The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 16, 1879, Image 1

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    Facing the Heights
Sines the one song thst ws ting is
Bnt a sad one'
Sines the presence that ws bring is
Not a glad one;
Must we— you, my heart and 1—
Stay to watch the world run hy.
While we two sit hack and cry—
What' Is this our strait ? and utily
Is all lost?
Is hope given np and duly
Shrived and crossed?
Come, heart' Cannot you and I
Yon untrodden country try.
Bather than lie down and die-
Seems to me the hills glow greenly
Over there.
It onr fate ha* served us tneanly.
Can't we hear?
1-iSt us trudge it, you and 1.
Heart, to where these new lands lie;
Let us hid the old good-hye—
Heieerd (r/yndiwt, is Appleiont'.
Martin Ellen.
There's nothin' In the name to strike
A foller inore'n common-like'
Taint liab'.e to git no praise
Nor nothin' like it nowadays;
And yit that name o' her'n is jest
As party as uie purtiest—
And moie'n that. I'm here to y
I'll live a-thitikin' that away
Aud die tor Marthy Klien'
It may he 1 wn predjudust
In favor ot it Irotu the lust —
'Cause 1 kin recollect jest how
We tuel, and hear her mother now
A-oaUin' of her down the road—
(Tli aggravatin' little toad') —
And 1 kin see her, sort©' half-
Way disappointed. turn and laugh
And utook her —" Marthy Kllen'"
Our people never hed no luss.
And yit they never took to us;
We neighbored heck and lereds some;
Until they see she liked to como
To our house—and me and her
Was )<*.( together ever'whur
And all the time—and when they'd see
Thai 1 liked her, and she like.! me.
They'd holler " Marthy Kllen'
Whoa wa growed up. and they shet dsw n
On mq and her a-runnin' roan"
fogethc:, and her lather said
" He'd never leave her nary red.
So help him, el she uismai me."
And so on—and her mother she
Jos'. agged the gyrl, and said "she Towed
She'd rusher see her in her shroud."
I wrote to Marthy EUan.
Thst is, i kindo' look my pen
In hand, and stated whur and when
The urdenugned would be that night
With two good bosses, saddled right
For lively travelin' —m case
Her folks ud like to jine the race.
She scat the same note back, and writ
" 'The rose is red"" right under it—
'• Your'n alius—Marthy Ellen."
Thai s ail. I reckon—nothin' more
To tell tut wlutt you've beerd afore—
The same old story —sweeter tho'
For all the trouble, don't you know'
UiJ-lashiontd name' and yit it's jeet
As party as the purtiest!
And lucre'n that, I'm here to say }
I'll live a thiukia' thataway
And die for Marthy Klien.
—J. C. I* 'alktr, is A'otowo TYiiuns.
Mr. Slingerland Valentine sat in his
capacious arm-chair, his hands resting
on its broad arms, his forehead puckered
up into a nest of, his eyes star
ing with intense, .puzzled thoughtful
ne-s out throughth© window of his room
inio the beauties ot the park beyond.
" I wonder what ever possessed me,"
he thought—"l do wonder w hat ever
possessed me? Here I am, fifty-seven
war* old. aud fool enough to imagine I
couldn't get along the rest of my dfe as
well a- heretofore, and most go and actu
ally ask pretty little Effie Herman to
marry me —marry me!"
As if the idea were appalling. Mr.
Valentine arose fram his chair, and be
gt n a restless, desperate sort of prome
nade around his room.
" Not that she isn't the sweetestfiittle
creature that ever lifted a pair of blue
eyes to a main's face —a dainty, flower
like girl, who a anybody would love;
but to think —wtiy. what a confounded
fool I've been, and I old enough to be
her grandfather'."
A stern, half-indignant look come to
his eyes, and he paused a minute, as if
to more fuily appreciate the folly of his
"Of course it's impossible the child
cart's for me; of course it's my money—
that has won her and the consent of her
mother. Well," and the hale, robust
old gentleman drew a long, deep sigh,
and plunged resignedly into the depths
of his Turkish chair again. " Well,
there's no getting out of it now. I'm
not the first man thai has made a fool
of himself over a pretty face, but at !
fifty-seven. S.ingerland Valentine, you
certainly were supposed to know bet
And then he solaced himself with a
cigar, while, in another room, in a
pretty little cottage not far away. Effie
Herman was sitting in the vine
wreathed bay-window, making an ex
quisite picture of herself among the
swaying foliage, and looking very be
wluhingly frowning as she flashed a
glance from her Hue eves across the
room at lit mother sitting stately and
elegant in her gothic-back chair.
" I never hoped to hear such nonsense
from a child of mine. Effie. The idea of j
not wanting to marry Mr. Valentine! j
Whv, he can give you everything in the
world you can think of. To be his wife
means a bridal tour to Europe; to be
mistress of his magnificent mansion on
Fifth avenue; to dispense hospitality at
his Long Branch villa; to have com
mand of all that is luxurious, elegant,
in every sense. And you don't want to
marry him!"
Effie pouted her red lips.
"No, I don't! Mamma, your side of
the picture is very tempting, but my
side all the time keeps showing me a
fit, bald headed, stumpy old man. who
wears false teeth, and pads his coat, and
tries to look and act as if he were twenty
years younger than he is. Mamma, I
don't want to marry him at all!"
And something very like a sob eame
piteously from the girl's lips.
"You ought to be ashamed of your
self," Mrs. Herman said, severely.
"You shall not be allowed to throw
away such a chance for the sake of
sickly sentiment. You know what a
struggle ray life has l>oon. on account of
poverty and obscurity, and I resolved,
years ago. to save you from a like fate." j
Effie opened her blue eyes widely.
" Poverty, obscurity, mamma? Why. j
I think we have a lovely home, and
enough of everything—"
"That will do. Effie! You need bring
no imaginary arguments to confute my
assertions; and, as far as Mr. Valentine j
is concerned, your word is pledged, and |
the wedding day set for July 25."
Then a sudden little resolution shonp
in Effie's eyes, and she ceased toying
with the swaying spray of strawberry
pl "Msmma, I have told yon, as kindly
as! know how, that I do not want to
marry that old gentleman; but, as you
seem to take no notice whatever of mj
wishes, I will not marry him!"
And the blue eyes flashed, and a scar
let stain came on both cheeks.
Mrs. Herman laughed lightly.
" You foolish child! What weight do
vou imagine your words have with me?
You will not marry him? Effie, you
will, and that settles it!"
•• No, mamma, it does not settle it;
for the very next time I see Mr. Valen
[foe I slmll tell bin. so!"
For a second Mrs. Herman grew pa.e
with anger; then she looked coldly,
sternly at her daughter.
"You will not dare to do it against
mv positive commands. I will myself
see Mr Valentine, and prepare him for
any insanity you may dare to perpetrate;
and while I am pushing forward the
preparations for your marriage, and Mr.
Valentine is superintending the refur
nishing of his seaside villa for your oc
cupancy, your will b<? sent the
country to yout Aunt Hepzibah's—a
quiet, stupia place where you will
speedily come to your senses, and iearn_
to thank me for having saved you from
And, twenty-four hours later, Effie
Herman was en route for the mountain
farmhouse away up in the Jersey Shaw
angums, and Mrs. Herman was coldly
congratulating herself.
FRED. KURTZ. Editor and Proprietor.
"She shall nijurv hiu' If there
is any understanding between [her
and Frank Fielding—which I have
once or twice imagined—l have
effectually put a quietus on tliat. My
letter to sister llepty eouutined strict
orders that no living soul, male or fe
male, was to IK' allowed to sv KtVte, e\
oept members of her own family ; and
llepsy was always afraid to offend me -
so there's no dangef on that score. And
two or ihree week# will work wonders.
She wilt la' glad to come hack.andfinish
the season at lzmg Branch and Newport
as Mr. Valentine's bride, and go to Eu
rope in the winter."
And then Mrs Herman leaned hack
in her chair and indulged in a little
cat-nap, composed and calmed by the
plaudits ot a good conscience.
• •• • ••••
Such a place a- the Berrian farm, up
in the Shawangutus! Kflle had all her
life imagined it the most dreary, d<-*o
late, forsaken place in ad the wide
world, and her rapture knew no bounds
when she found that it was the very
idea, of picturesque, romantic, luxuri
ous loveliness. and that Auut Hepsy
was a genial, jolly soul, brimming over
with good nature and good sense; thai
Uncle Zcbedee was worthy to be her
hosband. and that the girls—Jessie
Dunbar and llwen Comfort—were just
the very ideals of cousins, and prepared
to make a pet and plaything of their
beautiful, dainty city cousin, who some
how (tin y did'not quite understand) was
in a sort of disgrace, on account of a
rich suitor she would not accept sub
To Effie. the life in the ountry was
iut perfect. To gtt away from Mr,
Valentine and his attentions was happi
ness eueugh; and. still adamantine in
her resolution to " n< ver, never " marry
him. under any circumstances, she
nevertheless contrived to have a very
goo* time with Jessie and (twen, uncle
and auntie, and—
astute Mamma Herman had{quitv for
gotten in her inventory ot tilings at the
farmhouse; or. if not quite forgotten,
had at least placed an innocent estimate
However, they became astonishingly
good friends, Harry Berrian and Effie.
and before a month had passed Effie had
confided all her sorrows to hxr hand
some sympathetic cousin, who assured
her vehemently that it was an outrage
that sh* should lx- so deliberately bar
gained for; and that, were he to lx- her
counselor, and she followed his advice,
she would stick to her resolution, and
never give her hand where she could not
give her heart.
And then he looked at her in an eager
sort of way, and Effie drooped her eyes,
and that was all that there was about it.
It seemed as if F'ate itself was work
ing in Mrs. Herman's In-half, for Mr.
Valentine had not at all taken it amis*
when she infonmd liiiu she had sent
"Effie dear" up among the mountains
for a few weeks' recreation. .*> that she
might be bright and fresh-spirited for
the wedding. Indeed, in his own heart
he felt considerably relieved, and w:ts
gayer in his own spirits titan he hail
been for many a day.
Until, very suddenly, a terrible attack
of rheumatism seized him and put him
completely at jhe rather doubtful,
though well-meant, mercy of his hired
servants, and in sheer rage and despair
Mr. Valentine telegraphed to hi# sistor
in-iaw, away up in Vermont, to come
and look after htm.
" If only I had been able p> nurs. you,
dear Mr. Valentine!" Mrs. Herman
cooed, sweetly. "But Madam Grundy
would be sure to lx* disagreeable. If
only you were married now. just imag
ine "how devoted dear Effie and I would
Ite! As it is. I do r illy think the Ix-st
tning you can do is to send for Mrs.
And Mrs. Grey came a plump,
cheery, comely little lady, with soft,
shining brown hair, all in waves and
ripples, and merry, intelligent eyes,
brown ond big,.and a swi-et. vibrant
voice, the very sonnd ol which held a
comfort and strengthfulntss in its
soothing tones.
She was a lorn nurse, and a lorn
housekeeper, and even in his sick-room
Mr. Valentine was conscious of the noise
less running of the domestic machinery,
while in the many pleasant, confidential
talks they had, her good common sense
was always apparent.
" It's it" wonder Jack worshiped her
—poor fellow," he thought.
"And you are actually going to be
married. Slingerlaad? I was quite sur
prised when 1 heard of it; and a (harm
ing voung girl I hear she is!"
"Well, yes, I believe 1 am thinking
about it. Amy. Yes, Miss Herman is a
very sweet, pretty little girl!"
" I'm sure you thought seriously over
it before you decided; it's an important
thing to do. Slingc-rland. and specially
important when a man comes to vour
age and wants a young wife. Ido hope
you'll h<- satisfied."
Mr. Valentine puckered up his fore
head. doubtfully.
" Oh. dear me! yes, I hopo so. A
man's bound to make a fool of himself
once in his life, and it's happened to me
later than to most. Oh, yes, I dare say
Effie and I'll get on very well."
A curious little smile crept to Mrs.
Grey's red lips—such ripe-red lips, like
luscious damask roses.
"You don't talk like the enthusiastic
lover I expected to find," she said,
brightly, biting tier pretty lip to keep
from laughing, for shrewd Mrs. Grey
was quite well convinced that her
brother-in-iaw wa* repenting his won!.
" And I don't feel enthusiastic,
either," lie blurted out, his face redd.-n
--ing under her surprised, innocent blue
eyes. "The fact is. I went bewitched
Jessie and Gwen's brother, uncle and
auntie's son. Effie's own cousin, whom
over a pretty face, and somebody ought
to have kicked me from here to Jericho
lx>fore I made such a deuced—aas—yre—
of myself."
Jack's widow drew down the white
shade, so that the invalid h©ar would
not have the western sunlight too direct
in his eyes.
"It isn't so bad a* that, I hope,
Slingerland. is it? Well, don't let's
bother about it any mora just now. B©
quiet a little while, while I run down
and see what I can find for your sup
She went away, leaving Mr. Valentine
thinking all softs of curious thoughts,
very prominent among which was what
a good wife poor Jack had. and what a
deuced fine-looking woman she was yet,
and how amazingly he lik' d to have h'-r
around, and what the dickens he would
do whom she went away.
Up in the Shawang'uias the Ausrust
days were royal in their pulsing ardor,
and Effie and Cousin Harry ha!d, quite
some time before, decided that it was
the most delightful summer of their
lives, when, into all the sweetness and
beauty and content, one day there came
a letter to Aunt Hepsy from Mrs. Her
man, saying that Mr. Slingerland Valen
tine was coming to see his betrothed
and that Effie was to treat him accord
And, three hours later, the gentleman
himself appeared, to the awe of Jessie
and Gwon, and tlie admiration of sim
ple-minded auntie, who ushered ltitn,
and all his glory of massive gold watch
chain and sparkle of diamond studs, into
the prim, cool, dark " parlor;" where
the chairs—six of them—sat in straight
rows, and the carpet was the identical
striped one that had been a bridal pres
ent —aqd a rare and costly one in tliose
days—to Aunt Hepsy and Uncle Zeb.
Effie was all aflush as she went in to
greet him, and her eyes were shining
resolutely as she crossed the floor to
shake hands with him.
And Ms. Valentine also had an unu
sual look in his florid face, and not a
little resoluteless in his eyes as he rose
to meet her.
" I hope you are well, Miss Effie; you
are looking, as usual, most charmingly.
Sorry I have such a short time to stay,
but—but the fact is, I just ran up on a
little matter of business. you iter, and I
won't detain you louger than It noM
His heart wa thumping very undis
ciptinedly, hut when one lakes into con
sideration lire "business" that hail
brought him. it was scarcely to tie won
dered at business which only the mem
ory of Jack's plump, buxom widow
made him brave enough to transact,
after lie was aetuallj face to face with
this blue-eyed girl.
" He means to site me a leelure, and
mamma has told him what 1 said." was
K file's thought; "and I'll never, never
marry him, and I'll tell him so—now,
this minute!"
So she looked up at him. very frankly,
very honestly, very bewitehitigly.
" You have good reason to be vned
with me, 1 ktiow. Mr. Valentine, hut
what I told mamma to tell you l inust
repeat. 1 don't love you, Mr. Valen
tine, and—and 1 cannot marry one I do
not love. Please don't be angry, will
you ?"
Angry! Every nerve in his body was
daneing a jubilate. Angry, to be thus
gracefully, charmingly given the free
dom he hail come to crave.
lie laughed outright.
"Can it he possible? Why. Eflle, 1
came purposely to see if you wouldn't
let me off. because, you see. my brother's
wid >w is a very fine woman, and —"
Then Effie caught his hand impul
"t)li, that is ju*t the very thing for
you. Mr*. Gray' Y< s—why. you ought
to bare thought of that long ago. And
I"—and a delicious blush came t her
lovely face—" 1 am < ngaged to mv
cousin Harry, Mr. Valentine, and oh. 1
do love htm so!"
And that was the result of the trip to
the Shawangutus. and Mrs. Herman hit
her lips in vain at tin' result of her own
little bit of generalship.
English Professional Beauties.
Old-fashioned people marvel much at
the homage paid to the professional
beauties in society. If one of litem stay*
at the house of a lion-hunting old peer
-lie is taken in to dinner in precedence ot
ladies of far superior rank. Her wishes
are law as to the arrangements ami
amusements of the whole party, ana
every thing is made subservient to her
whitrs. Shegenerally has a little court
of .atlies and gentlemen in waiting, and.
if you invite her to your house, you
must ask some of these to meet her or
she will l>e bored and sulky. When you
have succeeded in persuading a beauty
to stay with you. you must of course be
prepared to take th# consequences.
Her will must l>e yours. You will be
lucky it her favorite amusement is
simply to pose herself in gracefu. atti
tudes and iook beautiful. If less inter
esting, the statuesque tieauty is far pre
ferable as a guest to the lively beauty.
The latter, when in a playful humor, is
apt to become overpowering. She ex
hibits her lightheadedness hy cramming
pieces of ice inside of gentlemen's shirt
collars, and by throwing a glassful of
champagne at an admirer on the oppo
site sideof the table. She hurls peaches,
which have cost you a shilling apiece,
at the heads ot her friends, scramble*
with her neighbor at table and breaks
one of your l>est dessert plates. But you
mut not mind; this is merely the little
fee of the great professional. She pro
poses a ride, and astonishes the inhahi- ■
tan Is of your well-conducted and quiet l
village hy riding one of your liorses
through it at a full gallop, accompanied
hy her court, whom she compels to ride
at the same pace. She volunteers to
drive your phaeton or four-in-hand, and
will think it a good joke to drive into
somebody or something, and if she
smashes your carriage, it is all done in
fun. and she expresses herself as so
thankful that "nobody was hurt."
When you are sitting with your men
friends after dinner, you will probably
congratulate yourself upon your tempo
rary respite Irorn the pleasantries of
your pretty guest, hut perhaps you
would scarcely feel so satisfied if you
were aware that she was at that moment
engaged in paying private visits to the
rooms of each of your male visitors,
making an apple-pie bed for one. pomad
ing the sponge of another, sewing up
the night-shirt of a third, peppering the
pillows of a fourth, and so on. It will
probably end in your having to apolo
gize f>r her conduct to at least one 1
ysur guests in the morning, and when
the pasty is dispersed, you will most
likeiyjregistcr a vow that whatever lions
or lionesses you may pursue for the fu
ture. you will never take home another
professional beauty. It were better even
to fill your house with prigs and blue
stockings. women of mind, and girls
who are " intense," tban to become the
host of a professional beauty and her
court. — London Sntunlay lUvu w.
Invention in China.
For many centuries tlis Chinese powers
of invention are understood to have been
at a standstill. They were the origina
tors of many of our chief appliances, the
mariner's compass, gunpowder, printing,
etc., hut all this was before Europe had
any intercourse with them. Since the
first Ji-suit missionaries went into China
and descrilted the habits of the jieople,
indeed since Marco Polo was the great
Khan's guest, the Chinese mind and na
ture have been stagnant. These people
can imitate with the most wonderful fa
cility. hut it has seemed as if they could
not attain to the higher plane of Qrigin
aiity. But on the 13th of June last an
imperial decree, addressed to Shen-Pao-
Chen, Governor-General of Nankin, or
dered him to pay to Tung-Yu-Ch'i, an
expectant tub-prefect in the province of
Anhwui. the sum •( 3.000 taeis, in order
to enable him to perfect his invention of
a steamboat to be impelled by steam
generated without the use of fire, which
shall supplant the one using fite. ('hen-
Pao-Chen, Li-Hung-Chang and Ting-
Jin-Ch'ang are further directed to ex
amine the diagram and illustrations of
the invention and to give it their most
careful consideration. It thus appears
that the Chinese have resumed invention,
and are likely to have a Kc ley motor
amongst them. Lost year this saine
Tung is said to have fastened upon Slicn-
Pao-Chen, exhibited his motor to him. a
combination of cog-wheel, planetary mo
tion. and the signs of the zodiac, and
wheedled him out of 3.00 ft taels. Slien,
after submitting the diagrams to the
English, found that Tung's plan was
nothing but the old exploited perpetual
motion device hy means of a weighted
wheel, and refused to do anything more
for him. Tung, however, has now pro
cured orders which Shcn must obey,
though it cost him 3,000 taels more.
Tung is certainly a genius of an inventive
turn. He would make ajrood confidence
man. any how, even if his machine fails
to work.
Bow-Legs and Knock-Knees.
Bow-legs and knock-knees are among
the commonest deformities of humanity,
and a Manchester (England) physician,
Dr. Compton, attribub's the first men
tioned distortion to a habit sorn© young
sters delight in, of rubbing the sole of
one foot against tin* other; some will go
to sleep wi.h the soles together. Tltey
appear to • njoy the contact only when
the feet are naked, tlicy don't attempt to
make it win n the feet are socked and
slippered. So the remedy is obvious;
keep the baby soles covered. Knock
knees the doctor ascribes to a different
childish habit, that of sleeping on tlie
side with one knee tucked under the hol
low behind tlie other. He has found
that wltere one leg has been bowed in
ward more than the other, that patient
has always slept on one side, and the
uppermost member has been the most
deformed. Here the preventative is to
pad the inside of the knees so as to keep
them apart, and let the limb* grow
freely their own way. All of which is
commended to mothers who desire the
physical uprightness of their progeny.—
Popular Science Monthly.
From the earliest times men have
been trying to look ahead. The ancient
Egyptians had oracles where their jjod*
were supposed to answer the questions
of men by dreams and other ways, the
, ancient Greeks also had tamou* oracles,
* which jx-opic came from far-off lauds to
consult; the Romans killed certain fow Is
or allium Is. and guessed at the future hy
the looks of their internal organs; the
Hebrews and the Babylonians had their
own peculiar ways ot finding out wlinl
was to happen. The world Imi not yet
outgrown the longing to look ahead.
The Hindoo to-day sets a lamp alh at on
his sacred liver, and judges of the luture
by the length ot tiiu- it burns; tin
j Cliinaiutut consult* his " wise men,"
! who pretend to understand sign.*; the
: ignorant African takes notice ot the
, cries of birds and animals; the English
' —not loug ago—tried to learn by hetp ut
what they call " witches; " aud spiritu
alist* even now Itelieve the predictions
of a " medium."
No serious attempt to look into the
future has been made for a long tiun by
intelligent people, aud the old custom.-
have bccoun- a frolicsome trying of
"charms," especially on one night of
the year It i* curious enough that tin
night selected is tin- eve of the fislival of
AU Saints, which was established in tl
scveiith century ny a pope of Rome, in
honor of ail the saints who had no par
ticular day assigned to them The Ro
mans brought this f.-s'.ival to England;
there it became All Hallows, and the
evening Ix-fore it. Hallow-even or Hal
loween, and that was tlie night saend to
charms and games. In tin- seventeenth
century England gave up the night to
feasting and frolicking. Nuts and ap
ples were plenty front one end ot the isl- j
mul to the other, and " Nut-crack night"
was the name given to it.
Iu Flugland the revels were for fun,
such as iliviug for apples floating in a
, tub of water, and of course gelling very
wet; or trying to .-natch in the teeth an
apple on one end of a stick, which had a
lighted candle at the other end, and. be
ing hung by a string, could In- spun
around very f'a-t, so that the player* of
ten seized the candle instead of the fruit;
or a playful fortune-telling by naming
UUts, roasting them before the fire, and
watching their conduct when ln-atcd
whether they burned steadily OT bounced
away, or burst with a noise, each move
ment of the charmed nut bciug of great
One nut test was tried by grinding and
mixing together a walnut, hazel-nut and
nutmeg, making into piils. with butter
and sugar, and swallowing them on go
in zto bed Wonderful dreams woakl
follow (which waa not surprising).
In superstitious Scotland the night
was given entirely to serious and soun
time- frigliltui attempts to po r into the
future hy means of charm*. One way of
trying fortune wa* to throw a bnli < f
blue yarn out ot a window and wind it .
into a ball again from the other end.
Near tlie last something would hold it
bat, vvln-n the winger must ask "Who
holds?" The answer would name one
who wa* to have importance in the ques
tioner's future.
Another Scotch custom was " pulling
kale stalks." A young person went
blindfolded into the garden, pulled up
the first kale or i-ahbage -talk he touch
ed, and carried it into the house. The
whole future was read from that stalk;
the size indicated the stature of the fu
ture partner in life; the quantity of
earth at the roots showed the amount of
his or her fortune; the taste of the pitl.
told what the t-mjx-r would lx-; and
when the stalk was placed over the hx>r.
the first name of the r*on entering wa*
the fated name.
The island ot te-wes. on the coast of
Scotland, had sonic curious customs.
Young women made a "dumb take,"
and huk' Ix-fore tin- fire with certain
ceremonies and in pcrf-vt silence, exjx-ct
ing to sis- wonders; and the people i*o
sacrificed to a sea-god called Sltong,
throwing a cup of a)" into the s..a, and
calling on him to give litem plenty of
sea-weed to enrich their ground*.
In another Scotch trial a girl would j
go into a barn, holding a winnowing :
sieve, and stand alone, with both door*
open, to see her fate.
The fashion of trying charms is now
nearly outgrown among English-speak- ,
fog people. It nrrlTM fo Awtfo a* a
pleasant frolic for n social gathering. In
our own day, yung people " s >w hemp
seed." "eat apples before lite glass."
"go down the cellar stairs backward," ;
holding a candle and a mirror. They I
also " jxp chestnuts," " launch walnut
>h'-lls," holding tapers, and try the
" three-snliet r" test of the future.
In some of our cities th© l*n p s on Hal- j
loween collect old tea-kettle*, hoots, !
large .stonra. etc.. and deposit tlo-ni in j
clean vestibules, ringing the door-bell
and running away.
Thus the tliirty-first of October—set
apart by a pope as a religious festival—
Ixcainc, in sup>*rstitiou< times. "The
Witches' Night;" crossed the ocean a
a season for frolics, and ends with a
street-boy's joke.—"/t* Thome, in St.
The New York Hospitals.
In all ther# are thirty-one hospital* in
tlie city or its vicinity Some are of the
size and have the apjaranee of palaces.
The newe© one* are built of warm red
brick, and with their sunny windows,
spacious pavilions and galleries, arc
memorable object* to tlie city's visitors.
There is no kind of physical suffering
that may not under ordinary circum
stances iind treatment in on- 1 or the
other. The outcast without money who
is overtaken hy disease, the pile victim
of a spina! complaint, tlie incurable
1 consumptive ami the raving creatures
stricken with fever, ara provided for
with care and liberality; the patient
with means may command all the luxtt- (
ries a home could give, and those who
are poor have comfort* unattainable in
their own dwellings-
In nearly all the hospitals the inmates
are expected to pay something toward
the cost of their suhsistci ee, seven dol- j
lars a wei-k being tlie usual charge, and
private apartments are provided for
1 those who desire them, at prices rcach
; ing from ten to filtv dollars a week; hut
we need not say that the persons who
usually seek admission to the hospitals
I are those who are impoverished or
friendless; who have no wife, sister or
mother to nurse them at home. Often
when summoned by the police to take an
invalid from some tenement, the amhu
; lance surgeon in strenuously resisted hy
the patient himself and ills relatives;
; even among the intelligent artisan
, classes there is a prejudice against Hos
pitals. and it is only out of dire neces-
I sify that the clean, commodious ward
1 willt every facility for treatment, is pra-
I fyrred alxtve " home," though " home "
i may be a tireless and unfurnished attic.
While m<st of th© inmates of the
! other hospitals have patrons if not
I money, a large proportion of thjse at
j Ib'lievue belong to the poorest of the
! poor, who drift through the agonies of
j disease and the tedium of unnumbered
! days to unpitied and unremembered
deaths, witli no tenderer parting than
1 that of the strange nurse. Some of the
1 patients lie for months without roeoiv
i tnj( one friendly call except from tin
minister or the women of the Flower
Mission. In one of the women's wards
we saw a pair of wide open eyes fixed
upon us, and saw them in a colorless
face, with lipH pursed up a* if to hold
hack the low moan that escaped them.
This poor wretch had been in tlie hos
pital eighteen months, during which
not a soul except the officials itad been
to see her, and from the day she entered
her cn*e lias been considered incurable.
"Can she last much longer?" wtt asked
the nurse. " Not more than two or three
months; she is anxious for death and
prays for it.—Good Company.
A yacht can stand on a tact without
swearing. Some men can't.
timely Tories.
The preserving of fruit*, vegetable*
i etc., i* an iudustry of very large nropor
tions in the United Slate*, aud the pro
cesses of manufacture have become so
perfected there i* but very little mate
rial wasted. The skins of the fruit are
©on verbal into jellies; the pi toll stone*
are sold to druggist*; the tomato peel
ing* and the verv scrapings of the table
go to the ratsup makers. The entire pro
cess of desiccation occupies about tillee
Diphtheria is prevailing to such an
alarming extent in Southeastern Rusaia
that the Miuiatcr of tbe Interior, acting
on the advice of the Medical Council, ha*
ordered summary medical and sanitary
measure* to h taken in ali the govern
ment* of that region to arrest it* pro
gress Din-tor*, surgeons and nurse* are
to tie sent wherever it exist*, hospital*
are to he established for disinfecting
clothes and linen, every dwelling affected
hy the epidemic is to In- thoroughly puri
fied. and the authorities are clothed with
the power I# use every possible means to
arrest the progress of the disease.
A wick for lamps is now manufactured
entirely of glass, hy a firm in llanau,
Germany, ft is designed chiefly for use
in petroleum and spirit-lamps; aud, with
an equal amount of the wick turned up.
it gives a much brighter light than col
ton wick. In the suirit-laiup, too, it is
found to greatly increase the heal of the
flame. No spark* are given off hy this
incombustible wick, nor does the light
flare in draughts to the extent which it
docs with a burning wick; leans it
makes he lamp safer. The smoking is
also reduced, aud it i* stated that ten per
cent, of oil is saved hy it* use. Of course
the disagreeable task of trimming the
lamp is rendered unnecessary. for being
of g.ass the wick docs not consume, but
wastes away very slightly by fusion.
Among the cht-iuicai* of American
manufacture which have superseded
foreign article# mav lie mentioned tar
taric acid, the importation of which last
year reached only lt*3 pounds, against
OW not long ago. Of citric a id. 27.-
ole pounds were imported, against a pre
vious annual im;>orlation of 253.00 ft.
The lime juice from which the m id is
siadc is sttli imported, on account of the
-inali growth of .iiue* and iemoos in the
United Stale*. If Southern agriculturist*
gave attention to these fruits, say* the
New York Shd. flew industry, in ex
tracting the Jilice, eon Id he developed,
lzvsl year but 3.4V2 pounds of liorax were
imported, owing to the working of new
!orax mines. Formerly from 600,000 to
1,000.000 pound* were annually received.
Of cream tartar, none was received in
l?C8 from abroad. About *!x ytars ago
the receipt* were .000,000 pounds an
The cast steel manufactory at Eacn.
Germany, ha*existed since lalo. It has
Is-en conducted by the present owner.
Herr Alfred Krupp. since I".*, and since
lata for his account. The nnmlwr of
workmen at the close of P77 amounted i
to 8.500. 1 here are in these works 1.54* j
furnao-s, evenly-seven steam hammer*,
the largest of ail weighing fifty tons,
eighteen train* of rolls and 1.053 machine ;
Ux>l* tine of the Steaiu engines at Es- i
sen is l.OiSi horse power When all ex
isting facilities are employed the works
can prvalues- in twenty-four houil3,?oft
rails, which will lay elevm and s-ven
eighth miles of line. 3io tierv, 150 loco
motives and car axles, I aft car wheels,
1,000 railroad springs. 1.500 grenades,
etc. In one month there can Iw produced
304 field gun* and gun* of large caliber.
At the various works of Herr Krupp
there were alo employed 5.300 workmen
in addition to those already enumerated. 1
T".e mines a'.tae-hed to the works embrace
four coal mine# and 552 iron ore mine*,
including iron mines near Bilbao, in
Spain. Four ~irgv steamers ownesl by
the work*, eacli of I.7ootons burden, be
sides lca*-d steamers, are engaged in the
transportation ofSpanisb ore* to Krupp's
furnai-es on the Rhine. Anotie-r steamer.
~f i.oon t,ns bunlen. i* leing con- |
: tructed.
l*rael Putnam's Ursie.
A letter to the New York Cbmnumol
A lvtrtinir says: Perhaps yc;;r readers
would be pleased to read the inscription
on the old stone in the graveyard of ;
Brooklyn, ft., marking the resting-place
of General hnul Putnam, of Kevolu
tionary fame. The grave i* overgrown
with weeds and the sbine fa*t crum
bling to du*t. It will probably lx- news
to most of your readers that h.vl Wasli
ington died during the war with Great
Britain. General Putnam, as senior
major-general, would hare been pro
moted to the vacant office of command
acred be this*
To tho memory
Israel Putnam K*|tiiro
Sienior Major (ionrnd in tho Army
rhe United Stales of Amonra
Was txira at Salem
In tho Province ol Mas*acht|*etts
tin the Seventh 1 >*v of January
and I)iod
on llio Twenty ninth day of may,
11 thou art a Soldior
Drop a tear over tho Dust of a Horo.
ovor nttonlivo
to tho IJres and Happiness of hi* men
Darovi t tew I
Where anv l>nreil to Follow
il a Patriot
Ketncml>er the Distinguished and gallant ser
Rendered thy Country
Hy the Patriot who sleep* heneath thi* marble
If thon ait Honeet. generon* and Worthy
Iten lor a cheerful trilxite of iteopert
To a Man
Whose genero*ity wa* ingu'ar
Whose Honesty wa* Proverbial
'.V ho
Raised Himaell to Universal esteem
Anil oflfeer ot Eminent Distinction
By Personal worth
And a
UssltiU Life.
•Th# r*t of the Miitrnre t hrofcen oft
Life lit Lendvlllr.
Mr. Ernest Ingerso.l, wlu> has been in ,
vestigating the " lips and Downs in
te'advillc" in the interest til SriOncr,
contributes tlie result of his Inlvors to
the October number of that magazine.
Among the numerous anecdotes which
he records is the following (the mine re
ferred to in the first being lite Dead Man
If was winter. ScottV had died, and
the ImyH, wanting to give him a right
smart of a burial, hired a man for twenty
dollars to tlig a grave through ten feet
of snow and six feet of hard ground.
Meanwhi'e, Scotty was stuffed into a
| snow bank. Nothing was heard of the
i grave-digger for tliree days, ami lite Ixvys,
| going out to see what had happened to
; him, found ltitn In a hole which, begun
as a grave, uroved to be a sixty-ounce
mine. Tlie qwixi sexton refused to yield,
and was not hard pushed, for Scotty was
forgotten and staid in the snow-bank till
the April sun searched him out, the hoys
meanwhile sinking prospect-holes in his
intended cemetery.
One mine had its shaft down 135 feet
and lite indications of success were good.
Some capitalists proposed to purchase
an interest in it, nnd a half of the mine
was offered them for $ 10.000, if taken
oefore live o'clock. At hall-past four,
rich silver ore was struck, and when
at half-past five tlie tardy men of money
catne leisurely u) and signified their
consent to tlie bargain, the manager
pointed at the closk and quietly re
marked :
"The price of a half Interest in this
mine now, gentlemen, is sixty thou
sand dollars.
On u Man'* Bark.
A writer in Ml. .NVtu/ai describe# a
four day'* journey in a section of the
United States of Columbia where
traveler* and merchandise are iran
ported solely by mean* of the back# of
the natives Ihe journeys taken from
point to poiut Sometime* occupy several
day*, the travelers resting at night in
hula generally perched high up on the
mountain-sides. TheNf. Suhotas writer
snv *:
Even women are engaged in this occu
pation of transporting travelers arid
merchandise to the interior. A mule
must have two bote# or bales of equal
weight, that one may balance the other:
hut when there is some single article
of great weight to lie carried, a man takes
il These men are very strong and walk
off with two hundred pounds, or even
more. They are rallied " Peone# " and
" Sillatero*," meaning chair-bearer*.
The way is wild ami sleep, and thev go
wl ere a mule cannot, thus taking shorter
routes, and lie who is not accustomed to
ride on mules is -afer from danger in a
■ ■hair. Two of our company were
ladies, and one of them held u baby.
They came from England that they
might be with their husbands, who were
< ngaged in gold mining aw ay over and
beyond these mountain*. When the na
tive* nunc to Remolino for us. there was
a long consultation held by llu-in as to
which should carry a ci rtain one of our
party —a man who weighed about two
hundred pounds. It fell to the lot of
the smalli-st Peon, and how ridiculous
il iook'd to the large uiati on the
hack of tlits little Indian! Finally, we
were ail ent<-d. each in his or her i Irnir,
and instructed to jean back and remain
very still. The men commenced climb
ing the mountain-side, sometime* on ali
fours, and occasionally, with their
pointed staff- pricking little holes in
order to give themselves a surer fooling.
Now and then we would come to a piace
comparatively level; then I hey would
sliullle a "tig on a gentle trot, scarcely
raising their feet from the ground. They
frequently turned round and went back
ward when descending. Then the rider
should remain exceeding quiet, for the
least move would overbalance the
carrier, and a serious accident might
otvur. The sensation is veTy jiecu.iar
when in this position, for your face is
turned outward toward space, and noth
ing is seen hut sky, while vou know
there i* .a great yawning gulf limwth,
into w hi h il id:mgi rou* aud fearful to
Our *.<xud day wx a trying one, in
consequence of a heavy fall of rain hav- j
ing made the ground so slippery that
our Boons had to proceed with gr-at
caution, and even fliett the one who
carried our two-hundred-pounder fell,
ouiupinghim headlong. The ladies and
myself iaugh>sl s' heartily tht we near
ly came to grief ourseircs; hut our i
large friend grew very nngry. and. in his
exritrtnent, made a furious charge on
the I'eon, threatening to run him through
with his umbrella He sputtered in
English while the lVon sputtered in j
Spanish, and il was long liefore ali
thing- \vvr< -<'.ti<ti into quiet I did
su-pect that the mishap was not a!u- j
get her a-cidental, for these men have
la-en known to nta late on disagreeable
rider*. We made little i-eting-p<'ns
about <iuh half hour, and in every
ravine there was -urv to lw s stream of
cool wafer. Here, while partaking of a
slight refreshment, we would seat our
selves on some ivm k# r a failrn in*' - , and
• njoy the fair*-.ike place. I noti-al
that wlnn the Peons wanted to drink
they invariably put a piece of sugar in
the mouth first. I .-o-k'-il them why.
"Oh. Senr. it ras kes the water taste
Ix-tter. and yon can drink a* much as
you like am! not g< l si< k."
About four oYWk t* m . we would
maiißgr to arrive at some hut, to remain
lor the night. 1h *e dwellings ar>- gen
erally p'-rched up on the mountain-sides,
and It i# a custom for the Peones to go
for wafer a* a return lor hospitalities
received. Il has to In- brought front the
valley or ravine lx-U>w. which is some
time* a tcdiou* jourm y. You would call
curiou* the wnt< t'-paii# these ntcn brine
up the hill. Each lis* one over his
shoulder and it looks iikca log of Wixxl;
but it i* a s'x tion of the Guadua (a kind
of barn 'too) about litre© feet in .en. til.
Tills b'-ifig lioilow, with tight partitions
twelve or fifteen inches apart, makes a
very convenient vessel. A hoi©, th<- size
of a dollar, i* punched through one end
and another through tlie center parti
tion. and, when the bamboo is fillr-i
with water, the outer hole is coveted
hy a leaf which k© t* it* place by atmos
pheric pressure, answering all the pur
pose* of a plug.
I etler Uarrisr*.
long limb*, abort limbs, biond frames,
narrow frames, fat Ixslie*. thin bodies,
handsome face*, plain faces, old and
young, titer* thev go. those faithful let
ter ' arri( rs; mid snow and ice. heat and
cold, rain and shine, up the Stops, down
th© step*, into stores and under stor* *.
over field* nnd through .an<-s, with
paper*, letters and cards strapped in
big* to their bxlte# like so m mv pap
poooes; and surely no s-juaw* were ever
more industrious tban these g*>d Jobs,
as they patiently lalxr in fulfillment of
their duty; frequently racking their
brains to decipher many of the grotesque
superscriptions of their missises ere they
return them to headquarters as so many
little white waifs with no one to claim
them. Hw zealous they are, not losing
a moment, hastening from houses as
though they believed them infested with
tit© plague." Important peraonagt*. too.
after a fashion, despite their plain grey
uniform, to whom doors an- willingly
opened a* they appear distributing alike
good and evil, flow they toil and tramp
with the virtue of constancy a* a neees
•itv. lor once planted on their feet tlire
they must remain, pursuing their daily
routine with no comfort save that >l a
moment's rest upon balustrades a* hur
ried steps in answer to their summons
reach the door.
But courage, dear letter carriers, for
though you may never become Roth
child* and can only aspire to an affirma
tive answer to Augur's prayer of " Give
neither poverty nor riches, still your
vocation i* honest, your employment
honorable, requiring no capital in tlie
way offal*' ho.d* U<sustain it.while lx t
ter are the small pebbles of annoyances
strewn in vour pat It w y than the grant
rocks of guilt that so often lie in the mad
Of Others. I'AKtUE RaMIHFX.
Age for Legal Marriage*.
There is considerable deviation in the
different European States, in the age at
which a legal marriage can be contract
ed. In Austria tlie age of discretion is
fourteen yeats. in Hungary each re
ligious sect make# its own regulations —
marriages tx'ing regarded a* ©ntiraly
ecclesiastical allaits. Russians can con
tract marriages at the age of eighteen in
cases of females. The Italian law fixes
the age at eighteen and fifteen, respec
tively. In 'Turkey there is no general
law. The French and Belgian codes
allow marriages of voung men at
eighteen and girls at fifteen years, but
the powers of dispensation in special
eases ara reserved, lit (reeee, Spain and
Portugal, parties ot fourtet n and twelve
years can contract a binding marriage,
but in the latter country the consent of
the parents is necessary. According to
the amended paragraph ot the new civil
marriage hill, in Germany, tlie state of
wedlock cannot be entered upon under
twenty and sixteen years, respectively,
though the existing laws of Prussia and
Saxony permitted marriages at earlier
periods. There is much dissimilarity in
the Swiss laws, every canton having a
regulation of its own. In some of them
the consent ol the parent* is necessary,,
up to twenty-five years. The influence
of climate upon the temperament and
constitution, is allowed in the Southern
nations, where maturity is reached at a
much earlier period tiu.n among North
ern nations.
TEHMB: S2.CO a Ymr, in Advance.
Uaulst Itrtw, SulMlltuU, < all!*- Irl rr,
SIMS k|MrUtm sail Hsuk(|M.
The following anecdote* of the late
Daniel Drew, who at one time wn worth
lietwecn fifteen and thirty million dul
lar*. are taken from various New York
papers: For forty years Dauiel Drew
was the most grotesque figure in Wall
street, lie was in middle life when he
gave "the boys" hi* first "pint*" on
"sheer*." When a raw country lad h*
In can to drive cattle from hi* native
viuage to the New York market, and
subsequently opened a stock-yard, kept a
tavern and made a fortune in the steam
boat business. Then tie went into Wall
street, made an immense fortune in stock
speculations and wound up hy becoming
a bankrupt.
He was in hi* seventeenth year—the
Name age at which Cornelius Vandcrbilt
Imrrowed flllKlof lib mother, bought a
boat and Ix-gatt to ferry markcitueti from
Statt-n Island to the Battery. Daniel
Drew did not borrow his small capital,
lie rarned it hy enlisting as a substitute
in the State militia, which had be.-n
• •ailed into service. The regiment was
called to Fort Gnnsevoort, on the Hud
son river, opposite New York. Alamt
three months after liis enlistment hostili
ties ceased between the United Slates
and Great Britain, and the regiment was
mustered out.
"1 want my substitute money,mother," j
said he, one morning after his return to '
tne farm. "I am going to buy cattle and
sell them in New York "
" Are you sure you will not lose money j
hy it?" Mrs. Drew was a* sagacious j
ami cautious n* the mother whom Com
modore Yanderbill delighted to honor j
all his life amp.
" I am suri I shall make money."
lie did make money from the start,
but he had to work terribly bard for it. j
He was in the saddle day and night,
purchasing cattle in Putnam and Dutch
es* counties and driving lhm to the |
city after nightfall. He was an excel
lent judge ofcaltle and a shrewd- buyer.
When his competitors began to multi- j
ply and to cut down his profit* he en- *
larged his field of operations hy making
Ohio a base of supply, lit needed cap- '
ital and he had no securities to offer for :
loans. He went Ui llenry Astor. John
Jacob A* tor's brother, the Fulton
Market butcher, who had recently re
tired from business. "I'll take the j
risk." said the capitalist, after the plan s
had been unfolded. It •©ritual to be a
foolhardy, crack-brained •them/. It
took nearly sixty days to drive cattle
from Ohio across the Allegheny tnoun- |
tain* to New York. Out of a drove of
Ntat head 200 or 3uo would frequently be
'o*i t>n the way in the forests and moun
tain fatnese. Cattle however, were
exceedingly cheap in tlie Ohio valley,
and Dn-w's profits were so large that he
wa able in a few years to repay the
borrowed money, and to extend hi# up-,
erations to Kentucky and Illinois. He |
is said to have Ix-cn the first man to
drive cattle over the Allegheny moun
A newspaper correspondent who visi
ted hitu soon after lit© bankruptcy pro
ceeding# were announced found him ex
ceedingly communicative. " I had !*•
wonderfully blessed in money making."
It# remarked. "I got to Ee a miilion
naire afore I know'd it. hardly. I w.v
always prdtv lucky till lately, and 1
didn't think I could ever lose very ex
tensively. I wa* ambitious to make a
great fortune like Vandcrbilt and I tried
every v I knew, but got caught at
la*t. Besides that, I liked the excite
ment of making money and giving it
away. I have given a good deaT of
money away and am*gia<l of it. So
much lias been saved, anyhow." Wall
street was a great place for making
money and I couldn't give up the huai
n< -* when I ought to haveOone so. Now
I see very clearly what I ought to have
done. I ought to have Jell the street
eight or ten year# ago and paid up what
I owed. When 1 gave SIOO,OOO to this
institution and that I ought to have paid
the money. And I ought to have pro
vided for my children hy giving litem
enough to make 'em rich for life. In
stead of tiiat I gave mv notes :uid only
paid the interest on 'em. thinking 1
could do better with the principal m>-
self. <?ii© of the hardest tilings I've hod
to lx*ar ha* been the fact that I oouldn'i
continue to pay tlie interest on the notes
I gave to the school# and churches.
Duting the iat year or two Mr. Draw
spent considerable part of hi# tint© in
tit© city. Mr. Drew wo*, perhaps, the
oldest looking man in Wall street. Hi*
eyes never lost their fira. but his face
wa# seamed and scraggy. Some of the
veteran# say that he used te drive down
to hi* office in a one-horse chaise, look
ing for all the world like a country min
i-ier. He dressed plainly, if not shab
bily. His wardrobe is valued in the
bankruptcy schedule at SIOO, exclusive
of a great sealskin overcoat worth f 150.
His dry. sedate manner seldom varied.
Stock speculators were "th© boys" and
the man who came to him for "pints on
some sheer*" was " my son."
Romance in Real Life,
Some yea~ ago. ane fine summer morn
ing. a dozen student# were strolling about
the gardens of the University of Upsala,
Sweden. Among them w.-ts a poet young
man. tlie son of a poor Widow, gifted and
hard-working as a Bendirtine monk, and
an unusually rich Swedish ct unt. Sud
denly the president's daughter appeared,
a young girl of exquisite beauty and
great modesty and rafinemtnt. And yet
a wild idea a'l at once dawned on the
brain of the shabby, penniless student.
"Count." said he. " Ix fora we leave the
garden I'll get a kiss from that adorable
young ladv!" "Then you know each
other?" "No." "If you make good
your assertion." said tlie count. " by the
honor of a noble nan I'll give you five
hundred pounds." This seemed a fabu
lous sum to th© impeeunion* youth and
spurred him on to his only half formed
purpose, a* he went up to the young lady
and saluted her respectfully.
" I have often heard my father speak
of your exemplary diligence. Master
Karl, and am deeply interested in you."
said the sweet young girl with modesty.
" I wish I were able to do anything for
you. Can I?" " Yes, my dear forken"
(miss), replied the youug Swede, and,
stammering and blushing, while h©
strove to subdue th© admiration which
his eyes would express, he told what
had passed letw©en himself and tits
count, at tlie same moment lagging her
pardon Villi unmistakable sincerity.
After a second's thought, the young lady
quietly approached, kissed the student's
cheek an I passed into Iter father's house.
" Bravo!" said the count, who had wit
nessed the scene. "That kiss ha* coat
me'a pretty round sum. but I don't be
grudge the money This on account."
and lie slipped a roll of gold into the
student's hand. From that time Karl
was the best dressed as well as the most
industrious student in the University of
ITpsala. Every one supposed he had in
herited a little fortune front some rela
tive. but lie kept his own counsel, ant*
would have been the last one to have be
trayed lite maidenly concession he had
received, having also pledged the count
to secrecy.
In the meantime lie became a constant
guest at lite president's house. He
ardently wtxx-d the president's daughter
nnd won Iter love. I'lte father sanction
ed the engagement. " I have the fullest
faith in vou. Karl." said he. "hutl must
confess I should like to l>e satisfied as to
tiie source of your sudden fortune."
"Your beautiful and honored daughter
can inform you, sir." Then the dear
girl told the "story. "Karl." sakd the old
gentleman, wit It affected indignation,
"you were an audacious young ruffian,
and as for you. girl—" " Papa,' said the
young lady, demurely, " I gave him a
kiss, but it was a very little one!" Karl
is now a happy husband and a distin
guished philologist of Sweden.— A men
can Cultivator.
T.rrlM* MWIt mt a r.rsUlt.i llaMt
|.,iu>> of the Evil.
"I>o you see that Udyfaaid a promi
; nent cbemiatof thl* city to a Herald re
| |wrier. •" Aa sun- ae lh sun will ri*e
| to-morrow, ao surely will that woman
•lie prematurely in a few years by a alow
' but certain self-destruction."'
The scene wiut on Superior street, and
the lady in nU*tioi> was standing on the
sidewalk wailing for one of the car*.
The afternoon sun shone full upon her,
her dr<-* and tout ensemble marked her
as wealthy and refined, and her fare was
lieautiful. but ahoul tin large, gray eye*
there was a weary, troubled expression,
and tin* marble face was almost death
like in iUi pallor. Tlu- skin waa trans
lucent, showing the delicate blue vein#
beneath. It was perfectly pun- and
clear, but it waa unnatural Accepting
an invitation to step into the chemist'*
laboratory, the reporter waa soon m ated
in a spacious room surrounded by thou
sands of Imttlesof all shape, ana sine*,
and the conversation turned again on
the woman seen in the street.
"That lady." sail the chemist. seri
ously. "i an arscnic-eati-r. Few have
anv ides bow the deadly, damnable
habit is spreading. Keen in tbia city it
number* it*devotee* by hundred*. 1 had
almost *aid by thousand*, and the hus
liaud who pride* himself on hi* wife'*
beautiful complex 100. Ute father who
I > ream-* the pale fun-baa<l of hi* daugbfe-r,
and the lover who i proud of. while he
| i aniiou* abouL. the transparent oom
! jile*ion of hi* sweetheart, never diraut*
for a moment that it i* an unnatural f
--! feet produced by the uae of a poison
wbirli wilt sooner or later destroy life.
I am not telling tbia for a wnsalion; it
i a terrible truth, and I could sit down
and writeoff a lint of five hundred name*
of ladies wh • arc in the habit of using
thi* drug regularly. I could startle thi*
city by telling it that 'be women of many
of it* best families are committing a slow
suicide. A praclioni chemist cam tell at
a glance a person addicted to tbia vice,
and it ha* twen my ruatom for year*
past to note down the person* 1 meet
who have the mark of Use arsenic habit
upon them. If 1 were to show you tliat
list you w>u'd Ite astonished."
"• How ia tfie drug usually taken?"
" Sometime* pure, in minuu dose*,
but generallv in the form of Fowler's
solution For the first few month*,
may be in aomc case* for a year, little or
no effect* ensue, hut after that time the
beautiful pallor which you have seen i*
produced. Alter a few year* the
wretched woman begin* to feel her
health giving way, and decide* to dis
continue its uae. Ala*, it i too late!
The face changes to a livid red. every
one noticea it. and in despair ahe return*
to the same course, and receive# the con
gratulations of her friends on her re
stored health. After some year*, how
ever, the fare gradually change* from
Uie clear color of alabaster to a dull,
ghastly complexion like chalk; the
whole system, saturated wiUi thi* min
eral. give* way, and usually death mer
cifully end* a life of paralysis. Such
has been the history of many of our
wive* and daughters, and unless the
strong arm of Uie law step* in and puts
trinc*nt rule* on tire sale of this poison,
it will be the history of the present and
rising generation."
" Are there any other drugs used for
the complexion that have the same ef
fects a* arsenic?"
** None which have such awfiti con
sequences in their train, lteoauue there
are no other poison* which are habitu
ally taken intTnally to beautify the
coiupit xion : but great damage i* being
done by the ue of cosmetic*. Why. *ir,
f have aaalyred over sixty of the lead
ing cosmetic preparation*, and I did not
find one which did not contain either
sugar of lead, oxide of sine, or some
other preparation of lead. The amount
varies from t wo to ten grain* per ounce,
but in *ll it is the leading ingredient."
" W hat would be the effect of the
continued use of >sluetics?"
" Briefly this: Sooner or ialer. in
proportion to the quantity u*(l and the
frequency of ita application, the pan-* of
tlie skin lecomf [u-kl with tlx inso
luble material of the base, causing
poisoning of the minut* nerves and
hlood vessel# and paralysis of llie akin,
extending in some instant-"* to the neck
and arm*. The paralrsis cf the akin ia
not dangerous of itself, hut it i# liable to
i hr>ng on diseases of the throat and re
spiratorv otgan*. and it always baa the
< fleet of making the akin yellow and
j leather-like. But if the consequences
which follow the use of oosmetjcs are
; not ao deadly as those which follow the
internal use of arsenic. they are far more
widely spr> ad. L aaure you a* a solemn
I act. that to tlie best of my belief, and I
hare given the subject extended and
[ cloae attention, eiehty 'per cent, of the
women hi t ween the ages of twenty-five
and fiftv use e.annetic.s in a gn*ter or
less di-gree, and probably a!v>ut forty
per cent between fifteen and twenty
five. Praplo fait to realize the immensity
of the evil. 1 havewen dozens of eases,
and heard of hundred* more on good au
thority. of mothers applying these poi-
Isonou# preparations to their young chil
dren. and even to infants a fen- works
old. raining the isanplesion for life. It
, is a secret underhand trade in one way,
far tlie woman seldom tells her dearest
friends that she habitually use# a certain
halm or renovator. The manufacturers
and dealers who pander to this wretched
taste make no secret of their prepara
tion. hot advertise it far and wide, and
! it will give some idea of the widespread
demand which exists for these poisons
when I tell you that during the year
1878 there were manufactured and sold
in this country alone over 1.000.000 gal
lons of a certain well known patent
wash for the face and neck. While on
this subject I mut not omit to inrntion
a preparation which I will not name,
for the removal of freckles. As h cer
tainly docs remove freckle*, its sale has
enormously increased in the last two
years. A few months api 1 analyzed a
specimen, and was horrified to find that
it contained twenty-threc per cent, of
corrosive sublimate. At present it has
a large sale and is retailed at a high
" An- there anv ixwmetics which im
prove the skin and are harmless?"
'• None except fresh air and pure wa
ter. Carbonate of magnesia is quite ex
tensively used and is not, perhaps, pos
itively injurious; but it make# the skin
look tough and old, and in time stops
tlie circulation of the blood in the small
vessels of the face. Whiting has the
same effect. The Iwtter and more ex
pensive rouges made from pure cochi
neal, or eoehitieai carmine, are not in
jurious wh< n used in moderation aud
washed off every night, but the cheap
kinds all contain aniline, and are very
poisonous. Bay ram contains no in
gredient which is chemically injurious.
But even that is liable, if used too often,
to dry up the little oil globules and make
the skin dry and harsh."
" 1 suppose the use of the poisonous
cosmetic# is almost entirely confined to
women ?"
" Well. not exclusively. I lancy many
would be rather astonished if they knew
the number of young men who partici
pate in thin evil with their sister* anil
mothers. And another thing, too. ot
whieh you may not be aware, is that
there are hundreds of young men. mostly
of the upper and upper-middle classes,
who wear cornets. The habit is injuri
ous to a young woman, but it is a thou
sandfold more so to a young man. for
physical reasons which f have not time
to enter upon. I did not suspect this
habit until about a year ago, but since
that time I have discovered that its ex
istence is by no means nnfrequent."—
Cleveland (Ohio) Herald.
The Bowling Green (Ky.) Pantagraph
says r that a horse Sam. Crosthwaite was
riding threw up his head and drove the
stem of Mr. Crostliwaite's pipe down his
throat, rupturing a blood vessel and
nearly killing him.
I said it ia the meadow path—
I I say it ot> lb* mountain stairs;
TV boat thing* any marts) hath
1 Are thosa which arsr* roottai shares.
! The air w# breathe—the *ky—the breeat-
Tha Ught without us and wtl^>
IJIa, with it* unlocked ittsumrka
Uod'a rich** are tor all Ut win.
The graaa la sotler to my tread
For met it yield* unnumbered low ;
t*Ml to me the wild roe* red,
Iteoauae ab* tuakm Ut* whole world tweet
' Into your bear only Imwliaeee
Ya waloomad ma, oh, aoiama peaks
Aad ma i avary gnoat you btaaa
Who referent!* your myetory seeks.
j And up the radiant peopled way
That opeaa into worlda unknown,
It will be Ute'* delight to any,
" Heaveu ia not bee ran lor ma alone."
Rich through my brethren'a poverty'
Much wealth ware hideous! lam bleat
Only ia what they there with ma,
Ia what I ahare with all the rtwt.
Lery /.arrow, flood Compomy.
m ... ■
GrUwold any* tba fa fori to tune with
mermaids ia Neptune.
A well-meaning man—One .who' eon*
templatea digging one.
Blue-fishing—When you don't]catch
anytliing.— fhxry Autwnfiig.
Old twitter*—The egg ahella thrown
out of thejooffcr pot.— Syracuse Tunes.
The Fat Contributor aay* a fool and
hi* money. like the liair of a bald-headed
man. La aoon parted.
John Brown. Queen Victoria'a favor
ite servant. haa laid by 9(16,000 for a
pro*[Motive rainy day.
Oyer 1.M00.000 gallon* of petroleum
•r earth oil. are brought to the turfae
every day in the oil region# of Penney.'
van is alone.
Great Britain haa 5.M6.5W cattle. AM,,
i 64. MM I sheep and f,0M1,4M pig*. Since
IM> a great failing off is abown in the
cumber of sheep and piga.
•* Business suits." says an advertise
ment. So it does; and the more there
is of it the better it uiu. providing it
i* profitable.— Rome Sentinel.
The caabmere colors have invaded
even the polka dotted goods, and some
of the new salines have spot* containing
half a down bright tint* api<**.
We are rather inclined to the opinion
thai a haw-ball player isn'tkaif a* much
interested in talc king file* aa ia a bald
headed man 'Ktawa Bejmbiiam.
Rowland Hill invented the postage
stamp, and i* buried -in Westminste
Aldev But any three-year-..d l-oy can
jkk tlie I lent postage stamp ever made.—
The Chicago milk inspector has re
cently begun the systematic examination
of the milk furnished by dealers in the
city. Out of twenty-one samples first
analyzed every one proved to have been
skimmed and watered.
At the Fulton i Wis.) fair, recently, a
valuable cow died suddenly, and a post
mortem < xanimation revealed a hairpin
in her heart. This paragraph should be
headed: "Distressing (ate of a Milk
maid! A Portion of Her Remains
Found in the Heart oi a Cow!"— Xorrit
to n Herald.
J** us gather up Um aißl-wra*
Lying all around oar path;
LM U* keep the wheal and rases.
Casting out tits tlionu an ! rung;
Let us Had our awacttwt ooudorl
In the blessing* at to-day,
With the patient bsi.d reaxonugl
AU th* briar* liom our way.
In the year !*M two domesticated
goats left the neighborhood of Harpet °s
Ferrvand ran away to Maryland Heights.
Since then tbey havegradually increased
until the (lock numbrred about 3f .
They are in every respect wild goats,
without the least trace of domestic
habit*. At night the* shelter undet
a projecting cliff which feces Harper's
They were courting. "What makes
file star* so dim to-night?" she said,
soft! v. "Your eye*are so much brighter,
pressing her little hand. Tbey sre mar
ried now: "I wonder how many tele
graph poles it would take to reach from
here to the Mara," she remarked,
musingly. "One, if it waa long
saotagn. he growled. " Wby don't you
talk common sense?"— RnrkLanA Courser
•oaaaosT w*ma.
•• .Somebody** waiting tor me,"
Tbe bouM*"* asilm-erisa,
A* lr swug o'er the sounding MS
lis casta his an mans syws-
Scmebody'* waiting tor mV
The truant whootbor wads.
A* be deftly doubles op bis hat
Indrr bis jar kit tails
—CtsciaasM tier.
Hix. a man-of-aB-work employed in
the British Houseof Commons, quarreled
with his family, and in a heat of pas
sion exeiaimed "I wish I was in my
three plank*." the grim pleasantry in
dicating hi# coffin. No sooner had he
uttered these word* than he fell to 'he
fltxr a corpse, from heart disease. About
the same time at Irish gentleman fell
dead in a Dublin courtroom in the act
of kissing the Gospels while making
oath to an affidavit,
A certain old gentleman, very rich
and very stingy, is in the habit of wear
ing his clothing to the last thread. On#
of bis friends, meeting him. exclaimed:
' Tliev told me that yon had a new hat.
and I'll be hanged if you haven't!"
:Oh. res." said the mtscr. looking a
trifle ashamed of himself. " you see my
wife kept telling that the old oife
\ras a fsood deal worn out. Well, yee
tcrdav wa my wife's birthday, and I
got tit v*"lf a new hat for a birthday
The golden autumn days, oftimes
sung hy the poet, are no* flush upon
u*; we roam the fields and woods in
search of the rarities of nature's floral
offerings, stopping occasionally to in
dulge in rhapsodic over the beauteous
tints of this leaf or thai flower, and sil
ting on a stone fence in the sunlight's
welcome warmth calculate with uner
ring rertainty just how much we can
afford to put up for a fall overcoat, and
find ing that we are just §3.75 short of the
purchasing power to obtain the one that
would look well beside our best girl's
new wrap, the prospect w not Elysian.
• Wearer.
Over half a century ago Marcus Mor
ton was made governor of Massachusetts
hy only one majority. Had two young
men. who intended to vote in the elec
tion, not been delayed by an accident in
going from Worcester to Boston, they
would have changed the result, and Mr.
Morton's opponent would have been
elected- They had intended to be in
Boston in season to vote, hut in their
journey the old-fsshioned chaise in
which "they were riding gave way, and
Uiey were not able to reach Boston till
after the polls closed. One cf the two
men referred to now resides in Augusta,
and has never lost a vote since.
The architects of the city of Paris
were surprised on taking possession of
the palace of the Tuilertes to find it
inhabited in every nook and corner.
Numerous families were found living in
the wing by the river side. Many of
tliem eouM not say bv what right they
wore there; some dated back their
resident* to the lime of the restoration
in 1830; and at the time of the fire in
1871 they took refuge in the wing from
which they have just now been ejected
to make naun for the Municipal Comic#"
But the most extraordinary thing was
that i i the imperial stables, with their
marble troughs and mohogany mangers
and racks, were found a numerous
company of horses who have for many
years been gratuitously stabled there.
A Fight With a Graj Eagle.
A young man named llull Joy, says a
Virginia City (Nev.) paper, shot a large
gray eagle a few mornings since on his
father's raneh. near Washoe lake. Hav
ing risen very early (something unusual
for him), he espied what he thought was
a big chicken-hawk. He ran into
the house, got his gun, and blazing
away brought down the bird with a
broken wing. Hull's dog ran to re
ti ieve the game,|but found he had no
easy task, as the bird jumped on his back
ana began to retrieve him. The young
sportsman ran to his dog's rescue, but
found he had put his foot in it. as the
eagle (as it really was) buried it* talons
in Hull's leg. The yells of dog and mas
ter and the fierce screami of the eagle
soon brought to the scene of action Hull's
father, mother and four of the children,
who made a combined attack, and after
a severe struggle succeeded in killing
the royal birth He measured fir# leaf
six inches from tip to tip of wings.