THE CENTRE REPORTER- Centre llall, IXTh'rsJ.Oct. 2. "9. TITTKRVH. per year, xrhen paid in nlveinee : $2.50 seken wot paxd in mdranee. Advertisements'2ort* per Ixne for three is srj-fion* and. fi cents per tine for every nrquent insertion. Advertisement* *.V the jrecr iif re mit we 10 ef a, otwoMnf of one year's instead oCHdets as formerly when paxd by thrmsclrrs. Subscribers ran alxrays tell ace tacir ne ounts stand (it the Reporter opee by con suit,rxa the tables on their paper* If the lble reaifo ".lohn HoolJan'T-V' xt men** that John i* indebted for subserxptxonfrom the Ist of January, 1875, and " '•* time he xoa* payxnt) the printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MEETINGS, ■vrr.l II ,U lOD(*, Ne. ees. I O efO. > ■ eU i. t., Uoonasav.tseo. K. Sa, M, w. u. tin- Fonv lAMMia. No. an. r. a. m.. we*'* J? M.m.U- -v#n".n .-n ,ir btor each full moon laths Mgaonii* Hill, t awrv w II i I lUm.juHVa.Sect J.J AK-aV. w. m Hall.Centre Hall on (tie SatvmUy en or M*s*tnU ■•liwnslil' V and every two £? Lvt Keller Master. l.VO*a*e Kacsa. Sect Wallace, .look*, and Curtin, on Tuesday eve, 14 Oct. at llellefonte. Turn out. The fly is after the wheat in J uniata and Mifflin counties. —— Kebersburg now ha- a daily mail from Ooburn station. Hon. Samuel Linn and Jobn H. Mitchell, Esq . have formed a law part nership at Williameport, L. Dolls, is headquarters for any thing in the line of boots and shoes, and for the lowest prices. on the water in some localities of this val ley. Overcoats are to the front now. Rev. Robinson has resigned a pas tor ei the Fresbyterian charge here and intends to accept a call froui Juniata coun ty. The present charge looses him with reg ret rest for low prices and the best assort ment of boots and shoes, then the sun do j move. s l —— At|lo cents per head, Keller's obser vatory yielded about on thodav of the patrons' pic-nic. ] A pantbeh killed four haad of cattle on , the "Big Prairie, in Goshen, Clearfieid, | a few days ago. The cattle were grazing, , with SOO others, ia a piece of mountain land covered with a good growth of , grass. Samples of very large Peerless po- , latoes, raised by Michael Hess, of Harris. | were sent to this offlce. They are fine, ] and one would make more than a mea. for < a fellow. Mana-sah Beyer, blacksmith, of : New Berlin, who is the best judge of 1 horses' feet and the best horse shoer in < that vicinity, put on four horse shoes in '■ seven minutes and twenty-eight seconds, 1 and finished the hoofs nicely. Can any < blacksmith on the Reporter list beat s that? Lots of people did a good thing this week, and have learned something to their benefit, by purchasing their table groce ries at Sechlers, the great headquarters for all goods in the grocery line. They keep only what is first class and that as low as what others will charge you for a stale and inferior article. Ask any one who deals at Sechlers, and you will be told that the bejt and cheapest can always bo found there. It is headquarters in every From Aaronsburg we are Informed that Mr. David Kreamer, its oldest citi ren, is about expiring. Also that Mr. Nie is very ill and that Mrs. Daniel 'Wolf is low of typhoid fever. You can save money by purchasing boots and shoes at Louis Dolls, who has the finest assortment in Bellefonte. Prof. Bitner's select school will give an exhibition and literary entertainment on Friday night. Let all attend, and wit n.-ss the performances. Call at Lee's for a handsome buggy —he turns out the finest and best on short notice, whether ordered by mail or other si is*. Work all warranted. The Williamsport lumbermen have agreed to advance all grades of lumber $2 per thousand. The new road from Aaronsburg to the railroad is new open. There is some talk of connecting it with the main pike and erecting a tole gste south of Aarons burg. This would make, with the Mill heim gate 5, toll-gates near those places. Keally that should gather in the nickels. The equinoctial storm last week seemed to have postponed itseif that the Grangers might have a nice pic-nic day cn £5. Old probabilities must be a patron. At Louis Doll's under the Brocker hoff is where you get the best and cheapest boots and shoes. The miners in the Clearfield county, Pa., region, principally around Houtzdale went en a strike on the check weigbman business. A lady bought a pair of shoes at Doll's and thereby saved enough of rtamps to take her and children to the fair. Just tbink! Attention is called to the card of George Koch, who can dispose of your loose property with slick tongue and profit to all who have a vendu. All the finest wedding suits come frcm Newman's at the Eh*lC Clothing Hall. You can get the dressiest and most stylish clothes there in the state, and cheaper than elsewhere. Newman always makes it a point to send off every custo mer knowing that he has a bargain—that plan always brings new trade, and the reason why the King Clothier seils five times as much as any other house ITKMS.— Prof. Krise is improving his dwelling. Win. B. Mingle is giving bis house several coats of paint. The waters in all parts of the county are low. Pota toes are selling at 20 and 25 cents. Maj. Fisher has one of the handsomest} barns in the county. There is a rumor that Millheim wants to throw off the boro again. Aaronsburg A correspondent says, recently had, not a little tempest in a tea pot, but a tempest about its water busi ness. Clothing made to order at Newman's who has the services of one of the best Philadelphia tailors—and all work war ranted to fit at prices the lowest. Give Sechler's grocery a call when at Bellefonte, fair week, or at any other time it will always pay you to do so. PIMPLES AN BLOTCHES on the face can be removed by rubbing with Cam phor M ilk. It cost only 20 cts. per bottle. JD. Murray, Centre Hall. 7 aug 4t Go to your store or druggist and get a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound gyrirp of tar, honey and bloodroot, the best remedy out for a cough, cold, croup, asthma, or early stage of consumption. —r-Scribner's opens with an interesting and instructive paper on the "Ups and Downs of Leadvilie," well illustrated. "Field Sports in Minnesota "Edison's System of Fast Telegraphy," "Bio Janei ro," f valuable articles, etc., on the program. The grandest display of Dry geods just opened at Loeb's, the best store in the county. The boys seem to be angry with the chestnut trees just now,—they will not pass one without giving it a clubbing or a ston ing. All the buggies, wagon*, Ac., made at Murray's Coach Shops, are noted fer durability, and thii old and well establish ed shop will continue to maintain its repu tation by the manufacture of all buggies, wagon §, Ac., of the best material and by the most skilled mechanics. The Concert given by Blind Char ley, in this place on Monday evening, was all that the bills prom ised, and, besides the good cause he is serving and his con dition, altogether worthy the support of all who love good music. It is wonderful with what skill be can manipulate the or gan or piano, or two at a time, and even perform three pieces at one time—thus ex celling any musician we kaow of even with eyes to see. We recommend Blind Charley, and none will regret a quarter to hear him. The most reliable grain market in Spring Mills is at I. J. Grenoble's. Good news for all that the best place to purchase goods during the fair, or at any other time, is at Bauland'i, in the Beehive one price dry goods store. The finest goods in market and the lowest prices and best bargains at the Beehive. List of letters remaining in the post* office at Centre Hall, Pa., .November Ist, 1879: ,1. B. Calhoun, Jacob Walkey, David Miller, J. Barger. J. A. KEKSMAN, P.M. During fair week, if you want the best place to stop at, go to the Bush house, Mr, Hoppes is one of the pleaiaatesl bo telisU in the state, and will make you feel just like at home. All are on tip-toe for Guggenheim* er's new branch Clothing store, to •be opened at Centre Hall, Oct. 15. The stock of boots and shoes, in every variety and style, st Powers' is as tonishing. Any one can find there what be wants, and bonest, fair and square deal ing. Take our word for that. apples wanted at Grenoble'sstore, Spring Mills. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for Oc tober.—Joaquin Miller's New Novel of Western Lite.—Among tb emany brilliant attractions of the present number is the commencement of a new novel, entitled. Two Babes in the Wood," by the famous "Poet of the Sierias." Tb opening chap ters give promise of a story of thrilling in terest, characterized by a vivid imagina tion. picturesque power of description and striking originality. No one is better ac quainted than the author with our moun tain life. "The Modern Pbaroah" is an exceedingly interesting, elaborate article by Edwin De Leon, with reference to the new history of the ancient land of Egypt It is profusely illustrated. There are ad mirable articles on "Archery, Past and Present," "Festivals in India," "Lisbon and Oporto," "Shooting Stars," ete., all finely illustrated. There are stories, sketches, etc., bv JaneG. Austin, Etta W. Pierce, Amelia E Barr. nnd other popular writers , Poems by William Wordsworth. Helen W. Pierson, etc., etc. The miscel laneous articles embrace a large variety of subjects, combining with entertainment a vast fund of information. Tho l£b quarto pages afford delightful rs ading, and the illustrations are tine wor'Es or art; they number nearly one hundred, besides a beautiful chromo frontispiece, "Jerome's Death of Caesar." Single copies are only £0 cents, and the annual subscription $-5. postpaid. Address. Frank Leslie's Pub lishing House, 53, 55, 57 Park Place. Powers never take the advantage of any customers who buy boots and shoes of them. Let every one remember that they make good all they say and sell—and that's what we call honest business. The following is the (Jermantown Telegraph's simple remedy for frost bites. Extract the frost by the ap plication of ice water tHI the frozen part is pliable, but let no artificial heat touch it: then apply a salve made of equal parts of hogs' lard and gun powder, rubbed together until it forms a paste, and in less than twenty-four hours the frozen part will be well. For hog cholera use a mixture of soft soap and milk. Four soap suds of wash days into the swill barrels, it will make hogs thrive. 1 Great Democratic MASS MEETING ! ! There will he a Mans Meeting of fili reus of Outre county at the COUKT-HOUNK IN HKLLKFONTK. on Tuesday Evening, Oct. 14, 187 I J, which will be addressed by Hon. W. A. WALLACE, I'nitod Slates Senater, Hon. tIKO, A. -I EN KS, of Urook villo, and E\ -Gov. AN DREW G. IT' KITN. It is hoped that there will he n full turn out by citirons from all paits of the county. All parties are invited to come and hear the issues, uow ex citing the public mind, discussed by honeet, able and faithful public men. Ry order of the Committee. D. K. Fokthky, Chairman. GREAT PIC-NIG OS N ITT AN" Y MOUNTAIN. Last Thursday saw ona of the largest gatherings, on the mountain near Centre Hall, yet held in ihia county, save per haps the main days at our county fairs It was the grand annual p : .c-ipo of the I'at rons of Husbandry, at which w ere galhar •J not only the grangers but almost every body else with their sweethearts, their cousins and their aunts. The dy was fine, but a little cool in the morniag. Early m the morning streams of vehicles came pouring through here, and continu ed thus until noon. From the other side the ceuuty the same was true—nothing but wagons, buggies, carriages. Ac., coin ing, coming, all the time. The grounds i>n tho mountain have been fenced in lor pic-nic purposes, stands are provided fori hucksters, seats for the audience, an ob- ! servatory, Ac., all tending to make it one of the most convenient pleasure grounds in central l'enn'a while tho view is one of the most magnificent in the state. Four bands were present, and furnished excellent music, vie: The Churchville band. Farmers' Mills, Zion and Pine Hal! bands. At the proper hour the mJltiiM *• called to order, and the following officer! chosen: President Geo. W• Campbell. Vice-Presidents —Jacob Dunk!*, Jno. U.:n forget fuluoes they lingered in facination, taking a long and final look as it were at tho grand and 1 beautiful Pennsvalley which 1 spreads out! so charmiagly below from where the Alleganies roll up tier after tier to their Crescent, till they appear like ocean-waves and storms petrified. I wel come you from the valley of the West branch of the Susquehanna, I welcome you from tbe'valliesof the Juniatta and the KisbacoquUlas. I welcome you from the Mountains and from ;the rivers and the streams who have come up hither to celebrate our'annual autumnalfgathering and "Harvest Home." I invite you all! to freely participate in thefrich and unal loyed enjoyment of the day. "We have met together to-day from all! parts of; our county and front adjoining; counties for the purpose of extending to! one another friendly greetings, and if possible to more and fraternisej the elements of Agricultural life ; to foe-i ter and cement more strongly by a mutual understanding the great principals of the order of Patrons of Husbandry. A more fitting time for the Patrons re union could not have been chosen, it ho >ng at the closing days of the summer, days of comparative leisure to the farmer, it is but natural for him to join his fellow laborers with their families for a day ol festivities and general enjoyment. A rural gathering for pleasure like this, away from the decorations of artistic splendor in the City Hall, or the fashiona ble places of tho rich sheltered only by the greeti foliage of the forests of tho sur rounding hills which are turning into the sear leaf; the fresh oders of an entire land-scape coming to us on every passing breeze and above all as far as eye can reach, well built homes and cultivated fields ; the rewards of rural industry; such plainness, such natural and unfeigned simplicity—such gushing impulses of ru ral friendship while partaking ol their bountious repast are in harmony with the best impulses of our nature; who could bore refrain from participating or sharing in the refreshing influences of such a gathering or re-union of the people of the rural districts. What scene more dignified or delight ful than to see as wo have bore hundreds of happy, intelligent farmers collected from all parts of our county and adjoin ing counties; not to engage in political and party strife, but meet together for; i thalr country* gnod, consulting h*w bait to promote and fraternira in bond* of union the once dUtracted and divided ' agrlculural class of our country, with no waring element*, no heart.burning* of an* •ort, but*l eaco and good will anloialing every boom, bringing into social and , profitable Inlercourte lboe who would i>lherwi*e have remaiaod stranger* and 1 otlranged to ot o another. .Mr. President, ibould net *Ucli Irene* be well calculated J . to gladden the heart of every wiie and, good i ili en of our government? Hut If you please go back with me only twelve | year* to tho lime before the establishment f'ot the order of l'atroni of Husbandry in | the county, what a contrast you will flnJ amo! g the agricultural clas* then and now, the farmer* w. re dl> ide.t and indif-, fercnttoone another and had no uch gathering a* the Patron* have held in our county for the last five or sit jeers end a we tin.l herejto-day; they were then divid ed and under the entire control of'pojlli-! clan* and dtinagcg'te* who periodically tramp like traveled the couitry in the in-j ' tereet of political parties to itir up itrife ' in the rural district* upon usua* that were mi rely part 'an incharaitsr and ruinous; to the agricultural cl* and to tho coun try. It was partisan politic* that plunged our country into civil war. It i* partisan . politic* tfiat prevent* the return of peace, | prosperity and confidence to our country. It i partisan politic* that keepi up the i unprofitable agitation of itate severeignty i which i* of no interest to the farming or ' ihe industrial classes It wa* partisan J politic* that forced the premature retuuip- ji lion ot specie payment to the irreprab!- . £ jury of the farming and producing class- 2 o*. It i partisan politic* that wai.'.s an T, unlimited paper currency which would he ' v [of no lasting benefit to the farming and in- c idutrial clas.e* of our country It wa r partisan pelitic* that prevented tha farm .1 ling cla** fiom organising in the past, to *J 'their almost irreparable injury and ruin Gentlemen, we undertand the i*suo. that are kept before tho people for partiai 5 purpotee, they nre of no interest to the ag- ricultura! clas* or for the good of our coun- 3 try You can continue to trot out all th , hoodlums of the drinking *alon* and 1 gaaibling hell* to the primary elections for tho sole purpose of keeping out the in- teliigeut farmer*, mechanic* end laborer*. , but, sire, you cannot bind u* by your ac- "J lion* at the poll*. We give you fair warn- '' ing that ihe intelligent fermer will net vote with any party that will not recog nite aid honor the farming alass, which : form* onehalf of our country. We ask _ no special favor* excepting thoe that our number* and intelligence entitle u* to. * We want the agricultural clas*, that com , 4 , poeee 25,000,000 of the people of our coun- try, represented; wo want an economical and just admin titration of tha lew* ; we | want pe*ce and prosperity forour country The farmer*, a* American citizen*, art tired of your State iovereigaty, peoe py- f menl* and unlimited paper currency. W 'J want a united people ; we want a currency • that will be of equal advantage to the far i rner and money lender, that will build uj the industry of cur country. The Grange i* net a political t arty , it ( put* no candidate* in the field , a* *uch. IU.I principle* are a* high above partitan poli-j , tic* a* the brilliancy of tbe tun it above , that of the itars. t The Grange i* not political, yd the pnn- • iciple* we teach underlie all true politic*, j all true *tale*oianhip. The educating; principle* of the Grange have already ; I commenced their work among the people : , The farmer no longer carea for the Demo jcratic, Republican or any ether partie* at ( ' partisan*. We atk no tpcciai favor* ot any j |political organization, but we demand, what i* our* by birth, by right and by the, honor* that thouid be our*, j Self-protection, toj *ay nothing of the' honor* of the farming clau, demand* that jthe farmer* receivers equal proportion of the position* of honor an J,trust in our gov-1 eminent according to our proportion of the I 1 population. Tbe farmer ha* the'in •iruaenlaiily of the Grange that it i* not the farming clat* in tbe South or tbe farm ing clau in .the North that keep* up the bitter lec'.ional strife in our country . but I that it i kept up by demagogue*, idler* and hoodlums of corrupt political rings for !partitan purpose*. Tbe National Grange ol the I'elron* of Husbandry ha* met in *oulh*m>nd north ern citic* welcomed alike and unmolested in the expreuion ot our opinion*, tbe far mer* receiving one-another in fraternal greeting* a* brother* and titlar*, pledging each other at tbe Alter of our beloved Or der fidelity and friendship a* long a* lime •ball lad. I welcome Iheta'agcd men and women before me, who havo journied up hither, as it were, to make their la! offering upon the Alter of our Order and to perform the at', great rite* of honor and bleating upon tkoae of us who are younger in year*. 1 feel just like going down there among you and learning lesson* of wisdom from your trial* and tribulations, and to pledge to you our fidelity and devotion to our bolov •id Order. O! we appreciato your solici tude and nobleness of character, of yet in your eld age having the opportunity of witnessing the consumalioa of your long wished for alliance and union of our peo ple. Poete may sing and historian* write of deed* of valor and heroism, but your* will eut-liv# them all and will be appreci ated by future posterity and will permeate ( all the ramification* of society down till the l**t cycle of time. I welcome the. . young people—the bov* and girl* who arj the hope of our Order. The piece* of thoie aged people that I just spoke of, in thi 1 Graage, you will soon be called on to oc- 1 cupy. If we get the young people into the Grange we will toon have all tbe old , people—don't you see it ? they will be the ' old people after a little while. We have form* and ceremonies entirely suited to 'i your tastos, and you would be delighted ' with them. Then the grange also open* '. the way for you to honor, to position* and ' te usefulness in aociety. Tbe destiny of ' i our Order and our country it soon to be ' placed in your hands. This material must ' be had to build up and to perpctuata the ' Grange edifice. In the language of the Matter of the j National Grange "let us firmly retolve; ' that all geographical discriminations be forever ignored ; that tbera bono Mason 'A Dixon's line; no sectional or special. ' privilege* within our doors or within our' 'j country. Devoted to the interest* of a '! common cause, let u* meet upon a com-1 ' men leva! and act in perpetual unity, ever! striving, through the education of the tnaites. for the permanent establishment ' of our Order and the perpetuity of a com tnon government, to the end that we may | • become a united, prosperous, freo and bap-j • py people, down to the latest sylable of ' recorded time." "Wo hv in not jwari ; in ihoughta, not brsalb*; In fi'riing*. not in figure* on a dial; We thouid count time by heart throb* when they beat; Far God, for man, for duty. Ho IIIOKI live* who think* mutt—fuel* no blent—art* the be*t." (.HAM'S TOI It A R OL'ND TII E WO% L D. A complete record of the journey of Gen. U. S. GRANT, through England, Ireland, Scotland, France, Spain Germany. Aus tria, Italy, lielgium, Switzerland, Russia, Egypt. India, China and Japan, and a full account of hia arrival and reception atSan Francisco, with a graphic description of the (daces visited, manners and customs of the countries, interesting incidents, en thusiastic orations by Emperers, Kings, and the people of all climes, richly embel lehed with severnl hundred artistic il lustrations ; also a line handsome steel en graved portrait of Gen, Grant. Sure suc .cesstoall who take hold; will positively I lu.hf |Mll l •!.Uli. .lib m|.l. .u. I I .1 'I .1.1.1, au.l 11.11- -I In U.luh>. tin.111... .fr., .1,11 I a >|.lru 1...1 lb. a.num.. NM hU In Nil,' |, in •! .* b.-t lIM, .>• lt '• S ak ; .it .111 ,<. ••"J 'n I'l'ltlal.". 1 • Kuukal. k ainlllßl , etiUaU.ipla*, I*., AJlli. p.. .11.1.*. Ulrn.ul alaaiti. WORMS WORMS. WORMS. I I Kuuk.l's Wuliw RYIUI* ÜBISI fall, 1.. ■lMln | I*l u rumi Hid Ssi'ttt6l Womi l>r kunfcei lt ui* 1| iUi4Mtul yhfUl*" *L.- I aj.o its I L 1V* s un • ■<> UMIsl *u4 mo torn ttlllll tflu ted t \uutu 4 cil*e (*s Lon if i lF* W tun U fttuoii-t ftll • (liol urtU* (MM fM'lUl le*lMl*l AtlVlCw* *| f ?! • tud al sie* five* fit* a-cl -r Ml toll saf.rlliwt . uol lb* s**l4rnl IkU* urm*, U'CUH.,!* air dgtu* 4*l ip with %*CRT*. uu4 4V *••( KAUW it I ti* •L>*Hl*. i iftntu. cbu*iul ad Ml4ik>a, .sstupUno# C irvWi *rownal iii •>•* •••IDun *u4 in (lt**i.u> atfh. fMilcM *1 ulsli(.sHh-iUg -•! the teNilh. f>l kits* t( (Usui* • egl; feiei. iM.Hig *( If# *#*(, I. ul I >r*lL, (L (s*litl frwti *u4 llt IK*.iu* *u4 irrtUUtu n U*u *tid *IJ lit#*# itttt|; (asm*. *l*4u*ir#. . Jiiues trom mn *k t kunknl'i Vb ~fu* hiiui* n#vr f*li !' *••> (hem # I tl PI Mil* OI Hilsolllne l> itvr Ta|s# H . nti writ# uu4 PdHIH lh< D*" l "* i t nil of tuitr tlraiiui lit* Worn Kiiuh. ul if l* ha* it not HU ,t loin tc. K ka uuki. s■< Nu*(ti s(| tun M l*blU vl#l|shl*. I*4 A4U tu*li. fro*. et t 11.1 •# l cut •mtu*'. *JU( I "MARKETS. Philadelphia. Swptamber 2.'.—Four Minnesota itra family, at $> ■ ;.ci.'i. r >, do, do., $5 75* wortora do, do., f w*o 76 Wheat is dull and irragular 8. e* of io.lM buibel* at $1 '-'4r N. red.^rlesator. Rye at 7oc Horn at f/it.,title for mixed, and fidic tor yallow. Oat* at tS(fc g-Kkl modi um 4)c; CO ma nr., Bt(w4c. Hog* a fe ir demand tele* 4 TOO Lead ! prune 6c;gaed'dc medium Me, ccmmoc t.ic. Guaranteed Investments. j Bf r hf&rm "I letetlranu to M**ck i <>;**** i_n *• tu.awr I'iJaeu; itj freea lom Mo N llf *ItiAJ ' .'I |UU IB • ae of 131 J *i • 1 • '*■, '• ... jaUxct MlY> Aiit AH' -*Hre4*jr, N. V. I iXt 1 . 1 "(fKirwrx Teller *r.J Renovator. he* tied e: (Centre Hell, where he *dl be happy to meet the wat t* all do ring clothe* tied--1 |:njhe Lateti ty'a and most Approved' ' Petition. >"it f 'jaratileed lie ill alt" | clean and reet.-rr laded rlwlhax and make, , them look good a* new 11 at a choice lot jof aatnplrf Cuttinr i-rompt y atteaded to Price* low Ihiom N". 1 >*er the Rank L'CTIONRKR —The undertigned re-1 •pectfully -CVr bia ►vrvtci-t to the; ciuaact of Centre county, a* an auctioneer 1 Severe! year* vrnhip. jdee'd, having been era'tod U, the undcr-l • igned. all pero! • knowing tbemaelyea to ' be indebted to aai.l decedent are requealed to make immediate peymerl, and ptraor.* j having claim* aga ntt the ciUt" will pre vent them authenticated for *ettlcmenl. J SO. R ROY Kit, OATH. KOYKIt. lHuept ct Administrator* FIII.IC SALE' —Will beheld at the late residence of Michael Hetting er, deceaed in Gregg twp , on Saturday. .Oct. 26. the following property will be •eld ■ Two head work lu rtea, three cow*. ■ nine b>-ad of young cattle. even tiioeU, . r ght head of ehrrtv - ne Wo -tvr Clover Huller and Tbre*ber, |with l'ower, one Hay Fork with Rope and Pulley*. Four I toa* hav Two I'la tatior. Wagen*. two Wert Plow*, one Sulky Cultivator, two Corn Cultivator*, one CWn-vheller, one Corn Scraper, one Pair of Bob-*!edi, one Log Chain, alt* Buckeye Reaper and Mower and other farming uientil* l.*o , nunrroui to mention, together with a lot ' of Household and Kitcben Furniture. Sale to commence at one o 1 lock, when term* will be ma la known Vv AMELIA HKTTINGRR, M. L lUMIKL. Admini*trator*. 1) KAL KM'A I K AT FTUX VTK II SALK.—The un.lerijrned aff.-r at prirale ale, * tract of land iluated in tb<- Loop, in Potter twp.. conlaininjr FOl'K HCNDKRD ACKKS, more or lew. Fifty cre of which arc cleared, end the balance well timbered There are uD the i romim a lod FH \M R HorSK, a L* Harn. a SI'KINO OK NF.VKU FAILING WATER, THRKK ORCHARDS, and an eicellent SITK FOR SAW MILL with food water pow er. 100 or 200 acre*, with improvement* wil". be a<>ltl ej arate d dniirod The balance wili bo *o.d In timber lota of 'JO. 30, or 50 acre*, or the whole tract will bo old to gether at a low price and on eay term*. For further information ailJrwi, A S. KEKMX, Lewiitown. P.t., or A. A. KKRLI.V, McAlevy* Fort. Pa. 14 auctf Prepared Coke -FOR FAMILY USE. The Bellefontc A Snow Shoe H. R* Co, having completed their Coke Breaker and Screen?, are now prepar ed to furnish nil of Coke for Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces. PRICE, 13,00 perToH of 200 Pound*. DANIKL KUODKS. 2oct 3m (ien.Supt. | For the coming Fall und Winter TRADE WE ARE FULLY PREPARED. Now is (he Time! Select Your Goods FROM Fftfisar, NEW STOCK. GENTS' FRENCH CALF BOOTS AND GAITERS MADE TO ORDER i A LARGE STOCK OF Sole Leather, Calf-Skins. Kips, ETC., EIC., At Bottom Prices. E. GRAHAM & SON. Dec's Bellefoufe, l'a, Sj>ruij4 Millrt Market. Wheal No i fl 10 Wheal No U ll.lte Rye, 4&c. Corn, ears, per bu. new, .40c Oat., 'Mik. Muckwheat, 76c. t'loverteed, $4 U0 to $4 o<> I'hop, per ten, f'Jl). 00. Plaster, ground per um, SIO.UU Flour, per bbl St.fiO liar ley 60lo<0\ 14c. Tallow, tic. Lard, fic. Ham. 12c. Shoulders, f. 00 Grand Fall Opening At the BEE HIVE ONE PRICE # DRY ROODS EXCLUSIVE * JPBB# STORE. 1 iih to infurm tlit public lb.l 1 liuve jutt received du immctue Slock of Good., ALL NEW! ALL NEW! Andll am better prepared to furni.h you with ail your VMta in my li f c, having mad e it a etudy to buy ju.t aucb good* a* arc ranted ; and, not withstanding the advance on all good,, 1 ant Kill tiling them at the lowct market prices. My business founded on the ONE PRICE SYSTEM* which you will find tn all cities, Square Dealing and Honesty. My stock is complete in all its branches, conaiating of DKE.V GooDm and .-ILK> 8H WLg, CLOAKS and BLANKETS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, lI4YAIVRV in/wßfi RIMML.uS, DOMESTICS. an *L Eb, CORSETS, RIBBONS and TIES, ZEPHEIIS AND YARNS, CARPETS, AC AC AC All my good* are marked in plain figures. Hoping to receive an early call. I remain respectfully yours My motto is, One Price, the very hwest, and no misrepresentation. J H B AXIL AND CAM). Guggenheimer would auoouncc, that being about to bring to Bellefonte the LARGEST and BEST ASSORTED tSTOCf OF CLOTHING ever brought to Centre county, that he will opeu out for • ABOUT 3 WEEKS A BRNAGII STORE In Centre Hull, ON THE 15th OK OCTOBER. Any |>crron* that intend pure-baring Cloth ing would do well to wait until then and examine his stock. 18*ep5t A T C. DINGES' NEW STORE You can find all kinds of Groceries and. Canned Fruit* cheaper than any where else. He also ha* ou baud and is constant ly receiving Notions, Cafldics, in great variety, and Tobaccos of the best grades. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. He deal* in FLOUR. HRAN, STONII and KARTHKN CROCKS, Ac.. Ac. | and lake* all ivnit of Country Produce in exchange. CALL AND GIVE HIM A TRIAL. C. DINGES. Centre Hall. J. ZELLER &, SON. DRUGGISTS, No. C BrockcrhofT Row, Bcllefonte I'cnn'a. Denlrrs In ISriiKw.CliciiiicitiM, IVrflimrrj, Fain jtiond* Ac,, Ac. Pure Wine* and Liquor* for medic purpose* always kept. " CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. J.O. DKININGER. A new, complete Hardware Store ha* : boen opened by the undersigned in Cen itre Hall, where he is prepared to tell all kind* of Building and House Furnishing Hardware, Nail*. Ac. Circular and Hand Saw*, Tennon Saw*. Webb Saw*, Clothe* Rack*. full a*ort | menl of Glass and Mirror Plate Picture Frame*. Spoke*, Hello.-*, nd Huh*, table I Cutlery, Shovel*, Spade* and Fork*, I Lock*, Hinge*, Screw*, Kh Spring*. Horse-Shoe*. Nail*. Norway Rods, Oils Tea Bell*, Carpenter Tool*, Paint, Varn ishes. Pictures framed in tho finest tyle Anything uol on hand, ordered upon shortest notice. SWT Remember, all good* offered cheap er than elsewhere. Manhood : How, How Restored ! Jut fQliilihud, A now fhltUon of I>r <'ul*4rw#ir fVlLr*tu! ht*A> on th* r,itrl .rurr (Without tti*li I'lriD) of A miitiiitaA or M*niln*l VUtknci, In voltintiArf la—*9 Impot4ocy, Mental nt! I'l virlivakl In'ftpactty, Ininvlimisnt• f> \1 irrUn\ tc ali, (VMMCiraptlou K|>Ur}*j and f it*. Iniluonti ljr •olf Jititularffiicn t aatual rA|ffl. ** 4c., ... t'rlo*. lu a aAl*ml nv*lo|>n A thirl jr y*ris' sjreawful • hAt Ilia AlArmlnc v*m t.f well fib'ia*' niA> t'* rA*llc*lljrcxr*J without tho >u usr of Int*rtiAl moo of 11.• knlft*. iHlntitiM ut A inott of euro At ooei* Aimplo, ccrtAtn Atid UAI. Ijr iu curr hlmrr" chiiply, prtTttolf, ud nilpiili Tbt* l*cturv ahould hi* In Iho Lautli of otarf youth and every man tn tl>r land. Nwut under eal. tn a plain any addrtirr post tld f on receipt of all ceula or two pottaK- At AIT) IMS Ait thru* the publUhurv, TIIK CULVKRWKLL M KDICAL CO., 41 Ann St., New York; 1\ O. Box, 45{O TTUM Hie eaey of llie So nth Ilend Cbllled Ifow for HUM touly.-VIS i WILL NOT HE UNDERSOLD BY ANY PARTY THAT SELLS THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS COME AX I) SHE THE RIG SHOW! THE LARGEST AND BEST BE-i LECTED STOCK EVER OF FERED IN CENTRE HALL. AT Wo 1 i"s Stand. DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT Is stocked with full lines of DOMESTICS, DRESS GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS. LADIES' READY-MADE SUITS, PARA SOLR, UMBRELLAS. FANCY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS I AND SHOES, ETC., ETC. G HOC Kit V DKIMBTMKXT With full line* of Choicest Tvas, Syrups, Dried Fruit, Canned Goods, Sugars, Cof fees,'. Pure Spices, Sa!*. Pork Provi sions. \\ ooden. Willow, (Queens and Glassware, Fish, Salt and everything usually found in a first class Grocery. HARDWARE, CARPETS AND OILCLOTHS ajways on hand. You neld not go from home to buy goods low. At Wolfs stand in the Bank building, you find bargains good a* elsewhere, and au aisoriraent equal to any in the county. H fl R 1 iiviigLt ■ (haattftß* rnraTinf fthowtnc poail'-v Aatn*d l-| •). i .orw*. a tal>l* of . a larfe e • l J of a. D fWI ft/uahl* rwop** ntw* for twl.i'ic t b-r A• <•! A DUUfN), ~** nh in er.finini ah *it.* t-et; ; Ach r f r . and a later aoi ' int of 4>Ukr valuatd# bora# I tifcrTn mIJt ,n Dr Wre llall aa.* I ta*o b-ajhl j j fhi fcf whtrb Ido not lu* a* wniu. t, v . tea vil f*r a cfrra Ur Af rU wan: ad llKmdall. Jd D . Knoahuf*b Fait* > \ lm>ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla tFor Scrofula, and all J scrofulous diseases .Ery- ' sijH-lxs. Rose or St. An- i thony's Fire. Eruptions | and Eruptive di-cascs of the skin. Ule* nit ions ♦•f the Liver, Stomach, Kidnevs Lungs, I'ltn nles, Pustule-. Boils, |Blotches. Tumors, Tct- tcr, Sail lihcuiu, Scald IT. id. I ting worm, Ulcen. Sons, 1 Hlu uni r .-m, Nennilgia. l'ain iu the ' I><-!. -. >i.!i and Head. Ft male Weak ii . Stilltr, Lanewrihna. aUw ! frm . iuli nuif ulceration, and ui line ro|sy. 1 ty-|ep-ia. Emacia tion. (ii ii< raf Debility, and for I'uri f\ ng flic Blood. Tin- Sar-aparilla is a combination of v, _•(■'tnhlealtemtivei—Stillmgia.Man- i , ib ihc.Ycllow iMck—with tho lodidca • f Potas-ium and Iron, rind is the 1 n. ••-: c fhc ftciou- no-dicinc y t known ' i 1..; the ili- .i-c-s it is intended tocum. 1.- ingredients arc so skilfully i • romhimd that the full alterative ' j !.ict of i n h i- —tired, and while. , ■: i- imi•!a- to he harmless even to < !;ii(in n.j! i- stii! so vlleetunl as ; toj-t: .< f i from the sy-icin those 1 imjuruit- ml corruptions which • ii* vi lop into licithsomo disease. Tl i. illation it on jot i derived 1 .. ii. u. cure-, and the eonTuhnce ii piomincnt physician* aii over • tin- e untry repose in it proves their e\t i nciice of its* usefulness. ] ( rtilieates attesting its virtues j hav.- accumulated, and are con • sianflv being r< • l ived, ami .is many „r lit. ea>> - are publicly known, i!i r furnish *oiivincing evidence of 1 su]M iioiity of thi> -arsuparilla ov ,crv oilier altcrntiv. medicine. '- - u:i :v is its superiority to any . >tlu r nit dic.ine known that we need ' • io no in tl in to assure tlio public . that lln best qualities it has ever • pos-e i.l are strictly uiuiutaiucd. rr.r.PARED MR • Dr. J. ~ AYER fit CO., Lowell, Mass.* i'ratfiat! M>*F Innlyticul Chemist*, • oei) i.v aix navuoiyra xvmwax# illllivo .Ov •cmtina Urant*. with *>■. hlclil l,uu H l/ j* ..h>r tif *yoft nod uair. you will rwc. ive f A M L refurn mail a cnirrwot picture *f lyour future huaDaJid #r wif®, wltii Yourself id Ail ltcei. W. I'OT, ox; nltonviUo. H T 1 Auu . 21, ——HAKDWARE ! WILSON, M'FARL Ai\E & CO. H£W GOOBS—PANIC PRICES. H H H T E A A \ STO A IIS U EATEHS H A S GES J, E G t E * * S We would eepeci&lly call attention to Use Highland Queen Cook Stove, —AND THE— VV2i.GDifI2 Hoias W2ATDBJB X*Our Slock being entirely New. We offer rpecial Bargain i in-m HARD WAKE, OILS and FAINTS. WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. WILSON, M-FAHEANF A CO., SOUS' BLOCK. BELLEFONTE. PENN'A. ; Spring Mills O. K ! NEW ROOM! NEW GOODS! at I. J. Grenoble's Store! ! SPRING MILLS, | has the good*. Largest stock I < SELECTION UNSURPASSED! Prices Lower than Ever, And now extendi a cordial inviUtion t< his friends, patrons, and public general I >T- Also a Complete Assortment ot Ready Made Clothing for men and boys. Suits aa low aa to be had in the city. Imported and Domestic DRYGOODS! Full line* nf MERINO UNDERWEARS, For Ladies, Gents, Boya, Misses and Children. Hosiery, Gloves. Boots and Shoes II ATS, CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS, And the znot complete assortment of NOTIONS n Central Pennsylvania, and prices lha willcomnel you in self defence to buy bm . Also Fish. Salt, etc. 18oc A full line of Howe Sewing Machines and Needles for all kinds nf machines I Also dealt in all kinds of Grain: Mar ket price paid for the tame. A specialty' lin OOAL by the car load j ./as. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKERHOEF ROW. ' „oI! P A IN T S, OILSTETC., j - JAS. HARRIS 4 CO. ; Hbllct^uta. TOIIN F. POTTER, Attorney-at . t'ollot' Hani prompUt Mad sneola ETWE: c undTs? P n£xrfc mJh drw oii and Lav* Acknowledged L>r*d i"SSKdt.Ba£ff* "iiSuis:" PENNSVALLFY BANKING CO CENTRE IIALL PA. I RECEIVE DEPOSITi and allowlnter i est; Discount Notes; Buy and ij Sell GoyernmentSeourities, ' Gold and Coupons. |W m. Wolf *Vt. b. Jlxkol* Prest C tuhia The Only Known Remedy TIIT ACTS AT TIE !>AU TIM O* THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS. aftir% eiV-s it vondtrfvl pmtfr to curt all dia •* \ Why are we Sick ? /tnrwwar ipc ' - /Arptd, and }> jww Jhiw -j j nrw fbrvad into the biwd that Amid be trprfltd naturally. * UAl>ir4lLiLV Bll.timsMNS, rZLES, COTKTtFATIOX. kIttXKY ttJSn.*!MX. ICISABTM*- l.iMX.n:nu: vf..ij.\ESBES, AX nBTOIS D1SOK0KB&, lijr tmMg fret aett-m cf that oryant mod remtaring Oni- otms!.h c i power to tkrau ■ •JftUoMUH. ■i Wkj HBVr Silllew |lu ui! itlml ■ Wky hp tonwatij with PIIm sb.rt[T will walr U nwwrta if MMWat. GetUQf trrtr !,*< iii onier it/begs*. VXLL3. a isisagtm, n. Kidnev-\\'<>ri anu n-t> Uuuis lot sals by J D Murray __ JQK.S. G. GUTS LI US, Dentist, Millheim. Off.rhUprolw..onlrTlo-.tota. nnblle. It* It f -. T d to prrform allopwwtiou. to lb* daw to I pro |Ha ia i > lulljuraparad to axlract tooth abeolatly . wttoout piio. HwS-7S : TOHN BLAIR LINN " j*" Attorney - at- Low, ( *®s2? n St., Bellefonte, Pa' | ti feb tf , t|k t~Y