The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 30, 1879, Image 4

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r.ihlnn JIUM.
N'W round hat# ire of fttr heaver of
tin softest and tine#t kind.
The design# in new satin brocade* are
very large. Tlte larger the flower, the
more expensive the material.
Tlte drosses trimmed across the front
with narrow flounce# have appeared in
the patterns and are very ugly.
The new materials for combination
costumes have exactly the coloring and
designs seen on .Japanese
Shirring i* seen on nearly all the new
dfesses, on the waist and on the skirt,
an-l even on the sleeves sometimes.
Flounces are not so deep as formerly,
the fashion being to show part ol the
plain underskirt below the ovemkirt.
The wide white belt* have almost
vanished from street costumes. They
were ugly enough to be long rememlvred.
t novel absurdity is the hand-painted
lace that is seen In late importations. It
is in holh black and white web. and is
dolieatclv tinted by hand painting.
Oid-fohloned sateen is seen in many
of the latelv imported cs stume#; lutt it
will not And much lavor itcre as it
is neither very handsome nor durable.
Utt—ia leather In lts ornamented with
brocaded >i k. having Bilid silv< r clasp*,
art' the latist importation. Thcv are
# rtainly much prettier than the horse
at iicles worn this iasl summer.
The newest Itoak in the manufacture
ofattifteial flowers is the Introduction
of a few velvet leave* into large silk
Sometimes th-se leave* are id
the >arae eo'or as the other petals, and
sometimes they are iff a contrasting
Black cashmere costumes for common
wear will lie trimmed with eoiorvd
.ishmere this winter, or else with black
emb'aidery in openwork designs. The
utiderskirt will )*• composed of cashmere
only and the trimming will appear on
the polonaise.
\ clergyman, a few solemn w\>rds..
prayer, a blessing, and l>ehold h'Jshaad*
t!•„>>■> crowning joy* or fatal curses of
women, those potentates of the fair ones,
claiming #>>;ne ahs dute sway, others
wishing to gent v guide; those superior
lyings, charming addition to houses,
b#autitul adommeau of home* (when
not entited away by Mi#* TWv .')
hardy plant* that, if well cami lor. will
thrive tit any clime, provided the soil be
love, and though oftnues reputed to he
wild are sus<-epttble of kimln , ss and
*cidom att< mpt U> ess-at>' from the cages
of matrimony that are encirehxl by the
wires of affection.
Husbands have peculiarities to be
sure; little fault.#, though these little
faults are not always visible unless
viewed through the microscope ot <u*
picion. requiring the angi'ls of forbear
ance in the guise of wives to minister to
them. They possess sufficient vanity to
preserve their fttll state of mthuioc., are
wise diplomats in their families, usually
striving to maintain peace therein, wltile
sly they will be (if they can) and stories
tliey do tell (when they can.) Yet de
spite all. these creature* are. uianv of
litem, kind, devoted and tender sought
after and desired bv damsels (though
none #<> wonderful that feminine* need
pine for the lack of them)' beloved part
ners through earth'# piigriutage. serving
as br-vad wings ut iier whirl iui n<s
tie life's brood of troubles. Yes, surely
husiiands arc invaluable, if indeed there
he no mortgages of old loves attached to
them! tncl wis.-an* th-y who. being in
complete poss.-ssion of these dear mor
tals. seek to r. tain them by loving them,
cherishing them and forever twinkling
in their hearts as do the stars in the
firmament above. CvtiKlE lIiMtHH.
Importanre of Cleansing Bed# and
Two little children wen* almost simul
taneously attacked with canker rash in
its worst form. There had been no
cases in the vicinity for years, and they
had leen kept entirely at home for the
whole winter, so there was no possi
bility of their having taken tlte disease
from any outside exposure to contagion.
It was a mysterious Providence, the
clergyman said, when he was called to
perform the burial service. Afterward
it was ascertained that the mother had
bought a feather bed ola peddier a few
weeks before and used it on the trundle
bed for her litt e ones to make them a
c-mfortable nest for the cold weather.
Upon further investigation it was dis
covered that the peddler had nought it
at a hou.#> some twenty-fire miles away,
and that two children had been sick and
died of scar; ttina upon the same bed the
ye .r before. The led had been laid
away in an open chamber till the family
sold out their place to move away, and
they #oid the bed to a traveling pedder
for a trifling sum. thus distributing
sickness and death througti a distant
town, for the disease spread in every
direction and became a regu;.ar epi
demic. Had that )ml. immediately
after the death of the first children, been
washed thoroughly and soaked in water
with either a little carbolic acid or
spirits of ammonia added to it, and then
driei in the sun, it would have been safe
to he used by any ono; but, a it wa*.
it carried grief and desolation into many
households. Of course, it was not a pro
meditated wrong; it was a case of igno
rance or careiessness.
Diphtheria has been conveyed by use
ing beils in the same manner, and. if in
dividuals wouid only consider for a
minute how much suffering might he
proven*., d. they would be more carefui.
There is never an effect without a cause,
hut perhaps the cause may not be dis
covered tiii too late to prevent the evil.
It is very little labor to cleanse pillows
and bed*, if done in a proper manner,
and common sense will show that it is
advisable to have it done often, even if
no sick person has lain upon them. A
day's exposure to the hot sun—turning
over and shaking them up often—is a
great benefit, and makes them sweeter as
well as lighter. An occasional washing
is a sure purifW. Carbolic acid is a
powerful disinfectant, and it sweetens
beds which will accumulate a disagree
able odor if not thoroughly cleansed and
aired. Pillows can be washed without
ripping So that they will be delightfully
renovated. Uttscald ing suds in a wash
tub to soas thein well, and then pas*
through rinsing waters till the water is
not eo.ored at all. This is all that is re
quired unless they really smell badly.
In that case, either carbolic acid or
spirits of arumouia should be added to
the rins n water. Let them drain well
and then hang them where they will ge
air and sunshine.— Country Gentleman
United State* Pensions.
Since the passage of the arrears of
pensions act fifty* thousand rejected
(■(aims have been presented again to the
Commissioner of Pensions. These, with
the number of unsettled claim* no** be
fore the bureau, swell the total numlier
to more than one hundred and eighty
thousand. The number of claims re
ceived ea-h week since the passage of
the act referred to, average twenty-five
hundred, which is double the number
that the bureau can consider under its
present system of doing business. The
commissioner receives about twenty
two hundred letters daily from in
quiring pensioners, and rver twelve
hundred letters sent out daily in reply.
The pensioners now on the roll number
about ope hundred and thirty-five thou
sand, the list having been increased
more than ten thousand during the
year by the settlement of claims of pen
sions of the war of I&I2. Commissioner
Bentley has a plan to radically change
the pr.-Srnt system of paying pensions.
It is to divide the United States into di*
ricts, which shall be under the contro
of a commission consisting of a surgeon
and a skilled pension clerk, the duties
of whom shall lie to attend at the prin
cipal places in the district and hearevi
denceun application for pensions. An
ingenious system of blanks ha* been'sug
gested for communicating with the cen
tral office. The benefits of this plan
would be to subject old claims to a more
rigid "Nomination, and to protect the
govei itfliV-nt and the pension fund
agaim-i fraudulent and unmeritorious
claim-, and at the same time to greatly
reduce the of the payment of pen
sion- The first pension law of wnieh
there i any knowledge in England was
the a. t ol 1592, which authorised the
paynv nt of a weekly sum from every
parish for the relief of the sick, hurt or
maimed soildcrs or marines. Commis
sioner Bently goes back to the original
principle, and relegates the question of
the right to pensions to the people of the
parish. The witnesses should all be
neighbors of the claimants. — Steuben
rUlc (Ohio) Herald. *
N. R. G. are the most forcible letters
in the alphabet when combined thusly.
—New York News.
An Arkansas Kontanee.
Mr. .T. M. HalMtt, of Tike county,
gives u# the fact.# of a very interesting
"auld lang syne" affair, with a senti
mental terminus of recent date, .lust
about the time that war was declared
with Mexico, • young man named Henry
1-miring, and a voting ncigltltoring lady.
Mi## Vena Waldron, became engaged.
When the trumpet of war sounded,
young, fiery, impetuous Uniting, eon
eeiving it to be a dutv owisi to hiscoun
try. hade hi# atlianccd good-live. and bo
came a soldier. I'ltey were devoted to
each other, and when the young man
left the young lady vowed that site would
never marry if he did not return. After
the fall of the City of Mexico, a man
named Kaitdt Mitchell approached 1.-uir
ing and stated that he had left I'ike
county subst qttciit to I .miring'# depar
tutv, and that Miss Waldron had died a
few days In-ftuv his departure. The
young soldier was desperate, and when
the troop*, "came home with glad and
gallant tread," he vva# not with them
Having, in a moment, been transformed
front an ardent soldier t- a reckless man,
he left the army, and embarking went to
Cuba. Front there he went to Spain, to
Austria, Prussia and to France. When
the late Franco- Prussian wat broke out
he entered the French ranks, and at Met/
was almost fatally wounded. When he
recovered the war \ a# ov cr, and remain
ing in France Until theKu—ian war with
Turkey he repaired to Kuv-ia and ioine.l
the army though an old man With a
detachment ot troops, while attempting
to cross the Ibutuhc. he was shot through
the lung# For .1 long time he langui-hol
in a hospital and finally recovered. Al
ter the Mexican war, and when Ralph
Mitchell returrusl to Pike county, he
called on Miss Waldron, *y mpathetieally
toid her that her lover, Uiuring. wn*
dead, tliat he staved fro tt the cantp one
ttigltl vitii v* a# killed h* a Ivand of scouts
The giri fell speecltless to the floor.
When she regained oonselousmw* a high
fever sprang up. and for month# -he
losvil on a bed, earing nothing for her
surroundings, and dreading recovcty
worse titan death After a v :ong illness
site recovered. Mitchell, who was very
attentive to her in her sickness, called
frequently in health. One night Mitchell
told her of his devotion. "We have
known (welt other from ehildbHHl." lie
said; "we have lived a# neighbor#
You know me; my lather and mother.
I love vou witlt a i• jtlt only known to
a burning #oul. tN id you l< my wife;'
" Mr. Mitchell." the girl replied. " 1 re
spect you highly, but 1 aiu engaged to
another." "nut he is dead," "The en
gagement is uot It will bo consum
mated in heaven." "I# theie no ajqveal
front your decision P' "None." "llttn
1 will tantalise you the more. Insuring
is not dead. My love for you caused me
to deceive him. I told hint that you
were dead, and wit.: despair he left the
army. I did this through love." An
other long illness followed this. When
a strong constitution again came to the
res' ue ot a life, Mitchell had married a
neighboring girl. Years went on, as
years inevitably do. The girl's father
and mother sank beneath thee av. Toe
girl lived witlt her brother. The civil
war came ou. The girl'* brother'• chil
dren grew up and married. Not the
git l. tor she was advanced in years. In
a -mall house th< y lived. There a - cre
vines in the yard, and among them the
once beautilul woman sat and mused.
Summer and winter came and went.
Th* love-killed woman had read every
book in the neighborhood. Tlte biro#
sang, and the rabitt sprang from his
damn, snow-sprinkled bed. But old
songs and old memories still swept the
harp-strings of a heart once young and
anient. One evening last week Miss
Waldron sat Sin on g the vines in the
yard. Her brother was gone totbemjll.
An old man. with long beard and with
tottering walk, stopped at the gate and
asked if Mr. Waldron lived there. Miss
Waldron invited him in. Heapproached,
and when he had reached the vine
covered porch, sank down on a chair,
the one Miss Waldron had vacated, and
buried his face in his wrinkled hands.
"Old gentleman," Misa Waldron said,
"can Ido anything for you? You look
o weary." " That voice!" the man ex
claimed. " Vena, don't you know me"
lienry ':as—'• A shriek, and the old
man stooped and lifted the form ol an
old woman from the floor. When the
brother had returned a couple of old
lovers walked out into the beautiful
peace of night. Tlte party walked along
the ruad, each hand clasped within the
other. Opening a gate thev turned into
an inelosure. They stopped at a mound.
"Bend over. Ilenry. ami see if you can
read the inscription." Henry leaned
over, and straightened up, said . If is
the grave of Ralph Mitchell." In a lit -
tie tog church not lar away a pleased
minister pronounced Henry and Vena
man anil wife. N iture says that their
lives will continue hut a few years
longer; true sentiment say- the few
years wilt lie liappy ones.— Little Rock
.4 tiirl Tlirow 11 into a Hell.
Mr. Jacob Fike, a wealthy farmer,
lives on what is know as the Barker
farm. t< n miles north of Marietta. Ohio,
on the Ohio river. His house is a large
brick structure, well calculated toattrart
the attention of tramps and idler*. One
afternoon recently Mr. Fike and his
wife came to Marietta, leaving their
daughter Mary, aged sixteen, at home
alone, her two brothers being at work
in a distant field. About throe o'clock
P. M. Mis* Fike went to the well for a
bucket of water. Tim well i> under the
roof of a side porrli to the house, and
ustas the young lady stepped put of the
door two tramps accosted her and asked
her for something to eat.
She was alarmed at the rough manner
of the request, hut with great coolness
told them she had no time to wait on
them. She tlien proceeded to lower the
bucket into the well. One of the men
grasped the lady by the arm and in n
threatening manner said they would
have something to cat or she would suf
fer for it. Now thoroughly alarmed th
poor girl struggled to get free, but the
rascal said something to hi* confederate
and each one grasping her by an arm
and her dress, they crowded her through
the box of the well and down through
the opening into the darkness*, and then
fled with all haste.
In her extremity the victim grasped
the rope, and there lieing some tw< nty
five feet vet on the windlass, this ran
rapidly off and with a sudden jerk left
suspended twentv-tive p-et from the top
and thirtv-flve feet above the water.
The sudden jerk of the rope, while it al
most tore ,lie girl's arms off, probably
saved her life, for by some strange twist
it threw one or two coils of the rope
around her ankle, and this enabled her
to relieve the terrible strain on her arms
until she could tind a foothold in the
wall. In this terrible position the brave
giri stood for one hour and fifteen min
utes, not daring to cry out at first for
fear her would-be murderers would
know that she was still alive and finish
their fiendish work.
At last she heard the joyful sounds of
the harking of her favorite dog an he ac
companied her brothers home from the
field, and she e.* lied loudly for help.
After some little delay a rope was low
ered wi'h a noose knot, into which Miss
Fike willingly sank, and she was drawn
to the surface.
Tps and Down* in Life.
We have in our mind, says an ex
change, a brilliant and cultivated young
lawyer who started in life with twenty
thousand dollars and a refined, beautiful
and accomplished wife. He is now a
sort of tactotum in a carpet manufac
tory, running hither and thither at the
beck and call of those whom he secretly
despises, doing heavy tasks far beyond
his strength, yet eager and anxious to
please, lest the slender support which
Fie derives from his menial work be cut
off. We know a gentleman who was a
bank president ten years ago and owned
his carriage, who now dors copying in
an insurance office at thirty-five dollars
a montli, supporting —God knows how
—a wife ana five children on it. We
know of a gentleman who once held a
high office jn a Western State, who so
licited work at cleaning out offices and
building fires. Nor have the changed
times les* bitterly affected woman. Jen
in Collins, of Boston, famed for her
omployment bureau and workingmen's
heme, says in her last report "Many
kind ladies who hired their servants of j
me in the past years, have been obliged
toapp.v for employment themselves of
late. 1 sent a lady to a hotel —as a
iiousekeeper, and the most humiliating
part of it was. that her room was in the
attic with two of her former servants."
i We ar.e constantly learning of women ot
| education and refinement, formerly
wealthy, who are engaged as seams
tresses, nurses and housekeepers ; and in
one ease we even know of a lady, who
would be at home in any parlor in the
land among educated people, who
served as a cook in a hotel for months.
The BsaiMf Mw.
Children did you ever *top 10 eondder
the immense power JIOMWWHI by * hum
hie-bee? An Insect weighing n> more
than the eighth of on ounce i# capable
of "raising" a mnn weighing )Md pound*
fVoni a bench In the public park. and
then having lot# of lifting material left.
.lu#t stop and think of It' The •linger
of a lec i# iut near a* large o* llw
needle, but such i# the force lehind it it e.m '*• driven through heavy
pant* elath and into the flesh about *i\
teen fiH-t. If a man could wield a erow
itttr in couipitrlaiß lie could drive it
through sewn •aw-mlll* -it one htow
Nature could not give the lr t<i'th and
oltVlwHiMl -polling hi* hcaulv. and
to com)* lisate she gave him this slitig-i
as a weapon of attack and defence. It
the bee had no w apott, ant*. IteeUc* and
hug* wouhl ruff hint around a# they
phased. hut as it to lie is )* of the
walk, and won't lake a w-vd from any
• of litem.
The humble-lav i t naturally ol
quarrelsome disposition, but he can t •
sat down oil over half an hour without
feeling as if some one was doing liitu a
grrot wrong. If left to himself lie will
crawl up your coat sleeve, look around,
and craw! down and go about his busi
ness. hut it welcomed with a blow lv
tween tlte eves lie is going to be ri
ve igrd if it breaks a leg. Hejti variably
eloso hi* ev<"s when he stings, and you
have only to look a U-e square m the
face to discover w hett he i* fooling
around and when he means fourteen per
teen per annum
The hav field is a favorite resort of
the bumble-lvee. but you can fluit him
almost anywhere else it you try hard
Hav ing no pair of long hind legs, he can
not build bis nest in a marsh, like the
frog, and having no U-ak in which to
carry straws he <#nnot nest in a tree iikr
a bird, lie therefore takes to the grass,
and under the of an ohl stump, or
antiilst a pile of old rails. he rears his
genlie young and givt them printed in
structions as to the diffrrrare between
stinging six inch stovepipe <md runa
way bo vs. The knowleslgeof o • - (*■*•#
is wonderful. The* know where the
school-house is. I hoy know wl- —n
school is out Tltcy can sail miies
away fry>m home, get in their work en
a farmer's son weeding out corn, and re
turn home without missing a fence cot
tier or in need of an afternHn nap. As
a rule they are early risers. Barefooted
hovs driving up the cows at daylight
will tind the buiuhle l*-e out of bed and
quite ready to Ivgin the arduous laln-rs
of the day. Along aUut sundowt he
quits work, counts n-c# to sn- if the
family are all in and then stows himat .1
•way for a night of calttt and peaceful re
The legs of a buntble-We are very
crooked. This seems too at first,
but you will soon discover that nature
was level-headed, lli# leg# were thus
shaped to enable him to hang to the
brim of a tvoy's straw hat. \\ ere iti#
leg- straight lie could not walk a fence
rai in a nigh wind, nor could he turn
around alter rewriting the top of a mul
lein stock. The stripes on a bee look
tike a waste of material, but such i# not
the case. They furnish an extia cover
ing over his ribs to keep the frosty air
off. and tliey serve to stiffen his spinal
column in his flight.# through the air.
A humble-bee can fly at the rate of
twenty miles an lu ur, if he wants to,
but there is no cause for hitu to fly any
faster than a l>oy can run. He some
times lives to be three years old, and is
sometimes stricken down before lie lias
traveled at all. His life is a precarious
one. He may run a deacon out of a hav
field to-day. and be the big iwe of the
nest, and to-morrow a country school
ma'am may knock his head off with her
umbrella. Nothing in natural history
weighs more for hi# *ile than the les-.
and nothing in science works, easier
without cog-wheels or rubber rollers,
tlian iti# stinger. It is always ready,
never out of repair, and satisfaction (to
tlte bee) is guaranteed in every ease.—
iMroit ?Vv< /Vr.s.
Wonder* of >e* /.r*land.
A correspondent, writing from
Auckland. New /--aland, say# ;
)Vc fiave hulling springs, or "gey
sers," which, if once #een. the gevsers of
Iceland will ever after #e--nt like the
ebullition* of a retractorT teapot; anil
vast springs of oil anil asphaituui. or
ta- . more extensive than any other* in
the world. Tree* are here more gigantic
than those otCalifornia. Ail this, added
to a glorious semi-tropical climate, wide
stretches of amazingly fertile soil, vast
herd* of cattle, sheep and bom-*, grazing
the entire year on the nutritious English
gra.*s-s; lovely cities springing up around
the picturesque harbors; mountain* of
ore of every precious and u-cfu! metal;
more coal than <ir-*t Britain, with tin
most perfect < t free governments, it
would sis-m that there is nothing more
to le wished for.
It I could only picture to you the
wonder* of thisstrange country it would
seem like a tale of fairy land. There is
no native tn-<- or shruh in all these
islands that is n>t an evirgreen. stiii
there are none of our evergreens of
America, no cedar* or pint** or spruce,
no ttiapie* or lieechc* or hirchcs: but
the hoys must not rejoice over the ab
sence of the latter as we have trees pro
ducing thecutest little switches ever you
saw, and not so merciful a* the pro
verbial birch as it is alm<>• impossible
to break them. One leels at first as it
in the moon or some remote planet on
the first walk out to look at the nature
of New Zealand.
There is an endless variety of trees
and plants :uid flowers, but not one that
you ever saw or even heard of la-fore,
with name* :ind forms most queer and
grotesque. Th're are no snakes or rep
tiles o! any kind, and none of the insect*
tliat I ever saw before; there are no
wild animals except a little rat (it might
he called a large wood mouse). No fowl
iarg'-r than a wood lien, and all the birds
are entirely new to me. I will not men
tion tile nam- * this time, but shall go
into natural history at some future time.
The Britisli settlers are introducing
all tlie* wild and domestic annuals of
Europe ami America, and without ex
ception they all thrive. In a few year*
we may expect to see the forest stocked
with all the game of other countries,
with none of the dangerous or trouble-
Some animals, reptiles or insect*.
I saw a number of men digging in a
liarren spot of ground a few days since,
and, on investigating, I found that they
were digging for " kauri gun," which
is found several feet below the surface
in large masses more than a man could
lift. The substance looked (when broken
ofn a little like resin, and how it catue
buried in the earth wa*a mystery tome,
but my companion, who is a young lady.
" to the manner born." told me all about
it. Ages ago this barren land was cov
ered with kauri trees, and a kind of
borer attacked the roots of the trees,
making incisions through which the
gum exuded (as the turpentine does
from the pine tree), and it foreed its
way into cavities formed by insects or
Fmall animals in the soil and there be
< a tie hard; the trees died, and the
pecies is nearly extinct at present.
Where these kauri forests stood the land
I,- -ame barren, and no other trees grow;
so now. after a thousand years or more,
the emigrants make a good living dig
ging tlii* wonderful kauri gum; its al
most indestructible rhnracter makes It
exceedingly valuable.
Grapevines in I'ots.
Speaking on the culture of grapevines
in pots as practiced in England and
other European countries, the Rural
New Yorker saya: "In this country
grape culture in pots ia still in its in
fancy; but as a healthy, well-trained
plant is a combination of both the orna
mental and the useful, anybody who has
the requisite facilities will he well repaid
for the extra trouble this culture may
occasion. The plants can he most easily
grown from cuttings or single buds,
winch should be set in small pots in
March, and if placed in a green-house or
hot-bed and given proper attention,
nearly all will take root. Larger pots
should be given as the growth of the
plants may require. Well-grown speci
mens may bear fruit the second year.
The vines can also bcEraiscdJfrom seeds,
and thus, perhaps, give rise to new and
valuable varieties. The present is a
good time to plant seeds of grapes for
cultivation in pots. If planted as soon
as taken from the grapes, many will
germinate in three or four weeks. Sow
the seeds in boxes, and.of the young
plar ts select only the strongest, which
should be transferred to small pots, and
trained to a stake By pinching back,
careful training, and repotting into
larger pots and richer soil, when neces
sary. we may in three years be rewarded
by a beautiful plant loaded with fruit."
Scarcely has the warm breath ol summer
died away, whou cough* and colds, those avant
couriers ol dangerous disease, show them
selves. Or. Bull's Cough Byrup always cure
them, and most quickly too.
IT licit II ililii-'Kinin wlirurr llrilt.ll,
Mitine waa ao called a* early a* tfW.'l.
trom Ma inc. In Franco, of which 11*i
' rietta Mi uia, Queen oi Knglnnd, w at
that t.'tn ' proprietor. Popular name,
the l.ut ! >t -or or Vine 'IVw Mtate
New 11 ampahire waa the name given
to tite territory conveyetl by the
riymotit'lt I'otupanv to Onptain John
Mason. !)' patent, Nov. 7, lthW, with
ret, rcncc 1 1 the patentee, who was (inv
entor of Portsmouth, in llistmiahire,
F.ngland. Popular name, the t,ranite
Vermont won no nailed t.\ UwinkiKs
itaitl.v in t heir declaration of Independ
ence, Jan. Id, 1777, from the French Pint J
m.m.'. the green mountain*. Popular
name, the t ireen Mountain State.
Mmvttchu ectt* wax so called from
Ma.v-acbu*, tt bay, and that Iron) the
Ma*inohuaci ..* trilw of Indiana, in tire
iieighltoriuaM I ot I ton I on. The triiie ia
lluiugbl to * inve derived lu name Anui
the nine 111 >1 Mlm. "1 have
J learnt, ' waid 1 togei Wllliniu* "that tile
Ma—a, hll*ctt were mii railed from the
M!ue lltlia." Popular name, the Hay
Ktiode Islam I wa* no called in intij, in
retcii nee to tie' bi' nd of Kltodes, in the
Mediterranean. Popular liiuue, Mule
lainuivtiinit wa* *o called from the
Imlian name of Its principal river. C'uii
ne, tii ut is a MiM'heakannew word, sig
nifying Ion:; river. Popular nauie, the
Nutme or Kn— Stone State.
New York wus so called iu Itkil, in
reference to llie ltukc oi York and Al
{ iiauy. to whom i. us territory was granted
by tin' King of ling land. Popular name,
t ,'ie Umpire or Lxi elsior Nlale.
New Jersey was so ealiest m, from
th* Island of Jersey, on the coast of
t'n Jiiv. tUe resideoiw of Sir (onrge Car whom the territory was granted.
Pi'iinsvlvanta \vn* so called in 10H1 a
aftet Wil'iain Penu. Popular uame, the
Kevsi one State.
Ihuiworc was so called in l7tC!. iroiu
Delaware l\, on which it lies, and
which re, iv,t its name trom de
ki War.*, w bodi ,1 ill tin- liny. Popular
name, lln Ibiie Hen or Diamond St it,
Marylitfxl was, in honor ot Hen
rietta M sia, nuis-n of Charles I , in hi
ywient to l.orit Haitituorv, June 30, IU3*J.
tfirgiah w*:c> so cn.liil in 1 Set. after
K!)*i tli, the \ irgin n'u<-< n of Knglaud.
Popntar naiue, ihe (ild ltomiuioii or
Motfvr of 1 'resident*.
Carnttsa waa so called by the Kreuch
in I'kil in h. 'not ot King Charles IX ,of
France. Popular name ut Soutli Caro
lina, th* Tain leito Stat,-; of North Caro
lina, the t 'id North or Turpentine Suite.
(■eorgia was so called in 173 d, in honor
of King f bs>rjit U
A .aliaiiia \sv so cnllisl in IHI4, from
it principal r: or, meaning " lt*re we
► roat."
Mississippi wm' so called in INOO, frutu
its western tmui *dary. Mississippi is
said to denote (lie whole river, i. <*., the
ritir torms-il by the union of many,
l'odular name, the liavou *■*: ate.
Louisiana w.v so ealieil 111 honor of
l*>uis XIV .of France. Popular name,
the Cn < a* State.
Tenness.e wa* so i alhal in 17i#i, from
it principal river. Tiie word Tcn-aa-ne
is said to signify a car val spoon. Pop
ular name, the llig lb n 1 State.
Kentucky was so called in I7v.', from
it* principal river Popular name, the
Slit of ti." Dork and i.hoody f>round,
Illinois was so called ll< I.NSJ, from it*
principal riv,r ihe won! i said to
signify "the river of men." Popular
nniuc, the Su k r or Prairie <tat<-.
Indiana was so calbsf in from the
American Indians. Ppular name, the
Hoosier Stale.
dtdhio wa -o called in IHW. from it*
Mcvniug i>f tie- Indian word ttliio,
•• te-nulllul."
Missouri wa* -o ealloil in la*j|, from
its principal river. Indiiui name, mean
ing "muddy water."
Michigan wa* o called in WCi. from
the lake on it* border. Indian naiue,
meaning "a wi-r for tish. ' l'opuiai
name, the Wolverine State.
Arkansas was s,i called in 18Id, from
it* principal river. Indian name. Pop
ular name, tie Hear State.
Florida was so railed by Juan Ponce
de lasm in 157*3. liecaus, it was discov
er, si on KasterSunday. Spanish, /Hrna
Wisconsin wa*ealiisl frotn it* itrin
eipal riv-r. Indian name, mi-aning
i " wild rushing river."
lowa ww s, called Iron) ils Principal
river. Indian name, meaning "the sleepy
one*." Popular name. Hawkeyc State.
Minnesota i* also an Indian word,
BMmlßg " the whitish water '
California, a Spanish word, and named
Irxuu an arm of tin* Pacific oa-;in. Pop
ular name, the tiolden Stale.
Tftas, a "sp.inisti word, applied to the
republic. Popular mune. tin* I*>ne Star
• Stnt
K uiisav i* an Indian name, meaning
" the *moky water.*'
West Virginia: *o calied after X ir
Nevada is n Spanish word, meaning
| ** white with snow."
Jokes from Ilarper'* "Drawer."
This shocking specimen of diacour
twy occurred recently in North Adam*,
one of the ailing manufacturing towns
in Mas*a-husett*. A colporteur entered
one of the manufactories, and askd the
gv*nth*man who seemed to be the bead
man of the concern, " May I leave sonic
"Certainly." replied the old gentle -
' man; "but please to leave them with
the heels toward the door."
The Drawer has the honor to present
' to the lovers of evevsaive humor the fol
low ing. which is the t went y-tirst anecd->tc
in Tavlor's It'll <m<l M\rth. cditcil by
Mr. W.Ciirew llaxiitt:
A country fellow, who had not
walked much in street.* that were paved,
itune to London, where a dog came sud
denly out of a hou**, and furiously ran
out at him. The fellow stooped to take
Up a stone to cast at t''c dog, and find
ing them all fast rammed or pavl in the
ground, quoth ho: "What a BtlllH
country am I in. where the people tie
up the stones and let the dog loose!"
This t .mi'* to us its a fresli nnrcdotn
of Father Taylor, the famous sailor
pr<xuliT of lloston. At one of his
|.rayir-mo<tinsp an opulent nicrvliant
innif into honor themwting. He spoke
n few words evtoliitiji tiie kindness of
th* Boeton people in aiding Mr. Taylor
to liuiid his < lu*pel. and their considera
tion of poor sailors. As msm as the
great man had finished, Faylot
quietly asked: "I# there any other old
sinner from Uj> town who would like to
say a word before we go on with the
meeting?" So other old sinner re
The following pi want thing in the
way of definition occurred a few days
since in one of the public schools of a
city in Massachusetts. A member of
the committee, Captain • W:l * visit
ing the school, ami the class having
read from Webster's address at Ply
mouth, the captain asked the class,
" Who was Wefmter?" •
One hoy said " a statesman.' another
" an orator." ...
•• Hut what is a statesman? asked the
" A man who goes around making
speeches," answered a boy.
"Thai is not quite right." replied the
captain; " I go around sometime* mak
ing speeches, hut I am not a statesman."
A bright little fellow spoke up: "I
know, it is a man who oes around
making g'*>d speeches."
Hidden Hurts.
Mnnv a bfthcgeUi a wrench from lov
ing hands that might account tor the
(Hidden attack of spasms the day after,
or for hours of fretfulnoss that no coax
ing seems to soothe and no medicine ap
pears to reach. Kalis from little per
ambulators while in charge of nurses,
though they leave no outward and visi
ble sign in the shape of cuts or bruises,
may have inflicted something worse by
far than cuts or bruises would have
proven to he. Cases have occurred fre
quently where infants have halt falls of
which nurses have not told, and no
marks from which were visible to the
eye, hut which made the child unaccount
ably fretful tor weeks, until curvature
of tho spine told its frightful story. For
this reason mothers cannot be too care
ful in handling their little ones and look
ing after them personally, rather than
trusting so itiuch to hired nurses. _ A
chihl is a tender thing, and a hurt which
leaves no surface scar may have laid the
foundation of an early death or future
One hundred and thirty persons are
employed at Vassar College, Pough
keepsie, N. Y., to wait on the girls and
attend to the estate.
Eastern and Middle States.
Hnry 1.. liunn m *rr**tl in Hostim for
Having murdered til* lathai In llridgowalor.
Mn# last month, and eouleaaod the crime,
llii mid that TIL* father had scolded IIIHI mid
then knocked him down, and tlial. I wing wild
wuli iwge, lie had procured a liutchet uu<l
killed the old man.
Ctuiaidciahla damage lm* Iwti ih*c by
bileal (Ilea in Western Ma**ni liiiwlt* and
New Hauqiahire.
Hie rowing match I pel WWII Haitian nnd
Umrt—y, a lake Chautauqua, N. V., lor a
|>uie ot ytiiMNi, tunied out a dreary lane,
although lb* money we* won by Haitian
b lei) tiling promised well lot a KMIII ntc* lie
I ween the Iwo*, and thousand* had
gathered at the ecu i*a Uletu row; hut
on the night previous to the two aowe one
watered Courtney'# boat-hot lae and wwnl
through hi* two boat*. Mr. lllnikie, the let
etee. called ti|H>n Courtney to tow in 111.
ttaoitu's Iml ih In pitta ot luutlau Ixiala, but
tin* Courtney retuaeil to ilo, eu<t wante<l the
luce |Mlixiiin<l. \\ lion the time tor the iwce
• i lit CM! llniilan lowed otet th* cxHltwe nloue,
making the Itte milt-* in thirty three minute*
ami lUtv-ait second*— which I* tile liesl Uine
on it. IN.I i'ourtney made n King •.IIIPIIIIMII,
111 which he (*) ■ lie would stoke hi* llie that
none ot hi* men uwnl the Diets, end ctuuge*
Haliteus hacker* with *lleiu|iliug to In.line
hiiu (Courtney ) to oell out the rone, oltormg
hilu the lull amount i 4 the priae aiul a division
ul the pool motley it he would agree to let
Haitian win. Alter that propuaitiua wa made,
Cwurtuev MVI. he wiu approached by two
othri men, who ottered hliu g 10,000 or one
hall the | u.'oeda of the pool* to loae the rare,
to which he replied there wits tint eiumgh
motley in Aiuenru to get htm to lo*e llie rai-e
II he could win. Wuiil 1 (anion larlivi, ih>-
nie* Courtney* cluuges, and writa that
Courtney twrk" had mild that it lie (Cotirt
uey I mn not ailoweil to win the rare he
would play sick or hi oak In* lu*U.
l'he cremation u| the remain* ol the late
Dr le Moyttr ha* Ixi u *iaco**luUy aecum
pluheit at WuahingUMi, t'a. At nine unlock
iu the morning the Irumils and telalive* ol the
deceased aaseiulilnt al his late rcatrtence. when
a iiuiubet oi selection* liom tin- 8 riplures
wire mwl, and apra>er wa* ottered by 1 >r.
Ibiys. The body wu then removed to a
hcaise. and imiuetiiately takeu to the cretua.
Tory, lollviweit by carriage* containing rela
tiv ca aud Ii mud*. All jmwoii* c v.-ejit lelalive*
and tliouc in cli.irgr >4 the luruace letiiaiueil
ou(aide the hull.ling. At hall-jutsl two the
l*>i!y an* pushed into the glowing lurnai-e
and the door* rluM-it. "wing to the lac I liiat
the Arc men weie tue VJOJI ience.l Iho bust wo* Iwlow a lint it *liotlld have law n,
nnd the cremation w is not oon.pleted until
alter four o olock ui the alter noun, at a In. h
time the telort was iltwnd up, to remain
i be<l for the nevt two .lav s. II Oou! enough
then It was to be ufomed and the ashen IMI ot
in an urn tliat aas provided by the family for
that par)wise.
Ju.ld Maun, the engineer, and Jaiue* Ale
tiuire, the flteuianul on expressUain that inn
into a tram at "ureouta, N. A'., were
Dllcd aud l*>th kMniahviia ba.ilv damaged.
William It Whittiugliam, 1) I) . I. L.D.,
''rvileslont Fj iis>|il la shop <4 Mai viand,
ue-1 at his *uuuurr rwiJom sin Hiange. N J.,
a few days since, agcJ Scveuly-lour years.
Hie dcwtructiun by (lie of u six-story brick
I uilding iu New York, used as a storehouse
lor grain, entailed a lows exceeding g 100,000.
Kiglity thousand t.i„ k liave limnil a testing
place ou the tolliin <4 the Hudson. lire
schooner t slskiil, containing that niiiount of
buck, was run into at night ofl Neabuig by
th* sleninrr St. John and sunk
The aasrinbjy r4 governors to arrange the
details <4 the centennial anniversary 4 the
surrender o4 the Kugiish army at Aorktown
a.ei lor organtjavliou in In !ej*-udcncc Hall.
FtuUdclptua. a few days ag>> (tuvrriior*
Andrews, ol Cdlintctictiij Holliilay, ol Vir
ginia, lloyt, ot Pannaylvaaia; him|won, id
Mtuilt Carolina; Jarvis, ut North Carolina;
Hail, nl Delaware; CaiToli, <4 Maryland, aud
i_, don el l.iuodn. re) ivwenUng tiover nur Tal
hut .4 Massachusetts.were present t.overnor
iii ibday was chosen president ol llie meeting,
and Colonel l.lltcoln. vw ictarv There w tis
• peaking h) Mayor Su Mey, liov-eraon Car
rvdl, lloyt, Holli'lny, Hall. Jarvia and Snu|w
on. A committee consisting <4 rioveruor
lloyt. -Simpson and Holiday rvjmrtrd re*o]u
tiona rotnu>etwliog the celebration and advus
ing the apjHuntUienl (4 a eointnittee ol ar
rangements. ol one from ench state, to Iw
until mat est by the governor Iheremd and to be
proai led over bv toireruor Holiiday.
llie eigbty-four hour walking match iu New
A ork. in which the contestants walked or ran
I.KlT teen hour* oach day lor six day*, wna
|wrl) attended. Fttrgendd oam# in fliat
with a wore of 3*7 unit* aiei took 014 prtxe
<4 *ji,'2vo; Colston tnarte 370 miles and won
SfiuO; Cnntp.-iim, jH inilew. ftufl; Vint, 340
tmlua. s3oo. and W'alxua 313 miic*. $"100.
At Saratoga, N A" . the snx.D.! trial of .1 case
Hidings, rliargni witii mnrdenug bis wila. was
p<*stponcd b; mutuaJ consent until the Brat
i ivelay in Januar) , ISM). Hillings w a
admitted to Isul 111 the sum nl JJO.OW.
James 11. ltiley. <4 wariitoga. dele ted Wal
lace l;.w*. ol St John. N 11 , in a three tiule
•raltlrg nice at Nurw* h. Conn.
the Hern art* Soul hare SUtec
l"-e state eiectmtx* in Ohio and lowa hwe
resulte.l in the SOOT rise t4 Ihe lb-pubiicau i-an
didates. In Ohio Foster s majority lor tiov
ernor is ralimalcvl (O be bet wecu 14.000 an 1
20.000. and in lowa t ■ c-vr is re-elcc'.cd lov
artwir by alwHit 0 (XX) manly In "hio tin
llefwiblkcans will have a legislative major.ty
of alwuif thirteen on joint 1011.4. winch assures
the election <4 S ItepuUimui to
Senator lliurnian.
Near Mendocino. Col., a shorifTa (w*e in
aenrxb ol eatllc thievn# were flrvnt on Irom a
bush by outlaw*. Thotna* Kollard was kdb-d.
Yoiuntrwr Wright totally injured and others
aligh'Jy wounded
A disjwtch trom --ilver t :ty. New Mexico,
anya that the Indians have I wen committing
terrible depredation* m the Kioiiranit* trailey.
The h<wtrl<-* liave l>een killing the whito*
right and left. The town ol Colorado wn. Iw
siege !by Indiana for wvend daya. A volun
teer cvmipnny ol thirty- men, under 'aptnin t
Crouch, went turn Me-iID and Cruicaa to it*
aid. They met 100 Indiana near Colorado,
eighteen tubes from Slocum'* tntich, on Ihe
aide c 4 the rat. Alter a oevere right Ihe
volunteer* were rOtnjwlM to fall Wh. The
Indiana enjdurevl one trsvin in which were
eleven men. one woman an.) a child, who
were all killed- Che whole number of w hitoa
killed in lout or five .lav* reo. bed an uggn-gaie
of alx.ut forty.
f jenrral Merritt's troo|w oje-rating ngouiat
the Colorado t'tea have l>een nnleic-l to return
to their proper elation*, leaving at the White
lliv rr * gcivry only a atifllcient i.nmlier of int-n
Ui guard the 'government property. This ac
tion wa* token to prevent th* troop* Imm be
ing snowed up in the heart o! the mountain*
A lorre w ill be ooncentrutcd at aotnc point in
the Southern t'te reecrvalien, to conduct
o|H>m!iotis ngaiust that tribe *bounl they toil to
deliver tip tiie individual* engaged in the kill
ing of Major Thorn burgh Kcgarding the
leeling among the |-eoplc of Colorado. Inajier
tor AV. J. Pollock telegraphs to the Commis
sioner of Indian Affair* from Denver, Col.,
as follows: "Th# Governor and leading citi
zen* here unanimously afllrm thai the Indiana
mnot tie removed from llu- '•tote, or exteitni
niitci! by the Stole ii not by Federal lotve.
Confldence. they say, can nevrr lx rattoiad,
and it it only a quoalion whether the result
•hall lie lit tinned at once or by alow iin.l tediou*
The ofllrtal icturn* ol the California election
ahow that the vote on Chinese emigration
was In tovor ol it, SH.'t, nnd against it,
Mnny rnl unhle blooded ho tees were burneil
to death ill a flre wltich deatn.ved a large ham
and outbuilding near Spring.lnle. Ohio.
( lark Smith, age fifty-five ymr*. an inmate
ol the jail at Cumberland, Md., while trying
4o awnllow a large piece ol meat at dinner
w a* choked to death.
On n rerrnt evening the new bridge ot the
Santlv Creek Valley railroad over Hig Walnut
creek, in Ohio, fell with n terrible crash into
the water. Kight workmen were on the
budge. I nt were only slightly injured.
ltev. Joseph Ferrnr. pnatnr ot a eoloie.l
Hipti-1 cinm h 111 Ki. bmoa I, \ a , dropped
dead ot heart diaeaae while officiating at a
A I'noknge of papers thnt hnd I men dropped
troin the lost tmlloon IVUhflndsr on the shores
of Michigan has been found at I-nkc
Station, Ind., n tew miles from Chicago. Th
pneksgw oontoined printed circular* with the
Inscription, "Thrown Irom Professor Wise•
t inns-coo litientol balloon Pathfinder." It is
now belieTO-l U> be certain that the air-ship,
with its two occupants, were lost in lake
William Hogg, one ol the oldest and most
highly respected eili* ns of Blnomington, 111.,
shot his dsughtcr Mary, aged eighteen, and
his son William, aged twelve. Then stepping
into the woodalied he put the pistol to his
own head and (bed. The lather and daughter
were totally wounded, hut the son is likely to
recover. Hogg WHS always considered eccen
tric, mid recently had lioen unfortunate in
business speculations.
From Wijhlngon.
A statement nl the operations ol he Patent
Office ihiring the last flsesl year shows that
iluring the twelve months ended June .10 Inst,
19,300 applications tor patents were received.
2.074 caveats w ere filed, 12,471 patents were
issued, and 1,M7 trade murks and labels regis
tered. There were 828 |nitcnt granted hut
withheld lor payment ol final li*. The total
receipts ol the office were 9703,146, Is-ing
9l. r ,4,495 in o.\eess o! it total expenditures.
General I rancis A. Walker, superintendent
ot the census, with a viow to securing greater
ancuracv and uniformity in the agricultural
statistics lor the tenth censes, lias lust issued
a circular setting tortli the aiiiisuml wishes of
the bureau with regard to the method ol
arranging such statistics, i'lie census enum
eration will begin .tune 1, 1880, and end on or
belore June 30, 1880, and nil persons engaged
in agriculture are desired to make notes from
: time to time of the quantities and values of
I their several crops gathered, and the number
| of acres of land planted, in order that the
*l*liurn(a, when diivls to I lis siiiiiiisrstors,
may lis of Uis higkssl possiMe vslus.
I'hs lorthooming snnnal rsport at the I*sy
i muiw-(liral of tlm Army lot 'Hs ttseai ysar
•.tilling June 30, H179, will say Hist tio ra
i iHUpI• i* tits I>opar)iiisiit wi>r g14,35a,000,
i ot wlilrb Miiimnt gt2.700.00l ware itibnr*ed.
yMOo.oiHi ItHve twwii daposttad, ami Hw hi-
Mice, #1 SjN.MH) ia on liamt.
Forslgs Newt-
At a oonlarsitoe <S ilelsgnte* rajirswltlU—
-140 IMS) minors, held in i.o*d*, Knglnnd, g
rnMilutlon a*|NV*IH*I tavuiingn imdonni emi
giulinn arliein* to lo*eii the
iiinong minor*.
i•en em 1 Itotiarta on entering ('ohul matte s
a|Mwit to the lollowiiig rftrl: It will l
111- rwil)' to Initial eeveie punialiiuenl llulld
ing* <4 Iho 11010 llimm and of tiie <*ily inter
lei lug with projior military oo'n| lotion will ho
'tootmyed. A Imavy One wil| lie lovie.l on
the citiseuk. A military governor will tw
! pl*e*,i over the cily Mid country within a
I ail lu* ul leu uille* All lb* inlininMul* under
hi* jurisdiction will l>e rnjuliod U> *urr*nder
their arm* witiiin s week on |in ol death tl
they 101 ltodo *o llcwool* will lie |*id lor
ihe daliuar latum ondoowrirtion ol any parson
conceited in the nuioaocie <4 the llritieh
Sir Hornet Wolseley, rotnuiouder-in-chinf
• 4 Ihe Kngluh toice* In South Allies devlaiwe
that the Ibiem uiuet *ubunt to Hritioh rule.
I'iie lbwir* hove adopted a teeoliiUon Ulat
nothing will *ati*ly tlirm Put iude|mmlauee.
Colli K. kcit, the oompoeer and conductor
ol the royal oiahootrw at Iterliu, i* dead.
A |<arty ol French agricultural*, numbertag
aevenly-nine man, women and childrwn. hava
lelt Havre lor Soulliampton on thsir way to
Four niviug land* ol armed N ihiliata, aggie
gating eighty }iei*on*. liave lieen eaplure.l in
a wooded dialra-t near Kieff. Ituaaia, alter a
eliarji re*iatancc.
A few nights ago a hurricane in aoutheatcrn
S|*uu wa* aoconi|*uiied by heavy mm*, which i
overfloweti the river* Mundo ud Scgura. and !
fliHhtail the jHipulou* and lertile eailey which
they water. The cltlee 4 t Inhuela. j
Mureta ami t'revillente, and a large number
ot vfllagn* between Mun ia, Altrante and t '+r- i
tagena, were mora or lee* injured, llie river*
uddenly I oee kevrral yard* during the night,
and the iuhahiUiuU were compeJlwl to fly with
out iug any property. "Ilie etream* were
Covered with wreck* <4 hnii tamaa, agra ul
tural luiplementa, duel cattle and amne human
oor|-MM 'Die churches and publie building*
act* occupied by thouaaiuts of lugtuve*. The
wiine storm alao |wrtiaily flooded Malaga, and .
iiitcurupte.l trlcgrwuh aad railway cotnuiuui
cation *> tar a* Ituelya and Seville. One hun
dred and nineteen cor j we* have lawn rec*v
eteii FOOT village* are 111 rutu* and thousand*
ol fiuiMUla ore wholly dmUtute.
l'he l uikish ministiy has retiguwd and a ,
new cal-met lias been linuel ot the tallowing
|*vshas Said, grand viaier; S*m, laiuiater
loreigti aflnim; Mahmoud Nedin. miaisUtr ot
the lutenor. Csiln, uuuuite.i ol cimmerve; j
Aarifl, pieaident of the council; Kdid, minister
4 finance; Djevdet. minuter id jiutk e, ami
Sou Idu \ akoiUs Sat vet, director-general <4 ra
lurm* end chief <4 m*|w-ctora wuli lh- riglil ot
cominuiuoßting ill recti)' with the Sultan
Mrso.w hile as in a letter from Cull
■taliUnople the Sultan remains *tu)4a>rniy <<p-
Iswell to SUI h rvdoniu a* would give Christians
the aaiua civil right* a* Mahometans enjoy.
"l"his u #<•! tlied to the teeclunga <4 the Koiail,
whirh the Sultan iniut, at hU peril. re*|iect.
An expbwiitn inn jiowder magazine at Cahu!
kiltoil twenty-aeven Kuglish aoidier* and man-
Afghan*. In llie atlai kon the Unl ah ramp
at All Kheyl lour thouaond Algliali* were
repulsed at the |Miil .4 the hayotiet. leav nig
ni the field forty killed and two hundred
wounded and two *latidaid* The HllUvh
| ursued them two mile*. The Hrd;h loaa
was two killid aud lourtren wounded- Tile
ramUnexl (mutter trihte are retreating.
Ameer A'akoob Khan lias nnnouncel his de
lenmuation to atsltoate.
More than one thousand prisons have pr
ishts), two thousand houses have been da
stroyed and dan age eieaading J6.000.000 has
been done by the Itouds in S|suu.
Lieutenant -Commander H 11 liornnge, of
the l T mte-l States navy, sends the following
di-iatrh by cable liotn Cairo, Kgypt, to the
New l ots H'urlti: •• I have teen presented
to his nighties*, the Khadiro. a* authorised
by the State Department of the f'ntted States,
to receive and remove to America the obelisk
of Alexandria known as I'leupetm Neelie.
which was preaeotesl to the city of New 1 iirk
through the Department Of State by his father,
the late Khedive, Ismail l*astia. Ilia highness
received me with great courtcay, expressed
hi pWsure at the acceptance of the gitt an !
lias authorised me to commence the work ot
temotral at once."
Sir Francos liitick*. one of the director* <4
the Moutreal Couaohi'-atcd Hank, ha- been
found guilty of the chatge "I making tulse re
turns to the government ruuceining the con
dition of that institution.
llerr Von lluiuw, the tiartuan secretary of
State lor lotv-igu afhtirs is dead.
The ex-Kin press Kugeaie will etnhark lot
iiouth Africa nevl February to pray on the
sjait in Zululeu-I where her son, the Prince
Imperial, was killed.
A IStis dispatch to the 1 /itnion Timn
plan# the damage done by the rt'ssls in Spain
aa lug ia> gIS.iMI.P 0. and says J.SOO houses
and I'iO mills were destroyed.
Arsenic In Denial Surgery.
Tlie dealh of Mr. tl.trdiner. of New
York, from the inlrodu- iim. by a den
tiat. of arwnlc combined with creosote,
into n hollow tootli to quiti an arliing
nerve, has rise to quite a ttunilwr
of communication* to tlie newspaper,
on Utt* <uue sutyect. Several dentist,
daactibe their ntotle of using arscniein
powder at tlie rate of frotu one-fortieth
to ono-eiglitieth of a grain, in **< like
that of Mr. f iardiner, and consider tlie
application not only innocuous, hut a
wonderful relief to the suffering. Hut
the danger of ttie application is adinit
tHi by at least one of tliern. who say* be
never uses it "but a* a last resort."
On the other baud, another ooriespon
dent writes to a New York paper that
lie nearly l<st liislife from sn application
of arsenic to the nerve cavity; tliat ne
crosis of the bone followed; that the
tissue* <>f the hone attcket were dc
stroyed .and that for two years he suffered
from arsenical poisoning. A writer in
the Hartford (Vtuntttf also the
i-iise of Mr. (iardiner is not the first of
the kind. A gentleman of JanesvilJe,
Wis., known to him. died from exactly
the same treatment. ft i* obvious
from the eases we liavc cited, as well as
from tlie admissions of reputable den
tists. that the administration of arsenic
to quiet or destroy the nerve of a tooth
is a perilous operation at the host, and
In careless hand* may entail the loss
oi life. Under these circumstances it is
questionable, whether the use of arsenic
in such eases ought not to lie prohibited
altogether.— lhiUinwrr Sim.
Average* of Crop*.
Tlie Dorvn Zriluny gives a tableol the
harvests of I*7B tuid 1879 throughout
Europe and America, the average being
represented by the number 100:
lorn. i*TS.
Austria-Hungary ....100 7H
tterranny ItM W
France W 78
Switzerland Nt 80
Italy 1<
England 105 TO
Russia 100 79
Roumanin 118 00
America. 110 1(8
Tlie United States, it appear*. alone
shows a good harvest in the two suc
cessive years; FYanee and Switzerland
show two successive bail ones, while
England has the nielanelioly honor of
producing the worst harvest in 1*79 of
ail the countries. America stands in
the proud position of being able to feed
tlie world. ______
A (Jueer Freak of Ihe Mind.
A curious instance of partial Kiss o
memory is mentioned in the French
papers. A painter, who was visiting a
friend at Seeauk. wna standing on a
balcony on the second floor when he
overbalanced himself and fell on tlie
ground lie low. Every one rushed down
stair*, expecting to hnd him dead; hut
he quickly picked himself up.and seemed
unhurt. When, however, he turned to
address his friends, he could not remem
ber their names. He had forgotten his
own. and. to his utter astonishment, he
also found that he could not recall a
single substantive. He can pronounce
one after the other tiie letter* of which
the name* of his wife nnd daughter are
composed, hut he is unable to unite them
into one worth
A woman in the almshouse at Dublin,
(Ja., who is sixty-five years old. pre
sents a remarkable condition, llerskull
1 tones for years have been gradually
gaping open both at the longitudinal and
the transverse sutures, leaving the brain
unprotected save by tlio skin of the head.
Hy placing the finger in the fissure the
throbbing of the brain may he plainly
felt. She keeps a handkerchief bound
tightly around her head, complaining
of great pain and dread that it will burst
open when the band is removed for a
short time. In spite of all this she is
very cheerful and active.
Propagating sponges by cutting the
live ones into small pieces, attaching
them to lumps of rock and sinking them
to preper depths in suitable places, is
proposed by Prof. Schmidt. He thinks
in three years they will be marketable
and yield a handsome profit-
" Hednrrd In ClmMMlMcw."
The front dor of a bualnro* office on
(irUwold Mreet #tood open yrateidny
IUIII seemed to invite •Hungers to enu<r,
and III* owner u therefore not sur
prised wlirn a man of dilapidated look
walkol in and look a ami. iVben naked
to elate lite errand lie hitched hU rliair a
little nearer and aeked :
" Are you willing to five me a bit of
" Well, I gueae po,** was the reply.
" You aee the caae ia tbia." continued
the man, hitching atill n*n?r. "Up U>
all month* ago 1 *aa rioh. Iy a writ*
of misfortune* I have loat every dollar.
What would you term such a fiaaeP
How would you refer to it?"
" Well, if It waa ma I ahould refer to It
oa ' HI) Into ui•fortune. ,,,
"That'a good, but very common.
KveryUnly baa misfortune*. and plenty
ot |ieople have had ltr mlafortunea I
wanted U> atrike something original."
"You might any you were down the
lianka," suggested the cillaen.
" Tliat'a old, too, and beeidea my wife
couldn't make u* of tl*> term. When a
I took agent called at my door ah#
couldn't aay abe waa unable to pur< ba
Ida work tieoauae we were ' down the
hank*.' No, no. We are on educated
foully, but awftil bard up at preaent."
"You might atate that 'owing to re
cent umtucceasfu) speculations,' and ao
" Ye*, hut that'* dreadful old. W
nil speculate, and we ail loe. Now
suppose that a big gun wa* coming to
my house to dinner? I make the best
spread I uui. I hnvr bread and water
and bread and pickled lieet* and knives
and forks and water and napkins and an
on, but yet 1 feci a bit cast down.Jaiid
a* we Mil down I rise and make ome
sort of apology to my friend. I don't
want to tell him the exact truth, and
yet I want to account for ao much water
and so little butter. Now, what would
you say under tlmse circumstances ?"
The clliseji leaned back, knit hi*
brows, and afier a minute replied:
" Well, I think I should any: ' Mr.
Filkins, you will please pardon the
meagerneaa of this spread, but our being
rctiueed in circumstances has neceaat !"
" 'Reduced in circumstances'—that's
what I want—that's the term I wa*
looking for!" shouted the stranger as he
jumped from his chair. *' Never mind,
Filkins—never mind the rest of the
speech! Reduced in circumstances is
what ail* mi- and I want to £t-l off at
grocers and tiook agent*. Hood-day,
good- bye!"— f'rte /Vts*.
lit 111*1 rtcl* I orntri l> Usvtgel
Hy lever and ague, iuiitmnity In an the ilreoiWd
rc a, rg* is enjoyed by tlmae who have rendered
tinar ■> -uuu* luaiona pruot with HuaUStor'a
1-Uimat b Hitters, the l<e*t preventive and
Itnuedy. fjuinine cannot eotntiarr with it in
efficacy, and is anything but sole Physician*
commend the Hitter* tor it* remedial and re
kuaci'jxting prufiertie*, and the closest analyai*
iwveal* nothing in the coinj-wiiiou of a dale
leritni* nature. If dona not deteriorate, i* an
agreeable cordial u* wall as a potent uMslicine,
aiut when mixed with bnsckish or uuwhuli*-
souie water neutnxlixn* ita burttul projierlio*.
'l'he denizen* of molarvm* loaalitir*. not only
iu the Coiled Males, bat the tropic*, regard u
as an invaluable protection, and in boat* <4
families, it i* kept constantly on hxivl Aa
the ude ot emigration spread* tart her west
ward the demand lor it among those cotn
imlled Hi encounter the vtciaattuda# ul climate
i-ouktaiitiy increaora.
The t'nile) Slain U(iitol at Washington,
lite Elevated lUilmad of N*
York, ami many of tlw largest and finest
strut-turns in this country are painted xrilh H.
W. John*' Asbestos Liquid Faints, which are
mpKllf taking the place <d all others lor the
iietirr rianw of dwellings, on tnmußl at their
•ulterior rrhnM ot color and durability,
loch render them the not beautiful aa well
ne the most ec-inomioal paints is the world.
Sample* of sixteen newer! shades lor dwell
ing* eenl free by tnaii. 11. W. Johns Mfg
Co., 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y-, are the sole man
IVrlecl purity u restored to the circulation,
when conuuuinali 1, tl Soovfll's lllood and
Liver t-ytwp i taken. Scrululous. syphilitic
and mer.-tuial disorders are i*n|>ietly vnn
.juulie! I V it. JX-iustete e in the una ot the
remedy being alone moulted to aorotn j8 MI a
cute. Eruptions of all kinds, sores, chronic
riteutealistn, gout, liver complaint and goitre
yield to IU tctitodial action. and it npt oulv
put-ifies the blood but vitalises the system.
Sold by all 'lnggists
Mayor IWtl'" IHanos sua Orfsaa.
Yout atiebtHWi ts called to the advssrtise
ment of Hon. iianiel K. licutly, of Washing-
Uw, Now Jersey. Mayor lieatty'a celelirated
I'tanas and • trgattsare so well known through
out the civtltnsi world lliat they rmjture no
word of couitr eodatsnn from us. Lowest
price#. >u|>erior workmanship and complete
-aiisiiM-tion have brought this house promi
nently lot-ward, until to-day he stands the
only man in the trade who dares to ship his
-nstruuii'tiUus test trial, and, if nnsilistartory,
refunds n< * only the price but all freight paid.
No fairer ofler can ever he made. or even sag
grated. His #ii# are now very large, and
wbru it is taken into connideral KlU that a lew
yesu* ago he was only a piaw plow-boy, it
must lie evident to every reader that Mayor
I Wat t y is the possessor of rare talent in his
Ilia Asbestos Hoofing (with white or light
gray llrtffwf coating) BOW in uar in all
I aria of the world, ia the only reliable
substitute lot Un. It ia adapted for sleep or
ttat roofs ia all ciimatea. It dots only half aa
much as tin. and can l applied by any one.
Samples and descriptive price lists free. H.
\V . Johns Mf'g Co.. 87 Maiden Lane, N. Y.
toughs and colila are <4ten overlooked. A
continuance lor any length of time causes
irritation of the lunga or some chronic throat
diM-jiM-, " Brown's Bronchial Troche* " are
MI iiffivliul cough remedy. W cte.
Among American manutacttire* to* have
done oor country u much owiil a# the Miew
Jk Hamlin Cabinet Organ*. which have bwn
acknowledged huat at ail great world'* exhibi
tion* fur many year*. See advertieement.
Walking madeeay with I.von'* Patent llael
Stiffener* They keep your hoot* and *hoe*
straight, and make them eav to your teet.
~ Jurtat for tearwtl.
By lending ihirty-tlve cent*, wit h age- height,
color ol eye* and hair, you will receive by re
turn mail a correct photograph o( your future
husband or wile, with name and dale at mar
riage. Addrea* W. Kox. F O. Drawer SI,
KultonTille, N. Y. _
Don't u*e any nut C- Uilbert Marches.
Chew Jackson's lteet Sweet NBVT lotacoo. j
llaaahtrr*, Wire* and Mother*.
n m tHni:>i !\N u*-
rure fVre> WrlT>-a rth a* Fallow of lb*
W. nO White*. I'hrooii luflAtnmatioo of Clcerauon of
the Wnmt-. Incidental Hemorrtiare m Fieodtns falofu .
{•oppress.-1 ant lrreguisr MenstruaUoo. Ac- An old and
rr UMe rnn-tr Send p Mta! cant fee a pamph <-t- with
IreatinotU cam* an I cemfl.wle* fmm "*n Md
patient*. U IIOWARTII A BAI l-AKB. t Tic*. V T.
ST.;.I t f a!; Druggist*->l-*' pet notiia
raw Toaa.
Bead Cattle—M"d . Natlr**, live wt._ O*S 4 0"
Chlms—Htate Milk OSstA 03 k
Sheep .................. "J** 6 *
CmbS <*V4 S
Hog*—Lire td P"*
Tirw*.l wva r+S*
riour- r.t. Wate, good to fancy... A ** at
Wcwtern. good to fancy A0 *
Wheat —No. J Bed 1l.A ] '•
White HUte 1 A* at 1 l
Hye-.-Waie *' d **
llarley—Two Rowed Rtale 1 10 *1 '
Corn—Cnr*dod Weaierti M1i0d.... Ml|tA AT
Houtlieru Yellow *Vd "
Oata—W hile HUM. . *1 '4 ti
Mn-d Western . 3* .4 t
liar—Betoll grades 10 <# AS
Straw-Ixwt Uye, per cwt <0 <4 t5
Hope—KUte, IK7O. '' H 37
Pork-Mesa t* (4 M
hard—City tlteara ' .
I'etrotemn--Crude OA <4l * Heßnrd 07 \
Wool —HUte and fonn. XX 36 (4 to
Butter—HtateCreamery............. f* SI
Dairy St id 7A
Western Creamery IA id 10
Factory I* At !•
Cheeae—SUte Factory C# >4 It
Rk'.ra* P*R4 It k
Western Factory loV><4 It
Kgr*—State and Peauaylvanla USA 30
flour- Peun. enoiee an.i tancy 1 7t <4 T 00
Wheal—Peon. Kcd 1 -*ke'' WH
Amber I IS".* 1 l*k
Rye—Ht at* A, 61
Oorn—State T.llow 'A (4 tl
Oata-Miaed SI iA Si
Butter—Creamery Kitra............ Si (A 16
Oh**ee-N*w Vork t'aotory tl (4 It
Petroleum —Crude.UA v (4hS"r ttottoed, 071*
Flour—CtlyQround, No. 1 Spring . 5 36 #
Wheal —Kcd Winter 1 15 at 1 17
Corn— New Weatern t' M t'
live— Rtale... S7 (4 S*
Barter -Two-Rowed State..... 75 vd 7A
Beef Cattle— Live weight Otktß MV
Hbeep..... At * nt>j
Hon* Mk<4 0t
Flour WiKoonaln and Minn. Pat.... •00 (4 B'o
Corn—Mixed and Yellow 5 id 53
(HU-Katra White 86 (4 40
Rye—State 87 (4 70
Wool—Washed, Combing h Detains., h A II
rnwaahed. " " SO ig 30
Beef Cattle—Ure weight 0t (4 05k
sheen ot><4 08¥
lamb* 061414 0t
Hog* PtHOA 08¥
for laidgpa, Chapter*,
CommandiTlea, man u far t-
Vnml by M. V. l.ill, ~ i <( Wum-
O. Send for Price
4wKnlghti Templar Uniforms a Specialty.
nnillll Habit 4. Skill lklaeaaca. Ttaou
11D111 Bfl Mads cured. Xoweat Price*. Do Dot fat
UllUm townte. Dr. Y B. Marah, QuWcy, Mick
Baby NtM.
Ws *rt> *o thnnkfu 1 to any Uurt our baby
vm permanently can*! of a dangwoo
and protracted Irregularity of the bowel*
by the uee of Hop Bitten by ita mother,
which at the aame time rntored her to
perfect health and *lmigtb.—Bsffoio
** Ik a farer tea Slek Friwf.
If you hare a friend suflVrin* from any
disorder of the Kidney* eend them a pack
age of Kidney-Wort, and yon will make
them happy. Ita great tonic power i*
especially directed to theae diaeaeee. and
It quickly relieyee the dletreae and mree
thediaeaae. Hare you tried HP
MEN s&*s^r%£S
UTAKTUU tSt.. ooVlSjLcN&r' *
niut ti mrr | f I
a|/| ee e tea tw I \ 6NKUI^/'
h a - wX|Hpeg^m^gHKPCT^^wT
yH Nti.K nv ALL nr.Ai.KMi*. ™
fto MXVjI or UOS6 Hint tWwK
CMcagt. FRWtt LUMICATM CO.. MewTerk
rinllM<tklWM4l * l
rusis inrrst msnts aa a suata* vow ee
Leading Markets
Of the World
■>/ • t< it i* nvaer w torn
OVER 80,000
■ •*t t4 !■ wM. Mew OMtMltHtMlif
ffutk Ul l/BWratPrkW.
Treasat SUwlI ilttm St litt
Celluloid Insoles,
rrWtH Ikt Doll mt lk IWI from WH u*
col* perfectly.
Beinj trm fhaa i f ml n Ulttm. at, U
w-n la a wal , fitunf aboe ell* perfect att
Try tMa owe ana yaw bo.; B> be wHhaal Oeß
. H< iihi ani.' i;n thru cual IB Itoctur-k hdia. '
ebt I J Kail <.-rve-ptaf prtcr JO ntb pßr pair.
tCW IU> St .00.
A Udy acret *ai led U Introduce tame fOud. le tfch
> icmr iVHbKMUcb liberal.
t < Haloid ihM Protector Co.,
T Uftvii r. , s 1 -
Kor linear of NM, kflil labor. t peat
peikollum iriPnTTim iEUY
l.tau . Medal If A\ B i Hi H • e *
-E ; * rloCiillilj
Thi. wooder-fal ..ikMiwr badkavMet* by pfcyui
-la-all ' ucl ji the wor d to be tbe brat reou-fl} dp
.werrad for the care ..f kfoatuli. Rum. Rtierrawtlttß
■>l t. IVamo.. POem. Catarrh, CMib'.atu *c l oruei
tual r\ <■ may try it. ;t la pni rp la IN od SA
, <ent h.r .1 tor bouaeboM oar ot.tata 11 loa J!
■ i-nre-n. an t yae w-.u Bud !t aoperltt to itiythtnr yua
, hate ra r" uaeil.
I'kM CUIo-HroM Cstahllahed IMS.
BioUw. TVwoka of WKtor. tea bow na
ftaibM rata Ud n iUoßt*' ar kg* ItoMa*
ion* tttt atatap.
ukomi K. unen,
t o Dir,m, Woikt—w. m ,
a URIItT* WAPfRD for tbe Itoat not P.te
. \ a. :ic r H.> atiJ Bib e*. Pn* BMtKo.
|SA ye- ,eiil Ad drew Xanoaai fiaunuH On.. PU-.-
I de phia. P*., Chicago. I":;.. kt ladti*. Mo.. or AHat torn
Liquid Paint*. Roofing. Boiler Covering*,
Steam Paekta*. Sheathmfa, Coa.. Crorati. 4c
ht>T> rot iHetumn fittn Lur?.
h. w. joHMmmF'CCO.m*"OLHLAHi.n v
The Root & Herb Doctor
Or laillka Method of llealln.
II ntuiM haodred. of tbe ami -ralaan* Scrip
crr pi.blhbea Aan tbe Art did* fur eaera known
Polnou. t' a Proleaa-T .if cte „f our beat MedldalCo,-
1 >-yea ShioM be IB rreq funli< ta C!<b
Per.t ;• atpn.. Uk -e.eipc nf AO < uta AkrbU wbted
; rrrna oere. N atkka na pay U tier. Peo* for Aapat*'
Tiir vßisira pi co. t
larrwaal, • Ji
nnnAAlA e *r Go -a Toneaa ad. A
OR6ANS w.ta'i.
Moanwaaa aeara Sl.r aod B-A. < J t*A
Blew V <V Planoa. <w.CW fcbd Book "BIJ
tItA.T-t. Idt<-ai Illaatroted Xroapafr aeollTree
AJdrro Ikanlet F. Beatt* .WkahlagiOß, N. J.
a /y ri VTU Waata* for aRh Rod that
.*\ V I I'J I n alb faat t'kikra far ali M
aui nsiMiay •* UFK OP
Tfc fßKiw Rbwu OWAo Baotar aod Ackac-onkkw r
a mar J- h Iba '.ircilrat aan aauaal boo* la aaU that baa
ai Beared fur yaa-a AeaM already at vat* am laakta*
btc aaiaa Orad at uoca aad aatore kanrikary. Par orco
iara and !l'e-a; tersr appiy to
rRAAI K. SUM. ■aitf—S. O—W.
A ler*e. elrhi-fMLfP ps|r of (Ml wroed wt
>e pent pcMtp* 4 *° e*Wree uelll let*
Addren THR St X. X (T. City.
klMkraaia I lebr*. tSravri awt Drupr. are
KjcoreJ by 111"NT* RP.M
-i l V . Paioa In tbr Dark. SUde.
I or lr.ln*.iuitwd ;*ep. law of
I Ametlto-Heneral Oebtittj aad all
Jiireaarr of tbe Stdoeya. Bladdei
and I rtaarT Oman, are cared r *■ 1-:*-
I lY. Pbidoaw (irrarrlle HI AT'* RtMF.UI.
Send for pampblel to V * R FI.A RK K. PrmideDre. R I
Maoc Notber (loose.
J net t'nUllahrcl -A wonderful book for l-blldren.
I twin* tbe olil-faaklnard Jl.daa <}oaii M*u>mk> with
H.aiCAl rasu Printed In (Work, with foldinc rb
turaa Hn dilh-renl 1.0..kt la paper .-over* Prv- .>
cetit. each. V Al.o all M* bock, bouud ta ou* eo ume.
cloth Price A NO. Sold at every toy aod bookibire. r.tKLKTOiI * CO..Pnt!l.hem. X T City.
la parfaetly rem PTCnTOinre.' the beat by the l'.'irh
eat nsllS anthariUea m the world. 01>an h'ltbnat
award at IS World". Etroatti vk. and it line. ITt
fold byDrunwu. ilWlk4Ohill.l
Mason k llamhn L'a inet Organ*
•i mocnratad beat by HUiIIKSI HONORS AT AU
a "kuts KiPtismoNs roa twrlvr yrars. n*i
at 1. I*T; Til..a. I'd; Si.ltrao, 187S; Pwiuiaa
raii, lb. s, lets, and Gbabd Swaaiia t.ou Mbbai,
IR7R. (n!y American Oman, erer awarded hlrh-.t hon
or. at any .och Bold for caah or tnaUUmanU. lun-
HUTU CiTitoacu and Circular! with m w rty'c and
prices, k-nt free MASON A HAMLIN OKU AN 00
R.elon. New York or Chteaao.
b ckrefutlT put up In tin cum. Sold at JSc.. c$llS,
. II ..Ml. Take no other. In use for to yewri. WOOLKH H
4 CO. on eeery label.
1 Scrofula. Anemia, Debility. CkUrrh, Attkma. Rron
i chitla. Uon. and remorei Blood Import Ilea
TAPE WUKMN removed with head contpleta. or
I no pay. PILE*. No cure, no paf ■ No knife or eaua
tic. Utod. Medicine, neul to anr addrea. with full
> directions 11. P. THOMPSON. M D.. M fourth Ave.,
: New York, oppoalte Cooper Inatltute.
Survival of MM
Tbr Mastaka MmMmMI Lb. l ™?*
brrn klMiwn for
rear. ha Uki brat ©* *" l.inttua■>*"• w
WatTan'l It-** It- ml-. UH ln*
Isiw-r hi **-r It euro
other* Ikll. u>'l pftMMMM, W. taw."■
Hurt mux-la, W Utß Vfljt btfAti BOK
Fatlnltza. opunw—*•
mni.r * m opa tut i*a 4mM*a mmmhA
Mt.Mk BociMh ml reeaaci warda
SShTojIBW e*a£wft 11 111 111 iiTKr • Wr
Doctor of
Bells of Corneville.
Br r4>MU taeartp faadTJ AIJA.
A 111. r —it tfua. wttß IBs " OhcMT" ••* MM
jarmfiK WLTstesfx s
wfaOMtOt—- _
•t mSmVTS;
tM But M*.**** Ff'
• - """UkSw—r. • rw
'■ '■ ■ > ' T .
U Om OAA BsllaftAe Cmm*MM Aft at
Dnwrtiow aorampwn* *fc mm Im am.** Mart
left and facet Baa* —toiM *jr.
rt u rcu. wKi&trr amd BTBWBBTM.
Th. Market klin Ail MB (axatladt CftiiaßaaU
Ui.*uikMUMnbaM mi i*M <*' <*
*** "* uri motrtr AB BUT TBM
PBBsytTMalß Salt XuiTff C*.
S£SBS££g£& *£*
3,000,000 ACREB
D A. RMURLAY. Land om*p,
•a. r. m. ft m. -r. —.*■■>, Mfa^
■ IIIIISI! is i^aj^
1 f 1 w wU CAUTION
w-w**r Am ■' >. f —S a J"i"k '■• M
t"7J7r maU'rn l*...-. FM* _ Ml. Wt . h4*
•••* rm SJA.-M*. j-
P* m. U B**T. |H fw SUwOiefrYalr
M tm Bft BBUB S*NS
>F Mww< M i EWIdVfAfWIR
#Ff V :-wir * T*irs3%e CYMMTT !•
fum BSL. Ml Rreadaaj, I. f.
H~" Oh k IWfftXwillu#T*D A
■etfirtret* tr eli at FILM
fee to iwr t-tte !o the nl
OH** of llflOM, B'lwin u
At 17 KHEt'M KNEt VaT'.SM.
C*IAEAfiH< "? tb "
AEtS *t (U on. lour*!* Tree
*>•*- jftAjft*"—l Pg
l<w< etereat ts 13 mm* at tm-
MiMEBrMMA oit#>e
tin Avst far p*pfc!rt. *1 •< •.
H. I>. ITtWLK. UH)*..
rt>. T.-r t- mft ttreT MeM 'fwt*t t Melt
(Be MMI coot Be*t cys If „£>£ *
Md Urn Barer*. ALL BITU&S lIIMES f AID
IS®~ enftl lntprir** Tt CompAay,
•1 end SB Vee*r Mttee*. Stw Vork.
P.Ojßot aa. ._
tt-AAI fcl> AA.IUV ml: onr ere fe!tte*t-mj>
>\ tiHM*TBM Trmeirr.WKA Bv*t wt Ernerw
Bernrf rceaMMd. Prr' .1! r*Bta*am. **:! or
ei.. trteiHl stawutUinW.if; <mbmoo rettoe
whs .*< an r*Hfh*27 ob> u t wii: ••> > to•
Joan at Uabt: cu aukr *i • . Mitt f nu-t;
rxrtedv* t7tv-7 stvro Nwkrl-pUtrd tort* by
null, *T rnu mhi fnr aoJ btrm*. let ups*
KXTt!fl-t?l!iea Oft. 17ft TwtlMi.l At.. Ho'"!'
tea * vuat. A*rtit ar emmm rnimm
■ Ml >.,! tar Vnldr I. *arr t Oovrr*
Urn* . •••• • Ma: ft
•!', at aalt the prtr* \ ParttrttUni fm_
W. It. THOft PfttM ft CO..
MEiahr Btraryßeaton.Main.
A 6000 PUN. < mWftittK Mki "ftralltu mr J arta-B
I ft MMP Fft*t ftfam Vftß %At V M.JSMBI 'ATM ft! Vttlt
BkUUui I.lAißAd^r-Ft.' im****•—
InrfttMVMttil |l* • NOW €%RBIIRi. WMkERtI l
ftiftlHAT. aftftHnV tllftißlWVfMkkFlNrk ' re :< * k,tßM < .I*' 4 > -ft.
UVHOirt A Itt.M fte*ft*e fiftaft. Xr Tftk.
PrMV'-tiKital i*Wa* vrrj wrrk on SloctOtt >o of
laq. - pa. - snxt, - a&oo.
Offlcu: Rrp.'-: acq i'.roe:ant f*er. A>tdrre
T ftirrtUtWhltrTßtXt . Fanttaa SSWali Bt_ M.T
■VTSTTpay ArniU a stalary ol* flial y• . tli at I
aanvHMe, or allow a tarn eaun, to a. ar a* a
aoJ troadrrttil >*< mtm efat r ea. Bai H
ft* Be*. Addrew BHSEMAX 11, Mar. tut I, Mtc\.
Am. *:KTISKtt. by addrraetttK liEO. P.
HOM'KLI. ft CO.'A Ntaspaper Advcrtiatft
Huma. 1 Apru.e Street. Star Ycrt. oo ra'n tb*
r xv*t .-et of an> fntxard Itne ol ADYAHTISIm. la
Aaarteaa Ntwejeprr*.
Bf IQO-naar Pamphlrl. IQt. ~fc
IftlCl I AISCCD OftßluntnlMftlatM
VVLLL'KUUIJii rhrnpes! nsd best in th*
world. .Vlo nnthtna <*an leat onr WVtINO A
rillVK. It aaw* od a •-'•f.xt* lo; tn "i m•:
Picrortaj btxk* free, W. lill.K-. t'hl<rt**. JL
9A|9vU Agrnu Waut*<l 1 harr the leal
thins* for Aetata. Orer 'J astnU ar. now tnaKtns
from $r to ftS . day. Srnd stamn for parriculara
In. A T. BICE. Union. S'orthonib*rtaß<i t 0.. P.
Em z
AW SALARY per laa.iß. All t-Xr-ak . J
aileunrcd. wAW prcuftly la:- SLO.-M
ft f;. ..Od t.ourev t-iathmaU. o.
a,A, a,onn liraud In Wall St. Sloctaft"Eft
Sio to S 000 formamatary ftoath. BaoAarnt
w>w iveiuuw y^,ajftalnlnareerylhw*.
Addiaa*BAXTEK A riXßajTwrW Wftl SL. N T
1 A Co.
WA!ETKI AUKftTB to wll -/("* fW
HVwftuu mmt I* ■ u arurit nr< dad
In every hotuehold. Seh at aUfht Ald*l
with ft* Rip, Doaii MA.wvr*ni Co.. Homoii.
A UKNTH WANfID r.r tor Bastard Patttft-
A Srlltn* PicU)rial Btk awl Biblea Prlcta reduced
Sper crnt/ National Pabiuhing Co . Pniladelphia. Pa.
• 0L1..A ComplttrWorktand Dr.Foot*-t
Snakspeare s h U it mi.
Sample copWkftABWM MUI Pnl- Co.l . MtkBL.NJ
■*■** par,-with Strndi Ontflta. What vj 4
Sella t< *u* rapld'.y for ISO eta Catalogue free
PI W ATM Bramam. it* Waah n SL. BOMOD. M
wee a aveek In roar own town Terma and ft C'ltftt
>OO (re|r Addreaa B lUixarr t Co . Portland. Malar
Owftt Month and expente* iraarantaed so A. ott
lift / d Ootnt f-r* AmwAOo AgMTnrr, ".n.. __
j.rL wen per day at borne. Sample, worth ts rraa
$0 to 3>u Addreaa Srouoa A Co. Portlatgl. MtUa
i 777 Adriaa p"f'^tf-EKjtv*K * *
gf) a. weak, fit a day at htme easily made. C< rti y
•<A oktßt free. Addraa* Taca A Co . Aaguata. *- Ae.
A e OTi^iSKSEaiSM"