r VhQ Centra Reporter. VTITXi. KIJHTZ EDITOR t'rxTUK Ham., Pa., Oct, 2,1379. DKKOPKITK XOIHIXA' Tl!\S. ran STATK TRiasrnx*. OANIKI. O BAKU, oi' Allogl .mv. Democratic County Ticket. Ju-y (\ 01, . JOHN Sll \N Nv)N . Ccr\\Hcr. DR. JOS KIM 1 AHA MS. IMPORTANT TO VOTMR&, The next election in Pennsylvania will Ive held on Tuesday, the 4th of No vember. . Voters ranst be assessed two months preceding the election, that • s , on or lc fore Thursday, September 4th. Voters must l.ave paid a state or eonntv tax one month preceding the election, that is. on or before Saturday, October 4th. Members Democratic state, county, and city committees should see to it that every voter of our party has complied with the law. Failure to pay tax in season neprivv the voter of the privilege of an ft rage. An elector can sw ear in his vote, though he be not assessed, hot the neglect ma> cause him much trouble. Gov. II >yt has appointed Hon. ller.ry Green, of Hasten, judge of the supreme court in place of Judge Y\ urren h. Woo*;- vrard, dee'd. - . , ♦ - Mr.and Mr*. Henry Morris, of Ca*.- countv. Mich., were murdered far their money on Sunday night. We Jo not A*k any one to vote for Parr because this happened in a radical state. ■■■■ • At a convention of the citiiens of Wyandot and Kansas city, they proles: • against more blacks emigrating to Kan ai , I.et some of 'em go to \ ermont and other rad strongholds and give them a real taste of the loved African. The radical dissatisfaction w ifh t or nell is growing in New York. Harper s Weekly. The Nation, The Times, and other leading organs, as well as hundreds of the rank and file are in rebellion, and more than offset Boss Kei.ey slant nianv bolt. The Pennsylvania Railrotgd Company are building a locomotive to run be tween Philadelphia and New York ninety miles in ninety minutes. That's something, and if they wornd make half as much time in fulfilling their promise's to extend our road, that would be something too. P.P. Senator Bruce promises some startling revelations in his report on the affairs of the Freedman's lunk. He wants congress to buy the bank proper ty in Washington. Mr. Bruce is the colored radical sena tor from Mississippi, and the Freedman's bank is that pet institution of white rad icals under Grant, that so woefully swindled the poor negroes of the south oat of all their deposits—the hard earn ings of the yean since their liberation. No democrat was concerned in this in famous swindle, the wickedest of all the sores that the negro complains of P.ruce is a prominent colored radical but his investigation of the infamous Freedsman s bank swindle shows up the true character of the men who talk so loudly about the wrongs of the blacks and now "Rah for Grant" The San pithily remarks that if Gen Grant keeps bis eyes open, be will soon discover that changes have occurred at home while he has been travelling abroad. In the first place, business is beginning to look up agaiu. Times are rather better than they were when he went out of office. This improvement i 3 largely due to the fact that the people are no longer forced to provide for the waste, extravagance, and plundering* of such a set of scoundrels as they were cursed with in the days when Bobenson. Belknap, & Co. were in power, and when a subservient Republican majority in House of Representatives voted the mil lions as fast as they could be squandered or stolen. The courts of Pennsylvania never had as many cases of murder and manslaugh ter on trial as are on its trial list nqw.— Lorif'.'Ury ChronicU, rad. And if this we r e in the sqnth how much louder the Chronicle and the whole pack of the radical sheets would howl. But since it is in Republican Penn'a. a four line notice will uo. — Cen tre Hail Reporter. And the reason f or a scarcity of murs der cases on southern trial lists is be cause the assassins down there are scarcely ever tried. When tried, they are acquitted, as witness the recent ac quittal of Gully, the murderer of the Chisholms. —Jfif" . rj T . yh, radi cal. Well we can easily offset that by go ing to radical Snyder county, the child of radical Union, where they failed to . hang a lot of murderers only a short time ago. Now try again. i They are going for the Mormons in 3lormondom just now, apparently at least. A Salt Lake despatch of 2b says 1 that the Third district court has for sev eral days been engaged in obtaining a grand jury. All Mormons who believe in polygamy to be a revelation from God and superior to the act of congress, have been excluded. Eleven jurors have been obtained. It is expected the present grand jury will endeavor to ob tain a record of polygamous the endowment house. John Bull having found Cetywayo, might next try to find the corpse of A. T. Stewart or Charly Ross. The WeMche Pout' —C'arl Hchorz's St. Louis paper—advises the Germans of New York to work for the defeat of the Republican State ticket. That's a sort of a Hayes boom ferninst Cornell. Mr. Hayes lias a party now. It is an excursion party, conducted on deadhead principels. From the Indianapolis Sentinel. Come and see. Come when Hayes comes, J on j have never seen a President of the I ni- 1 ted States who wasn't elected, ibis i* | your only chance. Quite a curiosity, w<* i assure you. The Prohibitionists at Harris burg j nominated William L. Richardson oi > Bloomsburg, for State Treasurer. George I E.Turner of Pittsburgh, presided over > the Convention. j. Go and pay your County tax before the 4th of October, and then go to the , election in November, and vote the Democratic .ticket like a man. We welcome to our table the "Centre Hall Reporter," a large and ably edited paper published by Mr. Fred. Kurtz, of , Centre Hall, Centre ocunty, Pa.—Mo { Veytoum Journal. f We £y the *ame for our new acquaint- 1 nnce. Till: XML ( UXCffED. Tho Washington Post puts it in this' plain Wh> "No amount of invective could inteti* sifj tho shame and disgust which ctcrv honorable mi ml fools when con tcm plat - I in* tho do facto President of tho I'nitod States, in paying SI,OOO of hueh-iunn*) to dose tho mouth of one of the thieves who stole for him tho vote of Lffttisi* ana. This is one of those scone that are most effective in their naked simplicity. It will live forever in tho memory of mankind, and ho execrated hy the good men of all coming generations. "Hitherto the friends and apoligistsof Mr. llaves stout!v contended ttiat he was in nownv implicated in the crimes to which he owes hi* inenmheney ofilie Presidential office. When he appoint* ed one after another of the big and htt.e thieves to place* under tho Government until scores of them were thus |iiartered on the public exchequer, and when it was shown that many of these appotn were disreputable trilows, having no honest claim* on aiyc party, the friends of Mr. Hayes Hill said that he was guiltless of any wrong: that these appointments had been secured by po litical intloence in the customary way. "When the door* of the Executive Mansion, and of Mr. Have- private con sulting room, swung on pliant hinges to admit A mow than had gained admission there.even in the palmiest days of the era iff g d steal ing;' when these creature.-,unknown to the public for auy Other cause than their direct connection with the Presidentia. steal, were found to have the choice iff available position* in the public service when Mr. Hayes abandoned all bis sol emn pledges not to remove honest and faithful official*, and swung the decapi taring axe right and left for no other purpose than to make vacancies * here in to quarter these thieves and scoun drels on the public, still his partisans shut their eyes to the damning facts, re eded the inevitable conclusions of rea son and common sense, and declared that Mr. Hayes was innocent, and that there hail been nothing unusual in the distribution of Executive iatronage. "But this ilaiut of iniuHViuv can be made no longer. In the light t'f exist ing facta no man who does not expect to he laughed at and despised as a fool or a liar, will say that U l>. Hay*# is not tullv ativi unquestionably implicated in the great crime which set up his Admin istration outsule of the Constitution, and in violation of the law s made in pursu ance thereof. The payment by Mr. Haves of this fl,ooo of hush-money Jul not entirely close the mouth oft x-unavo but it will forever silence the claim of his friends that he is innocent of guilty knowledge of the theft." •'Tux t'aTTix BEiT";of the Fnited -tales begins to attract attention from its enormous extent and the rapidly in creasing value of its prodncta. The cat tle yield of Colorado is said to exceed its bullion products in value. A banker iu l*enver, it is reported, says that he would rather have oue hundn I stoc*. dealers' accounts than three hundred mining accounts from depositors. The "cattle belt" referred to begins at the Rio Grande, near Corpus Christi. and extends northw v.-t through the interior to the frontiers of Manitoba. In its ex treme Southern and Northern portion ;t is neither bighlv elevated nor particular ly dry. but for the greater part of the immense area included under this dis tinctive denomination —aud it is said to be an area, of miles in width by f-\" ■iff miles in lenth —it lies along the sur face of high table lauds, of which North ern Texas aud Colorado are fair types. Cattle on these plains need to be herd ed and watched, in order that thev may receive water at proper intervals, but it .s claimed that the cost of raising a four years-old steer, selling at the depots at an average of S3O, does not exceed from $2 50 to £3 50. The average natural in- crease of the herds is about 30 per cent. I'tie business is one which requires large ' capital at the outset, regular wages and i strict attention to the best markets, and ■ the inference is that it will speedily fa.l into the hands of a few large drovers ' and butchers. The enormous droves on " the plains, said to a number at the pres ■ eut time nearly 10.000,000, are thought to be In some danger froai the ap . proaches of pleuro-pneuuionia. hut the rapid conversion of grazing lands into * forming lands is probably the chief dan > ger to the profits of the system which is : now imminent. ? Woodbury S. Psnnell tbu advertifs i Portland, Me.: "Any man or woman telling me one drop of intoxicating liquor on or alter this date, I will prosecute to 5 the extent ef tho law." It is stated as a remarkable fact la the ' history of the Pennsylvania railr \J, that 3 for some weeks past the amount of freight 1 : mags MM | iM iwlwri tw M b tb* f quantity conveyed east. A lot of dog* played sad havoc in a f drove of sheep belonging to Mr. Peter f Burklolder, of Loudon. Franklin countv. f recently. Tho sheep wer# pasturing in ? field near the bouse and semetime during , the night thirty head were killed by J gs. i He thought he heard "the angols sing" but it proved to be a chorus of yells from the next door children. lie grew devper i a'.e, procured a bottle of Dr. Bull s Baby Syrup and sent it to Mrs. S. with his com pliments. lie was a bachelor. ' The district attorney at Salt Lake City ' has been directed to vigorously prosecute all violators of the law against polygamy. That will make some of the polygamists who have too many wives to sleep with | feel a little uncomfortable after all- Constipation is the worst foe of Health. Kidnvy-YVort overcomes it on rational principles. Try it. A mm named "Wails, in Conswago twp. York county, fortified the walls of his stomach by eating a peck of peaches at one sitting. It was done inside of thirty min utes. If that fellow g<>t into a railroad col lision there wou d be peach jam. The difference between a woman and sn umbrella is that the latter can be shut up. —N, Y. World. Lard-like looking butter show* unthrif ty management on the part of dairymen, who at a trifling outlay for the Perfected Butter Coler of Wells, Richardson A Co.. Burlington, Vt., can give a deep yellow, r cb and desirable article, which will al j ways command the best price. The turning mill on Callowhill street, j Philadelphia, run by B. W. Cbaltant, was burned on Sunday. Loss, $14,000; in sured. Elmira, Sept. 20 —A special from West field, Tioga county, Pa,, says Robert Champlain, a farmer, was shot dead while cutting eorn a few rods from his bouse. No cluo has been found of the murderer, but suspicion points to bis father, with whom be was on bad terms. 31 re. Catharine Long died recently at H'uamokin, aged 103 years. The 3li!ton Weekly says peecbes sold ai low as 30 cents per bushel in that market Two thousand nine hundred and eighty fires occurred in Russia during the month ! ot August. And still men will persist tha: 1 Russia is a cold country. In the Indian fight in New Mexico on tho 18th inst., five soldiers and thirty two horses were one soldier and six horses wounded. A party of young men from Dallas and F >rt Worth, while hunting in the Pan H indie country, in that -trde, wf-r.- attack ed by I ndians on September 11th and i*-v en of their number killed after a light <•: j two days. Row oil, the Englishman, won tho six days walking match, making 630 milet, ' Jlorritt was second, liazoul third. i A maniac of Greenbrier count*, West Virginia, first cut bir stepdaughter'* throat 1 and then bis own. Thirteen cases of yellow fever wore .c --jw.Utd in Memphis on Sunday. TWENTY-EIGHT PROSPECTORS 31 ASS ACRED. ... ' Fait Lake, Utah, September 27.—A ( Silver Reef special reports a party of ( twenty-eight prospectors who started on an expedition two months ago, have ' been massacred t>y Indians near the ' eastern boundary of this Territory, c 1 PLAIN TALK PROM TILPEN- *** WORDS THA r HAM Till BIN*. Oi M fin I'll ANPCOMMoN SI NSF. .kit. His OPINION OF 11 AV K v ItIHHKS 5 1 TO TIIK PRESIDENTIAL TillK\ KS. no r [lnterview With Gov. Tildcn in New York l inn * | IC+H> The reporter said : Mr. Field in.iu*.* . tho following statement * "Put VOW Mr. Tildcn came to testify before the < ' uo Congressional committee, he admitted can at this very time he knew althoni i the witl public did not know till month* after ward) all about his transaction* in re gard to the cipher dispatches. Yet, ri ,,, knowing this, he pri -ented to me a man who had attempted bribery, and so been ~ guilt v ot a crime, as one worthy if nit ty. confidence,and the one whom he sped *u.i, ally chose to represent himself. i 'ai Mr. Tilden. Ihe moral audacity, >i " rather the immoral audacity, is ain.i. ng of the man who eouhl deliberate.*' n* *ert in a written paper, under hi- own t , signature, that I admitted before tin j j,, I'ongressional committee that, "at tlo verv time" June, I* • I knew about the transactions m regai >1 to thMk cipher dispatclu s 1 testified 1> ::i that louunittio that 1 never Lm w ! existence or content- of any of the eiph j, ~ 'er dispatches until tlieir publication in .v,,, "seplemlwr, IS7S, and every witness ex- I aiuiiicJ and every fact illiciteil i I'ulirm- -i .1 j isl uiy testiuiouv. It was further |i v- ter. Ed that when "l was informed by Mr k 1 dward Cooj. r that Colonel Peltou wo receiving, or was alamt to receive, the 1 communication of the first ot the otlcrs, and the only one that mine to my know I- j edge, to give to the 1 Vtuii. iatic Elecliu - ~ their lertiticati - for a pecuniar.i induce i u , ment, 1 instantly interfered, broke U| ui, the conference and crushed the incipient 1 , t t negotiations. It was proved before that *„ couuuittre that certificate.! for nineteen: votes were in the market, while oidy ■ He one was lacking to defeat the fraud bv •; | which the Presidency was wrested fromj' the majority of the American people. It k' 1 ' ' is now known, beyond controversy,that! the four votes of : loriJa be nged t met and diverted front me. liven Judge ~ Miller, the master spirit iff the 1 iectoral j Hat Oommimion, is reported to have admit- Ho ted the fact in a recent interview pub- .1 • lished in the New York Siiu. I'lie fra. is H perjuries and forgeries by which the false certificates were suppe rtcd were ; ; numerous and complicated. !• tlu-e, was superadded the forgery of throe electoral votes to supply the place of tke original votes sent from ixniisiana and , - i, r found to be illegal. The actors and no i ' agents in these wrung* have been ap -e-u pointed to, or continued in, all the great -t c'vie trusts ot the United Slates within wi the State of Louisiana. It was proved ■ '.hat 1 refused to enter into this shame i ful competition. It is known that I did ; " nut obtain any one of the eertificati > ~ t 'j certained to be in the markrt. Ti.ey i were all cast against law and right. Mr. , m i Field, pretending to think that "poor ,-ou ! I'elton," as he calls him, has been harsh- ait lv and an justly dealt with hy the public wai I j iti tho m xl breath aays that he "had at-Hmu ■ i tempted bribery," and "tiad been guilty j :l * ■ of a crime." This is au exaggerated tin [ truth. Colonel I'elton neither initiated 1 l t ■ nor consummated anything. He merely (l j ■ listeneil to offers from officers to do what a .. , t thev admitted and he believed to be \> • their lawful duty f r hire before they \\ , • violated that duty under corrupt induce- n • ments. His vvrong did not go beyond a 1 futile dalliance. Tho beneficiaries of w i ■ the consummate*! wrong, its instigators ' [i 1 . and patrons, are high in the seat.* of g v . ernmental power and honor, shocked . at a lesser wrong. which died in its mere ; ■ meditation, to the great crime, actually , u * ■ consummated Mr. Field "crooks the : pregnant hinges of the knee, that thrift f| -; may follow fawning." i ** ■; . J II The following from the \\ as.iiug ■ | ton Tribune is worthy the attention | of the widows and children of deeea-- ul ; j ed soldiers and sailors : j It has been decided that under the 1 operations of the arrears of peusiou - law, limitations which, under the old . 1 pen-ion laws, rau against widows who jjj . temarried without having applie 1 lor ba , .| a pvusion within Jive years from the oU , i i death of the soldier, and children, and j- tc ' brothers and sisters of a deceased sol- p r ' dicr who were under sixteen years ol age at the time of the latter'.* death, , , hut who neglected to tile an applica- IJt 1 j tion for peuions before they attained nK the age of twenty-one years, have been a j r swept away, o that now the late wi- VK dow of a soldier who died in the ser* ' !ii vice, or, after discharge, of a di-abili* ' tv which originated while iu the ser- ae ' t vice and iu the liue of duty, is euti- i ,a • tied to a pension froni the date ol her lUI . remarriage, provided .-he ha* not rc- l J'' ceived the same. Also, children who j . tt; i have been debarred a pension under '" r the old jieusion laws by reasou of the or . youngest having attained the age ol lua twenty-one years without having Cl ' { made an application, should now ap- ? " c • ply ; also brothers and sisters who • were uuder sixteen years of age at the i date of the soldier's dcatli and depend- ( '. v - eut upon him forsiippoit i the soldier tat r having left neither widow, minor t0 ■ ■ chili| nor children surviving him, and !IVI the mother and father having died he-, r fore tho brothers and sisters attained uni - the age of sixteen years i, now have a ' 3C . valid claim. The classes above re- '^ lC , ferreii to numbers of thousands, i anil this good news will bo cheering mo indeed to them, especially as it conies t,J 1 so unexpectedly upon the heels of the : ' IC I disallowance of iheir claims, or infer- 1 rnation that they had no title to pen* ;j v , sioD. tiy The Russian F <■ :rt invited Dr. Aver and his family to the Archduke's wed- rc ding in the Royal Palace. This distinc*' Bo . tion was awarded him not only because j wit lie was an American, but also because his Ki name as a physician had become favora- n , v blv known in Rus-ia on its passage;- ronnd the world.—l'ueble Col.) People.! 101 Reading, Pa, Sept. 2ti Hon. Warren ' Ca J. Woodward, juilicoof the lupreoie court' of Pennsylvania, expired at lii* ceunlryr neat at llanidcn, N. V., at Cvo o'clock thi T evening. ay The following very important)law pass- |i j'j cJ both branches of the Legislature attbejiiee last session : ! k'rei Sk. Tio.x 1. That any person liable to ! " r , ! road tax who gHkll transplant to llio aidi -i tn *' of a public highway, on his own promise*, '/ j any fruit, shade or forest trees of suitable , shall be allowed by the Supervisorof roads, where roads run through or adjoin cultivated fields, an abatement of his road tax, one dollar for every four trees set out; jg but no row of elms shall be nearer thaii ;J-' 'f seventyfcet.no row of maples or other, j* I ,' forest trees nearer than fitly, feet, except) locust, which may be set thirty feet aparl, ' ' and no allowance, as before mentioned,l"'* 1 ' shall be made unless such trees shall havi-j been Bct out the year previous to the de*' mand for such nbatement, and are liviag and are well protected train animals a", the time of such demand. Sec. 2. Any trees transplanted to the k" tide of the public highway as aforesaid, in It the place of trees which have died, shai. raad be allowed for in the same manner und on tor I the same conditions as in the previous • c- ing lion. part , 6uc. 3. No person shall be allow ed ar.; ing < 1 übalemenl of his highway lax a- afoii -aitl tnys more tiian one quarter ot his annual high-j best way tax. and no one shall receive an youi hbalemirnt ot tux tor tree- planted pievi *t' *• ' oub to the pa'sago of tbi- act. let -Ei. 4. Any pers n who at.all rutdow r , Mi■ •: Kill or injure any iiving tree planted aw af jretaiv., thall pay to tho upervi- <r < ; •: r 1 roads as aforesaid, fifty c nls for ea< i and hstn everydreo cut down, lulled or r<movi !, i J-'yl nr.d t be collected a* other taxes are n< v. new collactH- it mm . ♦ . ton DlhTi itllAN' I. OE I'l Jil.IC Ml HI- ~J —The follott.t.u i.* the text of j t;;< 1 the law in reference to the disturb- " " n unco of public iiicotititi , which itiiglr. lie read occasionally hy ni itty young ten men who eliow their had breeding ''""'J while attending sotiicofourtliurchea ; t j,,. "If aoy poraou eliall willfully und oi.rd maliciously disturb or interrupt any trv , society, assembly or congregation con vened for the purpose of rcligi uawor- .t d or fur any moral, social, literary, 6cieu-| ! l ' tific, agricultural or fioral object, cer emony, lecture, examiuatiou, or exhi-l uat bition, such sliall on conviction be gcatjanced to pay a fine not exceeding fifty dollaiu, suffer imprisonment not ,i th exceeding three mouths, or both, I ni -' 3 ON KKU M'liooi : Ol IM.N N S VALLEY. i. Ki lti.' In Troles.or XL yet . hr •t i the i,i *1 school. > f Centre <■ in uhii lii'd in the book entitled "Indtt. nlid Institution. of Centre County, nention i. mad* •>f one of the u.- t d and important school* in the r -tnty. titer ha ring i eeolvej neat 'y all the iding that fell to hi. lot in thi. u-hool e of olden times foe!, it a uuty t>> r. Mm oblivion so uiurh of it. Iti• t->t v* a . under hi.own observation, and that tin -o who preceded him TilK 110 l-K AMI t.OI'ATIOX. 10 house wa* of hean l"g, shingle I two divi.i it- .eparalvd hi a board | I.on and I have no dnul * hen t-recl- j i n the bet acl •'! h- us* in tb conn lt- • i . ■ ut'■ 'an" o' j tag Cre.-K, .-n the old public road g iToiu liellt P ti'.a l lew iih' i , an*l ■ caitcdtiie i.os.i Biiuai Scaoei II if. • Informal). n to itldicalo the .1 ut •- I croiUei I Tollers Mil - wa. .about l .70 and General Toller living j ik.. intist hnv teen one of th.- :ui vl. in the county. 1 KAitIKKS. the to* '-sr. "ty information goes I . to Jonathan Kar.lr, who taught j p*. line pi <-r iou. to t lie war of I*l 'J lit- j .rod to be a a -lit . a.sli'al s< nolar, and ared , v. ral of his pupil- ft r . allege nglbt rowvr. Win \\ T- -ler, a law •, . , ct. w i'.'i I ui ma; iot . r er-weie ae-juaintc J ; Georgw 1. I' t brother, a a laav cr , W in. Kin a ill tor i f high reputation, who .lied v year* y. -.rs ng in Now* ilia, i*n r John Rat, Win, who .Led lutriv Vrmstrong, l'eiit. a, and J. Houston Win, o I ? '• ' • t-sir ce in l ar unty. Tei n a Mr Kearsiy w an i-r ot the * ir >-t la 12, a: J lest a limb at dy * Lane lie wn. Marshal ol the > el Mo t.igsn under theadmilii.traliell lei.era Juckieri utid dud route y ear in Detroit. Ui. wife wa. a it.ter of M -.is. Valentine, if BeLofjiile. dersott, an Irishman, tucii Jed K cat - Did was .aid to he a man of good Ju >n, I wis unp pular a.a teacher. 1 j a.- ever a blank t some year, which nnoi 1..1 and coiueto Gi.berl L. I. yd, ankee Ir- nt the ... I, wh taught for e time ; 1 knew h.m well whea he was lha iron business and part-owner of iiiah Furiiacv. and died about IM>I, ill iai -burg. Lloyd was tUicer.leJ by 101 l wine nan I teacher.: Clenison ilehill, Win. McMilili, Lewi. 1. Ilg , Jos ph Vaukorn James Uankiu, her lo Alexander Kanhiii, of 11 lie e, at.d Lmiothy LaJJ, from Now npthtre. The latter excelled a.a her all wLO preceded hiu. In hi. pline an l government 1 e ! id no use tbv rod—corp- ral punisl men. formed ■ art of bit r*sletu li;s bright, .uiihng litenance altracte i all hi. pupil., his and hut r ie'.ighted theruao tt-al l! < v e nner happier than when in h.s j re 0. His chool often numbered b# .ebol and t > class.Tied that j istice was d ne 11. V m g men fr- m adj ining srh. rded in the neighborhood a lo have hen. ill > f his instruction. U'.s pen. ti appearxneo attracted a'.'ei.tiou, his b. to deformed a- to be eaLrely use". Id not ruove them without the* use hands :.d therefore could Pot waik, ha.i ed from arid te hts 1 .ardir k -e by hit scholar* . n a small wagoi ie for the purp >e, whin sr."* a s.su i ued. This was lu.'i for the hoy. and --event confusion he 1 ad them divide . • tear, s of four each, taking their turn, taught this school about four yean and •rward. taught * ch >1 in Teriyville, 111 QWBttty. Frctn there he w< r.t p. •st Tomt, In liana .tale, when e die i . -a! years ago. !.*• Sew England method, of to:., i. r g •e a great improvemer ton th- >:etn rogue j revio'i. t s Mr. LsJd entrain a > Ten:. \ alley ; and hta achdol was rting point in the itnpr, veiiu-nt of •1 teach.: g John an,: G.o-ge Llv •toi:e, John Tonner. ar.i othera went from thi' -chool and ali were popular -hers. 1 heir training for the buatnc a caching gave lie in advantages which other tea- her. of that day pos.e-s- d. 'ttnoihv I.a id and the "Long Bridge loot House, ' are i-a more. Tne ♦pirli part of the tonaer La. crossed the lirie ich div.de- tune from eternity, the uier lii in uldorir-.g beneath the sod in the f Indiana. Aa to the latter, like lcVeh, it may he an open qu- tic n to ras lo llio vie on which it stood. G, -itVi money nuil time by liJtvii j ■. liull e Baltimore l'illa alway - ou id, and them for the numcr i di.eaiCri winch more or It.-.- trouble uiiics at limed, everywhere, ice 2 cts. Fhe depth ol" the water in the gorge ow the Niagara Kali# basjubt.Lcvii inured for the first time, the swift* - of the -trciira had ballicd all pre> in.* illort.-, but a corpse c f Liovi r nt engineers accomplished the feat, ev embarked in a -mall b.at not far ow the falls. An old guide accotn* uicd the party. With great ditli ty they approachctl within short tance of tha Americau fall*, which rted grxal jets of water on them, e roat was so terrible that no voice sound could be beard. The leads* n cast the liue, which rapidly pass do wu S3 feeL Thi. wa* near the ire. Pausing out of the friendly ly which had enabled thein to get near the fall*, they shot out rapid down stream. The next cast of lead told off 100 feet, deepening 192 feet a little further down, ihe .•rage depth to the Switt Drift— cro the river suddeuly becomes •row, with a velocity too great to measured —is I"j3 fccL Just tinder lower bridge the whirlpool rapids in, and so violently ate the water* ved that they rise like ocean waves. Ihe hight of 20 fees. At this point y computed the depth at 210 feet iVhat ails you '! Is it a disordered .'r giving you a yellow skin or cos a bowles, which have resulted iu tressing Piles or do your Kidney* ise to perform their 1 unction- ? II your system w ill soon be clogged h poisons. Take a* few dose ol Jney-Wort and you'll feel like n < man —nature will throw off every pediment and each organ will be dy for duty. he October number of ''Godey's I.a --i Book" i* already to hand. "All low e'en" forms the .übject of -Mr. ley's spiriled sccnt>, illu-lrated on th l-p!ale. The colored fashicn plate w ill itly plcaso the Indie.-, and ibu designs pattern.- nre numerouf. Tiia ronding ter is unite interesting. The Publish- Kill .end tho current volume for Jl. Ires* tho Godot . Lady'.,Book Tub ing Company, Thiln. dispati'li dated Capo Town, September ,y. ; King Cetywnyo left Tort Dun on the 4ih ir,t , and bi. arrivd here jurlv exported. Quarter, have been ,arod I r him at the castle. All the n ig ho.tilo chiefs in Zululand have *ur crcd to llio Briti.h aulhor:t:c.-. # • ♦ - —■ FROM THE WEST. [tCI-oRI EU : may he of intere.t to many of tho emoflho Reporter, wpccially in Tot* own.hip, to read a few line* concern a trip during my vacation, through ot .M icliignn and Illinoi*. In j-|h ak )f this trip I shall endeavor lo confine elf to such parts and topic* as may intere.t your readers, knowing thai -pace i valuable during tho political istlons. About ten years ago the lid" ii'gralion iroru Tenn-ylrania .wept to iiigao and Illinois, since new territory 1, - nod anil ottled farther \i t, which g- ! tho thoughts of thmo dotiring to •r their condition. Although Kansas, j ru.aa, and olber western states an ' the centre of attraction to emigrant* ] iy I o ol |>ro!it to i xumina tho condi-1 i*i th . who left tboeust ton year ago. | iuipo.rible to fo-in a corre 1 estimaie i country'-, advantages and dUndvnn-] ', until sufficient time is given to tiring ] der its highest cultivation the oil will j t, Let u- tl eroforo dire* t our .atl.-n- , t" 1; rrlen county, Mich, which yi .rs ago was comparatively new try, and receive* the influx of mai > i.ylvanin emigrant.- It ■* loi ated in outhwcstcra corner of the :rvtts nnd ering on the great Lake. The conns la rolling, the soil, sandy and very i uolive. Thi* county has very hue rr in abundance though it is rapidly \ own to get tho land under cultiva- I To givo proper diercription of my ! here, 1 Hiit obliged to mention a f>w j of Tennaylvanian.-;. When I arriv- 1 Berrian Springs, in .vns my ph-i. ire ; let Dr. Reiber, ul who • house ] wn tably ontertained- The Doct- rmov- , :re several year, ago and i. now one o leading physician# of tho county. | .t yiiitcd the following fumilica : Ad- j i & nm Stem, Francis FloUhor, Irn Sletn, .lulu hihl l.rae! M..vr, who live very dose. For want nrtiine 1 could not call a number of other Centre county fam ilies who live i.. *!, but from report* they i Itour.-li. ltcre the people are tncsllv i I . * nor* of land *ri(J *ro engage! in cut* Uvatlllg Urge quantities ol fruit, such a* l.Ui kbef rim, grapes. peaches applet *nil p<*rs. Ilio ir.nl i> pick ml in the Afternoon and delivered *1 ilio steamboat landings along the river, Irem which it it chipped over tlo' Lake to Chicago in time 1 r the iie*i morning market. In tide wey * men uavtlig * few at rc ol grape* nmi berries lin- nnploymt > t for *ll summer end * Urge liH'omti, li i> * due tie lit ',> welk thtough a.'v. ral hi-re* of fin * leaded do* n willi their delicious fruit. Largo quanti ol wheat and corn r.< producnl , ouie i elds rip .icd : *rty bushels to the norti this teatoll. M icbigan, like alt other •talc* hat lit ad- ■ vantages and di-i,J vantages. It requires considerable work i,. out down these huge ton ' - ei.d prepare the toil for cultivation, j hut it w ell pay* to t|,i to. tin the whole I will cay these old lYnitsvlvaiuahf are very I'l 'per. i* . tto y at I;I at lied many dlflicul tie* to en. oiuiter, but now reap the fiuit* l of their lab.r. Now the question arie,, did they better iht ir uulilion by going •I If J IUVI i it yes, d*> ided v 10 . Mmiv came |uite destitute and now own tine laritit. Having already inlen > nsiderahln ot your spare 1 will write concerning llii nois at come future time. D. J. Mil IKHLINO. A liUSToN HoRKOR. i Destruction of a Tenement Home l>y ( 1" ire K.ve Dent! Bodies 'l'nken I'rottt the Kuiiix. < IS at 11, .S ptlnlll r U The lilt of dead ( taken irom tho Lnument house on tsolull street which wu burned la.t night com pri-e !:tt> per*. j;-, which may bo incress-j ed to it *, n or eight. 1* Mary, a wouiau fifty yours eIJ, who, when she might have escaped by walking only * boat m fe ( ;, i came J' and iWo ined in her r. in, She was taken h out in an apparently dying condition, and' removed to station N •. 0 W'th tho other! victims of the tire. I The the ry\>f the police respecting the! origin . ! the 11.-e i, that it was caused by, vc-rturning or exi oiion of* ktrosetu j lamp ute.i by Mr*, (itlle-pie. This woniar. was drunk last evening and is tnid to ha\< ' left tl oh use and called "fire" about the | time the fro was discovered, and then to have gone back into the house whore she was smothered DEADVfOOD DESTROYED TltOt -A\ps 01 PKoPI.K lIOUKL|S> A.ND JI a Bui nan carom a -1 oee *• TIURIEIs ugl w KLX oj. E AMi T'S 0 MILUOX* OS- poLLAKa ASP UKLT A SMALL AUDI ST or IXBUK tWK I, Dead wood, Sept. -< At °J ci'olock this!' term: g afire broke out in a bakery onj 'bermtn street, and the Homes spreading rj oilv aim t the entire business portion i of the city was consumed. Thousands ofj people have Icon made h 'melon and left 1 m destitute condition. The loss is rough-1 y isted at from $1 Cat'Oftf to $-Uft',-! tM>. or. which there is little or no insur-i anew. \ V : • . .;r ' CXpi - loBS of;' gunpowder, petroleum, liquor, Ac , were f fr- ,utnt occurrence. Buildings wer> ' blow: ii •at m Tt eh> k a? 1 ladder ; j uppan.'. .0 and 1 re curriagu were tl.e firm i '.king- to bum, leaving nothing but a few ' feet of worthless hose with which to battle . the dev vuneg element Tho i:*w water' works were tried fi.r the firt time ycsler- , lay, ar.i this ii. rning they were put to Ithi r full capacity, with little succc*s in ' subduing the flames, on account of the j -cartiiy of water. The hillside* were el-j 1 uk*l a solid sheet of Same. Hundreds u! j pe- pie . . aped with only their night J cloth , 1 very team within miles of the city was called into service to help save whale u!d be got out. There are proba i b'y about 2.lM' people who are homeless . and n.nny de.-i.lule. .♦ . | WILLIAM. SECOND SON oF COLO* N I.L ELI SLIFEU INSTANTLY KILLED. t>: Mot.,lav aftornnoon William Siifer, j te< or.d c n tu'Ci l. Kli Siifer, was instantly • killed while puarry ;tg stone, in company with two or three ethers, to his farm iti j lieliey township, about a mile wiwl op Lswitburg. It appears that they had been undermining In a certain part of the j junrry leaving a large quantity >f stone j and . arth to project over. Lnder lhi project on Mr. Shier was wurking, when, in a sudden, tbere came down upon him i about forty tons of ibis earth and stone, : cofnplalely burving him, fr. m which Ls j tu removed after ten or fifteen mfnu'.as work. On • xamination it was lound that • Us -r. k, ah alder *i.d tl.:g!i wera broken,l 1 r. 1 h faca somewhat disfignrwd. Mr jS ifer so a hard-working young man. end one held in high esteem b> th ic who i knew him. Ho leaves a widow and ! v.- • small children to mourn I s 10-r J/if.l , 7V-. raj v. dt CiI'.EAT KIKE AT KIEV. L t.don, Sept. kHi, —The 1 itnii ciiows paper', of tJessa. publishes a letter from jUtv, describing e terrible Irs which eo* currcd In that city ' a the 1 :.st. While a furious storm as raging tho fire broke out in seven diflerent places. The offlces • f the fire brigade and the chief police station, a gunpowder mtga.-.ine and lour petroleum stores wire simultaneously sei on firo. The whole city wa> wrapped in a thick black cloud of smoke, and every now and them tho people Wi re terrified by s series of detonations and loud explo* sions. The entire garrison and the lire men of the suburbs and many of the in habitants labored indefatigably U> extin guish tho fire; but despite their efforts it continued until the morning of the second day aflor it broke out. The los was enor mous Many lives were lost, including those vt several children. PITCHED BATTLE WITH THE IN DIANS IN NEW MEXICO. Washington, September 19.—The fol lowing dispatch is frem Col. llatcb, at Santa Fe, New Mexico: "1 have iust re ceived the foliow mg from MrEvers, near lliltsboro' : 'We had a five hours' fight with all of one hundred Indian*. We have ten killed aad several wounded. All our Stock i gono. I have sent every available soldier out with Dawson and Day. I hear Beyer, Hugo and Licet. Wright are all in the vicinity and should bo able shortly lo overtake the Indians. | FOL K MEN KILLED AND ONE MAN BADLY INJURED. Chicago, Sept. '-"J.-The tug U W. Parker, while towing the schooner S. A. Wood to Kvanstown, hurst her boiler at nine o'clock this morning, when off Lin coln park. Tho following were killed: Robert Lakey, captain ; John Callaghan, engineer; l'cter Rodger*, i reman, and Win. Burt on, Co >k, The only man on the tug who survived. Win. M'Ouire, a deck hand, i- badly injured. Now for '79—'Bo. THE EXAMINER AND CHRONICLE. [Established in IH'Jl] Tlio Leading Baptist Newspaper, Will ho Delivered by Mail. Postage Pre paid. to New Hub*rribi"is. Frem Oct I 1 r*7t*. to Jan. 1, lbSti, ion :to < I:NTS. The Price of ofso year's subscription being Tni is d"!)" I" enable every fitmilv to sea, Hi il leu*', p.-elide price, whut tho paper No name obtained under this offer w ill be continued beyond January 1, at the r< pilar • u'dcription prii e. rilK ft \ A VI l S KU t'OXUMU' ES A cu-rent event Expositor, A living pulpit and platform, | A series d ablo "toiiu • fur the time*, A mo nitiary un i Baptist record, A Sunday School Institute, An educational advocate. A liisrnry, tfii".logical, ac i.■ i.fixLc and art review, \ popular story page, lanii'.y mUcoUeny and puASlers realm, A house, farm and gardon departmont, A market reporter, Ac., Ac , All conducted In an outspoken, wide iiwuke and popular inarncr. THE EXAMINER AND CHRONICLE one oi the !nrg'-*t sired eight-paged pa l.irs, and h di-Liuetivoly a Family News paper. Willi lit'T ting and instructive :idi> hre. •ry n.eii.her of tho house .l.l. lrom tin ohl.-it to tho youngest. In making ittboeoitor has tho co-operation >f the best now.hpHpoi, wagaiiuu and ro . i v.- v. rite,-. oi tun nay SA M PLE COPIES FREE. Fur terms to canvassers for IST'.I-'SB ad- I rots i'. O. Box Nsw York City; ( ——Y— ■ ("i J Tim ON ASK BAVK It, —A (Mrrcapondcot write* to mi exchange a* follows iboßl t IIK (lower of a well known plant: "1 have discovered a remedy for consumption. It lias cured a number of cases after they had commenced blct diii£ at the and the hectic (lush was already on the cheek. Af l< r trying this remedy to my own sat isfaction, I have thought philanthropy rt <|uire'l that I should let it bo known to the world. It is common mullen, steeped stronjjly and sweetened with cofleo and freely drank. Young or old plants are good, dried in tlx* shade and kcot in clean hags' The medicine must be continued from litr< eto si* months, according to the nature of the disease. It is very good for the blood ve-aala also. It strength ens and builds up the system instead of taking away the strength. It makes good lilorwl ami takes iullanta tion away from the longs." 11 is the wish of the writer that ev ery periodical in the United States, <'tumda and Kurope should publish j this tecipe fur the benefit of the hu man family. Lay this up and keep it in the bouse ready for use. ('■tmplior Milk cures headache ami neu ralgia. Camphor M.LK cures rheumatism and iatiio HACL. Csiiiph r Milk EURO cuts, bruises and burnt. Camphor Milk costs ft. ; 6 bottlet ft. j •-eld by J. I>. Murray, Centre Hall. ! LECTION PROCLAMATION. tiOli I UK Til K COM lit IN WEALTH. I JOHN STANGLEK, High Sheriff of, , the County I f Centre, Commonwealth . I Pennsylvania, do hereby make known j and give notice to the electors at the Coun- 1 tv at ri-said. that an election will he held' ■ IN the said County of Centre On Tuesday November 4, 1579, | It being TH# Tuesday following the first, Monday of N ovotiibsr, (HE pulls to be OPENED at tcven O'CLOCK A. M., and clos- : SIT at sever; E'clock P. M ). at which lime the freeman <•! Centre County will sole hy , ballot for the following officert. namely : tine PERSON tor the office ofStnle TreusU RUR OF UM T- emiuonweallh ot L'enntylsa lua . I One person for the office of Jury Com- J tuitiionor ; one person for the office of Coroner. 1 alto hereby make known and give no tice that the placet of holdii gtbe aforesaid • lection in the several Boroughs and Townships witbir. the County of Centre ( 'are as follows, to wit: For the Township o! llaines, at the pub lic bouse of 1. !>. Buyer Aaronshurg . FOR the Township of Half Moon, at the: J school house in Mtorrnslowra. FOG the township of Taylor, at the house erected ter thai purpose, on the property ( 1., CARD ME rryman. For the township of Miles, in the school house in the town of Kobersburg. For the township of l'otler Northern precinct .at the public beuse of 1). J Mover, in Centre Hall For the township of Totter (Southern precinct*, at the public house of L>. H. Kohl, st Tetter's Mills. For the Towi ship ef Gregg, st the pub- < lie house owned by J. B. Fisher, Tent ' Hall. FOR the Township ef College, in the si .; - d hous at Lemont FI R the Townshm of Ferguson (old pre- JCINCT), in the SCHOOL house at Tine Grove. For the Township of Ferguson (new • precinct . at the school house at Bailey -11 ville. For the Township of Harris, in the ' 4 .<■ at B * ~rg. C,G|!\.r TLIE township of Tattoo, at the | h USE of I*< ter M urray. For the Borough ot Bellef.inte, and the townships of Spring and Beaner, at the ; Court house >n lieliefonut- For the Township of Walker, in the I SCHOOL hou.E a Hublershurg For the Borougti aad Township of How ard. at the school house of said Borough. L or the Township of Rush, at the Cold Str< am s< hool house. For the township of JSnow Shoe, a', the school house at Snow >hoe station. I', R the township of M arion, at the house Of .lor! Ik ling, in Jacks -ni i!!e For the Borougti of Mitesburg, at the scboe. HI USE in Milesh.irg. For the Tow nship of U gg\ at the new - school house in Central City. For tho Township of Huston, at the Sil ver Dale school house. For the Township of I'enn, nl the pub lic bouse of William S. hlusser. For the Borough of Millbeim, at the -cbool house opposite the Lvangchcal I burch in said Borough. For the township of Liberty, at the -cbool bouic at Eaglevilie. For the township of Worth, at the C!N ol house at Tort Matilda. For the townsip of Butnside, at the house of J. K. Boak. I r the township of Curtin, at the school house near Kober: Mann'S For the Borough of Uoionville and the 'Township of IN ion, at the new school (house in Unionville. For the Borough of Tbiltpsburg, in new school house in said Borough. NOTICE IT also hereby given. "That every | crson excepting the justices of tbs .peace, wbe shall bold any office or ap po.ntu.ent of any profit or trust under the Government of the United Stales, or of tins Slate, or of any city or Incorporated J .irlct, whether a T in nr. attuned officer er Otherwise, subordinate officer or agent who IT or shall be employed under tlie Legisla tive, Executive, or Judiciary lJeparlnient • f this Stale, or of tho Csited Stales, or of any city or incorporated district; and also that every member of Congreas or State Legislature, an J of the select or common | Council of any city, or commissioners OF any incorporated district, is by law in capable ot holding or exercising, at the SN.E lime, the office or appointment for Judge, Inspector or clerk of any election 1 • f this Commonwealth; and that no In- L SV lor, Judge or other officer of anv sucb election, shall he eligible to any office to be then voted for." Given under U>y hand and seal, at my office in Beliefonte, thii'-Vih day of Sep tember, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy- Nine, and in the Gnc Hundred and Third vear of the .Independence of tha United Males. JOHN STANGLKR, Oct. -, Sheriff of Centre County. K. I'. HUNKERS J Jitter Wine uf Iron. It has never been known to fail in the cure of weakness attended with symptoms, T Indisposition to exertion, loss of memory, difficulty of breathing, weakness, horror of disease, weak, nervous trembling,, dreadful horror of death, night sweats, cold feet, weakness, dimnpss of vision, languor, universal lassitude of the muscu*, lar system, enormous appetite, with dys peptic symptoms, hot hands, flushing of tho body, drynoss of the skin, pallid coun- 1 tenance and eruptions on the face, pun-j fying the blood, pain in the back, heavij nest of the eyelids, frequent h'.ack spots living before the eyes, with suffusion and JOTS < f sight, want of attention, &C F-old only in JL 00 bottles or six bottles for $5. Get It of your druggist IF he has it not.j -nd to proprietor, K. F. Kunkel, 2T>'J NV Ninth Nl , Thiladclphia, L'a. Advice free; ' send throe-cent stamp. WORMS WORMS WORMS. K. F HUNKERS Worm Syrup never fails to destroy Tin, Seat, and Stomach Worms. *l>r. Kunkel. the only success ful physician w ho removes Tape Worm in two hours, alive with head, and no fee un til removed. Common sense teaches if Tape W. rms bo removed all other worms ■MI he readily destroyed. Advice at of fice and store, free. The doctor can tell whether or not tho patient has worms. Thousands are dying daily, with worms, and d ■ not know it Kits, spasms, cramps, choking and suffocation, sallow complet ion, circles around tho eyes, SWELLING and pain in the stomach, restless at night, grinding of the teeth, picking at tho nose, cough, fever, itching at the seat, head- 1 HI he. foul breath, the patient grows pale! and thin, tickling and irritation in the aii-j US,-—ALI these symptoms, and moro, come] IR IN. rm> EF- Kunkel s Worm Syr up N ver fails to remove them. Price. JI (II | r 1 '.lie, or six bottle*, for $,") (*I. For TAPE Worm, write and consult the LINT r For all others, buy of your drug • I T TIN Worm Syrup and if he has it not. si- id ' > I)r. K. F. Kunkel. -JJ N. Ninth Sir, J*. Philadelphia, Pa Advico by mail, free ; M. i turee-cont stamp, ljjuUt Do Y, N LTRL HAD' I ...U '. 111 . resiiAsia HulrU. I lilllr. *° U p. ,H is. Pain in t --H> MISTS or ''*; K, ULSLNWIA. ( . ..I TIN-, -is. I .„R ami aaur, and out f Wrts. UIP I•du U wort SINLI' " -ivrsl lnns I>( HIS o • n ba. k mi - th.- 1.1 md .J , * n C*"' u * lit a will follow tiiUsss )-u as I pn mptlj. I ** "< '■ ISRS I Ivor I'LLL-at unM. TIi.WW fills arw a standard , ,'I .IS 1.,-sii |..na In u. ami ars hlalilj RTI- U.L, led HA.s lit llaklsj, nl UsIO.II. F'"' 1 - 8 "' I. I I Per pins 111 a-liuiialiij nali olated (or L.lllloua II nail . " Andrew Sar.sr, of Jollei. Ills •• JAR A Mend lei I.Mll.en.lsil I lis uae of joor J.lssr I Ills, and .Peru in< two ImaMOf Sham I was snllrnl) cured of AA ■ \I*I I ATL .k uf liter I 1.1111.1a10l rer sa T JF all lirmikUl- I'rlce i- OENLJ ..... „ '• | -I 111 IP ..I'U . Proe'rs. IHtlabnrg !*a. A Search Wurrunt all h.ir "(ficcr (f sotl.rough jour L.euao from cellar 'lltarret. and l.itol.C>'- HI.HI Sear.-h.r la warranled . ttir . ITFLI >■ ir ayaluin from top •" T*.A au.L drlre .111 all 1.1.... I DL-I-A-ES LU cores arc wonderful au.l ■OTlir.eil T I I.) die- tors, prcacUars and people. <ll lula. Mereurfa! fliaoa'Wi. attur, Ul cra In IL L.unsa ..r ON H.N skin. Bolls. I 'NJRLCS. JLE.. a. WARRANT it T.l care IT LV nsrcl) VNGEUBU UAM aoui.il ami I'uwnrful T.mio. EOR aa.E L.> all Urusalsta. SOU that our uaiuo Is on LUU bottom of tne wrapper. | Aug. 1. It. K.Srlloi -A I 0 I'rop'rs. Pittsburgh, -a. IMJI, tot sr.U L XI..J. Muiiaj, wtavrs ktail. >* PRACTICE ECONOMY IN TUK— PURCHASE OF DRY ROODS, BY DEALING DIRECTLY WITH STRAWBRIDGE A: CLOTHIER, lti no other way can THE CONSUMER Approach so eloely to THE PRODUCER. Wo are .Lowing but) STYLES DHEKS GOODH, Having a wide raagn of price* IN LOW THICK FAUItIOB Wo mention Ht tFT- wooL CASIIM KREH IYk EXTRA CASHM KHKS V, c Moil IK CLOTHS J> OMBKK CAHIi MKKKS_ % c DM BHK CIIBVKONM Y. c ALL-WOOL CHEVIOTS Tt . KNti LIHH < II KV ICONS :t7*t I FRENCH CAUHMKKKS 4 b < A ad hundreds of other >iy)a. wtlhia (he same range of pric ct We have about 400 PIECES BEAUTIFUL FOREIGN NOVELTIES AT ONE DOLLAR, Oampriaiag CORDUROYS. FOI'LK MELANGF. TKKINS, MOHAIUUKH. ARM I' IS, SHAWL EFFECTS, M o M I K KF- SILK A WO O L FECTS. GLACE, CAMELS HAIR FoL'LE, Ac , Ac. ALL-WOOL FRENCH TLAIDB. In new effect., FROM JO cU to f 1.26 BLACK CAS H HERBS A MEKIN O K R . Wo invito especial attcalion to thcgrcal advantage, we offer in thee good. Out ( sale. are to immense that we baTe unuiu al lacilßle# in contracting for them. ' Keeping no inferior good., we begn with a good quality. ALL W OOL FRENCH BLACK CASH MERE, at 40 cent*. • And advance regularly 6 eeuta per yard i OUR nCENT NUMBER i it having an immense tale. Wa offer a good quality LI TIN S BLACK CASHMERE. at 60 cU ! LUPIN'S BLACK MERINO. at 46 eti r | i Our immense purchase. la.t spring IN BLANKETS. M Enable, u. to eitand opportunitie. t purcha.er. not to be found eitewhere. Our MAILORDER DEPARTMENT It now (JtKsnUed with tuth perfect tjtlem lhl we c*n fuerenUe Ail Orders Filled the Same Day as Received, Whether for goodi.or tttcplM. STRAW BRIDGE <fe CLOTHIER, KIGiITH AN J J MARKET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. This space is reserved bv S. A LOEB, TEIE LIVELIEST, CHEAPEST and liEST STORE IN CENTRE COUNTY. ( AIPIDMI MILK. r U now *il <r Khumt tm. Ach. 1 ; SUnfi. Rvtillnft. Nprwlnw. lc II !• of mtwblob t • rtlnn In carlai ÜbU, (tuilt, hprtifii and •wlllai id bore**. 1 ftwUqutrklv bi<l Burolp li al one* aoothM and . thwwit# 1-vtntH. th* lm# nuwclo* a*4 U#, Achißfl nrvc, Thu ro<>ap will ba PBbl back to any i itno not aattaflod wllb tla fflwU. rrtct tt ctntß. ft Voltloa for#l. IVopannt only by Lari Oharbolt t *r, 11. D. Hold by J t>. Murray .Centra Mai). The PhcenK Perioral. lla* proved Itaalf to bo peculiarly adaptod lo old per* KMM, roo.umptlve. aul obUdren. It broak* a >hi 11 .Lop. a r.uh It aid* dtpaiortlion It five. In Unt rollof It otvo* etrenfth It Urtna root It ha made mora euro, than any other taodlcine Thau • and* of the clUEone of Kaetern IV tineylr.tia hare : u*ed It far yaam i-at and tUfy to the rvwltef |ren and c urea effected I Vice 3ft canti <sg ft bottles for fl. !Vuadftdh| Url Obarlmltivr, M I>. Hui4 hi J f>. Murray, OKRMAM IIORHI AM> CX>W rOWI>ER- Koopo atock healthy and la food condition It aid• difeetioti and aaalmiUtion. It make# fab. muerleeand milk By OBtng It a boree will do more won and cow t tre more mUk and be tn better aptriU and condition i tt ala keeiw tHtUlry Itealthv and tncroaaee the guan ttty of ege It la ma t* by Pr I*ert tlberboltaer. at hta mtlU. bark of 19 If. Third atreat. rbtla. It uaol.l by actual * eight, at Ift cent* net pound, b? .1 P. Mr ray. Centre Mali, ami W. J. thotnpaoajl Viler* MllU. tuarfTly " OT ThUCOLLAR and i* Cow Milker • free toFarmer. whe act as Agents. Cut; j \ ,n;t 141 a(^"j I , v -- lire#* with stamp p 1-xiitu & Sos. 24 Dey St., N. Y. : Kama thi. paper. -4 jxit .tin. ; IIKNHV HROCK KRIIoKV. J. D. SIIVOKRT. * Proaidciit. (Ja*hier OKNTRK COUNTY BANKING CO. i (Late Millikon, Hoover v% Co.) lieceive Deposit*, And Allow Interest, I Discount Notaa, Buy and Sell :,' Governuieut Securities, Gold cV aplOGktf Coupon*. 1 i\M Itikik TO SM)A YEAR, or ' It I " *III ■ $6 to s'.*)) a day in your > I I 111 l " I kill I Women do us well ax ( 1 I ."HI I men Many make more ' II I 111 111 than the amount tated[ h IT/W v above. No one can fail, 1 o make money fast Any one cub do tb, work. You can mnku from .*1 cts. o Jfij 1 an hour b.7 liavo'Lng your evenhiias n>rj sparu time to the business. It '•.*! noth* n ingtotry tho business. Nothing like it. for money making ever otiered before; Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Header, if you want to know allabeut the, a best paying business before tho .end us your addrdss and wo willsena you.u full particulars nnd priyatw terms free. Sum pie* worth also froo. iou can# then make up your mindfor yourse f.U. Address GEORGE STINSON & CO.,' Tortland, Hamo, BLANKETS at S2OO I at f 4.(10 at *7 W at 2% I at 4.75 *1 hOO at 2.60 |at 4.UO at.. .00 at 2.76 | at 600 at 1100 at 3.00 ]at „60 at —l3 00 at... 3 Iff. |at 6.60 at.....—14 00 at 3.60 |at —7OO at 16.00 1 We name OUR 54/ JO BLANKETS ' At being the largatt and betl blanket ever offered at the price. The weight it nearly teren pound*. CKIH BLANKETS From $1.26 to $6 00, COM PORTA 11LES. • We hare on tale no CASES OP THE BEST GOODS It it pouible to produce, Tbey are all (CALICOES. u j i k... CRETONNES. Mau6 from ilj# D®ft , I Iu r onre ii Cu I a'r/u 1 Pilled with pure white cotton, and equal te the beit poMihie home-made. We tliel! offer them at $1.25 (at $340 at 1 M j at...— 3( ' | at.. - 1761 at 826 at 100 | at 8 to t And at $6 00 THE FLANNEL DEPARTMENT Etpotet for tale the largett and bait at fortment of tbeaa good* to be found any* where. ® We hare all grade# of WHITE FLANNELS. All grade* of SCARLET TWILLED FLANNELS. All grade* of FLANNEL SUITINGS. ! All gride# of . IPLAIDS STRIPE AND BASKET FLANNELS. All grade# of EMBROIDERED FLANNELS. AII grade* of OPERA AND CASHMERE FLAN '■j N ELS. .# Ourttock* of MUSLINS. SHEETINGS, CANTON FLANNELS. LINENS, CRETONNES, Ac., Ac., It offered to the contumer at eren let* JO price* than the wholetala quotations for umiiarqualile# by the cate. M MiUt a MUNIiJ guarantee J. It 111 12 a day at homemade by , r l /llllthe industrious. Capital •• II Inot required ;we will start " l*lllll">u. Men, women, boys itl||| VI land girls make money fas* /W \f n -ork for us than at anything else. The work i* iight and *,pleasant. and such as any on o can go tight at Those who arc wise who see this no tice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outnt *®d r- terms free. Now is the time. Those al* i readv at work arc laving up large sums of i l , money. Address,Tßl E A CO.. Augut i la, Maine. 26juny i n /CANCER REMOVED WITHOUT V Knife, and. in most cases, without pain. Apply to C- P. W. Fischer, M. D , B<'alsburg. Centre county. Pa ktjully ' TAR. J. W RHONE, Dentist, can be JI / found at his office and rcaidence ■ on North side of High Street, throe doors Kastot Allegheny, Bellefonte. Pa. i 27 feb tf ; NATIONAL HOTEL. , CORTLANDTST.. Near Broadway, 1 NEW YORK. r UOTCHKISS& POND, Proprietors. [I ON THE BV ROPE AS PLAN. ' The restaurant, cafe and lunch rooxn Attached, are unsurpassed for cheapness and excellence of service. Rooms oOcts. to $2 per day. $3 to $lO per week. Con venient to all ferrieb and city railroads. .Yew Furniture. Xew Msnage* ■ tietil. 23jau ly T- .a/a A WEEK in your own town, jtiJIJI and no capital risked. You I | I can givo the business a trial 1 Iklk without expense. The best op ! will I p irtunity ever ottered for 2<llll these willing t-> rk. Inu IT a™ ™ F .u.iuld try nothing cise until jyou see for yourself what y can do at *hu busine nvo otfsr. No room t * *xplnin rc. You can devote all your time or 'ot.lv your - iirc time to the business, and make great pay lor . very hour that you work. Women make b. "'ueh a. men. Send for special private terms and partic ulars. which wo mail free Outfit free. J , Don't complain ot hard times while you l ihave such a chanco. Address U. UAL- j LETT dj CU, Mkifl, Maine. OF. FORTNEY Attorney at Law Bellefonte, Pa. Office over Key Inuld* hank. lAnay'Uy IC" T Alexanpkr. C. M. Bowku ALEXANDER & BOWER, AT toruoivat Law.HeUitoti*. KgeclaUttsnUon iv-n to C.lu,ili ci. sad Orphan." Court unievlc.. Mar W-W>uulUit In Uenn&n.ud KaglUh. Offo. in lis:laws'. budding. nt3S •*- )L. SPANGLER, Attorney-at-Law. • Consultatiens in English and German. Office in Furst's new building. 8 j r. iww " • 'vn.TT- "****"-**' I *!*" , . > rf*?* l ,_ _ _ t-r* (",i#i ; • iwMHkto, Vv gSred iMiiWi fw.awf •*■ dttt*M (Ml "■* . m ftiii aw • If" •##. t*IMlSli Y TSXIZZMSM* •—-* * IGRZZJZRSI' km .11 ..art *• • rUI ? . r*? •■ ■ ,4 law* !■#*• s*•• IMtwl- Itoßl *f to —****% W #>t , ,< ti4h toi fw • '•"H* * !""• *F j '.t iiß V *tn,t.*aval agrsi ft f. ■ ui rasate* I3U frankU .. HnUlmnre, Md. * r F-XV MIM ta>a wat, Mfl u* i. W. D# ViM M r*#W mIHII THIf IICW ELASTIC tkuss tmttf IcaMfuM#*# _ Vku hul 5 ua, aJTCw. • idV"- U M —■) ■ <•#• a Mi ■>. a-*# If "fy Sa Cggletloa Truw Co., Chic*o, W* 'TS TITUTa Reaabiialmdlolliraiartbeawa 7i'.t,*l3Ll. i i ..... i iujMar. l im, mwfTflinft> - •-•- Ml Wain l*a#eea. rSTxTTht. t,taa? aataliaurto** c< W"ud sod tittle pur tuf <ri aau -i: riiwW ad t*r. r. i~ Aaron.h*m>Qo*UL (l"S BT GOOD BREAD, j Br calling at the new and eaten ive bakery eubii*htnetof JOSEPH CEDARS, (Successor to J. li. Sandi, ) Opposite the Iron Front on Allegheny atrort where he lurokhet erery day Freeh Bred, Cnkee of nil kinds. Pies, etc., etc., Candies, Spice*. NuU, Fro it*. Anything end everything belonging tc the butinr*#. Heringhad venr* of exper rience in the butineaa, be flatter# bimtel. ihat he enn guarantee *eti*tnction to nil who may faror him with their patronage. 30 aug tf JOSEPH CEDARS. IM PORTAN TfFtRAVELERH. -THE BUSH HOUSE! nXLLErOVTR. PA. Ha been recent!* thoroughly renovated and repaired, and under the management of the New Proprietor. Mr. GEORGE UOPPBS formerly f W miport, it f rtt* ciat* in at! lit aopcunUnenU. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS Are offered to thenar in attendance at court and other* remaining in town for a few dart at a lime. The large*! and moil superbly Designed Hotel in Central Pennsylvania. All modern conveniences. Go try the Iluch house *aug GEO HOPPES, Propr. HENRY BOOZER, CENTRE IIALL, aiinwtran or Saddle*. Harnett Bridle*, Collar*. Whips, Flyaatt, and also keep* on hand C lion NeU, etc. Price* low at any where else. A" kinds of repairing dona The best ■loth alwayt kept on hand. AH work war ranted. Athareoflhe public patronage kindly solicited. llapr, H y OKNYRB HALL Furniture Rooms! ERi KKIJIIIINF., respectfully inform* the citiaen* of Centre county, tbisl he has bought out the old stand oi l. O. Deininger, and ha* reduced the prices. He has constantly on hand and makes to order BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, SINKS, WASHSTANIiS, CORNER CUI ! BOARDS, TABLES, Ac., Ac. Hi* slock of ready-made Furniture i* large and warranted of good workn an ship, and is all made under hi* immediate supervision, and is offered at rates ch<apt r than elsewhere. Call and see his stock before purchasirg elsewhere. feb L'u Pennsylvania College. rKss'a. Full corps of Professor*. Course of study "f the highest grade. Location alt -active, heallbfulA m> ral. Libraries contain oyer 20,000 volumes. Two Rending Rooms with rst-class periodicals. Expense.-, for tul lion, room-rent, fuel and washing, SBR Boarding from $2 to $3 per week. Send tor a catalogue to PROF. P. M. BULK, •ig23 Sec-'y of Faculty. _ BEIXEFONTL I MUSIC STORE. Pianos! Pianos! ORGANS! AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ALI< THE POPULAR SHEET MUSIC. PREPARING AND TUNING DONE IN THE BEST MANNER. BUNNELL & AIKLNS. Allegheny Stjctt, Bellefonte, Pa. fob 27
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers