Tine Centre l r.NTKK Hali., l®*- * It now seems certain that tirant will accept the presidency of the Nuaragua canal company. Thue it is alleged would take him of the track as a candi date for a third John Sherman ia greatly annoyed by the tirant boom and there is a bad feel ing between the follows who are oper ating the tirant boom and the Sherman itcs. Grant has refused to visit Cincin nati because it Viet in Sherman's ternto- A few dart ago •x-aecretary hobeson declared himself in favor of a third term. Now cornea Helknap, bn ancient cronv and fellow plunderer, who a.so warmly pronounces for another term of Grant. Next. The net earnings of the Venn a UK. are improving, and have been incrcas ing materially for the last Is months Won't that corporation aoon feel ab.e to w -o on and complete our unfinished road, and thus ahow that they mean to be as as good as their pledges to the people of Centre county ? Tho revelations in 1-ouiaiana prove that Kellogg bought his scat in the sen ate of the United States from the fraud ulent legislature. Hi it <• ' and cannot therefore be dit turfced. Hut this does prevent lus ejec tion from the senate on the proof now made of his corrupt practices. In the bribery cases at Harrisburg. on Saturday the defendants were again put under bail. William H. Kemble and Charles B, Salter inj^.ooo each, and Pet rod", Long, l.eisenring and Met une in 12,000 each for their appearance at tho January term, to answer the charge of corrupt solicitation. The Atlantic aud Great Western rail* road will be sold in Akron on the 6th of January. The date was fixed in pur suance of a private cable dispatch, an nouncing the completion of the reor ganixrtion of the syndicate iu London. The liabilities of the road are about seventy million dollars. It is expected that it will sell for about ten millions. There seems now to be a fair prospect of a reunion of Jthe Philadelphia de mocracy. The primaries to be held un der the auspices of the regular city com mittee will be attended by the party generally and no pretext will be given Sir Richard Yanx for setting up a bolt ers' ticket for tbe February election. A consumation most devoutly to be wish ed. The republicans of Virginia are now likely to get much "boot" from tbeir policy of inducing their negro followers to support the "readjaßters." The re-ad ustsn claim that their settlement of the Virginia debt would be as fair and hon orable as the adjustment in the M'Cul loch bill. They say that on all national '■sues they are tlie same democrats as their opponents and that the republi cans will gain no political advantage through them. Toomb's death to the Union dispatch is repudiated by nearly the entire south ern press. Of course. Now let the northern radical press repudiate the stalwp.rt hate breeders in like manner we will be & happy family. These i!Jt<3 m?n in the north, seducers of other men's views, and the two ortbres south ern irreconcilables, are the only causes that remain to keep up a bitterness of feeling between the north and south. The legislative bribery trial has been quashed, on account of a trick of radical hatching—they managed to nave one grand juror, out of tbe '24, not to be sworn, and this irregularity led to the quashing of the indictments, and the radical corruptors of our state legisla ture go free for the present. These rascals have already been prov en guilty by a legislative committee and if tbe trial had not been defeated by this trick, Keinble and his assistant radical corruption gang which attempted to fas ten 4 millions upon the state, would have been sent to state prison. The readers of the Ripoexek will re member that we expressed fears that some game would be hatched to defeat justice. JJMexico would die of inanition if it did not Lave a new revolution ever tw i or three weeks to keen up tbe "circular tion." News has been received by the steams er Newbern from Mazatlan of an im pending revolution in Mexico. Gener al Jeaes Ramirez has pronounced, and some of his forces hare been at liosario, Concordia, Copala, about sixty miles from MazatiaD, and near tbe lines of Tepicand Binaloa. Another small force has pronounced at Cosala, |in the State of Sinalca. The insurgents have also pronounced at Lapaz. About two hun dred and fifty men took possession of the town, and after getting possession of all arms left for the interior. Nothing is Bafo any more under radi cal hands. They have for IS years stol en and rniaappropriated the public monies, stolen the revenues and when a rascal was sentenced he got out by an abuse of the pardoning power. They have used the army and the sword for the basest purposes and to maintain car pet-bagism, carry elections and an - est voters, and have stolen the presiden cy. Now they enter the gtaud jury room to defeat justice by an irregularity, so that indictments against the corruptors of our state legislature may escape pun ishment. llow long will the people vote to tinuethe authors of such iniquities :o power ? The legislative commi'tee to prsoecute the riot-bill gang for attempting to cor rupt legislators, although defended at the late term of the Danphin county court, by a trick as disreputable as their grfme oftjribery, tampering with the grand jury so as to have the trial quashed— the committee we say, will again pro ceed to get at tho guilty republican lead ers, at the January term, when it is • hoped the jury business will he guarded against a game like the one exposed at the late term. It would be an everlast ing disgrace to the state to have Kemble & Co. go unpunished in the face of the evidence of guilt as brought out by [the legislative investigation last winter. These had men have defeated the law for the present, but the net at the Jan uary term can bo made to hold them. The Wolf committee, we understand, vrill keep pushing tire prosecution' t}ie people demand it, The grand jury * hicli roceully ad I journed at Salt l,ake were specially charged to inquire into of the vie- j lation of the law against j>olygAmy. Tin district-attorney and deputy marshals hare been hard at work for two month* getting the evidence. The result is four indictments for polygamy. The grand jury, in their report, aay thatUiey found great diilieulty in obtaining truthful tes timony from the witnewes, who, from their own admissions, and from clreum stance? could, if they would, hare given satisfactory evidence as to the guilt or innocence of parties. The witnesses were unwilling and unreliable, Fape eially so wore the younger persons ap pearing before them. We never knew of colonies of Indians to have such opportunities ottered them and if they had we douht whether the red man, would have shown as discour aging a Knik account. 1 The agent in charge of the White Faith Iteeervatlon in Minnesota report* to the Interior 1 *epartment that the Chippewa Indians have made a very gratifying success of the experiment of raising sorghum in that part of the country. Twenty-live acres upon which the experiment wa# tried last season yielded 100 gallons of svup per acre. The Chippewa* are much pleased with the industry, and next year will plant •J9O teres with aorghnm. The agent re porta that it will grow and ripen upon any lands capable of producing corn. The Chippewaa, about one thousand in number, who were all wild ludians ten years ago, have also this season raised abundant crops of grain and vegetables, and are reported to be happy and con tented. The lIuroXTKB desires to announce to the radical press that thee may soon have another southern "outrage" to howl over, which will l>o when Klita Pinkston—Sherman's Kiiia—is hung for murdering her husband. Kiiia was of great service in the presidential steal, and in the hands of John Sherman played oil bruised and half dead, under perjury, to get up a fictitious outrage. Now that Kiiia has murdered her bus* band, neither Sherman nor the radical press can see a '■southern outrage" there. When Kiiia'a trial comes off let the rad leaders do like in Penn'a, tamper with tlie grand jury. and thus have the indict ment against their dear sister Kiiia quashed. There is hope for Kiiia yet. llalstead of the Cincinnati l v. the most intluential republican paper in Ohio, looks shy at the Grant movement. In his paper he deals it the following black eye: We got aloug very well without Grant while he was going arouud the world, and we do not need him now. There are 1,000,000 citiiens of the United States as capable as he of being a good President for the fouryoais succeeding Hayes. Any capable Justice of the Peace is equal to tlie Chief Magistracy. The American people must not be per mitted to make asses of themselves about the noed of rulers. We do not require anybody to rule over us. We are Republicans and irule] ourselves. The President isn't a ruler. Alex. 11. Stephens deniee that he has expressed himself in favor of Grant. In a letter to the Augusta Chronicle he is in accord with the erratic Dr. Felton, or that he contemplates publishing a simi lar manifesto. He also denies saving to a reporter of the Washington star that "if democratic dimensions in New York continue our only hope of success is des troyed, and the South wi|l look out for herself," or that "the South to-day pre fers Grant as dictator to Sherman or Conklingas President," or that "among the Southern soldiery there is the great est respect and reverence for Grant, and that Lhepsopls of the South would sup* port him in preference to any other man of the republican party." Mr. Stephens says that the telegrams and interviews ascribing these expressions to him are groundless fabrications from beginning to end, and he trusts "that the people of Georgia who hare any regard for tbe truth will not bo misled as to my say ings or doings by giving credence to any such anonymous representations of my utterances." The heathen Japs have a highfalutin opinion of Grant, which is not less than the opinion of the jobbers and plunder* ers here, from whom they evidently re~ ceived their knowledge of the Gener al. In anticipation of the visit of General Grant to Jeddo there appeared a sketch of his life in Japanese, in which the author, after speaking with enthusiasm of the achievements of Gorantu, as he calls the General, addresses his readers in the following words"Whether we consider the fox amoDg leasts, or the pho. nix among birds, we find that even when endowed with unusual abilities the inte.'hgence of these is not equal to that of stupid Old women or doltish boys. But men are able, if Uiey chose, to culti vate their talents; and tifir >® ft man who has cultivated his great natural abilities, is rich in thought, is admirmb.'O in bis movements, is as unfathomable as heaven and earth, and with whom neither the fox nor the pbu-nix is for a moment to be compared. Sach a one is General Grant, whose intelligence is commanding to a degree, and whose business capacities are truly grand." Well, wc are to have light at last. And now it is announced that Edison promi ses to show his electric light perfected on Christmas evo, at Menlospark, N. J. He will illuminate all the buildings in the modest little hamlet in which he lives and works. To that end wires have been run from liouae to house, and connected thence with his laboratory. The illumination will be given by means of what might be railed electric jets, each jet of 10-candlo power, which is the measurement of electric intensity; that is to Bay the extraordinary phe nomenon may be seen, on Christmas day in Menlo-park, of electric lights toned down to the intensity of gas jets. In a few days Edison will begin the task of affixing the jets so-called, from thejgas burners in the Beveral houses, instead of running wires that are to transmit the current through gas pipes, as it is his intention to do shortlv, in this city. For this occasion ho will lay wires along the pipes. "I shall send in vitations far and wide," says Edison, "in order that all may see that what has considered as visionary and impos sible, ha® I**" aecompllslwfd. Let gas companies reduce their prha, and then reduce it again, for it la well known they can still do this and make money, and I can undersell them and make a largo profit. A horse stung dead by bees has caus ed a law suit in lowa. And we'll bet a half year's Ripoktkii that when its over all parties to the suit will find themsel ves badly stung too. You can't say of Texas that its all cry and no wool—for this year that state clipped 22,000,000 pounds of wool. Till: Till KM A X ACT There is to he a strong ellort made | this winter to secure the repeal of the Thurman ait compelling the Pacific roads to calculate their percentage for the sinking fund, to repay the govern ment loan on net earnings. A bill looking to tbat object will be introduced very soon after the opening of the see aion, and those interested in the road# are hopeful of its passage, This is one of the fruits of republican victory in Ohio. The man who made the great railroad monopolies pay their debts to the government, is to (step out and his work in behalf of the people ii to be upeot. sn: MI Nil HA ri:s' o Hayes'.message and Secretary Slier* man's rejiort were both stolen and given to the press last Saturday, and went out to the world before the assembling of con grow. Since Hayes accepted the stolen press idency, stealing is considered fair by his subordinate*, and he is being paid tuck in his own coin by his own subordi nates. The price paid fir stealing the mes sage was ft.' t>, and they are trying to find out who the guilty ones are. - lhe same is correct as to the stealing of Sherman's rejort but how can John complain hecugineered the great i res idential steal? These radical employ ees in the departments have learned a trick, and chickens arc coming home to The fraudulent President's stolen mes sage is tame, and only -talwart upon the subject of having deputy marshals at the polls so as to help carry elect ous. lie demands the punishment of j>oly gamy, and we would ask why don't he have it punished ' He gives a blow for civil service reform, yet permitted all his appointees to practice in opposition, lie gives our relations with foreign countries as friendly. I'pou the I nan ces he say 9. The ordinary revenues from all sources for the fiscal year ended June o, IS7U, were 1-78,5'.T.1-Lt''; the ordinary expenditures for the same pe riod acre $266,947,n:m."> : leaving a sur plus revenue for the year of f • *7'.' •.- vJ. The receipts for the present fiscal year, ending June 30, !>.*>, actual and estimated, are as follows : Actual re ceipts for the first quarter commencing July 1, I*7'.', $7',M3,063.61 :estimated receipts for the remaing three-quarters of the year, $208,1 *'7,330.: total receipts for the current fiscal year, actual and estimated, $285,0w,000. The expendi tures for the same period will be. actual and estimated, as follow* Tor the quarter commencing July 1, IS7*, actual rxdeuditures, $'.'1,0&3,3-3.10, and for the remaining three-quarters of the year the expenditures aae estimated at $172,310,- 614.90—making the total expenditures 1261.000,000, and leaving an estimated surplus revenue for the year ending June*V, liv, The total re ceipts during the next fiscal year end ing June 30, 1881, estimatedaccording to estimating laws, willbef2vi,oW),oUo. and the estimated ordinary expenditures for the same period will be $278,037,304.2.' — leaving a surplus of $0,002,633.01 for that year. The large amount expended for ar rears of pension# during the last and tlie present fiscal year, amounting to $21,- 747,249.60, has prevented the application of the full amount required by iaw to the sinking fund for the current year ; but these arrears having been substantially paid, it is believed that the sinking fund can hereafter be maintained without any change of ex i-ting law. The Secretary of War repoats that the War Department estimates for tlie fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, are $4 \ 10, 428.9", the same being for a leas sum of money than any annual estimate ren dered to Congress from that Iepartment during a ion the salaries of officers is highly demoralizing to the public service aud discreditable to the country." Now, the fact is, as Mr. Hayes and Mr.bherman very well know, that if the members of the cabinet and the president himself did not set the ox ample their subordinates would not trouble themselves abont partisan poli tics ; that if the high officials of the ad ministration did not permit levies to be made upon their underlings for party purposes and thus countenance and en courage that practice there would soon bean end of this system of collecting electioneering funds from the subordi nates in the departments. It is only necessary for Mr. Hayes to put his foot on the evils of which he complains if he would crush them out. Hut the course pursued by his cabinet, notably by the secretary of the treasury, is not calcu lated to inspire any very profound faith in his sincerity. It is notorious that subordinates in the departments aud of ficers of the revenue have been removed because they did not belong to the ad ministration party or failed to perceive the eminent fitness of John Sherman for the presidency. Nevertheless, it will be well for congress to take Mr. Hayes at'his word and send to him such legis lation for his approval as will not mere ly authorize but require the executive and heads of departments to cause their subordinates to abstain from such par ticipation in partisan politics as inter feres in any way with the proper dis charge (J their oflieial duties or requires ttiem to share their salaries with tlio managers of political campaigns. The message congratulates congress on the success of resumption, but falls into a contradiction when it reecommends the retirement of the legal tender notes; for if rcdpmptjpn is already a success, in spite of the fa iX that the whole of the $1540,000,000 of legal tenders repeln un redeemed, where is the necessity for the retirement of the legal tenders',' Mr. Hayes could not have more maladroitly admitted that resumption is not yet an assured fiif-i 4t?d will not ho until the le gal lenders urn finally redeemed at the treasury. On other subjects the message is very tame and unsuggeslivo. hcarcu lv a thread of the bloody shirt appears in its texture. An allusion is made to the importance of free elections, and a platitude about public opinion overrid ing "all political prejudices and all sec tional and state attachments in dernand- I tug that all ovci our wide leritorr lite name und character of citir.cn of the t'nitcd Stairs shall mean one and the same thing," probably in intended as a bint to congress to require Massachu setts and Rhode I -land to treat natural laod eltlsena of tins United States at least as well as Wisconsin and Minne aota treat unnaturalited foreigners. A* a whole the message is just what might have been cipeeled from an Ohio man who holds an office to which he was not eluctesl prompted by another Ohio man who hopes to to elected to an office which he fears the people are unwilling to confer upou hitu, orANIIIMi Of SOUK OK TilK IN • DICTMKNTN IN Hit PKNN.NY !.- VANIA II it IItK U Y CASKS tiarrUhurg, IV, Nov. ,'t, IS 1 A* wa* foreshadowed yesterday the Court thi* nf teraoon quashed the indictment against x- Representative Salter, charged with having ottered money t<> eght member* of the Legislature f. r their vote* f. r the I4.mai.iaio loci Claim* bill, Slid busing afterward committed l>e< try by <*faiin.; boh re the legislative committee that he had not c.rruptly approached anybody. Altl.v ugh the prosecution had engaged such distinguished lawyer* a* judge lilac* of thi* State, aud Senator Carpenter, of Wisconsin, it wa* evident, alter the de fence had *how:i that twenty-four per sons participated in the findings, that the Court would sd aside the indictments The prosecution relied upon the record, which showed that only twenty-three grand juror* had been sworn, but by th< evidence it was thi'wn that one more wa-, on the ,ury, and that the er.o supposed t. have been excused took part in the delib erations of the tody. The Court overrul ed all the motion el the defer.. <• to quash the indictmentr, except that relating ti the defective tirand Jury, and at the con clusion of ti c decision Judge Pearson said : Quashed on Technicality. "i am verv sorry to have oeme to thisj conclusion, because it i nt trying thej case on i'.s merits, ar.J these inen, if thev •scape their trial th '.iuie, eca; een what, might he called i d >Ui;tial l< chi. cali-' ties The Judge alio Indicated that 11.0 in-; dictraents again-*, the eightthers ac. ised, of corrupt solicitation of members of the. Legislature, tw o . thers ac cused if a rinii j lar offence ar d of perjury, would fall wlthl this decision. The pro.-evu'i 'i resisted j tin. sweeping determination of 11.0 ca>c. a I after a v v a : tat dJo u> n, 1 iog nearly two hour.. Judge i'ear* : agreed (e tu.penJ judgement in the other. caes. The District Attorney called tin name of Alexander W. Leisenring, pres.-, dent - ftbe Firs*. National Hank ! Mauri.! Chunk, who is alleged'., have offered t divide with two member* of the l.sgi.la ture from his c untr the expect. 1 t r. 2.1- speculations in i'ennsylvania Its. 1 road slock, which Lo predicted would ro in value on tho pat.age of the Kiel Los-vi bill. The defendant wa* n tin the court room and hi* counsel said that he was aot| |in the city. The court then Lxe-1 tho be ginning of the t*i*l for Friday after, noon. Promised Evidence. The pro.ecution will furnish <* !.-• ee that will contradict that submitted by li e defence, and wh h it expected t. ! w that the Grand Jury was tampered with it I* doubtful if they will be able to pre-, vent the other indictments from being quashed, unlets they should prove that tw i of the Grand Juror* who testified per- , jured themselves. In the event of the , Court deciding all the case* in favor of tho defence, the kgttlai.vr prosecuting j committee will have new bill* drawn in the rate* of the a-c.iu !, which wilt be submitted to the Grand Jury of the Jan uary term. There it no doubt that they i will again be indicted for the tarn el'en- • ce* as before. UUMWING .THEIR BON DSL h llarrisburg, Pa , November '*).• There , was a session of the court this - lorning . to enable the j r-or i accused of c >rrupt.< solicitation of members of,the legislature*, andjprejuryito renew their bail. Merers 1 , Ketnb'o. Salter, Leisenring, 1. *g. llc-h cune and Pctroff entereJJlhe ncssary so- | curily which it the same as had been fix ed pr-.-vioesly, f-'.OUOon each indictment j Thejrcst of tho accuse ! forfeited their , rec-gr.iranre*. Lbt the requisite bail , will no doubt be furnished in a few days. , Judge I'arson expressed the opinion from < the bench yester lay that tho common wealth were not expoiiting the trial ofj tbe accued by resisting the quashing of < the indictment, but Judge Illack and oth-' er counsel for tbo prosecution are not i willing to risk tho cases with annoiber < grand-jury in view of the last experiment. I None of the trials will occur until the i third week in January, when tho defense i will no doubt assail the indictment as n >t being property drawn All the bail en- . tered is for appearance o: the defenda ts | at tho next court. AKGUMF.NT ON*ADMIKSI 111LITY UK EVIDENCE KKI.ATIVK TU V THE COMPOSITION OF THE ' GRAND JURY. Harrisburg. Nov. 2S.—ln the Lcgiila-, live bribery casts to day. the Common wealth was reinforced by Cel. Gowen, President of the Philadelphia 0c Heading Railroad Company, who made a strong argument against the contradiction of the 1 Record of the Court. Motiou to Quash. After the caso against A. \Y. Leisen ring of Muucb Chunk, charged with cor rupt solicitation of members of the Legis lature had been callod, General Albright moved to quash tho indictment on the same grounds on which that against ex-Reprcfentativo Salter was quashed. The defense then offered to submit some evidence heretofore offered to how that the Urand Jury was illegally constituted, when the Commonwealth objected to its reception. Argument of tho Prosecution. Judge Black submitted the following, which wui signed by attorneys for tho Commonwealth : Fu ht—The facts asserted by the defsnd ant HI reasons for quashing the indictment are all of them extrinsic to the record, and it is a well settled rule of the common law, adopted in Pennsylvania by the highest judicial authorities of the State, that facts not apparent in the body of the indictment or tho caption thereof cannot be produced in any form of proof to sustain such a mo tion at this. Second— This indictment nnd all previ* ous proceedings which load to it are con cltillvely proved by the record to havo been perfectly free from any defect in form or substance, for it was found by a Grand Jury of twenty-three persons, reg ularly empaneled and sworn, duly pre sented to the Court and made a part of it* record in perpet nam tntmoriam, The absence of any averment to the contrary in the objections which the defendant nnd his associates have mado is iteclt an ad* mission that it is regular. 77, Such a record is sacred and can riot he falsified or contradicted by any eg trinsic proof to tho Court which mado it up. What allegation* of misbehavior or negtigcncu committed by tho judges, clerks or grand jurors might be shown to sustain a plea in abatement, it is not now a question before this Court, and on that subject wo aflirm or deny nothing. Fourth—To allow tho verity of tho re cord or tho effect arid force of tho indict raont to bo callod in question by uiero alii davits not given, upon any issue mado up between tho parties, would bo a total de nial of justice to tho Commonwealth, for great criminals can at all times have their spies prowling about the ante-rooms and corridors to walcli for some irregularity, or the OwiiwiPn some form, and affida vits can bo got iu all casus, if tho law which to solemnly declares that a regular indictment cannot he defeated in that way is now to behold for naught these defend ants. whether guilty or not, mutl go tin whipt of Justice, •into there . nt even a remote probability that any future indict ment > *n stand agaimt objection* which these • lt> H▼ i t maker* may tin J egsinst it. 1 W luakc'rio allegation that this motion i- prompted by motives notcradlk able to the counsel by* which It is urged. \\ o speak without personal application to the defendants themselves when we ray that the success of this movement iff>on the Court would make n preci tent fatal t public justice. Ihe integrity | the defendant* in mak ing it i* not impugned, directly or infor mally. Wo acouse theui of nothing wore than the perjury, bribery and corrupt so licitation wherewith they stand charged in the indictment, and we desire only to give them a fair and honest trial, upon which they will be triumphantly acquitted ' we do not prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. After arguments on the question of the a lmissibility of evidence had been i losed. Judge l'earsoi announced that the Court Would render a decision on Monday, I'e cember Btb. j Ifthe t' mrt should decide against the sdiniition . f i-\idence, the motion to quAh will be denied, otherwise, all will , be quashod, ♦ - • A RAILROAD .VIARLE REDUCED TO A HEAP OF .SMOULDERING DKIUIIS. •hi.- Hundred liorsee Kousted to Death—Several Demons Hurried | in the lvuins. New York, November 2o - The depot and itahle* of the Eight Averuo railroad, •n higl-th avenue, between Fifty Crst ai.-k Fifty second tre D, vvero discovered to be n fro *b i.t 0 i thi* morning, aiul tho denies spread w th such rapidity that in h :hort t.nie tiiey were beyond control, j At the t nie the Cro l>roke out there were very few of tho employed* about the tablet, and according to all account* none them w ere iu the particular portion I where the conflagration began. A* a re- I suit of this the dumb animals confined in '•he - fables Were, it teemed. de.'Uied to leath. Willing men ran to the burning building and made heroic effort* to save '.be peor brutes, but were only partially | r>. a:.,i made hi r. it efforts to save the pi ur i.er*. t imprisoned there. The uier. tritxf har.'. to direct the animals down tho inclined plane from * o A .r to another • but the terror stricken bru'. ., with pant ing nuilr, s and widely distended eyes, sto. J still a* if rooted to tho *pot, and had to bo left to their fat* Out of all the horse* en th*;e floor#, but forty, it i* said, were rescued. The sufferings of many of ithe ! r.es were terrible to witn s. Many of them wore terribly ! -rr.ed, and th' ir flesh peel* < d off* them in long ilripi. lie -ire ws brought under control when only a few fragments of tho wail* were ;; .tanding. On the Fiftieth street side nothiag remained sxvc smoking heap* . f debris. Fully seven hundred hones ; were rescued in all, ona hundred psrishing in the ffamc*. 1 A SMASH-VP ON A NEW ENGLAND RAILROAD. j. New London, Uonn., November lit.—Al collist. n between a freight an i a passenger' train on the New London Northern rail-ji 'r.-ad occurred at half past s. ven u'clock i < this morning, between Palmer and Throe rivers. MSM. The engine# of both trains , sad two or three cars were wrecked. Sev en person* whose name* have not yet been . ascertained were injured more or less se- * veroly, tbe majority of them being track- , men of the road, who wero riding in the i baggage car of the passenger train. Homer 1 Williams, engineer of the freight train, J ha* both legs broken, and his fireman is ; severely injured in the batk. Tbe colli*- i i n was due to the stoppage of tbo freight,' cngir-.eer'e watch, through vfliich he wa- 1 twelve minute* behind schedule lime. In combatting tbe common idea that • isfety from a lightning slroko can be •- [cured by insulation on a glass foundation; ■ the Scientific American incindenlallv • ays, what all 'scientists now affirm, that tbe git" insulators with which most light ning-rods are provided are utcloss. if thero is a path of least resistance fr< m the rod to the ground through the bouse, th* discharge will take this path without re gard to the glass insulators. All light 'mng-rods should be connected with the ' system of g&t-pipo* ar.d steam-!.eating ap i paratus, furnaces or large masses ol metal ! about a bouse, and then carefully ground ed in moist earth. Tho lsc<ia Sua *lll Jaalwllli tho IKDII of the yc.r lssn Is 11. riffii faaMob. 808 pretty well undi nl-• 'it by a.ffry b.ly f rom January 1 until Pacwahar SI, Willi* con-luctwil . nmwar. wrltfau la lb. English languuia. and prlntori fr ton p.eplo A. • BI>;I.|'". Thn MNU li.Li n in galling all the n.ff. of the world promptly, and preanuitng II la Ihe moat Inlclllg IMB ahi*- U. lhl 11l enable IU roffder. w- i 'P ff.ll br.ai of ton >(o a tin lb* lout uoproducuro •xpffwlttur* of time. Tha groat Ml Ititorr.t to th. nrf.tr.t nainbar Hi.l K, th. I.ff pun trolling IU d.llf ro.ke up. It nut ku . clreal. tinii icrj rnacb larger Ih.n tb.t of any other ANI.rl !n nr..p.pr .nit enjoy, .n Income ffblcb It i..t .U (tier, iir.ti.rffd to.p.ait lll>*r.liy lot th. henaßt of IU reader* reoplc of .11 con IIUOHB of Ufa and .11 ol thinking bujf .nd rn.d Thn Hon n.| they .11 J. rlt. Mtl.tMtlon of noma "on from It. rolamti., fur th.) knap on buying .nd reading it In lUcoitim.nl. on tn.n nd AFL.lrn, Tit. HOB be- HrtM tttffA tli. only guldncf policy abould b. coatat'in In.plrifft hygnnnlo. American i rln. IplM .nd 1... kad liy hunnnty of purponn Fur tin. rn*e >n it U, .nil ff til oontlnn. to b. .haolutaly iiulffp.ud.nl of party rllM, rllnß,iirg.nl.Uoß,or Internal, It I. fur .11 hnlof nun. II "HI wonttuae to pralae what t> good .ltd reprob.l# wh.l 1. .rlt. taking earn tb.t IU 1.0.UM" l.lolbojulßl.nd plain. beyond lit. fowl l lllti ol luting mUaudffratoiid. It I. uninfluenced by ■li.ti.ir. til.l do not .pp..r on lit. iurl.r.. It h.. t>n I.ptnlon. loUll.U'O thM whloh lu.j h.d by nj parctuurr ff lib ItroccnU. It li.lm in|u.llca .nil r.> r ffllty ...n BonlkHlt hl< • unueoaeeary word*. It abhor. fr.uil., plUMfooU.od deplore. nincompoop, ol ...rr apnclnn. It •••• c.nlln.o throughout ih. , o.r im in chaatlao lb. tlrt Uaaa. In.trnct tbeenc n l end diaooantenance llto third. All liottMt men, will, hooeel cnntlclloua, whether eound or ml.uk.n, arc 11. frl.Dd. Aud Th. Un tn.k..Do te.nea >.f telling til. truth lo It. Irl.nda.nd lul 11. frl.Dil* itli.n.r.i occasion nrlw" fur plain .peaking Thaee r. tb. principle. upow which lb. bun will b. conducted during tho ..r to com. Tliw year l"m will be one. In ffbloh no patriotic American ran .(ford to rloae hi. I. public .fl.ua. It la l|N>*lblw U> itmn lb. Importance of tb. politic.! a..nta which It baa In atora. or the neceealty of roaoliile ngtlanroun tba patl ol ornrj cltllau who ilatraa to preeerre tba tloarnttiant that Ilia foundar* ... ua, The debate, and .i T...1 IJougraa.. tha UP torait. ea of I ha prwaa.thn telling oonlffaU of tho 11.- pulttlr.ti and Pemocratlc partlaa, miff nearly jil In alraugth iliivwghowltbwtouwtn. thn tffrying drift ..f pufdlr ..•iititn.nl, will .11 tMi.r illrffcily .nd aßaclltaly liivin lit. tnitiijfuur.il I'rMldantl.l nl.cllnn. tola bald In ffotcmliar. Four jo.ra .go natt Nuroiutmr tba will ol tlm ballon. M atpraa,i il at tba poll., wa> thw.rfadbr an ahoinln.blo r Uta iironiotor* and beiinflct.rica of wblcb .till bnld lha offlcaa ttia, atolc W ill lb. crtuwof imtwrapwatad In lm • Tit. naal ilaeada of r*.r*oiunad with . corrupt, ~traa • atil innd tna-'luul Adts'nlalraimn lntrnchnd at W.ahlngliin Tho Hun did wnn.thing tumard dla ItnUmg ttia gang and breaking lUpowar. lha aantu maw ra now tntrlngtng to rmioro tbolr laadar land tliomal t plcaa fnitn ffhlcb Ilia, w.ra tlrlr.n b| 111. Indignation of tb. pwrvila. Will Lhuj auoca.il * Tha coming ja.r will lung tha anaw.ra lo lltaaa mo moiilna. iiuaallun. Tha Sao will ha on hand to chrnn tela Uin facta aa Ihcj ara dt.ululmd. .oil hi ulhll.lt tham clarl> .nd ft>.rlily In their talalloti. t. ai> dtancy aud right. Tbua. with . h.bll ofiililliitophlc.l good liamor In looking .1 th. minor .tfalr. of ilfn. and In griMt thing, a at.Mf.at pur|>M to matatalu tho right, of the paopl. and the prlßrtpla. of tho Unnaiilutlon agalnat .11 Tit. Hun la piaparoil to Wrtto at ruth fnl, Inalrtii'l i.e. guJ at tbw aatuo tint. antorUilnlng lilatoiy of l*. Iho rata-of nthac! iptii n lam.tn unchwiga I lor the UtilyHitn. .(out pagaahnatof twenty eight rol uatni, tba pi Inl by mall. Imal paid I. U catila a mouth or SS.< ..r.r lnclndlnii Iho Hund.y papnr. an night i nguah.utofbfiyi.il cultiiuna th. prlco UU eonta a moatli. or SI.7S a ) >nr. n iioaugo paid. Thn Su.d.y orlllloti of tho .Sun I. alao furui.hed •op.t.lol* at s'- u J oar puatago p.td Ttt. prl4.of tli Woakly Hun. alglit p.*.-. ttfty U coluiiuia la SI • y*r. puaUgopald. For tluba of ton Betiding *lO wo Will ootid auutra tow fiwn. AddrvM '< " , KM.I.AN l>, nor. 27 St- PublUhnrof Thnßuo.Nww York City. Clinrlastut), S. ( ', hn* iiitou need a tonic to overcome the dopre*ion caused by the rummer heat use the celebrated Kidney- Wort, It Las wonderful invigorating j properties but acts on natural principles jas It is prepared without the use of li .quors. Buriug-GouM finds that thu fact that Germans are compelled to Spend tb# nicest part of their livee in the army leads to a decline in the number of marriages. Olc English general in the Zulu war had about forty bullock wagons for (Carrying his chickens and other personal luxuries at a cost to England of J'JJO a wagon. The Hupittue Court on 2bth refux* ed to grant a special allocatur in the case of Tracy, of Mr Keen county, who shot his cousin; and *e he will bang Ibis work. Wetlucfiilay meriting Mr. Win K. Plutnmer, aa.i*nt baggage agent and night watchiiiati for the P. K. R- at 1 v rone, was uistnntly killed by a locomotive while he was engaged in examining the locks of The train by which ke was struck vat an extra, and ho was not ex pecting it. By tho accidental explosion ol live pound* of powder at the residence of Wil liam Limp*, near New Orleans, be wa* se verely turned, and two of hi* children, ■one three and the other sii years old, and the grandmother, Mr*. Paler, were kiil-j ed. The Marcelltta powder mill, about: twelve luilcs south west of Syracuse, N. Y ,! exploded, destroying three buildings and| three thousand pounds of powder. The. report was heard twenty mites distant. No pert.m wa# hurt. The loss is about $S,* 000. White Butter iu Summer. The [cause of butler becoming lighter colored Hi summer, it the chai.ge in the feed wLen the pastures to dry up. The best farmers use Well#, Richardson A Co s Perfected Ruther Color as *n as needed t ocrat uf fKirliligeori, Mr. E. M. Button spstio m the highest term* of the curative power of the celebrated Kidney-Wort. It first cured hisn of a distressing Kidney di sease. and'hc now uses it whenever ho hat any sysni toina of hdiiousnoas or need* toniiig up. It acts eff.aenlly on the bowels, an t cure* tbe wont cases of piles. Camphor M ilkcurc* headache and neu-j raigia. Camphor Milk cures rheumatism and lan.e hack. Camphor Milk cure* cuts, bruises and burns. Campuor Milk eotl* 26 ct.; 6 t.-Ule* |l. Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre li sail. Ik HAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE \ SALL.- The undersigned off*r at Lrivate ale, a tr&el of land situated in the oop. in P. tier tap., containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, more or le#*. Fifty acre# of which arc cleared, and the balance well timbered There are on tbo premise* a g. St), or M acre*, or tbe wbede tract will be told to gether at a low price and on eay term*. For further intormation addre**, A S. KCRLIX, Lewirtown, Pa., or A. A. Kxxus, McAlcry'a Fort, Pa. H aug.tf Nervous Debility ! Nervous Debility 1 Debility, a depressed, irrilabla state of,' mind a weak nervous, exausied feeling, no energy of annlmation, confused head weakliiu tnory, the consequence# of excet *•* "nienUlly overwork. This nervous de bility find* a soverign cure in E. F. Kun kel's jßittcr wine of Iron It tones the syitom dupe!* the mental gl.-om and des pedcncv. and rejuvenates the entire sys tem. Sold only in sl.lO bottle*, or uxj inAt.e* f>r f r..t)u f.r K, F. Kunkel s Hitler Wine of Iron, and Uke no other. If your druggist bsi.l r.oL aer.J to propri -0 tur. K. F. Kunkcls N. Ninth Street,j Philadelphia. IV Advice free, by send ing three cent stamp. WORMS WORMS. WORMS. K. F. Kunkel's Worm Syrup never fai's to deftrov Pin, Seat, and Stomach! Worms. "l>r. Kunkcl, the only succeaa ful physician who removes Tape- Worm in two hours, alive with head, and no fee un-j til removed. Common senso teaches if Tape Worms be removed all other worn.# can be readily destroved. Advice at of fice and store, free. Tho doctor can tell whether or not the patient hat worms Thousand* arc dying daily, with worm*, and do not know it. Fits, spasms, cramps, choking and nuffocailon, sallow complex ion, circles around tho eyot, swelling and pain in tho stomach, rustless at night, grinding of the teeth, picking at the nose, cough, fever, itching at tho seat, head ache. foul breath, the pationt grow# pale t and thin, tickling and irritation In the an us, —ail these svuiplomt, and more, come from worms. R. F. Kunkel's Worm Syr up never fails to remove them. Price. |1 02) per bottle, or six bottle* fors6(), 1 For Tape Worm, write and consult the Doctor.) For all others, buy of your drug gist the Worm Syrup and if ho has it not. •end to Dr. K. F. Kunkel, 26'J N. Ninth Strcot, Philadelphia, Pa. Advice by mail, free ; send three-cent stamp, ITJuMt Fifty years before Ov ILVIM the public. Pronoun ced by all to lw tho most pleasant and efficacious remedy note in use, for the cure of coughs, colds, croup, hoarse- PaIKTH II6 ®' tickling sensation the throat, whooping cough, Ac. Cher a million bottles told within the last few years. Gives im mediate relief wherever used, and has Qirrnn ! tbe p° wer to m P arl O) 1 III' .benefit that rannof be bad from tho cough mixtures now in use. Sold by *ll druggists at 20c IVEW men BLOOD. Sending health in every fiborof tho system is rapidly road" hv that remarkable pre paration, LINDSKY S 1 MI'ROV KD BLOOD SKAItCHER. For tlio speedy cure o! Scrofula, Wasting, Mercurial Di sease, Kruption*. Erysipelas, vital decay and ovcrv indication ot impovoriahed bload. "Lindsey's Blood Searcher ii the ono remedy that can always bo rclicil upon. Druggist* sell it. _ r. r a.u.n a Co-Prop'.*.ruuva-tb.r. i™r tor lij l J- >.'M*ra H.TI r PENNSYLVANIA RR. Philadelphia and Krie Railroad Division. WimrEß TIME TABLE On and after BUN DA V, No. WW. tha trate* 00 I tit fhllfttUlpUt 4 Itrts Milinnd DlrUlut *IU rl a I latin*. WKNTWItU. FIUR M AlLU*** Philadelphia H'M ptt j •• llrrtahurg 4'Jb * in ; •• •• M>>nfand*"t •!? • m •• •• WtlliMiiftport 8 ili •in •• •• lr.sk llarcn f4oaiw •• •• Kenora II Wim •• arratKrla . ttpui NIAOAUA Kg. laasat PbMa. ,?SS* n ' I ** •• llwftl>or* lljtl.m •• " MunUnduit 1 i p in • • art at SVlHUmtporl 3'JSpui <• •' I,ock lla.on 3 Si' p in FAST 1.1 NK!•**•* I'lilladslphla llfo* tu •• •• ll.rrUbura S 36 p n> ' •• " Mini London " arr at Vfllllamsport 7 31. p in • • •• In>rk II *.n a 4tt p m KAHTWAUD. I'ACIS 10 KX.lnui Lock ••" J m •• Jera*y hhoie IJJ a tu •• •• H illlamaporl R 16 a in •• •• MuDtandon Sola m •• arr at llarrtabtir* 1206a tu •• •• Philadelphia 3 4opm DAT £X. l-\ra latls lltren 1120 am " " Wiiliautfcpnt t 12 4opm •• •• Moo tan don 147 pin •• arr at liarrleliurg 4 10 r> n I'hlladalphla 4 fcU p ID LHU: 13 AUdloatba Rauuva c 40 p in '• Lock liar on PAopiu " Wllilainapuit liluptri " Muntandin lilKaiu arr at llarrlahurff - 4f* a lu " Philadelphia 700 am FA LlHKloartt WilUamtpori 3S6aiu arr at HarrrUburg :tS6aiu an al Philadelphia 740 a m Par cara will run bolwnou Philadelphia aud Wll Uamtport on Niagara Ki.Wml, Krl# Ki. Weil. FhUa dnlphU hii-re Katt.and Day Ki.Kaatand buuda hi. Itaifc. Blaaplnirraraon all nigbttmlna. W6l A. liUDWIN, OguuiaJßuparliilfndacl If tint convenient to tall its person, send for Bijmplc* of whatever you may. need in i> II Y II O O I) S T<> the Distributing Centre at Eighth and Market Streets, Philad* Ihhia. The Largest Retail Stock of Dry Goods In tho State of Pennsylvania, is thore shown aat! distributed among 11 consumers at the smallest poasibla advance on manufacturer's prices. > CON.SUM I.KM OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF DRY GOODS, INCLUDING BILKK, DRESS GOODS, BLACK GOODS. HOSIERY and UNDER* WEAR, LINEN GOODS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, MUSLINS, LADIES' SUITS,BUAWIiJ, CLOAKS, ETC., ETC, Should not fail to avail uf ihe advantages assured U> all who deal with STRAW BRIDGE 4 riiciaiu ; oa4 |* ff I LwQruAt idttt, I'wt, Acissa. fe.vv#. j SUtigi, hnriillgi, hpralb*, •( 111 l uf Uw fiokkrt .Aluc ia carlu# CiiU. ni-d Ift hMMft. 11 art* ijnlr ll* Rr-t nurtly lint o&M ft&otLM ■■B Its i 4* d BOt WllJh lt vtfetLft. Vrlr* l it c&u ft !q>Ult for f I. PiwtidrsKl un!y by litfi DtMvbullm.il. II bJdbfJ.li. Murrftj.tcnUvllAl*. I Tin* l'lio nit l'crturul. I Us* |v*d lUcir to be iwalisris r. .14 $ r ..a ruwumcilre* sad ctiiklrea. II UeaS* • res*. 111 *o| assaaa li 4# Mperwrti. Ii ,i. H is •tout relief Jl dree alreati. 11 i.rl v e reel It ua maaleaare rureelbac sr., ibr< BeSieiße Taee Mbd, of tbe rlllsea* of Kaetem I't uur;.raala ltoie . ueed II for year* |tol and leeiify to iue relief glres sad cure* .fleeted Irtoe XS crate or S belUe* fot ft. I'letaref In Utl UtorSelUM, M D •Sold by J. V. XS array, t Voire ball. OBKMAMI iux xvti cow rownxa. I Keeteesork bealtSy aa4 la (mf sa4!Ua. II aide I u*adaeeta>u*st..B. II atokee Sal. maarleeaad BUk Hi M!, 11 > Sutw lil ■><• ..f| ,l f®, #le Bore ailt aad be la teiXer :.jriM arl oeedltSws.' I a all kee[e roaltry kealUa aad icerraaae Ike oaaa | Ulr •*#• 11 a a.ale I > Jv Lar: ÜbHkWiwi, at I Lie ratlla i*. k •■( txS I* Taird (treat. Pblia It laaaid > II a-lua; a.i!:. *1 II reatoj-e, yeiaod. IyJ. Il Mai • Kail, aad W.J. TLun;;oa,'.Polii* Hill*, t 0 LAWRENCE L. BROWN, Dealer in Coal and Grain, at Bcllefonte, IS SELLING ANTHRACITE GOAL AT THE FOLIX)WING PRICES: BROKEN, per TOD, _ $4.75. I STOVE, per Ton 100. EGG, per Ton, $4,75. j SMALL STOVE, Ton *4,90. CHESTNUT, jr Ton W.GS. Also Pa vs Highest Cash Price for All Kinds of Grain and Seeds. nor 3m lIXNKV BROCK L'UUorr. J.O.fiIICaXRT, President. Cxchier QEN THE COUNTY BA NKING CO. (Late Milliken, lloover A Co.) Receive Deposit?, And Allow Interest, Discount Notes, Buy ami Sell Government Securities, Gold A aplo6stf Coupon*. IMPORT AN TO TRAVELERS. —THE— BUSH HOUSE! lißni xroTK, ra. Uasboen recently thotoughly renovated and repaired, and under trie management of the New Proprietor,* Mr. GKURGK HOPi'ES. formerly of VY'mxport, is first class in all It# appointments. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to those in attendance at court and other* remaining ffn town for a few dar* at a time. The largest and most superbly Designed, Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern conveniencea. Gotrytbo Bush house. Baug GEO. HOPI'ES, Propr. %### • This space is reserved bjr S. <& A. L.OEB, THE LIVELISET, CHEAPEST and BEST STORE IN CENTRE COUNTY -"■■■ ■ 1 C. T. Al.kxakdku. C. M. BOWSK ALEXANDER & BOWER, At tornm-at-LAW.iieltofooU. NpociaUtumttoa given to Ool©ctloD, and Orphans'Coact practice. Mar haynaal&udip UerasauaaU ICagliab. Dflc la OiraWi BtflllTWfc. njfl! 74 11, tat r- to* Best, we it. K *:-•• laeiaai ledrt aadeem tse ft si ftJWi sw 'T r lIPi r- • •f- T- t> I*i>i Qsj flliwpi uc l i !.■.- I kwi" ml lewlXstMis * W fivwn if 'H4 l uih # wl ws • Uu I* ntms awr* (A*M U 9t?i IWN wxm •Ow I*Js> ka.s HH J twrtd bv sT. At wrw 1* aifllli In. M Mhi* |* WwG* tiv* ■ *•% 11£ pnm, bf J4U>WUT/ brbrral acrw fort - • lt< rusfo IKI rtsaklla M„ li.ltlaiore, M* ueda *MrS aa* elraaun •* Or. * W t* • ea ereoee. THIA in g-e^^jELASTICJRUSS to aarßaSi tori i i n S, a*a wSIBI HI II I b II |A —■?■ ENRWFCII §>< W■* BTR |M T| CDMIUL lfiCiloo Tm.. Co., 6hic*#iT RL GEO. BELL. Tailor and Renovator, hai located at! Centra Hall, where he wilt be happy to) meet the waot* ef all desiring clothe* made in Uio Latest style and most Approved Fashion. Fit* guaranteed He will also clean and restore faded clothe* and make them look good a* new. 11a* a choice lot vf sample*. Culling promptly atteaded to. Prices lew. Room No. 1 over the Bank. CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J. O. PEININGER. A new, compete Hardware Store bar! been opened by the undersigned In Cen tre llall, vhere he i* prepared to sell all: kind* ot Building and House Furnishing] Hardware, Kail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws.! Webb Saws, Clothe* Hacks, a full assort mentofGlass and Mirror Plate Picture) Frames, Spokes, Felloes, and Hubs, table) Cutlery, Shovels. Spades and Forks ! Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Spring*.' Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norwa Rods, Otis I Tea Bells, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Yarn-' ilhae. Pictures framed in the finest style. Anything not on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. Remember, all goods offered cheap- j 1 er than elsewhere. JOHN BLAIR LINN, Attorney-at-Law, ' Olfico on Allegheny St. Bellofonto, Pa 27 fob tf BELLEFONTE MUSIC STORE Pianos! Pianos! ORGANS! AND MUSICAL INSThUMEMTS. ALL THE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC. HE PARING AND TUNING DON* IN THE BEST M / NNJ'R * • I'IAHU H. CHICKKRING, STEINWAY, ARION, WATERS. O- O R CI A W H . ESTY, WATERS. WOODS. MASON & IIAMLIN. bargains IN PIANOS ANO ORGANS -7 Oct are Itokrvood Pianos. Only 91 SO. 1 Nlou Orraun. a t nil Net of PriM Only 955. 13 Stop Organ*, S Fnll Get of Herd*, Price 9*40, Only 975. | (TkU Organ ha* tbe Organ Kb#* Sepoud-ltaod Organ* for Its. Kecottd-tinnd Piano* for |M. VIOLINS, AND ACCORDEONB. $2.00 and upward*. Piano and Organ Inntettrfor*. Cove r* and Nlool*. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Sewing Machines! New DOMESTIC $30.00 New WHITE $25.00. New BT. JOHN $25.00. New Improved BINGER New Improved HOWE $22.50. Second hand Machine* a* low *• $5. O AGENTS FOR R BUTTEBICK A COS PERFECT-JPITTING PATTERNS. Order* by mail solicited and prompt - ly filled. No Agent* employed, The buyere* fet the Agents profit. We buy our 'ianne, organ* and Machine* for Cash, and will give customer* the ad vantage. BUNNELL A AIKEXS. Allegheny Street, Beiiefoute, Pa. feb27 —s^——————■———a AT ; C.BINGES' NEW STORE | You can find all kinds ef Groceries and Canned Fruit* cheaper than any where else. He also has on hand and is constant- I j receiving Notions, Candies, in great varietv, and Tobaccos of the beet grades. TRY HIS YORK CffiARS. He deals in FLOUR. BRAN, STONE r and EARTHEN CROCKS, Ac., Ac. ■ and takes mil of Country Produce in exchange i CALL AND GIVE HIM A TRIAL 1 C. DINGES. | Centre Hall. DP. FORTNKY Attorney at Lae Bellefoate. Pn. Office over Ky jnolds bank. lffioay'rC T L SPANGLES, AUsrr.ey-at Law ♦I • Consultations in English and iGermgn. Office inFurit's new building. iT~vU. J. W. liIIONK, Dentist, can ba I ) found at hit office and residence on North side of High Street, three deora East of Allegheny, Beilefonte, Pa. 27 feb tf