The Centre reporter. (Centre Hall, Pa.) 1871-1940, September 18, 1879, Image 4

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Krwa And for Womrw-
Nearly all the pawnbrokers of France
are women.
The Jyondon skating "rinks an* to be
turn* d into lawn-tennis grounds.
Chicago is manufacturing -traw go,,vis
in great quantities for the milliners.
Kiglit, nine and even ten bridesmaid*
are seen at fashionable K.nglish wed
Thtead lace vf many different colors
has lux n import xl for tlie use of the mil
The Afodcrw .-trye believes that one
girl in the kitchen is worth two at the
front gate.
The richest unmarried woman in
Pennsylvania is a vlaughter vf the lab*
Asa Packer.
Stooljhirds' heads with jet ls**ks and
eyes arc among tlie ornaments imported
for fall hats.
lk-xaouea an* to be short anvl even all
around, or else curved upward at the
sides this winter, it is said.
Mr. Hollo way is actively uroeeixling
aUutt the envtion of thv* piwissn d eoi
lv*j..* for \vomen in Kugland. The whole
v*ost, it is said, will lw more than fx'.'HV.-
Plumes for all bonnets, birds fur these
worn on dress ovvasions. and flowers tor
every-day wear, is said to K* the vv inter
programme of the milliners, so far as it
is arranged.
Presses made in the style of forty
years ago with square nsks. a little
puff' on the slopre, a gathered skirt ami
short train, appeal - now and then at
F.ngiish parlies.
Tlie new silks for autumn wear have
brocaded stripes of to v*r thrvc vs>lv>ix
or else small shot figures. Thv>se strje>
are about an inch wide, anvl alternate
with pen■ i I line** of twilled satin. These
silks will Ih- usixi tvvr sashes, side pauels
or vests.
Shirring is to Iwtwxi in all kinds of
fantastic \\ ays this winter, and knife ami
box p ailing will appear on all skirt*
Y -iy few MM n have the whole
sk rt plaited kilt fashion, possibly U*-
cause that style Is tolerably vxunlortahle
in winter.
Three or lour stuffs rre required to
make black eostuui, * now First i* the
hexvv silk of which the drc- is ostea
sib v vwmposetl; thea the velvet brocade
for the draped sash, tl.en the satin for
pipings, ami last of ail the cheap silk of
the underskirt.
Silver brooches, void bracelets fat*.*
of marahv'Ut featlu :*. v*rystal itK-kets.
marquiM* rings ot arl ami turquoise,
anil pins headed with a visoounl s cor
onet in pearls anvl tliamonds are among
the gilts recently bestowed on bridea
maid* by F.ngiish bridegrooms.
Some of the ls>nn, ts prepared for the
autumn by the French milliners have
itecrown v*overv*d with plumage ola
bird, anvl the brim Uidvten by gathered
velvet or silk, and others have ail the
trimming placed vn 'he brim, and the
crown composed ot -ilk or satin.
Something verv like an al>sv>iutely in
destructible artnl- of mil.inery has
been devised by English women who
have the serge hats matching their
traveling dresses made up without any
wire or any net lining, the shape U-ing
given by running an elastic around the
crowft. anvl thick piping cords in the
shirringsof the brim. A hat made in
this fashion can n, i her la* bent nor
crushed, and cannot be mavle to look any
worse, by any fury of wind or weather,
then it does when new.
Plata Word* to Carrl**a v.lrl*.
Tiie tender and gen, rai feeling of sym
pathy for the suicide I.xvinia Roach
will rapidly abate rcw that the girl's
historv is known. She seems to have
started in life with unusually good pros
pects, for though 1 umb.y born and bred
she was so pleasing in face and manner
as to excite :h, kindly interest of her
betters. Had she maintained the self
control which is within the power of
every woman she might to-uay be a
happy wife instead of a ioathsome
corp*.'. She t>refv-rred to have a " gixal
time"—an expression not uncommon
among girls, ami not necessarily of a
had meaning, though the beginnings ot
tied good time are never with had in
sant the end is almost universally dis
graceful. To k,*-p company with men
apparently above their own station
men who dr<-s well, have money and
call themselves gentleman—is by such
gir'.s heivl to in* a delightful honor, but
not a particle of honor or respect does it
ever bring them from their male txim
panions. What thev usually g*t is
shame, disgrace and at -rrible wviunding
ot aIT-vtions really urc that may have
been honestly stinr,: atvd under promi*es
foolishly believed. Some of these
womencharacter enviugh to b*-gin
an- w life, hut the streets of any large
city after nightfall -how what becomes
of most of them. Perhaps the womanly
in ntiveto love one unselfishly
may be a- strong in tb in as it ever was.
but who wiit a ,-ep* their love? The
-tor. ofLavinia R-,.u h. pretty and lady
.ike to the day of ln-r death, gives sutii
cient an-wer. if young women would
extra ' the greatest possible happin,
out of life let tin in never exchange the
nleasures of their own social circle,
humdrum though tliey may lie, for tlie
s ietv of bright young men who can
give tl. ni -uppers and invite them to
lialis. drives and excursions. Men
whose intentions are honorable woo
girls at their homes, not by st<-aith and
in •*- '-of-the-wav places.— Sac Yuri
The Wonderful Lixerpool Hocks.
The Liverpool docks, as tliey stand at
pr-*se-nt.are among the wonders ot the
world. Sin-e the formation of the first
wet disk, in 1719, tlie extension of th—e
inland basins has been continuous. Fif
teen years ago they covered an area of
water Sfiee to the ext-nt of 'IT! ai res,
and the quays were nineteen miles in
length. Since then there has been no
cessation of dock exP-ntion. To enumer
ate or describe them would till many
pages. There areth *>althouse, Albert
and Canning docks, the Clarence half
tide dock, the Prtn, - half-tide dock,
the Manchester let-in. the Wapping
'■asin. the Coburg, -n-wii k. 1 nion.
Toxteth and dozensef other docks, with
the Gorve Piazr i-at the bottom of St.
.fam'*'street, n slior distance from tie*
Town Hall. Every ixinveniencr and fa
cility for the speedy tmnsaelion of hu-i
--ness sufrounds them. A broad open
thoroughfare, tapping at right
many of the principal streets, runs along
their whole length; in this roadway is a
double line of rails, which branch off
also and surround s< vi-ral of the basins
and docks; orunibu-e* and train ears
travirse it p,*rj>eti:.-t y during the day
from end to end. Tl-*- scene is a busy
oneabrays. A burr* ing polyglot multi
tude, constantly on tin- move in and out
about the sheas; great vans and wains,
laden witlx produce, cotton bales, ores,
Manchester piece goods, eases of every
size and description, containing cochi
neal, indigo. flax, jute, guano, mahogany,
v.ressod hides and untanned, molasses,
raw silk.'and the thousand and one ar
ticles of home, colonial and foreign pro
duce needed to carry on the manufactur
ing processes of the world; the engines
rattling 'and puffing impatiently, as they
winter along with their long line of at
tendant wag, >ns, m rnutf. for the great
terminus higher up in the town.
Great Cities ot the World.
London is the Largest city in the
world. The population of that part of
the metropolis " within tlie Uegistrar-
Gent-mCg tables of mortality" was. in
IftTl. when the last census was taken,
3.254.iJfif1, but the population in that dis
trict is BOW estimated at 3.62A,K68. (The
" City" of London, within tlie Lord
has less than hO.-
t)Oi) inhabitants.) Paris (%'rtainly is
e- cond. with 1,988,806 population, ae
enrdingto the census of December 31,
1876. Tlie third, fourth and fifth places
it is difficult to assign in their order.
April 17, 1875, Vienna (including the
suburbs) had 1,026.770 inhabitants;
B*-!.*m JpWagner's tables since have esti
mated the population at 1,091.999. Tlie
. i ulation of New Y'ork city in 1875
was 1,046.037. Berlin, on the 9th of No
vember last, had 1,04 i.682 inhabitants.
Ah -t of Ike hooks say in round numbers
th i Canton, Peking. Changehow,
Siangtan and Singan, China, have each
a million inhabitants, but these figures
are mere guesses, and observations of
late years tend to show that the existing
estimate# of Chinese population are
greatly exaggerated. Maitin. indeed.
bile giving a population of 405.000.000,
doubts ifit is more than 300,000,000; our
own impression is that the still lower
- -timate# of from 220,000.000 to 250,000,-
460 are nearer the truth.— Chimqo
i .
A Fireman's Horrible Heath.
Joseph K. Saffety . engineer <>f a tug
boat moored to a oier in Now York, ami
hi* fireman, l.cnnder Fuller, won' sitting
in the little engine-room. when they
were startled by a sharp crackling noise
lliat came from a pipe running through
the engine-room. This pipe carrh >1 the
steam from the drumhead to the engine,
ami ln>tb men, thoroughly experienced
in their work, knew that the sound was
e*usl by hot steam meeting cold water.
They sprang to their teet at onee, for the
danger was imminent; tmt Ivfore either
of them could stir. the bulkhead, a lew
fit't forward of the cMgine-rxami, was
blow n off with a terrific explosion. The
vessel was shaken from the t*>w to the
stern, and uiueh of her wookwork was
shattered. The bulkhead trembled. and
the m>ise was heard for blocks away.
The steam poured in a dense volume
into tbe engine room, horribly scalding
the two men who were there. lhe
front window was open, and afforded it
easy access, iut letli the ihnirs were
elosixi. The engineer. howi ver. cscaned
at theMnrtniard side, badly scalded; out
when the fireman ruslnsl to the port
door, he found it would n >i open more
than a tew inches, for the ■ xplosion had
overthrown the funnel, cast it against
the door. and rendered all egn*s* at that
side impoasihle. Hut, flrenzied by the
agony mused by the scalding steam.
Fuller kickisl and buffeted the oKkm tl
door in his ftttile efforts to get out, and
only when he had almost .**t the an
pea ran i e of v di>l he turn and
rush toward the ot cr dooi
It was too late lhe door. indissl
*t*xd wide open, as the engineer had let!
it, but tin" tin-man was 100 weak to
reach it. He had agwiu and again in
haled the steam, and. \y itti a quick,
sharp cry of despair and agony, he sank
on the tloor ofthe engine room
Meanwhile the noise of tin- explosion
had awakened every one in the \ teinity.
and a crowd of men and women were
ducking down upon the bulkhead. It
had a so arous,xl the cook ;uut the dx-k
hand, William llogan. The latter
jumpetl tVoni his berth, and, without
waiting to vires* himself, rushed on deck.
He saw the tinman, now unconscious.
1\ ing on tlie floyirof the engine-rxoui, .not
dashing r>s .!es.s'v through the steam, lie
seized the prostrate man by the feet ami
draggtat hiui out, feat fully scalding him
self as h<" did s>.
A dozen willing hands grasped the
living man as he was drawn upon the
deck A litter was quickly formevl and
he was taken t the nean->t poiice sta
tion. the engineer, though terribly in
jured, walking bravely by bis side. An
ambulance was telegraphed for, ami tvotb
ncn were taken to the Chambers Str>s t
Hospital, where Fuller's cloth, - were
removed piecemeal. He was mumi to
b.' injured beyoud all hope of recovery
I'll.- skin was peeled fnnu every pari ol
hi* body. and lhe hair and nails were
seal vital off. He recoverevl bis senses
slowly, but his sufferings were so excru
ciating that he was placed under the in
fluence of uiorptiine. and at >ix o'clock he
rhe engineer. Safft-ry, was alsv> in ter
rible agony, but bis injuries were not
t-onsidered necessarily fatal.
Singular and Alarmlug Are! dents.
A great calamity has befallen the
Commune of Hrusio (Switzerland) in
tlie Grisoo*. At tlie e.ose tf a day of
iu tense beat, a waterspout burst over
the district; immense volumes of water
rushed down the pnvipitous sides of the
l'iz ,ii St. Hetuigio. bringing with them
great pieces of rook ami masses v,f <*artli.
the Sitcone overflowed its banks, ami ad
the houses in Brusto. the church and
the presbytery were tl> led No ito
were 10-t, but many buildings were much
damaged, and the crops are entirely
A correspondent of the B*n<l, writing
from I'ri. describes an extraordinary A.-
piiif arddent which lisppened twently,
anil nearly had a fatal termination. l>r.
il am pert. of Ottenhacu, witli the guide
Vincenz Bissig ami Heir tiisler. of Un
ix lau>i-H Inn, had made the ascent of tin
Schetrhorna. As they were returning
(iisler. who was acting as potter, ami
liatl on his back a weighing seventy
pounds, made a false step and tliMsxl.
lie thereupon. against the desire of lii>
companions, untied the rope by whieh
they xvere attached, -tying he might
slip again. and lie was determined to en
danger no other lifethan his own. I'hey
were then on a steep ice slope. Shortly
afterward tiisler did slip again, and.
losing his footing, shot with frightlui
velocity in the direction of a crevasse
forty feet deep ar.d six feet wide. As lie
Beared the brink, however, tiisler. who
is a man of powerful frame and great
presence c f mind, contrived to spring to
Ids feet. and. clearing the creva-.-c at a
a boupd. alighted unhurt on the otlier
side, where, tlie slope heing less steep, In
was able to keep his footing. He joints!
the others lower down the mountain,
and ali arrived safely in the evening at
the Klausen Inn.
The I'ses of the Tougne.
To taste and talk, of nurse! It does
neither. An ulcerated tongue was
lately cut entirely out at the Royal
Fioe Hospital in "le ndon. Within a
week the man was heard distinctly to
sav. " I should like some more ho f
tea." Blindfold a man. ask him to open
his mouth wide and keep it own, put
salt on his tongue, or a drop of worai
wiml oil: he cannot tellthediff" renee.
Take half a teaeupful of ice water,
pour it into the center of a dose of castor
oil: open the mouth, put the rim of tie
cup far back on the tongue, toss up the
etip, doxvn goes the oil without a taste
of it. as long as you keep your month
open, or do not allow the oil to touch
the lips. Is taste then in the lips?
Rut. reader, where have you leen all
your life that you should know no better
than to believe that the sense of taste is
in the tongue or the lips? This may
show how unobservant most person
an-. The great and lamented Agassir.
was brought by a painter to look at a
fish; the artist himself thought it xra.-
as near perfection as possible. In an in
stant the philosopher -aid to him.
" Don't you see you have left out three
scales." To produce the sensation of
taste, the tongue, the lt|.s anil the sub
stance must all come in contact at the
- one time, or in the process of smack
ing the lips.— Hall.
A tila-s Mountain.
\ notiier marvel recently brought to
iight in the Yellowstone Park of North
America is nothing Ics than a mountain
if oh-idian or volcanic glass. Near the
foot of Beaver Igtke. a hand of explorers
eanie upon this remarkable mount-tin.
which rises at that place in columnar
cliffs and rounded bosses to rnanv hun
dn ds of feet in altitude, from hissing hot
springs at the margin of the lake. As it
xvas desirable to pass that way. the
p.-irtx limi to qtitnut a road through the
s'iep glassy barrii-ade. This they
•tr . ted by making huge tires on the
;• 1.-is- to thoroughly heat and expand it,
and tin n dashing the eald water of the
lake against the heated surface, s<> as to
suddenly cool and bri-ak it up by shrink
age. I.nrge fragments were in this way
detached from the solid side of the
mountain, then broken up small by
sledge hammers and picks. not, how
ever. without severe lacerations of the
hands and faces of the men from flying
splinters. In the Grand Onion of tin
(iihlton river the explorers also found
precipices of yellow, black and banded
olwidian hundreds of feet high. The
natural glass of these localities bar from
time immemorial been used by the In
dians to tip their spears and arrows.
The Sweet Hay of Moneton.
(Jrowing in the meadows here and
tlure on the marshes at Moneton, Ont.,
there is a "sweet hay'" that would
startle a western hay field. The js-r
--funie it exhales is very sweet and
vi ry lasting. Little ornamental and
work baskets are woven from it,
and it retains its sweet perfume for
years. You can smell this hay when you
drive past the meadows, and it is enough
to make you wish you were a horse, to be
fed on such ambrosial hay as this. It is
a perfume not altogether unlike, al
though much sweeter than sweet clover;
but grows in much sweeter places
Sweet clover grows more thickly in
Happy Hollow than in any place I know
of. But sweet hay grows in the pleas
ant meadows on the sea marshes and by
the tidal creeks and rivers. It mingles
with the home-like odor of the new
mown hav; while you smell it you can
liear the cheery song of the mowers, and
now and then the clink of the scythe
stone ringing a pleasant accompaniment
to ttie song. There is a smell of brine too,
in 1 he breeze that steals in from the sea,
and a scent of pine that it catches from
the hill.— Burlington llawlreye Corrts
Cunning men always get beaten in the
long run. because they are just as dul
on one side as they are sharp on the
The I,ongr*t Heard In the World.
A correspondent of the 1 let roil /1 ►-/
and JWniw writes fhtm Adrian. Midi ,
of a certain Kdw'n Smith, who l the
possessor of a remarkable lieard. The
correspondent says Ordinarily Mi
Smith ami hi* beard would uotailtract
especial attention. He doe* not let it
sw ay at its own free will at all times, hut
keeps it tied ill a compact bunch under
his chin, holding it fast with thread and
hairpins When thin* " done up"lt does
not appear to lie of unusual length unless
til- observation is close. So w bile it lias
vauiie to l,e generally known in the vi
cinity of Mr. Smith's residence that bis
heard is uuusiiallv long, but few people
have ms'ii it in all its enormou* length
except as hervinaftt i stated lie is forty
seven year* of age. He is about si\ feet
high and weigbs II > pounds 111-litoi
and beard are sand, ami tinged with
gray He has a pale taee, blue eyes,
a high forehead, and all intelligent ahd
pleasant appearance. At thirteen years
of age he U'gilll to raise a beard, and
while yet a young schoolboy win pos
scsscvl of alight silken covering to face
and lie, k. rivaling la > ugl h I hat l many
of his seniors Hut lie became lirevl of
this, and shaved almost vlaiiy l<,i
several years, keening Ids face smooth
and beardless lie contiiuud to att-ml
school in w bat used to be know n as the
Sherman district, Huron county Tin
growth of his Want was not. In>w< v, i.
sufficiently rapid to atti act any *ix-ial
notice. In ItvV* became to Michigan,
where he mart led. His health fixtiti
tm\ hood has not lieen vif the best, hilioll*
ami lung troubbxv Is-iiig most c.imiiii'ti.
In lsnl In* health failed, and lie went
tv> California in the hope of regaining it
It was the fashion among tlie initiei>
of tbvoe viays to allow their beards to
grow . It was agreed among several of
them, Mr. Smith among the intuit* 1,
dial they would allow their beards to
grow for *ix months, and six* w bicli
could at the end *>f that timelmast of the
longest. Mr. Smith outstripped ad
rivals, ami allowed Ids lieard to grow
from then on. The nature ol the miners
work made it convenient l> tie or fasten
the lieard under the chin. In this way
Mr Smith tir>t became aecusivitutai to
wearing it long, with the supvtiluoiis
length lied Up v>Ul of the way 'And
now." said be. "you see what it has
grown to." And v.- your comxtpoudent
looked from the smiling faceol the man,
ami then turned to go una sear, li lor tin
other end of the I ward, he thought of tlie
story of the steeple whiv'h was so ta.l
that you bad to !.s>k twice to six* the top
of it. There couid la* no mistake alx>Ut
it Each ittdivitlua liair stretched Its
silken, wavy length from face to floor
' Now t WtU ihoi IN liow ,oiig it is,
saivi Mr. Smith, ami lie stepped upon i
chair and slovml erect. (*ii:. its length
was so great that tlie foot i oulvl lie p.aced
on the ends, which touched the fliair.
The bearvl has been carefu; y trimmed,
so thai it is ol even weight and size to
the wry end. T and ling a litth paper
wliieii was laid away in a drawer, h,
saivl. "That's its length last w inter.' and
unwound a m < mingy o|idir*s bait
When measured it was found to b,
seven f**et four inches long. " Now w
will measure"! lie lt anl as it is to-day.'
said he. ami l,H>k,d lor tb yard-stick.
Seven feet iv inch, - and a ha f was tin
The Bowery Hoy.
The N-w York MMMtal of tin
1 k lroit y>tt /Vr.ts say . The 7Y m<s has
been lament ing over the disappearance
of the Bowery buy. once one of the most
picturesque adjuncts of Gotham, and it
tells of an interview that Thackeray had
with hitn one night on a Howcrv corner
The specimen was one of the U*st. ami
Thackeray. just to Irv him and *■
what sort ola creatur, he was. went up
to him and said "My friend. I should
like to go to Broadway." " Well," re
plied Mo-e. in his p.s uliar draw i. am:
looking patronizingly at the gray haired
novelist. " Y'ou i-an go, sonny, it you
won't stay too long." This satisfied
Thackeray that the Bowery l>v was •
queer customer. Hut tlie spcciim n he
niet w as more polite than one acixistrd in
the same way by another stranger. " My
friend." lie said. " t want to go to tin
Astor House " " W ... said Mo-e. w itli
out taking the " 1/otig Nine" cigar froiu
bet we* n his lips, '* Why the d,*u< >■ don't
you go?" That was a good d-al more
like* the real Bowery by of old times
than the answer to Tharketay. Itxit the
Howery Hoy really has disappeared. A
f,w relics of him may -till la* *> nin out
of the wuv places, but the man hiitm-if
is gone, lie began to die when the old
lire department was disbanded, and he
is now little more than a tradition. The
Bowery boy was usually to be wen be
twivnGrand stris*t ami Chatham square.
That neighborhood is now almost entire
}given over to lager beer saioons and
disreputable tnu-ie halls. Twenty years
ago it was one of the headquarter* of the
gamblers, but you timi none of these
gentry in the neighlsirtiood now. No
quarter in N<w Y'ork has changed mor,
than the Bowery. It used to beaverj
gissl elan*for business, anl n number o!
large dry goods stores were there. The
Howery hoy himself lia* left nosu<x*eaeor
We hare roughs and rowdies in abun
danee yet, but they all of a brum
tyjs*. and no more like tin* Bowery U,v
,>t twenty years ago than the Fifth
avenue swell, with a round niece of
glass stuck in one eye, is like a gentle
man. *
A lirrmsn Heroine.
A gamekeeper living in a solitary house
near Wclheitn IJ\ hi* daughter at borne
by Iter-elf to prepare the vlinti, r. on a re
<x-nt Sunday, while lie and tin* n-*t of
his fami y went to church. Tlo-y had
not ts n gon<- long win ti an old man.
apparently half dead with > old. solieitixt
charity at the house-, and the young
woman, out of compassion, let him in
and went into the kitchen to prepare
him gome soup. Through a window
which communicated from the kitchen
with the risiin in which she left him sh>
perceived that lie 11.-ut dropjied the heard
tie wore when he entered; that he now
appearsl a robust man. and thai he was
pacing the chamber with a jsiniard in
lii< hand. Finding no mode of escape,
she arun-d h-rsell with a chopper in one
h.-iiwl and the boiling soup in the oilier,
and. entering the room where In- was.
first threw tlie soup in his face, and then
struck him a blow with the hatchet on
the nifk. which brought him to the
ground sense less. At this moment a
fr-sh knock at the door occasioned her
to look out of an upper window, when
she saw a strange hunter who demanded
admittance, and on her refusal threat
ened to break open the door. She im
mediately got her father's gun. and. as
he was proceeding to put his threat into
execution, she shot nim through tin
right shoulder, on which In* made his
way back to the forest. Half an hour
after a third person came and asked after
an old man who must have passed that
way. She said she knew nothing of
hint, and. after useless menaces if she
did not open the he also proci eded
to break it in, wh" sin- shot him dead
on the sjMit. The excitement of ln-r
courage Is-ing now at an end. her spirits
began to sink, and she fired shots and
screamed from the windows until some
gendarmes were attracted to the house,
hut nothing would induce Iter to open
the door until the return of ln-r father
from church.
A Family's l ragie End.
A few miles from Wittsburg, St. Fran
cis county, Arkansas lived a widow
named iiammelt. Tlic woman wan en
gaged in farming, and. though site had
two grown sons, was compelled to em
ploy a young man to superintend farm
Inlaws. Mrs. Hainm'tt was about forty
years of age. The laborer w:es a mere
boy. but an attachment soon sprang up
between the widow and the youth.which
ended in a matrimonial proposal. The
wedding day was fixed. The two sons,
bearing of the matrimonial arrange
menvs tiiat find been made between their
mother and the stripling, called upon
her and tried to disuade her from
marriage. The widow refused to accept
her.'Mais' counsel. The sons made threats
but the widow aflirtned that she loved
the young man, and would marry him at
all hazards. The sons went away, and
at the appointed time theyoung man ap
peared, attired for the wedding. The
minister came, and friends were assem
bled. "Thou art man and wife 11 had
hardly twin pronounced, when a flash
at the win<h>w, followed by a loud re
port, terrified the women and astonished
the men. Another flash, another report,
and the newly made husband sank to
the floor. The widow'sygunger son was
the murderer. lie fled, but was cap
tured. Next day the young husband
died, and shortly afterward the widow's
younger son, in attempting to escape,
was shot and killed; and report says
that shortly afterward the elder brother
went to his mother's house and heat her
brains out with a cluh.— l.iillt Hock
(Ark.) GarMlc
NEWS Sll MM All Y.
£aftlm and Middla Staltt.
SunMorCiittkHni ti*npor*tir prtildwtl
umt \ it <1 Wlmlii }iriiiaittut |nNii
tiriil t•! Ihc K(i)<ulphimii Ml (
Ablifu It Cor*ll uiNUiuiitcul
I,hi (MivrimM uiion |h rtrnl iwnlfitm
'2M vutm i 100 lur KiUiiou, 40 flu Marlii,
,U |tl tol HlMtnwk Httil i I'M
SltHkii riiti t| (lie SlMlt* lickcl l
ultkU(>Yk lei l.unitrimnl itdVWtlur, (imuUß
ii lltkuWiitu; l tMi|iioll*i, si W Wmliwiirlii,
SwrvUry ot siMto. Uaiiaml J M C'urr; I rww
uivr, Nikiltutt l W4iilf*ll Alt4iriioy<Utnifial,
.HAHIIm Itpn oUllonn mloi'lvtl llio
iinrty U •• imtuuiMi rt|tiaJ n^lila.
|i*4 riivUvißi Mint huu<( Wuiivy,"
thr iNnibt mlu lUiuwhUUvw in ( iiiigruN
tv Ui(h ol itftululi(itr)' niU'tiipt* Mint
nvtiilf> nK M-lirtiiM, tttw Urt* II UIUHi|IO
IIt Illl|f t4||H4||4tl| U MIIV Mt('t!l|'l t* (MfUMkl ill*
lUkliMKkl clxlioß laWm ; kMdlt tlml Iho Ko
ouhllOMki jMkii) "iivtliivr instil!** ir itiUoaloo
UilllliUy kulriltiiriM'o Willi ol* tioli*." hot
"MH'ia only I** I'lDhvl (ho t*Mll%( !►•% frtmi (!io
ili(oiloirtio ol lotxo MID! I rami. ihnl
Iho Ih iuooiuHf |ar(y " lUl\h*l (horilm •
•ton ol l\M*jcrwM Without WMitaiil or •nuw,
IIDIMAHIUIifI !• |MItiMU |>lirfMJM IM tJf Wulll
lioilUt > uivtlHkl* n! ithtUuUitK
rvwtuii|'tott Mtii l hit 1 '|U Stiulhoi n rlomonl
ntW rIM tHt||flluall4Al4 ouly Willi VltllolMTM . " Mi
ni m UiMl • llio ift tMMllll rT04iJliol4 ol •|HM-|r>
IK%\ inoiito DviiHwroiM |>raliohtiu MI1
iuwUlilN IM U onia uiiiK cUcaiiml o (ho Hr
l>(ihttk<4u (tiuiiii iki jMiiwy, aiitl tiiat "our
vfhillo I'UrtlMH'V •tivHllii tier kr>|t( at J*Mf With (hr
iiiMurlary >(midlm!>( oj liir cmitimcrvial world.
nut Mtijf u((rtti|*l l* ttrlwkr ihr (MtiUur\i, (*
i|p|irti-t(f ihr *4| tlclnhprutr thr o*(!i,
ihouM iiv ilimly twiatiptl," IIO(IMI
thf }*! tiMiti Mitd uii|<atrtolio u f w^t which in
j.f*U old ( iikui aitiiivrt from their wril de
•rived reWatxU Mild nd\nu-wi I ottlodctnte
Dt.ldu'ls (0 thru |UitfM." ttiMiu(Am iliat thr
ra tni4lliktTil 0llUllli(tMt|0|| t| SlM(e MltkilM inui
been M hicied Kr|nU!Kmn innMMoreM.
M1I1 (hnt the nttriiif I d a Kcj thilt*Mli
tote to eel or 111 uim]Uiil ti Uua wmm on war
tntitahh delealMl by (he |>te*rot Heiuocmue
executive; Mod in coiwtuaiotft Mfttnus thai
ituMiek I and (raUftiMkrtadoa oor)krliouN, lc
itlH tPlealtwl lvr |obllC our. hooid le MP o|4Mr
% ird nod rcfjolateci "mj* i Mecoreth© jiuil Mod
iio|MUlial tieatmeiit ol all ttitnrted
At the state Convetitioii 4| the New York
Php)uUhuttu>h held tit Sytitt UMc, a toll ticket
headed t>\ John W Mri lor tmvpiuiir, tm
(Hit to (lie rtri.l ntut leoiuUotti wrte md*|*tel
ileiHHtrcttt|; the licpnr Mystetu; ilc liitiiij; that
• Diudu'a \DPCf hitui(i tie heard at the }iilla,
aud Awntiht; that an the iie, ahlo ati, lkxttD-
Ctatk uii t iittcutaik }atttea ate " liijelrMl\
wedded lo the rota }Hwrr, ' a •e|afal } to
hihitioti |1\ !• "an tOkli|4etiMbie |elnicl
uecewdlty ol lite ttttie*
I.rW m lata) . t Welti) •ekelt, altd t lafitM
Juuck, l w eld) -our, were blown tolo
kiuall j ic* r liy an ui tuito-fclycer
tuc Will* which they wne alK'Ul to i)>rinlr Uji
oti att oil well at tieii CaUip, l*a A UUI
horwM a till a ho££t were alo blown *o atuiiit
by the tel l I le ©aplowiott
ln%oluiitary |ria-watiii|CM tn taukru|itry
at oat the Krt Vt H )1 Murtw) Itat tt levti
U>|*uit ut ttuiUtMvl. Coua.
1 he Mttaii Mtltlij{ >cht Weal Wind cajwifrd
at HeotlerMOt llatbor, Itlttr mil liclti th
tow it (4 Sac Lett • Karl/or. N Y., aud id the
mm itieti 011 (• ainl r veil were drowtiml Ihr
•r'rtt tneit who were drowned miuti j tot to
••wan huli a tittle to the ihtirr, while the two
patrd cluti|; toB|r until mruwl Five id
lhoe liwt leave taimlteM.
Nil werka altri the wile id rl-Slirfitf Kerti
ol I*hlla4les}>huk luol i>eeu latteu b) a pel
•he riliititrv) to|tt*uia id bydnj'bdtU, aud
ill a few da) a diod ill iCieat ft^ua)
lo Hoatotf t liar lea IhttttOlid. late l/raiurrf ol
the Maaanchuaetta llotite \t iaaoitiar) HurWtjr,
luu> been h - I Si>r vutiHMtiufl on a charge i 4
in anawet U> the M| |>rl id the M ttt|*hta
1 lwafia lor pecuniary bel| Jay tele
tirwpbed truest N-w \ork, tbetn
and }tnptuiiitv{ to |> their daily cij euc un
til lurtiicr holifo
Wattern and Southern States.
Jdm*| H Hunt, j.rraiden t ol the Tulet>
|le } h< and nuinwvd. while at
tatnjlji k toeroaa a aide track where an
waa t*atv at 1 trlfilMM, Ohio, waa caught
lietweeia tile bu!ti|*en and rroahod int Ittaen
aitahty. lie tell U the ground and a-vrrwi
in.• ran ovn hittt. inalanl death llr
dtewiMnl WM quit© I r\uiJeut tu rwdruad
llt© ft rat bale d new CNKIoo wtwi Mold the
other day tu Uiuanllr, Ky , at aocUou.
hnniciAft twenty cent® jer |>ouud. It oaine
Iri4tu Imvouit, leun.
A homtkie ha leeti rtiartal at
WttVnewtiUe. Ohio. I'afie the bon
id Mr* llatte. a widow l thirty-die, ocdii-**!
a "iekeennic ©in ©ll. and on entering they loonii
the deal laaltea oJ Mr* Matte, her aiatrr,
tiatnetl Meek*, Hid her aiater'i daughter My I •
tie Mm Matte • akull had teeti cni%lied in,
a; jwietitly with a blow lr*4tn a hatchet. anl
her U*l> waa found lying under t:i© tied. lib
much of her lace eaten away by the r*b
Mm Meekd" throat ha! breacul while the
waa lying on the bed, and the little fpri
•iftt'te! tn the hrv-wt while iyui|f on a jwi>t
on the floor, where ahe ]e}>t. lh© houao wua
m the oimiwt diaordnr, blood nniwil
over the Lwd and flo*r, tho.tgh a Iwft d Ume
had l*een brvai|(ht in. eridently inre the coin
miaaieo'd the crime, and rmptiwl on the fl*ar
to act an a dinn!octant the odor <d
the flr©h. Tb© lr|>l© mun!ef has!
eridently lean committed atne day©, and it
wan dtacurcred further that WilUato Ander
•on, an e ghtoeo-year-oid aon o4 Mn Matte
by a divorced hunhand, wae uuaamu l"he
ty ev :drt 1) had c*itumitt©d the crunr. aa be
hid UTJI at en mtentiS the booae aine© the
nqcht thr murder muat fmee \awn don©,
and hud told every one that hi* mother, aunt
and cooain had ffne to Cincinnati A tew
luichta bel re th© hac*veryr of the bodirw th©
boy went to Tanctnnati and on the nucht ol
bin arrival he slept with ht father, who i© em
ployed m r nuitiad office there Ihe nevt
day William Aiul©twon left rinciuMti fr
Way ne*\ tile, but never arrive-!. a hia dead
body wm found in a water-tank at llaiuville,
a tat ton ten tiii!e from the former city. Me
lout n | sat"! in hta hand, and had ali<*t bttnaelf
the hew.! Ihe boy mw.mindly ha !no
motive to the mnrder. an.l the theory of the
authorities i that hi lather ut tn aotne way in
in the crime. Ibe lather lia been
arrested -
Khjah Frovt, "Big*" Gdwon and Tboma*
Mci'rwrken. under arreet at WiUeta, Cat.* foe
a aaddte mi. ! imnt hameaa. were
111 4 . © Inxn the cms tabic by a mob ami hangcl.
While Deputy Collector Jnmca A Itay, with
two assistant', era* allcni|iUag Ihc raplurrol
an illicit ilistillcry in Barren county, Ky.. si*
or nghl men msotroiu ainlmsh ami wilb ahrt
gii!i ami pistol* began tiring on Ihc revenue
ofltcera. Ihalalter returtu*! the lire, killing
one man. >mtly wounJing anothei' ami .lispara
ing the real.
ICeventie Agent Hantsville. Ala .
rc|Nin# to the k'ommiaioO"r ol Intemal Rev
enue in W ,hingtou the seizure ami iletmr.
tion wvensl ilistiilories, and the eaptur* ol
the |mrtie*operating Ummii inCuUtuan. Marion.
Ismsr sinl Winston countias.
Bv a IHII ola kraffobl in the near < >|ern
House nt l^Ttvcnworth, Kan . <"hiul' Brown
ami William Vakoui ware latally injured.
Ihomas Wilson, a retire! men-haul who
<hd n-i'iilly iu Bailmiore in hi* ninety-aeroml j
year, I l ** trtrtpiraliind F,.0,U00 to cltiinlßlrU*
institutions ill ihrtt cilv. the Thomas Wilson
.SsniUtrnira for lbs Children of the t'<*r #;<'!*
F3oo.ooU.Biid ill* I'boiDßs WiDon Putl .saving
Socikrtv 800,000.
I'he C*liforniß Stste el<s-lion liss raaulled in
llir Buocras ol I'rrkins. ttrt|>nt>lieai) rantlidaie
lor liovi'inor. t>y slil _'",000 pliuslit) over
tilenn snd White, enndidiitcs ot the Anti-
Monopolists' snd Workingmen'fi pnitira. re
apectively. In .San Kranrisco the Itev. 1. Ji.
Knlloeh. Workingmen'fi nandelstc lor runyor
is < )ea led, riiioung nhra 10l hi* ticket Die
rcl ol the city ticket is dn idi*l among the Ke
iniliiH-ioi snd Working,nen's randidaleo. Tlie
ID-publicans elected their railroad commis
sioner in the northern district and the Work
ingmrii theirs in the city and southern districts.
Three snd |>erha(>s all lotir of tlie Itepiitilirsn
candidates lor ongresa have l>een electe<l,
nlllsnigb Uie con!est is very close in the cil)
The eicnrsion susoncr Alaska, of the De
troit and I'ut in Hay line, srhile s few miles
Iroin the mouth ot the Detroit river, in t,ske
I .ne, on her down trip, ut eleven o'clisk iu
the morning, exploded ihe dome of her Uuler,
lii*lip!ly killing tlie two engineers mid one
il* k iisiid, snd seriously scalding ten other
deck hands—two totally. Ol Ilia Urge number
ol pHs-eugers on Issint only one wss slightly
injureit, snd the rest were iHketi ofl hy n |HUIS
iug sleamer.
While several workmen on new hriilge
over the Jones tails, st the intersection ol
Calvert street, Baltimore, were engaged si
work, the scaffolding gave way, causing the
•tenth ot two men ami seriously injuring
se, < -ril others
The trial ol the men engaged in the killing
ot Judge Chisltolm, In* son snd iln.ighter has
liegun at DeKnlb, Misa.
The citiren* of York county, Va , are mov.
inj{ lor n imlionnl centennial celebration. on
October 19, IKM 1. of the surrender of Lord
Cornwall!* at Yorktowa.
A Iwo-twy brick building in Cheyenne,
Wyoming Territory, toll in, burying a num
l>f.r (f |MtrHßiiN in liio ruin*. Colnnid B. .1
VftadoMtndft and two children cl Mm. Holl
wtri killiMt.
Quiucy, 111., has hnd a Arc which dostroyed
a number <>l buildings, causing an estimated
damage ot £125,000.
Foreign News
Th. Spanish government declares it will
•end2o,ooo troops, with ample lunda, to quell
the threatened guneral revolt in Cub.; and it
hss deei le<l to instruct the Spanish Minister
at Washington to insist that the United States
compel Cubsn refugees and filibusters to re
spcM't neutral obligations.
Sir Garnet Wolseley, commander ol the
British troops in South Africa, telegraphs that
King Cetywayo has only two or three Zulu
follower* with him. His prime minister, two
ol his sons and three ot his brothers have sur
leinUtiul, with fW(t he©! i| mvi! alii# Artita
©tu! oaKle Kir leuu •uiT©iil©t©i! tlaily.
Ibe ( hiluxnu have Mlwiitlitue*! Ik© kltaok*4l©
ul l|uiqn©, l*©ru-
Ihe Ku|©r<ir **l iiertiiaiiy nnl (lie < ear ol
KOMAIM IIRYR kit a Diitilmi UieatiUK at A lei an
I'll© vfiutiiu.fl (ha Mi van rin'iM*. o v.
volt I mil e (o Mllaido. nu! Tim all© of (lie aub
method city will XHHI l© lry, Ktghl
HUH © ©or}**©© limr itH'tntlly I ><n lvi IUI ill (hal
4 kl V
It l* icj't ili*i| (lint the hiU|M i(U and (he
( LOW II I*l llio© (I| lieiltuiuy luivo a||'lt>v©<! the
Iru|©o( ul nil lilt •* I itikl it it kill -% lultitik'ii ut Hal
111 IH IHH.
Ao* oidliiK to oltit ml alatiatM''• Ik© Italian
linttu#! of tho ytwo akiw a deflt ieiiry of
lO.tIUO.OtHI |tlll(ala of iiito/n, *> (HHMMHI (|iiliilala
>f wheal am! #.OUO,IH)U qiiinlaia ol oihri Kiaiu
ll*M I suiiilw it, IHHIMI ko©|>r. and Ml.
Muttwv. pUiaeT of a tUuuu r, wt-iw iltxwi4©d
iinar Skint linttiploti, Ontario, hy (he U|<lUii};
ol n hlr Irml lit which they were (("ittj; li (he
•MialAiuv* J the crew ola HHIA thai Imd
uvei toi IUH!,
Ymleiit •ttinua m (he (oil! of Finland
canaetl th© ill el Neva to tlue to the level tl
th© alicfieta I'hr eatiula in lh© ©Witter til ht.
I'etwiwburg ov c lflownkl.atul tin* iautMiur|;a wele
Uitilai a nidi Iron lixifa wele Mown ftottt
huat nf ait( ©kurehtw in all itirwrtHMMi Ike
gniia ot the citadel weti (Ires! and notice*
iaaiiei! the liiluitdlNltU l take }>r©©au
litHia the fltMala
lour young ha\e lamn aent
from M''iw ti >iU'ia hr [MiliUotl DHoimvu
Anaudiem e ol noaily twenty thouaand i*ei-
PMina Mftß ptAMßcmt in .Agrii'Uktuiwl Hail. IJUUIIOII,
when Mot. 1 l>e\Vilt laimuge piOfvckwd hta
laat aeiliutli ill the lifiUah lUelro|aUa
1 nlriiaeeKcitcitieiit Itaa lk©eiorewtrl (hroiigh
out India aud lainat lit ilain by ilfwa ol the
liuuna !•, hy twelve *\tghait regtiiieuta al l a
lull, ol the entire Mntiah fc-iubwaay, nu-ludmg
Major t uvagnari, the Kugltak Envoy tit the
.Amen \akihK.iaii Th© revolt lavgati h> tiie
airivai at the .Vlghati xipitai ol aevetwi Algiiau
Icgtinenla. who cam© t tleiuaud litetr atowia
of |m\ . revotlwd and Wrm joined !y the |aifiu
lace. Ihe Autoet a at aefiai ami atoroa weie
fltut pluiideiTii and (teal toyed lite lit Utah
I.uilawy WM then atta< ked hy over wlteliuiug
uuiril*eiw, and aet tut fire, ihe Almwi ilnclarea
tk©t he WM omi|ii(ttiy ail i priacsl hy I lie out •
hteak Me emteaVorMl to quell 11, and aeut
(•eiietai I taotldhait to the aasvtaoce of Mapil
Caiagtiart, of the Hnttaii Kinlmsst, but teti
eiwi Itaoutialtah w tea uithot ,l and lataily
woundtal Ihe totve deleitdtug the Lutlawl
luuutwied aevetity uinc, and they fought with
utifliiMhiug bravery, ktihtig a lair:© number of
the tuillititwra After Uie OittMtiiga Ol th©
Estitlacaay wefufltwd the aur \ IVop* aalhe I out
ami tlefemled iheltiM-i\ c-w d©|©l*tei) , but ail
were ktilrl Major t AttuiitKri waa a limn ••]
lti*rkt-i alalttv Me woa the arvcotid Itietii'wi
ol the hmines T\ wltk lt Jaat year wt.j je*i
a! the Khykrt l*i># by the Atghaiia, and i
the oitlcel who w r lit lufMAhl to parley wrtlh
the Aiueer • weuttueia iluring the war he
wa aiwaya al li*e Iron! when literr Wa alt)
flghtliig to Imp done, ami at the cloar of hiattil
ties he negotiated an! aigttetl (he (rent)' of
New • ha# hewn received of the wreck ofl the
ialam! of M<* la tit the Pacific ' Kmn •! the
•leetuahtp lihluaiil. Otld A>l the dueat ami tUoal
}koareflul inwrU owite>i hy* ike i*©eiflc .Hiram
Navtga'HMl 1 .4ftt|wiiV .All the |Nwaaeugera
ami crew were Uudcal oafely
Nftii of Th© Yflluvt Feirr E'pidrinlr
Ihe Jmlh al New Orictiu 4 iteiiorai MIM*-!
am! lua wde lelt th-u huge tauuly young
rhildrru tn a ilewtltulr CAtivdttiou. and auhwrrip-
In nut lor their Icitrfll are taring INIMNI.
like lever la apfwaditig in the auUirii© uf
Memphis and ranging t*watxl the CMKiitlry. A
Meutph** dla|wtch aa) a " John JobitatU, (oa
iJent mettklwir ol the .state liuord ul Health,
hulNgun to ©njorr© the rule# for ditiulectlng
bouawa wherein yeUow level ho# etialed
w hetfker the |aalient* tiled ir rev \ Wo! Ilie
trouble ta not ao tutu h above th© gnuind a*
hehiw it, anil ao long a vault* rer-kittg with
tilth amt the etcrrfm of yellow fever jialirttta
are |-mmiud to rul the luiuigali<n aud do
infra linti ol bcura will tum out to he a aigtoil
failure. Netl year the aame muae# Will pro
duor like effect* under the aattie fOttdtllubß,
atmoa|*ier>c and other•."
In (V'QMNjuriM# (4 the uuitattai v toienee of
f riiofig fever at f lav aim during the }©t *UH>
titer and the fatality 4 the dtaeaae tu veaweia
wlurb left that pr , the rvyai order of Nk
veUitwr A, IS4H. iut* lawn reiivehl ai.l wtif he
etiforeto) it provide* tlmt no vcaar! carrying
xlkiir aiity prrwiQa, including f©>a#t|gnv ami
crew, a hail lea ve Havana wtibout having m
pbyaa-kAU and© clergy man on hnwnl. \ orli
will inevitaMy la* detained if the onlei la not
complied with
the Mrtn) hxa Howard* have laatie,! the fol
lowing *' the Howard Aarhiaß (1
Mrinphi*, alter having lalliel IM the J*L
two moD'h* Wiih thr drmd diatroyw tn their
tuHl*t. flik-i every' doiiar in their te©ur> ci
knußtal, wvrml hundred nrk and c.>nv ©lea
cent* l lie provided hr, ©nd © large nuiutrr
id nuiwea to lie |©ud e w ere bujelul ilk the
laiginning that, with the fund then mi ham!,
we would t*e ©hie to provide an ! rare for the
aick t!>wi would l© thrown u|*on our handa.
hut the fevtr bo* cotktitinal to prmd. ©n i
with two long month*ol danger yet tmkKV ua.
we ©re left ftOlllematlkr but l ©ppwaJ to the
chanty of the nation for *utatantou aid Tfie
getterou* jwvople throughout the t'niou wiii
not fiul to rrwpond to the call for help We
Ir-el that wear© perlonmng a Mud! duty to
Mi# itn|wven*bd aud diatrwawod )**•( le am<ng
whom our UVt i* c©t. Ill© bounty l a corn
nnm }<%•} ic wa* ahowerra! u|a>n ua tu 18*8, and
to t>l4*44# ABtnc wt!iti.g go era we now j |vc
If halt* k* not flvwuiy furntahed, we Will he
cotnjriled to ©l*!i<l(© the wrk wr liai • leru
engage*! to, and leave huti!rai t< aufler ami
(!te for want (4 a Howard'© helping tiand '*
lh© environ* of M-mpht have law n |u©ran
tine-!, fifty mount©*! men te;:ig employ ©*l a* a
|*!rni guard tv pievent co.nmunicatmn.
I'p to the aixth there had twwtn 1.0C16 yellow
fever C**e* am! '272 death* in Mem phi*
Ir. (t It I'hornlon. president d the Mem
plo* It-ard ol Health. I* confident thai the
plague ha* j noac 1 lUtuAiimum. ami im atemlily
oti th© ileclin©
Intprpstini: Srlrntlflc t'art.
Air i atrtiut Nlfi (intra li#liu*r (ItEn
common water.
Tltc pn-fisurc of t!i- EtntoEphcre upon
PT,. r y squ.-kn- fool of the c.irtti ikraounln
to 4. 100 |M>und.*.
An ordinary sired man. supposing his
surfac lo he fourteen square feet, sus
tains the enormous pressure of 30.340
Heat rarifiraair to kucli an extent that
it can he made to occupy 5,fi00 timra tlie
space it did hclore.
The v iolence of the expansion of water
when freezing is sufficient to cleave a
globe of cop per ol such thickness us to re- .
quire a force of 83.000 pounds to produce
like effect.
During the conversion ol ice into
water. 110 degrees of heat sire Absorbed.
Water, when converted into steam,
incn-ases in hulk IH.OOO limes.
One hundred pounds of Dead sen water
contains forty-six poundfiof suit.
The mean annual dejitli of rain that
falls at the equator is ninety-six inches.
The explosive force of c|n*e Confined
gunpowder is six and half tons to the
square inch.
Tlfe greatest artificial cold ever pro
duced is ninety-one degrees Fahrenheit.
Sound travels at the rate ol 1.148 feet
per second in the air. 4.060 in the water.
11.000 in east iron. 17.000 in ste. 1, IM.OIHI
in glass and from 4,636 to 1 • .lie in wood.
WatiT obstructs one-half ol the perpen
dicular rnys of tlie sun iu seventeen feet
and three-fourth* in tliirtv-four feet, and
less than one-thousandth part reaches
the depth ol 800 teet; hence the !>ottom
of deep water is in totnl darkness.
Inoreflse In Lunary.
Dr. I.ush, the president of the British
Medico - l'sychological Association, in
the course of an addnws delivered to the
members, drew attention to a marked
increase of lute years in lunacy. In the
first report of the commissioners on
lunacy they state that in dune, IHI6.
there were "in K.ngland and Wales 83,000
persons of unsound mind. The popula
tion was then !ilsul 17.000.000. now it is
83,000.000. and it is estimated that on the
first ot .January, l*7. theri' vere 70,023
persons in England and Will who IKSS'-
,*d the protection of the lunacy laws. It
appears, therefore, that while the popu
lation has increased at the rate of forty- i
five per cent., the number of lunatics in
detention lias risen at the rate of 850 per
cent. Assuming that another thirty
three years will yield similar results
accommodation will have to be pnivi led
in 1912 tor nearly a quarter of a million
of insane or (mhsvile persons in England
and Wales. The true solution of the
difficulty, he thought* Is to l>e sought—
-Ist. In increased family responsibility.
td. In eduatin|| the popular belief in
the gravity of the disease itself. 3<i. In
further State int< rferrnee if iKmsihle.
4th. In increased <• (forte to make the lot
of insane persons under detention as lit
tle irksome as is consistent with safety
antl the conditions of their malady. Be
yond these he feared not mueh ean he
done or hoped for; less ought not to be
required; and if, instead, a eallous in
difference continues to prevail as to the
extent of insanity, grave and c alamitous
results, to he discovered only when too
late to be repaired, must follow a neglect
of the accepted teachings of medical
science and experience.
New Hampshire's manufactures last
year amounted to over f !Ki,0(0,000, among
them being $30,5H8,500 worth til cotton
goods. 911,'709.000 of hoots and shoes,
and f,W2.000 of woolens
Boat l.lfr In CuUa.
Writing from ('Anton, China, a eorrr
spnmlsnt of the New York lUraUl ssy
'I lit' U>At lift* 11 AH A ploMlUlt flWtUr* to
visitors. A* it la |ilfAaAUt when you conic
AIIII K" to your ship, Aa f do every day
to tin' Akhuelot. to Mtr A floating world
AlttUlid you, to nee the flower lioats, to
Inm the aouud of musk and kinging
far iulo the night These Itoala a warm
along I lie river lunik* They are called
aiu|taitk. and are a large, i lutnay Imial,
varying In kl*e from ten to twenty feet,
i The eenter of tile I,oat ik arehetl over,
anil this forma kitelo'u, dining-room
ami aleeping room. 'I lie Urals ply up
ami down the river, doing what odda
ami enda of work may fall to them
They cluster arouml our lioal like been
around a flower garden. If you go to
the gangwav ami make a aigtial. a dozen
will eoiue hurrying and scuffiiug. and
you ran go nation- for ten eenta. (hire
that you aeleet a Urat the proprietor al
tendayou while you are in tort, await*
fur you at Oie landing, and at the vra
■ei'a kide. Some of the lioaU, called
flower Urate, are fitted up for their en
tertainineiit, and Chiiiaiio-n in aearcii of
recreation go on Urard and hear the
music and lake auppei and float up and
down the river, l'he Urate are in all
i'IOI* all tiiat I have observed—man
aged by women and ehildren. The men
go on shore and work a* laltorera, and
return to their Itomea at night. Their
| life ia on their lionta, and UIOUBIUKIb
taking the whole Chlr.rae roaat I might
cuailv say hundreda of thousand*—of
families upend their live* on these frail
! atii'lls, and know no world lieyoud the
moveiueulk of lite tides and the dipping
ot the oars.
I .'amimr from physiological source*
that carrying a pitcher of water on the
head would eonduer to a graceful poise
of tlie system, a down-town girl tried the
experiment. She hasn't paid for the
pitcher yet, and she is anxiously inquir
ing for something; to take water s|M>ts
out of her least si k.— Sew //arm H&j
Dr. E B. Koote's Health Monthly aver*
tiiat "it is now possible to Reproduce
the voice and the hand writing at a great
distance by means of an eieclrie wire
and suitable apparatus, and an ltisiru-
Hunt is tiring perfected which will make
a (•Holograph in Boston of a person sil
ting Isepire a camera in New York."
Tl, r I'I.kIUIIi mt I*<tlk*>(l*s.
liwbday i>l lh-slouiiuh to act u,,u lite |oo>l
us product!, e Ot serious sad unwind In
tile entire bodily economy Jlw nirultliou
Uiiguulu* and grow spoor; teaiinese, Jml lot,
and a loss ol muscular an I organ* |iuaer an
{•eivetir; but. woise than this, the Junctions
•ms'islnl silli and dej-endent U|MH> digestion,
BIK'Ii as evacuation and tb* MCrMioo <i( lair
grow irregular, ami tbn organs whose business
tl IS to diet barge tie we liltietluris Imsmie tmdly
disordered 1 Ins ibsasirvnis stale ot things is
more readily and thoroughly recti ft eu with
IliMtetler's Stouuu-li ilitlers than any known
medicinal agent l'he stomach being luvigo
laled, the lile giving principle* ol the blood
ale increased, the e>stern prufrarly uouti ihed,
1 inmiies and debility overcome, and the
towel* aud livar thoroughly aad promptly
la|i* made lu the flesh by a betas ei a and ul
cer* sjMwshly disappear without irmving a scar
wtten Maury's Carta die Salts i* th* agent em
ployed to Ileal thetu lb IS standard artaUe
tuns Ihe worst sores, eradicates cutaneous
erupt ions, relievea lbs imm ol burns, tmnishn*
pim|>les and hlotsbe* Iroin lbs akin and tins
|irvvi to he eminently eui raswful in remedy
ing rheumatism ami soreness ol lbs throat and
chest. hold by all dr uggtsts.
A cough, cold or sore Ihruat requires imme
diate atleution. aa neglect oftentimes results
in eiine incurable lung disease. "Brown*
Hronrliisl Trochee" will almost tnvartahiy give
relied Twcnty-flve cents a bos.
n.kf*.t PrsSli In SO Ikays.
What (10 ha* done lu H ail street liy lapli
male stork sjea ulanuus Pamphlets ooulain
ing two unerring rules lor success mailed fret
to any |SIMU upon application
Addrtms. A SIMiSON * CO.,
iy Ktchange lines, New VorV
II "you are sail tiled to have a poor organ, or
rtiu thr risk ol hating n |ator one, take ant
orymn thai is offered you. But ll you desire In
l sum id hat ing the t ery heel. insist oa hs t -
ing a Mason A Hamlin, and do not be j* .
mis*lel to take any other. I
Judge for % uurssll.
!ly Bending thtrty-flteceul*. with age, heigl-.'.,
color ol eyes and hair, you will rects by re
turn mail a correct photograph id your lulurr
huahandor wife, with name and liale ol raai
range Addren# W. Fat, 1* O. Drawer 11,
Kultonrtlie, N. Y.
t hew Jackson's Heat Sweet Nary Tohaooo
Insist on haying C- Uilbcrt's Marches
Why u d nasi* p year muxls. at prseral whsl ko4
jr,m *•• (isnt to slop at sbrajaamu la Kr Turk
rtr or SB I tVolrai oollruaiasy a now kept oa Uitfc thr
trior. *n at El* I- E sat lbs gun**** pa*
st (l JO sod upward, per day
saw voaa.
rw-r OaMle- Msd. Matins, llv# wl <>• * 4 h
t's tea -state Mdt "ltd ®
Uh *'•
Hp Un °*
priwaeC. i*\A IdV
river—Kt. man-, eol to Isncy. 0 A *
ffeierr, food lo (asry I ♦" eld
Wheat —So I K-l 1 JV< ' "
White mate .. ... ill dill
h- "* ■* J"
lurlet -Two bowed Hlata A ">
(Virn rngradei Weetern Mued *• * A
Wouihem teliow 461, A 46%
•.lata— White HO •* XJ A S*
Mlted Western IT A
Uty—Retail pradrw M w
II is lns ht . per cwt *i> (g *
Hope—Aisle, UTS# *T A 1*
Idk-VtiM. *|J || N t* •
lad -Clip Waits o. m <* *1
IVtruleci Prole .04', gat', leaned—i*
wo.i —gt.te snd Ktnn. XX...... ab g a
lialler ntate I'resmery I* '* '"q
Dairy > s >* >•
Waatern • rwstnery •• S 1 *
Fsctory .. 14 >4 ITv,
I'lieee —Htsle rUCtvrjr <*
*k ol •* "IS
Wastert: ftrtorr. idi|4 lay
Kitgs- at*!# snd petinsy r5n15...... 14 J 14%
y.oar-1 nh c'lOire sud fsnry 4 It ,g 4 SO
Wheal IM U. ILe*l 1 '4 d I I*
Amber 1 !<• 4 I I"
Ice MP, <* 1
o.un--M*t le.iow T 4 4Tl|
•— Mlted II •* 44
Hiilter —Dreamery Pttfra IT <4 Ik
' Cheese-New Vork Factory .. "SMg l ® .
ivdroletiro—thnde ... 04 |O6 Refitted. 0 a
Flour—C;ly ilrooiKt, No. 1 hprtsg... 4 Tt 44 P
Wheat-;t~d U'late* ... . I HI ml el
Own New Wre lee u............. 40 ,g 4'
11*1. -Mi ste * 4 F
llsriey Two Rowwd Mlala ® 4 '4
I'eef Call e, dye weight 04!,g 04V,
Hhtwp 04 V,tg 0S
lives 04H.4 041,
Flour Wisconsin and Minn. Pat., fi i<o ot aon
c.iru Mite! and Ye110w...... .. m g 41
iisU-K,m a hiU ♦•' 4 41 —Ht51e....................... 4T u TO
Wool— Washed. |!ouiblti|| A Delaine,. US tg 4u
Dntrashed. " " . IS 14 I*
aaiueroa (Msaa.l csm wtasrr.
i • Cstl>,l:ve weight OIVA 04'.
Mheep US* O<V,
Unlu 4V 4 04
Pose 'gyg It's
$1175 t, T— SIOO
Prvnurtlvna! relume -rrrr west ,n ittvck Opcrn# ol
aMI, - 4IMI, - IIIMi. - 4-VHI.
Hill, is Repf'te and llrrulsre Dee A.ldreee
r, PUTTER WIUItT k OO . Hankers. Oft Wall t_ N Y
rrnier iee.u
isuleelcwrv. tU.
wsetw' While wew ml . I
.tl ri.y aiit per
wit* etsnip, RTIHUI atPKTt
STARVING UMP 4 4K, Fortland. Msitie
meets k> CtCkCk l*veete<! ID WM RUake mates
S OtOS 000 Icrtttaee every m. nih n - e—M
V " p.. rp slnlhc-ve-j thins
Add,em BAITER 4 tl.. HshVers 17 Wall St N T
aea I'AV. With Slenril imtfiu Whsl raels 4
KllaCte selit raphlly for 1441 rle. o#U*.woe free
DIU.HH Seuecas 144 Wsah'D St.. It.snm. Mas
lipii AID WORFI M 4ITKD. Will
M N ruaranter ITi r" mcolh. Wrll# al vnre
IfILiRW P WHTTCHEK A 1 U-._Ciartßnatl.ti. I
kll')'>lkll * tear, (low la Make 11. N-ee Aoml,
M.V.B HP • 4 V
ggewewsy A IKA h.i • Viei.iee I, sarins I unfit re
chj / 4 ■ •'■OS " > c'crewr l.euii Melne
• - • - -mm—mmm-
A few applications of this preparation will remove
freckles, tan, sunburn, pimples or blotches on the face,
and render the complexion clear and fair. For softening
and beautifying the skin it has no equal. Price 50 cents.
Sent by mail, postpaid, for 75 cents. Address
j The Voice of Worship.
Wblls x iiuiaiiis s largs aad vslusbis rolls, Una ol
' Nusi* 111 Uis fotw sf Tatiss slid AoUirns. II Is
usifs. I ) find lor tlr Itifcfiu* Erl.uoi sad Ouareatioe
\ by Uis !*',# uurnbsr of *.!,* llusls. lilns Ac . sad 14a
wr . in* i K sti,> t.Lsi, f'oarss
1 pill • |SUO tail Joss* kportmea ( ..piss mailed ha
; li u
Uro l lui fUrulsrt au I islaiugas*. wttk fail IM of
J st**,tat.i atns'nd Akei Books
Tits saw So t, i sum ..a of Plaafor* (o.mplru.) mils
•i., and Fail* Iss 41korcMsr (Hull. Dial by
Jul, (ku tsulsi. sir la voastsal dsousad
B, I. II Kaassos (41 Ml. is s valasb t nrw book Is*
V obe-T' sibi**, soi.Uiiobfi at! lbs sutstiliaia uf study,
pisul, i f ,•*!,,era sod p si* ssptsaaUniis. Silt losing
UIU. b Irss Uis* lbs iSTfiuf soil u* lb* sail,# sub)*, t
Dubsitibs uos, for lb* MUSICAL kasnss sad rscsdv*
j wssSly al! lb* Oss sad ptsbl, of good music, fur (>*•
psi ,**r
Pruss Wsirs Rosas, a cßanalag asw Eaadap-
SSboot SuUS 800 l KM llffkOT A CO., IM(M.
I c. ii itiraoM g ma..
4J Hrstdwar, Maw Task.
j. at. iiiTkon a mo.,
j - • <>sslul kusM, rhUsdslkkku
/ V/ New Tuili.\|k
/ daf TkuuMo. 91. \
\ Vs. TOWERI, A/
\ orric*g, /A' y
Yv Hnl'iE*. A /
\ v /* /
\ © /
Tbls I* s ws uetrumr*! ult'i IX kr,s ullb aote,
petfsrtly tun,<l >r fiulsi.r.l a— .ti l bs, lb. spprsr
sn. r■ fa Pa* of tbssi, !l i. yiir p rssur* 1-
IbrCbl drrtt that SI , tMay ,rl mad, M*4 b> Elp'rn
SB le rlpt of 4,Bar Dolls,.
BLACK A I'FKIO, Manufacturer*,
MNISii 14 I B. MAM*.
MOUIR S T.'.' COD-UVM fill
Is iSTfortlr pun |-r,*Hl*iwd tbr boS b, tbr Lsrt.
tart lusdlnal solbirtttlss lb Ikr WreSd b'ybasl
suar l at |'J to<evd f. ii.oilbuis sad st parts IE,
44 il.mkirfirllsAl 5.,4 )
ga aad Eemsdy (of
ITts.Kpllrusy as FallingOmlkmasa
wsrrsslsd to rS t a spswdy aad
PEK<) tkIAT u'i
rmfl A (Hs bssdtls •• of my
111 As '♦* . a bed specific aad s s:u*i
I V Trestles aral ke any aaDsr
A JL U us a tn P O ago Es
Da M <4 R wT lag Psar: fitrusl Nsw T >rt
HUNT'S Howl • Kcnod, isr.,
p rwrrpv i r
,4, |'rt * - DiseSSra.d lur R- *br,S Bgfirtef *l.
('"inn O'llW Try llowl • lis-ssss-gy . budfrt
_ mm k iiimfwiini.At
t'.l IT, WAfiTF.ll on
••MAI K /rotas fkr *<H TH mf MKLL."
By oHfi vks ha* bsaa there!
••Mime sad Faff nf thr MUI MTAI'HK.'
By tbr Mc-'lswl .* Bislrir toaokl
" AssssssM/hrt sta n I'. A. sad /*. I."
By Jrsdsb Af.eb's urtfr
The three brvhUei sbd fsel aslllas books net A**u
I yoa lean out Ikot books '.a rrT*krr. Best terms
,!rea Add'ess f..r AsrtM* AMkkl. Ah rt b.LISHIN'.
iki Hartford n . Cbbasv 111
TNssf*niww WAtiu •- coon 4
V ■ MaieeoelUs Bc-rt Srtd.llb S
f F 1.41*1 HI.K Hit llillfißT
nntrwm .mmm *• •©©•© .->•
J[ /Vgw. " ,n
' f I eg set fisstMs set ustlslss as
i f L I t 1 p-oe u well, tl SB
Jkl/ WIKfilR OBOE.. UI BPtoAwai, - . k.
iMDOfMUtfI t'b * tun I lift RRA KTKfI A
PTIWiNJMI "trfsct i*rs k'.od* rt PllJtb
1 mwu i
MNTWKWi •-. r i.m,. •*> m e.ipi 1 *
IrtlJfVjMvlll lUIKIM RHkl HATI>*
Ki7Tl,llJil < 'lT4kkll ,4 > bear* d!'.
L*Bm WU' . iLlrtns. and nU'ns uer
Uobev returned It • cases of
w rr ncae for rears. Euld every
whsrs fiend fur psj*; ! el 41 s tutils-
H. D. 14144 1.4 , Host.,,
ftnnlie ' oflge* • l eMer*.
nr. .| by V. I . fd/bs <4 > ... < oiatsa.
O had /are t'rirr lA*l*.
M*ti ghSf i>mp k' U- f (ww a SfiscifiNy.
© Military. So.ietjr sed firtwtr'i
A '.srr*. etsht-pete paper of 1444 lenad ro ama*. wtl
t. sen (s.tpaid 4u soy address until January Ist.
Addrua THE WM. M. T. City.
firs Us. YViaaaeds *t Eoldlass wl ham sMfitA
Pens ~in date hack Is dtacfiargu sr dealE fHasMaMag
address • .ti stamp
bßOßtil WL UMOfi,
P O Draws.* IM, Wllklaggfiq. •* •.
Mgbon A Hamlin ( ahlncl Organ*
best by HI<,HKST liuNilßS AT ALI KXPivirnoss for TWBI.TE YEAR.*, ns
a'. Paw, ISC Visas#. 1-7.V Sumac. 14T4, PaiLABSI
. Sis i*> rsjus lr, srd lesasr Neseisa licrtS Mkbsi
l*> (hily Ame'Vsn o-tsns ever swarded hlcbest hose
I,rs al sn, such. Sold for cash or :rials: meets Itue
issTßst'sTeuwpat sod ctr. liars with new strls# sad
p.o sent free. MAS IN UAMI IN OEOAN 00,
IbnlKD. he. Tor* or I'bbas* ____________
Healthy Child P1 msar, * r„! net msah<**l Feed your
. hiidren .ii Mblsr's Fc**t. AsA ycrtir drucplst for ic
T".a I'UI. Ik rraks. •
*'w VAt y*. i
s. H-.t Hctsft ,f y . Md-I.M Thri):ir\f
X v an unl uf imprtfc timrnL lortmi© ara tu
irnto© if ft** (hr |4I smm.
jf 1. t; ut: at M %*.!
7\S\ lUrr I liMfM* for AS* ©KIHH.NU 4 (XV.
▼ N Ml ■ i". ( .-s T:ll H* H'w ti v 1
w • Will |f \ (ffPfilM 44 MMlarT <>f |ltl ft* ttlOMlB (Mid
• inrw#, m •l)4>w a Iwf* fotnakßinw, ic awl) our b< .
•nJ WullMlflli Inwnl.tiM. V <mrrn wA tf * MM. ;•*#.• I
|-.|ofroo. A VOrfio Mil h*ls(S *(U . Vikt.hMlf. sM.rh. f
Vow for (unity yea** uiirr (hr chartr of Mi
©. K.KKS ■ ffV r E|in .•! •<lvaU;r |o yc-uf la<Uf Thr
flfly ftrwt voir (inrtit on Tharidai , ©rji(. 4. For
■ inHMDn or Npr ▼ (* Plfll.KN'A
M< k KKN '. PniKipAi. Andttver, ARM.
VHiKK CRAIICK. l or <uU,an
UfHUMar *" I Nn'Mrr* • * •< *, ©g b |OA1 ]
kiul mptdly tn*rca'tMi a Bp'cii'lvl ©f©nrt©l(y
for 4tr With A MI*A 1 > • P'tll- cut AC- 10 A AO 1
JA*IIIC hOAitWMA The I iac# cooUiuA Si iffn HulMinc*
fir w An ! good. Trrnui rw Fir full parOcu at*
• drm I uirritr Barker, Ctottrrhville, .11. V*
nnillll llwl>H 4 Mkln lUrwaea. Thou
* 1 |JR 111 fMI wwn-ia * Low#©! Price© Do not fa
UilUlfl tfiiwiu IV V K Ma*h QuiocY. Ml, '
I)<H K -:r lUCTIOT AOfl
lr. f'M4v' Vtllv* vf fiiiihlr, -nc 5o .
If BUT Hn i Pr* o©.. IMF.MMI.K#fToA
Lay the Axe
to the Root
u you would destroy the run*
keriiig worm. For any exter
nal pain. More, wound or lame
lien* of man or begat, two only
MENT. It penetrates all mutt
rle and fleali to the very bone,
expelling all iuflammatiou,
horeneaa and pain, and heating
the diaeaaed part aa no other
Liniment ever did or can. Ho
aaith the experience of two
geuerationx of HuflTerern, and
NO will jrou say when you have
tried the 44 Mustang."
... .J
la Ika out lUllakU t auwllklat Ere
tnr*.• wtomiaana* tack tea tar Itti* Bar*
Ml ul fuUM Ml linlrkl*.
tr u rt/LL wmjumt a*i> trmmttera.
fit M.'tri la Suud4 Willi (to-eail*#, Quai aullitt
trv ei-ab laMaittiklM wiu a*H aa* 'aau. aw* war
Mt rt uumbi amp avr ras
■** at TWI
IVaMylvaala halt Naaafc (.,
Illm Eaukllaka* I Raw taaaaaWW
; 11U* iKiiTlu BKMIS Mtr* a BtaMar* Tata*
Leading Markets
Of the World
'•nrialart rm mwi aa tta niM Of W*l
OVER 80,000
tta da aa* la aa. aaw Mapa amy. Ba
Wort aM Lowtti fnaaa
M- taad tar a CMaiaeea.
Trawl St*. m iitm SL Bsstat Mm
akillrd la araaa-itaila* Bar predece
fraao Ik. Oraa awl wall tbr par, lb*f alt*,
k.l all Ikr alkrr pert*. k| it* awiutl
W lib ibla arw laveallaa. ratify allartad
la Ihr kri-konrl af aar Or*aa. a Hlllo
bar ar air I. knnwin a late. raa plar
aa wr 11 aa a ma air irarbrr. Alaplrl
la Vaailllr.. ~,|,, -Wrboeft. aa* le*e*
l M... k*lrraa far I trralar aa*"¥wr—
Hralllrbara. Vl.
a ttTPTIT Tb* r*tl rtttrafi* M*att*y an* Blood
■ HI 111 I Purine: RNMLKT ABOA'.O ARW LA
11 IV I I * "tbaal It :i-lrr th rt.u
I , . .l' nrtk to Uir a oak nun ttr
n'oa.p #•" ruaj Ih. l rr,lk por an 1 twrrt Ptv*.
tl 11|" rv • <kr iri'aniat W fl| ■HI
arralr Brmir. .4 (IvOrMl I.P II 111
1% J I' JI tbtt I i) f.iairtana. IIIIH l
7 IWat k MrwL 1 .li.i ama AUMMI
- la lb. bat taada la *ka baa <*hn**a, attb tab*
aartaaa tad aa Urn baa* am ttttß tta %. Itatt
M la * Maairnra *>. , la*.BkFaal B Fill ill
3,000,000 ACREB
Mtiatr ta tta Pattaoa
r attia Mttla* ta*nn"raa* aalta* taaa Batata
O. A. MoK INLAY, Larmf Co laPei
M.r.8.41. B> Ba. rami,
SAn n n REWARD i'SSz
H'tnd. Itihtac, or I " IIMA
Hllet that Heßta* f*U#
iimxM*dete ndtof. rufM Cm
>4 h*a eUodmi in I ■—h.
ami ordtntrf cam * J dan.
X*i *• . fa. I. A'vk a /U. if laa #■*
/./l' * Vtrf..'..., rill, || ihrlA K4*
' r alldroaabata lv t>i l.jr owl! t>r J I* Mn na. W. I>.
IV,*.. AW. <xk. Tenth aa* Arch bta, TbOtdt.. fa
Tba very bad rood* dtrort from (ba tmpanma at Ball
tbt a*aaJ coal Baal pan ,* ortrred to Cf*t Agaatt
aa* at< Borrr, ALL UPRZ9B CHABOBi PAID
lilt tana* tail
The Great American Tea t'wHpaaj,
SI am* U Vrary Btraa*. Naw fork.
P Box 4SA.V _____
trrVTU Waal#* tar a bm Book tttt
Avflj.f 1 ml la ram. Chaaco for aU M
maka BIOBCT. •• UrK OF
Tba tamooa Sroat. UM. Hoatar aa4 Artor-wntma br
kiamaif tba ii.alMot aa* aaßrrl book vo m.I Ibal ha*
aaamara* lur aar* Arabia alramJr al work art la 11 la*
Mr aalta. Bra* al naco aa* tacaro Umtarp Pgr uraa
lan aid Ittwrai Una apply u>
taiiia k. am*, Haiu*i,
E\rur*lonii to Lincoln, Nebraska,
Uarr frw fork and Xw Ka*laa* Ik*
Third Tarda, In rvrr, ttnath nnlll !*•
crmbrr. l uaralan fo. *7 Ira,*. !*. T.
Turwlap, N*|d. 18. 'T. Parr aln>Gl ball raralai
rail* K..1 Vratin tvl f.:a - aw a. < .onrnwlaUaaa ruararv
i.. l Pw rtaainptir* lan ! CWyalara Inf. .malu.n alwol
e. k<ta.rU woJ a.Mtim oa Praia) (laid to I HAI.
I . H All.lit. 017 RrmAwar, frw York.
PURE TEAS Wtt*t2nsros
rUIIE. I LNWI atil larr* cnauror.. !arr
r-1 .ml m lh r..uutry qa.lltr an.l lm lh. h*ai
Coaatr, "iko*p.' Wi u .l call or ami* IHK WKLIS
TBA (MMPANY. Bill Pll'lon SL. N V POToiflW
■ mootli. Brarr rradul* rnara:it**o a paylnr tltaa
lon A M row R VJ, nun*. Mana*. r Jratttt t
nOHBK.WkIB. I.OOH! Tb. won* cat*, of
Toundrr n I|. rw ■ urr lln SI bo> S*v*. fall.
Hrdpa>f. A.Mrrw l' 11 V-AKI. , *Wim *
* it -nil. alt l cil- i.m . ruaiann* ! I A..81*
cß* i 1.g.0, > >• I***.., w... a
fruao* naa*.|
7h'j East Eimodr Known to ICxn I
Dr. Ctarfc Jobnonn karfaf aaaortala* btoMoW
a.:lt Mr. E*w>a lUwinan. an a-r*po*eapu*.ioo*
a.UroUl W akamrtkia, Hw nwdtcla* m>n of tba
C.Hnanrhaa. la now |.r*(iar*4 o lon* hi* aid in lb*
Ulrodarlkm of Ibo woodorful ri ttady of Ikll Irtbo.
Tba rtwrirw ut Mr ii**unac t" in.* aim liar k>
Ibal of Mr* Cba* Joaaaaad oob, of WaablajyVtt
Co , lowa, aa acaamoi of wboaa *orru . . wrr*
1 . ... jl> narrate* i Ibo *w frrtMrn /if tier,
talk. IRtk. Ibo farir of wblrb ar. ae i**lf
kn"*a, ..*•• i.oarly uarall*! ibal bat tt:U* Wtt
Ikm of Mr iaalinati r nporlrmeaa will ba fl**B
bar*. Tlwjr art, bowavar. tmbHrtmd fa a aaal oi
tae of YO pa**a. ontlfJad. "Bawnaad >1 -•* V - af*
AioiMtf UN Comaarbaa aad Aparkaa," of ah ck
mcnUoo will ba ttada kcrraftrr Suffir* •< | •*/,
Ibal fur aararal rrara, Mr Rati man. ablio a <ap-
Uaa. aa ruoipalw* to falbrr tba rooia, *aaaa,
barka. krita aad Ixrmea of a bleb Waaamclala'a
arndklno waa mad*, and U mill pnrparrd in pro
rid* tba #• matarttia for tbaaa<*aaafiil intra
*. tloa of lb* nwdlrlo# to lb* rtar.i. aad aaaarat
Ibr public that tba rata*** la lb* aama now aa
aba* WabaßwtltU oompalltd bttt to ttaAc it.
WikuNddt, tiin Mm
Motblag baa baw add*d to tba faodkrtßa aad
aolliiu* baa baao kabaa awaf If la wttboat doab*
tba baaT et'MPtBB of tb* Dl>b aa* Kuirn af
lb* -una **cr known to aaaa
Tbla B.rup |iimi mn tarn* prufm-rtim
It a*la apoa tta* Llnr.
I* aria *paa tta* HMmopa.
It raBlßt**> lb* n*w*la.
■t parllr* (la* Blood.
It flMr tb* Nor, Oß* S|llltti,
It Brwaaoloa Dl*ral ia.
It Xaartib**, Hr**|tb*Ba aa* larlf* *
■t rarrfr, of tb* aid kiaaf aa* nktt
| It ob*b* tbo pair* mf tb# ataiß, aad
Ittdttroa HraJtb f Feraptration.
It BMUaaaaa tb* bwmimry tatai ar poiaaa la
: tta blood, a luck y a act la* *cpofal*.lC*r*to*l*. aad
ail ttaanaa of akl* dmai 11 aad latoraai bamaaa
Tbrr* ar* noapirlu rmplopad in It* maaafariar*,
aa* it caa br taken br tb* ttuat 4*boate baba. at
br tb* **** aa* foaMa, #*ra mlg bam* m
aama ttttracoaaa.
Edwin laakßtt b Mhrn Cost^e.
Sara, a*u S,*a Taaßa Aaoao TB Cnmimmm
Abb \r Acwaa A neat roiatt* of **• pafah
Iw nr a mittpw atairiu* ni of M* borrtM* facta
Cimaartod with U>* aad mi ■ men of a b- ipl.m
family, aad tb* captl<t(y tortwtaaa* ahlaiata
racap* of lUtwo .arrtrtttc OMttthoa Fur *i*
by oor afrat* cmwrally Prtr* 1100
Tb* Inctdrota of tb* iMwrw. brlrfly miiatad.
art diaintmud br *f*U. rau of charj*
Mr Kaatman. Drier ahnoat ooo.ianlly at tba
Wort, mrafd la f*tblof aad rartaf tb* Bttkcri
air of wuicb lb* ambcto* M oaaipuaad. tb* ab
btdtwa auifrarai trmlm* aprn Dr Johaaoa.
aad tb* moody baa bora called, aad i* kmwt at
Or. Clark Johnton't
Frtat of Lar(a Bactlaa • CLM
Prk* of Small Boiila* ■ - • M
H*d tb* rolaniary to*ctak>olaia of p*r.aa* who
I be** baoa ran* by tb* BM of Dr. Ctart JobBMBW
; Indian Blood kynip. ia ymtrowa rtcaity.
Tnrtimoninli of Cbtm,
nrmt aM. IV. At*. 14 IS7B
lloar Sir:—l a* tr*mblod with Kid or* Diß
raae and Lirar Cwok iimnt. I triad orrrytkii*
whrrh I Uxmfbt Bkt do to* good, bat I did
not find tbc right atodtrtßO until I got a 50-oacit
oottl* of jrorr boUOD*. which oiliirty curad
in* MB* KA*I>ALX.
Ilottaißt'tti, 2Sd Ward. PhilaiMpba, >
Fob 34, 1879. $
I>*r Sir:—l take great plmaur* ia aaxtag
that I bar* gtvon t our valuable Indian Blood
Syrup a bur trial ia my family and rootarod
grant bmwflt frotn it- Sam'L L SotAT.
Baoaat KM P. 0., Fob. 24. 1879.
Dtatr Sir:—Having tried your moat axeai
rni Indian Bkaai Syruf and I<wnd it a raia
abla ntrdkana lor Livar Complaint and CfaiUa,
I would tacotnawnd tbua* tfßic ad to p> it a
trial MB*. C. ARXAI.
HYBK**T,23d Ward. Jan. I, 1879.
I>ar Kir:—Your moat riw lent Indian
Blood Syrup ba* given pertert ml lotaol ioa
when umtl lor Dyapefwut and Indigtwfioa.
W'KST LKBAMOR, March 3. 1879.
Daar Sir:—Having been prom rata for month*
with what my uhvaictan termed Palpitation
of lh* Heart and a combination of other dia
mtrw. I obtained no r*li*f nntil I Gm*bt torn*
of your Indian Blood Syrup, which relieved
in* immadtataly. lam now in perfect health.
Pm-kßi BOH. IV, Auguat 14, IST?.
Dear Sir:—l traatrouhled with Lung l>.sea*a
B . suffered from other complaint* ?o uiueb
hat I could not dcerrthe my teeii igato any
peraon. I doctored all the time, out found BO
relief until I took a toll it- c* your Indian Blood
puriOer which left me en lire 1\ tree of all pain
A. Ca*O
AsDAi.rntA, IV. Feb. 10, 1870.
Dear Sit—l have been uning your lndiaa
Blood Synipfiu my family for Liver and Kid
ney Complaint with nuoeee*. 1 believe it haa
no equal. KUMRI> GujtKRT.
EDIXGTOK, Feb. 2, 1879.
Dear Sir:—l can. tram my e*|wrienca, re
commend your Indian Blood Syrup a* a wire
cure for Liver and Kidney Dutea-w*.
JACKSOXVILLB, March 3, 1879. Sir:—Knowing, from experience, that
your Indian Blmd St rap i* a *re cure tor
Liver Complaint, I confidently recommend it
to all suffering humanity. KSBECCA NIEL.
EDIXOTOS, Feb. 1, 1879.
Dear Sir:—l wae troubled with Chill,; itad
them every day lor *ix month*; had two
doctor* attending me when your agent persuad
ed me to try your Indian Blood Syrup, and I
can *ay I never had a chill after taking tna
Aral doae. I ehoerfully recommend it to all.
-Itzziß Win*.
MiPi'LKBi'ROH, Snyder Co., Pa
Dear Sir:—l have been troubled with Heart
Diaeaae and Liver Complaint, and I had spent
a gieat deal of money tor medical aid without
receiving any benefit, until I procured tome •*
your Indian Blood Syrup from your agent, K.
L. Bufflngton. I can now tratify liom my
experience aa to the great valne ot it in such
lnutnnno Hawar ZSMCHAX, *