THE CENTRE REEORTEU Centre Hall, Pg/Th'nil. Oct. 18. V Wf'TKnws.—s2per yeer, scAcn paid i' : nlraisrr ; $2,60 srhen slot paid sn adranee. Advertisements Viel* per Jsne '> ?• i tret ist arrfiow*. and F> eenfs per /iic for erery at > - sequent insertion. AittrUsementt ay the year at a liberal diseount. Stibseribersoutside the easmty a , " ' mit wa 10 ef., of" otic year a ; <" ecr, instead o/20ef# an formerly when pan by themselves. . . Siiterikfi eca altasyi fell hf' r * " " taunts stand at the Reporter by ccn srltino the table* on their payers. It th< It re < - a "John Hoe \ jan '76' ■' , "' 1 " • J. ',-1 is indebted f. "St.bsr~.ptu nftrn W the lef of January, lS7f>. and thafst . fftwe he seas paying the printer. LOCAL ITEMS LODGE MEETINGS. S> elio. sv," St u ii .rjln In the O 0 1 .0.. •■ !• I!. u ®r>H**Tj|See jr. W. R. bow, H. . ot.w r*r t>rH. We. xar, r t *l . M uil*J - *ra'l msoniiir M *n.t c<-n n.< -"••• """.j" * Kollnr M**tr. l.bi4W> h linsgrovc have been visiting friends in this valley. Apples are selling at 23 cent* here, ar.d cider at $2,00. Another interesting chapter from our correspondent "G." in this issue, up on "Indian Murders in Fennsvalley." Get your suit for the winter of N sw ig -a I cfore he goes out of the store, ise will sell et about cost and carriage. A splen did assortment on hand. —The RiroßTKKffiico i* indebted to Mis- Flora Neff for ad elegant boquet, whi.h new graces our table and in spires our pen. Hinisomo i> who hand some does. * Centre Co. Supervisors will take no tiev of this item from the Lewistown Ga zette: "Centre county is noted for toll gates and want of finger boards. AV ten you inquire the way there they give directions by pine woods, old houses, a solitary tree, or by crossing bridges." All fine groceries, canned goods, j irkels, sauces, oils, oranges, lemons, cranberries, Ac., at SechleFs, and strictly pure spices- They handle no impure or adulterated goods of any kind. AVe free ly and cheerfully testify to this as a fact and from our own experience. Stewart Walker, sent to the Peni tentiary from Centre Co. Court for steal in-Senator Peale's mare, was refused a pardon at the reecat meeting cf tho Eoard of Pardons. Mr. Jerome Moyer, of Miles, a short time ago wa* *o unfortunate as to have the middle finger on one of bis hands lacerated by being caught in a cider mill; the wcund after a few days became io se rious that the finger had to bo amputated. Last week Mr. Henry Stover, ot Haines Iwp., fell from an apple tree ar.d sprained hi* spine. Glad to sxy, though, the injuries received are not, linage rc JS. He was confined to bis bed for four or five days, but is now agala up and about Mr. Thos. Hull, of Aaronsburg, has a house in the process of building. The frame work is up alroady, and the outside is fast approaching completion. Once again the attention of farmers and all housekeepers is called to the fact that for cash or in exchange for all kinds of country produce you can buy all kinds of groceries of Sechler & Co., who are re ceiving fresh, and pure goods every day. Their stock is admitted to be the most com plete and best selected in the county, con sisting in part of light and heavy groce ries, wood and willow ware, oranges, lem ons, nuts, raisins, canned and dried fruits of every kind and variety. Also hams, sides, shoulders, breakfast bacon and the choicest dried beef. Having dealt with this firm for many years we attest to their perfect honesty and fair dealing and keep ing none but reliable goods. Give them a call at least. The funeral of Mr. Sam'l Farner, last week, was very largely attended. There were 30 members of the Bellefonte Masonic lodge in attendance, besides tbe tho membership of the lodge in this town He also belonged to tbe order of Odd Fel lows, many of whom were in attendance upon the funeral. At Sprucetown the bur ial took place under tbe Masonic rites, and the services conducted by Rev. Hewitt, of Beliefonte. In the M. E. church at Cen tre Hall services were conducted by Rev. Whitney, Col. Jas. P. Coburn's residence at Aaronsburg has been considerably beau tified by that gentleman d~.,iig tbe sum mer. That part adjoining his dwellin g, familiaiiy known as the "old store bouse," has been torn away in part, part gutted, repartitioned, or changed generally, in order to make ila suitable addition to his dwelling. The whole he had repaihtcd in light, cheerful shades. In front ho en larged his yard, by extending his fence, a handsome iron one, a suitable distance be yond the limits of the old one. Thus im proved, Mr Coburn's home is perhaps the most desirable in the "lower end." All work warranted as represented at Lee's coach shops, Centre Hall. Best workmen and best material and low pri ces. CAMPHOR MILK— Dr. Oberboltzer's Liniment has been tested by thousands, and has proved to be of the highest value to the community. It has effected many cures in Rheumatism, Sores, Swellings, Sprains and Frosted Feet, and many per sons recommend it for Cuts, Galls and Swellings in horses. It costs 25 cents. Sold by J. D, Murray. • 'Joct4t Go to your store or druggist and get a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound syrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, tbe best remedy out for a cougb, cold, croup, asthma, or early stage of consumption. Pbcenix Pectoral will cure your cough- Phoenix Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly. Phoenix Pectoral tastes good and brings rest. Phoenix Pectoral costs 26 cts; 6 bottles sl. So'd by J. D. Murray, Centre Hall. oble's store in trade. —Subscribe for the Reporter and don't Iways depend upon your neighbor's. The leil ami of Mr. Jacob I>ins;r. to which wo alluded in our last i#su\ wa# amputated on l*t Monday afternoon by Or. Neft", assisted by lr • Miiwer, Van Valaah and Jacob* Itnmediately pre carding the operation the physicians ex aminod the limb by Introducing a narrow bladvd instrument to the depth of nearly three inches, and were satisfied that anipu tation * needed By paabing they * oi rtatned that the disease originated at the bone, and circular amputation of the arm, a few inches aboe the elbow was at once proceeded with. Mr. Dinges' sufferings had been o excruciating that he wa* anx ious the limb should be taken oft', and faced the trying ordeal with remarkable coclneaa and nerve. The patient being put under the influence of chloric ether the epcration wa# gone through with moat akilltully and in a remarkably thert time with very little lo of blood, the patient aecming almost to be in a quiet alumber during the aurgical operation, and on r gaining conaciouaneaa fell loss auiloring than he had before the limb wa* taken ofl'. we are pleased to aay thia baa been bia condition aince, aud we iruat it may con tinue and follow with speedy restoration. Some ft or C week* ago Mr. Dingo* in company aith Ur. NcflT visited l'hiladel phia to conaull tho medical profeaaera there, who pronounced bia caae one of, bene turner, ar.d adviseJ amputation if the patient'a life was to be saved. The phvsi ciana, on Monday after examining the amputated arm, however, found the caae to be curies of the bene. The arm be.ew theelboa bad awollen to enormous pro portions, and the fleshy parts a ere found to bate grown toast -agy. brain like mass. Through the kiadness ot tho phyaiciana we rro permitted to wi(ntii the entire Mr* Crawford,of Venango 0.-unty * suter of vx-U. S. Senator Kelly of Ore gi-n u :th her daughter acJ granddaughter i* now visiting at Ja*. O. Boal's and other friends in thi* neighborhood. The Kelly are natives of this valley and fernierly re sided in Georges Yelley; the premise* now occupied by Jacob M Cool, in George# valley, was tbeir borne, when they lived in here. They left the valley some 40 years ago, and we believe this is Mrs, Craw:ori's first visit *ince she re moved with her parent#. Many of the old resident* cf cur valley will recollect the Kelly family. In a former issue of tho KKPCKTXK we printed a letter of senator Kelly to Hon. S. Gillilacd in which he mentioned incident* of hi* ixrly life (in thia county. Last Monday evening a goedly number of person*—married and unmar ried—e'everiy entered the domicile of Mr. J. D. Murray, ef our town, and informed the astonished occupants that they had come le celebrate the silver wedding ot Mr. Murray to Mis# Mary A. Hotter, which happy event took place just 23 years ago, and to congratulate them upon a quarter of a century of matrimonial bliss, and extend to them their best wishe# for a long continuance of the same. Astonish ed, though pleased, nt this evidence if geod will from friends and neighbors, Mr. and Mr*. Murray and daughters made best of the situation and surrendered the home to the sudden callers for the time being, and a most enjoyable time was had : mirth and cheerfulness prevailed, of course interspersed with delicious sake, fruiU, dec., which the getters-up of the surprise party did not forge: were indis* pensable to tho pleasures of the occa sion, and some excellent music by a quar tette club. We imagined we could see CupiJ peep from the corners and smile at the success of bis game, and that bis ar rows bad hit heart# 23 years ago where there was a heavenly affinity. If the lit tie god of love could always make bis matches so well how many mote happy homes there would be, and how golden it would prove in celebrating the silver wedding. The company, especially those yet in singleness, lingered until the "wee small hours,'' engaging ia mirthful pisys, with an eye to matrimony, while old stagers looked on with deiight seeming to wish they were"i tbe ring ' tco yet. The oc casion will iingerin pleasant remembrance by all present. Tbe many friends of Rev J.|H. Shoe maker, of the Aaronsburg Reformed Charge, will learn with sorrow that he in tends leaving. His new flold of labor is a mission in and about Emporia, Kansas. He leave* the latter part of this or begin ning of next month, taking his family with him. His farewell sermons will be preached on next Sunday, Oct 19th, at the following place* of worship .- St Paul's, 8.30 a. m ; Aaronsburg, 11 a. in ; Moyer's church, 4 p. m. Tbe Sunday following Million Services will be held at the same places, in reverse order, however, in re gard to time, viz: Moyer's church, 8.30 a. m., Aaronsburg, 11 a. m.; St. Paul's, 4 p. m. At the latter services the Rev" Theo. Appel, D. D., Presideat of the Board of Missions ef the Kef. Cb., will be present The Saturday night previous, Oct, 25, tbe venerable Dr. will deliver his celebrated lecture—"Tbe Moon ' —in tbe Aaronsburg Reformed Church. The Loop church will be re-dedica ted to the service ofGod, on the 2Cth. Revs. Groh, Tomlinson, Koser, Miller and others, will be present and taae part in the exercises. There will be preaching Saturday previous at 2 p. m.. by Rev. Ko#er, and tbe dedicatory service* will be hel_J on .Sabbath morning beginning at o'clock. All neighboring minister# and tbe public generally, are cordially invited to be present. Preaching Sabbath after noon also, at 3 o'clock. Pastor* I S - W - RO*KK. l as,or* ( w £ Fincut a. Beef and pork wanted at this office on subscription. Chestnuts yery plenty—do. acorns. Pom HALL ACADEMY.— The directors of tbe Perm Hall Academy have unani mously elected Wm. P. Uosterman A. B. principal of said institution for the winter term. He i* a graduate of Franklin arid Marsha! College and comes highly recom mended by the faculty of that well known institution. The Academy will be opened on the 27th ef October 1879. 2t — SCHOOL TAX NOTIC* —The tax payers of Potter township are hereby no tified that the school duplicate is in the hands of the undersigned. On all tax paid into hi* hands before Ist of December there will be a deduction of 5 per cent., from Dec. I to Jan. 1,1880, there will be no deduction, and after Jan. 1, thero will be 6 per cent, added to all unpaid school tax, in accordance with the act of Assem bly. JOSEPH C'RoTZEK. IGoct 2rn Treasurer. Persons wishing a good article ef Brandy. Whiskey, Gin or Wine for medi cinal purposes, can be accommodated at the Centre Hall Drugstore. All of the very best flavoring extracts lor family uso, such a# Lemon, Vanilla, oarsaparilla, Pine Appie, Rose, Bitter Almond, Ac, are kept in stock and offered for aula. Persons wishing anything usually kept in a well regulated Drug store, will please call on m*, and you will find my stock lull and complete. Nigh', and Sunday custom ers are always waited upon with pleasure. 16oct3m J. D. MURRAY, A SiMri.E CUKK FOR DIPTJIERIA.— Diptheria is as much of a terror to the household as scarlet fever, and anything that will tend to mitigate its ravages or cure the malady itself, will be hailed with satisfaction. Mr. J. F. Krause, of this city, had a four year-old daughter that was desperately ill of diptheria—so ill, in deed, that the pbpsicians said she could not live half an hour. He determined to try a remedy of hi* own, and took about half a teacupful of crude petroleum, into which he put three cents worth of gum camphor, beating tho petroleum until the camphor was dissolved. With thia mix ture ha swabbed her throat inside arid bathed it on tbe outside. Inside of two hours the child was! relieved. This was in the evening, and the next morning the child was able to sit at the table and eat her breakfast. The remedy is simple enough, easily procured andjis worth fur ther trial,— Altoona2Tribunc. INDIAN MURDER* IN I' KN N S V AI.I.RY. 1 Mr. Kurls The following extract ii from an obituary notice of Kobt. Moore, wiiiten i by \Ym. W. Potter, Esq., and "published in the (<*<"' /Vi.yiiif, Mny ~ < Mr. Meero lived near,Boa!sburg. and do 1 ii the spring of I*ll. Me waa employed by Judge Brown a* a packer, and there no quired a perfect knowledge of the manners and customs oi the native-. Q. K VTXiPT. 1 "After the Declaration of Independence I Indiana, intiigated by British in'luen-e, I became trcuble*ono on tho frontit At j that period PannsvaEoy constituted - e | ot the chief frontier* ot white population The savage enemy, in the fall of I;:., : <1 I their plana to make an invasion upoa this j section of country, t< butcher the inhabi tants and de-troy their dwelling divine Providence, Mr Moote be* arae the i initruiue! t of aa\ lug the live, of the < ; v i settlers ol that Talley; one family alone ! fell viciiiua to the tomahawk and scalp ing knife, previous to the dUcovi ry of the invasion by him. Oa his return from the j Great Island, by the old Indian path to Brown's Fort, near Brown Mills, Mi'.'lm. : county, he stopped at the cabin • ' At ra ham Sfandforde, a (iermaii, who tiv.d oi -1 the farm now owned by Peter l.uble, in l in Potter townahlp ; on entering the cabiuj he discovered none of the family were in! the houie , returning to the do : a .1 g -] ieg around to the end of the cabin, to ward* the spring, the appalling sight of, the mar.g'ed binly ot Mrs. Ptandtorde, wa proented. with the blood yet <>orit g fron the wounds . at a few reds disln! ce la.V tbt | b die* ef two children, victims to lnJiai ; ferocity. Life had scarcely b' une ox | linct in the old lady whe her body was discovered by Mr. Moor* Thia sight, 1 calculated to unnerve the bolde-s heart, tne terror into the mind o! the braves', man, did not deprive this intrepid woods-j man of kis presence of mind , instead ol consulting his own safety by immediate flight, he thought alone ol saving the de fenceless inhabitants from the threaten*, danger. Surrounded as lie was. by immi nent peril, "-villi the just apprehension ti every bush concealed the savage enemy, j and ignorant of the moment when the deadly rifle with talal aim. might bo di-' reeled at hi* life, he hastened down the; valley and gaTe notice to the scattered in- j habitants of their danger. Tho timely warning saved iheir live* , they immedi ately fled among the Seven Mountains, and this beautitul valley was de*crtJ t - every white inhabitant duri: g the !* and winter of 1777 and 177f. From sign, known to thia experienced woodsman, be' firmly believed that the Indians,, who; committed the murders, were a numerous and strong body. On hi* arrival at : Brown's, runners were diss atehed in every direction to alarm the inhabitaats ar.d place them on theirguard against the dan-j ger of Indian depredations. Tha wtadotu of this measure was fully d. covered alter the peace of 1753. A Providential circum lUcce operating upon the superstitious, minds efthe Indian chief-, fared Kts: aco quillas Valley from the threaten-d inva sion. In the spring of 1779 the horses of Mr. Moore strayed into the Seven Mount ains, and in searching for them ho discov ered the body ol an Indian, with his rifle and accoutrements, bur el by a aT pine tog. under the leaves, in a stale of preservation. When peace was relor-vd, Mr. Moore inquired of Capt. li .r.t, a dis tinguished chief, the r.i-.>n of ti.e Indian not invading Kishacoquillas \ alley in the fallof 1777, and was informed by him, tliati after the murder of the Standtorde family, a council was held ar.d the attack upo-i the settlements in that valley determined up on. The forces were to bo divided into, two bodies; they accordingly proceeded ti the execution of the b. e.-t, and arrived at the gorge or gap of the mountains, w -t of where "William Thompson once livcJ. in' the east end of tho valley, near the point where the old Lewistown road entered that accidently the gun of eneoflhe chief exploded and killed the owner: thi- was! deemed an omen of evil import by tl.ose children of the forest . a cjunci! was railed and the expedition abandoned, if > great was the alarm by this accident thai tho body of tho unfortunate chief, with his arms, was left slightly covered with leaves, ar.d in ibis condition was tound by Mr Moore the spring f.'.lowing. Tho safely of the inhabitants, the preser vation of their lives and their property, in tho*e olden times, rested apparently up-, n accident, yet the devout mind sees in thi e circumstances the strongest evidence of the interposition of Divine Providence. OIL RUNNING TO WASTE. One Result of Overproduction — Rivers and Ponds of Oil on Fire. Bradford, Pa., Oct, 2. —At a moderate estimate IhflVt arc loO.ixJo gallons of i • M* leum running to waste every day in tho McKean County oil regions. The tanks, with capncitv for several million barro!*. are filled to overflowing. The market iv overstocked, and still production goes or. at the rate of at least 2"<,000 barrels a day, 6,000 more than tho pipe lines can handle. New wells are geing down in all parts of the region. Tho price of oil is from to 80 cents less per barrel than the cost ot production. The United and Tidewater Pipe Lines have iron tankage for 3.(Xl.lkk> barrels of oil in this dbtri- t. Individual | producers and oil companies own tankage; connected with these linos. Tho pipe line* take rare of tho oil of these owners to the extent of their capacity. It is the small producer* who arc losing the bulk of the oil. They cannot afford to build tanks. What i* known as the general stornge capacity of tho pipe line# is proportioned out to these but that tankage has been occupied for woeks, and the sur plus runs to waste —down tho hills and valleys of McKean County. The streams aro literally rivers of oil. Large quanti ties of petroleum are absorbed by the earth. In marshy places tho ground is a mass of greasy mud, several inches deep. In some parts of tho region tho streams are damned and the oil collected in large ponds, at places a- far distant as possible from derricks and buildings. Tbe.-o ponds are set on fire daily. Thus a large quanti ty of the waste oil is disposed of. It is not uncommon f>r tire to be communi -atcd to the combustible rivers by sparks from lo comotives. Some times they are fired by malicious persons and tramps. Derricks and other property liavo been destroyed by these unexpected fires, resulting in losses of thousands of dollars. All cflorts to limit tho production of oil and stop this greut wasto have failed Some year# ag the same stato of affairs existed in the lower oil region. Rivers of oil flowed from the tanks. It was not until oil fell to forty cents a barrel that the producer# came to their sene and, in a measure, stopped the drill. A WESTERN BOUND PASSENGER TKAJN TELESCOPED. Twenty or Twenty-five Peraotis Re ported Killed. Detroit, Mich., October 10.—An acci-, dent occurred on tho Michican Central railroad, a short distance east of Juckson, about 1 o'clock this morning. The Pacific express bound west, which left Detroit forty minute# late, collided with a switch engine on the main track at that place, telescoping the baggage and express cars and piling the remaining coaches, eleven in number, on tep of each other. The first ceach was filled with emigrants, most of whom were killed or seriously in jured. Many of the occupants of the oth-' er coaches wore also killed or injured. It is supposed there aro about twenty or twenty-five passengers killed und twenty or thirty wounded, the majority of whom are thought to be emigrants and second class passengers. The oil ;-i*t .'! I'rnn 11 nil *i W' dii* triihave mired the neoerskry fund. hy -utvi iplioit i> |ll iho old •• tal> Ilall • t academy for tho winter tarin, which will be kept up a* heretofore and utat it* rwputaUoa. The vllllagatut vkilaßy dr ."va credit for thr.r effort* to promote education The diatr el pay* $3dny ivrnnis the CoDlrs! Halt hand gave their intirumeaU nn.t property lot > the hnd. • : a committor ,nd duhanded. Woaroe that su> h 'an action liat hern taken and llopo thrj young men i t thu place a.ill organllo another 1 and agam he: ra long \\ , ather ttit warm at .I >. roada fearfuily d"*ty and waters low and cU torni empty aycrywhore. A BODY OK MAS It K D Ml N STOP A ' I K MS AN 1 CARRY it I *,t* y , Ua- v City. Mo . Oct rho Chicago and Alt.m train, which oft this city at 0.40 |p. w. last night, w. t robbed ofiU express money at (ilea lair, hftoon mile* east ot ( the. city Tha tram wa* atoppad by about ( {twenty masked en, who k*pt np a con-, J [tiaual firing whilo the weaaengtr'a aafal iwnt robbed The meargar was knock . J down, hut not seriously hurt- Fifty thousand dollar, it the r.t,mated leas. L'he ng< nt at tilandalo i* ■ sing. a niK CAB II- W ITU HKA V V LoS>. L j London. October H Sir Frederick Rot-k rru '.cleg rap hi from Charariab on the thj inal. that tie Afghani advanced I tu t'a• j'■ bul in force and tharr w;i heavy fighting B all day- Tha Afghan.' position wa. car- ned and twelve gun* captured Tho Brit- u j h loit about a.glity killed and wounded. The enemy • loss i* unknown but must i have bcrn considerable 1 hey tied in great confusion and U>*t two standards. ANOTHER COLLISION. ' Wheeling, W Va . October I'd -Two g express trains ou the Baltimore aad c'lrio railroad collided last night near Brlon, A about fifty miles east cf \N heeling- ih h engineer and nreuiaii of the westward L bound train and two tramp, were killed. § , The firemar. and po.tal clerk of the we t . f, ward bound tram were ieiiouely injured a The passengers were conaiderably jarred ci but none seriously Injured. Both engine* h sad several cars were badly wrecked. • — Is FLA RS OF A WATER FAMIN E. . A general complaial is made tbat the supply ot water is scarce everywhere. In this icctien the wells arid springi arc fall-1 ~ ing aad the cistern supply of water is near- I: iy all exhausted. The streams are very £ low Unices the country is favored w,tb ia copious rams soon a water famine will he upon us The low stage water in the riv-^ lo crs from which the cities of Pittsburg.j nd Allegheny derive their water supply , are alto extremely low. Rigid economy ... ,n iu use ba- been er joined upon the iai habitant*.- O'reenji.. yPr .-ruf. rUK URY WKATUEU IN VIROIN-,J" ' is Patanborg, Va.. Oelotar 12.-The dry ,j 11 of weather for the past month •anted the creeks in aJjoiaing counties to . i dry up and mi is t cease aperatioas, caue- w ,r.g great it: ' In p.ace* ; wails which have bitherta o d tho sever w c-t droughts are Apj matUx riv- • ar is lower than has been known for years, I and mills along its banks cannot do more than half work. Tae Assistant Vttorney-Oaaeral for tha ~ i Poet-Office Department has give., as hi- 3 pi: ; n that letters addresseil to lottery 'c -npanies or t • individuals, when address ed to them a- agent- fer such c mi an >#. c are unmailab'e pr and that the post masters should refuse to register them I This pin: nw as to-lay adopt" Iby the u department and a circular has been issued (instructing all t sttnasters to refuse tr>, ,mail or register letters or circulars so ad- " dressed, or to the schemes against which the 1* stinaster-Cieneral has issued orders IA list of these Icheme# ,riear!v one hund-j, red in number may be found in the llep- ■ tember and October 0"u. it. The Clinton Damocrat snys that S. U.; WiUon, -A Bald Eagle, some time ago bouich: of a stranger, claiming to repre sent a Michigan firm, the right to irll in Clinton county a patent pruning shear, and gave hi" note for S3UO, and agreed to pay a certain am- unt fir each ahear sold No theart have keen received by him, but the note wat told in Lock Haven and the holier it prowing payment. ~ ♦ <♦ • To thoto w ho arc o unfortunate at to bo- Come prematurely grav. or whotobair ex hibit* a teadenry to fall off, we recomi mend a trial of Ilall't Hair Rencwer. He do eo with the utoi< ft confidence kecauee it i* everywhere recoived with marked favor, and hat built upon it* own merit* tuch a ture foundation that it it known and uted in all civilized countries. —A it MM f.V, Attn I Hwf. MARKETS. PRODUCE. Philadelphia, October 13.—1 lour i in fair demand and held very firmly Salct <>f JWtj barrel#, including M innesota extra family sC.sofj>7 ; Ponn*y!var.ia do do. at l-i fiOd.7. Gram —Wheat it in moderate request and higher. Sale* of iiOOt bushels, includ ing rejected a'. sl.:i,V'i>l.3B; rad and amber $1.37< 1.40; and No. 2 red. elevator, at sl. ,'ft. Corn, mixed and yellow. ati'l'-toSe OaU at 37i@S84; and whito at Si>(;4i42c; ac cording to quality. CIIIC AGO. Chicago, October 13, Wheat active, firm and higher; No. 1 Chicago spring, glJO£l.9oft; - N '"- - do. $1 :dj fer cah. Cora ->ir for cash arid November. OaU 2Hr for cah. Rye 71(jb72c. Barley (stronger. i 7''C. Timothy ted tlronger, ut 51.210. Flaxseed firmer; pure, $1.22. CATTLE MARKET. Philadelphia, October 13. Csttlo dull; ; receipts, 31f J head; extra good, 61c; good, ; -tic; medium, 4c; common, 3}c. Stieep—Market nctive; receipt", &000 head; prime. 44 , good, 4w4fC', me iilium, 3D vie, common 31c. Lambs in ! fair demand; receipt". 1000 head; prime, i<<■.' tato, of Miss Molly U. Brisbin, Tec'd. viz.' A lot of ground, containing 'X) ACHES, thereon erected a two-story dwelling, lore-house, stable and other outbuildings, with uti orchard and a spring of never failing water. TERMS.— One third of purchase money on confirmation of sale, balance in two annual payments thereafter, to be secured by bond and mortgage. H. D. Oct 10, St. Adm'r.' SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Venditioni Expo nas, issued oat of the court of Common I'leus of Centra couuty, and to me direct ed, there will be exposed at I'ublic Sale, in Aaronsbrug, on Thursday, October SI, A. D.. at one o'clock, I*. M., the following described Ileal Estate of the defendant, to wit: All that certain lot or piece of ground situate in the village of Aaronsburg.' Cen tre county, I'enn'a, bounded and describ ed as follows: On the North by turnpike, on the West by an alley and lands of Bobb, oa the South by lands of P. A. Min- Igle, and on tho East by lands ot Wirtz, [containing two acres more or less, thereon erected n two story frame house, stable and other outbuildings. Seized, taken in exe cution. and to be sold as tho property of Adam F Winklebleck. JOHN SPANULEK, IGoct 3t Sheriff. J. NEWMAN, JR. iiSTW. KING CLOTHIER AND MERCHANT TAILOR, Ready Made Clothing AtCost and Ffai„'iiL I; i .y Ma le ( i tiling Ac Coal and Eieigit. 1 Selling Hia Ht >< kOf Ready Made Clothing * At Coat and Freight. | l P MfY A* he is .ia t< g > int. u. Dry G md. Ilutinots Tula la 10 sham. but a tqain and boneit transaction. s 'V' r r*r*CL<'THING MAMTtu. IDKR L'i JTRT-CLv.s TAILoKS CHEAPER THAN AN YWHIRBKLBE IN PINKBRLVANU.. l'welve hundred 1 gar tuakeis f Chica* go struck en Tuesday I rati .lvalue if per thousand, and their demand was grant C On last Monday tho price ofooal was to hat u been advatn ed. .._ • • - MAltimiD. On tha litn in-l , at the residence of the bride's mother, bv Rev. I Vonada Mr. Charles Ynarick, of Madisnhurg tu Mu> I .lestieC Lohr, of Oragg tw|i. I DIED. In firegg twp., Oct it), of Cancer, Urs barah /.eiglor, wife of Daniel Zcigler, r, aged 02 years and 2b days. I At Warda Orove, J"0 Daviess county. !11l , Sept UJth, I^7Lewis Frasber, ageiij vroats, 1 no nib. Ati i - days The subject of the above notice a. tu rp Is:. M ties township. Centre 1 unty. Pinna., Vugu.t 22. 1c.4, whero, being lell without a father when young, he made lit* home w ill (ineige jja.i .Uef, ot Madiai üburg, until 1-4 . when he cauie west, Stopping at Huer.a Vista, Stephnnson county. 111.,; working there at hi trade, blnckimithing, I t. r two years. On the the 13th of April,' InAl. he was married to Elisabeth Speacbt,, of Union county, l'a.; then in company l with Ben. Smeltxer. formerly of Madison burg, be went to Ward. Grove, Joe Da-! tries, county, 111., and toek up liacr* oij government land, which he unproved and, kept adding thereto, until he hud one ol the largest and best farms in the county. A.a farmer he was a success; as a hor, one of the best, ai was attested by the Urg. concourse el" people that follow. htm to his lat resting pia- e. Notwith standing the of the Weather, for the ran p" Jown in tsrr. rtU, there were about *1 conferences in line end etj church. Lewis KrasVcr was a god cili-j ren, an honast and upright mar., a loving' husband and a kind father He leaves a j wid -w and ten children—eight girls and' two boys—to mourn for him. His disease seemed to be cancer of the stomach, trom which ke suffered for about three months, though able to be up most of the time un til ten days before hi* death. If You Waitto to Btioag. HaUthjl a J ,:. cats r I g s SslSs UiUsf i.l Irua R- Uu.usw. e*a < > s - ul lb twoi-oisls st-.l S .) -bISMIS* --KbIUM (e-llf , j |,u,., I I KuaSs. s Millet *!• "I Ires la tUe| llsssseJ .tsSIIIUIet ,i IC.iU-1"! Mtl • s>,lifc * SeSe l,lls Soss b| •!'<•. ••*) 0) L.lula, I '.mesne! W nils—i.lS* snl uastraa* ~,11,11 -n u irs..l l e''l bssiUi saO *W"' *..J .-t!s >e ♦ ' -ilss. •> • s •■":<• •' ' *se ■ .ur! ' 'I s a - .I'll Kl'.IM w I ■; , I I, * , J lk- u uU-l HC " fist II . --U.l 111 , , .<■ ■ , K I KaaS-l W *1 all. - "•. rtillaJsl uhia. Ps' Maw Wee, a—4 Msres iwjwnt. c WORMS.' WORMS. WUKMs. r. V Kdttk*!'* Wvlf-i S . ttC.Cf f* • t dtMJ !rta EMMiI Ats-1 Hlottbtll " • k. ti K . aEeR lli t* ij p4J)*toiAs r+mx>*w Ui- * Ift l UMU.all-s ut ••'- -O '' Ul """IfJl Hbtl oii (ftbUlek I*l 1' •' •"fl A'tfi-.c *1 of 1 k>l tokK* Ir~ ik* mi.fhmr ur iC s| *h< : - I ,i Al it sth onw, W"1 tin **>'• Aaa> ti rliA. , ur#:as*. ctoA \nM tad raft Mli u. j > ~..r fcr.sutv \ l!r tts, !r,lia< l*i •* 1 ach mllM! ft< fikg'- l, *r* • I**# ! F" A;i a aI liW turn*. !e.r U : I*# * W%J>rt* §• T Al! Afb's tf * • BAA 1* ' . STllTidf li v ~t* Ss.lfc M. r lis r* A4tik t'l 64Ui. fr, * •* VUI TION ELK The undersign"i r- H spectfully offers hi* services to the, cit-sens ofCentre county, a an auctioneer Several years successful experience er.a. b'.e# bimtsi render the utr -.t sat.ifactiob in crying sale*. GEO. Kotll. Centre fla':!, Oct. 1. f 'U>. I A DMINISTKATOR 8 NOTICE Letters of administration on the eita'.c of Samuel Rover, late of P t'er townihip, dee d, having been granted t.> the under signed. all persons know ing themselves to be indebted to sai 1 dece-lent are requested to make immediala payroert, and persons 'having claims agr:.nat the <-stal" will | re sent them authenticated far selCcnier,'. JNo B ROYKR. CATH ROYKR I lAsepl Ct Administrators. ■ bI'BLIC SALE Will beheld at the X late residence of Michael Hatting er, deceased in Gregg twp . on Naturday. Oct. 2.1. the following property will !e sold : Two head work horses, three cows, nine head of v ung rattle, seven sh- ats, ' eight head of sheep, one Woo a tar Clover Holler and Thresher, |vrilh one Hay F"rk with R< po ai.d Pulleys, hi -r itotishay Two Pbintaiion tN agon, two ! Wert Plows, one Sulky Cultivator, two Cora Cultivators, r.e Cora-sheller, one 'Corn Scraper, one Pair of Bob-sleds, one Log Chain, also Buckeye Reaper and Mower and other farming uter-iU too numerous to mention, together will, a lot| of Household and Kitchen Furniture.; Sale to commence at one o'clock, whet, terms will be made known by AMELIA HETTINGER, • 11. L BLSIIKL. Administrator! 1 . DEAL ESTATE AT t'KIVATK i\ >ALE.—Tho undersignel affer at private sale, a tract of land situated n the Loop, in P"lter twp.. containing FOUR HCNDRKD ACRES, more or les. Fifty acres of which are cleared, and tho balance wr.l tinibered_ There aro on the prcmi.-es a god FRAME HOUSE, a I, g ilarn. a SPRING oK N KV Kit-FAILING WATER. Til HKK ORCHARDS, and an cxcollcnl SITE I FOR SA W MILL With g <>d water pow ' er. 100 or 200 acre*, with improvements will be sold separate i! deirod The balance will bo sold in timber loU of 20, 30, or 60 acres, or the whole tract will be sold to gether at a low price and on easy t"rms. For further information addrc-s, A S. Kiuaix, Lewiilown, PH., or A. A. Kkrlis, McAlevy'i Fort, I'a. It auetf IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF 1 CENTRE OOUMTY. In the matter of the account of Jacob Dunkle, Administrator of the estate of l>avid Dunkle, deceased. Tlie undersigned, an Auditor appointed by tho Orphan's Court to ascertain the heirs of David Dunkle. deceased, and | make distribution of the fund shown to be in the hands of tin- Vdmir.olrator among the said heirs, will meet the parties inter ested for the purpose of fh- appointment lon Saturday, Orl-ber 21th IH7'.'. at2p. ni at the office of J 1,. Spangler, Esq., in the borough ol Hcllofonto KM.ih L. OR\ ii. I Bellofonte Oct 8.1879. c.t. Auditor ILKMONT YOUNG AMERICAN j BAND. AITICATIOW FOR CHARTER. Notice o hereby given that an applica tion will be mndn to a La* Judgo of the County of Centre on tli 4 Monday ot No vember next, under tlio net of ii.setnbly approved April 2'.', IS7 I. for tho Charter ol nn intended corporation t > he called "Tho Lemont Young American Band," the ob ject of which is the promotion of music. JON?* H. LINN, Bellefonte, Oct. 6 1879. Solicitor. Pet. 3t. A DM INISTIIATOR'S NOTICE.- A Cotters of administration on the estate of Oeorge Foust, late of Poller twp., dee'd, having been granted to the under signed, all persons knowing themselves to bo indebted to said decedent are requested to make immediate payment, and persons having clnlms against the estate will pro sent them authenticated for settlement. JOHN 1). DECKEII. t*oct tit A d in' r. IN Till.'- sue ef Commerce and in thr-e go-a-hmd times, tie- pressing demand i for Iburoughly trainee men lur business. Our Instltiillou oilers uu surpuea-l taciUlioa lo JreuHK ami middle s,'ut*biirKh. DiuTa Bookkeeping. puUlshei! by liurprr . Jnm., printed in colors, 400 pp. The largest work on the science published. A work lor linkers, railroads, business men aud practical uccuuhUut* Price,o3.oV,postage2ocents. _ , Kpritig Mil la Market. „ II Altll T K. HICK'S, Corn, ears, tier bu. new, ,40c * Oats, 'd/. Buckwheat, "ftc. Cloverseed, $4 t t>-$4 fio (Hucceaeor to T. A. Hicltt & Bro,) s Chop, per ton, A' Piaster, ground per ton, $lO.tX) Fhsur. per bbl $4.60 WHOLESALE 4 RETAIL DEALER IN Barley (A to UJ '. 11 i. c Hardware, Stoves, Oils, Paints Glass, Putty, f&c*, Lard, i'.,*. hi™'"iiiii-r., I WAIao but the ngcncj or ibe bomb Bt>nd Chilled IIow Tor (hia eocnfj.-WS Kyg. per dug., 15e. Tub washed wool SIV, > __________________ Coal, Retail By Car, Cross. Egg, g. r> ttl $4 fin , Rlove, S > If 4 7.1 1 WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT BELLB THE SAME QUALITY OF GOOD* Chestnut, nt) * !*> I'ea. $ • tti Hit*) Grand Fall Opening At the BEE 111VE ONE IMUCE * " DRY GOODS EXCLUSIVE STORE. I wish to iufornt the public that I have just received au immense Stock of Goods, ALL NEW! ALL NEW! And 1 ani better prepared to furnish you with all your v antß in my line, having made it a atudy to buy juat such good* as are wanted ; and, not withstanding the advance on all good?, lam fctiil selling thtm at the lowest market price?. My business is founded on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM, which you will find iu ill cities Sijuare Dealing and Honesty- My stock is complete in all its branches, coAtiog of DRESS GOODS and SILKS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS and BLANKETS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, NOTIONS aud TRIMMINGS, DOMESTICS. HOSIERY and GLOVES, CORSETS, RIBBONS and TIES, ZEPHEIIS ANI) YARNS. CARPETS, .AC,; AC., AC. All my goods are marked in plain figures. Hoping to receive an early call, I remain respectfully yours, My motto is, One Price, the very hwest, and no misrepresentation. J, jj. BAULAND. Prepared Coke FAMILY USE. The Bellefonte A So w shoe R. R 1 Co. having Completed their Coke Breaker and Screens, are now prepar ed to furnish all .-iiea of Coke for Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. P R ICE, |3,00 per Ton ol 2000 round*. DANIEL RHODES, •joct 3m Gen. Supt CARD. . I, Guggenbeinaer would announce, that being about to bring to Bellefonte l LA KG EST ■) and BEST ASSORTED STOCK OF CLOTHING ever br. nght to i Centre county, that he will open out : | for ABOUT 3 WEEKS A BRNACII STORE jl In Centre Hall, ;i ON THE loth OF OCTOBER. j Any persons that intend purchasing Clotli i n g would do well to wait until then and examine his stock. ISsepot A T C. BINGES' N' K W STOKE You can find all of Groceries ami; Cantiod Fruilt cbfapt r than any where cltc. He also has on hand and is constant ly receiving Notions, Candies, in great variety, and Tobaccos of tho bent grades. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. 'lie dealt in FLOl'lt, HUAN. .STONE and KAltriiKX CROCKS, &c.. Ac. and tnkea oil h of Country Produce in exchange. CALL AND GIVE HI M A TRIAL. C. BINGES. Contro Hall. | J. ZELLER & SON. DRUGGISTS. No. <> Brockcrhofl' Row, Bellefonte t t * I renn a. UeiilerN in l>riigM,('lt'm!cAlii, I'erKiAery, Taney Gotids Ac,, do. Pure Winet and l.iquort for medic purpoto always kept. maySl <. CENTRE HALL llardwate Store. J. O. DEININGER. A new, complete Hardware Store ha been opened by the utidertigned in I'en- Ire ltall, where ho if. prepared to m-II all 1 kinds oi Building and House Furnishinj ] Hardware, Nails. Ac. Circular and Hand Saws, Tennon Saws Webb Saws, Clothes Racks, a full assort ment of Glnst and Mirror Plata Picture Frames, Spokes, Folio t, and Hubs, lahli Cutlery, Shovels, Spades anil Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screw*, Sash Spring*, Horse-Shoes, Nails, Norway Rods, Oils Tea Bellf, Tools, Paint, Yarn* 1 ihos. Pictures framed in tho finest style. Anything not on band, ordered upon shortest notice. Remember, all goods offered cheap er than elsewhere. COME .1X1) SEE THE BIG SHOW! TI i E LA RG EST AN I) 15EST SE LECTED STOCK EVER OF* FKKEI) IN CENTRE HALL*, AT \Y o 1 l"s S i a II d . DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT la stockeu willi full lima of DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES* READY-MADE SI ITS, PAIIA SOLIi, UMBRELLAS, FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS UTDSHOEB, ETC., E D . GROC E R Y DEPARTMENT With full lines of Choicest Teas, Byrujas Dried Fruit, Canned G Sugars, Cof fees,' Pure Spice*, St!' . Pork Provi ious. Wooden. Willow, (Queens and Glatt ware, Fub, Salt and everything " usually found in a tint-claw Grocery. | HARDWARE, CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS always on hand. Y'ou need not go from home to buy goods low. At Wolfs stand in the Bank building, you find bargain" good as elsewhere, and an assortment equal to any in the county. LJ n DOC N<,ru * - In itai© or cut. nrj r nUIIOL • Lorn# I**ok it treats all niMSNut hDH&fini •ifnvbgt fcbo>*n* ■<** 1 j >(ck baMH ta' If -G dhnMa • Mil•oilertiw of al* s Qfini/ ■••' , it4n tailing tis D V/VJ l\ M.nlln in cr.gra* mn a wt:f '> • ■ 4 J f*< h >*r . And a Ur*c ticnunt of other ttlttiUe Iwm i in? r.iaUctr |>t Wto Hall aat*. I Enrc h ught | pAfd and not like a *>•11 M n-lal! M l> . KtnAhurgh I alia. Vi Ayer's Hair Vigor,!{ For restoring Gray Hair lo j ils natural Vitality and Color. J" hi t once agree- !* able, healthv, ! f ' a,ul cflrcctuul i • for priserv- L ;/.• \ : J A ing the hair. ■t * *hj3\ Ft n led or arttg KaN • A i(ur 15 foon J '* y+'f restored to lb I tfi'jinai ojr>r. tcilh the ijioss and i h ' ' f t,r>vl!t. Thin hair is ! th hen 1. fall: :ig hair checked, and a ! .! • ii. Instead of bailing tlio . v.i an :y sodinsynt, it will ■ ,• ! lean :nd vigorous. Its o i, al use will prevent the hair I ("tiling gray or falling oil', .... oently prevent baldness. 'jKi.v :'iv i those deleterious snb st , i v it make some prepara and if. trious to ' '!i • hair. t Vigor can otiiv benefit .at ti. it. If wanted merely 'or a HAIR DRESSING, r." "isc can be found so desir- ) Containing neither oil nor ; . ii does not soil white cam- I : I\ el lad ; long on the hair, j •\ : ion glossy lustre and a . ■ atciul I trbroc. •ijiru BY . j. C. t\i-i i CO., Lowell, Mass., j ( rcei.Mt nut Analytical CAnmOO. ' KV AU. DKeoriST? CVSKYWHIUUt - |TT,| ~, H>- ...inline 35tnta. With f. l.iflil •"'*6" .olorol cyv* and Uar,}. ! u will Miw f bjr roturn lull correct picture ol 101 'ymir future* bubflad or wife, with 1 Yourself :<>,m <**'>°' Audio., W. 10A. uxJ ultonrille. N. Y. Aus.St. 3m ==HARDWAIIE ! WILSON, M'FARL ANE & CO. NEW EOOSS—EANrC PSrCES. * II K T K A A \ STORES 11F.ATERK RAAGES l K U K K E * * H We would (specially call attention to the Highland <{ueen Cook Stove, —AND THE— WSLCOfoJS })0&)2 NZATIHS *9-Oat Stock being entirely New. W(l off(jr |pftcia! B a-gain ln-t grHAKDWARK, Oils and PAINTS.-®* WE 'CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILSON, N FABLAXE A (., m-MJS' BLOOK. BB'LLEFONTE. PKNN'A. Spring Mills O. K! NEW ROOM 1 NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble's Store ! SPRING MILLS, has Use goods. Largest stock t SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower titan Ever, And now extends a cordial initiation to bis friends, patrons, and public general-: 1 Ijr- Also a Complete Assortment oil Ready Made Clothiug for men and boys. Suits as low as to be had in the jcity. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Pull linos of MERINO UNDERWEARS, ! For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and Shoea, ! HATS, CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL ICLOTHS, And the most'complete assortment of NOTIONS a C -ntral Pennsylvania, and prices tba jwillcmpel you in self defence to buy o bm . Also Fish, Salt. etc. 18oc: A lull line of Howe Sewing Machines I and Needles for all kinds of machines. 1 Also deals in all kinds of Grain: Mar ket price paid for the same. A specialty L jin COAL by tho carload. |Jj .Ins. Harris § Co/ i NO. 5, BROCKERHOFFROW. ( I iroQails,! P A I N T s, J OHAETC., •JAS. HARRIS & CO. _ _ Bellefonte. i | TOHN F. POTTER, Attorney-it-i a. IAW / promptly made and spgoU atUnllon tln to'- hoaa having lands or pvnpertv for jaaln. will draw up *nd ha>e acknowledged '•<] Morwrag**. Ac. In the diamond, north alildk of i ooiit koait. >tlkioiie PENNSVALL:; Y BANKiNd CO.i CENTRE HALL. PA. , , RECEIVE DEPOSITS and al'owlnter , est; Discount Notes; Bny and Sell GovprnmentSeourities, Gold and Coupons. Wm. Wott Wm. B. Mikolx '••"l Cashier N That Acts at the Same Time on I N THE LIVER, 8 [2 THE BOWELS, p and tho KIDNEYS. U D Tb-'cr^s - fvtri Vttwral fw H 9' T of the • u-ra. ir it,/work wejl h< * H fl will '• the/ 5 rr . w<. ■ I J 4naU.'aial.t**. t*recrvn)l . wl || TERRIBLE SUFFERING, U Q Bill la macro. n.-Swkf. Pr> ;• 1U. iua- ■ H ait. Csactlpatlaa sad I'iUe; crkiff- U fl Mf CsD/Uhb, Cnnl. HiMn, ■ U Mlaral i> Ur triu, Illtj sr Ko/7 I" rim* ; er GkrcwaUc 11 ■ rio*.tid stckrs. n *rc ffwclop. d brranw lb. > Wvll# polroaed M I I with the liaawn till should l_*,o hrea d| y capetlcd owursG/. X KIDNEY-WORT U Kg wm rrd*retl>a rstam) arUon and all them H H dmtru.vl' n cxls .; he MShhiC-eq;M U II them eo wm Uvr but to suffer. I J Thoossn '.'mvrberamrpS. Trv • and vs M If will iSd i'tet!-<.retolh!?ouncr. Yakrttsaff ¥ 1 H health wilt or * Eiorr t • > Tinir heart. Si ID Why MffhrloafcrfVvm the urwarfo M fl Why hear roh {htm, ftwta t aMtlpaWm M II 1 sm nif. i I Why he a fr.rfal kruw r to th. publle. 11. Iff in *"• d.ntal pra •VtkJaTpsia Pr * P " od U eltr * ot 'eeth sbsoluU^ JOHN BLAIR LINN; Attorney-at-Lsw, °?, c ® °. D £- lle K h ny St., Bellefonte, Pa* fob tr flk CV*° A YKAR far h t< ,r~hn7 ffiieeThuslaeae # 1 Co Ortsar.r:. Au . t, lIullMI, lu July 4a. „ Forks House! PERKY STOVER. PKOP'R. The Forks House, at Coburn station, is new and commodious, and is kept in best manner. Bed and board second to none in the county. Subline for 30 horse. As a summer resort it will be found *ll that could be desired, right in the heart -I good fishing and hunting grounds, and surrounded by the most romantic scenery, lnovy