The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 30, 1879, Image 2

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    Y tie Centre Reporter.
CKXTRK HAU, Ph.. Oct. SO, 1879.
' T
I)i:nO( HATH XOMlkk*
FOR sTiTK TRaasraaa.
DANIKL O BAKU, of Allegheny.
Democratic County Ticket.
JU IV f."'"!!"!' 1 '! 1 "V.
(broacr. •
Democrats, this Is the last appeal— po
to the polls on 4 Nov. and vote for tha'
honest man D. O. Barr, and break tin
old Treasury Ring.
In this issue of the REPORTER we pub
lish some important letters from 1 dwii
M. Stanton to President Buchanan a'
the outbreak of the late war. Mr. Stan
ton was Lincoln's great war minister
nnd his letters are a strong and direct
vindication of Buchanan's administra
tion. which has been so shamefully mis
represented by the sppoaita party. M.
a .t for these letters a careful pertisal
from every republican and democrat.
■ —♦ ♦-
If the people of Pennsylvania are
alive to their own interests they will
elect Pauiel O. Barr their State Treasu
rer as a check upon ring rule at llarri
burg. All partiea in power are none the
worse for watching; and the previous
record of unbroken Republican power
it the State capital shows that a Demo
cratic watchdog at the Treasury hussar
ed and would continue to save a good
:nany thousand dollars of the people s
money from being abstracted in the
shape of "divy'a" among party "rocs
tere." So says the "Spirit of Berks." and
we trust every democrat on Tuesday 4th
w ill do his duty.
I* there a printer in any county in the
s'ate who would consider it honorable,
if the printer of the opposite party would
otTer to print the tickets for the other
party for nothing ?"
This question is asked by the Selins
grove rimes. We answer No, it is dis
honorable and mean, bat what is mean
er vet, is to have a candidate who was
elected to a good office be so illiberal as
to - to pay his party paper for elec
tion services and tickets. We have
found only two such, however, in 30
years in I'cntre county.
Now what do you think of mcA fel
I*t every democrat go to the polls on
Tuesday 4. The Pottsville Ev. Chroni
cle says:
Mr. Barr is a gentleman who has been
identified with the management of fi
nancial matters during his entire busi
ness life and his reputation for strict in
tegrity and pluck among his immediate
neighbors is a guarantee that the finan
cial affaire of the Commonwealth will be
in safer hands whep placed in his keep
ing than if they sAuld be committed to
the candidate of the Treasury Ring who
are making a desperate effort to rein
state themselves in power and plunder
at Harrisburg.
A horrible outrage by negroes upon a
family of white persons, shooting of the
husband and outraging the wife, is tele
graphed from Mississippi. Wonder
whether the Tribune and its radical imi
tators in this state, will raise a howl
over this. Ilere, gentlemen of the radi
cal press is a rare opportunity to yelp
a la Yazoo, it is a subject that can last
you for a month, and furnish a theme
for column after column.
Now lets hear a help from the Lewis
town Gazett?, Lewisburg Chronicle, Belles
fonte Rrfmhlicitn, Mifflinburg Teleyraph
and other Yazoo shnekera.
The official returns of the Ohio elec
tion show a majority of 17,129 for los
ter over Ewing, and a majority for fos
ter over all of 3,855. The Greenback
candidate received 9,129 votes and the
Prohibitionis's 4,145. The majority for
Gen. Uickenlooper (rep.) over Gen. Rice
(dem,l is 15.078. The total vote for gov
ernor was 668,667.
It has been decided by the Reading
school board that to get good teachers the
pay must be adequate, and so they have
raised the pay of all teachers 10 per
Good teachers should he paid good
wages, and poor teachers poor wages—
* there is a distim ion which all hoards
should observe.
A little singular that the third term
ers want Grant because he served in the
war, and reject Gen. Ewing who served
gallantly all through the war and loat a
leg besides. How queer.
The temperance women are on the
rampage again in Ohio. At Frederick
town, on 25. Thirteen women marched
to Kelly's saloon and beat in the door
and windows with hatchets, and des
troyed 1 everything within, including sev
eral barrels of liquors and beer, cases,
casks, bottles, jugs, demijohns, counters,
store and all the fixtures. The building
is a total wreck. O'Conner's saloon was
also visited and all the liquor destroyed.
Drug stores were notified to remove
their liquors before Monday or they
would be treated like the others. The
women will he arrested on Monday.
They have a strong money hacking.
Great excitement prevails.
Had this mob violence occurred in a
southern state, there would he another
howl over southern outrages, but as it
happened in radical Ohio it must be all
The Belknape, Beechers, Conklingi,
Kembles, Quays, Camerons and a host of
other prominent disreputable characters
wish the republicans to carry Pennsylva
nia on Tuesday—will you join their com
pany ? Is it the party for a professed
Christian? No, no 1 Go to the polls then
and vote for that man of stainless charac
ter, D. O. Barr.
A forged and fraudulent letter, pur
porting to come from Mr. Barr's friends,
and mailed in a package from Hunting
don, appealing for support on religious
grounds, is being published in the Re
publican papers. It is hardly worth
while to deny the charge—to sensible
people, but lest some may imagine there
is a grain of truth in it —Mr. D. O. Barr
authorizes its prompt denial. He is run
ning as a Democrat, as a citizen who
ees competent to discharge the duties of
the olfice of State Treasurer. No appeal
has gone frctn him, or by his knowledge
or consent, to aDy one on account of
their particular belief in anything ex
cept the Democratic party.
Democrats go to the polls on l'uesdav,
4, and give Barr a rousing majority in
old Centre.
The rains hare damaged the cotton crops
ia Alabama.-
Since the Democratic party t* in power
in the House nJ Seniita unjimt appropri*
alien* liavo boon lopped off, and about 100
million dollar* **vcd. On Tuatday, 4,
rote for Farr and *how that you appiooo
I Democratic economy. Don't *lay away
front the poll*.
Tin: sen an hers is se h York.
Tho Onkling-Cornell party in No-.
York in trouble*! by "acratchere" in It.*
own party. A horse will got tliesi ratchc
by standing in his own tilth from the
negligence of hi* groom, and thia is w ha'
the republicans of Now York are now
troubled with—they havo boon wallow
ing in Oonklingisnt so long that it has
brought them the soratohee. the Now
York Kv. l'ost, a radical sheet, thus
speaks of thia matter
The Independent Republican* ha\
now a list of Republican "scratchare
which thov aay warrants them in assert
ing that Cornell and Soulo will lose at
least ten thousand Republican votes in
this city and Brooklyn, l'hey listnt'Ut
ed last night at the entrance of Cooper
Institute two thousand pamphlets of six
con page* each, containing most of the
-eparste documents which have been
issued. Mr Fvart* himself was given
>ne> of the pamphlet* to be left hi* car
riage to enter the ball, ami the Young
Republicans cite gleefully the fact that
almost every pamphlet, instead of being
thrown on the floor, was put away in
the pockets of the people present, aud
will he read in due season. After the
meeting a number of Republicans vi.-it
ed the headquarters on I'nion Square to
say that they had read the pamphlet,
and desired to aid in the Young Repub
lican movement. A day or two lefore
the meeting the Executive Commit
tee of the independent Republi
cans addressed a letter to Mr. 1 varts
asking him to tell specifically the ground*
on which he advocated the election to
the reeponaible office of Governor of a
man whom the Administration it-elf
had turned out of office for his incompe
tency, and they point to Mr. Evart'a
-cant words for Mr. Cornell last night,as
a justification of "acratching." The In
dependent Republicans say that the call
for their documents and for the "scratch
ed" tickets from th< interior of the State
is increasing daily, and. although they
are sending out thousands of documents
every day, the demand is greater thnu
the supply, and their resources are al
ready overtaxed.
♦ •
Anybody who iniagiuea the Demo
cratic party is on the decline in Ohio
should cast his eye over these figures,
giving the total Democratic vote at each
election for the last eight year:
1872—Fresident. 243.484
1873 —Governor. 214. '">4
1874—Secretary of-ffate. 2;'-.4*"
1875—Governor. 292 273
ISTti—Fresident. 323,1-2
1877 —Governor. 271.623
1878—Secretary ofState. 270.'* •;
1879—Governor. 319,132
No wonder that in view of this splen
did record of voting power —not al way
successful. but never dismayed—the
Cincinnati Commercial, the leading
journal|of the Ohio Republicans, is forced
to these admissions:
We are never more" impressed with
the wonderful vitality and rugged power
of the Iemocratic party than in the days
of its defeat. The surprise is not in the
election of Tuesday last that the lb-mo
crats, burdened as they were, suffered
defeat, but tha they were able to exhib
it such strength and resolution. Sorely
there never was more unkindnessshowii
a party in preparing it for combat. The
issues were awful, yet under these cir
cumstances—such that it ought to be a
matter of surprise that there is a IVmo
cratic vote to each Ohio township—the
old party comes out grim as an army of
veterans, and fights to the bitter end, in
the spirit of the soldiers of Russia, of
whom it is said it is not sufficient to kill
tbem, they must he knocked down after
they are dead. No, we are able to re
joice that this surprising host was dis
comfited—beaten a few per cent, in a
prodigious vote, and we know that tin
der the gloom of their defeat there may
be disappointment and resentment, but
never discouragement. On the next oc
casion they wilt turn out again with full
Most assuredly they will turn out
again next year with full ranks, and
with the expectation of winning. The
Republican majority on the total vote is
less than three quarters of one per cent,
and the plurality over Ewing less than
three per cent.
In another colnmn weprint the shoot
ing of a son and daughter by a father
and then his own suicide. This horri
ble affair occurred in Bloomington, 111.,
a radical state, and had it happened in
the south would have been paraded in
large letters by the hypocritical radical
press of the north, as another proof of
depravity of the southern people, and
then every body in the north asked to
vote the radical ticket But no demo
cratic paper will attempt to make party
capital out of this b> rrible Illinois af
fair, because that would be following
the brutal example of the depraved rad
ical press of the north, which is filled
with slime and filth against the south
ern people, with the endeavor to
engender hate and passion between the
sections of our country, where their
work should be to establish peace and
good will. There are ten murders in
tbe north to one in the south and no
one but a fool would expect the south
to be free from crime any more than any
other section of the country can be free
from it.
From a opeech by Kx-Gov. Chamlier
lain of Maine.
"There are some who w ill not have it
that tbe war is over till they have their
way. From much of the talk of late one
would think that all the toil aud trial of
tbe war was in vain ; that these soldiers
and sailors of youre did nothing of last
ing value, and that glorious war and God
given victory must count for naught, and
that the real way to save the country is
to keep certain politicians in ofiice, and
that servile following of them is the on
ly test of loyalty to the Union. For one
I resent this perversion of our motives
and this belittling of our achievements.
I am indignant at this insult to the
memory of that great company of noble
souls who are martyrs in a sacred cause
and a triumphant cause. Do not mis
take theissne. Y'our sons will not have
died in vain because the rehelliousstates
are brought back into the Union, and
send their best men to represent them
in congress, even tliongh they had the
courage to wield the sword instead of
the pen in the time of moral struggle.
Men who freely poured out their heart's
blood for ttieir convictions, though
wrong, are less to be feared than they
who skulk in the rear and gloat over
the strife so long as they can fill their
pockets with plunder, snatched alike
from foe or friend "
This is prettv sound from a republi
A gentleman from Buffalo, a promi
nent Republican, says that an organiza
tion has been formed in that city wfcicb
is to extend its work throughout tho
State for the purpose of opposing Mr.
Cornell for Governor. The organisation
is composed of disaffected Republicans
who are determined that Mr.Coukling a
dictatorship shall end. In the ward in
which thib gentleman lives 160 names
were subscribed to a paper drawn up in
...... i
accordance with the purpose of 'he or
ganization. A friend of Mr. Conltl'ng a
who came here yesterday, aays that the ;
Republicans do not expect that ' r -
Kelly can secure more than TO.'HXb
PR.SOM.RS I'LTL* ON IVW A xl> G 1 A SOI !- 1 P
For the northern abrieker*and manu
facturers of political capital out ofevei ,•
little crime in the south, we give the
following horrible dose from radical
Wisconsin. It need* no comme'it
Milwaukee. Wis., Oct. 22. The Sent -
ncl tomorrow will eon tan an a-vount of
horrible atrocities in the Milwaukee
House iif Corret-tion 1 his ins titution
ised at the discretion of the I ourt s a
-late prt.-on. An intelligent, eouviet
ust released, whose character tor veraet-
IN ts vouched for by persons who know
dim intimately, s ys that h< l has been
an inmate for two war- Ml that tuns
he was not allowed to write to his o no
-el. friends.or fatm'y, wi.osupposes! iuni
dead, lie says the bread furnished to
the o mvn-ts is m*d> from damaged •■>>
feed, ami cannot be baked, and that this
-tut! is paid tor by tl re county at the rate
of f<> jH-r barrel, /hiring his confine
ment embryo calves, dog.-, and glander
f.t horses have been furnished as uteai
and he brings the boiien which are now
in (tie p -St -Moii of the editor of ihe
-entinel, to prove it. Of the brutal it le
af the keepers he SUNS the prisoners
were beaten ami in the b ark
h >le. which is a filthy dog kennelof ive
feet. A man cannot lie at length in this
kennel, nor is there ai>y ventilation t<>
it. The tloor is covered with iiuh -
criliable tilth. Men are placed there tor
twenty ilays at a time, and two, to hi -
knowledge have died from the effects
There is a chair factory connected with
the institution, ami it is chargeil tost
the police are in eollnsion with the Su
perintendent to kidnap men to work st
chairmaking. The whole story is the
most startling and revolting ever pub
lished in this country, and it is claimed
that the charges can all be verified.
A Democratic congrse* has <ved the
nation an average of "Jo tnillien dollars du
ring the lat 4 year*. On Tuesday, n -xt,
vote for Barr. and prevent Butler, the lan
didate of Cameron, Quay and Kem de,
from plundering the State Treaurj— But
ler represent* the w oil known old rinr of
thieves, bad a* the Tweed ring of New
Jacob Keeie, of Pittsburg. Pa„ allege
| that he is able to melt a tar of cast *t*c
inttanlly without tire, simply by exposing
it to a column ot air having a velocity of
" ' KM feet a minute. The instant tho ai
touches the metal, he a?ert, fusion takes
place. The same operation, uaing the
highest attainable furnace heat, could not
be performed in less than £v# minutes
He also declares that by art cent discove
ry which he has made be can anneal bars
ot icon or -teel at the rate of one f< ot per
second, thus increasing tho ductility of the
metal KM per cent, without the Use of
other fuel than that contained in the metal
itself. To use his own words, he simply
unlocks the latent heat, which "become*
sensible and enlarges the metal, and by
the method of doing this the enlargement
is maJe permanent, that is, it due* not
contract to its original limit. Admitt.-ig
the apparent absurdity of annealing and
fusing iron and stec-1 in a second of time,
he nevertheless asserts it to ho a fact, and
that the operation has been reduced t
practical utility in the art.;.
Gen Jamw Burns died at Lewislown >n
The price of coal the coining win
; ter is likely to be such as to make late
sparking a costly luxury, where there are
large families of attractive daughters.
Young men of go.-d principles should take
I knowledge of the tact, and talk business.
Remember, life is short and fuel cosily.
Chester, I'a., October 21. —A. H.
Wheaton, ei-taicollector. has bi >n clarg*
, ed by the city council with embetalement
j and the solicitor is ordered to proceed
again, t him to recover the amount.
Kidney Diseases. Kidney di.-ea< -
! afflict the greater part of the human race,
and they are constantly on the increa ;
but where the virtues of Kidney-Wort
have become known, they are held in
check and speedily cured. Let those who
have had to constantly dose spirits of nitre
and such stuff, giro this great remedy a
trial and bo cured.
A plow boy at Orkuev, in Scotland,
recently picked from the furrow two g-dd
ring- which arc declared to be a thous
and veats old and very curious and valua
ble as antiquities.
New York, October 20. —The suit
of Henry Hoffman and infant against the
New Jersey Central and Hudson lliTer
railroad company to recover $25,000 dam
ages, was tried last week, in tho supremo
court before Judge Sedgwick. The infant
lost his right leg in I*o9 by being §h< vet
off one of tho company's cars at Fortieth
street and 110 th avenue while stealing a
ride, the car pawing over bis leg after be
fell. The jury a verdict for tb -
plaintiff for s.'>,ooo.
Stories first hoard at a mother'<
kr.oe are never wholly forgotten.—-Moth
ers should never forget that the suffering'
of Ihcir little ones can easily be overcome
by the use of Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.
This October was the hottest in
50 years.
The greenback party in Ohio has
got down to WW! votes.
Let a farmer divide his white win-*
ter butter int > two lots, whilo yet in the'
form of milk, and for one, make use of
Perfected Butter CUor, sold by Wells,
Richardson & Co., Burlington, Yt., while
tho other goes to market without color
treatment and he will discover on what
course his intero-t depends.
Memphis, Tenn., October 20.—Po
lice Officer, T. D. Jackson (colored) this shot and killed Green Smith
(colored), a chicken thief, who resisted ar
re t and attempted to stab tho officer,
Chester county at last has secured
a female tax collector. Tho county treas
urer appointed Mrs. James Horton, of
Alglen, tax collector of tbe delinquent
taxes of that borough for tho year, 1870.
The appointment was asked for by quite a
number of the people of Atglcn, as Mrs.i
llorton is a good business woman and can
very readily perform the duties.
Functional disorganisation of the
Liver is a most powerful and common
cause of melancholy. Dr. B ill Balti
more Pills invariably give tone to tho Liv
or and promote its healthful action.
The year 1881 will be a mathemati
cal curiosity. From left to right and from
right to le t it reads the same; 18 divided
by 2 gives 'J as a quotent; 81 divided by 9
i and t) is the quotient. If 1881 is divided
by 209, 9i the quotient; if divided by 9.
the quotient contains a 9; if multiplied by
9, the product contains two 9s. Ono and
3 are 8 and 1 are 9. If tho 18 bo placed
under the 81 and added, the -uin is 99, if
th• figures be added thus, 1, 8, 8,1, it will
give 18, Heading from left, to right is 18;
and reading from right to left is 18. and 18
' i- two-ninths of 81. By adding, dividing
and multiplying nineteen V* are produced,
being one 9 for each year required to com
f plete the century.
The Ofiice of tbe Kidneys. The
• Kidneys are nature'* sluice-way to wa-b
■ out the debris of our constantly changing
bodies. If they do not work properly tbe
1 trouble is felt everywhere. Then be wisu
' and as soon as you sea signs of disorder gel
1 u pecksgc pf Kidney-Wort and take it
faithfully. It will clean the sluico-way of
1 sand, gravel or slime, and purity the
whole system.
Democrats, to the Election on Tuesday.)
EDWW M sian'C >N lN
lie Predict* MrGlollnn'i Failure
through 'nbin t Intrigue# uiul
Kopi-.b .icuti Iniorfert-iicc."
(We j.,vo 'iclow- until extract* a* *<
ha**e room ft r from the very neuaational
I* ttereof Idum M. Stanton to cx-l'rcei
t!>nt Buchanan, printed for the tire!
tunc in tlio North American Review for
November. I'lie eililot of the Review,
in (Hinting lliem *ay "llieao letters
were haiitlt K! to tbe editor for publica
tion by a tli Blingutslied gentleman, who
desire* that hie name may not lor the
l>rr <mt be i nade know o, ami into w ho*)
liHßCßii>u l hey came imlirectly from n
collect ton of private papers left by the
late President Buchanan. Of their au
thonticity ll<> more doubt can lie enter
tamed than of the importance of tin-
I light which they throw U|mhi that twi
light period jiint preceding the outbreak
lof the civil war, about which eo little
! ha* ever been definitely ami accurately
i known, and the interest of which grow ,
with every pa.-ning day and month ami
year. ]
W, April 3,1 jss-I.
Dx .tit SIR: Although a considerable
period tiae elapsed aitice tbe date of my
ia-t letter to Von nothing turn transpired
here of interest but what is fully detail
ed in the new -paper*. Mr. Toticev left
here last week. Judge Black i* still in
'i he city. Genera! Dix made a short
i iatt at the request of the Secretary of
'the Treasury. Mr. Holt, I think, ia still
j here, but I have not *ecn liirn for sever
al day*. You of course rntw Thorn pooti'*
answer and Mr. Holt'# reply. 1 have not
tiad any intercourse with any of the
present Uabiuet, except a few brief in
u-riicw* with Mr. Bate*, the Attorney-
General, on busiueea connected with hie
department. Mr. l.tucolu 1 have no
seen, lie is said to he very much brok
en down with the prreeure tbat is upon
him iuicn/>ect to appointment*.
The |ality of the Administration in
respect to the seceding Mate* remain*
in ob.-curity. There ha* been a rumor
for the la*t two or three day* that, not
w ithelauding aII that ha* been *uid,
there will he au effort to reinforce Kort
euuiter. But 1 do not believe a word of
it. The *peci il meaaenger, Colonel
latmon.tuld me that he wa* raUatied it
could not tie done.
The new loan ha* been bid for at bet
ter rate* than 1 anticipated, and 1 per
ceive General Dix was oue of the largest
bidders at tbe biglieat rate*. Tbe new
tariff bill eeero* to give the Adutinittra
tton great trouble; and luckily it is a
measure of their own ? The tirt mouth
of the Administration seem* to have
furnished au ample vindication of your
policy, auil to have rendered all occa
sion of other defense needle*.- The
rumor* from Richmond are very threat
ening ; aecewion i* rapidly gaining
-trength there. Hoping that you are in
the enjoyment of good health and hap*
pine**, 1 remain a* ever, your*,
Kimix M. ST# XTOK.
Wa-HINUTOK. April 12, 1- 1.
Dcak S:k : We have the ur upon us.
The telegraphic new* of this morning
you will have seen before this reaches
you. The impression here is held by
1. That the effort tc/reinforce will be
a failure.
2. That in less than twenty-four hour*
from this time Anderson will have sur
3 That in lesa than thirty days Da
vis will be in puaseseioa 'of Washing
Y'our* truly,
I i>Mi\ M. Srsvn
His Excellency James Buchanan.
WASHixciToV, May 11, lS'tl.
DEISSIK: • • • The fling of Mr.
K. W. Seward about "negotiation*"
would merit a retort if there were an in
dependent press and the ffta'e of the
times a'lmitted discussion of such mat
ter*. The negotiations carried on l>y
Mr M-ward with the Confederate t'om
mi —inner* through Judge Campbell and
Judge Nelson will some day, [lerhaps,
brought to light, if they were a* ho*
been represented to me. Mr. Seward and
the Lincoln Administration will not
brim position to make sneering ob-
M-rvationa resiiecting any negotiation ,
during your Administration. It wa* , n
reference to the*e that Jefferson IV.vis
in hi* message *|>oLe with so rntiib *•-
verity. You no doubt observed his si
lusioti to informal negotiation* through
a iH>r*on holding a high station in the
Government of the Tinted Mates, and
which were participated in by other per
- in* holding station* equally high. I
have understood that Judge- Campbell
was the person alluded to, aud tbat
Judge Neison and perhaps Catron were
the other persons cognisant of Mr.
■-eward'a assurances respecting the evac
uation of Kort Sumter. * * * In res
pect to tiie military operation* going on
->r contemplated little is known until
the rcsuiu* are announced in the news
p#l>er*. General Si-ott seems to have
carte Blanche. He t* in fact the Gov
ernment, and if his health continues,
vigorous measures are anticipated. For
the last few days I have been moving
my former residence being made un
pleasant by troop* and hospitals sur
rounding me. In the present etate of
affair* 1 do not like to leave home or I
would pay you a visit, but no one knows
what may happen any day or how soon
communications may be again interrupt
ed. Marching and drilling are going on
all day in every street. The troops that
have arrived here are in general tine
looking, able-bodied, active men, well
equipped and apparently ready and
willing for the service in which, they
are engaged. Y'our cordial concurrence
in the disposition to maintair, the Gov
ernment and resist aggressi'.n give great
satisfaction and I am pleased to observe
a letter from you in tbe Intelligencer of
thi* morning. 1 beg yon to present my
compliments to Miss Lane. There are
many stories atloat among the ladies in
the citv that would ainuse her, hut u*
they are no doubt told her by lady cor
respondents, it is needless for me to re
peat them ! I hope you may continue
in the enjoyment of good health ; and
remain with sincere regard, yours truly.
Kiiwtx M. STANTON.
WASHINGTON, May is, 1801.
DKAKSik: You will see in the New-
York papers Judge Campbell's report of
the negotiations between himsejf and
Mr. Seward, to which I referred in my
li tter of last week. They bad been re
lated to me by the Judge about the time
they closed. Mr. Seward's silence, will
not relieve him from the imputation of
deceit and double-dealing in the mind*
of many, although I do not believe it
can justly he imputed to him. I Lave
no doubt lie believed that Sumter would
bo evacuated, as lie stated it would be.
But the war party overruled him with
Lincoln and he was forced to give up.
but could not give up his office. That
is a sacrifice no Republican will be apt
to make. * * *
His Excellency James Buchanan.
Washington, June 8, 1801.
Dear Sir: Y'our friend# hero arc very
much gratified by Judge Black'# report of
improvement in your health. Tbo ac
counts wo bavo had occasioned a groat
deal ol solicitude concerning you: but I
trust tbat you may now bo speedily re
stored. I bavo not written to you for some
time because there was nothing Jo com
municate that would cheer or gratify you.
While every patriot ha# rejoiced at
lk" enthusiastic spirit with which the na
tionlhas arouod to maintain it# existence
and honor, the peculation and fraud that
immediately spring up to prey upon the
vslunteers and grasp the public money of
ijilur.iier and spoil bavo created a strong
jc i li:.g of loathing and disgust. \nd no
MOM t had the IpptUlM# "f imminent
[danger passed away and the Administra
tion recovered from its panic than a deter
mination became manifest to give a strict
party direction, u far as possiblo to the
gieut national movement. After a few
Dt tnocratic appointments, a# llullor and
Dix, < vcryth. N'J rtar Ac B II IJ cl'iaieely
devoted to black l'ijntblicun intercuts. This
has already excited a strong reactionary
foi ling not only in New Y'ork but in the
Western States. General Dix inform* mo
that be bus been so badly treated by Cam
eron, and so disgusted by tho general
course of tho Administration that ho in
tends immediately to resign. This will be
followed by a withdrawal of financial con
fidence, and support to u very great ex
lei.t. Indeed, the course ol things for the
lmt four weeks has burn stirh M to excilo ,
<liitrut in every department of thn Gov-,
ernmont, The military movement* or,
rather Inaction, alto excite groat apprs- t
bention. It it believed that Davis and,
Beauregard are both in Ihit vicinity—one
at Harper's Kerry the other at Manassas'
flap and that tbsy can concentrate over
sixty thousand troop*. Our whole fore
d.>e# not exceed forty tiro ihoutand. It lt ;
alto reported that ditcord exitU between
the Cabinet and General Bcott In respect
to important point* of strategy.
Our condition, therefore, ecmt to be
one o! even greater danger than at any
former period, for the consequence of *uo-j
cc by the >ece*ioni*l* would be tar more j
extenaive and irremediable than if lh><
t'apitol bad been *ciled week* ago. On lit
i* reported a* having gone off and joined
the secessionists Harvey, the new min
ister to Spain, it i*discovered, wa a cor
respondent with theece*#ionit#, and com.,
mur.lcatud the design* and operations ot
the Uovernnient to Judge Mclirath ill*)
supposed he will be recalled. Cassia* i
Clay ha* been playing the fool at L>n loni
by writing letter* to the TVmo, which tbat
paper treat# with ridicule and eoiitanipt. J
Ihe iuunpression here i* that the decided!
and active countenance and support of the
British Uovernnient will be given to the
Southern Confederacy. Sir. Holt i* stJllj
here but 1 seldom tee liiui. Judge Jilack
i* also here, i should have visited you
but dare not even leave towa even for one
night. Our troop* have #!ept on their
arm# every night for a week anticipating
| attack. Hoping to bear of your reatcra-,
tiuii to good health, 1 remain, as ever,
truly your#, EowtN M. BTANTON.
Washington, July 16, 18iil.
Pear Sir : Your favor with the continu
ation of the historical sketch was duly re
ceived. Last evening Judge Black and
Uenera! Pix met at my home and connlt
•>i together in regarJ|io it. We concur in
opinion that a publication at present wojtd
accomplish no good. The public uiind is
too much excited on other topic* to give
attention to the past, and it would only af
ford occasion tor fresh malignant alla.-k*
upon you. •*• • The narration appears
to me to be a clear and accurate statement
of tbe events of tho period to which it re
lates, with one exception of no material
consequence, in rw pect to which the r<* ol
lection of Judge B Isck, General Dix and
myvelf is louiew hat different from the
statement. of the order to *.he
Brooklyn not to * .isetnbark the forces sent
to l'ickens unlet - tbat fort were attacked,
you mentiob it as having been made with
the entire unau unity of your Cabinet and
tbe approval o' General Scott. That he
approved it is fully shown by Mr. Hull's
note to you, but oui recollection is that in
the Cabinet it was opposod by Judge
Black, General Dix and myself. Ido not
know that there is bow any reason to ques
tion the wisdom of the measure. It may
have saved Pickens from immediate at
tack at that lime; and 1 have understood
that General Scott says that Pickens
could not b are been successfully defended
if it bad be en attacked, and tbat he speak
of this a< a (blunder of tbe confederates.
In this vie w the measure is fully vindica
ted, and at the time it wa# supported by
the St-cre ury of War and tbe Secretary o
tbe Navy, to whose departments the sub
ject appertained. So f#r, however, as
your A Jrainiitralion i# concerned iu poli
cy in r cference t" Loth Sumter and Pick
ens is fuily vindicated by the course of
the present Administration for forty days
alter the inauguration of Lincoln- • •
General Dix it still hero. He has been
shamefully treated by the administration.
\\ o aro expecting a genera! battle to be
comturnri d at Fairfax to-day, and con
fiicting opinions ef the result are entertain
<J. V, ith sincere regard, I remain, as CT
cr. tr-jly yours, KPWIN M. STANTON.
U ,s Excellency James Buchanan.
Washington. July 26. IMI.
Dear Sir Three days ago I received
the inclosed letters under cover ad J reeled
to me. Upon reading the first sentence 1
perceived there must be some mistake, and
turning over the leaf saw that the address
was to Judge Black, and therefore return
them unread. 1 should have baridedtbem
to him, but havo not teen him since they
were received and am inform ed that he
loft here some days ago. The dreadful
di-aster of Sunday can scarcely be men
tions'). The imbecility oi this Adminis
tration culminated in that rats ttrophe
an irretrievable misfortune and national
disgrace never to bo forgotten a re added
to the ruin of ali poacful pursuit* and na
tional bankruptcy as tbe result of Lin
coln's "running the machine" for five
months. You perceivo that Bennett is for
a change of the Us oinel, and propiwes for
one of the new Cabinet Mr. Holt. • • •
It is not unlike IJ that some change in the
War and Nr.vy Departments may take
place, but n .ne beyond theso two depart
ments unti 1 Jefferson Davis turns out tbe
whole cor ce/n. Tbe capture sf Washing
ton seer.JJ now to be inevitable —during
the WB o |e of Monday and Tuesday it
might have been taken without any re
sislar The route, overthrow and utter
DEMORALISATION of the whole army I# com
V'-ele. Even now I doubt whether any se
yjous opposition to the entranco ol the
Confederate forces could be offered.
While Lincoln, Scott and the Cabinet ar*
disputing who is to blaino the city is un
guarded and the enemy at hand. Gener
al McClellar. reached here last evening ■
But if be had the ability of Cwsar, Alex
ander or Napoleon, what can he accom
plish 7 YVILL not Scott s jealousy, Cabinet
intrigues, Republican interference, thwart
him at every step? While hoping for the
best 1 cannot shut my eyes against the
DANGERS that besel tiie Government, and
especially this city. It is certain that Da
vis was in the field on Sunday, and the
Secessionists here assert that ho headed in
person the last victorious charge. Gener
al Dix is in Baltimore. After three weeks'
neglect and insult ho was sent there. Th.
warm debate between Douglas* friend
Richardson and Kentucky Burnett has at
tracted some interest, but has been atten
ded with no bellicose result. Since this
note was commenced the morr.lng paper
has come in, and 1 see that McClellan did
not arrive last night, as I was informod he
had. Gen. Lee was after him, but will
have to wait awhile pefore they can meet.
Y ours truly, EDWIN M.STANTON.
His ExcelU n'cy James Buchanan.
Undor Quay and Ketnble tho Evans!inent was comraitlod—by addi
tion, division and silence—and tho state
p'undor. id of a quarter of a million dollars
Brovent theso fellows from repeating that
gnmo by voting for Barr on Tuesday, 4tb.
A Family of Four Persons on a iioat
Attiickcfl by Negroes—The Hus
band Shot, the Wife Out
raged and the Boat
Mem phis, October 21.—Information was
received this afternoon of * horrible out
rage committed last Sunday near Mont
gomery's Landing, Mississippi, eighteen
mile- down the river. Mr. and Mrs.
Johnson nnd their two children, who were
OR a trading boat, were attacked by a par
ty of six negroes who fired upon them
with sh'itguns. Two of tho hullots grazed
Air. Johnson's head, stunning him. Tho
negroes then outraged Airs. Johnson,
plundered tho boat nnd cut it adrift. At
traded by the erica of the helpless family,
the steamer O. AV. Pierce went to their
assistance nnd towed their boat to Law
barn's Landing, ninoimiles down tho riv-
Tho residents of that vicinity have given
overy attention to Mrs. Johnson, whose
condition is extieniuly critical. Tho six
negroe# were seen leaving the trading
boat as tlio steamer approached. Mr.
Johnson came off tho Chio river with his
boat three weeks ago.
lilooinington, HI., October Hl.— ln tbl#
city, yesterday, Wn> Hogg shot hisj
daughter Mary, aged eighteen yeara, and
bis son Willie, aged twelve, and then him
self. He and hi* daughter were fatally
wounded, but it was thought the boy would
recover. Hogg was a respectable citizen,
but ec>. ntrlc In hi# ways and bad recent*
ly been unfortunate in business. Ho re
cently married a second lime. His wife,
by going on a trip to a neighboring town
in the morning, doubtless escape ! being
shot with the rest.
Middlelown, N. Y'., October —J.-Ste
pben (J. Cauldweir# wife and iter, Mrs.
Charity Ackar, of I'otnonawack, U liter
county, drove to Monticello to *oe Cauld
well, be being confined in the Bullivan
county Jill. In the afternoon they started
for home. Last evening!# party of fisher,
men found both women lying dead in tba
| road botidci the overturned wagon, to
which the horses were till attached
j Camphor Milkscure# headache and neu
' ralgia.
|Camphor Milk cure# rheumatism and
lame back.
Camphor Milk cure# cut#, bruise# and
'Camphor Milk coot# 26 ct.; 6 bottle# sl.
Sold by J. D. Murray, Centre Halt.
I JOHN BPANGLRR. High Sheriff of
I , the County of Centre. Common wealth
of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known
and give notice to the elector* at the Coun
ty aforesaid, that an election will be held
tn the said County of Centre
On Tuesday November 4, 1879,
It being the Tuesday following the £r*t
Monday of November, (the polls to be
opened at seven o'clock A. M., and clos
ed at seven •'clock P. M.l, at which lime
the freeman of Centre County will vote by
ballot for tbe following officers, namely:
One person for the office of State Treasu
rer of the Commonwealth of l'enniylva
One person lor tbe office of Jury Com
missioner ;
One person for the office of Croner.
1 also hereby make known and give no
tice that the place# of boldinglhe aforesaid
election in the several Boroughs snd
Townships within the County of Centre
are as follow*, to wit:
For the Township ot Haines, at the pub
lic house of L D Boyer (Aarouiburg).
For the Township of Half Moon, at the
school house in Suirmstown.
For the township of Taylor, at the house
erected ter tbat purpose, on the property
of Leonard Merryman.
For the township of Miles, in tbe school
house in the town of Rebertburg
Fr the township of Poller (Northern
precinct), at the public house of D. J.
Mover, in Centre Hall.
>or the township of Potter (Southern
precinct), at the public house of D. H.j
Buhl, at Potter's Mills.
Fur the Township of Gregg, at tbe pub
lie bouse owned by ,J. B. Fisher, Penn i
For tbe Township of College, in the
school house at Leinoril.
For the Township of Ferguson fold pre-!
cinct), in the school house at Pine Orove.
For the Township of Ferguson (new
precinct l , at tho school houte at Bailey
For the Township of Harris, in the
school house at Boalsburg.
For the township of -Pal'.oo, at the
house of lvur Murray.
For the Borough of Bellefonte, and the
townships of Boring and Benner, at the
Court house in Bellefonte.
For the Township of Walker, in the
-chool houe a llublersburg.
For the Borough and Township of How
ard. at the school house ol raid Borough
For tbe Township of Rush, at tbe Cold
Stream school house.
For the township of JSnow Shoe, at the
school house at t-now ."-hoe station.
For the township of Marion, at the house
of Joel Eling, in Jacksonville.
For the Borough of Milesburg, at the
schoel house in Milesburg.
For the Township of ll> ggs. at tbe new
school house in Central City.
For the Township of Huston, at the Sil
ver I>aleschool houte.
For the Township of Penn, at the pub
lic house of Wiiiiam 8. Musser.
For the Borough of Millbeim, at the
school bouse opposite tbe Evangelical
church in said Borough.
For the township of Liberty, at the
school houte at Kagleville. j
For tbe township of Wort) at the
•chool house at Port Matilda.
For the t-xsnsip of Burnside, at the;
houte of J. K. Boak.
For the township of Curtin, at the tchool j
house near Robert Mann'#
For the Borough of Unionvillo tuid the
Township of I nion, at the new school
house in Unionville.
For tho Borough of Philipsburg, in new
school house in said Borough.
NOTICE is also hereby given, "That,
every person excepting the justices of the
peace, who shall hold any office or ap
pointment of any profit or trust under the
Government of tho United Blalee, or of
lb it State, or of any city or incorporated
district, whether a commissioned officer or
otherwise, subordinate officer or agent who
■t or shall be employed under the Legisla
tive. Executive, or Judiciary Department
of this State, or of the United Stales, or ot
*ny city or incorporated district; and also,
that every member of Congress or Slate
Legislature, and of the select or common j
Council of any city, or commissioners of
*ny incorporated district, is by law in-;
capable ot holding or exercising, at the 1
•sme time, the office or appointment for
Judge, Inspector or clerk of any election'
f this Commonwealth; and that no In-'
speclor. Judge or other officer of any such I
election, shaii be eligible to any office to
he then voted for."
Given under my hand and seal, at my j
office in Bellefonte. this 2Uth day of Sep
tember, tn the year of our Lord On--
Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-
Nine, and in the One Hundred and Tbirn
rear of tho Independence of tbe United
Oct 2. Sheriff of Centre County. I
Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia!
E. F. Kunkel's Bitter Wine of Iron, a!
sure cure tor this disease. It has been!
prescribed daily for many year# in the
practice of eminent physician# with un
paralleled success Symptom# are loss of
'appetite, wind and rising oi food, dryness
in mouth, headache, diseine*#, sleepless
ness and low spirits. Get the genuine.
Not sold in bulk only SI.OO bottles, or six
bottles for S.YUO Ask your druggist for
K F. Kunkel Bitter Wine of Iron, and
if he has it not. send to proprietor, E. F.
Kunkel, 269 N. Ninth Bt, Thiladelphie,
Pa Advice free; send three-cent -tamp.
E. F Kunkel's Worm Syrup never fail#
to destroy Tin, Seal, and Stomach
Worms. "Dr. Kunkel. the only success
ful physician who remove# Tape Worm in
two hours, alive- with head, and no fee un
til removed. Common sense teaches if
Tape Worms be removed all other worms
can be readily destroyed. Advice at of
fice and store, free. The doctor can tell
whether or not tho patient has worms.
Thousands are dying daily, with worms,
and J > not know it. FiU, spasms, cramps,
choking and suffocation, sallow complex
ion, circles around the eyes, swelling and
pain in tho stomach, rustless at night,
grinding of tho teeth, picking at tho nose,
cough, fever, itching at tho seat, head
ache, foul breath, tho patient grows pale
and thin, tickling and irritation In the an
us —all these tymptoma, and more, come
from worms E. F. Kunkel's Worm Syr
up never fails to remove thorn. Price.
$1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $6 00.
(For Tape Worm, write and consult the
Doctor.) For all others, buy of your drug
gist the Worm Syrup snd if he has it not,
send to Dr. K. F. Kunkel. 259 N. Ninth
Street, Philadelphia. Pa Advice by |
mail, free ; send throe-cent stamp. *
I7jul4t I
Qo]llY^c , Fift y y earß befor *
iOLlivltJ the public. Pronoun
{ced !v all to be the most pleasant and
: rjjicacio\i. . remedy now in use, for the
cure of couiiii", colds, croup, hoarse
lOiAiirrlluem, tickling Herniation
ljU ill; 11 of the threat, whooping
i cough, Ac. Over a million bofllcs told
within the htt few years. im
! mediate relief wherever used, auu has
0 17-pii i\ |the power to impart
0> 1 ill' .benelit that cannot be
had from the cough mixtures now in
Uise. Sold by all druggists at 20c
Solid in g health in uvory Übor of tho system
is rat'idly made bv that reni*rk*hle pro
iiarstion, L,INI)SEY '$ IMPRGV KD
BLOOD SKAROHEK. For tho spoody
i"uro ol Scrofula, Wasting. Mercurial Di
sease, Eruptions, Erysipelas, vital decay,
AND everv indication of impoverished
UliHiri. "Linilsey's Blood Searcher is tho
one remedy that can always be relied upon.
Druggists sell it.
Aug. 7.
It. K. Sollore A Co.. Prop'rs. Pittsburgh,VS. 17
t'ur aalc 1/D..J. Mutar, touUa.liall. as j
Should rot fail to inspect
The Largest Stock of Dry Goods,
(Signed )
% t 50,000,
We name a few items remarkably cheap, which represent mtny other lot# too
numerou# to name
fI 60 VELVET AND SATIN NTfllPKs, at $8 00 .„. J ACQU AKD VEL
from *8 MtoflieO ... RICII SATIN DA M ASSK'C at *2OO fX.uO and $4 00
SATIN HKODRKIE and SATIN PKKIN BRoDERIK and tb# grandest col lac
lion of BLACK AN D COLORED SILKS ever placed on aele in Philadelphia,
which for richness of e#*ortment and extreme moderation of prieee, has BO equal.
Is nearly equal in value to our stock of Bilk*, and surpass a# all we have ever
shown in magnitude, assortment and moderation of price*. _
62. 76. IT* cu and 9> 00 FRENCH SATINS, at 87* ct# FRENCH ME
at 87* cu..—. WOOL FACE CASHMERES, at 87* cu 84 INCH CHEVRONS.
at 87*rU—. ENGLISH FANCIES, at 87* cU— TRIM MING STRIPES, at 81
Of which the above list is but a representative.
We exhibit a stock of about
We have secured at far lest than present prices. CASKS ON CASESiOF
CRAPE VEILS, limported dice-j. besides other Fabrics too numerous to mention.
Especially in
Do we claim to offer advantage* to buyers, as our arraagemenU for their pre
duction are well nigb perlect Tbe prices i a BLACK CASHMERES, .begin i at.4o
cents and run upwards in 40 (jl'A LITIES, to Jv.oo per yard; and in FRENCH
BLACK MERINOES (doubletwilled), with LUPIN'S GOODS, al46cts.. and run
upwards to f2 00 per yard.
Evcrv ledy within reach of Philadelphia, should not fail to inspect our maguifl
i These garmenU are ell of the moel careful manufacture and perlect fitting, as tbe
best custom work, while lb* prices are so moderate as to excite surprise. MISSKS'
AND CHILDREN'S CO ATO and SACQUES in unequalled variety
We are censunlly assured that tb* display we are making in this department
' ■ ha# never been even approached in Philadelphia.
.j (Signed),
Besides tbe above, we bare 29 DEPARTMENTS IN DRY GOODS ALONE,
and good* strictly appertaining thereto, including all that can be needed for personal
, attire or household needs. , . .
The sit floors of our large building have been insufficient to contain our im
mense stock this serson, end we have been forced to secure Urge additional storage
1 U No #uch stock of dry good can be found elsewhere, and every buyer wilbia
! reach of Philadelphia ihonld not fail to aTeil of the advantage# we offer.
~~ —— —————■
This space is reserved by
S. A.. St LOEB,
It now hlfbtr r<wm#a<ld # satSwsSvslj •# '"'l
Hi*----.*--, Kr<..l.d V-l. AchM. Cs.las. Uorss.
Mines, awstlloss. * II u f f r
rslss la curln# Cots, Uslls. Sprstas sad swsluoss In •
l '?' , noU qulcklj aud urlj It at ones aoothss sad
rcllsvss tos stiff lotata, ths Isms muse las and tn*
ne'iins nsr*s. in* muusr "ill bs paid back l )
on* not ■stlsgsd with IU Hscls. Wlcs S# cats. V
Prepared naif bf Dsvl Obsrhollisr, M. D.
Solifbr J l>- Hurras.CcaU* Mall.
The l*h<eii!x Pectoral.
Ilos provsd Itsslf to b* peculiar 1/ adapted to old par- I
Ron, cooaampUvaa nnd cblldraa. It breaks a oold.
Il *tcpa a ooush- Il alda •ipwluraUUß. It lraa ln-|
unl rsllsf. It slraa ,trath. Il bilu#a taat- Hi
ha* mad* mora enraa iban an olhar medicine. Tbou |
•mid* of thn ntlUan* of Kaatarn Paonajrlranla hata
ured 11 for rear* past and toallfr to tba relief l*n
7nd cnra* Prior SS cola or botU.a for #l.
Prepared bi La*! Oborholiaor. M D.
bold bf J. D. Murrajr. Cantra flail.
UranaibM-k Uenlthy Mid to good condition. Hilda |
iii'*tton and iMlntUtlun. it tunkni fnt. mMclMfin
mfk Hi using it n horsn will do more wort aid eow
Sl.morJ milk *< l *>•> better .pirlU nn<l fonditlon.|
?t AISO kesus poultry health* and Increases tbe quan-
litNuf iras Vi Ts made by l>r. Levi Oberholtw. at, 1 ]
KffLl of UTThird atreat. Pblla H Isaold,
b> actual walaht, at lk oast* par pound, bj .!. D. Mar
re. Oonlro Melt, and W.J. Thomauo.tPottra Mills |
mtB7U \[
j\_ tornsra-at. law, Belle font*. Bpeeula'tentlon .
GIVAN to Oouectlona, and Orphans' Court P""""'®*- .
Baj bo iaaulredln O.rm.N A.d Foe 1.
oermnn-a holtdUw. MT
rL SPANGLER. Attorney-si-Law (
. Consultations in English #nd ]
German. Office in Fursf# new building.
Furniture Rooms!
respectfully informs the citiaens of Centre
county, that he has bought out the old
stand ol J. O. Deininger, and has reduced
the prices He has constantly on hand
and makes to order
TABLES, Ac., Ac.
his slock 01 ready-made Furniture is
large and warranted ol g " d aorku an
ship, and is all made under his immediate
supervision, and is offered at rates cheaper
than elsewhere.
Call and see his stock before purchasing
elsewhere. feb 20
Knife, and, in most cases, without
psin. Apply to C. P. W. Fischer, M. D.,
Boalsburg, Centre county, Pa. 24 jul ly
DR. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can be
found at his office and residence
on North side of High Street, three deoss
East of Allegheny, Bellefonte, Pa.
27 feb tf
Pianos! ° Pianos!
O R ii A N H .
o •
l.iuiwiit t MM,'taw MM.
,• *'; ~w. t. ."M *
IM M > • m. • ■'*— *<M t
MM. MM. MM MM M• at) tMiWI I* wMm, M
JWi B un.f eaerai wmi fort-1 ae* fiiita
SO r<*ku* Mm iwumn, M 4.
P7i:.(n .wUnlniiM)l Mi WtMMH Cfl J W. I.
11 in 11 1111111
MVflwfMM EeMblislwlteTrn tor the rare
SjAmNVBIU lu*V tMfo
IBKI33RMM >..!uu. aad kusDimm,
V:UkuM Ua M(t kuteorkaaa at Mood liOie
■ " tatontkw, cimilan and i*mm
niUMi tfo. r. JU fOJtU, Aaron.Amus tXa, 111.
wyggpir mMR MUB
?• hM {|RlMta TmCB^KMK£|
bit BKocKiuorr. t.p.iitom.
Precideot. Caabier
(Late Milliken, Hoover A Co.)
Receive DepoeiU,
And Allow Interest,
Discount Note*,
BUT end Sell
Government Secaritiei, Gold A
•plo6Btf Coupon*.
• KLL*roKTB. TA.
iia* born recently thoroughly renovated
and repaired, and under tne management
of the New Proprietor. Mr. GEORGE
HOPPCS. formerly of W'import, i fret*
c!m in ell iu appointment*.
Are offered to thoee in attendance at court
and other* remaining in lovn for n few
day* at a time.
The largeat and moat tuperbl j Designed
Hotel in Central Pennsylvania.
All modern convenience*. Go try the
Buth bouse
\_T By calling at the new and eaten
aivo bakery establishment of
(Successor to J. H. Sands.)
Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny
street where he furnishes every day
Fresh Bread,
Cakes of all kinds,
Pies, etc., etc.,
Anything and everything belonging tc
the business. Having bad vears of expel
rience in the business, he Betters bimsel •
that he can guarantee satisfaction to all
who may favor him with their patronage.
HOTCHKiSSA POND, Proprietors.
The restaurant, cafe and lunch room
attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness
and excellence of service. Rooms 50cts.
to $2 per day, $3 to $lO per week. Con
venient to all ferries and city railroads.
Sew Furniture. S'ew Manage
ment. 23 jan ly
F. FORTNEY Attorney at Law
Bellefonte, Pa. Office over
nolda bank. ltony