THE CENTRE ft 'CARTER. Centre Hall, Pa, Th'rsl.Nov. f>. '79 r;irTKßMs.—s2;>cr ye< r, w'lm J>*d in i Iranre ; $2.50 when not t nut in of ranee. A,irrrt,*rmr>xf*Wrtr r'rUnr for thrre in sertion.*, omi F>frnt*rrf In" for every .*.£- sntw-nt in serf ion. drfrrriooaiars jf fee year nt hbrral rt G iff, inntrnd o/2lVt* a* far irr/.v icArn jmirf ?V thfrnfflrf*. .. , _ Suhocrihrr* con nhmy I'll Arr ffcnr ar -eimrs stand of Me Kroorf'r office A*j con suifinjj fie /aftfr* on tVrir JNf-crs VJ*' faLV rro.f* "John Uoe IJ* 1 "V ' ' : Clothing ever offered. Monday morning last we awoke to fit d nearly 1 inch of snow on the ground, and a winter-sh aspect all over. Sleigh bells are getting restless. new stock of goods seetns to have charm ed the neighborhood, the ba~ga:ns otiered keep up a constant rush. The mclurray, Centre Hall, We hero hud Mr Corbin cleanse a number of package* of feather* for us, and add our testimony to the great superl ority of hi* work over the old process. We think we m*y safely **y that he reno veto* feather* to perfection. Your bed* are rendered healthy thereby, vermin ef fectually exterminated, all the odor* driv en out. and the bulk vastly increased at d softened. Do not miss this opportunity to have your feathers renovated, is the ad vice we jive all. Mr. Corbin extend* it cordial invita tion to ladies and puitlemen to call and ace the process for themselves. ——On last Thursday afternoon four wooden houses were burned on Logan street, in llellefonte. A pair of spectacles in leather ea-e 'ost between Bellefonte and Nittatiy Mt . The finder will oblige by leaving same at thi* otlloe. Name changed—Young Womane town, Clinton county, to North Rend. Mrs. Michael Harper died at Aaronsburg, en lait Monday afternoon, after a lingering U1M *d sutler ing from dropsy. Qnr neighbor, Mr- Jacob Pin^s, whose left arm was recently amputated, we are pleased to say ia able to be out again. Harris twp.. directors bare eetab lished a graded nehool at Roalnhnry, freo to all advanced scholars. Progress. A party or Potter twp.. hunters were out the other day. when one of them won tided a large buck, this enrag e 1 the animal.he turned upon and kill ed a dog and was about to attack two of the hnntera, when a shot from a rifle stopped his career. The democratic meeting in thi* place on Saturdav|mgh! was wrell attend ed. Dan'l Fleisher. Pres't and l'r. Al exander Sec'v. Addressee hv Fred'k Knrti, Geo. R. Barrett esq., and Senator Alexander. Laat Friday a week ago, M'Clellan a son of John Kiahel of Potter was thrown front a colt near the barn. The colt reared and fell on the thigh of the hoy. He was unconscious for several hours after he was found, and had severe bruises ahont his head and leg, bnt is recovering. At Wolfs is where you can get tip top gum boots. Ho has just opensd the best assortment in the valley. COURT. NOV. 24. Gram! Jurors. Howard boro—A. Long. Miiesburg—J. F. Weaver. Mi es Bcnj Hover. Walker— M BrumgarJ. Patton —J no Musser. . ~ u Bellefonte-F P Blair. J Campbell, M Armor. Huton—J Craig. Rush—J A Punkle, J W Heath. Humes— C Bower, J C Lsnker. Union—J Spotts. Benner— Amos Koch. Penn—J Kerstetser. Liberty—S K Spangler. Spring—C Eckenroth, I>an Grove. College—J I Thompson. Fergu son—M itider. Snow shoo—J H Holt. Boggs—H K Hoy. Philipsburg—J Hayes. Traverse Jurors —Ist week. Pe'.ter—L Rhone, J Crotzer, DC Keller. Ja* Ling'e. Snowshoe —AA Stuart. Miles—Geo Haines, Dan BrumgarJ, J C Smull. ..... , Gregg—F D Hosterman, H Marks, Is Raehau. W A Kerlin. C Luse. Spring—K Barne*. S Gault. College—T Dale, W J Jackson, W Coble. , _ l'hilipsburg— K Custer, G W Hoover. Fcrgu-on—S Ellenberger, T Arcky. Bogg*— A J Good feller, S Orvis, Ed John-on. Penn—A C Musser, B O Deininger, Wm Miller. Patton—J D Green, G \N Gray. Worth—J G Jones, Joe CronmilUr. Benner —T Marshal. Huston—J D Parsons, D Irvin, J Hoover, W R Holt. Curtin-Wra kfnn. H Thiel. Tavlor— G Nearhof.'S Henderson. Bellefonto —A Brockerhof, B Irvin. Uuionville —B F Leather* Howard boro—S Candy, H Brickly. .Turorii —2nd Week. VYorth—T Weston. J1) Wagner. Howard —W Yeartck. Patton—J B M-ittern Ferguson—J Pennington, Capt Dun lap „ Gregg—G B Jordan, J N Deitzel, Jo Dunkle Huston —J I Thompson. Hush—E M Sturdevant, Wm Ray, Potter—P Jordan, Geo Emerick, A Runkle, W W MeCormick, J S Uousman, F Burkholder, D Brisbin. Walker—S Decker. Luth Swartz, J G Royer. Haines—Adam Bower, S Etlinger, S Burrel- Milesburg—A Bathurst Spring—b Wetzel, D Lutz. Benner—W Isbler, H P Tate. College—H C Knave, J B Hartswick. Bogg— L Sbope. Curtin—L Packer. Miles—H BrumgarJ, Jacob Neese, Wm Walker. Snowxhoe —P Ward, C T Cheesoman, J T Thompson., Marion-t-G S Hoy. Burnside—J II Bates. Bollefonte—G A Fairlamb, Jared Har per, D Bartly. ( Taylor—J Kwines. Phtlipsburg—J Dennings. Penn—P H. Stover, Jurore—3rd Week. Bellefonte— W S Wolf, S S Lyon, C Glenn. Unionville—U C Cambridge, J Cleaver. Boggs—J Poorman. Miles-RGrim, C LGramly. Harris—A Marks, D Gingerich. Ferguson —W H Fry, S Glasgo. College—ll Fisbcl, Ad Filty, J Trcss ler. jr. Benner—T Thompson. Snowshoe—J G Lucas, S A Hinton. Penn—J Bing Burnside— W Zimmerman, Dr. Stewart. Haines—Joe Ketner, C Smith. Liberty—C A Courier. J C Bechtol. Spring—J Wetzel, J C Curtin, W Belt, PG Gentzel. Gregg— W F Rearick. Patlon —Miles Maltern. Philipsburg—J Farcy, R 3lusser. Busb—A Deirnny. Marrion— It Strunk. SETTLK UP!—All persons who have ac counts with 1. Guggenbeimer A Co., in Centre Hall, and know themselves in debted to the said firm, will please call at their store in Bellefonte and settle by cash or note, as tbe books will have to be clos ed. I. EI MKK & Co. 6 nov. lm. SPORTSMEN.—I have an excellent slock of BUEECII LOAOINO SHOTOCNS, also Muzzle loaders, which were bought at very low prices. Sportsmen wishing to invest, had better do to now, as tbe ten dency is upwards. All kind* of good* for sportsmen on hand, at tbe Gunstore of TLTXO. DX-.Ii.NKR, 23oct3m Bellefonte. Hovs* AND LOT FOR BALK —The undersigned offers his property at Centre Hall at private sale. The lot is favorably located, with choice fruit, and water con venient. The house is new, two-story, with seven rooms; other outbuildings. Terms very easy. Apply to. WM. A. CURRT, Zi Oct. 4t.- Centre Hall. SCHOOL TAX NOTICE—The tax payers of Potter township are hereby no tified that the school duplicate is in the bands of the undersigned. On all tax paid into his hands before Ist of December there will be a deduction of 6 per cent, from Doc 1 to Jan 1,1880, there will be no deduction, and after Jan. 1, there will be 5 per cent, added to all unpaid school tax, in accordance with the act of Assem bly. JOSEPH CROTZER, 16oct 2m Treasurer. Persons wishing a good article *f Brandy, Whiskey, Gin or Wine for medi cinal purposes, can be accommodated at the Centre Hall Drugstore All of the very best flavoring extracts for family u*e, surli SB Lemon, Vanilla, Aarsaparllla. Pine Apple Rose, Bitter Almond, Ac", are kept in itock and offered for sale. Persons wishing anything usually kept in a well regulated Drug store, will please call on in.-, and will find my stock full and complete. Night and Sunday custom ers are always waited upon with pleasure. 10oct3m J. D. .MURRAY, GEO. BELL, Tailor and ltenoyator, has located at Centre Hall, where he will t>B happy to meet the wants ef all desiring clothes made in the Latest style and most Approved Fashion. Fits guaranteed. He will also clean and restore faded clothes and make them look good as new. Has a choice lot of samples. Cutting promptly attended to. Prices low. Room Mo. 1 over the Rank. SllFlllFF'S MM.S. Bv virtue of sundry writs of Fieri _ Faci as, Levari Facia- and \ enditiom l-.xpon ' as, issued out of the Court ot Oomtnoi I Plea* of Centre County, and t-< mo direct ; ed, there will he eiiio*wl at public a!o ' Court Hou*e, tn Bell,'fonte. on Saturdm November 2".'. A. I*. INTV, at one o'ch',l r M , the t.iilowmg described Ileal K tale of the defendant*. to wit : No. 1 All that certain tract or pi. ee o land situate in Potter township, Centr. cour.ty. Pa bounded on ihe north b\ Imid of James I.ingle, Thomas I,ingle and hied Kurt?., on the eat by lands ol l'r \\ ilsor j and other*, on the sotiih bv land* ot Johi M nlvrling and other*, and on the west I \ land* ot atd Unmel Durst, containing VI acres more or le I hereon ei ci. I t large two story brick dwelling hou*- large bank barn and other out building* Abo All tliat certain Ira. t or DIM# Of MM siti.stem Potter township, CViirt- . unii Peima. hounded on the nortli t>y land* . l)r Nefl and other-, on llyt . bv tat .. of toe Mild Daniel Pur*t, on the south fc> lands ot John Mulderling and John Sum er. and on the wr.t by land* of ."-piker containing V.Vi *cres more or 1. * 1 her.- on erected a large two slory brie . house large hank barn atol ottier out building- Seise.l taken in rue. ution ai J to bvsol.i as the property of l>anei Durst. A LSd No 2. All thai certain lot or piece ot ground situate tn Potter town.(up. Centre county, Penn a bounded and described a* follows: tin the north by Michael I rick, and public road on the , *st by lat ,1- of Michael Uirick, on He south by land* ot Wu. H'hel and on the west by and* ot same, containing P> acres more or ie- Ttierevoi erH-ted a two story frame dwell ing house, stable, saw mill and other out building*. AUo. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Centre , utity . Pctina bonded , n lha east t y Wm. B at, sr., , n th south by lands of John 1. >vr's tieirs, on Hie west by O K. Love, oil the north by J■ • I,i Love's heirs, containing { a. re tuoro ar less, thereon erected a U slory tram, house, stable and other out building* Seited taken in execution and t- be soid as the property of Aaron Lucketibach. ALSO. No. I. All that certain lot or pice-c tl gr.'Uttd situate in the village ,t Kagleville Centra county, Panna, bounded on the south ,utsl by P K K Co.. land* and hv lands ot John Mas.left, on the South w.*l,i north west and north east b, siuls of same, containing one acre mo e . r le,-. ttiere'ii erected a two story Iraiue house and other outbuildings. Also. AH lha right titia and interest in atul to that certain lot or piece ot ground situate, in the borough ot Howard, Centra county. Penna, bound,',l on the ,*th ■ ■ *.-1 h, let of E. ami M Noil, southwest by high way uu - by lot of Robert Cook, and on the northeast by lot. : Holler A* Company, containing one ha.t acre in -re or 1< -*, thereon erected a twa story frame house and other outbuildings Seised taken in •xecutioh and ta be - >.d as the property of Thomas Kolhrock. A LSO No. 4. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in Ferguson t wnship, Centre county. Penn'a, bounded arid de scribed as follows, to wit: Beginning at stone tn middle of alley between The .tore K,adel and the said Condo, thence north M", cast lVb-10 perch. - to post, corner of line of Namuel M. William*; thoit by same south 'X , cast perches to poi; thence bv land of John Gobeen -outh west 12 6-10 perches to post, thence by lot of Theo,iore Keaviet noith Vf y west 10 perches to place of beginning, containing 120 perches, neat measure; there--n erected a one and a hwll-story trame dwelling house, and other out buildings S-elXed taken in execution and to be sold as the property of J M. lotnjj-on. No. i. All that certain lot r piece of land situate in Pattoi twp . Centre c, .. ty Penna. bounded on the north and • n-t by Wiu. F. Reynold siai ds, , :/l , south west "by lands t Henry Brvckerbol!"s heirs, containing 12 ai res u ore . r 1.-. thereon erected a two story iratue dwell ing house, stable and ottier , ut tsui ding*. teixed, taken in eleculloti a: dto be d as the property of l. W Rutuberger. A LSO No. 6. AH that certain lot or }■.. eo o! land situate in the oorougb of Beiielonte Centre county, Pct na, bounded and de scribed as isitlows Ui, the north by turn pike, on the s uth by Hart is K- ale, : i-ie east t>y H Twttujyer and on the west by turnpike, containing oDe-f, urth acre m, re or less; thereon erected a two st. iy tram,* bouse and other outbuilding- >e.n.-d taken in execal ou and to be * ~1 as the nrouerty of Charles Brown. V K - ALSO No. 7 Ail that vertam lot or piece of ground situate in the borough of Bel.etonie. Centre Co., 1 eona, bounded and describ ed as tollow - : On the north by r- au lead ing irom Beilefont'- to K -. psburg, on tbe south by lands ot Air- Keubin Valentin,-, on the west by an alley, and on the ,-ast by land of Jete Stewart, containing one acre more or less, thereon'er. cted a two slory frame house, stable and other out buildings S-elZed, taken in execution and to he sold as me property of \\ M tloimes. ALSO No. ti. All that certain messuage lene tnent, or tract oi land situate in .tie town i ship of Taylor, County ol Centre an i Mate of Penna. bounded by lands ol Robert Eider, Jacob lifi Pool, t liristin.. Bu, k and others containing 17 r > acre- or there about* ; tbereoli erected a two t >ry frame house, and other outbutluing-. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Leonard Merryman, LfrO. No. 'J. All that certain lot or piece f William Foster, iiumes and McAllister, and on the east by tbe public road con taining acres, now in the poest-s-ion ot Wru. Jackson. Ills a two story frame bouse being thirty by kiitcen leet front ex tending back twenty by sixteen feet in the shape of a T Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Daniel lib' a and Darius Grazier, assignees ol Darius Grazier, Hurley fSanlord, Burioy Lutzand William Hobison, trading at the Keystone Furniture Co., the owners or reputed owners and builders. ALSO. No. 14. A certain building, to wit: said building is located on t tut or piece ot ground part of a tract of land situate in now Shoe village, Centre county, Penna., -fronting eset on bycapore it., west by *l lev, north hv lot of Yeager and til* street,' -.."nth l > lot of J I' Glenn, containing • ot.. hull acre more or !<• . . thereon er.H-l --" i.l*to story frame building, the tuni" i t.m ,ting being If. ton bv 32 lot, tho back; • building being 14 leet by l'i lost Neir.d --• taken in execution .nil to hn sold a* ilm ■ property nl 1". eager. > also - Nolo All that certain tractor piece.'! ■m 1 itimto m F igu on twp. Oniiß fo , f Penna . hounded mot to i: Beginning ton corner ot Ards, . then.* north-ward along the line of Artl- Hint ll:4iiiu.h ti . hp into iitlHn purohc* i to tin. |.lh. o oi beginning, containing one i acre lull m."iur> The same bring pint , a r tr. lof Imid conveyed by n • it Mill, rto Hannah lilotin ntid the said . II t. run l>> Indenture bearing date tin u J..i ot S ov.mtv. r, A D, Ib.o. tor tio ..■n-1 ,l c !*... ii tl.' • ' '■ "" . 11. ot I K and Kliru Meek. ALSO. No. 1' A certain ouilding localed In * lot ,'r piece ot ground situate in Kuah township, Centre C 0,, Penna haul build * iiHiiio tu'uo ou §iory i s ' , omg bv 14 !'t nolo. a 11. Hick"' Winch has a shed root and which >- it In lollg and 10 leel Wide. Seized, tah.'li II . X. I.llot, and to bo o.d asllie property • John M ■ h owner or reputed owner am. contractor. A LSD. No IT All the right, title and interna. It delrndaht in and to alt those two certain ItriiCia "f pieces Ot ground in frrguai. Itownstup, Centre C . Prime . one there..! hounded oh the north by public load, lb to i as. bv lands ot -Minuet Mc \\ llllaltia, lin the south bs latidaotJ .1 tioheeti. and i..ii the w.-st by landa ot J. M L'.mdo, con taining h-l perches. A,*o. Ot f i -thtpr ihtjrct ! uj 1 Iby lands ul J.if. M. Oondo. on the aoutb t'l landa !J. J l. 'heeO, oh the north by public road and oil lh Weal b> PloahVl" ! aiichur. il id ."spruce Creek, 104.taming '.tlj . Ki perches, thereon erected a one •4iid 14 ha t atory tranie tioUao and olhi r , utbuiiuingp Seised, taken in execution jand to be sold as lb property of Jacob M Oondo. ALSO ' No is All that certain lot or piece • f round -dilate 111 Potter township. Centre county. Penna.. beginning el a atone at the corner of K Biliier's lot, thence by ,dp Ot l'eicr north 43* west -h Pen he* t a stone, thence by land, ot Rob ,r. L. e north <4'J east t'l 4 10 perct.ea I" a - one thence by land ot Win. M.Mitin soulh'fe- east 11 4-10 pen he. to a white 0.4k tree theuce by land, ot same South o, gig percho to a stone, llietice by „.,J, of .Rid fc. I'i'ner aouth JS west 14 7-10 perches to the place of beginning, containing one acre and 71 perches I hereon erected a one and a hail atory log bouse, statue and o.her outbuildings. Seised, taken in execution and to be sold as line property of Jutes ulasgow. AL-O. No. It'. AU that certain lot or piece of ground situate on the south Side of N-cla ritie street and south east side ot Fourth .Ireel in the town of Snow >h.>e. Centre Co., Penna , being lot No 6b9 in the plot ot said town, containing m front or' breadth on >ul Nectarine street 60 feet, and in iehgth or depth south westward 2IW teet to a twenty fool street, bounded north- West by the laid Fourth street, north ea.t hv lilts'said street, south ml by , lot 05V in the said plot and south west by the said twenty !■ ot street, thereon ere. t ed a two story tranie house, ttable and other outbuilding! Seirted, taken in exe cution alid to be sold as the property ot Patrick Uoraiati ALSO. No. 1X All that certain lot of ground -■lUat- IU the twtl ! Aar.-t.sburg. iltili" township, Centre county, Penna, bounded and described a- follows : rtelng part ol lot No. A. b>utidcd on tbe south by Aar. r >.) .are. on the east b* Rachels wav, on the north by Straw Berry alley, and "H the w.*l by part ot the satue lot, thereon erected a ia'ge two story hotel I a' riage h< .itra Berry alley, gnd on tbe west by lot N ->'"n .reded a store house •nail dwelling bouse and other out build tllbc ** A• . All that certain tract of limber land sit uate in Haines township. Centre county. Fentia. bounded and described as follows Beginning at a atone thence by land lorm , r.v owned by widow .--buyer, south east • per 1° stone, thence by land of John Hupp, north 7_ ea.t 7H perches to -tone, theme by land of Wm llarter. north l'.c west b'J perches to stones, thence by land ol Henry Vonada. .eulb 614 J we-t p.*i to tbe place of beginning containing3l acres and 14d perches Also. .V. lb.- right, title and iniero-i of 1 L) B.'Ver in and to all that certain tract of timber and situate in the township of Haines, Centre county, Penna. bounded • n the west by land of Michael Uarper, ..n the north unknown,on the ea-l by land ~t Kobt. Woll and Kobt Hesterman, and , n the south by land of Daniel Deary and [other* containing about !Ui acres be the utus tu.'ts ur ir. N " bui.ditig* Neiied. taken in execution and to be 10.d as thr property ol I. D. Buyer. ALBO. No 'Ji All thai certain tract or piece • f land situate 111 Miles township. Centre county, Fa., bounded and de-cribed as toilows. to wit: beginning at a * on* . ,lUence bv land of said Hishel south tt~ . a-t perches to a post, north 70i east 16 'J 10 p.-rcn. to stone* ; thence by land i..| John W >noll, *■ rth "J4 west per [che to post; lhum • by land of said Btrob heck-r -..uih 7.'. we: ;r.'J perches to stor.e, •outh k'-i ea-t 60 perch.--; tbenee by and juf Andrew Inane I south 7 east 7 perches to stone* ; and thence by land of Oral/. :i Tin ~,Z' ea-t IJ perches to the place of beginning, containing -I acres 120 perches neat measure, it being the same premises I which C. 11 hlroheckcr, by indenture | bearing date tbe loth day of bebruary A 10 lor the consideration thermic < mentioned, did grant and confirm to Dan iiel llt-hel party hereto and his heirs and assigns forever No buildings .Seated, taken tn execution and to bo sold as the property of Daniel Kisbel. A LSD : All tho right, title and interest of tbe deC fendent in and to n eertain lot or piece ol ground situate in Centre llall. Centre county, bounded and described as follows to wit : On the south by Church street, 1 on the cast by lot of Samuel Farner, west by lot of Carrie Wolf and north by an al ley, containing about one fourth of an acre, tbeteon erected a new two story frame dwelling h. use and outbuildings. Seized, taken in execution and to be told, a- the properly of Win A Curry. Terms cash. No ded will ho acknowlt edge till the purchase money is paid in full JOHN SPANGLER, .Sheriff. 4 DM IN ISTB A TDK S N)TICE. - Letters of administration on the estate of John K Miller, late of Harris towns hip. 1 •lec'd. having been grunted to the under signed, all persona knowing themselves to be indebted to said decedent are requested 1 to make immediate paymert, and persons having claims against the etnlo will pre- . ent them authontiea ted for settlement O. W BP ANGLER, c, r ,nv tit Adin'r, de bonis non. fish baskets! lotioE Itv virtue and authority of the power* and duties in me v< -led bv tbn ll'.h Sec tion of act of assembly of 21th of May IH7I all fish ha-kets, eel wires, kiddles, brush or fascine nets or any other permanently set! means of taking fish i.i the nature of a 1 -ivo which are known to bo wasteful and; extravagant modes of fishing existing In j any of the streams within Centre county, are hereby declared common nuisance and are ordered to bo dismantled by tlieiri .•wners or manages so a to render them; no longer cap*bis of taking or injuring tho fish of tho streams of whatever kind; \ and if sueb fish baskets, eel wi'-rs, where, they now ent are not destroyed or dis J mantle I within ten day* after datn of thi'| notice I sh .11 proceed to remove and dis 1 mantle tho same a- directed by said 1 ltli actios of act of Mtb M-v 1871 , JOHN BPANOLIB, j oct. 27. 2t MherifT. j SlieritTsOißco Hellefonlo Pa. Oct 27,1879. •orBONNETS, TKIM M I NfDVviyn M ICS. MIC* IIEX**% CENTRE HALL, who has just received from Philadelphia' ill.. LATEST FASHIONS, and a com oleic clock "I now Bonnets, new Hals, ele- . gniit Trimmings, Ac., which will bo sold or mnde up, at reasonable prices. The now style- are very pretty. Lad ins call and see them early. First come, first served. 0 nov. 2'.| Sjirnio Mills Market. Wheal Vol tl 26 Wheal No 2 $1,20 Rye, 7tc. Corn, ears, per bu. new, .40c Oats, 30c. Buckwheat, 60c. Cloversood, §4 (10 to $5 00 Chop, per ton, $20.00. J Plaster, ground per ton, SIO.OO | Flour, per bbl SO.OO I Barley 60 to 70c. I Butter, 15c, Tallow, 6c. ILard, 6c. Ham, 12c. tihoultiers, 6c, ] J. NEWMAN, JR, ku W I KINO (UITIIIKII ANII MERCHANT TAILOII, =^|F X *In Soiling IIi Stock Of Handy Made Clothing AtCotodFi gM* > , I h Stork Of Ri-atly Made Clothing At Cott ad K ' l \ fflf 1 Selling Hi* Stock Of Heady Made Clothing At Coil and Freight# As ho u quilling Ilia Clothing Trade i< go Into tha Dry Good* Busina. This is no sham but*. square and bonosl transaction. \Wf J*r CLOTHING MADKTOOKDKK it V FUWT OLAIS TAILORB CHKA PER THAN ANY WHERE ELSE IN PENNHRLVANIA. V mvjr' ' .. , _ _ _ SPUING MILLS. Noticing an hem in your lat paper ogio it Pedro, staling that C. litre Co. ha •ml Ucv. Shoemaker to Kansas a* a mis sionary, ami nskwg soma otiier county t> end us one, Union Co. ent u* one la* i.bbatb to try and kiep up the Habball . h.Hil tbU Winter. UO gave US very ap propriate address. and urged Us to Weep up be school. Mr. Smut rd i* a food speak er and-i* jut tba man to Sill the mission* ty post, he doer not leave anything ub ! touched, ha visit* all all the families and urges ua them the duty that belongs to their everla-ling welfare We ured to have a Hihie fla*s and lev.-al pravei meetings through U>e week and on Sun J mv, tui n. 1 can't evn got up e pray er moiling on Sabbath eve, leaving alone any through the *o>eU , the devil n ems to have such a wv thai preaching seems to have no effect any more. Mr. Jimison is getting admiral, y w.iti hi. school Prof Wott has quite a large school and more coming. Mr. Wallace Duncan has g< 1 hotne again, he has been to the city to lav in a slock of goods. The new steam saw mill near Jab Me (.bad's is in full blast. Mr. W J. Aletahdcr and his '(rsu.' 1 on ICtb. netl. could celebrate tbeir silver wedding, that being '.be 'iitb anmver.ary of their marriage. C. I). F. MAKHILI). Uy C. E Haus, K*q . .Samuel Stvers, of Hartley iwp , and Mit Agnes llain.s, of Haines twp.. Centre co. On the 23d inst , at the residence of C L. Oram ley, Kehersburg, by Kev. Win. M Land is, Mr. I'rah Spang, r. of New ton Kansas, and Mi Henrietta o Ko lerman, of near Kebersburg May happi ness attend yoa and yours, Newton, but wbv didn l you tell us the liltio secret when with u* a few days before However, you did one gwod thing—subscribed for •be Karoaiaa. On '.>lh inst . by .1. H. Ueifsnyder, Esq , Mr. Geo. M Silvis, of Aaronsburg to Miss Kiuma A Willow, of MiHheim. ' 111 Ell. On the V?dtb ull., Johu Franklin, son of John and Mart Jane ltreon, aged 2 years, S months and 21 days. ♦ * • If You Want to be Strong, Healthy [ s>U .Uv.rous.lwSs * > - S.l . Hlllet W la. ..I Jroe So Iri. > >*** *d ade.u.le i4* oil ( m im ucvlnU aud * u. *i * usufi i luc I k*Ai •!**!• 1 IWuIBIU UM.lfaUd ul a rllcfed uri ry>'.Ui bfx'kwtt id®* b| !'• a*lar, V ; iau*ifw>l Uy lidticw, Ibf iwlAax! Aftd UtflUllltl VI gs .taliou H r#Liwd (• iSNICi i*lUi **4 i|i" N.hA l |1 ALdil" •* ls. . v® A*L >obf4iU|llM K I Ku ik#l Hiltvi W ,u uf Irul • * utr U t>* (**• 11 * mwlaA U Pitn-fle last* K F. Kttfab*!. Sxi 2** > Mtevt, I bll*4l bUUaI'R A4s fnw •*: 4 c*tl •(*;• vVuKMS MOKM3. VN Ull MS j f y K-.Ssl * Worn, rjtiwe a...r IsU. u. Ssslii Pla lusl. sa.l w t lr KueSsl. U at 1, „',. |U>,Mrwß eBo laasara. fro W rm la] la.. t.ours stir, auti IliO.ul o lea USUI ...a >U 1 sataa law. has If f s|-s W arras ba ratao* s j si. olbar worms ts. bs .as 111 Uaslrwja.l Jlrlrs si .1 i Q,a aaJ Iras IS* oWImI ... Isll atatLsr or j auS Iha 1.11101 h*s so.. 11. mssaJr sra djlhw Usl I, alii, aortas, sad d.< to I Saw* II I its sostno cramps Clto.lna sua .aw Mill, in Penn lowtifthip, on Fri lav November 21, 1879. at one o'clock P M . the foil, wing de scribed valuab e Real Ksiate vis No 1. All that Certain messunge and iract ef land situate in Pnn t-.wblp bounded b> lands of Christian Bame John Uutwei er John K gart and ..the' lands of the e-ta'.- of dr. rdent. containing J'J ACRES ar.d 1 : >T p. - hea up"" which i ere, led a-\ \N MILL A <.' TWO STIMULI) I>\N KLLING IIOUSK. a good BANK UAKN at. i SthW necetrary out huildingr. No V All that certain mestuage and TRACT OF TIMBER LAND situate in; Penn township at..rt-aid. Pounded b\ I lands of K ia Confer. George Peters John Swart/.. K C Campbell. I A Mi-ser an 1 Jacob tiepbarl containing At RES and t>3 perches. _ i No. 3 The undivided ono-sistb interest : in and to all that tnersuage and tract of land, bv tbe Mifft n county line, lands of. Henry Lingle, D. A Musserand landsur ' v eyed to ——containing W ACRES and 4V perches. This tract is well timber ' ed. • i At the same time and pUee, there will ( a'so be exposed to sale all tbat plantation , ■r tract of land, ift the same township. I, hounded by lands of Christain Baine, John I Iseighart sundry town lots ofMiilheim and turn lots of Aarotiftburg, containing 210 ; ACRES b the same uioro or les, upon i which is erected a two story log weather hoard dwelling house, a g.-od oank barn, corn crib, wood b-.use. an.' other necessary • outbuildings, TWOGOUI) ORCHARDS. ( lioth in bearing, the whole being well ( ! lenced and in a gtKid state of cultivation. Tehmb Sale tine third of purchase | money in hand upen confirmation of saie. lone third in one year, and one third m|| two years, the latter two payments to be with interest,and secured, by bond and i mortgage on the premises. , SAMUEL M. SWARTZ. • . nov. 3L Executor.® REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE i SALE.—The undersigned offer ai ' | private sale, a tract of land situated in the 1 Loop, in Potter twp.. containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, more or less, Fifty acres of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered j' There are on the premises a good !' K A M K HOUSE, a Log Barn, a SPRING Ol NEVER FAILING WATER. THREE ORCHARDS, and an excellent SITE FOR SAW MILL with good water pow er. 100 or 'JOO acre*, with improvements will be sold separate 'I desired Tbe balance, will be sold in timber lots of 20. 30, or Mfj i acres, or tbe whole tract will be sold to-j gather at a low price and on easy terras. For further information address, A - S. Kkiili.v, Lewtstown. Pa., or A. A. Kekuk, McAlevy's Fort. IV , 1-1 augUfj For the coming Fall and Winter TRADE WE ARE FULLY PREPARED. Now is the Time! Select Your Goods FROM FRESH, NEW STOCK. , GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS AND GAITERS I MADE TO ORDER A LARGE STOCK OF Sole Leather, Calf-Skins, Kips, ETC., ETC., At Bottom Prices. E. GRAHAM & SON. , Dec's Beliofofite,!' pi>ußT PROCLA M ATION. wiu> i|.. r>i*fiaa a ••, | a a 4 a a a a *r I XT If ? 4f * ¥7 Q lb* cv> u t f ( oiiia.'U I'iaai.lß IL iMb Judotai 1> . I I ,\ IC IC V I | k ] 1 A A M Ul.l . itaiaUAf lUta HMlßltMl('iitia llist-.u ai.-l MA jm. 11> MM* M AML • MM A Mm m i*n Ut, tti f lti tl<)uoi I I lAi.h at*d Oir ■iuao aid* J'llin IhVfoi, Aaaut ialatl Jnddiui r-uif oilul) , hal lU| tMUad litali dal b i l .lAf dir.! A , |#r> lo • .lira Jta-.l rr t.ol.llu* . _ % >Mnui.i|.rd j. 11 1 Mi. ISuccoaaor to T. A. Hicks at Bro.) HIuiUWtMMUIJIOI'H.. ll||*U.'l BI *U A. IX. SSftV M- *• VJ sad court at 1 t'lsiut,. I'lo.i m l- . ftt th rouHh # (DtuU*, and t c namti • a lb# A'L "* ,LRB WHOLESALE A RETAIL DEALER IF Ktl<*rtsiarutur*liMai<>ai'ulaltie • •atoaaft, J Hard ware. Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, &C, 1 ai.l (U| •MM b*ii rwanJi tttvj tUritlutt*. aumißa ilotti, aad than tu rvwitthianvM Ridoikaaa (bin** af|aallM>uJltt i. o|ultai.. t l ttWANHtta a|ailta! r-ajr AUo baa tli- ngs-nry of (lis* Nonlb Its-nd Chilled Plow for fhia count j."lid (ho |.iit.'unt (bat art or abail Wo u (bo Jail f < oolro cHUill. (•• theo and tfcorw lo proaocdlo Mlb( (bom aaa It all !• juat —■ -1 i n ™ ■ . ■ia MMaHßaMiaiaiiaaa> . 1 ilveit undai oaf h§iid,! RrllrfttaM !h SI >l| o' a j Ntrv lit ClO aai nf uur Ucd I*W. ai.J lu (Wo 111 '**' UJ *^ d, "jiHN I WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLS THEBAME QUALITY OF GOODS Grand Fall Opening At the BEEHIVE ONE PRICE DRY G0()1)S EXCLUSIVE STORE. I wish to inform the public that I have just received ao immense Stock of Goods ALL NEW! ALL NEW! And I am bettor prepared to furnish you with all youi wants in ray line, having made it a study to buy jut nich goods as are wanted ; and, not withstanding the advance 00 all goods, lam still selling them at the lowest market prices. My business is founded on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM, which you will fiud in all cities, Square Dealing and Honesty. My stock is complete in all iu branches, consisting of DRESS GOODS and SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS and BLANKETS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, NOTIONS and TRIMMINGS, DOMESTICS. HOSIERY aud GLOVES CORSETS, RIBBONS and TIES, ZEPHERS AND YARNS, CARPETS, &C„ AC., AC. All my goods are marked in plain figures. Hoping to receive an early call, I remain respectfully vours, My motto is. One Price, the very I jwest. and no misrepresentation. j H. BAULAND. Prepared Coke -FOB FAMILY USE. The Bellefonte & Snow Shoe R. R Co. having completed their Coke Breaker and Screen*, are now prepar ed to furnish all size* of Coke for Stores, Ranges aud Furnaces. PRICE, 13,00 per Tor. l 2000 Poundw. DANIEL RHODES. 'ioct Sm I**o - H. Rhule, a DCTIOS KKR —Potter. SiiOs Year* ip.ri*AC in olhcr |rt of the \ stale enable blm U> giararitee tti*_ utmost aU>t>cO"ii a. an Auiii .nwt Vendue cried al rea.nnab'e ch.irr*, A chare of, the public patronage kindly * just jt*eie4 tar taam, lor ll'Xßa uae ! I'^ZZro-t and Kmtl Kae.og, T, .. MNRniiiwir :t ny. ft ,IV I • WA fcn 1 Cent* I !'' page*. UKOWN. LuwaU, Kw. HENRY BOOZER, CENTRE II % 1.1., a*rr.rr*ra o* Saddles. Harn.. Bridlas. Collars, Whips, Fiyn.U, and also keeps on hand Cotton Net*. etc. Prices low a. any where else. All kind, of repairing done. The best .lock always kepi on hand All work war ranted. A chare of the public patronage; kindly solicited. |oct, if PENBI 0 N 8! procured for soldier, disabled in t". S ►ervice by reason* of wound, and other cause* All pennons dale back to day l of discharge. Pensions increased Address with .lamp, STODDART A C<> , No. VISE St N. Y. Washington, I). C 21 oct 41. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.— j Letters of administration on the estate | o( (ieorge Fousl, late ol Potter twp.ji dee'd. having boen granted to the under | signed, all person- knowing themselves t< be indebted to .aid decedent are requested i to make immediate payment, and persons \ having claim, against the estate will pre- i s,nl theua authenticated for settlement. JOHN D. DECKER, t'oct Ot Adm'r. JERRV MIILER BAKKKR and 11 in the base ment of the bank building. All work done' n fashionable style. 1 July A T C. DINGES' NEW STORK Y'ou can find all kinds of Groceries and I Canned Fruit* cheaper than any where else. lie also has on hand and is constant ly receiving Notions, Candies, in great variety, and Tobaccos of the best grades. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. lie deals in FLOUR. BRAN, STONE and EARTH EN CROCK*, Ac.. Ac. and takes all kindt of Country Produce in exchange. CALL AND GIVE HIM ATRIAL. C. IHNUKS. Centre Hall. J. ZELLER & SON. Min.GIM'S. No. 6 BrockcrhofT Row, Bellefonte Peun'a. Dewier* in DriiffN.l'lieiiiloitlM. Perfumery, FSASH j liouds Ae,. i Ac. I Pure Wines and Liquors for medic ' purposes always kept. mayHl CENTRE HALL llardtvnrt; Store. J.O. IIKININOKR. A new. complete Hardware Store ba tmen opened by the undersigned in Gen tre Hall, where be i* prepared to sell al Uindsot Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nails. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw*. Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Clothes itaeks. a full assort ment of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frames, Spokes, Fello •*. and Hubs, tabic Cutlery, Shovels, Spado* and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods. Oil* Tea Bolls, Carpenter Tools, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in the flnest*tyle. Anything not on band, ordered upon shortest notice. pV Remember, all goods offered cheap er than olaewhere. GREAT FALL —OP KN I \(i— AT W oil's St a 11 (I. THE DRY GCODS DEPARTMENT Exhibits an immense stock of DOM fTKS. DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS. NOTIONS LADIES' READY MADE SUITS. PARA SOLR. UMBRELLAS. KAN'CY GOODS. HATH, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOE", ETC., ETC. THE G ROC KR V DEPARTMENT I* filled with Choicest Teas. Hyrups. Dried Fruit. Canned Goods, Sugars, Cof* fee*. Pure Spice*. St It, Pork Provi sions. Wooden. Willow, Queen* and Glassware, Pish, Salt and everything usually found iu a first claw Grocery. ALSO HARDWARE. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS always ou hand. PRICES LOWER THAN EVER UnPC C ** cenU In nt-ntnr* or turrrttcj r nUnOL jM hum IHKSA II tmU Ail (lUeS h%nX&fii# engrDiAgt Al >vtaC JxMiooi AMUOISS] i; hick hnrww . a Uhla of dnm a Ur*r cwtlUrHua of vol QOni/ hTU rwctpew mlesfor telliogl 1 " of" L> UU f\ ~nfW . With t> en sr K*nd for a circular , ao#nlaoatN H J K—dali U I> . Kmbmr*t> FaiU. VI Imyi. Ayer's Sarsaparilla tFor Scrofula, nnd nil scrofulous diseases. Ery sipelas. Rose or St. An thony'- Fire, 11< upturn* and Eruptive diseases of the -kin. Flee rations of the Liver, Stomach, Kidnevs, Lungs. Pim ples. Pustules, I toils, Blotches. Tumors. Ti t _____ ter, Salt Rheum, Scald Ural, Ringworm, Ulcers, Soma, Blu urnaii-m, Neuralgia, Pain iu the Bones.Side and Head. Female Weak mm, Mi riUty, Leaoantaa. arising irom internal ulceration, ana uterine ii- ;w . v \ philitie and Mercurial dß ase-, I)i ipsv, Pvspepsia, Ktnacia ion. General" Debility, and for Puri \ ing tlie Blood. This Sarsaparilla is a rombinnt ion of etahle alteratives—Stillimiia.Mau ake.Yellow Ikn-k —with the lodides ! Potassium and Iron, and is the • i thenriou* medii ine yet known lor the diseases it is iiiteuded to cure. It- ingredients are so skilfully 'tnl itied that the full alterative ieel of each i assured, and while i- so mild a* to lie harmless even ehiUinn. it i- still m> effectual as ■ "urce out from the system those .purine- and corruptions which orlop into loathsome disease. Tii n putation it enjoy-is derived .mi its cures, and the coniidcuce m il prominent physicians nil over ■ eouutry rejMisc in it proves their .in rieiiee of its usefulness, i ertilicatos attesting its virtues ive neeuniuiated. and are con uitlv heing received, nnd as many lin -e eases are ptiHich know n. , furnish convincing evidence of .superiority of thi Ssnrsm imila r< .erv other aitersuive uieuh iuc. i _u.terally is its superiority to any tier medicine knowu that we need > no more ihan to a-sure the public i:v :iie in t qiiaiitii- it has ever . iosies-ed are strictly maintained. ! rnEPARKh is r | J. C. AYER fi CO.. Lowell, Mass., I'mctieal atul !•' ff'fol *• vLL> ILY ALI DTTUGUUTS KVEKWVLLL/F Inlr4a Hy •rndtu*36c*nt, with *. hUfht i tl UUgU color of *ye *od liair, you tri.' rvertTi. fnr b relnra nihil % ©or n* >our lu.ait* liuabaod or rif©, wlfil . YoiirwHf * n< * Address, W, TOX, o*7 ultonvllU, N Y AUA —H A K D W A RE!— WILSON, M'FARLANEd CO. NSW GOODS-.-FA NIC SSICSS. * H R tea o A * HTOVEK II EATERS HtM, EN V E 3DS32 Stock being entirely New. \y # nW r special Bargains in-ik; OiLSand rAHTB.It WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILMS. R'FAWLIXF. A 0., HUMJff BLOCK. BELLEFONTE. PINNA. Spring Mills 0. K! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! j *t I. J. Grenoble's Store 1 SPRING MILLS. ha th Lr(pKt stuck 1 SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than' • Ever, Anf MERINO UNDERWEARB, J For Lad tea, Genu, Roys, Misaee and' Children. Hosiery. Gloves, Boots and Shoes, ! HATS, CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the mod complete assortment of NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvania. and orice* tba wiltoomoel fou in e!f defence to buy o I jtim . Also Fih. Salt, etc. 18oci' A full line of Howe Sewing Machines 1 and Needles for all kiuds of machine* 1 Alo deal* in all kind* of Grain. Mar ket price paid for the tame. A specialty;, in CO A L by the car load. j] Jan. Harris Co.] NO. 5. BROCKERHOFF ROW. ' ,rl|, PA I °N TV OILS, ETC., JAN. HARRIS & CO. Bellefonle JOHN F POTTER, Attorneys! LAW. Collection* promptly made and spacia att* • i ion elvra to; hoar harln* lecie cr properti fut **le Will dr op and have acknowledged DOKI 4c Office In the diamond. north aide. o f j the raurt honae lUllefnota oottStttLf PENNSVALL Y BANKING C 3 UHNTHB HALL PA KEOIiIV i£ iJEP<>NITN ana allow Into,- et: Discount Notes; Buy and Nell Government Securities, Vi Gold and Coupm*. a H'll. Mo LF >Vw. 8 M I NOT,E re*'t ' adhiai Sr^wl3| ! N ILat ActsbUlie Saae Time oa I ftTHEUVER, Hv I TKE BOWELS, [} | | and the KIDNEYS, ty 'fe 7'. —-,t emea s-t!,a StonlrVu* M . ! M i * ' i- i-v !f tof U ™rl iOr*C ■ 1 i drnadfali:-toloUowwitfi >1 UMW SLFFERIUQ, U lUIIMMm, RfWtrk'. Ihijvpku, Ju- ■ | nJ N)| rKM- D Bry famplmiaU, Crwl, Diabetes, I MlamtltUtfrriw.Xlttytr ■ I ton l*rlM|r U ,11 hisiud •-**. ■lf u*daesSoeeSberaoe-ii, t.ixvt t pcteoaeS M J( wt b Uw haHnitat abtrald hut boes M I expelled aututiif. VI f KIDNEY-WORT U U Vfll rc!orrtl!twf>i( aaatlpattaa M 1 11 aad rilral U \V"ky be m fearful b>HO of iiw lnl VI I Ku-Tr- tToitT Will earn you. \rj apaci- U M agv at v co a...: bo tv if. fl Aut dry ff jtutX*rvm oo*4 oa d II Otoiarkirr I |4 rtioltiilu no Spirit, bring prepared >1 I ia per® tlrr. H J>*r JVarefrt* nC prill..!* roa, Imltt II VI apae tmn-.y IL f Kidnrv-Wort and Hop Biium for sala g by J I) Murray JJB.B.G. GUTKLIUS, Dentist, Millheim. Offers bI. profaaaloßalaarrtce.lo tbe public. Ha II I r,MI to perform alloperalioa, IB the denial pro- Halt now full/prepared to axtraet teeth a bar Intl. alt bout pala. , TOUN BLAIR LINK. *' Atlorney-at-Law, Office on Allegheny St., Bellefnnte, P*' V7 fob if Aft M I YEAR for honMt, int#!Mirent bulla Mi V. J *.°t 0 or NNBla Kvv huaUaen . liht work* I 1 /i. OoOniAYm AIeEVCV Mldlm, tr'-Wlnd. . In July int. Forks House! PERKY STOVER. HKOP'R. The Forks House, at Coburn station, i* new and commodious, and is kept in beat manner. Bed and board second to nona in the county Stabling for 30 horses. ' Asa summer resort it will be found all that could be desired, right in the heart of good fishing and hunting grounds, and surrounded by the most romantic scenery, lnoe y ft'