THE UKNTKK REPORTER- Onire Hall.PaTlVnid Sept. 25, 79. utranc#; l>2.Sotefcen not paid .-t advance- Advertisement* 2(W per )tne for threr in srrticms, and fieenfajier line for every tub- Wfvcit tMrrftoa. Advertisement* y the year at a liberal discount. Subscriber* out side the county should re tnif us 10 cts, fimiwnl of one year's posh age, instead o/SOefs cs formerly when paid by themselves. Subscribers can alicays tell bow their ac counts stand at the Reporter ofhee bvcon sulting the table* on their paper*. /' Pi' lahle reads "John Koe 1 jan '75" it sneans that John i* indebted for subscription from the \st of January, 1875, rind that •/ u timr he seas paying iht printer. LOCAL ITEMS. LODGE MEKTIHOB 1 A*TH* It *l.l ** Ai' .'J 1 ° iLii * rr. SiM*l*< •!* I* lb* hJO I'* l ' , G. u Goonaawr/iWs. w R. tow. > o. roavtxiti ecenlna en or hefor* rti fall wee" > *■ M •v>r.L* lUU. . nTV Y m u 0 K Hsai.*c*W, S<-t. J.J. ARXKT. W w eaortasaaC.anwsm.N#.* M " Hsll.tlnatr* Hall on th* SslontnS en or ar.-r run moonMir M an.! Ocrs to vrook. •'** * Roller Master UW* Ko*. Se.t Wallace, Jeaks, ar.d Curtin. en Tuesday eve, 14 Oct. at Bellefontc Turn out. The Centre county Fair wR be held or. the ground* near Bellefor.te, a* usua , on tK-tober Ist. 2d and 3d - being Wedne* day, Thuraday and Friday- Clothing mada to order at N ewman s who has the services of one of the beet Philadelphia tailors—and all work war ranted to fit at price* the lowest. Give SechUr * grocery a call when at Bellefontc, lair week, or at ary other time it wi'.l always pay you to do o. What Louis Doll has not got in the lire of boots and ihoea. whether for rrien i women or children, is not worth having. Right under the Brockerhoff CoJ. s. S. Seely who many year# ago published the BVrteAwsaw, at Be.le forte, died at hi* home, Jersey Shore, on 10s *fcd GS years. Sine? its new administ.' icn the Lew is town True Democrat sends two cop ies to the RIIVRTER. TOO much of a goei thing it once. Four base-ball matches are to take piece at the County Fair. namely: Provi dence vs. Athletics. State College vs. M itesburg, Colored Club of Belletonte vs. Colored Club of V illiamsport. Defiance rs. Eurekas. One bf the first victims of the now tramp law was at the last term of Centre Co. Court fined $lO snd sentenced te thir ty days' imprisoiment. Some boys in Kaoz township, Clear field Co . got hold of a revolver, and white inspecting discharged it, instantly ki'.lirg a boy named Hunter The Sec y, W F. Feeder, is devot ing his whole time and energy to the Fair —All are ca tip toe for Guggenheim* er s new branch Clothing store, to be opened at Centre Hall, Oct 15, The board of pardons las', week re fused Walker, of this eounty. now 1n the penitentiary for horse stealing, a pardon We have still another sudden death to chronicle. Mr. T. B. McSlroy. of Pot tors Mills, died suddenly on Wednesday afternoon, IT. Me had coiaplained some the previous few days, but was moving about, yet the grim meeserger came and called him. This is thethird sudden deata in that locality in three weeks. at 11 a. m., will appear the following Mil itary and Civic societies -. Thirteen Bands of the county, Philipsburg and Bellefonte Military Companies, Undine and Logan Hcse Companies, together with *250 young men and ladies on horseback. —During fair week, if you want the beet place to slop at, go to the Bush house. Mr. Hoppes is one of the pleasaatesl ho telists n the slate, and will maka you feel just like at homo. Penns valley people are directed to call aitd see Powers' big stock of every thing is tbe boot and shoe liae—the largest and most complete assortment in Beilefonte, and all genuine goods. Mr. A. E. Wolf last week ran the Centre Hall hotel—be knows how to keep tavern Tea are never deceived in anything you get at Power*' shoe-store They make good all they promise, and sell lower thaa the lewett. A deren of potatoes were brought to this office bv Mrs. Daniel Horner, which make a heaped-up peck. These are tbe largest potatoes we have seen this y*ar, and they will take the premium u-lns larger onee can be produced. —He who goes to the Co F*ir and goes" home again without seeing Sechler's grocery, will miss ene half of what be might have seen. —On Tuesday evening of last week our efficient prothonolary, Mr J. C. Har par, stepped out of tbe loneliness of single blessedDess and entered the stale of matri mony, uniting bin self with Miss Laura Graham, one of ilelieloote's fairest and be-1 young ladies. May a century of bap pines* be tbe lot of the happy pair aad many other little thiags to boot (or to shoe). Tbey started on a trip east. An eitra stock of Clothing has been ordered by Newman, the King of the Clothing business, 'or the fair term This stock Newman has put down to extra low prices, for be intends to please all who call at tbe Eagle .Clothing Hall Go and get acquainted with Newman anyhow, even if you do not wish to bur, he is so nice a fellow to talk to, and you can see tbe big gest mountain of clothing in this part the state —and our word lor it, the cheapest— he is king in that respect- Among the many amusements at the fair will be tbe glass ball shooting match, Archery contest, races of all kinds aid in fact everything that will please The celebrated bull, 'Judge," • t Pleasant Gap, will be on the ground*. The "Judge," like a horse, can be either put under the saddle or in harness He< trots in 2:50. and will be among the races Tbe Centre county Agricultural So ciely will have the largest and best fair this fall that has ever been held on its grounds. Frank Chamberlin, Esq., is untiring in his efforts to mtke the amuse ment department, of which he is Superin tendant, tbe most attractive feature of tbo | exhibition. —A good second-band top buggy and a new platf>rm spring wagon for sale at Murray's coach shops- Mr. E. J. Stsrkpole. one of the t --tsches of the M'Veytewn Journal psid us a visit, Tuesday. A* handsome a young man as he. must be moigbty popular among the ladies. Rev. Fischer will preach at Centre Hall, on Tuesday eveniag. 30. and in the Loop church on Thursday evening follow ing. PIMPLES ANB BLOTCHES on the face can be removed by rubbing with Cam phor Milk It cost only 25 cts. per bottle. J. D Murray, Centre Hall. 7 aug 4i Go to your store or druggist and get a bottle of Frank P. Green's compound _yrup of tar, honey and bloodroot, the best remedy out for a cough, cold, croup asthma, or early stage of consumption Phoenix Pectoral will cure your cough Phoenix Pectoral cures hoarseness quickly. Phoenix Pectoral tastes gocd and brings Phoenix Pectoral costs 25 Cts; ft ' ottlessl. Sold by J. D Murray, Centre Hall. Wm. Beck, Piano Tuner, Bellefonte. Charges reasonable. tf Louis Doll now takes the lead in the boot and shoe business, for men, women and children. Under the Brockerhoff. Fresh stock, prices low. -—The Annual Fair of the Centre Co. 1 Agricultural Society occurs on the Ist, 2nd ad 3rd of October. A GRIATPAT ixGiotoas V AI.T.XT.— Saturday SKXh dawned with all the prom- I iie of a fair and gladsome day. Agreea bly to aa invitation, the writer hastened earlv, to niael in fetive gathering, the Fabf>*th Scheolaoftbe Mountain and Crass rhurohes in the grove immediately oppe • it# the latter. In every direction eould be seen tho'dust of flying bugeiee and hur rying footman, each seemingly vieing with the other to reach the ground Aral. The erewd that tem .fathered wa# eetime ted at from •ix to eight hundred. The central point of attraction far aye and ear an the Meneelv bell recently purchased at a cost offlTF. by the Croaa eongrera lion. l)n our arrival upon the ground a. this hell was just about ascending hy means of rope and pulley, to the steeple, where 'I coon awung in the place of an eld one purchased some year# ago from the Luth eran church in Bell-foale, which novar gave aati>faclion Weighing TUS pound* and coming from the best manu factory in the United States, thia bell can not tail to give the utmost U(fa:tion t a!) TheSabbaih school*, being thechurcb at worh, a well a* the crowd of viailora prevent, were now addressed by the writer with uilahle reflectioaa preparatory lath# bell'a consecration, a'ter which it waa ded nated to God the i ather, Son and Holy iboat When the lat word ef eoniecra tion had fallen the bell responded in a e'ear v. ice a> if to ay Amen. Thit wa followed hy the at crowd sieging, "All Hail thepoweref Jesus name ' arid " I'ra e God fr<-ni whom ell bleaeing* ti w,'' hy the Karmer'a Mill*hraaabend. Will, each * sweet, clour toned hell to call the hum b'e worshipper to the Sanctuary, the peo e e ahouid never ftirgri God and duty This aervice ended, the schools retired un to the church, where Revs Whitney. Mil ler, Wolfe and Pitcher ddreaed item in tlve minutespeeches Hit aervice waa in terspersed with excellent tinging accom pamed by William Krane a organ. Ad* journmen'l to the grove, followed the con clusion of theadd-esse#. wherea eumptuou* display temp led hungry atomach*. all of which were right royally Sited. Pinner done, the old bell auctioned rff, and Sam i Harter became it* ow giving In etg change the sum of $4.01>. Thi* was one of the most orderly pic-nic gatherings your correspondent basevsr fcao the pleasure oi a tending Everybedv wa* happy and weal away pleased. To me. at\er an ab sence of * weeks, this d*y was one of re newal ■ i friendship* ana swelling of t • tbatbind spirit to spirit. Lei me vet add ihan.ks to the kind people of thia church. They remembered a psvtor with substantial*. God will tb# cheer tul giver, W- K F. An enormous supply ot ail kinds of dry-good*, grocarits, hats, boot*, she#*. ' clathing. Ac .at Befl'ers. Special induce raent* offered during the fair, and tha bet bargains in Bellefoate Heffe-s i* head quarters for farmers and housekeeper*. Ail fine groceries, canned goods, pickois. sauces, oils, oranges, lemon*, cranberries, Ac., at Sechler's, and strictly pure spice*. Thoy handle no impure ar adulterated go.Kls of any kind We free ly and cheerfully testify te this a* a fact and from our own experience. Let every body attend the fair on the Ist, 2nd and 3rd days of October. Dr. Alexander *ent a potato to the RaroßTta office which weigh* 21 pounds. Thi* is a whopper, and if our aeighbor keeps on growing pstatoe* at that rate thev will soon be bigger than ha is. Don't let ' em git ahead ef you Doc. This Fair will surpass any everhaid in ibt county in the way ef amusements. Mr S S. Lyons. Pres. of Ag- Soci ety, i§ doing bis utmost to make the Fair a success. The store of A*ociate Judge Frank at Rehersburg Pa., was entered by robber* one niaht last week, and the following are among the articles-talen S pair boots, 3 hats, a piece of cloth a quantity of egg*, and a rifle. Other merchandise is mi-sing makint the entire theft amount to about eighty dollar*. Almost everlasting leather ia the boots and shoe* of Lcuis Dol.'s new stock. Just go and sea bis fine assortment ef goods. It s perfectly astonishing. —That fine buggy you see thera. and that tip-top spring wagon that attracts se much attention for its excellence—both were turned out at Jno. T. Lee's Centre Hail coach shops PotaoxxD BT TOAD STOOLS.—Tha Huntingdon Monitor says: Nich"la* Min nemever, his wife sr.d three grand-child rec, near Spruce Creek, were poisoned last week by eating what they supposed to be mushrooms, but what in reality was toadstools. A physiciA wassummoaed, but the liye# of only three of the number were saved—two of tha children continu ed to grow worse and in a short time died A nact: powerful stock of boots and shoes just received by Pwor# A .-mn—and sold at powerful low prices. Far fair and square dealing you find Powers No 1 always. Oct 15, will be a memorable day for all who need clothing, r.ew, obeap and cut to the latest fashions—for on that day Guggenuaimcr will open bis new branch clothing stare at Centre Hail. The coming Fair will be the best Centre county ha# ever had Displays of all kinds will exceed anytning heretofore. Do you want the purest and fresb-st drug#, then g<. to the oldeel establishment ia this county. Frank Green'* in lh* Bu-b house-lock, and you can get any Hi' g you want. An immense stock of new *ndtvlib Clothing ba* been purchased by Gugg#n beimer and be intend* to astonish all Pennsvallay with bis new branch store, Oct. 15. A new double thread shuttle ##wing machine work* by band or trad!e. tor ale or trade at this office. Warrant Biting Bologna sausage is en# of the funny things to occur at tbe Centre coun ty Fair That itock of boots ar.d shoe* far men and women, at Louis Dull'*, un der the Brockerhoff house is attracting at tention all ovar—he has his prices se low. The most satisfactory evidence af the durability of tba work made at Levi Murray's coach shop* t Centra Hall, Pa., is a steadily increasing trada- They are exceeding themselves in the supply of fresh grorerie*. Sechlersare. and from now until aflar the fsir custo mer* will fare better than ever before at their grecery TURNKK /LEAK Tbejury ID tbe Turner murder case, which was re-tried el Lxk Haven, last week on Saturday night brought in a ver dict of not guilty. A CARL). Believing nearly one year ag> ihat the present Auturn would tee the country on the high road to prosperity, we commenc ed then to make preparations for a busi ness of great magnitude. To properly arrange for a stock surpass ing all we bad before attempted, we -est abroad several buyers, who visited all ib<* chief manufacturing centers of Europe, especially in Eng.and, France and Get many. Through them wa have succeeded in contracting for Urge quaut'tics of Special ties. which will be confined to ourselves exclusively, as well as a general stock of Novelties and Staple Fabrics, unsurpass ed in the American market- The most careful study has been given to lbs cheapening of supplies, and it is be lieved that with our present arrangements the consumer who deals at our house will stand nearer to tbe producer than ever be tore in tbe history of the trade. The products of the best makers, For eign and Domestic, will be distributed by us in any quantity, small or large, with only our own small profit added to the lowest prices (less all discounts) at which manufactures will contract with tbe larg est cash buyets. A number of alterations and improve menu have been rnad- to our store pron erty conducing still further than hereto fore to tbe convenience and comfort of our patrons, and respectfully inviting v *its of inspection oa and after this date. Hepteio her 16. we announce the formal OPEN ING OF THE FALL BUSINESS OF 1879. Respectfully submitted by STRAWBfcIDGE & CLOTHIER Eighth had Market streets, Philadelphia; Great noruocratio MASS MEETING!! There will bo a Mass Mooting of cili ton# of Centra county nl tho CXIURT-HOUSK INBKLLEFONTK. on Tumlay Evening, Oct. 14, IS7l>, I which will be addressed hv Hon. W A WALLACE, United Stata* Senator, Hon. UFO. A. .IKNKS, of Brook# ville, and Kx-Gov. AN)REW G I 1 KIIN. It is* hoped that there will bo a full tui u out by citizetif from H of the county. All parlies are invited to CMUIO ami hear tho issues, now ex citing tho public mind, discussed bv holiest, able and faithful public men. IJy order of the Committee. I> F. FOU'IHKV, Chnirtuan. GRKATCST M ARV at. or TU Aot' • B'.ind Charley ' Thi* Musical Prodigy will a Concert, at Centre Hall, 29 Sept. Poller* Mi It*. 0 " Milrov, I teL Pine Grove " lloaltburg 10 " Howard 13 " in the evening*, for the benefit of tho MetnodUl Churche# of Julian and l'> it Matilda Prof. Johnson i* a young whit* man. a graduate of Maryland Institute. Baltimore, and a local minister In the M K Church Hourpe* Blind r.>m ia hit musical talents and exhibitions, and can imitate any music or any human voice he evor hoard, or ony sound or noise th*l be hears Muatciana are invited t> attend and play original and difficult pie<-e and thn Profastor I Blind Charley' will repro duce the same on the Piano or Organ He will also give some of hi* own music and execute thrae meU>die at one lime eact in a different key. and will play correctly sitting with hia back to tb# instrument. He will elto p ay two m#io lie*_ with on# band. The fries.!* of musi and i e pu lie generally|ara invited to attend It will be a grand treat, a rare privilege an.i none will regret having heard him Doors oner, at 7* p. ni Admission 25 cert*. Re sa ved Seats 50 cents U'NTINt. RING CETKW AYD Cape Town, August 26 —The pursuit of Eirg CetewaV' l Continue# hot y. He ha* pli. up bis party and taken to the tiusb. Ui# pursuers have been within three mile of the King and have actually seen some member* of hi* following. Sir Garnet Welteley held e meeting with the North ern chief# at which he informed theui '.hat the only ebstacle to the settlement of peace was the failure to capture Cetewayo, and that any chief harboring Cetewayo would be punished Lord Giflbrd captured a na tive who has promised to show him the King's hidiag-place. The bush where he is supposed to be secreted is now boing surrounded by 300 men. CETEWAYO S CAPTURE How it was Effected—The Chief, much Exhausted London, September 18 Further par- ( ticulars of the capture of King Cetewayo ( have been received. It wa* semewhat by ( accident that the capture wa# affected. A ( partrol ef tho King s Dragoon Guards while scouting in tha heart ot tha Nyome forest, fall upon hit trail and followed It up, and ran him to the earth Finding himself surrounded, and re*i*tanca being altogether impracticable, the African | monarch advanced to the captain of the partrol and tendered him hi* surrender , lie was in a greatly exhausted condition, and bora on bis person evidence of much privation, suffering and mental disquie tude. but he maintained a remarkable elf-cempoiure, and in offering his surren der said he had no doubt hie captors would extend to him the rights of a royal prison er of war The King wa* taken te Ulun di. During the march eleven of hi* fol- i lowers tried to escape, end eix were easeful. The other five were shot. The ( King will be taken to Mantzburg and , from there to Grey town. All the import- ( ant Zulu chiefs have now surrendered or made their peace with Sir Garnet W olsc ley, and the tsak remain# o! perfectirg by wise court measures, what benn ac plished by this long, disastrous anJ colli* war. When Cetywayo was captured ho asked to be shot. AUSTKO-HUNGARY A Famine Impending. London, September 18 —A \ lenna car- ; respondent report* that, in con#-d*. dis tress in varioua part* of Hungary threat en to becctac appalling during the coming winter. The Tenia* Berat dtstrirt is threatened w ! .ih famine, and some of th inhabitants are preparing to emirate to j Servia. TBLLOWFEVER Memphis, Tenn., September 21 Fee, summary of the wek, winch closed u#' night, is a* fo Hews I Total n jrnber #tf now j cases rcpi rted. 80; while- 4*#; relor#-d. 32, under five years ef age, 4 The tola j number of nc w cases reported up to datei wa* ],2IG Tho total number of death* j from, yet ow favor for tho weak wa# 81. T<-l-si number of deaths up to date. 340. The thcrmotuf.-r during tha past week ha ranged between 61 and 86 degrees. Memphi#. Tenn., September 21 —Eight new case* of yellow fever—four white and four colored—were reported to-day. But •ne death.has occurred ince last night- Archie P Keho, who died beyond the -city limit* Misa I>'uiae Bedford died last night of yellow fever at Bartley station. Tann. Fifteen nur * ware assigned t#> •duty to-day. The weather ia clear and pleasant A QUARREL BETWEEN" THREE BROTHERS-TWO SHOT AND INSTANTLY KILL ED. St. Louis. September 19.—Adrfeei fro ,n | Taney county, lbie state. say that on Tues-. day last two brothers named Burr afld Jame Manu. living near Kirby ville. cot into a quarrel about a cow, and .lames shot and killed Burr A younger broth er then went borne and procured a rifle , and shot his brother James through the • heart t NICETIES OF SCIENCE. Ac'.ouishinz Microecopic Invcstigfttioo to Detect a Murderer. New York, August 22.—The murder of Mary Mannard in Connecticut, and the ] arrest of the Iter. Mr. ilayden on the i charge of being the murilorer, are fre-h in 1 memory His trial is soon to come otf. and ' science has been preparing the testimony. , Professor White has bad Mr. Hayden's knifebladx under his microscope, and has examined ererv peck thereon "What did you find on it?'* Judge Har rison asked him at the preliminary exam ination. -Blood." "What kind of blood ?" "Human blood " And the Ker. Mr Hayden looker! as in* terested and innocently earnest at the pro fvssor while his testimony •*- g >ing • as the student does to the pr>fe-*or in cl lege at the climax of an experiment in ne tural philosophy He afterward told, and his wife told, how Ike blood got there. ••Just so," Mr Jones said; "blood get* on the pen-kniln at time* of all of us M' Hayden bail cut bis finger," Now, Prof White was obliged to admit that science had not yet got so far as to be able to di* tinguish Mary JSUririard's blood from the Her. Mr Hayden's So the blood specks on the knile went for naught with the Jus tice, and be discharged Mr. Hayd>-n But science did not let go oi the case. The microscope, chemicals, measurements keen eyes, hours of patient work on *1 speck that a breath would blow away J hare, it is now said, made a discovery. The muscles, the flesh of Mary Stannard' neck net.: the uUh tint killed her, have besn rasalved to tkslr original g**•• anil elsnienla Thu* to discover any loreigc matter, uch a* a tpeck of •tool, when that which hail boon Maty MUnnard'i nock hail become vapor under the ohemlit'i matiip u lotion. Then the microscope was put upon the clean, white paper, that would catch any foreign aubstancn and hold it. Fu the naked eye there appeared on tho paper nothing more than a iperk-llke dut, that a whifl of wind might have blown there; but on it the microecepitl placed a g'* that would make one hair seem the sire of a rope, and then the speck resolved it*#'! into a rusty little piece of steel, with clear ly defined form It must have come from the blade of the knife that killed Mi.ry Stannard. Now the glass it run along the blade the Hov Mr lla)don't knife, on which 1 I'rofeaaor While foetid blood 'there are ' one or two little nieha eaaily aeon in it, too' I large to match thia little pieie At last a 'defetl L diacovered. It seen,* at though 1 llhe little speck*on the while paper, if ap tdied t tliia defect, would jutt 111 it , end by the mo*t delicate roanipuletion the til- \ ting in auccy*tully done, and the prote cting officers are inlarmed that the . aavant* have diaeovered a speck of iron that dropped from the tioshy part* around i the wound that just flu nick in the blade of the Kev Uavden'a kuit'e 1 Such la the atorv that aomewhat indell- I nitaly, hut with sufficient detail to make it t worthy the attention of Mr. Hoyden* | counsel, iv roputod regarding the re.ult oi , the scientific men' work in dltcevering ovidalo e AUK EST OF MUKSK THIEVE." I A Large IK-|vsiti>r of Stolen HonM* Garringce and llhfiwv hound Near lot"U. Boilon, September 16.— ImporteM at resia have been 11 a io b* the pvbci# gang of horae-thievea tvho have be. n com-J mitt ng n any de| -edaln n h re ai.J ti the viciiutv. The par tie* ar.. named jl Charles Piaher, aba# " I -eaev b#h. ami William MCant \ respectively. M Uarthyjl waa arrealed a day or two ago Horse- I aid wagon*, the properlv of Wi' tam A.jl Low and Daniel Stone, of thia city, were i -t. !en recently, and the officer* traced the i property to South Wreatham, in this Slate where they found a *mall house in- 1 abited hy McCarthy. Tha police recov ed thirteen vtolen horvea, a number of wagon* and aa immenra lot of harneaa of 1 all descriptions. McCarthy, who waa the 1 principal thief and who disposed of the property, was at once arretted en thr t charge of receiv ing ste'.en good*. It ( hown that a considerable number of her- % M and wagon* ware stolen here by Fisher ( and other* wbe would drive to South j Wrenlham whence the property would be % taken to Providence, K. I , and other points where the thieves had opportuni- ( lias to get rid of the plunder. I-iher e.l-, | mils his guilt and lays he expect* to get ( fifteen year*. Ila aonly twacty four year* ot age, but has already served time for horse steeling. A THURIBLE VENGEANCE. r Cannelton, W. Va., Sejitember 'Jl.— Bob Moore, a white man, knewn as a des- | peradoin Wr#t Virginia, was inuntly i killed a razor at the governmei-t■ leeks, near here, by a negro name I John | Tboma* Shortly after the negro, Thomas , wa arrested by a canstable, but wa *oon rescued bv a mob, which hung hitn in- - suntly to the nearot tree Before life was extinct a number of the mob emptied the content* of their revolver* into hi* body . . He was then lowered nearly tothe ground ; stripped of hi* clothe* aa 1 li"#*a ly back- ( ] ed to pieces with knivee. ( Stephen Boyd, aged nineteen, of Mil ' Creek. Hungtingdon county, wa* enamor- ■ ed of M s* Ni'lio Bunn, ag< ' *ixt#en, but j < abe repulsed him. He made i unuccea-j. ful attempt to outrage her and then hung., himself to a tree. All thi* happ-r.~l abeui! a week ago. PRODUCE Philadelphia, September 2d —(ral ex ! icitcmer.t in bredtuff and price* hi" 1 1 inateriaUv advanced. Flour and meal - ] Flour i* 11K- to "Ak- higher and a liv.- with . • a'ee o! 1. jOU ba-re i ;iic'u 1 ng M no#* •- ' la extra fiiniiy. *• 10, Penn yi ivaniadj ' 'wa 1 S-' - '(s iSi | Grain WV: i exc tod iid • higher .We quote, mclud reie".**l a: Jl 'J. $1 24'+1 25. amber a: Jl 26 Rv a! C->rn Vl *i7if4l , c Oats at white at dtfjc Chicago, September 22 Win N 1 Chicago spring $106: S. 2 aid e* late are required to make immedinta PV-j ment. and thus# having claims against the -viae to present them, duly aulheaticated I by law, for settlement. JACOB BITNKR, J. G. SAN KEY. i 21 augOt liwihna NOTICE - Letter# of administration on the estate , of Michael Hettinger, late of Gregg twp , dee'd. having been granted to the under ' signed, all person- knowing themselves P be indebted to said decedent ara requested to make immediate payment, and person# having claimv against the etnte will pre -enl tlieiu authenticated for settlement. AMELIA HETTINGER, M. L. RISHKL, 21 aug Ct Administrators. nESTR El ALL ~ Furniture Rooms! R7 HA KRI9IBINE, respectfully i.^ 0 "'" lh . e cili l f, ens .Centre county, that he' h " bought out the old •land of J. O. Dein ,D^r ' " d r " d . ,irr( the prices. He has Gonatanlly on hand and make* to order BEDSTEADS. • BUREAUS, ; SINKS. WASHSTANDM. CORN Kit CUP BOARDS, TA BLBS, Ac., Ac. linstock of ready made Furaitu.*® largo and warranted of (food worknta* 1 " ship, and is all made under his immediate, •upervifion, and is offered at rate* cheaper, than elsewhere. Call and see bis slock before purchasing elsewhere. f"l> /K f\,900 A VF.AK f New l>uinw . *rrk i / Addrtw la>UrBIUTIYI Auix< 1. Mftrilaus. f I lu Jul# 4iii ail A ik TOfflOUii VKAIt, or 14 I \* r. II ■ fit t<< f'Jl a dav in vour \ I 4191 'Wn lm alit> N<> ruk * ■ K|il I w 'mm d' well h 9 I•{j LI I "en Mam mak' v.or 'i WW to ranlce money fast Any ran d• l • work Y'lUran make from fkl i t. $2 an hour by deV" f x \our evening. and spare imi' 1 to the husioeai I; lllg to try lite huitl"i- N't il lk l know all abeo! t be-t paving business before 'lie jiuhi leerd u* your addre—and we will "o vu rfu I partioalMrs and private term* Ire . {Samples w'4'"h ft MM free You MB .hen tnak up vour mind f.- vour-li Address (JBOKfIB STINSON A CO Portland, Maine Pennsylvania College. OK'ITTSBURG I'KN.v'A Kull corps of Professors Course of study of the highest grade Location attractive, healthful A moral Libraries contain over 20,000 volumes. Two Reading Rooms with first-class periodicals. for tui lion, room rant, fuel and washing, SB2. Boarding front $2 to $2 per week Send tor a catalogue to Pkok P. M. BIKXK, aug2B Sec y of Faculty. This space is reserved lor J. NEWMAN, JR., (lie KINO CLOTHIER AND MERCHANT TAILOR. i The Princtw* Louisa at tiie utilturv review in Toronto *'. J a corre •poudent, "the plnin*t dressed wo mnii ; u sight, She wore a short rid ing habit, decidedly the worse for wear, a hole in it bting compicuou- i'fUer wne not a bit of trituuiiug 011 i< anywhere ; the only hit of color was a buttonhole boquel of bleeding hearts on a gneu leaf- wore a plain ■ liieu roll collar, fastened with a atone lens gold brooch. lid earrings were Urge pearl drops. Hr lace waa shielded by a black veil, with large black tpot and her gf.ves were nt dogskin." (ieorgeQ. D.nges, a ton of Diiigo. former.y a resident . r L-wis t. ,vu, had both hi- feet nuiputati i last wi-k. from usuries r..*tv. • .iti!• trying t'• uiple aln iin train •n 111. .vt ro 'u- A*i l)r.n Kidn > \N ■'* " *f-t and r> mcd\ f 1 Kid von i Lit r di- .1 Piles and 1 1 list 1 .11 ■ 11 A snake created uneeot/iu niau u at the re-nleiiee 1 f Caleb Vo. urn, b Spruce Hill township, Juniata < tun ty, bv falling troiu the chimney into a kittle of applsbutter boiling in the tire place. Ihe applfchuttor wic- not 'considered palatable, and was thrown away. Philadelphia, September 15 The casteru mills have advanced the price uf barirou to 2 8 10 cents t>er pound card auJ of cut nails to $3.25 |*r keg card. Double Sufferers. It" the thousands that now have their ret and comfort dcstioved by complications of Liver and kidney complaints would give nature's remedy, Kidney-Wort, a trial they would be speedily cured. It acts on both organs at the same time and therefore completely fills the bill for a perfect remedy, if you have a lame back and disordered Kidneys use it at oDce. iIRKIED. On 28 ult- kv He* W H Groh. lfr. Samuel 11 W ester, : <*.- ll* and 31.t> Liuie Campbatl, 01 Litdan Hall. On 18,, bv -ami*. Mr Frederick \V. Krumrine and" 31i* A note M. Garner, b >th fr< :n nesr BUIU College. In MtHbe'iii Ceotrs CO., .-a ltXh int . Cl ar.e. A Siurg,, firmsry of Lewis burg, and 3L>* Be e. -!a-g >: f Dan M MM ' 1)1 KD. In New Washington borougV ( ar te.d county on SeptemberOlb. 1ST I .'. Jacob Neff, aged SI yca-, 8 months and J days. Dyspcpr ia 1 Dyspepsia Dyspepsia 1 Y y K iitifi Unlet Will. f l!, • • 1 *e f UH tMM It nu l <1! r let ■*> •'• i <*• etwtoee ' '' | ! wUb *apuwll.*4 ■.<• -rmi-lauw !.• <' P wwlM. mUut, uamiu el f>* .*.t,oe.. ta ißealh. .'.iiiimi, .'*• aai low "| i" l lis lb* ,nau>* Sol o.G la !>•*. wall la *1 Bel llaa. or lit SetilM lor #-.J . *•* <' lot I, k. Kanbtl't bine. WIM > • tea ao4 late arr llbotae II •<* eiJ I* prefrtrtaf. I ► Iv'iakol. so s StlßlhM. |-hU."-t., ' • Ta ■ f,t* .a I. Ustee.tal •• *-a: WnKMS WORMS. WoKMs It ' K islel'i Wnm hrmp new ful* t. iww.r 7 I'm. Sbd B|uftlh "srtM t>* K :•!. lb* a I, ,r{wM'bl ph)it esho feaores J sps W -rta In Nssurw aJi lth w4 fw# u t rr u .r 1 l oeu toe W3S ' t*p w 1 r* b e %J Mil oltai •<>'*• cu *>• r*> Ur .< !•!< •< at J toulimn fra TV.o darter u> ia ■!!> r ptimi turrai. T- aae.ds wc >tylo Ji I* ailit vena*. ud 4 t- I ku.-e u liU •!'% cV*il f*aJ tltoo -lai-leli. t.. rlrrlae es\uk4 Ihaar**, •ac-llla. sa'a la acK. MlUa at avgl.l. fiiwl "I <- t *eli. pirklai al Usa uu. oo!>. ta>. n U 14 l lt aaal, a.lh. !>>• >OUil giwmi l> ' "Ma Ui-kllaa aa<9 UrKall- l la lh "■• '■ —* *ar I , . a*, aad.unr*. ran,. '" won.* I *•;• • a'm Ainp HI lull <•> w-m ' > !'" fl * J u ,|auU. maU iMtllaa te* ♦* • (' IspaWur. arlU au.l caoaull II c Iba > I ail • *r r>a>t dnaaaiat Us * -a ajr.j .. I if : - II net LbJU-O' *.t KiiW I'.' N ii i'- • *IU 4all>bla. 1* *4* l • • ai 't. * 1 •" - ataiai>. ** 14 1 4 DMIM- !cAi >B Mu ' y I, >tti •! a ! >• of SaliiUe Ki ' I*' f P - 1 ' mt ' ! ■lac il ha' hgl ' R a'-1- It '• .Igll.-d N Jl'.f l • t ha Indebted I -nl dee.|ent are ' T< -• M Ui rnak* itliModtal* payment ai {'" *• having ela'tu* lh' ■*!'" w : J-'e •••Hi (bam mithantK ntail (it- sal ni'-nt .1 N< • K KYKK CATH UOYkR ltbepl Gl Adunoi- rai-irt , (CAUTION —Sportsmen are herby j cautioned agamtt hunting in tbi- 4 (enclosed w.->>ds f tbo undersigned. Papt. IH, J5" H. L.KC I/"CAUTION —Tha undersigned harrbv \ w*rn all parson* nit to buy any f , ! Ihraa bond*. each ofsloo given to Jaoobj lla-iig by mo, a* 1 did Out receive value t for ain. JOHN KK''HLh. ' llseptf'.t j CAUTION.— All peraon* ara harrbv cautioned against shooting squir rels in the wood" rnl ot tha building* of the undersigned. in Potter -township.' i •porttmeri are rrquo.ted to hard thia no lice. J ACoB \t AtiMlt) JR i • t RE A l ESTATE AT pkivatk i SALE.—The undersigned affer at private sale, a tract of land "ituated in the Loop, in Putter twp.. containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, more or le, Fifty acre# of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered There are on the premises a good Fit A M K IIOUSK. a L"g Hare. SPRING OKI NEVER-FAILING WATER, THREE ORCHARDS, ard an excellent SITKi FORSAW MILL with good wntcrpow- * or. , lCOar 200 ncrc. with improvements wnl be sold separate it desired The lialance will bi sold in timber lots of 20, 30, or , acre*, or the whvle tract will be sold to-, ■ gather at a low price and on easy terms, j For further information address, A S KkiU-IN, Li wist wn. Pa., ] 1 or A. A, M< Almy's Fort. Pa J 14 Bllg tf j , For the coming Fall and Winter THAI) IC j \YE ARE FULLY PREI'AKKI). j Now is Iho Time! 1 Select Your Goods F It <1 M FRfl-H, : NEW STOCK. ; i i „ GENTS' FRENCH CALF HOOTS ; ANI) CiAITER. w -4ADE TO OROFK t A LARGE -l't'H k OF Sole Lea Car, Or %. s"'r itT'l I WILL NOT RE CNI EUSOLD RY ANY PARTV THAT HELLP THE SAME QUALITY OF GOODS Chestnut. $6 00 It.'A) p.. ft 26 $8 00 I I! |- I his space is reserved for J. 11. tBAULAXD, oft he BEEHIVE ONE PRICE EXCLUSIVE DRY GOODS STORE. ' \HI). I Onggenbeiroer would announce, that being about lo bring to BcdefoDM the LARGESI ami BEST ABORTED STOCK OF CLOTHING ever Lr >ught t ( Vntre county. (hut he will j u ui ! fir ABOUT 3 WEEKS A BRNACHSTORE In (Ynhv Elall. ON THE 1 >ib OF OCTOBER. | An} ; sons that in!, i.l \ Clotli i >i won 'i <1" n< i (II war nil' 1 Uu' atit A T C.DINGES' NEW STORE You r*n find all kind- of Groceries and tVnnrd FruiU cheaper (ban any where e!e. He also has on hand and is constant ly receiving Notions, Candies, in great variety, and Tobaccos of the best grades. TRY HIS YORK CIGARS. He deal* in FLOUR. BRAN STONE and KAKTHKN CROCKS, Ac., Ac. and taken oil kinds of Country , Produce in exchange. CALL AND GIVE IIIM A TRIAL. c. BINGES. Centre Hall. J J. ZELLER & SON. DRUGGISTS, No. 6 Brockcrhoff Row, hellefi nttj Fenn'a. Drillers In lrii(p,('heinlrnl* Porflimerj. FaneyCieods At.. Ac. Pur" Wine- and Liquors for medio pur; >e* ah j* kept. may-tl •• CENTRE HALL Hardware Store. .1,0. DKININGER A new, complete llnrdwnro Sure h* burn opened by the under-igned .n Cen ire Hull, where be i- prepared to *ell .■! kind of Building ai-., Fi '•< • nnd Hub . is 1 1 C,il i Xi s le ' V 1... i il I T liellr, • .r| ' r'lo. ! r • Vr I'ii tures framed In the f ■ .p >: ishorfiot notice. ■ f*r ?hnn clsi\vt u; Maiiliotnl How L -I. •' ;♦•!(• 11 , .1 I. < ',.t. '. .I I * i - * • ••'i rhr •{ si-r m t r • " v iluuUrr I • M ''Uvt 1 i . - I .r i li♦ ■ I ivh1 • t ♦\Y •' *' r. tu .'I •*! ... . i.:#•• • • >•.■* 1 {i, trt ' Authoi in •• . !. riy .1. Minn-tr a* -, f m.ii • y a' -u c*■ , . .t„ li t tit- *1 truing iji)mic*i. of abuse ll> Iw* mHlral'iV 0 tfl •It &•*! lilt (ttigpni i|io of liilfrnit >nf)l< i ■ the C t>. km c, iMftntlng ut h m> ii of f . •< crrt viM Iud ©nOttt*l, by UMIROR of wtii I - rjr •• r u> u*ttr wtial hiu • nlit|.ui m.y ho. may cm Uhua-if cheaply. irtvtnly, nd tl> lata lectur all mi Id h" In tho lunUol nvatry jrout * ml cvwry man lu the Uml Sunt under im*l. In u plain enwlopi, to any addmsi post paid, UO rouolpv of all centb or tw af •taiUp* Ad Irene (ho pahltbheru. THE CULVKitW KLL MEDIC VL CO 41 Ann St., New York; P. O B.n. 4S QOODs.j KM BROIDERIES, WHITE \ GOODS, notiuN- LAI)IE*" READY MADE >L*ITS, PARA SOi.R. I MBKKLLAS, KANt GOODS, IM TS, CAPS, JKHfTh AND SHOES, B W . K'C. (i ROC K R V i> itiirui:\ r \V It lull in ' ! A hoi : i' ai, Syrups, Dried pf Ctt ii -anrl wife witt Yourself iunr * D<5 of Addrm* W. FOX, DoiT rulSTlll". S V Au# 11. So> iifinpr nUnot hor* iKMk ll krMB ll hutln. -ne.'lt.** poetloM b> a h"r*ra . * f <1 **•. * l*r* .-.HroUoti of **i r not/ rnl •" •"llins ,h " **" ' • fc UvJtx >r*. >n *nußr*lu h rr.T and a lar* ani.' int ot lhr *luabl h.* In'orroadoa P. Wtn Hall a.. I law Iwuahl h..k th.l 1 eatd .1 a.l 1. lor Mch t do 00l Ilk" m rt-a'iari .riatggja.ttr'iag Ayer's Cherry Pectoral IFor Dtacaaea of the Throat and Lunc. tmcb as Coughs. _ Colds, Whooping 5 Cough, Brot la Us. | Asthma, and Cera- Tlie repntation it lias attained, in consequence of the marvellous cures it has produced during the tsast half cen tury. is a sufficient assurance to the public that it will continue to realize the happiest results that ctu. bo desired. In almost every section of country there arc persons, publicly known, who have been restored froui alarming aud even desperate diseases of the lungs, by its use. All who have tried it ac knowledge its superiority; and wln re its virtues are known, no one hesitates as to what incdiclnc to employ to re lieve the distress aud suflcrlng peculiar to pulmonary affections. Chekky I'i.O TOKAL always affords instant relief, aud performs rapid cures of the milder va rieties of bronchial disorder, as well as the more formidable diseases of the lungs. As u .safeguard to children, amid the distressing diseases which beset the Throat nud Chest of Childhood, it Is invaluable; for, by its timely use, multitudes arc rescued aud restored to health. j This medicine gains friends at ; every trial, as the cures it is constantly producing are too remarkable to be forgotten. No family should be with out it, ami thoso who have once used it never wilL Eminent Physicians throughout the country prescribe It, and Clergymen often recommend It from their knowl edge of its effects. riIXPAJUD T Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass., Practical and Analytical Ch< imliti. Mu> B* am avaa nvuaax. —HARDWARE ! WILSON, M'FARLANE A" CO. . NSW GOOfiS— BANfCfiBtCS.S.I S H B t r. a O A Si KTOVFH liIATIIKS H.%SGEK V K U f. it i: S K 8 Wc h< uM jmh iaMy c*i) a'tonti •. I tic Queen Cook Stove, i:: AND THE— VV.FI.GOa2 rloas H2AYJWG G7OV2. fOk. Si oulitelj Nfc!!<• r fpec B*ro\. itari.ixi: A I 0., 11UMJV__BU> K BRLI.KKONTR. PENH A =S^ Spring Mills O. K !p NEW KOOMI SEW GOODS' jU at I. J. Grenoble'* J>iht ! Je SPRING MILLS. U tins tfcp uo Klf. Lnr-jre* 1 . Mock t SELECTION UNSURPASSED!! Prices Lower tlian Q Ever, And now extend* a cordial invitation V TJ Lit friend*, patron*, and pubHc genera;- M Also a Complete Aasoitment ol P Ready Made Clothing for nen and lj t>oy. Suits as low as to be had in the H city. H Imported and Domestic DRTGOODS !f Pull line* of ,■ MERINO UNDERWEARS, For Ladies, Gents, Boys, Misaea and|p Children. Hosiery, Gloves, Boots and c boea, ip HATS. CAPS, CARPETS AND OIL L CLOTHS, P Vnd the moat complete a*ortment of NOTIONS 3 n Central Pennsylvania, a'n'. price* tbt | you in *ell t- uy ' ' bm . Also Pish, Salt, otc 18ocit> A full line of Howe Sewing Machine* i iud Needle* for all kinds of machines j Al*o deal* in all kind* of Grain. Mar| iket price p -id lor he *ame. A *padally| {in IV 'AL by ibej * r '"ad I Jai. Harris Co. NO. 5, BROCKERIIOFF ROW. ' JRO&M'IL&j I* A I N T S, OILsT ETC.. ittonatrontol hoe# heel** l"dLi'.WJlid'xJSi a*lo. will trw op and h*v aMMWIedMd Ujjoj j aggaA.jebaa'*—'• PENNSVALLFY BANKING CO CENTRE HALL. PA RECEIVE DEPOSITS and ullowlnte est; Discount Notes; Buy and Soil GovernmentSocuritie* Gold and Coupoi *. WM. AVOLT, Wm. B. Misql*. Pres't. Cashier I That Ads at tha Same Time em I R THE LIVER, B THE BOWELS, I] Jf, and the KiDNEYS. U I T' •- -cS errir ee the Vaterel rl ■ H ■ mof the evrteas. If Uscj wart wo*** and U 11 OBenarkaer to-Areataqaartacf ■ Il raataiaiar o Spirit, beta* jurpared f |t pare water. D rwr ' -iftist rJ peiO.k* yjx, Audf I N i^r-iAur y*t. , K luti- Wurt auu ilep < ior sal by J I) Murray _ I tVATEFS' Orchestrion rhlmesORGAN Mlkr neat beaillftt <" ion* ever made. t'eeMMMp. wSI | l'i ii.'rKWTKWWaI, 1 Hl >tKJ*. CHAPRU and tOTTAt.KOB ;A.NM. t t rtlgur Kren.-h I'aKaareweec. ry reepeet KIKt-T l USH. WATERS'PIANOB,gib: AUKTIIB BEST Tone, Teach, Worktr nnhip.A lBr*bllli • naurpaeecU. Waitutel for SIX YKAB*. PRICES EXTRKMEI.Y l.uW /ce caeh. Uoathly reevned. A I.ibcra.l lliarenet f > Tm. t'r s . M,nitten,Ckurrha,Sehal\ (iV.AGEYTS W ANTE#, spcvlnl Induce iiiente to Ibc trudc.llluatratrd i aialoaere ond-haed Inatromentse'tJrea: llnr*aln\ HORACE k\ ATKHS A' I:tii -.factnrere and Ocelera, 40 EAST I tb STREET. CAW ' SQt'AUE, NEW VOUK. lt*. SWT