The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 23, 1879, Image 1

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    Antnmn Voice*.
Fading flower* whisper,
" Little onm, tare well'
Will yon miss onr t'aoe.
Prom the hill snd ilell f
Will yon dream almut na
In the wintry night.
When the silent anowltaVea
Hale the earth trom sight ?
Hying hiruie* warble,
" We are going now;
Will yon long to see it*
On the hlootning bongh ?
Though onr airy journey
Far awny m*t lie,
Sweeter, hrightcr tares
We shall never see'"
Silver brooklet* murmur"
"Little onee, gooil-b •
Win>l* are -rowing ohilly.
Hitter ilav* nrr> uigh;
We shall miss your bright eyes
Peeping o'er lite brim.
When in icy tetters
We lie hushed ami dim,"
* •• Flowers, hiois and brooklets,"
Uttlr ones reply,
" l.arth is sad and lonely
When* on bid good-by ,
\\ e shall not torget you,
Never in-vrr tear;
\\ e'll i*i watching for you
Kuriy in the >■*'"
T%t.\ 10 set y>
A Rhtmejof lite Time.
Miss Pal!** Kudora Von ltluiky
She didn't know chicken trom turkey;
High Spanish and t.rwk she oontd rtue itly
Rut her knowledge of poultry was murky.
She could tell the grnrl tmcle ot Moses,
And the dates ot the wai> ,U the Roses,
And the reason ot things —why the Indians
wore mini
In their red, .. <u : ginal noses'
Why S!utki<~isrrre was wrong in Uis grammar.
And the meaning of Kmrraot '* " Minimis."
An.! she went chipping rock* with a hills
black Wi\
And a nail geologi, al hammer.
She !■ ..! view* 011 eo education
And the pnnci|\al used# ot the nation.
And her wre blua and the uuu.Se*
she knew
th the stars 111 each high comtellation,
And stie wrote iu a handwriting clerky.
And she tutked w oh au emphasis jerky,
And ah • pointed on tiles ui the sweetest of
But she didn't know chk-keu trom tuikry"
—.YtUn ti. ('lira
When Mi** Ik-hone came to our house
to stay it was well understood that it
we we're to her liking she was to re
main with us for the rest of her days.
And as xve thought that the payment of
lu r K>ard would be quite an item in our
little housekeeping, we were resolved
that, of course, we would be to her lik
ing. Moreover. Miss Rehone was a
distant—indeed, a very distant—connec
tion ; mamma's great-aunt's second cou
sin by marriage, or something of the
sort. And distant aa that was, we were
the n.-arest and only connection she had
In the world, so that—l am .ashamed to
acknow ledge that we were so poor v
to be obliged to encourage a mercenary
thought in the matter —so that w<*might
possible come in for something bv her
will, if she decided not to leave all and
everything to the Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Cats, as she had
on.*- formally declared her intention
to be.
Sarah did not iook on the innovation
favorably. Sarah was our Inwuty of
beauties —1 ui-li you eould have seen
her in those days—dark .and tall and
straight as :ui Arab, with such a carna
tion on her oiive check, and such biue
black hair, and eves like midnight and
stars. iu>i as different from Emiua a*
dark from dawn; for Em was all fair and
rosy and dimpled and yellow-haired,
while Kate was grav-eyed. black-lashed
and pale. As for me, I was always a
little dud; hut 1 was mighty useful.
Well. Sarah said >!ie had rather go
without everything fore v. r than intro
duce a stranger-and such a stranger—
among us. and Em seconded her. Em
didn": say it. hut -he pretty sure it
would interfere with her K-aux to have
an old la !y always sitting round, with
her blanket-shawls and foot-stoves and
big tabby cat* on each side of her, to be
waited on every minute or two. or else
to give you a heart lea* appearance; and
it was Weil known thai Mi-- Rehone had
the greatest contempt for the young
men of to-day. who had deteriorated so
sadly since her time. But Kate and I
persua.hd mamma to our side, and that
was a majority, and Miss Rehone came.-
And she was an old woman, with
o'.anket-shaw.-. and soap-stones, and
rubber hag* of hot water, and terrible
attacks ol colic, and a lap-dog. and a
parrot, and a pair of canaries, and a tam
ily of Persian eats: an.l for tue rest, the
most inquisitive little body, with her
sharp black eyes peering fiom alt her
wraps and cans and strings and thing*
like a mouse from a bundle of raes. And
to Sarah's ron-L rnation. she singled her
out for the royal favor at once. " You
have the lb-hone eye, my love," she sain,
with a series of queer little nods: "I
looked just ,ik" you at your age." And
Sarah said afterward, with asperity,
that if she was going to look just like
lier at her age. she wished she might die
"Just tliink how horrid it will he
when Arnold comes." said Sarah to me.
" There she is nerched with her jn-ts in
the corner, ami there she a!ways will be
with those dreadful eyes of hers. too.
Rehone eves, indeed! And she Will be
asking ail sorts of hateful questions—
she'll be asking him his intentions, for
all I know."
Asking Arnold Parnell his retentions!
Sarah guessed that mamma had been on
the point of it any time this twelve
month; for mamma held her husband's
ciris to be a serious responsibility, and
here hod Arnold been, as she would have
said if she had put it into words, in the
way of Sarah's making an eligible settle
ment all this year and more. Mamma
is cheeky—l to-g her dear old haughty
pardon, she calls it h. r habit of self-re
spect—hut somehow, like "grandfather's
clock," she always stopped "short" ol
asking Arnold any questions that she
could not have asked a prince of the
blood royal; and if anybody ever looked
like a prince of the blood royai it wa*
Arnoid Parnell. That he was madiy in
love with Sarah there wasn't the least
doubt in my mind, and I doubt if there
wa* any doubt in Sarah's, although I
dare say that about some things one is
hardly quite sure till the articles are
signed and sealed. But she was such a
f.rou.l and stately piece that she would
uive died sooner than have given him,
on anybody but me— nobody ever mind
ed me much—one sign concerning her
feelings; and all we exactly knew was
that if young Dr. Parnell had given us a
good chance, we, at least, should have
been equally madly in love witli him.
But then Sarah wasn't like the rest of us,
and had never said as much as this aliout
him before.
" Oh, no," I answered her on this occa
sion, " she won't go out of her way to
make herself disagreeable."
" She won't have to," said Em, com
ing in with Kate and overhearing me.
"It is just going to destroy our home
having that woman here. She'll have
the best chair, the best corner, the best
morsel, the best room and the best man
ners all the time. There'll never be a
bit of freedom; we must speak with
bated breath; we don't know how she'll
like this or take that; she's strict and
we're liberal; she likc-s a lot of people
we hate: we'll have to mince our words
and pare our speech; she'll want hari
cot when we want roast; we'll hate pies
and she'll hate puddings; she'll want
breakfast at daybreak and dinner at
noon —and oh, dear! dear!"
And she did. All these things came
true. Miss Rehone naturally had the
best corner and the best chair in it; of
course she had the best room—there
wasn't any other for her; and of course
I helped,her to the best cuts—what eise
could you do with an elderly stranger at
table? and of course we were on our
best behaviour and took care as to what
we said in her presence. She was a dys
peptic and had to have little messes
made for her; and she did get up before
dawn, and look very thankful if any
body else crept out of bed a rouple of
hours afterward, and seem to be a re
proach to lazy young people; and she
did look over the tops of Iwr glasses at
Arnold's goings and comings in such a
way that it was quite plain that if she
said nothing, yet, like the silent parrot,
she kept up a great thinking. But then,
as I said to Sarah onoe, she paid for it
KHKI). KUK'I'Z, Kditor ami Proprietor.
all. As vet we hardlx felt any addi
tional expense; tvtui if tilings went on
comfortably. we could really think ot
buying Ikt tieV firm! that we hut lie
spai r cd of. and so rul ourselves of the
disgusting task of covering up
ami darn* by means of artistieallv ar
ranged shadows id ehairs and tallies,
and the next thing would !* the new
drvs* 'or mamma she hadn't had a
tresh b.aek si.k sinee papa's death, and
now silks were so cheap.
" 1 don't care it she thies," vtid Sarah.
"Money can't pay foreverything; money
won't pay for your health And hue
you are making yourself sick waiting on
her by inehes; and if you don't, ot txiursc
1 must. And then I never shall he able
to have an hour for my s< If for Arnold— "
She stopped, lor she hadn't meant to ay
hum my face and grime my hands." she
cried; 1 ean't have you doing all the
nursing. There'll be nothing lett of
• volt in a year, with carrying up trays for
I hreaklasi. and making he, t lea, and
whipping up eggs for refreshers, and
. st irring a custard now and a panada thvn,
, and filling hot- water Kittles, and shaking
i up cushions, and running up and down
| stairs, and being a perfect drudge in
: general—"
"Nonsense"* said 1. when 1 eould .
| break in. " You know I like to do it.
It is aiwars pleasant to tue to
"Tln uit it's so pleasant," > .id Sarah.
" I'll have some ot the pleasure. It the
little creature's going to stay—and I
suppose she is—l shall take care of her
for the tuture. I'm sure you've enough
to do in waiting on mamma and seeing
to the housekeeping. Mamma's enough
to set one by the head.
Mamma wasn't our own mother, by- 1
the-way; she was papa's great mistake.
But then we all got along nicely to
gether, and were. 011 the whole, very
fond • each other, for all Sarah's re
mark: but you know the best of friends
are sometimes exasperating. As mamma
cameot an old and stately but unpeeuni
ons family, she held herself of a little
more worth than we were—we who had
sprung from the soil, so to speak ; and,
to tell the truth, we did have to wait
upon her—how xve did have to wait
upon her! But somehow we always
liked it till Miss lb-hone came; and
then. I suppose, having the two of them
made it too much of a grant thing. And
I must say I was surprised to <■<• Sarah
tak-ng the matter up so. and it did put
me in mind of the Queen of Sheha wait
ing on the Witch of Endor. say— Sarah
was so splendid and superb, and then
she usually did look like an Eastern
princess in disguise, whether she was
holding a toasting fork over the blare or
snutling Mi*s Dehone's wax candle for
her; and Miss lb-hone always would
have a wax candle. As for Em and
Kate, they kept school, and wore the
chief of our support, ami could not. of
course, do anything else.
Well, at the end of the second month
I went to balancing our accounts, and
seeing what would !*• left over tor the
carpet and mamma's -i'k; and, if you'll
believe it. adding in all the board money,
our accounts only came out iu.-t even.
All the little ni< ssings had counted up.
and instead of our boarder's being a
profit, that iittle item in our hou*< ke, jv.
ing was all the other wav. " Well "
said 1. " what shall we do? Let her
find another home? It's a pity—and
she so welt established."
" It would be a shame." said Sarah,
hesitatingly. "A shame. No, I couldn't
—could you?—turn her out."
" No profit and no pleasure, and a
world of trouble." said 1.
" I don't know." said Sarah. "You
can't help growing fond of the little
thing, although she does ask such ques
Questions! I should think so. Who
was that 1 And what did he come for?
What was his busim-ss? Was he
Sarah's lover or Km'-? 81m didn't think
much of his taste if he were Urn's. Was
he a good match? Why hadn't we
looked out for hi:u. then? Why were
none of us engaged? Did we mean to)
die old maids like her? Rid we think
that so cheerful a prospect, with nobody
to ear-'a farthing' Who was the Dr.
Parnell that came round here >0 much?
Was he after Sarah? Handsome is that
handsome docs, and Sarah wasn't to be
had for the asking, she would have him
to know.
" Roes Sarah like liira, do you know?"
she asked hp- one day.
"Indeed. Miss lb hone, how can I
say ?"
" You can say very well if you will."
" But—"
"I don't want to hear anything about
a ' but.' You think I'm a chattering
old woman, and so you won't speak.
Very well; lean find out usually all I
want to in one way or another, and no
thanks to anybody. I'll ask him."
Ask him! "For goodness sake. Miss
Rehone—" I began
"Then there is something in it!" she
said, triumphantly. " I thought so.
lie's in love with Sarah, and she's in
love with him. Why aren't they en
gaged? Why don't they marry? flood
gracious! it wasn't so when I was
young. I.ovc has turned his bow into
a money-bag. Weil, hasn't he a pro
fession ?'
"Oh, yes. you know lie's a physician.
But he practices in a country village t -n
mih s from here, and drives over to *-e
us. And. dear me. it's the healthiest
"So I suppose. Why doesn't he set
tle there?"
" Because there's no opening. The i
town's full of doc tors now."
" And there's no hope of anything l t
ter—iet me see, I ought to say worse—in
the village?"
"No. He doesn't earn enough to pay
for his salt, let alone Sarah's. No, it's
hopeless," said I, " unless some angel of
mercy leaves u* all a fortune."
"You needn't look at me, I sha'n't.
My will wa rmule years ago. But 1
should think." she added, reflectively,
"that if a young inan had any push, he
could find away to support himself and
a wife too. If I wanted to marry Sarah,
I'd emigrate, hut I'd do it. But there!
what do I care? What should I do. to
be sure, wi!bout her? No. let Arnold
Parnell marry Em or Kale, or any
other baggage. My Sarah's too good for
" I quite agree with Miss Rehone,"
said mamma, who had waked from hr
nap on the lounge. "If a young man i;
worth marrying, he will find out a
" I suppose he will." said I, "by the
time they are Kith gray-he:ul*d."
"Dear! dear!" said Miss Rehone.!
" What a world it is!" And when Ar
nold's gig stopped at the door that
night, the old Jady hitched her chair
round and deliberately turned Iter ;
shoulder on him. having first fitted on
a pair of dark blue glasses for tin- pro
tection of her eyes from the fire, and
leaned back in her chair to enjoy a nap. j
Arnold and Sarah sat down for a game :
of crib huge, and perhaps the sound of
the monotonous enumeration and itera
tion lulled her oft—ami perhaps they
didn't. At any fate, she soon gave audi
ble testimony to being asleep; and I 1
went into the back parlor, where mam- j
ma was playing whist with Kate and
two dummies —for Em and Fred Mallows
were so taken up with eaeti other as to ,
be no better than dummies. "I declare,"
said mamma, as Em trumped her own
triek and Fred placidly revoked, " I h id
its liet play with two figure-heads. ,
Pray, Mr. Mallows, do you follow Pole, j
or Cavendish, or Re Vautre, or—"
' I follow tny partner's lead," said Mr, j
1 went and looked on at the play; ami
as they grew merry and forgetful, I
glanced into the little mirror that re
flected : corner of the other room, I be
ing the only one in the range of its pic
ture, and I saw Arnold's band pause in
moving a peg, and close round Sarah's
half-6Uspended one—and there was no
more eribhage played in the front par
lor that night. And hy-and-bye, when
Sarah came to bed, 1 pretended to be
asleep. Put for al! that I viw herein* ks
the tador of two carnations, and her eyes
shitting with such a sixtvt light in them
as -lie put down the lamp Mini stood
1 leaning her arms on the bureau ami
looking in the glass. "Oh!" she mur
mured to hers- t "And it will In-an
, old. old woman's first!" And 1 heard
her crying softly to herself whenever I
woke up in the night, as I had never
| heard her do before.
Bui the next morning there was no
; time for sentiment. Mi*s lb-hom- wa
ill. \tul alter no end of running with
hot flannels and loot baths, she divlared
it was a ease for a doctor, and I must
send for one.
" Why not have Arnold said 1.
" Arnold!" she cried, with contempt.
"Ro you suppose 1 want to make
clinical lecture of ntv-eif for that loy?
Do 1 want to be a subject tor a young
man's experiments? No. 1 heard Ktu's
chattering Mallows there last night,
after you went up, telling of Arnold's
taking that Irish halo up to his own
room to gel well; and of his transfusing
blood from his right arm for that dying
woman—hut you see she died and he
hadn't any right to do it. And I can't
say when 1 have telt tuore indignant
than went lie told of Arnold's taking out
a screw in the life-boat 111 that Septciu
bcr gale to rescue the people en the
wreck of the Snriana. Suppose I'd K*-n
one of his patients, and he <1 risk his life
sii iii the very middle of my ease—"
"How did you hear all that. Miss
Ik hone? 1 thought you were asleep."
" I woke up."
" IVrhaps you heard something els.-?"
"I heard a great deal else." s;tid she,
with some emphatic nods, and her little
b'a k eyes sparkling like diamonds.
" And saw too."
" 1 don't ms- what there w as to ms-."
"Just as good as a novel, tuy dear,
just as good as a novel —a real live
novel, too."
" Do you mean Sarah and Arnold?"
She nodded again.
" I don't think you had any right —"
I Ik-gnu.
"Now you stop just there!" she cried.
"That's my aflatr. .and not yours. If I
itui square it with my conscience. I'm
not obliged to square it by yours " Then
the little sprite looked up at me withlthc
raidest, eeriest laugh "Ro you wont to
know how I saw them?" she said.
" Then you put on tuv glass- s. I'm about
done with them.'' And -lie thrust the
blue spectacles on my nos--. ti 11l at an
abtuse angle, and I saw the whole room
behind me reflected in miniature in the
blue glasses, as it they were a Psyche
"Oh, how moan'" I exclaimed.
" i'shaw! Why should they mind me
any more than an old tree? I am an
old tree. I saw him ki*s her hand; tuid
—and I should have seen him kiss her
lit s. 1 guess—her beautiful sweet |iij>—
if I hadn't shut my eyes iust then. Oh,
yes, I have a little conscience. You an
going to warn them atotut me? You'd
better not. Tin- motto on one of our
tirst coins was. mind your own business.
I'll give you on-- of them for your col
lection if you'll hold your tongue. And
I'm glad you think it's mean. too; hut
then it isn't wise or n-spectful for you to
say so," said the midget. "Arnold?
No. I want a practical man. He's hand
some enough—oh. he's v.-ry well-,ook- 1
ing; handsome as Sarah; handsome !
like King Saul. But I like an ugly doe- 1
tor. And my throat's all filling up. I ]
wish you'd hurry. Who is the best doc- '
tor hen —I mean the oldest? Who has '
the widest practice? I want Aim." So J
I sent for Rr. Bunts; and th<- little crea
ture insist<*d on seeing him alone, and a '
sweet time, we thougiif, he Ii:m1 of it '
with Iter.
"lie's an old man. a very old man. 1
together too old to practice, and 1 told ]
him so. if I lik- an old lH-tor. I don't
mean Methuselah." -aid she. " But he's I
done me good. I f<* Ila tter already. I 1
shouldn't wonder if If eould go down 1
" Ro \<>u tliink you'd IK--I?"
" AA'-'ii. if S irah'il ronic and read to 1
np-, I'll sit up lien- till night-fall. 1 a!- '
ways like to leave ray room, and change 1
tlie air anyway, when I can." And as
Sarah read interminable page after page '
of Bollock's "Course of Time." her sad. 1
sweet taee a little turned away, the
mouth slightly drooping, and the lovely
lips east down. 1 saw the tilth- creature
eyeing her with a most singular cast of
countenance. "Just think," I said t*
myself, " her life almost done with, and
their live- ray dear magnificent Sarah's
life—ju-t K ginning, and just going to 1
ruin. And it they only had her money, •
only had half of it—"
" You ju.-t goaway !"said Miss Rehone
to me, sharply. "I know exactly wliat
you're thinking of. Your face is iu-t
like a jack-o'-lantern— tin- light shines
through. It's no u-e at all."
She came down stairs, la-fore tea. on '
Sarah's arm. It win blowing up quite
a gale and the rain wasswi ping by the ,
firelight of the windows like sparks. <
She didn't iook much as though she had '
had the doctor in the morning; Sarah 1
looked a great deal more like it. The 1
little eyes of the old lady fairly danced ; 1
-he kept looking toward the window-. '
and wouldn't have the lamps lit; and '
as Arnold suddenly opened the door and !
came in. shaking off the storm and 1
bringing a gab- with him. she laughed '
like H girl. " I declare," I said to my- j'
--■lf. "I don't know what to make of
Iter. Is she a fraud, or is she not ?'' And
ail at once, cold and ruddy as he was I
after throwing off his cloak, Arnold had ,
stalked forward to that lire and had jj
seized the little bundle of rags and rib- !
Rons and eyes in his arms. 1 '
" I always knew there was a good <
fairy at the hearth," lie cried.
"But medown,sir! put me down! I'm '
sure I don't know what you mean, i j
never was treat* d with such indignity?"
"I never shall put you down,"said I
he." till you promise to come and sit by
Sarah's fireside and mine."
"Arnold!" cried Sarah, whit" as a
white rose.
" Rr. Parnell!"tnid mamma, starting
to her feet with as much dignity as tin
amazement left Iter.
" Yes, yes," he said. " I mean it. We
are going to have a hearth of our own at
last. And such a hearth! Ro you re
member that old gray house on the hill,
with the garden going up the hill Is-hind
it. all terraces and grass-plots and alieys
and flower l>eds ?"
" Ah, h .v sweetly such tilings sound
in fall weather, and when you don't
have to weed and water!" cried Kate,
clasping her hands melodramatically, in
order to break the breathless spol!.
"And if you do!" he exclaimed.
"And all the year round and. forever!"
" Ro you mean Rr. Burns' house !" I
"Exactly so. Sarah, that is going to
be our own house. It is your wedding
present. And she lias done it, the little
fairy godmother. And she has bought
Rr. Burns' practice, and that is mine,
and I enter 011 the good-will next week,
and we go into that house, you and I'
Sarah, the week after. Ro you hear?"
" Do you hear, Sarah ?" echoed Miss
"Oh, it ean't be true," said Sarah,
with white lips, and scenting ready to
fall on Iter knees.
" It in true," raid Miss Rehone. " And
now 1 suppose you'll let me go, young
"Not," said lie, "till you promise to
come with Sarah. We shall nenl the
fairy godmother at our hearth there—
they've got another here"—and if you'll
believe it, he looked at me. " Not till
then." said he.
"Very well, then," said she. "Any
thing for peace. But if you believe for
a moment," said site, adjusting Iter cap,
after he had dropped her into her chair,
"that I had any other intention you are
mistaken. Leave my Sarah to the mer
cies of a man, indeed! Sarah, I'm deter
mined you shall have everything I
didn't. And I've ordered you an ivory
tinted satin and orange blossoms and
veil." And all of a sudden the little
creature burst into tears, and we were
ail sobbing and laughing round her, niid
when she at last emerged from the
diUtlplti -<l :Uld discr-l- I "R> II 1 Ul' -lie
said, '• I should think 1 Was the bride,
after all!'' Il<>r/sr'ji f>i.d'.
furuig ll)dropliidrtu In force of Mill.
It w ill not do t> say that hydrophobia
is always a disease ot the imagination .
hut that it is Miiui-liiit' s sU< h. and llial
it may l>- controlled ami cured by the iii
ißietnv of the mind over the tn!>, woul
appear to be proved by tin- followiug in
tercsiing en.-*- related in a recent article
in the CbrnAtU M<tfto on :
Andrew frosse. tin --ha-tricim liad
Iteen bitten vy iviv l>y a oit, whidi on
the satuc day died from hydrophobia,
lie seetus resolutely to have di-inisscd
from his mind the bars whieh must
naturally have ls 11 siigg- sr,| hy tin *e
eireuinstiuiees. 11 ail he yielded to tiiem,
as most itii-ii would, h< might no* ini
' probably have succuuilierl within a ! w
days or weeks to an attack ot mind
created hydrophobia- -o 1| de* ribe tbe
lata! ailun nt which eie now lias been
known to kill persons w ho had ln*-n bit
ten by animals [h i feel !y lre from rabies.
Three months pa-<al, during which
t i viyoyed ills Usual lie . ill. At tin*
-nd of that time, however, he fell one
morning a. severe pain in lii- arm, a i*oni-
Pallied bv i*reat thirst. H>- eaihal for
watr, hut "at the instant." h- says,
"that 1 was alsutt to raise tin tumbler
to my Sip- a -trotig spasm -hot ai ross my
throat; imunaiisteiy the terrible convic
tion came to my mind that 1 was nttout
o fall a victim to hydrophobia, the eon
sequence ot the bile i bad received from
tin oat. The agony of mind 1 endured
for one hour is incescriltnble; the con pint ion of such a horrible death—
death from hydrophobia— w as almost m
aupportabie. I'lie pain, which t)al first
txiiunieuced in my hand. pae-'*t up to the
e!law, ami from llieiu-e l> the shoulder,
threatening to extend. I felt all human
aid was UM-ii-ss, and I believed that I
must die At length 1 began to reflt-. t
on my condition. I -aid to nijwlf,
'Either I shad die, or I shall not; if 1
do, it will only be a fat*- which many
have suffered, and many more iuu*t sui
fer.and I must bear it .ik<- a man; if.on tin
otiier hand, then- is any hope of IUV life,
tuy only chance is in summoning my ut
most I'-solution, defying the attack, and
exerting every effort of my mind.' Ac
cordingly, feeling that physicn as w< .
as mental exertion was ne. esaarv, 1 took
my gun. shouldered it. bud went out for
the purp-> of shooting, my arm a. hing
tiie while intoierablv. I met witli no j
s|x>rt. but 1 walkesl the whole afternoon, j
exerting at every step I went a strong
mental effort against the disease U ben
! returned to the house I was dts idwily j
better; I waa able to eat Bonn- dinner,
and drank water as usual. The next
morning the aching pain Lad gone down j
to tuy elKw. the following it w- nt down
to the wrist, and the third day it '.eft m> '
altogether I mentioned the circum
stance to Rr. Kinglak- 1 , and he said lie
eertnin y amsidertal 1 had had an atve x
of hydrophobia, which would pssibly j
have proved fatal had I not strugg ■•! it by a strong effort of mind."
A Remarkable Rifleman.
At Acri- uilural Bark. Rr John Ruth, |
of tiakiand. gave an < xhibilton of his
skill as a rifle slart. and achieved a de.
rided suv-s, astonishing even his;
Irieniis. Ruring the enti-rtainment In
shot eignr* from the mouth of his as- ,
sislant. who was standing alx-ut twenty i
f-s-t distant, :unl not on y did s U wli •
having the pun—a twenty-two ■ 1 ilr<
liallanl —against his ihoQltitT in the
usual manner, but with it turned sirt
ways or upside down, with the -to- k
resting U|>>n liis head. lie also shot ap- !
rles from a sti<-k two or tlins- inches 1
long ln-id in his assistant's mouth, tin
gun lelng tir<sl hi various did! uit t"- |
sitions. including sighting over hi*
shoulder with a small mirror, ami a'.-o
shot glass liails from hi< as-i-tan!'-
hca<!. making many shots that • n- dif- j
ticuit and seenntl perilous. The audi- !
cncc wen- at ah -* which to admin-1
most, the nerve of the shooter or the (
youth who held "target." As anortion I
of the exhibition the dm tor atu-mnted i
to !x-at hi* score, made ma-ntly at • Lk
innd, of breaking glass bails out ot
1.000. During the furetuKin h* sht a'
.'•00 and missed twenty. In the aftern<vin j
he shot at . r oo more and iuised only ■
iiiiu --making a total of thiitv-niiie j
IliiSM-s out of 1.000 halls shot at. fm
soon- in the aft.'rnooii was carefully
tallied hv several persons, including the
N.-< retaiy of Stat- elect, D M Bum*.
The In-st "run" made by tin- shooter
was eighty succ-s-ive hits. While
pl.'as.-d with having made the best
score ever made in public on the const.
he stat'-d that he was not in good trim
for shooting, onving l-. n nearly Laid up |
by a big ladl on the back of his n.-.-k.
which was lancrrt only last Tu-*day. j
lie ha- -hot at 1.000 successive bail* Inft
once la-fore, but in nhmiting at '** l he
ha* lss-n so sui* - s-ful as to mi-* only
nine out of that nuiuix-r. He is u large
man of al>ut middle a re, of agreeable
manner, and handles v. r; siiic*thly the
weapon he u-.-s. Hi- average time in
sh.Miting 100 halls wa* b.-'. ween nine and
ten minutes, using but one gun and
hauling it himself. Like Carver, he
sli.Mrt* with both eye* open.— San Fran
cisco !(• i'or'l.
Field's .Monument to Andre.
A monument has toa-nerect*lby Cyrus
\V. Field to Major Andre on the spot
where the British spy was hanged, in
Tappan, N. Y. The monument, which
i* of the finest Maine granite, is -ix feet
eight inches high and along with the
foundation xveigH* aK>ut fifteen tons. It 1
bears the following inscription, written
by Dean Stanley, of Westminster, the
line* being arraagod in the order here
ll- <ll*-1 (I Inter M IT*n.
M.JorJoll N V X'MKI
1f !h r.rituh Amw
who. muring Ibr n llom .
on * •• t uHsfo ti n-ff in t AtooM
f.r th'• ;rr n lr: ..f W. %t |. it.
w*i iAkcti prig n*r, trt*-1 nn l ron Iconic las $ j>r
MIS Bfl I.
though MrcoMtinr to tiaw tr'n rs4* of war.
11l .vc 1 Ptrti ht fncmlrs I pit % .
•n l loth ftrihici ttt -arnc i th" ft
of .n# to ftiuos Ah l hf.AA ••
In l"?! till • urt' • vc.i in Wrtrnlnilr AWrt
V hun-lrt'-I v*ar aft**' liL% rtn utioti
this Was pi*! fI Itoivt ttic W?i**ro la*
by I< it a**!! of the Stfitcfl at> a R-t Whk h I" foßgbt*
rtff t rH-r|wtnxt'th" *c rl .f fitrlfr,
but m token of lh(p better frrjlntff
whUli hve unite I tM tMtRHia.
"tic tn race, in lanffUNffe an I in rcltfih n.
witli th- earn* *t rw that th; frlm llv union
vriu. NKV Kit UK KROkKN
On the west side of the shaft is the
| ; Dcau of Wcstmint*r. ;
On the south side is tlie following
quotation :
i Sunt iurryuup rcrum t mrnUm morta tanffunt :
: \
On the north side are the following
words attributed to General Washing
ton. who signed Arnold's death warrant;
; "He was more uriforfatiatc than rrlniitiai. at a :
:romioh"l mil!,ind c* *nt •.fitter ;
A Maliiciiiatlcul Curiosity.
Mr. Joseph Jameraon. of this city,
says the Columbus (Ohio) Journal.
ha* had the leisure and ingenuity to
study out the following peculiar arrange
ment of figures:
The year Ihhi will he a mathematical
curiosity. From left to right and from
right to left it reads the same; 18 di
vided by 2 gi 'os it as the quotient; 81
divided by B and 9is the quotient. If
I*Bl is divided by 200,!) is tiie quotient;
if divided by !, the quotient eotitnins u
0; if multiplied hy ti, the jiroduct con
tains two 9's. One and eight are nine,
■tight and one are nine. If the 18 l>c
placed under the 8J and added, the sum
is !K). If the figures be added thus. I, fi,
8, 1. it will give 18. Rending from left
to right is 18, and reading from right
to left is 8|; and 1h is two-ninths of 81.
Bv adding, dividing and multiplying
nineteen !)'s are produced, being one 9
for each year required to complete the
lire ||.
Mock tfisiiiis or Co km. - Take a
i dozen and a half eat - ol grt-eu coin and
, grate from the cob as tine as possible;
1 tlu-n mid two large lahl.-spooiifuls ot
•lour and thr*- egg*. Beat well ami fry
a* you would oysu rs, in part butter and
part lard, which should tie very hot.
low mo Soi t* l'o one pint tomatoes,
j canned, or four large one* cut tine, mid
i one quart boiling water and let them
|, l licit add oii<- tea*) w win ol sod a,
j when it will loam; immediately add ouv
j pint ol *w> l milk, with salt, pepper and
plenty of butter. \\ hen thi* bolls add
ight small cracker*, rolled line, and
j serve.
1 (liNi.ii: I't'lu.iKt. Haifa pound o
: tlour, quarter of a pound of suet, quarter
i of a pound ot moist .sugar, two large tca
i -pooiitui* .f grate.t ginger. Sbrcd the
u< t very fine, mix it with the flour,
-11/ar and ginger, -tir al) well together;
I.utter a basin and put the mixture in
.try ; tie a cloth over and laiil lor three
Km. OK Burn h (iitvvy.—But into a
till dlsli olie-qUarter . Up >f btltler and a
large tabic*pooaful ..f flour. Set on the
stove, and as the l.utU r melts stir iu the
flour until smooth, or free from lumps;
then janir oh nearly a pint of boiling
water. Slice into your gravy Imwl two
hard boiled egg*, twvur the gravy on
them and serve. Salt and pepper.
A itu t 'akk.— Take two .-uj>* of dried
applies; stew just enough to c lion easily;
chop as tin.- as raisins and boil in two
eun* of molasses till preserved through;
drain off tin- molasses, then add two
eggs, one cup of butter, one cup of sour
link, two t.-asjSHJtifuls of soda, five cups
of flour and spices ui ail kinds; ml.l the
apples and one large cup of raisins tin !
last thing.
Sxtvii Bimril. —Two pounds of tin
scraggy part of the neck of mutton Cut
the meat from tin- Itone and cut off all
the fat; cut the meat into *maii pieces;
put into a soup pot with one large aliec
of turnip, two carrots, one onion, on.- j
-talk of parsley, one-half . up of t.ariey,
three pint* of water and gently two
hours. On the twines put one pint of
water, two hours and then strain
on the soup. t'.H.k onespoonful of flour ,
and one ol butter together until perfectly ]
smooth, then -tir into the soun and add
>ne te.vjww>nfu. of ciioppeu parsley, j
Season with salt and jw*j>p.*r.—Afis* .\l. \
tlouwrbalrt Uinta.
To make a tw.iish for ui.-tals, dissolve 1
one oun< < carbonate of amtuonia in fou.' |
..urn's-* of water and mid sixteen ounce*
of Baris white, mixing them w.-U to
gi-ther. I *e a damp *|>.>ngv, and rul
the j*iwder lightly over the surfa.-e of
the metal. M 11. 11 the JH.wdrt ) dusted
off the utetal will lw- bright and clean.
To make potato star, h, grate six me
dium-siz.*i rwvtahw-s and mix thiwoughly
with on.- gallon of water; strain through
a ixunc towel, let srihle, drain off tin
water and turn <n another gallon of
clear water and let settle again; drain'
again put in an earth, n dish and set in
a warm place (not tw warm) P> dry.
I s. same a* corn-starch for starehlng
When you gather yourh.-rlsi dry them
and rub the hnv.-s through a sieve and
Krtth- them tightly tih you litem.
Tie the *t.a k together nnd save them
till you want to make what the French
call a bouquet lor a <>uj> or slew. A
KtUqtxi of herb# is made by tying to
gether a f< w -jrig* of jiarsciey, thyme
and two haylcav.-. These can al. to
tomglit at any drug store.
To r.-ston- srordtod linen, jxv] and
a lice two onions, and extract the juice
by pounding mid squeezing; cut uj> half
an ounce of line white Maj>. and also
add to tin- juice of the onions two
nun.'. - of fu 1 r's . artli an.l half a pint of
\ inegar. Boil all together. When
cool, sj.n ad over the scorched linen, and
let it dry on . llu-n wash and Kil out tic
linen, and the sjk.l* will disappear, un
h -- so l>a>ily as to destroy the
When to .iuplr Manffrf.
TIIO common run>ng fjirmcr§
is to make a general clearing of the
yard* and barn celiar# on. >■ a year, either
in the spring or fail. Either practice
mak.-s a heavy .'raft utx>n the teams,
and has it* disadvantag.**. If this work
i* done in the spring, it is when tin
ground i* -.ft. and other work i* \-
ccdingiy pressing. If tlo- manure i*
drawn out in the fall, and in
lieap* uj-on the fieid to to- eu.rivaled
next *ea.-"t>. tlien- is more or les* wasti
hy leaching and by evaporation. There
i* a growing li*poMlin among our in
tcliig. Nt farmer* to apply manure di
r* tly to growing < roj*. or as near tin
time of planting and sowing as j**sibic.
It i* f it that the sooner manure is put
within reach of the roots of plants, the
K-lter f.r the croj>* an.l their owner.
Manure i- so uiu.-h capital invested, and
to-ars interest only as it is consumed in
the soil.
The ham-cellar may lc so managed as |
to manufacture and turn out fertilizers j
every month in the \a-ar. *<> that the '
farmer may suit hi* convenience in ap- I
plying th.-m to the soil. When manure j
1- not wanted for cultivated crops, it is ]
always -ale to apply it to the grass crop, i
either in pa*ttir< or uj*n meadow* after ;
mowing. Top-dressing is growing in <
favor with oui intelligent farmer*, i
Grass pays bettor than almost any farm j
croji in the older States, and the spread- ,
ing of compost saves the necessity of 1
frequent plowing and scaling. By toj>-
.lr.-ssing at any convenient season of the
year, fields may he kept profitably in
gra** for an indefinite time.—American
In.I Until, for I'nwlt.
Yes, they are just about the in-st thing*
which can be allowetl to the fowl* and
chicks, and tlicy are sure to appreciate
them a* much as a cleanly disjmsed j>er
son docs a gi mm! hath in tiie water, for it
i* their mode of effecting a thorough
ck vn-ing. Nature ha* ordered it *O,
anrt the fowl* understand it full well,
for they delight in nothing more—unless
we except a good feed —than to roll
around and Work through a lot of fine
dust, and they go at it with all the de
light evinced by a lot ol urchin* in a
pond of water. They rub themselves
di wn deep into it, toss it uj> under their
wings, over their head* and backs and
in under their feathers until they are
completely covered with it. This re
freshes them wonderfully, while it also
has the desirable effect of ridding them
of lice. Thi* is especially so when the
dust has been sprinkled lightly with di
lutcl carbolic acid or well dusted in
with flowers of sulphur, though the acid
is the hcs|, and, as used, the cheapest.
There should always be plenty of line,
dry dust kept on hand, and it should be
liberally sujiplicl, either in wide and
shallow boxes, or in one corner of the
house. It must always to- kept under
shelter, else it will soon bccomet-amp
from the dews, or from showers of rain.
lbultry Monthly.
Burtons Facts.
Man has the power of imitating al
most every motion but that of flight.
To effect this, he ha* in maturity and
health sixty bones in hi* head, *ixty in
liis thigh* and legs, sixty-two in his
arms and hands, and sixty-seven in his
trunk. He has also 131 muscles. His
heart makes sixty-four pulsations in a
j minute, and therefore 2, fiWO in an hour,
and 92,160 in a day. As to the sjieed of
animated to-inj;*, size and construction
seem to have little influence. The sloth
is hy no means a saiall animal, and yet
it can travel only fifty paces in a day: a
worm crawls only live inches in fifty
seconds, but a ladybird can fly twenty
million times it* own length iti less than
an hour. An elk can run a mile and a half
in seven minutes; an antelope a mile in
a minute; the wild ass of Tartar ha*
speed even greater than that. An eagle
eiui fly eighteen league* >n an hour. A
violent winds travelß sixty to seventy
miles an hour.
fun lljdrupliobia He I tired
tiottlich Ehiaaeer, who died ill Phila
delphia, had a history, which i* given
by the nsg< of that city. In Prussia he
tK>k adcgrci </ Doctor of Medirlnc, and,
coming to 1 lii* country, made a fortune
and then io*t it. He Wtta a native of
Berlin, and many years ago his father
owned a Spit/, dog, prized for hia faitli
!illness and In* ability a* a night watch
Mr. El-a*er"* un. 'c was the "s. liarf
richter," or headsman, ot Berlin, and, m.
a part of his v.w-ntion, ho was <-A|)wlwi
to till the position ol |'Uud-tna*tcr.
During the dog .lavs hie numerous aids,
or "s< harlriclilcr-kneehlcrs," roamed
through tlu* city and seized all the dog*
that seemed to he without home or mas
ter. Those that w.-re not rede, tu.-d were
From the nature of his occupation the
" sciiarfrichtcr knee liter" I*-came iuti
niat.-l) m qUaiuted with the doings and
misdoings of ail kind* of dogs, and in
Berlin he was looked ui*.u a* authority
in all matt.-rs concerning them. The
rest of the story is givin as told by Gott
lieb Elsaaser himself some time ago,
" My father finally Issaim- a store
kiw-ja-r, and then he deemed it advisable
to with our Npitxcr. and accord
ing .y lie present.-.! him to a friend. -My
uncle, hearing that the dog was going
among stmng. -I*, said to his it. w master;
' Ik-ware of him ; he la-longs to the "was
si-r-sclieu."' H<-meant hy this that he
Iw-ionged U that class ol dogs which festr
the water.
"The" achnrfrleliter-kmvhter' divides
all dogs into tw o cawH s; thus, that fear
th. water. III.' tiding the Nj.i'-g. Jawwlll*
and many other vari. lies, and those that
like the water, including th- Newfound
land. s.tter, j...inter, bloodhound and
the various kinds of hiuiling dogs. He
holds that the biu- ol every dog that
I>-ar* the water is jw.isonou* at ail times,
and tlmt the members of the other cL-ws
are entirely harmless.
" Well, my father's friend l.w.k our
Spit/ dog away. The dog hit llitll and
the man died. ' Didn't 1 tell you
said my uncle, the ' scharfrichter.' " The
bite of a " waaserchcu " is aa deadly a*
the sting of a rattlesnake. If ><>U had
call.*! m>- in time, though, I exrtlid leave him.'
"This wa* the remedy my uncle pro
jM.stal, Hepmih the tongue of every hu
man being tin re an- two large veins,
whose blackness renders thetu easi.y dis
tinguishable. When anyone i* afflicted
witii hydrophobia, . ut these open with
a pair of small scissor* or any sharp in
strument. and allow the tdood t trickle
out. This rids the patient of the virus.
Then make a lea of iuj.ulin. the seeds o|
the hop vine, mid give the jwxllent a.-up
fui. This will at once put him toshs-ji
without having the injurious effect that
would follow the adminstrationofopium
In four or five hours the patient will
awake. Tln n give hiui another cupful
of the tea. and continue this treatment
until he ha* slept for twenty-four hour*,
lie will then 1*- .ntireiv cured. The
, scharfrichter-knecliters '* say that thi.*
siuipic muedy n. \ <-r fails.
"In Hilesia, in 1*31.1 was in tin* army,
employed to prevent people from enter
ing the district ravaged by the cholera.
Four soldiers were bitten by wolves,
they aisodr.-ad the water, ami tliercfore to the wasscrscKu. Oneof the
nn-n expird in terrible agony. While
the oilier thn*- w. re suffering terribly n
scharfrichter-knetliter arrived, appliesi
his n ttiedv an.l the iv< of the men were
" When a Ky I threw a Spitz dog into
a pond. It was only b* *trato?v that I
could g 1 him near the hank. When h<-
found himself in the water in- jioddled
vigorously with hi* fore feet, but he
eouid not swim. The hind jwrt of l.s
body sank. Trv a Newfoundland or
bloodhound dog in the satuc manner, he
rests easily in tbe water, and swims
quietly and gra fully. Everyone should
try hi* and ass rtain if they belong
to the wasw-rseheu. If they dr nxl the
water do not a ; !<w them to remain in
the house. The Spit/ and his brrthr<-n
are as dangerous ae the rattlesnake. It
doe* no goo.J to kill him after be has
bitten you. I/'t bim live, and see whether
it is necessary that lie should Ik- what
p<ople eall 'mad" in order to causen
A Romance of History.
A. through Germany the anniversaiy
of tic *urr. nd.-r at S. Inn wa* celebrated
by firework*, illumination* and tin- in
evilahlc oration. In connection with
thi* < tent i* a story wlii* h zoumis more
like rman.-e than real history. When
the grs at Najs-dron. the only Nnpol.s.n
in fa-t. rtibing tlirough Europe- at
the head of hi* vi< toriou* army, made
.Irunk bv nj>> aled success.-*,
Queen of Brus*in. who wasct.mpelled to
fly from castle to castle, determined to
seek nil inbrxiew with the resistless
general. When sin- entered the room
with her children, hoping that their
cuilclcs* faces would touch the royal
heart, she was so exhausted that she
sank into a eliair. Napoleon, a-ldres<-
ing lier in his most brusque manner,
said. " Madame, are you aware that you
are iu the |>r.-s< nee of the Emperor?"
She at once n*.. and standing before
the |.ar\ > liu with the dignity which the
rta-ollection that her family hail been
famous for hundred* ol years in*j>ind,
repliini: "Sir, I supjKwd that 1 was
in the presence of a g.-ntlcman." Even
the tiny child felt the insult, for lie
flush.*l with anger and doubled his little
fist. What wonder that lie never for
got the wrong done .0 hi* mother, and
that wln n lie Ix-i-ann- a man and felt the
pressure of the crown he sought for an
opportunity to avenge it? The emperor
reached the height of his towering am
bition and then fell into the abyss of Si.
Helena. At last his nephew—a shadow
with a great man's name attached —
seized the throne ol France. At Sedan
that nephew—all then' was left of the
Napoleon who had insult-d Louisa—d--
liv. re.l up his swonl in disgnn-eful de
feat to the Emperor William, who as a
boy had clinched his fists and vow. d
revenge. And now you can see in Rerun
a magnificent monumentdedi.-ated to the
memory of !rtuisa and built with money
which the French people were eompellea
to pay. History seldom jo-csen's a pic
ture so complete in all its details as this
The Sutro (New) Imhpentlcni savs:
"Old Mother Rildine, the hermit, of
Twenty-One-Mile l>e*ert.nald her semi
annual visit to our town l >t Thursday
for the purposeof getting a few supplies.
Notwithstanding her age—sixty-three
years—she is .* spry and active as a
girl of sixteen. She want* a purchaser
lor her ,W goats and says she will re
turn to her native town in Massachu
setts if she ean effect a sale ol them.
She lelt for the mountains again Thurs
day eveni'M with a j.illow-cnse full of
eatables and clothing."
Marrying I'hlnunian.
The absence ot Chinese women in the
East lias rompelled the males to inter
inairy with the whites. There are in
New York at the present time nearly 300
Chinamen who Lave while wives. They
are mainly Spanish and Irish women,
the Mongolians preferring the latter on
account >' their skill in domestic labor.
Few of them allow their wives to work.
This is due to a spirit of gallantry which
is visible even in the West. The inter
marriage ol races commenced about six
years ago. Consequently a young
China-Celtic generation is sjiringiiig up,
the oldest of whom is about five years
of age. As these children are becoming
very numerous, they may become an
important factor in strengthening the
kindly relations between our citizonc
uud Chinese emigrant*. In a year or
two some of them will be old enough to
enter school. Not only have thcCliiness
married Spanish and Irish women, but
at No. 15 Molt street there lives a China
man who married a colored woman.
The pair have three tine-looking chil
dren.—New York Herald.
TKKMH: #2.00 Yoar, in Advanoe.
, 187 D.
An Insurance Murder.
In Recejijlu-r htai J. W liillman, ol
1 lawn-lice, Knnna*. insured hia life lor
f'.' in tin following companies
j Connecticut Mutual Idle, flA.ouo,
Mutual Life, of N. w York, flto.tkat;
New York Life, tio.o-0. the premium*
I amountingaeini-aniiuaily to alaiut $313.
< tue -lay m the following February he
I met Major Wi*inan. the special agent
tot the Mutual Life, who had Ink-ti hia
i application in Jn-a-iiiln-r, am! naked him
; many |ertinent qui-ation*. which rouaed
I the major • auspiciona that liillman wm
c,nit> iiiplaU-d something "crooked."
The special agent at ran* la-gnu taking
i notea a* to the more preeiaeand positive
. idetitideation ol liillman atiouid he in
the future turn up dead. In the minor's
survey ol liillman. he notices! a tooth
: out iu bis upper left jaw. Noon after
ward it waa published that liillman Was
: accidentally shot and kihed by hia former
huiu<aa partner. J. 11. Brown, an ' the
liody hurled at Medicine Lodge. Wlse
imui inalanlly ua|as-tsl something
w rung, and a* coiupanhsi liy hia lawyer
and Agent Tilhngbast, ol the New York
Life, arrived at Medieine i/aige on
Mar- h 3|st, fourU-cn days afL r the aJ
leg-d ac* idtlitai shooting. WIM-mali
iiiaisted >n exhuming the Udy. and did
not reoogui/e it aa liillman a. The up
ja-r jaw tnotli wa* not mining. He stud
notfiing then of lii* conclusions, hut had
Um bon tnkan to 81 UtnMklddvi
the widow an opi-ort unity, he said, to
erect a monument to it at her Inline, out
of the insurance money. There he re
iMirtcd his lelief to the *>rooer, who
held an inqU'wt, and after six liaya' care
ful investigati-rti. the corpse being
viewed !iy mauy who knew Htlhuac.,
the Vtrdfct wa that the corps*- wa a
person unknown to the jury, and, in the
opinion of the jury, it vu the corps-- ol
aotue man who i-atne to hi* death in a !
felonious manner at the hands of J. 11. j
lb lon- the jury rendered their vr-rdict
Brown was sworu.and detailed 11 .nuie-
K the ioutn.-y he Pajk witli Ijlilmar.
from Wichita to the spol where the I
alleged shooting occunt-d; lw it was ;
done, and that it wa* Hiiimwn who wv 1
shot hy him. Mrs. Hilltuati swore that !
the corpse she saw was that of her liUs- j
Itand ; that she recognized it by the gen*
erni appearance, and not liy any special j
mark. Other witnesses of high stand- j
ing swore that the corpse was not thai '
of liillman. Atuotji these w.-t* Hill- j
man's sister, Brown
.-M-np.s! the verdict, ,
f.-arin ■ *)
Wichita, and of jer
sons who knew liillman The 1
w.a* with IIHi- '
man. Brown and the dead man Tin
dead man's photograph wa* immediate
ly r.vognized a* that of one Frank j
Nicholas, who alwvut the first of March
w.a* offered f-Jit n mouth .and found, hy
Hiliiuan and Brown, to heni catUle for !
tln-ui. Ila promised to write to his j
friends, but they had never heard from '
him. iliiiman and Brown l-ft Wichita J
at tfira-1* m. March 5. and went South
instead of West—a different mute from
that described by Brown al the inquest
—and mat W!.ington. as previously
agr.-ed on. The shooting took place
f .urt.a n miles north ot Medicine l*dge,
and one hundred mid* *outliw*l of
Wichita. Under an assumed name
Brown was not long sin.e heard of at
Highy, Mll., and wv n jairteiF to b<-
negotiating, through his father and
brother, lor immunity from punishtm nt.
provided he would divulge the whole
10b An attempt to capture him failed,
and prettv reliable rej>rts have it that
hch.ui joined Iliiiman in the East. H<
s nt word from Missouri that he himself
did not do the killing, as he claimed in
his testimony before tin coroner's jury;
and that, if a*sun<d protection, jewould
turn State's evidence. liillman )* le- j
lieveil .s-rtalnlv to be alive, and the in
surance companies have not jmid a cent
hi Mr*, liillman. who is pot pressing
th.-m by lawsuit.
Nature's Barometers.
C<Ttain movements on the part of tl.s j
animal creation before a change of j
w.-ather apjiear to indicate a n-wsoning
faculty. Such ns-ms to Ik- the case with
a common garden spider, which, on the
approach of windy or rainy weather,
will Ik- found to shorten and strengthen
the guy* of his xveh, lengtli-ning the
same w hen the storm is over. There is
a popular supmrftion that it is unlucky
lor an angler to meet a singh nmgpie;
but tw of tin bird* tog. tln-r are a g<md
omen. The reason is that the bird* forr
tell the eoniihg tif st. nny weather; and
Uien. inctoad of their scan hing for food their young in |>air*. one will always
n-main on tin n<wt.
Sim-gulls predict st.rn>* by assemb
ling on the land, a* they snow that the
rain will bring earthworm* and larva*
to the surface. This, however, is merely
a search for food, and is due to the same
instinct which teaches the swallow to
fly high in fine w. .other, and kim a'.ong
the ground when foul is coming. Tbey
simply follow the flics and gnats which
remain in the warm strata of the air
The different tribes of wading birds al
ways migrate before rain, likewise to
hunt for finxl.
Manx birds foretell rain ly warning
cries and unixy action*; and swine will
cairy hay and stnw to hiding placoa,
oxen will lick themselves the wronv
way of the hair, slicep will bleat and
*kip "Knit, hogs turned out in the woods
will come grunting nnd squealing, colts
will rub their back* against the ground,
crows will gather in crowds, crickets
will *ing more loudly, flies eoroe into
the house, frogs croak and change color
mo dingier hue, .log* cat uru--. MM
■Ma * -i like hawks. It is prolwb e
uauv of tticsc actions an- due to
actual uneasiness, sitnilsr to that which
all who are troubled with corns or rheu
matism experience K-fore a *tortn. and
an- can*. .! Krth by the variation in bar
ometric t>re**ure .and the clntnges in thr
electrical condition of the atmosphere.
A Woman's Work in I'arls.
The Christian I 'man reports a great
work among the English shop-girl* of
Paris, conducted by Miss Ida
IssW. having heroine interested in girls if
this -'"ss. she started a Bible-claas for
them, which s,-hhi h.-id sixty-four atten
dant*. The Franco-German war inter
rupted her project*, but at its close she
returned to Paris; and. shortly after, a
girl who had attended hoi meetings, gave
her a franc wrapjtod nj> in a jde>.e of
paper upon whi.n w.-re written the
words: " The gift of faith and love for a
girls' home in paris." This incident de
termined her to carry into execution a
long eherished plan. and. on the 2Hth_of
Di-eenibor. I*T2. she opened a home with
twelve bed*. In five days the beds were
all occupied and the number was soon
increased to thirty. At this point the
French law. which forbade the ca rying
on of charitable work in ajartments,
compelled Iter to secure other accommo
dations. She selected a suitable building,
and, before tin* time of payment arrived,
secured the <0 for its purchase. As
a result of her efforts there are now five
separate Homes, with a sanitarium at the
top of each for the sick. Provision is
also made for the care of the youngchil
dren of English mothers who ore com
pelled to work during the day. Re
ligious servicios arc Isold lnonungand
evening; U-n mission meetings arc con
ducted every Sunday in different parts of
the city, besides a regular church service.
Sixteen hundred air s have enjoyed the
privileges of the Home; and, in connec
tion with it, two establishments where
food is supplied every Sunday to shop
girls free of charge, are carried on. M.
Gaiignani not only gave Miss Leigh a
hospital built by hint, but paid the heavy
fees for conveyancing. There are now
one hundred and thirty girls at the Home,
and Miss Leigh has recently made an aj>-
peal for aid in carrying out her large and
beneficent charity.
The ladle# of the liihi* and fruit mis
•lon in New York Hty liaee MMld and
paid for a substantial and attractive
threv stroy brick building opposite the
Bellsvue hospital, to furnish refresh
ments lor ti* hare (tat of material and
rooking, to draw away a* many a* pos
sible from the drinking *aloon*. The
first tnrjr 1* a restaurant. top seoond
a lecture-room, readiag-toom and par
lor; the third U for lodging-rooms.
There i Held enough lor several estab
hshmitiU of this kind in Nw York.
The I .ondon Times prints some statis
tic* reading to the population of the
L'nileti Ktat*#. which " exhibit a picture
of progress that cannot fail to gladden
I tie patriotic hearts id sanguine citizens
of the North American republic." "The
citizens of the United State*," it add*.
" will doubtlsM have ample reason to
congratulate each other as the figures of
each succeeding census are made public.
Tbey are certain to t<e<onM) as numerous
i as the most exacting among tiiem might
desire. We witness their pi ogress with
satisfaction. As they widen the cireJ*
of their nationality they at the same time
enlarge the bounds of our common rare
and of our mother tongue." The popu-1
,mior> in the I'uiU-d Kuans in 1870 was
>,556.9*3 Seventy year# before it was
a)tout 5.306.000.
The fire-desolated city of Dead wood,
inthe Black Hills, was situated in a gulch I
with a lew houses scattered on the side* j
:of the hill*, and when one* on fire a
draft was created which was irresiati-;
hie. It was the largest and richest town
in Dakota Territory, and it will be
promptly rebuilt and in a much more j
substantial manner than before. It was
: built so hurriedly and ctnaply that the
wonder is that it wan not sooner destroy
ed by fire. The character and enterprise
nt the sufferers bv the 1 e*d wood fire are
illustrated by the laet that for days since
the tire the trie graph win* from there
were so burdened with orders for goods
that it was almost impossible to get any
news through. The telegraph operator
established himself trmponuily on a ,
bluff a mile and a hall from the town
with a barrel h- ad for a desk and had no
reason to complain of dull business.
A photographer at Scarborough. Eng
land, who died lately, was famous in the
bud' as for the shrewd way in which
{•? induced persons to order portraits in ,
oil. when thev had intended only to sit
for card photographs. Selecting Uie
most pleasing of two or three negative*
which had been taken, it was handed
into a distant department fitted up for
rapidly producing transparencies. A
transparency obtained, it was placed in
a magic lanu rn kept ready, and a life- 1
sized image was thrown on the #<*reen.
The photographer had. in tin- meantime,
invited the setter into a gallery of lite
si iu- portrait# well painted in oil and
handsomeiy framed. These, of course,
elicitid admiration. and eventually be
led hi# visitor into toe room when- a
tine portrait of himself was pr<*cnt*d
life-sire on the screen. The effect, as
all photographers know, is very striking
and fully admits ola little eloquent talk
on its fitness for painting.
Since 1H74 there lias been a consider
able development of the paper manufac
ture by machinery in Japan. The firat
paper mill was built in that year at
Mi la, Yeddo. by Mr. Doyle, an Ameri
can. who carried it on with two Ameri
can managers and ISO Japanese workmen.
(In at opposition was thrown in the way
of this undertaking by the governor.
Oyclaku. and the under finam* minis
trr. Mutro. who afterward (ell from their
high estate and were stripped of their
dignities. This paper mill is now gov-1
. rnment propertv. The seoond i also
at Yeddo and belong# to Assano. Count
of Gcisehu. and was ereeU-d by an Eng
lisliman n.-aud Bodgera. A third is at
(Kaka. and a fourth Kioto, built and
carried on by Hermans. The fifth is an
American undertaking at Oil, mid the
sixth was established by an English
company in Kobe for the working up of
rags U) half-stuff, but it did not suo-eed
ami was sold to Messrs. Walsh. Hail &
(.. It is now carried on as a paper mill.
N al Dow examined the English postal
service when recently in England, and
his opinion i* that it rould not easily be
improved. On the great mai 1 routes the
railroad train- are ran very rapidly, and
they take in and throw out the letter
bags without stopping as they fly along
at the rate of fifty miles an hour. They
pause only at the principal towns upon
their way. Anywhere within three
kingdoms a letter of one ounce weight
gts-s for a penny, and the term# are very
clteap for other mailable matter. This
penny rate includes the entire cost of
service in the tnuts}>ortatlon and deiiy
crv, not only in the large towns, as in
this country, but also in all the smaller ■
towns and "villages and rural districts.
There is no cottage so remote or retired
that the letter-carrier does not reach it.
The perfection of this system of actual
delivery,| if possible, is thus illustrated
bv Mr."Dow: "I have received among
the Highlands of S.-otland a letter ad
dressed to me at Liverpool. It was
mark d at the office 'Not here Try
Manchester.' There again it was re
market! 'Trv Edinburgh And there it
was marked ' Try Stirling.' where it
reached me."
*5 hat the Balloon Can Bs.
Prof. King, the balloonist, told a
New York reporter that the balloon can
never bs used a* a earner in tbe strict
tense of the tenn. because that is Im
practicable. but for scientific research
it is the only means wc have of studying
the higher regions and learning about
tile upper currents —nlxml the formation
of ram and snow, and tbe action of
storms. It is the only tiling by which
we can resell a point in the heavens clear
of the earth; and for theae purposes it is
invaluable. The day will never come
when balloons will lie made to navigate
the air against the currants.
That can only be done by fl\ ing tna
cliincs having momentum, which a bal
loon is without. You cannot throw a
tuft of cotton against the wind, for the
reason that it lia* no resistance. The
balloon's mission is scientific in severai
ways. In case of war it has been very
useful in escaping from besieged cities.
Paris, tor instanee, and for military
operations it is the only way you have
of looking into the enemy's fortifications
with impunity. It is also valuable for
looking down into deep water. From
alialloon you ean'.look down to the bot
tom of very deep water. fea-HUse you are
away far enough to overcome the reflec
tion "of the sky. In these ways balloons
can bo made very useful, but as a carry
ing agent Mr. King cannot sec how they
are to he utilized.
Savages and Regular Armies.
The experiences of the United States
forces in the tar West and of the French
armies in Algeria are shared by the
British in South Africa and Afghanis
tun and bv the Russians in Turkisian.
A well drilled trilie of hardy fighters,
with a chief having military skill, can
nearly always teach a regular army that
thev arenot to What Abdel
K:wWwa* to tho French and Sitting
Bull to the United States, Cetewayo has
lieen to the British. The defeat of Lord
Chelmsford was almost the counterpart
of the defeat of Gen. Custer. The de
feat of the Russians by the Teke Turco
mans was probably due to the same
cause—the natural contempt of a regu
lar soldier for an irregular, savage foe.
Yet these Teke Turcomans are by no
means to be despised. They are brave
to a fault, they are the best horsemen in
the world, and they have kept up their
fighting qualities since the days of Tam
erlane and Genghis Khan, when they
overran half of the Eastern continent.—
Baltimore Sun.
Fuder the Wave,
Uadsr lbs wars tb* p*arf shines bright;
(■sarins* and purs is lb* light of tb* day,
Undsr tb* dreary wars.
Under lb* wsnryjarav#
Hiddsn sway.
Under tbs srsv* tb* eoral eltanbs Irsilly.
Hat* trom tb* rush of tb* rsging oommstioa,
t"nd*r tb* dashing wsv*.
Under tb* crashing wars,
I>**p in lb* bum.
Uadar lb* wsvs tbs r**d* grow UdJ,
Dreamy <* mothm of ass-w*d sad willow
Under lb* toiling war*.
'Ntsuh tb* rermting war*,
Uadar tb* billow.
Under tb* wav* lb* miemon* grows;
Kusrlcna sad trail ia ha ianoosao* tbrivfag—
I'ndor lb* narking wav*,
Uadar (be marking war*
PaliaaUy striving.
Under tb* wavcw (bee# is psarslnl calm,
llmt/ttl sod still without ripple or motion,
Uudor tbe bowling wsv**,
Uador tbe growling ■,
Lie* tb* grsat ucoaa.
< d luoketh down lroai 111* tbroao ia tbs
a**s not lb* ocean, as ws do. is pan—
Judgalb it not by its changeable surface,
(hit under tb* rambling waves,
Uador lb* tumbling wsvea,
Uador tbe grumbling Waves,
bee* it* put* twart
- JmnU lMmm4, is Portland Transcript.
J _
When the stove is put up in the parlor
look out for sparks.— Toronto (Jmpkic.
American corned beef is superseding
1 all other kind* in the market* of Ger
i many.
Wontm are arrhers by nature. TIo
bent of their inclination i# to bend beaux.
1 -Km, York Mau.
i The entire population of Paris, whether
floating or permanent, is counted offi
| daily every month.
It is propussd to sntol a statue to L*v
| fayeu ein Druid Hall Pai k, Baltimore,
at a cost of #12.000.
Truth in tli* most powertnl thing in the
arorid, since fiction can only please us by
' its resemblance to it.
The cotton factors of New Orleans be
; lieve there will be 250,000 more holes re
ceived there this season than last.
"A Fraud in Silks," is the startling
head line in an exchange. Ah! Went ,
hack on you, did thof—Jtockhmd Courier.
Quite a I (risk demand for American
windmill# lias sprung up in the British
colonies. West India islands and South
The greatest evils in life have h-d their
rise from something which was thought
to b* of too Uuk importance to be at
tended to-
Anybody is apt to be mistaken, but a
boy never but once attempt* to pat a
shirt horned bull on the head.—.Vest
York Express.
Tennyson's son Uonel doesn't care
what hi* name ia. so he assume* that oi
Turner in order to succeed to the great
estate left by his uncle.
Louisiana* temperance alliance givs
the amount of liquor drank in the State
at si2.Guo.tksi yearly, or #8.000.000 more
than lite value of the combined cotton,
sugar and rice crops.
If you want to convince a boy of six
teen that this world is all a blank just
kindly inquire about these days if he is
going to block out a pair of chin whis
kers for tLe winter season.— Fret Press.
A Chinaman in Paris committed sui
cide because his tormentors had cut off
his queue. He fastened the cherished
braid with pins to the place where it
ougiit to grow, and jumped into the
The sum received by Rowell. the win
ner of the pedestrian match in New
York, equalled #5.90 foe every "lap"
around the track—a lap being equivalent
to one-eight of a mile. He made about
#3 every minute of his walk.
Wm. Haxlett. of Portland. Oregon, in
the shadow of fatal ill ocas concluded to
shorten the fight over his estate some
what by burning #22,000 in greenback*,
lie soon began to mend, however, and
is now as mad as he can be to think be
got well.
The population of Richmond. Va.,
is 46,000 whites end 14,000 colored. The
rate of mortality of the whites is 16.95
per 1.000 per annum: of tbe colored
population 36.70 per 1.000 per annum.
While in a grocery store at Fostori*.
Ohio, the editor of a local paj-T w;s
assaulted by a small mob for having
written an article which they did not
like: but when tbe editor suddenly
pulled out bis little pistol the valorem
crowd incontinently fled.
Now. thro' tbe woodland eoUtnwAas
The withered bannerets ol June
Float downward to tb* lowly hladsa
That sigh tbe cummer's parting boon;
From many a lowly nsaulow nook
The tbi*Ue flnau as -oowy flakes.
And eomrtb to the luillitnl rook
A growing hint of boekwheat rakea.
Ysnktrs Gs'.rtU.
A search of tbe iuveniies who are on
the street, tout lis from twelve to eigh
teen years of age. would reveal the .act
that two-third# of them carry pistols.
At any base-hall gathering a majority of
the tuen and boys in attendance have pis
tols. dirks or other weapons
A dreadful storv is reported from
France. A young sportsman wrnt shoot
ing. In a wood he met a charming young
girl, the daughter of a neighboring
farmer. Falling into conversation with
her lie set hi* gun up against a tree, and
sat down himself on a knoll with the
fair enoh-ntreas. Tbe girl's fatfier going
by that way saw the loving couple, crept
up softly through the wood behind them,
seined the lover's gun and—disappeared
with it
There were at one time two hundred
and Ihirtv Japanese student* in the
United States, but enly about twenty
now remain. The number ot Chinese
student* in American educational insti
tutions is one hundred and twenty.
There are three Japanese girls at Vaaaar
college, who have entered uson their
second year there, and one of them has
been elected president of the sophomore
class. The Japanese government ia
training them hw tear hen. and three
more are expected in lite country soon
A list of the printing houses and kin
dred institutions of £t. Petersburg is
published in the Olohr of that city.
There are. all toki, 103 printing offices in
the city, seven of which belong to the
government; there are 110 lithographic
establishments. 12 type foundries, 5
nietaHogmphie estahlishment*,69 photo
graphic galleries. 120 bookstores, 30
libraries. 15 stores of typographic im
plements. 22 hand-printing presses, and
one store of elastic stamps. Books and
journals were sold at 15 printing offices,
at 7 newspaper offices, at 32 tovshops.
and at several tobacco shops. The sale
of journals is in charge of two compa
nies, consisting of thirteen responsible
members, wlo employ 150 persons.
The Massacre of Uabnl.
Cabal, the scene of the recent butch
ery of tlie British Amlmssy by tbe Af
ghans. is a city with a remarkable re
cord of massacres, especially of ambas
sadors from foreign courts. It liecame
the capital of Afghanistan in 1523. Dur
ing the reign of the great Mogul Akhar
I it was attached to the Indian empire for
fifty years, duri' g which half century
it murdered two Indian governors, with
all the persons of their court- In 1562
it murdered its own sovereign, burning
him alive in his palace, with his house
hold. In 1735 an ambassador of the
Shah of Persia. Mahomed Mirza Kahn,
was surprised in his residence in the
capital ami put to death, together with
all his embassy, after which the dead
bodies were dragged through the streets
of the city. Not long after a Persian
army sent to avenge the outrage stormed
i the city and beheaded several thousands
of its inhabitants. On November 2,
1841, the mob of Cahul assassinated Sir
Alexander Burnes. his son and another
1 officer. The whole town rose against
the English resident, his followers were
massaerad, and he himself was shot,
his body being dragged, like that of
| Mirza Kahn, about the streets, and
treated with indignity. When the En
glish re-entered tbe town they bnrnt the
great bazar in which the bodies of the
murdered English had been exposed.