The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 30, 1879, Image 1

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    A Song of (ho Season.
SooMbsdjr who must he imbued with the
influence of the theme enrol*:
Farting flower* whisper,
" Little one*. farewell'
Will yon mi** our tare*
From the hill and doll?
Will yon droam aliout na
In the wintry night.
Whoa the silent *nowfUke*
Hide the earth Irom right?"
Tlii* ia pretty; in fact, it ia vary pretty, but
then them ia nothing strikingly original about
it; the poet might jnat aa well have aung:
The tailing cahlvage whi*|>cr*
To the egg plant in the mead,
Von a ill miaa my bait urea
Vary aoon indeeil.
Will you dream aleul me.
When 1 eouie to grief.
And am ntiliaed to garnish
A piece ot oome>t heel ?
,\rv Yoft Commrrciai tnrr.
The Little 8001.
Dumpy, stubby and obi.
The funniest little boot
* With mended toe and flattened heel,
Ever worn by * little loot.
\\ it bin the . hildrrn'* room
The widowed mother eland*,
Still smiling down with misty eyes
l?n a little !xxt in her hands.
OftraAifiy laid away.
With a moihei's yearning care,
Are tors with which the children plated.
The clothes thee used to wear.
With hiring, longing heart
Her gare is backward cast.
As she soltly lilts the little hoot
From the atillaeas ot the jvsst.
She see* a little boy
Thrust out his chubby loot.
And hears hi* happy laugh and shout
At sight ol his f.r*t boot.
And trudging down the road,
Stubbing gras* and 1< .ve* and root.*,
She *ee again the solid lortu
Ot the little man tit boots.
A conqueror that day,
He made the writ aits ring;
Attud the shoelcws hots at school
lire boy in boots wus king.
Oh, the -nlhu-- ot the room
Where the children used to piny'
Oh. the stillness ot the empty house
-*tnce the children went away'
At. I thus the mother lite—
'■ TO bear, arid love, and lose'"
*1 ill all the swuet, and tale i* told
In a pair ol little sttoos,
In a single broken toy.
A flower pressed to keep
AU fragrant still the laded lite
Ol one who fell asleep.
1 he hoy who wore the boot'
While his mother's eves ate dim,
Atuid the world's unequal strito
How tarvth it with hin. *
Are the he', ot manhood strong •
For manhood's sacred race.
His hand outstretched, xvuveiy calm.
To clasp its utmost grace ?
With lor e her henrt o'erdows.
With love her eves are dim;
She soltly the little hoot,
And sends it tar to him.
Bessie tire twilight tire
The eves ot uiaubooi scan
The ancient boot—the lured boy
Talk* through it to the man.
The hard world's vexing road
The boy's boot never pressed;
Tiie boy knew not >l manhood's I win.
Nor !eh it* need of rest.
fhe man see* all thing* changed—
The earth, t; heaven above;
One thi"g ul oik- remain- the same
To hitn—his mother's love.
The buttered liltle boot
He take- a* troiu her hand..
And seetr.* all sweele*t, purest things
Hotter to under*taixl.
Dumpy, st.'l by and old,
the funniest little boot.
With me'-ted tit* ami flattened heel,
Ever worn by a little foot'
Yet the hoc; is a bund to bind
'Die '.nun to liis innocent past;
l o lxdd it* faithful luort Ol h**llts
l'o life * l;tst love—and it* last'
—Mrt. .Maty CUmmer.
We had finished the " digging " that .
day, washed nil our dirt, added the last
ounce of shining gold du*t to the plump
little l>ag* thai wereburied in the corn' r
of tiie cabin, and to-morrow we would '
leave Red Water Run forever.
The " spurt" bad hem a grrod one for
Tom and me, but we wen- tired of the I
terrible lnneiines* of tiie place and the
constant strain upon our ears for fear
of the Utrs, and so we had decided to
cross the range, strike the trail, and join
our oid comrade* at Fok'-r Camp before .
the fall rains began. Two thousand ;
dollars in glittering du*t lay hidden in
buckskin bag* in <>ur shanty, the result
of seven weeks' digging, and for us it
was a fortune.
Supper was over—a dozen of hard
taek, a bit of jerked venison and a pot
of tea—and with our eutty pipes, short
and black, we sat at tiie door of the hut
smoking, while the sunlight slowly dis
appeared from the tall peaks of the
Sierras about us. and the gray shadows
crept up the narrow gulch, silent and
After a long pause, Tom took his pipe
from his lip.* and spoke:
Did ye see anything oncommon down
the run this arternoon, Dick—any
" No." said I. slowly, "not that 1 re
collect now. What was it—bear?"
" Wus* nor that."
" Wussnor tliat."
"Outlaws, then?"
"Correct. I figure it was lied Jim's
gang. Ye know they've been workin' j
the stage route from Winnemucca to
Silver Cliff, and now I reckon they're on
their way back to the tqwns to squander
their stealings. Sartin it is tliet a dozen ;
mounted bosses crossed tiie run. just lie- (
low the old sluice, sundown o' last night, i
fer I saw the sign, nigh about noon, an' j
it war fresh."
" That's bad news," said I. soberly, j
" If those cut-throats knew that we were
liere, nothing would please them bette
tiian to roast us out, shoot us down and
carry off the ' yellow.' It would lie a
hard ending to a two months' work."
"Ye'reclus to right." returned the
old miner, as he slowly refilled his pipe; '
" hut they must catch us afore they shoot
us, and find the gold afore they steal it.
Now I don't reckon on either."
" Well, hut how do yc*t know—" I be
gan. when he stopped me.
" Idon't know, an'thet'sjest it. * Bet
ter be sure nor sorry,' the Bible says,
an'l propose to light out to-night. Twill
be moon-up at eleven. We know the
trail, an' ef we're gone an' they come,
all right; ef we're gone an' they don't
come, we're so much further on our
journey by mornin'. What d'ye say ?"
An hour later, with the gold divided
and safely hidden in the buckskin belts
about our bodies, our tools upon our
shoulders and our rifles in our hands,
Tom Blackburn and I looked for the hist
time at the dark shadow of our little
cabin, as we mounted the ridge that lay
to the westward.
"Good-bye, old shanty!" said Tom,
waving his gun, "Tell any visitors
that you may have that we're out for
the evening and ax 'em to await our
return. Good-bye!"
Our course was nearly due west, and
for a time through a rolling country,
thinly timbered and filled with little
streams, so that we were able to travel
rapidly; but shortly after the moon
rose we struck some heavily-wooded
ridges, rough androc ky, and our pro
gress was necessarily slow. We did not
talk much, but kept a bright lookout for
both outlaws and Indians, and we
marked our way by the stars that glim
mered overhead.
The night was cool and still, the only
sound which broke the silence being the
grind of the gravel under our feet, or
the occasional cry of some far-away
We had procppded thus for perhaps
four hours, and had covered a dozen
miles or more, when we found ourselves
at the entrance of a narrow canon,
through whose dreary shadows our
FRED. KUKTZ, Kditor uud Proprietor.
court* lay. It wan an " uncanny"
place. and instinctively 1 loosened my
knife in t!e sheath as we enteml its
yawning mouth, hut oh! Torn tramped
unconsciously on. and 1 must need fol
low. iVeper and deeper grew the dark
ness, the towering walls fairly threaten
ingto meet overhead, while more and
Utorerough grew the path hermtlh. At
englii we were obliged to erawi from
point to point, so thickly strewn with
masse* of rock was the uneven floor.
Suddenly a sharp turn opened before
lis the unexpivtcd vision of a
nark. covered with short grav*. through
which ran a little stream, and about
which, sitting, standing and lying, wore
a dor en as rough-looking depentdoes as
the border land could produce, while
the whole scene was hrilliantly illumin
ated by the light of a great fire which
hunted near the center of the glade.
We had (alien into the very trap wo
were seeking to avoid. This was the
night camp ol Red Jim's gang!
It was 100 late to retreat, for even as
w< looked, two or three of the men
sprang to their feet, and, with weapons
half raised, cried out to us, ••Halt!"
So. with a whisper. " We're husted
miners; ask for shelter." Tom threw up
'tis hands and shouted loudly:
Then, withas-umed boldness, we both
ent< red the arena, and were at once *ur
rounded by the scowiing. dark-browed
Tom told our story—broken-hearted
prospectors trying to return to the min
ing e tups over the range, and traveling
at night for fear of the Indians. Would
they give as supper and shelter?
A short consultation was held, losl
Jim. a brawny rutlian, with a blood
colorcd mane of hair and heard, putting
some close questions t us lHth; and at
length, with not the best grace in the
world, our request was granted, and we
were told to draw up and help ourselves
(torn the open provision pack upon the
Hungry from our long walk, we
needed no second invitation, and were
soon eating and talking with those about
us as familiarly as though horse-thieves
and cut throats ourselves.
We dissembled fear, and made no at
tempt at private communication. Time
for that by-and-bye. We must di-artu
all suspicion, or our throats would be
sore before morning.
The meai was nearly over, and 1 had
just washed down my last bite of jerked
vea-ion with a draught ot fiery whisky
bom the canteen of a hideous dwarf
who sat near me, when Red Jim again
approached us.
" What's ye'uns names?" said lie.
" Mine is Baldwin—Hank Baldwin,"
said old Tom. quickly. " and this young
'un is
the Roosian war. and is grex-n at tlii*
business; but I'm an old San Juan
country miner, where I worked nine
years alore I ever seed this cussed
Tiie ruffian looked at him sharply for
an instant, and then said:
•• Hold oat your left hand."
With sudden fear I saw Tom's fare
grow ashen pale, and almost impercep
tibly his hand move toward his piste -
belt; then, recovering himself, he obeyed
with a laugh.
"Thar it is. pard : what's left of it"—
tht re were but two fingers and a thumb.
"Icrushed it in Hall's Gulch smeiting
works in *72."
Red J hn leaned forward and examined
the member carefully. Then his face be
came lurid, and his wolfish eyi * gleamed.
" You lie, you dog! you never saw the
San Juan country, and you lost those
fingers when vou led the .soldier* to my
hidden camp in Arizona! You lost the
fingers and gave me this to remember
you bv." and he pointed to a long scar
that ran across his forehead, "and I've
never forgotten you. I've prayed to
Satan these five jears tliat I might meet
you, and he's turned mv friend at last!
Seize him, boys!" lire continued.
"There's no_ tr<x' handy, but in the
morning well try throwing the knife.
Seize hnn!"
In an instant my comrade was hound
hand and foot, and made fast to an im
mense holder. He made no sign* of
resistance; it would have been worse
than useless, and I was motionless with
"Red Jim," said Tom. and his voice
was husky, "ye have got me and ye
can do witii me as ye please. " I'm not
a half-breed nor a woman t" cry at the
whiz of a kniie. but, for God's sake, let
that young man go! He's an honest
miner, and only knows ine a* such. He
never saw me until last fall. I)o not
punish iiim for my score."
Tiie chief turned to me.
" Does he lie?"
" I met Tom Blackburn last fall for
the first time in my life. I onlv came
from the East one year ago. t know
liini as a miner, and nothing else, and,
as he said, w<- have been prospecting,
are broke, and wont to get back to tiie
camp* over the range. That's the whole
truth as I know it. '
For a moment there was a besitency
in the manner of my captor, and I trem
bled; then, witii an <r.tth he said;
" Let it go! I will believe ye, for ye
look like an hon<\*t man, and they're
sca'ce," and he grinned. "Ye"re my
ruest until mornin', an' then ye can go
cn. " But," he added, with a horrible
emphosis, " ye'll hev to travel aione!"
I thanked tiie brute with the best grace
possible, and turned away. I passed my
comrade, bound and silent, I dropped one
" Watch T'
Tim night dragged slowly on. One by
one the road agents rolled themselves in
their blankets and laid down to rest, and
at last, having appointed a guard for liis
prisoner. Red Jim turned toward where
liis horse was tethered, there to sleep
witli the bridle about his arm until dan
ger <>r daylight awoke him.
Then, last of all, I bx threw myself
upon the ground; hut not to sleep. I
must rescue Tom. for to leave liini in the
hands of these demons woulg be worse
than murder. With watchful eye and
ear. therefore, I waited and planned.
One against a dozen—the odds were des
perate, and yet I must save him.
An hour passed. But the skeleton of
th<- tire remain'sl—a few (lowing em
ber*—and from tiie sounds about me I
knew that ail except the guard were
This, if ever, was my time. Simulat
ing a yawn, I slowly arose and stretched
myself, then sauntered toward the spot
where Tom lay. A* i approached, liis
watchman turned toward me and placed
his hand warningly upon iiis rifle. I
smiled, and said in a low tone:
" Don't shoot, pard; I can't sleep, ami
thought I'd come an' talk a bit with
With a muttered reply he m.tde room
for me upon the log where he sat.
He was a huge fellow, with arms like
a Hercules, and a thick-knit frame that
promised enormous strength. His
weapons—a rifle and heavy knife—were
within easy reach, and his keen eye fol
lowed my every motion.
For a time 1 talked generally of the
country, the game, mining, and other
similar topics, drawing from him but
few replies. At last I touched upon the
matter nearest my heart, and with care
ful steps sounded him upon the question
of bribery.
He seemed to take more interest in
my words now; and at last, when I
came to the point and plainly asked him
if he would let Tom go if he was paid
for it, he said " Yes."
My heart bounded within me.
"How much will you take?" said I
" Speak quickly. And we must have
horses, Vx>."
"More'n ye've got, ye cussed green
horn," hissed the outlaw; " more'n ye've
got! But I'll take the yellow all the
same for safe keepin', and then turn ye
over to the cap in the mornin'."
And, quicker than thought, his arms
were about me, and I was borne strug
gling to the ground.
Although a much smaller man than
my opponent. 1 was no child, and fought
furiously ; hut he was too strong for me.
and at last I lay before him hrvathleas,
one (>t his hands griping my throat, and
the other grasping his heavy knife while
his rye* gleaiued with murderous rage.
For an instant we glared at each other,
both panting and exhausted; then, N-nd
itig e.osi'r. he whispered hoarsely;
"Whar's yer goal? Tell me. or I'll
cut your heart out. Tell me without a
sound, or I'll- thunder and luries!"
lit' half released his grasp, and, turn
ing. struck at loiiiething upon the ground
close at my side, with ya horrible oath.
There was the flash of hi* knife, a
sharp, metallic rattle, and then a little
Mimt ihing shot like quivering lightning
straight at his fa - e. and two little drops
of blood ran do Wn his chrok. He was
bitten by a rattlesnake!
The same instant the 'reptile drew his
slimy Ixxlv across tnv hand, and disap
peared again in his hole among the rocks
near by, frotu which our struggle had
afouscd him.
Mv captor breathed hard and tunnsl
deathly white.
•' Whisky,"said he, hoarsely, " I must
have whisky or die."
lie strove to rise, hut it was tuy turn
now. Wrapping my arms alxut him
with an energy !x>rn of despair. I Ixntnd
him to me. II 1 could but hold him
until the ;x>lson ha*' time to work, I
could escape, and Tom with me.
It was horrible, hut we struggled life
for life, and I was the cooler man ol
the two now. His knife was broken—
we could only light with our hands,
and ail my enemy's efforts were to es
cape; hut. with a strength which hope
renewed, I resisted, and dragged him
down again ;un! again. until in his quiver
ing and relaxing hands, in his
distended eyes and out-hanging'tongue.
I saw the venom was N-ginriing to aid
me. Then, redoubling my efforts, with
an almost superhuman strength, I threw
him at last to the ground, bound him
with his own gaudy scarf, gagged him,
and was free!
For a moment I was utterly exhausted;
then, slowly recovering." 1 crept to
where Tom lay. and with a few blows
of my knife released him from the henw
cords which bound him. My old friend
had been a silent witness ol the entire
battle, ami had s<vn the snake and
knew ail. As he arose to his feet he
grasped my hand, anil nearly crushed it
in his expression of joy; then, without
& word, he pointed toward the pile of
rock. not a dozen fret front where my
antagonist la}'.
I turned to look. From every hole
and crevice, from every crack and cor
ner. by twos and threes, single and in
pairs, were crawling the most dreaded
of mountain reptiles—rattlesnakes!
Tom leaned toward me and said:
" Yer fight aroused them, and they
will kill every man here! We are in
that place I've liearn tell of—Rattle
snake tittleh!"
Then, seizing tny arm. lie led me
rapidly across the ojven glade, by the
sleeping robbers, to tin snot where
the horses were hobbled. Selecting two
we quickly mufiled their luxifs, rode
cautiously through the winding outlet
until we reaclnsl the open country, and
then, with a shake of the reins, dashed
away at a headlong gallop. We were
leal Jim. the outlaw, was never seen
again, hut five years later a strange tale
was brought in the mining camps on
Rial Water Run, of a lonely ravine in
the mountains to the west, where twelve
bleaching skeletons hail Nam found.
The prospectors who dissaivered them
would Itave sought furth'r among the
whitening bones for other relic* of the
lost party, but the canyon was so filled
with rati - snakes that it was not -afc
to remain there, and the simple linding
of the remains is ail that will ever la
Old Tom, however, said to nie.
"Twelve outlaws—twelve skeletons!
The rattiers caught them ail!"
Electrical Jenoln.
Every one is more or less acquaint.>d
wi*h the advances made in the u*e of
electricity, particularly in the way of
lighting ami aa a motive power. hut few
would ever have susix-cted that it was
likely to lx- applied to purp<yes of per
sonal adornment. Such, however, is
the case, for M. Trouve has found the
means of applying it in a most ingenious
manner to certain articles of jewelry.
Fhe applications of it are comparatively
unlimited, hut a d< - ription of a lew ar
ticles will suffice to give the reader an
idea of this invention. Take first of all
a breastpin consisting of a death's head
enameled, with movable eyes of dia
monds or rubies and the lower jaw ar
ticulate!. At the pleasure of the wearer,
by means to lie descritx-d presently, it
can be made to roll its eyes and chatter
it* gum less teeth. Another pin is sur
mounted by a small golden drum, on
which is seated on its tail a little raiihit
holding in its fore paws two drumsticks,
with which it beat* a tattoo when the
electric current is applied. A third is
an ornament lor a lady's hair, consisting
of a bird covered all over with diamond
points, which on oomph-ting the circuit
flutters its wings and produces a curious
effect. One of these was made for tlie
l'rincess de Mettcrnioh. But theeurious
part of the invention is the battery by
which these objects are put in motion.
Each of them is attached to an invisible
wire, easily concealed in the garments or
the hair, the other end of which is con
nected with a minute battery. This ap
paratus is not bigger than a pencil-ease,
and can he easily carried unseen in the
waistcoat pocket. It consists of a tube
hermetically sealed, containing in the
upper half a pile composed of zinc and
carbon inclosed in a case of hardened
india rubber (ebonite). The zinc and
the carbon only occupy the upper por
tion ol the tube, the lower containing
the exciting liquid. So long as the tube
is kept in a perpendicular position the
pile is not reached by the liquid, and
consequently no action takes place; hut
the moment it is placed horizontally the
acid nets on the pile and a circuit is es
tablished which sets the movable parts
in action. Thus the wearer has only to
vary the position of the tube to produce
the motion or stop it at pleasure.
A Mouse that Dnneed ami Sang.
ANmt eighteen months ago the clerk
in the drug store of Mr. MeNary, in
Hartford, began to whistle the lively
tune ol " Pop (joes the Weasel." While
the clerk was whistling with all his
might he saw a little mouse put his head
out at a hole in the floor. The mouse
was listening to the clerk's tune. Mr.
l.ind, for that was the clerk's name,
was interested at once. Ho got a jews
hnrp ami played on that until, by-and
bye, what should the mouse do but come
out ol the hole and nibble at Mr. hind's
shoe. Mr. MeNary wa< introduced to
Master Mouse, hut Mr. NcNary's music
was not pleasing, as he thumped on a
tin basin as though it were a ilruni, and
so Beared the little creature away. After
a while the twomen tried what Is called
a zithern, and the mouse was so much
pleased that whenever they would play
upon thai instrument he would come
up and dance around in delight. He
fore long the mouse learned to squeak in
tune with the zithern, and last May it
became known as "the singing mouse."
At night it would sing lor a half hou
at a time, a focal paper says, "almost
with the sweetness and clearness of a
canary." One day the morning was so
raw and cold that the mouse tried to
crawl under the furnace grate, but fai'ed
to find a cuddy hole, and soon after was
found by Mr. MeNary lying in the cellar
He was justly accounted a skillful
poisoner xvho destroyed his victims by
bouquets of lovely and'fmgrant flowers.
The art has not been lost; nay, it is prac
ticed everyday by—the world.
Forecast lug the Weather*
Readers of" (Juentln Durward " will
readily remenihcr the importance which
Louis Xl. of France is said to have at
tached to the warning* ol hi* astrulo
ger, but liu-y may po*-ibly have ovcr
.is'ked the i xei ptional instance in which
common sense prevailed over *uper*ti
tion I'll' king according to the story
I —had a mind to liunt one day, and, ix
ing doubtful of the weather, tnuuin-d of
bis astrologer whether it would be fair,
tin- sage answered witli contidem-e in the
affirmative. At the entrance of tiie for
i *i tin- royal cortege was met by a char
coal man, who oxprc-*ed to some meni
ala ol the train his surprise tliat the
kiiij.' should have timught of hunting on
a day when it threatened tempest. The
collier'* prediction pruxed true. flu
king and id* court were driven from
their sport well drent lied, and Isiui*,
having heard what the cuiiicr had * tid,
ordet—l tire man before him. " How
are you tuore accurate in foretelling the
weather, my triml,' said he, " than
this learned man?" " lam an ignorant
man, sire," an*werxl the collier, " was
never at seiiool, and cannot read or
write; but 1 linvean astrologer of mv
own. who shall foretell weather with
any ol them. It is. with reverence, the
a-- who carries my charcoal, who al
w tys, wh-n bud w . at her I* approaching,
points forward lit* ear*, walk* more
slowly than usual, and tries t" rub Inm
* ell against wads: and it was from these
Mirns that I foretold yesterday's storm."
Tlte king burst into a fit of laughing
ilisiuissed tiie astrological l>i|ed, and as
signixt the collier a small pension to
maintain the quadruped, swearing be
wou d never in future trust to any other
astrologer than tin- ehareoal man's ass
Indications such a* those here sixikt-n of
Itave Nan familial lo the country fo'k
front the earliest times, for i: i* quite
certain that the lower anitual* feel ap
proaelting elutnge* of tin- weather iu a
way which we can very imperfectly un
derstand. Still even among our-' ve*.
there are many who are to some extent,
sensible to these change*, and the sensa
tion is generally unpleasant, uid
wound* are painful before rain; tit*
head acite* iu-lore thunder; or there i* a
feeling of uneasiness dirt'euit to explain,
but none the less real. So also with an
imals; thev eanxT wildly about lite
field in re*tl<-** excitement, they scratch
themselves in hedge-, they rub litem
selves against the wall, or their annoy
ance finds vocal expression, a* iu tin*
agonizing yell of the aristocratic pea
cock. r the discordant h-e-baw of tip
jileldtot donkey. Such -is-n* are not to
Ix- neglected hy the can-fui Student of
weather,although they cannot le counted
:LS strictly scientific. The evidenei
is of the nature of lu-arsny. and can only
Ix- accepted conditionally. /Yasser's
Indians in Full Dress.
A White Earth Agency letter to the St.
Paul tMinn r-/Yi <• says ; The In
dians at While Earth have, as a rule, j
thrown aside their blanket* and adopted
the garb of civilized life, a necessary
step in tbeir inrai and matt rial pro
gress, though, in looking at tiie wonder
fully picturesque costumes of tin? Indi
ans from the distant reM-rvation of Km|
lak<>, one could not lielp feeling sorry i
that tli'-w dtx-sses of strange l>arbarte
splendor must soon be thing* of the
past. Some of the younger bm k* must
have N *ti engagin! from early dawn in
completing tlte e..xNnte toilet - in whi< a
they appeaml. tij young chief. Hurri
csna, Ol Red I.ake. was |s>*itive,} kill
ing in a splendid otter -kin war bonnet,
orn.-um nt<sl with six eagles' loatiiera,
sYtulmis ef a brave, at tin ir lips tiny
ribixm'pennants to which were attached
smalt ermine tip*, symbol* of a scalp.
He had several ol th'tn on hi* bonnet,
and a whole hunch on hi* pipe
*tein; a bright streamer ol cerise ribN'tt
known, I think, by young ladies a* t 1
" kiss-ni-quick," xmpieted liis liead
dress. He wa* highly rouged, nnd over
each eye had painted a square of deli
t ite white and re! stri; .*. A checknl
nsi sliirt. black blank't. ami richly
beaded gaiters and moccasins, completed
liis very eth-ctive euatume. This fine,
handsome fellow ha* a remarkable his
tory. He is said to have taken no It • *
than fifty Sim.x cnlps. At the time i
tiie nia**;e re of tsftl he followed the
Sioux who ha i killed most of the white*
in liis neighltorhood .'rf** miles up Up
country s* far as Manitoba, killed and
scalped him and liis whole family, from
the double motive of gratifying tin- j
white* with whom the Chippewa.* have
always been friendly, and taking len- j
gcanee on hi* hereditary foe. the Sioux. ;
Rouging and painting tin- face seem* to
be reduced to a fine art among the Chip- i
pi was. But the effect i*. as a rule, bid- <
sous and groteai}ue. Hi re is ag> ntle- (
man with one eye painted a brilliant i
blue; another with one dark blue square
on each check, with white spots on the
dark blue ground. I thought at first he
had commenced with tin- intention
of ornamenting himself with tlu
sinr* and stripes, and had been eoni
pehed to leave out tin- stripes for want
of room. One had liis face painted
bright hriek-dust color, over one eheck
a striie of rtxl. ovtT the other one of dark
iilue with white spots. Another had
painted liriglit red spotsall over tin fare,
giving til* effect oi some skin <li*ease.
A tliird liad prtxluctxt an extraordinary
effect by a green coloring under bis eyes.
One old g' ntieman had painted in a com
plete lilue Nttrd. On the- whole, the
lte<l Lake Indians were a decided at
traction. and afforded grr.t amusement
both by their eostunieg and their na- ,
tional colors.
Managing Iters liy Elretrlclly.
A correspondent of the />nil*rhr
/V. *>< desert law a metliod which he ha*
adopted with success of overcoming tlie
obstacles frequently presented to the
rearers of bees by the self-will of those
interesting and profitable insects. This
is no other than giving tlu-ni nn electric
shock. Every one interested in Nes
knows the difficulties and dangers in
volved in hiving a swarm. One is often
Ml on a hot day in June in tin- ton
branches of a tree not to be climbed,
and another in some inaccessible place
seems to he preparing to set out on its
wanderings. If thehecmasterventures
to approach, all his dexterity and cx
perience will oltcn not prevent him from
being seriously stung. There are. in
deed, several coses on record of death
supervening from tiie sting inflicted on
such occasions. Ilerr Freiwirth, the
eorn-spnndent referred to, liit utxin tiie
idea of employing tin- electric force to
stupefy the bees. Trials on large and
"small elustr rs, and even on single in
sect*, answered perfectly; the bee*com
ing in contact with the conducting wires
fell stunned and uiol ion less to tin
ground. They were then sorted and
marked, according to the strength of the
current applied. The time required lor
their recovery, varying Irom ten min
utes to.eight hours, was proportionate to
the strength of the shock, out all came
out of their trance safe nnd sound. En
couraged by the result of this experi
ment, Herr Freiwirth resolved to try it
on a larger scale, namely, on bees in
the hive. To this end lie introduced the
ends of two conducting wire* inlo n
fully occupied honeycomb and turned
on the current for a moment: the bcos
soon lay on tiie ground, and it was half
an hour before they resumed activity.
A Frencli journal publishes an ap
proximate calculation of the probable
number of newspapers in the world as
follows: America, 9,120; Asia, 387;
Africa, 50; Europe, 13,025; of which
latter, 2.509 are credited to England,
2.000 to France, 1.220 to Italy, 1.200 to
Austria, 500 to Russia. The word*- o
Lamartine, who said that "journalism
would almost supersede and absorb all
other literature before the close of the
present century," will not fall far short
of the actual truth .—Exchange.
A writer in the Galvi-ston Sewn i t
pri -*•- tin* ctniiioii that n river of
petroleum is liowing through the *ul
terranfwn cavities of Texas, it take
its rise in the carboniientus strata north
ot the Colorado t in r, and may N- traced
at various points on its course to the
Gulf of Mexico by oil appearing on the
surface of tin-spring*, stream* and lake*,
while at whit' i known a* Oil bay, on
the gulf, tiie water i* -o covered with oil
that the waves have no eflWt.
California ha* other phenomena! rifle
men la-sides Dr. Carver, Charles
Eiuaeh, a young man in Kaeraiuentn,
considers it a not extraordinary feat to
hit ninety-eight out of luo *tnml apples
thrown into the air, and John Ruth, of
Oakland, i* about to depart for Australia
t>> give exhibitions of bis skill. Aiuotig
his teal* with the rifle is that of shooting
a cigar trout the mouth of hi* assistant,
rritli tlie rifle held upside down on top
of hi* head, and with a mirror to take
sight in as lie stands with liis track to
tiie mark.
Mis- Minnie I Austin, for many year*
teacher in Chicago and San Francisco
high school*, also principal of t iarke
Institute in San Francisco, from failing
health turned her attention to an out
dx>r life. She new owns a fruit farm of
eighty aero in Fresno, Cnl., and last
spring set iu the ground, by the aid of
one man. otit mxi fruit tn-es. Mis* A.
conducts tier lat in with as much system
as she did her school. She has twenty
eight acre* tt( the N-*t rai-imgrajx-s,
from which t!" yield trill hcNtwceti
thirty and tifiv ton* of fruit; atx>ui 3no
apricot tree*. H* n larim-s, -ten tigs, foo
prum *. and n ordinary fruit tra-*. She
lis* tliis year r.' (riy two tons of peaches
alone, which site ha* dried lor the
A party in Illinois recently applied to
the See ix lary of the Treasury at Wash
ington furthered' iu pt ion of ti \ e COU;M >n
of United Stat -* bonds representing sev
eral thousand dollar*. The applicant
alleged tbnl for sate keeping be bad
placed the coupon* in a tin i t\ and de
posited Hum In .i stovepipi ; that suh
sequciitly a tire u.x* buiit iti the Move
and tiie txmp"in destroyed. The ashes,
however, were retained in the (mix and
were presented with the application for
redemption. Tin matter was referred
to First Comptroller Barter for bis de
cision. A *< lentifio x.-uuiiiation sxtis
fartnrily pnved that the content* of the
(kix were the r- m.-sin* of coupons, as al
k gtxi. The division given in the case
is juite iinportaiit from the fa< t that it
hold* that tile statute authorizing the
redemption of rn.led iKir.d*. whore clear
and unequivocal evidence ha* Nvti fur
nishixl that th-y have N*n destroyed,
dot* not appi- to (xiutsins which at tin
time of the allegt d d *truction thereof
have been dcla 'ii"d Irotu the Nxnds.
I'lie rom*>n in question having txeen
detacbixi Irom the bonds, cannot there
fore be redeemed.
The Growth of the itrpnhlir.
Tiie n<-xt lixb-rai cen*n*. to in- taken
in June, I*"#. will, it I* e*tiinaUi, show
a popu at ion ol nlxHlt 4--..'S>.tS*l for "all
the State* and Territories. 'lbis calcu
lation i* based on the increase noted Is*
tween IK7O (the date of the last federal
(xu*U*)nnd 1*75. when a large number
of the Stales made enumeration* of their
owrn. Assuming thai the ratio of in
crease in the State* and T< rrit(ri< * in
which no nmta h.vl teen taken since
I*7o, is not >* limn reportrel over the
same area in the prrculing decade, we
an- warranted in a* cfpting the above e
l.tunic for l0. ThU would give a gain
of aN>ut 10.ti00.000 on the ix-nsus re turns
of l*7i. an avcrng- of l.Pno.taxt souis a
vt-or. Much of tin- Intervening time
bnritig b'* n a period ot gr at prostra
tion in all branches of trade and emigra
tion N ing tin-re !•>' discouraged, the re
sult. If \ erified, w i be gratifying to tiie
patriotism and pride of Americans. It
will out the United State* in point of
population at the head of every nation
in ehri*t< ndom exn-pl Uu*ia. Tiie
lat'-st official statistics from those (xiun
trie* of Europe with which we have
been runnine the rax- in tltis r> *; ct are
as follows; Great Britain an<! Ireland
( N7IM, ]|,K>.3>; Fraro-e (IsTti). 36,905,-
7-**. Austro-Hungary (l"7ti). 37.350.000;
Germany (I>C3), 2.727.ft5t. The lattci
is til*- only <x>unlry which we did no!
outstrip in the en-on ot l-70. Since
then Germany iia* gained about 1.500.-
000 by the annexation of Aksv-lnr
laine. The ratio of mcrease from
natural cau*- * exhibited it- her previous
census return* wa* much lower ttmn
that shown in the United Siyt *, an<i it
is not prohnbie that, in tb* lixst five
years, she lias gained enough t*>pula
iion to put h'-r neck and led with the
great republic in Isni. The estimated
lMipulation of Gn-at Britain and Ire-land
n NTs. made on tip* basis of the actual
re-gi*trati<n-of iirtl:s and deaths, was
dfficiaUy given at 33,8x1,Witi. *o tliat we
nr<- not likely < ver to be overshndowtxl
by our English cousins.
Grand as i* tlii prospective exhibit,
our exultation is checked a mono-nt
when w< tiiink how much more striking
it would have been but for the civil war.
The effort of that xvar in retarding the
increase ot population it is impossible to
calculate. With peat assured at home
and abroad, there sr< nts hardly any
limit to the future growth of the repub
lic in population.—A*ilord .Antriei/ of
The Drink Dlfficultj.
Drink lias always lieen a difficulty.
In ali ages individuals have made great
mistakes a* to the quantity of intoxicat
ing liquor which it was beneficial for
tlieni to consume, intoxication i* a spe
cies of poisoning, inasmuch as alcohol
i* a brain poison; nnd at first sight it
s<x'in* strange that any one should wislt,
even temporarily, to damage that think
ing power which is the sole distinction
N'twcen the human animal and the
lx-ast.s which perish. Rut there are some
obvious explanations of tbi* apparent
anomaly. First of all. alcoholic drinks
are to many very delicious beverages.
A t/naker was once sitting in a public
house, when n man came in blowing liis
fingers, and said, "Give me a glass of
brandy—l am so cold;" one spredily
followed who had been running hard,
and he railed out. " Bring nie a glass of
brandy—l am so hot!" Then said the
(juaker quietly from his corner. " Bring
me a glass of brandy liecause I like it."
He spoke the truth. Would not the
great bulk of those who talk about
health, fashion, etc., say the same tiling
if the; spoke from their hearts? Then
there is so much misery in tire world
that it is easy enough to understand
Byron's linos:
" Man i n txwsonsblo Ning,
Therefore he getj ilrtmk."
But tlie poets hnve much ot restwiasi
hility in this matter' " Bowl" rhymes
with " soul." Many of our most beouti
ful songs are drinking songs, and some
how cr other it has come to pass that al
though drunkenness is now pretty gen
erally condemned " front the teeth out
wore " as Carlyle has it. yet drinking is
still looked upon ii* a delightful and
honorable exercise for rational beings.
But no excess. Oh. no. No one favors
excess, but though no one favors excess
it is admitted on all hands that, as a na
tion, we doexcecd, and tliat $140,000,000
per annum is far too much to be spent
on brain poison by the ueople of the
United Kingdom. If drink were merely
a harmless luxury, the above would be
a startling national expenditure; hut
when we reflect that the consumption of
this drink is, by t lie almost unanimous
testimony of our judges, police, prison
and poor-law authorities, and all those
in a position to know the habit* of the
people, pronounced to be the main cause
of crime and pauperism, it becomes truly
alarming.— Nineteenth Centuru.
Ilf lulnitr mi mm iMiiutltirrdliiloa
I.llllc alt 1 • P|outat It .
San Antonio, Texas, eontain* a won
der. tiie like of which i xiitiol he totiml
in the tn i led Stat cm. It i* nothing
more nor 1- * tinoi a child, *cv*n year*
old, that instead ol masticatiiig and
swallowing iu food in the usual man
ner, i* fed through an aperture in the
stomach made |or thai purpose. The
child is gaining strength, can walk and
play, and hid* iair lo IMM>U Ix- as stout
and healthy a* any Other child. The
facts are as follows; A Pout two years
ago Mr S. T l.uiuiey, at this lime liv
ing in I'cnnsylvania, bad the misfortune
to hnve liisdattgiiter Jessie drink a solu
tion of lye, which a colored woman
had carelessly left on the table. A large
quantity of the corrosive liquid was
*Wa 1 owed. Death is tiie certain results
in such cases. The lye destroyed the
mucous membrane, and a stricture* of
the n-Miph.xtfU* is formed, which uieans
that the throat, or at iea*i tin channel
through which Ike food goes into the
ntomnch. is drawn together or <xnlraet
••d t > such a degree tliat only liquids,
and not much of them, can pa*s through.
Such was the condition of the little
girl Jessie l.uiuiey when she was brought
to San Antonio tor treatment The
child wo* very much imacialed, <x>uld
i not swallow even liquid food for days
at n time. A* it wa the univ |>o*if>io
| chain e she bad for life, |er iiarents rxm
scnt'xl that the opt iat ion ol making an
opening in the ntomnch should N- a!-
tempteo The operation lias been per
formed in Eiig>and, but this is lx-lievcd
to Ix- tin- first time it has been attempted
in the United State*. An incision four
inches long woe made a few incln-s to tin
left ot the nit of tiie stomach, at lite be
ginning of the short riba, much stitch
ing being required. Tlirough tlii* in
cision tiie Ntoiuacll is rem li'-d. Tile next
part of the operation requires the most
delicate handling imaginable. It con
sist* of sewing the sumi.-u-li tothc wails
of tiie alxioinen, tiut gre-nt care must
Ix* taken not to penetrate the stomach
itself. The tie. die and stiu-lies only :
penetrate the skill of the stomach. Tin
result is that tin- stomach, as the wound
gradually heals, grow* U> the wall of
the abdomen.
The patient wa* put under tiie in- ,
flueticeof chloroform and the operation
*ucc( --fully p. rformcd. Unfortunately,
tiie child liad an attack of chills and
ever, whh U had to lx- cured, which gav<
it a set back. Up- operation dflatibrd ;
took p'.-ux- a f<-w weeks ago, Ihe stotn- ]
ach h;wl grown on the sides of tiie alxlo- j
111 en. and in two wis-k* tlte operation of
making incision in the stomarii, through
which the fooi was to pass, wa* per
formed, and twice a diSy tlc-reafter a
Nx-fsteak, cut up line, has b<x-n pa-*(xi
witii the forceps into tiie ftouiorli. and
tin- child is steadily gaining strength.
The writer vistt<sl the child, in com- I
l Oiiy itii Dr. Herff, and *nw it fed.
We haiuxi in front of a small, one-story
house, which we.entered. A little gin.
with light hair :uid blue eyes, was sit
ting up in bed surrounded by play
thing*. Her mother, a young woman of
Uiirtyiycorßofage.wa* busy in tiie room. !
"Don't you want your supper.
Jcsait?" said the doctot. "lwantj
steak. I don't want any bread, 'cos it
hurts,"said the little girl, whose thin ;
features and pale complexion showed
the result of her long fast.
The m( ther brought in a rare Iwef- j
steak. which the doctor proceeded to cut
up in small pieces, crumbling un some 1
bread at the sometime. The kx*l ix-inc
prepared, the ciiild lay i.x-k <>n the Nxi.
and tiie ojx-ning in tin- side was ex
posed. it aa* only an <n<-h in length,
and presented the nppcarartx* of a badly j
h-aicd cut. It was a little inflamed. 1 j
*t<*d by and saw the doctor take on<
pie.* aft-r anot lter and carefully intro
duce it with the forivp* into the stom
ttcli. until the plat* was nearly empty. <
The child complains a little at limes,
but did not apjx-ar to suffer :Uiy. She
finally said "my stomach is full," and.
as there wa* no more- steak, the doctor |
desisted. Finally some cotton was j
placet in tiie opening, a bandage put on.
and *he sat up and war *<xn fondling
No particle of solid food had passed j
(lire>ugli the child's lltroal' simx- tiie 1
accident. A grain of rice nearly j
.strangles her. Mwk is also injected
into the stomach through the opening. !
Tiie only danger is from the i
witunil closing up. hcn* it is kept cqx-n
with cotton. At first a plug of expan
sive sponge was used. Tii'-re is no rea
son why the child should not become I
stout and healthy. The food digests
readily, just the same as if die wed and
swallowt ii. To the inquiry if this mode
of taking nourishment would have to
he kept up through litre, no definite
an*wcr was given, a* it depends on the
possibility of rextucing the strietureof
the throat.
rite Highest House in tlte World,
A <* tor writes to the New York Nts
the following letter: "In your issue of
the Sun. on the 15th. tliere is a para
graph which state* "that the highest
inhabited hou** in the world is believed
to lie the one erected for the miners em- i
ployed on Mount Lincoln, in the main
range of the Rocky mountains, l'ark
county. Col. It is 11.157 hvt above sea
level.'" 1 would respectfully call your
attention to the fact that there is on the j
Gallon, Lima and Oroya railroad, l'eru,
ninety-four miles from Li mo. on thesnm- j
mit of the Andes, a small town called
Galera. or as the Peruvians styie it. i
" tunel de la Cima." This ploix 1 is situ-1
atixi on tlire western slope of tlire divid- i
ing range of the great Andean t-hain.
15,645 feet above the line of perpetual
snow. It was founded in Is<2 by an
engineering corps of the Oroya rail
road. represented hy Martin Van Brock
lin. now superintendent of the Metro
txuitan eievated railroad. New York:
liis brother. Herman Van Broeklin, and
H. J. Tohins of Illinois. It derives its
name from a tunnel or gallery which is
being liored through the summit /roin
the Oroya railroad, and is 1.173 metres,
or 3.847 feet in length. I make tiiis state
ment from personal knowledge, having
ix-cn in the employ of Henry Meiggs,
iuul compelled to live at that place for a
period of ten months. These facts are
given from actual measurement, taken
from the records of the chief engineer at
that time.
A Menagerie Lien st Large.
\V. W. Cole's circus was in Defiance,
Ohio, recently, and at night, about ten
o'clock, just after they had got the ani
mnls loaded on the ears and the train
started, and a* they were passing tlte
(Ainl sliutes one of the ropes from the
shutcs caught in one of tlire cages and
brought down tlire apron tlint lets down
the coal, which struck tlie cage Contain
ing two lions, throwing it off the train,
opening t ..e door of the rage and letting
out the lions. The small one was got
hack at once, but the large one ran off
down the track, passing several men at
a distance of about thirty rods to a barn,
where he spitxl a door open. The door
was double, and the bottom was closed,
tiie top part being open. He hounded
over j ike a kitten and grasped a cow by
the nose, and in two minutes had suck
ed her blood and t lie eow was dead, the
Hon going into the other part of the barn
and lying down. His master came, and
leaving several men outside, went up in
the loft and came down where the lion
was. After bilking to the lion sometime
lie laid down hy him and played with
iiini, and after two hours' work succeed
ed in getting the lion liack into the cage,
which was brought to the door.
Whoever has sixpence is sovereign
over all men—to the extent of the six
pence: commands cooks to feed him,
philosophers to teach |him, kings to
mount guard over him —to.the extent of
TKRMB: #2.00 a Your, in Advance.
Mss Adder on Burglar*.
Of late several burglaries bnv<- N*. n
t <x*ttiiiiitUxl in the neigiiNirhood In which
Mr. Jame* Simpson lives, and. of course,
tin folk* are not a little alarmed. In
' Simpson's row alone enough fire-arm*
: ami ammunition have Ixien ivdlected to
i conduct a very fair-*iaed war witli Mex
ico, and SimpHon, particularly, has
txiugbt a wiiolc armory ol weapons and
loaded ttn iu to lb.- muzzle. Simpson's
tirotlier-ln-law, fleorge Washington
Rudd, commonly known as "Wash."
lives with him.and for week* past Wash,
upon going to bed, ha* made ucli a pre
paration and display of various kinds of
engines of destruction that a looker-on
might have concluded thai liis purpuae
was to conduct a kind of battle of Get
tysburg on his own responsibility.
The other night Wash, alter recapping
ail liis revolvers, running his thumb
along the edge of iiis broad-* word, half
<xx king liis gun and laying his ixiwie
knife on the chair, thought he heard a
burglar prowling about down stairs.
Buckling on his artillery. Wash, in his
*tocking-feet, crept down the back
*lnir-cae, determined to annihilate the
Simpson beard the noire at the same
moment. They stopped and listened.
Wa*li thought he heard the burglar in
the parlor. Simpson felt sun- tiie rascal
was in the dining-room pocketing the
MMM, N), while Wash trod noiselessly
frontwards, Simpson stepped stealthily
to the rear. Midway in the hall they
came into collision. Each felt perfectly
certain that the other was the burglar.
Wash grappled with liis antagonist
instantly. Simpson knew that a death
struggle had begun. SO betook hold Willi
all tils might. Neither had a ehanee to
draw their weapons.
Wash strove to throw the burglar
down, and Simpson, perceiving the
game, made a huge effort to prostrate
M ash. They pushed nnd pulled, and
jerked and shoved, and panted butnp
ug Up against the wall and making
*uch a hubbub that Mrs. Simpson, in
tier room and afraid to <vme out, lifted
up her voice and screamed with vehe
After a fearful and desperate struggle,
during which Wash had hi* oat torn
to rags and a couple of tiamifuu of hair
pulb-d out, and Simpson liad his now
lammed against a chair until it felt as if
it bad swelled to the siz of a water
melon. Wash let go a moment to get his
breath. Thereupon Simpson made a
run for the front stairs quietly in the
dark, and Wash, pretty well reared and
tired of war. dashed off up the back
stair*, resolved u go and see why Simp
son didn't come down and help wipe
the burglar out.
A* Simpson got to the landing lie saw
Wash's form by tiie dim light from the
hark room in the entry,
" Who's that ?" shouted Simpson,
nervously, feeling for his revolver.
" Me—Wash." replied the brother-in
Simpson went up to him and said:
" Thunder and lightning. Wash! Why
didn't you come down ooner ?"
" Sooner! Why. where tiave vou
heeu ? I've had the most awtul time
you ever heard of."
"So'v I." replied Simpson. "There's
a burglar in the house, and I've been
tearing him to p.eot*."
"You don't *ay so! Why, my gra
cious! I've liad a fight with one. too.
and 1 think I la'd ltiiu out."
" You did ? Where ?"
" Why. do* n stairs, there, in the front
" Not in the entry, you don't mean ?"
"Yes." said Wash, "in the entry;
nearly hanged the head off of him.
Where was your man ?"
" Why. in the entry, too. (juror 1
didn't hear you ?"
"It is queer." rep'ied Wash; " localise
I hammered his nose against a choir un
til it must be mashed flat."
" Whose nose ?"
"The liurglar's; and lie tore my
coat to rag* anil pretty near scalped
" Who did r
"The burglar."
Simpson was silent for a moment and
then he said:
"Copie here to the light."
They entered the InUli-rooai and Wash
looked at Simpson and Simpson looked
at Wash.
" Wash ?"
"What ?"
" Wash, you are one of Uie biggest
idiots in the State. Hang tae if I don't
believe fou have been figlitiug with uie!
ixmk at my no*-!"
"No! You don't say ? Did you pull
out your burglar's hair and splinter up
liis coat ?"
" I am afraid I did," replied Simpson.
" Mr. Simpson." said Wash, ea'mljk.
" if there is a bigger a*s on the continent
than i am I think I can lay my hand on
the man; a party by the name of Jim
"Save me. James! oh. save me.
Washington, save me! Don't let me be
munlered! Don't! don't! don't! Oh.
Simpson looked sheepishly at AY ash;
n without saying a word, he selara
.Mr*. Simpson hy the arm, ran her over
to the bedroom and slammed the door.
Then George Wadiington Budd wi nt up
stairs, disgorged his tnur*!ereus appar
atus, locked hi* bowie-knife in III*
trunk and went to hod.
Both combatants swore secrecy; but
Simpson couldn't help tolling his wife,
and she spread it. of course, so here
it is.
How a Fair of Giants Live.
Captain Bates and liis wife, of Ohio,
each seven feet eleven and a half incites
high, hnve been exhibiting themselves
at St. Isuiis. and the captain told a re
porter the following facts:
"We have a pretty good house; the
lower -tory is twelve and one-half fret
in height, and the upper one twelve feet.
I tur doorway sure eight and one-half fret
high, while ordinarily they are seldom
over six and one-hall. In every room
we have chairs for my wife and myself,
but ol course we have ordinary furni
ture for our friends and servents. Our
own furniture was made especially for
u*. The bedstead is eight feet and four long and five feet six inches wide.
The chairs, bureau, wash-stands and. in
fact, everything correspond. We ex
|w-ricnro a gn at deal of inconvenience
when traveling on account of the diminu
tive size of the ordirary ftirniture. I
served in the Fifth Kentucky Confeder
ate infantry during Uie war. There is
not a single garment or article I use nut
what ha* to lie made especially tor me.
My boots are about numNr seventeen,
and an- made for me by a man in Se
ville. My hat* are nearly a nine, mv
collars twenty-five inches, and I guess if
my gloves were gauged they would run
up to at lca*t fourteen. I have the most
trouble with my cloUies—my trousers,
in tact. You see the cloth is made nar
row. and while it is all right for men of
ordinary size, a pair of pantaloons for
me consumes an immense quantity, un
less the nap runs both ways. My wife
says it takes just about three times a*
much cloth for my cloth as a* for men of
the u*ual size."
Soon after tlte gigantic pair were mar
ried in Ix>ndon. some years ago. they
visited Queen Victoria, who gave them
each a bridal gift—tiie captain a gold
watch, and Mrs. Bates a diamond ring.
The Mexican voicr no of Orizaba,
17,300 feet above the; en level, has been
ascended by M. At.ialza, a resident ol
Fucbla. Thirteen persons accompanied
him, one of whom died at the top from
rarefaction of tiie air, and another a few
davs afterward front erysipelas caused
by the reflection of the sun on the snow.
Seven thousand steps liad to lie cut in
the snow to gain the summit, and the
expedition occupied four days, one of
which was a blank owing to rain and
snow. Baron 1859, first made
the ascent, and he has had very few
<>< m* lui.r.Mlim MMMtet Aboal
Ural riMiiul.--4 K*nw of Ik* Slio
•lla*.— Kar|M* W..W, tai Aorl
ia a SMrplua.
In thr Oram and Prmnmon Btvi&c, Mr.
J. O M*ll*n. of Chicago. write* a* fol
low. r I give Ik*low ■ remodeled estimate
of till* wheal production of |H79, partly
official and partly approximate, of ill*
United St.ii**, wniob I act ooßlkkot
will b* found very near correct, a. lliey
are in lb* main official. 1 .hall, how
ever. uir even figures. giving production
the "odd change," in ord*r to be .ure
that the (ieure* are enough:
New Kugland Slain. 1,300,00b
New V.wfc 16,0(10^00
New Jersey ! lielawsi* 3,600,000
Peuturylvanta 26,000,000
Mitlvlatel 7,000,000
Virginia K. 000.000
Nuh ant Soul I. tarohaa 000,000
l.eutgia 3 500,000
Mkuuwuapt and Alabama 2 000,000
Tciu (lufrly abort in mkm aeo
Aiiuuat uvl la-luui Ternlor)'.... 2,000,000
Tnmw* aifl Kentarky 14,000,01X1
Wt Virginia 4,000,00"
(Ituo 40 000,000
Indiana 44.000 000
Illinois 44,000,000
I Mn-Jiigan 32000.00 c
lowa (crop |uii*Jly abort) 24.000 000
Missouri (fart tally failure la mium)
Vt.niKwiu (rrnp kiytljr abort in
auotbrrn half) 34.000,000
IViwoMia (partially abort in aowtb
ball) 21000 000
Kanaaa (winter aboat materially
h'irt<-ti.l by drought). 14.0(10.000
Nebraska ISOOU.OOO
ltaiota 7,000,000
Caltl'Mhia and Oregon 40,000,000
Other Territories 7.000.000
Total 141,400.000
Tli* irpnrtt itmnmiiii! tic Kuroprta
harvests ar< of so unfavorable a nature
na to be really alarming, and, if lh*.
11mated shortage* in the various wheal
producing countries of that continent
are etren approximately corm-t, the total
wheat production of the world trill fall
vry considerably short of the usual aver
age consumption, and to one acquainted
with the magnitude of litis deficiency the
unprecedented exportation* ofilie p:ot
six weeks will create no surprise.
In consequence of the unusun iy disas
trous outturn in Bulgaria and Hungary,
the export of grain has been stopped by
court decree. The estimate of deficiency
to the Russian ciop is twenty-eight per
cent, on a crop of about 385,000,000 ol
bushels —shortage equal to more hush
els than was ever exported trout thai
country. In Soutliern Italy. Spain and
Portugal the wheat harvest was nearly
total failure. The French deficiency
is reported as fully equai to. if not
greater than last year. The Herman
provinces show variable returns as to
wheat, a full average in some, but large
deficiencies in others: while the rye
crop of which the consumption is much
larger than wheat, and equals about
S.000.(X bushels. i twenty-five per
cent, below the usual resuit—a very im
portant item if the defici*ncy is to made
up with (or even partial!* so, of) wheat
imports. 11. Kain* Jackson estimates
the shortage for Uie British islands to
be lull 17.000,000 quartets or the enor
mous aut<>unt of 136,000,000 bushels;
and not or y is the wheat deficient, hut
the barley and oat crops are largely be
low an average, and last, but of still
greater importance in food statistics,
the potato crop is also wofuhv lieiow
an average yield, equal to 75.000.000
bushel* shortage, wlm h shortage must
tic supplied mainly by increased imports
of wheal. I therefore make the follow
ing new estimates oi European require
ment* of wheat according to last ad
vices (some official and others approxi
mate). as follows:
British inland* 136.000,000
France and itmrndmri™ 80."00.ClOO
Itcmuiy and North Sea ports.... 20.C540.000
llol'iaud and Belgium 14)00400
Spain ami IVwtugiU ••". U.OSu.UWt
Italy and Mediterranean porta.... 15.000,000
Sonlb America and Weal 1 udies
(mainly floor) 6,000 000
China, flour ... 1.000,000
TVtai 283,000.000
According to the deficiencies reported,
these estimates are rather under than
above the proltabie actual figures. Ac
cepting an estimate of about 27fi.000.t100
as tlie food and seed requirements of the
United Statiw, tliis eountrv will have for
export 166 000.000 to 170.000.000 bushels,
leaving 113.000.000 to hie supplied from
the surplus of other countro** Uian the
United Slates, which ri*ult it is simply
impossible to obtain. Russia, from her
most favorahle crop of wheat, exports
something over bushels, and,
should the shortage on this year's crop
lie only twrn'y percent., instead of twen
ty-eight per cent., as o*tiniat>d, iter sur
plus for export will be simply mi; but,
allowing the damage to be over-esti
mated. and that Russia can furnish, say.
20.000,000 bushels, the following figures
result alter making the largest approx
imate estimate for supplies from the re
mainder of the wheat-producing coun
tries of tlie globe than the United States.
My estimate is as follows:
Russia 20.000.000
Australia . 12 000.000
Chili. 3.000.000
Canada 6.000.000
Total 51.000 ,00
Tills estimate exhausts tlie wheat-pro
ducing countries of tlie world and indi
cates an absolute deficiency of supply
under a vet age consumption of at lead
02.000.000 of bushels
These figures would he alarming were
it*not that to a considerable extent wheat
can be supplemented by corn and prob
ably will to a great extent, should the
value of wheat increase in proportion to
the apparent shortage and the general
market runs its usual course—when the
facts of supply and demand arc con
A l>og'* Implacable Hatred.
Among some reminiscences of dogs,
given bv a writer in Fbrrsf and Stream
the following appears: In my early
youth I recall a dog owned by my
grandfather who afforded an instance
of a temper resentful and implacable.
Marquis was half hound, half mastiff as
we believed, but we only knew her
mother, and she was a fair type oft lie
well-bred southern hound, tie grew
larger, heavier and handsomer than tlie
average hound is witli us. and was so
fierce that he had to lie chain-d du ing
tlie day. Once a cousin and I were
amusing ourselves witli our bows .uid
arrows about the yard, both of us about
six or seven years old. In fun I pro
postal to liars a shot at Marquis, who
was chained aoout twenty yards ofl
Cousin John was wiser than I. and
would not shoot; but I let fly an arrow,
which only grazed, and surely did not
hurt him. He flew at me, and break
ing loose, would doubtless have handled
me roughly had 1 not darted up the pi*
nxza steps, and thus escaped his rage.
Months elapsed ere I saw this dog again,
and then it was at our summer house, a
seaside village twenty miles away from
wIITC I had shot at him. I tried in
vain to overcome his animosity to nie
by feeding him twice a dav. It was
agreed, in taet. that no one else should
feed him while I remained. He would
not attempt to molest me till lie had
done his breakfast or dinner, and then
oniy the length of his chain limited his
angry spring at me. He seemed to love
and respect my grandfather, father, sis
ter ana cousin, and tlie butler nnd
coachman; the other members of the
household, white and black, he toler
ated ; hut me he hated to the bitter end.
Six years after my childish insult to him
he would gladly nave torn me to pieces,
if opportunity had offered. When the
tidings of Marquis ; death were brought,
believe me. I rejoiced that he had been
gathered to his father*.
1 .aid it in the mwdow-faih-
I say it a* lh* moaataiiiHMaim,
The beet thing* which a mortal hath
Are llioh whirl) avary mortal •hare*.
Ttaaair wa Jraathe-the .ky-the brtwwa-
The light without a* sad within—
Nib, with tta nnlocikart traaMriw—
God's m he*—ar* for all to win.
: 11m grum M eofter to ray triad
Kor mat it yield, unnumbered leet;
Sweeter to me the wOd-roee re-1,
Hragaee tihe mnkee the whole worH aweet.
! Into your bmvsnly loneliness
Ye welcomed me, oh solemn peak.
And me in every gueal you hire.
Who reverently year myetery eeek.
And op the neiianl peopled wey
Thet open, into world, unknown.
It will be lile'a deiight to a*y,
" Heeven 1* not heaven lor roe alone."
through my brathran'* jioverty'
Much wealth were bideoua! 1 am Ideal
Only in what they elaarw with mm,
' what I .hare with all the reel.
Lory Lor com. la Good Company.
>n* registered vote of 111 i lade] phia ui
lUS. 471.
I* a achool examination a skull race?
Tli* oysiar dealer can always get up a
furor* in his husines*.— xmtervtlU
Seth Green wants sporumcn to r*tura
to the water nil trout under seven inches
Th* Sultan of Turkey 'uma suspicious
b* trill not drink coffee aniens made in
his sight.
Largo numbers of (9 '.uunen ar* on
i ih*ir way to the AtU itic cities from
| California.
Tlier* are I4H narrow gauge railroad*
! in llm United States, with a length at
4.17b mite*.
The last two years have Imen remark
able in chemicalannals forth* discovery
of new metal*.
Because soap com** in bars is no rea
son why it should he a bar to cleanli
ness."— SUtUomrn.
In Alabama 96.000 white and 53.000
colored children have been enrolled in
the public schools.
In the whole United Slates there are
4,40 bank*, with *505.3*7,*39 capital
and ff1.549.773 903 deposits.
Average arrival of emigrant* at Castle
Garden, new York, it six hundred per
day at litis wasonjof the year.
A man never lui* a correct idea of the
world's opinion of him until he under
takes to borrow ten dollars.— MeruUn
A man up at Niagara, writing bom*,
aay*. " We are now in tlrn very teeth of
the rapids ** They were probably falls
teeth fhtkuUlpkia Bulletin.
Mori*iar. an eminent French agricul
turist, proposes to feed cattle, sheep and
Cg* on provender containing savory
• give flaror to the flesh.
An Elgin I HI.) man is In his third
year of frog forming, and his first crop
is now being marketed. lie has an
acre and a quarter devoted to the frog
Arrhery clubs are tmpuiar with girls
because lhey always like to liend tin ir
beau. Get him down on his kness. as it
were, or on the string, so to speak
it heeling leader.
If you were as wilting to be as pleas
ant and as anxious to pieasc in your own
house as you are in tin- company of your
neighbors, you would have the happiest
I tome in the world.
A cat thai has no place in tbe heart of
a family is like a hail penny. The
boys can'tcarry il into sucli out-of-the
way plac<#iuid by such eircuithus routes
but it wi Hal ways mum. —fbn du Luc
The custom of bearing two Christian
name* is of recent origin. An author
who has made n*e*r h states tiial,
down to tbe reign of lueen Anne, be
was unable to discover any person liear
ing more than one Christian name.
William L, who was a DflNutm, was
the first king of England who bore two
Christian names.
According to private advices recently
receiver by a gentleman in Washington
(rum one of the ofiie vs of the Hot than!
Railway Company, the work upon tlie
great tunnel through the Alps, which,
when completed, wul be upward of eight
miles long, is prop-easing favorably,
some 10,000 men licing etnpk>yd on the
line and a distance of less than 1.066
yards remaining to be pierced.
Colonel MeC'lure kh-ked a man oat of
an Alabama hotel for a personal affront.
Six months after be saw the same man
kicking another poor fellow out of an
other hotel. -Tush, man," said tlie
colonel. hold, bnt .tint you the same
man I kicked out of the Nassau House a
littie while ago?" ** Keep stiil. colonel."
was the response. " Don't you say one
word; you and I know whom it will do
to kick."—BaUl (jfaaett*.
The other night at * London club
•ome Americana werr boasting about
Uioir inven'ion*. and the wonderful nw
chine* to bo found in the Sutn. (too of
Uuni told of tin* well-known mincing
machine which, a live pig I wing intro
duced at one end. turns out th> animal
in sausages at the other. An irishman,
who v not going to hare the Yankees
tiding rough-ahod orer ever? other na
tion. turned on them and said: " Ibalad.
we've got the same machine in Ireland,
only ours is more perfect, sure, lor if
vou don't like the sausages, you <-anr *%
them back into the machine, and ay re
versing the action they'll come out a live
pig again whsre he went in."
Row a Woternar Reposed ■ Tie Chief.
tlov. MeCook is tlte man who cause
Colorow's deposition as a chief. l>ur
ing his administration Colo row and a
band of I" tea came to this city and
camped on the outskirts, tine day the
chief sent word that he wanted a new
tent. McCook dispatched an agent to
see in what condition Colorow's tent
was. and the report was that he did not
nesl a new tent, and McCook accord
ing!* refused him. In the afternoon
while the Governor was in his office Co
lo row came in half drunk, with a re
volver in Ids h:ind. and came over
where McCook was writing and sat
down. The Governor took in the situa
ion at a glance, hut did not look up.
'• McCook. liar!" said Colo row.
The Governor went on writing.
"MeCook liar!" repeated tha
Still McCook continued with his work.
'• Mt-Cook liar," said Colo
row reaching a climax.
Nevertheless MoCook won I<l not look
at him.
By this time Colorow had concluded
that there was no right in the (Coventor,
aw* allowed the hand containing the re
volver to drop to his side. The move
was a fatal one. In an instant McCook
seised his wrist, knocked the weapon
away from him, and. catching the
astonished Indian by the neck, kicked
him down stairs and out into the street,
where there were a number of Utes
standing about. With great tactMcCook
pointed to the prostrate and liuiuili&ted
form of Colon>vv, and turning to the
Utes said: "No man to lead braves.
Colorow an old woman. (Jet a man for
a chief." Then turning on his heel he
walked up stairs. The next day the
mortified Utes deposed Colorow.—Den
ver Tribune.
A (ant ion A Wont Shot n frame.
This being the season when game
killed by shooting, and probably con
taining the pellets, is eaten, it may be
worth while to caution those who con
sume the llesh of birds with avidity that
the proportion of instances in which
shot is found is probably small in com
parison with the number ef cases in
which the pellets are unwittingly swal
lowed. It is a matter of speculation
how much mischief a shot may do in
passing into the intestines, but the fact
that anomalous diseases have lieen set
up by the presence of very small bodies
which have become entangled in folds
of the mueoi s membrane renders it de
sirable to put the public on their guard.
Occasionally the most disastrous results
have followed such small causes. We
have in recollection the case of a physi
cian who died after prolonged and unex
plained sufferings, from the impaction
of a very small nail wbMi had found its
way into a pudding, ard was inad
vertently swallowed. A -little care will
avoid this contingency, hut, remember
ing that the bird had bem shot, some
pains ought certainly to be taken to
avoid swallowing the minile.— Lancet.