The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, October 02, 1879, Image 1
Better or Worn. Ta a man a hit th battar Fat Ma hoard ol gr>Uin gain#. For hi* aerm and hia polar*, li hi# haart ha ook* nd aalloaa— la a man a hit lii hauar t Ta a man a hit tha woraa For a brow with marka ol nam, Though ha olaima no lordly rantal, Tl *hia haart ha kind and gantla— la a man a hit tha woraa T Allow for the Crawl. Tou have otlan, no doubt, hal tfmuion U> not a. Though the garment at drat aaamad certain to please. That, altar aoma wearing. tha alaara ot your coat Toward tha shoulder was crawling hv aaay (logon*; \nd that's what tha clothiar, ol aonraa, had in miml Whan ha said to tha cnatomar. •' Long * Not at all. rhc d'crvf ia juat right—aa you'll p rescti tlv find— In ctuntig a coat wo allow for tha crawl'" Tha r.Tpnmioi wn one whol! naw to ma than; lint w t ma to thinking how . itapp'.ies. Vot maraly to aoeta. hut to wowr and me*i. In mnttara ot lita aa that daily arise. Oonaidar tha shrinkage in human affairs- - Ilia promiaa how groat, tha performance how small. And, test diaajqawnluient ahould come an •wares, Kemetutx-r tha sleeve, and •' allow lor the crawl 1" Iha str.'esman who ask# tor your harlot to aava iVr eountry, ki rashly imperiled to- day, ': iy <-.<* at an office ar.d not baa knave. Whatever the fierce opposition may aay; it the •• plationn " to which ha ao valiantly clings, Ry which ha proposes to atand or to tall— i\>-alutiot v" rauiamber, arc abppery things, Aud in politics*!**)* -'allow lor thecrswi'" Yen are dacply in iova with tha *weetet ol girls. Whose piaarnca the height at your happi ness brings. She look* like a i|ueea in her beautiful curls. Like a scinph she siuiiea. like a siren she aii-g* ' Ah' splat)-'*! and vast arathe tancias ot youth. Hut down to the plain hurts tlicy must Anally tall; And happy tha couple who. finding the truth, in conjugal kindness "allow lor tha crawl In bnd, recollect tliat in humau affairs, In connection*. in travel and trade. In oourtohip and tuarriaga, in tenuous and prayera, Some grains ot concession must always be made; lu fire. I* a prudent though generous man, I'ntricndly to none, and veracious with ail; Bel.eve in your neighbors as much as you can. But aiawys be sure to "allow lor the crawl'" —JiAfi (J. Salt. IN A MIRROR. "Coma, row. Cousin Esther," we ti ns clamored. "a real story—one about S< hool-dav* " "S hool-dny s* ?" said Cousin Esther, vi* ■ m; -it once, as she always does vflo-n we visit her. " Well, sit down, an-; 11; : . you one I've het-n thinking* itr* it ileal alwiut of late." We > tt • d ourssdres comfortably, and Cousin Esther went on: " You have oft n heard me say that w'nn I was about seventeen I went for a \ ir to Mi-* Lennox's school, at Rurt net. I taught some of the younger - l ,:irs and had good instruction my niui my best friend there was Alice Arthur. • " l i e day " arrived Miss Lennox asked no-'.) • ■ kind to Alice: she was study ing to be a teacher, and her life was pe u iai y trving: her widowed mother lived in Boston.and Aliee had been compelled to a vept.s liom* with a very <iii<vgr. • ■ rial ire in Burtnet while she attended school. "1 v.d Aiice at once; her manner w.a - wtet and cordkai, and slie uuai su li a real lady. Though or.iv tifi.-n. she was talier tlian I. and 1 tl ought i !iad never seen anything pret t: • titan I. r bright wavy hair and blue eyes. "She was poorly dressed, but her manrt r was so charming that ao one ever thought of her dress. " Our friendship prospeml. with hut - tie drawback. A giri named luisa Rvweii insi-t'd upon following us about like a shadow; we never sat down for a quiet ta k hut we were certain to be in terrupted by Louisa. " She was a thin, awkward girl, in ordinately vain, fond of drv-ss. iiut gixd !: in a sort of way; yet from the moment I appeared to be Alice's friend she seemed foolishly jealous. " All the girls admitted Alice Arthur to lie their superior; she had a eertain high courage combined with gentleness, which made her a sort of ieader among us, and it was said no one hod ever known lit to prevaricate or even exag gerate in the smallest d *gree. Of her home-life she rarely spoke, yet I knew what it was. " One day a friend of papa's, in Burt net. a Mrs. Rogers, invited several of us lo go down to her pretty house and see some of her daughter's wedding presents and finerv. "M rs. Rogers was always particularly k ir. <1 !o Alice, who was evidently a great favorite wilh her. 1 shall never forget that day. I could not go, on account of teaching, but I saw the party set off. early in the afternoon, in high spirits; I,ouisa By well, Lydia Samson and Mat tie Jones. who were hoarders, and Alice, who was to go from the Rogers' directly home. "It was about six o'clock when tliey returned, and looking out of the school room window, I knew at once that something unusual had happened. They were talking eagerly and excitedly; Alice's name fell upon my ear. and be lieving some accident had occurred. I ran out o me"t them. ' What is the matter with Alice®' I cried, anxiously. Louisa's face flushed. 'Always Alice.'she said, resentfully; hut Mattie Jones interrupted with— " ' Why. Alice Arthur is a thief! She stole Mi-s Sallie Rogers' cross and chain. " I started back as if I bail been struck. ' Hush. Mattie!' I exclaimed; ' how can you say such a thing?' "'But it is true the girl persisted. •I'll tell you how it was: Miss Sallie shewed us her box of trinkets, and there was a filigree gold cross and chain among them. Well, when we eame to leave, A ice pulled her handkerchief out of her pocket —the inside pocket of her jacket— and the cross fell out' "And yet she declares,'said Louisa, 'she never put it there.' " 'Girls! girls!' I exclaimed, • do stop talkingso loudly; go in to Miss Iynnox, do: there is some mistake here.' • Xo.' persisted Louisa, ' for Mis? Sallie missed the cross almost directly, and we liunted everywhere, and then it dropped out of her pocket:' and Ixiuisa nodded h*r head sagely- I could hardly wait to get down to Alice's. Mrs. L - *. her cousin, opened the door for me with a very lofty air. " • The wretched girl is up stairs. Miss lying," she said; ' you can see her. of course.' •• I 'topped on the stairs. 'Mis. Lee!' I exci ued, 'you are not cruel enough to be'ieve this of your cousin?' " Mrs. Lee only tossed her bend, and I flew up to mv "p°° r Alice. She was pacing her little attic room with a white face and a scared, st inge expression. "' Oh, Esther.' si • exclaimed, ' this is horrible, horrible!' And then excitedly she told me the story "It was the same Mattie had related, hut Alice renewed assuiances that she could n<( understand how the cross came to be in her pocket. '• Before the next night twenty ver sions of the story were circulating in Bui met. and I do believe Mrs. Lee en couinged thsm. She had always re- KKKTX KUHI Vi, Kditor and I'ropriotor. VOLUME XII. senteii her husband's invitation to Alice, an>i believed *thi# Would afford a good excuse for sending her home. Mrs Rogers tried to sttiu the tide of public opinion as kindly as possible, but -he could not deny facts, and in three days Alice had hidden us a farewell which seemed to tue perfectly tragic, for she went away from Burtnet iu this cloud of disgrace "It was a long time ago,vet I remember as if it w ere yesterday all the effects of thai fortnight; the void A lice's aliaenee caused; our dutlnc*- without her rltivrs voice and gay laugh; Miss Lennox s nervous irritability; the girls" perpetual referx nees to tlie sutyect, and conjectures, which Miss Lennox linallv silenced bv saying in the school-room she w isheti it understood that she cxmsidered Alice Arthur perfectly blameless; that there was some mystery, but tliat until it was solved she desired ail discussion on the subject to cease "That same night 1 was taking tea in Mis* Laumft room. when DrToridM called. The doctor was the healer of all kinds of woes in Burtnet. and his kind face comforted us now. " He had been out of towns fortnight. '" I have come to see you. Miss Len nox,' he said, gravely, ' about v ur young friend. Alice Arthur. She never stole that cross!' "' l >h. doctor "we exclaimed together. " • Now.' said he, sittiug down, * I've just heard of it, and I think I can il luminate the question a little.' " He smiled knowingly; of course we were feverishly excited at once. " The doctor continued *"You may remember that MiJy Hogi'rs' lungs liave been troubling her lately. Well, it so happened 1 was called in to see her the very day those giris were at Fairbank. Now, 1 was waiting for Mrs. Rogers in a room up stairs directly opposite Sallie's. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon, but warm *o that windows and doors stood open; Sallie's dear was half-open, so that as I happened to glance across the had I was struck by the pretty reflections of a green vine from an opposite window in that long mirror of hers. Then I noticed a shadow across it; then a girl's figure, now, \ou know my bobby about straight shoulders. I never thought who it was. but only. "What a crooked back!" 1 cou'.d sec the tigurent tuiHcngth ri flei-t --ixl in the mirror as she stood at the dressing-table hidden by the door. She was putting something about her neck. It looked like a necklace; I saw tie glitter of gold. She clwped it and moved back and forth as it enjoying the effect—' " • Who was it?' "'That's what I've come here to find out.' said the doctor, shrewdly. " 1 couldn't see her face—but it wasn't Alice Arthur. Presently Mrs. Rogers' step sounded; the girl's figure darted away out of sight, and hut for this horrid accusation. I never should have thought of k again.' " Miss and I exchanged glances; she said, in a half-whisper: "' Louisa?" " And I— "' Lydia?' "'You know my hobby alxiut stoop ing shoulders.* the doct<>r went on ' Now I was so impressed by it I should know that girl's hark in a thonsand. I just longed to put her into braces.' " We liad to laugh. " ' Well," said Miss Lennox, " it won't do to accuse another inmxs-nt person, hut if you can come hen* to-morrow, dix'tor. about one, I'll contrive to have -.ou survey the girls'shoulders without their knowing it. Then we may lx* helped. It's a gixxl cause, doctor. If tuy poor Alice luis this upon her name mu-li longer, she wiii he ruini*d for life.' "We were much encouraged, though perp'exeii; and, although I was not on-sent when the d<x-lor came next day, i .an tell you all the circumstances ot his visit. " He took his si-at in the window of Miss lx*nnox's p:trlor. Above the low mantel then* was a wide, old-fashioned mirror, very useful tliat morning. " Miss Lennox, on some pn-tcxt. sum moned Mat tie Jon<*. S*nt ln-r t<> tin* ■nantei totind a poirofspectai-lcs. Mat tie fumbled about, bnniglit tln*ni l<> the tabic, and went off on a message. When they were alone Miss Ix*nnox iooked at the doctor. "'No,' he said, smiling. "Another summons brought Lydia -s&mson. Tin- same tactics and tin* -ame result. Next Fanny Jones. Dr. Bridge was growing impatient when Ixiuisa Byweli app<*arel, with the excitetl air common to her tlies* days. " Miss I/ nuox sent her to the mantel. Then s:iid: "' Ixiuisa, iastcn your chain more securely.' "The gin's hands went up to her neck, -she secun-d the clasp with her little fidgeting air. found what Miss ! *naox wanted, and went off on an errand. " Dr. Bridge jumped up. "'That is the girl!' he said, impetu ously. ' I nevet saw such another back!' " They discussed the matter hurriedly, ind then I was summoned, as knowing Louisa's character very well. "I told them of my aversion to the girl, yet I believed she never meant any* real wickedness whatever she had don -, and begged that I might try anil get her to confess the truth. "That evening, sitting alone with Louisa in the dark. I told her just what Dr. Bridge had seen, but without men tioning her name. " I could have smiled hail it been less serious, for she did precisely what I knew she would—commenced to cry and lam'-nt in her excited way. "' Now. Ixiuisa.' I said, sternly.' there is a mystery here which you only can solve. You ire committing a daily sin in leaving this upon Alice's name, and you must tell me the truth.' " And so. fairly groveling on the floor at mv feet, she did tell it. " ft appeared that, prompt tat by sill.' vanity, she hail gone up to Sallie's room to try on the cross; hearing footsteps, she had been in a panie. and not know ing what to do. ha<! thrust it into the pocket of Alice's jacket, which was lying on the lied. Then hefore she had i inn ore hanee to remove it the search was made and Alice's iacket not within her reach. " After that, eowardice prevailed, and her jealousy prompted her as well to silence. " I think I never saw anything so piti able as the poor weak-minded creature weeping and wailing over herstory with scarcely any rorapn-licnsion of the terri ble wrong she had inflicted. "Of course we insisted ujion the story being told to the assembled school, but pity for Louisa's weak nature induced Miss Iynnox to soften it where it was possible. "I/ouisa went directly to her home, and Burtnet soon forgot her. " Do you think it W:J* not a joyful day when we brought our Alii* hack? "She eame in positive triumph; not to Mrs. lye's ever again, Put to dear Miss Iynnox. and from there home with me lor the holidays." The door opened as Cousin Esther finished, and her brother's wife, our darling Cousin Hope, came into the room. " Here in the dark ?" she said, cheerily. "But what became of Alice?" we clamored "Alice?" said Cousin Essip, mis chievously. " Ob, that wasn't her real name after all. It was Hope Martin, then; it is your cousin, Hope Lang, now." And as we all gathered laughingly ahout our pet cousin, Hope, Jenny Lang, who never allows that a story is finished, said; " But where is Louisa Bywell?" "Oh, Louisa?" said Ovsin Esther. " Poor girl, her lo' in life has not been very agreeable, 1 am told. She married a clergyman, and she is always getting him into trouble simply from her lack of straightforwardness. * * THE " And only think," said Cousin Hope, "that lault of hers was nearly the ruin > I ail my life." \\>uSW ('iNnpim >i Thrilling Incident lit a Male-matt# The New York //em.M has a sketch ot the life of Count Andra*y. one of the foremost European statesineu and un til recently the Vustriati Prime Minister. \\ e qllot* from th<- 11, r.i >l'- artich It was at Zemlin, Hungary, tliat Julius Vndra-sy was tiorit, Man hH. llt. He received a giHul literari education and travehal extensively in ■ inneetion with lus father's iudusitri ti pm suits. Rut commerce ill suited his m-tos, and early he abandoned it for literature and |wli tii-s At the age ol tw. nty-four plslTl he W:o- already aokui'Wliati- t as one ol the l>est orators in the Hungarian I. uultac Vt the t tue when the Austrian yoke Ivoouting more ami more intolerable the relieUion of the Magyars broke out he was appointed a memhi r of the llov reometit of National Pcfenos. Hungary smn ncistixl, however, soldiers rather than diplomats, and then Andrasay abandoned ilit- pen Kir the sword. In- vested m iih a military command he irc uitly fought the enemies of his coun try in several battle-, and was one of the i>t to retire before tlie Ru-sion invaders tlispO. After the tuttle of Ka-oina, tin* Mag yars. completely routed by tin* over whelming forces ot Schliea, were fleeing or their lives Si-vi-rai officers, among whom were Andrassv. exhausUat with a .>iig march, diviehal to halt for the night at a desert*d farmhouse which happened ra be on their route. The snow w. s fall ing in thick, heavy flakes. No sound was heard bu: that of the violins and "cymbals" of be Bohemians wfio piaved their in - ancboly nn iixli s in the amp of the H >nvuls a ;tti<* way off Little by little the music disl away, and everyone had falleu aslix*p, wli.-n sud denly a terrible noise of human voices and the report ol muskets awoke the fu gitive officers. Some of them t ">k up (heir arms and immediately rushed for the door. Ariilrassy xvas -till - a*ping when two ltohemnans and a few Uouvedx i-nterxxl the uxtui, -rying. " Bew ire. I**- ware! the f'roeils ar> coming. We are 'n*traytsl'" Andra-sy start is from his nUc.i and wonted to g> and join his umpanions in the tight. Readily ns*og ized by one of the two | yers. Kame •icy by name, be was entr<-atsi not, tvi venture to pass the threshold, a* the c'roats in great numh* rs were within a i w yanls'distance. " Takeoff vnur uni orm," crieil tin* Bohemian to the Count, "eise you are 10-t. It i- too late to go invwhcre. Janosh.'" added In . turning ;o liLs fellow player. " help the f'ount to tase off liis uniform." But Janosh. having gone to the window to explore whether tln-rt was any chance of escape from that side, was stru> k in the hri*ost .)/ a huiiet and fell dead to the ffoor. Itameney seemetl to hesitate a minute, as hough grief would oveiixime him But .uick.y controlling his emotion he liai --y divest*d the fount of his uniform, end lieipixl him to put on his overcoat. Taki—take this, eise you are lost!" lie was wildly telling the fount: " have no vnr on niv account; they will do no 'iarin to a poor Bohemian 1 ik- myself." Before Andrassv hail fuliv nativenal !iis wits Ranieney h:ul form! tin- violin nto the hands of his protece, and <-oin >eLod hiiu to kneel by iheiie.-ul Imdy of Janosh. Romenev had a - • knreleii by ,is dead friend and begun to play furious yon the " cymbal" that I"* had taken from the latter'- hand, stiLcrying to tic <iunt. " Play, play, <>n the violin!" which Andntssy. in fa t. triial to do. Meiuiwhile a handful of Austrians rushed in :ind w.-re momentarily a-tou -hed at the sight of the string*- group "What are ><>u doing there?" tliun ,ler l the Austrian officer. " We are piaving a farewell air to our friend, who i you have killed, though lie had harmed no one. We were on the rooil to P*sth when the Motived# arrested js anil oiiligtsl us to play f**r tie in "(let up. you wnt'h!" r*pli<*d the officer, not without adding strength to his words by a kick, "and come with us. tiuard tliese two men a* prisoners." lie sulxs-quently added, turning to a sergeant by his side. The real player and occasional mu -ieian wer*' surround*-*! bv the fronts nd laimix-llisl to move. The party had lardly reaches! the d<H>r when tip* sol dier- began to torment fount An<iras#y by saying. " lltuil ra rnymy" (play on the violin). It was the count's good luck that the -harp music of muskets ami guns tx-gin ning anew diverted the attention of Ids scort from his bortxirous playing The vault of tlie skv soon is-hoisl with the rv. " Wtjcn a .Vara" (hurrah for tin* itherlnnd). Thev w* r<* th<* Hungarian du-Nars and the Zauini regiini nt. who 'ia<l conie to the resi-ue of the Honveds. The fronts took to tlight. unmindful of '.heir prisoners. <>n reaching the raiup fount Andrnssy hand-omely rt*wanlisi the Bohemian who had so generously •aved his life, and heartily -linking hands with him. "Here." herald, "you must teach me how to play on the violin, in order that I may Ix* able to ma k e the Austrians dance. in Ambulance for Accidents In New York. The following extract is from an arti cle entitled •• Hospital Work in New York." published in the owning num ix-rofthe Springfield (Mass.) monthly. >/ood (hmpany : Suddenly a foud-toned bell, audible tlin>ughut tlte building, -trikes four, and the gates are opened for a white ambulant*, which a moment later is puled tip before the main en trance. "Surgical." a voice mutters half un onsciously behind us. and balk ing around we see a patient. "Four -trokes for surgical, three for medical," lie explains, and it is by the ladl that the ward attendants are forewarned of the nature of ambulance cases. The ambulance it used in nearly all cues of street accident, ftom" r:iMi of diseaseand many eases of viplent ine briety. It ean I*' summoned by tele graph from any police station, or from any alarm box of the tire department, by tapping the Monte key twenty times ami sounding the box number. It is fa miliar in all loealities and at all hours— a covered wagon with a neatly uni formed surgeon sitting hcliibd. Over sixteen hundred cases are attended by the ambulances of Hellevue in a year, and two svrg<*otis are constantly em ployed in the service, responding to calls day ami night. The alarm is re ceived in the telegraph office on the first floor of tfie iiosnital, and thence trans mitted simultaneously to the ■fable* and the room of the surgeons, where it is an nuneiated by nine resonant strokes on a niall gong. No matter how active the doctor is, the vehicle i usually at the door before he is at the bottom of the stairs, and lie has to spring for his seat behind J is it roils out of the hospital yard It is constructed on a plan to I minimize pain in carrying a sufferer t<> i 'he hospital lor permanent treatment, and the surgeon lias with him instru ' ments and appliances for giving tempo rary-alleviation, sueli as splinting and binding a fracture, or sewing up a wound! When we reach the yard a spring mnt tress moving on castor wheels has liecn withdrawn from the bottom cf the am bulance, and p'aced in a slanting posi tion between the tail-board and the ground. Under the patient, who is covered with blankets, and over ihe mattress, is a canvas stretcher wilh tubes along tbr sides, into which the at tendants insert long poles, and "the case " is thus carried to a cot or into the surgery without any necessary exertion or moving on his part. The ambulance surgeon is a brisk, business-like young man. and iiaving transferred the ease to the house surgeon, who is now responsi ble for it, and given a few particulars to the clerk, he bounds up stairs to wai' for another call CENTRE REPORTER. CENTRE II A EL, CENTR Mnjor (aiaguari. London pa|ei-s give these particulars alniut the late Major Cavagnari. head of tin* Britisli Kmhassy in Afgiianistan, and win* wassiaugiiteml hy the Alghati istan mutineers at Caliul: Pierre Napoleon Cavagnari wa* the son of a French officer who in-- cupiiil the honoraiile position of private secretary to Napoleon I . went into exile with him into Li ha, and was with hiui on tlie field of Waterloo. After the fall ol Napoleon he came to Knghuid and married an Irish lady. Hi* son, the late Sir L P. N Cavagnari. became a natur alised Englishman and, having hs-ii eil ucatcd at one of the F.nglish military colleges, at sixteen wmi to India, and for the greater |>art of tlie last sixt<en tciirs lie lias Ix-en resident in the Pun i.iut" as an assistant commissioner, "sir ixiuis. who was only thirty six years ol age. held the decoration of Knight Com luander of tlie Star of India, and w as made a Knight Commander of tlie liatli for .i* services in connection with the war in Afghanistan Major Cavagnari. like liis latlier, marriiat an Iri*li lady about eight years since, hut they ha vi no family. Major Cavagnari was one of those lew men created by nature to make tln-ir mar., in tin* world's history. Llterij un-English in liDastwct, his manner, his style of thought ami his character ol action, lie recalled the Continental diplo matists of tin- moyi uyr. ll liaa beea generally assumed at Peshawar for years hack that it was only auuestion of time when I'avagnai i should l- xs-sassinateil. as had been Ma- keson. M.wdonald aiul sii many other* who had Iwa-n his prede cessor* in the perilous, fascinating car< -i of frontier management A slight man. of i nlher fee I tie physique, hut with an eyi like a l wo-edgtM sword. Ite never carried arms, differing in tlii* from John Nicol ->n. who always haii a pistol on liis writing-table, and when, at an inter view, a Htllmaii or an Afghan waxed truculent, took care to si-curc tin first trick in the game. Cavagnari (writes a correspondent), although he never lot" s his temper, can. on <>ci*aaion, itii won derfullv sfaiglit fnm tlie shoulder. I remember once riding with him to an appointment he had with some A f rid is to settle some vexed land question. I remained on th* road while he, alone, iti the center ol aUiut a doren stalwart ruffians, armed to the eyebrows, walked round the field. Presently the loud, an gt-y accent* of a dispute reached my ears. The A frid is were surrounding t'.ivagnari, gesticulating with passion ate vehemence, some with hands on ttu-ir daggers, (.'axagnari stood quiet, perfectly I car less, utterly impassive, "suddenly 1 saw the bigg- si of the Afri dis go down like a buls k. and t'avag nati. with unrutficd comptKUre. return ing his hand into his pocket. He list! knocked the rulfi.-ui down, ami the swift thomugi nes* of the ait oiwel the fierce tliiimcn. About half way on the return tourney, Cavagnari remarked, apologeti cally, "It was absolutely necessary Please don't tliink I lost my tcinjwr; I w is perfectly cool; hut 1 was torvrd to maintain my ascendency; and then lie added meditatively, "and I wanted also to save my fife." A Doctor on Alcohol. Alcohol, saiii Dr. Lorgan, of Utica. in the course of a lecture m-ently defiy • red. due* not get into the circulation the same way that food diss, it passe* from the stomach to the fiver, from the ivcr to the heart from the heart to th< :Ungj>. and Stack again to the heart, and thence through the circulation, which arrics it to every part of the Itody. lit * xpiaitual how alcohol increases Lest in the system. A small qu intity. say bout an ounce, wiil semi the blood to tlie capillaries on the surfai-e. and there increases its heat; hut if the quantity is increased, and continued, the capillaries r<- kept distended, lose their power ol oniraeiion.the blood become* stagnant ' i them, and the result is a shivering cold, lli-nce the temperate man can uidurc more cold than the intemperate man. Hi* blood is in a healthier con . ition and he more readily recovers . om disci**-*. medical or surgical. H<* - iid that one who is in the habit ol drinking immoderately soon lalls into i. henitii. sutler* ftoiu loss of appetite, *i k stomach, furred tongue, offensive breath. His iituh* become tremulous, his face dull and expressionless, his eyes red and watery—fishy ; tubercles appear upon the face, and his nose becotms tillianl. hot tie-shaped. His stomach ■■comes covered with inflamed patches, its lining lie.-omcs softened ami thick rued, ami filled with ropy mucus thai forbids digestion and induces dyspepsia. His liver becomes diseased, first en ■irgeil. then reduced in si*.e, hardened and irregular in shape. Its surfa<-e is covered with elevations from one jUarter to one-half of an ineh in diam eter, resembling hobnails. Hence it i call*d hobnail or drunkard's liver, from its resemblance to the soles of liohtini •hoes. In time this condition obstructs circulation in tlie liver, leads to dropsy, enlargement of the spleen, constipation, dirtv skin, yellow eyes, loathing lor solid food and a still stronger desire for stimulants. He may live one or two vi-nrs, hut once these conditions issue his days are numltered. Hut it aff<*et* the brain as well a* it does the stomach and liver. For th** brain alcohol has a special affinity. It first causes congestion, then shrinkage, thickening of the membranes and a de posit of small crystals in the walls of the cells. It disturbs the circulation brings on irritation and a consequent derangement, sleeplessness, r*stl<*H*nc*s. nervousness. He is affected with delu sions. He se<*s rats, mice, serpents, de mons. nnd looks behind curtains, chair**, tables, beds, for imaginary foes. He becomes a raving maniac and an inmate of the lunatic asyium. A Banger that Besets Ureal Britain. Next to the action of rain and rivers comes the gnawing effect of coast waves. The waves thunder against the cliff which mocks its seemingly impotent rage by dashing it backward in a cloud of foatn and snray, hut it returns again and again to the charge until persist ency wins the day. The sea coast of England, whi'-h has for centuries twen faM jielding to fbt attacks of th#Gtr man ocean, furnished Sir C. Lyell with ttie majority of Ids illustrations in the interesting chapters ut>on the action of tides and currents. That eminent geolo gist tells us how towns and villages marked by name in old maps now lie fathoms deep beneath the wares. In one ease, which came under his notice, houses had within the memory of living men stood upon a cliff fifty feet high, but in less than half a century houses and cliff* were all engulfed, and sea wafer enough to float a frigate occupied t heir site. As many as twelve churches, each farther landward than the la t. have twen built in one parish, and all 1 but one have teen swallowed up by the -ea. Churchyards have consequently liern destroyed in many places, the corpses and skeletons having lieen washed out of their graves and floated away by the tide. Sir C. Lyell himself viw human remains protruding from the elifl' at Kcculver*. in Kent, in 1851. And he humorously alludes to a scene i depicted by Bewick, which, he says, j numerous points on the coast might j have suggested; the graveyard of a j ruined abbey, undermined and almost isolated by the sen, with a broken toml>- ! stone in the foreground serving as n 1 perch for the cormorants, and hearing the inscription "To perpetuate the memory of " one whose very name I is obliterated, and whos" monument was ! i-'-ftity to fall into the waves. And he aptly, though somewhat sarcastically. I suggests that such a tombstone would have a fit tribute lo the memory of "some philosopher" who had taught | "the permanency of existing oonti j nents, the " era of repose," or " the im potence of modern ranee*.—linden /?rj- Sjravia. !: CO., PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1870. The UiM|uri. The ufi ft Nrw York pap*r. are in runny respect* the most peculiar people tl wi -liing in i ivllUatioii, ot wlin h they realty form no part For centuries they have undergone very little change, being scarcely ff. cted ly revolution* or prufrc** of iuiy kinit. IVy number about 800.000, 130.000 being citizen* of France. hut tire hulk iud the most dis tinctive of them occupying tin- Basque province* in Spain—Biscay, Guipurcoa ipt A lava Tun* i no record of tln-ir ever having bwu subdued. Cart hagini- Mii, Romans. < •nth*. Saracens. Frepch men, or Spaniards have in v<-r elfai •-d tln-ir marked traits. corrupted tin-purity of tlirir race, or even modified their lime honored customs Tliey are of medium size, compactof frame. singularly vigor ous and agile. having light-gray even, black hair, uiid comp ex ions darker than the Spaniard. Simple in manners and i haracler, they are i>ri>ud and im|M-tu ,itli. determined ami licry patriots, and merry, social and hospitable withal. I'lie women are comely and strong, cap alile of, and often doing, masculine Work, .ire notaiile for vivacity, supplcm-aa ami grace. ami w ear gay head-dresses over their variously maided and twisted links. Hotli si-yea are excecdinc>y foud of games, festivais. music anil "lancing, i'he national costume is a red jacket, long breeches, red sasli, square-knotte . •-ravat. Ileropett shoes and pointed tap. I'heir manners are patriarchal, and tin ir habit* also. While tin- sixes mingle without n-straint. they are very moral, and marriage vows are religiously kept. I'heir soil is fertile, and the Basques are o industrious tlial they produce good crops generally, notwithstanding their primitive agrhuiture. Thrv are. prac tically, democrats, the condition of all ieing very nearly equal, as the nobility, wlic derived their origin mainly from the Moor*, are Very lew They have very few towns or villages, their habita tions beii.g scattered over most of tlie heights ol the tlirre provinces. I'olill al y. thy are divided into districts, each of which chooses an aienlde, wiio is iiotli a civil and military officer, and a member of (lie Junta meeting annually in some one ol the town* to deiilM-ratc upon public affairs. The alcaldes arc always men of age and experience, and fathers ol families. The Ra*qu>-s' rights re protected ly written constitutions (furn., 1 granttsi them by ancient Spxn iill kings. They m Roman Catholics; liavr great reverence for priests and monks, and are inclined to U|M-rslitioti. [*hey an* supposed to be the last remnant of tin- old lie rnian*. ami liave ever pre ■ i ved an exalu-d reputation for e" >ur*gr among their native mountains. They wire tile T.mlxhri of tfie Romans, wiio admired them for their sturdy defence of liberty, and are aliudcd to by Hora/.-e as a people very hard to tench to le-ar tlie ioke. Centuries iatrr. tiny fell, in tlie renowned defile# of Ronrt-valies. uimn Cliarh inngtie ami his army wlien return ing to France, slew liis bravest palladia*, iltd compelled lijm to fly for hi* life. Kuscaidunnc is tlie name tlie Basque's give tliciusi-ives. ami tlieir countty they ail Kms'aleria. Tliey are prouder even than the Spaniards. anl the mere fa I of tx-ing born in tlieir distrh t secures tlie privileges of universal nobility. A Man of Many Trades. Americans, says a New York paper, are renowned, the world over, lor their practical versatility. They are so con- j tinuaily turning from one occupation or trade to an >thrr that it is rare to find one of our countrymen doing in middle lile what be was doing at the outset of his career Most of them, im red. have a dozen different employments in fore reaching forty. A man named Francis II Fisk. and only thirty-two, residing in Essex county. this State, has had amor* rariiwl experience than most of hi* compatriot*. A I'rnnsv Iranian h\ hirtii, he went to tlie Adirondack re gion. when c mere lad. with hi* father, a lumberman; settled at S< hroon vil lage. ami ha* Iss-n tlirre ev. r since, ex vpt during three year*' service as a sol dier in the I'nton cause. He was fir*', an apprentice to a harness and saddle maker, then a shoemaker, next a furni ture maker, next a carpenter am! joiner, ami planned and finished a hotel at -v-hroon lake. He is also a painter and decorator, and was for some time engi neer of a stcaniiMial plying on that slna-t of water. He wa* u barlier for two or three years, and afterward filled tlie j -ition of chief cook at a large and. well- j kept inn in that neighborhood. He is a musician, self taught; piavs very well ' •n the piano and vi- m. anil often di rect* music for parti* ■>. He does mid join at rc;>airing machinery, at plumlv •ng. gas-litting. plastering, paper-hang ing. etc . and ir literally a jack-of-ail- ' ■ rades, an 1 almost a master of several. He has never conducted a newspaper, fiut lie is a good type-sett" r. and writ'-* i very lair article. A man ol so many talents could certainly mak<- money in a large town, hut lie so iiivi-s tin- moun tain region that lie cannot i>e rnovi d iway by any prospect of gain. The Most Married of Runt en. The Sntvrna (Del.) Timet records the death in tliat'town. in his < ighty-sreond year, of Benjamin Abbott, and adds; f"he notable feature in Mr. Abbott's otherwise uneventful life isthe remat Wa ttle fact of living the seventh husband of tils widow, who survives liirn. This much-talked-of and much-published event (for it went the rounds of the press of the nation), when he for the second ind site for the seventh time bo wist be fore the nltnr Hymen, occurred on June 30. 1875, he then being seventy-eight and site eiglity-two years old. Mrs. Abbott's history in the marital relations of life stands perhaps without a parallel in the records of the nation, and tradition has it there is to !w> yet another. It is cur rently stated without contradiction that *oms years ago she had a vision in which eight men stood before Iter in a pecu liarly impressive manner, which she has ever regarded as prophetic of the number of conquests she was to make. The eighth is just as likely and is rea sonahle as the seventh, and already pub lic gossip is beginning to mark this and ihat man as the victim of the next con quest. Her maiden name was Williams, ind site has been successively Mrs. Traux. Mrs. ltiggs, Mrs. Farrow. Mrs Wallace. Mrs. Berry, Mrs. Pratt and Mrs. Abbott. In every instance, save the first, she lias married widowers, some of them with a good number of children, nnd on one occasion in her early married life she wert to the alms house and took therefrom three children and raised them. Site never had any children of her own. Ail tier lifn lias been spent in this vicinity, and all tier husband* were buried by the same un dertaker. The Bite of (he Sknnk. In the ForeM and Stream, of recent date, is a contribution to the qwstinn whether the bite of the skunk is poison ous and will produce rabies. In the west and southwest of the Mississippi valley this seems generally believ-d. A writer from Colorado quotes several in stane *. Dr. 4'ushing. of Trinidad. Colorado, who has, no doubt, seen several cases, gives it as his opinion that the natural bite of the skunk produces hydrophobia —that it does not need to he suffering from rabies itself. He says its bite will kill tlx* victim sooner or inter, without fail. Dr. \Y. L. South, who lias had great experience in Texas and New Mex ico says "the bite will fetch tlx victim some time," meaning that it will sooner or later result in death. We do not believe tilts is the rase in the Eastern States. very common in Pennsylvania We have seen dogs bitten by it, and have known those who hunted it constantly for its valuable skin, hut have never heard of any such ill result from its hife either in man or dog.— Mediettl antl Snryiral Re fnrler. FARM, II A UIfFN AMI IHH sFIIOI.iI I !• (ui Drains should h. cut while & ground Is dry. If tliey have been marked or laid out pn V iously tin- work enn IM done now at half tlie cost of doing it wln ti tin- ground is full of water. This season is ts-H.-r than any other for re -laiming swamp meadows. In showiug how extremely sensitive huiter and milk are to foreign odors, ami how rapidly they ahorb them, Dr. N'icliols stalls that In- lias known a choice pan of huiler spoiled hy a farmer walking into tlie dairy-room with hi* cow-stall IMHIIS on, covered with auiiual excrement. An old poultry raier. who ln-lieves in milk lot low is. *nys "It is IMIIII meat alld drink. Some of tlie finest chickens l ever saw w<-r- ra -<-< i upon tin- lr-e u*e ol milk witli tln-ir food. H<-ns lay aa well, or U*tter, when furni*lied with thi* than upon any know n article offered them." \V crds on gravel walks limy In- de stroyed mul prevented from growing again ly ii coptou* dressing of the cheap -■*t Mill. This is n lirltrr i)mn liitml-pulling, which disturb* the nml render* constant raking and rolling necessary. One application early in the MTUM I 11 , ttml others ns limy IK* needed, w 11iIt* the wis lis are mn til, will kn-p the walk* cli -an mill bright. (•renter nealnea* nliout dwellings would IK* an improvement to nearly all farm resident •-, even among the thrifty. Intelligent, rich and money-making. There are too many hall-tlrcnvrt] struo tures, or boards. lying on the ground,or I burdock*. or the iai k of a neat lawn and some khruhlK-rv. Wheat require* a fine and mellow toil; it i lKt tf compart IK-IOW and roughish on tlie top If there are anv I-IIKI* tin-) klmu.d In- brought up from In-low l.y repented harrowing* and broken hy tin- roller or the disk harrow. If liiey cannot be brokt n up completely they are lietter on the top than below the surface. A roiler wi,i break many. To avoid *orv shoulders on your hone, bathe litem with strong salt water each niglit after removing the harm***. If you ; commence two week* before spring plowing so much the IM-tter. An infalli ble preventive, an excellent cure Hy cutting a iit lengthwise of the collar, w here the haiu>** fit. and removing the •luffing, you may soften the collar where it gal • llu- *houider without injuring the collar In buying a collar be can fut to •elect on* that is of the same solidity in all parts and on both siih** Tlie Ik- 1 collar pad is made hy stuffing an old iaiat-li i-ve with hay, having a* little hay as jutvfihle under the battles.—l'ruc tiral i inner. l)r. Nii liu s says in th* utyuil <*r "It is. under ordinary con ditions. advisable and advantageous to plant orn for fodder in flri .s. withal least twenty inch. - *pa< • between. •*■ that air and sunlight can has freeaccess to tlie growing plants hut it is not giid husltamiry to sow thickly broadcast I*lantsdepend for hetdtliv growth and nutrition upon actinic light and In-at and upon a OBM of air. Any plant de prived of tlicse agenej. s in it* growlli is unsuitable for the food of animals." A eorresjiondent of the Country Hm tletttan says that no in--iug of manure is completely consume<| hy '.lie <-ro:> to which it is applied. Soluble and. ative manures produce their ptinciuni effect at once and are of little te-neiit to subse quent crops Manures sparingly solu ble, and those xi nil-It must suffer d<**om j* wit ion in Ue soil liefure tliey are of service to the p ant, as l*<nes and farm yard manure, will, on .hecontrary, pne dui*e an effei-t over many year*. Farm ers have a prejudice in favor of tfie latter class of iiiaiiur*s. hut it is e'ear that the quieket return fir capital invested is affurdeii hy the former class. *S iff Isabrti. Kverr tree in an orchard, says the Journal of fhrltmlhirr. should lei-' *nr'y and plainly lain led, so tl a! not only the proprietor, but BII> one, may go into it and tell tin varn-ty of every trie in it. It should also IK- r-eontrd in a Imuk for that tiuriKMie. This i* important, that the owner may know tin- kind of fruit he raises ntul where to find it. Fruit will often seii better if the name of the variety i* well known and attached to it. It is also important when a trs*e die* that the owner may know what kind to gi! to fiil up the vacancy and keep up the assortment. A difficulty that many labor under is to get a good label, one that will last and retain the writing. If wo.hl is used, the writing sisin becomes dim. and if twine is used for tying material it soon rots and the abe! is lost, but if wire used for this purpose it will not give with tlie growth of the tri*c. and is liable to cut into and injure the tree, if it diies not ruin it. The following lias proved the most •atis lartotya* a tree label with us: Take a piei-e of eommon sheet line five inches wide. Acres* this eut piives three fourths of an inch wide at one end and tapering to a point at the other. Near tin* wider end write plainly with a com mon h ad |n-ticil the name of the variety. This will get brighter by exposure to the weather. The small <nd may be rolled around*a branch of the tree; it will vield as the trial Brows and do no injury Such labels will lat a lifetime, and the writing will get plainer all the time. After being tis.-d ten years they an- far plainer than when first written. Such label* cost hut little, and are perma nently reliable. A cheaper but very efficient label can be made of tin cut in the form for the tine ones, with the name written or rather scratched on it with a sharp awl. This will scratch through the tin to the iron, which on exposure to the weather will soon rust, thus making the letters quite distinct. These may he procured at any tin shop, nlinost any tinner will cut then from scraps at a few ecnN a hundred. Tliissc will last many years before becoming dim. A fskidrnrr'a fltorref. Peter Henderson, the veteran ganlencr. made a very significant statement I fore the convention of nurserymen and flor ists. This statement ctnltodic* the re markable fact that if garden seeds, when planted in the spring, an' rtmtly pressed when under tlx-earth by the hall of the foot at tlx* time the gardeners are putting them into the ground, they will invari ably grow, drought or no drought; and what is still more im|>ortant. they will spring up earlier ami grow faster and mature bitter than any of their kind which have not tioen subjected to this discipline. The sanx rule of pressure, lie says, holds true in regard to trans planting trees, sl.ruhs. and plants This is an item of great practic 1 value to many of our people, and especially to those who live in the suburbs.— Cleveland Herald. An Iron Wnr Shirt. An iron otiirt WAS recently left nt the office of tlio Alexandria tVa.) (J<u<ttc by ionic one who found it in a house that had been occupied by Union troops dur ing the (losing inontlis of the war. Thin iron-clad eheinise rest in bleu some what the armor of a crusader, and is made of ten pieces of heavy boiler iron, or it may be plates of thin steel, all jointed by movable rivets, which allow the shirt to be disjointed and packed up. A portion of it is hinged so as to allow motion to the limbs. This mobile en eeinte or personal lortress was fitted on in front like a dicky, but extended down far enough to cover the thighs. The (Inzftte says: "Its inventor evidently deemed the shirt a useful invention, for the sample on our desk is marked on one shoulder in brass, like an epaulette, ' patent applied for,' and on the other, ' Made by Atwater Armory Co., New Haven, Conn.' The marks, 'I. A A.,' which, we suppose,indicate that ' I must Avoid Accidents.' are the only other in seriptians found upon this work of art." TERMS: a Year, in Advance. TIM FLY TOPIC*. A Tinted States postage stamp manu factory has ieen unearthed in France. It wa, ascertained by the I'ostoftlce l>c partm'nt some time ago that one A. I. Alexandria, Jr., in Paris, was engaged in tin- manufacture of counterfeit t nited States |Mwtage siamps. An investiga tion resulted in sliowinr that, although the paiiy naineit manufai-tured fat similes of TniU-tl State* stamps, he sold them only U> |<ersons wiio were making collections of postage stanifw, and that tlie object wan not to defraud the gov ernment Tlie practice, however, was immediately discontinued. It was found that a simoar nusim-M is carried on in Knifitu d and Germany. ll a person swallows any po*on what ever, or lias fallen into convulsions Iron having overloaded tlie stomach, an in stantaneous remedy, most efficii nt and applicable in a large number of cases, is a heaping teaspoonful of common salt ami -is much ground mustard, stirn-d rapidly in a teacup fill of water, warm or cold, and swallowed instantly. It is scarcely down Ix-lore it le-gins to come up. bringing witlt it the remaining con tents id the stomach; and lest then* ite any remnant of the poison, however small, let the white of an egg or a tea spoonful of strong coffee be swallowed as soon as the stomach is quiet, because tliese very common articles nullify a large number of virulent poisons. Wild )>ea*U main- awful havoc among the cattle of some of the Russian prov ince# In the province ofNovrorod. for example, the horw-s and isiws of tlie pea sants daily fall victims. The authorities of that province have, during the past ten years, lri-d "-very possiliie way of rooting out the wolves and hears, but wiiltout any noticeable succe**. In the year IHTM the loss llten ran as high as I 500 head ol cattle At its last stamioti tlie Zemstro decided to offer a reward of five rouhhw to every person who shall kill a wolf, old or young, and ten rouble# for each bear killed during the summer, the money to he paid from the pro tlc ial fund. Strychnine pills are recximtnrr.dcd for the destruction of the wild beast*. The hammeter of the national pro* in rity of England is. according to the !>>ndon Stntfury Record, at a viry low -ib. as tlie depre*i.n in the marriage rate, that un> rring test of the material condition ami prospect* of the people, was still nmre strongly markixi during the first quart- r of tliis year tluui it !iai tn-.-n in any of the four quarter* of HO>. The annual marriage rale in the three months ending March laatdid not ex**i ll 6 p'-r l.l* 1 ". and was 8 I Is-low liie average rate of thei-orresponding peri*l ol the previous fortv years— IH3H-7? SO low a marriage rate has not prevailed in tlie first quarter of any year since |H37. when I lie act for civil registration of marriages, births and deaths first ren ih-red these statistic* possible. The nearest approach to so iowa marriage rat-. in tin-first quarter of tlie year, was 18.5 in tlie first three months of IK4I. The Emperor of Cltir.* i* allow"-d three wives, the chief of whom is tlie empress, while the other two are ;tH-ens. He has tlie right, under cer tain restrictions, of choosing hi* ow-n successor. When the Emperor Hein Fung dk-d. in INil. lie l-ft Uie th-ooe to liis sun Toung-ehe. who was only five v<-ars old. The empress and the boy's mother. "Me of tlie two lju-n. were maile iHi-regents They reigned very sui-oes.sfully until IRT3, when Toung-ehe took the government into liis own hands, and removed th<*m from power. In 1N75 be di<*d of *mali-pox. without naming * sucx--#ir. Hi# wife was a feeble girl, with a young baby, for whose rights *hr had not the #tr ngtli of character to fight. She soon di<*d. and the old em press and queen seiaeil the opiortunity •• | bruk ujon the throne. Tliey lu>-- . thr<<e-yi-ar-o2d neuliew of Hien Fung, ami appointed themselves to t.ign unt-. 1: la M.UI U man The scheme wa# carried out. and the two women arc now seemingly firmly re-es talilistied. Among the tint statiwman of Uie empire was Wo Ko-lu. at the head of the Civil Serviqp Department. He brooded over tlie wrong done to the in fa nt son of Toung-ehe. and at last re- Miivcd to speak out against it. Tins was a serious matter, for ancient usage in China ilo net that whoever utters trea son sliai at once commit suicide. Wo Ko-tu wrote and published, in the most respectful language, a demand that the empress and qm*-n should abdicate, i ben he ki > I himself with a unite. Snlrlde* in Central I'ark. When CetJtral Park * laid out and opened to the puhlir. which took. and li is tak*n •♦it since. so much pride and p . a-ur in it. say* a N< w York paper, it was hardly thought that it would tie the field for suicide* that it haa become. It i remarkable how many persona go there to end their unhappy lives. Scarcely a wi-ek piuai that the body ol •ome unfortunate is not found there with sufficient aooompanving evidence to show that death has lieen self-inflicted. So common ha this grown to be that the park patrolmen have received or der*. when .going on duty in the morn ing. to search the shrubbery and se cluded places for suicides. In case of attempted suicide, relief might come in time to do gisal. because many persons bent on self-destruction arc naturally so nervous that they handle their weapons clumsily, often making wounds that may tie' healed, I'sualiv. however, the suicides perform their ghastly work ef fectually. Suicide is not a r'casant as sociation with the city's favorite prom enade and pleasure-ground, but it is hard to see how it can lie prevented. Certainly no legal enactment* will be apt to restrain a tUon who has decided to destroy himself. It is avid that an order was once conspicuously posted in Plur nix Park, Dublin. lo tlx 1 effect that any- HHly who should tic detected commit ting suicide tliere should lie compelled to pav a tine of twenty-five shillings. The difference between FrrtJchmen and Americans is exhibited in the choice of places for committing suicide The for me ■ very rarely choose any retired spot in the Rois dc Boulogne. They usually prefer to make way with themselves in the most public and melodramatic man ner. leaping from the Are dc Triomplie. the Column of the Place Vendome. or the Tour do Saint Jacques. Americans and Anglo-Saxons generally trek some out-of-the-way spot to end themselves, where they know that there will he lit tle danger of interruption—where they can fs 1 surer of executing their fatal in tent. Inlet national Dairy Fair. A circular has tiecn issued by the board of management of the Interna tional Dairy Fair Association, who have engaged the whole of the American In stitute building in New York for their second annual exhibition, to come off in December next. Much more space will thus he at the disposal of life managers than at the previous fair. Machinery llali. which was not in use last year, will bo devoted exclusively to a proper display of dairy implements, of winch the array was rather poor in the last siiow for want of the required space to exhibit them. A large space is also set apart for t'ie exhibition of herds, the n.ost important feature of an agricul tural fair, for failing cattle where would he our dairy products? A very large show may he expected of choice animals Irom American and European sources. There will probably be none from Canada, as no cattle coming here for ex hibition would Iw permitted to re-enter the Dominion. The competition in dairy products from foreign countries will Ire much larger than last year, many promi nent manufacturers promising to send samples. Finally the amount offered in premiums will be, and necessarily so. mnch larger this year than at the first fair in WW.— New York Witne**. NUMBER 39. lie Muspeeted P.teryhody. Some said In was naturally suspicious. ! This may In- partly true. But others tay thai in rariy life some unfortunate iflairs had an units'; v effect on his moods and letupeis. If a felony was committed in his neighborhood, and there hung a mystery over the question of the perpetrator, our hero looked wise, | aa< seetued to hint that he knew the man. In this way lie onre came to be seriously suspected of being an accessory after tb* fact But he was wholly innocent. One day he was walking down the street and saw some men talking and laughing. 0< -aaionnlly they looked up the street By the time he reached the group his fare was very red. He looked vexed, ll* supposed their laughter was in some way at his expense. Fortu nately. he paused long enough to find '.hat they wen- making merry over I lie -aying* and doing* of a political meet ing of their own party. One lent him a book, which had been read with care, and several passage* w-re marked with a pencil. He sup ixmed the owner of the book intended to hurt hi* feelings by railing special at tention to certain clauses, and yet it was a fact that the owner did not know that there was a pencil mark on any page. In fact, our friend often suspected some evil intention in the kindest acta of liis et friend*. A at range minister once delineated in the pulpit the charac ter of a litigious man. Our friend went home silent, if not surly, and com plained ol personalities in lite pulpit. His life was full of uneasiness* without cause, except as found in his undue sensibility and suspiciousness. Things said in a general way be, with a strange perversity, applied to himself. He trusted f w. it any He had an astonish ing facility for giving a bad turn Ui all that was Ml id. Hi* influence was not good. His children caught hi* spirit At school they often considered themselves slighted I Tliu* family feud* were engendeted. It would be slander to say that one could not speak to him. But his suspicions throw him into fits *f jealousy. At times liis countenance indicated malig nity. liis unhappy turnof thought* had made him shy of his pastor, stiff to- i ward his family physician, and awk ward toward all. Even hit wife was the worse of his evil surmising*. Of course, he was unhappy- indeed, miserable. Tlie signs of tits conscious wrotclicdness were infal ibte. All this J was quite unnc<-cmxry. He was liis own tormentor. If lie should road this paper he would say. " The authorot that piece ; misunderstood me. Why will not peo ple mind their own husintas and iet oth ers alone?" He has no enemy who dues him a* much disservice or inflirt* on him a much pain as lie brings on him- j self. If his nervous system were shat tered one would make many excuses for him. liut he sc-ms to have fine liralth. and certainly he rata as much as is good for him. Mnrulu Farts About Elephant*. The extent to which the elephant can lie trained is remarkable A letter from In lia, describing the habits of the huge ! *-a*t. says , lie will lift the largest teak togs—and teak is among the heaviest of woods and arrange them in piles. He will push a log with his foot against the saw and carry the sawed wotid in his luvks or his trunk. In all theae ma neuver* he is directed by the mahoot. who aits on his neck and manages him witii a goad, or, tnoro guerally, with the word of mouth. Sometimes an ele phant is so wild and untamahle as to be dangerous, and yet i.e will serve his masters. We saw one animal pushing logs about who had killed four or five of the workmen, lie was kept in order by . a iad who carried a sharp spear, keep-' ing the spear always near the elephant s eye. The spear was iittle more than a moral influence. If the elephant really wished to attack his keepers a spear would lie of little use beyond a star* or two. The memory of these stabs, how ever. was a* effective to the elephant aa chains or thong*, and be roiled his iocs •ilioul in the most unoomvrned manner. The manner in which the eiephant kiths his victim i *o rush upon and trample j him, or throw him in the air with the trunk and trample him when he falla. The animal lias immense power in his trunk and delicacy and precision in touch, as well a* crushing strength. It: will pick up a banana or a wisp of grans j as surely as a lor. There i no efficient way of punishing tlie elephant except by the aid of the other elephant*. A few days beiore we came to Rangoon one of the animals de murred to go on a Jioat. Two others were man-lied up. and. under the direc tion of the mahout, tlicy pounded She I • listing animal with their trunk* until, for hi* life's sake, he was glad to euibnrk. Elephants learn the ways of civilised labor When the bell rings for dinner lie will drop his iog and march away. ' If he lias la-en trained to rest on bundav no power can make him work on the seventh day. A Trooper's Story of the t'abnl Massacre. One of the trooper* of Ms\ior Cavag nari's escort in Afghanistan. who escaped Iwinr massacred, say tint the roof of the Kritioli residence at Cabul Was com manded by other fious*-*. and was conse quently untenable bv the besieged, who made a trench outside. At about one o'clock in the afternoon on the day of the niasacre Major Cavagnari received a wound from a ricochetting bullet on his forehead. Mr. Jenkyns. Cav agnari's n-istant. who arrived at the esidencv during tlte attack, wrote to the Ameer for help, and the Ameer's reply was. "God wih lam making arrange ments." A previous request for aid from Major (\araenari had met with the same reply. Mr. Jenkyns wrote again when Major Cavagnari was wounded, but the bearer of the lettiT was rut to pieces bt the mutineers. The trooper then started, but he wa disarmed and imprisoned, lie succeeded in escaping at daybreak and visited the residency, where ne saw the corpse of Lieutenant Hamilton, com manding the escort of the British Mis sion. lying across a mountain gun. A comrade who was confined in Cabul in formed liira that Lieutenant Hamilton * tot three of the mutineers with his re volver and killed two with his saber. l>r. Kelley. who was connected with the mission, was lying dead inshle the resi dency. M:\jor Cavagnari was in a room which was burnt and which had fallen in. His body had not been found. Three native olficers of the Guides were burned to death near the residency. Parts] and France. The Paris correspondent of the lead ing English journal quotes Prince Bis marck as saying: "There are, really, as it were, two prances—the France of Paris and the of the Provinces. The France of Paris is a vain, pleasure seeking. agreeable, extravagant France, which makes revolutions, declares war and has no id*>a of economizing. Kvejry body brings money to it, and it squanders everything. But alongside it is the otliei France, the true France, that of the provinces, wlich labors hard, is sober and naves. The latter pays for all the freaks and follies of the other. When the former is the latter that suffers. When the former declares war, it is the latter that tights, though the provincial Frenchman dearly loves the soil, and there is no greater sacrifice for him than to leave it for military service. When I was in France, 1 took a great interest in the soldiers, and often talked with them. Their whole desire was to get through the service and return to the fields. If the peasants were listened to, France would never make war; and yet he fights well when he does fight. When he is beaten he is sorry; when he wins he h pleas"d; but. victor or vanquished, what is f]oart to him is that victory or defeat aiik bring the war to an end sad aitow him to go home again." Omr Girls. tu rvimWphi* —id—, ii r A 9Wy Pf WWW UNnff wvifn! II Mm, Tbvv always travel OT Um sqoara And Mora * —a that's 6vki The BoHot gtrls, bow raui Ifcof oral Alas, end bow short-sight** f For aot withstanding oil thoy Iranw, TV m ' m srarawra raw I— kra—ra *- * —dl 4 Rwy rw HKITw for SffkPP '-F—■ tw^nivti Tbo girl* Iwm J stray 's obiU-T shotm. To vadk# thtfr brwuthi mml! iwimMP Tw'w board at tbo tnnsh —tor. Tbo fararal* of Chicago try To load at gains* quits faring, And whan it soma* to saais b% fbofc— It'o Dotnbar niwoa they're woorlng. Mow Brooklyn boo young Indira. too By oo woom oro thsy wily; Bat tibo it* eharehra, lhy ooaoy To ■ opwo op quits bigbly. Ano Ford Wo ITEM# OF IffTKBENT. i ' ] The great sense* taker—Rum Liable to drop-sickle troub Is —Reapers. A otr<ng minded woman will oiwoyo , bo speaker of the bouao. As the switch is hint the yoath In cline*.— JiorAUnd Courier, In 17W there rem but four printing presses in the American colonic*. The human rmr is scnoitire to vibra tions rewriting to in s second. A thousand pounds of powder was ex ploded in a quarry near Reading. Pa., loosening about 30.000 tons of slons at one blast American rattle are now imported at Belfast, Ireland, and the trade promises , to grow as large, proportionately, as thai with England, At long range it is pretty hard to tell whether a man is playing a harmonica or gnawing an ear of gnwn corn.— Keokuk date City. Eat oyster* only in the months that have an •* r " in their name*, and drink whisky only in the months that hart a " k " in their nameo. "Great bodies move •lowly.*' So does the barber, when you are the only one in lite shop and he feels inclined U talk.— Salem Bunlwam. Her* is a laet Though snnwtal iuaay. Oar sbnot ract. week Is pros*ml lor uwtawy. iWei WtaUamum An Illinois farmer astonished Dwatnt by going into that place with a train of •fx wag ins laden with 375 buaheis of Parley and drawn by a steam rood an glue of his own invention. tine great secret of domestic enjoy ment is too much overlooked —that of bringing our want* down to our circum stances. instead of toiling to bring our circumstances up to our wants. A carpet dealer in Burlington adver tise* " new Brussels carpets that < sn t be beat." That's the kind we want at our house Send us ha if a doaen; you may keep the change.— Hawkey t. It takes at least throe able-bodied men to do the guarding for half a down pris oners. but one good, economical wife wilido the garden for a healthy family of six.— Ktokuk Con* itutum. The importation of horses from Can ada to the United Stale* luM increased thirty-fold in the tast four years, from 214 horses, with a value of §28.000. iu l7. to 6.632 in IB7H. valued at flk 1.235 " Nothing is made in vain!" exclaims , the divine, but the next moment, as an aggregation of silk lace and feathers sweeps up the aisle, he realised that something is maiden vain.— Junker* Go telle. The laying of a church corner-etons | drew a great crowd to Oagertown. lad. In the evening of the same dav. an ex cursionist was murdered in a bar-room brawl. At midnight, a mob burned the building in which the tragedy had taksa place. A rare and enormous orang-outang, a widower, is the uut recent arrival at Paris. His wife died soon after they were caught in Borneo, and all his af fection is now concentrated on their son. The father is described as the per sonification of melancholy. Tbv dnkay is a pretty bird. Bo gentle sad so *rira; It Has a silky Utile tail Wtfk which to frisk the list Upon its brad two ears it bean, So silky, long sod eaR, That when the tell can't mark the flira, Tb* ears ess whisk Lbrm off. A man was found dead at New point. Ind.. with a bullet in his head. A bint at the manner of hi* death was given by the evidence of an intrrrupttd game of V*>ker. In his hand were four kings, while four querns Uy near by, baring probably been dropped by his exasper ntcd antagonist and murderer. lUnara'.ona. Queen of Madagascar, has issued s proclamation to her subjects commandingtbetu to send their children to school. Saving that it makes tier glad to see her subjects wise. She adds: "And so be ail of von diligent, for al though you do not know the sweetness of knowledge and wisdom, you will dis cover it when tbey become yours." A man named Phelps, in Cumberland •ounty. By., has named bis children as follows: Robert Godericfa Churning I)e- Ausbrey Phelps. Quitman Fremont 11urhide Cadwallnder Phelps. Bclchis Z-tKibis Semi rami* Phelps, .fames Ki.-haid Augustus Phelns. Bothenia Pernselia Meirina Phelps. Esau Mahur dial Alhashbar Phelps. Ihooysius Edric Robert Turner Plieips, Thompson Baker Sampson Boanerges Plieips. The lasses bv man time disasters during July was as foiiows: Sailing vessels— thirty-two English, eleven French, eight American, six German, three Norwe gian. two Austrian, two Russian, one Arab, one Spanish, one Greek, one Ital ian. one Swedish, six of which the na tionality is unknown: total, seventy five. In this number are included ves sels reported missing. Steamers re l orted lost—right English, one Egyptian, one of which nationality is unknown; total, ten. A young lady with a complexion as delicate as the blush of a rose, with the gauxiest lace trimmings upon iter hat. and with the slightest shade of a silk dress, will sit by an open window, and the flying cinders will pass Iter by wit>* out making an impress on tier cheek, a whisper in her ear. or a stain upon her finery; but the man who sits behind her, with the window closed, will spoil his shirt bosom and collar, get more Uian a half-perk of the little nuisances in his hair and whiskers, and finally a great big seven-cornered hit ol coal will come crashing through the sensitive cuticle of his eve ball, and for the nut of his lift lie will have to be led about by a dog labeled " I am blind." Beauty is cin der proof in this world. —Sew Haven Rev%*ier ______________ American Inventive Genius. An English paper gives credit to American genius for at lea-t fifteen in ventions and discoveries, which, it says, hare been adopted ail over the world. These triumphs of American genius are thus enumerated : First,-the cotton gin; second, planing machine; third, the grass mower and grain reaper; fourth, the rotary printing press; fifth, navigation by steam; sixth, hot air or caloric engine; seventh, the sewing machine; eighth, the India rubber in dustry ; ninth, the machine for manu facture of horse shou; tnth. the sand blast for carving; eleventh, the gauge lathe; twelfth, the grain elevator; thirteenth, artificial ice manufacture on a large scale: fourteenth, the electro magnet and its practical application; fifteenth, the composing machine for printers. ■are Than a Bile a Minute. There has been a controversy among railroad engineers as to the speed of trains, some contending that it was im possible to go at the rate of a mile a minute. One day recently a test was made on the fast train of the Pennsyl vania railroad between Philadelphia and New York, which makes no stops for a distance of eighty miles, between Ger mantown Junction and Jersey City. Five miles were passed over in exactly four minutes ami fifty-five and a quare* seconds. At another point three miles were made in two minutes and thirty six seconds. No extra speed was made on this train, which consisted of four ears, containing 163 pnswrngers. The engineers of the Pennsylvania railroad assert that there are a dozen trainsv*ry day that make a mile a ipinnts < • ev> ry trip.