THK CKNTKF HF.DRTF.R. Centre HaII,FKTVwd.NoV; JVW* 2*-TKRMS. —?'2 per vrnr, l uaxl ~l'rnnee; 2.60 iriien e'f P""'' Jdrr fiaemen** 20r<* per W>*3r*e - serf,", s. 5RMFrer line f r every rnh aeftrrnf iWrfton. JWrcrfUn-W"* V tbe vrnr at n lihrrni , ' .VwbecrtAer* tmtaid* tkt tfcmM re vtit UK 10 amount of our yen- s pe>Kf r. .VLv?.F of 2CW.* o formerly WHEW paid hi themtflre*. „ .V HseriAera ran al..•'* '*■ • "V •mnissfiW at,'.e Rrrorx.-r < Fee hvron ;ir. - 'he InblfK on FW p.''f* < •e- ifa "John Roe 1 ian 1 > JoJU FH Ihe Ist Of January 1875, ' thai *t " tisnc AC SEN* PEYTNY us iess of importance will be be befo -e the meet IRK L. RSOK a, Master. - —Rain on Tuesday. Tub Oyster* at the Butt* House, Bellefonte, 25 cent* per stew. HEAD advertisemcrt ef TEAL Estate OF George Swart*, deceased, it Penn tp • PEER are reported as B ing plenty this year. Good new* for hut ter*. We had about three inc'ie* ct snow l*-t Thursday morning. THE Y M C A. ef this place held public prayer meetings on Monday and Tuesday evenings. K<,R Whitney will commence a pro tracted meeting in the M R church, of th S plaic. commencing this evening. \f r . Frank He-lacker purchased the feather cleaning apparatus fr>-i t Mr. tor bin. and the territory ef Cent e CO. Mr llerlacher took poster-Son laH Saturday. MR. Geo. Long ofnearSpring Mill*. towed a field of grain in the middle of September, and owing to the dryness ot the ground it did not come uj until this week. Our popular protbenotary, J- T Harper, ESQ . also Mr L L. Brown. 1L company with Mr. Geisinger paid our sanctum a visit the other day. IV) you want a fine toilet or tancy article, or fresh drugs AT d pur • medicine* then remember that at Frank Green s in the Bush house it the surest place for these —it is the oldest drug house in central Perm' A, an 1 that means aomethicg. The copies of the Millbe.m Journal received at thi- OFFI. > the last lew wees* were wretched specimens— ipp d and torn as tho' shot through A crab apple orchard. To show what good worl and good ma'crial dor-, we take the tact that 1-OE CONSTANTLY lias orders for new rigs, as all he put- out give better satisti etion than anc put up by outsiders. itore at Pullers Mills was entetod and rob bed. The robber* took SOME $ "<•> in eah. a lot O* pottage stamps and nea-ly s2.' J in notes. Don't fail to remember that s'v in - seli' Clcthirg at c< : as he is q lit'irg theclothing trade on January Ist. HE is selling GOODS at astoni-hingly low price*. Lower then ever heard of be fore. Jewhitiker* ' If the loose Hones on the road from Milroy to Reei'sviile were apple-dumplings. Mifflin woul I be a rich c unty. and the editor of the Gaiette a happy man. The editor is at Pittsburg, as juror toU. S Circuit court, and will le absent some two weeks, in which t me he will Visit Ohio. The reader of the RIPORTIR Will lend his indulgence with the "boy*"' in their best efforts to gel out the paper. Mr Joseph Crotxer. Treasurer of school board, will be at Tusseyville on 21 November, instead of on 27, and Centre Hill 22 Nov.. for the purpose if receiving school tax. On all taxe* paid there will be a reduction of 5 per cent. Also at Centre Hall on 2C-th of Nov CST in at Sechler's fi-r the best. purest and freshest groceries in this coun ty. One advantage you have, is because you have the benefit of new goods all the time, as tbey are in receipt of packages of groceries every day. Their price*, too. *uit the times, and cash customers will get their goods at a trifie above cost an d car riage- Tub Ovsters at the Butts House Bellefonte. 25 cents per stew. An effort is being made by some p*rtie to rai'e a singing claw, in this place, to be under the direction of Prof Pfcilip Meyer. Hope tho effort may be succes-ful. L L Brown ha? an advertisement which will pay tarm'-rs and housekeepers to read and remember. He has establish ed himself with a reputation of a first class business man. Ex Sheriff T. M. Hall, of Milesburg died last week, aged 73. He suffered from paralysis for some two years or more, and for tbe last year was helpless and suffered loss of bis mind He was a 'eading and influential democrat, and well known in this county Peace to his ashes. _—Mrs. Jacob Barnhart, of Nittany Valley, Centre, widow of tbe late Jacob Barnhart, Eq., died on the 23d ult., at the extreme age of 87. Mrs. B. was one of tbe original members of tbe Methodist church of Beilefote. Her father was a soldier in tbe Continental army during the Revolu tion. All persons interested in Grain, seeds, coal, leather, harness, Ac., rpad the advertisement of J D. Long, who will be found an honest square dealing man, and deserving a share of tbe public patron age. The Third Quarterly Meeting for Penn-valley M E. Circuit wiil be held in M. E. church, Centre Hall, Sat and Sab 15th and ICth inst. Quarterly Conference Saturday '2 p. m. Preaching Saturday eve, SHI- morning and eve by Rev. A. D. Yocum, of Bellefonte. As the premium at our late fair was taken by Lee, ol the Centre Hall coach shops for the handsomest buggies, so you can also turn to the same establishment if you want tbe handsomest sleigh. Winter is here, and there will be lots of sleigh * ing. Everyone is in need of groceries, and as the times are hard people want to buy just where they can get most in re turn for their money. No one who has ever bad any dealings at fecbler's grocery complained of not getting ;he value of their money— so that's the place to buy cheap. CAMPHOR MILK— Dr. Oberboltzer's Liniment nas been tented by thousands, and has proved to be of the b.gbe*t value to the community. It has effected many cures in Rheumatism, bores. Swellings. Sprains and Frosted Feet, and many per sons recommend it for Cuts, Galls and Swellings in horses. It costs 25 cents. Sold by J. D, Murray 9oct4t (jo to youf store or druggist and get a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, the best remedy out for a cough, cold, croup, asthma, or early stage of consumption. Phoenix Pectoral will cure your cough Phoenix Pectoral cures boar: oness quickly. Pbrnnis Pectoral tastes got d and brings Phafii'ix Pectoral costs 2o cU ; 6 bottles sl. gold by J. D- Murray, Centre Hall, Typhoid fever hx* made iU appear* aneein Centre Hall and vicinity. W hoar of tome five or six cases- - Wc are indebted to Col. Jo. Seff, of near Centre Hill, for a large turnip weighing 41 pounJr. ho can beat Tub Oyter* at the Hull* llouta, Bellefonte, 25 cent* per Hew. -This week the Y. M. 0. A . all over the world are observing as a week of pray- The weather ha> been quite warm for the last four or five days. Graham's shoe store is the place to buy your fall and winter boot* and shoe*. You can go nowhere in Bellctotite that you can find such an assortment. Men • wa ter proof boots; three ole "Waterproof (hoe* for gentlemen, and the finest a*sort ment of gent* embroidered slippers ever brought to Bellefonte. All width of Burt's celebrated shoes, from A to K. acknowl edged to be tbc best shoe* in the world. The very best pebble goat button only $4(10. A new lot of the be*t brand of *ole leather just received thi* week , as* French and American kips and calf shins- Yeu can buy better and cheaper food* here than any other place in town. BUh op street, Bellefonte. Fa The Bell* Gap KB- will be extended to Coal port, Clearfield, and the work pushed to completion as last as the weal er will permit Elegant dried beef at Sechler*. from one of the best curing house* in the I' S. and cheaper than one can cure it here. Trv thi* dried beef. >t is first clas* like a.. eUe you get at Sechler . headquarter* for groceries. Owner* of dog* will do well to re metuber that the present law of thi* state i* rather a hard one on canines, and there it more need than ever for them to be well behaved Under the present law. all own ers of dogs addicted to the habit of bark ing at horse* or passing vehicle* are held to be liable for all damage* that may en sue. while the owner of any vicious dog can be compelled to restrain him at hi* peril. It i* a just law and it *hould be en forced to the very letter- Tub Oyster* at the Butt* lloute, Bellofonte, 25 cents per stew. Jt afforded much amusement to ee a teller with a new *uit on hollering "hurrah tor Newman' until he w** bourse. . Tho fellow dropped in to the Eagle Cloth ing Hall, and as Newman is selling at about cost he got a suit o cheap that he was overcome with joy, and kept holler ing "hurrah for Newman" until he got hotne ten mile* and then couldn quit un til he sat dewn t> a dish of waffle* for up per which shut his mouth. Tbe Fourth National Convention of Rv. Lutteran S. S. Worker*, which convened at Lewistown, Pa , Nov. 4, 5, and fi, 1879, proved to be the best and most profitable ofany of the previous National Conventions held by that b.-dy. Tbe Theme of the convention was "Our Luth eran Sunday School Work: 1. Reported. 2 Defined. 8. Furnished. 4. Promoted." Each ot the lour pari* into which the Theme was divided, was well discussed by some of tbe ablest and most prominent workers in the Lutheran S. S. work in the United Suites. Each session was full of interest ana profit to all who attended. St ace not permitting ar.y detailed account of the proceedings, suffice it to *ay that tbe S S workers went home with new meth ods and warm hearts for the great work of teaching tbe children in the way they should go. The good peep'® of Lewis town had made every preparation necessa ry for the entertainment of the delegates; not only those of the Lutheran denomina tion. but aim all tbe sister denominations opened their homes for tbe recepoen of the welcome visitors to the beautiful town of Lewistown. There were words said at that convention which will never lose their power in tbe promotion of Sunday school Work. Sf'KCTATOR. Tbe Bee Hive Dry Good* store at! Bellefonte is the place to buy He sell* what be advertises. He don't advertise to sell articles at lOcts, and when you call he don't ask you 20. But he will give you exactly what he advertises. Be doe* a square one price business and sell* goods a great deal lower than any other store. Dress Good* at d ct*. All Wool Cash mere at 45 cts. Yard wide Cashmere* at 25 cts. Felt Skirts at 39 cts. Calico from 4 cts up. SPRING MILLS ITEMS. M. M. Bingerman, of Laurelton, will start hero in the stove and tinwaro busi* inesa- If our farmers want to sec an expert far mer and fruit grower, go to Joe R Mc- Clellan, in Potter twp. ; his farm was call ed by all a worthless one, but this year be raised more grain on it than on the be*t 3XI acre farm in the twp. He just sold2C3 bushel* apples and 10 barrels cider. Our schools are all flourishing. Typhoid lever is making its appearance in some families ia this twp. People should use none but tbe purest water and have all rubbish cleaned away from their building* GRKOU. MARKETS. Philadelphia. November 10. Wbpat is firmer, but very quiet; 4, <• ed, there will bo • .i-<■ • 1 • puhlv • -i ■ •>' Court House, in lbdl.t November 22. A 1. I s ' . - • ' IV M . tka tell ■ ing d bed B u tato of the di'foti.!iit>, i > wi No, l Ail that Mttai* tract or | land situate in !'• t;-i t.-wn- p, '■ county. Pa bounded on the • orth bv li d* of J ante* l-ing 't'l ' . Kurta. on Ike ee*t bs land* I lr \\ il*j.n and Oilier*, on tin '■ bs hi idvrling and . V land* of said 1 lali : f . - • • < - •c r e* more or !<• '• " the propertV Ol lb.! - I'ur-I A L s < * No 2 All that err a■MOf pN* ofl gr'.umt .ituate 111 P-iter town-top. Centre! i-tiunlv. Penn'a b.-und. t and -. t' . -- follow* tn the north b) Mi." a. I rn-k. and public road on the ea: b\ la - . Michael Ulrtck, on the south by lai NVm B'*hel end on the we.t bv land- ot j me. containing 1 at Thereon erected atw t tin., im ing houe, tab.e, *av. uil . and . d er i>u' building*. Alto.>: of piece or ground! • iluale in Centre • ui v. I.: . I uri.l- : ~n the east bv AN m Boa!, -r., n Hi. south bv land* of John 1. - - *I• -r ... I. . west by O K- '• •. >'i. el .-nt by J Love'* heir*, coeuining I acre more er le**, thereon c. i •• bouse, .latde I -* • b. . Sailed taken ft e v • ■ : ■ '<; r a* the prop- rty > ' A No. 8. All thai oerteli let ®r f- - • ground ituai tn the - • Kg.e. Centre county. Pent a. ' d °J> '•>• soutti east by P B R Co., le land* ot John Ma- .. ' '-* • > ut a -'• oortb ert and n. •i< a- t-y . cooUtning one acre r • erect, d ft tWO *1 g outbuildings Also All the right title and interest ••'. and to that eeriaiti lot or ; I - in iht borougU .■: li * • PehPe. bound, I oti ta - .'.n < > : . oft and >! No::. >• - k J ! on by lot Ol K Ml -A, at l t the northeast by lot : 1 t.-r AI - ■ > containing cue he th*reoU erected at* and other OOthui - execution and t be" propertj of Thomas Kotbr. A L--1* No. 4. All that cert.-i- or piece of J | ground situate n K.-'gu-o- t p. Centre county, P- ti a, t : i :>■ '• d scribed as !.! to u.l li. . : ■ > , stone in middle ot alley bet*, n i lie ; ie , Bedel and the .aid I ido. nor.t W-, vast 120-U' pe-ci • . : ; llDtf ot JS*nu I M tii f ri - tbc • > same south *JJ . < *l b' P rolea to 1 -t; lOt'D J* b V .n :. ■ writ 12 6-10 prrcho : pv i- nv > * of Thodof • percbri lo pine© ut - 120 perches, neat ti ■ .u . u.. r. .r. ct. a one and an ~1-st ry trame dwe. :.g bouse, and other out . g - s e taken in exec iti. . be • t - property ot J M . Als-d . No. 5. AU llml certoio lot ...... land situate in i'all. tw;. , t • Penne, bounded on the north and . h> \Vm.,F. Key■ d'ilo • • west by lands ot It.: r> !• a.l . heir*. centaining l- a. e* i r or ttiereon erected at*. *r> , i >.<• ing house, -latoe nnd : "f * - >el Zed, taken 111 eXt- to a* the property ol \\ liuu. err- ALbtl. No. 4. Ail that Porta land Htuale in th • t r .g'. u: i. Centre county, Pet a. t ut.ded an t d scribed a. luil.s f f rt., by .u pike, on the south b> I! .rri- E- • i : : eat bf M. Twumjt* turnpike. ooMftioitf *1 will rw bi re ur Ism ) orvt i, : v i bouie and other out ui. m g 2 taken in execution it t lo I • • n- Vh property of lir .v n. \l,s) No. 7 All thai oertoia i.; or piMt ol ground situao in the t r-ug • :b- Centre Co., lei :.a, t .ui. : I . l •• ed astollows: Ut) the ti.>rtl ! c : d .ea t ing iruin Belteloiite ; 1. i bu-g. t thi south by lands ot Mr- K-ub n \an tine, on the west by an aitey. and oa the east by laud ot Jessie M. w.rt, . ntaitut go acre more • r n-., tier :. e • vied a tu story frame bous--. - u h.- ai.u .. ,t. buildings freiZed. taken in • tetutiot and to be sold a* tue property of W M Holmes. A LSt i No. 8. All that -• rt- :i . . r 1 le: meet, or tract ol .ai d situate in >ln- town tbip of Taylor, C unty ot Centre an i Mate bounded by la J* of Kot"-rt Eider, Jac.'b Vail 1 .t ' r Bu - and other* containing lid acr.-s or ; about* : thereon er. ct. l a l,> P.ry lra bouse, and olber utn.. . • S. cd. taken in eiei ution a:. ; t • t" • 1 l property of Leonard M rry: . La-O. No. 9. AU that oin.ii Ist or p.. ••• • ground situate-in tr.• .-I ot 11- ward,! Centre coui.ic, P.; I ' ; • a: . lo ser,bed as toil'>*s I ■ wc.-1 by ;c : O. Baker, on the . I .-t > : n Uaverly, on ibe I ri Mai tr • or. tbe south by t- E \ . • y UK < ,'• ■aid lot being 60 !e> . H- >: 1 fit. : di g hack -Jtw feel, then ti • eclid a two st-.ry bouse and olhe' oulhui.ding*. Also. All that certain lot or piece of taod ntU- ; ale in Howard tw p., C ic c•:•ty .I *. > bounded and C.-s,-ribed a- lon ■* : tin me north by land* ! A lai lf.y.-r and Joseph Buyer, on the en*t by .and to beir* o, B.air. a !•'•>' by i.,nd ,t Jacob twkti on tbe at by lai 9a ol *a d Smith and dob.. Mai • ■> n g - acre* neai ly ail Clem I, Ihel .. e. o . log house and other ~.. ui ■ c-. ' taken in execution ami I to .id ■ t purperty ol Joseph Swevers ALSO No. lU. All that ce.ta'.ti ; - r r of land situate in townahip. Centre Co, i'vutia , hounds.l a:.d d scribed as lollow*, to Wit: beginning at a corner on tot recently convey ed to Nathan M. Hut-j zen at a point nboui . te. t Iroiu the mid dle of the Tyrone a >i C - ar. .d Kmi Road near and opposite Osceola -t iti-.n, thence South 77 w>-t 110 lot l-p thence north Ui east .'•! '- et or li • reahocu to tho Usceo.a branch rail road, tiler • i parallel in ll.e sain.- br: i ti railroad north about f >l° el 70 n-et r then about* l" the place of beginnibg, being pari ot a iarg - tract of land. Also. All thai lot or piec . f grou: 1 nij iu ing tbe above d.-, rit l lot ot L vl (i-nr hart and known n ti.e Nathan M liutr n lot, bounded on the w -*i fry lotot Levi ( south by the Tyrone and Clearfield li li , on th en I by i.m.ds of Morgan, lluie AC., alio on tie i rlti by lands ut Morgan and llale, .">•> ere. i ed a three story Hotel, two story at J a nail tenant house at. ; oth.-r outt uildu g* Seized, taken 111 I-Vei .Hon and l<> !' ■ old a* the properly ol Levi liearhart, will, no tice to alt lurre tenants. A L.-0. No. 11. All thai i. mo-suage, L-n eoicnl and tract or !• td g md obi clo in the borough o! LJ -• i I-1. •! lows, to wit; On the norm by Mi*: op -trcet. on tbe east by lot ot K. ai.d K M. Hlaro tiard, on thu South by the eaienslou ol 1. gan street, arid'on Hie ty .1 No. 13. All that certain lot, or pioco of I ground part of n tract of iand situate in r College Twp.. Centre county, Permit., , near blate College, hounded bv lands oi * William Foster, Hume- and McAllister, ] and on the OMH by tbe public road, con . mining acres, now in Hie possession • ot Win. Jacksop It is n two story trame bouso being Lhiriy by sixteen feel front ex tending buck twenty by sixteen teellu the f shape ola T Seized, taken in execution an'd to be sold as ine property -if Datiiej t Kb-a and Darius (lr,.ai>*r, a*lgn<"'. oi u Darius Gruzn-r, Burley Kauford, Hurley Luts and William Robison, trading a ' thu Keystone Furniture Co., the owners oi reputed owners and builders. * ALSO. i No. 14. A certain building, to wit ® said building is located on a lot or piece o ' ground pan of a tiar-t of land situate ii " Snow illege, Centre cou it* , Pcfiriß. • Ironticg east on Sycamore St., went by al ,„V north l>v lot of Y eager and Ith street,! bv !•■'. .1 .1 I'. Glenn. containing t >4! hto morn or i thereon two, t i .t two M- rv frnoo buMtllnu, tto ninin I, , . being l. to.: •> U tool. (he bark mn'ding lung Mtooibylt.fool SoUod atoll I" execution It Kit to 00 sold • ItIO iropertv ot t'. S \ eager A LSti No |f. All tbat certntn trad or pice ol am! nuato .i !'• r K on iv. !• . Centre Co., ■ .'ll :n I ot bee inning, containing "'to „i .it in. ..lir.' Tt'o >".• being l-Jt , r tfi. of 1.1 I • 'lit eyed I'V • I >l.ll. r l>> Hannah Glenn and too "< I .t-v Indenture bearing date Ho , r ,1,1...0 v ember. A D. 1870 forth* , ,>".' >• " 1 K r nt . , . , ■„ ,ln< am* t Klim Meek, par i | , r . : ■ lor heir. and assigns Cower, .. „ ... 1. .! two .lory !r...,*hou-e. ibi.. and *M*r outbuilding-. ikon in osooulion and i ><• tM • JM u , . . i.. Meek till. Ihi ISO Mook. ALSO. S, ti \ building located in a . ~ . . ■ tround situate in Rush -bip I".' troCo., l'oni.4. Sold build. . . .01. .u.oo'-o.lorj high If fori .1,,, bv tl '"ot *tdo. wtlh o I lichen , 1,,. , .1.1.1 r.. -l and oh.oh 10 14 fm .ng and It' t> ' t wide. Helmed, token in x , n|t. .!. .. rood nil ion Hi" *r*l by Frothy le an church !' Sprite* Crock, coi.ioining , j, jfi.' . ihorcon erected a onr I ,n . story iroiao bouse ond other ni.inu s-i p rche. to a t"Ue. thence by i. taut K Hitnor south 'Js i 1 ,10 i a robes to the place of beginning, laming one acre and 71 perches a one and a hal! story < ou- '. slab a and o her outbuilding' ii, ' in execution and lo be sold 1 llfi ; -rljf ol Ula* o ow. 4IM No. 1 AH that certain lot or piece of r. . .J ik.-atdOn the. >ul2i of N'ecla p. -tr.elalld south ea-t side of Fourth ...... t! loan of Sew Mi Centre Penna , being lot No AM) in the plot -a. 1 t'-wn. containing in front or re-, ith on -a ! Neitarint. street <*) feet lul 11. le: gtli or depth ith westward 'AX' • at... /•' '• sireti. bounded corib* : V U.. aid Fourth Street, north east V tne .id Nectarine street, south ea.t hy in the said plot and south west by aid twenty tool Street, tbcreob crevl -1 a two story iraine house, stable and , utbuildn gk r-e red. taken in exe at; n and to be t Id as Ibo property of 'strict Uoriuan. ALSO. No. 7 All thai certain lot of ground '.'.ate".i. I ito snof \aroiishurg. Uamos m: !i p, Centre county. J' hounded s r ! aas lolloas: Being part ol : N-> 'Pi bounded on the south by , . mi .are. imi >1 large two story holei af h -table ali i olh< rout build .£*. Also p -i , i i ; N •" ar.d hvd bounded on t.. - tb t-v Varons r- juare, on the cast ', si ved si ritu'd lot. 0" the Corth by trsu lierry all'a.aiid on the west by lot 10. .t'Al, ihcrroo i-recled a store house, ualt dwelling house and other out build- Ail t it certain tract of timber land sit ..t,- in Maine* t wt.sbip. Centre county,, t an ted and decrtt>ed as follows I. gu r Ig at a -t-netbencc by land form r!> owmd by widow tibuyer, south 3it ---l %4 Jor lo stone, thenco by land of oh p. Hupp, n rth 7'.' esrt 78 perches to Ihooe* bv land of Win. llarter. 1 W*t OJ .< * iki IsOQPi, iU f *i i ' , i.i oi Henry Vonada, oulh 61p* ■, per. I.eS to the place of beginning i 1.1 i-g 1 acres and 146 perche- Ai<>. Ad the right. Pile and interest of I l> ; verm >1 to all that certain trail of ,ti,;>er ard s tuate in lha. township ol laiaaa, Uaair* doutf. fmii bouad*d ii. w.-l t■ y lr-' <1 o' Michael Harper n the north unki • wn, on Iho east by land • Kobt. W .it and Rob; llo.ternian, and n the s. uth by tan I ol Came! Geary and ihers cntamtng about UXi acres lie the ■B>*notwor lsa. No buildings Seixed. aken in execution and to be sold as the in i erty of I • H. Boyer. ALSO. N" 21 Ail that certain tractor piece ! la:; 1 situate .n Miles luWi.sblo. Centre amy, Pa., bounded and dewenbed as ~w. I - Wit: beginning at as one ; n, . by land el .d Kishel south 00° 1.1 P j , t" a post, north 701 -ast •i in . "-re ■su> st net; thence hy land 1 John W. ShOll, iierth 24' west 984 per ... . •... p it, then by land 1 saiJ lroh n-ck't oh 73' wet ''l perches lo stone. • p.! . e*"l W perches; Hit in .- by .and ~ Andrew liunj.-l south 7 < st 7 perches •tone* and ti '-nce by land ol liraU lorth i.i cast it perches l > '.he place of gn in t n'.K ng '-1 acrc lA6 perches . n-ure, ii l -i.g tne snio p. 11 btroheraer, b| indenture aiing date th lAih day of K-bruary A ) . 5 77, tor the consideration therein ed. did grant nnd confirm to llan H-hel party toretoand his heirs and i-.igns forever. No buildinga. Soiaed, ~Kn .n - x.-cution and lo bo ■- ild as the kfepcrty of l'ainri Kishcl. AL~< *. * A . t •• right, title and interest otlho le-, • ..lent in and to a certain lot or piece ol; ; r u i situate in Centre Hall, Centre' jn'.v. b' ilided and described siloiiows • wit", tin the south by Church street,i .11 the east by lot of Samuel Farner, west! • y ot C irri" Woll ami north by an al-j v, . ..ntaining about one fourth of an' ~*rtheieon erected a new two story j mine dwelling In use and outbuilding.., -• 1. taken in execution and to be sold! is the property ol W in A Curry. ALSO No. -t. All thai eeruin lot or piece of (,-o.niu situated in He township ot Walk-; •r, village oi idion. Centre Co , Pw. bound •li a'ol described as follows . Froming lorth on Main street in said village, .n ice the ' > I by lands of A. Gar >nck, n Hie south by land ol Isaiah Slrub iic, and oft the west by Dr. I'hilip Fisber, icing 77 feel in width 610 teet in depth, aid a .loCtig being a two story frame id . _•> ( "i in front and 18 f>-et in depth at addition thereto being two stones .igl. ii . 1 12 feet Wide I V lii leet >u length t. taken in execution, arid to be sold is tin-property >d .I M Alters, owner or • puled us nur and contractor. ALMJ. No. :1. All that certain messuage, ten .no t r.inl tract of land situate, lying and I la tb* I'ownsiup of , County C lire and • ate ol Henna, bovtndouj Iml d' cribed as lollowrs, to Wil. llegin ,ii g at p<- I corner •! lands of the heirs "Mico D Ingrains, deceased, thenco by lard lul-- ot Joseph Underwood, decee"-_ Ui >. utli "7 ea-t 4'> perches to a post, thenco liv land surveyed i n Iho na-uo of Kobt llall, ti.-rih 32 ' ■ a-t lA> perches to a post; ; hem e north • V} est 6 pennies to a Dry •• ' d. thence -ante course 07 perches to a e>>t, thence by land ul J C Peters south w-.i ". perk lies to a white oak, iiortii •. K wi 137 perches to a post, thence '•y an I of Wilson Irwin south west 70 | eri lie. to u post, th.l pIUCU Of (leg in nii.g. containing 60 acres or theruabouta I: 1 0 I,k f J same pri-mist* which Anna II Ui.derwood by Deed bjar 1 rig even date herewith granted arid conveyed lo loin .1 Mcur, party herolo. Thereon ■ recti 1 a two siory Iratuo house, stable nii.s other ouibuildidgs. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property it John J. Steer. Term-cash No deed will No acknowl edge till the pur. base money it paid in lull. JOHN SPANGLER, HhcrifT. Rprtog MIII- Market. Wheat Nol $125 Wheat No "2 f I,A) Rye, 7l>c. Corn, curs, per bu. now, ,40c < >al, "> !i Heady Ma le Clothing Bm4]T Made ('l.tilling Hi* Stock Of K. ady Made Clothing At (' I mm! Freight. Ah be i, quitting me Clothing Trade t<> go into the Dry Good* Bii*iuat- Th; i no Ciam but> qu,re and hooeat transaction, f ▼ - " MM*OLOTIIING M YDKTooKDKKHI II K*T CLASS TAILORS CUBA PER TO AN ANYWHERE ELSE 15 PKNN'iKLVAMA. MAIUUEO. On S.-pt. by lti'V \V. 11. (irtdi. Mr" \\ ut. T Strain it and Mi*s Amuo Boal • ullt of Colev I lie- On tin- llth, . by Rev .1 Ifou*. Mr • 'ohn K Close, of Milroy, to MiU Annie J Sittflelor. of Spiucetown. iir.i. tin the'.'ml int , at Aaronsburg, Mr* Mary A- Harper, wile o Michael lla'per, *gd ol year*. 11 months anil 1 tiny. At Spring Mil la. No* n, M-ry Catba J rinn Milebtdl, aged -I year*, II months aiut . In day* J on No*. \ IST'.', near *Madi* mburg, ] Mr*. I.ydia Itouu. wit# of Unristiaft liouir, agi d ' year*, II month* and 1 lay* Tbi werld i all a fleeting how, For man * illusion given. The smile* of joy. the leara of woe, Hccoilful thine, deceitful flow, There * nothing true hut heaven. —• K. K. Kuukel'a Hitter Wine of Iron. A iur cult ft r *' r •*! igwtUuß t | lua, I. ilai'til'l dIMM of Ho Bi (OUI atftlvUa t uU|<*tlu. fta iJlty t f liu at u4 fwl 1 . *• * ' Hit I toil UltUe liitraulwt! , t the moll** leluliJrd a -• |I A* }• Inllie. Ul U foi „ Ik* Aak f x I I. kabkF Ame of Irvu *a u Ol Ol If ,v*ur dru*l Ua II hoi HUI 1 ' ll* ;ri k I K uukvl, Ste S NiulU t% . fhlUklwipLu, I*4l. AOtUo fr* u . , .ict!irw> iul lUuiii WOK MS WOK MS. WORMS. k: k k uukai • W.-rui >.l ii uotcr I* ioUrvj l*|M. iMaftl. *Utl t Mb*• ' Wu 1 Ut* iU ki.ufcßkl. U|l> w i au> v~*ufui |>hjWUu *l. • r*tUu®B T |*c V% ul u tft (• howrt •lite •Hit Io• >1 • Uti Im uulil leUii'til t vmmoo iwni lj h if •ue *%v,itua mut ed ii t H.ot u(NII flee . aai.J IL.ieae an( alaatf. aiJUf A DM IN ISTKATOK S NtIT ICK.- l.etter*of adminntrali :i "ti the etale ofS. A Karner, late of Potter tap, dec'd hating been Brahte.l in the under • ircetl' alt Beron* knowing thetnaelve* to he lndehle.l to aid decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and oeraone having cla.m* againrt the etla'e will pre -ent thcni aulht-ntn at-1 or irUlement. , JoHN SHANNON, ISno* a Adm'r. aDM INI s'flt .VI 111 Nt'TK K l.etter* of adn ti oft the eatatn of John K M ller, lair " n*hip. Ire 4. La*mg Lt<-. *ti.i. I t ■ the under* .igned. all prr*f> knowing Ihrrntelye* to Ue indebted to a"l dece lent a'e roque*ted to make inimetliatr p.yniert, end peraon* Having claim* aga r t' r elale wlil pre vent them autbeiit at- i tor settlement. i; W SPANULEK. '■no* lit Adm'r, de boni* non teriiMNNKTS, Ti:lMMlNt.-.-y AT — lIIH 1.1 4 1 Ili.lHil'S, CKN'TKK HALL, who ha- ;t rece -.r.t from Phi .dr phia, ithe LAI'KST KAsIIIONS. and a eom ! tilete at"ck of new II >Rnet>, near Hat*, e!e-1 *nt Trimming*. Ac.. on b will be aold or made up, at reasonable price*. Tbe new ty!e are *i ry pmuy. Ladies call and cc them early. Pir*t eotne, flr*t served. 6 no*. iX QALB OPVALDABLI P.K A L TATL U*U'.i I re rg SwartJ atoof Penn townabip d#c*aMl Hy *ir ! luo of an order l *ul out of the (*rpban' i Court, for the Count* of Centre, there will be eiposed U S te. by put' ic out cr*. on the pretnoe*. at the Saw Mill, in Penn lownthip. on Friity NovcmUer 21, 1S?B. kt or.® o'clock. P M , the following de scribed valuable Heal Estate, via No. 1. All that certa.n messuage and tract ef land sttcau- u Penn piwnship bounded by land* of Christian Bame John Dutweiler. J hn Rigsrt and other; land* of th er'.atr of decedent, rontamiag l. ACRES and 1 * perchea which i, erected SAW MIL! A I.•>!) TWC| oKiIUEI) I\N ELLINCi HOC: K. a go-d BANK BARN and other necessary out building*. No t All that certain tncMUftge and TRACT ol TIMBER RAND iisoate in Peon ti | at' rr;-id, t Ui.deif b* I iands ot K ia* C'fifer. Ileogr Pet era. John I Swart*. K. C. Campbell. U A Muaerj and Jacob (iepharl ci ntainitig ACRES and t-l perches. No. Tn undiy: l<-d nevsuth interesli ■ 0 and to all lla'. n.< > - jage and tract of j iland.l v the Mitfi n county line, lands of; llenryXing!*. D. A Musser and laniitiir * eyed Ui containing .V.l> ACRES j and 41* perche*. Tt. s tract i well timber-, *4. j At the same time ai d place, there will a o be eiposed to aale all that plantation I or tract of land, in the same township.) hounded by lands of Christain Bame, John; Heighart sundry I wn lot- otMiilbeim and| town !"t* ol Aarousburg, containing 115 ACRES be the same more or •••, upon which it jrected u two ti- ry R*g weathar board dwelling house as •' bank Uarr,, corn i rib, w.n-1 h-'t, e. and >lhr nm-eiaary outbuildings, T\V iMs tKiD ol( II \ 11 D" both in bearing, lite whole bnng well , 1 fenced till ill a g 'O'l Stall- if CU tivatloO TkiiM.h Sale One third of puecaae | money in hand upon confirmation of sao*. (one third in one year, and one third in two years, the latter two payment* to be with interest.and secured, by bond and mortgage on the premise*, j * SAMUEL M.sWART*. I.', no* 111. Executor. liKAL ESTATE Al PRIVATK lb SALE—The undersigned offer at I private sale, a tract of land situated in the Loop, in Potter tap., containing POUR HCNDRRD ACRES, more or lom, Fifty acu-a of which are cleared, and the balance well limbered There are on the premise* a good FRAME HOUSE, a Log Ban PRtNO OK , NEVER FAILING W All R HIRKK . ORCHARDS nnd an excclleni SI I E • FOR.SAW MILL with good water pow er. .. ltXlor 'JbO acres, with improvement* wtii jbe sohl separate'l desired Ihu balance 1 | will bo sold Hi timber lots of or i acre*, or tho vho|e trr.ct will bo sold ' gather ala low price and oa 4av forma ; For further inlorination \ K $. KHUN, Lew* p# 1 or A. A- Kictih. M-' Fort , v i 14 aug tf f , For the coming ; Fall aa (I Winter T II A I) K 1 I WE ARE FULLY PREPARED. : Now is the Time! Select Your Goods' i) FRO M FKESBC* B NEW STOCK. - GENTS' FRENCH CALF HOOTS AND GAITERS MADE TO ORDER A LARGE STOCK OF Sole Leather, Calf-Skins, Kips,. ETC., ETC., At Bottom Prices. E. GRAHAM & SON. Doc's \ llullufunte, VM /lOUHT 1* HOC LA M \TION. Wi*,*M,lh*H OmriM A Mim, rr*l4Mt •(, II A || | l IT If ff 1 £ * 1/ £j th*i*ttll| I'Uap. Ili ID*- JudU'li i. I| 1 |C I C 14 I I P ■ | IB fcrtcl onaUllN* >•( Hie 4 ■ I I B IB- IB ft IB • I * * " ■ * ( Ulldi Md Hi* tion-'tatila I i*!.k and lb* John |)l*ha, Aa*iui(, LO I. I\ • UICiB UIV.J ad wiun of I'laat IH hellrfi.UU P . ♦ th* (Will) of Itailr*. *ud to euaitneiioa <>t the Alta IZr.X. Uxh " N —"''WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER 15 j NaUila Ihfralur* b*rh||l*R tlh* CoDtiier, Ju llcm ol lh* I'taie Aidr*at *u>\ i t*t*Ul>l<< ttf (ho fT "I m # . m mm t C -.11;^::;!:^':.:, h ,v Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &e. Mid da) ltb lUeii rveordi, •laiitlA* Hum, awl Ihwi own rienii>rai>i ei. U> do lltaa* thiu|i U wANo bn*> I In- ngrncj of I lie Mouth Rend Chilled Plow for thin eotiiij.*u-a ih* (iiUutm l Lai aia ft ihall U lu lit* J *ll of I rut to I .*>aßt|.lsilhabaud llttia to pruatK u(e atgalltal thou, *a alaall ba )mat ? n Ohe* uwlat nay hand, al Hellefoul* th* 11 day of *v# lu (ho teat of our 1/nd, I'V. *ud lu tko ) .................. 6 cent* " " Tbl<- linen, all linen... ....21 ranu " Carpet from ...... ...IS cant* Children hose, extra bargain* ,6 cant* " pair Fe t rkiru .. 89 canU each Children'* knit hiHMU *25 canU each SPECIAL BARGAINS IN LADIES COATS. Coats for sl Wl • Coals lor 111 11111- ■ -1-r. I 1- nn- - 1 *7 Coat* fair quality.. 1 f* Coats, g-Kid quality i 49 Coal*, extra good quality ■■■■ 2 W AND A FI LL LINE OF BETTER GRADES. All my good* are marked in plain figure*. Hopiugto rcecivc an early tall, I remitin, Re*pectfully your*, My motto is: "One Price--the very I jwest-and no misrepresentation."' J H. BATJLAND. New Grain House ( Completed ! At SPRING MILLS. PA. 0| J. I). LONG F Now extend* a cordial invitation to, hit friend* and patron*, and the pub lic generally, as he is uow prepared t| buy all kind* of th GRAIN. SEEDS w, AND HIDES. go At the Hightest Market Prices A!o constantly on hau l a eoiuplolt assortment of Coal at Low Price* 3 ; _ Also a complete iMorlweol of KIPS, CALFSKINS. ■ SOLE LEATHER, also ready made HARNESS BRILDEH, COLLARS. WHIPS. J 11 ALTERS, &e„at bottom prices. I ISnov 6ai DR. OBBKUOLTZKK - LIMMKN i'. . ( int'llOK : !• na hl|'4l| bd 1 and Mt ader jnM I J rwt.J te* Ac J iki|nii hpf*** rt t i* ! ttac itr.trtt m itt tutiMi t (, LAiUt, •• ** U ?!*ataatckli aodaurep ' * oac * - tsea " d <; TflUmtbtiui WD. lb* Ul< mawlw and tA# *. l. lP | t.arrwa lb 8--*• • II '• !**<• *'* h I Alt# ot Ml t Mfrpd |UI 111 #£"U |*||> •sb Cftilß b Ft UaiU#lfofi. . .. J< Pr*Miwl obi; b# b#i Ot*irbol. Hold by J l> Mumj.CcoU* Mail. The Phtpula Peetaral. ttMlf U b ft* uUfcfi# idlpM til 1 eotML eoaiatuplDo and rblldrvn It btwahft ©• 1 It itopa loodih II ftldi aip-tiorittoa It #i" * iUnt rll*f II ••• •lr*i#lb I* •'•• ro It h* a4iair rutMibM •*# otbr m#4cin# Ttooti fi MDdaol Um lUm . of KanUtti Pbbb|l#l h%c IM d I fur IBBN i-nat And tesaiiff to Ibr f4t#f *b and curwß •cr Te' ( o| 2000 I'oinuN. DANIEL RHODES, 12oct 3m Gen.Supt. AUCTIONEER ~TI undesigned re gretfully offer* til* service* to the 1 citizen* of Centre county, as an auctioneer Several year* ucce*ful experience ena ble* him to render the utmt aufsction | m crying ale. 010. KOCH. j HENRY BOOZER. CENTRE HAM., ■ixrrai rru* or Saddle*. Harne** Bridle*. Collar*. Whip* Flynet*. and also keep* on hand Cotton Net*, etc. Prices low a* any where c!e All kind* of repairing done. The bei tiock always kept on hand All worn war ranted. A'hnreoflhe public patronage kindly solicited. l°ct. if i 1"\ F. FORTNKY Attorney ai Law U Bcllufonle. Pa Office over Ry n.ilds bank _ lAeafSr rl. 8P ANGLER. At.orno-ai L* . Con*u!tatin* in Knglieh and German. Office in Fur*t' new building S NOTICE.— B Letters of administration on the estate ot George F"U*t, lalo Ol Ptilter twp , dee'd, having been granted to the under signed, nil person- knowing themelve* to be indebted to *aid decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and person* having claim* agaiurt the ertale will pre *ent them authenticated for settlement. JOHN' D. DECKER. '.loct nt iLILLLLJ J. ZELLER St. SON DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockcrhofl' Row, Bcllefontc Penn'a. IkealerM In llruga.Chemlealß. Pcrftimerj, FiiiieyGoods A'„ Ac. Pure Wineß and Liquors for medical purposes always kept. uiayld i*. / i RT fiGOD liRKAD, \JI II > calli g at the new and exten tive bakery PlshlMboiMlt of JOSEPH CEDARS. 'to J. 11. Sand*.) Opposite He Iron Front on Allegheny • trret where he lurnuhc every day Frb Bread, Cake* of all kind*. Pie*, etc., etc., Candies, Spice*. S ul*. Fru't*.' Anything and everything belongu g l< the buMtie-, Having had vear* npr' rienre in the bunnr**. he fatter* him.ei j that he can guarantee *ali*lacti. n to ll t who tnav favor him arilh their naironage lOauglf JOSEPH CEDARS. D. H. VUCI ION KKK P tier. Mill* Year* .f exieri'nce in taher part* of the ► lateen it'le him to guarantee the utn-<>*t -*ti-t-cti"u ** an Act'" eer t endue* 1-ried at ri-at-'Babte charge*. A *hare of ihe public patronage kindly solicited. '*?. "C 4m t P K NSI O N S! procured for so'dier* di-al ied i:. I . ** j service by re*on of a?.- ;nd and other; cause* All >elii n, Oale back to day of <1 scharge. Pension* m< r.-i%-d Ad. ST'IDDARFA CO , j No. VISE St N Y. Washington, D C. j 2- UCI 4l KKND kl.l 'S

d for lllasirated clouU. *ol* eoatuvt ea .> I rice *i All I'HtV.o l-rs !■,• it oi >a l U sr a. lit. M J K. ndall * -o. Coiinalor,, *>urh Tails Vsmoit JOIINaTit* ">t IXiWAT tCO . a*eat*. *1 Arch St Pt)lla**l*iila, Pa TERRY MIgLER Ranttgft asp 11 AtHiaitssc—in the b** 'iient. t the b*r>k i-uilding. Al! aork done, ;n fashionable ly In. 1 July j GEO BELL. Tailor and Renovator. h located at Centr. Hall, when he a ill be happy I" meet the aaitsef II de- irir.g clot lies made in the Luteal style and most Approved Fashion Fits guaranteed He will al*o' i-le*n and re-tore faded clothe* and make them loek good as n 11* a choice lot ■if sample* Cutting promptly attended to. Price* low. Hi om N • 1 over the Bank ! T ti/l.rn It* aeßitla* ttraata wttk ag*. bl*bt slllllt.l color nf eie* ael Bait. ,c-u will racoita lor h* "'am aU ecrtert plrtora at tt'f >oi,r lulars bushanit or wlfa. *ltt Yoursplf i " ,n ' * t " l ,ui **"•• Aosc in it proves their to experience of its usefulness. >d (ertirtcatcs attesting its virtues i* nave accumulated, and are con ,-tantly being received, and as many of tlio-e cases are publicly known, tliev furnish convincing evidence of the superioritv of this bursapariila • over < .fry other alterative medicine. I So ••■ucr.iiiy is i'-. siiperiority to any oilier medicine known thai we heed do no more than to assure the public that the best qualities it ha* ever te possessed are strictly maintained. PHEI'ABEL) BY *1 Dr. J. C. AYFR h CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and AnafytUml * her*i*t*. IOU) lil' ALL* —HARDWARE != WILSON, MFARLANEA CO. NEW €OBS—FANIC FSICES. H H T E A KTOVEfi HEATEBS HAJICEK, V E V E B H • * We would especially call attertlcc to the Highland Queen Cook Slove, -AND THE WH.BOS9S HOSTS HSA7IJIS S?OfS. *-Oor Stock being entirely New. "We offer special Barga ' ■*** OlLSandPAiVr -%r. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILSON. j|*p A ß, 'A** <*- c °- HUMJB' BLOCK. fig LIame. A in OO\L by the carload. j* .las. Harris eV Co. • A |t NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. IROOails,. [ P A IN T S, ! omCjfTC., J AS. HARRIS A CO. Bellefonte TOHN F PCyTTER, - Attorney-7i l L* CollecUoD* mad* aad ipar i, • lU.Btlnclt'nU>. Lsvin* laud, ui|>rop*rtr for •si*, will draw up and har askaowU>l*od i>ae.s MurVaazos.So. Ottico In ika <4lwood. aort'u aid* ul tba eon rt houaa. Hallafoota notllltbtf PENNSVALLt Y BANKING CO CENTRE HALL, PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS and atlowlnte est; Discount Notes; Buy and Sell OovernmentSeourities, lOo'd and Coupons WM. WOLT VVm. A AllXOk* rut ;a4ho [I THE BQW~L3, fl 1 and the KiD "i I'YB. |ji TV.'-prrat nreaß 1 • -oe '•*■ i ■ 1 *** '' - JZt t I w:!l < {•. ■ •*"*• L twril el *icac ara t. U* • ■-t. m TERRIBLE SVFFE::::Q, KJ Blllloarrra*. Hca4* I . Jltßß- H il),Cn((f)atii>iaal I : trSI4- Q ' Mf fl"'. ■ tMlaaattaU* t'rlia, ?. -or Kopj friar tr I: ;!. M r>B*ai < *. art n k ••>>'* •; ■ Tboo'H,b.-i\rtH :■ *3 pi will fl baaltb wtil hSHW • • r t<*lV II WkyifVwlMC..-IViim t'-.c mwrtrfaß wlUf bee r: I Why bcer.ack Jlaif i.■ •* - :i.->tlaai M ao4 PC-it K'lt be aa ft-rfal brewr f,Wjrl VI l( tt< ca i . !>• ati I Owe far It re makrctUc*: ' cfT. .trine, H roaUUniif i o Spirit, I is pi- ;:ara4 fl la pare i!rt. Tmr PrnfftM WO (tti . t| -a. ;* H ape-; karttiU. £2EA£AI j Kidney-Wort aui jßi .ct lor aftlft ,by J D Muiray _____ iJJR.B. G. OUi KLIUS, Dentist. Millheim. o€rt bti prof amnion a'tenrt •-i* lh public. ll# If to(itrlorni allopcrt >mh to t£<" lUotil pit* HaV. "> tailypraparad to attract t.etft t-"••'atjr Ithout mI a. r Broadway, NEW Y*d for cheapneat and excellence of service. Itooius oOcta. to f2 pu day, *> to $lO per wcck. Con venient to all ferries and cilv rmlroadft. Xew Furniture. Xow Mnnafe* nifßl, _ 23 jan ly