cenu. by mall, postpaid. Kemittance* should be made by Po*t-j Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid j chance of lot*. Newspaper* are not to copy tfci* adver-i tiremeni without the expreitorder o! iftr-' per A Brother* Audre- HARPER & BBOTIITRS, j New York. 1880. HARPER S WEEKLY. ILLC'sTRATED. Thi* periodical ha* alwayi. by it* able! and scholarly dim usiion* ol the questions of the day, a* well a* by it* illustrations— which are prepared by the be*t artist* — exerted a muti power'ul and baneficiai in fluenco upon the public mind. The weight of it* ii fluence will always he found on the side ol morality, enlight enment, and refinement. The Volume* of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year When no time i mentioned, it will be un drud that the subscriber wishes to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. HARPER'S "PERIODICALS. HARPERS MAGAZINE. One Y'r-*4 0U HARPKH ti WEEKLY, " "... 4io HARPER'S BAZAR, " "...400 The THREE above named publica tion*. One Tear - 1000 Any TWO above named One Year.... 700 HARPER S YOUNG PEOPLE, One Year - 1 CO Pottage Free to all subscriber* in the United Stale* or Canada. The Annual Volumes of Harper * Week ly, in neat cloth binding, will be ent by mail posiage paid, or by express, free ofj expense (provided the freight doe* nnlj exceed one dollar tier volume), for $7 00 each. A complete Set, comprising Twen tv three Volume*, sent on receipt of cash at the rate ni $6 26 per volume, freight at expense of purcbaer. Cloth Case* for each Tolume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittance should be made by Port- Office Money Order or draft, te avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this adver tisement without the express order ol Harper dc Brother* Address HARPER & BROTHERS, New York MARKETS. Philadelphia. December 8. —Wheat i* firmer, but very quiet; 4.000 bushels in cluding rjet:tad at $1,46: red at 51 60 smb. r SI 6l(al 62 Rye etBB(iBVe. Corn Cl@G2c; Oat* at 46<$4Cc. Chicago, November 24.—Wheat No. 2 red winter. 51 284Q1 29 No, 2 Chicago spring 51 271 Corn 41ic- Oat* 36|c. Rye firmer at 774@78c. Barley firmer at 91c. Spring Mills Market. Wheat Nol 51 80 Wboat No 2 51,25 Rye, Goe. Corn, ear*, per bu. new, .40c Corn old. 60c. Date, 32c. Buckwheat, Boc. Clover* end, 54.00 to 56 00 Plaster, ground tier tou, SIO.OO Flour, per bbl 50.00 Barley 40 to 80c. Butler, 20c. Tallow. 6c. Lard, 6c. Hum, 12c. Shoulder*, 6c. Egg* per dox., 20c. Coal, Retail. By Car, Groii, Egg, 54 00 54 76 Store, $6 26 $6 00 Chestnut, 54 76 54 60 Pea. 5X 26 S* 16 D. H. RhuJe. A*. Years • J\_ of experience In oiher pert* of the |iuce en-ible him to guarnntee the utmost " satUfuCtion a* en Auctioneer. Vendue* I cried at reasonable charge*, A share ol the public patronage kindly solicited. 09* J. NEWMAN.JR a ..#•••••••••# •#...#•• KING CLOTH I Kit AND MERCHANT TAILOR, plifek. fidr ClolWnj At Cost and Freight. ' '"> At Cmlm,l '* ' 11 M ■ :• ( ! 'I iog At Cwt and Freigh JfcV t 1 IHi ' H ** d J M * d# Clothing At Coat and Freigh' A§ h# U iu,lt,ni< k '' ,, 01 ' aio 110 •• int " *h# lift Good., Tim# i. no .ham but a .iprare and bona*! transaction. *o-('I.O!II1NU MAtiKToOKUERBY riKST-CLAs.i TAILORS CUBA PER Til AM ANT WIIKBX RLHE IN PRNNRBLVANiA. Vulunie tbr# of tba library < f Univrr .. -*l kntiwUdit#. raornt'y is.u#d, contain. lis, , iivtri"g ti'l'lei botwuni ll'. h t>rd. bir. inl t?tor,>UUr Th. |iub ib-, i- r .nnnanm tb.l u slre.dy ronrhrd # ~ !.. of nearly U' *'• t-optn*. Atner r*r. ItiKik Kicbange, Nw York u DIED. ' Oct tho'*Hb Inlt.. in Itwtria. township, Polly M.i-lin, widow ol th- Utr HttUJu#! M.rtin, #g#d 7# #ud iVd.jl. nakkilu. Onth6;b inn .by Ko* Warren Myo. Hr. IWor S. W'il. f tiirmd. K#< ., ftirmacly ot A.r<'uburg, tin. couoty, '• It its futin. Ad.mon, situof imr tiirarJ, K.nsa*. E. F. Kunkel'# Bntet Wine ol lion •nr. .r* d/*ee.t. tit i.ilt,..lii a ..k * ,#u#fti iStl *# di#a*a# af lUm m*i* u •j*' •t|iUo, of id* ttutna* h and l< • rut,. • toau- Kimi hoiil# gu#i .tec •ii #•* fo-iatii-. hlv 11 'Ac a**# totli. or at# tl.. t St.■•.!•. UK. Golttoa lot $1 t4 Aak itK J. Jsu^K.# a*# ll Isol aoud tUi# prviutU. K * *** 4 ' hull hi Fhilr K .uhwi ti.w .ti If ewwful phy#lUa Ao ramuiM Upa tm it •o hoars all** with . *<>< l o- f uutil rteo*d j a o# Mtit# lest lie* it Tale* W >ftu# La rat lAar av>rusa cats La ran llf iw#u .>*! A tvu aat uI fir# aaJ (UW# (lea ILa au-Gi t*u tail U#(h#i of iwtthaiatlrbi h#i •<>rtn fhinasnd# sra d|lu| I*l if • tIL aartaa and da mol kmum t, Klla. #WMUs tauspu elsj- U< auJ a-fl - alio*. *tk>a v lauUtiub clrvlctamand lb# ajiaa. aualltug *nd ;*#• i In (AaaU u. aA, raaUaaa al • t#ot. *rtodiof tba loath, |tchlo( at |be ttuaa. uuufih. favor tULtsm *1 tisa seal boaa oafc* IsHil Lrootr Uia pat# fala stJ tLm Uahitad o*4 trrUaUai la Lho **# *il iLoaa umn U's, sola r*. aomo from fuo E I hwuk-i • Worm hftup aa*ar f*U l-> ransaaa Um r*rtea • I tfc Pr t>oltfa. or ol Uri.a far A* • trr Tape Worts, arita s til roMull (ha (hwtaf ] Ijfsll ih#n liu| of loot druuatat Lba Wsri rtfrap. **4 if hr ho* tt not ootid Iu Of C.r kualai Sir NortL Niut* hi, Phl.o da.i'Ll* I'a A4vtea by ■sail, froa aaisd Ura# aat a lots. i*. II4 a^DMIN ISTRATOR'S .NOTICE.- LetteM of stlininlitr.litin on the eitstr tilTbtima. H M Blroy. isle ol P.ttter twp dec d. tiring been gmnted t the under • igned, #ll person- knowing thennelret t be indebted to .aid decedent are resume I to luak# immediate payment, anti per. t baring claim* ag.mtt the eclate will pre >enl ti.eia authentical. >1 *ir .-Itleritent. MISS JKNMR M ELROY dec. 4. fit Adm'r. I7XKCUTOK 3 SuTlCl - \ Latt.r* taa'atner.lary oa tha ritale of Pa lr Krrlm. Use of Nebraska. drama.- ad. baaing bran granted to U.a undorugn •J, ail perton. indt-bl.d In laid MUM arc '•■;a:rad to nakn ittmediala fa rami, and I bo. a hating t iain.t a*.-.l lti utur to pra-.nt thrm da > >u!t e'Hn al<*i by law for .alllenitnl. AS kr.KL.IN, fx Leui>ara, Pa. 4Jee 6t ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE - J alter* of dnini!f*li.m on the estate ofS. 8. Earner, late of Potter twp . Jec'd. having been granted I i the under t.ißM 1 ill wn ti Icrs wing thrmilri l bo Indebted loaaiddr i-drt.t are r.quaatc'i to make immediate |>myment, arid pcraoh# havir.g claims again.; ibc a* late i I pre sent thorn authentic-!-! tor a-iilement. JoUN SHANNON. Uaor 6t Adui'r. a DMINI>TKATOK S NOTICE 1 A Letter* of adminUtra'.i 'ion tbr MttU'. of John K Millar, late of Herri* townthip. dec'd. hatng bean granted to the under signed. all persona Knowing themselves t ba indebted to aaid decedent are requested to make immediate payruert, and person, baring claim* agamtl the o*late wilt pre- I ent tbem autbec'.icated for settlement G. W SPANGLKR, 6BOT Ct Adtn'r. tie bonis non. j IN THE COI'RT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR THR COUNTT or CENTRE -of Augutl term 18TV No. eke LCCT D. M -ira br her r.nt friend Stc ' T. PaKpKKtl * MOT** M D To Frederick Muter M |) —Sia Pieata take notice tbat the C"urt ha granted a rule upon you t.. show caue why a divorce. riacufo maf •ncnf th iud not ba de 'eet tn taturo! the L'Hsliant In the above returnatsle on the Fourth Monday f January IHRDat two o'clock P M. Personal aevice upon you having (ailed on account of your ab ! •anca Sheriffs Office. Relief >nte Pa N >v, 2i. '7' i j Dec 44l JOHN SPANGLKR. Siient! |>L*BLICSA LK '—There will ha offered , Jt at Public Sale, at the r-iidenie ot •undersigned. Una mile north*eal ' ' W.t d i> I new, platform apfing wagon, eio-laior; reaper and mower, gram drill, keyetone cultivator. Harpater corn planter, harrowt cultivator", ahotel plow*. corn aeraper.j piowa, land roller, fanning mill, *- new, clover huller. bay iae, hv fork with rope and puller. Saetw hay ladders, 3 preda, threshing iMrhn e. power, • ha*. r and alrap !■ g chama. fifth chain" 3 graba, 4 pair grubber*, aetl yankee hr nea*, plough geara. 7 flvnet--8 fine, bri- ■ • .Ilea. I aett "ingle b*rne*. I "oil ailyerl ' plated double barnea", ruimg "addle,. teamter "addle. Collar*. Urine. Halter*.| cbe. k line*, filth line*, plow line*, "ingle and double tree*, 8 pair butt chain* S ett i breaat chain*, 22 cow chain", 1 wheel h> r-j i row, buggy tongue, wood ladder*, hay by . thion. ljW buahels of corn in the ear AX) buahel* of polatoea, 3 ft of fiil acre* of , wheat in the ground, barrel*, tuba, meat j veaael*. Rakea. lorka, and many other ar I licle* to numerou* to mention. Sale to . commence at 10 o'clock, a m., when terms.will be made known bv P. R. STOVER. | A. UARTEK, Auct. Nov. 27. ; GREAT FALL —OPENING— i AT 1 W o I f's Stand. Til K DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Exhibits au immense stock of DOMEBTICB. DRESS GOODS KM BROIDERIES, WHI TK GOODS. NOTIONS. LADIES' READY-MADE SUITS. PARA SOLE. UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, HATS. CAPS, ROOTS AND SHOES, ETC., ETC. THK GltO ( E R I DEPARTMENT I* filled with Choiceit Teas, Syrups, Dried Fruit, Canned Goods, Sugars, Cof* fees, Pure Spices, Halt, Pork Provi sions. Wooden. Willow, Queens and Glassware, Fish, Salt and everything usually found in a first class Grocery ALSO HARDWARE. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS always on hand. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Heroins a l- tl artule ■>! Hrai ijr, \\ hi.key, Inn or \V>rte lor medi inal |iur|hift. tan bn •trunmodsled at lie Coiilra llall Dru#Kior* Allot ti.o ttty b> Itavoring llracl. lor family uia, to n ai l.rti'on, V-nilla, nar-aparllla I'm# Applet. Koia, Hitter Almond, >t ire kept in ttot k and offered for talc IVnuni wi.huig anything utually kept ii i wa'l regulated Ilrua -lure, will plaa all on in J, and you will And my itoeklul nd Complete. Nl#ltl and >undaV • uslon '• aro always waited upon wiili t.iaa-or. JorUm J. If Mil Kit AV. Insult Pactoral will t urn your cough, htonii Pectoral euro# borBi. d and bring, raat Pectoral co.ti 'Jit cla ; C bottle, ft. Id by J. D. Murray, Centre liail. J H BADLAND'S "BEE IIIVK" STORK. ALLEGHENY BTKEIT. BKLLEFONTK. IA HEADQUARTERS FOR DRY GOODS AT— TOE BEE HIVE ONE I'KICE EXCLUSIVE DRf GOOD" STORE. I am offering tbe LAKUkST, HE-T and CUB A PEST stuck of liry Ot>od* in Centre county. EVERYONE HAY.S THAT IS THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS Go there and be convinced. ALL GOOLS AT ALL TIMES SOLD AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. Having secured an immense stock of goods before tbe advance, I am able to sell CHEAPER THAN ANY STORE IN TOWN. All my good, are marked in plain figures. Hoping to receive an early call, I remain," Refpeclfully your#, ___ My mottois: "One Price-the very I jwest-and no misrepresentation." J. H. BAULAND. New Grain House ( Completed! At SPRING MILLS PA. u J. I). LONG Now extends a cordial invitation to bi* frieuda and patrons, and the pub lic generally. a he ia now prepared to buy all kiuda of ( , GRAIN, H SEEDS AND HIDES. 'J At the Hightest Market Prices ] Aiso conctantly on band a complete assortment of 5 f Coal at Low Prices i Also a complete aesorlment of KIPS, CALFSKINS." POLE LEATHER, also ready made HARNESS, hkildks. COLLARS, WHIPS, H ALTERS, &e„ at bottom prices. 13oo o.u \CCTIONRKR —The under.igned re spectfully offer# hi* services to the ( ■ means of Centre c.-unty, aa n auctioneer j Several year* m rwilul . a,.rrirnce ena be* him to ren ier the utiu t "• 1 u frying aa c*. GEO. KOCH, i JERRY MILLER BAKU** AM> llAl*l**** In the BA , ment of the OanK buildtug Ail work done n faahionabla atv'e ljulv QENTBEUALL • : Furniture llooins! K7.LL 4 KRIMIIIM:, roapaeliully inform" the citiaati" ••• l eitir. I county, that he ha* bought out -be 0.0 •land nl J O Iteininger, and ha* reduce.) the prtca* lie la* constantly on hann and make* t'> order *" BEDSTEADS. 11 U KKAtTS. SINKS W ISIISTANI'S, CORNER CUPBOARDS, TABLES. \c . Ac Hit stock of ready made Furniture i large and warranted of good workman • hip. and i* all made under bi* immediate! • uperviaion. and it offered at rate# cheaper than elsewhere. Call and #e bi* stock before purchasing elsewhere ____ J. ZELLER & SON DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockerhnff Row, Bellefonte POD'., DenlerH tn lru(fw.<'li*tilf , nla, Icrf4iinrrj,FwiejCowlit Ar,. Ao. Pure Wine* and Liquoi* for medical j purposes alwey# kept. uiaylJ .*j ' I For tbo coming Fall and Winter TRADE WE ARE FULLY PREPARED. Now is (he Time! Select Your Goods ; FRO M E£SE, ; NEW STOCK. t GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS AND GAITERS MADE TO ORDER A LARGE STOCK OF Sole Leather, B Calf-Skins, Kips, ETC., ETC., At Bottom Prices. > E. GRAHAM A SON. Dec' 6 Bollefonte, Pa | HARRY K. HICKS, (fi>ue*aor to T. A. Hick# 4l Bro.) W11O]," NAL li A KKTAIL UKA LK R IN Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &c. wrAUo hlUl *• Hgriicj ol I lie tiHi Ki nd Cblllrd Plow for till* countj .T&a WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOOD* / 1 EI (iOOD BIIKAD, VX Uv cabb eat the rew and exten sive bakorv > of JOSEPH CEDARS, (Succ*tr to J 11. Cand*.) l)ppo*ite ilm Imd Front on AilegLoay Hreel wher. h lurnitbrt eTery day Krrtb Bread, Cake* of all kind*. PtM, tic., ft*., Candies. SpiCM. N uU. Fruit*. Anything and rvtrjlliirr belonging l ; Hat if g U.i -ar < ' rij rience in the bunr-.r**. he flatter* hitn*cS j that I •• can gurai '.re atilacti't) t allj *h mav favor him with their patronage lQ aug tf JOSEPH CKDAHS. HENRY BOOZER. ( I:\tki: ii 1.1., ■ivcrtcrrui or Saddle* Harne** Bridlae. Collar*. Whip* Flynet*. and aim keep* on hand CoUot . NcU etc Price* low a* any where #!• All kind* of repaying done. The bait •lck alaay* kept on hand All work war ranted A -hare of the publi. patrotiag kindly (olicilad. (ocl, if Prepared Coke j —FOB— FAMILY USE. The Bellefutil* A Snow Shoe R. I! ] Co. having completed their k Breaker ami Sreen?, are now pre tt td to famish #ll ? z- •( C"ke }"•• Slow?, Ivatige# ami Furnace?. PRICE, tu.oo I>er Tou of 12000 Poll "da' DANIEL RHODES. 2'* I Sm t*en. Su|t HKVDU I,Ss| WIN I HE inr? in nt* Kt •• • uH • >J " J*' a i held n ■ BHPyI' 4 timm •#* lit J rl IftTta* . *•# IB MI ■ + Apr Sk W er l*nc II All. nHI i,t,|sVjibai'H' >• (i Mit yarn tr II ' K da 11 A lo , Proprietor*, I na*b*r: Tal'* Ve.miol A OM OWAT ACO . t|rnt. tP3 Arr M fitiMrlplit*. I'a Ayer's Cherry Pectoral For D.scaxea of lb? f ft Tbr o * 4 an<' Long*. ruch a# Cough*. I ■wl ? : Cold*. Whooping. f HBlp\ Cough, Prcnchiti* 1 dU !hm f tad Con-1 aumptloa. Tho reputation it hns attained, In i consequence of the marvellous cure* it i ha? produced during the last half cen i tnrv. is a snfllcient assurance to the 1 public that it will continue to realize i the happiest result# that ran !• detind. In almost carry section of country [ there are persons, publicly known, who have ttocn restored from alarming aud even desperate diseases of tlie lungs, by its use. All who have tried It ac knowledge It* Mi|HTlorltv; ami where lis virtue? are known, no one hoMtntes as to what medicine to employ to re lieve the distress and suffering peculiar I to pulmonary affections. Ciikrhy Pkc ! torai. always afford* Instant relief, and performs rapiti cures of the milder va rieties of bronchial disorder, ns well as the more formidable diseases of the Jungs. As a soft;guard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat and Chest of Childhood, it is invaluable; for. by Its timely use, multitudes arc rescued uud restored to health. This medicine pains friends at cverv trial, as the cures it Is constantly producing an- too remarkable to be forgotten. No family should be with out It. and those who have oucc used | it never will. Eminent I'hyslcians throughout the Sountry prescribe it. aud Clergymen often recommend it from their knowl edge of Its effects. nttrinD bt Dr. J. C. AYER ft CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Chrmliti. SOLD B* SIX I)HUOUIT* LVKKVWIIt-Kh Mi m INSTITUTE. SSft?S*4 ! b l U < | Ertobli.hadlnlS7Sforth.enra • ■ 4 of ( Miivr, Tumora, 1 locra, . tmBUSSneB-iroitiiu.. .inu Skiu IhMuiaaw 1 wrJiout Uio l- -1 f k'f'-> ijT le^- 'f ' h.l in.U li. U# I patu. lor ioiunuation, nrcnlar* ai u retoiwnooa, aaure.a ir. Jr\ JU i'Ubk*. Aurora, Jvautt Co., iU. —HARDWARE ! WILSON, M'FARL ANE 4 CO. NEW €OOs—PANIC PRICES. h H K tea OAS NT(VL\ IIEATEHS IUSGEB V E U E K E h H 8 We *ottld especially call attention to the Highland Queen Cook Stove, —AND THE— VIEL&O'NI >]D£d2 MtimiSfi 87071. ,9#*our Stock bein* entirely New. We offer special .ffifIIAHDWARK, OILS and PAINTS.-*; W F CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. IVII.SOV MTARI.ASF A CO.. UUMJB' BLO K. BKLI.KPONTK. PKNN'A. Spring Mills (I. K ! NEW ROOM f NEW GOODS ' at I. J. Grriible'> St..r* ! SPRING Wlt,l,S. • ike y wiUcotDiiel *•>■ in relf defence to buy o I'itn . Alao Piah, Salt. etc. IS"- A full line of Howe Sewing Machine itnd Needles for all kinds of macbiotv Also deala in all kind* of Grain. Mar iket price paid lor the same. A specialty in COAL by the car load. Jan. Harris Co NO. 5, BROCKERHOFFROW. Si P A 1 N T S, OILSj ETC., J AS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefonta. 11)HN F. POTTER, Attornry-a. 'I La*. Collecllona promptly mada and a pact ((•OtltitijflTßS toe uoH DavtUtf Uoda OT propSrk It aisr Will Jraw up and bav *okuvwledfed l>e lortfag jto Otflcclu lb# itUßond. uorlb atd IN H'Ufa rtwlltofontn. inliUHw J £NNSyALL- Y BANKING GC CENTRE HALL, PA. t Kt_'K 1 V h OEPOSt 1 E end allow Inte eat; DtOvount Motet ; and Smli U'tvurniueiitSecuritie*, i Gold and Coupons Vu. WOLF yV*. B MIWOLI res t t)nabier - . izzxij THAT ACT* AT THE SAHE THE ©* THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and tho KIDKEYS. 77. a combined action gfroo ft t oner to curt all dina**. Why are we Sick ? 11.ecu* w a-'Uor tVw great ofgoma to bo a c'c-yed or tor* dp htonov* Aumorw ■ f tier, let forced j.w f.'." i '. d lAof tieumU V expelled not urn 11 ft. IjMnH ntDiriLLi ITRES EiWfEt oospiar :st ntvtßi PJS EASES, F:3Atr WEAEXESSES, AXD 1 Sjf anm'r.ff fret r-tion of tine organ* owd rotorfng their strength end jvmr to throat | >fordrrrd Eldaeyt I Thy radar* arrraa* hetdsrhei ad llcrjilaai niftm ! r KinNEY-WOUtV-. r • trie), te cob... Ikel 11 iU re haa *• :m, hee flle4 BeM b/ eU d.eler, la nedkiMa. t* |.rrlnii' weal free as taoelpt #f arte,, h/ I! r. WIITI.Cr nera! osrat farE- 8 aid CaaadH ISO I'ruiikliu t„ Hutlimore, Md. II rem'ne Mt trad* Br* u4 4f•totlr nt Dr. J. W. |># THIS NEW TRUSS fl Ha. . Pad 4-C le ceoler.Hi , -If *" rouuaa * u b... w y*ilia u I U> Haroia to held eeeafelj da/ •ai*M.aaderadtoal